state of the art informatics for research reproducibility, reliability, and reuse: or how i learned...

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse Managing Research Information

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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In March, I had the pleasure of being the inaugural speaker in a new lecture series ( initiated by the Libraries at the Washington University in St. Louis Libraries -- dedicated to the topics of data reproducibility, citation, sharing, privacy, and management. In the presentation embedded below, I provide an overview of the major categories of new initiatives to promote research reproducibility, reliability, and reuse and related state of the art in informatics methods for managing data.


Towards a Unified Framework for Bit-Level Preservation Risk Management

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse

Managing Research InformationThis work by Micah Altman ( is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.1

Managing Research InformationPrepared for

Data Speaker Series

Washington University in St Louis

March 2014

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse:Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Data Management

Dr. Micah Altman

Director of Research, MIT LibrariesNon-Resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Scholarly publishers, research funders, universities, and the media, are increasingly scrutinizing research outputs. Of major concern is the integrity, reliability, and extensibility of the evidence on which published findings are based. A flood of new funder mandates, journal policies, university efforts, and professional society initiatives aim to make this data verifiable, reliable, and reusable: If "data is the new oil", we need data management to prevent 'fires', ensure 'high-octane', and enable 'recycling'. In March, I had the pleasure of being the inaugural speaker in a new lecture series ( initiated by the Libraries at the Washington University in St. Louis Libraries -- dedicated to the topics of data reproducibility, citation, sharing, privacy, and management. In the presentation embedded below, I provide an overview of the major categories of new initiatives to promote research reproducibility, reliability, and reuse and related state of the art in informatics methods for managing data. [EMBED PRESENTATION ]This blog post provides some wider background for the presentation, and a recap of its recommendations. The approaches can be roughly divided into three categories. The first approach focuses on tools for reproducible computation ranging from statistical documents (incorporating Knuths [1992] concept of literate programming) to workflow systems and reproducible computing environments [for example, Buckheit & Donoho 1995; Schwab et al. 2000; Leisch & Rossini 2003; Deelman & Gils 2006; Gentleman & Temple-Lang 2007] With few exceptions [notably, Freire, et al. 2006] this focuses primarily on simple replication or reproduction replicating exactly a precise set of result from an exact copy of original data made at the time of research. Current leading examples of tools that support reproducible computation include:Ipython: Knitr Research Compendia Run My Code runmycode.orgVistrails

The second approach focuses on data sharing methods and tools [see for example, Altman et al 2001; King 2007; Anderson et al., 2007; Crosas 2011]. This approaches more generally on helping researchers to share -- both for replication and for broader reuse including secondary uses and use in teaching. Increasingly work in this area [e.g. Gutmann 2009; Altman-King 2007] focuses on issues of enabling long-term and interdisciplinary access to data this requires that the researchers tacit knowledge about data formats, measurement, structure and provenance be more explicitly documented. Also see for example the CRAN reproducible research task view: ; and the Reproducible Research tools page: leading examples of informatics tools that support data sharing include:CKAN Data dryad datadryad.orgDataverse Network Figshare

The third approach focuses on the norms, practices and licensing associated with data sharing archiving and replication and the related incentives embedded in scholarly communication [Pienta 2007; Hamermesh 2007; Altman & King 2007; King 2007; Hedstrom et al. 2008; McCullough 2009; Stodden 2009]. This approach seeks to create the necessary conditions to enable data sharing and reuse, and to examine and align citations around citation, data sharing, and peer review to encourage replicability and reusability.Current leading examples of informatics tools that support richer citation, evaluation, open science, and review include:Data Cite Data dryad datadryad.orgDataverse Network DMPTOOL Figshare figshare.comJournal of Visual Experiments jove.comORCID: Research Replication Reports Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index

Many Tools, Few SolutionsIn this area, there are many useful tools, but few solutions that offer a complete solution even for a specialized community of practice. All three approaches are useful, and here are several general observations to be made about them. First, tools for replicable research such as VisTrails, MyExperiment, Wings, and StatDocs are characterized by their use of a specific and controlled defined software framework and their ability to facilitate near automatic replication. The complexity of these tools, and their small user and maintenance base means that we cannot rely on them to exist and function in five-ten years they cannot ensure long term access. Because they focus only on results and not on capturing practices, descriptive metadata and documentation, they allow exact replication without providing the contextual information necessary for broader reuse. Finally these tools are heterogeneous across subdisciplines, and largely incompatible, they do not as yet offer a broadly scalable solution.Second, tools and practices for data management have the potential to broadly increase data sharing and the impact of related publications However, although these tools are becoming easier to use, they still require an extra effort for the researcher. Moreover, since additional effort often comes near (or past) the conclusion of the main research project (and only after acceptance of an article and preparation for final publication) it is perceived as a burden, and often honored in the breach. Third, incentives for replication have been weak in many disciplines and journals are a key factor. The reluctance of journal editors to publish articles either confirming or non-confirming replications work authors incentives to create replicable work. Lack of formal provenance and attribution practices for data also weakens accountability, raises barriers to conducting replication and reuse, reduces incentive to disseminate data for reuse, and increases the ambiguity of replication studies, making them difficult to study. Furthermore, new forms of evidence complicate replication and reuse. In most scientific disciplines, the amount of data potentially available for research is increasing non-linearly. In addition, changes in technology and society are greatly affecting the types and quantities of potential data available for scientific analysis, especially in the social sciences. This presents substantial challenges to the future replicability and reusability of research. Traditional data archives currently consist almost entirely of numeric tabular data from noncommercial sources. New forms of data differ from tabular data in size, format, structure, and complexity. Left in its original form, this sort of data is difficult or for scholars outside of the project that generated it to interpret and use. This is a barrier to integrative and interdisciplinary research, but also a significant obstacle to providing long-term access, which becomes practically impossible as the tacit knowledge necessary to interpret the data is forgotten. To enable broad use and to secure long term access requires more than simply storing the individual bits of information it requires establishing and disseminating good data management practices. [Altman & King 2007]

How research libraries can jump-start the process.

Many research libraries should consider at least three steps:

First, create a dataverse hosted by the Harvard Dataverse Network ( ). This provides free, permanent storage, dissemination, with bit-level preservation insured by Harvards endowment. The dataverse can be branded, curated, and controlled by the library so it enables libraries to maintain relationship with their patrons, and provide curation services, with minimal effort. (And since DVN is open-source, a library can always move from the hosted service to one they run themselves.

Second, link to DMPTool ( from your libraries website. And consider joining DMPTool as an institution especially if you use Shibboleth (Internet2) to authorize your users. Youll be in good company -- according to a recent ARL survey 75% of ARL libraries are now at least linking to DMPTool. Increasing researchers use of DMPtool provides early opportunities for conversation with libraries around data, enables libraries to offer service at a time when it is salient to the researcher , and provides a information which can be used to track and evaluate data management planning needs.

Third, design a libguide to help researchers get more credit for their work. This is a subject of intense interest, and the library can provide information about trends and tools in the area that researchers (especially junior researchers) of which researchers may not be aware. Some possible topics to include: Data citation(e.g. the ); researcher identifiers (e.g., ); and impact metrics ( .


Altman, M., L. Andreev, M. Diggory, M. Krot, G. King, D. Kiskis, A. Sone, S. Verba, A Digital Library for the Dissemination and Replication of Quantitative Social Science Research, Social Science Computer Review 19(4):458-71. 2001.Altman, M. and G. King. "A Proposed Standard for the Scholarly Citation of Quantitative Data", D-Lib Magazine 13(3/4). 2007.Anderson, R. W. H. Greene, B. D. McCullough and H. D. Vinod. "The Role of Data/Code Archives in the Future of Economic Research, Journal of Economic Methodology. 2007.Buckheit, J. and D.L. Donoho,Wavelan and Reproducible Research, in A. Antoniadis (ed.) Wavelets and Statistics, Springer-Verlag. 1995.Crosas, M., The Dataverse Network: An Open-Source Application for Sharing, Discovering and Preserving Data, D-lib Magazine 17(1/2). 2011.D.S. Hamermesh, Viewpoint: Replication in Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics. 2007.Deelman, E. Y. Gil, (Eds.). Final Report on Workshop on the Challenges of Scientific Workflows. 2006. Freire, J., C. T. Silva, S. P. Callahan, E. Santos, C. E. Scheidegger, and H. T. Vo. Managing rapidly-evolving scientific workflows. In International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW), LNCS 4145, 10-18, 2006.Gentleman R., R. Temple Lang. Statistical Analyses and Reproducible Research, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16(1): 1-23. 2007.Gutmann M., M. Abrahamson, M. Adams, M. Altman, C. Arms, K. Bollen, M. Carlson, J. Crabtree, D. Donakowski, G. King, J. Lyle, M. Maynard, A. Pienta, R. Rockwell, L. Timms-Ferrara, C. Young, "From Preserving the Past to Preserving the Future: The Data-PASS Project and the challenges of preserving digital social science data", Library Trends 57(3):315-337. 2009.Hedstrom, Margaret, Jinfang Niu, Kaye Marz,. Incentives for Data Producers to Create Archive/Ready Data: Implications for Archives and Records Management, Proceedings of the Society of American Archivists Research Forum. 2008.King, G. An Introduction to the Dataverse Network as an Infrastructure for Data Sharing. Sociological Methods and Research, 32(2), 173199. 2007.Knuth, D.E., Literate Programming, CLSI Lecture Notes 27. Center for the Study of Language and Information. Stanford, Ca. 1992.Leisch F., and A.J. Rossini, Reproducible Statistical Research, Chance 16(2): 46-50. 2003.McCullough, B.D., Open Access Economics Journals and the Market for Reproducible Economic Research, Economic Analysis & Policy 39(1). 2009. Pienta, A., LEADS Database Identifies At-Risk Legacy Studies, ICPSR Bulletin 27(1) 2006.Schwab, M., M. Karrenbach, and J. Claerbout, Making Scientific Computations Reproducible, Computing in Science and Engineering 2: 61-67. 2000.Stodden, V.The Legal Framework for Reproducible Scientific Research: Licensing and Copyright, Computing in Science and Engineering 11(1):35-40. 2009.

2DISCLAIMERThese opinions are my own, they are not the opinions of MIT, Brookings, any of the project funders, nor (with the exception of co-authored previously published work) my collaborators

Secondary disclaimer:

Its tough to make predictions, especially about the future!-- Attributed to Woody Allen, Yogi Berra, Niels Bohr, Vint Cerf, Winston Churchill, Confucius, Disreali [sic], Freeman Dyson, Cecil B. Demille,Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Edgar R. Fiedler, Bob Fourer, Sam Goldwyn, Allan Lamport, Groucho Marx, Dan Quayle, George Bernard Shaw, Casey Stengel, Will Rogers, M. Taub, Mark Twain, Kerr L. White, etc.

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse3Collaborators & Co-ConspiratorsMichael P. McDonald, GMUNational Digital Stewardship Alliance, Coordination CommitteeData Citation Synthesis GroupCO-Data Task Group on Data CitationData-PASS Steering CommitteePrivacy Tools for Research Data ProjectOCLC Research

Research Support Thanks to the the NSF, NIH, IMLS, Sloan Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Judy Ford Watson Center for Public Policy, Amazon Corporation

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseRelated WorkM. Altman, and M.P. McDonald. (2014) Public Participation GIS : The Case of Redistricting. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Computer Society Press (IEEE).Novak K, Altman M, Broch E, Carroll JM, Clemins PJ, Fournier D, Laevart C, Reamer A, Meyer EA, Plewes T. Communicating Science and Engineering Data in the Information Age. National Academies Press; 2011.Micah Altman, Simon Jackman (2011) Nineteen Ways of Looking at Statistical Software, 1-12. In Journal Of Statistical Software 42 (2).Micah Altman, Jonathan Crabtree (2011) Using the SafeArchive System : TRAC-Based Auditing of LOCKSS, 165-170. In Archiving 2011.Micah Altman, Jeff Gill, Michael McDonald (2003) Numerical issues in statistical computing for the social scientist. In John Wiley & Sons.Altman, M., & Crabtree, J. 2011. Using the SafeArchive System : TRAC-Based Auditing of LOCKSS. Archiving 2011 (pp. 165170). Society for Imaging Science and Technology. M. Altman, Adams, M., Crabtree, J., Donakowski, D., Maynard, M., Pienta, A., & Young, C. 2009. "Digital preservation through archival collaboration: The Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences." The American Archivist. 72(1): 169-182 Data Synthesis Task Group. 2014. Joint Principles for Data Citation.CODATA Data Citation Task Group, 2013. Out of Cite, Out of Mind: The Current State of Practice, Policy and Technology for Data Citation. Data Science Journal [Internet]. 2013;12:175.NDSA, 2013. National Agenda for Digital Stewardship, Library of Congress.

Reprints available

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse5This Talk* Whats the problem? *

* Improving research reproducibility, reliability, and reuse *

* State of the Practice *

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse6State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseWhats the problem? (more and less)5 Minutes7State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseMOREINFORMATION5 Minutes8Some General Trends in Scholarship

Shifting Evidence Base

High Performance Collaboration(here comes everybody) Lots More DataPublish, then Filter

More Learners

9More Open

LHC produces a PB every 2 weeks, Sloan Galaxy zoo has hundreds of thousands of authors, 50K people attend a class from the University of michigan, and to understand public opinion instead of surveying 100s of people per month we can analyze 10ooo tweets per second.9Next big thing? More EverythingMobileForms of publicationContribution & attributionCloudOpenPublicationsInterdisciplinaryPersonal dataMashupsStudentsReadersFundersCrowdsEverything/Everybody

10Maximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data ManagementState of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseLESSTRUST IN RESEARCH5 Minutes11What Science RequiresHelping Journals Manage Data

Citations to unpublished data and personal communications cannot be used to support claims in a published paper

All data necessary to understand, assess, and extend the conclusions of the manuscript must be available to any reader of Science.

Increased Retractions, Allegations of FraudMaximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data Management

13The File Drawer ProblemMaximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data Management

Daniel Schectmans Lab Notebook Providing Initial Evidence of Quasi Crystals

Null results are less likely to be published published results as a whole are biased toward positive findingsOutliers are routinely discarded unexpected patterns of evidence across studies remain hidden

14Compliance with Journal Policies is Low

Maximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data Management

Compliance is low even in best examples of journalsChecking compliance manually is tedious15Erosion of Evidence BaseMaximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data ManagementExamples

Intentionally Discarded: Destroyed, in accord with [nonexistent] APA 5-year post-publication rule.

Unintentional Hardware Problems Some data were collected, but the data file was lost in a technical malfunction.

Acts of Nature The data from the studies were on punched cards that were destroyed in a flood in the department in the early 80s.

Discarded or Lost in a Move As I retired . Unfortunately, I simply didnt have the room to store these data sets at my house.

Obsolescence Speech recordings stored on a LISP Machine, an experimental computer which is long obsolete.

Simply Lost For all I know, they are on a [University] server, but it has been literally years and years since the research was done, and my files are long gone.

Research by:

Researchers lack archiving capabilityIncentives for preserving evidence base are weakAvailability declines with age

[Pienta 2006; Hedstrom et al 2008; Vines et al. 2014]

16Computational Black Boxes(Or how not to compute a standard deviation)State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse

[Joppa et al. 2013]State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseOk, but whats the worst thing that could happen to me?5 Minutes18The Baltimore (Imanishi-Kari) CaseIn 1986, Postdoc accuses collaborator of Nobelist David Baltimore of fraudAccusations are dropped, but NIH picks up investigation,Member of congress, U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Attorney become involvedAfter a decade of investigations, reports, lawyers and media all charges dismissed. Much ink has been shed both in defense and criticism Kevles [2000] conducted a historical examination, and convincing analysis the verdict

BAD DATA MANAGEMENT*State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse

* See Marc Hausers wikipedia bio for a more recent exampleState of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseOr maybe your grad student moves to china?(And all the variables in your dataset are named SAM_1..N)

5 Minutes20State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseState of the Art5 Minutes21Core Requirements for Community Information InfrastructureMaximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data ManagementStakeholder incentives recognition; citation; payment; compliance; servicesDisseminationaccess to metadata; documentation; data Access controlauthentication; authorization; rights managementProvenance chain of control; verification of metadata, bits, semantic contentPersistencebits; semantic content; useLegal protection & compliance rights management; consent; record keeping; auditingUsability fordiscovery; deposit; curation; administration; annotation; collaborationEconomic modelValuation models; cost models; business modelsTrust model

See: King 2007; ICSU 2004; NSB 2005; Schneier 201122State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseReplication Data Publishing5 Minutes23FigShareClosed sourceNo chargeArchives dataSupports DOIs, ORCIDSPreserved in CLOCKSS

Emerging Data Citation PracticesDataverse NetworkOpen Source SystemHubs run at Harvard other universitiesArchives dataGenerates persistent identifiers (handles, DOIs forthcoming)Generates resolvable citationsVersionedHarvard Library Dataverse now part of DataCite, Data-PASS preservation network

ICPSR Replication ArchiveTraditional disciplinary data archiveMinimal cataloging and storage for freeFully curated open-data model for deposit feeFully Curated membership model

Emerging DevelopmentsEmerging Data Citation PracticesOpen Journal Data PublicationOpen source integration of PKP-OJS and Dataverse NetworkUses SWORDIntegrated data submission/citation/publication workflow for OJS open journals

Journal DevelopmentsNISO Recommendations on Supplementary MaterialsSloan/ICPSR Data Citation ProjectData-PASS Journal OutreachNew journal types:Registered Replication journalsNull results journalsData journals/data papers

Data DryadIntegrated data deposit with specific journalsCCO Open dataState of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseData Publication5 Minutes26General Data SharingFigShareClosed sourceNo chargeArchives dataSupports DOIs, ORCIDSPreserved in CLOCKSS

Emerging Data Citation PracticesDataverse NetworkOpen Source SystemHubs run at Harvard other universitiesArchives dataGenerates persistent identifiers (handles, DOIs forthcoming)Generates resolvable citationsVersionedHarvard Library Dataverse now part of DataCite, Data-PASS preservation network

Scientific Data JournalScientific data publishing journalPublished data papersNature publishing group

Also see JOVE for video-as-publication

CKANOpen sourceDIY Hosting you hostBased on Drupal

Helping Journals Manage Data

The Dataverse Network -- A Computer Assisted Approach to Data PublicationHelping Journals Manage Data

Helping Journals Manage Data

Helping Journals Manage Data

Helping Journals Manage Data

Helping Journals Manage Data

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseData Citation5 Minutes34Current InfrastructureEmerging Data Citation Practices

Data Citation IndexCommercial Service(Thomson Reuters)Indexes many large repositories (e.g. Data-PASS)Beginning to extract citations from TR publications

Dataverse NetworkOpen Source SystemHubs run at Harvard other universitiesArchives dataGenerates persistent identifiers (handles, DOIs forthcoming)Generates resolvable citationsVersionedHarvard Library Dataverse now part of DataCite, Data-PASS preservation network

DataCiteDOI registry service(DOI provider)Data DOI metadata indexing service (parallel to CrossRef) Not-for-profit membership OrganizationCollaborating with ORCID-EU to embed ORCIDsState of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseMORE5 Minutes36Code ReplicationEmerging Data Citation PracticesResearcher IdentifierIntegrated Publication WorkflowsRegistered Replications & Trials

Registered Replication Reports(The Tip of the Iceberg)

37Exercise Caution when Using a New Black Box*

Amazon Glacier claims a design reliability of 99.999999999%Sounds goodLonger odds than winning Powerball ORGetting struck by a lightning, three times OR(Possibly) eventually finding alien civilization

Approaches to Preservation Storage Technologies 38

*Or using an old black box in a new context Clarifying RequirementsWhat are the units of reliability? - Collection? Object? Bit?What is the natural unit of risk? Is value of information uniform across units?How many of these do you have?Approaches to Preservation Storage Technologies 39Hidden AssumptionsWhat does 99.999999999 mean?What are the units of reliability? - Collection? Object? Bit?What is the natural unit of risk? Is value of information uniform across units?How many of these do you have?Reliability estimates appear entirely theoretical(MTBF + Independence)* enough replicas -> as many 9s as you like No details for estimate providedNo historical reliability statistics providedNo service reliability auditing providedEmpirical IssuesStorage manufacture hardware MTBF (mean time between failures) does not match observed error rates in real environmentsFailures across hardware replicas are observed to correlatedUnmodeled failure modessoftware failure (e.g. a bug in the AWS software for its control backplane might result in permanent loss that would go undetected for a substantial time_legal threats (leading to account lock-out such as this, deletion, or content removal);institutional threats (such as a change in Amazons business model)Process threats (someone hits the delete button by mistake; forgets to pay the bill; or AWS rejects the payment)Business risksAmazon SLAs do not incorporate or reflect design reliability claimsNo claim to reliability in SLAsSole recover for breach limited to refund of fees for periods the service was unavailableNo right to audit logs, or other evidence of reliabilityApproaches to Preservation Storage Technologies 40State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseState of the PracticeIn theory, theory and practice are the same in practice, they differ. 5 Minutes41Climate vs WeatherClimate is what you should expect -- weather is what you get. Climate for reproducibility and data management seems favorable prepare for shifts in the weather.Maximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data Management42

SoftwareBest PracticePreserved Digital ContentStorage ProvisioningPure Market Approaches Cannot Produce Optimal Levels of Knowledge43Research Program for Information ScienceExcludableRivalrousSource: Hugh Macleod, Gapingvoid Art

Willing Research SubjectsWhat are the goals of data management?Operational ValuesOrchestrate data for efficient and reliable use within a designated research project Control disclosure Compliance with contracts, regulations, law, and institutional policyEnsure short term and long term disseminationUse-value predicted future value of the information assetValue to research groupValue to institutionValue to discipline Value to science & scholarship (e.g. through interdisciplinary discovery and access, scientific reproducibility, reducing publication & related bias)Value to public (wide reuse, public understanding, participative science, and transparency in public policy)Minimize disclosive harms (e.g. breaches of confidentiality,taking of intellectual property) to subject populations, intellectual rights holders, general public

Maximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data Management4444Information Lifecycle45StakeholdersScholarly PublishersResearchersData Archives/PublisherResearch SponsorsData Sources/SubjectsConsumersService/Infrastructure ProvidersResearch OrganizationsNeeds for Data Management & Citation 46Modeling Most of the different stakeholders have stronger relationships/stakes with research at different stages.

But researchers and research institutions are in the middle they have a strong stake in most stages

Researchers are more directly concerned with collection, processing, analysis, dissemination. Organizations have a higher stake in internal sharing, re-use, long-term access. 46Legal ConstraintsContractIntellectual PropertyAccess RightsConfidentialityCopyrightFair UseDMCADatabase RightsMoral RightsIntellectual AttributionTrade SecretPatentTrademarkCommon Rule45 CFR 26HIPAAFERPAEU Privacy DirectivePrivacy Torts(Invasion, Defamation)Rights of PublicitySensitive but UnclassifiedPotentially Harmful(Archeological Sites, Endangered Species, Animal Testing, )ClassifiedFOIACIPSEAState Privacy LawsEARState FOI LawsJournal Replication RequirementsFunder Open AccessContractLicenseClick-WrapTOUITARExport RestrictionsData Management Core NormsMaximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data Management48Information stewardshipView information as potentially durable assetsManage durable assets for long-term sustainable useAwareness of information lifecycleInformation organization & architecture(Metadata, identification, provenance, data structure & format)ProcessesAwareness beyond disciplinary boundariesInter-disciplinary discoveryMulti-disciplinary accessJustify Trust Trust but verify Demonstrate trustworthiness

Data Management: Operational AspectsOrchestrate data for current useQuality AssuranceStorage, backup, replication, and versioningData FormatsData OrganizationBudgetMetadata and documentation

Control disclosureAccess and SharingIntellectual Property RightsLegal RequirementsSecurity

Compliance with contracts, regulations, law, and policyAccess and SharingAdherenceResponsibilityEthics and privacySecurity

Selection: Value of information assetsData description Data valueRelation to collectionRelation to evidence baseBudget

Ensure short term and long term disseminationData description Institutional Archiving CommitmentsAudienceAccess and SharingData FormatsData OrganizationMetadata and documentationBudget

Needs for Data Management & Citation 49PlanningDMP Operational DetailsSharingPlans for depositing in an existing public database Access procedures Embargo periodsAccess charges Timeframe for accessTechnical access methodsRestrictions on accessLong term access(Preservation)Requirements for data destruction, if applicableProcedures for long term preservation Institution responsible for long-term costs of data preservation Succession plans for data should archiving entity go out of existenceFormatsGeneration and dissemination formats and procedural justificationStorage format and archival justificationFormat documentation Metadata and documentationInternal and External Identifiers and CitationsMetadata to be providedMetadata standards usedPlanned documentation and supporting materialsQuality assurance procedures for metadata and documentation Data Organization File organizationNaming conventionsStorage, backup, replication, and versioningFacilitiesMethodsProceduresFrequencyReplicationVersion managementRecovery guaranteesSecurityProcedural controlsTechnical ControlsConfidentiality concernsAccess control rulesRestrictions on useBudgetCost of preparing data and documentationCost of storage and backupCost of permanent archiving and accessIntellectual Property RightsEntities who hold property rightsTypes of IP rights in dataProtections providedDispute resolution processLegal RequirementsProvider requirements and plans to meet themInstitutional requirements and plans to meet themResponsibilityIndividual or project team role responsible for data managementQualifications, certifications, and licenses of responsible partiesEthics and privacyInformed consentProtection of privacyData use agreementsOther ethical issuesAdherenceWhen will adherence to data management plan be checked or demonstratedWho is responsible for managing data in the project Who is responsible for checking adherence to data management planAuditing procedures and frameworkValue of information assetsProject use valueInstitutional audience and usesPublic audience and usesRelation to institutional collectionRelation to disciplinary evidence baseCost of re-creating data

Needs for Data Management & Citation 50Many Tools, Few Comprehensive SolutionsMany scientific tools are embedded in needs, perspectives, and practices of specific disciplinesWe must identify gaps across lifecycle stages and actorsIdentify common requirements across disciplines and stakeholdersNeeds for Data Management & Citation 51Poor carpenters blame their tools Some ProverbIf all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail Another ProverbUltimately, some people need holes but no one needs a drill. Yet Another Proverbplus a change, plus c'est la mme folie*Budget constraints Invisibility of infrastructureOrganizational biasesCognitive biasesInter- and intra- organizational trustDiscount rates and limited time-horizonsDeadlinesChallenging in matching skillsets & problemsLegacy systems & requirementsPersonalitiesBureaucracyPolitics

Maximizing the Impact of Research through Research Data Management52* Translation: The more things change, the more they stay insane. State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseThe best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago

The second-best time is today.5 Minutes53

Jump Start Create A DataverseCreate a dataverse hosted by the Harvard Dataverse Network:, permanent storage, dissemination, backed by Harvards endowment

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseJump Start LibGuidesHelp researchers get credit for their work

Data citation Researcher identifiers Metrics State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse

Jump Start Link to DMPTOOLTry DMPTOOL Instant guidance for data-management plansA potential jumping off point for service and evaluation

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse

Additional ReferencesCrosas, M. (2011). The Dataverse Network: An Open-Source Application for Sharing, Discovering and Preserving Data. D-Lib Magazine 17 (12). D. Foray, 2006, The Economics of Knowledge, MIT PressC. Hess & E. Ostrom 2007, Understanding Knowledge as a CommonsW. Lougee, 2002. Diffuse Libraries: Emergent Roles for the Research Library in the Digital AgeG. King. 2007. An Introduction to the Dataverse Network as an Infrastructure for Data Sharing. Sociological Methods and Research 36: 17399Haak, Laurel L., et al. "ORCID: a system to uniquely identify researchers." Learned Publishing 25.4 (2012).Hahnel, M. (2013) "Referencing: The reuse factor." Nature 502.7471: 298.Hedstrom, M., Niu, J. Marz, K. (2008). Incentives for Data Producers to Create Archive/Ready Data: Implications for Archives and Records Management, Proceedings of the Society of American Archivists Research Forum. Retrieved from Council For Science (ICSU) 2004. ICSU Report of the CSPR Assessment Panel on Scientific Data and Information. Report.Joppa, Lucas N., et al. "Troubling trends in scientific software use." Science 340.6134 (2013): 814-815.Kevles, Daniel J. The Baltimore case: A trial of politics, science, and character. WW Norton & Company, 2000.Pienta, A., LEADS Database Identifies At-Risk Legacy Studies, ICPSR Bulletin 27(1) 2006D. S.H. Rosenthal, Thomas S. Robertson, Tom Lipkis, Vicky Reich, Seth Morabito. Requirements for Digital Preservation Systems: A Bottom-Up Approach, D-Lib Magazine, vol. 11, no. 11, November 2005B. Schneier, 2012. Liars and Outliers, John Wiley & SonsUniversity Leadership Council, 2011, Redefining the Academic Library: Managing the Migration to Digital Information ServicesVines, T. H.; Albert, A. Y.K.; Andrew, R. L.; D barre, F.; Bock, D.G..; Franklin, M. T.; Gilbert, K. J.; Moore, J-S.; Renaut, S; Rennison, D. J. (2014). The Availability of Research Data Declines Rapidly with Article Age Current Biology 24 (1): 94 97.Vision, T. J. (2010). "Open data and the social contract of scientific publishing."BioScience 60, (5) : 330-331.

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and ReuseAdditional LinksORCID: Ipython: Run My Code runmycode.orgResearch Compendia Vistrails vistrails.orgResearch Replication Reports Journal of Visual Experiments jove.comDataverse Network Data Cite Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index Data dryad datadryad.orgKnitr CKAN Figshare

State of the Art Informatics for Research Reproducibility, Reliability, and Reuse

Questions?E-mail: [email protected]