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WOW: The CatholicTV Challenge

We’ve Got to Talk

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to the Christian faith

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Jay Fadden is executive vice president and general manager of the CatholicTV Network.

from the president

Sometimes I believe I am absolutely out of touch. I watch the news or read the papers and am amazed at what is now deemed acceptable in our world. Anyone who takes a stand on moral issues is labeled old-fashioned or dismissed. If you question something based upon your beliefs, you are quickly marginalized and your opinion passed off as those of a religious fanatic.

The goal is to make our point of view seem irrelevant and, thus, should not be part of the discussion. This is a calculated and well-thought-out plan that has been gaining momentum. It is very frustrating and difficult, because it seems to have traction with the press and certain elements of the government.

I was reflecting on this the other evening when my son Ethan ran into the room. He just wanted to hang out. He had a big smile on his face and his eyes were wide with enthusiasm. That is when it hit me. We cannot go quietly and just bend to the will of those who oppose our stances.

The easy thing to do would be to just continue to live our lives and not become involved. The right thing to do would be to raise our voices without fear of reprisal or condemnation. As Catholics, we all have a tremendous gift. Jesus has given us a roadmap of how we should live our lives, loving one another and respecting the dignity of each person. Our viewpoints and the ways we live our lives cannot be diminished because we are Catholic.

Being Catholic is a fabric of our lives. It flows through our body and it is the compass which sets us in the right direction. We have a place at the table. You have a place. Ethan has a place. Don’t be silenced.

Raise our voices

executive vice president, general manager

Fall has certainly arrived. Behold the changing leaves, and enjoy the crisp breeze. Let your eyes take in the bursts of color. Transformation is afoot and hope is in the air. The fall season is that transition from summer into winter, for a reason. And just like there are natural seasons, there are spiritual seasons, as well.

Are you in the autumn of your life? If so, please know that autumn isn’t a bad time or place to be. For many, it is their favorite season of all.

For all of us, this is a time ...

To “fall” back and reflect on where I am and where I need to be!

To “fall” away from those things and people that bring me down, instead of build me up!

To “fall” forward and embrace the abundance of all that God has for me!

We must all learn to trust that God has us in our right season for a reason. It could be to test us, teach us, grow us, mature us or prepare us. We have to trust that God has us where we are to learn everything to be and everything not to be — in order for us to be all God wants us to be.

Every season brings forth something new. Just like the seasons, our season is seasonal. Therefore, learn to trust God, the Season Maker!

In these days of privilege (for every day of our life is a privilege) let’s focus on the “reason” and not the “season” because seasons change, God doesn’t. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.


Hope is in the air

Father Robert Reed is president of the CatholicTV Network.

CatholicTV Monthly / October 2013 / www.CatholicTV.com2 Liturgical Calendar: St. Thérése of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church Oct. 1 | Holy Guardian Angels Oct. 2 | St. Francis of Assisi Oct. 4 | Our Lady of the Rosary Oct. 7 | St. Denis, bishop and companions, martyrs Oct. 9 | St. Callistus I, pope and martyr Oct. 14 |

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CatholicTV Monthly

October 2013 • Vol. 8: Issue 12

Reverend Robert P. ReedPRESIDENT OF CatholicTV




Rebecca DamonBonnie Rodgers


Helen Lee Bonnie Rodgers


FA I T H C a t h o l i c




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8 13 4 Steadfast witness to the Christian faith

8 Programming Highlights

12 Year of Faith programming

13 This is the Day It’s live Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m., with rebroadcasts all week.

14 The CatholicTV Monthly Challenge

14 Holy Cross Family Ministries

15 Support CatholicTV

what you’ll get in this issue

coverstory4We need you! If you have comments on our magazine, contact the editor at [email protected]. For programming feedback, email [email protected]. The CatholicTV Network is all for you and we appreciate your opinion. Help support our mission. Visit

3 Liturgical Calendar: St. Thérése of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church Oct. 1 | Holy Guardian Angels Oct. 2 | St. Francis of Assisi Oct. 4 | Our Lady of the Rosary Oct. 7 | St. Denis, bishop and companions, martyrs Oct. 9 | St. Callistus I, pope and martyr Oct. 14 |

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c o v e r s t o r y

by Father Robert Reed

S t e a d fa S t w i t n e S S

to the Christian faith

4 CatholicTV Monthly / October 2013 /

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S t e a d fa S t w i t n e S S

to the Christian faith


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uring four challenging and formative years, i had the honor of walking daily

through the doors of the Pontifical north american College. Situated on

extraterritorial Vatican property on the side of Rome’s Janiculum Hill and

enjoying a spectacular view of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, “the College”

is the eternal City’s house of formation for american seminarians under the

auspices of the bishops of the United States. that front door, fondly referred to

as firmum est, brings the resident or guest past the seal of the college inlaid on the marble floor

along with its revered Latin motto, which, in english, means, “Steadfast is my heart.”

In that time and place, we were inspired to discern God’s call within the broad context of those who had

gone before us, not only the many priests prepared for service there on the Janiculum Hill, but even to the two apostolic princes who unto death held steadfastly to the truth of that one, holy and Catholic faith. In the words of the ancient apologist Tertullian, “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” (Apologeticus, Chapter 50)

For all of us, there are brothers and sisters who have walked this way before us and who can show us the authentic path. Their lives were profoundly marked by steadfast faith. At the same time, they experienced frustration, suffering, what the tradition would call a sharing in the cross of Christ throughout life. Yet, somehow, they did much more than survive. Although their times and circumstances might differ from our own, like us they are human persons who experienced fully human lives — lives both of faith and suffering. When we look deeply into their past, we can see new light shed on our present experience and on our future hopes as witnesses to the Gospel.

Take Athanasius, for example. The fourth century bishop of Alexandria has been acclaimed through all the generations since as one of the most gifted defenders of the faith; particularly as the defender of the doctrine of the full humanity of Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity.

Before the Council of Nicaea had yet defined that Christ is “of one substance” with God the Father, Athanasius, as a very young man, already had written two major treatises in defense of the faith. By all accounts, he was smart, courageous, persistent and possessed of a great sense of humor. He would certainly need all of the gifts God had given him.

At the death of Alexander, his friend and patron, when he was about the age of a graduate student of our own time, Athanasius became bishop and patriarch in Alexandria. Those believers who refused to accept the doctrine about Christ from the

Council of Nicaea, nominally led by the priest Arius, were determined in their opposition to Athanasius. Over the next several decades, he was exiled five times from his diocese. He was judged before councils of bishops, popes and emperors — sometimes exonerated and sometimes found guilty. Athanasius’ fortunes waxed and waned throughout those decades, dependent upon whether the truth that the Council of Nicaea had formulated about the person of Jesus Christ was received by the powers that be.

Through it all, Athanasius was steadfast in his witness to the Christian faith. His five periods of enforced absence from the people of Alexandria varied in length from months to years. He remained confident each time that he would return home. He defended his theological position before friend and foe, again and again, with unbending

courage. He wrote masterful works on the Incarnation, against the teachings of the Arians, on the life of St. Antony of the Desert, and more. There is no evidence that he ever wavered, publicly or privately, in his defense of the Church’s faith and in the Incarnation of Christ. And after a long life of drama and adventure, he died quietly in bed, at home, in the city he had guided in the faith for most of his life.

Blessed Mother Teresa, still within reach of memory for many of us, is another very credible witness and powerful example. Her name recalls for us her valiant service to “the poorest of the poor” in

the name of Jesus. Hers is the story of a “call within a call,” as, in the 1940s, she went from the Sisters of Loretto Convent into

the streets of Calcutta, India, to minister directly to those on the brink of death. Her heroic compassion caught the attention and admiration of people, Christians and non-Christians, believers and non-believers, throughout the world. By the 1970s, this tiny woman was known everywhere, her voice ringing out in defense of those who had no voice.

Meek, unprepossessing and seeking nothing for herself, Mother Teresa was able to speak with bold sincerity everywhere she went. She spoke the truth

cover story




St. Anthony of the Desert

CatholicTV Monthly / October 2013 / www.CatholicTV.com6

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of Jesus’ presence among the poor today and always. She spoke of poverty she experienced in the Third World, as we called it then, and in the developed countries of the planet. And she received a hearing in the public square, even as she said things that others were not speaking.

Many called her a saint even while she lived. After her death, even before the documentation of her life was collected and published as a part of the process of her cause for canonization as an official saint of the Church.

Mother Teresa died in 1997. In 2003, the postulator of her cause, Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C., published The Soul of Mother Teresa: Hidden Aspects of Her Interior Life. This was followed in 2007 by a full-length book containing never-before-seen letters of Mother Teresa and a commentary by Father Kolodiejchuk. The book’s title, Come Be My Light, was taken from words she said were spoken to her by Jesus as He called her to the ministry of the Missionaries of Charity. He said, “Come be my light.”

Her letters caused a tremendous uproar when they were

made public. Major news organizations and media outlets produced stories on Mother Teresa when the book was released. Mother Teresa had asked that these letters be destroyed. She feared how others would receive them. She feared that they might challenge the faith of some. The letters reveal a deep darkness and almost despair in her soul, virtually unbroken from 1949 until her death in 1997. While she built the Missionaries of Charity, ministered with her sisters and brothers to thousands of the poor and inspired the world in doing so, her inner life was desolation. She describes how she experienced abandonment by God no consolation in prayer — even what she dared to term the loss of faith.

These revelations from the woman’s own heart shook the world’s easy estimation of her sanctity. No one can any longer rightfully claim that Mother Teresa was able to do the amazing things she did because of her great faith; or because of how close she must have felt to God; or because of the great strength that feeling of nearness provided her. Her long experience was quite to the contrary, and yet she stayed the course. She prayed for others when prayer seemed to accomplish nothing in her. She smiled when her heart was plunged into desolation. She brought

light to others while carrying the darkness within herself. She preached in word and action the presence and love of Jesus while her own heart was crying out for hours, months and years for an encounter with His love that would not come.

Did Mother Teresa merely exist here on earth? Did she only survive? Some would say so. In my estimation, her life was a triumph of purpose, commitment and steadfastness of heart. This triumph is all the more true against the somber backdrop of the inner life of pain she bore. She brought fullness of life to many who had never imagined it at all. She brought a sense of wholeness and worth to the least among us. She could not have given what she did not possess. Somehow, mysteriously, she did possess the spiritual richness she shared with others.

Mother Teresa and the Patriarch Athanasius are just two instances of what the gifts of groundedness and steadfastness in the Truth of Jesus Christ can do, have done and will do, in spite of all possible danger and difficulties of this life and of all possible darkness and anguish of the inner life.

In this day, with the faith we have, Jesus is saying to us all, “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” Our challenges in today’s Church may be external, as were many of those Athanasius faced. They may threaten us with harm or ruin. Or the trials we face may be internal, as were the most intimate moments on the border of despair that Mother Teresa had to bear. Whatever we face individually or communally, there is good reason to hope that we can and will — as they did — do profoundly more than just survive. With steadfastness, they witness to their Christian faith. So must we.

Firmum est cor meum!

Christian Witness Angela and David Franks host the original CatholicTV series Christian Witness talking with people who work to build a culture of love and life rooted in the New Evangelization. Prominent theologians, home-schooling families and those involved in parish work are some of the people interviewed in this enlightening series. The series is devoted to learning how to incarnate Jesus Christ more fully in every dimension of human life: work, culture, politics and family. Dr. David Franks says, “The New Evangelization is all about infleshing true love.” Beginning each show, he quotes poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, who said “This one work has to do – let all God’s glory through.”

Date: Topic/Guests: Airs:

Oct. 6Role of the Elderly in the New Evangelization – Sister Julie LSP

Sun 4 a.m.Wed 10:30 a.m.Thur 8:30 p.m.Sat 4 p.m.Oct. 13

Living out Catholic Social Doctrine – Andy LaVallee

Oct. 20 Pregnancy Help Centers – Mary Girard

Oct. 27 Witness in the Single Life – Emily Stimpson

Council of Nicaea

Come Be My Light

7St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church Oct. 15 | St. Hedwig, religious Oct. 16 | St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr Oct. 17 | Feast of St. Luke, evangelist Oct. 18 |

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All times Eastern and subject to change.October

October programmingThis month, CatholicTV celebrates the feast days of Blessed Pope John XIII and Blessed Pope John Paul II with documentaries on their lives and the canonization process. The week of Oct. 6, in honor of Blessed Pope John XIII, Saints: Gospel Artists will air, highlighting his life. The week of Oct. 13, in honor of Blessed John Paul II, CatholicTV will air John Paul the Great and St. Gianna Beretta Molla: A Modern Day Hero of Divine Love. St. Gianna Beretta Molla was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2004.

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:

Oct. 6Remembering Who We Are & What We Have

Sun 6:30 a.m.Mon 12:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.Wed 9 a.m.Fri 11 a.m.and 8:30 p.m.Sat 12:30 p.m.

Oct. 13 Be Careful - Your Life is His Gift

Oct. 20 Touched By His Spirit

Oct. 27 Newness and Renewal - It Happens All the Time

We’ve Got to Talk Dan O’Connell hosts the

longest-running, original CatholicTV studio series. The show has been airing for more than 20 years and was the first award-winning program in the network’s history. Through the use of virtual sets each week, the show opens with Father Dan in places you would not usually find a priest talking about God, religion and spirituality. He then returns to his studio set for some energetic talks using examples from everyday life.


NEW Spotlight show features Father Bill Kelly and Father Chip

Hines reviewing movies from a Catholic perspective. Three new shows premiere each month. The “Film Fathers” have reviewed more than 300 movies since they started in 2009. They look at blockbusters, seasonal movies and films with and by famous actors and directors. Shows have seasonal and religious themes, while some look at cops, detectives and superheroes. Give your feedback or ask questions at [email protected]. And access archived episodes on demand at

Date: Movies Reviewed/Theme: Airs:

Oct. 6Forest Whitaker Movies (featuring The Butler)

Mon 6 p.m.Tue 8:30 p.m.Wed 4 a.m.Fri 4:30 p.m.Sat 10:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.

Oct. 13 Documentaries (featuring Salinger)

Oct. 20Overcoming Adversity (featuring Rush)

Oct. 27Super Hero Movies (featuring Man of Steel and Wolverine)

The Rosary’s director, Father Robert Reed, and our production crew bring you this powerful prayer to Mary and her son from prayerful sites from Boston to Rome. Also, Cardinal Seán O’Malley and Father Frank McFarland are featured in episodes of one of CatholicTV’s finest series. Airs: Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m., 6:30 p.m. and 3 a.m., and Sun. 9:30 a.m.

One Billion Stories

This original CatholicTV series highlights the unique journey of Seth DeMoor. Immediately following his graduation from the University of Colorado, DeMoor made his way to Florida for a Catholic men’s conference. From there, he biked his way home to Denver. He was not alone on the road, as he had his Catholic faith and a video camera. In season three, the series takes a different approach with each show focusing on various themes, as DeMoor shares videos sent to him via

Week of: Episode Theme: Airs:Oct. 6 Confession Mon 4:30 p.m.

Tue midnightand 9 p.m.Fri 6 p.m.Sat. noonand 11 p.m.

Oct. 13 Eucharist

Oct. 20 Mary

Oct. 27 Discovering Catholicism

NEW Blink original CatholicTV is now in its seventh season. Tune in for a half hour full of insight, information and faith with Catholics from around the universal Church sharing their belief and their wisdom. Each segment features three to five minutes of faith fundamentals, hot-topic issues and, this season, music. Airs: Mon. 4 a.m., Wed. 7:30 p.m., and Fri. 5:30 a.m. St. Cecilia Musical Blinks airs: Mon. 7 a.m., Wed. noon, and Thur. 6 p.m.

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 Veterans Special – Part 2 Tue 9 a.m.

Thur 10:30 p.m.Fri 6 a.m.Sat 2 p.m.

Oct. 13 Ali Dix – Part 1

Oct. 20 Ali Dix – Part 2

Oct. 27 George Family – Part 1

Building A Difference Chris Simons hosts this inspi-rational series about making a difference in the lives of those

in our communities. Working with various charities and organizations, the Builders Care construction ministry helps families start their lives anew, building a difference in the lives of those in desperate need.


Ss. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests and martyrs, and their companions, martyrs Oct. 19 | St. John of Capistrano, priest Oct. 23 | St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop Oct. 24 | Ss. Simon and Jude, apostles Oct. 28CatholicTV Monthly / October 2013 / www.CatholicTV.com8

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House+Home reality-style series features Catholic families of all varieties, sizes and from different dioceses welcoming you in their own living space. See what makes them laugh and cry, love each other, share the faith and make their house into a home. Recorded on location in the home of Catholic families with host Father Robert Reed. Discover how real people, with the bricks and mortar of faith, hope and love, make their house, condo or apartment into a place where Christ is present.

Week of: Family: Airs:Oct. 6 Jeanne Jugan Residence Sun 7 a.m.

Tue 4:30 p.m.Wed 2 a.m.Thur 5 a.m.Fri 9 p.m.

Oct. 13 McNeal Family

Oct. 20 Visit the Pope

Oct. 27 Nelson Family


Week of: Wudabout: Airs:Oct. 6 The Commandments Mon 7:30 p.m.

Tue 5 p.m.Wed 8:30 a.m.Thur 1 a.m.Fri 6:30 a.m.Sat 8 p.m.

Oct. 13 The Anointing of the Sick

Oct. 20 Sacrosanctum Concilium

Oct. 27 Vestments and Vessels

Classic episodes air Tue. 3:30 a.m. and Fri. 5:30 p.m.

WOW: The CatholicTV

In its eighth season, the CatholicTV game show for kids of all ages, WOW, features three rounds of three kids competing to get to the final challenge. They answer questions from host Father Robert Reed, the president of the network for just about as long as this award-winning series has been around. The questions are based on the “Wudabout” revealed by “Nosey,” the know-it-all, animated dog.

The Gist Danielle Bean, Rachel Balducci and Carolee

McGrath sit down with guest Catholic personalities to discuss Catholic faith issues from a woman’s perspective. The three hosts aim to educate and inspire the whole person, because “The Gisters” believe that being Catholic is not just a compartmentalized part of life, but part of every aspect of every day.

Week of: Topic/Guest: Airs:Oct. 6 Life – Mother Dolores Hart Tue 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Wed 5 a.m. and 6 p.m.Thur 12:30 a.m.Oct. 13 Bully – Lizzie Velasquez

Oct. 20 Catholic Singles – Robyn Lee

Oct. 27 Feminism – Serrin Foster


From the Chair In this programming block, America’s Catholic Television Network features programs with bishops, archbishops and cardinals from around the country. They share what God is doing in and through their ministry.

Week of: Featured Diocese: Airs:Oct. 6 Bishop’s Corner, Youngstown, OH Sun 2 a.m.

and 8:30 p.m.Thur 2:30 p.m.Oct. 13

Conversations with Archbishop Kurtz, Louisville, KY

Oct. 20 Conversations with Bishop McManus, Worcester, MA

Oct. 27 Conversation with Cardinal Dolan, New York

Going My Way variety series features Father Chris Hickey sharing his singing talent, as he is accompanied by his mentor-turned-sidekick, Father Paul Rouse, on piano. Each show features a comedic interview between Father Chris and guests from all walks of life, including sisters, deacons, seminarians and even an occasional lay guest. After the interview, the guest joins Father Chris and Father Paul for a musical segment.

Week of: Guests: Airs:Oct. 6 Father Brian Smith Sun 6 a.m.

Mon 11 a.m.Tue 11 p.m.Thur 7:30 p.m.Fri 5 p.m.

Oct. 13 Deacon Dan Burns

Oct. 20 Father Bill Quinlivan

Oct. 27 Father Sean Connor

Classic episodes air on Wed. and Sat. at 11 a.m.

Divine Intervention with Father Born in India, raised in South Africa and now ministering in California, Father Steve Porter has a way of deeply touching lives. This reality series captures his unique zeal and inspiring ministry to God’s people through life’s turbulent and joyful moments. Father Steve says this series is “an entertainment show that happens to star a Catholic priest.”

Date: Topic: Airs:Oct. 6 Addiction Mon 9 p.m.

Wed 1 p.m.Fri 2 a.m.Oct. 13 Evil Spirits

Oct. 20 Adultery

Oct. 27 Actors and Lawyers

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 Giving Our Fears to God Sun 9:30 p.m.

Tue 4:30 a.m.Thur 1:30 a.m.Oct. 13

Letting God Know Us so God Can Love Us

Oct. 20 Intro To Subject of Anger

Oct. 27 Becoming Honest About Negative Forms of Anger

Life’s Journey This series is hosted by Father Tom Allender, S.J. and comes from KNXT. Each week, tune in as he explains how loving each other is the same as loving God.

Ss. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests and martyrs, and their companions, martyrs Oct. 19 | St. John of Capistrano, priest Oct. 23 | St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop Oct. 24 | Ss. Simon and Jude, apostles Oct. 28

Father Brian Smith passed away in June. His love for music lives on in this episode of Going My Way.


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All times Eastern and subject to change.OctoberPillars of Catholicism 13-episode crash course in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith comes from John Paul the Great Catholic University. Dr. Michael Barber, Dr. Christine Wood and Father Andy Younan present a series of engaging studies in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith, focusing on the Catechism.

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 God’s Existence Tue 2 a.m.

Wed 4:30 p.m.Thur 9 p.m.Fri 8 p.m.

Oct. 13 Philosophical Anthropology

Oct. 20 Creation and Redemption

Oct. 27 Revelation

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 On Every Corner Mon 4 p.m.

Wed 2:30 a.m.Oct. 13 Under Pressure

Oct. 20 Culture Creation

Oct. 27 We Want Peace

Love is Moving Part of the Love Movement, and from the people who brought you Context with Lorna Dueck, this series is hosted by and for young adults focusing on living out the Christian faith. The series challenges young adults to commit to acts of love in their daily life and to grow deeper in relationship with God and others.

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 God’s Prefect Timing Mon 8 a.m.

Thur 1 p.m.Sat 8:30 a.m.Oct. 13 The Messiah has Come

Oct. 20 A Helper Arrives

Oct. 27 God Picks Paul

What’s in the Bible? From the creator of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer, join some new friends as they explore the most important books of the Bible. With music and puppets, this family show will have you laughing and learning through God’s word.

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 Luke 4:31-5:32 Mon 9 a.m.

Wed 1:30 p.m.Fri midnightOct. 13 Luke 5:33-6:42

Oct. 20 Luke 6:43-7:35

Oct. 27 Luke 7:36-8:39

Gospel of Luke Jim Grant and Dr. Robert Maldonado are joined by biblical scholars as they share their insights into, and love for, Luke. In each episode, they work through the Gospel of Luke, chapter by chapter.

CatholicTV Showcase Friday at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday at 1 p.m. The CatholicTV Network showcases special programs, documentaries and movies relevant to the time of year, as well as honoring saints’ feast days. This month, CatholicTV airs Mary’s House Foundation: All are Invited in celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. CatholicTV honors the Canonization of St. Damien of Molokai with the documentary Hawaii’s Pilgrimage to Canonization of St. Damien of Molokai.

Dates: Program:

Oct. 4-5Hawaii’s Pilgrimage to Canonization of St. Damien of Molokai

Oct. 11-12 Mary’s House Foundation: All are invited

Oct. 18-19The Life and Legacy of Mother Catherine Aurelia Caouette – Syriac Catholic Church

Oct. 25-26John Paul the Great – St. Gianna Beretta Molla: A Modern Day Hero of Divine Love

Movie Classics Hour Every Friday at 1 p.m., enjoy a classic movie from the CatholicTV archives. These movies star such greats as Cary Grant, Shirley Temple, Audrey Hepburn, and Danny Kaye.

Dates: Movie:Oct. 4 The Last Time I Saw Paris

Oct. 11 Dinner at the Ritz

Oct. 18 The Flying Deuces

Oct. 25 The Stranger

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:

Oct. 6A New Identity: The Gospel of Matthew, Part 5 of 5

Mon 10:30 a.m.Tue 1 a.m.Wed 9:30 p.m.Thur 4 a.m.Fri 11:30 a.m.

Oct. 13The Potter: Reflections of a Master Artisan, Part 1 of 2

Oct. 20 The Potter: Reflections of a Master Artisan, Part 2 of 2

Oct. 27 The Calling of Billy Graham, Part 1 of 2

Day of Discovery Each week, this series offers viewers a fresh, insightful look at current and historical events, social issues, prophecy and issues of the Christian faith.

CatholicTV Presents ... CatholicTV Presents is a programming block that presents the best from our programming partners. This month, in honor of Blessed Pope John XIII, CatholicTV airs a documentary entitled Saints: Gospel Artists. This documentary shares the stories of many saints, including Blessed Pope John XIII. In honor of Blessed Pope John Paul II, tune in the documentary Great Souls – Pope John Paul II.

Week of: Program: Airs:Oct. 6 Saints: Gospel Artists Mon 10:30 p.m.

Thur 5 p.m.Fri 2 p.m.Sat 3:30 a.m.

Oct. 13 Love is a Choice

Oct. 20 Great Souls – Pope John Paul II

Oct. 27 Opes Dei: Decoding God's Work

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Children’s Programming Programs geared for younger viewers airs every morning starting at 7:30 a.m. CatholicTV’s children’s programming features returning shows such as Dr. Wonder’s Workshop, Adventures in Odyssey, Upbeat Kids, What’s In The Bible? and Fred and Susie. Returning this fall is the CatholicTV Kids’ Saints and Heroes block that presents a variety of special programs featuring Catholic teaching, the lives of the saints and Bible stories aimed at children. Airs: Sat. 7:30 a.m.

Week of: Saints and Heroes:Oct. 6 Columbus - Adventures to the Edge

Oct. 13 Day the Sun Danced

Oct. 20 Bernadette – The Princess of Lourdes

Oct. 27 Juan Diego

Chaplet of Divine Mercy Tune in CatholicTV’s Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day of the week at 3 p.m. We invite you to pray this powerful prayer based on the diary of St. Faustina of Poland, “Divine Mercy in My Soul.” A different version airs every day.

The Joy of Music Longtime favorite Diane Bish, “The First Lady of the Organ,” goes abroad on the CatholicTV Network from sites around Europe. Each month, Bish performs from magnificent locations worldwide. The Joy of Music brings viewers to historic sites with a combination of favorite classics, world-renowned guests, spectacular scenery and local traditions.

Week of: Location: Airs:Oct. 6 Musical Visit to Stockholm Mon 1 a.m.

and 1 p.m.,Wed 12:30 p.m.Thur 4:30 p.m.

Oct. 13 Musical Visit to Belgium

Oct. 20 Musical Visit to Verona

Oct. 27 Sights & Sounds of Budapest

The Call In this time slot, viewers will see a variety of special programs, documentaries and short films specifically focusing on vocations.

Week of: Program: Airs:

Oct. 6Sisters of Charity: Extravagant Love – Servants of Mary

Sun 11:30 p.m.Mon 11:30 a.m.Sat 6 p.m.

Oct. 13 Knights of Columbus – Vocation to the Priesthood

Oct. 20Vocations Blink Segments: Deacon Update – Father Bob Deland – Father Denis – Sacred Heart Seminary – Sisters Mercy – Sisters Clare.

Oct. 27 The Catholic Priesthood – Jesuits at Georgetown

Too Blessed to be Stressed Join hosts David Bisono and Jahaira Rodriguez for a new season of Too Blessed to be Stressed from NET. The show highlights Brooklyn’s Catholic Charismatic group Jovenes de Valor. Hear testimonies from the hosts and their guests and find out why you are too blessed to be stressed!

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 Pursuit of Holiness Tue 1 p.m.

Sat 12:30 a.m. and 10 p.m.Oct. 13 Faith Formation in Brooklyn

Oct. 20 Vagabond Ministries and Generation Life

Oct. 27 Koinonia

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 Living God’s Word in Community Tue 2:30 p.m.

Thur 9:30 p.m.Fri noonOct. 13 Spiritual Traditions

Oct. 20 What is Catholic Identity?

Oct. 27 The Good Shepherd

Catholic Identity From Catholic Life Television in Baton Rouge, La., this series traces the everyday ordinary Catholic through formation, belief, prayer, worship, family and evangelization. The show aims to focus on what it means to be Catholic and what is unique about the faith. Answers to questions such as: What does it mean to be Catholic? Where do we start to understand more about our Catholic Identity?

Context This program presents “news that takes you deeper,” exploring news and current affairs stories from a Christian worldview. Join host Lorna Dueck and her team as they dig behind the headlines to investigate those points at which news and spirituality converge, to illuminate God’s involvement in the issues and events of our day. The flexible format varies from week-to-week, and includes on-location reports, documentary style features, and studio interviews. Airs: Sun. 1 a.m., Mon. 2 p.m., Tue. 6:30 a.m., and Sat. 7:30 p.m.

Catholic Join Kevin Nelson as he takes you along for inspiring trips to interesting places of significance to our Catholic faith from the United States to Canada to Europe. This month, go along with Nelson on visits to California and New York.

Week of: Destination: Airs:Oct. 6 Mission San Juan Capistrano Mon 5:30 p.m.

Tue 12:30 a.m.Wed 10:30 p.m.Fri 5 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Oct. 13 Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral

Oct. 20 North American Martyrs Shrine

Oct. 27 Our Lady of Fatima

Week of: Episode Title: Airs:Oct. 6 Homeless Awareness Part 1 Mon 1:30 a.m.

Thur 6:30 a.m.Fri 3:30 p.m.Oct. 13 Homeless Awareness Part 2

Oct. 20 Jesus, Moses … Cross the Road

Oct. 27 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Forum for a Better Understanding From KNXT and the Diocese of Fresno, Calif., this ongoing series features host Jim Grant and a three-person panel. They discuss current theological, spiritual and social-moral topics from an inter-faith perspective. We present three new eye-opening episodes this month.


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Marking the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Benedict XVI declared 2012-2013 The Year of Faith. In particular, the pope called upon all Catholics to confront what he identified as one of the most difficult challenges the Church faces today: “religious illiteracy.” (More precisely, a lack of understanding about what Christians really believe.) To address this problem, Pope Benedict called upon Catholics to spend the year studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the official compendium of all Catholic teaching. The CatholicTV Network has a variety of shows airing during the Year of Faith to respond to Benedict’s challenge.

50 Years of Vatican II Priests and experts discuss the documents of the Second Vatican Council in honor of its 50th anniversary. Join co-hosts Father Jim Korda and Father Jeff Mickler

as they lead discussions on the documents of Vatican II. The series aims to educate viewers on both the well-known and lesser-known documents of the ecumenical council that changed the Church.

Week of: Fundamental: Airs:Oct. 6 God’s Existence: Father Andy Younan Tue 2 a.m.

Wed 4:30 p.m.Thur 9 p.m.Fri 8 p.m.

Oct. 13Philosophical Anthropology: Father Andy Younan

Oct. 20 Creation-Redemption: Dr. Christine Wood

Oct. 27 Revelation: Dr. Michael Barber

Pillars of Catholicism This 13-episode crash course in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith comes from John Paul the Great Catholic University. Dr. Michael Barber, Dr. Christine Wood and Father Andy Younan present a series of engaging studies in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith focusing on the Catechism.

Week of: Program: Airs:Oct. 6 Almighty Love Mon noon

Wed 5:30 a.m.and 8:30 p.m.Oct. 13 Savior of the World

Oct. 20 Acquainted with Grief

Oct. 27 The Last Enemy Defeated

Year of Faith This month, CatholicTV shares a seven-part series on the Apostles’ Creed. Learn from a diverse group of theologians about the history and relevance of a creed Christians have been confessing for centuries.

The Word Exposed This program with archbishop of Manila, Cardinal Luis Tagle, provides reflections on the Sunday Scripture readings. It comes to CatholicTV from the Jesuit Communications Foundation. Airs: Sun. 3:30 p.m.

Week of: Lectures: Airs:

Oct. 6 Women Are Made in God’s Image Sun 10:30 p.m.Fri 8 a.m.

Oct. 13 God’s Unconditional Love for Women

Oct. 20 Church Documents For and About Women

Oct. 27 Mother Church Knows Best

Catholic Courses During this time block, CatholicTV bringsviewers engaging lectures from some of the world’s most renownedscholars. In October, tune in the new course: Reclaiming Feminism. It is led by speaker and author Teresa Tomeo, who takes a close look at these “freedoms” and relates how medical science, sociological studies and surveys performed by major secular institutions all show the truth of Catholic teaching concerning the fallout of the sexual revolution touted by radical feminists.

Week of: Document: Airs:

Oct. 6Decree on the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite

Tue 3:30 a.m.Wed 7 a.m.

Oct. 13 Declaration on Christian Education

Oct. 20Declaration on the Relation of the Churchto Non-Christian Religions

Oct. 27Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church

Year of Faith programming

CatholicTV Monthly / October 2013 / www.CatholicTV.com12

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Guest/Topic: Rebroadcasts:

Oct. 1 Tony Ryan, St. Josephine Bakhita Tue. 7:30 p.m., Wed. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Thu. midnight

Oct. 4 Jimmy Becker, Biking for Babies Fri. 7:30 p.m., Sat. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Mon. midnight

Oct. 8 Jim Cavnar, Cross Catholic Outreach Tue. 7:30 p.m., Wed. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Thu. midnight

Oct. 11 Cynthia Capen, “Father Tony” documentary Fri. 7:30 p.m., Sat. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Mon. midnight

Oct. 15 Father John Anglin, The Wandering Friar Tue. 7:30 p.m., Wed. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Thu. midnight

Oct. 18 Father Steve Porter, Divine Intervention with Father Steve Fri. 7:30 p.m., Sat. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Mon. midnight

Oct. 22 Dean Robledo, Expressing Faith Through Art Tue. 7:30 p.m., Wed. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Thu. midnight

Oct. 25 Sue and Tim Muldoon, authors, Six Sacred Rules for Families Fri. 7:30 p.m., Sat. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Mon. midnight

Oct. 29 Danny Hidalgo and Rob Kaczmark, Spirit Juice Studios Tue. 7:30 p.m., Wed. 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Thu. midnight

10:30 a.m.(Live)

Live every Tuesday and Friday, meet Catholics from around the corner and around the universal Church. Father Reed, Jay Fadden and Kevin Nelson welcome guests into the CatholicTV living room for insightful live chats for today’s Catholic. See news, events, music, trivia and more! Join Shannon Muldoon for the segment called Saints & Seasons with Shannon. Guests are subject to change. For the most recent schedule, visit and click on schedule.

What’s on This Is The Day

This Is The Daycrossword puzzle answers

Answers for page 14


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ACROSS3 Isaiah had nothing but dire words for

this “jewel of kingdoms”5 The identity of the author of this

classic is shrouded in a “Cloud of _____”

6 Covering and uncomprehending, “in the beginning” of Genesis and John

9 Indiana Jones, Evan Almighty and St. Louis (sort of)

10 From the word meaning “tenth”, one-tenth of something

11 Third of the rivers branching off the river out of Eden

13 Reputed as the founder of the inquisition, this saint could really preach it

15 Gothic home to the tunic worn by Mary at Christ’s birth

17 A scroll eating, riddle posing and dry bones kind of book

18 This “Poor Lady” was one of St. Francis’ first followers

DOWN1 Batman, the Dark Knight, has

nothing on this saint’s “Dark Night”

2 Blinded, shipwrecked, imprisoned and finally beheaded

4 Seleucid general defeated by Judas Maccabaeus

7 Great or small, a break in communion affects us all

8 Hebrew for the “poor seeking God for deliverance”

9 A role held in common by both the Spirit and lawyers

12 Son of Sarah’s slave14 The Eternal City16 Most likely place to encounter

a hymnal outside the choir loft

See answers on page 13

The CatholicTVMonthly Challenge

CatholicTV Monthly / October 2013 / www.CatholicTV.com14

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Jay Fadden,executive vice president/general manager, The CatholicTV NetworkWe’ve Got to TalkThe Gist Daily Mass

Every month, more than 17,000 monthly magazines are mailed to friends of CatholicTV. Last month, we received a little over 1,000 donations from the envelopes that are placed inside the magazine. We are hoping to increase that number.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support CatholicTV

with your donations and your prayers. We cannot bring Daily Mass, The Rosary and other original programs into homes without you!

Please consider helping CatholicTV by sending a donation using the envelope inside this magazine.

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TBA Father ConnorsWatertown

TBA Father ClaryBrookline

Father ReedCatholicTV Network

Father ReedCatholicTV Network

Father ChateauBeverly

Father WestcottCambridge

Father CunneyBoston

Father DabneyBoston

Father SuarezBrockton

Father ReedCatholicTV Network

Father MahoneyCharlestown

Father ReedCatholicTV Network

Father AnglinHoly Name Province

Father DeehanDuxbury

Father KearneyHaverhill

Father BarkerWakefield

Father ReedCatholicTV Network

Father DomuratEast Boston

Father O’ConnellNewton

Father FlatleyArlington

Father MahoneyCharlestown

TBA Father CarmichaelMarshfield

Father ReedCatholicTV Network

Father NestorHingham

Father HannonHanson

Father GariboldiRockport

Father PalardyWeston

Father CaseySouth Boston

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On TV:Sunday Masses

7 a.m. from Boston (LIVE on cw56/WLVI)10 a.m. from Notre Dame4 p.m. from San Antonio7 p.m. from Boston

Weekday Mass9:30 a.m. on CatholicTV cable and ION (Mon-Thur)(rebroadcast at 7 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. on CatholicTV cable)

Saturday Mass (on CatholicTV cable)9:30 a.m. from CatholicTV’s Chapel7 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. Vigil Mass from Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Dear Father Reed, October 2013Enclosed please find my donation toward proclaiming God’s love on television.

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Send to: Rev. Robert P. Reed • CatholicTV34 Chestnut St. • PO Box 9196 • Watertown, MA 02471

Please use the envelope found inside this monthly publication.Self-addressed, stamped envelopes available upon request.

October 2013 Priests presiding on the television Mass

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