stephen william hawking ingles

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Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.


Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford, January 8, 1942. It is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist and science writer of British nationality. He currently lives in Cambridge, England.

Stephen William Hawking is 72. He is small and thin. He has green eyes. Her hair is short and blond. His main skill is intelligence as it says in one of his phrases "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

When he was only 21 years, Hawking was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neurological disease that left the British physicist and cosmologist almost totally paralyzed.

The condition was diagnosed when he was still a student at Cambridge, and since then became the British citizen who survived the most terrible disease.

Used to talk a notebook that almost can nothandle, so for two months using a device that lets you manage the computer speaker with eye movement. His appliance which is attached to his glasses emits an infrared beam that responds to eye movements, the beating of eyelids or contractions of the muscles of the cheek.

But his international fame is due to the sum of his scientific career and vocation disclose with overcoming her rare disease.


Stephen William Hawking; born 8 January 1942 Hawking's father was a research biologist, he had two younger sisters and one (adopted) brother, Just after arriving at Cambridge at age 21, symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) first appeared. ALS is a neuron disease which can cause a total loss of muscular control - doctors said Stephen would not survive more than two or three years, so he didn't see much point in obtaining a doctorate any more.

But everything changed in 1965, when Stephen Hawking finally married Jane Wilde and regained interest in finishing his studies. Hawking gained his Ph. D., became a Research Fellow and later on a Professorial Fellow. He is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, is the former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and author of A Brief History of Time which was an international bestseller. Now Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge, He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.

Hawking has achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; his A Brief History of Time stayed on the British Sunday Times best-sellers list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.Professor Hawking has over a dozen honorary degrees and was awarded the CBE in 1982. He is a fellow of the Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Science. Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Einstein.

In 1991 Jane and Stephen separated - it is rumored that Jane had problems with both Stephen's disease and the enormous press coverage and fame after the release of this book. Stephen finally married his nurse Elaine Mason in 1995 (and filed for divorce in October 2006).Today Stephen Hawking is almost completely paralyzed, but he's still working and still hopes to find a theory of everything one day.


Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford , a place which specifically his parents, Frank and Isobel Hawking Hawking , biological researcher , seeking greater security for the pregnancy of her first child moved because London was under attack Luftwaffe . It also has two younger sisters, Philippa and Mary , and an adopted brother, Edward.After the birth of Stephen , the family returned to London , where his father headed the division of parasitology at the National Institute for Medical Research. In 1950 they moved to St Albans, where he attended the Institute of St Albans Girls ( admitting boys up to age 10 years) and 11 years changed the eponymous school , where he was a good student but not brilliant .

At first , Hawking wanted to study mathematics at the University , inspired by his teacher, but his father wanted him to accede to University College, Oxford , as he had done. In the absence of a math teacher at the time, the college students did not accept that discipline , so Hawking enrolled in natural sciences and earned a scholarship . Once at University College, he majored in physics. His interest at that time focused on thermodynamics , relativity and quantum mechanics . While in Oxford , he was in a rowing team sport which he himself helped him relieve his terrible boredom at the university. His physics tutor , Robert Berman , later said in The New York Times Magazine: " One was enough to know that something could be done and he was able to do it without looking at how others did it ... Of course , his mind was completely different those of their peers.

Hawking academic habits were far from impressive , which was evident in the outcome of the final examination , on the border between the honors of first and second class , which required an " oral examination" . Berman said of the oral examination :" And of course the examiners then were intelligent enough to realize they were talking to someone far smarter than most of them ."After receiving his undergraduate degree at Oxford in 1962 , he did his graduate studies at Trinity Hall , Cambridge. He received his PhD in physics at Cambridge in 1966 and has more than a dozen honorary degrees.


It seemed destined to become a great scientist since the day of his birth. His childhood, Hawking liked electric trains and others similar games. He had a great interest in how things worked and dismounted to reveal their secrets. His father, a doctorresearching tropical diseases, used to take him to his lab and encouraged his interest in science. This experience lets Hawking to scientific research. His father wanted him to be a doctor, but he decided to physics, because was chosen for smart kids.Hawking wantedto study mathematics at the University, inspired by his teacher, but his father wantedhim to accede to University College of Oxford, as his father had done. In the absence of a mathteacher at the time, in college not accept math students, so Hawking enrolled in natural sciences and earn a scholarship. Once at University College, he studied physics. His interest at that time was focused on thermodynamics, quantummechanics and relativity. While in Oxford, he was in a rowing team sport whichhelpedhimselfto relieve his terrible boredom at universityStephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws that govern the universe.Conjecture: the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time. This would simply that the way the universe began completely determined by the laws of science.

Steven Hawking Professions






Honorary Doctor


Hawking believed or did not believe in God:

British scientist Stephen Hawking argues in a new book that modern physics excludes the possibility that God created the universe.Hawking's first wife, Jane Wilde, publicly stated during the divorce proceedings that he was an atheist but God often quoted in his books for commercial purposes. "I'm not religious in the normal sense of the word; I think the universe is governed by the laws of science. These laws may have been created by God.., But God does not intervene to break the laws. The authority, and science based on observation and reason. The science will win because it works. ""Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe could be created from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing that is why there is a universe where we exit, not necessary to invoke God as the one who lit the fuse and created the universe.


In measure grew, Hawking was perfecting his intellect librotecas one of those calls in post-war Europe. Her classmates did not trust him because he was withdrawn, lonely and had built a theory to determine the capacity of the people, which really terrified to teachers. It was becoming physical in a completely evil and scary, bending in such a way that just seemed even see the elephant boy living under the school. Always young and always a rebel deserter of religious dogmas that did not allow you to have a life of unbridled sex and study theoretical physics without encountering persuasive methods of His Holiness the Pope to ensure that the earth was round and that the universe despite not be infinite has no boundaries or borders .He's so because of a disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis'' `` (a type of disease that paralyzes you body muscles). Hawking was not born at the age of 21 he predicted the illness and doctors gave him three years (or less) of life. Is a theoretical physicist is one of the few people who have survived this disease.But being of infinite wisdom that we know today would not have been if 1963 had not been diagnosed with a rare congenital disease in which the brain consumes so much energy that your body runs out of the ability to move and riding horse, a disease for which there was no cure. Therefore, instead of frozen 1000 years like normal people to wake up when there were a cure, he designed and built a small time machine specifications under fluzo capacitor and a book of witchcraft found in you already know where? Yes, a library (home of atheists and crazy).Robotics theory says that Hawking is actually the first prototype of a first-generation cyborg murderer , but the software to be designed by his roommate , Bill Gates, fell impossible movement function and to kill, but with few resources could continue doing physics.

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Actually Stephen Hawking has twelve honorary doctorates, Awards and Medals , the Order of the British Empire and the Prince of Asturias Award .He is Honorary Member of the Royal Society of London and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences . Was holder of the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University , the same who once held by Isaac Newton, was his retirement in 2009.His scientific work has tried to bring the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics , to explain the origin of the Universe, Discovering the things I am passionate since childhood , his studies are directed to Black Holes . He defines it as a space-time finite and curved , without borders or boundaries.Hawking currently fighting ALS, an incurable disease of the nervous system , preventing him from talking and moving.Stephen Hawking is a genius with us, is one of the more famous men on the planet , and the only scientist really celebrate, the teacher is currently the only primary asset, a participant of the global village , He lectured and taught at the university , is the guest of honor for all the TV shows and is seen even in animations like the Simpsons, always with a message of life , joy and good humor.Stephen Hawking A great example of courage and wisdom to the challenges that life presents to us, is the brave and determined not to be victimized by any misery attitude and the worst disability is not physical but spiritual .It teaches that all obstacles to be overcome on a daily basis , always with the motivation that comes from the most intimate of our being

This is the message that physicist Stephen Hawking gave his children:1. "This is the most important tip I told my kids :first, remember looking up at the stars and not down at your feet.2. Never quit the job, the job gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.3. If they are lucky enough to find love , remember it is rare, and not waste it. "

History has given us many brilliant characters who despite adversity and against all odds have written the advancement of humanity.