stillo news june 2015 - june.pdfweather report rainfall april was drier even...

Stillington News Welcome to the June edition of Stillington News. Copy deadline for July issue: Saturday 20th June . Contributions by email to (copy to both, please): Howard Williams: [email protected] Hazel Ratcliffe: [email protected] Or hand in your contribution to put in the ʻStillo Newsʼ envelope behind the counter at the shop (please leave a contact name). Photos by email, please, preferably B&W. Issue 245 Website: June 2015 Stillington Parish Council Your community needs you Have you ever thought of becoming a Parish Councillor? We have two current vacancies, which need to be filled as soon as possible. Further information on what is involved can be obtained from Bob Brown on 01347 810543 Parish Council members are Christine Cookman, Graham Hill, Malcolm Rowe (Chairman), Philip Swiers and Michael Turvey STILLINGTON POST OFFICE & STORES Local Food Festival Wednesday 8th July 8.30am – 4.30pm Come along and try a FREE sample of our local foods: ‘breakfast’ Yorkshire bacon and sausage butties ‘elevenses’ of cakes, scones and biscuits snacks with dips and dresssings ‘afternoon tea’ and Yorkshire ice cream for the kids with a free cup of Fairtrade coffee or Yorkshire tea Look for the gazebo in front of the shop on Main Street. Our way of saying ‘thank you’ to all our customers — and the chance to taste some excellent local food SUNDAY SUMMER LUNCH At Yew Tree House (Rita & Les Bresnen’s home) On Sunday June 28 th 2015 at 1pm. Salmon, Ham, Salads, Puddings, Cheese & Biscuits Bring Your Own Drinks & Picnic Chairs Tickets £12.50 Available at the Post Office Proceeds for St Nicholas Church funds VILLAGE TREASURE HUNT Friends Of Stillington School are holding a village treasure hunt in aid of school on Sunday 7th June starting at The White Bear at 4pm After searching for clues around the village, teams will return to the pub where there will be a light supper at 6pm followed by a presentation to the winning team at 6.30pm. A raffle will also be drawn. Everyone is welcome to take part. Tickets are on sale from the Post Office, the White Bear or from school and cost £10 per team (inc supper). Please come along for a fun afternoon out which will be a great support for the school. Calling all families Tea-time Messy Church Sunday 14 June, 4.30 – 6.30pm At Marton in the Forest Church (on the road from Stillington to Farlington) Den building, painting and other outdoor activities to celebrate our theme : ʻWhat a wonderful worldʼ Please wear appropriate outdoor clothing & Bring some picnic food to share at tea-time! If wet weather forces us to cancel, we will put a notice on our Facebook page: ‘Tea-time Messy Church’ Friends, food, fun and faith. For the whole family. All children must bring an adult Stillington Under 5’s Call my Bluff — Winetasting A fun evening on Saturday 13 th June at Stillington Village Hall. Arrive 1930 for a 1945 start. Come on your own or with friends, teams are decided on the night. Taste the wines, listen to the experts and make your call. Incorporates a general knowledge element as well. Prize for the winning team! Tickets £15 including a fish and chip supper. Available from the village shop or Jamie on 823988 VILLAGE LUNCH White Bear Inn Tuesday 16th June From 12.15pm £6.50 2 courses / £7.50 3 courses.

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Page 1: stillo news june 2015 - June.pdfWeather Report Rainfall April was drier even than the preceding three months. The second half of the month produced only another

Stillington News

Welcome to the June edition of Stillington News.Copy deadline for July issue: Saturday 20th June. Contributions by email to (copy to both, please):

Howard Williams: [email protected]

Hazel Ratcliffe: [email protected] hand in your contribution to put in the ʻStillo Newsʼ envelope behind the counter at the shop (please leave a contact name). Photos by email, please, preferably B&W.

Issue 245 Website: June 2015

Stillington Parish CouncilYour community needs you

Have you ever thought of becoming a Parish Councillor? We have two current vacancies, which need to be filled as soon as possible.Further information on what is involved can be obtained from Bob

Brown on 01347 810543 Parish Council members are Christine Cookman, Graham Hill, Malcolm Rowe (Chairman), Philip Swiers and Michael Turvey

STILLINGTON POST OFFICE & STORESLocal Food FestivalWednesday 8th July

8.30am – 4.30pmCome along and try a FREE sample of our local foods:

‘breakfast’ Yorkshire bacon and sausage butties‘elevenses’ of cakes, scones and biscuits

snacks with dips and dresssings‘afternoon tea’ and Yorkshire ice cream for the kidswith a free cup of Fairtrade coffee or Yorkshire tea

Look for the gazebo in front of the shop on Main Street.Our way of saying ‘thank you’ to all our customers —

and the chance to taste some excellent local food


(Rita & Les Bresnen’s home)On Sunday June 28th 2015 at 1pm.

Salmon, Ham, Salads, Puddings, Cheese & Biscuits

Bring Your Own Drinks & Picnic ChairsTickets £12.50

Available at the Post OfficeProceeds for St Nicholas Church funds

VILLAGE TREASURE HUNTFriends Of Stillington School

are holding a village treasure hunt in aid of school onSunday 7th June

starting at The White Bear at 4pmAfter searching for clues around the village, teams

will return to the pub where there will be a light supper at 6pm followed by a presentation to the

winning team at 6.30pm. A raffle will also be drawn.Everyone is welcome to take part. Tickets are on

sale from the Post Office, the White Bear or from school and cost £10 per team (inc supper). Please come along for a fun afternoon out which will be a

great support for the school.

Calling all familiesTea-time Messy Church

Sunday 14 June, 4.30 – 6.30pmAt Marton in the Forest Church(on the road from Stillington to Farlington)

Den building, painting and other outdoor activities to celebrate our theme :

ʻWhat a wonderful worldʼPlease wear appropriate outdoor clothing &

Bring some picnic food to share at tea-time! If wet weather forces us to cancel, we will put a notice

on our Facebook page: ‘Tea-time Messy Church’ Friends, food, fun and faith. For the whole family.

All children must bring an adult

Stillington Under 5’sCall my Bluff — Winetasting

A fun evening on Saturday 13th June at Stillington Village Hall. Arrive 1930 for a 1945 start.

Come on your own or with friends, teams are decided on the night.

Taste the wines, listen to the experts and make your call. Incorporates a general knowledge element as

well. Prize for the winning team!Tickets £15 including a fish and chip supper.

Available from the village shop or Jamie on 823988


Tuesday 16th June From 12.15pm£6.50 2 courses / £7.50 3 courses.

Page 2: stillo news june 2015 - June.pdfWeather Report Rainfall April was drier even than the preceding three months. The second half of the month produced only another

Weather Report Rainfall

April was drier even than the preceding three months. The second half of the month produced only another 6 mm, giving a monthly total of 12 mm. This compares with the long-term average of over 40 mm. However it was not as dry as April 2011, when I recorded only 3.5 mm!Relief was at hand in May when there were 54 mm in the first sixteen days, round about the average figure for the whole month.

TemperatureThe second half of April was relatively warm with temperatures in the high teens or low twenties most days. On the 21st I recorded 24⁰C, which, according to the published figures, is equal to the record high for April in the York district.The lowest temperature of the month also occurred in the second half of the month with -0.4⁰C on the night of 26th/27th.It was reported in the national media that this April was the sunniest since records began. We certainly enjoyed our share of sunshine in Stillington. My solar panels gave their largest output for any month in the past year apart from July. MT

Stillington WanderersIt’s been bluebell month for the last two walks: through Beningbrough Hall grounds and along the River Ouse at Newton; then Brandsby / Yearsley past Whinny Oaks Covert & Peel Wood, (the panoramic views en route are some of Yorkshire’s best).Next walks are Monday 8th & 22nd June. Meet outside the White Bear at 09.30.

Children’s Society Envelope CollectionMany thanks to all who gave so generously and to the collectors who helped raise £603 for the Children’s Society

Stillington Under 5’sThis half term the children have been learning about gardening, planting out tomatoes with the help of parent volunteers as well as having the chance to get up close to a lamb and learn a bit about farm animals. We are hosting a ‘Call my Bluff’ Fundraiser in June- See AdvertPlace are still available but are filling up fast, so please speak to Vivienne regarding securing your child a placeBaby and Toddler Group runs every Friday during term time, 10-11.30am, at the Village Hall. This group is open to anyone with children from birth to school age, come along and meet us! Tell your friends!If you would like any more information on the Playgroup then please use the details below to contact us!Contact: 07779 414226; Website

Ever fancied learning to play the piano?Or learning to sing?I have recently moved into the village and am offering free 'taster' sessions during the second half of June and during July. I have 30 years experience of teaching all ages from 5 to 75 so come and have a go!Contact Diana Mitchinson Dip.Mus.,Cert.Ed. On 810064 or email: [email protected]

BENEVOLENT FUNDStillington Charity for Relief in NeedAt the recent AGM it was reported that £1405 was distributed to 23 beneficiaries, two of which were village organisations. Everyone is reminded that grants are available to residents of Stillington for hospital travel expenses, heating and educational costs etc. etc. For consideration please contact the Secretary to the Trustees Mrs Adryenne Hope Tel. 811039.

ST CRUX DAY23 June St Nicholas Church will be holding a fund raiser at St Crux, York, on Tuesday June 23rd.If you are in York that day we would love to see you and offer you refreshments.Also, if you have any bric a brac for the stall we would be delighted to receive it at Janet & David Martins home, Halfway House, Stillington Road.

Women’s InstituteOur AGM is held in May but we also discuss the WI's Resolution that we will be putting forward at the Royal Albert Hall this year. After much discussion it was decided to support the resolution, depending on the speakers for and against. Our existing President, Secretary, Treasurer and Events planners were all voted to stay and continue the work they do. We ended with Supper, thanks to everyone that helped serve the supper. Our June meeting is to be at Holgate Windmill, stopping for supper on our way back. July is going to be a very special meeting as we will be receiving a VIP....... A Very Important Puppy. He will be trained as a Hearing Dog for a hearing impaired person! Our speaker will introduce the VIP and tell us of the training involved to get this puppy to a standard good enough to place in someone's life to make a real difference! It will be a brilliant night and we look forward to having lots of visitors. It will be the 2nd Wednesday in July 7pm for business and 8pm for our speaker. £3 per person including refreshments and a chance to meet our VIP! Shirley M

Page 3: stillo news june 2015 - June.pdfWeather Report Rainfall April was drier even than the preceding three months. The second half of the month produced only another

In the CountrysideTuesday, 19th May – a day of heavy thunder and hail storms and not too warm for the time of year. I have been trying to sell last year’s lambs at Malton on a very poor market. Prices are down by a least a third on last year’s owing to factors beyond our control. Low prices are being offered for nearly all agricultural products. This will make many farmers say Ow! Well, no more moaning, its only money with its mood swings.Coming back from Malton this morning, I saw a very lucky little bird only briefly, so I can’t identify it. A buzzard was being mobbed by two carrion crows who were only inches from the bigger bird’s rear end; suddenly the buzzard must have released the little bird from its sharp talons for it came falling from the sky before opening its wings and flying off to safety. What a lucky little bird! I can never understand why a buzzard, with its larger size, killer mentality with sharp, hooked bill and powerful talons and superior flight should flee from angry crows.On the 13th of the month, after lunch, I heard the cuckoo singing which is more correct than calling. It is the male birds that do the cuckoo-ing bit as they search for a female. There seems to be no one factor responsible for the decline in numbers of this bird and somehow, this time of year, is the poorer for it. Also, the same day, I smelled the May blossom for the first time this year. To me, its scent is nothing to write home about but, over the years, its smell has surprised me before seeing the festooned flowers and, like many scents, they are instantly recognisable even though our human scenting abilities are so scant compared with many other animals.

This spring I have seen a good number of linnets about and they seem to be on the increase. These sparrow-like birds love hedges and gardens to forage in for seed. The male has a fair bit of pinky-red on its neck and head. In winter, they form flocks with their cousins redpolls. As a lad at Poppleton, we often found linnet nests in the hedgerows bordering market gardens. One very clever good gardener always grew his own seed and he would shoot the linnets that were taking the seed from cabbage, cauliflower and the like; they were such a pest to him. These birds were sometimes caught and caged for song birds. Thank goodness that day has gone by.Many trees are in flower at the moment – the oak seems to have

an awful lot of flowers this year and yet, often, we do not see it because it is the same colour as the new leaves. However, we do see the crab apple trees with lovely pink and white flowers and yellow stamens. The wild cherry, or gean tree, has almost finished its flowering and is covering the ground with white petals. The sycamore trees and the field maple will soon show their bunches of flowers among the leaves and the rich nectar will attract the bees. The few remaining elms have flowered a while back and have set seed in bunches of round green discs that

will be released into the breeze when ripe and, by then, the rough leaves will have appeared. The holly has had a good cover of white blossom and will soon start to produce its green berries. Finally, what colour is a horse chestnut candle of flowers? You have a look.There are so many flowers by the road side to see and enjoy even though many are small but, collectively, they give drifts of colour. The tiny speedwell in blue and white would be a winner at Chelsea if it were bigger and also the dead nettle, with its whorls of flowers, and so many more for you to look out for. R & MJ

STILLINGTON BOWLING CLUBOn Sunday May 17th, Stillington travelled to Easingwold to play the first leg of the Charity Challenge match which takes place annually between the two clubs.The cold afternoon didn’t deter either side from producing a keenly fought, enjoyable contest, that saw the home team comfortably triumph on the day.Easingwold now carry forward a healthy 22 shot advantage to the return fixture later in the season. Although at stake is winning the trophy (currently held by Stillington) the important aim of the event is to make a donation to the home clubs nominated charity. Match fees plus a generously supported raffle, raised the splendid sum of £212 which will go to benefit the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service. A worthy effort by all who took part in the rewarding afternoon. A reminder that Wednesday evenings continue to be set aside for all players to come and practice, with play starting at 7pm. GB.

STILLINGTON TENNIS CLUBThe courts are in an excellent condition for start of the York & District matches: 1st team (Nicky Horn, Katy Fowler, Anna and Toby Pratt, Peter Jones, Julian Terry and Graham Cookman) have won two matches; 2nd won 1 & lost 1 (Michael Wragg, Jim Downes, Ken Stirk, Graham Cookman, George Good, Anne Barfoot, Jennifer Jones, Christine Cookman, Jane Jackson.) Club sessions are Saturday afternoons 2pm - all welcome; team players welcome to practice on Sunday evenings at 6pm; Ladies Tennis 9am Friday mornings. Family tennis & BBQ afternoon on 10th May was great fun and very well supported. Children and adults of all ages mixing in on the same courts + BBQ to follow. Junior coaching starts Sat. 6th June - contact either Graham Cookman 810047 or Katy Fowler 823987 for details.

STILLINGTON ARCHIVE GROUPVisit to Sheriff Hutton Castle

Wednesday 8th July. 7pmLast year a number of our members and their friends enjoyed an evening tour of Sheriff Hutton Castle conducted by Richard Howarth. Having known the ruins from his boyhood, he had plenty of anecdotes and an intimate knowledge of the site and its history. Because some of our number missed out, Richard has kindly agreed to repeat the tour this summer. If you would like to join us and learn more about our local ‘ancient monument’, to which there is normally no public access, please contact me on 01347 810473 Michael Turvey

Young cuckoo

STILLINGTON POST OFFICE & STORES(Stillington Community Association Ltd)

Applications invited for grantsSCA Ltd is again intending to make grants to village

organisations and businesses. Benefit to the community will be the first criterion in assessing applications, although other

factors will be taken into account. Grants will normally be awarded for a specific project rather

to support on-going running costs.To make an application, download a form from our website:

www.stillington.comor email / write to

[email protected] / Secretary, SCA Ltd, Main St., Stillington, York YO61 1JS

Completed forms must be received by 5.30pm, Friday 17th July, 2015

Page 4: stillo news june 2015 - June.pdfWeather Report Rainfall April was drier even than the preceding three months. The second half of the month produced only another


(VH = EVENTS AT THE VILLAGE HALL) JUNE 1 2 Parochial Church Council 7pm VH 3 Pool: A v Golden Lion, B v Horseshoe A [away] 4 Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Cricket: Shepherd Cup 5 Baby & Toddler Group 10am VH 6 Cricket I v Sheriff Hutton, II v Dringhouses [away] 7 Tea Dance 2-5pm 8 Stillington Wanderers 9.30am W Bear U15 v Northallerton [away] 6.15pm; Gardening Club Committee Mtg 7.30pm 9 10 Pool: A v Old Black Bull,

B v Blacksmiths [away]11 Happy Hour 2pm VH Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Cricket: Shepherd v Golden Ball12 Baby & Toddler Group 10am VH13 Under 5’s ‘Call My Bluff’ 7.30pm VH Cricket I v Old Malton [away], II v Duncombe Park14 15 Cricket: U15 v Hutton Rudby 6.15pm16 Village Hall Committee 7pm VH Monthly Mtg 8pm17 Pool Competition; Cricket Mtg 7.30pm18 Happy Hour 2pm VH Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Cricket: Shepherd v Browns19 Baby & Toddler Group 10am VH20 Cricket: I v Hovingham, II v Cawood [away]21 Joe Lumb U17 v Nidderdale 1pm22 Stillington Wanderers 9.30am W Bear

Cricket U15 v Leake23 24 Pool: A v Horseshoe [away] B v Old Black Bull25 Happy Hour 2pm VH Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Cricket Shepherd V I 6pm26 Baby & Toddler Group 10am VH27 Martial Arts Weekend Cricket I v Castleford [away] II v Civil Service28 Martial Arts Weekend29 Cricket U15 v Northallerton30

JULY 1 Parish Council 7.30pm VH Pool: A Bye, B v Golden Lion 2 W.I. Walk VH am Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH


METHODIST CHAPELMinister: Rev. Elizabeth Cushion 821460Stewards: Robin Jackson 810250 Bob Brown 810543 Sally Gall 810374 Yvonne Murphy 811544Services & PreachersJune 7 Bible Study - Mr Robin Jackson 10.30am No Evening ServiceJune 14 Evening Service ~ Rev David Priestnall 6.30pmJune 21 Evening Service ~ Rev Michael Chesterl 6.30pmJune 28 Evening Service arranged by the Congregation 6.30pm

ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST RC EASINGWOLDPriest: Fr. Leo Chamberlain 821295Sunday Mass: 8.30am & 10.30amVigil Mass: 5.45pm SaturdayConfessions: 5.00—5.30pm SaturdayWebsite:

ST. NICHOLASVicar: Rev. Chris Ellis 810251Church Wardens Muriel Law 810484: Janet Martin 822981 email: [email protected] and Benefice Services:June 4 / 11 / 18 / 25 Prayers for the Village 9.00amJune 7 Morning Prayer 9.30amJune 14 Holy Communion Traditional 9.30amJune 14 Messy Church at Marton 4.30pmJune 21 Benefice Eucharist — ‘Frugal Lunch’ 10.30amJune 28 Holy Communion Common Worship 9.30am ST. MARY MARTONServices in a Celtic TraditionChurch Sally Coomer 810891Warden: email: [email protected] June 7 Celtic Eucharist 6.00pmJune 21 Celtic Reflective Worship 6.00pm

ST. LEONARD FARLINGTONChurch Margaret Singleton 878735Wardens Sally Downing 878745June 14 Shortened Matins 11.15amJune 28 BCP Holy Communion 11.15am

200 Club July 2009£20 Mrs C Spencer £12 Mr J Jones£8 Mrs R BresnenDrawn by Mrs M Law

Extra copies of this issue can be found in Stillington PO & Stores


Jun 1 – Jun 13 Dr & Mrs MartinJun 15 – Jun 27 Mr & Mrs A RatcliffeJun 29 – Jul 11 Mr & Mrs Little

FLOWER ROTAJun 7 Mrs M NorthJun 14 Mrs W Walton

Further copies of this issue are available from the Village Shop

Sharing Chocolate With GodPeople often think that they cannot experience God because they are not ‘religious!’ The truth is that anyone can encounter God in their daily lives as the following incident shows:-A young boy was walking home through the park after attending a Sunday school class. Somehow, he couldn’t stop thinking about the lesson for that day on Jesus’ parable of the Last Judgement. What impressed him most was when the teacher said; when you give something to another person you’re really giving it to JesusAs he continued through the park, he noticed an old woman sitting on a bench. She looked lonely and hungry. So he sat down next to her, took from his pocket a chocolate bar he had been saving, and offered some to her. She accepted with a smile. He liked her smile so much that after she had eaten her piece of chocolate he gave her more. This time they exchanged smiles and for a while they sat together in silence, just smiling at each other.Finally the boy got up to leave. As he began to walk away, he turned, ran back to the bench, and gave the woman a big hug. And she gave him her very best smile. When he arrived home his mother saw a big smile on his face and asked , what made you so happy today?” He said “ I shared my chocolate bar with Jesus’, and he has a great smileMeanwhile, the old woman returned to her little apartment where she lived with her sister. “You’re all smiles,” said the sister. What made you so happy today?” To which she replied, “I was sitting in the park eating a chocolate bar with Jesus. And you know, he looks younger than I expected;”I hope you will be surprised at just how many occasions you find Jesus’ spirit either in you or in other people who you meet.Best WishesChris Ellis

Special servicePoverty Sunday Service

on June 21st.Followed by a Frugal Lunch

in St. Nicholas Church, Stillington at 10.30 am.

Please come and support us.

St Nicholas 200 Club1st Prize £30: Mr M Rowe

2nd Prize £10: Mr B Rawling, Mr P Robinson

Runners-Up £6: Mrs S Archer, Miss H Turvey, Mrs M

Chapman, Mr M Chapman, Miss C DentDrawn by "Our Ernie"


Film MatinéeWednesday, 17th June ~ 2pm