status of experimental neutrino-nucleus scattering at a...

Jeff Nelson William & Mary NuFact2016 Quy Nhon, Vietnam August 23 nd , 2016 Status of experimental neutrino-nucleus scattering at a few GeV

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Jeff Nelson William & Mary


Quy Nhon, Vietnam August 23nd, 2016

Status of experimental neutrino-nucleus scattering at a few GeV

At the start of this workshop series

•  The field was undergoing a phase change… >  Bubble chambers had squeezed out final results >  NuTeV, NOMAD & CHORUS had just run >  Oscillations has just been confirmed in SK >  MINOS, K2K, and MiniBooNE were in construction

•  Data in the 10s to 100s GeV/c range was becoming exquisite >  Fine grained detectors or narrow-band beams made

these the standard bearers for precision neutrino scattering experiments

•  Neutrino-oscillation experiments wanted precision at much lower energies >  Sparse, mostly low statistics data on the wrong nuclei

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 2

State of the art (Ca. 2011)

•  By now… •  SPS & TeVatron

experiments had weighed in •  Getting detailed results

from MiniBooNE plus results from K2K, SciBar, and SciBooNE >  More than a dozens >  Starting to get the right nuclei >  Can’t fit it all on one plot

anymore… a good thing >  Dearth of antineutrino data

starting to be addressed •  Data disagree with models

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

J.A.Formaggio, G.P.Zeller, Rev.Mod.Phys. 84 (2012) 1307


Neutrino event generators

•  Neutrino experiments have are few in situ physics handles >  MIP/muon, muon decay (Michel) electrons, neutral pions >  Only know the incoming neutrino direction accurately

•  We rely heavily on full simulations of neutrino interactions to understand: >  Signal selection >  Background rejection >  Energy reconstruction >  Near/far extrapolation

•  In the US program we most often use GENIE >  C. Andreopoulos et al, NIM A, 614, 87 (2010) >  MINERvA will use version v2r6p2 as the reference

but sometimes others •  A number of final-state generator exist (GIBUU, NuWRO, NEUT…)

>  Some are models and some are more general tools with options >  Central values for the generators are fits to scattering data and lag generally theoretical

work >  Note the recent NuTune2016, Pittsburgh “Data Tensions” workshop & arXiv:1601.05592

•  Many more models than generators >  Some with fully specified final states >  Some only with computed physics distributions >  Generators are working to make more of these models available as options

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 4

Goals of the long-baseline program

•  Targets >  Quadrant of θ23

(most uncertain of the angles) >  Hierarchy of neutrino mass spectrum >  CP violation in the neutrino sector

•  Later two driven by electron appearance measurements at long baselines at few-GeV energies

>  Comparisons of neutrino/antineutrino appearance >  Understanding background systematic

uncertainties >  Oscillation parameters (esp. the quadrant) have

significant impact on parameter measurements •  Pushes most systematics to regimes we’ve

never achieved! >  Flux, interactions, energy scales, background,

near/far extrapolation… >  e.g. Both NOvA and T2K report 11% syst on their

sample backgrounds and 6-7% in signal

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 5

DUNE CDR, Fig 3.23 (2015)

(GeV)νE1−10 1 10 210

/ G


2 c


8 (1


ss s


n / E










0.4A. Schukraft, G. Zeller




State of scattering (ca. 2015)

•  Final results from MINOS and ArgoNeut >  Down Ev ~ few GeV

•  Final results from MiniBooNE, K2K, and SciBooNE >  All these are for Ev < ~1 GeV >  Dearth of antineutrino data starting to

be addressed >  First double differential distributions

•  MINERvA & T2K results rolling in >  Dozens of papers >  Thinking beyond process

measurement and working to distinguish models

•  NOvA & MicroBooNE are on the cusp!

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

Updated last winter


(GeV)νE1−10 1 10 210

/ G


2 c


8 (1


ss s


n / E









1.4A. Schukraft, G. Zeller





Our standard generators (AKA older models) do not accurately reflect cross section data


νµ + CH → µ+ + CH + π-

Adapted from PRD 81, 092005 (2010) by P. Rodrigues

Adapted from PRD 83, 052007 (2011) by P. Rodrigues

νµ + CH2 → µ+ + 0π-


SciBooNE MiniBooNE

PRD 78, 112004 (2008)

PRD 78, 112004 (2008)

Scattering, Nelson 7

νµ + CH2 → µ+ + 1π-

νµ + CH2 → µ+ + X-

P. Vahle, Neutrino2016

It’s been an exciting year for the neutrino-nuclear scattering …

•  A huge collective push by the field on the run up to NuINT2015, Neutrino2016, & NuFact2016 >  Many new results from MINERvA & T2K and continuing data collection >  Close out of MINOS and ArgoNeuT scattering programs >  NOvA’s near detector producing first scattering results >  MicroBooNE comes online and shows first physics distributions

•  Huge burst of detailed output documented in the 400+ posters at Neutrino2016 >  In many ways these were personal highlights of the whole conference –

excellent time for the sorts of detailed questions you never to ask in a large-talk forum

>  I am looking forward to the proceedings documentation of all those details

•  Makes a 20m discussion of these results nearly impossible! >  I apologize in advance for the short shrift that many results will get here >  In an effort to make up for this, I put in full citations of modern results in

the backup slides

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 8

(i.e. MiniBooNE, K2K, SciBar, MINOS & SciBooNE are historical;

ArgoNeuT & MNOS by next year)

I will focus on the last year (or so…) but that leaves plenty to talk about!

0 2 4 6 8

10 12 14







Recent experimental neutrino papers


T2K near detectors ND280 (off axis) and INGRID (on axis)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

TPCs, fine-grained calorimetry & muon tagging in magnetic field Iron, CH, water targets



NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

▪  Finely segmented solid scintillator detector in NuMI –  Active tracker is made completely of scintillator –  Calorimeters are scintillator with either Iron or Lead

▪  Upstream targets composed of Iron, Lead, Carbon, Water and Helium ▪  Magnetized MINOS Near Detector serves as muon spectrometer

NIM. A743 (2014) 130


MINERvA data sets

•  NuMI low-energy tune (LE) data collected from 2010-2012 >  Antineutrinos

1.09×1020 POT >  Neutrinos

3.18×1020 POT >  All current results use this smaller

dataset •  Since then we have been

collecting data in NuMI’s medium energy (ME) tune >  1.1e21 POT in ME neutrino tune >  Planning for 1e21 POT ME

antineutrino tune >  Running starts in Winter 2017

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 13

NOvA Near Detector

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 14

Mostly active segmented liquid scintillator (low Z) target with muon range stack In a narrow band off-axis beam

MicroBooNE •  170 tons of Liquid Argon

Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC)

•  Broadband BNB at FNAL

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 15



Inclusive NC neutral pion production

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 17


Coherent NC neutral pion production

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 18

arXiv:1608.05702 Note: Hongyue will present status of this channel in NOvA

Flux: critical for any absolute measurement

•  Hadron production data > External hadron production data legacy data

•  Can also use standard-candle cross sections > Neutrino-electron scattering > Low v (low recoil) event rates

19 NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

Flux status… JPARC flux •  Hadron production data from the very

successful dedicated NA61/Shine running program

•  Painstaking, but beautiful and painstaking •  You will hear more about this in a talk later

this week with updates to include more production data than their published (2013) thin-target flux predictions

Fermilab NuMI flux •  Hadron production data from legacy

experiments and from NA49 and MIPP >  Also an in situ flux program

•  Since these are brand new will use these as an example

>  Current program in US-NA61 •  Pilot data last year, thin target running this

year, replica target data in near future

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 20

Zambelli, Neutrino2016

NuMI coverage from NA49 & GEANT4 weights

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 21

Closed: stat error < 2.5% Open: stat error 2.5 - 5.0% Crosses: stat error > 5% arXiv:1607.00704

Level of applied MC


NuMI on-axis LE flux systematics summary

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 22


Low ν flux method

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

•  Charged-current scattering with low hadronic recoil energy (ν) is flat as a function of Ev

•  Gives a measurement of the flux’s shape

•  This is a shape measurement: >  Flux is normalized so that the

extracted inclusive cross section matches an external value at high neutrino energy


GENIE predictions

8/1/16 FNAL seminar

NuMI on-axis neutrino flux from the low-nu method

24 NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

8/1/16 FNAL seminar

Low-v flux & a priori flux comparison

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 25

FHC neutrinos


Module Number


p N



Flux from ν on electron scattering

•  Signal is a single electron moving in beam direction >  Purely electro-weak process >  Cross section is smaller than nucleus

scattering by ~2000 •  Independent in situ flux constraint

>  Important proof of principle for future experiments

>  Statistically limited in the MINERvA LE sample (~8% error)

>  Results are consistent with the a priori flux (~2%) and with the low v flux

•  3 independent methods yield consistent results


PRD 93, 112007 (2016)


NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson


NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 27

For this talk I will ignore very low and very high energies (and tau’s)

T2K on-axis inclusive cross section on Fe

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 28


MINERvA CC inclusive cross section for neutrinos and antineutrinos

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 29

1 100









00 150 200 250 300 350

X-µ → N µν

X+µ → N µν


A. Schukraft, G. Zeller (GeV)νE

/ G


2 c


8 (1

/ E



CDHS, ZP C35, 443 (1987)GGM-SPS, PL 104B, 235 (1981)GGM-PS, PL 84B (1979)IHEP-ITEP, SJNP 30, 527 (1979)IHEP-JINR, ZP C70, 39 (1996)MINOS, PRD 81, 072002 (2010)NOMAD, PLB 660, 19 (2008)NuTeV, PRD 74, 012008 (2006)SciBooNE, PRD 83, 012005 (2011)SKAT, PL 81B, 255 (1979)

T2K (Fe) PRD 90, 052010 (2014)T2K (CH) PRD 90, 052010 (2014)T2K (C), PRD 87, 092003 (2013)ArgoNeuT PRD 89, 112003 (2014)ArgoNeuT, PRL 108, 161802 (2012)ANL, PRD 19, 2521 (1979)BEBC, ZP C2, 187 (1979)BNL, PRD 25, 617 (1982)CCFR (1997 Seligman Thesis)

(2016)µνMINERvA (2016)µν MINERvA

8/1/16 FNAL seminar

MINERvA CC inclusive cross section for neutrinos and antineutrinos

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 30

All points are isoscalar corrected

MINERvA Preliminary

MINERvA Preliminary

Simulation is GENIE

8/1/16 FNAL seminar

First systematic studies of nuclear modifications

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 31

Inclusive DIS

Ratio of cross sections

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

Will need to know these better for CP / CPT tests

PRD 81, 072002 (2010)



NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 33

Neutrino Quasi-Elastic Candidate

Module Number


p N




n p





Quasi-elastic scattering

neutrino beam

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 34

CCQE @ SciBooNE 0��%" ������� �)�� ���������#�!�������/!"�������%��!�0� ��!�#&�")�"��!������ )�" ���!�0��"�+-�+4�-�+4,�!�����!�"���(" ��"��������������'�"����"�/� �&������!" ���"���������!#������� �%��!�0�� ������� )� �!%�"!������ �����"�'�"������������������� ����!� �����)�'�"������0�������("������'���� �)� �����'�"�� ���� /!"��������%��!�

�.��� ����-����%��������&� !�")� %���"22-��%�.�2!"-�3122� 31�

NOMAD: EPJ C 63, 355 (2009) MB: PRD 81, 092005 (2010) K2K: PRD 74, 052002 (2006) MINOS: PRD 91, 012005 (2015) SB: J. Walding, IC thesis (2009)

•  NOMAD, bubble chambers >  Used two-track topology with low thresholds >  Consistent with RFG (like GENIE’s model) with

MA=1 GeV but prefer a better nuclear model •  K2K, MiniBooNE, MINOS, SciBooNE

>  Fine-grained scintillator so higher proton tracking threshold

>  Look for a muon and low recoil; use muon kinematics for energy

>  See a higher rate and different Q2 distributions consistent with a higher MA + low Q2 suppression

•  By 2010: becoming clear that this was probably due to an extra unmodeled process well known in electron scattering >  2 particle, 2 hole (2p2h) >  Models include MEC & TE

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 35

Long-standing problem in νµ CCQE

2-track QE, proton-based reconstruction

•  Select events based on 1 PID’d stopping proton & 1 muon

•  Reconstruct kinematics quantities using proton angle and energy

•  Very sensitive to final state interactions

•  Shape-only comparison •  In proton kinematic variables,

see relatively good agreement with Relativistic Fermi Gas (RFA) model for QE scattering

•  These 2-track QE make a pretty good standard candle

PRD 91 071301 (2015)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 36


PRL 111, 022501 (2013), updated 1/16, web data release PRL 111, 022502 (2013), updated 1/16, web data release

QE with lepton-based kinematics

•  Reconstruct the muon >  Require not too much energy

beyond a box around the vertex >  Relatively insensitive to final

state interactions (only enter via the background estimate)

>  POT normalized (new flux) •  Disagreement with Fermi Gas

model seen in total cross section, shape of cross section >  Has model discriminating power >  Favors a 2p2h contribution >  TEM = Transverse Enhancement Model

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 37



NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 38

PRD 91, 112002 (2015)

Double differential (muon kinematics) antineutrino QE-like analysis

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 39

C. Patrick, FNAL seminar, 6/18/16

•  Improved reconstruction and systematics WRT prior publications

•  Double differential in muon transverse and longitudinal momentum

•  Data indicates extra strength at moderate transverse momenta

Without a 2p2h model

ND280 Off-Axis Double differential (muon kinematics) neutrino QE-like analysis

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 40

PDD 93, 112012 (2016)

With (red) and without (black) a 2p2h model

ND280 (P0D) Off-Axis Double differential (muon kinematics) neutrino QE-like analysis on Water

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 41

New this month! S. Dolan, NuFact2016 Working toward C/O cross section ratios

Muon Neutrino CC inclusive w/ low recoil

•  Another tactic is not cut on the recoil, but rather to look at the low recoil in an inclusive sample

•  Reconstruct energy both & momentum transfer (somewhat analogous to electron scattering techniques)

•  Default GENIE model struggles to explain the data

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 42

PRL 116, 071802 (2016)

Muon Neutrino CC inclusive w/ low recoil

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 43

•  Compute the “available” energy

•  Models adding RPA (charge screening nuclear) effect and a 2p2h process (in this case the Valencia model) improves agreement in some regions, but not strong enough to cover the observed rate

•  A Bragg peak counting analysis is also compatible with multi-nucleon final states hypothesis

Roadmap for QE-like...

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 44

S. Dolan, NuFact2016


NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 45

Results: resonant pion production

Neutrino Resonant Charged Pion Production Candidate

Module Number


p N






neutrino beam


NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 46

Pion production: event kinematics

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 47

arXiv:1606.07127 W<1.8 GeV

Pion production: muon kinematics

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 48

arXiv:1606.07127 W<1.8 GeV

Pion production: meson kinematics


NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 49

W<1.8 GeV

T2K muon neutrino single charged pion production in water

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 50


Coherent charged pion production

51 NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

PRL 113 261802 (2014)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 52


Coherent charged pion production

On Friday: Erez Reinherz-Aronis, NuFact2016

NC diffractive neutral pion production off hydrogen - an unmodeled process in GENIE

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 53


Kaon production: NC, CC, and first evidence for Coherent production

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 54


NC Coh: PRL 117, 061802 (2016) CC: arXiv:1604.01728 NC: C. Marshal FNAL Seminar (2/16)


Electron neutrino CC QE:�Large signal for electron appearance

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 56

νe charged current cross section

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

PRL 113, 241803


1st time this channel has been measured�

•  Isolate the small electron neutrino sample (2% of beam)

•  Rely on electrons having one prompt track while neutral pions start their shower with 2 tracks’ ionization (e+e- pair)

• We also observe a previously unseen photon production process > More from Jorge on Friday

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 58

Electron neutrino CC QE �is consistent with muon neutrino CC QE

Constrains differences the between nuclear effects �to the 15% level

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 59


NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 61

A snapshot of the NOvA roadmap (preliminary results shown here)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 62

Talks by Jeremy Wolcott and Hongyue Duyang

NOvA muon neutrino CC inclusive distributions (al a MINERvA)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 63

Fit to the added interaction strength vs 3-momentum transfer (gold on right)

•  A massive dataset •  10s of thousands of events

per bin in these double differential distributions!

•  Data plotted against GENIE

NOvA ND electron identification

•  Good data/MC agreement in event classifier

•  Good progress towards an > Electron neutrino

CC inclusive analysis > Neutrino-on-atomic-

electron elastic scattering flux constraint

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 64

MicroBooNE’s operational success

•  The beam has performed spectacularly during this year’s running!

•  Over half of the approved 6e20 POT neutrino 3-year exposure

•  They are learning how to live with the surface cosmics

•  Tuning their noise corrections and automated reco

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 65

M. Toups, Neutrino2016

First physics distributions

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 66

Muon neutrino CC inclusive event selection

M. Toups, Neutrino2016 and M. Mooney, Fermilab User’s Meeting 2016

MINERvA ME Program •  More than 3X POT of LE sample

•  3.5 times more events/POT •  These statistics will allow study of

nuclear effects in exclusive states •  Wider ranges of energies means wider

range of kinematics to discriminate between models

•  We plan to switch to ME antineutrino mode this winter after 12e20 POT

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 67

ν mode

Anti-ν mode

Example of increased kinematic coverage in NuMI ME on-axis data

•  Less than 30% of collected data on these plots (>1M event) •  LE data was only able to report out to Q2 ~ 2 GeV2

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 68

Closing comments •  An intense stream of scattering results >  There are many interesting WG2 talks at this meeting!

•  These results are confronting both prior low-energy data and theoretical models with differential distributions using better detectors and better understood beams >  There are discrepancies with these models and prior

data >  These new analyzes are being designed to try to

factorize the different categories of model uncertainties •  New initiatives are coming online and current

ones are taking deeper looks into their samples •  The result is going to be better generators

(models) and much lower systematics for the next generation of oscillation experiments

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 69

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 70

Lists of scattering papers from various 1 GeV to a few GeV

scattering experiments

RED indicates new since NuFact2014

Published experimental scattering data (K2K, MiniBooNE, MINOS, SciBooNE, T2K, ArgoNeuT, MINERvA)

2005 2 2006 1 2007 0 2008 4 2009 3 2010 6 2011 6 2012 1 2013 4 2014  10 2015  5 2016  5 (so far, least 9 preprints)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 72

Scattering results from K2K 1.  Measurement of inclusive π0 production in the

Charged-Current Interactions of Neutrinos in a 1.3-GeV wide band beam, PRD 83 (2011) 054023

2.  Measurement of single charged pion production in the charged-current interactions of neutrinos in a 1.3-GeV wide band beam, PRD 78 (2008) 032003

3.  Measurement of the quasi-elastic axial vector mass in neutrino-oxygen interactions, PRD 74 (2006) 052002

4.  Search for coherent charged pion production in neutrino-carbon interactions, PRL 95 (2005) 252301

5.  Measurement of single pi0 production in neutral current neutrino interactions with water by a 1.3-GeV wide band muon neutrino beam, PLB 619 (2005) 255-262

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 73

Scattering results from MiniBooNE 1.  Discrimination of parameterizations for nuclear effects in neutrino scattering through comparisons of low (~ 700

MeV) and medium (~ 3 GeV) energy cross-section data, PRD 89, 073018 (2014) 2.  First Measurement of the Muon Antineutrino Double Differential Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Cross Section,

PRD 88, 032001 (2013) 3.  Measurement of the Neutrino Component of an Anti-Neutrino Beam Observed by a Non-Magnetized Detector,

PRD 84, 072005 (2011) 4.  Measurement of Neutrino-Induced Charged-Current Charged Pion Production Cross Sections on Mineral Oil at

Eν~1 GeV", PRD 83, 052007 (2011) 5.  Measurement of νµ Induced Charged Current Neutral Pion Production Cross-Sections on Mineral Oil at Eν ∈

0.5-2.0 GeV", PRD 83, 052009 (2011) 6.  Measurement of the Neutrino Neutral-Current Elastic Differential Cross Section", PRD 82, 092005 (2010) 7.  Event Excess in the MiniBooNE Search for Muon Antineutrino to Electron Antineutrino Oscillations", PRL 105

181801 (2010) 8.  First Measurement of the Muon Neutrino Charged Current Quasielastic Double Differential Cross Section", PRD81,

092005 (2010) 9.  Measurement of νµ and ν̅µ induced neutral current single π0 production cross sections on mineral oil at Eν~O(1

GeV)", PRD81, 013005 (2010) 10. Measurement of the νµ CC pi+/QE Cross Section Ratio on Mineral Oil in a 0.8 GeV Neutrino Beam", arXiv:

0904.3159 [hep-ex], Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 081801 (2009) 11.  "First Observation of Coherent π0 Production in Neutrino Nucleus Interactions with Eν<2 GeV", PLB 664, 41

(2008) 12. Measurement of Muon Neutrino Quasi-Elastic Scattering on Carbon", PRL 100, 032301 (2008)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 74

Scattering results from SciBooNE 1.  Measurement of K+ production cross section by 8 GeV

protons using high energy neutrino interactions in SciBooNE detector, PRD 84, 012009 (2011).

2.  Measurement of inclusive charged current interactions on carbon in a few-GeV neutrino beam, PRD 83, 012005 (2011).

3.  Improved Measurement of Neutral Current Coherent π0 Production on Carbon in a Few-GeV Neutrino Beam, PRD 81, 111102(R) (2010).

4.  Measurement of Inclusive Neutral Current Neutral Pion Production on Carbon in a Few-GeV Neutrino Beam, PRD 81, 033004 (2009).

5.  Search for Charged Current Coherent Pion Production on Carbon in a Few-GeV Neutrino Beam, PRD 78, 112004 (2008).

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 75

Scattering results from ArgoNeuT 1.  “Measurement of muon neutrino and anti-muon neutrino

Neutral Current π0−>γγ Production in the ArgoNeuT Detector” arXiv:1511.00941

2.  "First Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Coherent Charged Pion Production on Argon” PRL 113, 261801 (2014)

3.  "Measurements of Inclusive Muon Neutrino and Antineutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections on Argon in the NuMI Antineutrino Beam" PRD 89, 112003 (2014)

4.  "The detection of back-to-back proton pairs in Charged-Current neutrino interactions with the ArgoNeuT detector in the NuMI low energy beam line” PRD 90, 012008 (2014)

5.  "First Measurements of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections on Argon” PRL 108 (2012), 161802

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 76

Scattering results from MINOS

1.  “Neutrino and Antineutrino Inclusive Charged-current Cross Section Measurements with the MINOS Near Detector,” PRD 81 072002 (2010)

2.  “Study of muon neutrino quasielastic scattering on iron using the MINOS near detector” PRD 91, 012005 (2015)

•  “Evidence for single pi0 production by coherent NC neutrino-Fe interactions in the MINOS Near Detector” (1608.05702)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 77

The later two are older results that are now in publication form

Scattering results from T2K 1.  Measurement of the νµ charged current quasi-elastic cross-section on carbon with

the T2K on-axis neutrino beam, PRD 91, 112002 (2015) 2.  Measurement of the νµ CCQE cross section on carbon with the ND280 detector at

T2K, PRD 92, 112003 (2015) 3.  Measurement of the inclusive νµ charged current cross section on iron and

hydrocarbon in the T2K on-axis neutrino beam, PRD 90, 052010 (2014) 4.  Measurement of the Inclusive Electron Neutrino Charged Current Cross Section

on Carbon with the T2K Near Detector, PRL 113, 241803 (2014) 5.  Measurement of the inclusive νµ charged current cross section on iron and

hydrocarbon in the T2K on-axis neutrino beam, PRD 90, 052010 (2014) 6.  Measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current interaction cross section by

observing nuclear de-excitation γ-rays, PRD 90, 072012 (2014) 7.  Measurement of the Inclusive νµ Charged Current Cross Section on Carbon in the

Near Detector of the T2K Experiment, PRD 87 (2013) 092003 •  First Measurement of the Muon Neutrino Charged Current Single Pion Production

Cross Section on Water with the T2K Near Detector, arXiv:1605.07964 •  Measurement of double-differential muon neutrino charged-current interactions on

C8H8 without pions in the final state using the T2K off-axis beam, arXiv:1602.03652 •  Measurement of the muon neutrino inclusive charged-current cross section in the

energy range of 1-3 GeV with the T2K INGRID detector, arXiv:1509.06940

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 78

Scattering results from MINERvA 1.  First evidence of coherent K+ meson production in neutrino-nucleus scattering, PRL 117, 061802 (2016)

2.  Measurement of Neutrino Flux using Neutrino-Electron Elastic Scattering, PRD 93, 112007 (2016) 3.  Measurement of partonic nuclear effects in deep-inelastic neutrino scattering using MINERvA, PRD 93, 071101

(2016) 4.  Identification of nuclear effects in neutrino-carbon interactions at low three-momentum transfer, PRL 116,

071802 (2016) 5.  Measurement of electron neutrino quasielastic and quasielastic-like scattering on hydrocarbon at average Eν of

3.6 GeV, PRL 116, 081802 (2016) 6.  Single neutral pion production by charged-current anti-νµ interactions on hydrocarbon at average Eν of 3.6

GeV, PLB 749 130 (2015) 7.  Measurement of muon plus proton final states in νµ Interactions on Hydrocarbon at average Eν of 4.2 GeV,

PRD 91, 071301 (2015) 8.  Measurement of coherent production of π± in neutrino and anti-neutrino beams on carbon from Eν of 1.5 to 20

GeV, PRL. 113, 261802 (2014) 9.  Charged pion production in νµ interactions on hydrocarbon at average Eν of 4.0 GeV, PRD 92, 092008 (2015) 10.  Measurement of ratios of νµ charged-current cross sections on C, Fe, and Pb to CH at neutrino energies 2–20

GeV, PRL 112, 231801 (2014) 11.  Measurement of muon neutrino quasi-elastic scattering on a hydrocarbon target at Eν~3.5 GeV, PRL 111,

022502 (2013) 12.  Measurement of muon antineutrino quasi-elastic scattering on a hydrocarbon target at Eν~3.5 GeV, PRL 111,

022501 (2013) •  Measurement of K+ production in charged-current νµ interactions, arXiv:1604.01728 •  Evidence for neutral-current diffractive neutral pion production from hydrogen in neutrino interactions on

hydrocarbon, arXiv:1604.01728 •  Cross sections for neutrino and antineutrino induced pion production on hydrocarbon in the few-GeV region

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NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 79

νµ CCQE Scattering

MB: A.A. Aguilar-Arevalo, Phys. Rev. D81, 092005 (2010).

CCQE @ SciBooNE 0��%" ������� �)�� ���������#�!�������/!"�������%��!�0� ��!�#&�")�"��!������ )�" ���!�0��"�+-�+4�-�+4,�!�����!�"���(" ��"��������������'�"����"�/� �&������!" ���"���������!#������� �%��!�0�� ������� )� �!%�"!������ �����"�'�"������������������� ����!� �����)�'�"������0�������("������'���� �)� �����'�"�� ���� /!"��������%��!�

�.��� ����-����%��������&� !�")� %���"22-��%�.�2!"-�3122� 31�

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 80


Example distribution (Neutrino, CC selected, Near Detector)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson

Reconstructed y 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1




/ 10




Low Energy Beam

DataMC expectation

NC background

Figure 35: ND LE Data/MC Comparison: Reconstructed y.

– p.46/143


Example distribution (Antineutrino, CC selected)

NuFact2016 Scattering, Nelson 83


CC QE Scattering on Iron

84 PRD 91, 012005 (2015)