stöd till art agents eu-projekt visualize the invisible 1 ... · vi kommer arbeta mot press och...

Bilagor 1. Ansökan till kulturnämnden 2. Ursprunglig EU-ansökan 3. Uppdaterad projektplan Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm E-post: [email protected] KUN 2014-04-24, p 9 Enheten för kultur- och föreningsstöd TJÄNSTEUTLÅTANDE Diarienummer: 2014-04-03 KUN 2014/349 Handläggare: Lotti Fred Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 Förslag till beslut Förvaltningen föreslår kulturnämnden besluta att bifalla Art Agents ansökan om stöd till EU-projektet ”Visualize the invi- sible” med ett belopp om 250 000 kr, att det beviljade beloppet tas från medel öronmärkta för Utveckling av nya stödformer. 2 Bakgrund Art Agent mottog 2013 stöd från EU:s kulturprogram för ett tvåårigt EU-pro- jekt, Visualize the invisible”, 2013-2014. Sedan dess har man från olika nat- ionella fonder ansökt om stöd för nationell medfinansiering, men i dagsläget saknas det fortfarande 480 000 kr. Art Agent har varit tvungna att välja mel- lan att starta projektet eller att lägga ner det och återbetala EU:s bidrag. Man valde att starta projektet och att fortsätta söka finansiering under projektets gång. De har genomfört ett antal aktiviteter och publicerat en hemsida. Art Agent är huvudpartner i projektet där även Albanien, Makedonien och Kroa- tien ingår. EU-projektet drivs av ArtAgent, berör fyra länder (Sverige, Albanien, Kroatien, Makedonien) och består i att fyra konstnärer i respektive land arbetar med deltagarbaserade konstprojekt under 2013-2014. I Sverige arbetar konstnä- rerna Lott Alfreds, Helena Byström och Charlotte Åberg samt koreografen Anna Källblad i Botkyrka kommun med barn, ungdomar och äldre i längre och kortare projekt under perioden.

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Page 1: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi


1. Ansökan till kulturnämnden

2. Ursprunglig EU-ansökan

3. Uppdaterad projektplan

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016

Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39

Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm E-post: [email protected]

KUN 2014-04-24, p 9

Enheten för kultur- och föreningsstöd TJÄNSTEUTLÅTANDE Diarienummer:

2014-04-03 KUN 2014/349


Lotti Fred

Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible

1 Förslag till beslut

Förvaltningen föreslår kulturnämnden besluta

att bifalla Art Agents ansökan om stöd till EU-projektet ”Visualize the invi-

sible” med ett belopp om 250 000 kr,

att det beviljade beloppet tas från medel öronmärkta för Utveckling av nya


2 Bakgrund

Art Agent mottog 2013 stöd från EU:s kulturprogram för ett tvåårigt EU-pro-

jekt, ”Visualize the invisible”, 2013-2014. Sedan dess har man från olika nat-

ionella fonder ansökt om stöd för nationell medfinansiering, men i dagsläget

saknas det fortfarande 480 000 kr. Art Agent har varit tvungna att välja mel-

lan att starta projektet eller att lägga ner det och återbetala EU:s bidrag. Man

valde att starta projektet och att fortsätta söka finansiering under projektets

gång. De har genomfört ett antal aktiviteter och publicerat en hemsida. Art

Agent är huvudpartner i projektet där även Albanien, Makedonien och Kroa-

tien ingår.

EU-projektet drivs av ArtAgent, berör fyra länder (Sverige, Albanien, Kroatien,

Makedonien) och består i att fyra konstnärer i respektive land arbetar med

deltagarbaserade konstprojekt under 2013-2014. I Sverige arbetar konstnä-

rerna Lott Alfreds, Helena Byström och Charlotte Åberg samt koreografen

Anna Källblad i Botkyrka kommun med barn, ungdomar och äldre i längre

och kortare projekt under perioden.

Page 2: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

2 (2)


2014-04-03 KUN 2014/349

3 Förvaltningens synpunkter

Att ett projekt lyckas få stöd ifrån något av EU:s program eller fonder är en

fingervisning från EU att man gärna ser att den här sortens projekt genomförs.

Totalt beviljades 2012 endast 8 aktörer stöd från EU:s kulturprogram som sö-

kande part. Bifallsprocenten har under de senaste åren legat mellan 20-30 %.

Problemet för kulturorganisationer att själva få ihop en medfinansiering till ett

EU-projekt med 50 % av projektbudgeten är välkänt. Det är också en anled-

ning till att många kulturorganisationer väljer att avstå från att söka EU-me-

del. I dagsläget är möjligheten att söka statlig medfinansiering mycket begrän-

sad. Art Agent har beviljats 100 000 kr från Kulturrådet. Utöver detta har de

lyckats få ihop 370 000 kr från olika fonder. Art Agents största problem är att

de är en liten kulturorganisation utan något verksamhetsstöd. Det gör det

omöjligt för dem att själva gå in med medfinansiering i form av pengar eller

betald arbetstid.

Kulturförvaltningens EU-samordnare har under 2013 stöttat Art Agent i deras

arbete med att söka finansiering utanför SLL. Kulturförvaltningen har i år ett

särskilt ekonomiskt stöd, Utveckling av nya stödformer, där ansökningar för

medfinansiering av EU-projekt kan ingå trots att projektet inte uppfyller de

formella riktlinjerna för ordinarie projektstöd.

Kulturförvaltningen föreslår därför att 250 000 kr tas ur denna budgetpost för

stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt ”Visualize the invisible”. Till följd av begrän-

sade resurser kan förvaltningen inte bifalla hela den sökta summan om

480 000 kr.

Stödet ges under förutsättning att EU-projektet genomförs enligt plan och i

enlighet med EU:s regler. Redovisning av projektet sker till Kulturförvalt-

ningen i samband med slutredovisningen till EU.

Kerstin Olander

Tf. förvaltningschef

Page 3: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Ansökan om stöd till kulturverksamhet 2014 Version: 1.16

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm

( 1 / 7 )

Ansökan avser (endast ETT stöd kan sökas på varje blankett)


18 februari 10 juni 4 november

Sista ansökningsdag


4 februari, 22 april

Tillgänglighetsstöd (endast som komplement till ansökan om "Kulturstöd till kontinuerlig eller tillfällig verksamhet")

Kulturstöd till kontinuerlig eller tillfällig verksamhet■

Kultur i vården

Ung Aktiv Kultur

Kultur i skärgården

Lär mer om vilka regler som gäller för ansökan av varje stöd på

SökandeOrganisation (enligt organisations- eller registreringsbevis)




Ort Besöksadress

E-post Telefon



Webbadress (hemsida)


Organisationsform Aktiebolag Handelsbolag Enskild firma Ekonomisk förening

Ideell förening■ Stiftelse Annan:

Kortfattad beskrivning av den sökande organisationen (cirka tre meningar)

Belopp som söks

Kontaktperson (från organisationen)


Telefon (dagtid)

Art Agent

Strahlenbergsgatan 17 Anna Källblad

121 45 Johanneshov

[email protected] 0739844762


Through participatory and situation specific art in the public realm, ArtAgent works for a raised awareness and capacity of cultural actors, media and civil society. In the context of reconciliation, conflict resolution and democratization ArtAgent work carefully with the settings of the encounter, in order to create an equal dialogue.

Helena Byström 0739844762

[email protected]

- Ansökan och eventuella bilagor e-postas till [email protected] - Skriv endast namnet på sökande organisation i ämnesraden i e-brevet - Observera att vi inte kan ta del av information som skrivs i meddelandefältet - För frågor och information om ditt ärende e-posta [email protected] - Ansökan ska inte undertecknas. De organisationer som beviljas stöd undertecknar en överenskommelse i efterhand

Page 4: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Ansökan om stöd till kulturverksamhet 2014 Version: 1.16

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm

( 2 / 7 )

Söker förProjektets-/Verksamhetens namn

Projektet/verksamhetens start- och slutdatum (åååå-mm-dd)

Lokal/Plats för genomförande

Spel-/Utställningsperiod (åååå-mm-dd)

Typ av genomförande/aktivitet (markera endast ETT alternativ)

Eget skapande Festival Föreställning Installation

Konsert Läger Mixed Produktion

Seminarium Utställning Workshop Annan:■

Målgrupp(er) (de som projektet/verksamheten riktar sig till)

Hur tänker ni arbeta för att nå den planerade målgruppen? (publikarbete och marknadsföring)

Bildkonst Film Foto Konsthantverk

Teater Musikteater Dans Musik

Litteratur Kulturhistoria Cirkus Annan:■

Typ av konstform (markera endast ETT alternativ)

Eventuell samarbetspartner

Visualize The Invisible

2013-06-01 2014-12-31 2014-11-01 2014-11-30

Barn, ungdomar och äldre

I samarbete med våra samarabetspartners i projektet; Botkyrka kommun, konsthallen, Subtopia, Botkyrkabyggen,Mångkulturellt Centrum, skolor, förskolor kommer vi att informera och marknadsföra projektet. Då projektet är deltagarbaserat kommer vi att sprida information via våra deltagare. Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi kommer att använda oss av våra omfattande kontakter inom kultur, konst , dans området för att sprida info om projektet. Detta kommer att ske genom digitala sociala medier samt utskick och personliga möten.

Media Artes-Ohrid Makedonien, Refraction Association-Tirana Albanien, Performing Pictures- Sthlm-Kroatien, Botkyrka kommun, Botkyrka konsthall, Subtopia, Botkyrkabyggen,Mångkulturellt Centrum, skolor, förskolor i Botkyrka, Liljevalchs Sthlm Konst.

Botkyrka kommun/konsthall, Slussen, Liljevalchs

EU projekt

deltagarbaserad konst interdisc

Page 5: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Ansökan om stöd till kulturverksamhet 2014 Version: 1.16

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm

( 3 / 7 )

Planerad verksamhetSammanfattning av planerat projekt/verksamhet. (Hänvisning till bilaga accepteras inte.)

I EU projektet som drivs och leds av ArtAgent kommer fyra konstnärer i vardera land (Sverige-Botkyrka, Albanien, Kroatien, Makedonien) att arbeta med deltagarbaserade konstprojekt under 2013-2014. I Sverige arbetar Lott Alfreds-konstnär, Helena Byström-konstnär, Anna Källblad-koreograf, Charlotte Åberg-konstnär i Botkyrka kommun med barn, ungdomar och äldre i längre och kortare projekt under 2013,2014. Visualize the Invisible, Samarbetsprojekt i Sverige och Balkan, 2013-2014 Culture Programme 2007-2013 Strand 1.2.1 ”Cooperation projects” EACEA Koordinator: ArtAgent, Sverige Partners: Performing Pictures, Kroatien, Refraction Association, Albanien, Media Artes, Makedonien I projektet Visualize the Invisible, samarbetar organisationer i Sverige och Balkan för att implementera deltagarbaserade konstprojekt i Sverige, Albanien, Makedonien och Kroatien. Konstnärer kommer att arbeta med olika uttryck som video, performance, installation, musik och dans tillsammans med människor i segregerade bostadsområden, fängelser, skolor och vårdinstitutioner. Syftet är att sätta igång en diskussion om konstens betydelse för den samhälleliga utvecklingen, att bredda marknaden inom deltagarbaserad konst samt synliggöra den i europeisk kontext. Konstnärerna delar sina erfarenheter med varandra genom workshops i Balkan och slutligen i en internationell utställning och bokrelease i Botkyrka, Sverige. Projektet undersöker konstens roll i samhället samt ger nya redskap, koncept och teorier till konstnärer för interdisciplinära nätverk. Associerade partners Deras roll kommer att bli att stödja verksamheten genom samarbete och assistans med deltagare i kommuner och sociala institutioner, spridning av information, bidrag med material till utställning, webbsida och konstbok, upplysning om deltagarbaserad konst, marknadsföring av projektets aktiviteter. De kommer att delta i projektets workshops. De deltagande organisationerna och associerade partners utgör basen för projektets hållbarhet och framtid i de deltagande länderna. Visualize the Invisible–Associerade partners Sverige- Botkyrka konsthall, Subtopia, Botkyrkabyggen, Mångkulturellt Centrum, skolor, förskolor,Botkyrka kommun och Liljevalchs Stockholm Konst. Kroatien Psihijatriska bolnica Rab, Rab psychiatric hospital Vidova Dorica, Arts and Culture organisation Narodna knjižnica i čitaonica Rab, Public Library Pučko otvoreno učilište Rab, Open Public University Albanien Contemporary Roma Vision Center, Tirana Jordan Misja 313, Penitentiary Institution for Women, Tirana Jordan Misja 313, Penitentiary Institution for Minors in Conflict with Law, Tirana Luigj Gurakuqi Special School, Tirana Elderly Center of the Municipality, Tirana FYROM Dendo Vas centre for educational support, Šuto Orizari Youth Cultural Centre in Skopje

Page 6: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Ansökan om stöd till kulturverksamhet 2014 Version: 1.16

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm

( 4 / 7 )

Geografisk spridningSpridning i länet (kryssa för de kommuner där projektet/verksamheten genomförs)






















Upplands Väsby





Hur arbetar organisationen för att uppnår spridning i länet (endast för "Kulturstöd till kontinuerlig eller tillfällig verksamhet" och "Ung aktiv kultur")

Projektet genomförs på följande institutioner (endast för "Kultur i vården")

Projektet genomförs på följande öar (endast för "Kultur i skärgården")

Vi kommer sprida nformation och bjuda in andra kommuner i länet för att delta i seminarium samt till utställning/föreställning. Vi ser det som en möjlig utveckling att arbetssättet och projektet kan vandra vidare till andra kommuner i länet efter projektets avslut. En bok kommer att produceras om projektet och detta blir ett bra verktyg tillsammans med dokumentation att berätta, föreläsa, informera om deltagarbaserad konst och implementera liknande projekt runt om i länet.

Information om deltagare/besökare i länetBeräknat antal deltagare/besökare (ansökningar till "Ung aktiv kultur" anger här antalet deltagare i projektet mellan 6-25 år)

Ordinarie ledamöter



Antal kvinnor Antal män

Antal mänAntal kvinnor


Totalt antal deltagare/besökare

Ange fördelningen av deltagare/besökare

Andel 0-5 år Andel 6-12 år Andel 13-20 år Andel 21-25 år Andel 26- år

5 000

20 50 10 1010 %%%%%

50 %50Andel pojkar 6-25 år

%Andel flickor 6-25 år

%50Andel män 26- år

%50Andel kvinnor 26- år

Page 7: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Ansökan om stöd till kulturverksamhet 2014 Version: 1.16

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm

( 5 / 7 )

Personalkostnader (löner, sociala avgifter, pension osv.)



Administrativa kostnader (ej personalkostnader)

Marknadsföringskostnader (ej personalkostnader)

Övriga kostnader

Summa kostnader:

Budgeterat belopp

1 370 000 kr

50 000 kr

70 000 kr

60 000 kr

60 000 kr

100 000 kr

100 000 kr

100 000 kr

Dokumentation, bok


per diem, boende


1 950 000 kr

20 000 krlegal documents

20 000 kroförutsedda utgifter

Budget för projektet/verksamheten som ansökan avser (om ansökan gäller produktion skall endast kostnader för produktionen ingå i budget)

Beviljat beloppIntäkter av sökta stöd (Kommun, Statens kulturråd etc.)

Summa intäkter av beviljat eller sökt stöd:

Sökt belopp

Stockholms läns landstings kulturnämnd (avser denna ansökan) 480 000 kr

50 000 kr 50 000 krBotkyrka kreativa fonden

Kulturrådet 100 000 kr 100 000 kr

Kulturbryggan 200 000 kr 200 000 kr

EACEA 950 000 kr 950 000 kr

SIDA 120 000 kr 120 000 kr

1 900 000 kr

Budgeterat beloppIntäkter

Summa intäkter:



50 000 krBotkyrkabyggen

50 000 kr

Eventuella kommentarer till budgeten

Budgeten avser den svenska delen och kostnader för denna. Då projektet ägs och drivs av svenska ART AGENT, ligger tyngdpunkten för projektets kostnad hos oss, samt att skillnaden för kostnader vad gäller lön, produktion, mm, är högre i Sverige än på Balkan. Se bifogad ansökan som är gjord enligt EUs kostnadsmallar. 2-6 personer reser för workshops och nätverksbygge till Albanien, Makedonien, Kroatien och Bryssel.

Budgeterat resultat: (intäkter-kostnader) 0 kr

Summa totala intäkter: 1 950 000 kr

Page 8: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Ansökan om stöd till kulturverksamhet 2014 Version: 1.16

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm

( 6 / 7 )

Kulturnämndens målområdenBeskriv kortfattat hur projektet/verksamheten arbetar med demokrati, jämställdhet, jämlikhet samt tillgänglighet.Demokrati


Jämlikhet mellan olika sociala och kulturella grupper

Tillgänglighet för funktionshindrade

Projektet är deltagarbaserad konst dvs medverkande människor, barn ungdomar och äldre medverkar i att ta fram unika konstverk med sina egna berättelser, erfarenheter och bidrar till den kreativa processen i konstnärligt skapande. Genom att vända oss till människor med olika bakgrund fångar vi upp en bredd som spänner över demokrati,jämställdhet och jämlikhet.

Projektet vänder sig lika väl till kvinnor som män, unga som gamla.

Projektet vänder sig till alla grupper i samhället och i Botkyrka kommun finns en mångfald av olika sociala samt kulturella grupper representerade. genom våra olika samarbetspartners når vi en stor del av dessa.

Aktiviteter inklusive utställning är anpassade för möjlighet till deltagande för funktionshindrade. Då vi arbetar uppsökande anpassar vi oss efter det behov som kan finnas från grupp till grupp.

Bilagor (Bilagor bör vara digitala och e-postas tillsammans med ansökningsblanketten)

Organisation med 25 eller fler anställda ska bifoga aktuell plan för sitt jämställdhetsarbete.

Organisation som söker "Kulturstöd till kontinuerlig verksamhet" ska bifoga aktuella stadgar samt verksamhetsberättelse, bokslut och revisionsberättelse för senast avslutat verksamhetsår. (Gäller inte för organisation som fått Kulturstöd till kontinuerlig verksamhet 2013)

Organisation som söker "Kulturstöd till kontinuerlig verksamhet" ska bifoga verksamhetsplan som beskriver mål, prioriteringar, inriktning och förändringar.

Organisation som söker/erhåller 500 000 kr eller mer ska bifoga miljöplan godkänd av styrelsen.

Annan bilaga: EU ansökan, projektsbeskrivning

Bilaga medföljer

Organisation som söker/erhåller 500 000 kr eller mer ska besvara kulturförvaltningens checklista angående miljöarbetet. (Checklista: Miljöarbete)

Page 9: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Ansökan om stöd till kulturverksamhet 2014 Version: 1.16

Stockholms läns landsting Telefon: 08-690 51 00 Orgnr: 232100-0016 Kulturförvaltningen Fax: 08-690 51 39 Box 38204, 100 64 Stockholm

( 7 / 7 )

Eventuell ansökan om tillgänglighetsstöd (kan endast sökas samtidigt som "Kulturstöd till kontinuerlig eller tillfällig verksamhet", högst 20 000 kr och ej tillombyggnader, läs mer på


Summa intäkter:

Sökt tillgänglighetsstöd från Stockholm läns landstings kulturnämnd

Egen finansiering

Ev. övriga intäkter


Summa kostnader:

Belopp som söks för tillgänglighetsprojekt

Beskrivning av tillgänglighetsprojektet

Uppgifternas riktighet i ansökan styrks av (ingen signatur krävs)


Helena Byström

Härmed intygas att vi har tagit del av de regler som gäller för det stöd som söks. (Reglerna finns att läsa på )

I dialog med kulturförvaltning fick vi i mars 2013 besked om att det inte gick att söka medel för medfinansiering för EUprojekt hos er, därför kommer denna ansökan först nu efter konversation med nämndens ordförande, som i december 2013 gav oss besked att vi nu kunde göra en ansökan.

Övriga kommentarer

Page 10: Stöd till Art Agents EU-projekt Visualize the invisible 1 ... · Vi kommer arbeta mot press och annan media för att väcka uppmärksamhet och sprida information om projektet. Vi

Visualize the Invisible, Cooperation Projects in Sweden and Balkan, 2013-2014

Co-ordinator: ArtAgent, Sweden Co-organisers: Performing Pictures, Sweden / CroatiaRefraction Association, AlbaniaMedia Artes, FYRO Macedonia

In the project Visualize the Invisible, organisations in Sweden and Balkan will implement participatory art projects in Sweden, Croatia, Albania and FYROM Macedonia. The project will start 1 May 2013 and run for 20 months. The artists will use different art forms as video, performance, installations, music and dance in co-operation with people in residential areas, Roma communities, in social institutions as prisons, schools and care institutions, and reach a wider discussion about arts impact for a societal change. Additionally, an important aspect is to broaden the art-market in the specific area, and make it visible in a European context.

The artists shares their experiences with each other through workshops in Balkan, and finally in an international exhibition and book release in Sweden. The project examines arts role in the society, gives artistic tools, concepts and theories in order to build interdisciplinary networks.

Is the artistic activity able to maintain a critical function if it is cut off from the society? There are many advantages in bringing artists to take place in institutions, communities and working places. In this project, art can act as a different role model; the relationship to the artist will be more equal for the participants, rather than to someone in authority. The artists will bring a wealth of experience about their art and lives. They will inspire and give confidence to the participants with new approaches and provide extra “tools in the tool box”. Art engender both a sense of fun, seriousness, curiosity and encouragement. The practice is refined over time and designed to meet the need of specific groups. Much of the work is of low visibility, sometimes because of its location (in prisons, drug-clinics, orphan houses etc.) and sometimes because of the nature of the groups that are being worked with (the terminally ill, people with learning difficulties, the frail elderly). The art organisations can have complex funding arrangement, with substantial level from non-art sources, and therefore they are not visible in an art-context. The programmes of creative work are often delivered in institutional or non-art settings and the organisations have very strong non-arts partnerships, clients and stakeholders.

There is an anxiety among artists that the success in delivering valuable social outcomes can undermine the basic premise of Arts funding. After all, runs the argument, should not the social institutions be paying for this? And does such work have a true artistic merit? The thinking behind such questioning is a part of a debate around the product and process, and the tension between the notion as artistic excellence as classic and timeless and the more contemporary view that art has got a purpose and its values are relative.

In Sweden, despite the long time history with major social reforms, the art market is still conservative. In Croatia and FYRO Macedonia, the free art development was delayed during the Yugoslavian war. Also in Albania there have been setbacks and delays because of the long history of a suppressing dictatorship and the aftermath. Art and culture are connected to the process of European Integration of Western Balkan. Countries as Albania, Croatia and FYRO Macedonia have very few funding for cultural organisations and artists and the access of culture for all citizens is still at a low level. To Visualize the Invisible means realising cultural rights and ensuring that everyone possesses them despite their gender, social, ethnical, religious and cultural background.

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So how do we in the project work for advocating participatory art works within the artistic community and funding bodies, in order to broaden the market?

The project empowers artists and art organisations to get future employment within the communities where they are active. In the project the artists will have the responsibility to plan, co-ordinate and implement their own art projects and final presentation with support from the project managers. The artists aims to develop new ways of establish their activities; via high-level advocacy, search for funding and sponsorship in workshops. The whole course will aim to illuminate the connections between theory and practice in participatory art, and this perspective will encourage the participants in discussions and to take part in future interdisciplinary and international co-operations. It will be a step to compare and extract the various ways of working with participatory art in the Swedish and Balkan field and make them visible. For artist working with participatory art, it’s important to get to know various existing practice in the field. There will be continually meetings with new associates and the workshops will be open events with art activities by all project partners. These activities will ensure the action to be disseminated to other stakeholders, not only to the partners and the associates.

We will build a knowledge bank, a database of research about the concept and deepen and broaden the co-operation in order to continue and establish a market. The partners has got a history of working together and aims to establish their working method further and involve new partners. Two researchers, one from Sweden and one from Macedonia, will build a team with artists from Sweden and Balkan, and produce an art-book with an overall introduction to participatory art, description and research report of the implemented art projects in Visualize the invisible. The book, written in Swedish and Macedonian, will be translated to English, Albanian and Croatian, in order to reach the local stakeholders and an international audience. It will be available at local libraries and bookstores, as well as at universities, both for art students and for interdisciplinary researchers. It will be easy to read for beginners, yet interesting for professionals in the art market. The books format and design will be pleasurable, a “package” that will attract young people as well. The international exhibition, where all artists in Sweden and Balkan will participate, disseminates the outcome from the project and further through the book release and art talks. The International exhibition will take place in Botkyrka Municipality, Sweden during November 2014, outdoors in the residential area. The participating artists from Sweden, Albania and FYRO, contributes with video projections, light, music, dance and participatory art events. The media and material used illuminates the place, as well the artistic approach to visualize the invisible. The book release will take part in an art institution in Stockholm, with art talks by Swedish and Balkan artists, presentations by the Swedish and Macedonian researchers and further discussions with the associated partners and participants from Botkyrka Municipality, invited artists, organisations, social institutions, represent ants from the art funds and the Ministry of Culture in Sweden. ArtAgent will also invite companies, interested in a social art practice, both in Sweden and internationally.

The main goal is that artists, organisations, communities, social institutions, art funding bodies, and companies with Corporate Social Responsibility1, can work together in the promotion of participatory art. It’s no longer sustainable that the gap between art and society remains. We can see that there are more practicing artists than the existing art market can supply in Europe. At the same time there are people who needs culture for their development, who doesn’t have the access to “fine” culture because of their class, gender, culture and religion. Additionally, there are many lonely people in all parts of the society. The use of social media shows us that the urge for participation among people is huge. However, Participatory Art provides human interaction on a deeper level, with arts symbolic values, physical meetings, and an important debate for new thoughts and development of our society.

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ArtAgent is a new art organisation in Stockholm with members that has got a long artistic career in the social art field. It was founded in September 2012 by artists; Lott Alfreds, Helena Byström, My Lindh, Malin Lobell, Anna Källblad and Charlotte Åberg, who previously has worked together in other organisations and communities. Examples of co-operations can be found in the attached activity report. The aim is to administrate, organise and work for the promotion of contemporary visual art in the society in Sweden and international. In addition to the founding artists, Annette Taranto, project manager and Kalinka Ussing, researcher, are part of the core organisation. Prior to forming ArtAgent the members were active in other organisations were they received for their specific projects consistent funding from governmental foundation from Sweden and internationally.

Annette Taranto is a high in demand project manager and producer within the field of Fine Arts. Recent years she has initiated, curated, managed and marketed several largescale International and cross-artistic projects. For the moment being she is the artistic director and project manager at the regional theatre/dance/music institution Scenkonst Sörmland and as project manager in several art and theatre in South Africa, Palestine and India. In all of these contexts Annette Taranto carries the roles of budget responsibility, team building, logistic planning, technical planning, process facilitation, market planning, press communication, final reporting to funders, audience communication, curating and artistic overview. Kalinka Ussing has a Master of Arts (MA thesis on Joseph Beuys, Social sculpture for a Sustainable development, Stockholms university). She has a wide network within art and culture, both in the field of museums- and teaching institutions and as a curator for art education. Her main interest is Social sculpture, how we can implement it in societies and how we can use art to shape a sustainable world. She is currently working as curator at Uppsala Art Museum, Uppsala, Sweden.

For the project Visualize the invisible, ArtAgent, Sweden will be responsible for the fulfilment of management, organise the Management board meeting and the local activities in Sweden, produce of the projects web site, leaflets, an art book and the International exhibition. Kalinka Ussing, art theorist will present art-history at the workshops in Balkan, follow the artists and document their work in the art book and curate the international exhibition.

Performing Pictures was founded 2005 and established as a joint-stock company 2011, by Geska Helena Brečević and Robert Brečević. The Stockholm-based artists, Geska Helena Brečević and Robert Brečević, are working in the area of moving images and new technologies for media delivery. In their artistic practice they explore and develop responsive film art from a number of formative limitations in time and space. Performing Pictures has been partners and lead partner for projects financed by the European Culture program. Right now they are running a co-operation with Mexico, Euroaxacan Initiative for Transformative Cultures. Performing Pictures will organise the kick off for all partners, the local activities in Croatia, the production of an e-newspaper and give material to the art book. Performing Pictures is responsible for the local activities, the organiser of a Management board meeting and kick-off in Croatia. They will contribute with their material to an art book, produce artwork to the Kick-off, Balkan workshops and the international exhibition in Sweden.

Refraction Association is an Albanian NGO, registered in 2000. The members are social science professionals whose main interest are crime prevention and rehabilitation of offenders. The organisation has since 2007 organised local and international artist placements in social settings in Albania and Western Balkan. Refraction Association has implemented several projects with the ArtAgent artists, previously between 2011-2012, with the ArtAgent artists Lott Alfreds and Helena Byström working as experts and Charlotte Åberg as project manager in the EU-project “The Use of Art Where it’s Hard to Talk”, the IPA call for proposals 'Support to Partnership

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Actions between Cultural Organisations' 129799 of the European Union, DG Enlargement. Refraction Association have successfully established a platform for participatory art in Albania during the EU-project.

Refraction Association will have the responsibility to organise the local activities, Management board meeting and workshop in Tirana, Albania They will contribute with their material to an art book and produce art work to the kick-off, Balkan workshops, the international exhibition and book release in Sweden.

Media Artes is a local organisation and theatre institute situated in Ohrid, FYROM founded in 1999 by Goran Stojanoski, actor. Since 2001 till present, as part of its programs, Media Artes continually organises and delivers process-oriented theatre workshops for young people in communities in the South Western part of FYRO Macedonia. Media Artes has a network of partners, organisations and individuals, throughout Europe recognized by their participatory artwork. Dr. Suzana Milevska is an independent researcher and theorist of visual culture and contemporary art based in Skopje, Macedonia. Her research includes participatory art, postcolonial critique in arts, visual culture, feminism and gender theory. Media Artes will have the responsibility to organise the local activities, Management board meeting and workshop in Skopje, FYRO Macedonia. They will contribute with their material to an art book, the texts by the Macedonian researcher, produce artwork to the kick-off, the Balkan workshops and the international exhibition in Sweden.

The artists in ArtAgent, Refraction Association and Media Artes have formed a strong partnership through years of co-operation between 2007-2010, and have got the ability to broaden the platform further. By including Performing Pictures, the project will broaden the European network and get access to their experiences and skills in earlier EU-projects.

Associated partners

Their role will be to support the action through co-operation and assistance with the participants in communities and social institutions, dissemination of the information, contribution with materials for exhibition, website and art-book, awareness about the use of participatory art, promotion of the activities of the project and they will be invited to take part in workshops activities. Participating organisations and associate partners will be the base of the sustainability of the projects future in the countries.

Visualize the Invisible–Associated partnersSweden Botkyrka konsthall in Botkyrka Municipality2

Croatia Psihijatriska bolnica Rab, Rab psychiatric hospital3 Vidova Dorica, Arts and Culture organisationNarodna knjižnica i čitaonica Rab, Public LibraryPučko otvoreno učilište Rab, Open Public University

Albania Contemporary Roma Vision Center, Tirana4 Jordan Misja 313, Penitentiary Institution for Women, TiranaJordan Misja 313, Penitentiary Institution for Minors in Conflict with Law, TiranaLuigj Gurakuqi Special School, TiranaElderly Center of the Municipality, Tirana

FYROM Dendo Vas centre for educational support, Šuto Orizari5

Youth Cultural Centre in Skopje

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Participatory Art projects in Sweden, Albania, FYROM and Croatia

In Sweden the artist team will work with people in Botkyrka Community2. The artists have got connection to the Community through earlier Participatory Art projects and exhibitions at the local Art Gallery and will re-establish the co-operation with former partners and widen the network with new stakeholders.

Lott Alfreds will use neon, and old craft and mix it with expressions from our time. Together with young people from the area she will pic up tags and other visual symbols and transform them into new forms. Helena Byström will put together moves by people in their everyday life, as a poetic manifestation of the place. The movements will later be a part of a video installation shown in the public-space. Anna Källblad aims to investigate the on-going dance culture in Botkyrka, and will make an updated folkdance together with children and old people. Charlotte Åberg will focus on gender and what it means for people, and create unisex costumes together with them.

Performing Pictures will create an animation / kinetic portraits workshop together with psychologists and social workers of the Psychiatric hospital of Rab. Feelings are defined as movements, the work will involve a series of bodily stances and the shifting between stillness to motion - the ripple in time and space that is defined as an emotional reaction. With this material Performing Pictures will make installation work within the Mediterranean garden of the hospital.

In Albania the visual artists will work separately at different institutions and communities in Tirana were they already have implemented projects in the EU-project “The Use of Art Where it’s Hard to Talk”, DG Enlargement. They will schedule meetings and make study visits to encourage each other throughout the period. Rivelina Boshnjaku aims to continue her work at a female prison, Tirana and use decorative material in order to reveal stories of future and past dreams of the prisoner women. Edmond Papathimiu will work at an instution for disables in Tirana and use pottery and clay together with people there. They will create objects from their life stories in the form of self-portraits. Nusret Gjakovic will work at the Contemporary Roma Vision Center in Tirana and use photos and movies, where children create short stories about the Roma Community. The projects prevent problems such as school dropouts and lack of interest in studying. The beneficiary children at the Center are homeless. Fatmir Boshnjaku will use different art-materials in order to design The City of dreams together with elder people, young drug addicted persons and minors in prison. After finishing their visions he will create new roads or paths for The City of dreams with help of a GPS navigation device.

The artists working with participatory art workshops in FYROM will be a team of artists working in the Roma Village Suto Orizari, Sutka, and Skopje. Jasmina Bilalovikj, actress will work with Romani women from the community of Suto Orizari, and make an interdisciplinary workshop with them. Throughout the process the women shares their stories from the life in the community and their visions about the improvement of the quality of life in Suto Orizari. They will also distinguish the Romani features and symbols that create and project a positive image of the community. Handy-craft products will be designed and produced by them and these will be offered for sale nationally and abroad, thus creating opportunities for the women to earn an extra income. The process will be photo and video documented. The final output will be a multimedia presentation.

Goran Stojanoski, actor will work with Roma parents from the community of Suto Orizari, exploring their stories and challenges related to education, employment and upbringing children. Final outputs will be performances in which the audience can intervene and take an active role. Dejan Projkoski, director will work with a selected group of young Roma talents, between 18-25 years in Suto Orizari. As the Roma people don't have an access to theatre, and

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other kinds of art and art-education, Dejan's project will build up the narrative of "Pralipe", theatre the first professional Romani theatre in the world. A theatrical performance will be the final output of Dejan's process. Roma young people from Sutka. Goran Trajkoski, composer, musician and multi-performer, with significant background in experimental music work, theatre- and film- music and performing internationally. Goran Trajkoski, will encourage young people from the community to go through an informal art-educational process, as well as process of creation. Using the cultural setting of Romani music and instruments as a starting point, he will lead the participants through a process of exploring another, more contemporary and experimental kinds of music expression and at the same time, the process will explore participants own inner world

2013 Visualize the Invisible–Activities1/5-31/5 Establish a network of associated partners in Sweden and Croatia. Re-

establish the network of associated partners in Albania and Macedonia. Management board meeting in Rab, Croatia. Structure of MB and local board meetings, timetables, evaluation, interim and final reports. Promotion and media plan. Agreement about financial and operational rules. International Kick off event in Rab and local kick off events in Stockholm, Tirana and Ohrid. During the Kick-off event in Rab, which is also open for an interested audience, there will be video screenings and temporary art installation by the projects artists.

1/6-31/6 Web site and leaflet with info about the project, the organisations and associated partners. Identification of Participatory art networks for the upcoming workshops. The first e-newspaper is published on the website with an article about participatory art in todays practice.

1/7-31/7 The artists will create a team in all countries and schedule local meetings. Workshops and in-field visits are planned in Albania. Artists and associated partners from Sweden, Croatia, Albania and FYRO Macedonia will give each other input via the websites blog. First interim report is written. Starting of a Google calendar where the participants can share their local activities. A second e-newspaper about research reports from Swedish artists placement projects.

1/8-31/8 Participatory art projects starts in Botkyrka, Sweden. A third e-newspaper with articles by the Macedonian art-theorist Suzana Milevska, the Swedish art-theorist and researcher Kalinka Ussing and art-history from the social art field in Europe.

1/9-30/9 Participatory art projects starts in Rab, Croatia, Tirana, Albania and Skopje, FYRO Macedonia. Continuation of PA-projects in Sweden.

1/10-31/10 Continuation of PA-projects in all countries. The second e-newspaper is published with presentations, interviews and articles about ArtAgent, Performing Pictures, Refraction Association and Media Artes. PR for the upcoming workshop in Tirana.

1/11-30/11 Workshop in Tirana, Albania. Participatory Art as a tool for dialogue and change, with focus on peoples right to express themselves and make them visible, the creative capital as a part of the society, finding ways of unite people and bring up new ideas and networks for the future. The course is aimed to enhance knowledge among the artists in the project, invited art-students, artists, organisations and a broader audience from the network and the communities where they are active. Dance performances and theatre performances by the projects artists. MB meeting in Tirana with evaluation of the project and plan for the second workshop in Ohrid, Macedonia, the art-book and evaluation report. The second interim report.

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1/12-31/12 The fourth e-newspaper is released about the content in the workshop in Tirana. Continuation of PA-projects in Sweden, Tirana and Macedonia. Further dialogue through the web sites blog and Skype conferences. Advocacy on a high level at the ministry of culture in each country. The project managers from Art agent, Performing pictures and artists from Sweden build a team responsible for the exhibition in Sweden. Meetings with new associates by all project partners in their communities.

2014 Visualize the invisible1/1-31/1 Ending of PA-project in Rab, Croatia with a local exhibition. The fifth e-

newspaper is released about the implemented pilot-project in Rab, Croatia. PA-projects in Sweden, Albania and Macedonia. Workshops and in-field visits are planned in FYRO Macedonia. Artists and associated partners from Sweden, Croatia, Albania and FYRO Macedonia will give each other input via the websites blog. PR for the upcoming workshop in Ohrid, Macedonia.

1/2-29/2 Workshop in Skopje, Macedonia. Participatory Art for a sustainable art market, with focus on art-funding, high-level advocacy, employment for artists and to bring up new ideas and networks for the future. The course is aimed to enhance knowledge among the artists in the project, invited art-students, artists, organisations and an audience from the network and the communities where they are active. Video screenings by the projects artists. Association’s artists and MB meeting in Tirana with evaluation of the project and plan for the second workshop in Ohrid, Macedonia and the art-book. The second interim report. The third narrative report and first interim budget report. MB meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia with an evaluation about the project and planning for the upcoming exhibition in Sweden. PR for the upcoming advocacy in each country. Start of research and written material for the art-book by the researchers.

1/3-31/3 The sixth e-newspaper is released about the content in the workshop in Ohrid. Advocacy at the Culture of Ministry in each country. PA-projects in Sweden, Albania and Macedonia.

1/4-30/4 PA-projects in Sweden, Albania and FYRO Macedonia.1/5-31/5 Ending of PA-projects in Sweden with local exhibitions. Continuation in

Albania and FYRO Macedonia. 1/6-31/6 Ending of PA-projects in Albania and FYRO Macedonia with local exhibitions.

Start of producing texts for the art book by the researchers. Collection of material from researchers and artists for the art book by the editor.

1/7-31/7 The fourth narrative interim report. Continuation of the art-book by the researchers.

1/8-31/8 Video, photos, performances and power point presentations produced by all artists for the upcoming show in Botkyrka, Sweden. Continuation of the editing of art-book and plan for the book release, art talks and presentations.

1/9-30/9 Continuation of artists work for the exhibition. The fifth narrative interim report. The fifth e-newspaper about the PA-projects in Sweden, Albania and FYRO Macedonia. Editing of book is finishing and the graphic designer starts to accomplish the book.

1/10-31/10 Continuation of artists work for the exhibition. PR for the upcoming show in Botkyrka, Sweden. A local committee of project partners and artists in all countries is established to advocate about participatory art and search for possible artists placements in the area and wider. New applications for further art funding and meetings with companies with social responsible and other stakeholders. Finishing the graphic design for the art book. Printing of the art-book.

1/11-30/11 International exhibition in the public space with video, performance, in

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Botkyrka and a book release, art-talks and presentations by researchers in Stockholm, Sweden. Project managers, artists from all participating countries, researchers from Sweden and Macedonia art institutions, participants, associated partners and an audience will take part in the exhibition and the book release. MB meeting in Stockholm, Sweden about the evaluation of the project and the final narrative and budget report.

1/12-31/12 The evaluation about the project is finished. Final narrative and budget report.


Documentary video and photos from the participatory working process in communities and filmed interviews of artists and staff active in prisons, orphan houses, elder cares and other social institutions.

Website with blogs and photo documentary and texts about the on-going working process.

Digital newspapers published at the website and printed for distribution at the workshops and international exhibition.

An art book with pictures from the participatory art projects; from the working process with people in communities and pictures by the work made by people in communities, prisoners, orphans, elder people and people from other institutions, texts by researchers about all participatory art projects. An overview text by the Macedonian researcher about the whole project.

Video films; art-video and documentary, performances, music and neon sculptures for the workshops in Balkan and the international exhibition in Sweden.

An evaluation report made by each partners about the participatory art projects in Sweden, Albania, FYRO Macedonia and Croatia.

Visibility products as banners and posters and digital material with logotypes from all partners, the Education Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency and co-foundations.


In the project we are inspired by the concepts of Social Sculpture 6, a term coined in the 60s by the German artist Joseph Beuys. The concept of sculpting can be extended to the invisible materials used by everyone, the invisible materials of speech, thought and discussion in order to shape our society. In addition to Beuys' influence in this expanded field, social sculpture is part of a stream of questions and experiments undertaken by thinkers and art practices. In 1997 François Matarasso published Use or Ornament 7, which identified over 50 different positive outcomes from participation in the arts. More recently Tim Joss in New flow 8 has described the value of arts activity as being both intrinsic and instrumental, with the intrinsic being personal and individual, and the instrumental delivering a broad realm of benefits to society and civil life. Professor Suzana Milevska, a Macedonian art-theorist and curator has written the essay “A Paradigm Shift from Objects to Subjects”9, about different kind of participatory art practices of today. Between 2005-2009 Konstfrämjandet, a Swedish art organisation, implemented SKISS (contemporary artists in the contemporary society) in order to expand the potential areas of employment for artists. The anthology, SKISS–Art, workplace, research 10, was released in 2011 with research reports from one hundred short or long-term artistic projects in communities in Sweden.

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The figure11 attempts to describe in a simple form the journey that both the artis

ts and participants can take. The timescale can vary from days to months and the creative inputs and outcomes are hugely variable. What we have tried to make clear is that process and product are entangled and must be understood as a whole. While a final presentation or event must be artistically credible it is also informed by the process that created it.


1 Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable responsible business/ Responsible Business). CSR is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the company's actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities and stakeholders.

2 Botkyrka Konsthall in Botkyrka Municipality, Tumba, Sweden has long been a place where a lot of immigrants lives and works. Botkyrka konsthall purses issues of co-creation and how the interaction between people can promote social justice and change. The relationship between Botkyrka Konsthall and ArtAgent artists is already established, based on earlier participatory art events and exhibitions with positive outcome. Botkyrka, particularly Northern Botkyrka, has one of the highest percentages of first and second Generation immigrants in Sweden. Nearly half the population has at least one parent born in another Country. This gives the municipality a multi-cultural atmosphere with for example a big Syriac Orthodox Church in Hallunda and the construction of a mosque in progress in Fittja.

3 Located in the village Kampor on the island of Rab which is located in the Croatian part of the Adriatic sea. The buildings dates from the period of World War II, an Italian concentration camp were Croats, Slovenes and Jews, were kept. Today the hospital works extensively with contemporary methods such as drama, art, dance and artistry as a part of the therapy.

4 The beneficiares at the Contemporary Roma vision center are about one hundred roma children in need. The Center is financed by UNICEF and Ministry of Education in Albania. Roma children in Albania continue to suffer exclusion and segregation in kindergarten and school. Only 13.5% of the Roma children aged 3-5 are attending pre-school in Albania. 54% of school age Roma children have never attended school while 43% of Roma children aged 15-16 are illiterate. One out of two Roma children aged 6–16 drops out from school. 54% of Roma children of compulsory school age (6-16) have not yet completed school.

5Šuto Orizari is the only municipality in FYROM where Roma make up a majority of the population. Out of a total population of 22,017 in the 2002 census, 13,342 people (60.6%) were of Roma ethnicity.

6Stüttgen, Johannes, On the road to direct democracy, News Network Anthroposophy Limited (NNA), 2004

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7 Matarasso, François, Use or ornament? The social impact of participation in the arts, Comedia, 1997.

8 Joss, Tim, New flow-a better future for artists – a better future for artists, citizens and the state, Mission Models Money, 2008

9 Milevska, Suzana, Participatory Art–A Paradigm shift from Objects to Subjects, Springerlin no.2/2006

10 Konstframjandet, SKISS–Art, workplace, research ,Publikum, 2011

11 Adult participatory arts - Thinking it through

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