strand 2: data analysis, probability, and discrete mathematics

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  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 1: Data Analysis (Statistics)

    Understand and apply data collection, organization and representation to analyze and sort data.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 1.Formulatequestions tocollect data incontextualsituations.

    PO 2. Make asimple

    pictograph ortally chart

    withappropriatelabels fromorganizeddata.

    PO 2. Make asimple

    pictograph ortally chart

    withappropriatelabels fromorganizeddata.

    PO 2.Construct ahorizontal

    bar, vertical

    bar,pictograph, ortally chartwithappropriatelabels andtitle from


    PO 2.Construct asingle-bargraph, line

    graph or twoset Venndiagram withappropriatelabels andtitle fromorganized


    PO 2.

    Construct a


    graph, line

    plot, frequency

    table, or three-

    set Venn

    diagram with


    labels and title

    from organized


    PO 2.Construct ahistogram,line graph,

    scatter plot,or stem-and-leaf plot withappropriatelabels andtitle fromorganized


    PO 2.Construct acircle graphwith

    appropriatelabels andtitle fromorganizeddata.

    PO 2.Construct

    box-and-whisker plots.

    PO 2.Organizecollected datainto an


    PO 3.

    Determinewhen it is

    appropriate touse

    histograms,line graphs,

    double bargraphs, andstem-and-leaf


    PO 3.

    Determine theappropriate

    type ofgraphical

    display for agiven data set.

    PO 3.

    Display dataas lists, tables,

    matrices, andplots.

    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/031

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 1: Data Analysis (Statistics)

    Understand and apply data collection, organization and representation to analyze and sort data.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 4.Constructequivalentdisplays ofthe same data.

    PO 2.Interpret a


    PO 3.Interpret


    using termssuch as most,least, equal,more than,less than, andgreatest.

    PO 3.Interpret


    using termssuch as most,least, equal,more than,less than, andgreatest.

    PO 3.Interpret datafound in line

    plots,pictographs,and single-bargraphs(horizontaland vertical).

    PO 3.Interpretgraphical

    representationsand datadisplaysincludingsingle-bargraphs, circlegraphs, two-set Venndiagrams, andline graphsthat display


    PO 3.Interpretgraphical

    representationsand datadisplaysincluding bargraphs(includingdouble-bar),circle graphs,frequencytables, three-set Venn

    diagrams, andline graphs

    that displaycontinuous


    PO 3.Interpretsimple

    displays ofdata includingdouble bargraphs, tallycharts,frequencytables, circle

    graphs, andline graphs.

    PO 4.Interpret datadisplays

    includinghistograms,stem-and leaf plots,circle graphsand doubleline graphs.

    PO 4.Interpret box-and-whisker

    plots, circlegraphs, andscatter plots.

    PO 5.Identifygraphic

    misrepresen-tations anddistortions ofsets of data.

    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/032

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 1: Data Analysis (Statistics)

    Understand and apply data collection, organization and representation to analyze and sort data.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 3.Answerquestionsabout a


    PO 4. Answerquestionsabout

    pictographsusing termssuch as most,least, equal,more than,less than, andgreatest.

    PO 4.Answerquestionsabout a

    pictographusing termssuch as most,least, equal,more than,less than, and


    PO 4.Answerquestions

    based on datafound in line

    plots,pictographs,and single-bargraphs(horizontal

    and vertical).

    PO 4. Answerquestions

    based ongraphicalrepresentations and datadisplaysincludingsingle-bargraphs, circle

    graphs, two-set Venndiagrams, and

    line graphsthat display


    PO 4. Answer

    questions based

    on graphical


    and data


    including bar




    circle graphs,

    frequencytables, three-set

    Venn diagrams,

    and line graphs

    that display



    PO 4. Answerquestions

    based onsimpledisplays ofdata includingdouble bargraphs, tallycharts,frequency

    tables, circlegraphs, andline graphs.

    PO 5. Answerquestions

    based on datadisplaysincludinghistograms,stem-and-leaf plots,circle graphs,and double

    line graphs.

    PO 5. Answerquestions

    based on box-and-whisker

    plots, circlegraphs, andscatter plots.

    PO 5.

    Identify themode(s) of

    given data.

    PO 5. Identify

    the mode(s)and mean

    (average) ofgiven data.

    PO 5. Find

    the mean,median (odd

    number ofdata points),mode, range,and extremevalues of agivennumericaldata set.

    PO 6. Find

    the mean,median,

    mode, andrange of agivennumericaldata set.

    PO 6.

    Solveproblems in

    contextualsituationsusing themean,median,mode, andrange of agiven data set.

    PO 6.

    Identifywhich of the

    measures ofcentraltendency ismostappropriate ina givensituation.

    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/033

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 1: Data Analysis (Statistics)

    Understand and apply data collection, organization and representation to analyze and sort data.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 4.Formulatequestions

    based on datadisplayed ingraphs,charts, andtables.

    PO 5.Formulatequestions

    based ongraphs,charts, andtables.

    PO 5.Formulatequestions

    based ongraphs,charts, andtables.

    PO 5.Formulatequestions

    based ongraphs,charts, andtables tosolve


    PO 6.Formulate

    predictionsfrom a givenset of data.

    PO 6.Formulatereasonable

    predictionsfrom a givenset of data.

    PO 6.Identify atrend(variableincreasing,decreasing,remainingconstant)fromdisplayed


    PO 7.Interprettrends fromdisplayeddata.

    PO 7.Formulatereasonable

    predictionsbased on agiven set ofdata.

    PO 7. Makereasonable

    predictionsbased uponlinear patternsin data sets orscatter plots.

    PO 7.Compare twosets of datarelated to thesameinvestigation.

    PO 7.Comparetrends in datarelated to thesameinvestigation.

    PO 8.Comparetrends in datarelated to thesameinvestigation.

    PO 8.Comparetrends in datarelated to thesameinvestigation.

    PO 8. Makereasonable

    predictionsfor a set ofdata,based on


    PO 5. Solveproblemsbased on


    charts, andtables.

    PO 6.Solve


    usinggraphs,charts, and


    PO 6. Solveproblemsusing graphs,

    charts, andtables.

    PO 6. Solveproblemsusing graphs,

    charts andtables.

    PO 7.Solvecontextual

    problemsusing graphs,

    charts, andtables.

    PO 8.Solvecontextual

    problemsusing graphs,

    charts, andtables.

    PO 8. Solvecontextual


    using bargraphs, tally

    charts, andfrequency


    PO 9. Solvecontextual



    line graphs ofcontinuous

    data, doublebar graphs,

    and stem-and-leaf


    PO 9. Solvecontextual


    using scatterplots, box-

    and-whiskersplots, and

    double linegraphs of


    PO 9. Drawinferencesfrom charts,

    tables, graphs,plots, or data


    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/034

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 1: Data Analysis (Statistics)

    Understand and apply data collection, organization and representation to analyze and sort data.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 10.Apply theconcepts ofmean,median,mode, range,and quartilesto summarizedata sets.

    PO 11.Evaluate thereasonable-

    ness ofconclusions

    drawn fromdata analysis.

    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/035

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 1: Data Analysis (Statistics)

    Understand and apply data collection, organization and representation to analyze and sort data.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 10.Evaluate theeffects ofmissing orincorrect dataon the resultsof aninvestigation(e.g., Susiesteacher

    recorded a 39instead of a93 for her last

    quiz, whatwill happen

    to Susiesaverage?).

    PO 12.Recognizeand explainthe impact ofinterpretingdata (makinginferences ordrawingconclusions)from a biased


    PO 11.Identify a line

    of best fit fora scatter plot.

    PO 13. Drawa line of best

    fit for ascatter plot.

    PO 12.Distinguish

    betweencausation and


    PO 14.Determine


    data has

    positive,negative, or


    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/036

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 1: Data Analysis (Statistics)

    Understand and apply data collection, organization and representation to analyze and sort data.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 15.Identify anormaldistribution.

    PO 16.Identifydifferences

    betweensampling and


    PO 17.Identifydifferences

    betweenbiased andunbiasedsamples.

    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/037

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Concept 2: Probability

    Understand and apply the basic concepts of probability.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School

    PO 1. Name

    the possibleoutcomes fora probabilityexperiment.

    PO 1. Name

    the possibleoutcomes fora probabilityexperiment.

    PO 1. Name

    the possibleoutcomes fora probabilityexperiment.

    PO 1. Name

    the possibleoutcomes fora probabilityexperiment.

    PO 1. Name

    the possibleoutcomes fora probabilityexperiment.

    PO 1.

    Determine theprobabilitythat a specificevent willoccur in a

    single stageprobability

    experiment(e.g., Find the

    probability ofdrawing a red

    marble from abag with 3red, 5 blue,and 9 blackmarbles.).

    PO 1.

    Determine theprobabilitythat a specificevent willoccur in a 2-



    PO 1. Find

    theprobabilitythat a specificevent willoccur, with or


    Concept 2: Probability

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Understand and apply the basic concepts of probability.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School

    PO 2. Predictthe mostlikely or leastlikelyoutcome in

    probabilityexperiments.(e.g., Predictthe chance ofspinning oneof the 2

    colors on a 2-coloredspinner.)

    PO 2. Makepredictionsaboutthe

    probability ofevents beingmore likely,less likely,equally likelyor unlikely.

    PO 2.Describe theprobability ofevents as

    being morelikely, lesslikely,equallylikely,unlikely,certain,

    impossible,fair or unfair.

    PO 2.Describe theprobability ofevents as



    (represented by1),



    (represented by0), or




    e(represented by afraction

    less than1).

    PO2. Expressprobabilitiesof a singleevent as adecimal.

    PO 2.Compareprobabilitiesto determinethe fairness ofa contextualsituation(e.g., If Johnwins whentwo or greatershows after a

    six-sidednumber cubeis rolled and

    Joaquin winsotherwise, is

    this a fairgame?).

    PO 2. Solvecontextualsituationsusing

    probability(e.g., If the

    probability ofMichellemaking a freethrow is 0.25,what is the

    probabilitythat she willmake three

    free throws ina row?).

    PO 2.Determinesimple

    probabilitiesrelated togeometricfigures.

    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    PO 3. Predictthe outcomeof a grade-levelappropriate


    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/039

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 2: Probability

    Understand and apply the basic concepts of probability.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School

    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 4. Recordthe data from

    performing agrade-levelappropriate


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome ofan experimentto predictionsmade prior to


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome ofan experimentto predictionsmade prior to


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome ofan experimentto predictionsmade prior to


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome of anexperiment to

    predictionsmade prior to


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome ofan experimentto predictionsmade prior to


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome ofan experimentto predictionsmade prior to


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome ofan experimentto predictionsmade prior to


    PO 5.Compare theoutcome of anexperiment to

    predictionsmade prior to


    PO 6. Make

    predictionsfrom theresults ofstudent-


    using objects(e.g., coins,


    PO 6. Make

    predictionsfrom theresults ofstudent-


    using objects(e.g., coins,


    PO 6. Make

    predictionsfrom theresults ofstudent-


    using objects(e.g., coins,


    PO 6. Make

    predictionsfrom theresults ofstudent-


    using objects(e.g., coins,


    PO 6.



    PO 6.



    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/0310

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    cubes). cubes). cubes, cards). cubes, cards).

    Concept 2: Probability

    Understand and apply the basic concepts of probability.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School

    PO 6.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    PO 6.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    PO 7.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    PO 7.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    PO 7.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    PO 7.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    PO 7.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    PO 7.Compare theresults of tworepetitions ofthe samegrade-levelappropriate



    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/0311

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 3: Discrete Mathematics Systematic Listing and Counting

    Understand and demonstrate the systematic listing and counting of possible outcomes.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School

    PO 1. Make

    arrangementsthat represent

    the number ofcombinationsthat can beformed by

    pairing itemstaken from 2

    sets, usingmanipulatives(e.g., Howmany outfitscan one makewith 2different colorshirts and 2different pairsof pants?).

    PO 1. Make

    arrangementsthat represent

    the number ofcombinationsthat can beformed by

    pairing itemstaken from 2

    sets, usingmanipulatives(e.g., Howmany icecream conescan one makewith 2different typesof ice creamand 2different types

    of cones?).

    PO 1.


    that representthe number ofcombinationsthat can beformed by

    pairing items

    taken from 2sets, usingmanipulatives(e.g., Howmany types ofsandwichescan one makewith 3different typesof fillings and2 types of

    bread if onlyone type of

    bread and 1

    kind of fillingis used for


    PO 1. Make a

    diagram torepresent the

    number ofcombinationsavailablewhen 1 itemis selectedfrom each of

    3 sets of 2items (e.g., 2differentshirts, 2differenthats,2different

    belts ).

    PO 1. Find

    all possiblecombinations

    when 1 itemis selectedfrom each oftwo setscontaining upto three

    objects (e.g.,How manyoutfits can bemade with 3

    pants and 2tee shirts?).

    PO 1. Findall possiblecombinations

    when 1 itemis selected

    from each of2 sets of

    differentitems, using a


    (e.g., shirts:tee shirt, tanktop,sweatshirt;

    pants: shorts,jeans).

    PO 1.

    Determine allpossible

    outcomesinvolving acombinationof 3 sets of 3items, using asystematic

    approach(e.g., 3differentshirts, 3different

    pairs ofpants, and 3different


    PO 1.

    Determine allpossible

    outcomesinvolving thecombinationof up to threesets of objects(e.g., How

    many outfitscan be madewith 3 pants, 2tee shirts and2 pairs ofshoes?).

    PO 1.

    Determine allpossible

    outcomesinvolving thecombinationof two ormore sets ofobjects (e.g.,

    If you roll asix-sidednumber cube4 times, howmany

    possibleoutcomes are


    PO 1.

    Determinethe number

    of possibleoutcomes fora contextualevent using achart, a treediagram, or

    the countingprinciple.

    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/0312

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 3: Discrete Mathematics Systematic Listing and Counting

    Understand and demonstrate the systematic listing and counting of possible outcomes.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High SchoolPO 2.Determine all

    possiblearrangementsgiven a setwith four orfewer objectsusing asystematiclist, table or

    tree diagramwhen order isnot


    PO 2.Determine all

    possiblearrangementsof a given set,using asystematiclist, table, treediagram, orother


    PO 2.Determine all

    possiblearrangementsgiven a set.(e.g., Howmany wayscan youarrange a setof 7 books on

    a shelf?).

    PO 2.Determinewhen to usecombinationsversus

    permutationsin countingobjects.

    PO 3. Usecombinations


    to solvecontextual


    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/0313

  • 8/14/2019 Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, And Discrete Mathematics


    Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete MathematicsEvery student should understand and use all concepts and skills from the previous grade levels. The standards are designed so that new learning builds

    on preceding skills and are needed to learn new skills. Communication, Problem-solving, Reasoning & Proof, Connections, and Representation are the

    process standards that are embedded throughout the teaching and learning of mathematical strands.

    Concept 4: Vertex-Edge Graphs

    Understand and apply vertex-edge graphs.

    Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 High School

    PO 1. Color

    pictures withthe least

    number ofcolors so thatno commonedges sharethe samecolor

    (increasedcomplexitythroughoutgrade levels).

    PO 1. Color

    pictures withthe least

    number ofcolors so thatno commonedges sharethe samecolor

    (increasedcomplexitythroughoutgrade levels).

    PO 1. Color

    pictures withthe least

    number ofcolors so thatno commonedges sharethe samecolor

    (increasedcomplexitythroughoutgrade levels).

    PO 1. Color

    maps with theleast number

    of colors sothat nocommonedges sharethe samecolor

    (increasedcomplexitythroughoutgrade levels).

    PO 1. Color

    maps with theleast number

    of colors sothat nocommonedges sharethe samecolor

    (increasedcomplexitythroughoutgrade levels).

    PO 1. Color

    maps withthe least

    number ofcolors so thatno commonedges sharethe samecolor

    (increasedcomplexitythroughoutgrade levels).

    PO 1. Find

    the shortestroute on a

    map from onesite to another(vertex-edgegraph).

    PO 1. Find

    the shortestcircuit on a

    map thatmakes a tourof specifiedsites (vertex-edge graph).

    PO 1.



    by vertex-edge graphs.

    Arizona Academic Content Standards: Mathematics Standard Articulated by Grade Level Approved 3/31/03

    Updated 8/12/0314