stein yeshiva early

בס דS t e i n Y es h i v a Ea r l y C h i l d h oo d 287 Central Park Ave., Yonkers, NY 10704 December 13 th , 2019 פרשת וישלחD AYCARE "Chanukah, Oh Chanukah, come light the menorah!" In the Toddler Daycare room, the spirit of Chanukah is all around! The kinderlach are busy engaging with and preparing for the upcoming chag. How the yeladim love to pretend that they are dreidels, spinning round and around as they sing: "I have a lile dreidel, I made it out of clayand Svivon, sov, sov, sov!Who wants to feel something cold and wet? The children love to "ice paint," and put their talents to good use, cre- ang colorful blue dreidels. The morahs added a "finishing touch" - sparkly ribbons with which to hang up the dreidels on the wall. The kitah sure is starng to look fesve and colorful for Chanukah. Come visit the classroom and enjoy the beauful Chanukah decoraons for yourself! The yeladim love to listen to storybooks throughout the day. Thank you to the parents who have contributed Chanukah books to our classroom library! Maayan brought in "The Dreidel Book." Max brought in " Elmo's Lile Dreidel," and "Chanukah De- light." Izzy brought in Where is Baby's Dreidel?" We found it hiding in the living room, yay! Please keep the books coming! Addionally this week the kinderlach: Enjoyed taking turns playing with a big stuffed dreidel, while singing their favorite dreidel and svivon songs! Counted the candles of the menorah in three languages: English, Hebrew, and French, too! Enjoyed building menorahs out of legos and blocks. Who can build the big gest menorah? Who can help build the tallest? Mitzuyan! Smiled for the camera! As a special Chanukah project, the yeladim decorated picture frames in sparkly blue paint using sponges. The finished project is a special giſt to our bubbes and zaides! Infant Daycare milestones and important announcements: The daycare morahs would like to welcome Yehuda! We are so happy to have him! Zelig is sing up and has started to eat food! Way to go! Benny has taken steps. Keep up the good work! Brody is sing up for almost a minute. Keep going! Jack is standing up all by himself! We are so happy! Daniel is walking and now learning to say words like Mama! Yay Daniel! א ג ד

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Page 1: Stein Yeshiva Early 04, 2014  · Dreidel ook." Max brought in " Elmo's Little Dreidel," and "hanukah


Stein Yeshiva Early Childhood 287 Central Park Ave., Yonkers, NY 10704 December 13th, 2019 פרשת וישלח


"Chanukah, Oh Chanukah, come light the menorah!" In the Toddler Daycare room, the spirit of Chanukah is all around! The

kinderlach are busy engaging with and preparing for the upcoming chag. How the yeladim love to pretend that they are dreidels,

spinning ‘round and around as they sing: "I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay” and “Svivon, sov, sov, sov!” Who wants to

feel something cold and wet? The children love to "ice paint," and put their talents to good use, cre-

ating colorful blue dreidels. The morahs added a "finishing touch" - sparkly ribbons with which to

hang up the dreidels on the wall. The kitah sure is starting to look festive and colorful for Chanukah.

Come visit the classroom and enjoy the beautiful Chanukah decorations for yourself!

The yeladim love to listen to storybooks throughout the day. Thank you to the parents who have

contributed Chanukah books to our classroom library! Maayan brought in "The

Dreidel Book." Max brought in " Elmo's Little Dreidel," and "Chanukah De-

light." Izzy brought in “Where is Baby's Dreidel?" We found it hiding in the living

room, yay! Please keep the books coming!

Additionally this week the kinderlach:

• Enjoyed taking turns playing with a big stuffed dreidel, while singing their

favorite dreidel and svivon songs!

• Counted the candles of the menorah in three languages: English, Hebrew,

and French, too!

• Enjoyed building menorahs out of legos and blocks. Who can build the big

gest menorah? Who can help build the tallest? Mitzuyan!

• Smiled for the camera! As a special Chanukah project, the yeladim decorated picture frames in

sparkly blue paint using sponges. The finished project is a special gift to our bubbes and zaides!

Infant Daycare milestones and important announcements:

• The daycare morahs would like to welcome Yehuda! We are so happy to have him!

• Zelig is sitting up and has started to eat food! Way to go!

• Benny has taken steps. Keep up the good work!

• Brody is sitting up for almost a minute. Keep going!

• Jack is standing up all by himself! We are so happy!

• Daniel is walking and now learning to say words like Mama! Yay Daniel!

א ּב

ד ג

Page 2: Stein Yeshiva Early 04, 2014  · Dreidel ook." Max brought in " Elmo's Little Dreidel," and "hanukah


Another two weeks came and went in Kitah 2N Alef and 2N Bet! The yeladim have begun to learn all about Chanukah through

songs, stories, play, and more. During ma’agal, the kitah practices saying words like “Chanukah,” “levivot,” “sufganiot,” and

“shamash” as well as counting up to “8” in English and Hebrew! The yeladim in both classes worked together to make a giant meno-

rah for the kitah as well as a big menorah for the front hallway collaborative bulletin board!

As the kitah prepares for Chanukah, they have also been learning about and preparing for winter. Last week the yeladim in 2N

Alef made a snowman who they proudly named Olaf! Olaf even wears a kippa like some of the chaverim. The yeladim also loved

watching the sheleg fall from the sky on Tuesday.

The children have immersed themselves in learning about Chanukah, and when it is Chanukah that means winter is here! The

yeladim loved reading books about Chanukah and playing with dreidels. Noah and Benny led the class to sing, “I have a little

dreidel,” while spinning the dreidels so fast! The children in Kitah 2N Bet painted a blue Star of David so the kitah can have beautiful

Chanukah decorations! The yeladim also decorated Chanukah frames for their bubbes and zaides with different blue, gold and silver

paper to make them extra special, and are so excited to send them to their grandparents! In coinciding with Chanukah, the children

also loved reading stories about winter and singing winter songs. The yeladim made a big snowman using paper towel roll and white

paint like in the story, “The Biggest, Best Snowman,” and they are hanging proudly in the kitah! Leora led the class to sing and dance

to, “Snowy Pokey,” the kitah’s favorite winter song!

Additionally this week, the yeladim:

• The yeladim loved taking their Chanukah portraits and

can’t wait for the bubbes and zaides to receive them!

• Jonah turned 2! Mazel tov Jonah and yom huledet


• Azi loved using watercolors to paint the menorah while

Abie preferred tissue paper and glue.

• Isaac loves to help friends by giving them their water

bottles/shoes/ hats, etc. What a mitzvah boy!

•Nathan loves all the Chanukah books, especially the flip

book filled with fun pictures.

•Eli and Asaf still love playing ball outside even though it’s a

little chilly!

• Painted a huge menorah with water color paint to hang

in the front hallway!

Page 3: Stein Yeshiva Early 04, 2014  · Dreidel ook." Max brought in " Elmo's Little Dreidel," and "hanukah

Additionally this week, the yeladim:

• Spun around like svivonim, around, around and around!

• Loved watching the sheleg fall throughout the day on


• Starting making real chanukiot using special dyes,

beads, and jars… they can’t wait to show you

• Celebrated Noah’s Birthday, Yom Huledet Samaech!

• Painted wooden dreidels and glued on different pic

tures of some very adorable looking Hebrew letters!

Nun, Gimel, Hay, and Shin. Spin, spin, spin!

• Shared different Chanukah books from home with the


• Sang their favorite Macabee songs: Draidel and


• An extra big “Todah Raba!” to Zoe’s aunt for the wood

blocks! We’re building bridges and building and road-


“Chanukah is here, oh Chanukah is here! Light the candles one by one Oh Chanukah is here!” Kitah Shalosh dove right into

Chanukah learning this week, through song, stories, arts and crafts, and dramatic play! Kitah Shalosh had a blast

acting out the story of Chaunuka and the big neis that took place. What a miracle that the tiny little oil in the Beis HaMikdash

lasted for 8 whole days! Wow! Joseph, Zoe, Adina, and Eden took turns pretending to learn Torah while Noah, Benjy, and

Leo pretended to be the mean King Antiochus and his army of mean soldiers. “We’re not learning Torah!”, giggled the

yeladim. “We’re just playing with dreidels! Hee, hee hee!” Using watercolor paint, the children painted colorful chanukiot to

decorate the kitah. The yeladim also engaged in an extra cool science experiment this week. Chaya, Benjy, Leo, and Ezra showed

the class how oil and food coloring don’t mix and “play” together! The food coloring stays separate and makes beautiful bubbles

of colors. Did you know? The yeladim are starting to recognize and identify their ABC letters!

This week, Andrew, Ari, and Tsipporah had fun finding words and items around the classroom

that began with the letter “B”. For example; Benjy, Boy, and Ball! Kol HaKavod, yeladim!


Page 4: Stein Yeshiva Early 04, 2014  · Dreidel ook." Max brought in " Elmo's Little Dreidel," and "hanukah


Just like a sufganiah, the Fours and Pre1A had a sweet, jam-packed week! The yeladim created dreidels, a huge menorah and sparkling oil jugs in preparation for Chanukah. Stella painted the massive Shamash made out of paper rolls. Shmiel covered his oil jug in jewels and put the “seal of the Kohen Gadol” on top! Now that’s gadol!

Chanukah was the perfect opportunity to learn all of the aleph beis letters in “Neis Gadol Haya Sham!” The yeladim learned “Daled” and “Mem Sofit” to complete all of the needed letters. Rachel proudly read her first full Hebrew sentence and all of the yeladim can proudly point out the correct words! Barry stood on a chair and pointed to the Daled using the magic wand. Great job!

Thank you to Zoe Sabban’s (3N) family for the amazing set of wooden architectural blocks! The yeladim built and re-built the Beis Hamikdash over and over again, never tiring of bettering their design and adding detail to their creations. Romi added a fenced courtyard with columns and Hannah G. made a ramp with animals. Ella stacked the blocks on top of the wooden cases to make the Beis Hamikdash look so authentic!

The story of Chanukah came alive with the class cave filled with seforim and dreidels. The yeladim acted out hiding from the Yiva-nim and learning Torah, only to hide the seforim and pretend to play dreidel when the Greeks arrived. David K played the rebbe and made sure the yeladim actually reviewed their aleph beis letters while playing in the cave!

In Science, the yeladim experimented with oil and water. The children were curious to see if tempura paint dropped in oil would be the same as acrylic (oil based paint) dropped in oil. Hannah B. loved drizzling different colored paints into the oi to see what would happen! The Pre1A learned the term density and predicted correctly that the water paint would be the most buoyant choice.

Parshas Vayishlach came alive with the yeladim acting out the big reunion between Yaakov and Eisav. Shmuel loved play-acting Yaakov sending messengers with gifts to Eisav. The yeladim discussed the importance of not only saying sorry but also forgiving our friends too.

In ELA this week, the yeladim learned the letter “I” for Iceberg. The

Fours learned that we see only the tip of an iceberg but that most of it is

under the water. The Pre1A discussed the different states of water, and

how water changes depending on the temperature from ice to water to

steam. After learning that light does not penetrate the deep waters of the

ocean, Jared created his iceberg picture using the darkest blue tissue pa-

per for the bottom layers of the sea. Dovi put his iceberg almost all the

way under the water with just the tip showing. The Fours played a rhym-

ing game with “ice” words. Amitai made up a rhyming story with words

ice, mice, rice and nice! The Pre1A reviewed the two sounds of “c” and

added “ice” words to their sight word reading list.