stokes monument . memorial services were foreign ... · hats would be '.vastly nibre comforl able....

STOKES MONUMENT . UNVEILED ON MONDAY GOVERNOR STOKES PRESIDES AND DELIVERS SPLENDID EULOGY TO OCEAN GROVE'S FIRST PRESIDENT BISHOP SPELLMEYER THE ORATOR ON BEHALF OF THE COMMITTEE TREASURER A. H. DEHAVEN PRESENTS THE STATUE FOR UNVEILING AND THE DRAPERY OF FLAGS IS UNCOVERED BY GEN. j! C. PATTERSON—FULL TEXT OF THE SPEECHES . LRain operated, against the attend- ance at the Stokes monument exer- cises, on Monday afternoon, but it in. no; wise, dampened the ardor of those wrip gathered to pay homage to Ocean’ Grove's, friend and first president,’ nor - did it interfere with carrying, out ...the program in full as published. Frpm" the speakers’ stand, on Ocean Pathway directly in front of tho monument splendid tributes to Dr. - Stokes/were, offered by his distant- ' relative/ Governor Edward C, Stokes, and Bishop Henry Spellmeyer, of Ci'n- • clnnati, the orator of the day... On the .stand with 'the . distinguished ■/speakers were Paul W.; Morris,, the ; sculptor who Lriade the monument, ac-; eorripariied by his/wife; Edward A: Strikes/ the ' Governor's father; - the members of the monumeht committee and■tixelr wives, Rev. *William Mor- gan/of Newark; Rev- George B. laid, down should find here a perpetual reminder of his Zeal and devotion and en~ eourakoment to continue the principles he put Into practical operation. May this monument long stand, and may Ocean prove he ever true totho,sincere .normal •Christian life it so happily excmpljlles. .Th e . Govern o r then an noil he ed the liymri written by • Dr. Stokes, “Hover O’er Me,.Holy 'Spirit." Music to lead, the singihg was supplied by. an im- promptu band;.directed ;hy F. C. Free- mantel. . . “ • Dr. Alday .'read the last part, of the thirty-third : chapter of Deuteronomy, noting the death of Moses and that he was‘burled in a valley in the land of Moab, and the .fact ; th at' “no .man knpweth of his: sepulchre unto . this day/’ ./Prayer was offered by Bishop Fi tzG e ra Id, who gave special, thanks “for the life, not; the death,- we are to commemorate," /referring to Dr.. Stokes as. “a prince, a great man,’who Tlie Slopes Mommien* Wight,.State CommissIoner of Chari- fell in Israel,” and that while he rests, ties/and Corrections, members of the from his .labors his good works do fol- TAssociation and others. In front - of the stand seats' were placed for local /arid ^yisiting clergymen. //•O n! Ocean Pathway in the vicinity ■/of/the monument, ; on the adjacent' /lawn! at either side,,and on Central . avenue, in close. proximity, the people Were packed / together, satisfied , . to - sfpnd during the entire -time consumed i in the exercises and to brave the rain that' they might not- lose anything Which , the program offered. • /Governor- Stokes; presided.. He was introduced by Rev. Dr. Ualiard as “a warm friend of Ocean Grove and a relative of the deceased president.” in assuming the chair the Governor said: This is a. historic and memorable oc- . caalon. We lmvu gathered to dedicate a monument to one who for years was ■identified with the growth nnd progress of:Ocenn Grove. In a Prouder sense, wo are here to cclehruie the success of Ills policy in tho creation of a Christian sea- side resort. Elwood H. Stokes needs no memorial of stone or mnrblo or brass. ;• This placo, itself, where the ocean’s song blends with tho forest’s hymn/ is his monument and tells the story of his llfe- work;. :. / / ’..-• ... . Ocean Grovo Is unique In the fact that. It- w as: not In its inception, and has not been. In its development, a commercial enterprise, but a place of rest and recre- ation, consecrated to the worship of God. It Is tho only place of its kind thnt Is or has boon. It represents the truo sim- plicity of llfo. ; It affords pleasure with- out indulgence, recreation Without li- cense, and worship without formality. It has no restrictions except restrictions against wrong. It permits every ono to do as-ho. pleases so Jong as he pleases to do right. It differs from all. other places in that It was organized not for gala, *for tho benefit ’of its guests and visitors. Altruism, not. profit,. Is. here the ruling motives—a happy contrast to the commer- cial spirit of the ngc.' That Ocean Grove, has preserved this - character for thirty-six; years, iu. spite of criticism and despite the liberalizing ten-, •denotes of the ago, is due to tho firmnebs and courrigo of 1dm in whoso honor these exercises aro held. Fitting It Is that this placo should contain tho monument of ‘Its founder, and for yenrs Its leading . spirit. Fitting it Is that on this pathway, where como and go thousands of visitors from all parts of tho wortd, should stand a memorial to typify tho Ocean . Grovo' idea', as exemplified in tho life of- Jta great leader., Fitting It 1S Hiat thrisu •who have taken, up the work - low’him. - -Rev. D r/Ballard, led. the responsive- reading of. a Scripture: lesson, Gover- nor Stokes then introduced the orator ot .(he: day, Bishop Henry Spellmeyer, of Cincinnati, as a resident of Ohio but a Jerseyman at heart. The Bish- op said: Pliny, the younger, has said, “ Tho. erection of a monument Is superfluous; tin* memory of us will last If wo havo deserved, it in our 11Vos/" Arid riot long since the Poet Laureate of rEngland, controverting the • proposal / to; erect ..a, statue to Shakespeare' In: London/ wrote In “The National Review” - a poem, of which, the first two lines-arei Why. should we lpdge in marblo or in- bronze ' • / Spirits more vast than ^earth or, sea or .-sky? It is true that what a. man has dono determines' his earthly' immortality, and there la no monument so precious'as the lovo and honor d: grateful world gives to Its benefactors.' But humariUy is prone to; forget, and the; memory of great deeds- must bo kept alive. • W e ".prize .the Inven- tion, the discovery and’.the victory; but wo/seldom, pause to aslc, by whom?. Gred- it Is. not/always given and - honor. Is not always Justly bestowed. /• Tho .best monument. Js. the- .lifework; but the monument In marble or bronze will; help to keep tho memory of the life- work: a i Iye. Good -p bo pi e /have dull mem- ories1of sacred; events-, :' thatw should he cherished^ such: as remarkable mercies, special deliverances from; physical harm,' from, awful temptations; from financial dlsaster-T-nlas,- how soon the .most godly forget; arid their greatest b]esslngs fade out of sight us ships/do'fai* out on . the sen. / ‘ , • •• . •- ■■■ '. ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOREIGN MISSIONARIES Thlrtj-Tiilrd Meeting of Deal Branch, of Which Mrs. Stokes is President CbrrimenCing. this •/ (Friday) ■ after? noon- and continuing over Sunday,, the thirty-third anniversary of ■ the Wo- man's Foreign Missionary Society, the’Ocean Grove auxiliary; is boing! held. The annual meeting arid election of officers will, take piace -Monday, af - ternoon in Thornley Chapel/. The full program of exerqises for tliis anniver- sary is as follows:. . / ■ .! Friday—3 p. m.,/singing, scripture reading, Mrs. J. N:'FitzGerald; prayer, Mrs. ICerinard ; Chandler; .address; Bishop' FJtzpernid; singing;- open, par - liament for mission workers led/; by Mrs. J. H. :.KnoW les/-7:30 p. ; m.— Young people’s rally in charge of. Miss Jennie Hughes; address, Mrs. Frank Gamewell, of China; the; “Swing Song;” by the King’s'Heralds. Saturday—10.30 a. m., singing, scripture reading, Mrs. M;. S. Wheel- er; prayer, -Miss Ida V. ■ Jontz, treas- urer’s arid ' corresponding secretary’s reports; singing, rnemoriai service for Mrs. W. B. Skidmore, Miss Helen Miles and Mrs.. S. M. • Higlcy. 3 p. m. —Singing, scripture reading, Mrs. Tv J. Scott; prayer, Mrs. E. A ,. Marge^ rum; singing, Rev. and- Mrs.. T. J. Scott; •address, ’ Mrs. George Heber; Jones; introduction of- missionaries; missionary literature, . Mrs. Mary Sheafer; . .. ... . - Sunday—10.30. a. rri,. sermon by Rev. George Heber Jones, of . Corea. 4 p. m. —Anniversary .service, Bishop. Fitz- Gerald presiding; singing, prayer. Rev. Mr. Jories; address,; Rev. T. J. Scott. • • .. / /• "/ " ' "///, ■ •/ ' Missionaries and others, who .are ex- pected to take part are:: Dr. and Mrs. T./J. Scott,' pf India;- Dr. and . Mrs.- George Heber Jones, of Corea / Mrs, TV D. Gamew'eil, of China; “Miss Fannie Sparks, of India; Miss Hortense Long, lipder appointment to• Japan;:: Miss, Jennie Hughes,’ under' appointment to China;; Miss Ida-V.. Jontz/ president of Folt’s Institute, Herkimer’,. N. Y.; Mrs. Z. P. Dennler, conference secre- tary New:'York Conference; Mrs..J/H. Knowles, record ing seore.tary!* 'New York. Brancli; Mrs/ E!. A. :Margerum, district secretary, New Brunswick district; iMiss, Mary- Lovett,- secretary young people’s work, New Brunswick district-; Mrs. W. XL T. Reeves, secre - tary New York conference. Mrs. E. H. Stokes,-of Ocean Grove, is president of the local auxiliary. Stnw Hats for Grovo Policemen Last Friday the Ocean Grove police, officers, both-day and: night meni don- ned straw hats,' .a la Panama. ■ Their “light” helmets were light , in color only, ami during the recent hot spell they suffered severely- from the. heat. The .suggestion was made that’straw hats would be '.vastly nibre comforL able. This suggestion ' was adopted by Chief Patterson/ who ordered the change of headgear. / > “• / • .*': . Exhibition of High Diiing. At Llllqgoro's bathing pool Eben Carley has been giving exhibitions of high diving. Carley Is quite a young fellow, a clevlt In a .Newark banking institution. He Is said to bp an ex- pert at swimming anil diving. He climbs to the top ot the high tarile at the side of tile pool and plunges,grace: fully Into, the water; with a slanting motion, to a depth: of not over' three teete l -Lv: : v :f ' Miss Clara'Logan Is Carnival Queon Miss Clara'Belle Logan, of New York, has been diosen to sdrve as Queen Titanla of the .Asbury Park, car- nival. The.queen is the daughter of James P. Logan, a wholesale dry goods, merchant. The Logans have a. summer, home on-Eighth avenue, As- bury. Park, nnd have been coming to the shore foi- eighteen' years. Sundar Sorvloes at St. Paul's At 10.30 a. m„ Dr, Browning, pf Poughkeepsie,' will conduct service and, aided by other clergymen, admin-. Ister the Holy Communion! 2.30 p. m., Sunday school. 0.30, Epworth League Berylce led by Miss. Anna. Hughes; cornetlBt, Miss Uuth M. Wolfe, of Al- lentown, Pn. Clnss for friends and strangers at 0 a. m., led hy John. M. Goodnow. Pastor Marshall Goss Visiting ikev. Dr. Marshall, pastor of St. Paul’s cliurclr, Ocean Grove, will spend Sunday at’ 'his former charge, the Itnsello M. E. Church, Newark. .He will leave the Grove tills (Friday) tip ternoon and: return Monday. Dr; Broivnliig, of Poughkeepsie, a slimmer visitor will, officiate -at St. Paul’s on Sunday morning. (Concluded on eighth page.) For Salo No. S9.. Cookman avenue; '’ unfurn- ished; 14 rooms and hath; extra toi- let;. improvements;.. One,heater; full cellar;.howly• painted arid papered;, best bargain In the. Grove., E. N. Wool- ston, 50- Main avenue. . 30-33. For Sale No. jjC.Heck' avenue; unfurnished'; Improvements; 9 .rooms, and - bath; line: location; large porch, E. N. 50 :Main; avenu©/ - Aaron Beat Suffered a Sunstroto I.ast Saturday, while, assisting In setting'water meters. Aaron Reed, of 117 Abbott avenue,, suffered; a severe sm;str 6 ke. The attending- physician sald lie iijd a close call. He Is improv- ing SlOWly. For Sole The Oxford Cottnge, 2S Embury ave- nuo; consisting of 13 rooms, furrilsli- od; cellar under whole house ,cement- ed; house suitable for entire year; .ex- cellent repair arid:always ’1 rents to ad- vantage.' Price, $3,500, part of which can remain oa .mortgage; E. N. Woql- aton, Real Estate, GO Main avenue; Ocean Groye'.-ftf. is CHRISTIANS ARRAIGNED. BY REV. E. TEH- HYSON SMITH ' INDIFFERENT TO RUIN Votss .Shauld bo Conseorslud.lo Ihe Destruc- tion-of thB Llquar Traffic John B. Gough's ' Beautiful. Apostrophe to Water—Moderate Drinking Leads to Insatiable Appolllo and . Ujtlmatal) to Ruin . As a wind-up to -. the temperance meetings Held' in Ocean Grove last week Sunday’s sermons in the Audi- torium, on a similar line,.were preach- ed' by the Rev. E. Tennyson Smith, of Birmingham, "England, who is con- ducting a .criisade against the liquor traffic in this country. Mr/ Smith, is the founder and honorable superinten- dent of the Temperance. Ironsides or-' ganization in Engl an d, and lie. is edi- tor of the Christian' Temperance Van- ’gunrd',, His spare time he .devotes to lecturing. His interest in temperance arid the fight against’ the liquor traffic is based upon tlie gospel. He came to American in' .October of last year and •since that-.time he has labored un- ceasingly in liis chosen field. His morning sermon last Sunday was frorri .the te x t/“Foi* this purpose’ the. Son of God was manifested that', he might destroy' the work of til© deyij/’ Mr. Smith first asked if the liquor traffic is a worlc of the. devil. He replied that it was not only; a work of the devil, -blit. It was the chief in- strument for the maintenance of hell. The -startling statement was made that annually in this country .150,000 persons die; from the use of liquor-, /•and the people are not concerned at this appalling, death rate.’’ The speak- er'said he don’t like the English word, for drinking places, “public house,” nor/the American word/“saloon." He thinks both terms are too mild and are not sufficiently suggestive, of tlie real meaning and. the depths of mis -1 ery to those who frequent them. / “If there were no other results from the; saloon than the misery ' it causes to little. children• the: country should ariuisekto-prbmipt-action.'to- avoid, the consequences To the innocent arid rin-! offending,” thundered the preacher. He asserted 1 that if. the meek are to in- herit, the earth ihe temperance people ought to have the United States for their portion/ -Continuing on the line tli at brought temperance and Christianity in close relation Mr/Smith, said there was no rietter; standard -tio Measure,the' Cfiiriri? tiari’s-lovo of God than by liis, hatred Of:the'devli and all .his/works .Often the drunkard laughs Iri/his cups to- hide his bitter ferillrigs. . There fs hope for the iowest drunkard, hut the hope must find its fruition in the gospel: nqt ten drunkards in a hundred con keep the pledge unless they take the gospel with it. “For him that cometh unto me T will in no wise . cast out.” No pr?rer ascends to God for deliver- ance from temptation to drink but what is heard. >-/.- Thousands of . mothers have, had their, hopes concerning their firstborn disappointed through . drink; There is' a ring of agony in the words “Where is .riiy boy tonight?”. that only a mother dan'understand. / - Is the liquor traffic a work of the devil?, The answer, was furnished by. Bishop FitzGerald on the- platform: “There is no doubt about' Itf” Clearly, then, the duty of the Christian church is to destroy the liquor traffic! Not to -legalize it.N o t. to regulate, Not to condone .it. But to DESTROY it! And. the speaker, charged that the church is negligent of Its duty ' because it. does riot rise in its might, by force of rmembership, and. crush arid ‘overthrow the liquor traffic. This, declared Mr, Smith, is the strongest indictment against the church—its hegledt to do its/duty, the 'indifference of its mem- bers to the havoc'wrought by the' curse of drink. (Continued r»n fourth page.) George R, Lord /is Dead , George R. Lord,; the pioneer resident and- once owner of a large portion of the .West Park section, died last Fri- day, after a long illness. ' His funeral was/held on Tuesday afternoon of this week/ 'Mr/Lord was sixty-four years old.- He is survived by a widow anti four children! Mrs. Wesley B. Stout, Mrs. Fred. M. Scliuppan, Mrs; G. A/ Bates and G. B. Lord. Sumqior Vlsitur Y/lns Fishing Prim. . Qqorgc F. Leo, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.i now sojourning at the .Waterbur.y, was one pf the passengers on the- Em - ma' B on her trip to the fishing banks last Monday. He'won the prlzo-for the biggest catch of fish, a riqunder weigh- ing four pounds/beside a half dozen sea/bass* of .more -than average .size... For Sals A handsome S-room cottage, furnish - ed,. on! Webb avenu’e, two blocks fronv ocean; large lot/ well built* arid at- tractive cottage iri. best •/: of: repair; ju'Jt the place for. a home.• •This will* bejir Inspection; E! N. Woolston, Real Esl^fl.;50 Main ayenue, Ocean 'Groye? MEMORIAL SERVICES WERE HELD MONDAY AFTERNOON Eulogies {or tlie Dead Pronounced b) Bishop FlizBertlil end Others . Ocean Grove’s,.anriiiai memprla! ser- vices for the friends arid residents of the Grove whc have died during the year TVer.e held in the Tabernacle /on Monday afternoon at two o’clock. Eulogies, for the dead! were pronounc- ed by/Bishop. FitzGerald,;.Dr. Ballard Dr.- O’Hanlon and- others/ :// -/" / . - - The memonat board, prepared* by- . Geri. Patterson, this year •contained a larger, number of names than ever be- fore, as follows: r ! ,Captain Lewis Rainear,. Nelson E. Buchanon, Rev. Henry. M. Brown,'who died on Sunday; Mrs.*Sarah E. Day, Anna B.; Asay, John ‘ Laird; ‘ Mrs/ Lu- cille Morrell, -Mrs. D. W. Fisher, Rev! Joshua HillV.Mlss Eva Cramer, Mrs. Sallie Af Smith, Mrs. S. V. Strickland, Mrs. ’Carolirie Brown, E. B. Thomas, Clara M. Hickox; Mrs. William A. Armstrong. Jacob. YanNatta, Schur- man Halsted, Mrs. Amy Strickland, Mrs/ Mary. A. Atwood,' William 13.. Tucker, Mrs/S. C, Higley, Harriet B.- Skidmore, Bishop Joyce, Rev. George Hughes, Mrs! J. H. Alday; Mrs; Wil- li am Mi Springer, An rlre\y Mi 11 igan r Samuel Johnson, John. S. Heritage, Charles Willtroiit, Mrs. A. B. Dickson, George B. Craig, Mrs. Alice Ludlow, C. H. Benson,' Mrs. S. M. Kilbride, Bessie Christie,' John A. Bradford, Margaret Meeker, Mary J. Harvey, Mary Ross, Delia H. Borden, Hoffman Covert, Mrs., J; Lyford,: Mrs. Hannah Dean, Mrs.- Mary Grant Cramer, Martha Miller,. Sarah .iM. Howland, •Mrs. E. J. Clunchy, Richard C/ ftem- iney, Julia. E. Avery, ;Rev. - A. ,A. Phelps,’ Dr. John. Greenbank, Mary -J. Coons/.WiJHam Witmer; Charles Av- ery, Mrs. William Stainsby, John C.; •Stoddard, Emma M, Dewitt, Mrs. A; H. Russell, Mrs. Angelirie Miller, Con- over-' Lefferson, Jarie Marshall, :!a • M. •Cha.pirian, Mrs. Jane.A. Bailey, Mrs. Richard Van Horn, E. Moffit/ I.: M. Holly, Mrs, Lillian E. Shay, Mrs. Con- rad H. pinches, Rev. J. M. Robertson, Mrs.: Elizabeth’E/Robinson, Mrs. A. S. Baldwin. / . ' In the same- building (the Taber - nacle, at five o’clock was held the an- nual service' commemorating/ the founding' of Ocean Grove!/ This was the thlrty:sixth/ anniversary. . The speakers -were 'Bishop FitzGerald, Rev. T. Snowden -Thomas, Dr. Ballard', Rev. C. H. Yatman-and Dr. Alday. SERVICE OF UNUSUAL INTEREST Mention Made of "Rev. Henry .IB. Brown, Bishop Joyce and Or. E. H. Stofres The services at St. Paul’s church last .Sunday were of unusual: interest. The. pastor, Dr! Marshall, -preached -a sermon on “The Presence: of - God.” The favoritri.hymns of Dr. Stokes. were- sung.. ; ,;•;•!/■/; -,/ /Allusion was m a d e ’/.to the. ReV. Henry M.. Brown/ then dying, : as a minister who dispensed sunshine in whatever circle lie moved; to Bishop Isaac W. Joyce/ as one" of the great re- vival personalities of the Methodist church, and. to Dr. Stokes, as a Chris- tian gentleman, a friend of the poor and needy with .word and purse, an unusually fine executive officer, a poet arid aiithor of no mean fame, an clo: quent preacher of the gospel, and a man whose . character was without spot. • OF SCHOOL QUO WARRANTO PROCEEDINGS AGAINST: THE BRADLEY BEACH BOARD STEW6RT BILL HELD UP ://V . • Goorgo Plllenger Appolnlid lo Audit and Com- pira Sohool Cuslodlm's Books With Thosu of the Township Treasurer—Settling Dam-: ago to Oooan Groio Sohoolhouse-CoalOon* trool Divided Botwoon Compollng Firms -> m GOLLEGE DEBATE. WON BY BURKETT Contest Under Auspices' of Interoollegiaio Prohib tlon Association . The oratorical .contest in the Ocean Grove Auditorium tast Friday evening brought put a. large, audience/ First prizQ Qf $50; jri cash and a s’cholarship in the Ott School of Oratory/Cliicago! was awarded to A. p. Burkett; of Tay- lor. University, Upland/ Ind. ' I-Iis. ad^ dress was. on “A Plea for Prohibition.” The second prize/f30, was captured by Thomas B. Uber, of Susquehanna University*.. Selingsgrove, Pa.,' and the third prize, $20, went to James .A. Melrose, of .Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Two: others took part in the con- test, H. C. Geran, of Adrain College, Adrian/Midi., and J. -C. Bowman, of Olii_o Northern Un iver'si ty, Ada, Ohio. \ Rev. Dr. Henry Wheeler, of Ocean Grove/ was one of the judges on de.- livery.. President vanGilluwe told the mem- bers of the Neptune township school '■ board Monday evening that according-;/ to advice in tho Bradley Boaeh mat- / ter Jt was deemed wisest to apply to / the courts for a writ of quo warrhnto / against the members of the board of! that borough to show cause why. they' : are occupying the school building/and then let the legal lights battle to ' a finish. School affairs .between the / township and the borough are in such / shape that the courts will have / ' termine if the. borough is responsible to tlie township for the amount of school money claimed by the latter/./ about $0 ,000 , or whether as an inde- : pendent district tho borough .Is re- ./ lieved from payment of this claim. To carry, oilt the legal proceedings it Was by motion resolved tb employ Counsel- or Samuel A. Patterson, of Asbury,//; Park/and to havo associated with him . RuJiff V. Lawrence, of Freehold. Mr. Lawrence is the father of the law cre^ / ating the separate school districts. /' County Superintendent Enright was . present at the board meeting, which / was attended by Trustees Woolley, /i Hall, Benner. Stout, Drew and Clay- ton, in addition to the president. ■ There was a lengthy discussion of’ :./ Contractor Stewart’s bill for repairs ( made last winter at the Bradley'/ Beach school Chairman Woolley of/ the finance committee had no know!-*., edge of tlie contractor’s, bid or estt-./Z mate, and was averse to the' payment / .of the bill-until the. items could.'-be. verified The amount Involved is $90/ - The matter was hold over until the;’ next meeting. '/..-. ’.//'< / The. chair stated that the amount necessary to be provided, with which: ! to- pay current expenses was about'/; $1,000. Accordingly a resolution prri^/'i vailed that a note for the amount- named lie executed with the AsbuVy. Park and Ocean Grove Bank for three, .v - I months. : •;•.// George V.'. Pittcnger was named aiidit and com pare ihe school custpdH an’s. books with tbjoso of the townshlpl /! treasurer . beginning wltli the ' datej when the balances in the two books agree. The work will, be done by- the / ’. auditor, working in conjunction Witii/ the clerk of the school board and the township treasurer. I'lie auditor’s fco/-’ will not exceed $10.* By this method ’/ it will be possible to determine, th e / amount of money, if any, the township owes the schools. By resolution the board wii! accept . , tlie insurance companies’ oiler to set- /. tie for tlie damage done tlie Ocean./ I Grove school house by lightning o e v - • eral weeks ago for $175. Repairs will. / he made immediately. / / ' / / - ’/ / I Trustee Clayton reported' that the ^ school lawn at tho Prospect .avehue building was being badly used by boys . and young men, who had turned it in- .'•;• to a public playground. It was order- / ed that trespass signs be erected thereon. Keep off the grass. - / :!•// Bids for tbe winter’s supply ,of coal *;•/ and wood for the township schools were-submitted- by. the .Consumer’s Coal andI Supply Co., and the George P,/- ■ Farmer Coal .Co." The coiitract wm be equally divided between the two /firms. . \ Their price for egg/ stove or nut coal- was $Gi75 a ton. and $l!fi0 for pea coal/ ; : The Constlnier’s price for \yood was// .$5 per cord in stove lengths, and $3.25 a load for split wood; that of the •/ Farmer Company $4.75 a cord in-.’-./J lengths, and split wood for .$2.75 a / half cord. . • - 'it) ’/7 . Testing the Acousficon Last Sunday in the/Auditorium a test was! made•-of the Aeonsticon, an insjLru’nient -for- the., relief of the .par- tially -deaf. -,-AYires were run. from the'tq about : the centre, of tlie house, where receivers were held by number, of persons. Considering the peculiarity of the preacher’s de- livery .last Sunday the- test was not deemed . satisfactory. Another trial will bo given the instrunierit. Groie Furnished: Park With. Water X supply of wafer Svas furnished by Ocea.ri Clrovb to Asbiiry Park last Sat- urday and Sunday. The Grove furnish: ed water at tlio same time also. to. the East .Jersey' Coast Water Company for the West Grove and West Park section: Money to l.onri ; Money to loan In'amounts from $400 to 53.000 on hon'd and mortgaga. E. N; Woolston, Real. Estata and Inaur- anoe Agen-'/'i.BO Main areaue, Ocoan N. ....... -:-'7 Tho Mossiah Saturday. Nighl The llrst of thu great oratorios, Han- del's --.Mossiah.” will lie given this (Saturday) evening |n the Ocean Grovo Auditorium, according to an- nouncement previously, made. ' Tho soloists will he Anlto Rio, soprano; Margaret Roche, 'contralto; Theodore'. Van Yorx, tenor, and Julian Walker; bass. It Is expected that the chorus will number between six and seven hundred voti-cs, arid the orchestra; uoarly’ eighty players. The general admlssjun Is 3S cents. Reserved-seats ai-e.Sl, 75 and 50 cents. ’’ m Chiliran‘3 Day at Templo Sunday Sohaol Tho Temple Sunday school will bold, Children’s day service In the Temple on- Sunday afternoon* August GUi, / at 2.30 o'clock. Superintendent Jo- ; soph A. Hudson arid his corps of help- ; ers have been busiiy .engaged in.train-, ing tho children Cor this occasion; Tho .Templo oi’chestru, under the direction of James C. Bradford, will discourse/; some flue music. There will bo solos, duots, recitations, violin and cornet, solos. • /• ' ■•••* ' •’/ . -! A. Night in Fairyland— -Spleri.dldly; illustrated and described In’tlio Chil- dren's Festival number of The Now ---------- -It*

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    LRain operated, against the attendance a t the Stokes monument exercises, on Monday afternoon, but it in. no; wise, dampened the ardor of those wrip gathered to pay homage to Ocean’ Grove's, friend and first president,’ nor - did it interfere with carrying, out

    ...the program in full as published.Frpm" the speakers’ stand, on Ocean

    Pathway directly in front of tho• monument splendid tributes to Dr.- Stokes/w ere, offered by his distant- ' re lative/ Governor Edward C, Stokes,

    and Bishop H enry Spellmeyer, of Ci'n-• clnnati, the orator of the day... On

    the .stand with 'the . distinguished■/speakers were Paul W.; Morris,, the ; sculptor who Lriade the monument, ac-; eorripariied by h is/w ife; Edward A : Strikes/ the ' Governor's father; - the members of the monumeht committee an d ■ tixelr wives, Rev. * William Morg a n /o f Newark; Rev- George B.

    laid, down should find h ere a perpetual rem inder o f his Zeal and devotion and en~ eourakom ent to continue th e principles he put Into p ractica l operation. M a y this m onum ent long stand, and m ay Ocean p ro v e he ev e r true to th o ,s in c e r e .normal •C hristian li fe it so hap p ily excm pljlles.

    .Th e . Govern o r then an noil he ed the liymri w ritten by • Dr. Stokes, “Hover O’er Me,.Holy 'Spirit." Music to lead, th e singihg w as supplied by. an impromptu band;.directed ;hy F. C. Free- mantel. . .. “ •

    Dr. Alday .'read the last part, of the thirty-third : chapter of Deuteronomy, noting the death of Moses and th a t he w as‘burled in a valley in the land of Moab, and the .fact ; t h a t ' “no .man knpweth of his: sepulchre unto . th is day /’ ./P rayer was offered by Bishop Fi tzG e ra Id, who gave special, thanks “for the life, not; the death,- we are to commemorate," /re fe rr in g to Dr.. Stokes as. “a prince, a great man,’who

    T lie S lo p e s M om m ien*

    W ight,.S tate CommissIoner of Chari- fell in Israel,” and that while he rests, tie s/an d Corrections, members of the from his .labors his good works do fol-

    T Association and others. In front - of th e stand seats' were placed for local

    /a rid ̂ yisiting clergymen.//•O n ! Ocean Pathway in the vicinity ■/of/the monument, ; on the adjacent' /law n! a t either side ,,and on Central . avenue, in close. proximity, the people Were packed / together, satisfied , . to

    - sfpnd during the entire -time consumed i in the exercises and to brave the rain

    that' they might n o t- lose anything W h ich , the program offered.• /Governor- Stokes; presided.. He was introduced by Rev. Dr. Ualiard as “a warm friend of Ocean Grove and a relative of the deceased president.” i n assum ing the chair the Governor said:

    T h is is a . h istoric and m em orable oc- . caalon. W e lmvu gathered to dedicate a

    m onum ent to one w ho fo r yea rs w as ■identified w ith the grow th nnd progress of:O cen n Grove. In a Prouder sense, wo a re here to ccleh ru ie the su ccess o f Ills p olicy in tho creation o f a C h ristian seaside resort. E lw ood H. S tokes needs no m em orial of stone or mnrblo o r brass.

    ;• T h is placo, itself, w here the ocean’s song blends w ith tho fo rest’s hym n / is his m onum ent and tells the s to ry of his llfe- work;. :. / / ’ ..-•... .

    O cean G rovo Is unique In the fa c t that. It- w a s : n o t In its inception, and has not been. In its developm ent, a com m ercial enterprise, but a p lace of rest and recreation, consecrated to the w orship o f God. I t Is tho on ly p lace o f its kind thnt Is or h a s boon. I t represents the truo sim p licity o f llfo. ; It affords pleasure w ith out indulgence, recreation Without license, and w orsh ip w ithout form ality. It has no restriction s except restrictions a g a in st w rong. I t perm its every ono to do as-h o. p leases so Jong as he pleases to do righ t. It d iffers from all. o th er places in th a t It w a s organized not for g a la ,

    * fo r tho benefit ’o f its gu ests and v isitors. A ltru ism , not. p ro fit,. Is. here the ruling motives— a hap p y co n tra st to the com m ercial sp irit o f the n g c . ' •

    T h a t O cean Grove, has preserved this - ch a ra cte r for thirty-six; yea rs, iu. spite of

    criticism and despite the liberalizing ten-, •denotes o f the ago , is due to tho firmnebs and courrigo o f 1dm in whoso honor these ex ercises aro held. F ittin g It Is th a t this placo should contain tho monument of

    ‘Its founder, and fo r yenrs Its leading . spirit. F itt in g it Is th a t on this p ath w a y,

    w h ere com o and go thousands o f visitors from a l l p a rts o f tho wortd, should stand a m em orial to ty p ify tho Ocean

    . G rovo' idea', a s exem plified in tho life of- J ta g re a t leader., F ittin g It 1S H iat thrisu •who h a v e tak en , up the w ork -

    low’him.- -Rev. D r/B allard , led. the responsive- reading o f. a Scripture: lesson, Govern o r Stokes then introduced the orator o t .(he: day, Bishop Henry Spellmeyer, of Cincinnati, as a resident of Ohio but a Jerseym an a t heart. The Bishop said:

    P lin y , the you n ger, has said, “ Tho. erection o f a m onum ent Is superfluous; tin* m em ory o f us w ill la s t If wo havo deserved, it in o u r 11 Vos/" Arid riot long since th e Poet L a u rea te o f rE ngland, con tro vertin g th e • proposal / to; e rect ..a, statu e to S h akespeare' In: London/ w rote In “ T h e N ation al R ev iew ” - a poem, of w h ich , th e first tw o lin es-areiW h y. should w e lpdge in m arblo or in

    bronze ' • /Spirits m ore v a s t than ^earth or, sea or

    . - s k y ?It is true th at w h a t a . m an has dono

    d eterm in es ' his e a r th ly ' im m ortality , and there la no m onum ent so p re c io u s 'a s the lovo and honor d: g ra te fu l w orld g iv es to Its b en efactors.' B u t humariUy is prone to; forget, an d th e ; m em ory o f g re a t deeds- m ust bo k ep t alive. • W e ".prize .the Invention, the d iscovery a n d ’.the v ic to ry ; but wo/seldom, pause to aslc, b y whom?. Gred- it Is. n o t/ a lw a y s given and - h o n o r. Is not a lw a y s Justly bestow ed. /•

    Tho .best m onum ent. Js. the- .lifew ork; b u t the m onum ent In m arble or bronze w ill; help to keep tho m em ory of th e life- work: a i I ye. Good -p bo pi e /have dull m em o rie s 1 o f s a c re d ; events-, :' thatw should he cherished^ s u c h : a s rem arkab le m ercies, special d eliveran ces from; p h ysica l harm,' from, a w fu l tem ptations; from financial dlsaster-T-nlas,- how soon th e .m ost godly fo rg e t; arid th e ir g rea test b]esslngs fade out o f s ig h t us sh ip s/d o 'fa i* out on . the sen. / ‘ , • • • . •- ■■■'.


    Thlrtj-T iilrd Meeting of D e a l Branch, of W hich Mrs. Stokes is President

    CbrrimenCing. th is •/ (Friday) ■ after? noon- and continuing over Sunday,, the thirty-third anniversary of ■ the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, the’Ocean Grove auxiliary; is boing! held. The annual m eeting arid election of officers will, take piace -Monday, afternoon in Thornley Chapel/. The full program of exerqises for tliis anniversary is as follows:. . / ■ .!

    Friday—3 p. m .,/sing ing , scripture reading, Mrs. J . N :'FitzG erald; prayer, Mrs. ICerinard ; Chandler; .address; Bishop' FJtzpernid; singing;- open, parliament for mission workers led/; by Mrs. J . H. :.K n o W les /-7:30 p. ; m.— Young people’s rally in charge of. Miss Jennie Hughes; address, Mrs. Frank Gamewell, of China; the; “Swing Song;” by the King’s'H eralds.

    Saturday—10.30 a. m., singing, scripture reading, Mrs. M;. S. Wheeler; prayer, -Miss Ida V. ■ Jontz, treasurer’s arid ' corresponding secretary’s reports; singing, rnemoriai service for Mrs. W. B. Skidmore, Miss Helen Miles and Mrs.. S. M. • Higlcy. 3 p. m. —Singing, scripture reading, Mrs. Tv J. Scott; prayer, Mrs. E. A ,. Marge^ rum; singing, Rev. and- Mrs.. T. J. Scott; • address, ’ Mrs. George Heber; Jones; introduction of- missionaries; m issionary literature, . Mrs. Mary Sheafer; . .. ... . -■ Sunday—10.30. a. rri,. sermon by Rev. George Heber Jones, of . Corea. 4 p. m. —Anniversary .service, B ishop. FitzGerald presiding; singing, prayer. Rev. Mr. Jories; address,; Rev. T. J. Scott. • • .. / / • " / " ' " / / / , ■ •/ '

    Missionaries and others, who .are expected to take part are:: Dr. and Mrs. T ./J . Scott,' pf India;- Dr. and . Mrs.- George Heber Jones, of Corea / Mrs, TVD. Gamew'eil, of China; “Miss Fannie Sparks, of India; Miss Hortense Long, lipder appointment to • Ja p an ;: : Miss, Jennie Hughes,’ under' appointment to China;; M iss Ida-V.. Jontz / president of Folt’s Institute, Herkimer’,. N. Y.; Mrs. Z. P. Dennler, conference secretary New:'York Conference; M rs..J/H . Knowles, record ing seore.tary!* 'New York. Brancli; Mrs/ E !. A. :Margerum, district secretary, New Brunswick district; iMiss, Mary- Lovett,- secretary young people’s work, New Brunswick district-; Mrs. W. XL T. Reeves, secretary New York conference.

    Mrs. E. H. Stokes,-of Ocean Grove, is president of the local auxiliary.

    S tnw Hats for Grovo Policemen Last Friday the Ocean Grove police,

    officers, both-day and: night meni donned straw hats,' .a la Panama. ■ Their “light” helmets were light , in color only, ami during the recent hot spell they suffered severely- from the. heat. The .suggestion was made th a t’straw hats would be '.vastly nibre comforL able. This suggestion ' was adopted by Chief Patterson / who ordered the change of headgear. / > “• / • .*': .

    Exhib ition of H igh D iiin g .At Llllqgoro's bathing pool Eben

    Carley has been giving exhibitions of high diving. Carley Is quite a young fellow, a clevlt In a .Newark banking institution. He Is said to bp an expert a t swimming anil diving. He climbs to the top o t the high tarile at the side of tile pool and plunges,grace: fully Into, the water; with a slanting motion, to a depth: of not over' threeteete l -Lv: : v :f

    ' M iss C lara 'Logan Is Carniva l Queon Miss C lara 'B elle Logan, of New

    York, has been diosen to sdrve as Queen T itanla of the .Asbury Park, carnival. The.queen is the daughter of Jam es P. Logan, a wholesale dry goods, merchant. The Logans have a. summer, home on-Eighth avenue, Asbury. Park, nnd have been coming to the shore foi- eighteen' years.

    Sundar Sorvloes at St. Paul'sAt 10.30 a. m„ Dr, Browning, pf

    Poughkeepsie,' will conduct service and, aided by other clergymen, admin-. Ister the Holy Communion! 2.30 p. m., Sunday school. 0.30, Epworth League Berylce led by Miss. Anna. Hughes; cornetlBt, Miss Uuth M. Wolfe, of Allentown, Pn. Clnss for friends and strangers at 0 a. m., led hy John. M. Goodnow.

    Pastor M arsha ll Goss V is iting ikev. Dr. Marshall, pastor of St.

    Paul’s cliurclr, Ocean Grove, will spend Sunday a t ’ 'his former charge, the Itnsello M. E. Church, Newark. .He will leave the Grove tills (Friday) tip ternoon and: return M onday. Dr; Broivnliig, of Poughkeepsie, a slimmer visitor will, officiate -at St. Paul’s on Sunday morning.

    (Concluded on e ig h th page.)

    For SaloNo. S9.. Cookman avenue; '’ unfurn

    ished; 14 rooms and hath; extra toilet;. improvements;.. O ne,heater; full ce lla r ;. howly• painted arid papered;, best bargain In the. Grove., E. N. Woolston, 50- Main avenue. . 30-33.

    F o r SaleNo. jjC .H eck' avenue; unfurnished';

    Improvements; 9 .rooms, and - bath; line: location; large porch, E. N.

    50 :Main; avenu©/

    - Aaron B ea t Suffered a SunstrotoI.ast Saturday, while, assisting In

    se tting 'w ater meters. Aaron Reed, of 117 Abbott avenue,, suffered; a severe sm ;str6ke. The attending- physician sald lie iijd a close call. He Is improving SlOWly.

    For SoleThe Oxford Cottnge, 2S Embury ave-

    nuo; consisting of 13 rooms, furrilsli- od; cellar under whole house ,cement- ed; house suitable for entire year; .excellent repair arid:always’1 rents to advantage.' Price, $3,500, part of which can remain oa .mortgage; E. N. Woql- aton, Real E state, GO Main avenue; Ocean Groye'.-ftf.

    i s


    INDIFFERENT TO RUINVotss .Shauld bo Conseors lud .lo Ihe Destruc

    tion-of thB Llquar Traffic John B. Gough's ' B eautifu l. Apostrophe to Water— Moderate

    Drink ing Leads to Insatiable A ppo lllo and ■. U jtlmatal) to Ruin. As a wind-up to -. the temperance meetings Held' in Ocean Grove last week Sunday’s sermons in the Auditorium, on a similar line,.were preached' by the Rev. E. Tennyson Smith, of Birmingham, "England, who is conducting a .criisade against the liquor traffic in this country. M r/ Smith, is the founder and honorable superintenden t o f the Temperance. Ironsides or-' ganization in Engl an d, and lie. is editor of the Christian' Temperance Van- ’gunrd',, H is spare tim e he .devotes to lecturing. H is in te re s t in temperance arid the fight against’ the liquor traffic is based upon tlie gospel. He came to American in' .October of last year and •since th a t-.time he has labored unceasingly in liis chosen field.

    His morning sermon last Sunday was frorri .the t e x t / “Foi* this purpose’ the. Son of God was manifested that', he might destroy' the work of til© deyij/’ Mr. Smith first asked if the liquor traffic is a worlc of the. devil. He replied that it was not only; a work of the devil, -blit. It was the chief instrum ent for the maintenance of hell. The -startling statem ent was made that annually in this country .150,000 persons die; from the use of liquor-,

    /•and the people are not concerned at this appalling, death rate.’’ The speaker'said he don’t like the English word, for drinking places, “public house,” nor/the American w o rd /“saloon." He thinks both term s are too mild and are not sufficiently suggestive, of tlie real meaning a n d . the depths of m is- 1 ery to those who frequent them./ “If there were no other results from the; saloon than the misery ' it causes to little . children• the: country should ariuisekto-prbmipt-action.'to- avoid, the consequences To the innocent arid rin-! offending,” thundered the preacher. He asserted1 that if. the meek are to inherit, the earth ihe temperance people ought to have the United States for their portion/

    -Continuing on the line tli a t brought temperance and Christianity in close relation M r/Sm ith, said th e re was no rietter; standard - tio M easure, the' Cfiiriri? tiari’s-lovo of God than by liis, hatred Of: the 'devli and all .his/works .Oftenthe drunkard laughs Iri/his cups to- hide his b itter ferillrigs. . There fs hope for the iowest drunkard, hut the hope must find its fruition in the gospel: nqt ten drunkards in a hundred con keep the pledge unless they take the gospel with it. “For him that cometh unto me T will in no wise . cast out.” No pr?re r ascends to God for deliverance from temptation to drink but w hat is heard. ■ >-/.-

    Thousands of . mothers have, had their, hopes concerning their firstborn disappointed through . drink; There is' a ring of agony in the words “Where is .riiy boy tonight?”. th a t only a mother dan 'understand. / -

    Is the liquor traffic a work of the devil?, The answer, was furnished by. Bishop FitzGerald on the- platform: “There is no doubt about' I tf” Clearly, then, th e duty of the Christian church is to destroy the liquor traffic! Not to -legalize i t .N o t . to regulate, Not to condone .it. But to DESTROY it! And. the speaker, charged that the church is negligent of Its duty ' because it. does riot rise in its might, by force of rmembership, and. crush arid ‘overthrow the liquor traffic. This, declared Mr, Smith, is the strongest indictm ent against the church—its hegledt to do its/du ty , the 'indifference of its members to the havoc'w rought by the ' curse of drink.

    (Continued r»n fourth page.)

    George R, Lord /is Dead, George R. Lord,; the pioneer resident

    and- once owner of a large portion of the .West Park section, died las t F riday, after a long illness. ' His funeral was/held on Tuesday afternoon of this week/ 'M r/L ord was sixty-four years old.- He is survived by a widow anti four children! Mrs. Wesley B. Stout, Mrs. Fred. M. Scliuppan, Mrs; G. A/ Bates and G. B. Lord.

    Sumqior V ls itur Y/lns F ish ing P rim .. Qqorgc F. Leo, of Poughkeepsie, N.

    Y.i now sojourning a t the .Waterbur.y, was one pf the passengers on the- Emma' B on her trip to the fishing banks last Monday. He'won the prlzo-for the biggest catch of fish, a riqunder weighing four pounds/beside a half dozen sea/bass* of .more - than average .size...

    For SalsA handsome S-room cottage, furnish

    ed,. on! Webb avenu’e, two blocks fronv ocean; large lo t / well built* arid attractive cottage iri. best •/: o f : repair; ju 'Jt the place for. a home.• • This will* bejir Inspection; E! N. Woolston, Real Esl^fl.;50 Main ayenue, Ocean 'Groye?


    Eulog ies {o r tlie Dead Pronounced b) Bishop F lizB e r t lil end Others

    . Ocean Grove’s,.anriiiai memprla! services for the friends arid residents of the Grove whc have died during the year TVer.e held in the Tabernacle /on Monday afternoon a t two o’clock. Eulogies, for the dead! were pronounced by/Bishop. FitzGerald,;.Dr. Ballard Dr.- O’Hanlon and- o thers/ : / / -/" / . - - The m em onat board, prepared* by- . Geri. Patterson, this year • contained a larger, number of names than ever before, as follows:r ! ,Captain Lewis R a inear,. Nelson E . Buchanon, Rev. Henry. M. Brown,'who died on Sunday; Mrs.* Sarah E. Day, Anna B.; Asay, John ‘ Laird; ‘ M rs/ Lucille Morrell, -Mrs. D. W. Fisher, Rev! Joshua HillV.Mlss Eva Cramer, Mrs. Sallie Af Smith, Mrs. S. V. Strickland, Mrs. ’Carolirie Brown, E. B. Thomas, Clara M. Hickox; Mrs. William A. Armstrong. Jacob. YanNatta, Schur- man Halsted, Mrs. Amy Strickland, M rs/ Mary. A. Atwood,' William 13.. Tucker, M rs/S . C, Higley, H arriet B.- Skidmore, Bishop Joyce, Rev. George Hughes, Mrs! J. H. Alday; Mrs; Willi am Mi Springer, An rlre\y Mi 11 igan r Samuel Johnson, John. S. Heritage, Charles W illtroiit, Mrs. A. B. Dickson, George B. Craig, Mrs. Alice Ludlow, C. H. Benson,' Mrs. S. M. Kilbride, Bessie Christie,' John A. Bradford, M argaret Meeker, Mary J. Harvey, Mary Ross, Delia H. Borden, Hoffman Covert, M rs., J; Lyford,: Mrs. Hannah

    Dean, Mrs.- Mary Grant Cramer, M artha M iller,. Sarah .iM. Howland, •Mrs. E. J. Clunchy, Richard C/ ftem- iney, Julia. E. Avery, ;Rev. - A. ,A. Phelps,’ Dr. John. Greenbank, Mary -J. Coons/.WiJHam W itmer; Charles Avery, Mrs. William Stainsby, John C.;

    • Stoddard, Emma M, Dewitt, Mrs. A;H. Russell, Mrs. Angelirie Miller, Conover-' Lefferson, Jarie Marshall, :!a • M.

    •Cha.pirian, Mrs. Jane.A . Bailey, Mrs. Richard Van Horn, E. Moffit/ I.: M. Holly, Mrs, Lillian E . Shay, Mrs. Conrad H. pinches, Rev. J . M. Robertson, Mrs.: E lizabeth ’E /R obinson, Mrs. A.S. Baldwin. / .' In the same- building (the Tabernacle, a t five o’clock was held the annual se rv ice ' com m em orating/ the founding' of Ocean Grove!/ This was the thlrty:six th / anniversary. . The speakers -were 'Bishop FitzGerald, Rev. T. Snowden -Thomas, Dr. Ballard', Rev. C. H. Yatman-and Dr. Alday.

    SERV ICE OF UNUSUAL INTERESTMention Made of "Rev. Henry .IB. Brown,

    Bishop Joyce and Or. E . H . StofresThe services a t St. Paul’s church

    last .Sunday were of unusual: interest. The. pastor, Dr! Marshall, -preached -a sermon on “The Presence: of - God.” The favoritri.hymns of Dr. Stokes. were- sung.. ; ,;•;•!/■/; -,/

    /Allusion was m ad e’/.to the. ReV. Henry M.. B row n/ then dying, : as a m inister who dispensed sunshine in whatever circle lie moved; to Bishop Isaac W. Joyce/ as one" of the great revival personalities of the Methodist church, and. to Dr. Stokes, as a Christian gentleman, a friend of the poor and needy with .word and purse, an unusually fine executive officer, a poet arid aiithor of no mean fame, an clo: quent preacher of the gospel, and a man whose . character was without spot. •




    Goorgo P llle ng er A p p o ln lid lo Audit and Com- p ira Sohool C us lo d lm 's Books With Thosu of the Township Treasurer—S e tt lin g Dam-: ago to Oooan G ro io Sohoo lhouse-Coa lO on* trool Divided Botwoon Com po llng Firms


    GOLLEGE DEBATE. WON BY BURKETTContest Under Auspices' of In teroo lleg ia io

    Prohib tlon Association .The oratorical .contest in the Ocean

    Grove Auditorium tast Friday evening brought put a. large, audience/ F irst prizQ Qf $50; jri cash and a s’cholarship in the Ott School of Oratory/Cliicago! was awarded to A. p . Burkett; of Taylor. University, U pland/ Ind. ' I-Iis. ad^ dress was. on “A Plea for Prohibition.”

    The second p r iz e /f30, was captured by Thomas B. Uber, of Susquehanna University*.. Selingsgrove, P a .,' and the third prize, $20, w ent to Jam es .A. Melrose, of .Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Two: others took part in the contest, H. C. Geran, of Adrain College, A d rian /M id i., and J. -C. Bowman, of Olii_o Northern Un iver'si ty, Ada, Ohio. \ Rev. Dr. Henry W heeler, of Ocean Grove/ was one of the judges on de.- livery..

    President vanGilluwe told the mem- bers of the Neptune township school ''■ board Monday evening th a t accord ing-;/ to advice in tho Bradley Boaeh mat- / te r Jt was deemed wisest to apply to / the courts for a writ of quo warrhnto / against the members of the board of! that borough to show cause why. th e y ' : are occupying the school building/and then let the legal lights battle to ' a finish. School affairs .between the / township and the borough are in such / shape that the courts will have / ' termine if the. borough is responsible to tlie township for the amount of school money claimed by the la t te r / . / about $0,000 , or whether as an inde- : pendent district tho borough .Is re- . / lieved from payment of this claim. To carry, oilt the legal proceedings it Was by motion resolved tb employ Counselor Samuel A. Patterson, of Asbury,/ / ; P ark /and to havo associated with him . RuJiff V. Lawrence, of Freehold. Mr. ’ Lawrence is the father of the law cre^ / ating the separate school districts. / '

    County Superintendent Enright was . present at the board meeting, w hich / was attended by Trustees Woolley, / i Hall, Benner. Stout, Drew and Clayton, in addition to the president. ■

    There was a lengthy discussion of’ :./ Contractor Stew art’s bill for repairs ( made last winter at the B rad ley ' / Beach school Chairman Woolley of/ the finance committee had no know!-*., edge of tlie contractor’s, bid or estt-./Z mate, and was averse to the' payment / .of the bill-until the. items could.'-be. verified The amount Involved is $90/ -The m atter was hold over until the;’ next meeting. '/..-. ’.// '< /

    The. chair stated that the amount necessary to be provided, with which: ! to- pay curren t expenses was abou t'/ ; $1,000. Accordingly a resolution prri^/'i vailed that a note for the amount- named lie executed with the AsbuVy. Park and Ocean Grove Bank for three, .v -

    I months. : •;•.//George V.'. Pittcnger was named

    aiidit and com pare ihe school custpdH an ’s. books with tbjoso of the townshlpl /! treasurer . beginning wltli the ' datej when the balances in the two books agree. The work will, be done by- the / ’. auditor, working in conjunction Witii/ the clerk of the school board and the township treasurer. I'lie auditor’s fco /-’ will not exceed $10.* By this method ’ / it will be possible to determine, t h e / amount of money, if any, the township owes the schools.

    By resolution the board wii! accept . , tlie insurance companies’ oiler to set- /. tie for tlie damage done tlie O cean ./ I Grove school house by lightning o e v - • eral weeks ago for $175. Repairs will. / he made immediately. / / ' / / - ’/ / I

    T rustee Clayton reported' tha t the ^ school lawn a t tho Prospect .avehue building was being badly used by boys . and young men, who had turned it in- .'•;• to a public playground. It was order- / ed th a t trespass signs be erected thereon. Keep off the grass. - / :! • //

    Bids for tbe winter’s supply , of coal *;•/ and wood for the township schools were-submitted- by. the .Consum er’s Coal andI Supply Co., and the George P ,/- ■ Farmer Coal .Co." The coiitract wm be equally divided between the two /firms. . \ Their price for egg/ stove or nut coal- was $Gi75 a ton. and $l!fi0 for pea coal/ ; : The Constlnier’s price for \yood w as/ / .$5 per cord in stove lengths, and $3.25 a load for split wood; that of the •/ Farm er Company $4.75 a cord in-.’-./J lengths, and split wood for .$2.75 a / half cord. • . • -



    . Testing the Acousficon L ast Sunday in the/A uditorium a

    test was! m ade•- of the Aeonsticon, an insjLru’nient -for- the., relief of the .partially -deaf. -,-AYires were run. from the'tq about : th e centre, of tlie house, where receivers were held by

    number, of persons. Considering the peculiarity of the preacher’s delivery .last Sunday the- test was not deemed . satisfactory. Another trial will bo given the instrunierit.

    G ro ie Furnished: Park W ith. WaterX supply of wafer Svas furnished by

    Ocea.ri Clrovb to Asbiiry Park last Saturday and Sunday. The Grove furnish: ed water a t tlio same time also. to. the East .Jersey' Coast W ater Company for the W est Grove and W est Park section:

    Money to l.onri ;Money to loan In'am ounts from $400

    to 53.000 on hon'd and mortgaga. E. N; Woolston, Real. E sta ta and Inaur- anoe Agen-'/'i.BO Main areaue, Ocoan

    N . . . . . . . .


    Tho Mossiah Saturday. N ighl The llrst of thu great oratorios, Han

    del's --.Mossiah.” will lie given this (Saturday) evening |n the Ocean Grovo Auditorium, according to announcement previously, made. ' Tho soloists will he Anlto Rio, soprano; Margaret Roche, 'contralto; Theodore'. Van Yorx, tenor, and Julian W alker; bass. It Is expected that the chorus will number between six and seven hundred voti-cs, arid the o rchestra; uoarly’ eighty players. The general admlssjun Is 3S cents. Reserved-seats ai-e.Sl, 75 and 50 cents. ■ ’’


    Chiliran‘3 Day at Templo Sunday SohaolTho Temple Sunday school will bold,

    Children’s day service In the Temple on- Sunday afternoon* August GUi, / a t 2.30 o'clock. Superintendent Jo- ; soph A. Hudson arid his corps of help- ; ers have been busiiy .engaged in .train-, ing tho children Cor this occasion; Tho

    .Templo oi’chestru, under the direction of Jam es C. Bradford, will discourse/; some flue music. There will bo solos, duots, recitations, violin and cornet, solos. • /• ' ■•••*' •’/ . -!

    A. Night in Fairyland—-Spleri.dldly; illustrated and described In ’ tlio Children's Festival number of The Now ---------- -It*


    . Young People’s Meetings a t 9 a. m.,• daily; Mr. Yatman, leader.

    Holiness Meeting daily nt 9 a. m. Sunday services in the Auditorium

    a t 10.30 amd 7.30.

    A ugust6 . The Messiah.6 . Missionary Sunday.

    'j’’ 7. Summer School of Theology, ten days, under' direction of Bishop F itzGerald.

    . 1 0 . Children’s Musical Festival, N ight in Fairyland.”

    12. Musical Carnival.13. School of: Theology Sunday.14. Services a t 8 p. m., to celebrate

    Mr. Y atm an’s twenty-fifth year ns leader of tho Young People’s Mootings.,

    17* Eli i ah.18. Evo of campmeeting; Sacra*.

    • merit of the Lord’s Supper. .19. Campmeeting, ten days.20. F irs t'S unday of camp; ser

    mons by Rev. Dr. Georgo P. Eckman.; 27. Second Sunday of camp. Sermons by Dr. Cook.

    . 28. Closing services of camp. Evening, Mrs. Osborne’s training school.

    30. Grand final musical jubilee.

    September.3. Services by Methodist Brother

    hood.10. Closing services In Auditorium.

    WITH OUR ADVERTISERSSuits made to order a t tho Ladies’

    Tailoring Establishment, 723 Cookman avenue, Asbury Park. Also clean-

    v ing, pressing, altering and repairing.

    Get it a t the' Linen Store. . Table and bed linen. Other things beside linens. Table and shelf oilcloth, table covers, couch covers, curtains, and general fixings for the house.

    • The French dry cleaning process is said to be the best. That, is, those

    r'fwho have.tried it prefer it to other .. methods. I t’s all a m atter of taste.

    This so rt of. work is done a t 30G Cookman avenue,-Asbury Park.

    J’-W ilson is dealing out cool, comfort ' in chunks these warm days. Who’s .Wilson? The lee man. How would you like to be the ice man? Tlie next

    . ’best:th ing to being the ice man is to toe one his numerous patrons.

    ■ T he’mercantile section of Asbury >P a rk .is now the commercial centre of

    Monmouth county. A train of circumstances has brought this about. The ;Asbury Park board of trade pledges the- public, that every effort will be

    ; made to maintain this position.

    H erbert Clark's Japanese bazar, 51S Cookman avenue, Asbury Park, is headquarters for Banro curtains. Need anything Uwt way? Or fancy candles, fans, parasols? Surprising how far a- dollar will go In buying goods of this description at Clark’s.

    Last week wo said Tashima & Co.’s Japanese a rt goods store was on Third avenue, near Kingsley street. This is a mistake. It should be Ivingsley street and Third avenue. Anyway, (It's the always busy store, and you’llhave no trouble In finding it or gettingjbargains.

    ''Been through the old mill yet?Don’t go home until you take thistrip. Visit the Gem theatre and see Rit- tl, the illusionist. Also, take In the K atzenjammer Kids, the Mechanical Doll and the German Lilliputians. Give the little folks the treat of their lives. These amusements will he found on

    . Ocean avenue. Asbury Park.

    Steinbach’s store is now open in the evenings. Important ' .special sales are being held there at this time of the year, and there are rare bargains

    , to ,h e picked up. Especially in shoes, hats , neckwear for men, women’s sh ir t waists, and numerous other things that, are not deemed desirable to carry over from one season to the n e x t . Everybody knows the Stelnbach

    : store—the largest dopnrtment store ou the Jersey coast..

    Health and Strengthtravel by the meat line. Rice eating nations and vegetarians generally may be healthy enough and live long enough, hut it takes meat to give real, lasting strength. That is, if the meat is nutritious and comes from, healthy

    !stock. Ivooklng for th a t sort? Look here nnd you'll seek no further. Our meats, thetr price, our care and prompt nnd courteous service , will .win your approval once you know them all.

    EDWARD J. KINGLLE0M Successor to E. K. H ill629 Cookman Ava., Aabury Park

    T o le p b o n o 7 3


    City Dairy1100 fourth Avenue

    W. Asbury Park C ER T IF IE D M ILK

    J u s t tho tiling for tho bullies Invn- litis o r sickly children thrive on it.

    HEAVYCREAMPuro nud fresh

    PR INT BUTTEREspecially for table use.

    I invito you to visit tho Dairy

    WALTER D. VAN SGHOIGKT o le p h o n o 170-J


    OF M O N T C L A IR , N E W J E R S E Y

    . A 8fg MusKoil Organization# - T he company that will present Isidore W itmark’s operatic comedy sue* 'cess, “The Chaperons,” a t the. Asbury P ark Casino P ier Theatre Monday and Tuesday evenings, August 7th and 8 th, is one of the biggest musical comedy organizations now touring the country. “The Chaperons" is now in its third year, and it has been’presented in nearly, every large city in the country, after having enjoyed one of th e most prosperous. runs In New York of any juusical piece over seen there. Tlie production this year is

    .new in every respect—new scenery, new costumes, new properties and Hew mechanical nnd electrical effects, and tho company Includes such well- known and popular comedians and comediennes as Madelyn Marshall, Ruth Lloyd, Doris Goodwin, Harry Ladell, John, Price, George Lvdecker, F. Frank Woolley and others.

    On Wednesday evening, August 9th, F ather Roche has arranged for his benefit of the Catholic Church at the Casino P ier Theatre. William A. Brady baa been selected as amusement directo r and ho has secured an excellent

    ; program. ■ _ _ _

    For Sale, 'A, 7-room cottage on Delaware ave

    nue, unfurnished; rents for ?19 a month? good tenant now in house; excellent repair; full size lot. Price,

    .$1,000; ?700 m ortage.can remain; bargain. E. N. Woolston, Real Estate, 50 Main avenuo, Ocean Grove, N. J.—tf.

    P ro p e rtie s F o r S a leWo have a largo list of desirable properties and lots for sale at bargains.-E. N. Woolston, Real Estate, 50 Vain avenue, 'Ocean Grove, N. J.

    A s b a r y P a rk B r a n c h :

    No. 721 Bangs AvenueW ln a o r B u ild in g

    T e le p h o ne i67»L

    F. F. D.Certified M ilk . Certified M ilk adjusted to prescriptions for in fan t feeding. M ilk , Cream , Certifed M ilk Kumyss.

    CorneliusHo. 624 Cookman Jlvenue

    jR sburp Park

    J e w e l e rand

    OpticianLatest Designs in Jewetrp and



    A firat-claaa touring-oar, with aareful rlrlvor, for rent at ' all hours pf day^or night. Trips to nearby resorts.

    A p p ly or tclephono to


    T E L E P H O N E 79 J; L. H E 8 8 E

    Perrine & JacksonD e o lo r a In

    M e a tsP o u lt r y

    F r o e h a t o o k F re w D o liv o r y .

    P r o m p t (S e r v ic e

    1 3 9 H e d k A v o n u aOar. WMtoaeia

    O ce a n G r o * N . J .

    New YorksBack 8 0 c .

    Atlantic Coast Electric Railway Co.

    A N D '

    The Patten LineVia Pleasure Bay ■

    Time Table ot June 14,1905WEEKDAYS.From New York, at Foot of .Bloomfield St., 3 blocks below W. 14tb St. —Leavo nt 8.00, 8.65, 11.00 a. m, and 2.40 p. m..Saturdays—S.00, 8.56 a. m„ 12.45 and 2.40 p . tn.Bnttory (near South Forry)—Leave atS.35, 9.20, 11.30 a. ES., aad 3.10 p. m. Saturdays—8.35, 9.20 a. m„ 1,15,3.10 p. in.Roturains? from Long Branch—Loavo Rockwell avenue 7.10 a. m„ 2.00, 3.30 nnd 5.00 p. m Measure Bay (trolley connection) 7.20 a, m.,.2.10. 3.40 and 5.10 p. m.

    SUNDAYS.From Now York at Foot of Bloomfield St, 3 blocks below W . 14th St. —Leave nt S.56, 9.20, 9.45 and 10.40a. m. •Battery (near South Forry)—Leave at9.20, 9.45, 10.10 and 11.10 a. m. Returning from Long Branch—Leave Rockwell avonue 4.15, 4.30 and 4.45 p. m. Pleasuro Bay (trolley coanec- tion) 4.25, 4.40 and 5.00 p. m.Take car which leaves Asbury Park not later than one hour ht'ore boat leaves Pleasuro Bay.Baggage carried free with passengersPure Manufactured



    108 Heck Avenue Ocean Qrove

    Deliveries Made dally. Twice onS atu rday

    Order by postal card5 p«e!al a tte n tio n t o th e sm a ll trad e

    this re a so n , w h ic h wilt be servad p ro m p tly .as h ereto fo re

    T eleph o n e U O -R

    Thatcher furnaces are designed to Sire the largest volume of wwm air for the smallest amount of coal la other words, tho greatest comfort and the least oost W h y ncrt let me talk over the furnace question with you.

    John H. Ryno Nos. 312-314 Bond Street

    A s b u r y Park, N.J. Up-to-Date Heating, Roofing a n d

    Metal Work

    Rarest and finest

    Japanese ArtConsisting of h ighest grade of

    Ivory C arv in g . fjlncM mood furniture, Bronzes, Camps of all Hinds, CcaKwood Standlets, and Rand-Painted Cbinaware.Besides, m any rarest specim ens pf antiquos

    ; Your inspection cordially invited. Daily sale 10 a. m., 3 and 8 p. m.Casbima $,Co.

    Kinflsky St. and Cbird jflwmie flsbury ParkPANDORA

    PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANTF rom 78 P a rk Lane, London, E n g land; is on u sh o rt visit hero anil will givo consultations daily a t her cottage 5 ia C ook m an A v e n u e , A sb n r y P a rk


    P i t m a n A v e . , O o e a n G r o v e }■ P l a n a a n d a p a d f l c a t i o a a d r a w n f o r all

    klaOm o t m o d e m w o o d , s t o n e o r b r/.ok b o l ld ls K a . F o r w oc ton& B ftfe tp a n d p rfo e e w l t t r e f e r t o a U f o r w h o m I h a v e 't o n e w o r k t o t h e O r o v o o r P a r k , B fff tw n te fl d b e e r t t i l y g t r e o .

    S h a m p o o in g a L u x 0 ot iiorTmALadies’ Hair Dressing Parlors

    5 3 8 Gookman AvenueSee our P a ten t R eversib le A ll H u m an H a ir Sw itches.

    No stem s, no cords. P aten ted Pom padour B ang— no lace, no net, no wire used in th e ir constuction. P aten ted W aves, W igs, etc.—-must be seen to be appreciated ; they are m arvels of convenience and beauty. O u r Sham pooing P arlors are the finest equipped and m ost up-to-date. All the la tes t patented appliances. ■ F ree exam ination of ha ir and scalp.

    JAMES Y. BORDEN & SON ,538 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey

    Aleo 1118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

    An Essential FeatureH ealth- and the enjoym ent

    of liv ing dem and proper bathin g facilities. In ru ra l distric ts the stream s in sum m er afforded the necessary ablutions, b u t as we are more crowded together the exercises and hea lth we used to enjoy cannot be rega ined w ithout the m odern use of the jbath ,

    Andrew T . Van CleveThe People’s Papular Plumber

    Ocean Qrove, New Jersey





    FRO M

    St. Louis World’s FairSales:

    10 A. M., 3 and 8 P. M, Your Inspection cordially Invited




    Hotels and Oottagee far Rent Mortgage


    M. C. Griffin Contractor and Builder

    Realdenoe, 06 Heck Ave. Ocean Grove

    . John N. Bnrtls Undertaker and Embalmer

    646 M a t t is o n A v q .A s b u r y P a r k , N a w J o r e e y

    Coffin© tad burial CMfcaU on head or (um btod t o o r d e r . W p s r ia l s O — tf o o

    t o f r a m t n a p io t tr r e a . T r i o r b o a s ML

    W . E . T a t x o r jl . D . O l a b x

    TAYLOR & CLARK Builders

    88 A b b o tt A v e n n e , or 91 M t . T a b o r W a y


    M A D A M E N.UQENT ,Clairvoyant, Palmist and

    Card ReaderL e t lt la C o tta g e , 108 B t . Jaaie< P la ta

    A a b u r y P a rk , N . J ,H o u r . , lO A , M . t o U P . M .

    Through Pullman Car Service to the Catskill and Adirondack Mountains, Sara

    toga, Lake George, Lake Mohonk•WCST--SHQRE —R A l LRO A D —

    Connections made In P anns jltan la Railroad S ta llon , J ir s o j City. In effaot June 28,1905.

    Summ er T im e Tab le

    3^ 3 3 7 3 6 1 - 3 7 . 1 3 3Loavo Point Ploasant..........." Ben G irt...............

    41 Bprlng Luke................. 11 Uelmiic.........................“ Asbury Pnrk..-............" North Asbury Park... " A U enliursl...................M Klberon...,....................“ W u atE n d.....................** Long UranoU...............

    8 00 nm 8 05 4>8 08**'8 12 ••8 20 44 8 22 44 8 21 44 8 28 44 8 81 44 8 85 “

    d 8 50aiu d8 59 '• d n 0 144 d 9 00 'i € 0 20 44 d t« n 44 a 9 25 41 dO 82 4’ d0 88*' dO 40 “ ■

    8 60 448 50 “9 03 44 0 09 44 9 20 44 0 22 44 9 2544 0 8J 449 8044 0 40“

    8 60am 8 60 440 03 449 09'*0 20 44 p a a 440 25 *•0 82 44 9 80 “9 40 “

    12 50 pm 12 68 “1 02 u 1 00“1 18“1 21 44 I 23 44 I 28 44 1 8 1 44 1 38 44

    12 60 pm 12 68 “1 02“1 08 44 . 1 18 44 1 f l 44 • 1 28 44 1 28 44 1 31 *'

    1 88 44

    d.3 10pm d 8 17 44 d 3 20 44 d 8 29 44 d 3 3544 d 3 8744 d 3 40“ d 3 4044 d8 GO44 4 3 66 “

    Jersey Oity, Peuna. H. R. ... (19 48 44 d ll 20 44 d ll 20“ dl2 50pm d a 3 5 44 d3 85 44 d 0 26 44Now York, F m nklln St. Sta. New Y o rk , W . 4'ld 8L «ta. A rrive Kingston, Union Sta

    9 40 “ . 10 00 44 *11 20“ 118 5 “2 05 pm

    d ll 20“ 11 45“2 25 pmU12 45 44

    1 00 4 8 80 44d 8 56 “ 8 40 44 6 16 44

    d 8 4544 4 0L 44 7 00 “• 1 20“

    0 19 “ . 9 05 “

    A r Now F ultz,Lake Mohonk d 3 25 44 3 25 44 4 50 “ 7 16“A rriv e Phoenicia,..................“ H unter.........................11 Tanners v id e ..............

    * Haines Corner*...-......Laurel H ouse Station 41 K uterskil!...................

    1 11 pm2 00 44 2 01 44 2 07“2 12“2 14 44

    •3 IB44 4 09 44 4 10 44 4 10 44 4 21 44 4.23 44

    4 W " G IB445 20“ 5 2044 5 81 44 5 38 44

    7 10 448 10 44 * fill**8 17 44 8 22“8 24 44

    A rrive P in e H i l l ...................44 G rand Hotel Station. M S ta m fo rd ...................“ Oneouto......................

    1 48 44 1 50“ a 5 5 44 8 62 44.

    8 53 444 00“5 07 44 8 20“

    5 05“ 5 13 “ fl 16“ 7 15 44

    7 69 “8 00 44 9 09 “ 10 IQ 44

    Arrive O ata k lll....................... 3 18pm d 7 61pm • 45 “ .A rrive South Cairo................

    41 Cairn ......... ................44 OUe Junction.............44 JPalenville...................

    3 55“ }4 25“ .4 14 -4 2 2 44 ■ J -

    k 8 42 44 0 00 4 0 01 44 9 09 “

    A rriv e Oils Sum m it...;....... >>oeX c *** ® •' I I S '

    c.ft*a,o g| 'E S 1=a v &u

    4 25 “ | 0 15 4iA rrive Laurol H ouse S ta.....

    44 H uines Corners.........4 TunaersvlKo ............4 38 “ I 4 48 44 4 50 “

    0 2544 0 8 144 0 40 44

    A rrive A lb a n y ....................... 4 2 0 44 •) 0 05 44A rrlvo Utica ..........................

    44 C la y to n ............... .......14 Saranac L ake.............. . M, Lako P lacid ................

    7 00“ Ii -

    1 25 am 7 80 “7 4C 44 *

    . 8 10 44A rrive Saratoga ...... :..........44 Lake G e o rg e ............44 Green Island ............

    44- Baldwin...............44 B lu ff P o in t.:.........’....

    ♦ 44 Plattsburg ...............14 M ontreal ...... .........

    0 05 44 1 7 .20 44 j0 0 0 '• ;10 00 44 ! 10 10“ j.

    12 43“

    4 S2 4 4 4 60 44 7 15 44

    A rrive Sym ouse ............... i...44 Kocb ester;..................4> Buffalo .......................44 N iagara Falls............44 S u s p e n s io n Bridge...

    . • 1 ..


    Y 2 80 44 • 4 42 44 0 85 44 8 43“8 6044


    ' Daily d Da ily except 8und*y k Saturday only Y Indicates arrival nnd departure from tbe New York Central Station

    C. K. LAM UEUT G .P . A., 7 K. 42 Street

    N o w Y o rk

    w. i r . w a l k e u D. V. A., prau il Coniral Uotel

    Aabury Park

    H. P .JAGOE O. E . P, A., 415 Broadway

    Now York

    A M D R E T U R NFrom 'eh icngo ,' via th e Chicago & N o rth -W este rn R y . , ! daily, to Septem ber 30. Choice o f routes via Om aha, j Cheyenne and G ranger,'v ia "St. Pau l and M inneapolis, through the m ountain scenery of Colorado and U tah, 1 through th e Labe McDonald Country or th e Canadian I Rockies, w ith tickets via C alifo rn iao rv ia Y ellow stone 1 •Park a t slight advance in ra tes. . • _ •!(Correspondingly lo v /ra te s from otherpoipts,"account 'i

    LEW IS AMD CLARK CENTENNIAL,A great opportunity to vi&itone of the e*tat«t grata and fruit taUloe countries, the largest fishing and lumbering industries, and some of J ’ , the moat aggTessivc, rich and growing cities in the world./] T he V e s t o f E very th in g .

    I F a l l p tt t lc o ta t* to te g a fd t o tb e eap o iltio n sa d ■ d e tc tip t lv c o l tb e Pacific N otthw cat te n t to A I any a d d te ta o n t e c t lp t o l tw o «*cent

    - . A ll a g c o ti s e l l t ick et* v ia tb U lin e .n. M. JOUMSOM, Oeneral Agent, .■* •C01 Cheiinul SL, PbU*-, 11 * "

    Belmar CasinoT hohab J . Mnnriiv, P ropriotor

    T h e m ost com plete es tab lishm ent of its k in d on the Jersey coast. Broad verandas. D irectly on S h a rk river, a t F ifth avenue and F street, w ith a tw enty m ile view of the ocean.

    Two Cafes, Casino, Ball Room, Private Dining Room. Evening Dinners, Orchestra

    B illiard aiid pool rooms, new how ling alleys— the finest , in the state , and shifffie-boards.

    Boating, Crabbing and Fishermen’s Suppliea


    THE ST. ELMO-William Jonoe , P roprio tor

    N o . 11 M a in A v e n u e , O c e a n G ro v e , N . J .D elig h tfu lly located on p rincipal thoroughfare.O pen all th e year. T erm s .$7 to $10 a week.

    S p e c ia l r a t e s -' sp ring , fall and w inter W rite for booklet

    25 A tla n tic A ve ., Oeeaa Qrove. Enlarged and Im proved; electric lights tn a ll'roo m e. One o f the

    prettiest and raoat com plete houses In tlie Grove* Reduced prices for June and September. * F. D. RoanoaAws.H IGHLAND HOUSE Hghtirin*ail^roonw!^ One o f 1

    N ortheast homer M ain and PennsylvaniaT . I . \ r \ /*"Y . I \ / f V * / g avonuns, Ocean Grove. Convenient to' beach,JL I i t / I .« V | V -/I poetofllco and the Auditoalum .; H o » e com*

    Form erly T he W altonP O L _________forts a t m oderate rnten. W rite for, term*.

    Mtt. find MlW. J. B. HHXRMAN.

    D irec tly f a c in g the Ocean f u l l O cean V iew from J i l l D oom s. S e n d for booklet. J o sep h W h it* , P rop .

    SUNSET LODGEu p anti Im proved, Tertaia on application.

    Fading Central and P itm an A vo*. and MoChntook street. Convenient to nil points o f interest. Hpu»e new ly fitted

    Mrs. J. B. owkbt.

    Seaside HotelO C E A N G R O V E , N . J .

    The Largest and Best Equipped Hotel on the Ocean Front. Thoroughly Modern.

    Booklet A . H . S t o c k t o n

    THE OCEAN WAVE11 arid IS E m bury avenue, Ocean Grove. NeAr a ll points o f Interest, O nly a few doom from tbe ooean and bathing pavilion. Rooms cool and table first-class. Plano. Bpaclous verandas, home comforts. Table board. Term* moderate. Opon M ay 16.

    Mrs. b . F. Jb h k i .nb.

    T H E W A Y E B L YW . n , a lo o c k

    O C 1 W N O R O J I B , N B J il J B R S S Y Open M ay to Ootober. Hituatod on Ocoan Pathw ay, near the beach. Improved and renovated throughout. P. O. Box J. lam g distance telephone.


    C o r . P i t m a n * in u C o n t r a ! A v e n u e s , O o e a n G r o v e , N . J .Tenth seasoa under the proprietorship of H enry W elsfenl. a flraUclabs bouse, oon*

    v eal eat to everything o f Interest In tbe Grove. For particular* apply to proprietor. r . O. BOX 212L

    THE NATIONAL & = . v 0pwpa yrâ■ easy accoss to oil places of in te re s t

    J .T ; ABBOTT, late o f the F ifth A venao H oUl, Mew Y ork olty.

    Ocean Grove’s Cargost and Best BetelU nder experienced m anagem ent. F ro n tin g on Thom pson

    P a rk and overlooking W esley lake. W ith in a few m inutes’ w alk of th e b a th in g g rounds and all points of in te rest in Ocean Grove an d A sbury P ark .

    O ne h undred and th ir ty rooms, sing le and en suite. F u ll inform ation m ay be had and rooms secured by addressing

    C h a r l e s W . F u e s s , Proprietor

    T H E B A L T I M O R ERow YoTk and Em bnry uvea.. F in ely located, near the Auditorium . Excellent table. Term* reasonable. Special rote* June and September. Open a ll the year. G. P. P/ldham , Prop.

    THE MORROW INN52 Main Avenue. Ocean Grove

    Near the beaohj A u d lto rtu m and n il po in ts o f in terest In tho Grovo. E xtensive ly Tm - pxoved, new ly rarn lsbed hbd refitted throughout. .L a rg * ,a iry roome. spaolouB d in in g h a ll.

    ; Th* M orrow In n wlJl be coaduotod ns a flrst-claas house. . M, R. E ju d lk y .

    THE STRATFORD .Main A v e nue, Ocean Grove, N. J, T hird housofrom the beach. F ifty roome. Good table. Reasonable. B o x 1165. A , w : L Y M A N .

    The Diamond State Ocean en d 1 o f E m bu ry avonuo Ocean Grove, Location unsurpoas ed; unobstructed v iew from ail rooms, on* m inute w a lk fromboaeh; spaolou* pUarafli elcotile llglite, etc. Fourteenth season. Open M ay SU to Oct. 1.*. A . E . H unter, Propriotor.BROADWAY HOUSE

    Tkrms reasonable.

    19.Broadway, Ocean: 0/*#ve. One block, from tba.oo\-on, facing lake, publle p lav- sroundB and tennis court. P . J; Bhfinborg, Proprietor.

    TH E LANGDON■ ' •. : M*. J. - Ho l t . '

    No. S Oooan A ven ue, Ocean Grove* N, J, B ox 2317. D irectly on the ocean front.- Modern in o il appoinU nvnU . J on e to Oe Vober.,

    THE MARLBOROUGHCornerBeavlow and Boach aveaaea, O etan Grove, New Jersey. F inely located one blook from ooean, near hot nnd eeld sea water baths. Open June 1 to Octobvr L. Fas partlon lan ap p ly to S xmtjbl D. L n 'p m o o rr , propriotor. BpeeUt ratee June and September.

    THE ALBATROSSW.H. T ow nbxnd .22and ClOtoan Pathw ay, Ocenn Grovo. South side, m idw ay between Beach and Auditorium

    THE LE VASSARreasonable rates.

    IQ W ebb avenue, Ocoan Grovo, JL J, Less than one block from ocean front and FU tchor la k e and two bloeka from bathing grounds H em e com forts at

    M as. B. U . GURSNwooD,

    BEACH AVENUE VILLAa t reduced rate* fos June and September

    Corner Beach avenuo and Olln street. oc« block from the ocean. Eloetrio lights; rooms

    -Mrs, M ;H a d le y , .

    LANE VILLA!th e d a y or, week a t reasonable rate s. Mrs. S. A.' M. La up, ICorner P ilgrim P a th w ay and Cookm an avenue. Ocean Grove, Delight*folly situated near lako andode___etn eonvonlenoee. Boarding byP. O. Box 2171. ; : .

    OCEAN GROVE HOTELSF irst- c lase B o a r d in g P e rm a n e n t o rT ro n s ie n t A lso T a b le Board.

    AvenueHouseM iss M . CRO SSET T

    ProprietorC or. H a it i and Beach Avenuesvr: r- v * ~ v w J c '&'X o e a cn a v c o u b bO C E A N G R O V E , N . a.

    M ain Avenue'

    AUDITORIUM SQUARE.Mil: OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEYH i House newly painted and thoroughly refitted , Private baths.

    Every convenience, Send for booklet, M , A. MILLARTELEPHONE CONNECTION

    T lie C o lo n ia l 16 M ain-avenue. C en trally located; w ith in one b lock o f the ocean. Con von lent to all points of Interest. . Term s moderate. M iss S. Fobt* r .Corner Ocean and A tla n tis avenues, Ooean G rove. N . J . D ttoetly on the bcaen. Exoellent table. E ighth season. Terms reasonable, .

    M bs. THS8. W h u t a m .

    r v - ■ TOO Weetey L a keT erra cePopular LakesideB o a ts fr ee t o gu estfl. C u ts ln e e x o e l le n t .W . I, M otto*.,

    and all points o f Interest. H ouse riowly fltied up. T ab le board |6. Bleptrio lights.

    THE LILLAGAARD D eligh tfu lly situated on A b b o tt Ave- nufc, with in 100 feet or hot h ath *, pa* v lllon and bathing grounds. In tbeGrove. Large, a iry roome. Flrst-clam ta ble ooolestai d m ost open port o f Ocean Fifleentb nwiion. Booklet. I. & D. O. HrnLKB.

    Open March 1st to Oct. v5thFirst-class in every particular

    Directly on ocean front. Broad Southern exposure All modern conveniences. Send for booklet.

    B B i^ G H V IE Wproved and fitted w ith electric lights/

    2t Bath Avenue, Ooean Grove, N. JV One eqnaro from the ooean. Oonvehlent to A udito rium and Roes' pavilion House lately lm-

    MUs B. L . SlITDALI.,

    T h e In «k ip Ocean Pathway, and Beach avenue. Ocean Grove, N . J. Ono blook from the A ad l-for Jun e and Bepteusber.

    torlum ,'bathing grounds and other pem ta o f Interest. E leventh season. Hpeclal ratesMns. H. F iTzaunxLD .

    MORAVIAN COTTAGE 20 Main A venue. Opoi Onand Auditorium. H om e comforts a t moderate rates. Ml*

    the year around. ___block from ocean, conven ien t to postoCBco A . T. Jonee and. Mra. a . Young.

    HOTEL CLARENDONperfect sanitary arrangem ents; cuisine unexcelled; address Mr*, w illia m Moran

    Pilgrim P athw ay and Audi-, torium Square. Two blocks from ocean, thoroughly renovated ; elootric llghtu and flrstcla ss flcrvlce.. F er particulars

    The Ocean V iew HotelEighteenth Beason

    Comer Central Avenue and BroadwayUnobstructed view o f ocoan arid lake. T ennis court* opposite th e house. Re&soriHble rates. Send for boekleL M. B. H E R IT A G E .

    P. O. Box 8104 L ate o f tb e Llllagaard.,

    The New PhiladelphiaOcean Pathway, Ooean Grove, N. J., first House from the Ocean

    ifrs . O. A . OOX, Owner and Proprietor ■SUPERIOR FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT

    l a the mriet beauUfril part o f the Grov*. - Unobstrueied view, of the ocean. Oon venient to all plaoee of Interest., Appolntm eota flretrclaes. Bloycle room., June to October.

    THE CENTENNIALOenlral location

    65 MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVETerm s reasonable

    M lfifl C. T . DAVIBflONP.; G. Box 2126

    T O N A K V IL L A frl Heck Avenue, Ocean Grove. Now i l l * ~Jersey. Centrallocatlon. Convenient to beach and a ll points of Interest. Ratos, *7 to 110 a week.Moa. W . T. H il t ., ProprietorTHE ELL WOOD

    Corner P ilgrim Pathway and Mount Hermon tFav. Conveniently located near Audltor- Inm.poetomoe and beech. House thoroughly renovatedaud Improved, ttxcollenf service, a t moderate ratee; H i m R . W ood.

    TH E N EW ARBORTON1 Sea V iew avenue. Kopt by Frim ds. H a lf block from Ochan, near hot and cold baths and bathing groanda. Enlarged aud refurnished. Bp*otal rates June and- September.: For particulars address, S k jruA ii BoKrew. -

    THE DE WITT HOUSEWorm, sonny rooms. HomscomforU.

    No. 88 Atlantlo avenri*. Ocean Grove. Second b lo ck -front, tbe eobau. Open a ll the year..

    ; O, C. Du VFirr,

    HOTEL ORMOND Oorner of Beach and P itm an avenues, one block from ocean, near pavilions and bathing grounds. Oonvenlrnt toHouse ibpronghly renovated and refurbIsbedi For torauaddress M . B. F o lm xm ub .Auditorium and a ll points af lntcroaL i. F o i


    Bounded by Beach and Pitman avenues and kloClluloek street, In Art,t block from ocean.' Hotel thoroaghiy renovated-und refitted; •h’U parlor and steam heat, electrlo lights and bells, spaolons grounds, plenty of shade, cozy and homelike. BookJeL :

    ^ • E . N , PuknTin, Proprietor.

    28th Season Gpposlto Thompson Park.GROVE HALLB. A . Ireland, Proprietor. Now open P. O. Box 8169.

    Santurello(Coiffeur de Paris)

    574Cookman Avenue


    .I.dealro to inform you thnt my hair coloring, Mixture Vogetale, can bo used In whatover condition, the hair may. bo. It will restore gray, bleached ' or faded hair to any desired shade, In every caso producing a beau tifu l,: natural shade, guaranteed not to 'tu rn tho hair green, or yellow, porfectly . harm less and very easy to apply. One application alone leaves the. hair soft and glossy. I t does not rub olf. or sta in the scalp. ; ' . -. ;

    THE PRICE IS JJ.50 A BOTTLE. 'Please take noto that I m anufacturo tho coloring personally, and h ar

    ing constant experience In the coloring business In my parlors, I have attained results hitherto unattalhed by any coloring.

    When ordering send sample of hair and afterw ards record the number on as I make twenty different shades and will always .be ready.:, to glvo advice In cases where the hair has been ruined by o ther dyes. . ,

    -My special preparation to dye eyebrows: and lashes Is very lasting and : guaranteed harm less. . PRICE ■ $2.00. -Directions for use Bent with oaeh bottle. '• '-!• Mi:.'.- ■' ■

    I also carry an extensive Hno of hair goodB which In quality and workmanship can no t bo surpassed. , 1

    I have separate parlors for applying and rectifying- hair coloring, r.0 artlflcial light being used.

    Guaranteed or money refunded.. M a r c e l W a v i n g , S h a m p o o in g , M a n i c u r l n g f F n c ia l M a s s a g e , etc.

    G u a r a n t e e d o r m o n e y r e fu n d e d . v v -

    Sexton's New Fire-Proof and Boarding Stables

    4 0 5 M u n r o o A v a n u e , A s b u r y P a r k , N . J .

    Sanitary Arrangements PerfectF irst-c lass accom modations for private horses and carri-?

    ages. A ll ou r carriages are up-to-date and have ru bber tires. Closed carriages for receptions, vveddings aiid fu n e ra ls , '

    I f you: w ant a stric tly first-class tu rn -ou t you can g e t . i t , from us. T elephone 219. ' * M. B. S kxTON. -

    * ■/ I ' . . -

    Jin excellent Place to pine


    Special luncheon bill front x i to 7 4Special d inner bill from 7,30 to xx O rchestra , Special tables fo r" ;

    HERRY=GO=ROUND ; FERRIS W H E E LC e n t e r o f A t t r a c t i o n f o r C h i ld r e n D o n o t m is s t h e b e a u t i f u l v i e w ,

    a n d G r o w n P e o p le ‘ A b s o l u t e ly s a f e . .in A s b u r y Park V i s i t t h e M y s t e r io u s M a z e . )

    M u sic and R e fre sh m e n t B o o th s M a rve lo u s, E n c h a n tin g A ttr a c t io n s


    N. H . K IL M E RProprietor

    3 and 5 P itm an A venue, O cean Grove, New

    Cozy sun parlors. H o t and cold w ater baths, Cool room s and com fortable accom m odations for sum m er guests , perm a-' v- nent, and tran s ien t. O pen all the year ■ -

    UN ITED STATES HOTELM ain Avenue, Oooan Grove, N. J. One block from the oc«ld) Eloctrle ll/fbta In a ll rooau,:;- Gpeo June 24 to Buptember 16. For term* addr«*fl prdprletora. EL V, anft A. L. Wa l d o u , ‘

    THE LE CHEVAL IERCorner W ebb and Central avenues, Ocean Grove. .

    Oentrally located. Co'nvenlent to beach, postofflee and Auditorium. Accommodation* fat 125gue*t*. Term* moderate. . ; , Addreft* . H . H . MAkwriLXJiAtO.

    OLIVE HOUSE Coruor of Heck nnd Beaah a v a W ; Ono abort block from the oc ean. Oou-luuo, Hume comfort* at mod Mate rate*.

    von tent to all placf» ef intereat, in*: eluding beach, postofilce and Auditor- ̂

    Mr*. M. B. Bohwftrt*.

    HOTEL GRAND Oofcu n Avenue, OeeanGrove. One hundriyt,'. faet fro nurf, SenasCharles ItpM, Proprietor

    T h e M a je s t icCLBMMt * CLXMUMT

    On the beaoh front, corner Octan Pathway, Modern equipment. Elevator.:

    THE LAWRENCE ?No, 28 M a la avenue. Most dM lm ble; on no In Ooean Gror#>. One and a Inilffet blocks from th* ocean, prormnada oiVqih'V fishing pier. Converiteni to Audltorfo

  • gtl? THE OCK AN -ot?* IE TIMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1905."If; OCEAN GROVE TIMESf&S-:->- •• • ;■•, 6. . N..

    J.E . QUINN,' EditorW O O L B T O N B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r

    si :p Ub u s h c o e v s r y S a t u r d a y ,

    4 8 . M A IN A V C hlU E , O C E A N G RO VE

    Dntercd a t tiie postofllce a t Ocean Grove, • ’,, N. J., as second-class matter;

    |P j -

    * / • TO.-0 OllKKSI'DNl>EXTS - We shall bo /•^lad;tQ roceivi* item* of news nnd eoiri- / / rnuiiieatlons on sub.jects of inrei-ost;. to ■ th is cbtthviiiriUy. Write only .on one sUlo /■’o f thO Bheel;. " •

    /'toT ho fnU. inuno and address 7 of tho ■. -Writer eh pit Id .accompany nil eommnnl- *v cotiohe, not jiceessavy ■; fov-.- publication, /;-.t»ut nan gimrantoo of Rood faith. Anony- ,to roouB lettorawill not ha noticed. '

    !^g;to -

    ■ ■;, V-:;' S U B S C R IP T IO N ' -RATE.-,.On e year; ....... . . . j. .'........,51.00

    ,‘ 81x m onths ................... 60•• / T h ree -months ............................. 35

    S ingle rnjdptr. 3 penta.

    gv;.; S^CJRDAY, AUGUST 5, 1905.'

    f epfe®

    .., AVant to lioar a musical treat? Go : to tbo orator|o of th e . Messiah this

    (Saturday) evening.

    iKSss Irt the Association office may be found a register wherein visitors can place their names. There arc many who have availed themselves of tlila opportunity already.


    y . ' Tho officials of the N. E. A. conven- g .tlo n bureau are anxious to 's e ttle all . Accounts. I f you-are in the bureau’s / { debt, no matter, how small /the amount, /. you are. ashed to pay up promptly; Ev- //eryfiittle helps. -

    gtoAThe old guard of Ocean Grove is A fast disappearing. Rev, Henry M. //{Brown is the latest to join- his breth* ;|^ reh .'b f'the Association in the Eternal ^i/city.. Rev! Mr, Brown's death oectir- yV ed last Sunday a t his home In Cran- liv^bury, He w as well known here.

    ^ ^ - p g y e c e n t rains, and there are other need attention. -During

    % -'tbb'isumme.r. it. is impossible to pro-.cried \vlth stree t work owing"to a eom-

    $ 0 $ bination o i .-.conflicting circumstances,; however, '■ the improve*'

    |vrto':/ m ent of tho streets, which was inter- | l 8 ¥ ' :^!llI)t®d eaHy. jri’June, will. be resumed ig ! \ ' {and. carrier forward to completion -be- jgV-'g.- fore cold 'weather - sets in. • •.

    phase of hotel work has come a t Asbury Park with the an-

    ^^f>/toriotndement that the Morrow Inn, at avenue, conducted by Mrs.

    ^ ^ i | ^ ! p m ;bley/Js conducted solely for the IpIJgi'benefltof?' tlie Evangel i cal ■ , Lu th e ran fe ^ ig G b ’ureh pf the Atonement - of th a t city.

    c^4 -AIl; th e - profits are turned over to thetochurch for i ts ra a i 11 ten an ce.—Jou r n al,.Matawan,

    /A ndagain A sbury Park g e ts ' credit, for something th a t does not belong to

    ^ y y h e r . - M o r r o w - In n is an Ocean Grove^ p ^ h o t e l . ; In other respects the above Item toi'/to-tois correct. The hotel, is being con*. y V - d u c te d solely for the benefit of. the ItfeSchurch as. stated.- But, make no mls- {?■ l / ta lc e , i t Is an Ocean Grove InstJtu-

    ’ tlon. Ask Assistant Prosecutor Stokes■ft be ever heard of an Asbury Park•'hotel being run for the benefit of a


    l-y jT he-F reehold Transcript’ In liberalgl'stototoTan'guage speaks of the wholesale traf- g f f t f in /o fT lq u o r in Asbury Park and adds |||fE th a t to " n o t :a few :of the hotel keepers P ^ e y e n / l n Ocean Grove are .doing;.' the.

    thing,” 'under the- “protection” ^ p /O fA a .g o v e rn m e n t - tax.: i t 'is a trite fep ^riay ln g ; that one needs to go away P ^ to tro m v h o m e to learn the .news. We g ?JfS w 6 ttTd be glad, if the .Transcript will «•'! v . furnish the names of the Ocean Grove ^ ; V , hotels .that sell liquor, or th e names

    any that have a government tax. '4 ^ ‘ .)’W o t a few” means many.i l

    Therefor©,, ing t th e Transcript “many"

    -c th) lotels In the Grove are selling ’ ;1 Iqu0 ■ 1 ador a government tax. We_ .Hquor

    )/'* . hellevo the T ranscript ltnoivs1” , -what i t j» talking about. Our friend

    'M oreau .has had a dream or has heardnomeonc shouting through hls .cha-

    S |M , p .' Wo challenge the TranscriptK /ip ts > :iiam e-the hotels in Ocean Grove a t to V L 1 quor may - he purchased. If

    th e re Is a single hotel in -the Grove* selling liquor wo do not know of it,Sm s o? -S s ' \nnil we think, we know Ocean Grovemm’p re tty well. A year or so ago a wordy^ p ^ /p r e a c h e r riiad0 ; sonie such -remark as f, ; tho Transcript’s, in reference to k . ‘ , liquor selling in tlie Grovd, An tnveat • t t t i 1 made. This preacher'

    1 census Allenhurst has gained a. population of 82 since 1900; The present population b 247.

    ' . .A bottle of cleaning fltlid exploded In the .tailor, shop of M, Rptb'stein at Long Branch on Wednesday, setting fire to the building. The tailor and his wife both received bad burns.

    ,-•/• .-.Lester, the;' severi-year-pld-sonof Mrs, E vere tt Newman, of -the Highlands,rgot: hold of a bottle of laudanum recently and, .d ra n k a quantity .o f it; The child’s life was saved, - by- the prompt action of a physician;

    . .The $25,000 worth of bonds, ordett ed Issued a t Highlands, fo r.the con-! struction of a water and electric lighting plant, has* been bought by; H, K. Stokes, a orother of Governor Stokes. H e paid a premium of 1 per cent. •

    ..W hile gathering hay a few- days ago,, Alfreds D. Walling, o f ' near Keyport noticed a bees’ nest. He se t fire to i t and everything being so dry the flames got beyond bis control and about two tons of hay was destroyed.'

    ..W illiam B. LIppincott and James. Campbell, members of Jam es B. Morris Post, No. IC; G. A. R., Long Branch, have been honored by the State Department, G. A. R. They have been appointed; Aid and Inspector, respectively. , • • Y -

    . ...Lewis K ahne,-proprietor of >the Derby House,- Highlands, is nursing' a poisoned: finger as a result of being bitten by a mosquito recently. The Whole hand became so swollen and sore tha t it was necessary to lance and poultice the finger to give relief.

    /.S ta te Fish and Game Warden Foulks has notified the superintendent of the Higlitstown Rug Factory that he m ust take steps a t once to prevent any further pollution of the stream that runs through the town, by allowing dye-stuff from their factory to flow into the Bame. The penalty, for polluting a stream I s ’$200 arid the’ cost of prosecution.

    ..A m ong the Bennington sailors who were injured in the boiler explosion a t San Diego, C at, recently, was W, H. Turpin, of Long Branch. Turpin, according to tuapatches, owes bis life to jumping overboard. A coincidence is that Turpin was blown up with the battleship Maine in Havana'' harbor in 1898 and so seriously injured that he was unable to speak intelligently fo r's ix months.

    ThB W e it M instre lsW. W est and his. big minstrel com

    pany will romp and revel on the.stage of the; Casino Thursday, August 12, giving, accofding to all accounts,-the best all ’round black-face minstrel entertainm ent ever provided. The opening iiiart is in two, scenes, the first a correct reproduction ’o f “ye old-time minstrels,” with Sambo, Bones and Tambo on tbe end chairs, providing a rare combination of “darky” and old- time dances, songs and comicalities, followed in turn by a transformation to a handsome and picturesque modern opening part, the color scheme of which is In blue, ivory and gold, with every member of the company in evening dress arid black face.: Music will be a prominent feature of this first part, and th j best singers, available are with • this m instrel1 aggregation! ', .', ; , ' %;;to

    The second part will disclose scenes typfcal of negro life, from old-time slavery days to tho present day "dandy” coori. This In itself will be a novelty to the younger generation, as; it w ill show the negro in the field; the plantation quarters, and the negro log cabin.

    T h a G irl From K a j’s. The gay, English farcical comedy with music, “The Girl From Kay’s,” ■which will be presented, a t the Asbury Park Casino Pier Theatre, Thursday arid Friday evenings, August 10tb and l l t l i, is said to appeal to. all of one’s facujtles. To those with a sense of humor, there is delight in .the bright lines! If they/have , ri love of music, the tunefulness of t b o , songs will greatly please th em .. This comedy has the distinction of being on new lines. While it is English in location, it has about It a snap of hreeziness that may lie regarded as quite, up to date/ from the American or {Yankee viewpoint. W ith Its entire season’s run m New York City, its m erit was firmly established and the patronage which has been drawn to It. has been the largest of any similar traveling organization’tb a t has toured the: country duing the present season. In Chicago alone the' IUlriois Theatre was packed to its capacity at every performance, and it duplicated this in Boston,. where , it had a four months' run a t the Hollis S treet Theatre.

    Freeho ld1* Population H is Increasad, Tlio population of the town of Freehold has increased 130 since the cen-, sus enumeration of 1900, according to the new census' bulletin ' ju st issued from the Secretary of S tate’s office.; It now has a population of 3,064. These figures are confined to the territory within tho limits of . the town, and-do not include those persons who reside in the suburb settlements,

    A T

    OCEAN GROVE’U M any barg-ains in Cottages, Boarding H ouses and L ots fo r sale. A good invest-- m en t fo r an y one. •

    W e place m oney on g ilt edge first bond and m ortgage, pay ing 5 and 6 per cent.

    W e x-.epresent the best fire insurance .com panies in existence^

    E . IN. W o o ls to n(Seal E s t a t e

    50 Main Ave., Ocears GroveT e l e p h o n e 3 9 9 - J .

    G o m m l s s l o n e r o f D e e d s .N o t a r y P u b l i c ,

    i l c k n o i v l q d ^ m a h t a t a k e n f o r n i l S t a t e s .

    The Ocean Grove Auditorium

    Firemen's Night

    L ife M o t io n P ic tu re sB y tbe A m erican V itag raph Com pany. Cenex .1 adm ission 15c. R eserved seats 25c. R eserved seats on sale a t W ool- ston ’s rea l estate office, 50 M ain avenue, T hursday , A ugust 31, and F rid ay , Septem ber 1, aud at th e A uditorium on the day of tbe en terta inm ent, S eptem ber 2.

    Association Bisildinf?, Main Avo., Ocean Grove

    Capital, $25,000 Surplus. $5,000

    W illia m H . H am ilto n N ath a n J . T aylo rP r e s id e n t V ic e P re s id e n t

    T . A. M il l e r , Cashier

    John IIoifiiiABr . Stephen D; Wooi.ley .T.'-KbUPH LtttAGOUK TAOT.M/.N A. Millss

    BOARD OF DIRECTORS W illiam H. Hamilton N atiian J. T aylor W illiam M oran W. K. Biiadnkr

    C a l v in V . H n a u s v J a cob S t iih s T iio m a b W y n c o o p

    Transacts a genera! banking business, issues letters 01 credit available In the. principal cities of the world. Collections carefully made and promptly remitted

    H; 0. Winsor, Viesident E. E. Dayton, CashierC. O. Clayton, Vice President J esss Minot, Asst. Oaabiev

    Asbury Park $ Ocean Grove BankOrganized January,’ 1889

    Capital, Surplus and Profile -


    $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

    Mattlson Avenue and Main Street, Asbury Park M a in A v e n u e a n d P i l g r i m P a t h w a y , O o e a n O r o v e

    Trausacta a general banking business, issueB foreign and domestic drafts. Prompt attention given to all matters entrusted to us. Your patronage solicited.Collections made and promptly acknowledgedSafe deposit boxes to rent.

    Directors: .I. S. Ferguson, 0. C. Clayton, A. E. Ballard, George WVTreat, jiohn Hubbard, Henry C. Winsor, T. Frank Appleby, AmoB Tilton.C ap ital $50,000

    O rgan ized F e b ru a ry a 8 , S9O3S u rp lu s $5 0 ,0 0 0

    Seacoast n a tio n a l Sankof the c ity of Asbury Park, N . J,

    BOARD OP DIRECTORS Prank B. Conover. Janies P. Ackerman Henry Stetnbacb

    Clarence S. Steiner James Mi'RalstonM . L Bammao

    M A R T IN H. S C O T T , C a sh ie r

    Transacts a general banking business and ; offers every facility consistent with safe/methods


    i l l

    Y h e o c e a n g ir o v e t im e sSSfS i w p i

    '■{ Tonight tho Messiah.' Two weeks more, then campmeetlng. - ■

    Firem en’s n ig h t,. Saturday, Soptem- her 2 . V ''’ ■

    Children's concert next Thursday evening.

    Cottage prayer meetings are still being held In the Grove, . . . . . .

    Mrs. F . B. Sellmar and oon, of.Al- bany, are at the LeChevalter.

    B. K. Cobover, wife .- and children, from Paterson, a re patronizing'the Al-, b a tro ss .' *

    . Jvi; C. ’ Fowler, wife and four daughters, from Washington, are Marlbor-

    . ough guests . 1 : > : . / / V• Grovo Hall Is entertaining among

    , many others Mrs. William L. Ely, of . Cincinnati.

    : (Miss M artha H. Carton < and; Miss M ary.Geary arc popular guests a t the Ocean View. ’

    'Mrs. Frank Vreeland and daughter Eleanor,: of Paterson, are staying a t th e Ivy House.

    Dr. G. w r A. Lyon and wife, from Philadelphia, are being entertained at th e Lawrence.

    Miss Lulu P. W hlnna, who has been 111 a t the Colonial for about two weolrs,Is slowly recovering.

    Mrs! A.' F . : Alexander, of Philadelphia, ' -has re tu rned" 'to tho Atlantic House for an indefinite stay.

    .The American Vltagraph Company will .furnish moving p ic tu res: for firemen's night, Saturday, September 2.

    John W. Ogden, of Philadelphia, Is here.and will stay at the Chester dur-

    : ing his vacation Visit to the shore,Delaney R. Moore, of. Smyrna,. Del,,

    Is the guest 'of,his. uncle, and aunt, Mr. and .Mrs. J. E. Quinn, of Abbott avenue.

    Dr. A. Beatty, a well-known Jersey City dentist, has brought his family to Sunset Lodge tri spend the month of August.

    Routine business and the passage of monthly hills occupied the session of th e township committee o n 'T u esday evening.

    The Misses Louise and Mary Deane,. from New York, are enjoying the 'pleasures, of seashore life.. They are a t the St. Elmo.

    'Mr. and Mrs. 'William. B. Flunk, w ith Mrs. D. H. Erdman, ot Allentown, registered a t the Clarendon

    : early In tho week,. .," -Mrs.'. W heeler Hlnsdell, of Now ^ fo rk , and Mrs. C. E. Rochat, of Jcr-

    sey City,- are sharing the comforts of the Diamond State.

    Mrs. George Gelsrelter and children, from Port Chester, N. Y,, have roomB a t the Hotel Grand. This hotel Is having Its best season.

    Dr. C. L. Hickman and family are. spending some weeks iri the Grove. The doctor enjoys, a large practice in dentistry a t St. Louts.

    Charles Thompson, the father of Mrs. H. A. W alton, Is visiting, the la tte r fo r several weeks. Mr. Thompson’s home is In Hightstown.

    Numbered among the Seaside’s •many patrons are Russell nnd Chester H artran tt. Just arrived from Jersey City for an Indefinite stay.

    -Ten. days were spent a t the New Philadelphia b y ’Mr. and. Mrs. .Frederick N, Betz, of Newark, who came to the Grove on their bridal tour.

    Jacob Howell, of Broadway,, has been'added to the surrimer, force, of Ocean Grove letter carriers. Jake Is an efficient servitor of Uncle Sam., .

    iMIss Fannlo Natt, of Vineland, Is spending several weeks with her cousins, tho Misses Minnie and Non- nlo Wllfong, qf 10 Embury ayenue.

    V (Mr. arid Mrs. Marshall E. Johnson, o t Denver, Col., have arrived a t the Lillagaard. They are accompanied by Mra. L. E. Kemp, of the same city.

    At tho United States there aro many now patrpns. Included among these are William, F. Webb and P. J . Downey, .of New York, who came Tuesday.■ Among Baltlinoreans who yearly- frequent the Arlington are Mrs; Georgie G. H unt nnd Miss Alice Teresa Owens, now a t that well-known, hotel.

    Dr. George M cEachren, a. New York dentist. Is-passing a week or ton days at the Sheldon, where his family have been staying since early In the sum-

    ■mer.-.. . ■ _

    Bishop Henry Spellmeyer, oratqr a t the ,unveiling of the Stokes monument here on Monday, was entertained at the-.Queen during h is visit to Ocean. Grove. . j

    .-;Ml .b Ifeiue-udiiagher, of Elkton, .MU., has been-the guest of Miss Lou- oll Goodnow, of Heck avenue. Miss Goodnow. expects to return the v isit in -the fall. ■■■'.■’ « -

    The remaining rem nant of Prof.■ Sweonoy’s old oliolr, about twenty In number, spent tho day Tuesday a t Point Pleasant, holding a picnic at Clark's landing.

    W. J. Troutman, wife arid child, with Mrej. Georgo Al Troutman, of Butler, Pa., registered a t the. Centennial during the week rind wlll'spend a

    .{fortnight here.

    G. W. Vette,. of 'New York, Is spend-, lag -h is . vacation In Ocean ..Grove at the Ocean Wave. A t tho same house and from tho same city aro H. A Moodto and family.

    ,’R. L. Mricnabt)/ . manager for the;Columbia Phonograph Company. In Trenton, Is spending his vacation a t the Sheldon.Hotel,: where his wife Is-a guest for tho entire seasdn.

    Dr. George K. Reed, wife and son. w ho,are at the -Spray View,, have just returned from a trip abroad. Their hoine Is In Philadelphia, where they have apartm ents a t the Gladstone,. A cottage ;prayer meeting will lie held today (Saturday) a t the.hom o of Mrs. Allendorf, 89 ,Mt. Tabor Way.Sim ilar meetings have been' held dally during, the week a t different houses.

    'William H. W hitney has brought his family to the W averly for tho remainder of the season. Mr. W hitney Is a traveling salesman for a New York house and resides in Mt. Vernon..

    A. Irving Scott, ot G Pitman-avenue,Is hoine from q visit to Nova , Scotia.Ho was accompanied cn his trip by William Buckshaum,. of Newark, who came to the Grove for a -short stay. :

    : Frederick Edwards, professor of civil engineering ' In Union . College,Schenectady,- N. Y,, Is resting a t 'th e 'New Philadelphia. -He Intends staying- here until school reopens In the fall. . . vf'.' iMr. arid Ml's.B. B, Burns, of Bristol,Tenn.;. Arnold E. RichtGr, W* Sullivan, of New: York; C. E. Spencer,, of Brooklyn, and C. W. Leltzell, of Johnstown,N. Y.; are among new patrons of the Ormond.

    Robert F. Thompson and {wife, from W ashington are Langdon patrons for a.fortn ight. Mr. Thompson is his- trlpgrapher In the Indian office at Washington, a position he has held for over th irty years,.

    'Mrs,-A. W. Wilson, who spent -a V-shrlners* w ere entertained atmonth or six w e e k s 'a t "Urb'ana, Ohio, 1 Ocean Hotel In Asbury Park,has returned to her. home la the Grove ;.on Heck avenuo. During'M rs, Wilson’s i . { ~ , " T ~ ,visit to Urbana that city celebrated Its ’ WH1TF I FlfiHF tFFtft i l l )centennial anniversary. . i WnilC LCAOUC otCKo fillf

    . New patrons a t the Colonial m- s ttta Camp for GonsumplWes la lo Ba Eslib-elude Mrs./William A, Megrath, Bryan / ■ *. . . . ... v «Megrathj Nellie Goodlde Megratlv, o f i , . 113080 m RAW Jersey


    Distinguished V is itors Grace the F e s t il Board at Neptune Heights

    On Thursday .evening at Neptuno Heights a complimentary banquet was tendered Illustrious Potentate George W. Weldenmeyer, Recorder George C. Ward, Nobie Joseph E. Seder ami Noble Edward Quinn, of Salaam Temple, Newark, by a number of Ocean Grovo members' of the Masonic fraternity , who were recently admitted as Shrlners to the Newark body and who receive special courtesies from the gentlemen named. The hosts'were Nobles W. H, Hamilton, H- G. Shreve, A. T. Van Cleve, E. N. Woolston, George F. Rainear, J. ,C. Patterson, W alter Clayton, of Ocean Grove, and W alcott Newman, of Belmar. The banquet was served In Scotty's best style.

    When . cigars were lighted and speeches werc ln order illustrious: Potentate. Weldenmeyer gave a brief hut h ighly ' Interesting outline of his recent four-months’ trip 'abroad, A number of .others spoke.

    After th e . banquet the Ocean'. Grove Shrine. Club'. w as formed, the • Illustrious potentate acting -as' temporary chairman. These officers were chosen;

    -President—George F. Rainear.Vico President—W alter Clayton.Secretary—E. N. Woolston,Treasurer—W. II. Hamilton.Trustees—J. C. Patterson for three

    years; H. G. Shreve for two years; A. T. Van Cleve for one year. - *

    ■The club will moet. next - Monday evening in the Stokes engine houso to

    ! perfect organization,. The visitingthe

    Flatbush, L. I.; Mrs. U. B. Crane, Miss Crane, of Plainfield, and -Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wetyel, of New York City.

    Mr. and Mrs. H. R, Voorhis, Miss Nellie Voprhls, Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Voorhls', of River Edge, N. J.; W.- S. Kennedy, wife and child, of Paterson, and F rank W. Stucky, of Newark, are among arrivals this week a t Morrow Inn.

    Adolph and George Ruger, profesr slonal m enfrom Brooklyn, are located a t the Aurora during their visit to the Grove. Another lawyer staying a t the Aurora Is Rush J. Thompson, of Du- shore, Pa. Mrs. Thompson Is with him. j

    On the beach near Llliagore's p a - ; vlllon W ednesday afternoon Mrs. M .} F. Taylor, a summer resident of the ; Grove from Rochester, N. Y., was stricken with apoplexy. She was removed to her home a t 12 Webb avenue,.

    Rev. Dr. Charles L. Goodell, pastor of Calvary M. E, Church, of New York City, was the. guest of , Alfred Scott, of Pitm an -avenue, the la tter p art of last week. Mr. Scott and family are numbered among Dr. GoodeU's parishioners.

    Rev. J. Jones, wife and son have come all the way from Dell . Rapids, South Dakota, to pass a few weeks by the soijndlng sea. They aro quartered a t the hospitable Osborne House and Proprietor W elsford Is, taking good care of them.

    A postal received from the Todds, of Abbott, avenue,, says . th ey , spent somo tim e last week a t and near Tacoma, W ashington. As told tn this paper some weeks ago they are touring tho W est. All are well and having the time of their Uvea.: .

    •Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Baker, of York, Pa.,{ who are .staying a t the Lyford, are accompanied to th a t house by Miss Nellie V. Welsh, M, W. Bahn and wife, Mrs. M. Elliott, Mrs. George'! Llehtenberger - and Miss. Monica L. Miller, all from the same city. '

    -Rev. Robert. Forbes, who had part in the Auditorium services last Sunday and who was heard a t St, Paul's church In the m|d-week service Wednesday. evening,..was a g u e s t 'a t the National. He .returned to his home In Philadelphia on Thursday. ' •

    Mrs, C. Chester and Miss Cora McWilliams, of Shamokln, P a .; ' Miss Mary R. Downjng, Mrs. Henry D. Downing, of Wilmington, Del.; Rev. D. Halleron', Mrs. Halleron and two daughters, of -Newark, registered a t the New Arborton on Tuesday.

    N. A. Harvey, Clara L. Klric, Mrs. and Miss T^nwresey, of Philadelphia: M rs.’E. B. Tripp, of Poughkeepsie; Miss B. DeWlIde, Andrew DeWllde, Mrs. A. M. Morrow, of New York, and Miss Mary C. Sldelman, of Overbrooli, Pa., have registered a t - tho cozy Ellwood during the week. -

    At tho popular Lakeside are, among many others, Grace B. BonneV Susie R. Borinel, of Newark; Alice,.McDav- It; E lsie A. Halner, of Irvington; Godfrey Moore, Jr., of Montclair; Amy E. Roberts, of New York; W. C. Bingham rind wife, pf Millville; Mrs. S. Demarest and daughter, Charles ' E. Bogart and family, of Westwood, N. J . . .V / - ' -''Re,v. C. S. Woodruff, of the Newark

    conference, stationed In Bloomfield, spent the week a t Bancroft R est Home on Cookman avonue. He was accompanied io the Grovo by his wife. Mrs, May Leonard Woodruff, who took an active part In 'th o proceedings of tho Wdman'ri Home Missionary Sol- ciety’a anniversary tho first of tbo week here.

    A. F. Krentzberg, wife and child, ot New.York; E. R. Daniels, of Roanoke Island; {George"R.. Bright, of Elizabeth; -Samuel Pollock, • o t Brooklyn; Mrs.-C. Seper C ushm an,. .of Dextef, Mich., and Mrs; Miner and Child, of Rosolle, N. J „ aro newly arrived a t the Main Avenuo House.

    'Mrs. Carrie Searle Welling and her assistant secretary, Miss E. ,C. Biggs, are placing leaflets and mite boxes In all first-class hotels and large boarding houses In the interests of tbo W hlto.League work. Fifteen.hundred dollars a month is needed to care for patients under tholr charge. Ground has been donated, with four good buildings already on It, th a t with tho small sum of fifteen hundred dollars could be made available for patients within thirty days, thus reducing both' labor and expense for. the league, .pending, the erection of. permanent sheltors and adm inistration building. A life Is prolonged or taken quickly'. Two weeks' delay. In the right treatment may place a young life beyond help. Five hundred dollars builds a perm anent shelter for four people. If every .one will do w hat they can to protect themselves—for this, plague Is broadcast and everywhere a menace to all who come In contact with It— the White. League S tate Camp in New Jersey for • consumptives could be In operation In th irty days.


    Member of the Ocean Grove Association and Interested In Pitman Grove

    The fuheral. of Hey. Henry M. BroWn, a member of the Ocean Grove Association, who died a t Cranhury, N. J., last Sunday, was held a t that!place on Wednesday. ' A t the services the Association w as represented by Dr*- Ballard, Dr. Alday; Jam es Lf Hays and W. H. Skirm.

    Deceased was pastor of the Cran- bury Church. His death resulted from meningitis, superinduced, it is believed; by the recent, excessive heat. He was eighty years, old. He is survived by a widow and four children. Tho la tter are/H. Munroe Brown, of Ocean Grove; *JVlra. Josephine W hitaker, b f , Pitmah,; N. J . ; Howard Brown,.: of Chicago, and John N. Brown, ot Ogdensburg, N. Y. !.

    Rev. Mr. Brown had, been, .ati active preacher: over half a century, and had fiilled '• many of. the /m o s t iraportant cHhrges in ,th e . N ew / Jersey.; ..confer-, ence. H e was one of the early members of the Oceah Grove Association and. was interested also in Pitman Grove.

    SILVER ANNIVERSARYHome Mission Workers Gather la Annual Ses

    sion at Ocean Grove . The silver anniversary of the. Woman's Home Missionary Society was celebrated in Ocean Grove this week. The exercises’were commenced oh Monday and continued until Thursday, giving way today to the foreign mission workers, whose - program of exercises Is printed in another p art of this - paper. ; • • 1 . '

    A reception was given the ladles and their friends a t Bancroft Rest Home, 74 Cookman avenue, pn Monday evening, by the officers of the home. Rev. Dr. MarshaU, of Ocean Grove, presided. ; An address was made by Dr. Henry Wheeler. Prof. DoForrest Wood recited and a.number of ladles sang solos and. duets and there was some . instrum ental music. The home Is in a splendid condition and the m a n a g e r spare no pains for

    , tho comfort of their guests.Thursday was Deaconess day. Meet

    ings were held . morning, afternoon and evening.

    Mining Gold In Haw JerseyGeorge C .. Apgar, owner of a largn

    farm a t Wood glen, Hunterdon county, has. ju st leased the mineral rights on his property to a New York firm- for a term of twenty years. I t Is expected th a t th e . lessees will' commence to operate the gold m ines on the farm )r> a few days. Recent assays ef rain \rV. taken from the Apgar farm are raid to show about $40 of gold to the ton.

    DR, SCOTT’S HOUSE WARMEDRohlllt- Bungalow a Centre for Good Cheer

    on B lond i) ir o n in gAt the corner o t Pilgrim Pathway

    and Cookman avenue Dr. T. J. Scott, lately returned from India, has built himself a cozy cottage which he calls "Rohllla Bungalow.” Here the Doc* tor and his wlfo gave a housewarming on, Monday evening, when, a company of. friends were present.

    The gonial Doctor mado an address of welcome. Tho response was by Dr. Marshall,' pastor of St. Paul’s church. Dr. Duncan, of Clafiin University, also made an address. Mrs. Dr. Daniel Kidder, who (s In her nlnetleh year, entertained the criiripany by reciting several., poems. R