status of the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant - iaea – april 10th pages from ml12068a155 -...

10m APRIL 2011 00:00 UT C iAEA Internattonl Atomic Energy Agency Incident and Emergency Centre FOR AUTHORITIES USE ONLY Status of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and related environmental conditions Note: Updated and new information is underlined. Th e IAEA receives information updates from a variety of official Japanese sources, through th e national competent authorities: th e Nuclear an d Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) an d the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Based on th e information received by 9th April 2011 17:00 UTC (in particular NISA press release 83 ) the following update related to the reactor units at th e Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), and related environmental conditions, is provided. Information on the status of th e Japanese Nuclear Plants as the result of earthquake in Japan on the 8 th of April at 23:00 UTC is shown in th e Annex to this document. Restoration of AC Power Units 1 to 4 Efforts to restore AC power an d to energize specific plant equipment continue. Power to th e temporary electric pumps for water supply to Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPV) of units 1, 2 an d 3 is from the off-site power supply. Lighting in parts of Units 1- 4 Turbine Building is restored. Management of on-site contaminated water Unit 1, 2 an d 3 have 60,000 tons of radioactive water that needs to be removed. This water will be transferred to the condenser and the Radioactive Waste Treatment facility. In addition, temporary storage tanks have been ordered to provide additional capacity or the water an d will be located adjacent to the Radioactive Waste Treatment facility. A pictorial of the transfer sequence of water for each unit is shown below. At unit 2 water transfer from th e condenser to th e condensate storage tank was completed (April 9, 4:10 UTC) Page I of 25 4/10/2011 12:28:00 AM

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Page 1: Status of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant - IAEA – April 10th Pages From Ml12068a155 - Foia Pa-2011-0118, Foia Pa-2011-0119, Foia Pa-2011-0120 - Resp 53 - Partial - Group

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10m APRIL 2011 00:00 UTC

iAEAInternattonl Atomic Energy Agency

Incident and Emergency Centre


Status of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

and related environmental conditions

Note: Updatedand new information is underlined.

The IAEA receives information updates from a variety of official Japanese sources, through the national

competent authorities: the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) and the Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Based on the information received by 9th April 2011 17:00 UTC (in particular NISA press release 83) thefollowing update related to the reactor units at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), and relatedenvironmental conditions, is provided.

Information on the status of the Japanese Nuclear Plants as the result of earthquake in Japan on the 8th of

April at 23:00 UTC is shown in the Annex to this document.

Restoration of AC Power

Units 1 to 4

Efforts to restore AC power and to energize specific plant equipment continue. Power to the temporary electricpumps for water supply to Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPV) of units 1, 2 and 3 is from the off-site powersupply.

Lighting in parts of Units 1-4 Turbine Building is restored.

Management of on-site contaminated water

Unit 1, 2 and 3 have 60,000 tons of radioactive water that needs to be removed. This water will betransferred to the condenser and the Radioactive Waste Treatment facility. In addition, temporary storagetanks have been ordered to provide additional capacity for the water and will be located adjacent to the

Radioactive Waste Treatment facility. A pictorial of the transfer sequence of water for each unit is shownbelow. At unit 2 water transfer from the condenser to the condensate storage tank was completed (April 9,

4:10 UTC)

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Sequence of Events to Remove

Water in Unit 1

'0 : 2~ J r~t 1,

I'Ste pMz.r 4'-

17 2,-Z*h


Sequence of Events to Remove

Water in Unit 2

.Mz. 2 t-,A= - st - Un~t 2

2 1Rp-M-;msfe, tc


Page 2 6f25

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Sequence of Events to Remove

Water in Unit 3

Appr ~'

2 ttep - rt .fe.vz•t,

Leakage of highly contaminated water into the sea

The leakage of highly contaminated water from the 20 cm crack in the cable storage pit of Unit 2 directly to

the sea reported on 2 April was stopped by injection of coagulation agents (liquid glass) on 5 April.

Additional activities to secure the leak were reported finished on 04:15 UTC 6 April.

Discharge of water containing low level of radioactivity from Daiichi into the Sea

On 5 April, a directive was issued in regard to advance notification and contact to the local governments

with regard to taking measures related to discharge of radioactive materials from Fukushima Daiichi NPS,

which may have a possible impact on the environment.

To prevent discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Plant to the open sea, construction work was

carried out at the breakwater in the southern part of the Plant (from 15:00-16:00 UTC 5 April).

Nitrogen iniection to Unit I Containment Vessel

As of 6th April, TEPCO started preparations for nitrogen gas injection to Unit 1 Containment Vessel. The

operation started at 13:30 UTC, 6h April. It was confirmed that nitrogen gas reached the Containment Vessel

at 16:31 UTC, 6 hApril.

As of April Ph 0:00 UT C the injection of nitrogen gas into the containment vessels of Unit 2 and 3 is no t


On 6h April NISA ordered TEPCO to implement the following:

1. Check plant parameters precisely and take suitable steps, as required, to cope with unexpected situationswith an impact on safety;

2. Carry out the work only after assuring proper industrial safety to protect workers;

3. Because of the possibility of radiation releases from the reactor, carry out appropriate enhanced radiation

monitoring and make available the data obtained.

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Plant Status

Unit I

Injection of fresh water into the RPV by off-site power was on-going as of 07:00 UT C 8t' of April. The

temperature of the RP V is 246.6 0 C at the feed nozzle and 119.4 0 C at the lower head at 04:00 UTC on 8t

Indicators of the containment pressure show slight increase, corresponding to the nitrogen injection.

Operation for the switch to the hi-gh-purity nitrogen generator be-gan at 18:59 UTC, April 8. Operation ofopening iniection valves started, at 19:10 UT C April 8, Valves were fully opened.

Instrumentation B for Reactor Pressure indicates that the pressure in the RP V is increasing and

instrumentation A indicates that it has stabilized. NISA has indicated that some instruments in the reactor

vessel may not be working properly. This information is presented in the following graph.

Fukushima Daiichi Unit-1 Reactor Vessel, Containment Vessel &

Suppression Pool Pressure10.00




-0--U-1 Reactor pressure A (atm)

-- &-U-1 Reactor pressure B (atm)

--*,- U- Primary Containment Pressure

--."-U-1 Suppression pool pressure (at

.. ......... ..... .



6.00 -

5.00 +

4.00 -

fat )






nnn4 I-.-

March 14 March 16 March 18 March 20 March 22 March 24 March 26 March 28 March 30 April01 April03 April05 April07 April09 April11

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Unit 2

Injection of fresh water into the RP V was on-going as of 07:00 UT C on 8th April. The temperature of the RP V at

the feed water nozzle is 141.20 C as of 03:00 UTC on 8th April.

36 tonnes of fresh water was injected via Spent Fuel Cooling System line to the spent fuel pool by a temporary

pump on 7h April from 04:39 to 05:34 UTC.

On 8 April NISA announced that they had discovered a minor error in previously distributed NISA news

releases and plant parameter files. According to NISA, the measurement points of RP V pressure for Unit 2 are

described as A and B, however they have been using display A and D values since 04:00 UT C 20 March.

NISA describe that there are two pressure sensors in each reactor pressure vessel at the same height. Each

pressure sensor has two monitors. One pressure sensor is connected with display A and B while the other

pressure sensor is connected with display C and D.

The pressure in the RPV and Containment Vessel has stabilised at atmospheric pressure since March 18'h and

will no longer be presented graphically unless changes are observed.

Unit 3

Injection of fresh water into the RPV was on-going as of 07:00 UT C on 8h April. The temperature of the RP V is.

88.80 C at the feed nozzle and 110.7 oC at the lower head as of 03:00 UT C on 8 April.

Fresh water spray (around 77t) over the Spent Fuel Pool of Unit 3 using Concrete Pump Truck (50t/h) was

carried out (from 8:06 till 12:00 UT C April 8th).

TEPCO: iniected total amount of water approximately 5123 tons (from March18, April 8).

The pressure in the RP V and Containment Vessel has stabilised at atmospheric pressure since March 2 2nd

and will no longer be presented graphically unless changes are observed.

Unit 4

38 tonnes of fresh water was sprayed onto the spent fuel pool by concrete pump between 09:23 UT C and

10:40 UT C on 7"' April. There has been no further reported change in the status of Unit 4.

Units 5 and 6

Both units remain in cold shutdown with plant systems operating on off-site AC power.

Common Spent Fuel Storage Facillity

The Common Spent Fuel Pool temperature is stable, measured at 32 oC as of 22:50 UTC 8 th April.

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Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Plant Status

SFiuhushima Dalichi____________Parameter!" Indications Unit U ni 1Unt Uit~ ~ Unit~ Unit 5 >Unit 6

MPa 0.410 (A) 0.080 (A) 0.096_(A) 0.107 0.108

Reactor Pressure Vessel Pressure 0.825 (B) 0.075 (D) 0.0 19 (C)

Reao P4.10 (A) 0.80 (A) 0.96 (A1

8.25 (B) 0.75 (D) 0.19 (C)

Containment Vessel (Drywell) kPa 190 95 105.5

Pressure atm 1.90 0.95 1.055

mm -1650 (A) -1500 (A) -1700 (A)Reactor Pressure Vessel Level (above the top 2229 1648ofatv l -1650 (B) (B) not available -2250 (B)of active fuel)

Reactor Pressure VesselTemperature (Water supply nozzle)

Spent Fuel Pool Water Temperature 'C No Data. 48.0 No Data No Data 34.7 23.0

Suppression Pool Pressure kPa 160 Below the scale 172.2 -atm 1.60 1.722

Fresh water is Fresh water is Fresh water isinjected injected injected Injection to Injection to

Adding water to Reactor Pressure Adding continuously into continuously into continuously into RPV and the RPV and the

Vessel Not adding the reactor the reactor the reactor Spent Fuel Spent Fuel* Unknown pressure vessel pressure vessel pressure vessel Pool using Pool using

through through fire through fire make up water make up waterfeedwater line extinguisher line extinguisher line

09th April 09t April 09th April 09'h April 09th AprilDatelTime of Data Acquisition 03:00 UTC 03:00 UTC 03:25 UTC 05:00 UTC 05:00 UTC

* All pressure values are absolute pressure (pressure including normal atmospheric pressure)

** (A), (B) and (C) refer to three measurement instruments

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Radiation Monitoring

Daiichi and Daini On-Site Monitoring

Updated dose rate data for the on-site monitoring stations at the Daiichi site from 22 March to 9April and the Daiini site from 26 March to 9 April are shown on the graphs below. A continuing

downward trend in dose rates can be observed1 .

Dose rate measurements for Fukushima Daiichi from 15 March to 21 March and for Fukushima

Daiini from 15 March to 25 March are available in previous status reports.

Fukushima Dal-Ichl Dose Rate Measurements (mlcroSv/hr) - 22 March to 9 April 2011


.... ........

100 - _ ____ __ _ _

i F_

Fukushima Oai-ini Dose Rate Measurements (microSv/ hr) - 22' March to 09 April 2011

"0-- -- iI --

-i - :• MP1.

20- 0 0

.+ • +~ ~~ ....... ....... +..................... i.... ................

V v i -+ + ' 2 _ __._ 1 _

.0 . .......... .. .... - - ------


Teoeaiono h ie oioigpit uvysain a etrdo pi

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Off-site Dose Rate Monitoring

Dose Rate Monitoring in Prefectures

Measurements of gamma dose rates in all the prefectures are being taken continuously. Since

13 March, the dose rates show in general a decreasing trend. The graph below displays thedose rates from 25 March to 8 April in seven prefectures. Dose rate data prior to these dates

can be found in previous reports.

External Gamma Dose Rate from 25 March 2011 15:00 UTC to 08 April 2011 07:00 UTC








0 250-Chiba (Ich hra)

.-. TokYo(ShinjYuku)

~~'200 "~KanagawaCiaai

.......... 4 ± 4 +__



"n 61-'Vý 'Vp

13-'V1'3ý> ~"4, ~ ~4 0;St Q .ý) I_

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The graphs below display the most recent gamma dose rates in all 47 prefectures. On 6 April

dose rates in Fukushima were 2.3 pSv/hr, while in Ibaraki they were 0.15 pSv/hr. In the other

45 prefectures, gamma dose rates were less than 0.1 pSv/hr. Typical normal background levelsare in the range 0.05 to 0.1 pSv/hr.


External Gamma Dose Rate (nSv/h) on 8 April 2011 in the 47 Perfectures

Log scale


.000 ....... .. .0



itliU iIniNiNiii

On 30 March, MEXT announced that, in cooperation with universities and colleges of

technology, it was commencing a program to measure the gamma dose rate in air oncampuses located in major cities. Data covering the period 5 April to 8 April are now available.

Measurements are no w being made in 27 cities in 14 prefectures. In 17 cities, allmeasurements are below 0.10 pSv/h. In a further four cities, at least one measurement is in the

range 0.10 to 0.15 pSv/h - these cities are Sendai, Yonezawa, Tsuruoka and Ovama. In the

cities of Tsukuba, Kirvu and Chiba at least one of the measurements has been in the range0.10 to 0.21 ISv/h, and in the range 0.10 to 0.3 ISv/h for Kisazeru and Bunkyo. In FukushimaCity, the measurement range is 0.40 to 0.60 pSv/h. Typical normal background levels are in therange 0.05 to 0.10 pSv/hr.

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Dose Rate Monitoring in Fukushima

Updated dose rate monitoring data in and around Fukushima prefecture is given below for 9 th

April. The evolution of dose rates from 18th March to 91h April for four sampling locations at

different distances from the Fukushima Daiichi site is also displayed.

Readings at Monitoring Post out of Fukushima Dai--ichi NPP


Monitoring Time

• April 9,31 6:00-18:00

I. *Monitoring Post




Unit: g Sv per hour

Circles indicate approximate range.

Readings at Monitoring post out Fukushima Dai-ichi




R,4~8o~e1MOnlOooe0010101 ~ 0~ 0h~NPP


> ~

I ~j .1 .'

V= 100


E b

I- .lpoifl 32 (300roj

~~eo *peifl 331(30K.)

0 -'~~~ePOWoSlKl


33 _5 .. * ~ -.$ 5 0,9~.~ ' - ¶d~04 o'~

1 ~

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Deposition in Prefectures

MEXT reports areal concentration for the daily deposition of 1-131 and Cs-137 in the 47

prefectures of Japan. Samples are collected over a 24 hour period from 00:00 UT C to 00:00

UT C the following day. They are then collected and analyzed for the presence of the 1-131 or


The tables below present the prefectures where levels have been-detected above the minimumdetectable levels in the period of 1 to 8 April. The dates presented are the reporting date and

provide the deposition levels from the previous day.

It should be noted that the Miyagi prefecture has been unable to report deposition results due to

damage incurred due to the 11 March earthquake. On occasions some prefectures have not

been able to submit their results by the time that the reports are compiled.

Prefectures not listed have not measured values above the minimum detectable levels during

the period 1 to 9 April.

Blank cells, with a grey background, indicate that there were no levels of the radionuclidedetected. Cells containing a "-" indicate that results are yet to be reported for that prefecture on

that day or the equipment was under maintenance.

Daily Deposition of 1-131 Detected in the Prefectures of Japan (Bq/m 2)

Location 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 7-A r 8-Apr 9-Apr

Aomori(Aomori) "'> 2.4 '"

Iwate(Morioka) 25.7 58 17.8

Akita(Akita >),~ 31

Fukushima 18 28 47 37 -  -

Ibaraki 74 45 44 23 33 10 20 46 650.0Tochigi(Utsunomiya) 130 95 82 75 70 <,.'; 45 -

Gunma(Maebashi) 7 4.1 4.1 3.1 3.4 3.8 2.9 7.8

Saitama(Saitama) 18 14 12 16 12 5.3 5.4 8.1 12.0

Chiba(ichihara) 39 6.8 21 22 12 16.0Tokyo(Shinjyuku) 38 : 20 17 8.2 6.2 5.25 8._•9

Kanagawa(Chigasaki)_ 13_1 '~~~

Ishikawa(Kanazawa) 2"2.. ,)74";'XFukui(Fukui) : , >

Mie(Yokkaichi) 11098 ~~~Shimane(Matsue) , • . .Okinawa(Naha) . 4.8 '

Daily Deposition of Cs-137 Detected in the Prefectures of Japan (Bql/m2)

Location 1 Ap r 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 8-Apr 9-AprIwate(Morioka) 21.9 19 4.98 3.3Akita.Akita.' ' , •A,7, 4188

Yamagata(Yamagata) - 30 19 25 - 170.0

Fukushima 35 34 130 100 . - - -

Ibaraki 26 7 ;2•1 15 / 7 , 42 370.0Tochigi(Utsunomiya) 60 47 57 46 41 38 -Gunma(Maebashi) 4.7 L 10 7.4 5.6 :,,17 7.2 ,"

Saitama(Saitama) 25 16 12 18 16 11 12 13 77.0

Chiba(Ichihara) 76 23 25 23 15 10 9.7 18 12.0Tokvo(Shinivuku) 26 15 8 18 5.9 5.6 10.3 AJ <X

Kanagawa(Chigasaki) 5.9

Yamanashi(Kouhu) 2.9

Shizuoka(Shizuoka) 3.4

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Regions and Prefectures of Japan


12 Chbm

41 icy



2~2~. l~~iIUi

-J Ti

3~3 A



~t.2~ UI~

3 C~w~

34 H ~

3~ KPId~


TI, *~~U In)


3~ Ehime

30. K~tt4





32Y 1•4 13 TOKYO

41 2927

39 30


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Monitoring of the Marine Environment

TEPCO Monitoring Programme

Seawater (surface sampling) is being monitored by TEPCO at a number of near-shore and off-

shore monitoring locations.

The near-shore sampling point for Daiichi Units 1 - 4 is located 330 m south of their common

discharge point. The near-shore sampling point for Daiichi Units 5 - 6 is located 30 m north oftheir common discharge point.

At Daini site, near-shore samples are being collected at two locations: directly north of the

common discharge point of Daini, and close to Iwasawa Beach, which is south of Daini NPP.The latter monitoring point is 16 km south of Daiichi NPP on the northern boundary of TEPCO's

Hirono thermal power plant.

These points are identified as sampling locations 1, 2, 3 and 4. Monitoring data is available for

these four near-shore sites from 23rd March.

Starting from 2 nd April, TEPCO collected samples at three additional sampling points. These

three sampling locations lie on a north-south transect that runs parallel to the coast, but at a

distance of 15 km from the shore. The three points lie directly opposite Daiichi NPP, Daini NPPand Iwasawa Beach and are identified as sampling locations 5, 6 and 7. On 4 th April, a further

set of three sampling points, also at 15 km from the shore, was added. These are identified assampling locations 8, 9 and 10. All six sampling locations 5 to 10 lie along a north-south


Map 1: TEPCO Seawater Sampling Locations

Sampling 1-2 times a day at points below

C!)Around south discharge canal of 1F

( approx. 330m from Unitl-4 canal)

(ZAround north discharge canal of 1F

C approx. 30m from Unit 5& 6 canal)

(3lAround north discharge canal of 2F

Sampling Point ( approx. 1Okm from iF)

(_4VAround Iwasawa Sea Shore

( approx.16km from 1F)

,,V15km from 1F

(V15km from 2F

(7)15km from Iwasawa Se a Shore

(S1~i5kin from Hirono Town

()15km from MinamI-Soma City

(115km from Ukedogawa River

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On 5th April, NISA provided the first set of data for TEPCO sampling points 8, 9 and 10. These

are given in the table below. The concentrations observed are similar to those found at TEPCO

sampling points 5, 6 and 7 which are also 15 km from the shore.

Point 8 Point 9 Point 101-131 (Bq/I) 98 57 200

Cs-134 (Bq/I) 57 - 65

Cs-137 (Bq/l) 59 18 71

What follows are bar charts showing 1-131 and Cs-137 concentrations in seawater samples

collected and analyzed by TEPCO - refer to Map 1 above for sampling locations. On some

days, two samples were collected a few hours apart and analyzed separately. Only results for

the sample with the larger concentrations on that day are shown in the charts below.

1-131 and Cs-137 concentrations in seawater (TEPCO monitoring)

Sea water mncent.aeonaroundsouth discharge canal of FukushimaDal-chf

NPP approx 330m from unets 1-4 canal


....'°.................. ..............i .... ..........i..............................

'°... .i....

Sea water concentration around noeth discharge of FukushimaDal-niNPP

* (approx. 10km from Oai-nl NPP)


Sea water cncenteation round north discharge Ca alof FukushimaDal-ichi

NPP (app 30m.0m rom unctc 5 & 6 canal)


SSea water concentrationarnund Iwasawa sea shere

(prec6lkes ree, Fckcshim~a Sal-el PP(


... . .........


4c __ _ _


................C C

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eawater concen,tation ff-shore(15k. fromFokoshinsaai~ohl PP)

TEPCO..........................,a~ 1 ,o~ r# I -

, 0 0 5 0 0

Sea water concentration off shore

(15kmnrom FukushimaDai-ni NPP)

TEPCO.z. ................ y .................. i...... ................................................................ .

I I I I.............- ' .....

................ ... ...

Sea water concentration off shore

(15km rom HironoTown)



........ i..

........ ..................

Sea water €oncentraffonoffshore

(15km rom lwasawaea shore)


......... ...... .. .. .. .. . .. . ...

io ................................... . ....................

i~~~~~~i~~~~~o,0-I~~~ ~~~~~~................................... ..............................

i•............[...........................- .....................................

Sea water concentration off shore115kmnrom MInrani-SemaCity)


.. . ... .



Sea water concentrafon offshore

(15km rom UkedogawaRiver)


S........................................................................ .

----- --



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MEXT Off-shore MonitoringProgramme

MEXT initiated the off-shore monitoring programme on 2 3 rd March. Initially, the monitoring was

carried out at 8 points lying on a north-south transect parallel to the coast and 30 km off-shore,

as shown as points 1 to 8 on the map below. Sampling points 1 to 8 are separated by about 10


On 28th March, points 9 and 10 were added to the off-shore sampling scheme. Points 8, 9 and10 lie in one line perpendicular to the coast. Points 8 to 10 are also separated by about 10 km.

On 4th April, MEXT added two sampling points to the north and west of sampling point 1. These

are referred to as points A and B on the map below.

Monitoring at off-shore sampling points consists of:

1) Measurement of ambient dose rate in air above the sea;

2) Collection and analysis of surface samples of seawater;

3) Collection and analysis of samples of seawater collected at 10 meters above the sea


Map 2: MEXT Seawater Sampling Locations


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MEXT SeawaterResults

1-131 and Cs-1 37 concentrations in seawater (MEXT off-shore monitoring)

Act vty -enctratl- n,-Sc WeMfxT I

I •i i


lAciityoncentrtilon n sea waterMEATr


..... ......-....

.I................... .................. ...........

Activity citd,tt1tl.fn seAAate



Activity concentration in sea water


. ............-T....... i ..0.... ........ ..

.................................... i - ...... ..........


Activity oncentration in sea water


, ! ! ; iI  EU


Activity concentrat!on n seawaterMEETA

... ...........................

! !. .... ...................................... . . . . . . .................... . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . .

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Activity oncentration insea waner


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Activity oncentrationn ea water


Actitycnetaio insa ae

. .......... . . ..... ..... .. ... . . ...


i ..T. ............. .......

....... . o....................................................

Activityconcentration In sea water



Activity cncentratlin n ea water




....... __....... - _ ...........



SO ....

cc........I..n~....... ......


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Radioactivity in Drinking Water, Milk and Foodstuffs

Radioactivityin Food

Data related to food contamination was reported on 7 April by the Japanese Ministry of

Health, Labour and Welfare. These reported analytical results covered a total of 63 samples

taken from 5-7 April. Analytical results for 62 of the 63 samples for various vegetables,spinach and other leafy vegetables, various meats (beef, pork, horse, chicken), unprocessed

raw milk and seafood in nine prefectures (Chiba, Fukushima, Gunma, Hyogo, Ibaraki,

Kanagawa, Niigata, Tochigi and Yamagata) indicated that 1-131, Cs-1 34 and/or Cs-1 37 were

either not detected or were below the regulation values set by the Japanese authorities. On esample of spinach (grown outdoors) taken on 6 April in Ibaraki prefecture was above theregulation value set by the Japanese authorities for 1-131.

Food RestrictionsSummary

As of 4 th April, food restrictions (distribution and/or consumption) are in place in fourprefectures (Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma) and in certain locations in Chiba

prefecture (Katori City, Tako Town and Asahi City).

In Fukushima, there are restrictions on the consumption of leafy vegetables, headed and

non-headed leafy vegetables (e.g. spinach, komatsuna, cabbage), and flower-headed

brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower). There are also restrictions on the distribution of headed and

non-headed leafy vegetables, flower-headed brassicas (including turnips), spinach, kakina

and unprocessed raw milk produced in the prefecture.

In Ibaraki, there are restrictions on the distribution of unprocessed raw milk, parsley, spinach

and kakina produced in the prefecture.

In Chiba, there are restrictions on the distribution of spinach produced in Katori City and

Tako Town.. There are also restrictions on the distribution of spinach, chingensai, shungiku,

sanchu, celery and parsley produced in Asahi City.

In Tochigi there are restrictions on the distribution of spinach and kakina produced in these


On 8th April the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare reported that the Emergency

Response headquarters had approved the lifting of restrictions on the distribution of

unprocessed raw milk in certain locations in Fukushima prefecture (city of Kitakata and the

towns of Aizumisato, Bandai, Inawashiro, Michima, Minamiaizu and Simocio) and on thedistribution of spinach and kakina in Gunma prefecture.

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Summary of Radionuclide

(valid 7 April 2011)

Test Results carriedout since 19 March 2011

Food origin Food group Number of Number of foods Food concerned

(Prefecture) food samples 'positive at levels (numbers)

tested exceeding provisional

regulation limits

_______________________"_ (action levels) " ___ _ "_ .... ____._: .___

Fukushima milk 12 5 18 raw milk (18)

vegetable 252 79 spinach (26), broccoli (19),rapeseed (6)komatuna (4), kukitachina (4),

cabbage (4), shinobuhuyuna (3),santona (2), kosaitai (3), turnip(2), chijirena (1),hana wasabi

(1), bitaminna (1), mizuna (2),shiitake(1)

meat 30 .

egg 17 -

fishery 5products

subtotal 429 97

Ibaraki milk 25 5 raw milk (5)

vegetable 148 36 spinach (28), parsley (6),

mizuna (1), red leaf lettuce (1)

meat 5 -

egg 2 -

fishery 23 1 sand lance (1)products

others 2 -

subtotal 205 42

Tochigi milk 6 -

vegetable 62 11 spinach (9), garland

chrysanthemum (2)subtotal 68 11

Gunma milk 4 -

vegetable 95 3 spinach (2), kakina (1)

subtotal 99 3

Saitama milk 4 -

vegetable 57

subtotal 61

Chiba milk 6 -

vegetable 47 11 garland chrysanthemum (4)

qing-geng-cai (1), celery (1),sanchu asian lettuce (1), parsley

(2), spinach (2)

fishery 16 -


subtotal 69 11

Tokyo milk 2 -

vegetable 14 1 komatuna (1)

fishery 2products

subtotal 18 1

Kanagawa milk 7

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Foodorigin Food group Number of Number of foods Food concerned

(Prefecture) food samples positive at levels 7. (numbers)

II .. r.Tegulation limits

I 1 . , (action levels)

vegetable 17

meat 1

fishery 3products

subtotal 28

Yamagata milk 1

vegetable 10

subtotal 11

Miyagi milk 2

vegetable 4

subtotal 6

Niigata milk 4 -

vegetable 98 -

subtotal 102 -

Nagano milk 1 -vegetable 5 -

subtotal 6 -

Shizuoka vegetable 2 -

subtotal 2

Ehime vegetable 2 -

subtotal 2

Kyoto vegetable 2 -

subtotal 2

Hyogo vegetable 3

subtotal 4

total 1112 165

Restriction of distribution and/or consumption within the whole and/or part of prefecture is applied tothe underlined foods.

X. Investigation on the result of 31 March is ongoing_

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Radioactivity n Drinking Water

As of 7 th April, the one remaining restriction on the consumption of drinking water applies to

only one village in the Fukushima prefecture, where the restriction applies only to infants.The table below summarizes the history of the imposition and lifting of restrictions.

The table below shows the Press release of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare on4t" April.

< By prefecture >

Water supply utilitýy etc.hifants

start FcInce,

General public

Start Cancel

litate-muta (village) Small-Scale Water Supply Utility, (litate-mura (,illage)) 3/21 3/21 4/1

3/22 3/26Date-shi (city)/Tsuldtate Small-Scale Water Supply Utility (Date-shi (city)) -

3/27 4/1

Kawarnata-tt•achi (town) Water Supply Utility (Kawamnata-machi (town)) 3/22 3/25

Fuk-ushima Konyama-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Koriyama-shi (city)) 3/22 3/25

Minamisoma-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Minatnisoma-shi (city)) 3/22 3/30

3/22 3/23Tamura-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Tanmura-shi (city))

3126 3/28

Iwali-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Iwak-shi (city)) 3/23 3/31

Tokai-mura (village) Water Supply Utility (Tokai-mura (village)) 3/23 3/26

Suifu di;=ct Fokhmbunmothei area) Smaill-Scale Water SVpp Uthty (FHitadi-ota-si (city)) 3/23 3/26

Kita-Ibaraki-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Kita-3haraki-shi (city)) 3/24 3/27

Ibaraka Hiachi-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Hitachi-shi (city)) 3/24 3/26

Kasama-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Kasama-shi (city)) 3/24 3127

Koga-shi (cait) Water Supply Utility (Koga-shi (city)) 3/25 3/25

Ibaraki-Ken-Nan Water Supply Utility (Tonde-shi (city)) 3/25 3/26

Chiba Prefecture Water Supply Utility (Chiba Nogiku-no-sato 3/23 3/25

Water Treatment Plant and Kuriama Water Treatment Plant)

Chiba (Kashiwai Water Treatment Plant (East side facility)) 3/26 3/27

Kitachiba-Koiki Bulk Water Supply Utility 3/23 3/26

[nba-gun (county) Bulk Water Supply Utility 3/26 3/27

Tokzyo Tokyo Water Supply Utility (23 wards and 5 cities) 3/23 3/24

Tochigi Utsunomiya-shi (city) Water Supply Utility (Utsunzomiya-shi (city)) 3125 3/25_______ Nogi-machi (town) Water Supply Utility (Nogi-machi (town)) 3/25 3/26

h'Ifants" refer to informing that infants refrain from intaking tap water (including giving infants formula

milk dissolved by tap water, etc-); "General public" means informing residents to refrain from drinking tapwater. In addition, "Start" and "Cancel" refer to the "beginning" and "cancellation" of the public

announcement of relavant information (public relations), respectively.

The table was created based on information confirmed by the MHLW by the tume of issuance of this


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Plutonium in Soils

NISA has reported the results of plutonium measurements made on soils collected on 2 5 th

March and 28th March at the Fukushima Daiichi site* Four samples were collected on 2 5 th

March and three samples on 2 8th March. Each of the samples was analyzed for Pu-238 and


Three of the seven samples were below the limit of detection for Pu-238 and four were

below the limit of detection for Pu-239,240. The highest concentrations observed were 0.26

Bq/kg for plutonium-238 and 0.12 Bq/kg for Pu-239,240. The average ratio (three samples)

of Pu-239,240 to Pu-238 was approximately 1.9. The levels found are typical of thoseexpected in Japan as a result of the former testing of nuclear weapons. These plutonium

concentrations all appreciably smaller than the clearance concentration levels published in

IAEA Safety Standards Series No. RS-G-1.7.

Monitoring of Workers and the Public

NISA reported that, as of 2 nd April, screening was implemented for 122,613 people in

Fukushima prefecture. There!were 102 people whose value was more than 100,000 cpm. Afterre-measurement following removal of outer clothing, the value decreased to less than 100,000


On 3 rd April NISA reported that between 28h and 30th March, thyroid monitoring was

performed on 946 children, aged between 0 and 15, at the local government office of litate

Village and the city hall of Kawamata City. All measurement results were below Japan's

established criteria of 0.2 pSv/h.

On 7th April NISA confirmed that among approximately 300 workers at the Fukushima Daiichi

plant, 21 have received accumulated doses exceeding 100 mSv in the period related to this

emergency. No worker has received a dose above Japan's guidance value of 250 mSv for

restricting the exposure of emergency workers. The situation therefore remains unchanged

from 3 1st March.


The 04:30 UT C 3 rd April report from the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters (PrimeMinister's Office) confirmed that two TEPCO workers, identified as missing since 1 1th March,had been found dead. These deaths were not related to exposures to ionizing radiation.

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Status of Nuclear Facilities as the result of Earthquake of 7 th April

The IAEA confirms that an earthquake occurred in Japan at 14:32 UT C 7"' April. The IAEA

International Seismic Safety Centre has rated it as a 7.1 magnitude, revised from an initial 7.4magnitude. The epicenter of the earthquake was 20 km from the Onagawa nuclear power plant

and approximately 120 km from the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants, off the

coast of Miyagi Prefecture.

The IAEA has been in contact with NISA and can confirm the updated status of the following

nuclear facilities:

Fukushima Daiichi NPP

NISA confirms that no changes have been observed at the on-site radiation monitoring posts.

The injection of water into the reactor pressure vessels of Units 1, 2 and 3 was not interrupted.

Fukushima Daini NPP

NISA confirms that no changes have been observed of the readings at the on-site radiation

monitoring posts at 21:00 UT C 8h April. After inspecting each unit, it was confirmed at 09:00

UT C 8th April that no unusual event occurred.

Onagawa NPP

All reactors have been in cold shutdown since the 11"' March earthquake.

NISA has confirmed that three out of the five lines supplying off-site power to the site were lost

following the 7'h April earthquake, although one line was under repair when earthquake

occurred. Off-site power continued to be supplied through a line after the 7"' April earthquake

and two lines have restored at 81h April. As of 9:45 UT C 8h April, off-site power continues to be

supplied through four lines.

Cooling of the spent fuel pool was temporarily lost, but has subsequently been restored. Th ewater of the spent fuel storage pool was overflowed but water stayed in the radiation controlled


No change has been observed in the readings from the on-site radiation monitoring post. The

status of the plant is currently being checked.

Tokai Daini NPP

Tokai Daini nuclear power plant remains in cold shutdown since the 11" March earthquake. No

abnormality has been observed.

Higashidori NPP

NISA has confirmed that the Higashidori NPP was shutdown and in a maintenance outage at

the time ofthe 7"'

April earthquake. All the fuel had been removed from the reactor coreand

stored in the spent fuel pool. Off-site power was temporarily lost. Emergency power supply tothe site operated as expected until off-site power was restored. Cooling of the spent fuel pool

was not impacted. On 18:30 UT C 7 th April, one off-site power was restored. After that, oil leak

was found out on the emergency diesel generator B at 5:55 UT C 8"' April, so that it was

stopped at 6:06 UTC 8" April. At that time the other two emergency diesel generators were

stopped due to inspection. At 6:59 UTC 8' April, two lines supplying off-site power were

restored. On 22:00 UT C 8t' April, it was confirmed that emergency diesel generator B was

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available. No change has been observed in the readings from the on-site radiation monitoring


Tomari NPP (in Hokkaido)

At the time of the 7h April earthquake Tomari Unit 1 and 2 were in operation. Following theearthquake, the Hokkaido Electric Power Company reduced the generating power to 90% of

capacity, but has recovered the operation at rated power.

Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant

NISA confirms that Rokkasho reprocessing facility (in pre-service inspection) and uraniumenrichment facility (in outage) lost off-site power. Emergency power supply ensured cooling of

the fuel storage pool. Off-site power supply resumed at 00:44 UT C 8th April.

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Conditions of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit I

(As of 12:00 April 7th, 2011 Major Events after the earthquake

Spent Fuel Pool Water Temperature--C ICondition: Indicator failure I

Reactor Pressure A 0.478MPa*Reactor Pressure B 0.859MPa*Condition : No large fluctuation*converted to absolute pressure

Reactor Water Level A -- 1,650mmReactor Water Level B -1,650mm

Condition: No flooding of top ofactive fuel until the above level

Reactor Water Temperature -Condition: No data available


Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)

Temperature:Feedwater Nozzle Temperature

:223.8 0CTemperature at the bottom head of

RPV :116.90C

1 1 th 14:46 Under operation, Automatic shutdown by the


1 1 th 15:42 Report based on the Article 10 (Total loss of A/C


1 1 th 16:36 Occurrence of the Article 15 event (Inability of

water injection of the Emergency Core Cooling System

1 2

th 01:20 Occurrence of the Article 15 event (Unusual rise

of the pressure in PCV)

1 2 th 10:17 Started to vent.

1 2 th 15:36 Sound of explosion

1 2 th 20:20 Started to inject seawater and borated water to


2 3 rd 02:33 Th e amount of injected water to the Rector

Core was increased utilizing the Feedwater Line in

addition to the Fire Extinguish Line. (2m3/h -*18m


09:00 Switched to the Feedwater Line only.(18m 3/h

-•llm 3/h)

2 4 th 11:30 Lighting in the Central Control Room was


2 5 th 15:37 Started fresh water injection.

2 9 th 08:32 Switched to the water injection to the core using

the temporary motor-driven pump.

31st 12:00 - 2 nd 15:26 Started to transfer the stagnant

water from the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) to the

Surge Tank of Suppression Pool Water (SPT)3 1st 13:03-16:04 Water spray by Concrete Pump Truck

(Fresh water)

3rd 12:02 The power supply to the temporary motor-driven

pump was switched from the temporary power supply to

the external power supply.

3 rd 13:55 Started to transfer the water from the condenser

to CST.

6 th 22:30 Started the operation for the injection of nitrogen

to PCV.

7 th 01:31 Confirmed starting the injection of nitrogen to


PCV. 3 Pressure 0.165MPa

Condition: No large fluctuation

S/P* 4 Water Temperature - °C

Condition: No data availableS/p* 4 Pressure 0.150MPa

Condition: No large fluctuation

*1 Residual Heat Removal System*2 Emergency Diesel Generator*3 Primary Containment Vessel*4 Suppression Pool

Current Conditions : Fresh water is being injected to the Spent Fuel Pool

and the core

~d~f~i~omitteefo--N-ucl~Teg adok ulaEeg ado

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Conditions of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2

(As of 12:00 April 7th, 2011)

Spent Fuel Pool Water Temperature 51.0 °C

SpntueactorressureoolCooling RatrPesr

System Condition :No lal... • *converted to


Reactor Water LI

-- 1,500m mCondition : No flc

active fuel to t|

I-'A 0.092MPa*

B 0.085MPa*rge fluctuationabsolute

evel A

loding of top ofhe above level

IMajoroEvents.after the earthquake.1 1

th 14:46 Under operation, Automatic shutdown by the earthquake11th 15:42 Report based on the Article 10 (Total loss of A/C power)

1 1th 16:36 Occurrence of the Article 15 event (Inability of water injection of the Emergency

Core Cooling System )

131h 11:00 Started to vent.

14 th 13:25 Occurrence of the Article 15 event (Loss of reactor cooling functions)

14th 16:34 Started to inject seawater to the Reactor Core.

14th 22:50 Occurrence of the Article 15 event (Unusual rise of the pressure in PCV)

15 th 00:02 Started to vent.

15 th 06:10 Sound of explosion

15th around 06:20 Possible damage of the suppression chamber

20th 15:05-17:20 Approximately 40 ton seawater injection to the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) via

the Fuel Pool Cooling Line (FPC)

20th 15:46 Power Center received electricity.

21tt 18:22 White smoke generated. The smoke died down and almost invisible at 07:11

March 2 2-d.

2 2nd 16:07 Injection of around 18 tons of seawater to SFP

25th 10:30- 12:19 Sea water injection to SFP via FPC

26th 10:10 Started to inject fresh water to the Reactor Core.

26th 16:46 Lighting in the Central Control Room was recovered.

27th 18:31 Switched to the water injection to the core using the temporary motor-driven


29t' 16:30-18:25 Switched to the temporary motor-driven pump injecting fresh water to


29th 16:45-1t 11:50 Transferred the water from the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) to

the Surge Tank of Suppression Pool Water (SPT)

30th 9:25•-23:50 Confirmed malfunction of the temporary motor-driven pump injecting

fresh water to SFP(9:45). Switched to the injection using the fire pump Truck, but

suspended as cracks were confirmed in the hose. (12:47, 13:10) Resumed injection of

fresh water(19:05)

IVt14:56-17:05 Injection of fresh water from FPCto SFP using the temporary motor-

driven pump.

2nd around 9:30 The water, of which the dose rate was at the level of more than

1,OOOmSv/h, was confirmed to be collected in the pit located near the Intake Channel

of Unit 2. The outflow from the lateral surface of the pit into the sea was also


2nd 17:10 Started to transfer the water from the condenser to the Condensate Storage

Tank (CST).

3rd 12:12 The power supply to the temporary motor-driven pump was switched from the

temporary power supply to the external power supply.

3rd 13:47- 14:30 20 bags of sawdust, 80 bags of high polymer absorbent and 3 bags of

cutting-processed newspaper were put into the Pit for the Conduit.

4th 7:08-7:11 Approximately 13kg of tracer (bath agent) was put in from the Pit for the

Duct for Seawater Pipe.

4th 11:05- 13:37 Injection of fresh water from FPC to SFP using the temporary motor-

driven pump.

5th 14:15 Tracer is confirmed to outflow through the permeable layer around the pit into

the sea.

15:07 Started to inject coagulant.

6th around 5:38 The water outflow from the lateral surface of the pit was confirmed to


7th 13:29- 14:34 Freshwater injection to SFP via FPC (approx. 36 ton)

*1 Residual Heat Removal System*2 Emergency Diesel Generator*3 Primary Containment Vessel*4 Suppression Pool

Current Conditions: Fresh

water is being injected to the

Spent Fuel Pool and the core

(Editorial committee for Nuclear Energy Handbook, Nuclear Energy Handbook)

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Conditions of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3

( As of 12:00 April 7th, 2011 )Major Events after the earthquake

1 1 th 14:46 Under operation, Automatic shutdown by the earthquake1 1 th 15:42 Report based on the Article 10 (Total loss of A/C power)

13 th 05:10 Occurrence of the Article 15 event (Inability of water injectionof the Emergency Core Cooling System)

13 ' 08:41 Started to vent.13th 13:12 Started to inject seawater and borated water to core.14th 05:20 Started to vent.14th 07:44 Occurrence of the Article 15 event (Unusual rise of the

pressure in PCV)

1 4 th 11:01 Sound of explosion16th around 08:30 White smoke generated.

1 7 th 09:48-10:01 Water discharge by the helicopters of Self-Defense

Force17th 19:05-19:15 Water spray from the ground by High pressure water-

cannon trucks of Police

17 th 19:35- 20:09 Water spray from the ground by fire engines of Self-Defense Force

18 th before 14:00-14:38 Water spray from the ground by 6 fire enginesof Self-Defense Force

18 1h -14:45 Water spray from the ground by a fire engine of the USMilitary

1 9th 00:30 -01:10 Water spray by Hyper Rescue Unit of Tokyo FireDepartment

1 9th 14:10 - 20th 03:40 Water spray by Hyper Rescue Unit of Tokyo Fire


2 0 th 11:00 Pressure of PCV rose(320kPa).Afterward fell.

2 0th 21:36 - 211t 03:58 Water spray by Hyper Rescue Unit of Tokyo FireDepartment

211t around 15:55 Grayish smoke generated and was confirmed to bedied down at 17:55.

2 2nd 15:10 -16:00 Water spray by Hyper Rescue Unit of Tokyo FireDepartment and Osaka City Fire Bureau.

2 2 nd 22:46 Lighting in the Central Control Room was recovered.

2 3 rd 11:03 - 13:20 Injection of about 35ton of sea water to the Spent FuelPool (SFP) via the Fuel Pool Cooling Line (FPC)

2 3 rd around 16:20 Black smoke generated and was confirmed to dieddown at around 23:30 and 24 th 04:50.

2 4 th 05:35-16:05 Approximately 120 ton sea water injection to SFP viaFPC

2 5 th 13:28-16:00 Water Kawasaki City Fire Bureau supported byTokyo Fire Department

2 5 th 18:02 Started fresh water injection to the core.

27 th 12:34-14:36 Water spray by Concrete Pump Truck

28 th 17 :4 0-31t around 8:40 Transferring the water from the CondensateStorage Tank (CST) to the Surge Tank of Suppression Pool Water (SPT)

28 th 20:30 Switched to the water injection to the core using a temporarymotor-driven pump.

2 9th 14:17-18:18, 3 1 st 16:30-19:33, 2 nd 09:52-12:54, 4 th 17:03~19:19Water spray by Concrete Pump Truck (Fresh water)

3 rd 12:18 The power supply to the temporary motor-driven pump wasswitched from the temporary power supply to the external power supply.

7th 06:53 -'"08:53 Water spray by Concrete Pump Truck (Fresh water)(Around 70 ton)

-I,/1 -N/~ IV Current Conditions: Fresh water*1 Residual Heat Removal System is being injected to the Spent*2 Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Pool and the core*3 Primary Containment Vessel*4 Suppression Pool 1J

(Editorial committee for Nuclear Energy Handbook, Nuclear Energy Handbook)

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Conditions of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 4

( As of 12:00 April 7th, 2011 ) Majorevents after the

I earthquake i

In periodic inspection outage when the earthquake


1 4 th 04:08 Water temperature in the Spent Fuel Pool(SFP), 84

0C1 5 th 06:14 Confirmed the partial damage of wall in the

4 th floor.

15 th 09:38 Fire occurred in the 3rd floor. (12:25


1 6 th 05:45 Fire occurred. TEPCO couldn't confirm anyfire on the ground. (06:15)

20 th 08:21-09:40 Water spray over SFP by Self-Defense Force

2 0 th around 18:30'- 19:46 Water spray over SFP bySelf-Defense Force

211t 06:37-08:41 Water spray over SFP by Self-Defense Force

2 1st around 15:00 Work for laying cable to Power

Center was completed.

2 2 nd 10:35 Power Center received electricity.

2 2 nd 17:17-20:32, 2 3 rd 10:00-13:02, 2 4 th 14:36'"

17:30, 2 5 th 19:05~22:07, 2 7 th 16:55-"19:25Water spray by Concrete Pump Truck

2 5 th 06:05~10:20 Sea water injection to SFP via theFuel Pool Cooling Line (FPC)

2 9 th 11:50 Lighting in the Central Control Room wasrecovered.

301h 14:04~18:33, 1st 8:28-14:14, 3rd 17:14";22:16,

5 th 17:35 ~ 18:22

Water spray by Concrete Pump Truck (Fresh water)

Current Conditions: No fuel is in RPV*3 .Fresh water is being injected to the Spent Fuel Pool.1 Residual Heat Removal System

*2 Emergency Diesel Generator

*3 Reactor Pressure Vessel(Editorial committee for Nuclear Energy Handbook, Nuclear Energy Handbook)

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Conditions of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 5

( As of 12:00 April 7th, 2011 )

in periodic inspection outage

LWater Temperature in the Pool: 36.0°C

Condition: Recovery of heat removal function

Reactor Pressure: 0.103MPa*

Reactor Water Level: 1,801mm

Reactor Water Temperature: 39.10C

Condition: Pressure is under control.

* onverted to absolute pressure

Reactor Pressure Vessel Temperature:

Monitoring by Reactor Water Temperature IHeat removal was carried out alternately with the water in

the Reactor Core and in the Spent Fuel Pool.


Current Conditions:

20th 14:30 Cold shutdown

2 1 st 11:36 Receiving electricity from external power supply

2 3 rd 17:24 Pump for Residual Heat Removal Seawater System (RHRS)

was automatically stopped when the power supply was

switched from the temporary to the permanent.

2 4 th 16:14 Repair of the RHRS pump was completed.

2 4th 16:35 Started to cooling.

4 th 21:00 Started to discharge the groundwater with low-level

radioactivity in the Sub Drain Pit to the sea.*1 Residual Heat

Removal System

(Editorial committee for Nuclear Energy Handbook, Nuclear Energy Handbook)

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Conditions of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 6

( As of 12:00 April 7th, 2011 )

In periodic inspection outageThe Emergency Diesel Generator (D/G) 6A was

excluded from standby because of insulation

resistance insulation drop.

Current Conditions:

2 0 th 19:27 Cold shutdown2 2 nd 19:17 Receiving electricity from external power


4 th 21:00 Started to discharge the groundwater with low-level radioactivity in the Sub Drain Pit to the sea

X Heat removal wa s carried out alternately with the water in

the Reactor Core and in the Spent Fuel Pool.

*1 Residual Heat Removal System

(Editorial committee for Nuclear Energy Handbook, Nuclear Energy Handbook)

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