steps to live your truth


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Post on 22-Feb-2017



Self Improvement

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Page 1: Steps to live your truth


By Elango Thiyagu

Page 2: Steps to live your truth
Page 3: Steps to live your truth

Who are you?Have you ever noticed that everyone, tends to behave differently when they are with different

groups of people? We act differently when we are with our friends, our families, with strangers and whenever we meet new people. So that brings up to our original question, if we are all constantly

acting differently with different people, who are we really?

All of the personalities we show are all part of us, but is the truth behind each and every one of us? The answer is different for each every one of us. But the need to find the answer is not something

that we can simply brush off. If we just keep building and hiding behind the masks we made for ourselves, we will eventually forget who we are.

Discovering the truth ourselves is something vital, that each one of us would probably want to do. We

can only start Living our Truth once we find out what our truth really is.

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Page 5: Steps to live your truth

What does it really mean to freely express yourself? Believe it or not these very words are already

almost lost in our everyday cultural norms. We are always told to only say nice things and not hurt

peoples feeling with the words we say. Even though I’m sure that we, as human beings can’t always be

positive and think good things all the time.

To be able to freely express ourselves would mean that we would give our truthful and honest feelings

and opinions where needed or more importantly when we see the need for it and when our Hearts tell us to. It means that we shouldn’t have to hide any of our feelings or thoughts despite us being

constantly told by the outside world to only speak the positive and shut out the negative. It doesn’t

matter if what you feel or think is good or bad, the truth is you felt it and thus it would only be fair to

yourself if you expressed those feelings and thoughts.

When we express ourselves freely we would get the feeling of immense happiness, the feeling of Joy, because we were not only truthful to the outside world but also truthful to ourselves in the inside.

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Page 7: Steps to live your truth

When we are on our journey to achieving what our Hearts truly want, our goals, we would definitely come across obstacles. And even though some of

the obstacles that we face can be overcome easily, that is not necessarily the case for all of the

obstacles we will come across.Some obstacles would make the path towards our

success seem like a dead end. In those situations, it would seem hard for us to continue working

towards our goals. Especially when it looks like all of our effort might end up being a waste. Here is

where Living our Truth needs to be applied. Because, deep in our own Hearts we already know that we truthfully want to achieve our goals, but

when we are faced with loads of obstacles from the outside world our goals might start looking more like unlikely dreams or impossible wished instead

of the joyful reality that it should be. This would be the time where we need to have faith in our Hearts and in Nature and continue pursuing our goals and eventually find a way to overcome these obstacles instead of running away and abandon our journey


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This step in living the truth is vitally important. Many times, people think of themselves as practical, but

what is meant by ‘practical’ here isn’t to be the idealist crushing type of person that practical people

are stereotypically known for. To be practical here would be to be able to assess the situation at hand and not to make decisions or

say things that you can’t or won’t necessarily fulfil. For example, when a good situation occurs we tend

to get overly happy and promise things that we wouldn’t or can’t actually do. Similarly, when a

negative situation takes place, we say or do things that would hurt or upset others without thinking properly about the consequences that may come

from it. In both, extreme cases of positive and negative

situations, we don’t normally take the time to think properly and come to practical decisions but instead we react blindly according to the emotion we feel at

that time. But only by taking deep breaths and reminding ourselves that everything is a test from

Nature can we think practically and respond accordingly to the situation. Here we are actually

being truthful to our own selves, instead of following our senses without thought.

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There is something that everyone’s Heart is trying to tell them. The message is different for everyone

but our Hearts all know what we need to do in order to make us truly happy.

And most of the time, your Heart would tell you to work on something that you’re really good at and

something which you are extremely passionate about. It could be one of your hobbies or something

you do in your pass- time that makes you happy, but your Heart knows exactly what talents you have

and how to use it to help everyone else in the world.

Your simple talents, which might not seem like anything big, but could actually benefit tons of

people around the globe as long as you have the determination and the passion to take your talents to the next level and follow your Heart to the next level of success. Here, you need to truthfully work

on your dreams and talents, your goals, not because of the fame or fortune you might get but

because your goals are something which makes you happy and puts a smile on your face. When you

pursue your goals whole- heartedly and give back all that you can to Nature, then success would

eventually come your way as you learn how to use your talents to improve the lives of others.

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Change can sometimes be a feared topic. Many people don’t really like change because it makes them feel like they aren’t in control of their lives. That brings us to this step. We, as human beings,

have the abilty to change our environment and everything around us, as well as being able to

change the way we think on the inside.Every once in a while our Hearts would tell us to change something. And since our Hearts know

what’s going on even when we don’t it would make lots of sense to follow our Heart and to do its

bidding. The problem only occurs when we don’t listen to

our Hearts. Then, Nature and our Hearts would take it into their own hands to get us to start moving by probably causing some massive

change in our lives. But it would be so much simpler and easier if we, ourselves decide how, when and where we want our lives to change. Then we can plan it in such a way that we take small steps to

eventually reach the change that we want instead of jumping head first into a different environment

or situation that we know nothing about. So start planning how you want your change to


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Change is the way the world works. There isn’t anything in this world which doesn’t go

through the process of change. But contrary to popular belief, change doesn’t necessarily mean

something bad or mass chaos. The reason why many people tend to resent change is because they fear that change means that they

might need to step out of their comfort zones. Sadly for them, change will still affect them as

much as it does all of us. But instead of trying to run and hide from change, it would be so much easier if we could learn how to navigate and work with that change so that we can use it to help us get closer to our goals. ‘Creating change’ might, for some people mean to try new things and step out of their comfort zones and

habit patterns. Only through change can we come up with ideas that we would need to carry on

towards our path of success. With change, old ideas are refined and evolve into becoming better.

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When we journey towards achieving our goals we would learn many lessons which will guide us into becoming better and better at what we do. After a

while, we would come across many others who would want to learn similar lesson and do similar

things as us but who lack experience and the knowledge of how to do it.

Here’s where we learn how to let go of our knowledge and experience and use it to help

others. But it isn’t as easy as it seems, sometimes, we would want to keep what we have learnt to ourselves in fear that whoever we share it with might end up becoming better that us or more

successful.This is because we have been programmed since

young that we should constantly be the best among everyone. But we can’t always be the best at

everything the same time. This is where we learned how to keep our information and experience to

ourselves so that we can continue being the ‘best’. But the only way we can help others and learn to let

go our knowledge in a good way would be to help and share what we have learnt with others so that

they too can learn and grow. And even though it may seem hard or peculiar only through sharing our lessons and helping others can we truly learn and be truthful to not only them but

to ourselves.

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Page 19: Steps to live your truth

What does it really mean to fail? Everything that happens, wheatear we succeed or not is just a test from Nature. So, in that case, the only true failure

would be the failure from learning from your mistakes.

When something that we do, doesn’t go according to plan or it seems to have ‘failed’ it only means that there is something that we are yet to learn

from Nature. To feel sad or guilty over it would only mean that you still have not seen what the lesson

truly is. Once we accept that there is something for us to learn from that situation that we would be

able to move on without feeling any remorse for our mistake but instead learn from it and move on. Failures are not there to disappoint you, they’re there to make you stronger. Once we stop feeling bad over our ‘failures’ and stop blaming ourselves or anyone else on its behave, the only can we see learn to live our truth by accepting what we have

done wrong and correcting it.