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Status Report September 2015

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Status  Report  September  2015  

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UCSC  Data  Science  (1)  •  Themes  

–  Founda0ons  –  Responsibility  –  Social  Good  

•  Goals  

–  Develop  outstanding  DS  Research  program,  leveraging  and  augmen0ng  faculty  strengths  

–  Ini0ate  an  integrated  DS  Educa0on  program  across  UCSC/Silicon  Valley  –  Build  Industry  Collabora0ons  through  research,  teaching  and  student  


–  Establish  collabora0ve  cross-­‐divisional  engagement  for  applica0ons  of  DS  

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UCSC  Data  Science  (2)  

•  Current  efforts  

– Community  building  

– Educa0on  

– Research  

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•  DS  Events  •  DS  Educa0on  •  DS  Center  •  DS  Ins0tute  •  Interna0onal  Collabora0ons  •  Other  Ac0vi0es  

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DS  Events  (1)  

•  Individual  Invited  Speakers  

–  very  well-­‐a8ended,  many  standing-­‐room  only  

•  DS  Educa0on  Panel  –  Held  at  BNY  Mellon,  Palo  Alto,  December  2014  –  Key  local  leaders  in  data  science  educa0on  including:  Michael  Franklin,  UC  

Berkeley;  Mar0  Hearst,  UC  Berkeley;  Foster  Provost,  NYU;  Chris  Re,  Stanford;  Merhan  Sahami,  Stanford;  Hal  Varian,  Google  

–  Very  well-­‐received,  in  part  as  a  result  of  this  we  are  invited  to  a8end  NSF  Workshop  on  Defining  Data  Science  EducaDon  in  Fall  2015  

–  Rayid  Ghani,  UChicago/DSSG  –  Lada  Adamic,  Facebook  –  Peter  Norvig,  Google  –  Tanya  Berger-­‐Wolfe,  UIUC  

–  Ben  Shneiderman,  UMD  –  Ellen  Riloff,  Univ  of  Utah  –  Tina  Eliassi-­‐Rad,  Rutgers  –  DJ  Pa0l,  SOE  Commencement  Speaker  

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DS  Events  (2)  

•  Winter  Data  Science  Aiernoon  –  Internal  Event  –  Short  faculty  presenta0ons,  student  posters  (over  40)  –  Very  well-­‐a8ended,  over  150  registrants  

•  Spring  Data  Science  Aiernoon  –  External  Event  –  Invited  speakers  including  Michael  Jordan,  UC  Berkeley,  Reed  Has0ngs  (CEO)  

and  Caitlin  Smallwood  (VP  Algorithms),  Nerlix  –  Panel  on  Industry  and  Academia  Collabora0on  which  included:  

–  Short  faculty  presenta0ons,  student  posters  (close  to  40)  –  Very  well-­‐a8ended,  over  250  registrants.      Filled  main  room  and  two  overflow  


Chaitanya  Baru,  NSF/SDSC  Rod  Beckstrom,  Rod  Beckstrom  Group  Chetan  Gupta,  Hitachi  America          

Abhishek  Pani,  Adobe    Puneet  Pandit,  Glassbeam    Colin  Zima,  Looker  

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Poten0al  Future  Events  •  DS  for  Social  Good  SOE  Research  Review  track  (Oct  14)  •  Weekly  student  organized  Data  Science  Social  star0ng  in  Fall  •  Con0nue  to  host  individual  guest  speakers  •  Data  Science  Alums  Event  •  Data  Science  Women  Event  •  Responsible  Data  Science    

–  Coordinate  with  event  planned  by  Michael  Troncoso,  UCSC  Chief  Legal  Counsel  (Oct  13)  

–  Panel,  Possible  venue  at  BNY  Mellon  

•  Other  community  building  events:  planned  coordina0on  with  digital  humani0es  students,  others  

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DS  Educa0on  (1)  •  Educa0on  Panel  •  Helped  broker  and  will  aVend  NSF  Workshop  on  Data  Science  

Educa0on,  Oct  2015  •  Drai  MS  Proposal  

–  Led  by  Abel  Rodriguez.  –  Being  worked  on  over  summer  and  fall  for  fall  submission  

•  NSF  NRT  PhD  proposal  submiVed,  led  by  Vishy  Vishwanathan  •  Inves0gate  offering  ini0al  classes  next  year  (we  have  two  

excellent  external  folks  who  may  be  interested  to  teach)  •  Offer  1  day  DS  bootcamps  taught  by  graduate  students  (very  

successful  at  UCI)  

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DS  Educa0on  (2)  

•  Market  Research  (academic)  – Shel  Finkelstein  has  developed  industry  survey  – We  will  be  refining  and  gathering  data  over  coming  months  

– First  interview  July  31,  very  useful  •  Working  to  develop  DS  core  &  tracks  

– Requires  coordina0on  across  departments/units  

•  Working  and  coordina0ng  with  Grad  Office  

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DS  Center  

•  DS  Center  Focused  Research  Ac0vity  proposed  –  Data,  Discovery  and  Decisions  (D3),  a  Center  of  Excellence  in  Data  Science  Research  

–  Startup  Glassbeam  that  has  agreed  to  be  founding  member,  announced  at  Spring  Data  Science  Day  

– We  are  recrui0ng  addi0onal  founding  members  –  Preliminary  mee0ngs  with  with  a  number  of  companies  over  the  hill,  and  planned  mee0ngs  with  with  others.  

– Working  on  materials  •  One  page  handout  •  Summary  of  UCSC  projects  

•  Frank  Howley  has  been  instrumental  in  this  effort  

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DS  Ins0tute  •  Long-­‐term,  overarching  vision:  Silicon  Valley/UCSC  Data  Science  

Ins;tute  •  The  plan  consists  of  three  parts:  

–  Building  an  interna0onally  recognized  research  program  by  strategically  hiring  faculty  that  can  increase  campus  visibility  and  aVract  stronger  and  more  diverse  Ph.D.  students  and  research  funding  (Research  Mission).  

–  Offering  a  masters  program  that  integrates  academic  training  with  a  capstone  project  that  has  strong  links  with  local  industry  (Educa0onal  Mission).  

–  Building  outreach  both  to  industry  (via  engagement  and  consul0ng  services)  and  society  more  generally  (through  a  novel  program  of  data  science  for  the  social  good)  (Service  Mission).  

•  Full  document  available  here:  –  hVp://­‐Ins0tute.pdf  

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Interna0onal  Collabora0ons  •  Inves0ga0ng  a  partnership  with  several  universi0es  for  a  La0n  

American  Data  Science  &  Engineering  University  Consor0um  •  Universi0es  involved:  

–  George  Mason  University,  USA  –  Universidad  Carlos  III  de  Madrid,  Spain  –  Universidad  Nacional  Autónoma  de  México,  Mexico  –  Universidad  de  San0ago  de  Compostela,  Spain  –  Universidade  Estadual  de  Campinas,  Brazil  

•  Abel  Rodriguez  &  Dean  Konopelski  aVended  an  ini0al  mee0ng  late  May  in  Mexico  City  

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Data  Science  Ini0a0ve  

•  Need  help  with  resources  for  genera0ng  material  – Unified  website  –  Logos,  branding,  etc.  –  Social  media  groups  

•  Created,  but  need  to  be  maintained  

–  Construc0ng  materials  (videos,  case  studies,  etc.)  

•  Spoke  with  Keith  Brandt  mid-­‐June,  followup  with  Sherry  Main,  chief  communica0on  officer,  Karyn  Moore  

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Thank  you  …  •  Students!!!!  •  Shel  Finkelstein  •  Cynthia  McCarley  •  Karyn  Moore  •  BSOE  staff  •  Joe  Konopelski  •  Herbie  Lee  •  ScoV  Brandt  •  Keith  Brandt