stationery store - digifind-it · • mrs. s. t. guorry of atlanta, ga„ is a visitor ufc tho...

- 1 '■ Late News/ By Telegraph FOURTEENTH YEAR. NO. 171. ASRUltY PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 19,' 1900. -) EVENING ED I'll ON—Pl'i fCE ON E CENT | FOR SALE A splendidproperty on Asbury Avenue, second block from ocean. A decided ain for some body. Call'and get particulars. 208 Eo^nd Street, Asbury Park, N. J. ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVE I Hotel Brunswick, O fkcm k llnilroad Depot and J1214 Bangs Avenue. tTJnuJtml O n ic o . ,800.MAIN 8TRBB1 , Uoods cf^iretl at reasonnble rates,’ v > Tcl3pbpUQ.connection. - - - A sbury . PARS P.O . Box Cd7, - YOU For otherwise I could not help your failing eyesight with spec- ‘ !* A DL' tnclea or eyeglasses. , Hut tbe pa^ . ‘ tlent, helpful nose Is barbarously j » TT'tr treated,and the French name for i^U L h . X eyfgiaeseH, plneo-no2.(plnch-nosg) Tvaa well selected. ' ^ TO Let mo show you a new thing In HAVE •. '...EYEGLASSES'. which was contrived for nose comfort. When “you' wear'vpnfr NOSE ot my eyeglasses your nose will J, be ofl Itcky as your oyea. GLAUDEJ. W ISEMAN , Jeweler and Optician 645 Cookman Ave. OlasooB, -Wfttolic.H iuul jewelry repaired with promptness and skill. ’ • TO LOAN —ON™ Bond and In sums ranging from WM. H. BEEGLE, . •> ' 226 MAIN STREET, Asbury Park. MARY'S DILEMMA- Maryi Mary, i|ulto contrary, tjuirerlui' acliea and pains; All tliu trouhlu that you havo. la ■ ’cause your eyes you strain, -tlutii-pulr-nt-B hisses,——— Pitted need aiid true, You never will lie happy' Mary, till you dp. ... A larpe proportion or lieadaclio, nervous. itoss, hysteria ami iiisoiiuihi ia, oausoll by - oyu strain.™ Tlio ■ removal ot tlio cause (it- fcota a-permanent euro. 1 Willard C. Wiseman QRADUATU OPTICIAN Asbury-Park Optical Parlor, 603 Cookman Avenue. Cor. Emory Htroot, Capital $50,000 Bat o r J 5 0 ,0 .0 0 -f- Askry Park and Ocean Grove Corner Mattison Ave. and Main St., ASBURY PARK. N. j. ; Corner Main Avenue and Pilgrim pathway A* . OCEAN UROVE. HENRY O. WINHOIt. President. QUO. W. KVANH, Vlce-Prcflldent. EDMUNO E, DAYTQN, OaaMor , » JE88B MiNOT, Assistant Cfihler. , .’DUIKCTOUS: T. fnAHK A iT h .n l - on. j. A* V. urruioz, H. «. nUOjUNON JOUN nUIIIIAUD O, 0. pn»TTON taw il IUIN K i II ano. w.jrviHB ' dm. w. tbb« .KMU80H ■■ ____ AMOa.XIZAON su m o. wrason Accounts Respectfully Solloltod. Safe "DOpflalt Boxes to Rent. We Issue ForolgnOrafts and Lat- ere of Credit, . • .•'< THREATEN TO USE Fridge: Guarding Policemen 'Are Three in Number Today. TAYLOR HEARING TOMORROW Vlcc^Prcftidcnt. I.Isilliinl of Ocean drove AHKociattim am! OHlCbl’s* Confer W ith OpuiiHolIiTF^FiUtcrtibir'nilil ^Wurnint is ,Aft«rtvuril Issued-For Simple Assault. IIeiirlilig,uit--iL-Af-SI. .ToinorrowL---/- - / TI hj question* of toll taking ou Clio Wus- •ley iako bridges Ih rapidly approaching a crisis. ■■This morning then? wore thrco po- liiin olUourH a t fcho term inal of thu Emory street struefcuro, 'Thoy st|i(l thoy woro thcro fco compel passorsby fco pay toll and if they .could not more oiricors would ho sent, and .if ' they wore., thoi/ stiU unable to enforce Lfyo-rule. clubs and 'revolvers would he usejl. , . .' ; _> . Walter Taylor, the herd of yesterday Js adventure again attempted to. pass, but- the trio of bravo defenders .was too much for him and .they held fcho bridge bravely. There was a decidedly lively tussle, in which Taylor- h shirfcjivus torn, blit*ho had toTdcsist. /Himvjis ri)Vvecl over in .state on one of fche barges that ply from shore to shore. Taylor’s exciting adventure of. ycster- day, narrated in yesterday's publication, resulted in hismrrest this morning. The trio of oilier ra ami Y ice-President. Ha Hard of tlio Ocean Grove association were closeted with the association counsel, Sainuci A. Patterson, this* morning for some time, determining the exact method’ of procedure lii tlio case It was decided that a warrant be issued and complaint was formally made before rTus|ice-iTohn-Ar-Boi'(l<riH>y:J)ei,i,ick--Ib)ag land for simple assault, clearly avoiding fliislng the.issue n’s to the right of the as- jiOciaUoit to enforce the to if collection. - Taylor was notified to apjicar at the po- lice court this afternoon at 1 o'clock, but ifc appears that Complainan11foagland wns Motappri sc ilb ri HcJicurijig a m il fc-wasad - joimiori* until tomorrow morning at U o’clock. , Mr. Ballard, is quoted a« having said tlmt i f necessary- f>(H iie n wou hW m placed• at the bridge and SIOO.UW .spent to^ouforce. the collection of the,toll. - At u late-houi’-t his nfternoon’ carpenters NVvro at work erecting gates' afc the Ocean Grovo.. terminal of the Emory street bridge. No “pearly gates” will be erected at the lo win; bridge. WAITING IN JAIL UNTIL THE SPIRIT MO^ES HIM WniiHi’rliig Kvimgellrit K |>i^cts jjlyf» i< l A111 In Jlecltliiig Whether He Shall Jtu** ’ jvarf nr (iu to. VrHini, tV police ease with somewiiafc unusual circuuisUiu.ei'S wits Indore Justice Borden last night. I)av!d Collinst.\vhd claimed U» be an evangelist ; was arrested as a vag- rant. 1Ie was ftmml sleeping bn oho of t he 1 jcnches in th'e'siTcrcd preei ncts of f lie .SiVl- vation Army grounds 011 Cookmaq. ave- nue.- The arrested man has'.hufc one leg and a return ticket to New-York. : lie had a long taku to tell t’hejustjee about liis evangelistic work and the good ami after lookIng^ovcv^thir man decided lo give him the option of using his iv(urn ticjiet i.uLhis one leg aud Tetui’ii to Xew York or taKe *10 days In jail, •• Collins informed the judge, howiiver* that he would have to wait a little until the spirit moved him' to decide upon the one or the other. lie-said he had seen -1 1 isl i* > ji-Ki izgeiiihi-o f-Geei 11 >Gruvnniid~MTtr IVradlcy. b u rth e se geiTtleniei»_wcre-u 11 able to assist him and he now desired to inter- view ?>1 v . Bajlard as lie understood tliat he wouldTnh him. The : judge ordered hlu\ taken to Park hall for a time to give’thespirit "a eliaiietv to work upon him. At last report the spirit, had not. yet put in an appearance and the fellow is likely to make- use of Ids retut’ii-tickl'd* or leg and decamp.- LOCAL HAPPENINGS Thedjeach band plays nt Asbury avenue tonight. / Dissatisfied. taxiKiyers may complain be- fore t he city usKessm'S'fcpdivyttGrievitnces will be heard In the coiuicil' chain her. .Special Imrgi^Tis will prevail the next fewslays at the Davis store.. Tho. goods" undertliislieadiugaro described in... their adver.' today. - _ George Pittehgor of this city has return- ed from a two days • trlj) to Hartford,Conn.; whe«> he was eailwl on lmsiness connected witli the Aetna Eife Insurance company. The kindness of the friends and noigh- during'fcheirdqughtpr Anna-’slast siokness wmrixrenGyTlTfpr^iucd ny :tluT“ parents. pT" *' _^ - Thft atlentibTi of onr readers is directed to the special side nf clothing inaugurated today by the Surprise Clotliing comjiaiiy, MiYOHT Mattison iivenue. Iteud adv. for5 luirtioulars.. , . \ • Mrs. S. T. Guorry of Atlanta, Ga„ is a visitor ufc tho Aurora, Ocean Urovb. Sfce- has been a summer, resltlont fcliery for 18 years; She is the mother-in-law of Editor Itlehardson of-tho.Atlanta Constlt-utioni - Chris*. Liuler, formerly of tills, city, has been, an inmate bf the St.' Frances hospital, Trenton, for* tlio past month. Ho wnsfc.u ~ * •* ' -rtbVH - carries Ills loft arm Id a sling. - lie is a vis- itbr In Asbury Park for a few, day s. FALLS*; 1X13111 to monky an D kklics , Death of Ilelutlvo Considerably .Knriclics. Mrs. A* ConttoU of Tpla City. ; Airs; A, Copdoll of this city, through the ileivth of u yelatlvo, has boepmo the owper of a considerable sum of mpnoy. -Vulu- ablo Uelrlbums luivb also 'come into hot* nbssosslon vw hielirsho pri/.es highly. Aniong>ho antiqiiltlosTfiii set <if old china useil at Mrs. Gondoll’a groatgrimd- mothBr’s . wedding over 150 years" ago. Table ami biitt*linens simll \A. * n ............................ fcheLlong-ago a ud biivor itt^ other vaU^ud relics.. : Manager of Miss Jones of London Takes French Leave. SAID TO OWE $300 OR MORE Demands of Creditors Staved- Off by the ; . Proiiiisu of Long lixpccted Cheek—Kin- pioyces Mmirn Their Unpaid .Salaries. Title of the Sho\v> Mude Over to Secure Ono Doht. " 70 Iie of the’ inosfc mysterious of the suni' mer amuseiueiifcs in this eity is tfbesfci*ange i\1 iss j o 1 u !s-X>f lv0nr1 r 111 ,” but (his is'ifrifi half as mysterious as thp disappearance''of' Miss Helen Whit e, until lately manager or the po))iilar ehtertainment. In the early summer the novelty arrived, .hero and becaino a neighbor to theCrystal Ma/.uiui J^ukeavonue.—fiieiiuinugm netib was-then !n>tlia haiids of Miss Helen “Whitd.wheyof course, handled'fciie money (if the concern. •’*« .. It proved to be a ])opular eiitertaiiiincnt and'numerous.wem the ixifcroiiH ,who do- sli*cd to see Miss JoneS perform her aeriel feats wldie osteuslblyuudej;the influence of hypnotism.- Y . ' The hypnotizor uiade one mi stake, liow- pver, lie did »not plnco l\iiss W idte in. the mesmeristie, ate and slie is ’sjiid to have decnmiied wifch all the funds of the con- ccrii'Oii Monday of tins week.- For some l|me the salaries .of tlio corps of assistants were not paid and finally a clamor that, was hard to still was^raised fot* the-wages. Miss W hite sfcaved off the. troublebj;declaring that she was expect- ing a goodly si’ /ed check by every mail. On the day of her mysterious departure and after a particularly prosperous Satur- day, the manager said slie hud received the long looked for check and informed her employees tlmfc she was ghing up town to get ifc cashed and would return with rnmiey-snlTlclCTTtrfmnTl k~ .She is said to ha^vc stopped afc the Prlncc- tiuip.1 louse, where she boarded, ,puid .her Iwiard, packed her luggage and departed for jKirfcs unknown. She left 110 clue as to her desfcinntion, bufc did leave, ifc is siihl, about-&KH)-worfch--of—unpaid~bl1 is and 'KtvUvfiesr ; Fortunately for Stephen Ivupler,,ono of t he creditors wlio had been particularly in- sistent ip Id *--demands for^li is n 1011ey, his cliiiTu was Miss WhituTimRing over thcrtifclo of fchb Bhbw todnhi. He is now conducfclng. the show, thi; popttlaiifcy of which is constantly in- creasing. HORSE ON A RAMPAGE liiiiis. Amuck Destroying Furniture of ,J(. A. Wit! 11right, Ocean Grove,nml Narrowly KscupeM Killing ltuby*. A horse .attached to /a ' light delivei’y1 . -wagon—o f-J (isepii .^Ar~\VTai n rigl t'fcy Oceair Grove, spread consternation in the vicin-. ity oDtho Association building yesterday afternoon.- Ho dashed Ibrough the articles of furni- ure displayed in front of Mr. Wainriglit’s store, on’Olin street, spreading wreck ami ruin in his wake.* H e. seemed to have a special repugnance to tho croquet sets iipd balls, iiuillpts and wickets Hew in all di- rections. , ** ' After his diverting exercise anloiig the' household goods ami lawn games irted wildly.'across the, street to the_ McCahe Miiygerunf. imleher shop 01 Viletl up in neat array wero*:1f'ifUmher of boxes-iind barrels ami among these tlie nag plunged with, de.llght . A circus en- sued eciiialling th(it. across the track ,J The excited unimul was (inaUj^iptuved but not. hefore it narrowly escaped dashing jut the brains of a baby that .stood iu it,s path. 1 .' ' *; INJUNCTION STOPS SUIT Counter Claim of Indebted ness HtopS Suit of Kiclianl C:t,mphell Against raw- . ley Company for Kent. . ** G011 nst?i(h*“l t I i^irvey, jv ., rupiNisisi t- ing the Willlaui M. I’uwley eonrpjiThy of this city, has secured .an iujuiict-ioii m- sfcrainiirg Campbell of Manascpuui In’the prosecution of a civil suit against the coinpanjv. , Mr.-CiLmpbeXVwha ..is7 the-owner-of -tiie . V ■*.•■' . ..The Irouliles bf the toll takers are lii- er.(-‘a si ng -each dtiy a n d i t-i s b id^theuovclty of each now .trouble that keeps them .from succumbing and even Mus is waning; Not many days ago a* woman as broad as she was long; and laden down . with bundles and il six weeks’ old baby, approached the entrance of the upper bridge of* sigh! Slie was evidently-thinking of anything else than tile fee to be exacted and started ncjgssrwlien the taker" 1 11 n,'lbud voice .iif- ‘fortned libr* thut it .Would cost two cents,- one. fo r h e r s e lf ' a h d ot>Tb. f< it* th e in fa n t, ,to ehtfn’V-lhe. sacrbd preciucts of Ocean Gr«Wp. The lady hail no objection to giving tip tlm coppers, but she was at a considerable disadvantage to get .Ihem. Slurexplained this to the keeper, but.-the orders;were ab saliito-ami he -explained he must-collect tlio'rob. -Y^btlitiig daunled; tlie taker was. entrusted wifch thu infant-, and it-ihsfcud in his arms while ;th.e wbiAun-ktfd down her several bumlies and riunuinged iii a well tilled btuidbag for ‘the required amount. After considerable' searching t cop- ;’pers‘wei*e'tendered to the collector and lie was relieved of his burden.* - Ifc. is much-^X) be Tea red tliat sliould the new- n a m e hecouio km».\vi 1 Jtif_Ciiafc-nh»sfc art of becoming ac(|uaiiiied with- out the use of tho coromonibus introduo tion, commonly designated as flirting, tlmrc would begrehfcaddUions to the.ranks of those who by the use of their luifulker- chiefs aiul other jjretty means attract the attention of the opposite sex. , ’ Y The waving of tho little square, of lim* linen and lace is now* designated as the Ocean Grove salute after the. - fa pious' method of showing apiireciation now in use In that place. ..A pretty girl employed it; most success- fully yesterday. Sho stood on the bench front near, the fishing pier and ton good looking you tli on tlie siind the''‘signal was given. ' Mabel .was remonst rated with hy her companion and chidden forilirtihg. “Flirting;” she replied, “why its horrid of you to call the Ocean Grove .salute tili'flng.’1 . “ Tliey' had eviifenily 1 iwn to tlm after- luion perforinaiice afc the circus ami were returning home rehearsing in loud aiul ex- cited voices tlfe many wonderful things, timyhad seen. " “ M.v,"' siiid"Y>ne,~ “did you see thpse n\vfill.snakes ami they didn’t olTer to bite thu girl fchafc plcked them up.” . , “Hshaw,” replied her companion, “of course they didn’t, why they had ali their teeth pulled.” ARE TAKING LIFE EASY Trenton Cutlets ut llehiiur I>Isin*nsc iVitli Drills' ISecause of Heat ami Devote r-~“-TIieir A tteiitiini tirl*i'ctly ( r 1h : ‘The Treiifcon IH’gh .School cadets ■ en- uamped ufc A. and Sixteenth streets,-Hel- -inur, are having a*jolly, time. Tiie drills a 1*0 being dispensed with 011 account ofthe heat and tho young soldiers are very much in evidence around the pretty summer maids on tlie boardwalk. Tliere'is some complaint about, the fond lmt nil seem to be gaining in weight ami are in thu best of health. /Home, are suf- fering from sunburned arms 011 account of frequent bathing. ** immfemy..Aciifc avaa yjq.n.i can of corned beef yesterday but the beef was foiufd buried .in the rear of one of-Ihe ntusiciau’s tents. Numerous residents of Trenton have visited tlie etunj). •/* ; BOAT BOYS PROFIT TI11 MU Who OP,}«ct 1» Faying Toll In' the —Hrhlge—Men— l*almnlz<r-the~Itnw~~ ipivinises, brought an- action against the Taiyley company'before Justice Allen of ifoinfc Pleasanfc'for rent due Ip theamounfc •offcuOr r ; Y ' 7 : ‘ ; '. : The injunction was obtained from Vice- Chancellor Emery_ on the grounds that CampiieH wns indebted to (lie oompanylo the extent of $f»70. - ; - v *T UJs likely tlmfc .the difTiculties will'be amicably arranged before the date set for. argument of tlio_injunction. i . DUOWNIJ) IN 'A lillOOK. hors shpYvn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis "ir'fclieii* .Iinirf.tor A mii.’s l'1> |t^ S ^ ^ ^ > T ,n h ,ll//w nirrCI,(«r ,)y„ U..t In lx.nT Holtr-8unk Hofore Ald.Cwuld ko.GIyen, Clicstur’.Byb, nuixl al yi-urs, son nf 'Olirls- lo|ilior Dy.Oi who llvos at Oj'iUni’s. ciirnoi-, iium--Kuyjiort, wu« ilruwneil Tuosilny iiifilit while li/ii.hliik'1 11 u brook neat’ Ili-ookilale Tunh-iit Holindel ..... lie nmi"John MeCovmicIf went ln-l»alh- ing In thu brook about jialf-past 7 n’elook. yjas -win uiialjlu_t<i s\yim..__TUtbruok-ls. vei-y cieop in places nml the liul poL into one of these ileop plnces and wiis drowned. MeCorinick emliiiigercd his p^-n'life in trying torsive Ills eoinivinlon. Itoss 1‘AVIHONCONCJSIIT. -Tills.Ilvcn- T*rogra"in -ol Saniia Orchcstrn- p . ' Ing, 8 to 10 O’clock.- March—“On tin; Coast”,.," ......... . . Sauna Waltz—“Visalia” . . . ..Wabor Overture—“Doi- Frolsohutz" .l .Wehoi- Gavotte—“.Spring Illo^ionv”. - . Capone Doll Sohi—“Alway” •• ................... Dowers W .,0. Drown. __ '. Si»lwdlon—“I'b'iniiil"; — rVenll JUanco—" T h e Spi r i t s ” .Gowaii Medley—"Conntnwn" ....... Chattawav Intermezzo—* ‘Snhnno**....................Ijernnie 'i'wb.-stop.—“Midnight. .Chib"-...... Harvey • — : : : - ■ / Rennqt-lue'cures mdlgoatlou ■ { Xbiut. Ferries. . Since the installation of -policeinmi at the terminal cjf the Emory street bridge, the lioafc trallic has greatly increased. It is an ilf wind’ that blows no one good aml-inlthis daso it is tlie boat boys who ai’is- prontiug.. Afc each end of the bridge they moor their crafts and call to the pedcst ri- nnslls. they pass, “It's just as plica ji lo ride as walk.” Many.who* have conscientious scruples against paying loll are; feyrledjicrtvss seat.-: cd-. upon cushions, thus avoiding the trouble of walk; n g a tul possi i>le diHie ul ties With the eh forcers offthp rigid ru le,“ no-pay iio,pass.”j • ' ~ » ADUIJTEUATKI> MILK FOUND. Dairy CommlHsioiior M«Guli*'o."Will" IlnVp _£— it -Niu.nlier «r Dealerifr Arrested* Adulterated milkjihs been discovered iu llightstown, Atlantic City and Bridgeton by Htate 1 >alryithhnmlssloner McGuire, Tind complaints against.Hie oiTendingmilk dealers will tie,.sworn but’ this* week -by Mr. AIcGuire. z The names df the dealers, of whom there pie two 1 j1 'llightstown,“five in Atlantic City aiid twp in Bridgeton, will hot be made public until after thoir arrests. * *, The m ilk Was adultemtod With a pre- servatlyo khowii -as Cormaldobyde, w.hhdi is used witli the (dqcet i)f preventing tlie milk from becoming sour.. A tablespoon- fiil of the preservative will keep 10 qtiarts oL-i nil k-foiv48bthn*'sWNYblleWotriiiarVn fu l- to adults, jf used in small quantities, for- maldehyde is Injurious to chlldrOu. " ------------ , Wholesale Egg Omlct. lldd It been us liot this morning as it was yesterday the orate.of eggs which t he drivor of one of Htiles’ expi*ess wagons had the misfortune to drop at Mattison avenue ahd Emory strcot, would hnvh slz/jcd Into an onilot und would havo probably.been burned iii fho eooklng» About half iho eggs . woro ;broken •a nd* out of the mess* those remaining whole wore fished, „• Frank, H. Tubbs of Now York, tlio vocal teacher, editor ofsMiisicUfo uml vooaLed- i'tor of tho Musician, will bp pleased to- roz. eolvq calls a t his house.* BOS Spier .uvduuo, Allenhurst, during July and August. . . • ' ? - , .. . 15(5-31. Credgors of James H. Shep- rd„ & .^Son So Contend— AMOUNT INVOLVED IS.$24,000 Salt Drought, in Court o f CliJUietjry It}* •CotniKeloi* Ifurvey lo lfav«) fie't A side th e T w o €om li|,]<’im l C<uiv«*y«neeH 3Iatlt- To. AHbiTry Furk IStillding and Loan and Alrto Amtlher to C’lmrlcH L, Shepherd. „ Two'suits hiive>been l/rought: in . tlie* court of chancery'of New Jersey by Coun- selor ‘.Davitl Harvey, jr., representing the creditors of J; J[. .l?iiepherd Co.', grocers of this city/to liaye set asiile three mort- gages nuide by that firm wlileli it is claim-, ed were given hi contuhiplution of insol- venhy. « , The moiHgagcs , in queslhgrITggi^gTUo ^ibdJa'and weiti• givph, one -to .Charles Jj. Hhcphcwi of F-fecUoUl. fo r ^>1 ;2,(X>r>,’th e o th e r two, a m o u n tin g to $ri,r>0i) und $T>,tiOO to the Asbury Park Building and Loan associa- tion. . The hills wore filed in thb.najne of. John, lii! rLanning, trustee of the- Hhepherd ils * tajeVappointed by Judge Kirkpatrick uii* d er‘}»anUr nidcy. proceedings, . • ' ,• Jt -will bc_rL,callcd-.tliatLSo11 to— l-iiucr a g < i the Jmsiness house lu quest bin an hs- signiuenfc’to 1 Samuel-A. Patterson of this city. Counselor .Harvey, however, in the interests .of Wilkinson, Gaddis' &f Co/of Newariv; Git hens, Kexsainei* & Co.,; Miles Corwin & Co. and Alfred Lowrey Co. of Pliiladelpliia, filed a petition of involun- tary bankruptcy, and the members of the firm', James H. Shepherd ami J. Lhnvobd ,Shepherd, wei*e ad ju cheated bankrupts on March 5, 1JMKJ.. The bills of the present ^nlb, begun shortly after the bankruptcy proceedings; set forth'rt/htit on Opt. Mr. Hhep- herd and wife exeeutctl two clrrr irBTritdiirg atul Loan" association of tliTs cityand' that on Sept. •'!, 18!)8, a mortgage was given-- Mr. •Shepherd',S' brother at Freehold. ■ - - : It is claimed that jioth of (lie loan morfc- gages were given within four mouths of thpillirig-bf-tha-bankriiptoy-jmtithjn-nmi that,'tile otherindenture was recorded .also with the Mime tifiie and t lmt afc thi! time of the making of al) three Instruments tiie, company- was -insol vent, -nnd - that— they* were., given thnfc:.J>otlv_ nmr.tgngees might have {t larger percentage oii tlielr debt; than the other creditors. Under the bankruptcy act of 1SU8, it is claimed that the indentures an; void; The. contention is made that Charles St. Petersburg,. Thursday.—Gen! Kure patkin,,the Kussian minister of whir, has onh.’i’ed an .extensive military mirgani/a-^ tion northwest aiul•northeast of India and on tlurfrontiei* of western.Cliinin; ! More Nifivn Conti rilling ‘.Safety^ Ministers. ru ssels.—Thi.\'fb n»igiir 6ffiefi-a ii non need this morning that it had strong reasons for reviving the hope of the safely ofthe minister^ at. Pekin.. A telegi*ain received from M. Cavtiev'.’Belgiahdiploihatie agent* at Shanghai, s*iys: “Advice now cojtfirms report.that all Eurqpeansiiresafeiu Prior.c Ching's palace. Keport. massacre cont-ra* TlictwU’ ' ~~ ! /■ A despatch from Berlin this.morning anhouiiees Ihnfc Germany once send yujHKl inore troops to China, . ' Moro 31IssiotnirIes ^Slaaght iqu*cl. Shangba 1 , . .1*1 ily IS ( delayed ).-*—The for, .eign wpiueii and ehjldreir liavejbeen order- ed to leave the. ports along the ’Yangste river, llioting oceurred yesterday at; yang lake ami several missionaries-were killed and a Christian chajiel burned.*' It is staled the governor of the Hhhntuug prov- ince had issued orders to the Chinese.liiag- istraies to conflsclatextile personal aud church property of the native Christ ians. . KuH»lana_Driven-From-Tiixlti-Xnimv:—— Hlic.pherd held the mortga fmm record in older to aid and assist his hrither to obtain credit and tlmfc the mort - gagee at the time was fully aware.qf tlie fulling circumstances of the company.. The case has not-yet been referred to n vice thiinrelior: blit/f luff.Ayill likely soiuY he dope. A hearing will not be had be- fore next fall. •• . Hamtiel C. Cowart of Freobold ropreseiifs Charles L.’BhepIienl'niid ifawkinsY'c Dur- and of this city will pi’ote.ct. the interests of. the Building ami Loan association. The contention is made that the two loan mortgages Were j*one\yals of previous mortgages and a.rc not therefore hew in- dentures within the meaning - of the statute. IR0UH-0AR-H4-TS- OELIVERY WAGON Meat Wagon ‘Struck aiid Driver Thrown Oiit, l(a«i’ Ull injured - Horse itmis. * A roil ml Town. Trolley ear, No. -7'J, on t he.iimcr belt line I’ol'lideii with John Thomson’s meat* deliv- ery'' whg< *u, d riven by G ra nl. .Smith, tin IMii.i.n..^tj*eut,_neai/_Hilnin1erlIe-ld--avenue, aiimjt 1.1 'o’clock this morning.' “ — ■ ' The driver .was th rown uutiind the front w.lujel:and. s l i d o f , the wagon (!q*oUc,n. Tlie. horse, slightly, iiijuiyd, tore hims7*lf froni the wreck and.ranndown* to Asbury avenue, where it e.ollided with a iipnyeai't, but did little damage. - It then^ turned down Bond street and liad a clear road until it came to,. B.utinett's oyster market, corner of Cookman avenue and Bond st reet-, wh'efp it ran into Bennett’s horse i uidjwngmuui d -was-ca j)tu red. The trolley car, after a shbrt.delay, pro-, eeeded’on the run minus the fender and with a new crow in charge. Tiie accident, was caused hy Smith’s attempting to cross the-track While. driving in. the same direc- .tion iu which the jar was running. WIFE PAYS HUSBAND'S FINE She .Says it Is tho Lust Time, Iloi^jvcr,. Tluit. Slie Will i’ .et Illm Ont of' . Y *Jail iik J«»l> Is Too. Frtsjdent. Alexiuulmv Koliinsun, an old rounder, wns ujijjdTore Just ice 1 )(idtl^vuslurd;ty being,drunk Tind disorderly. - l ie lias siielr a fainiliar.uequaiiitaneo with polPie courts that he evidently-]:new what. warr^uynrtg jor lie had h i.s_wJfe-ihere_wi ththe-neeesi sary amou'nt of money;to pay Ihe fine and costs. . Tho better hajf Informed the maglsirnfi!1 ,' however,;£hat* this was tjie..last' timrnJhe wouhl conuVto her spouse’s assistance and *ifdie \vero uriH'Sted aga \n^sha-wfillted-him- sent !to Freehold.. The judge informed the woman that hereafter her wIsIhjs would he ? Death of Infant. Edward,;infaiit son of John and Bertha BrtUnce, suminer residents.hem.froin Long Island died late Jast night of oliolera in- fantum. The funeral services will ho held toinorn)w inoruing at* 10'o’clock iiiul the’ interment wiU be made at Mt. Prospect. Kev. Mr. Kalsfcon of New York city will preach In the Iteformod church next Hab- lmth-mornipgh nd-ovoning • .1710. 1733l5in.* Konnofc-lne cures Indigestion. v' .1 •./ Ki‘ntt T he -D m ' ly - Pliiiss;' .v Tzar?s Troops, Forming South and 'West of China. MORE MISSIONARIES KILLED. CllillcM t! U r n r r a l _Nltf.Il. I t e p o r t m l 11 Suioiili: and 10i»|Hrroi*'K\vang .Su Again I h; ii Uorj)HD-rj-Fronuli C e n tra l DcKlxirdcK . peiid—lloxer ihnlsSlirics Active at. llnng Kong.', . Shanghai.—A horde.of Boxers and armed pwysants on July li attacked and drove out the. Kuwm»i,s from the tuwiuif Tashi- Chow, iKTir New Chwang. The Chinese lost 7(H) men and- Russians also suffered heavily— Tliu- Russians -naye also been, tlriveii- frbiii Tien Chwang Tai, and the Cliincssi? hava.destroyed the railway north of Tushi-Chow. Russian reinforcements are being rtiShed to New Chwang. . . French .General Dead. Pn ri s;—Gen —Borgui w' T>es1 10rd e‘s ,“ eo 1 h- inander In chieCof the. French'forces in Chlnii, is deadi ?' . In another despatch .fmm Berlin it ’is semi-ofiiciuBy staved t hat the Chinese Gen- enil'N.ieli, who was iv ported to have been killed at, Tien-Tsln, was compelled tn com- mit suicide. Emperor Ivwang Hu is again rejKirted tlead. Do.ver KiuisHai'ics. pt Hoag Kong. * Hong Kong.—^The anxiety lias vastly in- ereascd -hoiuj-simie -Liv If ung UhaiigViJe~ part un*. Natives report the* arrival of boxer emissaries from the north wlio are preaching the* exterminat ion of the for- eigners. /.Gep. .Llu Ni, commander Li tiling Chang’s contingent Black. Flag troops, has been ordered t o march fco Pekin, lie had jusfc enlisted ?,5iK) men more. ICiiKHiii Declares War in Invaded Districts Ht. Petersburg.-^Certain porthms of the Amur district in Siberia,.which have bebii iifVnded J>y t he 0 hi 11 esiv 1 11 ive buenOfiiif];ii ly declared to bt; in a-state of war since July 17. ’ Y ■• _ ' , OREGON GOING TO TAKU. Is Notv .Safe at Knre, W here Tern porn r,v Will he Made. -• ..... Washing!on, /J’liursday,—The secretary of-the naVy has iycijdved a di*spa(ch frmii C unmaiider AVilde of the Oregon..dated Knre, July is. The irtossiige says the Oiv- •ron and the NashvilltV aia£vctl^ifc-lCn-m oJel«jelc-y(;st e relaya fternoo 1 r, Wilile asked' if he should iniike;or tmiiporary reijairs, siiyipg he preferred to make tom-, porary repairs and get; .the ship back to Taku. .*’. - -*Y Y -■* .- • : ' Heeivtarv IimUc seiit the foUmyjng icle^ gram lu i*eplj!7 ,.*Univei,.si.I reji»jcing over safety of Oreg'm, If safety of Oregon per- m its patqli and go to 'J’ak-u. 'Commend your preference for service there.” •RATTLESNAKE POISON IN HEER. T'mii* Voung Men Drink From Keg and. , T hreere Dead, Other, in Agony, v Ft. Dodge, Iowa, .Thursday. — Four young iiuln,*living in .CeiTe-Gordo eouuiyT drank from.a keg of liect*, and a.-f a result- three tiled a ml t lie.' fou rlh is .su fieri ng. ter- rible agony. An. investigation showed that- the keg contained the remains of a large rattiesnake . ... * Trudy Treaty .With Ilaly. ■■■ . Washington, Thursday .— The reelp- rneity treaty- wilh , Italy Has 'bwn . j»n;- elaimed .by the state department. The LYli.*h».s ^ u p o u - ^ w h ic li.- e o n i - c s s i o n s .wenr. r Tti iuade ' of Tt»lian uuimifae.ture enteriu] t he United States are piiiei ieal ly t he saiuc TTTivTTe"riTcludeiI in th e tre a ty WlTTfTtvvj Tho. Wcitlhcr. Y Washington, Thiu*sday.~-Generally fair tonight; and Prh]ay; warnier Friday; light to fnvsli north westerly winds!. _P Mrs, Ferry nelm'ont :IIL NtgvporL R. L. Yuly P).—Mrs. Perry Dei in onr is'H.sfiu'ering- Trqii?-.appendicitis'. Dr.LiVijirnm .M., l'olk' of'New York wifi perfotmi’lTii operathm. 31 rs. Belmont’s .uhsciire .from, the drive ant! the usual social round for - several Mays g«\V -:risi* fo. some eommeid, but' few 'q!**hei* ae- cpuitutnncoK knew, tliat ’she wtm nlilicted with any .seVioiis illness. * ' ./ .SHridy Ktllpil liy IIeat%... • *: New* Yorl;, Jt 1ly 1!).— Q y e 1 * 70 people Rh . Illillrj IIIHl' -III . E 111 nuluy of jvhnm \vill siii'pniiili. .Ovc-r.linlf of tilt- fnlalitios wi't-o mnonk'liiiliies nnd littlo oliihllollt oml tlioro 1110 now ubout .40 lii'ilii'.s ol* liio tiulo-oucs ljing at tliu' aiorgtic at Udbivuc. ' ' ” , R eal E state I nsurance M ortgages MILAN ROSS AGENCY 203 MAIN STREET Monmouth Trust -AND- it nonmontb. BulldluY, Asbury Park, H. J. CAPITAL, ....... .$100,000. SURPLUS,.../... 25,000. Kxcctnert all trusts known-to the law. •• Loans money on bond and mortgage. Receives deposits subject* to check and allows iuterest on daily balances. Acts hh Trustee, Registrar and {rransfarAgent. . Pays coupotiK. v! ".* . 1 / Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral. T il',' Sale deposit vaults. j,'1 P .... A. C. TWINING. President. Q. U.-M.-HARVIfV^VIre-Presldent, —— , R. A. TOSTING, SecrcUry. D. C. COHNKI.II, Tressuier. DIRECTORS: O. H. Brown, R. A. TnstlOR, J. H. Buchitnon, Henry Mtiehril, M. D, I). C. Cornell, John P. O'Brien, W. J. Harrison, Perry K. Smith. Col. G.-HrMrHarrey, b. A. Pntterson, GcorRe V. Kroehl A. O. Twlnlne, Bruce 8. Keator, M. D„ H, 11. Vreelanil, G. Dr W . Vroora. A trial will convince you that we. have The Neatest The Best .. .The Most Reliable. ... STATIONERY STORE in this City. Wo tvtrry (tvorythiugl fo’ ba found in a well stocked store of this kind. 5/000 Novels at 10c Stationer %. Newsdealer Cor. Bond St. aud Kattison Aye. ,L- H igli 'G rade FisliingTackle -ItepalrlngumtdaH and lteeSTI -.CIGARS IAND TOBACCO Imported Key W wt mid Doraentle. CIgans and all ' ‘ r t i c iHiijolterH’ ArtlcUw. .. . Tho beat cigar that & centa can buy. I P 64*7 1-2 <j« v**, Cookman Avenue, -—Itrobably.- not, but- w hirlin' the- risk of scrionjily injuring your Eyes by the use of- incofreetVy fitted glitsscs wlien you can have them skillfully adjusted by STILES & CO. Pklladelrhta Eye Specialists At C 22 Main street,.Asbury Park,' Hours, 10 to 5.- Freo examination anti all 'wnrlnninTinitfijtj. ■ OF A5BORY PARK Avenue and Bpnd Street ( . Fetween roatofSce otid*Dopofc "tjlCQTtWIZ CP PjiH KUAR Y .ia a t . OFFICERS: GEORGE F. KROEHL, Proalflont O. Ii: BROWN, let Vico Pronlilont----- M. L. BAMMAN, 2nd Vico 1'reeiilout M.‘H. 8COTT, eaahler. Patrona* valuables recfllvod for nufa keeping fr6e of oharga". Foreign exchange bought and »o!d C ollections prom ptly acknowledged . i YOUR BUSINESS FAVOR8 HK- SPRCTFULLY SOLICITED. 07126381

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Page 1: STATIONERY STORE - DigiFind-It · • Mrs. S. T. Guorry of Atlanta, Ga„ is a visitor ufc tho Aurora, Ocean Urovb. Sfce- has been a summer, resltlont fcliery for 18 years; She is

- 1 '■

L a t e N e w s / B y T e l e g r a p h

F O U R T E E N T H Y E A R . N O . 171. A S R U lt Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y , T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 19,' 1900. -) E V E N IN G E D I ' l l O N —P l'i f C E O N E C E N T |

FOR SALEA sp lend idproperty on Asbury Avenue, second block fromocean. A decided

ain for some body. Call'and get particulars.

208 Eo^nd Street,

Asbury Park, N. J.


I Hotel Brunswick,Ofkcm k llnilroad Depot and

J1214 Bangs Avenue. tTJnuJtml O n i c o . ,800.MAIN 8TRBB1

, Uoods cf iretl at reasonnble rates,’v > T c l3 p b p U Q .co n n e ctio n . -

- - A s b u r y . P A R SP.O . Box Cd7, -

YOU For otherwise I could not help your failing eyesight with spec-

‘ !* A D L ' tnclea or eyeglasses. , Hut tbe pa^ . ‘ tlent, helpful nose Is barbarously

j » TT'tr treated,and the French name fori ^ U L h . X eyfgiaeseH, plneo-no2.(plnch-nosg)

Tvaa well selected. ' ^TO L e t m o s h o w y o u a n e w th in g In

HA VE •. '...EYEGLASSES'.which was contrived for nose comfort. When “you' wear'vpnfrNOSE ot my eyeglasses your nose will

J, be ofl Itcky as your oyea.

GLAUDE J. WISEMAN,J e w e l e r a n d O p t i c i a n

6 4 5 C o o k m a n A v e .

■ OlasooB, -Wfttolic.H iuul jewelry repairedwith promptness and skill. ’ •


Bond and

In sums ranging from

W M . H . BEEGLE ,. •>' 226 MAIN STREET, •

Asbury Park.

M A RY 'S D IL E M M A -Maryi Mary, i|ulto contrary, tjuirerlui' acliea and pains;All tliu trouhlu th a t you havo. la ■’cause your eyes you strain,

-tlutii-pulr-nt-B hisses,——— — Pitted need aiid true,You never will lie happy ' Mary, till you dp.

... A larpe proportion or lieadaclio, nervous. itoss, hysteria ami iiisoiiuihi ia, oausoll by

- oyu strain.™ Tlio ■ removal ot tlio cause (it- fcota a-permanent euro. 1

W i l l a r d C . W i s e m a nQRADUATU OPTICIAN

Asbury-Park Optical Parlor,6 0 3 C o o k m a n A v e n u e .

Cor. Emory Htroot,

Capital $50,000 Bat o r J 5 0 , 0 . 0 0-f-

A s k r y P ark and Ocean Grove

C o rn e r M a ttiso n A v e . a n d M ain S t . , ASBURY PA R K . N. j . ■ ;

Corner Main Avenue and Pilgrim pathway A * . OCEAN UROVE.

H E N R Y O. W IN H O It. P r e s id e n t.■ Q UO. W . K V A N H , V lce -P rcflldent.

E D M U N O E , D A Y T Q N , OaaM or ,» J E 8 8 B M iN O T , A s s is ta n t C f ih le r .

, .’DUIKCTOUS:T. fnAHK A iT h .n l - on . j . A* V . u r r u io z , H. «. nUOjUNON JOUN nUIIIIAUDO, 0. pn»TTON taw il IU IN K i IIano. w.jrviHB ' dm. w. tbb« ■ •

.KMU80H ■■ ____ AMOa.XIZAONs u m o . w r a so n

A c c o u n ts R e s p e c t f u l ly S o l lo l to d . S a f e "DOpflalt B o x e s to R e n t.W e I s s u e F o r o l g n O r a f t s a n d L a t ­

e r e o f C r e d i t , ’ . • .•'<


F r i d g e : Guarding Policemen 'Are Three in Number Today.

T A Y L O R H E A R I N G T O M O R R O WV lcc^ P rc ft id cn t. I .I s ill iin l o f O cean d ro v e

AHKociattim am ! OH lCbl’s* C o n fe r W ith O p u iiH o lI iT F ^ F iU tc r t ib ir 'n ili l ^ W u rn in t is ,A ft« rtv u r il I s s u e d - F o r S im p le A s sa u lt. IIe iir lilig ,u it--iL-A f -SI. .ToinorrowL---/- - /

TIhj question* of toll tak ing ou Clio Wus- •ley iako bridges Ih rapidly approaching a crisis. ■■This m orn ing then? wore thrco po- liiin olUourH a t fcho term inal of thu Emory street struefcuro, 'Thoy st|i(l thoy woro thcro fco compel passorsby fco pay toll and if they .could not more oiricors w ould ho sent, and .if ' they wore., th o i/ stiU unable to enforce Lfyo-rule. clubs and 'revolvers would he usejl. , . . ' ” ; _> ‘. W alter Taylor, the herd of yesterday Js adventure again attem pted to. pass, but- the trio of bravo defenders .was too much for him and .they held fcho bridge bravely. There w as a decidedly lively tussle, in which T aylor-h shirfcjivus torn, blit*ho had toTdcsist. /Himvjis ri)Vvecl over in .sta te on one o f fche barges th a t ply from shore to shore.

Taylor’s exciting adventure o f. ycster- day, narra ted in yesterday's publication, resulted in hism rrest this morning.

The trio of oilier ra am i Y ice-President. Ha Hard of tlio Ocean Grove association were closeted w ith the association counsel, Sainuci A. Patterson , this* m orning for some tim e, determ ining the exact method’ of procedure lii tlio case

I t was decided th a t a w arran t be issued and com plaint was form ally made before rTus|ice-iTohn-Ar-Boi'(l<riH>y:J)ei,i,ick--Ib)agland for sim ple assault, clearly avoiding fliislng the.issue n’s to the right of the as- jiOciaUoit to enforce the to if collection. -

Taylor was notified to apjicar a t the po­lice court th is afternoon a t 1 o'clock, but ifc appears th a t Complainan11foagland wnsMotappri s c i lb r i HcJicurijig a m il fc-wasad - joimiori* un til tom orrow m orning a t U o’clock. ,

Mr. Ballard, is quoted a« having said tlm t i f necessary- f>(H i ie n wou hW m placed• a t the bridge and SIOO.UW .spent to^ouforce. the collection of the,toll.- A t u late-houi’-t his nfternoon’ carpenters

NVvro a t w ork erecting gates' afc the Ocean Grovo.. term inal o f the Emory street bridge. No “ pearly gates” will be erected a t the lo win; bridge.


W n iiH i’r l i i g K v im g e l l r i t K | >i^cts j j ly f » i<l A111

In Jlecltliiig W hether He Shall Jtu**’ jvarf n r (iu to. VrHini,

tV police ease w ith somewiiafc unusual circuuisUiu.ei'S wits Indore Justice Borden la s t night. I)av!d Collinst.\vhd claimed U» be an evangelist ; was arrested as a vag­rant. 1 Ie was ftmml sleeping bn oho of t he 1 jcnches i n th'e'siTcrcd preei ncts of f lie .SiVl- vation A rm y grounds 011 Cookmaq. ave­nue.- The arrested man has'.hufc one leg and a re tu rn ticket to New-York. :

lie had a long taku to tell t’he justjee about liis evangelistic work and the good

ami after lookIng^ovcv^thir m an decided lo give him the option of using his iv(urn ticjiet i.uLhis one leg aud Tetui’ii to Xew York o r taKe *10 days In jail, ••

Collins inform ed the judge, howiiver* th a t he would have to wait a little until the spirit moved him' to decide upon the one or the other. l ie -sa id he had seen -11 i sl i * > j i-Ki izgeiiihi-o f-Geei 11 >Gruvnniid~MTtr IVradlcy. b u rth ese geiTtleniei»_wcre-u 11able to assist him and he now desired to in ter­view ?>1 v. B ajlard as lie understood tlia t he wouldTnh him.

The : judge ordered hlu\ taken to P a rkhall for a tim e to give’th e s p ir i t "a eliaiietv to work upon him . A t last report the spirit, had not. ye t p u t in an appearance and the fellow is likely to make- use of Ids retut’ii-tickl'd* or leg and decamp.-

L O C A L H A P P E N I N G SThedjeach band plays n t Asbury avenue

tonight. /Dissatisfied. taxiKiyers may complain be­

fore t he city usKessm'S'fcpdivyttGrievitnces will be heard In the coiuicil' chain her.

.Special Imrgi^Tis will prevail the next fewslays a t the Davis s to re .. T ho . goods" u n d e rtliis liead iu g aro described in ... their adver.' today. - _

George P ittehgor of th is city has re tu rn ­ed from a two days • trlj) to Hartford,Conn.; whe«> he w as eailwl on lmsiness connected witli the A etna Eife Insurance company.

The kindness of the friends and noigh-

during'fcheirdqughtpr A nna-’s la s t siokness wmrixrenGyTlTfpr^iucd ny :tluT“ parents. pT" *' _ ^- Thft atlentibTi o f onr readers is directed to the special side nf clothing inaugurated today b y the Surprise Clotliing comjiaiiy, MiYOHT M attison ii venue. Iteud adv. for5 luirtioulars.. , . \ ■• Mrs. S. T. Guorry of A tlan ta , Ga„ is a visitor ufc tho A urora, Ocean Urovb. Sfce- has been a sum m er, resltlont fcliery for 18 years; She is the mother-in-law of Editor Itlehardson of-tho.A tlanta Constlt-utioni -

Chris*. Liuler, form erly of tills, city, has been, an inm ate bf the St.' Frances hospital, T renton, for* tlio past m onth. Ho wnsfc.u

~ * •* ' -rtbVH-carries Ills loft arm Id a sling. - l ie is a vis- itb r In A sbury P a rk for a few, day s.FALLS*; 1X13111 t o m o n k y a n D k k l ic s ,

Death of Ilelutlvo Considerably . Knriclics. Mrs. A* ConttoU o f Tpla City. ‘

; Airs; A, Copdoll of th is city, through the ileivth of u yelatlvo, has boepmo the owperof a considerable sum of mpnoy. -V ulu- ablo Uelrlbums luivb also 'come into hot*nbssosslon v w h ie lir sh o pri/.es highly.Aniong>ho antiqiiltlosTfiii set <if old china useil a t Mrs. Gondoll’a groatgrimd-mothBr’s . wedding over 150 years" ago. Table am i biitt*linens sim ll\A. *n ............................ fcheLlong-agoa ud biivor itt^ o ther vaU^ud re lic s .. :

Manager of Miss Jones o f London Takes French Leave.

S A I D T O O W E $300 O R M O R EDemands of Creditors Staved- Off by the ; . Proiiiisu of Long lixpccted Cheek—Kin-

pioyces Mmirn T heir Unpaid .Salaries. T itle of the Sho\v> Mude Over to Secure Ono Doht.

" 7 0 Iie of the’ inosfc mysterious o f the suni' m er amuseiueiifcs in this eity is tfbesfci*ange

i\ 1 iss j o 1 u!s-X>f lv0nr 1 r111,” b u t (his is'ifrifi half as m ysterious as thp disappearance''of' Miss Helen W hit e, u n til lately m anager or the po))iilar ehtertainm ent.

In the early sum m er the novelty arrived, .hero and becaino a neighbor to theC rysta l Ma/.uiui J^ukeavonue.—fiieiiuinugm netib w as-then !n>tlia haiids of Miss Helen “W hitd.wheyof course, handled'fciie money (if the concern. •’ *« ..

I t proved to be a ])opular eiitertaiiiincnt and'num erous.w em the ixifcroiiH ,who do- sli*cd to see Miss JoneS perform her aeriel feats wldie osteuslb lyuudej;the influence of hypnotism.- Y . '

The hypnotizor uiade one mi stake, liow- pver, lie did »not plnco l\iiss W id te in. the mesmeristie, a te and slie is ’sjiid to have decnmiied wifch all the funds of the con- ccrii'Oii Monday of tins week.-

F o r some l|m e the salaries .of tlio corpsof assistants were no t paid and finally a clam or th a t, was hard to still was^raised fot* the-wages. Miss W hite sfcaved off the. troub leb j;dec laring th a t she w as expect­ing a goodly si’/ed check by every m ail.

On the day of her m ysterious departure and a f te r a particularly prosperous S atur­day, the m anager said slie hud received the long looked fo r check and informed her employees tlmfc she w as ghing up town to get ifc cashed and would re tu rn w ithrnmiey-snlTlclCTTtrf mnTl k~

.She is said to ha^vc stopped afc the Prlncc- tiuip.1 louse, where she boarded, ,puid .her Iwiard, packed her luggage and departed for jKirfcs unknow n. She left 110 clue as to her desfcinntion, bufc did leave, ifc is siihl, about-&KH)-worfch--of—unpaid~bl1 is and 'KtvUvfiesr ;

F ortunate ly for Stephen Ivupler,,ono of t he creditors wlio had been particularly in ­sis ten t ip Id * --demands fo r^li is n 1011 ey, his cliiiTu was Miss WhituTimRing over thcrtifclo of fchb Bhbw todnhi.

H e is now conducfclng. the show, thi; popttlaiifcy of which is constantly in ­creasing. •

H O R S E O N A R A M P A G Eliiiiis . Amuck Destroying F urn itu re of ,J(.

A. Wit! 11 right, Ocean G rove,nm l Narrowly KscupeM Killing ltuby*.

A horse .attached t o / a ' light delivei’y1. -wagon—o f-J (isepii .^Ar~\VTai n rigl t'fcy Oceair Grove, spread consternation in the vicin-. ity oDtho Association building yesterday afternoon.-

Ho dashed Ibrough the articles of furni- ure displayed in front of Mr. W ainrig lit’s

store, o n ’Olin street, spreading wreck ami ru in in his wake.* H e . seemed to have a special repugnance to tho croquet sets iipd balls, iiuillpts and wickets Hew in all di­rections. , ** '

A fter his diverting exercise anloiig the' household goods am i lawn games

irted w ildly.'across the, street to the_ McCahe leher shop 01

Viletl up in neat array wero*:1f'ifUmher of boxes-iind barrels am i am ong these tlie nag plunged with, de.llght . A circus en­sued eciiialling th(it. across the track ,J

The excited unimul w as (inaU j^ip tuved bu t not. hefore it narrow ly escaped dashing ju t the brains of a baby th a t .stood iu it,s path. • 1 . ' ' *;

I N J U N C T I O N S T O P S S U ITCounter Claim of I n d e b t e d ness HtopS S u i t

of Kiclianl C:t,mphell Against raw - . ley Company for Kent. . **

G011 nst?i(h*“l t “ I i^irvey, jv ., rupiNisisi t- ing the W illlaui M. I ’uwley eonrpjiThy of th is city, has secured .an iujuiict-ioii m- sfcrainiirg Campbell of Manascpuui In’ the prosecution of a civil su it against the coinpanjv. ,

Mr.-CiLmpbeXVwha ..is7 the-owner-of -tiie

. V ■ ■*.•■' ...The Irouliles bf the toll takers are lii-

er.(-‘a si ng -each dtiy a n d i t-i s b id ^ theuovclty of each now .trouble th a t keeps them .from succum bing and even Mus is waning; Not m any days ago a* woman as broad as she was long; and laden down . w ith bundles and il six weeks’ old baby, approached the entrance of the upper bridge of* sigh! Slie was evidently-thinking of anything else than tile fee to be exacted and started ncjgssrwlien th e taker" 111 n ,'lbud voice .iif- ‘fortned libr* thu t i t .Would cost two cents,- one. for herse lf ' ahd ot>Tb. f< it* the in fa n t, ,to ehtfn’V-lhe. sacrbd preciucts of Ocean Gr«Wp.

The lady hail no objection to giving tip tlm coppers, b u t she was a t a considerable disadvantage to g e t .Ihem. Slurexplained this to the keeper, but.-the orders;were ab saliito-ami he - explained he m ust-collect tlio'rob. -Y^btlitiig daunled; tlie taker was. en trusted wifch thu infant-, and it-ihsfcud in his arm s while ;th.e wbiAun-ktfd down her several bumlies and riunuinged iii a well tilled btuidbag for ‘the required am ount. A fter considerable' searching t cop- ;’pers‘wei*e'tendered to the collector and lie was relieved of his burden.* -

Ifc. is much-^X) be Tea red tlia t sliould the new- n ame hecouio km».\vi 1 Jtif_Ciiafc-nh»sfc a r t of becoming ac(|uaiiiied w ith­o u t the use of tho coromonibus in troduo tion, commonly designated as flirting, tlmrc would begrehfcaddUions to the.ranks of those who by the use of their luifulker- chiefs aiul o ther jjre tty means a ttrac t the a tten tion of the opposite sex. , ’ Y

The w aving of tho little square, of lim* linen and lace is now* designated as the Ocean Grove salu te after the. - fa pious' method of show ing apiireciation now in use In th a t place...A pretty g irl employed it; most success­fully yesterday. Sho stood on the bench fron t n ea r, the fishing pier and to n goodlooking you tli on tlie siind the''‘signal was given. ' Mabel .was remonst rated w ith hy her companion and chidden fo rilirtihg . “ F lirting ;” she replied, “why its horrid of you to call the Ocean Grove .salute tili'flng.’1 .

“ T liey' had eviifenily 1 iwn to tlm after- luion perforinaiice afc the circus am i were retu rn ing home rehearsing in loud aiul ex­cited voices tlfe m any wonderful things, tim yhad seen." “ M.v,"' siiid"Y>ne,~ “did you see thpse n\vfill.snakes am i they didn’t olTer to bite thu girl fchafc plcked them up.” ., “ Hshaw,” replied her com panion, “of course they didn’t, w hy they had a li their teeth pulled.”

’ A R E T A K I N G L I F E E A S YT r e n t o n C u t le t s u t l l e h i i u r I> Isin * n sc i V i t l i

D r i l l s ' I S e c a u s e o f H e a t a m i D e v o t e r-~“- T I ie i r A t t e i i t i i n i t i r l * i ' c t l y ( r 1 h :

‘The Treiifcon IH’gh .School cadets ■ en- uamped ufc A. and Sixteenth streets,-Hel- -inur, a re having a* jolly, tim e. Tiie drills a 1*0 being dispensed with 011 account o fth e heat and tho young soldiers are very much in evidence around the pretty sum m er maids on tlie boardwalk.

T liere'is some com plaint about, the fond lm t nil seem to be gain ing in weight ami are in thu best of health. /Home, are suf­fering from sunburned arm s 011 account of frequent bathing. ** im m fem y..A ciifc avaa yjq.n.ican of corned beef yesterday b u t the beef w as foiufd buried .in the rear of one of-Ihe ntusiciau’s tents. Numerous residents of T renton have visited tlie etunj). •/* ;

B O A T B O Y S P R O F I TTI11MU W ho OP,}«ct 1» Faying Toll In' the


ipivinises, brought an- action against the Taiyley company'before Justice Allen of ifoinfc Pleasanfc'for ren t due Ip theamounfc•offcuOr r ; Y ' 7 : ‘ ; '. :

The injunction was obtained from Vice- Chancellor Emery_ on the grounds th a t CampiieH wns indebted to (lie oom panylo the ex ten t of $f»70. — - ; - v *T

U Js likely tlmfc .the difTiculties w ill'be am icably arranged before the date set for. a rgum ent of tlio_injunction. i .

DUOW NIJ) IN 'A lillOOK.hors shpYvn Mr. an d Mrs. Charles Francis

"ir'fclieii* .Iinirf.tor A mii.’s l'1>|t ^ S ^ ^ ^ > T , n h , l l / / w nirrCI,(«r ,)y„ U..t In lx.nTH oltr-8unk Hofore Ald.Cwuld ko.GIyen, Clicstur’.Byb, nuixl a l yi-urs, son nf 'Olirls-

lo|ilior Dy.Oi who llvos a t Oj'iUni’s. ciirnoi-, iium--Kuyjiort, wu« ilruwneil Tuosilny iiifilit while li/ii.hliik'1 11 u brook neat’ Ili-ookilale Tunh-iit Holindel.....

l ie nmi"John MeCovmicIf w ent ln-l»alh- ing In thu brook about jialf-past 7 n’elook. yjas -win uiialjlu_t<i s\yim..__TUtbruok-ls. vei-y cieop in places nml the liul poL into one of these ileop plnces and wiis drowned. MeCorinick emliiiigercd his p ^ -n 'life intrying torsive Ills eoinivinlon.

I t o s s 1‘A V I H O N C O N C J S I I T .

-Tills.Ilvcn-T*rogra"in -ol Saniia Orchcstrn- p. ' Ing, 8 to 10 O’clo ck .-

March—“ On tin; Coast” ,.," .. . . . . . . . . .SaunaW altz—“V isalia” . . . ..W ab o rOverture—“ Doi- Frolsohutz" .l .Wehoi-Gavotte—“.Spring Illo^ionv” . - . CaponeDoll Sohi—“A lw ay” ••.............. . . . . .D o w e rs

W .,0 . Drown. __ ' .Si»lwdlon—“ I'b'iniiil"; — rVenllJUanco—"T he Spi r i t s” .Gowai i Medley—"C onntnw n". . . . . . .Chattaw avInterm ezzo—* ‘Snhnno**....................Ijernnie'i'wb.-stop.—“M idnight. .Chib"-.. . . . . Harvey

• — : : : - ■ /Rennqt-lue'cures mdlgoatlou ■ {

X b iu t. F e r r i e s .

. Since the installation of -policeinmi at the term inal cjf the Emory stree t bridge, the lioafc trallic has greatly increased.

I t is an i l f wind’ th a t blows no one good am l-inlthis daso i t is tlie boat boys who ai’is- p ro n tiu g .. Afc each end of the bridge they moor their c rafts and call to the pedcst ri- nnslls. they pass, “ I t 's ju s t as plica ji lo ride as w alk .”

Many.who* have conscientious scruples against paying loll are; feyrledjicrtvss seat.-: cd-. upon cushions, thus avoiding the trouble of walk; n g a tul possi i>le diHie ul ties With the eh forcers off thp rigid ru le,“ no-pay iio,pass.”j • ' ~ »


Dairy CommlHsioiior M«Guli*'o."Will" IlnVp _£— it - Niu.nlier «r Dealerifr Arrested*

A dulterated m ilk jihs been discovered iu lligh tstow n, A tlan tic C ity an d Bridgeton by Htate 1 >alryithhnm lssloner McGuire, Tind com plaints against.Hie oiTendingmilk dealers w ill tie,.sworn but’ this* week -by Mr. AIcGuire. z

The names df the dealers, of whom there p ie two 1j1 'lligh tstow n ,“five in A tlantic City aiid twp in Bridgeton, w ill hot be made public un til after thoir arrests. * *,

The m i l k W as adultem tod With a pre- servatlyo khowii -as Cormaldobyde, w.hhdi is used w itli the (dqcet i)f preventing tlie m ilk from becoming so u r .. A tablespoon- fiil of the preservative w ill keep 10 qtiarts oL-i nil k-foiv48bthn*'sWNYblleWotriiiarVn f u l- to adults, jf used in sm all quantities, for­maldehyde is Injurious to chlldrOu." ------------

, W h o l e s a l e E g g O m l c t .lld d It been us liot th is m orning as it

was yesterday th e orate.of eggs which t he drivor of one of Htiles’ expi*ess wagons had the m isfortune to drop a t M attison avenue ahd Emory strcot, would hnvh slz/jcd Into an onilot und would havo probably.been burned iii fho eooklng» A bout half iho eggs . woro ;broken •a nd* o u t of the mess* those rem aining whole wore fished, „•

Frank, H. Tubbs of Now Y ork, tlio vocal teacher, editor ofsM iisicUfo uml vooaLed- i'tor of tho Musician, w ill bp pleased to- roz. eolvq calls a t his house.* BOS S pier .uvduuo, A llenhurst, during J u ly and A ugust.

.. . • ' ? - , .. . 15(5-31.

Credgors of James H . Shep- rd„ & .^Son So Contend—

A M O U N T I N V O L V E D I S . $24,000

S a l t D r o u g h t , i n C o u r t o f C liJ U ietjry It}* •C otn iK elo i* I f u r v e y l o l fa v « ) fie 't A s id e t h e T w o € o m li |,]< ’im l C <uiv«*y«neeH 3Iatlt- T o. A H biT ry F u r k I S t i l ld in g a n d L o a n a n d A lrto A m t l h e r t o C’lm r lc H L , S h e p h e r d . „

T w o 'su its hiive>been l/rought: in .tlie*court of chancery'of New Jersey by Coun­selor ‘.Davitl Harvey, jr., representing the creditors of J ; J[. .l?iiepherd Co.', grocers of this c ity /to liaye set asiile three mort­gages nuide by th a t firm wlileli it is claim-, ed were given hi contuhiplution of insol- venhy. « ,

The moiHgagcs , in queslhgrITggi^gTUo ^ibdJa'and w eiti• givph, one -to .C harles Jj. Hhcphcwi of F-fecUoUl. for >1 ;2,(X>r>,’the other two, am ounting to $ri,r>0i) und $T>,tiOO to the A sbury P a rk B uilding and Loan associa­tion. . •

The hills wore filed in thb.najne of. John, lii! rLanning, trustee o f the- Hhepherd ils* tajeVappointed by Judge K irkpatrick uii* d e r ‘}»an Ur nidcy. proceedings, . • ',• J t -will bc_rL,callcd-.tliatLSo11to—l-iiucrag<i the Jmsiness house lu quest bin an hs- signiuenfc’t o 1 Samuel-A. Patterson of this city. Counselor .Harvey, however, in the interests .of W ilkinson, Gaddis' &f Co/of Newariv; Git hens, Kexsainei* & Co.,; Miles Corwin & Co. and Alfred Lowrey Co. of Pliiladelpliia, filed a petition of involun­tary bankruptcy, and the members of the firm', Jam es H. Shepherd am i J . Lhnvobd ,Shepherd, wei*e ad ju cheated bankrup ts on March 5, 1JMKJ.. ■

The bills of the present ^nlb, begun shortly afte r the bankruptcy proceedings; set forth'rt/htit on Opt. Mr. Hhep-herd and wife exeeutctl two niortgages.toclrrrirBTritdiirg atu l Loan" association of tliTs c ity a n d ' th a t on Sept. •'!, 18!)8, a mortgage was g iven-- Mr. •Shepherd',S' brother a t Freehold. ■ - - :

I t is claimed th a t jioth of (lie loan morfc- gages w ere given within four mouths of thpillirig-bf-tha-bankriiptoy-jm tithjn-nm i that,'tile o therinden tu re was recorded .also with the Mime tifiie and t lmt afc thi! time of the m aking of al) three Instrum ents tiie, company- was - insol vent, -n n d - th a t— they* were., given thnfc:.J>otlv_ nmr.tgngees m ight have {t larger percentage oii tlielr debt; tthan the other creditors.

U nder the bankruptcy act of 1SU8, it is claimed th a t the indentures an; void;

The. contention is made th a t Charles

St. Petersburg,. Thursday.—Gen! Kure patkin,,the Kussian m inister of whir, has onh.’i’ed an .extensive m ilita ry mirgani/a-^ tion northw est aiul•northeast of India and on tlurfrontiei* of western.C liinin; !More Nifivn Conti rilling ‘.Safety^ Ministers.

ru ssels.—Thi.\'fb n»igiir 6ffiefi-a ii non need this m orning that it had strong reasons for reviving the hope of the safely ofthe minister^ at. Pekin.. A telegi*ain received from M. Cavtiev'.’Belgiahdiploihatie agent* a t Shanghai, s*iys: “Advice now cojtfirms report.that all Eurqpeansiiresafeiu Prior.c Ching's palace. Keport. massacre cont-ra*

TlictwU’ ' ~~ ! /■A despatch from Berlin th is.m orning

anhouiiees Ihnfc Germany w once send yujHKl inore troops to China, . '

Moro 31 IssiotnirIes Slaaght iqu*cl.Shangba 1, . .1*1 ily IS ( delayed ).-*—The f o r ,

.eign wpiueii and ehjldreir liavejbeen order­ed to leave the. ports a long the ’Yangste river, llio ting oceurred yesterday at; yang lake am i several missionaries-were killed and a Christian chajiel burned.*' I t is staled the governor of th e Hhhntuug prov­ince had issued orders to the Chinese.liiag- istraies to conflsclatextile personal aud church property of the native Christ ians. .


Hlic.pherd held the mortgafmm record in o lder to aid and assist his h rith e r to obtain credit and tlmfc the mort ­gagee at the tim e was fully aware.qf tlie fulling circum stances of the company..

The case has not-yet been referred to n vice thiinrelior: b lit/f luff.Ayill likely soiuY he dope. A hearing will not be had be­fore next fall. ••

. Hamtiel C. Cow art of Freobold ropreseiifs Charles L .’BhepIienl'niid ifawkinsY'c D ur­and of th is city will pi’ote.ct. the interests of. the Building ami Loan association. The contention is made th a t the two loan mortgages Were j*one\yals of previous mortgages and a.rc not therefore hew in­dentures w ithin the m eaning - of the statute.


Meat Wagon ‘Struck aiid Driver Thrown Oiit, l(a«i’ Ull injured - Horse itmis.

* A roil ml Town.Trolley ear, No. -7'J, on t he.iimcr belt line

I’ol'lideii w ith John Thomson’s meat* deliv­ery'' whg< *u, d riven by G ra nl. .Smith, tin

IMii.i.n..^tj*eut,_neai/_Hilnin1erlIe-ld--avenue, aiimjt 1.1 'o ’clock th is m orning.' “ — ■'

The driver .was th rown uutiind the frontw.lujel:and. s l i d o f , the wagon (!q*oUc,n. Tlie. horse, slightly , iiijuiyd, tore hims7*lffroni the wreck and.ranndown* to Asbury avenue, where it e.ollided w ith a iipnyeai't, but did little damage. - I t then^ turned down Bond stree t and liad a clear road until it came to,. B.utinett's oyster m arket, corner of Cookman avenue and Bond st reet-, wh'efp it ran into B ennett’s horse i uidjwngm uui d -was-ca j) tu red.

The trolley car, a fter a shbrt.delay, pro-, eeeded’on the ru n m inus the fender and with a new crow in charge. Tiie accident, was caused hy S m ith ’s attem pting to crossthe-track W hile. driving in. the same direc-.tion iu which the ja r was running.

W I F E P A Y S H U S B A N D ' S F I N EShe .Says it Is tho Lust Time, Iloi^jvcr,.

Tluit. Slie W ill i ’.et Illm Ont o f ' .Y * Ja il iik J«»l> Is Too. F rtsjdent.

A le x iu u lm v K o l i i n s u n , a n o l d r o u n d e r , w n s u j i j jd T o r e J u s t i c e 1 )(id t l^ v u s lu r d ; t y b e i n g , d r u n k T in d d i s o r d e r l y . - l ie l i a s s i i e l r a f a i n i l i a r . u e q u a i i i t a n e o w i t h p o lP ie c o u r t s t h a t h e e v i d e n t l y - ] : n e w w h a t . w a r r ^ u y n r t g j o r l i e h a d h i .s _ w J f e - ih e r e _ w i t h t h e - n e e e s isary amou'nt of money;to pay Ihe fine and costs.. Tho better ha jf Inform ed the maglsirnfi!1,' however,;£hat* th is w as tjie..last' timrnJhe wouhl conuVto her spouse’s assistance and *i fdie \vero u riH'Sted aga \n^sha-wfillted-him- sent !to Freehold.. The judge informed the woman th a t hereafter her wIsIhjs would he

? Death of Infant.Edw ard,;infaiit son of John and Bertha

BrtUnce, sum iner residents.hem.froin Long Island died la te J a s t n ight of oliolera in ­fantum . The funeral services w ill ho held toinorn)w inoruing at* 10'o’clock iiiul the’ in term ent wiU be made a t Mt. Prospect.

Kev. Mr. Kalsfcon of New York city will preach In the Iteformod church nex t Hab- lm th-m ornipgh nd-ovoning

• .1710. 1733l5in.*

Konnofc-lne cures Indigestion. v ' .1

• . /

K i‘n tt T h e - D m 'l y - P l i i i s s ; ' ■ . v

Tza r?s Troops, Forming South and 'W est of China.

M O R E M I S S I O N A R I E S K I L L E D .CllillcM t! U r n r r a l _Nltf.Il. I t e p o r t m l 11 S u io i i li :

a n d 1 0 i» |H r r o i* 'K \v a n g .Su A g a in S a i d . t o Ih; ii Uorj)HD-rj-Fronuli C entral DcKlxirdcK

. p e i i d — l l o x e r ih n l s S l i r i c s A c t i v e at. l l n n g K o n g .', .

Shanghai.—A horde.of Boxers and armed pwysants on Ju ly l i a ttacked and drove out the. Kuwm»i,s from the tuw iu if Tashi- Chow, iKTir New Chwang. The Chinese lost 7(H) men and- R ussians also suffered heavily— Tliu- Russians -naye also been, tlriveii- frbiii Tien Chwang Tai, and the Cliincssi? hava.destroyed the railw ay north of Tushi-Chow. Russian reinforcem ents are being rtiShed to New Chwang. .

. F r e n c h .G e n e r a l D e a d .

Pn ri s;—G en —Borgui w' T>es 110 rd e‘s, “ eo 1 h- inander In chieCof the. F rench 'fo rces in Chlnii, is deadi ?' .

In another despatch .fmm Berlin it ’is semi-ofiiciuBy staved t h a t the Chinese Gen- enil'N.ieli, who was iv ported to have been killed at, Tien-Tsln, was compelled tn com­m it suicide. Emperor Ivwang Hu is again rejKirted tlead.

Do.ver KiuisHai'ics. pt Hoag Kong. * Hong Kong.—^The anxiety lias vastly in-

ereascd -hoiuj-simie -Liv If ung UhaiigViJe~ part un*. Natives report the* arrival of boxer emissaries from the north wlio are preaching the* exterm inat ion of the for­eigners. /.Gep. .L lu Ni, com m ander Li tiling Chang’s contingent Black. F lag troops, has been ordered t o march fco Pekin, lie had jusfc enlisted ?,5iK) men more. ICiiKHiii D eclares W ar in Invaded D istricts

Ht. Petersburg.-^Certain porthms of the A m ur d istrict in Siberia,.which have bebii iifVnded J>y t he 0 hi 11 esiv 111 ive buenOfiiif];ii ly declared to bt; in a -s ta te of w ar since Ju ly 17. ’ Y ■ • _ ' ,


Is N o t v .S a fe a t Knre, W h e r e T e r n p o r n r,vW ill he Made. -•.....

W ashing!on, /J’liursday,—The secretary o f-th e naVy has iycijdved a di*spa(ch frmii C unm aiider AVilde of the O regon..dated Knre, Ju ly is. The irtossiige says the Oiv- •ron and the N ashvilltV aia£vctl^ifc-lCn-moJel«jelc-y(;st e relay a fternoo 1 r, Wilile asked'if he should iniike;or tmiiporary reijairs, siiyipg he preferred to m ake tom-, porary repairs and get; .the ship back to Taku. ■.*’. - -* Y Y -■*.- • :

' H e e iv t a r v I im Uc s e i i t t h e f o U m y j n g i c l e ^

g r a m lu i* e p lj!7 ,.* U n iv e i ,.si.I r e j i» j c in g o v e r s a f e t y o f O r e g 'm , I f s a f e t y o f O r e g o n p e r ­m i t s p a t q li a n d g o t o 'J’a k -u . 'C o m m e n d y o u r p r e f e r e n c e f o r s e r v ic e t h e r e . ”

•R A T T L E S N A K E P O I S O N I N H E E R .

T 'm ii* V o u n g M e n D r in k F r o m K e g a n d . , T h r e e r e D e a d , O th e r , in A g o n y , v

F t. Dodge, Iowa, . Thursday. — Four young iiuln,*living in .CeiTe-Gordo eouuiyT drank from.a keg of liect*, and a.-f a result- three tiled a ml t lie.' fou rlh is .su fieri ng. ter­rible agony. An. investigation showed that- the keg contained the rem ains of a large rattiesnake. . . . *

T r u d y T r e a t y .W it h I l a l y . ■■■ •. W ashington, T hursday .— The reelp-

rneity treaty- w ilh , Italy Has 'bwn . j»n;- elaimed .by the state departm ent. The

LYli.*h».s ^ u p o u - ^ w h ic li.- e o n i - c s s i o n s .wenr.

r Ttiiuade ' of Tt»li an uuimifae.ture enteriu] t he U nited S tates are piiiei ieal ly t h e saiuc TTTivTTe"riTcludeiI in the treaty WlTTfTtvvj

Tho. Wcitlhcr.Y W ashington, Thiu*sday.~-Generally fair tonight; and P rh ]ay ; w arnier F riday ; light to fnvsli north westerly winds!.


■ M rs, F e r ry n elm 'on t :IILNtgvporL R. L. Yuly P).—Mrs. Perry

Dei in onr is'H.sfiu'ering- Trqii?-.appendicitis'. Dr.LiVijirnm .M., l'olk' o f'N ew York wifi perfotmi’lTii operathm. 31 rs. Belmont’s .uhsciire .from, the drive ant! the usual social round for - several Mays g«\V -:risi* fo. some eommeid, but' few 'q!**hei* ae- cpuitutnncoK knew, tliat ’she wtm nlilicted with any .seVioiis illness. *' . /

. S H r i d y K t l l p i l l i y I I e a t %... • *: N e w * Y o r l; , J t 1 l y 1 !).— Q y e 1* 7 0 p e o p le

Rh . Illillrj IIIHl' -III . E 111nuluy of jvhnm \vill siii'pniiili. .Ovc-r.linlf of tilt- fnlalitios wi't-o mnonk'liiiliies nnd littlo oliihllollt oml tlioro 1110 now ubout .40 lii'ilii'.s ol* liio tiulo-oucs ljing a t tliu' aiorgtic a t U dbivuc.' ' ” ,

Real Estate




Monmouth Trust-A N D -

i tnonmontb. BulldluY, Asbury Park, H. J .

C A P IT A L , . . . . . . . .$100,000.S U R P L U S , . . . / . . . 25,000.

K xcctnert a ll tr u s t s k n o w n -t o th e la w . ••L o a n s m o n e y o n b o n d a n d m o r tg a g e .R e c e iv e s d e p o s it s subject* t o c h e c k and a l lo w s

iu te r e s t o n d a ily b a la n c e s .A c ts hh T r u s te e , R e g is t r a r and {r r a n s fa r A g e n t .

. P a y s coupotiK. ■ v ! ".* . 1 /M a k es d e m a n d a n d t im e lo a n s on approved

c o lla te r a l. T i l ' , 'S a le d e p o s it v a u lt s . j,'1

P ....A . C . T W IN IN G . P r e s id e n t. Q . U .-M .-H A R V IfV ^ V Ir e -P r e s ld e n t, ——

, R. A. T O S T IN G , S e c r c U r y .D . C. C O H N K I.II, T r e s s u ie r .

DIRECTORS:O. H . B ro w n , R . A . T nstlO R ,J . H . B u c h itn o n , H e n r y M tie h r il, M . D ,I). C. C o r n e ll, J o h n P . O 'B r ien ,W . J . H a r r iso n , P e r r y K . S m ith .Col. G.-HrMrHarrey, b. A. Pntterson,G corR e V. K r o e h l A . O. T w ln ln e ,B ru ce 8 . K e a to r , M . D „ H , 11. V r e e la n il,

G . D r W . V roora.

A trial will convince you that we. have

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.. .The Most Re liab le ....


Wo tvtrry (tvorythiugl fo’ ba found in a well stocked store of this kind.

5 /0 0 0 Novels a t 10c

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-.C IG A R S IAND T O B A C C OIm p o rted K e y W w t m id D oraen tle. C Igans a n d a ll

' ’ ‘ r t iciHiijolterH’ A rtlcU w . ... T h o b e a t c ig a r t h a t & ce n ta ca n b u y .

I P 64*7 1-2<j« v**, C o o k m a n A v e n u e ,

-—Itrobably.- not, b u t- w h ir l in ' the- risk of scrionjily in ju r ing your Eyes by the use of- incofreetVy fitted glitsscs wlien you can have them sk illfu lly adjusted by

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( . Fetween roatofSce otid*Dopofc

"tjlC Q TtWIZ C P P j iH K U A R Y . i a a t

. OFFICERS:GEORGE F. KROEHL, ProalflontO. Ii: BROWN, le t Vico Pronlilont-----M. L. BAMMAN, 2nd Vico 1'reeiilout

M.‘H. 8COTT, eaahler.

Patrona* v a lu a b le s re c f llv o d for nufa k eep ing fr6e o f oharga". ■

F o re ig n e x c h a n g e b o u g h t a n d »o!d C o lle c tio n s p ro m p tly a c k n o w le d g e d. iY O U R B U S IN ES S FAVOR8 HK-



Page 2: STATIONERY STORE - DigiFind-It · • Mrs. S. T. Guorry of Atlanta, Ga„ is a visitor ufc tho Aurora, Ocean Urovb. Sfce- has been a summer, resltlont fcliery for 18 years; She is

A S B U R Y P A R K D A I L Y F R E S S A T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 19, 1900.Special jsapemseme»i$i r i r u t t»i u tr IIS i m* lunrcnon or reve- kite Is i'iiir'CIIUhIi believing tliat they may .uiplicitly tru s t him. I t Is apparently true th a t Lltt K an g has appointed Sir. l ’uylor, statistical secretary o£ the cus­toms, as acting Inspector genera l'o f the inatoms htl interim, vice S ir Itobert H art.

T h e ' Times’ Shanghai correspondent, telegraphing under (Into of July 10, says that, the reported trouble nt Ning-po hns Keen greatly exaggerated. The local pan­ic nmong-the native's.’which is gradually siiliMding, was mainly due lo published

, accounts of the wholesale killing'of inno­cent natives In Tien tsin. Assm-piices by the municipal council that the Chinese residents in'.the' settIciircIlf woulil-bc pro- - teeted had a good effect.

O n 'tlie other hand, the revelation oi Hie rapacity (if”fIur CITil)ese foices-lir-tlie - north iignilisf European troops has lmd a itiat-kedly noticeable ■ effect on tlie- a tti­tude o t tlii- officials toward missionaries in the interior.iiiiil'in stim ulating anti/or- eigu tendencies wherever. they are latent;

SriyM ItiiMaiu W R I Suffer Monti .* '•Tho St; lV tvrsburg com*spqiul©nt : oi

Tht* Tinu'.s snysr "T here is g reat con- MtfrfififiuiT here.jim l sqmth alarm a t the serious state of things hi Siberia. .Not without reiisoii it was said the other day by-a very iiupoi tajit imperial ollieinl that we- may thank P ro v i ilenci* i f t lie- 1 ’ h inosr do not massacre everybody, T lio m assa­cre in Ptfkliig.7s:.ijqt even yet allow ed'to he .pulilislied here.;. T lie JRussjnn press- • lists not beep far wrong in pointing out that of nil jhe nations concerned in the ( ’hinose crisis Russia will in the end -biiC- ' fer most.- “The .Amnor arid I rrssuri territories Imvt to a groat extent heeti deprived of troops

.to he sent to Fort A rthur, T aku and -i'ieii-tsin. and now tlie- Chinese liave, t\V . t'Jieked-that: part-.-of- tlie- frontier where the .Russian forces are far too weak foi the present to do anything but iict on .the defensive until th e .arriva l of re-enforce* m eats. ..

***A special commission is silting daily to arranged for tlie dispatch of. troops. It is chartering boats. - Twelve , tPanspoij vessels have already been engaged; hi;

um tilin^ i-A.)niiish~stVanier fo r‘ which _the government paid 1 12, TOO’for convey mg “ troops and stores to China.. 1t* lias been decided to send another 39,000 men to Kiev. T hat military* d is tr ic t . has' been placed on a w ar footing, and 'it division' of infantry, 1.0;000 men, has already started thence overland for Liberia. Oth* er. troops lire leaving from the Odessa district. T h re e • detachm ents' aro being moved into-M anchuria, one up the Sun­gari to H arbin, commanded hy M ajor (tenerjil AlexiefT, the second from Ni- kolsk. eoinmimded by M ajor General Chi- chagoff, and the th in i from old Turik- hotu, commanded by M ajor General Or* lo!T. ‘ . .

“The w ar office assures the p re p that tlie combined measures of the ministers

"of w ar ■andTiimTTce-artr-quite-suHieient-to. _ secure perfect safety for the Russian frontier and .to rescue the Russiaus still

Yemaiuing in. Manchuria.” iIVoTitlntf P ro n i TIon-1i»In,

- f r i s not lnTnwfi~\vhtvt-has~hi\ppened-at-. Tien-tsin siiiec .Tfijy“ 14~or~what“has be­come of*thtvdefeated Chinese force., Thnrrt hnve been •repeated rumors that

Europeans have been, directing th e XUlk.-iibso-urtilleL’y_nt Tien-tshu Tlie Stantb*a id ’s correspondent a t. th a t place,;/in n

-dispate.Iudated .TnlvJilt says th a tp ig h t of ■ the’ Russian m ilitary instructors in-the: •employ of tlio Chinese government are reported to be forcibly detained. T he e n j emy has compelled them to work the gims.o One of these men inndo his escape and reached the Russian lines with hands bound;

The Russian w ar office has informed /the-p ress that’, the international forces in Chinjf will number from 70,000 to *S0,* 00.0 by t)ie: middle of August, Admiral

-Alcxieir. A V iIin ipajid ,_nssis t ed by Colo­nel, I.Vssino, till* Rpssiari miHtftO'_ nt- tnche at Ccking.

THE CHINESE SITUATION j C h r ls ttn n E m lcn v o r C o n v en tio n .. London, Ju ly lO .-T h e afternoon m eet­ing, of the Christian Enddavorers Was de­voted to 'national rnllleiv which, were characterized by intense enthusiasm . Mr. Clark of Massachusetts, M rs. Clark-and Bishop W alters were the1 principal speak­ers. A fter tlie s ta te ‘calls; to which the lenders of a score of d<4("gations respond­ed, there w as a five niliwite devotional service, conducted b.v Floyd {Tompkins of Philadelphia. The entire ttiidiep.eo then joined in singing “America*” M eantime ii num ber of overflow meetings W tre held out o t doors.; She 11 jeld w as selected as the

-m eeting' pince-of the-convention .iu TOO! and M anchester in 1002. .

r ^ p Anht n t On.' I t llc r A rrcg te d .Cleveland, Ju ly ln .-rC aptain Oharjes

J . Holhies, the in’iistcr of the schooner y a c h t . Idler,-' which capsized off Avon point w ith nIK her standing canvas set on Ju ly 7, drowning five wqinen and n baby, w as. arrested yesterday by a U nit­ed S tates m arshal n a n chafge of man*** slaughter. • Bail was fixtyl * a t $1,000, which w as furnished.1 AtrVio coroner’s inquest the mate, of fjie Id ler testified'

.th a t lie suggested-to il\e captain th a t he shorten sail when -tlie..'.squall w as. ap­pro a cl ii n g, bu t - t haLlKp h I * c s jsa i d not to do so! ag the squall would not lie-heavy* and they wbiild have ii. little cxciteinent

.witli. th e rcanvas.tlp . I t jvns the. lesti- mpiiy^of the m ate 'which led to the ,ar-. reJt. 1 ■ '• ■ • J ;■ \ • •

I n t r u d e r s ‘ W eservn tlon i- W ashington. Jn lv 11).-—Agent Rniidlett* of ’ the* W ichita I mlian agency i(i~K;iU‘; sns ♦telegraphed th e ‘ Indian, luu'eau that F rank I>.. Farwbll,' chief of police,, had ju st reported that qU of the. intruders mu the ■'■reservation were leaving peacea- bl.v and th a t tjicre is no necessity for the employment of troops.‘Qolonel Rand- let t reported some time ago th a t about l.oOO intruders were prospecting . for, mi nor it Is in the m ountains of the reserva­tion an d 'th a t it‘ probably would be neces­sary to use troops to eject them. J ..

K i l l e d . H im se lf on C h ild ’ll 'G ra v e ,BfTdge po r t , C& wnrj i f uly—I D .— CharJcn-

Nftgy, aged 45, was found dead on tho grave of his fiiVoritc child h t P a rk ceme­tery. H e had ended his life by sending two bullets* ioto hi.s head.; H e-lm d been missing from ' home for several hours, nnd his w ife a n d . adult daughter, who suspected the deed,-discovered th e life­less remains.

F u n e r a l o ( S e n a to r Gear,*■•••Burlington, In., Ju ly 1 9 — Ifunerol

serv ices,w ere held yesterday nfteruoim in the F irs t Methodist Episcopal jclmreli over the body of the Into United S tates SenAtor G ear. Governor Shaw, Senators Allison an d ' Allen. Congressman Cum­mings of New York and. nniiiy o ther dis-,

-tingiiislied-ineiL .were present. CongrESituman Hedges (\olivcrod tlie eulogy.

--------------- uBJOBSr* I S f f l f i l

GeqSf;))}y' fa jr t^ .fr rsh noi (-^■inds.— ___* * - . ■ *. ■ ■ . •

When you w ant a m oderhj up-to dato physic try CbambeVlain’s Sto^iuch aiRlLtver

_Tablots. They aro easy to tafeo and pleasant in effect,l. Price, 25 conts. Samples freo. a t Thomas M. Stowart’s drug store. ■

A d v er tla ex n en ta c o r ita in m g ’ n o t m o r e th a n tw en ty -flv Q w o r d s In se r te d u n d e r th is h e a d in g fo r tw e n ty -f iv e c e n t s ‘f ir s t I n se r t io n a n d f ifte e n o e n te e a c h su b fe q a e n fc in s e r t io n . N o m o n e y r e ­fu n d e d u n d e r a*ny c o n d it io n s . E r r o r s w i l l b e m o d e g o o d b y a d d it io n a l in se r tio n s . ••

t o s t . r~" ~A p o c k e tb o o k w it h s i lv e r , in it ia ls A . B . C on­

ta in in g c o a n g o v is i t in g c a r d s , p o s ta l o rd er . T h e W a s h in g to n , 809 S e v e n th a v en u o . 171 *e

VANTEB. , ' ‘B o a r d in g in c o t t a g e in th e P a r k , n e a r b e a c h ,

f o r th r e e a d u lts ; p r ic e $ 0 a w e e k . A d d r e ss B o x 1, P r e s s o fllco . 171e72*m

.'..j, ' WANTED. J ...F u r n is h e d r o o m in v ic in it y oif W e s le y la k e :

p r iv i le g e o f l i g h t h o u s e k e e p in g . A d d r e ss 101 P r e s s o f l lc e . 171*2 3*0

^__ W A N 'iP H I K .A y o u n g m a n t o a s s i s t in o u r o f l lc e ; ra u 3 t b o a

g o a d p e n m a n a n d a c c u r a te a t f ig u r e s ; g o o a p o s i­t io n t o r ig h t p a r ty . A p p ly b y la t t e r t n S ta in e r & 8 o n , A s b u r y P arir , * . 171-2*3tnb ,

V /' ' TO LOAN.52,300 ,52 ,000 , $1 ,500 , $1,000, $750. IfiOO, 5500 a t 5

n n r c e n t , o n - f i r s t b ond a n d m o r t g a g e .- G e o r g e W . P it te n g e r , K o o m 11, A p p le b y b u ild in g ; A sb u r y

'P a r k ;-N ;-J r - - ^ - ........ j-- ; ■

L . • WANTED.: A y o u n g lu tly to . t e n d f o u n ta in a n d o ff ic e ; ftl«n

-0n j0 -flrst4 3 |a sa L w a itern m n .„ A t!L D a n d y h o te l . Rio C ookriiA ’i a v e n u e , -"ij * - ” •' " 7 j T. 17le * - "

:> •. v-;...;' O p e n f a c e J w a t c l iS d m in a n d v e s t , so m e w b e r o ' b e tw e e n A lle n h u r s t a n d A s b u r y * a v e n u e , W e s t ■Park, i* Fift'ddl' p le a sc reru rji t o fJJO A sb u r y nve^ n u e , W d at P a rk , ' 171 * n At e

_ '_ ” _. WAITED. J • .- E x p e r ie n c e d y o u iig m a n w is h e s u o A tio n , s u c h

a s b o o k k e e p e r , c le r k , e t c ; g o o d r e fe r e n c e , a d - d r e ss F . W . H . , P r o s s o f l lc e . - - ■ 171 in e *

Russia Considers Invasion ol Amur an Act of Rebels.

1’U m .I C A T I O N O F F I C K :007 M a t t ls o i i A v e n u e , A s b u r y I 'a r k , N . J ,

* TKLKPnONB calls :E d ito r ia l R o o m s ^50aB uain ees O f f i c e . .6Ub

SIBERIAN 0ITY NOT BEEN TAKEN.Keeping up the Shirt standard. Best ma­terial, best fashioning, best making.- I f we sold nothing but shirts w e'w ou ldn ’t do it better, because noth ing but the best can find room on our shelves— that!s .the reason.we do it so well. , .

Big KiiKRfnti A rm y (o lit* T hrow n. In<\sM n n o h u rla—lin t (It* A m ong C hinese .G o v ern o r o f S litin g tu n g U ey o rtc tl

_ to l l nvc D efe a te d IU *bel»r■■ London, M uly III.—While it -is lintnie - th a l-iin .v fornml deelm ation .of wiii- has been iqade- hy ( ’liina against U nssiarltrl? ' noee^fetl n s 'u fact hy nll the Faropt'jui powers tlm t many millions of the Chinese have eommiflet) tliemsel.ves to ilelinnee of the western world, Iti'is the fonsensus of• diphinmtie opinion that' the on ly ren- son why the first, aggression was against Russia was th a t she is the only powei whose territory is.contiguous to tliat* oi

•Chijm. f ; *ft is hardly 'expected that 1’h.inh‘wil!

•prptend lo nntUe her warlike policy’ reg- 7»i hi i'— Mi« 1 rii >v-i i,n or**_ fromthe foreigp capitals. • A ‘nationi wliieh de~ seeudstto lluvrole-of savages hy sueii coii- that the (.’hinest*, a t Feking , i^ilJLsearcely bother, with such trivial for/*

Nhalities. . ’ *■•'* . J ' > *■ V'’* * ' .• Those who know ( ’hina sitgge'si th«i Rrinee TunU probably believes tirrft-the

• Chinese representatives abroad have been sacrificed -by/tho.pow ers in revenge ^u* tlie fate o f .thy ii^u iiilite rs at ' lYkihg. '^ueh would be a tnaunr. of in41 i(Terenee. fo I *v5n• -e Tuan lie-. Yn use the Chinese diploma lists-, - abroad nearly/nil belong to the part^upposed tr him. - v

Kaeh .day’s developments .inerease the Kiiropean eonreplioirof the magnitude «*f the task whieh civili/.aliott. Those w.hii a. few days ago prophesied that half a million-‘I'nen would he needed and th a t a

T E R M S O F S U B S C R I P T I O N ;

;|7‘ " — •-----"Eve n f n g -E t f It) o n •-— ;-----------O n e y e a r (s t r ic t ly In a d v a n c e ) . $3,•One-weak. ................................. ...................... .S in g le c o p ie s ..................... ..........-.- .i,* . ■.■—v

M o rn in g E d it io n (Ju n e to .S ’op ten ihe r),T en w e e k s . ; .......... $1.O he w e e k . . . . ; . . , ......... ( . .S in g le c o p ie s . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A d v e r t is in g R a te s on A p p l ic a t lh n .

The soft body'shirt’ in Cheviot and Madras, which is so very popular, is-meeting with unusual success. W e have them in a ll colors. O X B L O O D is the real.thing in colprfthis summer. Purple, . Blue, W hite and Pink also. '-5dclRrtLupwardsL:'r— "• • ..." '•




Ocrim G r o v e D r j n v s (bo.T.inr.'. Newark News. . ‘ '•"'•’

While diivbut* frequenters of Ocean Cli'oyu^nnryrutr the tabernacle, ;tunpfuily. voice their aspirations for robes tha t.a re “ w hiter than snow,” they, will iiml, if they u ttelup t’to;realize their Uojkis in the shape of snowj’ bathing Miits. that* they m ust go sWuewlvJre .-'else to .wear them . W hite ' 1 Kiffiing~SfnIsr-fllT.'’ ttstecl ’o n - the Ocean' Grove index expurgatorhms. ’(’he cu t is nothing, it is the color, that counts. The garm eht limy cover the wearer from neck to heels; it may be us shapeless us a hfwil' sack, or a's close-fitting and abb tv via tod as a»h'urlesquo s ta r’s a ttire ,,b’uf it is equally objectionable either way." The rule hijs. heiut laid ddwn thht white ;is an unsebmly* color- for bathing suits, and a rule once* fixed in Ocean Grove becomes "as one of the laws of the Medesand Persians.

Ju s t why the line'should Iv draw n at white as a color for Imthing suits, unless the materinl is esjK'cially diaphanous, is not easily.apparent,a ml probably the pro­mulgators of the rule won hi find an ex*

• platmtjon dlilieult. The most • reasonable s dution is that it was deemed necessary to draw n line somewhere;-and as white* bat h­ing /.suits are few in number, such a.di- vision would offend fewer people than any

’other. Tlfe. “unco’ guid” of Ocean Grove have marked witli stern disapproval the- yearly■’tencigiiey ot naiiflrrg^rits-mward-

• economy of. finntcrinl atid garish ness of 'trim m ing, and y e t’fheTlfiinge. Inis been sogradual and so insidious as to have escaped official reprobat ion. Hundreds of bathing suits are now seen daijy on thfrrOcentr Groyo beach which, ' i f exhibited a few years ag< >, wo tt hi ha ve ca u sed tlie lia bl t lies of that excellent resort to throw tip their hands itv- holy horror, and doomed the weittvrs t i n s t a n t repTnof~nrid banish- inent.* The oHiejals of Ocean Grove roal- ize that itds now Impossibhv to return to the hideous monstrosities of former years,'.

. but-they- feel it incumbent upon them to . show some proof that Ocean Grovel\as not

altogether succumbed 'to. the ways of the worldly. Hence the ostracism of the white bathing suit*. It. smacks of morality and it does little damage to . the Vcsort’ m a terial prosperity. *

Some w ith |White- P. K . collars and .others w ith collars to match the tie. Price, 50c.

Y V A N T E B .C o m p e te n t d r e s s m a k e r s a t C o len m n ’S. ’82*2 B oh-i

s t r e e t . . • , . 171-172 to o

E M P L O Y M E N T O F F I C E *M 0 M a in s t r e e t . S e le c t h o lp f u r n is h e d . . M rs.

9 . D e y . J ............. . - 118-107

I N S T R U C T I O N _In h a r m o n y . V irg in ia . R o p e r , 15 S u r f a v e n u e ,

O c e a n G rove. * * llH*H0t

E M P L O Y M E N ' T A G E N C Y ^M rs. M a g u ir e & C o ., th o . o ld e s t ntTO* riToet' re­

l ia b le e n ip lo y m e o t o f f ic e In A s b u r y PH rk, P r i­v a t e f a m il ie s a n d h o te ls s u p p lie d o n s h o r t n o tic e f r o m N e w Y o r k o ff ic e : w n l te a n d c o lo r e d h e lp . Office. O p e r a H o u s e b lo c k , A s b u r y P a r k , N , J .

108 73*.

7 ? D A N C I N G .M rs. W e s t c o l t ’s d a n c in g c la s s e s } . l i n t e l ft r i in s

w ic k , M o n d a y s , T h u r sd a y s , 10.30-a . m ; e v e n in g c la s s ; p r iv a te in s tr u c t io n s b y a p n o ln tm e n t ; m e m ­b e r o f A m e r ic a n N a t io n a l A s s o c ia t io n ; m a s t e r o f d a n c in g . , - 138-190*

^ F O R S A L E .1 o n y x s o d a fo u n ta in , c o m p le t e , n e w ; 1 . d o z .

.s o d a h o ld e r s , 4 .d o z . g la s s e s , s o d a s p o o n s , s c a le s , c a n d y t r a y s . I ce c r e a m b o x e s , e t c . • A p p ly a t H a r r y D u m e ld ’a , F o u r th a v e n u e a n d H e c k s tr e e t ..

. ------•. 1 13tf

W hich is .tfye-orily t h in g for'knock about and'general wear, can be-found here, in all the popular shades. 50c to $2.00. **.

E x c lu s iv e H a t te r s an d M en’s F u rn is h e r s

Next to Postoffice

\ THE CROWN,. K 5 M a ta a v e n u e . O ce a n G r o v e . O p e s a l t h e

y e a r . T h e m o s t h o m e lik e b o a r d in g h o u s e in O o e a n G r o v e , ritet-m b e a t , b a t h s a n d a ll Im- p r o v e m e n ta . T erm ? r e a s o n a b le . . s252tf

GLOYECLEANER.-II" r o a d le e T c lM h ^ o u r " k I d “ g ld r e s ““ w ith - L a - B e l le

G lo v e C le a n e r . I t /s n o t a liq u id L e a v e a n o o d o r a n d ca n b o u s e d w h ile t h e g lo v e Ih o n th e 'h a n d . F o r s a l e o n ly a t C h a d w ic k ’s p h a r m a c y , 034 C o o k m a n a v e n u e . /

j F O R B I C Y C L E P I P E R Sf 6 , 8 and 10 D o lla r B icyc le Suits C q O ftX ......W ilt Now Go At....... 'I , J « 7 0

VICE AU.MIKAL A L E X IE P F .. lolig war was inevilaide nojpngor are rid*if*iiJ*»d. Inquiries i n . ^ H i ' Mw 1 Ger*Tuan.vYliselbso the (inii' ii large-por— :tiuii-nf the vast out nut-uf the armband ammnniridh factories of mmitrit*a-has been -'going* tn’ i ’ln^a for tlie past? four yettrs. France-lias now proposed to tlie pn\vers"tb proliihit-tho trafiie.-but -this is a- gomi deal like locking tlu*''stable aft­er the horse has lieeti stolen.

There is evitlence that (’hiiia possesses <11)0,(1011 modern rifles, Imt tlie makers of these arms have never given.a hint of the fact* to the tespectivd governments against wMlieh they will be used.

It is uncertain‘how long’TTff* p»»wt*r». \vilPk»Teir^np- the -pretenshin that there, is ‘nii war with Ghinn *nn«l eontinue to’ harbor the Chinese r(;presetitatiVes. <»er- many’s refusal,to allow thetn to continue their secret eouitnumentions' witli China w4ll prfdmldy* be «d<»pfed i»,v the othiT powers. The only effective means tit •aeconqilisii this end. however, will be ■to stop Jill cipher telegrams to China, for it is easy, for the ministers to comtmmi* mi to lljrough other persons, as they are Uno.wn id~finve been doing for the past two .weeks. ,T o S e n d » H is: A r m y A s rn ln s t V i ' k lu g ?-A U-i-t.-h m tlo* c.*ininl News .fnnn

F O R S A L E O R E X C H A N G E .N ta a b u ild in g lo ta , 50x200 . f e e t , a d jo in in g

O c e a n G r o v e H e ig h ts . P r ic e 's e v e n ty - f lv e d o lla r s e a c h ; a l s o p r o p e r t y M ain s t r e e t , B r a d le y B ea ch . A p p ly t o 503 F i f t h a v e n u e , A sb u r y P a r k . 14tf f - ----157 M A IN S T R E E T , A SBU R Y P A R K .. . . .

X The Fincst Linc of Men's Shirts, 75c and 51. W ill Pun Them for ONE •j- WEEK at 49c, Waller's Goods a Specialty. '•i-H-i-H-S-H-H-H-H-H-W-H-H-H-d-I-j-I-M-I-I-H -f-I-f-H -I-i-M-I-H-I-I-I

Sealed proposals for tlio opening out grail- ing and draining the county road proposed to be built, sta te aid act, in the townships nf Hulmdid aud Marlboro, In tlie county of Monmouth, leading from Ilolin- del village westerly over the present Una of road by Elys Mills, Hlllsdalo and Bradevelt to the county road that, lauds to Matawan,9 59 tailes long, will lie 'received hy the board o f clicsetr: freeholders ot the county ot Monmopth, a t Dalton’s hotel, Brighton avenue, W est End,j>n Thursday, August 2, a t 11 a. m„ until 12 o’clock uoon of saidday, -and-tlien-publiely opened.—Miipajmd-plans can bo seen either a t the olhoeof Pdtor For­man, engineer, Manalapan, N. J ., or the county collector’s tiflice in the court house in Freehold, and copies of the speclllcations and necessary-forms can he procured upon application to the abovo named places. Tlio form for staling proposals will be furnish­ed with eacli specification,' Each proposal must be accompauiod w ith -the bidder's bond with sureties satisfactory to the hoard of chosen'freeholders and mailo payable to I hem In tho sum of one thousand dollars, conaiiiollbfl t im rlf 'the cuatraet-19-n.vwsded- to him, he will, when thereto required by the board, execute an agreem ent iu writing to faithfully perform all the work In strict conformity with the plans and specillca- tiuns, and abide by ali tlie tonus and condi­tions therein named. >

The hoard reserves tlio right to reject any atid all bids.

Dated July 19, 1909.JO H N G U IRE,

-Director of-tlie board of cinjscii freeholders.' “----—— - — Long-Branofij-N.J.-— . lil-S'l


T H E POW ERS TR IAL ,W. ft, .(.'iitlon (ilvrn 8(*'iiNfitIonfil Ton*

B l a n k C a r t r i d g e s ,GvorgPtown, Kv.. July 19.—At thi- trial ot Gah-b Powi'is viM rnlay tjio-lirst wijtii'ss* was .IntiH'fuJi, r .la fk 'o t' Har- lumisvillo. a bauUi-r ami a Uujmbliran. 11© Njihl tfttiit hail ta lk fl ' withhim • about ..tak ing tlm aitm-il nu'ii to Frankfort ;ia»l tJj.ii I‘.iw»*r> -aii) tJn* Jiivn won* *to iutim'ulato tho .1 »i-tu«M-nns.

\Y .11. b'ultoiT wusTi»i'.\t| ralli 'l to tin* t-fatnL


401-403 Cookman AvenueA S B U R Y P A R K

These pictures are duplicates of Ahasff-fatm.inu.nart of the_U. S. De-

A m m u n i t i o n , E tc .W indow F lag Holders

Hammocks at 49c and up to $3.50Ice Cream Freezers, 4 qt. $2.00

And nil o ther sizes a t rock bottom pricos.

Ice Cream Coolers $1.00 and up

CflTPTly -,ilb—g,- mi- :i n rrjt—hi ' .ill...niiditos'^ "Ui,*,- .-it Vimnl, 1'i'M during l!I*■111 * ’ M111 ,»f. Jiih ujii.v, I ,.plcr.,.d inr,, file d,c *ii>.jj|' :i c.iu ,-i t-iii li,-|.| iii iIn- nf 111,, > 1111; li:d 111 i i, ■ f .. r ;l111-■:! 1111‘, ■ :i*b'ranktiirl. Ife suVl .i|i:ii*;ii lbi>'nii.fiiiig I ’-nVers <it-i|ril.tll.-il fluid- l*i Iii- l,.|iders nml gave |li,-m- liiial* iii-irii,-:i.,n- a- i*> lln* manner *in u!ii,-h iln*y >li,,uld mul equip tli.-ii*—iii.-ii i* i li.-ii- i ,-ip I,,UrafTl.-pTrrirrid -,ti u l i^ . rnrirni ,-;i,-ii-ni;i *1-ilinillil. I t hi* l l it i n.. w.lTn.TT w ji >j i i »oit_r _

r• tin* army moimj.iiifh.*t;w f<v I’tatilVt;*-JuFollowing .thin i'i'Iiiid llu* >i>|j*-;j‘tio]i;il slati'inr-nt nttributml tn■ I'nwi-rs.

“ Lthittk Mr. I’owors sai't.” tin* wittn’—i amiouiitYi!, ;>.rliat it wi.Til.l ’not '.r.Tko tho

'liii’tt ;*.i» mhiut»*< to' M itl.* iliii* gnU'rmi-1 tnj iiiKf:nut«’>t. ami if tin* I »i*uio»'i*ats «li*l

not g»-t i.tu the mountaiiHM't-s wo'ui.j |<iii i.’vory mu* ,of tlmiu,”

’Thu wiiuf'ss mlruith-*<| .luiving ha<I. a- L''*ii.V'-X**atiuti with YoiiiM*y wit It Vn tY-r*

• **|j'**< to tlu* .killiug'of (■«i<-t•«-I.— Ylt w;is in tin* otli»*r' of t )n< ■ omtniWi«in.

■ o r nl' ngrii’iibniv',”; tin* wiipo'* >atil.. ... “ Yiititsoy-hail a*b<\ of rainimi-.f»-.*s wiiivli'

ho >ahl w«*i»> .'lonilvil* with Vi**i*l -haih*i> ami .<m«»l>i*U'ss n»i*,vih*r. i .-

** *l« itavo a sli«*k • <<*|ifiiic for, killing " Gm'ImO.’ Yotii>V.v feaaf to'mo. 'Go imb 11>».• btlija* n f -tl»«- M M 'ifta ry o f > tn n * .’. Ima.

l»«l. *rais»» J \ y . ,s :i> h o t tin* fr o n t w im io w : •ii;f<'W -rqi('hi*>v*fM tl!-4|ow .h (h o . h lii;f .l.’ .n><- a

“ ’ s tV i’l ‘b u lh 't* a m i >m«iUi*l.*»* j i i .w j f 'v lil;«* t h i s , an*) U m m a n th a u l ir u .s i l ic . f - l i o t Avill* tte*vi*r In- k n u w j u ’ ” . *

■partment of Agriculture at Paris,


AT CUT BRICES. ’ T. F. O’B R IE NAGENT FbR KELSBY FURNACES— Best and-Moat Econom ica l Fnrnacea Made J J J

642 MATTISON AVENUEA S B U R Y P A R K , f f . J «

508 MAIN STREET,—;\—tWrgrnin—from .i.IiiumI Th I y .)/im i y < 'iti< n*|int*ti;«l-*that tit© Itus- ’-ia’u ti*li‘gfaph anil railway * liitmj in Mam*li»ii*ia havo bi***n rutmiilorably Matn- ag»*«l. Tli.* t' h'grni'h'liim i|«»rtIt of So/utl. ,i>. i*» firi'l.v!' ijiti'ri'i)j>t•-il. '1’lu* Hox’vrs art nqm rtoj to lutvo ji|»j»i*;ii*«mI at Lotjchuotig.

A di^jiatfh from Shaiigimi >ay<:“ If i- ro{»ort»*»l that a ban lo has iaki,*n

l»bur at !r>ang (Tmw. mi fho bor*h*r of tlio ,pp.viii'*os uf Shangtuag ami t ’hili. hi'twoi'ti (In* ((*<**•(•- of G’mioral 'J’uiig T’uli' Slang ami G»iVi*i*mu*. Yuan Sltili Kai airJ tliht tlm . foi;im;r Won* >ovi*roly

------- —Bells .the__* - - -

S T A N D A R D O I L S T O V EA t Reduced Sates.

H isojFiiie SoQtt) B m e iT c a n n a irn ia iire s jDrawings, very lino, n t vory low prices.

Goods bought a t half price.Large Line of Refrigerators on hand

-Fourth!Blue. .............. .■• * ............... .

Hotel Settles, pf all descriptions, a t city prices. 1 ■» .

Screen Doors and Window Screens. *A full line of Table Cutlery and 'Pocket

Cutlery, R azors, Scissors, etc., u t reduced

The best Bioyelo Tiro nt tt.50 In town.A full lino of l ’uluts, Euiunels, Stuins, otc

Sealed proposals for building a macadam road iu the township of Millstone, leading from Manalapan church westerly, by way ot Bergen’s Mills to the lino of Middlesex county 1 94-101) miles will he received, hy the board of chosen freeholders of tho county of Monmouth, a t Dalton’S hotel, Brighton avenue, W est End, oh Thursday, August S, at, 11 ji. m. until 13 o’clock noon of said dayr and-t'hDn-publlcIy-'oponcd.--. JIa p sa n d pluns cun ho seen a t the office of Feter.For • man, engineer, Manalapan, N. J ,, o ra fU n r ofllce'of the county collected in Freehold, and copies of the speclflcatiods and forms for bidders can,bo procurrid *. tit suld pliicesi Each proposal m ust bo accompanied by tho bidder's bond with suretlea satisfactory to the-boai-d otchoson freeholders made' pay­able to them in the "sum of one thousand dollars conditioned; thatMf-tho contract is awarded to him, he will when thereto re­quired by the board, execute and deliver an agreemeat in writing, to faithfully perform all the work and abldo by all the conditions named iu tliB said specifications. The board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids.

Dated July 19,1900. : JOHN-SUlHE-r- —"Director of tlie.board of chosen freeholders,

. Long Branch, N . J. 171-83

NOTICETluvUuaril of Assessors of tho CTFy bf

Asbiiry Pal'k w iil meot1 73 M a i n S t r e e t

A SBURY PARK.Tnti'g Fah.SiatSs is tin- i.’bint»M* ;g©m*rnl

who \v:i> n'poiti'il to lmvo l«*7l th*« altarlrv ■>tVllm'b'uaiioim wliirli ntits-.'•rirfi'. . YUsul Slii-h Kai is tin* *g|ivrnnii*

titv Jifiviri'ooiT Sliatigntag;. . ^Moi*<* W a r n h i p m l o G i t i ir t l S l t i i i t g ; l i » i .

-A.. Shiingliai 7lF|ialcii. iimb'r dittc nt'

THURSDAY, JULY 19Nl unroe Avenue In the Council Cubmber, southeast corner

HftGisoh Avenue and Bond Street, from .9 a. m. to 12 m., and from 1,30 to 4 p.m.

for i1to.purposn o f 'a llow ing property own- orti to discuss their,mfceriKmonfcs,


165-71 .. *s Assessors.

Responsiblo Auctioneer.

Yroia all tho leading manufactarersi

5c ROLLP A P E R H A N G I N G .

1 2 ^ 0 per roll and up. |

W A L L M O U L D I N G S ,To m atch all papers, 2c a foot and up.



Fnneiai Director and Einfiaimei


repairs hen* mi nccuuitt 774 13«*;ivv'"wratIhm** vxpHfitMU’oil on the passagi* Jifthoi*. Tin* St. Mary’s loft Nrw I.«md«m. t.‘<»tia.. mi, .Inti** IH with Pin radi'ts. . \Vh*’n tlir«*t* days mil. IsTTi* i*li*<»muan'rl—ri—rrT-lnrmY whii’b simui )irov*'nti*d headway, and* the yj'ssef .was s|rippi'd <»f Imr i-mivas. Vx* vppt stteli ns i-nnbh'd her to ‘ki'i'p .steer- ing way. .On Stiiidti.v'hightV.Inn'i* 37,,it was n*M*f*ssary tu heave t«v and she thus leniiuneil three days, ( ’oiiitniiitder Wil-’. 1 imil . ; II. JtecUr.t* remanieTl nir ilni’lr .through lb/- •i.*toi;m.. though he ’ avis' thrown down ami bis Qend eat and his back biully siraineii. 1 . .....

Tho finest and boRt equipped funoral par '. '; -* lors in the s t u t e , > * .

Branch Offices--Belmar Spring LakeOpon day and tiltrlifc * Lady ApHiBtuat,

541-543 Cookman Ave, P U B L I C S A L EH e a r t l» n r n . . .

When the qnnH.ty*of food taken ‘fs'to» largo or the <ittallty too rich, Jmartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if tlm digiM-

- tlui) has been weukencd by constipation.. Eat alowiy and not too freely of easily digested food, ilnstlcato the food thoroughly. Lot six hours olapso between meals and when

, yon fool a fullness and weight in tljd region of tho stomach after eating; 'Indicating that volt havo eaten* too much, take ono of Cham linrlu In's Htomaoli and Liver Tablets and tho heartburn may bo avoided. For sale by" '1 liomas M. Rtowart, corner' Cookman ave­nue and Bond street, •

DpW itt’s L ittle Early jRlsera are famous little pills for liver, and bowels troubles.. Never gripe. W. R. Ham, 107 Maid street.

Branch Station of the Asbury Park '

= . D AILY P R E S ST H E SH O R E P R E S S1 • ' ’ *' I *■'•.- J ■

For the convenience of 9ur patrops a branch station hen been established at the BRADLEY BEACH NQTION SJORE, Main street, between McCabe and Cook avenfies. '

FapersT^tnsrlyon'Balo andsupplled-toTjews- boya a t office rate, .

T h e C o r a m ltte o oC th p B oard o f C h o se n F r e e ­h o ld e r s w if i s e l l a t p u b lic a u c t io n o n ..

Monday, July 2 3 , at 2 P. M.At th e In terlaken Bridge, j %

T h e e n t ir e Old pl5tnflB'5f_ r6B10Ve(i''froiTr_8a!d' b rid g e .

T e r m s c a s h 'a n d n ca te rla l’ m u s t b e r e m o v e d w ith in 48 h o u r s .

HARRY. Ji ROOKAFELLFR, 167-74 C h a irm a n ,

SPECIALADS.The circulation of the d a ily Press goes

f irw ard steadily and rapidly.

Page 3: STATIONERY STORE - DigiFind-It · • Mrs. S. T. Guorry of Atlanta, Ga„ is a visitor ufc tho Aurora, Ocean Urovb. Sfce- has been a summer, resltlont fcliery for 18 years; She is


Items ol From tlie Morning EditionLIST OF GRADUATES IIStudents Who Qualified to Re­

ceive Diplomas Today,

A L U M N I A N N I V E R S A R Y . H E L DSchsIoiif) of Occftn Grovo Clmutaiiqtinn As-

— Heinbly^-'Will—Ivntj—Today—Parade—of- F lom jr filrls, Pugging tho Arcliea and

JZ’rcHoutiitloii.oC l}lplomas Thift M orning. TIioTrograip Outlined.. .^ixaiutnatlonft'woro licUtln a ll tlie classes

of tho.-Ocean Grovo Sunday-School and OlmUtauquan nstoqibly yeste rd ay /■ ’

I'hoHe who passeiVajicYwho w ill receive diplomas today are as follows :— —-


F o r , Collection of- Tolls at-the Wesley Lake, Bridges,

R E C O G M I Z E S 'T H E I N E y i r A B L F

Miller. . .Now /York—A nna Kroger, Harry*"\VA

Faraday, K va C ra me r jAnjq i o- Va n 1C i ri;. * Ocean .Grovo—Alice. Gerhard* Iwmii

Graccy, R ena McGill; Frederick Reynolds,F rank S. Reynolds.,:. .....v Tronton>t~GyjMiella MnoConiioll. •

Plainfield—Grace PowMl, Charles Powell. Lawrimuoviffo—Caroline R. F urm an .

•SuininilvN. J..—KIsieR. Biiiloy. , N arlm rtn^Pn.—K llznbcthD. Dobbins; Bayonne—Florence Bell.- , . . . ..—tel

- norm a l c la s s . . . 7A lbany—Mrs.. JO. If. Stevens/ ; F .Brooklyn—Mrs. Helen. McCarthy, Miss

K; I). Plckford. 1 - . * ^ •New York—Miss JUva Cramor? Miss A n­

nie V unkirk. • .I’OST-Gll A pH AT.ES. i

Klizalwtli Dunham , M abel-B. Faraday, Eliza Biddle, M. C. Sroung, A nna It. Tay­lor, H arrie t S. Kills, -Mary *A. T ier nun,

—Mr?rrFrIvrDrmalrls( m ,_MT37 .T7K7 J jrin try. Mrs. K. If. lteld, Kliza D. Ellis, Mrs. Anna

'K insler, Mrs. A. If. Holcombe, J . L. Bur- welV, A da T . Sulzer, Mrs. J . A. Overlng- ton. Eliza B. ■ Lautry* .Fannie II.. Carr, 1. M. W right. *

UK. CI.YMKU’S'CLASS; ■ • '•/John Moss, ;T \ S. M intzer, L au ra P.

Wood; M. A. Diefendorf, Itev. A. M. Hur- ' nd-, S. A. T . Ackerm an, Sarah K. D aniel/ Mary P. MacMullur, Adeline C. Hurt, Joiiiilo M. Dalzell, Mrs. M. E. Divier, Millard M. Phillips, MiM. E. M. Berries, A nnie L.. Avery, Mary L. Birch.

L ast evening the anniversaiy of the Ocean • Grdvo alum ni was held a t T.JJU o’clock. Thu principal address was made by Br. T. B. Neeley, corresponding secre­tary of tlje .M e th o d is t. Siinday-.Schboi

—uni on. .— . •• ;This m orning a pretty feature will .he

the jwirado of tlm flower girls. There will Jh5 tt) of them carrying w hite haskets of floweiyt In their im m ls; and w reaths bn

_ . th e ir beads.—T h < *yw i U-scat to r th e -J l u we rs . in thu path of the graduates. Arohes hnve

lwen erected .in. front, of- the A rlington,- under which the procession , will pass. There are four of them , representing, - re­spectively.* F aith , L iterature, Scimice and A rt, There is a ls o a golden gate, through w h ic li On ly tluise w ill pass who have com-

' pletcd tho four years’ course-of C h a u ta u ­qua m uling . The whole procession will be headed by the B aptist Boys’ Brigade* banll from Camp Bradley, Shark river, "ami will inarch down Ocean P athw ay to the sea, thence to Main avenue to P ilgrim P ath , way and the auditorium ,-w here the dlplo-

. • iiiiis w ill l>o distributed.T he_ eq.neort J jtlJ m. _glveji.. th Is. even ing

will be the finale of-the Chau fait qtm pro­gram . "v -

The program to he followed today will — be:—ft-wm. in., mTFetlrig Of tx L. ST 07

class of. 1IKHI and the flower girls, Associa­tion hall, over tin* posfnllicc*; If), passing the arches a tu t Cor uml recognition in the* temple; .10.1.5, form ing line on Ocean

- Pathway. The order qf procession will • be as. follows: Oon._,J. C. P atterson ;

music; hoys’ and girls, departm ent; nor­m al c lass;- post g rad u a te . depnrlmeat.; Oeean Grove a lum ni; visiting Chnutau-

— q-Hanov-Drco-o-t’myvv (■«;■"L." r*T C1.. Iluu.ui’ g irls; C. L. S. ,C. class of llHH); officers of Ocean Gijove association; assembly far- u lly uml o rator of tho day; 1 i, connuenee- m ent exercises, w ith Short addrcsses ami presentation nf diplomas hy Bishop F itz ­gerald; 1 p. ni:, an n ualm eet ing of Ocean Grove a lum di in Thornley chapel.

The evening reeeptioim which - was to T-^havi^bLkcn-plactriLt the ~Q -hr 'bm r

l e c t u r e d o f f .

B A T H E R ’.S C L O S E C A L L•John Jackson of New York Overcome by

[Cramps—Took Two Hours’ W ork to - Itestore Him Bully.

Jolin Jackson of New Vork, who has a • cottage on C lark avenue, Ocean. Grove/ w as overcome by cram ps while bath ing a t Lillagorc’s yesterday m orning. L ifeguard H arrison w ent on t Into tlie su rf for JditL and Giuicd:Townsend pulled them -ashore. Mr. Jackson was completely overcome, and It todk tw o hour’s work to make him fully ivcoVor-from his experience.

A nother tim ely rescue was credited to the* lifeguards' a t the •-Ross bathing grtnmds yesterday. Miss McKinney, a visitor in A sbury I P a rk from Beverly, N. J ., while bathing from the Ocean Grove

_l)OTidh*gOtJ>oy Ghd tKotoiHS 'uii(rw(is soon j n a serious predicam ent. She w as Observed from the shOro, however, and life­guards effected’a rfulck rescue. Miss Mc- Kliine.v is aiid to be a good swiminor_iiistill wdteris, b u t horsklll was not exorcised in the rough undertow;

Occau Grovo CbnotfFF Tonlgiit.'; The m idsum m er musleulo will bo given in the Ocean Grove Auditorium th is dvcn-; ing. A n excollont prograiu .has lieon pro--: pared and a fine concert is antic ipated ,. The artis ts engaged aro Miss Blanche. Dtiflleld, soprano; Townsend Follows, baritone^HanH-'Kroiiold,-J colllstt'H ignnr VlfJilo, violinist, all of Now-Vork. Tlio festival choruK um l orehostmrwill also as- .sist. - ..T h e 15eHt I le m c d y fo r S to n in c it an d U ow e tf •' / .- T ro u b le s ,

“ I have been In. the drug business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medlclneB of any note. Among, Hie entire list I have never found anything to cq’inl Chamberlain’s Gollo, Cholera* and BlHrrhooa Remedy fpr all stomach and bowol troubles, ” says Q. AW Wakefield, of

■Columbus, ,Ga. “This remedy cured twd sovoro ca^es of cholera morbus in my family und I have re ominended and sold hundreds

-pf-buaies-oMt-to-my-customers'tb-thelr-en- tire patlsfaotlon. I t affords a'quiok and sure cure in a pleasant form. For sale by 'Ihomas.M, Btewart, corner Cookman ave­nue and Bond street.

Mr. Bradley .Scea the Beginning oT. tlie End In tlie M atte r • o f : Toll Taking, llintk : th a t Nile Might Say--Something

. In teresting , But, BocsnT—One Mini Be- • qulrcd a Kccelpt. •■---■• • . ■ > ...

“ *Toll on tho Wesley lake bridges was ex/ acted yestoYday,under the stom : mandate of a unifornied policeman who was sta­tioned lit tills .Emory Street bridge entranceon the Ocean Grove .side w ith orders to sh u t off the free list.. Contem pt for tho penny extortion bad become so pronounced th a t the Ocwni Giovo Oampmccting ukso- elation determ ined to use drastic measures, on the plea tha t-an ounce, of prevention was w orth a pouud of curo. A rm ed w ith au thority frbiii his iimsters Olllcer-perriok dloagland took station a t the Emory street bridgivand diil a fa ir business In the “Jliold up” line all day long. Among Others who received 'atten tion from the officer was. W alte r Taylor, a young hipv studen t cm- ployed in tho office of David Iliirvey, jr ./o f A sbury P ark . M r. Taylor lias a; horror of the pen iiy toll* and when OfTleer Bung lam l’ demanded thp penny, T aylor,, who 'was In it luirry, paid fti under protest; l ie TetirriTUil^hcriTlyTffter;ward wi t h Jirnu- oh his hands and passed jauntily , hy. the of­ficial guard , who held out a detain ing hand a n d . Imrrcd h i s ‘passage, Taylor grasped th e ‘officer by the. neck and shot the blockade with a m erry ta tu. I t was stated by a m em ber of the association last night that a w arran t had been issued for Taylor’s arrest- on three separate charges.

J . F . Marshall, who . was held up w ith his bi’othor a t tlie Emory street entrance, w as evidently suspicious* th a t either the toll collector or ilio officer or both would n iark him for- identification as a leading victim of outraged justice. A t any rate Marshall demanded a" receipt fo r his two pennies, an d insisting on its. immediate •prod uctionTAwls-fitt'orccl-vvithr-th^rfol low" ing legend;

' ' OCKA.V GaoVK, N, J . , Ju ly !H, 1WKU .Received from J . F. M arshall, il cents for

toll frm him self .and_brother: over.. bridge oifW estlov lake.

J ohn J . S mith, Collector.Marshall breathed easier w ith this little

IKiperin his hand aiid he - passed from view w ith a satisfied sm irk.. One .lady, who a f te r w ard toU la Pkkss importer th a t she had expended $10 in tolls over the Em ory stree t bridge, w as1 stopped in stan t­ly by the officer, and being w ithout money, was forced to go around the M ain-street way. Spry young men slid hy the qlllco.r, b u t their names w ere taken d o w n .' A r­rest was threatened in num erous in ­stances, bu t.U p to n late hour Taylor seems to have been the only victim.

\Vtum the (Ire a larm sounded there was a rush across the bridge. Officer Hoag- land w as caughr/in the: buneli and carried from his post. No attem pt to ex tort toll was made tiu ring the rush nor did anyone olTer to pay tin- penny liiiliee Justice.Patterson , of Ocean Grove denied last n ight that a w arran t had been issued for lhe_iirivst of Taylor, but he said th a t the young mail w ould be hold am enable t a the law. • ^

Founder Bradley, who owns a half In­terest ifi tlio penny bridgjs an.l who claims to he a friend o ffrcc tolls, said last night, when informed of^the bold up on iht'O cean Grove sldr

I opposed aim atIvlscd-against divistlc measures fo t th^roUec.tiou of tolls on the ]H * n n y bridges. I have grown old enough to recognize, the inevitable, and if the toll Is made doubly obnoxious by reason of the qlllcer who was*put there today, then th is is the beginning of the end .”

Mr. Bradley hinted th a t he m ight, say som ething - v e r y Interesting a b o u t J i l i npenny-tolls-but-for-reasoiis w hiclrhc—kbptr up his sleeve.' / . ;

11 o al lowed it to ho , in ferred, however, th a t the time was now arrived when the penny toll must- ho forced’ou t of exlstyi^eo. as tJie Jast rem aining relic of an effete ejvr Ilizat-ion. _________________ -t

O F F E R S F O R T R A N S P O R T SGoverqinent jW lll.Clm rter EIe%'en Steam-

C arry Troops to Cliiim. . ........ 7—tie a e ra lN IchlC llledr- 'San Francisco, Ju ly 18.—Tho govern­

m ent has made offers for Char tori tig. il stei|mer.sf o r tr iin sp o rts .i n th o s b rv ic e ^ l 11 China. • y '•

Shanghai, Ju ly 18—It is reported that Chinese General Nioh was killed^.while vainly omleavpring to raily the trooij.s^iit Tien T.sin. . - '-

T o k io r J u iy - lS ;— Japan— Is—hesitating^ about sending another division to China, a lthough it is already mobilized, for jfear the powers w ill nob allow it.

Johnstow n, P aM* ,Ju ly 18.—Four thou- ■ sa n d pIckivlcrIvO V s w e r o i d r v u r t o 1 ib iw tT T T u T Pennsylvania train a t tho depot, here th is inorningr wboq'a-fuHb-froight raiy-Into the/ crowd, killing, two aqcf in ju rin g three*

N E W A U D I T O R IUM ?IlXlumgcr at Nf,v KxpoHition

. .’()!:UiUny Say.) He W ill Ilttlld One..K.iutnter Brinlley Favor)* I.ien. . __...

It. Is stntetl tlm t the l.niumjjei' of thu X’ew York Hat)}- Exposition company hitumts to crcct a now. auditorium on tlio hehcli tluit will show a scatiiijj capacity of 10,000 people. Founder Bradloy offers to give' the ninnngor J !!00 it he w ill carry out the plan. ‘ _ -

The law holds both m aker nnd circulator o f a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sails you a dangerous eoun'tertolt; of DaWltt’a Wltolt Hazel Salve rleka your life t c make a little large? prolit. You cannot tru st him. DeWItt's" Is the only genuine' and original WHeh Hazel Salve, a •well- knamjlcJira-JpMllEajanfcAll-fikln.dlseasee. See th a t your dealer gives you DeW ltt's Salve, W . R.-Ham, 167 Main street.

Itoad TuK DAII.y P kess.'! '

Opened in the Asbury Park torium Yesterday; - -


Recommends Legislation to Exem pt Bon/ “~tlst)TTfblii. dilry^D uly—rnpcrH of In-

tcrest to (tl>e Members Rend nnd Bis- ' cussed Lnst;- NJglit=-SlIglit Cluinge” ln

Toilny'/j Progaim . ,

The S tate 'Dental Society of New Jersey oponcd its th irtie th annual convention in tho beach auditorium yesterday m orning.. Delegates from every part' of tho state

r e s to r e d a t the Columbia,-which is made th e -oillcial headquarters of the socletj,an d j na ny-prb m I n on tr don te s ts '/ro ;n -o th c r sta tes arc nlstj in A shuiy P ark and by inj vltatlon of P residen t Trtfex they- will bevltatlon of P residen t Trtfex they- will accorded tho privilege^; of tho floor.

IiYhis annual address i)r, W illiam E. T ruex of Freehold, president of the socie­ty, referred, am ohg other things, to1 tin organization of adother den tal' society in tVyi sta te and expressed the hope th a t it would'm eet witli grqat success. ,f H e fin ther refyrrud. tp , (he nocessity of a law th a t would ex em p t-d en tis ts from -juiy'ivl-y. T ' '•

The real work of the convention wns ljc- gun .last n ight when;the dentists m et 1 n the lesser auditor!uin Loom and listened to several interesting papers on subjects of general.interest to the profession. In the absence of Dr.. George Evans o f : New York, his paper on '“ Fucinfe Gobi Crowns 1 \ w ith Porcelain” w a s read by Dr.! Chase of Philadelphia, chairinnn o f‘the Dental Lit- eratuvo committee,. , • •• H ./B . Tilcston, D .p .S ., of Louisville, Kyf, then read a i«ipor on ./N.on-Gohcslvc Gold,” w hich evoked much favorable coin m ent. • * . ’ ■’/ •- ’ 1:* “ Tho Gombiuntion of Oxyphosphat’e Cement w ith Gold and Am algam Fill-, ing ,” w as the, subject of ,Dr. F. L. Fos- heim’s essiiy. This subject also brought ou t m uch discussion of a commendatory character.

Today Dr. Thom as C. Rtellwagen, jr. of Philadelphia who w as to speak this bveii: ing, will change places w ith Dr. Eugene U nderhill of Philadelphia and speak t his TimrmTTg; THtT otlter jjswiylsts are l)i7 \Y, Vv B. Ames of Chicago, |3r. "J . Allen Ostmin of .Xe\yi>rk and D r.' Charles A. Meeker of the same city. Dr. Meeker, by- the-W iy/w i 11/yLm re so nt^the_N ii\v_ Jersey Dental society and thio N ational Society of Dental Examiners a t tho P a ris exposi­tion. T he doctor sails for P aris next week and will bo, absent u n til -♦‘September.- J Jr.: Meeker bus been l?5 yeaRi Seciytary of thi’ •Nevv Jersey society. His subject (onigbt is “A Q uarter of a C cnturj’ of O’fllclal Life.

B E A C H S C R A P P E R SW E R E E A C H F I N E D $5

J i iH t lc r B o r d e n C u l l c i t ' O u t , a t J ir td n lg h t t o I l e a r t l i o W o e s a m i C o m p la in t s , o f

T w o ,1 B o a r d w a l k W r a n g l e r s . .

J ustice Borden dealt b u t the law in rlghlform Xcj iV p a ir of boardtyalk *.scrappers last n ight. * •' j

Officer W hite first saw the fighters near the f 1'shi ng pier;*’ They \vero 'uU“ tuhgIwl tip and wriggli ng around a square area near the ijonch line. The fun w as all over w hen the officer arrived and inquired the cause of the tpm ble. 1 . 1 J _

In court .the scrappers gave their names us F rank Collins nml Jo h n Flam m erm an. Collins made the charge. “Hin insulted my \yife,'judge,” he said,- “and when I taxed Kim with it ho struck ' mo in the mfmrii."1’ 11 *------

“ Yes, ho tried to-shovo in beside mo on the bench and said sonietldn^ th a t T' did not understand,” said Mrs. Collins, . who was called as a w itness in tho case.

•lie struck me on tho head* with, some­thing t hat weighed ten pounds/' protested Flaiiunennun, who exhibited a buttered straw hat in proof of the assertion / andwhit dimiecHiQSilLViU^thatLhu-Jiail-oflrerml- auy Insult th the UUly.: ‘j l a i t in:,th e ‘.lx>neh behind her aiul got up to leave thp beach/ when this man rushed n t me .with a pocket club. *My hwui is all soft from the effectof tho.ido.w,” " ..V: '

You insulted my wife,” .retorted Col' 11ns. ; —-—

I. didn’t ,” replied F lam m erm an.You struck liieon the head .with a bil­

let,” said FJamiuernian. /•“ I havo tho rheum atism in my kneo and.

-wasnttdi)oklng-fowi-fight,-butat>intrmustr protect his wife, judge,” said Collins.’ “ In the south, where I came from, dx* use guns in such cases.” . > . . *- *-.

“ W o ll / I a m satlkfled yoii a re bo th in the. w ro n g ,” ' said thu judge; w ho had been routed , from h is bed a t m id n ig h t to "se ttle thO cuso, “a n d I fine y ou each $5. •’ Fla'm - m e n u a ii on ly h ad $1 in h is poekofc, b u t he w as l e t go on t he pvomlstL lo „ s e t t le - t l o hnhmeo th is m o rn in g . C ollins p a id in fu ll. ' *

Flainm orn.m n I s a eoauhiuan. C o llins is em ployed iii'a beach novelty goo‘ds s to re o n - / h e - U o ssq K iv iH o ih -----------------2-------------------------

T H E . T E N N I S P L A Y E R SiK'saft of ttm singles mid I’ronniinury

BimbllyiY ester day a t tho/Educiitiiiiiul - . H an Tourniiiiiont,

Yesterday’s ’tennis tou rnam ent on the grounds a t Educational Jmll resulted as f ol lows: Th rep rou nds of /sl ngliis, Du‘dli*y,_ Palm er and K. Dingle, woiKby Pahiier;,' score; finals to bo played Fridayor ,SatUrdny. ■ • - ^T J h ‘e.1 im (nuries,'' i^}.tho doubles wore be- gun in tlur m orning. H. Zoigler and D. M,. ^ te ^ a l’t beat D. “Ashmead arid A. Mills; score, 04,' Ml, «-3. . / / v. ' ^_b In tho afternoon* Georgo S* Ferguson and H arry W alton bent/'Colom un .Mills, and Charles Mills; score, (i-2, (1-1. F er­guson and W alton laMit Havry^I’ennoj* anil-Charles Ross; score,- 0-3,. ff-ti. - • —

F o rtrm ra r . us© DeWi

TTUnrlSST/plTes ana pkIu dls^ ( g i l t ’s Wltc^...Hazel Salve.

I t Is the originate Couriterfeite may be offered. Use only B eW ltt’B. W. R. Ham, 1(17 Main street. ■ ■- “

io o O iL S T O V E S , e a c h , 75 c ts .50-Gasolene Stoves, tiir leader, $3 92, 50 Blue Flame Oil Stoves $6-98

Tfhe S re d i U uttle S tore Tffaitison Jive*


T U T T L E j T T L T T L E I t u t t l e

S o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o b o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c


M A T T I S O N A V E .

T U T T L E M A T T I S O N A V E .

T U T T L EM A T T I S O N A V E .

Agate Iron W are. - T in Ware. . Everything for the K itchen. Everyth ing Cheaper than Any Other Store - \ 5,000 Chamber Pails at 19c. Rogers’ S ilver Tea Spoons per set, 75c. • :.

; Water Coolers; from 99c. up. Clothes Horses,.49c. ;• y ' '‘ -.7 * ■ ” ; ' - . • ' . < . V . . . _ .* J

C l i e a p e s t /• J E S l x i t o l i e a n L ' . F u r n i s l i e r i n t h e W o r l d

$5 A D A Y ' T O S P R I N K L EO c e a n A v o n 110— M o n e y , I n s t e a d , o f G o in g

t o M r . B r a d l e y , f l ' l l l ' B e G lv e i i t o . l^ lc i . i io r h i l H o s p i t a l .

Founder Jam es A. Bradley will sprinkle Ocean avenue, beginning today,$.yper day Hcrrrg-jTirid“fov tln r^Y ark : TltiT uebuiVn 1 luted, bill w ill be lfrcsdnted to the city next fall by the ladles’ aux iliary society, of the Monmouth hospital, to whom thrij-total eoslj of sprinkling is contributed'hy Mr. BraCley. « ■

Mr. Bradley w ill also place a policeman a t the w ater works and pay for his services;

. C o u c h i n g P a r t y f o r M is s W e i r .

Last nlf’h t ’a coaching party a t the Itoss- Fcnti n f a r m was m a d e up as follows: H ost/L , C. W eir;’ whip, A, B. P ra til; box se a t/ Mrs. J . E. W orth ; ^guests, MUs E iunla^W eir, Mrs. A. JJ, Praub-.Miss A nna IL Cook, Mi*s.;W. W oodruff, It. F Carmen, H enry C. Cook, AY. B. Sancton,” Richard W eir, Lewis H ajghL The tiai’ty.was giyun,in honor of .M iss Weir.

One Minnto Cough Cure is the only harm- _ ss rempdy th a t produces immediate* re­sults. Try it.' W . R. Ham, 107 Main Street.


U r


HMURTUER & LE ROYla Refined Vaudeville

ADM ISSION, - 10 CENTS.The Kalatcdhnoscopc s now on the tenth eon

aecutl v« mouth.

J o b r i I M . B u r t i s —

G n p e ^ t a k e h- — 7 0 8 M a t t i s o n ; A v e n u o ~ r

Coffins and Buriat Casketa on hand or frirnlHhoJ to order. ; •

P U K 5 S M A R I X K A L M A N A C .


J U L YH ig h TM a a m . 1 1*

f n w} H.til.

• i1 1*

% IB | m la .

o u n

1 S u n . . . . . . . 10 3-5 iO.-w 'J wu . tl +.0 .. . . . . i l

3 T im s ,. . . . . 12 00 i l 50 5 103

‘(1.0(H) I 27 40

4 W e d .......... 12 to 12 (Hi II t*t> (1 45 I ‘Wt,5 T h u ra . . : . 12 30 • 1 2-5 7 IX) 40 1 28 7 |0( i .F i i .............. ■ 1 20 2 20 7 to 8 40 4 29 397 -Sat.............. 20 ■3 III 8 40 11 4() 4 29 7 398 s u n ........... ■ 3 2(1 1 (Hi 9 10 1(1 40 I :«) 7 399 M o n . . . . . . 4 30 •155 Ul *55 11 m 4 31 7 38

10 T u e s .......... b 30 .» .71 11 12 (V) 1 32 7 :isII w L*d . . . . . . (1 25 f! ID 12 20 12 20 1 33 712 T h u r a . . . , 7 10 7 25 1 10 1 12 i :ci 7 3713 F r l . . . ........ 8 (H) 8 10 1 t o • *i 00 4 31 7 3(111 Sac-............. 8 •1(1' 11 00 40 . ‘j 50 i to 7 :.U15 S u n . . ........ 9 a* 9 71 , 3 28 3 40- -7-

17 T u e s1(111

j»>15 11




- 4Ti 30

-1-39- •1 37 - 3-1-

3118 W e i l .......... 12 15 *12 DO 5 to ' (1 to- -I 38

1 39r<733

10 T lm r s 12 30 1 10 (I t o 40 7 3 !20 F r l .............. I 5 i 2 15 7 50 s 45 1 10 7 3221' S a t . . . . . . . 2 10 3 1 ) 8 t o 9 t o I -II 7 3122 S un . . . . . . 3 90 3 10 9 to 10 to •1 42 7 :«)2*3 M on ............ •I 50 .» 10 10 71 11 to 4 13 7 *1921 T u e n .......... 5 1.5 IS ki II 15 12 (M) 4 -11

I II7 >)<

35 5' e d ........... .« 35 (i ■j) 12 30 12 HV 729 T liu r n ,.. . . 7 20 7 r» I 15 1 25, t lo 7 .’ 12 7 'F r i ............. S IL) 8 2 DO ■■ ‘j lo- - r io28 S a t ........... 8 43 ■ 8 2 10 2 7 ) I 17 7 2329 S u n ............ 9 ‘.*0 9 til 3 15 3 U) I IS 730 M o n ........... 10(H) 10 15 3 7) 1 )0 4 *’9 7 'fi3J T u c s , .V . . 10 30 10 I 25- 1 10 4 to. 7 - 7

- P R E S S C A L E N D A H

C o n d e n s e d L is t o f C o rn in g E v e n ts Tor Q u ic k R e fe r e n c e .

Wednesday,- July-18,--tO-i'ddai-.-.itiiy-iill^ , T’liirteenth animal meeting New Jersey S tate Dental' society in beach nudltur- ium.

Thursday, Ju ly lil—MeetingioH.oity assesr- ors in council Chamber, 1 southeast ccr ner Mattison'avenuo abd Bund street,

• to hear complaints. I tg n y . from mop- ' erty ownera rogardim.- asaessmeuts,

Thursday and Friday, Ju ly lit nnd 20—Ice cream and clam chowder festival, bonu- iit Pioneer Fire company, linulli-y Beach, in Payntor'a Slain stree t bitli:

■Sunday;'Jiily 'JJ^JIomumllssion .m enting benoflt Newark Rescue Homo, in beach auditorium, afternoon. . . . . ■ —

sronday.’Ju ly 2ii—Compiimejttnry (oncortt m d e r r r i V r s T I , , , , - n ,n r to r « * / ,n J


pENKSYLYANL^RMLROADT h e S ta n d a r d R a H ro ad o£ A m e r ic a

Ob and.after June 1900, *•'', . ’ *TRAINS LEAVE ASUL’RY PARK—WKKK DAYS.

For Kpw-York and,Newark, (135 I'MonrHva onIy)i, ' 7 20,'7. -I.J, 8 20, 0 90 u ni, 1-20, 2 3-5, 8 85, 5 33 and

!) 20p in. . i •F o r .E il'/r th etli,-7 .H , D20 a m , 120, 2 35, .3.35 5 35

amJi)29 p m.For Ralnvny, 0 20 a m, 1 20, 535 and 0 20 p m. ' For. Matawau,. U 20 a in, I 2Q,- 2 35, -535 and 0 20 p

F o r R ed IJdnk, 7 2 0 ,7 13, U 20 a n i, I 2 0 ,2 3 5 , 3*35;6 35 and 0*20 p n i ,— ' J

F o r P h iln de lpn ra , B road S t . a n d T ren to n , 0,25,7 25; 7 5 2 , J) \) J i i m , 12 IS, 3 57 an d 5 22 p in .

C a m d e n , via T ren to n a n d R o r d e n to w n , 7 25.I) 07 a m , 12 18 und 3 57 p n u

F o r C am den nnd P h ila d elp h ia , v ia T om # RIvor, (i 52 a n d 11 l:j am , 2 25,,5 I5 pfm. .

F o r Toiud Itlv er , Island H e i^ iitsa n d in to h n e d la te —Btatfonsym2amrHfoi *arTTC2a!5*frlfraini"t)*t)2"pTiTr F o r P o ii’t^ P lo j isa n t u n d tnterm edU vto B tations.

(100, 0 52, 10 50, I I 13 a in . * 1 25, 2 5S (S a tu r d a y s o n ly ) , -122 150. 5 10, 5 15, f) 02, 0 1 5 and 0 (JO P n i.

F or N ew B ru n sw ic k , via M on m ou th J u n c tio n , (i 25, 7 52 a n d 0 07 a u i, 12 18,3 57 a n d 5 22 p rn.


rom W e s t T w en ty -th ir d S tr e e t S ta t io n . 8-53 a m , •1210,1 10 (S a tu r d a y s o n ly ) , 2 2 5 ,2 5 5 3 25, 1 10, I 55 nn<n (155 p m , S u n d a y s , 7 55 a n d - U 25 a m ,- and 155 p n i. '

F rom D e sh r o sse s S tr e e t S ta tio n a t 3 3 0 , (100 a m , - 1 2 2 0 , 1 10 r S a tu rd a y s 6h T y)72 3 0 /3 10. 3 10, 4 21),

5 1 0 a n d 7 00 p. m . Sundays', 8 15, D 45 a in and 5 1 5 p m ,

F m m C o r ila n d t 8 ,treet S ta tio n , ntSJW .12 20, 1 20 (S a tu r d a y s o n ly ) . 2 3(1. 3 10 ,3 1 5 10 and 7 10 p m . S u n d a y s 8 15,'0 15 ii n 5 1 5 p 'm ; On S u n d a y w ill s to p a t lu te :

9 00 a m , -10, 4 20, in, and

- .... ---------------- Interlakenand A von In p la c • o f N ortli A sb u r y P a rk and

— A abury P a rk to le t bff -p a sse n g e r s /'— ;

TRAIN8 LEAVK PrilLADELPIIIA (B road St) FOR ASUURY pare;, . . / * •-

A t I 55, (I .'yj. 8 22 11.11 -a m 2 12,3 30 and 4 08 p m ,■ w eeK -d ays, 51)0 p m (S a tu r d a y s o n ly ) . .S u n ­

d a y s , s to p a t I terltiken fo r A so tir y P a rk . 4 55 anu 8 30 a n i . M arket. S tr e e t W h a rf, v ia C am ­den an d T ren to n , 0 10', 7 10, ]0:10 a m , 2 30 a n d

, 3 . 3 0 -p m \veek-< lays. " -1 :*0 (S a tu r d a y s o n ly ) L e a v e M arket ..S tre e t W h arf, v ia 'J a m e s b u r g ,

~ 7 '1 0 a ~ n ir l3 X )p 'n n v e e k - 'd a y a r ~ ' ■ r — r - y —

W A S H I N G T O N A N B T H K S O U T H .


F o r B a lt im o r e find W a sh in g to n , 3 50,7 2 0 ,8 32,1) 12, 1020, 11 2:1, II 33 a in ; 1230 lim ited (D in in g C a r ),1.13 (D in in g C a r ), 3 13, 4 II (5^5* C o n g re ssio n a l lim ited ,(D in in g C ar),H 05, (120,055 (D in in g C ar), 7 31 (D in in g -C ar) n m , a n d . 12 20 n ig h t w e e k ­d a y s. S u n d a y s, 8 5 0 ,7 20, 9 12, II 23 ,11 33 a - i n ,1.13 (D in in g C ar), 3 18, 4 11 (5 20 C o n g -e ss lo n a l L im ited , D iu iirg C a r ), 0 55 0 5 5 (D in in g C a r ), 7.31 (D in in g C ar) p m , uud 12 20 n ig h t,T im e ta b le s o f atl o th e r tr a in s o f t h e sy s te m

m \y bo ob tu in ed a t th e t ic k e t o ff ic es o r s ta t io n s ,. ■ J . R . W OOD, G eil. P a ss A g t ,

J , B. H U T C H IN SO N , G on. .M anager. -

Reliable Furniture,

. • For the next few days we will offer you special;__bargains inTT ■

- • MATTINGS * 'Chitiese and Japanese, 'Fine selections of patterns and colorings. ' 1 ' r : '

' ODD CHA IRSScattered all over the first floor, and marked with • I^ED TICKETS so you can spot them at once.

' S IDEBOARDSOne dr two, beautiful in design and finish,1


All kinds— marked way down to' close 'out.

— ■ . AND

Our usual choice stock of Ch ina ,I -

Cut Glass, Bric-a-brac, Statuary,, etc.

^ THE DAVIS STOREGrand and Cookman Avenues, Asbury P ark , w» J , -



jn th ra c tte C oayjsed Exeiuslvely, In su r­ing: Cleanliness and Comfort ‘

T im e ta b le In e f fe c t 12.C n oon J u n e 80.* 1900.F o r N e w Y o r k v ia S a n d v H o o k r o u te , (J 4 7 ,7 05,-

** 51), _ 9 30, JO bO a_ m , 12 02, 1 52, .2 52, '5 11 p m .

New Shuffleboard, Billiard and Fool Parlor now open)COOPER HALL, Cor. Asbury and Cookman Aves.

6 Shuffleboards, 17 Pool and Billiard Tables and 2 “Bowling AileyS.. Something-new • MR. LA-

V E IG E N ^ will give special attention to teaching ladies how to play Billiards and Shuffleboard. Tables reserved *for Sadies. Without , exception this is the finest amuse­ment nail along the coast. Open day and evenings.

,'M. M. LAVEIGENE. ?-F -H -M -l

J_08 ,_5'-12,*J7-55 p m,

TRAINB LZAVK ASBURY PARK,F or N ew Y o r k , N e w a rk a n d E liz a b e th v(« *11 hall

ro u te ,’ (0 10 M o n d a y s o n ly ) , (i 17, 7 0 0 , (7 28 N ew Y o r k .o u ly ) , (7 33 e x c e p t N ow Y o r k ) 8 00, 1055- a m , 12 02, 2 10, 4 Q0,7 05 p iii. B u n a a y a fr o m

, in te r la k o n s ta t io n , 7:47 a 1 m , 4 1 8 ,8 55 p in .F or P h ila d e lp h ia and T ren ton v ia E llz a tfe th n o r t,

0 1 7 , (7 00 e x c e p t T r e u to n ) 8 00, 10 50 a m , 12 02, *2-.)u , 4 00 p m . ’ S u n d a y s , fr o m In L erla h en -siu - tio n , 7 87 a m , 4 18 p in .

F or b a ttlm o r o a n d W a sh in g to n . 7 00, 8 00. 10 50 a m , 12 02, 4 00 p m . S u n d a y s fr o m in te r lu d e * s ta t io n , 7 37 a ra. 4 18 p m . 1

For E a it o n , D e th le h e m . A llen to w n and Manov “X h u n k , 0 17, 8 00, (10 50 to E a s to n ) , a m ,‘ 12 02,

2 10 ,(4 00 to E a a to u ), p m . S u n d a y s f r p m .in - ."'*teriakon station ,' 4 18 p m .

F or W llkeHbarro and S c r a n to n , 8 00 a m , 12 02 p m . F o r B uffn 'o a n d C ld ca g o v ia D ., t e & W . II. R .,

8 0 0 ,1 0 .5 0 a m . 4oo p m .J . H . O L H A U 8 K N , G en‘l S n p t .

R. P R*t.n«ttN, Oen. Pas Atrf

8 0 C e n t sFATTEN LINE


minster P resbjteilun uliuroi.Tuesday'nml Wednesday, Ju ly 21 and '.Ti—

Lawn fete by ladles uMrirat, Pi' o - liin church fti grove af J. M. F.alstoii,

■ Cedar ttyoirae, Allenliurst, afternoons (imt evenings.

Monday, "'?uo> day, Wialnesday and Thurs­day. Ju ly ltd ntnl.'ll, aiid A ugust■! aiid ii — Col age bazitr lor beneilt IsoliUhmJiayitaLaUtaiiussi- —torium. aftornoous nnd evenings.

Tuesday, Ju ly 81^-Pttmo. recital b y Fannie Bloomfleld-Zelslpr. a t Coloman House.

Wednesday, August 1—Civil sorvice oxttm- InaMon for clerk and carrier a t Asbury l’ark, p.ostoillco.’ ■

F rljay , August 3 -Subseriptlon vaudeville, benefit Ctnueh ot the-Holy Spirit, Park Opera House. . .

Thursday, A ugust »fl—'Will Lyle’s uomo. dlans in beach auditorium. ■ . . DoT i k n t a b L e , JU L Y 5

...(Sul'joEt to change). ..LEAVB PLEASUREJ5AY

-Week days.'...7.20a. m .;2.10, -1.10, s j o p.m.’ ^11F,TURNING.X.EAyE N'EW YOKIC .

Pout W est 1,3th at. S.00,'0.00, +11.00 a. m.,. 2.-10 p.-m. . .Battery Park 8.10,9.80, *11.30 fl.m., 3.10 p.m.

loaves W est'iath st. 1215 a n d Battery Park


Thurejay, August l(i-S ta to F ield'day, J r . o . u . a . m ., this «(ty. ■ .

Wednesday, ,-xugUst "IM Stata Fieifl day, Knigbt'e Templnw. Parade and review.

i t t e r y1.13 p. m. instead of 11.30 a. m.

SUNDAYS. 'Wavo Pleasuro Bay. 4.30, 4.43, 5.00 p. m.

“ N. Y., foot W. JStU S t . , tl.20, 8.40, 9.00 1ft 4ft a. m.

Leave B'attory Park, 8,50, 0.10, 0.30, 11,15 a. m. "i. „ . .....

T a k e e a r w h ich le a v e s A e h iir y .P f lr k .n o t Jater. th e n (I AO a . m wf« r 7 2 0 e . a i, b o a t. O’e r a fte r n o o n b o a ts , lake car h o t le ter th a n 1.10 fo r 2.10 b o a t; It.Ift-for 4 10 b o a t: 4.10 fo r 3.10 bo a t . a u a d a y a .l l^ n na . -l at) p iTT

U a g g u g e c a r r ie d fr e e w ith p a sso n g ere .

Puksb Special Advernsemehta bring Im­mediate results. ' ,

Q u i c k e r T h a n L i g h t i n g * i s T h o u g h t

othe r s a p e thinking o f it,- W O O D W O R T H & H A B E R G A H N

T i n s m i t h s , 7 1 2 C o o k m a n A v e n u e■g - - "■

v h i lo -

. _ « ' G I B J P O R D & S O N P l a i n a n d O r n a m e n t a l P l a s t e r e r s

Bricklaying, S etting of M antels, Ranges and H eaterar Also Bofler 8 ettln g aud Foundations Laid. T ile Setting:

E stimates F urnibued for A bove, w it h R efkrenoks* . *X * o s t o f f / o o l i o x 4 . 1 , J t r n d l d y B e n o i t , >7.


x e s s-SpecialA d vertisemen

B r in g Q u ickoooooooooooooooooopoooQooo oooooooooodooooooooooooooo'

Page 4: STATIONERY STORE - DigiFind-It · • Mrs. S. T. Guorry of Atlanta, Ga„ is a visitor ufc tho Aurora, Ocean Urovb. Sfce- has been a summer, resltlont fcliery for 18 years; She is


FIGHT NEAR PRETORIA.Roberts' Reports an Attack-on

• His Left Flank.


I s t h e s t o r y o f o u r s p r i n g o f f e r i n g s i n e v e r y

d e p a r t m e n t . W e ’v e a l l t h a t ’s n e w a n d 1 d e-

" s ir a B le ln " - ____

fancies o f the season. T h e dem and for wash fabrics w i l l ’be, enormous. C ha llie s , d im ities and m ousse lines w il l p reva il for

• mid-summer use. T o se lect here m eans b u y in g right.

Is ever at the ■ front and le ad in g com- p e t it io n .: I t ’s perhaps useless to dw e llMillinery-on th/completen'ess o f o u r stock or the.

ab ility o f our-designers and trimmers. . . ; • ' Ty

‘ T.Ready-tp-weSFgarrnqnts for lad ies m isses and ch ild ren , jrom the common house w rapper to the .most des irab le ta ilor:

" made suits and skirts in a lFc loths andUTnishr~ ~ ~ ~

we pr ide ourselves on the stock and styles we have to offer in . m ens’ and"b"pys! 'cloth- ing, and hats. T h e y are easier shown .than

to ld of; besides the im pression is. m ore lasting . „


There ’s a comfort in our shoe room . Com fort in select^ TngTm om fdrtT irth tryrrce^nd a comfortHnri.-he^wearfng—xvhieji- c'an on ly come from proper fitting, w h ich depends on . experi-ence a iid care o f selection.-

T i f t u o u l i u t i i l r iM l o f1 T h e m I 'u n x IJt»- t t v v c i i 11 o u t «» »• >» n u d n u h l l l c * / l l r i i K iu i c M - r n K t i t In I* u rN u U ~ I: tn . I I t o n , A d v « ! ic c s . ........... / *................ ,,

Luiulnii. J uly I' 1 id~ >vai~otIii 1? 'hasrct'eivctHho Tollmvhig disputrli froiu Lord llolicrts, da toil Pretoria, Ju ly 17:

“ Yesthrihiy tho 'ein 'n iy mmU* a dotfr-"DTirmfLFtnTnl^mi-rinHrl't—nf—Dol iM-hn-cr^v rposit hm sind along o u r left dank, toni;

duaiViU'tl h y »T l,iitto ih • Tho~pq!n>7“hr.ld~by ( lie ,Irish furiU ris and CanadianuhkiuLmI •iul'aiitry, iukUV Lieu tenant Ctilonel Al*jlorrfni i. were niosJ. gn 1 in ii 11$ ;.def i*nd (*d;

^ h f e enetiiy made riqieatefy :it tem pts to -ysennit Ih e■ ly isltio n s.eb n n u g in Hose range ami calling tt) tlie ,1’usdeers to 'su r­render. Tire enein.v suffered severely. They had In killed ami nil wtumdetl. and 4 werO taken prisi.mers, T he TiriTTsli TasiuUlles: \vor<V“ T lc i I“ Tt iTT-lfn fi iTgHTl ni7R! I i inLieolennnts Borden and ..I'ireli), . 30 Wounded ami. IM*missing. * v .

. “ liui "llsrmtiibii’s 'eplumii . jidvAiteed- tc Wiitervtil yestt;rtlay;uiiop|m.sed, and today jiroeeeded li/'llm uaii’s lirasd, - • ’ ' . ;

' “ Fifteen hriiulmf-Ktiel^, with, five guns, .managed; to break through : the cordon Tunned by ITunfeF's and Buiidle'.s divK Kiuns between'. Bethlehem. a,nd Fielisljurg. Tly*y word inliking towiU‘d;Lind!ey, being

fjdlowed i by l ’aget's and Broad-wood’s byijiatiesi** ’ . •

In h' ilispatd i dated yesterday. Lord 'Huberts pays a t r ib u te ' to Lieulyuants tybrden nnd. Bireh, whom in his dispatch Uu reported killed. , Lohi.K ouerls says:

“They- wefe. killed while gallantly lend­ing" their men in a (‘tiuutor a ttack on th« eneihyV flank at* ji critical juncture i*f their assault mi nur -pdsif ion. ^Burden was twice before brought to my notice iu.dispatches; i'or. gallantry and Ititn ’pid con­duct.” :- - • • •

A press, dispatch • from Pre to ria says th a t J . . M, A. 'NYolmarans o f theTea its van I executive eoii’aci! has been a r ­rested’ a t his Jiouse within the British linos -near Ila therley . B a r gold; worth

_iU;(J00u wi drit-qt): 11 it i fcy-« i farm s-w ens-foun d- cuncealcil-iu the house. *.

killed Iii. nisei f, Bi|uiy;hi was cm ployed in n TlV'e ni P lireison and had been dis*charged recently. Me blamed Passim»;.fm his disehfirgc and- last .night waited fm •his- coitjjiii outs/dc riie . Works,/; Biam hi sliof'Ihissiuu jiist ns’thc.laU o little daughters were . running to . meet jdm . PiissiUo fell dead at.4her*.faet\

Tl^e J e s te r T r ia l ,New London. Mo’., •♦July.. ID .^ iu the.

,ttrial o t A.le^amku*.'•!.esU?ri charged Ayith murdering (iilheit Gates In 1871, W. B. ltildy testified .that he rc.meinljci's dis- tihelly th a t lye -snAV q body of a man lloathig down Ilireee .creek when th e icc*. brokh tip in the spring of 187.1. I lls de­scription ‘lilted that of GiUicr^Gates.'

•• 3 I « v c » H ‘iitK o f W n T s b l i i s , . *W a s h in g t m ' i i ' ,1 uly1 /l i ) : — T h e ^ g t u i l j o a l 4b4»ieet4>n~ha>UUuu-v<.id-..‘a t 8lvatow.. The

^ I t l i t t h F o r C o n N t P o H i f . ' \ . .’A l b a n y , \ / . T u J , v .l,d . ~ . 4 l e l a t i v e t o t h e

p r o p o s i t i o n o f S e c r e t q r y , o f W a r B o o t t o m a n t h e f o r t i f i c a t i o n s i i i i d l i i i l i t a r y p o s t s , i n th is * ■ s ta te w i t h *tlit* h i n t a / n u l g u a r d i n ' e a s f . i t i s d e s i r e d t o u s e . t h e r t 'g u l a r s fo i j f o r e i g n s e r v i c e . A d j u t a n t G e n e r a l I f o f f - m a n s n i d . t h a t t h e i l j* j ia r tu n A it w a s r e a d y t o c o - o p e r a t e ' w i t h t h e n a t i o u i d g t i v e r n - m e n t s s h o u l d t h e • o e e a s i o n l v n n i n * i t . b u tadded th a t \ he men w ereno t. trained to handle the liig guns with w hich’the forti-. tieations are eynipped. There are foiir batteries of artillery in tlie 'state, threeiii- Ne.w York oily. amL -B ingham ­ton, and ilk* Thi!tfO(Mitli,;ivgirheht is liosv organized n^.iulil'uvy 'a r tilie ry ; regiinent; These troops <*<>uld ltd sent* a t once to . forti ti ea t inU ~e vi.eml w~-Yoi-lrr i i y.—

. A gentlerann recently cured o f . dyspepsia gave th e ‘following appropriate rerd?ring of Burns’ famous bVasln’g.: “Some have m eat and. cannot eat, and somo lmve none tha t'w an t it ; b u t we liave meat, ami )ve can e a tK o d o l Dyspepsia/Cure bo th m k ed .” This prepdr.ition will digest whnt yen oat. I t instantly relieves and radically c t 'r -■« in- 'digcstion and all stomach disorders. \V. It, Bara, 1.07 Main street. — . •'

Ilnvana, .Tuly 11).—The recen t, decree of Scnor Yaronu, secretary of education, reform ing tiie Uni>a?vsity ofc.IIavana nnd

"reduchiff—th e number of professors met- 'w ith general approval, as placing the university upon « practical ' working basis. Now, however, all the papers are protesting against.-tin? method of choos­ing the professors, whieli is th a t nl) who obtained their positions by competitive^ exam inations are to remain.. t\s w e)Las tlffls.e who. have deinonslrated uudouhfed alnlity. All others are to he ciTi'npolled to resign. - 1 ; ' - • ' ; •"t- F ire , i n -Auioiiiol)IU’ d 'litn t.., ' .' A\'o'rcesteiv A lass., J ttl.v/l The d rop forgings shop d f ria;^Virtonmbile Gompa-. hy of AineiSea in this eil.v was practical ly iliiKl fnvi'.tl—1 > v*_ii i-i. vjisterda V - a ft ernoon. The loss is1.'placed by the m a n a g e r , at ahtitit_$2C»diWJ1. ..wh hmurance of 821,301,), The engiiiVs and tafiks. and all. till* drop forgitigs.hsed in the m anufacture of the Stanley -locomobile *wqre' made licie, and- tlif^'lire Will greatly*cripple-, tlie business mitii a ndw ;l'u/gii»g shop, can be es tah 1 lislied. .; _~i- ■ • . . . . ;. ■ <. -

I U ii l '^ lc r a n d .$iitclde n t I*atcr«on.,Ihiterson, N. -Iuly 111.—-Bonis Bian-

clii Inst'n ight shot his cousin,-Joseph- l*as- s hi a . a nd; k i (fed -I w i n . t t e [pen slid^ «lid“

S- S'

M i d = S u m m c r

s t

Y E R Y day is bargain day at our establishments, but very frequently our buyers gobble up exceptional good things in the N ew York markets and these “ fmd?” we invar iab ly

feature as specia l bargain tid-bits. ' Our buyers have been w ide -awake oLlate and the featured specials Tor the balance of the week w il l in c lude the Standard m^kes of Shoes, Stylish Bathing Suits and^Ready-tailored Suits for W om en. ; : ’


MsuTiias ..has arriviMl. a t the Boston ’yard. The new battleship K entucky is a t New­port j 'U-lu* Banger has sailed from Sanl.Vi'cgo fo,r t lu O la r e Island, njivy. yard.- Tiie Aeeomac is-due to arrive, a t ! K e y West; ' - ■ IL ;A m vrl’pJtji (« 1:ish 111 • G r r In a n y . ■ .■ HerPn. O / B. T ra ig "and A. B. Oonls of I’iitshurg. glass nian- i:f;:i,turers. a !*.*..!:• »i;t>.se!iiiig..pre.*>ed *gla \v aro-.- wb it 1» a f e w" y t •: 1 rs a go .V hie: ica. hi.»5!Vht:,f:'-oin’Geritinu-v.;. - V *

nig;, tB: Bii* In t.c|Herd:»n».UpBt’rthiu.iOluly lb.—The. strike here

is . extending;, and over. 12Tli'ti men- are now -involved, Tlmie art* 1,70-vessels ill t he j l a a river a\yait ing V.iscDargtN - w;

A nd-Si*iutttP U lo to rB 'S c iijcn ce B erlin, .1 uly lb .—Another batch o

e d .o f a n ? '

t i - S e n i i t j c r i o t e r s h a s b e e p s e n t e n c e d , t o n n r i . s o n n i e n t a t S t o l p , P o m e r a n i a . O n e

- i ia r r w a s s p m o n e e d t o n in e m o n t h s . -

A Gmut-Cdngli Dledieine., J _ Many thouaaiuls lmve been restored to

nealth and happlnhss by the use of Cham­berlain’s Cough Remedy*.' If afflicted with any th roat or Inner trouble, give i ta tria l for i t ts certain to prove beneficial. ; Coughs th a t have resisted all other trea tm en t for years, havo ylelde 1 to this remedy a'fid per­fect hoiilth restored. Oases that, seemed lijopoless,-thiit.the cltmkte of-fam ous heJiUh resorts failed to benefit, havo been perma­nently cured by ID use. For sale by Thomas M. Stewart, corner Cookman avenue and Bond street.

) G R E A T E S T

Qioffilng Slaughter ON. R IX O R I)

To the thousands of people! who are waiting for"this grand bargain occasion. A N O T H E R L A R G E P U R C H A S E at 43 cents on the dollar. Two larg/clothing stores, Hammerslough Bros, and Hexter Bros, accepted our spot cash offer for their entire Summer-Stock of C loth ing. These goods are now being unpacked at the Surprise C lo th ing Company, 635 Mattison avenue, 'and 'they j j o on sale today, T H U R S D A Y , July 20. .These goods are without exception the finest cloth ing pro- •duced in this country ’ ‘

W e wish to. impress-upon the public that this is no paper talk. The factories here mentioned are at JNew York city., and- you can easily oe convinced1 that our statement is' true, and when this stock is inspected by the pub lic, we feel 'confident every­body will.admit. la rg e r or finer stock of clothing was ever displayed under, one roof in Asbury Park or in the State of New: Jersey, The sacrifice that w ill make this lot of goods go quick commences today. Prices w ill be cut and slashed, values are slaughtered and mutilated. No loss too great, no sacrifice too great to enable us to accomplish our two-fold objecf: clear this stock at once; second, to clinch our claim .to b e in fact and in truth the greatest bargain givers-in tjie world.

First,, to

Tlte lamest am Finest.STOCK OF

- Metfs-Stimmer 3u ttf—

$ 4 .9 8Wort)] *12.U0.

A t S r .‘.IS. M i Hi's b l: t i : l : f : la V W o r s t t ' .il .

' wuultl you. litty it Hu'inmer Suit tor

$2-98That K actually •wurtli’K.fihJ It

s<*. iiiakh ii’biii!Una f(»r om-stoiv. as *w : have* about Y () meiiVaiifi.young'

‘ mmi's Sumnicr .Suits,.many.worth as high as >7.i:u, ami .tuarkivr 't lie in. all'

--vi wo-iloil ’»’? au»ltf h U u ' t i ifiil.s lor thecl.oicc; allsizvstfp lu ll hr.cast • ij.ii isuiv.

YbsVoo • Suits of, tan uml hr<vwii T’woml with hralil triinmii^g

nu m«iw iig.-agos

io >. I tegular Erioif At ourSpring.OpL‘11 ing Sale Pi'Il'U at. Our Now S’oro ' '

$ 1 .7 9

• • ■ $3,155" ViVi th a 'teifilftlhinTttt:—ThnTroc

rhoiii'Mif humirefis ol Men's FinoL'its* W u r^ iin i a m i h i : n t d i .g a n i l^ iu

Diag«)]t;il slnglo and douTilo iTntasfml sack in 111 frouk Kuits; Also sifiuoth surfaced, cassimoros and lough sur- faoad Weaves-tailored 'in!o suits of bhfgamjo ami hierir. $15 RO is Um actual value o f 'p ay of thoio suits. Your choice for’

$ 7 .9 8Men’s black ;iml hluo Surges ami

fancy fTu vlot, single nnd double breasti*d. f - u i l c u t ou- correct lines, thnrini-ddy mifor.?tl find subHlHii- tinlly-gT) *il. Not ond t>( these suits c tu h<? »l-ewhere' inutched for lt*?s than f-l : Oh. For only


YOUNG FO LK S'Clillilreii’s Wajtltiiltlu Gulls.... . . . .Wc

tflTnft:— ©itoititig-fiaitt—liriuo—af-ttuy-t New Htorc

7 8 c

HEAD EVERY ITEjil m ^ Read K Garsfullg

all ciileers, shjides and'slyies

• •* v • ” 4HC’ • • “ “ filurWi* wifi give a wjilefi. fo tin* olill-

elivn or A-dm i y l*ark and vicinity hy pureha.shig a suit from tho Surprlsu

flrhfg In cO.OO-ta^Vf?!*; —

UNLOHD BT BUY LOSS• We alp unloading J)isl. 'j'hosft

hle.'Cding. priced {oll-in.'iio-misfnKeu -m anner Uie havoc wo are* playing* wills stylo ami sioning \vortli.

- S I O fllmnlnrds of Children’s Suits, age

•t to Hi, fMgiilatiy fo. o i’ioniui; S.ile i 'l lc i a t Our New Store

7 9 c

HiutUrotla of Gliililreti’.s Suits in VSstotw, tlouhlu or siui'lo brensteti suits, double knoo ttnd seat, a t

$ 1 .9 8 , 2 . 4 8 , 2 .9 8.These aro the finest line’ of Chil­

dren’s Suits in'tho city.

Children’s three-piece Suits, coat, pants and vest,

$ 1 . 9 8 , 2 . 4 8 , 2 . 9 8 , -

3 . 4 9 , 3 . 9 8 , 4 . 4 8- 1 ' . _Every Matoniotit wo nikKo is true

and hacked by our aVmor clad utu r* ii'itee. with your money hack w ltn “u\x»rytaircimse;— :-; --r-)fildren’ri Wnshablo Keo Bahts . 7 <i Cli Idron’s ICnee. H au ls .....

. idror.’s Knee l * . d i t p . l i f e C l i d d roll’s K f ie i I’a n t f . ..................... JtHc■«,hJldh*h'V** 7CIR:L- iMRtF." 4Hl*

MEN’S PANTSilr.-ti’s woritinv 1‘itnts in ten dlfttiront

styles, kuarantetti value $2.01). .Hale p r i c e . 4 i ) C

Men’s la tes t.s ty le atid fancy Plank*1 Cli-vlot I’attl-, all siz-s, Mami- facturer’s price S2.C0. Hide price .........1............ /■Ov

Men’s lire and fancy black Clieviot and W nrsted l ’unts. all,1 . latest stylfe. Guaranteed n 0 „ value ?3.(J0. Halo prico..VTT[ MoC..

ile n ’s latest style-Casftm ero and fancy 'W orsted Pants , l a all » shades and uret.t.y stripes, till sizes ' Keplar price 43.00. Sale 4.1 zo price ..............4 , . , . . . . . . qil.HO

-JfcnhreloRttnf—(jJrtrftlioBvy-iiatr-Hhi stripe and inixet) Ca'siinere Pauls Guaranteed valuo 43.70. X,’ 7 # Hale prlco.. , . . . . . . . . . s> l> /*»

Men’s elpRaiit fancy W orsted iintl casslrrteiyt * 1 "Duunlit Prnnsted Knee P an ts S tilt',

7 t, 1 1(1 years, pt- Unlit, and brown Tweed, lteeularlv -retails for 43. OpepltiB Sale Price aj« Our Now | Htttre 1 ' "■ — 1 • - 1 a. 1 q q tip, will go on sale for ipl. S o

Home of Ilia llnosf. Cltiy worsted and fancy Worsted Pants Hint rw - Ular dealers sel|.for-f4.r>UJind-4o:(:(t.

; : O u r Shoe s e llin g reputa tion is not, con fined to A sbu ry Park and v ic in ity .Shoe wearers in a l l parts o,f the country pa tron ize ;our. stores,Tor the footwear

- w e se ll is the best m oney cart procure . VVe have ne ve r h a n d le d ’sKoddy goods “ and ne ve r w ill, • A l l o u r Shtpesj are in ad e i y repu tab le , manufacturers and are

guaranteed to be as ^ve represent them . W e s e ll ou r footwear on a -narrdw l ,5] profit-margiii and ,these tiivo features, enab le , ys to con tro l the Shoe trade in A s ­b u ry Tark . T h is v/eek w e are g o in g to push the se lling ' of' S um m er w e igh t

j - footwear. Prices a l ways fa ir have been reduced another notch .and k e w stock / has b e e ii added to make the spec ia l Shoe sa le m ore tem p ting . A l l shapes, a ll * leathers, a ll sizes, bu t e v ^ry pa ir a t r il ie cheaper than other dealers. C om e in arid loo k our Shoe departm ents over. " Y o u w il l be surprised at the Jarge stock nnd the low prices . . ' ' - ' : ' .. •. ,,'

e t c

W e have been s e llin g B a th in g Su its 'and bath ipg requ is ites—such as hats and'shoes—for the past 25 years, so we Jknow ju s t abou t what ou r patrons want

■ in-this lineV” ;O u r stock is-now com p le te pad is var ied enough ; both as to styles and p r ic in g to su it everebody . I f you have no t yet p rocured you r b a th ing o u t­fit, po ine in-today and le t us show you ou r com p le te assortm ent. W e guarantee the m ateria ls in the better grades,-both as to co lo r in g and sew ing . .T h e pr ice 'tickets we know w ill p lease. + . .7

u . . . .

In ou r lad ie s ’ suit departm en t may be had for lit t le m oney the newest makes in P ique and C rash Su its , Separate Sk irts arid G o lf costumes. - • T hese

^garments were manufactrired-espeeia lly- forour—stores, so—wc—know-ahey—arc-

s t

perfect in every particu lar. T h e assqrtn ient canno t b e T Iu p lic a te d T y any other store hereabouts, and the p r ic in g is m ade low er than s im ila r goods can be bough t for in c ity stores. ' ■ :

T h e S p e c i a l S e l l i n g o f S h i r t w a is ts w i l l C o n t i n u e u n t i l t h e E n t i r e S t o c k is C l o s e d O u t .




B o t h o n t h e T r o l l e y

Moro CJaid F ro m SlinK uny, ' Vsmrimvri:, IL ( ’., Ju ly 10.—Tho stonm-

vi4,(bill'll has nnivofi |lu*rt‘ from Skaguay hriughig tho largest golfi* shipm ent re; ccivcfi in Vancouver 'th in season fro»i the north. A large amount, in d ra fts and ■SfiOH.HOO in Hnst Wits on hoard. A liia-jority of the til) passengers brought largo packages of gold, soipe yf greater weight than one eoiihl carry, off the. boat unaid­ed. A dozen cases of smallpox, have -broken out a t. Dawson. .The .infection is supposed-to luive come from Nome. .

An Important T est:Your Life May Be Proiongei!"liy

A p p ly in g It.I to you realize tlio imiiortauco of I lu1

Kliiuoys aiid i)lttUder ?WVlieiriliacasiitl lltey nfike a lot of trouble—toar (iuwn tlio sys- tom and croato sravol (stone in tbo Blad­der). Women ofton suffer from so-called vfomale wonktiofts,” wlion tlieir iroublo really lies wit)] tlie Kidneys and Bladder Try this test, l ’u t somq urine in a tum bler Lot ft stuuif 'twenty-four bours. If tlioro. is a sediment, a cloudy -o r milky apilear- auce, your IOdiioys aro sick. I t you aro

J,1io iilcltt; if your urlne stains linen, if you havo ccaldma: pains in .passing it, if your back pa lts you. yotir Bladder und Kidneys .re^ .once.take tbo

Sroatost of ail Illdn y medicines. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlto llemcdy.i I t 1ms. cured tbo most distressing cases; i t will buro you. ■ ; Y ;

^ I t r - c a r r e c t s th e 'b n d c f f c c t S 'O f b c e r 'O r

whiskey, v.III c u r e old nnd ehrtmic cases of- Rheumatism aiid Dyspepsia and .acts gen­tly yet promptly on the Bowels., Favorlto

,tietmMyriih]niti*ftjt“otprdoHft'rflrb3W!e-atsi!P drlig store's.

You may have a trial- b o ttle : of Favorite Remedy with li pamphjot of valuable med- leufadyiuu sent free by mall ptjstpald. by sending your address to lhu Dr. David Kan- nudjf . Corporation, ltomlout, N. Y., and mentioning this p'appr. _ /n io proprjotor or tliis p^por guarnuteos 4 I10 gfenplnenersbf this liberal offer

■ - r '1 Irlms~hnnn-tlonton8trntod--liy-exporlenco th a t consumption can ho prevented by t.lto parly ttstvof Olto Mltinle Cough Cure. Tills Is the favorlto toineriy for coughs, colds, itrqiip. itst.lima. erlppo .and nil tlirnat and Iting troubles. -Cures quickly. • W. R, Ham, 307 Mslu strtu t. V

F o i^io te lb ,— Ueshtti rants—titid—Boarding Houses you should try some. •

Only 25 Cents per Pound.■-AXjQQd_Jaynarid M a r lc a b o f o r 2 0 c

p e r lb! A G o o ll 'C o tfu c fo r 15c.----I40 years’ experience enables us to offer lo

•jtii- customets uu nrLfclu tliiit will give sal-, lsfacliou.

If You a re N o t A lread y U sing O u r

S p ec ia l B lend J a v a a n d D o c iia C offees



Hus movod its main oQloo from 811 (),olt: iiiniiavcnbu toG31 M attlson avenuo—Keutpr Block.

P a i t r o u n g o S o l i c i t e d . ■

F1BST-CL0SSWOBXantf PiOBIPTSEI|FiCETeloptiono 85b.


And all ilJaordora or inorwy rolunt!otl,llutuuvnt. Not a piivBio, A radical euro, boo at ciina, j . Blftclc.T. M. Btowarti L. O. Gronollo. or ot Ett’a Prog Co., l’hlla. Pa. Pleaao try IL


S te inbach C om pany ’ natur- a lly in su re ^ w ith alFthfe-insur- . ance m en in A sbury Park.

T h e y had a fire F r id ay , June. 8. A sk them who pa id the ir loss first.- Th ey w il l te ll you G IF F A R D . W e w rite in s u r ­ance— best compan ies , lowest"* rates, and settle looses a t once.


222 M a in S t r e e t —(ASBURY-EARK_______

D a y to n '1Y alei

B a tn c s

; O rien t S pa ld in g

I E ag le

C leve land White

I C raw fo rdT rib u n e Q u ak er S te r lin g

ThpsooraBomeof tho wheels I apa soiling - tills year.. v: -. • v. .„ 1


Mr. Thad. Vanderveer is In charge of my repair shop. This Insures .prompt and re­liable repairing, .............Lea.on. Olven.nd WifteU for R.ntlngj

M e L t» F E R R I S v

Central Hall * 714 Alattlion Ayto iii