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Association of College and Research Libraries A division of the American Library Association

Chicago 2014

Edited by

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

The LibrarianStereotypeDeconstructing Perceptions andPresentations of Information Work

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Te paper used in his publicaion mees he minimum requiremens o American Naional Sandard or Inormaion SciencesndashPermanence o Paperor Prined Library Maerials ANSI Z3948-1992 infin

Library o Congress Caaloging-in-Publicaion Daa

Te librarian sereoype deconsrucing percepions and presenaions oinormaion work edied by Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam E Rigby page cm ISBN 978-0-8389-8704-9 (pbk alk paper) 1 Librarians--Public opinion2 Librarians--Proessional ehics 3 Librarians--Psychology 4 Library sci-ence--Public opinion 5 Libraries and sociey--Public opinion I PagowskyNicole II Rigby Miriam E

Z682L537 2014

02092--dc23 2014013675

Copyrigh copy2014 by Te Associaion o College amp Research Libraries a division ohe American Library Associaion

All righs reserved excep hose which may be graned by Secions 107 and 108 ohe Copyrigh Revision Ac o 1976

Prined in he Unied Saes o America

17 16 15 14 13 5 4 3 2 1

Cover design by Dorohy Gambrell

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FOREWORDEmbracing the Melancholy How the Author RenouncedMoloch and the Conga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo James V Carmichael Jr

CHAPTER 1Contextualizing Ourselves The Identity Politics of the LibrarianStereotype Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

CHAPTER 2Academic Librarian Self-Image in Lore How Shared StoriesConvey and Define our Sense of Professional Identity

Sarah K Seiner and Julie Jones

CHAPTER 3The Stereotype Stereotype Our Obsession with LibrarianRepresentationGrechen Keer and Andrew Carlos

CHAPTER 4Thatrsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Professions Gender and

the Librarian Stereotype Ayanna Gaines

CHAPTER 5From Sensuous to Sexy The Librarian in Post-CensorshipPrint Pornography David D Squires

CHAPTER 6Rainbow Warriors Stories of Archivist Activism and the QueerRecorderry Baxer









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CHAPTER 7Unpacking Identity Racial Ethnic and Professional Identity

and Academic Librarians of Color Isabel Gonzalez-Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anaka

CHAPTER 8Librarians and Felines A History of Defying the ldquoCat LadyrdquoStereotype Dorohy Gambrell and Amanda Brennan

CHAPTER 9Between Barbarism and Civilization Librarians Tattoos andSocial Imaginaries Erin Pappas

CHAPTER 10At the Corner of Personality and Competencies ExploringProfessional Personas for Librarians Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and Lynda Kellam

CHAPTER 11Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians The Influence ofPop Culture and Past Experience Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulz

CHAPTER 12The Revolution Will Not Be Stereotyped Changing Perceptions

through Diversity Annie Pho and urner Masland

AFTERWORDToward a New Inclusion in Library Work K R Robero










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Tis projec has been a ruly collaboraive effor and wihou he conri- buions o many his book would no exis We firs exend hanks o ourauhors or wriing compelling chapers and heir dedicaion o aking re-

visions wih grace Te opic o his book is expansive and a imes ven-ures ino risky erriory where auhors needed o be bold in order o sup-

por heir more criical poins o view We hank hem or being ouspokenand working o enac posiive change in our proession

We also exend a hearel hanks o Kahryn Deiss or her guidanceand enhusiasm during his projec Kahryn has provided us wih he per-ec mix o menoring rus and encouragemen and her suppor along

wih he backing o ACRL Press has helped us make his book excepionalBoh Emily Drabinski and Marie Radord have conribued wonderul

advice or us novice ediors and we appreciae he ime and hough heypu ino answering our quesions or making suggesions abou processand approach

Dorohy Gambrell has been exremely generous in designing he bookrsquos cover and illusraing a chaper Ou o he kindness o her hearand her ondness or libraries and librarians she requesed only a priceha librarians could afford We hope you will visi her aris sies or he

Ca amp Girl comic (htpcaandgirlcom) and her inographic-based proj-ec Very Small Array (wwwverysmallarraycom) and consider supporingan independen aris

We also grealy hank our peer-reviewers Meghan Bean JennyBeneveno Damon Campbell Erica DeFrain Laura DeLancey EmilyDrabinski Allie Flanary Jenna Freedman Lia Friedman Aliqae GeraciLeo Lo Kelly McElroy Erin Pappas Sheila Rabun John Russell Cassie

Schmit Maura Seale Yen ran and David Woken Oen in he conversa-ion o research hese more invisible discussions go unnoed bu we hinki is imporan o offer acknowledgemen and hanks or he invaluableinsigh shared along he way o he final produc


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Las bu no leas we hank our riends and amily or supporing us inhis process as well as our insiuions he Universiy o Arizona Libraries

and he Universiy o Oregon Libraries And o course we wan o say a bighank you o all o he real-lie librarians and oher inormaion proession-als whose ineres and paricipaion in our presenaions webinars andonline conversaions moivaed us o produce his book

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

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mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

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Association of College and Research Libraries A division of the American Library Association

Chicago 2014

Edited by

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

The LibrarianStereotypeDeconstructing Perceptions andPresentations of Information Work

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Te paper used in his publicaion mees he minimum requiremens o American Naional Sandard or Inormaion SciencesndashPermanence o Paperor Prined Library Maerials ANSI Z3948-1992 infin

Library o Congress Caaloging-in-Publicaion Daa

Te librarian sereoype deconsrucing percepions and presenaions oinormaion work edied by Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam E Rigby page cm ISBN 978-0-8389-8704-9 (pbk alk paper) 1 Librarians--Public opinion2 Librarians--Proessional ehics 3 Librarians--Psychology 4 Library sci-ence--Public opinion 5 Libraries and sociey--Public opinion I PagowskyNicole II Rigby Miriam E

Z682L537 2014

02092--dc23 2014013675

Copyrigh copy2014 by Te Associaion o College amp Research Libraries a division ohe American Library Associaion

All righs reserved excep hose which may be graned by Secions 107 and 108 ohe Copyrigh Revision Ac o 1976

Prined in he Unied Saes o America

17 16 15 14 13 5 4 3 2 1

Cover design by Dorohy Gambrell

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FOREWORDEmbracing the Melancholy How the Author RenouncedMoloch and the Conga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo James V Carmichael Jr

CHAPTER 1Contextualizing Ourselves The Identity Politics of the LibrarianStereotype Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

CHAPTER 2Academic Librarian Self-Image in Lore How Shared StoriesConvey and Define our Sense of Professional Identity

Sarah K Seiner and Julie Jones

CHAPTER 3The Stereotype Stereotype Our Obsession with LibrarianRepresentationGrechen Keer and Andrew Carlos

CHAPTER 4Thatrsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Professions Gender and

the Librarian Stereotype Ayanna Gaines

CHAPTER 5From Sensuous to Sexy The Librarian in Post-CensorshipPrint Pornography David D Squires

CHAPTER 6Rainbow Warriors Stories of Archivist Activism and the QueerRecorderry Baxer









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CHAPTER 7Unpacking Identity Racial Ethnic and Professional Identity

and Academic Librarians of Color Isabel Gonzalez-Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anaka

CHAPTER 8Librarians and Felines A History of Defying the ldquoCat LadyrdquoStereotype Dorohy Gambrell and Amanda Brennan

CHAPTER 9Between Barbarism and Civilization Librarians Tattoos andSocial Imaginaries Erin Pappas

CHAPTER 10At the Corner of Personality and Competencies ExploringProfessional Personas for Librarians Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and Lynda Kellam

CHAPTER 11Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians The Influence ofPop Culture and Past Experience Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulz

CHAPTER 12The Revolution Will Not Be Stereotyped Changing Perceptions

through Diversity Annie Pho and urner Masland

AFTERWORDToward a New Inclusion in Library Work K R Robero










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Tis projec has been a ruly collaboraive effor and wihou he conri- buions o many his book would no exis We firs exend hanks o ourauhors or wriing compelling chapers and heir dedicaion o aking re-

visions wih grace Te opic o his book is expansive and a imes ven-ures ino risky erriory where auhors needed o be bold in order o sup-

por heir more criical poins o view We hank hem or being ouspokenand working o enac posiive change in our proession

We also exend a hearel hanks o Kahryn Deiss or her guidanceand enhusiasm during his projec Kahryn has provided us wih he per-ec mix o menoring rus and encouragemen and her suppor along

wih he backing o ACRL Press has helped us make his book excepionalBoh Emily Drabinski and Marie Radord have conribued wonderul

advice or us novice ediors and we appreciae he ime and hough heypu ino answering our quesions or making suggesions abou processand approach

Dorohy Gambrell has been exremely generous in designing he bookrsquos cover and illusraing a chaper Ou o he kindness o her hearand her ondness or libraries and librarians she requesed only a priceha librarians could afford We hope you will visi her aris sies or he

Ca amp Girl comic (htpcaandgirlcom) and her inographic-based proj-ec Very Small Array (wwwverysmallarraycom) and consider supporingan independen aris

We also grealy hank our peer-reviewers Meghan Bean JennyBeneveno Damon Campbell Erica DeFrain Laura DeLancey EmilyDrabinski Allie Flanary Jenna Freedman Lia Friedman Aliqae GeraciLeo Lo Kelly McElroy Erin Pappas Sheila Rabun John Russell Cassie

Schmit Maura Seale Yen ran and David Woken Oen in he conversa-ion o research hese more invisible discussions go unnoed bu we hinki is imporan o offer acknowledgemen and hanks or he invaluableinsigh shared along he way o he final produc


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Las bu no leas we hank our riends and amily or supporing us inhis process as well as our insiuions he Universiy o Arizona Libraries

and he Universiy o Oregon Libraries And o course we wan o say a bighank you o all o he real-lie librarians and oher inormaion proession-als whose ineres and paricipaion in our presenaions webinars andonline conversaions moivaed us o produce his book

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Page 3: Stereotype Prelim

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Te paper used in his publicaion mees he minimum requiremens o American Naional Sandard or Inormaion SciencesndashPermanence o Paperor Prined Library Maerials ANSI Z3948-1992 infin

Library o Congress Caaloging-in-Publicaion Daa

Te librarian sereoype deconsrucing percepions and presenaions oinormaion work edied by Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam E Rigby page cm ISBN 978-0-8389-8704-9 (pbk alk paper) 1 Librarians--Public opinion2 Librarians--Proessional ehics 3 Librarians--Psychology 4 Library sci-ence--Public opinion 5 Libraries and sociey--Public opinion I PagowskyNicole II Rigby Miriam E

Z682L537 2014

02092--dc23 2014013675

Copyrigh copy2014 by Te Associaion o College amp Research Libraries a division ohe American Library Associaion

All righs reserved excep hose which may be graned by Secions 107 and 108 ohe Copyrigh Revision Ac o 1976

Prined in he Unied Saes o America

17 16 15 14 13 5 4 3 2 1

Cover design by Dorohy Gambrell

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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FOREWORDEmbracing the Melancholy How the Author RenouncedMoloch and the Conga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo James V Carmichael Jr

CHAPTER 1Contextualizing Ourselves The Identity Politics of the LibrarianStereotype Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

CHAPTER 2Academic Librarian Self-Image in Lore How Shared StoriesConvey and Define our Sense of Professional Identity

Sarah K Seiner and Julie Jones

CHAPTER 3The Stereotype Stereotype Our Obsession with LibrarianRepresentationGrechen Keer and Andrew Carlos

CHAPTER 4Thatrsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Professions Gender and

the Librarian Stereotype Ayanna Gaines

CHAPTER 5From Sensuous to Sexy The Librarian in Post-CensorshipPrint Pornography David D Squires

CHAPTER 6Rainbow Warriors Stories of Archivist Activism and the QueerRecorderry Baxer









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CHAPTER 7Unpacking Identity Racial Ethnic and Professional Identity

and Academic Librarians of Color Isabel Gonzalez-Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anaka

CHAPTER 8Librarians and Felines A History of Defying the ldquoCat LadyrdquoStereotype Dorohy Gambrell and Amanda Brennan

CHAPTER 9Between Barbarism and Civilization Librarians Tattoos andSocial Imaginaries Erin Pappas

CHAPTER 10At the Corner of Personality and Competencies ExploringProfessional Personas for Librarians Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and Lynda Kellam

CHAPTER 11Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians The Influence ofPop Culture and Past Experience Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulz

CHAPTER 12The Revolution Will Not Be Stereotyped Changing Perceptions

through Diversity Annie Pho and urner Masland

AFTERWORDToward a New Inclusion in Library Work K R Robero










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Tis projec has been a ruly collaboraive effor and wihou he conri- buions o many his book would no exis We firs exend hanks o ourauhors or wriing compelling chapers and heir dedicaion o aking re-

visions wih grace Te opic o his book is expansive and a imes ven-ures ino risky erriory where auhors needed o be bold in order o sup-

por heir more criical poins o view We hank hem or being ouspokenand working o enac posiive change in our proession

We also exend a hearel hanks o Kahryn Deiss or her guidanceand enhusiasm during his projec Kahryn has provided us wih he per-ec mix o menoring rus and encouragemen and her suppor along

wih he backing o ACRL Press has helped us make his book excepionalBoh Emily Drabinski and Marie Radord have conribued wonderul

advice or us novice ediors and we appreciae he ime and hough heypu ino answering our quesions or making suggesions abou processand approach

Dorohy Gambrell has been exremely generous in designing he bookrsquos cover and illusraing a chaper Ou o he kindness o her hearand her ondness or libraries and librarians she requesed only a priceha librarians could afford We hope you will visi her aris sies or he

Ca amp Girl comic (htpcaandgirlcom) and her inographic-based proj-ec Very Small Array (wwwverysmallarraycom) and consider supporingan independen aris

We also grealy hank our peer-reviewers Meghan Bean JennyBeneveno Damon Campbell Erica DeFrain Laura DeLancey EmilyDrabinski Allie Flanary Jenna Freedman Lia Friedman Aliqae GeraciLeo Lo Kelly McElroy Erin Pappas Sheila Rabun John Russell Cassie

Schmit Maura Seale Yen ran and David Woken Oen in he conversa-ion o research hese more invisible discussions go unnoed bu we hinki is imporan o offer acknowledgemen and hanks or he invaluableinsigh shared along he way o he final produc


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Las bu no leas we hank our riends and amily or supporing us inhis process as well as our insiuions he Universiy o Arizona Libraries

and he Universiy o Oregon Libraries And o course we wan o say a bighank you o all o he real-lie librarians and oher inormaion proession-als whose ineres and paricipaion in our presenaions webinars andonline conversaions moivaed us o produce his book

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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FOREWORDEmbracing the Melancholy How the Author RenouncedMoloch and the Conga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo James V Carmichael Jr

CHAPTER 1Contextualizing Ourselves The Identity Politics of the LibrarianStereotype Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

CHAPTER 2Academic Librarian Self-Image in Lore How Shared StoriesConvey and Define our Sense of Professional Identity

Sarah K Seiner and Julie Jones

CHAPTER 3The Stereotype Stereotype Our Obsession with LibrarianRepresentationGrechen Keer and Andrew Carlos

CHAPTER 4Thatrsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Professions Gender and

the Librarian Stereotype Ayanna Gaines

CHAPTER 5From Sensuous to Sexy The Librarian in Post-CensorshipPrint Pornography David D Squires

CHAPTER 6Rainbow Warriors Stories of Archivist Activism and the QueerRecorderry Baxer









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CHAPTER 7Unpacking Identity Racial Ethnic and Professional Identity

and Academic Librarians of Color Isabel Gonzalez-Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anaka

CHAPTER 8Librarians and Felines A History of Defying the ldquoCat LadyrdquoStereotype Dorohy Gambrell and Amanda Brennan

CHAPTER 9Between Barbarism and Civilization Librarians Tattoos andSocial Imaginaries Erin Pappas

CHAPTER 10At the Corner of Personality and Competencies ExploringProfessional Personas for Librarians Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and Lynda Kellam

CHAPTER 11Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians The Influence ofPop Culture and Past Experience Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulz

CHAPTER 12The Revolution Will Not Be Stereotyped Changing Perceptions

through Diversity Annie Pho and urner Masland

AFTERWORDToward a New Inclusion in Library Work K R Robero










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Tis projec has been a ruly collaboraive effor and wihou he conri- buions o many his book would no exis We firs exend hanks o ourauhors or wriing compelling chapers and heir dedicaion o aking re-

visions wih grace Te opic o his book is expansive and a imes ven-ures ino risky erriory where auhors needed o be bold in order o sup-

por heir more criical poins o view We hank hem or being ouspokenand working o enac posiive change in our proession

We also exend a hearel hanks o Kahryn Deiss or her guidanceand enhusiasm during his projec Kahryn has provided us wih he per-ec mix o menoring rus and encouragemen and her suppor along

wih he backing o ACRL Press has helped us make his book excepionalBoh Emily Drabinski and Marie Radord have conribued wonderul

advice or us novice ediors and we appreciae he ime and hough heypu ino answering our quesions or making suggesions abou processand approach

Dorohy Gambrell has been exremely generous in designing he bookrsquos cover and illusraing a chaper Ou o he kindness o her hearand her ondness or libraries and librarians she requesed only a priceha librarians could afford We hope you will visi her aris sies or he

Ca amp Girl comic (htpcaandgirlcom) and her inographic-based proj-ec Very Small Array (wwwverysmallarraycom) and consider supporingan independen aris

We also grealy hank our peer-reviewers Meghan Bean JennyBeneveno Damon Campbell Erica DeFrain Laura DeLancey EmilyDrabinski Allie Flanary Jenna Freedman Lia Friedman Aliqae GeraciLeo Lo Kelly McElroy Erin Pappas Sheila Rabun John Russell Cassie

Schmit Maura Seale Yen ran and David Woken Oen in he conversa-ion o research hese more invisible discussions go unnoed bu we hinki is imporan o offer acknowledgemen and hanks or he invaluableinsigh shared along he way o he final produc


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Las bu no leas we hank our riends and amily or supporing us inhis process as well as our insiuions he Universiy o Arizona Libraries

and he Universiy o Oregon Libraries And o course we wan o say a bighank you o all o he real-lie librarians and oher inormaion proession-als whose ineres and paricipaion in our presenaions webinars andonline conversaions moivaed us o produce his book

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

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er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

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Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

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ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

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nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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CHAPTER 7Unpacking Identity Racial Ethnic and Professional Identity

and Academic Librarians of Color Isabel Gonzalez-Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anaka

CHAPTER 8Librarians and Felines A History of Defying the ldquoCat LadyrdquoStereotype Dorohy Gambrell and Amanda Brennan

CHAPTER 9Between Barbarism and Civilization Librarians Tattoos andSocial Imaginaries Erin Pappas

CHAPTER 10At the Corner of Personality and Competencies ExploringProfessional Personas for Librarians Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and Lynda Kellam

CHAPTER 11Student Perceptions of Academic Librarians The Influence ofPop Culture and Past Experience Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulz

CHAPTER 12The Revolution Will Not Be Stereotyped Changing Perceptions

through Diversity Annie Pho and urner Masland

AFTERWORDToward a New Inclusion in Library Work K R Robero










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Tis projec has been a ruly collaboraive effor and wihou he conri- buions o many his book would no exis We firs exend hanks o ourauhors or wriing compelling chapers and heir dedicaion o aking re-

visions wih grace Te opic o his book is expansive and a imes ven-ures ino risky erriory where auhors needed o be bold in order o sup-

por heir more criical poins o view We hank hem or being ouspokenand working o enac posiive change in our proession

We also exend a hearel hanks o Kahryn Deiss or her guidanceand enhusiasm during his projec Kahryn has provided us wih he per-ec mix o menoring rus and encouragemen and her suppor along

wih he backing o ACRL Press has helped us make his book excepionalBoh Emily Drabinski and Marie Radord have conribued wonderul

advice or us novice ediors and we appreciae he ime and hough heypu ino answering our quesions or making suggesions abou processand approach

Dorohy Gambrell has been exremely generous in designing he bookrsquos cover and illusraing a chaper Ou o he kindness o her hearand her ondness or libraries and librarians she requesed only a priceha librarians could afford We hope you will visi her aris sies or he

Ca amp Girl comic (htpcaandgirlcom) and her inographic-based proj-ec Very Small Array (wwwverysmallarraycom) and consider supporingan independen aris

We also grealy hank our peer-reviewers Meghan Bean JennyBeneveno Damon Campbell Erica DeFrain Laura DeLancey EmilyDrabinski Allie Flanary Jenna Freedman Lia Friedman Aliqae GeraciLeo Lo Kelly McElroy Erin Pappas Sheila Rabun John Russell Cassie

Schmit Maura Seale Yen ran and David Woken Oen in he conversa-ion o research hese more invisible discussions go unnoed bu we hinki is imporan o offer acknowledgemen and hanks or he invaluableinsigh shared along he way o he final produc


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Las bu no leas we hank our riends and amily or supporing us inhis process as well as our insiuions he Universiy o Arizona Libraries

and he Universiy o Oregon Libraries And o course we wan o say a bighank you o all o he real-lie librarians and oher inormaion proession-als whose ineres and paricipaion in our presenaions webinars andonline conversaions moivaed us o produce his book

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Tis projec has been a ruly collaboraive effor and wihou he conri- buions o many his book would no exis We firs exend hanks o ourauhors or wriing compelling chapers and heir dedicaion o aking re-

visions wih grace Te opic o his book is expansive and a imes ven-ures ino risky erriory where auhors needed o be bold in order o sup-

por heir more criical poins o view We hank hem or being ouspokenand working o enac posiive change in our proession

We also exend a hearel hanks o Kahryn Deiss or her guidanceand enhusiasm during his projec Kahryn has provided us wih he per-ec mix o menoring rus and encouragemen and her suppor along

wih he backing o ACRL Press has helped us make his book excepionalBoh Emily Drabinski and Marie Radord have conribued wonderul

advice or us novice ediors and we appreciae he ime and hough heypu ino answering our quesions or making suggesions abou processand approach

Dorohy Gambrell has been exremely generous in designing he bookrsquos cover and illusraing a chaper Ou o he kindness o her hearand her ondness or libraries and librarians she requesed only a priceha librarians could afford We hope you will visi her aris sies or he

Ca amp Girl comic (htpcaandgirlcom) and her inographic-based proj-ec Very Small Array (wwwverysmallarraycom) and consider supporingan independen aris

We also grealy hank our peer-reviewers Meghan Bean JennyBeneveno Damon Campbell Erica DeFrain Laura DeLancey EmilyDrabinski Allie Flanary Jenna Freedman Lia Friedman Aliqae GeraciLeo Lo Kelly McElroy Erin Pappas Sheila Rabun John Russell Cassie

Schmit Maura Seale Yen ran and David Woken Oen in he conversa-ion o research hese more invisible discussions go unnoed bu we hinki is imporan o offer acknowledgemen and hanks or he invaluableinsigh shared along he way o he final produc


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Las bu no leas we hank our riends and amily or supporing us inhis process as well as our insiuions he Universiy o Arizona Libraries

and he Universiy o Oregon Libraries And o course we wan o say a bighank you o all o he real-lie librarians and oher inormaion proession-als whose ineres and paricipaion in our presenaions webinars andonline conversaions moivaed us o produce his book

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Las bu no leas we hank our riends and amily or supporing us inhis process as well as our insiuions he Universiy o Arizona Libraries

and he Universiy o Oregon Libraries And o course we wan o say a bighank you o all o he real-lie librarians and oher inormaion proession-als whose ineres and paricipaion in our presenaions webinars andonline conversaions moivaed us o produce his book

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

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Embracing the MelancholyHow the Author Renounced Moloch and theConga Line for Sweet Conversations on Paper

to the Air of ldquoSecond Hand Roserdquo

James V Carmichael Jr

Tis is he exaled melancholy o our ae ha every Tou

in our world mus become an I

991252Dag Hammarskjoumlld1

What StereotypeI grew up in a provincial and hisoric souhern own wihou a publiclibrary bu wih an old social library esablished in 1893 ha had been

urned over o he ciy o run2

On my one visi as a small boy (my parens were readers and I had my hands ull working hrough heir library) Idiscovered a novel wih a hree-noun ile one o which was Mandolin Teonly eaure o he novel ha sicks wih me is he opening scene in whicha sentildeoria peers hrough a keyhole a a maador who is undressing Telibrarian who was he only oher person besides my guardian and myselin his raher largish one-sory brick building wih a domed skyligh991252in-

spired by he Briish Museum991252checked he book ou o me bu a weeklaer a home I received a privae noe rom her on which she had careullyplaced a bluebird sicker in he upper le-hand corner and had writen inher impeccably nea scrip ldquoDear Jimmy I did no see he book you were


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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

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Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

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Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

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edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

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Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

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Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

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Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

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Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

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checking ou unil aer you le he building Why donrsquo you bring ha one back and le me find one you would really like o readrdquo I did no give i up

unil i was due Alhough his sory predaes he Broadway musical e Music Man I

can sae unequivocally ha he play in no way exaggeraes he purianismo small-own American mores A a jumble sale a he supposedly ree-

wheeling Episcopal church (we were Presbyerians) a docen waned oreuse o sell me a paperback eniled French Shor Sories by de Maupas-san and he oher usual French fin de siegravecle lierary suspecs Te woman

kep poining ou he word French in he ile o her coworker while rais-ing her eyebrows provocaively as i he bodice-ripper cover ar could noadequaely convey is depraviy My guardian inervened however and Ireceived saisacion or my dime

I is he librarian o he firs anecdoe I wan o describe howeverShe came rom a locally renowned amily and her aher was simply ldquohe

judgerdquo She was a spinser in her 60s who sayed wih her parens in heold home place supposedly o care or hem alhough hey could have jusas easily been caring or her Tey occupied a second-row pew in ron omy amily in church and he librarian always plugged in her hearing aid

beore he sermon A he library she wore a gingham dress rolled sock-ings and991252yes991252ennis shoes Her hair was braided around her head andI picure her in a nimbus o flyaway srands and dus moes wih her backo a window She wore no makeup whasoever and her ace was reckled

wih age spos I wasnrsquo unil I was in library school 20-odd years laer voing or Jimmy Carer a ha same library ha i occurred o me ha Ihad grown up wih he very paragon o librarians an embodimen o hedespised sereoype and ha I had loved her almos as much as I loved my

Aun Willie Mae a woman o he same generaion and ilk During Hal-loween o 1963 while I was abroad a a French boarding school he librar-ian had a breakdown brough on by he discovery ha he assisan ciymanager had been cashing he paychecks ha she aihully urned back

over o he ciy because she did no need he public unds as much as heciy did She died several years aer he scandal I never undersood howanyone could deride a soul so selfless because I991252an ldquoold maid in brichesrdquo

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

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Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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as Scarlet OrsquoHara migh have called me991252marveled a he librarianrsquos be-lie indeed aih in her work Wha need did she have or elevision or

commerceI married one week ou o college wih a French degree My wie and

I were boh weekend hippies which made passing high-securiy clearancein he deense indusry problemaic and I was soon laid off I finally setledin rus adminisraion in a now-deunc Alana bank or six years Hal-

way hrough my aher died and my marriage a re-creaion o he relaionso he Monagues and he Capules finally sputered ou I was harder

and harder o hide disenchanmen and I was evenually erminaed a my bank job where I el like he embodimen o inappropriae apiude My vocaional es showed me o be perecly suied or he Caholic minisry which mus have derailed my aher who had arranged he es a leasemporarily I unsuccessully applied o he Navy I aced heir elecron-ics exam991252which worried me considerably because I canrsquo plug in a co-eepo wihou second-guessing mysel991252bu did no pass he masculin-iy es (unwriten) I sa in he backyard one Sunday aernoon while mymoher gazed worriedly ou he window and wondered wha I could door a living besides convering o Caholicism and joining a monaseryha would no moriy her I remembered visiing my siser and her hus-

band a Duke Universiy where I was shown he Flowers Collecion oRare Books and envying he assisan who was dusing and polishing hecovers o he leaher-bound books Maybe I could dus books Tus albeiunknowingly I filled one o he wors sereoypes in he male librarian in-

venory he who is a librarian because hersquos ailed a oher work3

Litle did I realize when I enered he maserrsquos program a he Divisiono Librarianship a Emory Universiy ha S Jerome was paron sain o li-

brarians991252he monasic ideal Nor did I anicipae eeling or he firs imeas i I had come home o a world I had le behind wih my French degreelieraure philosophy religion ar dance heaer film music Lunches

became ineresing again I no longer had o eign ineres in ooball and

baskeball scores or he laes sock-marke wiz I especially enjoyed hearduous hours rying o shake answers ou o reerence books or he mul-iple hard-knocks reerence courses I ook I even enjoyed advanced caa-

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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loging during which our insrucor devised a laboraory game where onedrew cards wih various elemens o MARC2 orma (example ile = 1

card space = 1 card semicolon = 1 card space = 1 card) unil one had acomplee caalog card

I acceped a job as a rare books caaloger in Milledgeville Georgia991252aperecly preserved anebellum own ha had served as he sae capialunil 1868 I had escaped Shermanrsquos orch during he Civil War alhoughperhaps all bu one home was horoughly empied by he marauders4 I ac-ually never had a chance o caalog rare books because he regular caalog-

er moved back o Florida and I learned OCLC copy caaloging in abou a week on he beehive dedicaed erminal Meanwhile I allied mysel wiha gay group in Alana and in an atemp o qui smoking I picked upneedlepoin Soon I was inundaed in pillows I had sared as Chrismasprojecs and as he library was always looking or an exhibi wih which osuff is cases I soon mouned my projecs and he local paper ran a largecolor phoograph o me in a hree-piece sui lying amid my pillows likeBur Reynolds in Playgirl only ully clohed I received one phone call ahome rom a vaguely hreaening male voice ha asked ldquoDonrsquo you hinkpeople are going o hink you are kind o weirdrdquo No o be flummoxedI cied Henry Fonda and Rosey Grier as paragons among male needle-poiners He hung up Shorly hereaer my new direcor suggesed ha Ineeded a docorae o each he reerence course ha I was hen in my fih

year o offering o school media specialiss seeking cerificaion I wasnrsquoquie sure how o ake ha suggesion bu I applied o docoral programsand kep hoping ha someday I migh mee he Nureyev-looking guy whoposed or he librarian phoo in he 1982 Occupaional Oulook HandbookI did no bu whorsquos couning

Making an It of a ThouSkip a ew years I am a docoral suden reading Garrisonrsquos sudy o lae

Vicorian public librarians in America and ocusing on Melvil Deweyrsquosfirs library school classes a Columbia and Albany and sumble across heac ha hose emale ldquoacolyesrdquo who laer le he proession or marriageel ha hey had berayed ldquoa sacred rusrdquo5 I donrsquo recognize hese char-

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

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Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

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Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

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acers because even a my mos senimenal I have always recognized heseel grip behind he velve gloves o he women I have known including

a grea-grandmoher who was five years old when General Sherman camemarauding a grandmoher who augh Lain unil she married in 1903anoher grandmoher who was a school principal my moher who was asel-augh school librarian and a second-grade eacher unil she marriedin 1938 and an ex-wie who read a science ficion novel while her weddingrain was being arranged o march down he aisle worhy opponens all

Garrisonrsquos work confirmed ha librariansrsquo culural capial was passeacute

oo many Proesan whie sexually repressed librarians and ar oo manymale minisers (mainly) among heir early leaders I learned hrough a so-ciology o occupaions course ha I ook wih he eminen edior o SocialForces Richard L Simpson ha librarianship was a eminized semi-pro-ession one ha had been occupied by men who hen hired women o dohe busy work cheaply In class Simpson recaned he essay writen wihhis wie in 1969 jus as milian eminism was orcing sociologiss o reviseheir heories o power and proessionalism6

Do librarians only come in vocaional flavors I cerainly used o hinkso much like Mrs Delia Foreacre Sneed laer Lee (1868ndash1947) whoopined ha reerence librarians were ldquobornrdquo no ldquomaderdquo and describedreerence skills as an ldquoarrdquo7 Needless o say he same arisic crown may

be graned o caalogers and no only hose who share he OCD gene inac he presen auhor could easily spend $1500 a an office supply soreo ge his lie in alphabeical order in color-coded olders Ten he would

be sidelined or 15 years by he bon mos o various Bloomsbury wriers ohe 20h-cenury eens and wenies he would dream o incorporaing inoa revised axonomy o lierary dysuncion Non Sequiurs R Us

Managers mus cerainly be born no made alhough I imagine i issill pedagogical heresy o say so since or he las 50 years or so libraryeducaion programs have been ouing he value o managerial skills or allPeople who succeed in rising o he op o big hierarchically organized aca-

demic libraries seem o pracice he same low-affec acics o conrol andmanipulaion ha Walmar managers do whaever sex hey happen o beTe only ouchy-eely managers Irsquove ever known worked in smaller privae

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

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Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

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Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

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Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

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Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

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Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

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Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

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insiuions In public insiuions direcors seem uniormly pained andsel-involved wih he saving qualifier o a sense o humor in a minoriy

o cases Ten again my experience wih he upper echelons is exremelylimied and is ained by my years working as a grun in an aircra acoryand a mainline souhern bank o which I would drive rom home a 530am every morning o avoid he kind o rush-hour conga line I joined ev-ery aernoon in he desperae atemp o escape he ciy

I know ha libraries are ldquojusrdquo businesses however aer eachingacademic librarians and ohers or 25 years I undersand ha hey are (I

am) undamenally differen personaliy ypes rom he young people Iused o lunch wih a he bank or si nex o in accouning and markeingclasses a Georgia Sae Universiy (erm paper saring an asrology sorein Underground Alana Cndash) I no longer ear being considered quainand unmanly in no bowing o he dicaes o Moloch In 2000 when heSupreme Cour decided he presidenial elecion and I could see he ap-proaching nonsop round-he-clock coverage o anoher nework sagaalong he lines o Joey Butauoco O J Simpson anya Harding MichaelKennedy Smih and Princess Diana I snipped he cable and dumped myelevision in he yard o an aris riend who makes sea creaures ou oscrap I banned he compuer o my workplace My hree cas were veryhappy and I have never looked back

Back o my homeown librarian and he archeype ail-male librarianhe only sociological problem here is in my own head Tere was a goldenmomen in my docoral program ha brough his ully o bear on my lieDuring hose years I sayed sane hanks o a recovery program and as inall sel-help organizaions here were some very inimidaing and sociallyconrolling people who did no like nonconormiss One woman hadorbidden her ollowers o have anyhing o do wih me because I wasnrsquodoing hings or behaving he way she hough I ough o Asked o speako a large assembly one nigh a which he woman and her acolyes wereperched on he edge o heir seas ready o pounce991252he regular speaker

had ailed o show up991252I appeared in a 19h-cenury Alexander Hamiloncosume in disressed green velve knee breeches whie sockings long

ves and coa wih gold lace braid and brass butons ea-sained whie lace

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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jabo a my neck and long lace cuffs draping ou o my coa sleeves I hadound he oufi in an anique shop in Cameron Norh Carolina on my

40h birhday aer my moher had died ldquoAll o wha you see onighrdquo Iexplained ldquoused o be on he inside o my head Now irsquos ou here Irsquovecome a long way babyrdquo I spoke on or 45 minues compleely a ease Mynemesis could no inimidae me because he only nemesis I had o ear

was inside my own head A similar experience happened a decade laer a he 1998 IFLA con-

erence in Amserdam where I had been asked o appear on a censorship

program o alk abou homosexualiy and libraries in he Unied Saes I was on a double bill wih he naional librarian o Belgium who was alkingabou he hisorical problems ha had atended he language spli beweenFlemish and French speakers in he counry similar o ha o French andEnglish speakers in Quebec and Quebec separaism wihin AnglophoneCanada I had ravelled wih my riend Deb Whie rom Pitsboro whohappened o also be my coiffeuse We schmoozed well ogeher and were

boh similarly disposed o burss o souhern irony amid he well-raveledcorridors o European ourism ldquoMy Godrdquo she had said when we arrivedin Reykjavik ldquowha is wrong wih hese people Tey are beauiul people

bu hey are all dressed like hey are going o a uneral Tey need somecolorrdquo Boh o us ried our bes o supply ha ingredien in abundance

wherever we wen We could be heard rom he op o glaciers991252hosekinds o voices ha carry because o regional inflecion and emphasis and

way oo many cigaretes growing up A any rae when we arrived a he conerence laden wih bags rom

he Amserdam sree marke filled wih abric quils old urs asselsand bis o rim I was bringing home or a living room overhaul wecame o he room where he speakers were o read heir papers all pre-prined in conerence proceedings Wayne Wiegand hen eaching ahe Universiy o Wisconsin caugh me ouside he door I was his en-couragemen ha had led me o pursue he male librarian survey ha

led o my 15 minues o ame in he Library Journal or noicing hahere were male librarians who had sereoype problems oo he mainone o which was he percepion ha male librarians migh be gay8

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Moreover I had published he commens o he male librarians whorecouned being hi on by women or complained o having o clean up

he vomi in he lobby o heir public library or do he heavy liingbecause hey were male so a panel o disinguished emale respondensincluding Kahleen Heim de la Pentildea McCook Suzanne Hildenbrandand Dallas Shaffer commened on reverse sexism ec all in a very sup-porive and enhralling way

Wayne said ldquoJim you may no read your paper I orbid you o doha Tey can read i in he proceedings Jus speakrdquo So when my urn

came aer he Belgian librarian had delivered his paper word or wordin he fines old-world syle I bundled up wih my bags came o hepodium inroduced ldquoMy hairdresser Debrardquo and sared unpacking he

bags describing our aciviy in he marke ha morning and asking heaudience wheher hey hough ha a ascinaion wih abric991252ondlingand owning i no producing i or wearing a slighly raty rabbi jacke

wih jus enough shoulder padding o look ailored bu no like i wascu or Joan Craword991252was an indicaor o male homosexualiy becausehere was nohing in my personal lie (oher han being atraced o menand women in an affecionae bu no necessarily sexual way) excep mypassion or color and line china and a endency o roll my eyes o giveme away no lover anyway Maybe I would be like my riend Marha

who had alked me ino readiness or he docoral program She usedo say ha she was going o have all emale pallbearers because no manhad ever aken her ou while she was alive and she was damned i one

was ever going o do i aer she was dead Te room cracked up We hada lively exchange aided by James Anderson o Rugers here in lieu oellow aculy member Pamela Spence Richards (1941ndash1999) also oRugers who had solicied he paper and invied Anderson along wihhis parner my riend Debra and me o say wih her a her summerhome in Holland only o be diagnosed wih a brain umor rom whichshe never recovered

Irsquom no hrough wih ha sory eiher Pamela Spence Richards and Idiscovered aer I had known and revered her or years in he meeings ohe Library Hisory Round able where she was he auhoriy on Sovie-

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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era Russian libraries and inormaion problems ha her moher and myaher had had an affairete in 1937 Her moher was a axi dancer in A-

lana and he was in he sae legislaure fighing or railway rae reormShe presened hersel as an acress raher han a dancer and my aherever he soul o Proesan reciude disparaged her lack o complee andoal honesy A good hing oo my moher migh say because she and myaher married in 1938

Librarianship is he vehicle hrough which all o hese scenes and wardrobe changes occurred coincidences ha were no really coincidenc-

es991252serendipiy o he highes order Tese miracles and he people who were he medium or hem came o me hrough he rich heriage o librari-anship which like Chrisian Evangelism does is bes work while beingon he sidelines o social reorm raher han he cener o policy makingor example in Congress I undersand ha librarianship is a business buha is no all or even mainly wha i is and he same can be said or anyschool or universiy you care o name For many people he ac ha allinsiuions are businesses firs and services second is an indicaion o howar asray capialism has led us Aer all Carnegie Rosenwald Rockeell-er and ohers did no conribue o libraries and educaional ceners omake hem profi ceners or bureaucraic srucures whose primary pur-pose was o remain indesrucible and perpeuae hemselves raher heygave money o libraries schools universiies and museums because hoseeniies were good or sociey

Te pos-911 American compuer-generaed dysphoria so well de-scribed in Tomas Pynchonrsquos mordanly unny novel e Bleeding Edge(2013) is eviden in he divisive spiri social and economic inequaliyand preposerous elevised rheoric by which a large porion o he cii-zenry o boh poliical paries o he Unied Saes live Te Unied Saesseems o be caugh in an exi-less maze o conundrums991252medical inel-lecual ideological and spiriual Tese are no he kinds o problems hacan always be solved by heory ormula daa or assessmen We all know

oo well he naure o he problems i we know ha here is a problem aall Tose who donrsquo know here is a crisis or a leas a radical re-posuringo posiions are living in wha ha crazy old drug-addled radical pluocra

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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William S Burroughs called e So Machine lulled ino complacency byhe blinking lighs he alienaion he comoring company o elecronic

media9 In such a world deep hough and deliberae saemens and ac-ions are called or and hopeully will be orhcoming along wih gener-ous porions o humor Libraries and he lieraure confirm one comor-ing ruh ha no poliico or zealo wans o hear humans are oolish heyerr bu i hey persevere hey can orgive hemselves and each oher andmove orward

Maybe here really are wo kinds o human beings as one o my avor-

ie sudens once proposed in a social sciences lieraure class hose whoare always looking orward or he main advanage and hose melancholicsouls who look backwards and ry o learn rom heir misakes As one ob-server o modern olly recenly observed breaking he cycle o relenlessand dehumanizing ldquoprogressrdquo

is abou slowness and abou finding alernaives o alienaionha accompanies a sweaer knited by a machine in a swea-

shop in a counry you know nohing abou or jam made bya gian corporaion ha has errible environmenal and laborpracices and migh be ied o he deah o honeybees or hepoisoning o armworkers Irsquos an atemp o pu he world backogeher again in is maerials bu also is ime and labor Irsquos

boh laughably small and heroically ambiious10

Tere is a balance o course jus as here are ar more ypes o human be-ing han any one person or auhor can accoun or Librarians can speak orall o hose people whaever allegiance hey claim and whaever wardrobehey wear991252enrepreneurs maiden auns accounans lovers o bodicerippers anzine ashionisas deconsrucion divas gay anorexics in de-signer hair shirs exoic musky-voiced singers o he las known unknownlanguage in he world991252or is his jus nosalgie de la boue Do we have o go

back o caves and ry i ha way or a while unil he bombs sop alling asSabrina suggesed in Tornon Wilderrsquos e Skin o Our eeh I choose ohink no I hink i is he very laes hing and i is fi or very long-erm


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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Revising My ThouFor a sar maybe I beter qui buying and collecing and sar sharing

Perhaps he proession needs o peiion he new Pope Francis whoseems o be a sellar person o change he paron sain o librarians romS Jerome who was always raher cranky991252a resul o eaing all hoselocuss wih honey no doub991252o Hypaia he las grea Greek philoso-pher who was maryred by a Chrisian mob in Alexandria in 415 CE Shesounds much more like he kind o sain we need in hese roubled imes

I will lenghen my lis o correspondens o pracice wha is le o my

penmanship and sharpen my abiliy o express mysel In addiion o dear Virginia in Lincoln Nebraska and dear Sandy in Milwaukee Wisconsin I will also occasionally wrie reflecive leters o my wo sisers so ha every-hing we express wonrsquo be rapped in he dynamics o dysuncion

I will learn how o breahe mindullyI will claim ownership o my librarian wardrobe no only wha I wear

bu wha I own as par o me wha I value as a proessional and I will ac-

cep no proessional ruhs as personal gospel unless I believe i is so Myinside vinage or no should be as careully nurured as he exernal imageI projec Ta should keep me busy or a while

Notes 1 Hammarskjoumlldrsquos ranslaion o Marin Buberrsquos I and ou rom German on which Hammar-

skjoumlld was working a he ime his plane crashed in Nbola Zambia on Sepember 18 1961quoaion rom Michael Ignaieff ldquoTe Faih o a Herordquo review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by

Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero 2 Sadie Gober e Firs Hundred Years Georgia (Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935)

433ndash37 3 Arnold P Sable ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female Librar-

ianrdquo Wilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51 4 James C Bonner Milledgeville (Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press 1978) 190 5 Dee Garrison Aposles o Culure (New York Free Press 1979) 176 6 Richard L Simpson and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proes-

sionsrdquo in e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion ed Amiai Ezioni (New York Free

Press 1969) 196ndash265 7 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory21 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99

8 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25 no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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9 William S Burroughs e So Machine (New York Olympia Press 1961) 10 Rebecca Solni ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Au-

gus 29 2013) wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

BibliographyBonner James C Milledgeville Georgiarsquos Anebellum Capial Ahens Universiy o Georgia Press

1978Burroughs William S e So Machine New York Olympia Press 1961Carmichael James V Jr ldquoAlanarsquos Female Librarians 1883ndash1915rdquo Journal o Library Hisory 21

no 2 (Spring 1986) 376ndash99mdashmdashmdash ldquoGender Issues in he Workplace Male Librarians ell Teir Siderdquo American Libraries 25

no 3 (March 1994) 227ndash30

Garrison Dee Aposles o Culure e Public Librarian in American Sociey 1876ndash1920 New YorkFree Press 1979

Gober Sadie e Firs Hundred Years A Shor Hisory o Cobb Couny Georgia Alana GA Waler W Brown 1935

Ignaieff Michael Review o Hammarskjoumlld A Lie by Roger Lipsey New York Review o Books 60 no 17 (November 7 2013) wwwnybookscomariclesarchives2013nov07dag-hammarskjold-aih-hero

Sable Arnold P ldquoTe Sexualiy o he Library Proession Te Male and he Female LibrarianrdquoWilson Library Bullein 43 (1969) 748ndash51

Simpson Richard L and Ida M Simpson ldquoWomen and Bureaucracy in he Semi-Proessionsrdquo In

e Semi-Proessions and eir Organizaion edied by Amiai Ezioni 196ndash265 New YorkFree Press 1969

Solni Rebecca ldquoIn he Day o he Posmanrdquo Diary London Review o Books 35 no 16 (Augus29 2013) 32ndash33 wwwlrbcoukv35n16rebecca-solnidiary

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Contextualizing OurselvesThe Identity Politics of the Librarian Stereotype

Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby

Librarians are in he business o presenaion

Wheher we are presen-ing inormaion or presening ourselves o he public i is a consan ohe proession And all o our consiuens991252especially our served com-muniies991252judge our presenaion consciously and subconsciously as o

wheher hey can see us as reliable auhoriaive approachable sources oinormaion Tereore i is only naural or us o urn a reflexive eye onourselves analyzing our presenaion-o-sel Librarians have done his

in droves991252rom image-based blogs and reflecive essays o a selecion oscholarly works addressing librarians in popular culure and oher dimen-sions o librarian-represenaion Wha is rare however is he applicaiono ehnographic research and he incorporaion o heory rom he broadersocial sciences ino our examinaions o how librarians presen hemselvesand how hey are perceived

We he ediors come o librarianship hrough anhropological and

sociopsychological discourse communiies ha provide us wih he lenses

hrough which we rame our undersanding o our proession Trough

hese lenses we have engaged wih librarianship o make sense o how we

can do our bes work o sudy how ohers perceive us sereoype us and

undersand us o beter address he ongoing criiques and discussions o

he value o libraries Ariculaing he value o libraries and librarians is

he zeigeis o 21s-cenury librarianship one does no need o look ar o

find aricles abou he ading imporance o libraries or abou ye anoher

Troughou his chaper we will be using he erms librarian and inormaion proessional in-erchangeably as hese issues apply o many in a broader sense o he field alhough librarians specifically end o be wha are addressed in much o he lieraure relaed o our opics


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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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library being closed due o deprioriizaion in budges Value concern has

been he subjec o myriad conerences and publicaions And wih valu-

ing comes examinaion o librarians boh serious and flippan which o-en pulls rom classic librarian sereoypes wheher appearance- atiude-

or skill-based

We have been ascinaed by hese discussions and he resuling engage-

men by our colleagues in person and online On he one hand here is a

sense ha he sereoype discussions are exhaused and hough here is

excellen work being done in he realm o saing he value o libraries and

librarians here is a common senimen ha we should no have o saeand resae our value so regularly Ye on he oher hand hese discussions

invariably become wonderully passionae and muliaceed argumens

on he demographics presenaion and purpose o librarianship991252opics

ha are imporan and we argue will coninue o carry weigh as long

as here is any quesion as o he value o librarianship and libraries In

response o hese discussions and semming rom our predisposiions o

socioculural inquiry we have explored venues o presenaion-o-sel firs

wih Nicole Pagowskyrsquos venure ino couneracing sereoypes vis-agrave-vis

sarorialism wih he Librarian Wardrobe blog since 2010 and subsequen

invied lecures on he opic Miriam Rigby wroe on presenaion-o-sel

in an essay or College and Research Libraries News on oureach and ne-

working wih aculy as well as in a chaper on how o approach oureach

as a new subjec librarian in he orhcoming book Sudden Selecorrsquos Guideo Anhropology Resources1 Addiionally hese opics have been addressed

in our join projecs o a series o conerence and webinar panels on librar-

ian sereoypes2

o provide more background Librarian Wardrobe caalogs how in-

ormaion proessionals dress or work via a primarily phoograph-based

blog wih he majoriy o conen being sel-submited On is ace he

blog demonsraes clohing choice however is underlying purpose is o

Nicole Pagowsky Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecom presena-ions and lecures include LIM Collegersquos Fashion Symposium in NYC Museum o Conempo-rary Ar ucson and Maricopa Couny Library Disric Saff Day

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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visually clariy ha here is no longer a uniying sereoype or librarians

librarians dress differenly and have varying ineress and job descripions

Many Inerne searches or librarian syle images o librarians in generalor picures o specific iems o clohing (sereoypical or no) lead a variey

o individuals o he blog librarians and non-librarians alike which im-

plies sereoypes are sill fixed in he public mind i here are searches or

ldquolibrarian glassesrdquo ldquoshushing librarianrdquo ldquolibrarian shoesrdquo ldquohipser librarian

sylerdquo and ldquosexy librarianrdquodagger I our sereoypes have ocus on clohing hen

o some degree we mus dissec our clohing In e Language o Fashion

Roland Barhes posis

Clohing allows man o ldquoassume his reedomrdquo o consiuehimsel as he chooses even i wha he has chosen o be repre-sens wha ohers have chosen or himhellip Clohing is very closeo his phenomenon i seems ha i has ineresed wriers andphilosophers because o is links wih personaliy o is capac-

iy o change onersquos being or anoher personaliy makes ash-ion i makes clohing bu inversely clohing makes personal-iy Tere is cerainly a dialecic beween hese wo elemens3

Clohing and he res o onersquos appearance communicaes Ar and de-sign heoris Malcolm Barnard examines semioics noing ldquoFashion andclohing are ways in which inequaliies o social and economic saus aremade o appear righ and legiimae and hereore accepable no only o

hose in posiions o dominance bu also o hose in posiions o subservi-ence Te erm used o describe his siuaion is hegemonyrdquo4

Te srucures o power need o be examined challenged and recon-

figured i we are going o ake hold o our image and have more conrol

over our ideniy Posiioning curren everyday images o librarians in

he public eye is one way in which o dispel noions o shushing spinsers

which991252perhaps surprisingly o some991252sill exis ypically he ocus o

librarian image in he discourse has been direced oward popular media

dagger All are acual search erms ha have direced people o Librarian Wardrobe hough i is no cer-ain how some o hese erms led readers o he blog

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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bu i is useul or librarians o examine how we presen ourselves in an on-

going basis and how his presenaion impacs public percepions More-

over library use is no he only hing affeced by sereoype impressionsoher relevan issues o consider include proessional saus pay and ine-

graion in campuses and communiies

A number o aricles provide scholarly insigh on he opic as we will

discuss in brie and which he chaper auhors o his volume weave ino

heir analyses o grea effec Noeworhy books are rarer A ew recen ex-

amples o books ouching on issues o he presenaion o librarianship

include Ray evis and Brenda evisrsquos 2005 book e Image o Librariansin Cinema which looks a how librarians have been represened in film5

Ruh Knealersquos You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian rom 2009 explores librar-

iansrsquo perspecives on sereoypes and presenaion comparing represena-

ion in pop culure wih anecdoes6 Moving away rom popular culure

and media sudies William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil

explore he collaboraive naure o advocacy in academic libraries hrough

heir edied volume Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Academic Librar-

ies7 And Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie provide

an acionable resource or library advocacy and valuing wih Grassroos

Library Advocacy demonsraing ways in which o improve visibiliy rela-

ionships and messaging o he public or all ypes o libraries8

Looking back over he decades we find ha books o in-deph schol-

arly engagemen wih similar issues o image emerge abou every 10 yearssomeimes in flurries In he early 2000s a solid engagemen o librarian

image and acivis librarianship was provided by K R Robero and Jessa-

myn Wes wih Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou 9

Te early-o-mid-1990s offered a number o iles including he Iner-

naional Federaion o Library Associaions and Insiuionsndashsponsored

conribuion o e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proession How

We See Ourselves and Mary Jane Scherdinrsquos Discovering Librarians Profileso a Proession10 One more decade back we encouner anoher flurry wih

Pauline Wilsonrsquos 1982 volume Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Uni-

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

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ed Saes and Kahleen de la Pentildea McCookrsquos 1983 e Saus o Women in

Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues11 Tese relaed

opics coninue o be relevanOur vision or e Librarian Sereoype Deconsrucing Presenaions

and Percepions o Inormaion Work is o revialize his conversaion wih a

srong ocus on empirical research and a mix o hisorical anhropological

sociological and lierary analysis o he presenaion o inormaion pro-

essions Tis work fills a gap in he lieraure going beyond a documena-

ion o popular culure sereoypes o librarians and how o cra a personal

brand o a scholarly examinaion o how hese sereoypes exis in hisdecade wha hey mean and how o use and shape hem advanageously

or he proession As deconsrucing is used in he ile o his book we

can look o Gayari Chakravory Spivak in her sudy o Jacques Derridarsquos

noion o he erm where Spivak saes ldquo[Deconsrucion] is consanly

and persisenly looking ino how ruhs are producedrdquo12 Examining ruh

producion is wha we are hoping o do rom he discussions wihin and

beyond his book

Te discussion surrounding librarian sereoypes has quesioned

wheher sudying percepions has any impac on decreasing barriers o li-

brary use and improving he saus o librarianship In he aricle ldquoImages

and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo racey

Green sresses ha i is no so much he sereoype bu raher users no

ully undersanding wha librarians do ha creaes barriers o public useand derimen o librariansrsquo saus urher she argues ha he value o

inormaion needs o be in he spoligh or he subsequen valuing o li-

braries and librarians13 Alhough he value o our work should ake he

spoligh when librarian sereoypes have a srong presence hey acivae

heurisics or menal shorcus or defining wha librarians do Abigail Lu-

hmann in ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Real-

iyrdquo agrees ha he ocus should be urned oward wha librarians do andha mos sereoype-relaed angs is misocused and based on sel-vicim-

izaion which serves o urher promulgae circulaing sereoypes14 Lu-

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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hmann inerpres his anxiey as unnecessary because sereoype obses-

sion comes rom wihin he proession raher han exernally and i would

be more useul o respond wih posiive behavior Freeing ourselves as aproession rom his anxiey would be immensely beneficial o boh our

image and sel-eseem bu we argue ha anxiey and sel-examinaion

are wo separae issues he later o which we should be engaged in Boh

Projec Inormaion Lieracy and he ERIAL Projec have demonsraed

how hese poins resonae or academic libraries hrough ehnographic

and large-scale sudies o sudensrsquo research habis showing ha sudens

do no ypically undersand wha librarians do or how hey can ge help15 Lack o knowledge or misundersanding in his capaciy urher impedes

sudens in acually using he library and asking or help rom librarians

eeding ino a cycle o sress and conusion Tis eeling o being los and

overwhelmed is reerred o as ldquolibrary anxieyrdquo and i plays a role in how

users inerac wih he library and librarians16 Considering user anxiey

and role o he library Gary Radord in ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Bib-

lioheque Fanasique oward a Posmodern Episemology or Library

Sciencerdquo draws he user ino he issue o power relaions demonsraing

how negaive sereoypes o librarians can ranslae ino negaive (sel-)ex-

pecaions or users ldquoTis sereoype may a firs glance seem rivial and

unimporan bu hellipsuch images serve o reinorce in heir very rivialiy

and harmlessness a paricular nework o power relaions ha connec he

librarian he user and he exrdquo17

Henceorh he relaionship beweenhe sereoype he librarian and library and he user ldquodoes no and can-

no lead o a saisying and producive library experiencerdquo18 Usersrsquo expo-

sure o hese sereoypes can wind up reinorcing library anxiey resuling

in a snowball effec

Clearly inorming users abou he library and creaing greaer aware-

ness abou wha librarians do can help allay his ear bu i also mus be

undersood ha users having anxiey991252or simply negaive impressionso librarians991252may be inenionally avoiding he library and is posiive

messages based on heir sanding percepions aking a proacive and

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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muliaceed approach would be more effecive Responding wih posiive

behavior will reach users who are already engaging wih us However i

we limi ourselves o his acic alone we risk missing many nonusers or whom he library is oreboding anxiey inducing or seemingly irrelevan

and who may coninue o know o libraries and librarians only hrough our

sereoypes Alhough rom wihin he proession hese sereoypes seem

clearly oudaed and irrelevan his is no necessarily rue or he public

Changing he conversaion abou he roles o librarians and he uncion

o libraries should coincide wih improving librarian image and saus o

dissolve lingering public assumpions o who librarians are and wha li- brarians do When considering how image influences percepions we can

see ha here is a lo more a play regarding sereoypes when we look o

gender sudies sociopsychology and anhropological perspecives

Decades o social science research has ackled issues o how people

presen hemselves and how people inerac and some o his has been

applied wihin library and inormaion science Noed sociologis Erv-

ing Goffman sands ou as a paricularly prominen heoris and hough

his work has been expanded upon by ohers since he 1960s and 70s his

groundwork on how people presen hemselves and inerac wih ohers

remains undamenal and highly applicable o he day-o-day lie o li-

brarians Marie Radord incorporaes Goffmanrsquos analysis o ldquoooingrdquo and

riuals o ineracion ino her 2006 aricle ldquoEncounering Virual Users A

Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal Communicaion in Cha Reer-encerdquo19 errence Epperson and Alan Zemel similarly draw on Radordrsquos

work and direcly upon Goffman in heir analysis o language use in cha

reerence ineracions20 Likewise in chaper 9 o his volume in her anal-

ysis o atoos and library workers Erin Pappas incorporaes Goffmanrsquos

work on how conex affecs an individualrsquos sel and presenaion hereo

Goffman describes how an individual does no have one single ldquoselrdquo ha

hey presen in all siuaions21 For insance he sel presened o closeriends may differ rom wha is presened o amily presenaion o sel

shis even more significanly as he disance rom a core group increases

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 4957


Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5557


anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Te sel presened can also shi or each individual ineraced wih de-

pending on he conex in which he ineracion akes place

Tis ranslaes ino our work as librarians wheher in public servicesor oherwise as people ener ino ineracions wih us already burdened

wih expecaions How we presen ourselves shapes hose expecaions

and our ongoing relaionships991252boh posiively and negaively And

wheher one is acively concerned or no wih occupaional sereoypes

or personal image and presenaion hese influence how ohers see us and

inerac wih us Writen while he auhor was a suden o library science

in 1988 Mary Landrsquos aricle ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes oReerence Inerviewsrdquo explored he derimenal naure o librarian sereo-

ypes and how usersrsquo percepions affeced heir use o libraries and librar-

ians22 A major barrier is even ideniying who is a librarian as hey are

no necessarily disinguishable rom any oher library worker or even rom

any oher adul in he library Aer ideniying a librarian oher acors in-

fluencing user-success and confidence include ldquoapproachabiliy ideniy

warmh openness and body language o he librarianrdquo23

Tis suggess ha even acive users who are already in a library wih

research quesions carry preconceived noions ha migh hinder or help

heir access o inormaion depending on wha hey encouner and how

librarians presens hemselves We risk losing he engagemen o poenial

lielong users o libraries i we ail o presen ourselves as welcoming ac-

cessible engaged and savvy Imagine hen how his carries over o people who are less aware o he useulness o librarians I we canno commu-

nicae our value hrough librarian imagery seen beyond he walls o our

libraries hen we lose ha many more users who know o us only hrough

sereoype and hearsay

Consider urher hose quesioning wheher o und a library or a

compeing service I library-relaed sereoypes mislead poenial donors

our rusees or governmen agencies we risk losing necessary unding andrelaed suppor Library workers are ouspoken when i comes o inel-

lecual reedom and oher issues ha affec library users bu we have no

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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been nearly as vocal on our own behal Some good work is being done by

a number o bodies wihin librarianship already and we mus be ready o

join and suppor heir effors as well as push oher causes orward OCLCrsquosrepor From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America

addresses he need or library advocacy and evaluaes how advocacy and

markeing campaigns can bes influence hose who und libraries991252espe-

cially voing axpayers24 Te inerwining o our image and value hus ex-

ends o he ldquovaluerdquo o librarianship on a moneary level our image mus

communicae our value o hose who und us Some donors may be happy

o will heir esaes o heir vision o a large book warehouse bu heyover he course o ime are dying off Te firs library super poliical ac-

ion commitee (super PAC) EveryLibrary is leading he charge in library

advocacy in he Unied Saes and is undamenal message is ha he

publicrsquos percepion o ldquolibrariansrdquo (meaning anyone working in a library)

drives behavior a he polls25 EveryLibrary is aking his undersanding

and is undraising power as a super PAC o help spread posiive librarian

image campaigns and help small library groups around he Unied Saes

in heir local ballo iniiaives

Concerns over value and advocacy can eed righ back in o our anxi-

ey even more so in women-dominaed proessions in which percepion

anxiey is commonplace In James V Carmichael Jrrsquos railblazing aricle

ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proes-

sional Gender Issuesrdquo he explains ha ldquosereoype and saus concerns areobsessive in all low-saus marginal proessionsrdquo26 Discussion surrounding

saus and sereoypes o librarians eners ino gendered space and ouches

on problems wih inequaliy in women-dominaed proessions as a whole

Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord asuely sae in ldquoLibrarians and

Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he Meaning o he Librarianrdquo ha ldquo[se-

reoyping] creaes a regime o represenaion ha ulimaely consrics he

power and economic saus o a gendered proession991252librarianshiprdquo27

Female-dominaed migh be more grammaically correc bu here as well as in he res o hischaper we are ocusing on gender-reerencing erms raher han sex as one does no have o be

biologically emale o ideniy as a woman

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

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Looking a he American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associa-

ionrsquos (ALA-APA) median salary comparison char adaped rom he Bu-

reau o Labor Saisics i is clear ha women-dominaed fields even whenrequiring more advanced educaion have lower pay and saus han hose

dominaed by men28 Tis should no be surprising bu i is somehing ha

needs o be wihin our awareness o undersand he effec sereoypes have

Melissa Lamon echoes his concern in ldquoGender echnology and Librar-

iesrdquo by highlighing ha ldquohe associaion o womenrsquos posiions wih lower

wages and presige serves o susain he occupaional segregaion and jus-

iy he suble discriminaion ha hinders womenrdquo29 Lamon also noes heproblem wih symbolic represenaions o gendered fields where ldquosome-

imes percepion creaes realiyrdquo30 Tis speaks o boh being aware o our

sereoypes and he imporance o diversiy

Considering respec or women in a proessional capaciy he Rad-

ords urher noe in heir research on sereoypes and power relaions

(hrough he lens o Foucaul) ldquoTere is a clear relaionship beween he

represenaion and reamen o women and he low saus o he library

proessionrdquo31 Te Radords argue ha gendered consruced ldquosysems o

differencerdquo mainain hegemony32 Furhermore i is essenial o dig deeper

ino he sereoype o discover how i is perpeuaed who is hur by i and

how can i be challenged and changed we mus ldquoanalyze he sysems o

powerknowledge ha go o he very hear o wha i means o be male

and emale powerul and marginalized valued and devaluedrdquo33

Naurally women-dominaed proessions end o ace batles mirror-

ing (firs-world) eminismrsquos overarching concerns In he case o inorma-

ion work we are dealing wih assering our value in a proession which

on he ace o i is devalued due o sereoypes o subservience and caring

And his is how our worh is defined o he public In an effor o provide

soluions raher han jus highligh he problem ALA-APA poins o a sug-

gesed course o acion firs ldquoWe mus overcome he sereoype o helibrary worker as he selfless dedicaed and devoed worker who is in he

proession o do good and who will accep any pitance o payrdquo second

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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we need o beter inorm he public o wha librarians do and he special

skills educaion and experience ha are needed o be a successul librar-

ian and hird pay equiy is a batle we should coninue fighing paricu-larly because i is one way (among many) in which women are discrimi-

naed agains34 As we similarly sress he APA-ALA suggesions illusrae

a muliaceed approach because sereoypes perceived value and public

undersanding o wha librarians do are all inerwined

Alhough hese posiive effors exis and have been expanding in re-

cen years here are also effors ha are derimenal In rying o creae

disance rom sereoypes librarians a imes wind up hypocriically po-licing each oher (eg why is he or she dressing oo sexy he or she looks

oo rumpy he or she looks like a hipser he or she looks so smug I or we

could do i beter he or she does no deserve ha awardpressrecogni-

ion) Tis kind o in-fighing makes i more difficul o bring librarian-

ship and our value as proessionals ino a posiive ligh in he publicrsquos eye

and even our own Is i any wonder ha he inormaion proessions carry

sel-eseem issues and anxiey i we are consanly flagellaing ourselves

I is also no surprising ha when librarians have he opporuniy o pres-

en hemselves he ocus shis off o heir message and on o how hey

look Even in posiive eaure sories where he rue inen o he piece is

o promoe librarians or wha hey do he ocus insead urns so heavily

on how he eaured librarians (especially when hey are women) look or

do no look or should have looked ha individuals ge reduced o physi-cal atribues only

Discouning abiliies and accomplishmens o insead ocus on ap-

pearance wheher inenional or no is no unique o librarianship here

is pleny o harassmen direced oward women online as well as objecifi-

caion in oher occupaions Considering image-based commenary abou

See ldquoInerne Harassmen o Women When Haers Do More han Haerdquo wwwnprorg20140108260757625inerne-harassmen-o-women-when-haers-do-more-han-

jus-hae ldquoFemale Ahlees Judged by Sex Appealrdquo htpabcnewsgocomechnologysoryid=119952 ldquoFocus on Hillary Clinonrsquos Appearance Sparks Criicismrdquo htpnoworgupdaeocus-on-hillary-clinon-s-appearance-sparks-criicism

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

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Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

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Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

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mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

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Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

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librarians has come rom boh he public a large and wihin he field he

later especially proves we have some work o do Audre Lorde makes he

charge in ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will No Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquoha women should ake a unied ron and work ogeher or eminismrsquos

success rom a perspecive o inersecionaliy ldquoAs women we have been

augh eiher o ignore our differences or o view hem as causes or sepa-

raion and suspicion raher han as orces or change Wihou communiy

here is no liberaion only he mos vulnerable and emporary armisice

beween an individual and her oppressionhellip In our world divide and

conquer mus become define and empowerrdquo35 Tis powerul saemenapplies o our effors in making librarianship beter respeced we should

be working ogeher o demonsrae our value and garner greaer respec

rom our relaive communiies wheher i be in neighborhoods on uni-

versiy campuses in corporaions or onlinedagger

Les we hink he problems and divisiveness surrounding image in

inormaion proessions are unique i is useul o noe ha oher proes-

sions and even ones ha are no radiionally women-dominaed ponder

quesions o image and presenaion as well Our conversaions perhaps

eel more prevalen due o our closeness o hem bu i is mosly a case o a

filer bubble (or inormaion avoidance) ha we may miss hese conversa-

ions happening ouside o librarianship36 Troughou academia we find

many discussions on he opic boh casual and scholarly Fashion blogs

are kep by academics and proessionals as diverse as hisorians pharma-cologiss and lawyers37 For he 2013 annual conerence o he American

Anhropological Associaion he prominen anhropology blog Savage

Minds posed in rue anhropological syle a somewha ongue-in-cheek

ye horough analysis ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an An-

hropologisrdquo eauring observan gems such as ldquoTe unisex pan-ehnic

Briefly described inersecionaliy signifies overlapping sysems o oppressiondagger No jus women librarians bu all librarians should be working ogeher o improve our collecive

saus as hese concerns affec us all however his does no mean ignoring imporan differences beween us including he need or improving diversiy in LIS and giving a greaer voice o hoseno in he dominan group(s)

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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scar is a musrdquo and ldquoTere is a way in which disheveled chic is he perec

syle or anhropologiss I can mach any siuaionrdquo38

In recen years he Chronicle o Higher Educaion has run aricles ex-ploring ldquoTe Academic Wardroberdquo ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo and even a

humorous ake on RaeMyProessorcomrsquos chili pepper indicaor o pro-

essor honess39 Some o hese aricles migh sugges a need o conorm o

paricular syles o succeed in paricular fields Ye here is also visible push-

back rom early career academics rying o reconfigure radiional syles

and sereoypes such as he aricle ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo40 Among many

asue observaions he auhor wries ldquoI we have oo-sric rules abou wha our colleagues should look like we may exclude people who donrsquo

look exacly like mos o usrdquo Publishing anonymously as ldquoFemale Science

Proessorrdquo he auhor indexes he genuine pressure and possible ridicule

she aces relaing o hese issues Inside Higher Ed has also broached he

subjec regularly991252ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo ldquoTe Well-Dressed Aca-

demicrdquo and ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo41 Regarding a New York imes

eaure on sylish proessors ldquoClass Acsrdquo42 Dr anisha R Ford conem-

plaes he power o privilege or he lack hereo on dress and adornmen

in he Ivory ower

Te realiy is ha scholars o color women and oher groups whose bodies are read as non-normaive have never been ableo check heir race gender religion or sexual orienaion a he

doorhellip Our proessionalism and our inellecual compeenceare largely judged by how we syle ourselves hellip[and so we use]our ashion sense o define ourselves our proessionalism andour research and eaching agendas on our own erms43

We will reurn o engaging wih privilege bu or now i is key o noe hamuch o he discussion o appearance in academia sems ou o srucures

o power and he (de)consrucion o radiional ldquonormsrdquo Academic sudies rom across he humaniies social sciences and sci-

ences have also aken a reflexive look a appearance in academia Social

psychologiss Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ound ha i ook ap-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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proximaely 30 seconds (or less) o silen video o judge how a high school

eacher would be evaluaed in end-o-erm evaluaions44 Anoher sudy

ou o he field o communicaions ound correlaions beween graduaesuden eaching assisansrsquo appearance and suden engagemen45 We

migh compare boh o how image and presenaion affec how library us-

ers encouner librarians as Jennier Bonne and Ben McAlexander sudy

in ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encouner Te Influence o A-

ec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo46 Addiionally a recen

sudy published in he Proceedings o he Naional Academy o Sciences on

he evaluaion o musiciansrsquo perormances ound ha judgmens o a per-ormancersquos qualiy based solely on audio were significanly differen rom

judgmens based on audio and visual inpu wih image srongly impacing

judgmens o oherwise idenical perormances47 A 2002 aricle ldquoPosing

as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

ound ha even he direcion in which a person aces in heir aculy por-

rai could convey a more ldquoscienificrdquo appearance48 Being ineresed in

how people look and display hemselves is human and imeless as is work-

ing o maneuver he sysem

In hinking abou who is and is no considered a ldquolibrarianrdquo a lack o

privilege conflics wih choice regarding onersquos abiliy o ignore sereoypes

and ohersrsquo percepions Numerous bloggers have aken on hese issues

and considering dress as being one avenue in which we wrie our ideni-

ies and hey are read by ohers hese examples look o clohing Beingable o no concern onesel wih his reading or wriing is a privilege and

Feminising blogger Juliana Brito Schwarz examines how people o color

(paricularly women) are required o assimilae ino Wesern whie cul-

ure when dressing or work She says ldquoFor [women o color] who ace

judgmens around being acky or aggressive heir clohing mus do every-

hing possible o counerac hose sereoypesrdquo49 Ca Smih explains in

considering abled and disabled bodies ha ldquowha passes or a sel-awarerejecion o ashion on one person will be seen in a compleely differen

way on anoher bodyrdquo and ha ashion can be used as ldquoa way o challeng-

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

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racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

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Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

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Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

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mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

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Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

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ing ableis assumpions o disabled peoplersquos place in he worldrdquo50 In his

quoe she is reerring o Eddie Ndopursquos accoun o presening himsel as a

ldquoblack queer criprdquo as he idenifies himsel

Clohes are deeply imbued wih he insidiousness o power re-laions when atached o he bodies wearing hem A hoodiecarries he hrea o violence when i clads he bodies o young

black and brown male-idenified and masculine o cener peo-ple Wearing he niqab andor burka caalyzes he whie sav-iour indusrial complex o sep in and declare euro-wesern

concepions o womanhood as he universal benchmark ogender based equaliy denying Muslim women heir agencyIn my case sweas and clohes labeled ldquorumpyrdquo engender piy

And ha is why I reuse o wear hem in public51

For hose no par o dominan culure groups ideniy oen needs o behidden or negoiaed in order o assimilae

When considering whie privilege specifically Peggy McInosh de-scribes his as ldquowhies are augh o hink o heir lives as a morally neural

normaive and average also ideal so ha when we work o benefi oh-

ers his is seen as work which will allow lsquohemrsquo o be more like lsquousrsquordquo52 In a

sudy on appearance managemen and border consrucion o disassociae

onesel rom cerain groups Anhony Freias e al ound sudy parici-

pans echo Ndopursquos senimen Te sudyrsquos auhors explain ha ldquoseveral

Arican American males repored he need o be cauious abou being mis-aken or gang members [and] Asian American sudens oen expressed

he desire o appear differen rom recen immigransrdquo53 For marginalized

groups demonsraing who one is no hrough sel-presenaion can be

jus as urgen as demonsraing who one is

Te urgency o group associaion or disassociaion or humane rea-

men is very real ressie McMillan Cotom looking a how poor people

ge ridiculed or spending beyond wha is assumed o be heir means on

saus symbol iems o disassociae hemselves rom a lower socioeconom-

ic class wries ldquoBelonging o one group a he righ ime can mean he di-

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

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Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

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Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

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De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

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Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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erence beween unemploymen and employmen a good job as opposed

o a bad job housing or a sheler and so onhellip [Appearing] presenable as

a sufficien condiion or gainul dignified work or successul social iner-acions is a privilegerdquo54 Krisin Iverson explains ha he concep o norm-

core and lack o concern over ideniy ldquois jus a case o powerul people

flauning heir power by willingly ceding i hellipand he ruh is ha some

people donrsquo need o worry abou heir ideniies because heir saus is se-

curerdquo55 Body size is anoher sigmaizaion polarized by privilege Melissa

McEwan argues ldquoFor a women being sylish isnrsquo a luxuryhellip Fa women

have all kinds o narraives abou sloppiness laziness diriness o over-come Someimes [high-heeled shoes] are a crucial par o looking lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in a way ha sufficienly convinces people ha we care abou

ourselves ha manages o counerac pervasive culural narraives ha a

people donrsquo care abou ourselvesrdquo56

I is no only a women as McEwan noes bu all women wih mar-

ginalized bodies who ldquomay srongly relae o he idea o having o be lsquopu

ogeherrsquo in order o be reaed as human beingsrdquo57 Tere are many oher

groups ha do no have he privilege o no caring abou ashion or sel-

presenaion Te elderly991252again women in paricular991252is one example

as aging comes wih a loss o power From his M Elise Radina e al in

sudying he Red Ha Sociey noe ha ldquono surprisingly women experi-

ence higher degrees o negaive sereoyping and sigma as hey age han

heir male conemporariesrdquo58

Te Red Ha Sociey uses clohing and pre-senaion-o-sel o reclaim power and lessen sigmadagger And o course rans

individuals encouner a grea deal o sigma atached o heir ideniy

And wheher ransiioned or in considering genderqueer issues Mimi

Ti Nguyen quesions gender presenaion paricularly or hose whose

Normcore is a new nonashion ashion movemen and neologism where he ideal is o appear

unashionable and unconcerned wih presenaion in order o have greaer human connecionssee he K-Hole rend Repor under ldquoYouh Moderdquo a htpkholene

dagger According o is websie he Red Ha Sociey ldquohas become he inernaional sociey dedicaed oreshaping he way women approaching 50 and beyond are viewed in odayrsquos culurerdquo see htpredhasocieycompressleter-o-he-media

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

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Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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clohing opions migh no comorably house or reflec heir gender(s) or

body ype ldquoFor whom is lsquosel-expressionrsquo hrough clohes or syle difficul

unavailable or even undesirable Wha oher gender presenaions sexualideniies and embodied saes can poin us suggesively oward alerna-

ive ways o inhabiing our clohes and he uncerain sories hey ellrdquo59

Presenaion o sel should no have o dicae an eiheror exisence par-

icularly so or hose no in posiions o privilege

Librarian perspecives on ideniy and presenaion also echo broader

concerns wih privilege Chris Bourg sel-ideniying as buch reflecs on

he improbabiliy o one-size-fis-all wardrobe advice and poins ou inconsidering ohersrsquo expecaions or ideniy and dress ha ldquopar o being

differen is always wonderingrdquo60 Cecily Walker a librarian also wriing on

ideniy and inersecionaliy in librarianship saes ldquoWe can have conver-

saions abou purple hair and atoos and wheher hey donrsquo represen a

proessional image bu we shouldnrsquo have hem wihou drawing parallels

beween hese superficial differences and he (in some case) immuable

differences ha we are born wih or ha are cenral o our ideniyrdquo61

Walkerrsquos saemen demonsraes he need o recognize hese issues

especially when we are working o increase diversiy As Minh-Ha Pham

makes clear in Ms Magazine ldquoFashion like so many oher hings associ-

aed primarily wih women may be dismissed as rivial bu i shapes how

wersquore read by ohers especially on he levels o gender class and race

In urn how wersquore read deermines how we are reaed especially in he workorcerdquo62

Trough his reflecion and undersanding how presenaion-o-sel

and clohing choice are impaced by ideniy and privilege we poinedly

argue ha alhough ldquono caringrdquo or ldquono worryingrdquo abou (he librarian)

sereoype would cerainly be ideal i is no possible or many individuals

o do so Being aniashion can influence a sae o ldquoalse neuraliyrdquo which

causes harm hrough wha Dean Spade explains as ldquooreclos[ing] peoplersquosabiliies o expose he workings o cked up sysems on heir bodies as

hey see firdquo63 I can rob us o agency

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

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Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

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Considering how o improve percepions o librarians i is imporan

o firs examine how and why hese percepions are ormed When here

is an unknown i is common o use heurisics o fill in he blanks andonce hese impressions are made i can be very difficul o reverse hem

I is nearly impossible or one o ener a compleely unknown siuaion

wihou expecaions or some orm o sereoype Library users who have

seen librarians presened in popular culure or who have had impacul

experiences in heir own lives will depend on heurisics o inorm heir

undersanding o a new siuaion or a new person he library and librarian

in quesionSocial psychology proessors and researchers Richard E Nisbet and

Lee Ross have explained he ldquorepresenaiveness heurisicrdquo as a means by

which individuals explain he unknown when peraining o groups o

people a ldquogoodness-o-firdquo schema is subconsciously used o relae recog-

nized rais o esablished caegories64 When a known sereoype is avail-

able his is wha can be used o subsiue or lack o undersanding For

users who avoid he library heir idea o librarians will be based on wha

hey already know Wheher his is as harmless as assuming librarians wear

a lo o cardigans or he more derimenal idea ha librarians are irrelevan

or even boh previous impressions will carry weigh Once esablished

hese impressions can be inexorable proving difficul o reverse and par-

icularly so when considering he impac o sel-ulfilling prophecies So-

ciologis Rober Meron explains his as ldquoa alse definiion o he siuaion[ha evokes] a new behavior which makes he originally alse concepion

come ruerdquo65 Meron noes his as a cause o orced behaviors resuling

rom sereoyped groups oo consciously atemping o no fi heir as-

signed sereoypes66

In he recen decade blogs have become a popular venue or explora-

ions o he opics o presenaion and ashion Beyond he innumerable

sarorial phoo blogs here are also many phoo blogs ocusing on people who are deemed sriking someimes or heir ashion bu oen or much

more Te blog Humans o New York (HONY ) is a significan example rom

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

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Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

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Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

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De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

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Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

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Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

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mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

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Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

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sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

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Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

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December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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which many oher ldquoHumans o rdquo blogs have sprung67 Furher HONY

creaor and phoographer Brandon Sanon also capures poignan sae-

mens rom his subjecs breaking down barriers o image and sereoypeas viewers ge a peek beyond he pose Engaging he public o break down

hese ypes o barriers is crucial no jus or librarianship bu on a much

broader scale as well

An example rom librarianship would be he aoremenioned publicly

viewable Inerne policing o how oher librarians look in an effor o avoid

cerain sereoypes remaining in he spoligh his insead highlighs in-

fighing and essenially he ac o shushing (each oher) on a grander scaleenorcing wha he public migh have wrongly assumed o be rais o librar-

ians iniially Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson in heir highly influ-

enial sudy Pygmalion in he Classroom discuss moivaion or prophecy

ulfillmen68 Counerinuiively when expecaions (even negaive or harm-

ul ones) are in place and he reverse occurs (even i he reverse has a benefi-

cial oucome) i causes some orm o physical emoional or psychic pain

Hence me expecaions lead o saisacion In relaion o evoluionary

advanage Rosenhal and Jacobson noe ldquoMan has a vesed ineres in his

predicive accuracyrdquo69 Tereore we argue ha ocusing only on response

hrough posiive messages and inormaion abou wha librarians do will

essenially all on dea ears or hose relying on heurisics o inorm heir

ineres in libraries o break ree rom sel-ulfilling prophecies ha are a

resul o sereoypes Meron advises ha ldquoonly when he original assump-ion is quesioned and a new definiion o he siuaion inroduced does he

consequen flow o evens give he lie o he assumpion Only hen does he

belie no longer aher he realiyrdquo70 He makes i clear ha sel-examinaion

challenge and change go hand in hand and we consequenly mainain ha

sel-sudy is essenial in improving he saus and percepion o librarians

Sereoypes in conjuncion wih heurisics can addiionally be ine-

graed ino knowledge srucures hrough hin slicing or person-percep-ion Tis area o research comes rom he social sciences where hin slic-

ing reers o making judgmens rom firs impressions based on nonverbal

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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behavior in a very shor span o ime Nalini Ambady noes in ldquoTe Perils

o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo ha ldquohe lieraure on

nonverbal behavior suggess ha evaluaive judgmens based solely onnonverbal cues are biologically based and occur auomaically ouside

awareness wihou drawing on conscious cogniive processing resourc-

esrdquo71 Tis demonsraes ha we make snap judgmens o each oher beore

a person migh even have a chance o speak and because hese evaluaive

judgmens are auomaic and insan hey rely on preexising knowledge

srucures (heurisics sereoypes) o help us quickly assume how o un-

dersand anoher person or group o people Tereore we argue ha how we are perceived hrough how we look or are assumed o look is no ir-

relevan and does in ac play a role in our resuling deermined value

Mimi Ti Nguyen rom he blog readbared and an associae proes-

sor o gender and womenrsquos sudies and Asian American sudies expresses

ha ldquohe sories we creae around persons rom heir clohes oen say

more abou us and abou he larger social poliical economic discourses

and pracices ha inorm our world-views boh consciously and uncon-

sciously han abou he persons we are looking ardquo72 In considering how

we presen ourselves and how our values are espoused hrough presena-

ion realisically or sereoypically i is worh undersanding how we are

acually perceived by he public and wha hese percepions mean wheh-

er he basis is looks values abiliies or all o he above Only hen can we

deermine how o reverse hese sereoypes as i will be difficul o deeahe persisen imagery ueling hese percepions wihou a unified and re-

peiive ron

As many o he chapers in his volume elucidae and expand upon

here are a variey o librarian sereoypes each o which does is own

work on he public percepion o inormaion work wheher or posiive

or negaive radiional sereoypes include he dichoomies o suffy and

Parick Sweeney serving on EveryLibraryrsquos board o direcors poins ou ha numerous liera-ure on effecive campaigning sresses he imporance o repeiion in imagery and messagingsee htppcsweeneycom20140212he-slae-aricle-campaign-mah-and-why-ha-ari-cle-doesn-mater

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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or effeminae man and he spinser prude or highly sexual woman Tese

images are well ingrained in he public consciousness and are he conex

we navigae while we work o presen ourselves and he value o our work As Erving Goffman discussed briefly earlier wroe in e Presenaion o

Sel in Everyday Lie ldquoWhen an acor akes on an esablished social role

usually he finds ha a paricular ron has already been esablished or irdquo73

Goffman spoke in erms o how individuals fi ino roles and ino groups

bu he concep carries over o atemps o break ree o hese esablished


On he flip side o his issue he original inen o a message can beeasy o miss i aken ou o conex and hrough onersquos personal rame o

reerence Tis o course can apply o messaging regarding he value o

librarians Tus in esablishing new images old images mus be reen-

gaged or reerence o poin ou how he new image is differen Jacques

Derrida wroe ldquoEvery sign linguisic or nonlinguisic hellipcan be cied

pu beween quoaion marks in so doing i can break wih every given

conex engendering an infiniy o new conexs in a manner which is

absoluely illimiablerdquo74 o ollow Derrida we can imagine how librar-

iansrsquo atemps o figh sereoypes can be aken ou o heir inended con-

ex and ed righ back ino heir consrucion or any muliude o new

conexs uninended One hereore canno ignore he public percepion

o libraries and inormaion proessions when working o convey heir

value Knowing how he audience991252wheher he public ellow librariansrusees wih unding or adminisraors wih power over he uure o a

library991252will encouner he message should srongly influence how i is

ramed Working rom wihin he conex o sereoype reurns us o he

Radordsrsquo analysis o how o couner sereoypes in ldquoLibrarians and Pary

Girlsrdquo Ciing Suar Hall hey argue ha we can reverse sereoypes and

subsiue posiive images in he media o challenge negaive images75

Te Radords sugges ha o reverse he sereoype ldquowould involve mediaimages o librarians as he reverse o heir sereoypical images ha is as

young cool and hiprdquo76

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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I would be nearly impossible o wrie abou librarian sereoypes and

skip over he new addiion o our menagerie o images being ldquohiprdquo Mos

noably in 2007 e New York imes ( NY ) published he aricle ldquoA Hip-per Crowd o Shushersrdquo o highligh librarian image wih he backdrop o

social evens and acivis work in New York Ciy77 Bu is being reimagined

as hipsers ruly beneficial o he saus o he proession and does his

persona align wih he porrayal he Radords described Tis NY aricle

coninues o receive unencouraging reacions in LIS online orums even

seven years laer Te erm hipser has aken on an even more negaive con-

noaion wihin he las decade where many preer o mainain disancerom he descripor Te 2010 n+1 publicaion Wha Was he Hipser A

Sociological Invesigaion revealed derisive definiions and reacions in-

cluding Rob Horning pondering ldquoOr is he hipser a kind o permanen

culural middleman in hyper-mediaed lae capialism selling ou alerna-

ive sources o social power developed by ousider groups[]rdquo78 Tis is ap-

propriae considering ha some ieraions o hipserdom have appropri-

aed oher culures o serve he needs o upper-middle class whies Te

negaive responses o he NY aricle could be atribued o disdain or

he noion o a hipser However when considering he Radordsrsquo perspec-

ive a more accurae reason or disancing migh be ha his sereoyping

works o divide librarians by exclusionary acics demonsraing ha a se-

lec ew are hip raher han librarianship as a proession Much o hipser

hared comes rom an ldquous versus hemrdquo dichoomy and so his ype o por-rayal can have he opposie effec rom wha was inended

Addiionally we are a a poin where he erm hipser has become es-

senially nullified no longer having meaning because i is describing an age

range raher han a delineaed subculure79 I may also simply be an issue

o generaional change in librarianship Tere have been counless books

aricles video segmens and porrayals in oher popular media abou how

millennials are an awul generaion characerized by hipness Tis cer-

For example see NPRrsquos coverage o Urban Oufiters being sued or appropriaing he NavajoNaion rademark wwwnprorg20120405150062611navajo-naion-sues-urban-oufi-ers-over-rademark

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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ainly is no a new ype o characerizaion Gen X slackers and boomer

hippies were similarly discussed as hey each enered he workorce Ye

purposeul invocaion o hipser imagery or libraries migh serve a moreinnocuous use in an effor o appeal o harder-o-reach library users o his

demographic One reason librarians have more recenly been associaed

wih he hipser sereoype may be due o an atemp o increase appeal o

he 20- o 30-year-old crowd libraries are hoping o servedagger And i is in his

ype o scenario ha he Radordsrsquo call o align librarianship (as opposed

o a selec ew librarians) wih he hipser image migh indeed carry ou a

shi in percepions Regardless wih hese more recen connoaions oldquohiprdquo i is good o be cauious in wha his signifier migh represen

A more pressing concern wih he associaion beween librarians and

hipness paricularly wihin he diversiy-sarved field o LIS is ha he

curren popular noion o a hipser oen excludes persons o color and

hose o lower socioeconomic saus as well as anyone else no fiting a

youhul able cisgender exisenceDagger Tis narrow assumpion o wha a

hipser is defines one-who-is-hip in he 21s cenury hrough sereoype

Te exclusiviy o his sereoype no o menion he oher negaive rais

associaed wih i is derimenal o working or increased diversiy wihin

librarianship and our users Tis is a recurring problem wih all o he li-

brarian sereoypes hey show inernally wihin he field and exernally

o he public ha librarians eiher ldquoarerdquo or ldquoare supposed o berdquo a cerain

way reflecive o dominan culure norms In parallel his sends a messageabou wha librarians ldquoshouldrdquo look like and brings us urher ino he se-

mioics o dress and oher sociological perspecives on presenaion

Tose no fiting ino he majoriy demographic should no need o

aler hemselves or heir presenaion-o-sel or greaer inclusion in li-

brarianship expecing such aleraions is in ac a barrier o increasing

diversiy Similarly in ocusing on who ges le ou o being assumed o

dagger See Chicago Public Libraryrsquos ldquoNo Wha You Tinkrdquo campaign wwwprlogorg10139260-is-no-wha-you-hink-chicago-public-library-launches-new-awareness-campaignhml

Dagger And oher demographics ha migh no be as visible or could address inersecionaliy

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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are navigaing paricularly ricky ground beween boh work and nonwork

ideniies and ideniies and image Even librarians who do no see heir

nonwork ideniy as srongly ied o heir careers may sill find discomorin discussions o wha heir work image should and should no be Sereo-

ypes co-op an individualrsquos agency in heir presenaion-o-sel and in an

already unsable ime being reminded o a lack o conrol is hreaening

and evokes more uncerainy

Bu much like spoken and writen language clohing and appearance

communicae differen messages in differen conexs Tough we canno

necessarily conrol he conexs in which we presen ourselves we can beaware o hem and encouner hem on our own erms Librarians who

would argue ha how hey look is unimporan and ha wha hey do is

wha communicaes heir value are no necessarily wrong in heir ideol-

ogy bu he conex maters as do he conscious choices we make in how

we encouner our conexs In Ideology An Inroducion lierary heoris

erry Eagleon explains ideology in much he same manner ldquoIdeology is

a manner o lsquodiscoursersquo raher han lsquolanguagersquo [and] exacly he same piece

o language may be ideological in one conex and no in anoher ideol-

ogy is a uncion o he relaion o an uterance o is social conexrdquo82 For

example i librarians visiing a ca sheler proclaim ha hey love cas ew

would find i o be an ideological saemen On he oher hand i hey

said ha hey love cas while inroducing hemselves a a library even

i would carry a differen weigh Embracing a sereoype o make i yourown can signal validaion o sereoypes o ohers And on he reverse side

o he same mater he Radords address librarians who posiion hem-

selves as unique via monikers such as ldquoLeaher Librarianrdquo or ldquoRenegade

Librarianrdquo saing ldquoI remains o be seen i hese images will succeed in

heir challenge o he sereoypes or in a sense hey serve o reinorce he

See Fierce Fashion Fuures on umblr as an example o approaching ashion hrough acivismldquoFashion is media and poliics a he same ime Fashion is lie and ar a he same ime Every day

we communicae somehing abou who we are who we wan and wha kind o world we wan wih our clohes and our bodiesrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo htpfierceashionu-uresumblrcomabou

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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sereoype by proclaiming in essence lsquowe are librarians bu we are he

excepions o he sereoypersquordquo83 Posing as individually in opposiion o a

sereoype can reinorce i or he res o he groupFurher no mater onersquos ideology regarding librarian image and how

one siuaes onesel wihin i by being engaged in inormaion proessions

(and one migh argue in humaniy) we are inherenly enangled in he is-

sues o presenaion and represenaion In heir aricle ldquoEnclohed Cogni-

ionrdquo Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky address he ways in which clohing

influences people finding ha i has an impac boh on hose whom one

encouners as well as on he wearerrsquos own behavior84 Bu i is no jus heappearance o an iem o clohing ha affecs he wearer and he observer

Adam and Galinsky experimened in giving he same whie lab coa o sub-

jecs and describing i varyingly as a ldquopainerrsquos coardquo or a ldquodocorrsquos coardquo

o differen effec ldquoParicipans who wore a supposed docorrsquos coa and

paricipans who wore a supposed painerrsquos coa were in ac wearing he

same coa and had he same physical experience ye heir perormance on

an atenion-relaed ask differed depending on he coarsquos symbolic mean-

ingrdquo85 Exrapolaing o he inormaion proessions how we are presened

has an effec on he work we do and wha people expec o us he respec

we afford ourselves and ha users afford us and he subsequen expeca-

ions on all sides are srongly affeced by wha ldquocoardquo we wear O course

here are no easy answers and i was in conemplaing all o hese aspecs

o he librarian sereoype and is effecs ha we arrived a he idea or his book and sough ou a broad range o chaper opics o ackle many o he

issues rom a variey o angles

Tis bookrsquos chapers presen a wide range o research genres and oci

atemping in breaking down librarian sereoypes o no all vicim isel

o any sereoype o ldquoinormaion science lieraurerdquo We have made an e-

or o include pieces ha boh ocus on specific insances o librarian-pre-

senaion such as atooed librarians and librarians in pornographic novelsas well as broader discussions o issues in he occupaion calls or change

and suggesions o how o work oward ha change Each reader will likely

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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spo gaps in our scope991252as every reader has heir own perspecives and

ineress Te ways in which our occupaion is porrayed by ohers and by

ourselves and our proessional organizaions are myriad wha do peopleexpec rom librarians and wha do we wan hem o expec Correspond-

ingly he ways in which librarianship is no porrayed are equally o iner-

es and concern wha or who is missing in he image o librarianship Tis

book is inended o promoe he conversaion on librarianship oday is

hisory and is uure encouraging sudy o he many aces o he public

ace o he occupaion and is insiuions991252how i is perceived and how

we are acively affecing i Tere are wo imporan quesions ha we en-courage everyone o ask again and again and o ask in differen ways o

grow he discourse o include each readerrsquos personal concerns How are

we and ohers perpeuaing he proession And how does his impac he

libraries and librarianship o he uure

In his hemed volume you will find a wealh o views and a wide

range o ideas and approaches o looking a he issues surrounding se-

reoyping in inormaion work We have organized he order o he chap-

ers o provide flow and some scaffolding in conceps Readers began

heir journey wih James V Carmichael Jrrsquos oreword ldquoEmbracing he

Melancholy How he Auhor Renounced Moloch and he Conga Line

or Swee Conversaions on Paper o he Air o lsquoSecond Hand Rosersquordquo

Since his enrance ino he field as a librarian and coninuing as a ac-

uly member a he Universiy o Norh Carolina a Chapel Hill Schoolo Inormaion and Library Science James has provided poignan re-

search on librarian sereoypes examining implicaions regarding gen-

der and LGBQ issues in librarianship His conribuions o he field in

hese areas o sudy are known or high-impac aricles beginning in he

1990s such as ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey

o Sereoype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo and ldquoTe Gay Librar-

ian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Proessional GenderIssuesrdquo86 A number o our auhors cie Jamesrsquos research and we eel i

has come ull circle o have his work writen 20 years ago sill be so rel-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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evan oday and he coninues o provide highly insighul and imporan

research o he field

Wih his firs chaper we have ramed he conex rom which he reso our chapers emerge In chaper 2 ldquoAcademic Librarian Sel-Image in

Lore How Shared Sories Convey and Define our Sense o Proessional

Ideniyrdquo Sarah Seiner and Julie Jones consruc a olklore analysis o he

ales librarians ell regarding work demonsraing he resulan impac

on sel-perspecive and wha i means o be an inormaion proessional

In chaper 3 Grechen Keer and Andrew Carlos examine why librarians

have hisorically been obsessed wih sereoypes and explore wha mighhave propelled percepion anxiey o his level wih ldquoTe Sereoype Se-

reoype Our Obsession wih Librarian Represenaionrdquo Ayanna Gaines

ollows in chaper 4 wih ldquoTarsquos Womenrsquos Work Pink-Collar Proessions

Gender and he Librarian Sereoyperdquo and akes an in-deph look a he

sruggle or pay equiy and saus o eminized proessions providing

conex or librarianship by comparing i wih fields encounering similar

obsacles In chaper 5 ldquoFrom Sensuous o Sexy Te Librarian in Pos-

Censorship Prin Pornographyrdquo David Squires addresses he evoluion o

he ldquosexy librarianrdquo sereoype and is impac on libraries and heir users

hrough an analysis o pornographic novels

In chaper 6 ldquoRainbow Warriors Sories o Archivis Acivism and

he Queer Recordrdquo erry Baxer examines he ransormaion o archives

and aciviss hrough he co-emergence o queer archives and archivisacivism Chaper 7 ldquoUnpacking Ideniy Racial Ehnic and Proes-

sional Ideniy and Academic Librarians o Colorrdquo is Isabel Gonzalez-

Smih Juleah Swanson and Azusa anakarsquos invesigaion o percepions

o librarians o color wihin librarianship looking o sel-sudy and im-

plicaions or expanding racial and ehnic diversiy in he library work-

orce Dorohy Gambrell pairs her arisry wih Amanda Brennan or

chaper 8 ldquoLibrarians and Felines A Hisory o Deying he lsquoCa LadyrsquoSereoyperdquo a graphic rendering o he mingled sereoypes o librarians

and ca aficionados Wih chaper 9 ldquoBeween Barbarism and Civiliza-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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ion Librarians atoos and Social Imaginariesrdquo Erin Pappas explores

atoos and he body o he librarian hrough an anhro-linguisic analy-

sis o how librarians alk abou heir atoos and how hese permanenar orms become a sie in which he proessionrsquos anxieies play ou Wih

chaper 10 ldquoA he Corner o Personaliy and Compeencies Exploring

Proessional Personas or Librariansrdquo Lauren Pressley Jenny Dale and

Lynda Kellam look ino assumed and real personas o librarians link-

ing personaliy wih proessional abiliies and expecaions Chaper

11 ldquoSuden Percepions o Academic Librarians Te Influence o Pop

Culure and Pas Experiencerdquo is Melissa Langridge Chrisine Riggi and Allison Schulzrsquos examinaion o suden percepions o librarians based

on exposure o popular media and previous ineracion wih libraries

Te chapers are rounded off wih Annie Pho and J urner Maslandrsquos

chaper 12 ldquoTe Revoluion Will No Be Sereoyped Changing Per-

cepions hrough Diversiyrdquo discussing librarianshiprsquos complicaed his-

ory beween public percepions and diversiy hey offer acionable

suggesions on how o improve boh usersrsquo relaionships wih librarians

and librariesrsquo effors or greaer diversiy And las K R Robero noed

caaloger and coauhor o Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians

Speak Ou looks o he uure o librarianship wih challenges and op-

poruniies ahead in his aerword87

Tis book aims o capure images o boh he general sae o affairs

or inormaion work and is presenaion as well as muliple microcosmso presenaion wihin he world o librarianship and o explore hese par-

icular opics in greaer deail Tere is much work o be done o reconfig-

ure boh librarian sereoypes and he condiions ha perpeuae hem

Raher han offering a conclusive saemen or an encapsulaion o all o

he aspecs o he value o librarianship and he issues we ace as individu-

als and as a communiy we hope ha his book reignies he discussion

and launches us ino producive conversaion and acion

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Notes 1 Miriam Rigby ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Re-

search Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15 Miriam Rigby and John Russell Sudden Se-lecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources (Chicago American Library Associaion orhcom-ing)

2 Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (panel presen-aion American Library Associaion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012)Nicole Pagowsky e al ldquoSyle and Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo (webinar presen-aion American Library Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 272012)

3 Roland Barhes e Language o Fashion (London Bloomsbury Academic 2006) 107 4 Malcolm Barnard Fashion as Communicaion (New York Rouledge 1996) 42 5 Ray evis and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 (Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005) 6 Ruh Kneale You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian (Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009) 7 William C Welburn Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos

Academic Libraries (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 2010) 8 Lauren Comio Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy (Chi-

cago American Library Associaion 2012) 9 K R Robero and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux (Jefferson NC McFarland

2003) 10 Hans Prins Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion

Proession (Munich K G Saur 1995) Mary Jane Scherdin Discovering Librarians (Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries 1994)

11 Pauline Wilson Sereoype and Saus (Wespor C Greenwood 1982) Kahleen de laPentildea McCook e Saus o Women in Librarianship (New York Neal-Schuman 1983)

12 Gayari Chakravory Spivak e Spivak Reader ed Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean(New York Rouledge 1996) 27

13 racey Green ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24

14 Abigail Luhmann ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

15 ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy abou Early Aduls and Teir ResearchHabisrdquo Projec Inormaion Lieracy las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo ERIAL Projec accessed April2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

16 Consance A Mellon ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Journal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39

17 Gary P Radord ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a Posmod-ern Episemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 618

18 Ibid 620 19 Marie L Radord ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o Inerpersonal

Communicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

20 errence W Epperson and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design TeManagemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey

or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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21 Erving Goffman Frame Analysis (Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974) 573ndash74

22 Mary Land ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Li-

brary Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20 23 Ibid 18 24 Cahy De Rosa and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding (Dublin OH OCLC 2008)

htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd 25 ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo EveryLibrary accessed April 5 2014

htpeverylibraryorg 26 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards

Proessional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 14 27 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and he

Meaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 59

28 ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAlliedProessional Associaion las modified 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

29 Melissa Lamon ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Libraries 28 no 3 (2009) 141 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricleview32212834

30 Ibid 31 Marie L Radord and Gary P Radord ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul

and he Sereoype o he Female Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 262 32 Ibid 33 Ibid 263 34 ldquoImproving Salaries and Sausrdquo

35 Audre Lorde ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo in Siser Ou-sider ed Audre Lorde (Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007) 112

36 See Eli Pariser Te Filer Bubble las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecom 37 See Sarorial Sidelines htpsarorialsidelinesblogspocom She Could Be a Pharmer in

ose Clohes htpshecouldbeapharmerblogspocom e Fashionable Esq htphe-ashionableesqblogspocom

38 Carole McGranahan e al ldquoConerence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Sav-age Minds (blog) November 20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-anhropologis

39 Jason B Jones ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion

Profacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academ-ic-wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 James M Lang ldquoLooking like a Proessorrdquo Chronicleo Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proes-sor45035 Kerry Soper ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educa-ion Sepember 12 2010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearance-com124336

40 Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 12012 htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

41 Maria Schine Sewar ldquoTose Really Smar Clohesrdquo Inside Higher Ed Augus 15 2012 wwwinsidehigheredcomadvice20120815find-your-own-ashion-sense-classroom-

essay Jessica Quillin ldquoTe Well-Dressed Academicrdquo Inside Higher Ed June 10 2011 wwwinsidehigheredcomadviceenrepreneurshipquillin_advice_column_on_dressing_or_ success Nae Kreuer ldquoWhy I (Usually) Wear a ierdquo Inside Higher Ed Ocober 24 2011


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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5557


anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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42 ldquoClass Acsrdquo (slide show) New York imes Magazine Sepember 16 2008 wwwnyimescomslideshow20080916magazine20080921-SYLE_indexhml

43 anisha R Ford ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012

wwwracialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-ower 44 Nalini Ambady and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom

Tin Slices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy andSocial Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431

45 K David Roach ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbe-haviors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

46 Jennier L Bonne and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence En-couner Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Aca-demic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

47 Chia-Jung say ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 48 Carel en Cae ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scien-

issrdquo Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92 49 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionally rsquo in a Whie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Femi-

nising (blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-pro-essionally-in-a-whie-mans-world

50 Ca Smih ldquoNormcore Is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

51 Eddie Ndopu ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Femi-nis Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-

perspecive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance 52 Peggy McInosh ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School

49 no 2 (1990) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings Whie_Privilegepd

53 Anhony Freias e al ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas FavorieClohing Group Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 332

54 ressie McMillan Cotom ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

55 Krisin Iverson ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih DressingUglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-norm-

core-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly 56 Melissa McEwan ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakes-

villecom201312here-we-go-againhml 57 Ibid 58 M Elise Radina e al ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Com-

manding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo in Embodied Resisance ed Chris Bobel and Saman-ha Kwan (Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011) 67ndash77

59 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo read-bared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202genderqueer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

60 Chris Bourg ldquoW ha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 172012 htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

61 Cecily Walker ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker(blog) December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5557


anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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62 Minh-Ha Pham ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January17 2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

63 Dean Spade ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

64 Richard E Nisbet and Lee Ross Human Inerence (Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall1980) 17ndash42

65 Rober K Meron ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 195 66 Ibid 197 67 Brandon Sanon Humans o New York wwwhumansonewyorkcom 68 Rober Rosenhal and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom (New York Hol Rine-

har and Winson 1968) 69 Ibid 9

70 Meron ldquoSel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo 197 71 Nalini Ambady ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological

Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271 72 Mimi Ti Nguyen ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo read-

bared (blog) Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

73 Erving Goffman e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie (1959 repr Garden Ciy NY An-chor 1990) 27

74 Jacques Derrida Limied Inc (Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988) 12 75 Suar Hall ed Represenaion Culural Represenaions and Signiying Pracices (Tousand

Oaks CA Sage Publicaions 1997) Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 76 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 67 77 Kara Jesella ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo e New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimes

com20070708ashion08librarianhml 78 Rob Horning ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo in Wha Was he Hipser eds Mark Grie Kah-

leen Ross and Dayna ororici (New York n+1 Foundaion 2010) 79 79 Dan Ozzi ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January

3 2014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-word-hipser

80 Lakshmi Ramarajan and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing

Nonwork Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621 81 Ibid 623 82 erry Eagleon Ideology (London Verso 1991) 9 83 Radord and Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girlsrdquo 68 84 Hajo Adam and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social

Psychology 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25 85 Ibid 922 86 James V Carmichael Jr ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereo-

ype Saus and Gender Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4(1992) 411ndash46 Carmichael ldquoTe Gay Librarianrdquo

87 Robero and Wes Revoling Librarians Redux

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5457



Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5557


anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Bibliography ACRL Assessmen Commitee ldquoValue o Academic Libraries oolkirdquo Associaion o College and

Research Libraries Ocober 2010 wwwalaorgacrlissuesvaluevalueoacademiclibrar-iesoolki

Adam Hajo and Adam D Galinsky ldquoEnclohed Cogniionrdquo Journal o Experimenal Social Psychol-ogy 48 no 4 (2012) 918ndash25

Ambady Nalini ldquoTe Perils o Pondering Inuiion and Tin Slice Judgmensrdquo Psychological Inquiry 21 no 4 (2010) 271ndash78

Ambady Nalini and Rober Rosenhal ldquoHal a Minue Predicing eacher Evaluaions rom TinSlices o Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Atracivenessrdquo Journal o Personaliy and Social

Psychology 64 no 3 (1993) 431ndash41 American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion ldquoImproving Salaries and Saus o

Library Workersrdquo American Library AssociaionndashAllied Proessional Associaion las modi-fied 2012 htpala-apaorgimproving-salariessaus

Barnard Malcolm Fashion as Communicaion New York Rouledge 1996Barhes Roland e Language o Fashion London Bloomsbury Academic 2006Bonne Jennier L and Benjamin McAlexander ldquoFirs Impressions and he Reerence Encoun-

er Te Influence o Affec and Clohing on Librarian Approachabiliyrdquo Journal o Academic Librarianship 39 no 4 (2013) 335ndash46

Bourg Chris ldquoWha Does Sui Up Mean or Tis Buchrdquo Feral Librarian (blog) March 17 2012htpchrisbourgwordpresscom20120317suiup_buch

Carmichael James V Jr ldquoTe Gay Librarian A Comparaive Analysis o Atiudes owards Pro-essional Gender Issuesrdquo Journal o Homosexualiy 30 no 2 (1996) 11ndash57

mdashmdashmdash ldquoTe Male Librarian and he Feminine Image A Survey o Sereoype Saus and Gen-der Percepionsrdquo Library and Inormaion Science Research 14 no 4 (1992) 411ndash46

Chraska John ldquoLibrary Campaigns and Ballo Measuresrdquo EveryLibrary presenaion slides pos-ed July 5 2013 wwwslideshareneEveryLibrarylibrary-campaigns-and-ballo-measures

Comio Lauren Aliqae Geraci and Chrisian Zabriskie Grassroos Library Advocacy Chicago American Library Associaion 2012

Cotom ressie McMillan ldquoTe Logic o Supid Poor Peoplerdquo ressiemc (blog) Ocober 292013 htpressiemccom20131029he-logic-o-supid-poor-people

de la Pentildea McCook Kahleen e Saus o Women in Librarianship Hisorical Sociological and Economic Issues New York Neal-Schuman 1983

De Rosa Cahy and Jenny Johnson From Awareness o Funding A Sudy o Library Suppor in America A Repor o he OCLC Membership Dublin OH OCLC 2008 htpsoclcorgconendamoclcreporsundingullreporpd

Derrida Jacques Limied Inc Evanson IL Norhwesern Universiy Press 1988Eagleon erry Ideology An Inroducion London Verso 1991Epperson errence W and Alan Zemel ldquoRepors Requess and Recipien Design Te Man-

agemen o Paron Queries in Online Reerence Chasrdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Science and echnology 59 no 14 (2008) 2268ndash83

ERIAL Projec ldquoEhnographic Research in Illinois Academic Librariesrdquo Accessed April 2 2014 wwwerialprojecorg

EveryLibrary ldquoEveryLibrary Building Voer Suppor or Librariesrdquo Accessed April 5 2014htpeverylibraryorg

Female Science Proessor ldquoWearing Me Ourdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Ocober 1 2012htpchroniclecomaricleWearing-Me-Ou134740

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5457



Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5557


anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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Fierce Fashion Fuures ldquoAbou Usrdquo Fierce Fashion Fuures las modified February 21 2013htpfierceashionuuresumblrcomabou

Ford anisha R ldquoHaue Couure in he lsquoIvory owerrsquordquo Racialicious (blog) Augus 8 2012 www

racialiciouscom20120808haue-couure-in-he-ivory-owerFreias Anhony Susan Kaiser Davis Joan Chandler Davis Carol Hall Jung-Won Kim and ania

Hammidi ldquoAppearance Managemen as Border Consrucion Leas Favorie ClohingGroup Disancing and Ideniy Nordquo Sociological Inquiry 67 no 3 (1997) 323ndash35

Goffman Erving Frame Analysis Cambridge MA Harvard Universiy Press 1974mdashmdashmdash e Presenaion o Sel in Everyday Lie Garden Ciy NY Anchor 1990 Firs published

1959 by AnchorGreen racey ldquoImages and Percepions as Barriers o Use o Library Saff and Servicesrdquo New

Library World 95 no 1117 (1994) 19ndash24Horning Rob ldquoTe Deah o he Hipserrdquo In Wha Was he Hipser A Sociological Invesigaion

edied by Mark Grie Kahleen Ross and Dayna ororici 78ndash84 New York n+1 Founda-ion 2010

Jaeger Paul John Carlo Bero Chrisine M Kodama Sarah M Kaz and Elizabeh JDeCoser ldquoDescribing and Measuring he Value o Public Libraries Te Growh o heInerne and he Evoluion o Library Valuerdquo Firs Monday 16 no 11 (2011) doi105210mv16i113765

Jesella Kara ldquoA Hipper Crowd o Shushersrdquo New York imes July 8 2007 wwwnyimescom20070708ashion08librarianhml

Jones Jason B ldquoTe Academic Wardrobe Geting Dressedrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Pro-hacker (blog) February 3 2010 htpchroniclecomblogsprofackerhe-academic-

wardrobe-geting-dressed22952 Juliana Brito Schwarz ldquoLearning o Dress lsquoProessionallyrsquo in a W hie Manrsquos Worldrdquo Feminising

(blog) March 4 2014 htpeminisingcom20140304learning-o-dress-proession-ally-in-a-whie-mans-world

Kneale Ruh You Donrsquo Look Like a Librarian Shatering Sereoypes and Creaing Posiive New Images in he Inerne Age Medord NJ Inormaion oday 2009

Iverson Krisin ldquoOn Normcore Why Only Beauiul People Can Ge Away wih Dressing Uglyrdquo Brooklyn Magazine February 28 2014 wwwbkmagcom20140228on-normcore-why-only-beauiul-people-can-ge-away-wih-dressing-ugly

Lamon Melissa ldquoGender echnology and Librariesrdquo Inormaion echnology and Librar-

ies 28 no 3 (2009) 137ndash42 htpejournalsbceduojsindexphpialaricle view32212834

Land Mary ldquoLibrariansrsquo Image and Usersrsquo Atiudes o Reerence Inerviewsrdquo Canadian Library Journal 45 no 1 (1988) 15ndash20

Lang James M ldquoLooking Like a Proessorrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion July 27 2005 htpchroniclecomaricleLooking-Like-a-Proessor45035

Lorde Audre ldquoTe Maserrsquos ools Will Never Dismanle he Maserrsquos Houserdquo In Siser Ousider Essays and Speeches edied by Audre Lorde 110ndash13 Berkeley CA Crossing Press 2007

Luhmann Abigail ldquoLibrarians Proessionalism and Image Sereoype and Realiyrdquo LibraryReview 56 no 9 (2007) 773ndash80

McEwan Melissa ldquoHere We Go Againrdquo shakesville (blog) December 9 2013 wwwshakesvillecom201312here-we-go-againhml

McGranahan Carole Kae Fischer Rachel Fleming Willi Lemper and Marnie Tomson ldquoCon-erence Chic or How o Dress Like an Anhropologisrdquo Savage Minds (blog) November20 2013 htpsavagemindsorg20131120conerence-chic-or-how-o-dress-like-an-

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5557


anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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8202019 Stereotype Prelim

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anhropologisMcInosh Peggy ldquoWhie Privilege Unpacking he Invisible Knapsackrdquo Independen School 49

no 2 (1989) 31ndash36 htppeoplewesminsercollegeeduaculyjsibbetreadings

Whie_PrivilegepdMellon Consance A ldquoAtiudes Te Forgoten Dimension in Library Insrucionrdquo Library Jour-

nal 113 no 14 (1988) 137ndash39Meron Rober K ldquoTe Sel-Fulfilling Prophecyrdquo Anioch Review 8 no 2 (1948) 193ndash210Ndopu Eddie ldquoA Black Criprsquos Perspecive on Fashion and Embodied Resisancerdquo e Feminis

Wire (blog) February 26 2013 htpheeminiswirecom201302a-black-crips-per-specive-on-ashion-and-embodied-resisance

Nguyen Mimi Ti ldquoGenderQueer lsquoTe Oldes Queer Girl Sory in he Bookrsquordquo readbared (blog) February 2 2010 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20100202gender-queer-he-oldes-queer-girl-sory-in-he-book

mdashmdashmdash ldquoeaching Brie Noes on he Unreliable Sories Clohes ellrdquo readbared (blog)Sepember 15 2009 htpihearthreadbaredwordpresscom20090915eaching-brie-noes-on-he-unreliable-sories-clohes-ell

Nisbet Richard E and Lee Ross Human Inerence Sraegies and Shorcomings o Social Judgmen Englewood Cliffs NJ Prenice-Hall 1980

Ozzi Dan ldquoPlease God Le 2014 Be he Year We Reire he Word lsquoHipserrsquordquo Noisey January 32014 htpnoiseyvicecomen_aublogplease-god-le-2014-be-he-year-we-reire-he-

word-hipserPagowsky Nicole Librarian Wardrobe (blog) 2014 htplibrarianwardrobecomPagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Allie Flanary and K R Robero ldquoSyle and

Sereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Panel presenaion a he American Library Associa-ion Annual Conerence Anaheim CA June 25 2012

Pagowsky Nicole Miriam Rigby Jenny Beneveno Dale McNeill and K R Robero ldquoSyle andSereoypes Percepions o Librariansrdquo Webinar presenaion hosed by American Library

Associaion echSource and Library BoingBoing Sepember 27 2012Pariser Eli Te Filer Bubble Las modified March 26 2012 wwwhefilerbubblecomPham Minh-Ha ldquoI he Clohes Fi A Feminis akes on Fashionrdquo Ms Magazine January 17

2012 htpmsmagazinecomblog20120117i-he-clohes-fi-a-eminis-akes-on-ashion

Prins Hans Wilco de Gier and Russell Bowden e Image o he Library and Inormaion Proes-

sion How We See Ourselves An Invesigaion A Repor o an Empirical Sudy Underaken on Behal o IFLArsquos Round able or he Managemen o Library Associaions Munich K G Saur1995

Projec Inormaion Lieracy ldquoProjec Inormaion Lieracy A Large Scale Sudy Abou Early Aduls and Teir Research Habisrdquo Las modified March 5 2014 htpprojecinoliorg

Radord Gary P ldquoFlauber Foucaul and he Biblioheque Fanasique oward a PosmodernEpisemology or Library Sciencerdquo Library rends 46 no 4 (1998) 616ndash34

Radord Marie L ldquoEncounering Virual Users A Qualiaive Invesigaion o InerpersonalCommunicaion in Cha Reerencerdquo Journal o he American Sociey or Inormaion Scienceand echnology 57 no 8 (2006) 1046ndash59

Radord Marie L and Gary P Radord ldquoLibrarians and Pary Girls Culural Sudies and heMeaning o he Librarianrdquo Library Quarerly 73 no 1 (2003) 54ndash69

mdashmdashmdash ldquoPower Knowledge and Fear Feminism Foucaul and he Sereoype o he FemaleLibrarianrdquo Library Quarerly 67 no 3 (1997) 250ndash66

Radina M Elise Lydia K Manning Marybeh C Salp and Annete Lynch ldquolsquoGive Me a Boa and

8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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8202019 Stereotype Prelim

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullstereotype-prelim 5657



Some Blingrsquo Red Ha Sociey Members Commanding Visibiliy in he Public Sphererdquo In Embodied Resisance Challenging he Norms Breaking he Rules edied by Chris Bobel andSamanha Kwan 67ndash77 Nashville N Vanderbil Universiy Press 2011

Ramarajan Lakshmi and Erin Reid ldquoShatering he Myh o Separae Worlds Negoiaing Non- work Ideniies a Workrdquo Academy o Managemen Review 38 no 4 (2013) 621ndash44

Rigby Miriam ldquoSocial Neworking 00 Culivaing Casual Collaboraionrdquo College and Research Libraries News 71 no 1 (2010) 14ndash15

Rigby Miriam and John Russell Sudden Selecorrsquos Guide o Anhropology Resources Chicago American Library Associaion orhcoming

Roach K David ldquoEffecs o Graduae eaching Assisan Atire on Suden Learning Misbehav-iors and Raings o Insrucionrdquo Communicaion Quarerly 45 no 3 (1997) 125ndash41

Robero K R and Jessamyn Wes Revoling Librarians Redux Radical Librarians Speak Ou Je-erson NC McFarland 2003

Rosenhal Rober and Lenore Jacobson Pygmalion in he Classroom eacher Expecaion and Pupilsrsquo Inellecual Developmen New York Hol Rinehar and Winson 1968

Scherdin Mary Jane Discovering Librarians Profiles o a Proession Chicago Associaion o Col-lege and Research Libraries 1994

Smih Ca ldquoNormcore is Bullshrdquo e Sylecon (blog) March 3 2014 wwwhesyleconcom20140303normcore-bullsh

Soper Kerry ldquoRaeMyProessorrsquosAppearancecomrdquo Chronicle o Higher Educaion Sepember 122010 htpchroniclecomaricleRaeMyProessorsAppearancecom124336

Spade Dean ldquoDress o Kill Figh o Winrdquo Lisen ranslae ranslae Record (LTR) Journal 1(2002) 15 wwwltrorgjournal1dress-o-kill-figh-o-win

Spivak Gayari Chakravory e Spivak Reader Seleced Works o Gayari Chakravory SpivakEdied by Donna Landry and Gerald M MacLean New York Rouledge 1996

Sanon Brandon Humans o New York (blog) wwwhumansonewyorkcomen Cae Carel ldquoPosing as Proessor Laeraliy in Posing Orienaion or Porrais o Scienissrdquo

Journal o Nonverbal Behavior 26 no 3 (2002) 175ndash92evis Ray and Brenda evis e Image o Librarians in Cinema 1917ndash1999 Jefferson NC

McFarland 2005say Chia-Jung ldquoSigh over Sound in he Judgmen o Music Perormancerdquo Proceedings o he

Naional Academy o Sciences 110 no 36 (2013) 14580ndash85 Walker Cecily ldquoOn Privilege Inersecionaliy and he Librarian Imagerdquo Cecily Walker (blog)

December 20 2013 htpcecilyino20131220on-privilege-inersecionaliy-and-he-librarian-image

Welburn William C Janice Welburn and Beh McNeil Advocacy Oureach and he Naionrsquos Aca-demic Libraries A Call or Acion Chicago Associaion o College and Research Libraries2010

Wilson Pauline Sereoype and Saus Librarians in he Unied Saes Wespor C Greenwood1982

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