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Story Number 1 The Bully

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Post on 03-Dec-2014




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This story is the edited version of our online Collaborative Creative writing task using Moodle


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Story Number 1

The Bully

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Chapter 1

Jenny grabbed for her phone just as Lady Gaga's " Just Dance" ringtone burst into life.There it was again - the same text message which had been sent at least 20 times to her phone the previous day."You are not wanted here. We are watching you."Jenny looked around. She was walking to school along the busy road. There was a lot of traffic and some drivers were obviously late and in a hurry. No-one else was walking with her. Some way ahead she could see a group students dawdling along the footpath. However, they were not paying any attention to her. They were too intent on kicking a plastic bottle along the footpath. She could hear them shouting to each other but she could not make out what was being said.Then her phone rang again.

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Chapter 2 (Naomi’s chapter)

Jenny reached into her pocket for her phone, and just as she was flipping it open to read the text, a black car sped past her, so close to the curb that itnearly knocked her off her feet. The driver honked the horn angrily and the passenger, whose face was hidden by the halfopen, tinted window yelled, "Didn't you get the message?! We don't want you here, so get lost!" As the car sped away, Jenny tried to work out where she'd heard that voice before..with no luck. Later that night, Jenny sat on the couch watching TV, when her phone rang again. She opened it and read the words 'Go back where you came from, no one wants you here‘.

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Chapter 3(Kevin’s chapter)

"Go back where you came from, noone wants you here"These words rung through her mind all night, along with the mystery of who was in that car... These things were all she thought about while she ate her dinner, chicken and mashed potatoes, a meal she didn't particularly like, but she ate anyway; she didn't want to offend her dad. After all, he just hadn't quite been the same after her mother died. "How's school?" asked her dad, to which she replied, "It's fine, dad, everyone's great."Although she knew this was a lie, she didn't want to admit that things weren't going so well, especially with the school being on the side of town that wasn't run by the gang of dancing ninjas. If only her school was on the other side... those ninjas would protect her, as they do everyone in their territory. As it was, her side of town was run by the Black Hand gang, a group of vicious brutes, with no sense of honour or decency. All they cared about was money and inflicting pain onto those who crossed them. Though she wished many things, the reality was the opposite. She would never be safe where she was, and nobody at her school liked her.

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Chapter 4(Mikayla’s chapter)

Still thinking about the fact that nobody liked her she decided to go finish her homework, at least the teachers would be nice to her....hopefully. She couldn't concentrate, nor did she want to but she kept thinking about the people at the school. They were so, co-ordinated. Everyone knows where and when to sit, it's like it's been controlled by someone. 'I don't know, maybe dad was right, maybe I should have gone to boarding school in England.' Jenny mulled this over in her head. As she was just about to go into the lounge and tell her dad she didn't like school, she heard him talking to the picture of her mum again. He was crying as well."Abby, i just don't know what to do, if she doesn't like this school where am I going to put her? She doesn't want to go to boarding school. Who can blame her? I wouldn't want to go either." Jenny snuck up at the stairs and into her bedroom. She decided to go to sleep as she needed some rest. Whilst pulling the heavy duvet over to her neck so she wouldn't get cold, she thought to herself, 'Maybe school won't be so bad tomorrow, I mean, I haven't had any of those txt messages since dinner, and that one wasn't as bad.'

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Chapter 5(Rebecca’s chapter)

Jenny's eyes were closed but her mind was spinning. She was thinking about what it would be like in England. Better than here? Or worse! Part of the reason she didn't want to go was because she thought it would be too catty but now, her thoughts had changed. She couldn't sleep, so she plugged herself into her ipod. Next thing Jenny knew the sun was streaming into her room. She looked at her clock, 10:30. Oh no! She was late for school. Jenny was passing through the kitchen when she saw a note on her table. It read, "Jenny, you looked really peaky last night at dinner and when you didn't come down for breakfast this morning I assumed that you were sick. Sorry if that was wrong. I've contacted the school, so you don't have to go in today. See you at dinner. Dad." Jenny sighed in relief. Jenny hopped onto the breakfast bar and looked over the note again. Just as she finished, her phone buzzed.. number unknown. "Great," Jenny muttered under her breath.