storyboard for my film trailer

In this First scene it is Eva’s birthday and she is with friends and her best friend Niamh. In this scene it looks like Eva is a happy girl with nothing wrong but the next scene then shows a different side to her.

Upload: alicenearyrobbins

Post on 21-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Storyboard for my Film Trailer

In this First scene it is Eva’s birthday and she is with friends and her best friend Niamh. In this scene it looks like Eva is a happy girl with nothing wrong but the next scene then shows a different side to her.

Page 2: Storyboard for my Film Trailer

Now this scene then shows the ‘real’ Eva that no one ever sees which is a visible difference to what we see at the beginning of the trailer.

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This is Eva and Niamh in class and when Eva opens her book a letter falls out form her mother.

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This is a close up on the letter in hidden Eva’s book for her mother its says that her mum has left home and doesn't want anything to do with her. Niamh then asks what it is but Eva lies and runs out of the class.

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This is later that day as Eva is walking back to the common room her teacher calls her and asks to talk to her about her essay.

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Eva’s teacher asks her what’s wrong because she usually gets really good grades but then fails this essay and her teacher wonders if anything is going on at home but Eva then lies to her and says she just had a bad day.

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She then runs out of the class and runs outside and is visibly upset and is calling herself an idiot and that she cant do anything right.

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Then Eva turns around and sees her teacher coming out after her and she asks Eva what’s wrong and Eva pulls away and you see blood on her hand and asks Eva what’s on her wrist and Eva try’s to lie and say its nothing but the teacher asks if she has done this to herself and then Eva snaps and say so what if I did no one cares.

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Then later Eva is in the common room and the teacher comes in and asks to talk to Eva and tells her that she wants to help her through what she is going through.