stator interturn fault detection in permanent-magnet ... ieee transactions on industrial...

3148 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 63, NO. 5, MAY 2016 Stator Interturn Fault Detection in Permanent-Magnet Machines Using PWM Ripple Current Measurement Bhaskar Sen, Student Member, IEEE , and Jiabin Wang, Senior Member, IEEE AbstractThis paper proposes a novel method of interturn fault detection based on measurement of pulsewidth modulation (PWM) ripple current. The method uses the ripple current generated by the switching inverter as a means to detect interturn fault. High-frequency (HF) impedance behavior of healthy and faulted windings is ana- lyzed and modeled, and ripple current signature due to interturn faults is quantified. A simple analog circuit is designed to extract the PWM ripple current via a bandpass (BP) filter and a root-mean-square (RMS) detector for fault detection. In addition, this method can also identify the faulted phase, which can be used for fault mitigation strate- gies. The method is tested experimentally on a five-phase permanent-magnet (PM) machine drive. Index TermsCondition monitoring, fault diagno- sis, fault location, permanent-magnet (PM) machines, pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverters, switching frequency fault detection. NOMENCLATURE V dc DC-link voltage. V iN Inverter ith pole voltage with respect to minus rail. M i modulation index of the ith phase. ω c angular frequency of pulsewidth modulation (PWM) carrier waveform. ω f angular frequency of fundamental waveform. J 0 Bessel function of 0th order. J n Bessel function of nth order. L Self-inductance. R Stator resistance. R fault External fault resistance. L m Mutual inductance between healthy and faulted winding. E i Electromotive force (EMF) voltage of the ith phase. P Number of pole pairs. N Total number of turns/phase. N f Total number of faulted turns. Z i Impedance of the ith phase. Manuscript received March 6, 2015; revised July 24, 2015; accepted October 8, 2015. Date of publication January 7, 2016; date of current version April 8, 2016. This work was supported by the European ENIAC Joint Undertaking under the MotorBrain project. The authors are with the Electrical Machines and Drives Research Group, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S1 3JD, U.K. (e-mail:; Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2016.2515560 Y h,expt Experimentally extracted admittance of healthy winding. Y f,expt Experimentally extracted admittance of faulted winding. J complex number (sqrt(1)). Subscripts H or f healthy or faulty part of winding. I. I NTRODUCTION P ERMANENT-MAGNET (PM) machines are increasingly being favored as the machine of choice for electric vehicle application due to their high power density and high efficiency [1], [2]. However, due to the presence of magnets in the rotor, electrical faults must be quickly detected and mitigating con- trols initiated to prevent catastrophic failure of the machine. Such a functionality commonly known as “limp-home” mode [3] is essential for providing a high degree of availability, and reliability demanded in safety critical application such as electric vehicles. For providing high availability in electric vehicles, reliable diagnostics of motor operational states and health are essential. Internal combustion engines-based vehi- cles already have diagnostics features which provide users with an early warning of a problem within the engine [4]. A similar functionality would be highly desirable in electric vehicles. Several surveys on reliability of industrial motors conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) [5] and IEEE [6]–[9] concluded that stator winding failures account for about 21%–37% of faults in electrical machines. One of the lead- ing causes of winding failure is interturn short-circuit failures which are especially critical, since it leads to a large circulating current in the faulted turns [10]. This gives rise to a local hot spot which can cause further insulation failures and ultimately leading to a complete failure of the winding as a phase-ground or phase-to-phase fault [11]. The large circulating current in the faulted turns can also produce irreversible demagnetization of the magnets [12]. Stator interturn fault detection has been subject to intense investigation and numerous literatures exist on the topic. Detection schemes [13], [14] are broadly divided into fun- damental quantity-based [15]–[21] detection, high frequency- based [22]–[24] detection, and motor current signature analysis (MCSA) [25]–[27]. Most of the methods under MCSA are computationally intensive since they rely on performing fast 0278-0046 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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Stator Interturn Fault Detection inPermanent-Magnet Machines UsingPWM Ripple Current Measurement

Bhaskar Sen, Student Member, IEEE , and Jiabin Wang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a novel method ofinterturn fault detection based on measurement ofpulsewidth modulation (PWM) ripple current. The methoduses the ripple current generated by the switching inverteras a means to detect interturn fault. High-frequency (HF)impedance behavior of healthy and faulted windings is ana-lyzed and modeled, and ripple current signature due tointerturn faults is quantified. A simple analog circuit isdesigned to extract the PWM ripple current via a bandpass(BP) filter and a root-mean-square (RMS) detector for faultdetection. In addition, this method can also identify thefaulted phase, which can be used for fault mitigation strate-gies. The method is tested experimentally on a five-phasepermanent-magnet (PM) machine drive.

Index Terms—Condition monitoring, fault diagno-sis, fault location, permanent-magnet (PM) machines,pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverters, switchingfrequency fault detection.


Vdc DC-link voltage.ViN Inverter ith pole voltage with respect to minus rail.Mi modulation index of the ith phase.ωc angular frequency of pulsewidth modulation (PWM)

carrier waveform.ωf angular frequency of fundamental waveform.J0 Bessel function of 0th order.Jn Bessel function of nth order.L Self-inductance.R Stator resistance.Rfault External fault resistance.Lm Mutual inductance between healthy and faulted

winding.Ei Electromotive force (EMF) voltage of the ith phase.P Number of pole pairs.N Total number of turns/phase.Nf Total number of faulted turns.Zi Impedance of the ith phase.

Manuscript received March 6, 2015; revised July 24, 2015; acceptedOctober 8, 2015. Date of publication January 7, 2016; date of currentversion April 8, 2016. This work was supported by the European ENIACJoint Undertaking under the MotorBrain project.

The authors are with the Electrical Machines and DrivesResearch Group, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S1 3JD, U.K. (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2016.2515560

Yh,expt Experimentally extracted admittance of healthywinding.

Yf,expt Experimentally extracted admittance of faultedwinding.

J complex number (sqrt(−1)).

SubscriptsH or f healthy or faulty part of winding.


P ERMANENT-MAGNET (PM) machines are increasinglybeing favored as the machine of choice for electric vehicle

application due to their high power density and high efficiency[1], [2]. However, due to the presence of magnets in the rotor,electrical faults must be quickly detected and mitigating con-trols initiated to prevent catastrophic failure of the machine.Such a functionality commonly known as “limp-home” mode[3] is essential for providing a high degree of availability,and reliability demanded in safety critical application suchas electric vehicles. For providing high availability in electricvehicles, reliable diagnostics of motor operational states andhealth are essential. Internal combustion engines-based vehi-cles already have diagnostics features which provide users withan early warning of a problem within the engine [4]. A similarfunctionality would be highly desirable in electric vehicles.

Several surveys on reliability of industrial motors conductedby the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) [5] and IEEE[6]–[9] concluded that stator winding failures account for about21%–37% of faults in electrical machines. One of the lead-ing causes of winding failure is interturn short-circuit failureswhich are especially critical, since it leads to a large circulatingcurrent in the faulted turns [10]. This gives rise to a local hotspot which can cause further insulation failures and ultimatelyleading to a complete failure of the winding as a phase-groundor phase-to-phase fault [11]. The large circulating current in thefaulted turns can also produce irreversible demagnetization ofthe magnets [12].

Stator interturn fault detection has been subject to intenseinvestigation and numerous literatures exist on the topic.Detection schemes [13], [14] are broadly divided into fun-damental quantity-based [15]–[21] detection, high frequency-based [22]–[24] detection, and motor current signature analysis(MCSA) [25]–[27]. Most of the methods under MCSA arecomputationally intensive since they rely on performing fast

0278-0046 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.


Fig. 1. Geometry of 10-slot, 12-pole SPM machine.

Fourier transformation (FFT) to determine harmonic compo-nents and fault signature. High-frequency (HF) signal injectionmethods on the other hand, inject HF signal in the invertervoltage command and perform synchronous demodulation ofcurrents in software to determine stator turn fault. In [22],a HF signal is added in the dq control voltages and the HFcurrents so obtained are demodulated in dq frame and the neg-ative sequence component extracted to form the fault index. In[24], the method of [22] is improved further by using lookuptable–based calibration of the dq HF signal to reduce effect ofmagnetic saliency induced by load variation from affecting thedetection. However, signal injection method introduces addi-tional noise in the current and increases acoustic emissions ofthe motor-drive system [28], [29]. In addition, most of the meth-ods fail to identify the faulted phase which is of importance ina multiphase machine in order to initiate fault mitigation andfault tolerant operation.

Most PM machines are fed through a PWM drive. The driveis a natural source of HF signal injected into the motor due toits switching. It is this inherent source of HF signal injectionthat is explored in this paper for the detection of turn fault. Theproposed method uses the PWM ripple current generated bythe drive to determine the presence of turn fault without theneed to modify or inject additional HF signal [30]. The methodis also able to identify the faulted phase which is essential toimplement fault mitigation strategies.


The machine under consideration is a 10-slot, 12-pole,5-phase surface mounted permanent-magnet (SPM) machine.Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the machine. This topology, alsoknown as alternate tooth wound SPM machine, is inherentlyfault tolerant due to both physical and magnetic separation ofthe coils of the winding, i.e., virtually no mutual magnetic cou-pling between phases. Fig. 2 shows the schematic of a singlewinding of the machine under the turn fault condition with Nf

faulted turns out of a total N number of turns.In order to evaluate the ripple current characteristics under

PWM operation, it is necessary to determine the HF admit-tance of the winding under healthy and fault conditions. For themachine under study, the HF admittance can be obtained using(1) by setting the EMF voltage components to zero in Fig. 2,where Rh, Rf , Lh, and Lf are the resistance and inductance ofthe healthy and fault turns, respectively, and Lm is the mutualinductance between the two winding parts. Rfault is assumedzero in this analysis for the sake of simplicity

Fig. 2. Schematic of winding under turn fault.



Y (jω) =I (jω)

V (jω)=

1(Rh + jωLh + ω2Lm



) . (1)

The parameters of the machine under healthy and fault con-ditions are given in Tables I and II obtained by employing ananalytical solution of the air-gap magnetic field and a slot-leakage model as described in detail in [10]. Since the machineunder study employs an SPM topology in which saturation levelis quite low, these parameters are constant. For machines withhigh level of saturation, the derivation is still valid given thatthe ripple current is small, and the parameters can be piece-wiselinearized.

Fig. 3 shows the comparison of the theoretical and exper-imentally measured admittance of the winding under lockedrotor condition using an impedance analyzer (Hioki IM3533-01). It can be observed that under the fault conditions, theadmittance increases particularly in the frequency range of 10–20 kHz compared to healthy condition. It is also to be notedthat the admittance predicted by theory is different from thatobtained from experiments and is especially evident in thecase of a two-turn fault. The difference between the theoretical


Fig. 3. Admittance (Y ) magnitude and phase of winding under healthy,2-turn, and 20-turn faults. Theoretical (T)—dashed, measured (M)—solid.

and measured admittance is expected and attributed to extraimpedance introduced by the external leads to create the faultand iron losses (eddy, hysteresis loss) as well as HF losses dueto skin and proximity effects in the measured data which are notaccounted for the simple theoretical model. Also, as the num-ber of faulted turn increases from 0 (healthy) to 2 turns andfinally to 20 turns, the admittance progressively increases above10 kHz. Higher admittance translates to lower impedance andhence higher currents for the same voltage. It is to be observedthat although there is difference between experimental andsimplified theoretical predictions both the measurement andprediction point toward an increase of HF admittance and thisis due to the shorted turns which reduce the overall impedanceof the winding.

Therefore, if the motor can be excited with a voltage in thefrequency range of 10–20 kHz, the measured current will showan increase under fault condition which can be used as a mea-sure to detect turn fault. A PM motor is usually fed from a PWMdrive which generates not only the fundamental voltage for themotor, but also switching voltage ripple at the terminals. Theresultant PWM current ripple can be used as detector for inter-turn faults. For the purpose of simulation in this paper, a sine-PWM drive, with a switching frequency of 10 kHz is assumed.

In order to represent the winding behavior more realistic tothe actual physical measurements, a hybrid modeling approachis employed. This entails using the impedance/admittance dataobtained from experimental measurement and combining itwith the analytical model to obtain a more accurate repre-sentation of the actual circuit condition. In order to use theexperimental data in simulation, the experimental measurementis fitted with an approximate transfer function (2) using leastsquares fitting to obtain Yf,expt(s) and Yh,expt(s) for faulted andhealthy winding, respectively,

Y (s) =b5s

5 + b4s4 + b3s

3 + b2s2 + b1s

1 + b0a5s5 + a4s4 + a3s3 + a2s2 + a1s1 + a0

. (2)

Fig. 4. Fitted admittance function (Yh,expt(s)) for healthy condition.

Fig. 5. Fitted admittance function (Yf,expt(s)) for (a) 2-turn and(b) 20-turn fault condition.

Figs. 4 and 5 show the transfer function fitting for healthycondition and for 2-turn and 20-turn short-circuit conditions,respectively.

The circuit equations of a generic faulted winding as shownin Fig. 2 can be expressed in s domain and are given by


(3) and (4). I(s)− If (s) can be eliminated from the voltageequation (3) to obtain (5) and (6)

RfaultIf (s)=(Rf+sLf ) (I (s)−If (s))+sLmI (s)+Ef (s)


V (s) = (Rh + sLh) I (s) + sLm (I (s)− If (s))

+ Eh (s) +RfaultIf (s) (4)

V (s) =Rfault − sLm

sLf +Rf +RfaultEf (s) + Eh (s)

+ I (s)

(Rh + s (Lh + Lm)

+(Rfault − sLm) (s (Lf + Lm) +Rf )

sLf +Rf +Rfault


V (s)=1

Yf (s)I (s)+


sLf+Rf+RfaultEf (s)+Eh (s) .


Since the measured winding admittance is a high-order trans-fer function, the model equation needs to be modified toaccount for the HF losses. A close look at (6) reveals that thefirst term corresponds both to the HF and low-frequency admit-tance (Yf (s)), whereas the other two terms are only related tothe back-EMF components. Hence, it is possible to substitutethe experimentally derived admittance instead of the theoreti-cally derived one, resulting in the hybrid model equation for thefaulted phase in (7). Therefore, (7) contains a part of param-eters obtained through experiment and the rest is calculatedfrom theoretical model, and is therefore referred to as a hybridmodel

V (s)=1

Yf,expt (s)I (s) +

Rfault − sLm

sLf +Rf +RfaultEf (s) + Eh (s) .


In the five-phase experimental motor considered in thispaper, the winding fault is assumed to occur in phase 4 asshown in Fig. 6. Thus, (7) can be rewritten as (8) noting thatEh = Ei − Ef where Ei is the healthy back-EMF of the ithphase. Zero sequence voltage (VnN ) is added into (8) and (9)to account for the fact that the voltages generated by the inverterare referred with respect to the negative dc supply N while thephase voltages are referred to the floating neutral “n” of themotor. The model for other healthy windings can be written as(9). In order to simulate the system, the zero sequence voltageVnN needs to be eliminated from the model equations. By sum-ming (8) and (9) over all phases, and noting that the sum of thephase currents is zero for a star connected system, VnN can beobtained as given by (10). Substituting (10) in (8) and (9), thefinal model equations (11) and (12) can be obtained

ViN (s) =1

Yf,expt (s)Ii (s) +

Rfault − sLm

sLf +Rf +RfaultEf (s)

+ Ei (s)− Ef (s) + VnN ; i = 4 (8)

ViN (s) =1

Yh,expt (s)Ii (s) + Ei (s) + VnN ∀i �= 4 (9)

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of five-phase SPM machine with turnfault on a single phase.

5VnN = −(


Yf,expt (s)− 1

Yh,expt (s)

)I4 (s)

− Rfault − sLm

sLf +Rf +RfaultEf (s) + Ef (s) +


ViN (s)


ViN (s) =




Yf,expt (s)+




Yh,expt (s)

)Ii (s) + Ei (s)

− 4

5Ef (s)− 4


sLm −Rfault

sLf +Rf +RfaultEf (s)




ViN (s); i = 4 (11)

ViN (s)=1

Yh,expt (s)Ii (s)+





)Ef (s)

− 1



Yf,expt (s)− 1

Yh,expt (s)

)I4 (s) + Ei (s)




ViN (s) ∀i �= 4. (12)


In order to extract the HF current, first an appropriate fre-quency band needs to be selected. In order to aid the designprocess, the harmonic currents can be analytically calculatedunder different operating conditions in steady state assumingideal sine PWM. The PWM harmonic voltages for sine trianglemodulation can be calculated using (13) [31]. Vdc is assumed as140 V for the calculation, which is the maximum rated dc-linkvoltage of the test inverter. Harmonic line currents can then becalculated using (14)

Vi,h (t) =2Vdc







)cos (mωct) sin











)cos (mωct+n (ωf t+θi))

. sin((m+ n) π



(13)⎡⎢⎢⎣V1,h − V2,h

V2,h − V3,h

V3,h − V4,h

V4,h − V5,h


⎡⎢⎢⎣Z1 −Z2 0 00 Z2 −Z3 00 0 Z3 −Z4

Z5 Z5 Z5 Z4 + Z5



⎤⎥⎥⎦ . (14)


Fig. 7. RMS harmonic current with two-turn fault with Vdc = 140 V con-sidering (a) only 10 kHz carrier and sidebands and (b) 10 and 20 kHzcarrier frequency harmonics and sidebands.

Fig. 7(a) shows the predicted RMS harmonic current plotsfor each phase using measured motor impedance, when phase4 has a two-turn fault at the maximum current of 6 A whenonly 10 kHz carrier frequency sidebands are considered andFig. 7(b) shows the RMS harmonic current plots when both 10and 20 kHz carrier frequency sidebands are considered. It is evi-dent from the plots that by considering both the 10 and 20 kHzcurrent ripple, a greater magnitude and separation between thefaulted phase and healthy phases can be obtained specially inlow speed range. This will also improve signal-to-noise ratio.Thus, a passband of 10–20 kHz is selected for optimal detec-tion of fault. It is to be noted in Fig. 7 that the ripple current inthe other healthy phases is not same under fault condition. Thisis expected since the fault causes fundamental voltage unbal-ance which changes the line–line voltage in a star connectedsystem which in turn affects the PWM ripple current of eachphase.

The separation in RMS current ripple between faulted andhealthy phases allows for easy identification of fault. It shouldbe noted that the harmonic voltages and hence the harmoniccurrents are a function of modulation index and therefore asspeed or load change the harmonic currents also vary.

Extraction of harmonic currents can be done in many dif-ferent ways. One direct approach is the use of high speedsampling of the stator current waveform and application ofsignal processing to extract the harmonics. However, the rip-ple current is very small compared to the fundamental currentand therefore the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) employedwould have to have a high resolution (>16 bits) to be ableto measure the PWM ripple current accurately. Moreover, the

Fig. 8. HF detection signal processing chain. ADC sampling rate is10 kHz.

Fig. 9. BP filter Bode plot.

sampling frequency of the ADC has to be at least 5–10 timesthe highest ripple current frequency and the corner frequencyof the antialias filter has to be increased accordingly. Therefore,although this approach has the benefit of flexibility of applica-tion of advanced signal processing to extract harmonic currents,it requires high speed, high-resolution ADCs, and advancedDSP processor to perform the signal acquisition and processing.

Due to processing limitations of the control hardware, analternate approach is employed in this paper wherein the RMSvalue of the PWM ripple current is obtained by using an analogcircuit. RMS ripple current so extracted is of low frequency andcan be easily sampled by the DSP using the same ADC samplerate (10 kHz) as that employed for current controller. The ana-log signal processing chain is shown in Fig. 8, consisting ofa second-order bandpass (BP) filter, RMS detector, and outputbuffer. The BP filter must provide sufficient attenuation at fun-damental frequency to prevent changes in fundamental currentfrom affecting the result of the RMS detector. For the partic-ular motor, a stop-band attenuation of −38 dB (at 300 Hz) isfound to be adequate to remove the fundamental current influ-ence. The passband gain of 20 dB is found to be sufficient forthe detection. The Bode gain plot of the BP filter is given inFig. 9. The output buffer provides a further gain of +26 dB.


Fig. 10 shows the simulation results obtained from the modelderived in foregoing section connected to a current-controlledvoltage source inverter at rotor speed of 500 r/min with iq =


Fig. 10. Simulated phase currents with a two-turn fault in phase 4 atrotor speed of 500 r/min.

Fig. 11. Simulated detector output with a two-turn fault in phase 4 atrotor speed of 500 r/min.

6 A under a two-turn fault condition with Vdc = 60 V. Standarddq-based current control as employed in [32] is utilized to con-trol the fundamental current. The current sensor gain is set at1/40 corresponding to the sensor used in hardware. The differ-ence in HF ripple can be observed in the actual phase currentplots, and is clearly identifiable in the detector output shown inFig. 11, where phase 4 shows a higher output than the rest of thephases and hence is identified as the phase with fault. The rip-ple in the detector output is caused by the currents in sidebandsof the carrier frequency which gives rise to a beat frequency attwice the fundamental frequency.

Fig. 12 shows simulation results obtained at rotor speed of1000 r/min with iq = 6 A under 20-turn fault condition withVdc = 60 V. The phase currents are slightly unbalanced andthis is expected since 20-turn fault introduces unbalance whichcannot be completely compensated using conventional positivesequence dq controller. The difference in the ripple current isquite apparent and is expected at higher speeds and higher faultratios. Fig. 13 shows the detector output and phase 4 can beclearly identified.


Fig. 14 shows the schematic of the analog signal processingcircuit. The current signal from the transducer is first fed to thehigh-pass filter (HPF) U1 and then through the low-pass filter(LPF) U2 into the RMS detector U3 and finally into the ADCbuffer U4. The LEM current sensor selected for the inverter is

Fig. 12. Simulated phase currents with a 20-turn fault in phase 4 at rotorspeed of 1000 r/min.

Fig. 13. Simulated detector output with a 20-turn fault in phase 4 at rotorspeed of 1000 r/min.

Fig. 14. Detector circuit implementation.

LTS-25P which gives a unipolar output and therefore the entireHF signal chain is designed to operate on unipolar supply. Torealize the LPF and HPF transfer functions, multiple-feedbacktopology is used. OPA364 is selected as the operational ampli-fier (opamp) for the circuit due to its excellent BW and lowoffset voltage and is suitable for unipolar circuit realization. TheRMS detector is LTC1968 which is a precision wide bandwidth,RMS-to-dc converter from Linear Technology [33]. LTC1968has a differential input range of 1 Vpk and to avoid saturat-ing the RMS detector under worse-case fault, a gain of 20 dBis selected for the BP divided equally over the HPF and LPF.Finally, the ADC buffer provides additional gain of +26 dBon the detected RMS value. A point to be noted for the sig-nal chain is that the sequence of the block in the chain is criticalto obtaining the desired performance. For example, swappingthe position of HPF and LPF in the signal chain would saturatethe opamps in the circuit although the transfer function of thecircuit would have remained unaltered. This is because the LPF


Fig. 15. Dynamometer setup with test motor with faults.

Fig. 16. Inverter with HF detection board.

will pass the fundamental current signal with a gain of +10dBand will saturate the opamps in the circuit.


To test the fault detection technique, a test-rig was fabricated,to create turn faults and study the performance of the detectionalgorithms. Fig. 15 shows the test-rig. The test-rig comprisesof a dynamometer connected to the five-phase machine whichhas two separate taps on one of its phase windings (phase4—faulted phase). Two-turn and 20-turn faults can be createdto test detector performance. An incremental encoder is usedfor rotor position feedback. A five-phase MOSFET inverter asshown in Fig. 16 is used to control the test motor. The inverteris controlled through a floating point TI DSP board (EzDSPF28335). Commands to the DSP board is issued through eithercontroller area network (CAN) interface using LabView or theUSB connection via the TI code composer studio. DC-linkvoltage is set at 60 V for the experiments. Standard dq-basedcurrent control as employed in [32] is utilized to vary thefundamental frequency current loading of the test machine.

Fig. 17(a) and (b) shows the detector output at iq = 6 A attwo-turn fault and rotor speed of 500 and 1000 r/min, respec-tively, captured using yokogawa oscilloscope, where Ch4 is thedetector output of the faulted phase. It can be observed that eachdetector channel has a different output before fault is initiated.

Fig. 17. Detector output with two-turn fault in phase 4 with iq = 6 Aat (a) 500 r/min and (b) 1000 r/min. Ch1–Ch5—detector outputs forphase 1 through phase 5, respectively (100 mV/div), Ch11—phase4 current (5 A/div), and Ch12 is the fault current (20 A/div). Timescale—100 ms/div.

This is to be expected since each phase has slightly differentimpedances due to fabrication process, and there is variationin each detector channel. This variation can be easily compen-sated by implementing a software-based calibration explainedin Section VII. During fault, phase 4 detector output shows clearchange of output from the prefault level.

Fig. 18(a) and (b) shows the detector output at iq = 6 A with20-turn fault and rotor speed of 500 and 1000 r/min, respec-tively. Similar response to two-turn fault case with differentoutput levels can be clearly observed.

Fig. 19(a) shows the comparison of predicted and actualdetector output for two-turn fault. Fig. 19(b) shows the compar-ison of predicted and actual detector output for 20-turn fault.It is to be noted that the HF admittance was measured using animpedance analyzer with a very low current excitation (20 mA).As load current changes, it is expected that the inductance ofthe machine will change due to saturation which will affect thePWM ripple currents. Further, there is also a 4% variation ofindividual phase impedances at 10 kHz as measured using theimpedance analyzer. Another effect that can cause difference isthe contactor impedance used to create the turn fault. However,as previously pointed out the variation is to be expected and canbe cancelled out as explained in Section VII.


Fig. 18. Detector output with 20-turn fault in phase 4 with iq = 6 Aat (a) 500 r/min and (b) 1000 r/min. Ch1–Ch5—detector outputs forphase 1 through phase 5, respectively (200 mV/div), Ch11—phase4 current (5 A/div), and Ch12 is the fault current (20 A/div). Timescale—100 ms/div.


In order to detect turn fault, it is required that the variationof PWM ripple current under healthy operation with vary-ing speeds and loading be accounted and removed. This isparticularly true in the case of faults with low number of short-circuited turns, where the increase in the PWM ripple currentdue to the fault is low. By way of example, the variation of mea-sured phase 4 detector output (phase with turn fault) with speedand current under healthy and two-turn fault operation is shownin Fig. 20(a). It can be observed that at higher speed (>600r/min), there exists a clear difference between the healthy andfault operation in the detector output; however, at lower speeds,there exists some overlap between the healthy and fault cases.As the speed and load are varied, the overall inverter commandvoltage increases and this causes an increase in the PWM ripplecurrent, which makes fault detection using a simple thresholdcomparison difficult.

Harmonic current under healthy condition is a function ofthe modulation index magnitude as given by (13) and (14)irrespective of the current (id or iq) or speed. In order to elim-inate the ripple current contribution due to healthy operationof the machine, a simple algorithm based on linear curve fit is

Fig. 19. Comparison of measured and predicted detector output at iq =6 A, with varying speeds at (a) 2-turn fault and (b) 20-turn fault.

proposed. It can be observed from Fig. 20(b) that the detectoroutput varies almost linearly with the fundamental modulationindex. Detector data from two test points corresponding to twodifferent modulation indexes at two different speeds (300 and1000 r/min) and current loading (0 and 6 A) under healthyoperation as shown in Fig. 20 are extracted and a linear fit isperformed using the following equation:

detectorh = a4M + b4 (15)

where M is defined by (16) and Vd1 and Vq1 are the controllerfundamental frequency dq command voltages

M =


2 + Vq12

Vdc/2. (16)

The two fitted parameters are a4 = 0.208 V and b4 =0.103 V. Using the obtained parameters, calibrated detectoroutput for phase 4 is generated by using the following equation:

calibrated detector = detector − detectorh. (17)

The output of the calibrated detector is shown in Fig. 21 forthe same current and speed variation under healthy and two-turnfault. It can be observed that the variation of the detector underhealthy operation due to load and speed has been effectivelycancelled. Slight error does exists, however, as can be observedin the healthy case with iq = 0, 3 A at higher speed due to useof the simple calibration technique. More advanced calibrationalgorithms using neural networks or lookup tables can also beused, which can result in improved sensitivity and robustness ofthe detection.


Fig. 20. Variation of measured detector output (ph-4) with load current(0%, 50%, and 100%) and speed plotted with respect to (a) speed and(b) modulation index. Dashed curves refer to healthy operation and solidlines refer to two-turn fault condition. Stared points are the selected testpoints for detector calibration.

Fig. 21. Variation of calibrated detector output (ph-4) at various load-ings (0%, 50%, and 100%) with varying speeds. Dashed curves refer tohealthy motor operation and solid lines refer to two-turn fault condition.

Under ideal conditions, one set of the fitted parameters can beused to calibrate all the phases. However, due to differences inindividual detector channels and machine asymmetry, the pro-posed calibration procedure is performed for the other phases

Fig. 22. Variation of all calibrated detector outputs at iq = 0 A withvarying speeds under two-turn fault. Ph-4 is the faulted phase.

as well, resulting in a total of 10 constants required to performcalibration for all phases. It is to be noted that only two oper-ating point data are needed to completely determine all the 10constants.

Using a threshold value of 0.02, the calibrated detector out-put can be employed to classify healthy or faulted operation asshown in Fig. 21. A higher value of detector threshold will bemore robust to detector noise at the expense of low sensitivityat lower speed and fault currents.

Fig. 22 shows the calibrated detector output of all the phasesfor two-turn fault for iq = 0 A which is the worst-case sce-nario for fault detection due to the low fault signature. It canbe observed in Fig. 22 that by quantifying the maximum ofthe detector outputs of all the phases, the faulted phase (ph-4)can be readily identified. Similar results are obtained for othercurrent loading but not included due to the space limit.


A new technique to detect turn fault using PWM ripple cur-rents has been described in this paper. A machine model basedon measured HF winding parameters to capture the HF behav-ior of the winding has been developed. Based on the analyticalsimulations, a detector circuit to extract the PWM ripple currenthas been designed. Experiments confirm that PWM ripple-based method can be used to successfully detect turn faults inthe machine. A simple and effective software calibration tech-nique has been proposed to cancel the ripple current expectedunder healthy operation to obtain a calibrated detector output.Application of simple fault threshold on the calibrated detectorhas been shown to be sufficient to determine fault. By quantify-ing the maximum of the detector outputs of all the phases, thefaulted phase can be identified.

PWM current ripple-based fault detection can be easilyincorporated into drives as an add-on card and connected tocontroller using analog input channels. Since most of the HFsignal processing is done on the card, a low-frequency sam-pling of the detector output by the controller is sufficient. Testshows that the detection can be performed at low speeds andlow currents which are of advantage compared to fundamen-tal component-based methods which have difficulty due to lowsignal to noise ratio.



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Bhaskar Sen (S’11) received the B.E. degreefrom Delhi College of Engineering, New Delhi,India, in 2003, and the M.Tech. degree from theIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur,India, in 2006, both in electrical engineering.Since 2011, he has been working toward thePh.D. degree at The University of Sheffield,Sheffield, U.K.

From 2006 to 2011, he was with GE GlobalResearch, Bangalore, India. His research inter-ests include electrical machine fault modeling,

machine fault detection, and fault-tolerant drives.

Jiabin Wang (SM’03) received the B.Eng. andM.Eng. degrees from Jiangsu University ofScience and Technology, Zhengjiang, China, in1982 and 1986, respectively, and the from the University of East London,London, U.K., in 1996, all in electrical and elec-tronic engineering.

He is currently a Professor with theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, TheUniversity of Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K. From1986 to 1991, he was with the Department of

Electrical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,where he was appointed a Lecturer in 1987 and an Associate Professorin 1990. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Universityof Sheffield from 1996 to 1997 and a Senior Lecturer with the Universityof East London, from 1998 to 2001. His research interests includemotion control and electromechanical energy conversion devices, aswell as electric drives for applications in automotive, renewable energy,household appliances, and aerospace sectors.

Dr. Wang is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology,U.K.