still image analysis


Upload: ginagoodall

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Camerawork: This shows a wide shot of someone holding a doll. This is so you can see the surroundings, and notice that it is a children's room because of the props, and could be seen as a threat to the child. It is also a wide shot so you can see the blood on the wall in the background, and make the audience more interested in it.

Mise-en-scene: There is low key lighting in this shot which doesn’t show much and doesn’t give away anything, but it conventional for the genre because you cant see much in the dark and something could pop up. This is set in a children’s room, which could mean there is going to be a threat to the child who is staying in that room, and suggest that the children are vulnerable and could threaten their innocence. The woman is holding a china doll, which could be seen as a creepy prop to a lot of people, and would get the audience more interested into what is going to happen. The prop of the wooden chair and the toys signifies that again, this is a childrens room. The woman is wearing a long fashioned robe in this still which shows to be old fashioned, and goes along with the narrative of this film.

Conventions: This still can be seen as a convention of a horror as it is dark and doesn’t show much, but the blood on the wall signifies danger and anger which is a convention of the horror genre. There is also blood on the woman’s clothing and neck which connotes violence.

Narrative: This still shows that the story is about a woman and a china doll, which could possibly lead to the doll being possessed, as there is a symbol written on the wall, which could be a sign of supernatural powers and possession.

Representation: This shot represents the characters as possessed and a threat to other people as she is covered in blood, and there is blood on the walls.

Camerawork: This is a wide shot of the main doll in this film, to show the audience it fully, and the surroundings, which are other dolls, the main doll, Annabelle, sticks out in this shot to show the audience that she is the main doll in the film. There is a shallow focus as well to blur out the baby toys, and mainly focus on the doll collection on the shelve.

Mise-en-scene: The doll is wearing an old fashioned Victorian style dress which shows the audience that this could be set in an older time. The high key natural lighting is to show you everything in this shot. Annabelle stands out in all of the other dolls in this shot, to show the audience she is the main doll to focus on. This is set in a childrens room, as you can see by the props of all the childrens toys, this shows us that, because it is a horror, that this could corrupt and be a threat to the children whom are staying in this room.

Conventions: This can be seen as unconventional as she is wearing a white dress which connotes innocence and purity, however the red coloured bow on her dress signifies danger. The setting of the childrens bedroom can be seen as conventional because something could happen to corrupt the child.

Narrative: This shows us that the film will be about a doll and a child, because of the shot and the setting in this still.

Representation: This shot can represent happiness, which is unconventional for a horror, because the doll is smiling, and is in high key lighting set in a children's room.

Camerawork: This is a wide shot to show the woman being dragged on the floor, and to show her whole body. The composition shows a lot of space, which is conventional for a horror film. This composition shows a woman being dragged on the floor by something, which is a convention of a horror, as it makes the audience jump and want to carry on watching. It is a wide shot to make the audience see everything, and become more interested in the film. This gives the audience a sense of danger.

Mise-en-scene: This is set in a regular house, which the audience can identify with because this could happen to anybody. The high key natural lighting shows us everything that is happening in the scene clearly. The woman is wearing a long dress which signifies elegance, and femininity.

Conventions: The woman on the floor being dragged can be seen as a convention because it shows nothing is pulling her, so this could be supernatural activity, which is a convention of a horror film. She also appears to be screaming which is another convention.

Narrative: This shows us that the film is about supernatural activity, which could be haunting the woman who is being dragged across the floor.

Representation: This shot can represent the woman being frightened. It is stereotypical because it shows a female being scared.

Camerawork: This shot is a wide shot to show the audience what is happening in the scene and become more interested. The composition shows the pram and the lorry close by, which gives a sense of tension to the audience. This worries the audience, and they keep watching to see what’s next.

Mise-en-scene: This shot has high key natural lighting as it is outside, and the viewers can see what is going on. This is set outdoors on a main road, in a small neighbourhood, which the audience can relate with. The lorry, which seems big and dangerous, and emphasises the vulnerability of the baby in the pram.

Conventions: This shot creates a sense of danger and worry, which is a convention of the horror genre. There is a threat to the baby which can be seen as conventional as it worries the audience and gives them tension.

Narrative: This shows the audience that the film could be about a baby in danger, or something horrific happening to the baby in the pram, which can be seen as conventional for a horror film.

Representation: This shows that the baby is being vulnerable, which is stereotypical for a horror film.

Camerwork: This still is a wide shot, to show everything happening in the scene. It also shows a shallow focus, which blurs out the random woman in the background. The composition here is conventional as it is empty, and only showing two people in this still. The man looking back at the spooky looking girl and gives the audience a sense of suspense and tension.

Mise-en-scene: In this shot there is low key lighting, which is conventional and stereotypical for a horror movie, as it is dark and the audience cant see much. It is set in a normal location with houses and cars around, which shows it could be in a normal town, which again, is conventional for a horror film. The woman in the background is wearing a old fashioned Victorian dress, which shows this could go in with the narrative of the film, and gives the audience a spooky feeling. The lady seems to have blood over the front of her dress which can worry the audience. The blood signifies danger and anger which is conventional for a horror film.

Narrative: In this shot is shows the man being followed by a spooky girl, who has blood on her dress, this worries the audience and is conventional for a horror film.

Conventions: The girl with the long dress, with blood on her, is conventional because she is appearing to be scary. The low key lighting is also a convention in this still because anything can happen, and you cant see what is going on very well.

Representation: The woman in this shot is represented as being scary, and following the man.

Camerawork: This shows a wide shot of the people in the house and the baby in the cot. The woman in the background is unseen by the woman on the couch, so it looks like a break in, which gives the audience a sense of enigma, and a mystery. The composition in this shot shows the ghostly figure of a woman which creates a sense of threat. The mother and the baby in the front of the shot don’t know what's going on so it makes them seem vulnerable, and gives the audience a sense of tension and worry for the mother and baby.

Mise-en-scene: This shows low key lighting which is a convention of the horror genre, as it is dark and you cant see clearly what is happening in the scene. The woman on the couch is wearing everyday casual clothes which makes her seem everyday and normal. The ghostly woman in the background is wearing an old fashioned dress which shows to be a bit spooky, and a bit out of time. The prop of the babys cot with the baby in it, show a threat to the child, which will worry the audience. This is set in a normal house, which is conventional for a horror film because the audience can relate to it because it could happen to anyone.

Narrative: This shows that the film is about a woman who has a baby, and is being threatened by a ghostly figure in their house which is a conventional horror film.

Conventions: The narrative of the baby and the ghost is a convention as it worries the audience and gives a sense of enigma because they don’t know what is going to happen. The low key lighting is also a convention of a horror because something can just pop up because you cant see much.

Representation: This represents the woman and the baby to e vulnerable and in danger because of the ghostly person in the background.

Camerawork: This shows a wide shot which shows Annabelle in a close up. This is so you can see the door moving on its own, and possibly shows that Annabelle is reasonable because of the composition used. The wide shot shows the whole of the room, which is just an average normal household. It also has a shallow focus to blur out the background so it shows the main focus in this still is Annabelle, the doll which gives the audience a sense of worry and fear.

Mise-en-scene: In this still there is low key lighting which barely shows the room and Annabelle, which is a convention of horror. The prop of Annabelle is a china doll which worries the audience as the doll could be possessed. This is set in a normal room, which shows a babys cot and baby toys, which is conventional as it could harm the baby and have something to do with the baby being hurt. There is a threat to this household too as it shows the door moving on its own, which shows there could be supernatural powers involved.

Narrative: This shows that the main doll, Annabelle, could be haunting or scaring the house and the baby as it shows a shot in a room with a babys cot, which shows there could be a threat to the child.

Conventions: The low key lighting is a convention of this still as it is dark and can worry and frighten the audience watching the film.

Representation: This represents the doll as being evil.