stop motion animation


Upload: geooajw

Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 2: Stop motion animation

We were asked to make a mockumentary with a story

about the lifecycle of the rare hengrovian bog newt. We

had to show how the baby was born and how it survived

in life.

We were given two hours in which we had to make the

characters lay out the shots and both film and edit them

but it took us longer than expected to finish so we had

to have an extension of an additional 2 hours on top of

the original time.

Page 3: Stop motion animation

The easiest part of the mockumentary was taking the

shots themselves after all of the characters were made I

found this easy as it was literally just clicking the button

and doing the slightest adjustments to how the

characters were in the shot so that the

animation/movement between shots were smooth.

The thing that I found surprisingly hard was making the

characters/scenery itself as making it was very fiddly as

the characters details were so small this took me longer

than I expected as I didn’t realise how long it would take

me to put character together that looked good.

Page 4: Stop motion animation

My final thoughts on the whole thing is that we didn’t take all the factors

into consideration such as how long it actually took us to make characters

originally I though it would be a quick 10 minute process but in the end it

took us up to nearly an hour.

One strong point I can say we came out with as a group is that we all were

given our designated tasks and everyone pulled there weight to do what

they were meant to do.

Overall next time I think we need to be a bit faster as we were given more

time than we really needed as we do have moments where we began to
