statcon with comments review

Principles Applicable in Enumeration Law does not distinguish, Courts should not distinguish – No distinction Expre ssio uni us est exclus ion alter ius - When something is stated, those not stated are excluded Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est Things excl uded are excluded or a reason E!usdem generis – the general will ollow the characteristics o the speci"c beore it Noscitur a sociis – i unclear, it#s meaning with be determined b$ the other words it#s associated to% Construction – Penal &tatutes ' &trictl$ against the state, liberall$ in a(our o accused )ex% below * no criminal li abil it$ , o(er * has liabilit$ with discernment, exactl$ * is construed as no liabilit$+ Construction – Tax &tatutes ' &trictl$ against the state, liberall$ in a(our o the tax pa$er Construction – Tax Exemptions ' &trictl$ against the one who claims the exemptions Construction – Naturaliation ' &trictl$ against the once tr$ing to become a citien Construction – Labor Laws ' Liberall$ in a(our o labourers, strictl$ against companiesemplo$ers Constr uct ion Agr ari an .e orm ' Liberall$ in a(our o agr ari an reorm bene"ciaries /When reerring to mult iple indi (i dual s, do not use 0peopl e# use 0persons# )Tantoco (% Alimurung+% /1n general laws and special laws, which are on the same matter )in pari materia+, the special will pre(ail /2etween earlier and later laws, the later will pre(ail% /2etween earlier and later laws on the same matter, the court will either tr$ to harmonie the interpretation o both, or see i a repeal too3 place% Preerence to not seeing repeal, especiall$ since implied repeals are not a(oured and are to be a(oided

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Principles Applicable in EnumerationLaw does not distinguish, Courts should not distinguish – NodistinctionExpressio unius est exclusion alterius - When something is stated,those not stated are excluded

Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est – Things excluded areexcluded or a reasonE!usdem generis – the general will ollow the characteristics o thespeci"c beore itNoscitur a sociis – i unclear, it#s meaning with be determined b$ theother words it#s associated to%

Construction – Penal &tatutes ' &trictl$ against the state, liberall$ ina(our o accused )ex% below * no criminal liabilit$, o(er * hasliabilit$ with discernment, exactl$ * is construed as no liabilit$+

Construction – Tax &tatutes ' &trictl$ against the state, liberall$ ina(our o the tax pa$er 

Construction – Tax Exemptions ' &trictl$ against the one who claimsthe exemptions

Construction – Naturaliation ' &trictl$ against the once tr$ing tobecome a citien

Construction – Labor Laws ' Liberall$ in a(our o labourers, strictl$ against companiesemplo$ers

Construction – Agrarian .eorm ' Liberall$ in a(our o agrarianreorm bene"ciaries

/When reerring to multiple indi(iduals, do not use 0people# use0persons# )Tantoco (% Alimurung+%

/1n general laws and special laws, which are on the same matter )inpari materia+, the special will pre(ail

/2etween earlier and later laws, the later will pre(ail%

/2etween earlier and later laws on the same matter, the court willeither tr$ to harmonie the interpretation o both, or see i a repealtoo3 place% Preerence to not seeing repeal, especiall$ since impliedrepeals are not a(oured and are to be a(oided

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4 All other laws, decrees, orders, issuances, rules and regulations which areinconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended ormodied accordingly.5 6mplied .epeal Cannot use this implied

repeal unless there is no other express repeal, and no wa$ toreconcile the two laws%

Construction, de"ned

Construction is the art or process of discovering and expounding themeaning and intention of the authors of the law, where that intention isrendered doubtful by reason of the ambiguity in its language or of the factthat the given case is not explicitly provided for in the law. (Caltex v.Palomar)

Plain 7eaning .ule8erba Legishere the statute is clear, plain and free from ambiguity, it must be given

its literal meaning and applied without interpretation. !his plain meaningrule or verbal egis derived from the maxim index animi sermo est (speech isthe index of intention) rests on the valid presumption that the wordsemployed by the legislature in a statute correctly express its intention orwill and preclude the court from construing it di"erently.

Comment: The literal ‘the Law is Clear’ In terms of interpretation: Plain Meaning Rule !tat Con Implementing "gen#$ Interpretation and Legislative Intent !tatement of Individual Legislator 

Legislati(e intent.atio Legis A statute must be read according to its spirit and intent, and wherelegislative intent apparently con#icts with the letter of the law, the formerprevails over the latter. (!anada v. Cuenco)!he principle that what is within the spirit of a statute is within the statuteitself although it is not within its letter applies only when there is ambiguityin the language employed in the law. here the law is clear and free fromambiguity, the letter of the law is not to be disregarded on the pretext of pursuing its spirit. (!anada v. Cuenco)

Comment: This do#trine #an be #ombined with %xe#utive and

 "dministrative interpretation& as well as review of law in its entiret$' (owever& it is generall$ used as a last resort and will often lose versus plainmeaning rule& the law does not distinguish& and #assus ommissus'

9ura Lex &ed Lex!he principle re$uires that the statute should be applied regardless of whether it is unwise, hard or harsh. %f the law is clear and free from doubt,

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it is the sworn duty of the court to apply it without fear or favor, to follow itsmandate, and not to tamper with it. (&o v. Anti'Chinese eague of the Phils.)

Comments: This #an be #ited when )isdom or Pra#ti#alit$ of the Law isbeing *uestioned'

:t .es 7agis 8aleat ;uam Pereat!he rule is that a construction that would render a provision inoperativeshould be avoided instead, apparently inconsistent provisions should bereconciled whenever possible as parts of a coordinated and harmoniouswhole. (*++ Promotions +anagement, %nc. v. -C)

Comment: This #an be #ited along with the rule on repeals& namel$ thatunless the repeal is express& the two statutes should attempt to be given a#onstru#tion that will allow both to preserve their e+e#ts' "lso& it #an be

#ited when the issue is provisions in a #ontra#t& be#ause it is to be#onsidered that the reason the parties put a provision in a #ontra#t isbe#ause the$ would li,e it implemented'

.e(iew o law in its entiret$ and its intendment must be gi(en e<ect!he legislative meaning is to be extracted from the statute as a whole. %tsclauses are not to be segregated, but every part of a statute is to beconstrued with reference to every other part and every word and phrase inconnection with its context. (!amayo v. &sell)

Comment: This is the #ounter against partial un#onstitutionalit$' -nder partial un#onstitutionalit$& onl$ the un#onstitutional part #an be removed' .ut& if this standard is applied and the un#onstitutional part #learl$ isintended to be #onstrued together& the whole law ma$ be voided'

 WisdomPracticalit$ o LawCourts do not pass upon $uestions of wisdom, /ustice, or expediency of legislation, for it is not within their province to supervise legislation and0eep it within the bounds of propriety and common sense. !hat is primarilyand exclusively a legislative concern. 1ence, as long as laws do not violate

the Constitution, the courts merely interpret and apply them regardless of whether or not they are wise or salutary. (2uintos v. acson)

Comment: This is a ground to dismiss an a#tion& b$ sa$ing that the a#tionis reall$ loo,ing into the wisdom and pra#ti#alit$ of the law& and not a*uestion of law'

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Executi(eAdministrati(e 6nterpretation!he principle that the contemporaneous construction of a statute by theexecutive o"icers of the government, whose duty it is to execute it, isentitled to great respect, and should ordinarily control the construction of the statute by the courts, is so rmly embedded in our /urisdiction that no

authorities need be cited to support it. (%n re Allen)

Comment: The interpretation of the implementing agen#$ is given greatweight b$ the #ourt& but it ma$ not add or detra#t from the express terms inthe statute itself' (en#e& this provision will lose versus plain meaning rule&the law does not distinguish& and #assus ommissus' /%x' Midterms *uestion0

 8alid in part, (oid in part!he general rule is that where part of a statute is void as repugnant to theConstitution, while another part is valid, the valid portion, if separable fromthe invalid, may stand and be enforced. (3arrameda v. +oir)

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!he exception to the general rule is that when the parts of a statute are somutually dependent and connected, as conditions, considerations,inducements, or compensations for each other, as to warrant a belief thatthe legislature intended them as a whole, the nullity of one part will vitiatethe rest. (indasan v. Commission on 4lections)

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Law does not distinguish, Courts should not distinguish!he principle that where the law does not distinguish, neither should thecourts do so, assumes that the legislature made no $ualication in the useof a general word or expression. !he courts may distinguish when there are

facts or circumstances showing that the legislature intended a distinction or$ualication, for in such case, the courts merely give e"ect to the legislativeintent. (5ocial 5ecurity 5ystem v. City of 3acolod)

Comments: This is one of the stronger maxims& and is often #ombined with‘%xpressio unius est ex#lusion alterius’ .

7andator$9irector$Prohibiturehether a statutory re$uirement is mandatory or directory depends on itse"ect. %f no substantial rights depend on it and no in/ury can result from

ignoring it and the purpose of the legislature can be accomplished in amanner other than that prescribed and substantially the same resultsobtained, then the statute will generally be regarded as directory but if not,it will be mandatory. (+iller v. a0ewood 1ousing Co.)

Comments: 1ne of the guiding prin#iples here to determine whether  Mandator$ or 2ire#tor$ is whether the terms ‘!hall’ or ‘Must’ are used asopposed to ‘ma$’'

Expressio unius est exclusion alterius6ne variation of the rule is the principle that what is expressed puts an end

to that which is implied. (4spiritu v. Cipriano) Another variation of the rules is the canon that a general expressionfollowed by exceptions therefrom implies that those which do not fall underthe exceptions come within the scope of the general expression. (7illanueva v. City of %loilo)5till another variation of the rule is the axiom that the expression of one ormore things of a class implies the exclusion of all not expressed, eventhough all would have been implied had none been expressed. (4mpire%nsurance Co. v. uno)

Comments: This is one of the prin#iples usable in #ases of enumeration'

E!usdem generis!he general rule is that where a general word or phrase follows anenumeration of particular and specic words of the same class or where thelatter follow the former, the general word or phrase is to be construed toinclude, or to be restricted to, persons, things or cases a0in to, resembling,or of the same 0ing or class as those specically mentioned. (&o !iaco y1ermanos v. 8nion %nsurance 5ociety of Canton)

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4xceptions9 4numeration has no distinguishable common characteristicsand enumeration of the particular and specic words is a statute uses a general word, followed by an enumeration of specicwords embraced within the general word merely as examples, theenumeration does not thereby restrict the meaning of the general word, but

should include all others of the same class although not enumeratedtherein. (Asturias 5ugar Central, %nc. v. Commissioner of Customs)

Comments: This maxim is onl$ used in enumerations& espe#iall$ when termsli,e ‘'''and other similar’ et#' Come after it' Can be used together with %xpressio unius.

&tatement o 6ndi(idual Legislator!hus, where there is doubt as to what a provision of a statute means, thatmeaning which was put to the provision during the legislative deliberationor discussion on the bill may be adopted. (Arenas v. City of 5an Carlos)

here the statute is clear and free from ambiguity, courts will not in$uireinto the motives which in#uence the legislature, or individual members, in voting for its passage nor indeed as to the intention of the draftsman, orthe legislators, so far as it has not been expressed in the act. !o read intothe law the supposed intention of the legislators, where there is noambiguity in it, would be to supply something that does not appear in theact. (+anila *oc0ey Club, %nc. v. &ames and Amusements 3oard)

Comments: In terms of interpretation aids& this is the wea,est& belowlegislative intent'

Noscitur a sociis A word or phrase should be interpreted in relation to, or given the samemeaning of, words with which it is associated. (+agta/as v. Pryce PropertiesCorp., %nc.)

Comments9 !his can be used in enumerations, and can often be usedtogether with 4/usdem &eneris.


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!he word :or; is a dis/unctive term signifying disassociation andindependence of one thing from each of the other things enumerated.(People v. +artin) !he term :or; has sometimes been held to mean :and,;when the spirit or context of the law so warrants.; (&on<ales v. Commissionon 4lections)

!he word :or; may also be used as the e$uivalent of :that is to say,; givingthat which precedes it the same signicance as that which follows it. (5an+iguel Corp. v. +unicipal City of +andaue)!he word :or; may also mean successively. (85 v. =e la 5abta)6n the other hand, the word :and; is a con/unction pertinently dened asmeaning :together with,; :/oined with,; :along or together with,; :added toor lin0ed to,; used to con/oin word with word, phrase with phrase, clausewith clause. (Phil. Constitutional Assn., %nc. v. +athay)!he term :and>or; means that e"ect shall be given to both the con/unctive:and; and the dis/unctive :or; or that one word or the other may be ta0enaccordingly as one or the other will best e"ectuate the purpose intended by

the legislature as gathered from the whole statute (A4 =avidson v. ?ollworth Co.)

 Ambiguit$, against Part$ who caused itComments: The rule is that& when the ambiguit$ is not from the law but from the a#tion of the person who #aused it& the #ourts must not allow theone who #reated the ambiguit$ to pro3t from it' (en#e& stri#t #onstru#tionagainst part$ who #aused it'

.etroacti(it$!he general rule is that laws have no retroactive e"ect. 1owever, there areexceptions to the general rule such as procedural laws and curative lawswhich are given retroactive operation. (@ulueta v. Asia 3rewery, %nc.)

Comments: The ex#eptions are Curative and Remedial& %xpressl$ provides for retroa#tivit$& pro#edural& and favourable to the a##used who is not ahabitual o+ender'

Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est!he rule of #asus omissus pro omisso habendus est states that a person,

ob/ect or thing omitted from an enumeration must be held to have beenomitted intentionally. !he rule does not apply where it is shown that thelegislature did not intend to exclude the person, thing or ob/ect fromenumeration (People v. +anantan)

Comments: "nother maxim used for enumeration& this #an often bepartnered with ‘when the law does not distinguish’

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Computation o Time5ee Article B of the Civil Code and C% v. Primetown Property &roup, a statute re$uires the doing of an act within a specied number of 

days, such as ten days, from notice, it means ten calendar days and not ten

wor0ing days.

Comments: Computation of time: %x#lude the 3rst da$ but in#lude the last'

 %'g' 45 da$s due& started 6anuar$ 4& it will be due 6an 47' "lso& when it

#omes to pres#ription& if the da$ of pres#ription is a wee,end or a holida$&

then the true last da$ it ma$ be 3led will be the ver$ next wor,ing da$ 

immediatel$ after' .-T if the #ase is #riminal in nature& this rule will not

appl$& so if the last 3ling da$ is on a wee,end or a holida$& then the last da$ 

 for 3ling is the last wor,ing da$ prior to that wee,end'

 From Fr. Ferrer’s Statcon

No. Latin Maxim Translation1 Legis interpretatio / legis vim óbtinet.  Judicial construction and interpretation of a statute acquir

the force of law.2a

*b  [c]

Contemporanea expositio /est óptima etfortíssima in lege.Óptima est legum interpres / consuetudo.Régula pro lege,/ si défcit lex.

Contemporary construction is strongest in law.Custom is the best interpreter of a statute.In default of law the ma!im rules.

"a  *b  *c

Óptimus interpres rerum / usus.Communis error / acit jus.Quod ab inítio non valet / in tractu témporis / noncnvalescit.

 #he best interpreter of the law is usage.Common error sometimes passes as current law.

 #hat which was originally $oid does not by lapse of timebecome $alid.

% Ratihabítio / mandato aequi  paratur. &egislati$e rati'cation is equi$alent to a mandate.(a  b

Stare decisis / et non quieta movere.nterest reip!blicae / ut sit "nis lítium.

)ollow past precedents and do not disturb what has beensettled.

 #he interest of the state demands that there be an end to

litigation.a  [b]

c  d  [e]  [f ]

ndex #nimi / sermo est. !nimus "minis / est #nima scripti.$erba legis / non est recedendum.%aledicta est / exposítio quae corrumpit textum.$ittera scripta / manet.Cl#usula rebus / sic st#ntibus.

+peech is the inde! of intention. #he intention of the man is the soul of what is written.,o not depart from the words of the statute.It is bad construction which corrupts the te!t.

 #he written word endures. #hings thus standing.

-a  b  c

 &bsoluta sent'ntia / expositore / non índiget.(ura lex / sed lex.)oc quidem / perquam durum est* / sed ita lexscripta est.

hen the language of the law is clear no e!planation isrequired.

 #he law may be harsh but it is the law.It is e!ceedingly hard but so the law is written.

/a  [b]  [c ]

 &'quitas / nunquam contravenit legis. %é&uum et bonum / est lex legum. 'us / ars boni et aé&ui.

0quity ne$er acts in contra$ention of the law.hat is good and equal is the law of laws.&aw is the art of good and equitable.

a  [b]

  c *d



Ratio legis / est #nima legis.$íttera necat / spíritus vivífcat.

$erba intentioni* / non e contra* / debentinservire.

(enignus / leges interpretandae sunt, / &uod voluntasearum /conservetur.Qui "aret in líttera / "aret in crtice.

Quando verba statuti sunt speciali, / ratio autemgener#lia, / statutum / gener#liter est intelligendum.

 #he reason of the law is the soul of the law. #he letter ills but the spirit gi$es life.

ords ought to be more subser$ient to the intent and notthe words.

&aw is to be construed liberally so that its spirit and reasobe preser$ed.

3e who considers merely the letter of an instrument goesbut sin deep into its meaning.hen the words used in a statute are special but thepurpose of the law is general it should be read as thegeneral e!pression.

14 Cessante rationi legis* / cessat et ipsa lex. hen the reason of the law ceases the law itself ceases.

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*c  *d 


  *f  [g]

[h] [i ]

nterpetatio talis / in ambíguis / semper "endaest / ut evitetur inconveniens / et absurdum.$egis constructio / non acit injuriam.

 %rgumentum ab inconvenienti / pl)rimum valet inlege.*erba / ni"il operari meli)s est / &uam absurde.

$ex / semper intendit / &uod convenit rationi.+bi e#dem ratio / ibi idem jus. %rgumentum a símili / valet in lege.e simílibus / idem est judicium.+bi e#dem est ratio, / ibi est e#dem legis disposítio.

hen there is ambiguity the interpretation of such that wa$oid incon$enience and absurdity is adopted.

 #he construction of the law will not be as such as to worin5ury or in5ustice.6n argument drawn from incon$enience is forcible in law.It is better that words should ha$e no operation at all thanthat they should operate absurdly.

 #he law always intends that which is in accordance with there is the same reason there is the same law.6n argument drawn from a similar case or analogy pre$ain law.Concerning similars the 5udgement is the the reason is the same there is the same $erdict othe law

12a  [b]

+a est acci  pienda interpretatio quae vitio caret.$ex injusta non / est lex.

 #hat interpretation is to be adopted which is free fromin5ustice.6n un5ust law is not a law.

1"a  [b]  [c]

,iat -ustítia* / ruat coelum.-emo est / supra legis.-ulla potentia / supra legis esse debet.

&et right be done though the hea$ens fall.7obody is abo$e the law.7o power must be abo$e the law.

1%  urae naturae aequum est / n'minem / cumalt'rius detrimento et in-uria / fíerilocupletiórem.

It is certainly not agreeable to natural 5ustice that a strangshould reap the pecuniary produce of another man8s wor

1(a  b Surplus#gium / non nocet.tile / per inutile / non vitiatur. +urplusage does not $itiate a statute. #he useful is not $itiated by the non9useful.1a 



,alsa demonstratio / non nocet* / cum de córporeconstat.

-il acit / error nminis / cum de crpore vel persona /constat.

Certum est / &uod certum reddi potest.

)alse description does not preclude construction nor $itiatthe meaning of the statute.0rror in name does not mae an instrument inoperati$ewhen the description is su:ciently clear.

 #hat is su:ciently certain which can be made certain.

1- bi / quid gener#liter conc'ditur* / inest haecexceptio* / si non #liquid sit contras / -us basque.

here anything is granted generally e!emption from rigiapplication of law is implied; that nothing shall be contrarto law.

1/a [b]

Summum -us* / summa in-!ria. 'us summum sae pe, / summa est malitia.

 #he rigor of the law would be the highest in5ustice.0!treme law is often e!treme wrong.


  b  *c  *d

0emo / tenetur ad impossibília.

mpossibílium nulla / oblig#tio est.$ex / non cogit ad impossibília.$ex / non intendit #li&uid impossíbile.

 #he law obliges no one to perform an impossibility.

 #here is no obligation to do an impossible thing. #he law does not require an impossibility. #he law does not intend the impossible.

24a  b  *c

+x necessitate legis.n eo / quod plus sit* / semper inest et minus.C)i / jurisdíctio data est, / ea &uo&ue / concessa essevidentur / sine &uibus jurisdictio / explicari non ptuit.

<y the necessary implication of law. #he greater includes the lesser.hen 5urisdiction is gi$en all powers and means essentiato its e!ercise are also gi$en.

21a [b]

1bi -us* / ibi rem'dium.+bi jus incertum, / ibi jus nullum.

here there is a right there is a remedy for the $ the law is uncertain there is no right.

22a  b  c

+x dolo malo / non óritur actio.0ullíus / cómmodum c#pere potest / de in-uriasua propria.n pari delicto / pótior est condítio defendentis.

6n action does not arise from fraud.7o one may deri$e ad$antage from his own unlawful the parties are equally at fault the position of thedefending party is the better one.

2" 2uando #liquid / prohibetur ex directo* / prohibetur et per oblíquum.

hat cannot by law be done directly cannot be doneindirectly.

2%a  b 3ener#lia verba / sunt gener#liter intelligenda.3enerale dictum / gener#liter estinterpretandum.

=eneral words should not be understood in their generalsense.6 general statement is understood in its general sense.

2(a *b 


$erba / acci  pienda sunt / secundum sub-ectammat'riam.*erba mere ae&uivoca, / si per communem usumlo&uendi / in intellectu certo sumuntur, / talisintellectus / preerendus est.*erba artis / ex arte.

6 word is to be understood in the conte!t in which it is us0qui$ocal words or those with double meaning are to beunderstood according to their common and ordinary sensords of art should be e!plained from their usage in the ato which they belong.=eneral words should be con'ned according to the sub5ecmatter or persons to which they relate.

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*erba gener#lia / restringuntur / ad "abilitatem rei vel personam.

2 1bi lex non distínguit / necnon / distíngueredebemus.

here the law does not distinguish the courts should notdistinguish.

2- (issímilum / dissímilis est ratio. >f things dissimilar the rule is dissimilar.2/ 0onscitur / a sociis. 6 thing is nown by its associates.2 +-usdem generis. >f the same ind or specie."4a


+xpressio uníus / est exlusio alt'rius.

+xpressum / facit cessare / t#citum.

 #he e!press mention of one person thing or consequence

implies the e!clusion of all others.hat is e!pressed puts an end to that which is implied.

"1  &rgumentum a contr#rio. 7egati$e9>pposite; hat is e!pressed puts an end to whiis implied.

"2 Casus omissus / pro omisso / habendus est. 6 person ob5ect or thing being omitted from anenumeration must be held to ha$e been omittedintentionally.

""  &d próximum antecedens / "at relatio / nisiimpediatur sent'ntia.

6 qualifying word or phrase should be understood asreferring to the nearest antecedent.

"% Reddendo / síngular síngulis. ?eferring to each or referring each phrase or e!pression tits appropriate ob5ect or let each be put in its proper plac

"( +xceptio / "rmat r'gulam / in c#sibus nonexceptis.

6 thing not being e!pected must be regarded as comingwithin the pur$iew of the general rule.

"a *b





Óptima statuti interpretatrix est / ipsumstatutum.x tota matéria / emergat resol)tio.

njustum est, / nisi tota lege inspecta, / de una #li&uaejus partícula propsita / indicare vel respndere-emo enim ali&uam partem / recte intellígere possit /#nte&uam totum / íterum at&ue íterum perlegit.x antecedéntibus et conse&uéntibus ft / ptimainterpretatio.

*erba postérima / propter certit)dinem #ddita ad prioria / &uae certit)dine indiget / sunt reerenda.

 #he best interpreter of the statue is the statute itself. #he e!position of a statute should be made from all its pacombined

It is un5ust to decide or to respond as to any particular apof a law without e!amining the whole of the law.

 #he sense and meaning of the law is collected by $iewingthe parts together as one whole and not of one part only itself.6 passage will be best interpreted by reference to thatwhich precedes and follows it.?eference should be made to a subsequent section in ordto e!plain a pre$ious clause of which the meaning isdoubtful.

"- nterpretatio "enda est / ut res magis v#leatquam p'reat.

6 law should be interpreted with a $iew of upholding raththan destroying it.

"/a  b

4ari mat'rianterpretare et concordare / leges l'gibus / estóptimus interpretandi modus.

>f the same matter.0$ery statute must be so construed and harmoni@ed withother statutes as to ha$e a uniform system of law.


 [b] [c]

(istíngue t'mpora / et concordabis -ura.

0émpora mutantur / et leges mutantur in illis1utatis / mutandis.

,istinguish times and you will harmoni@e law.

 #imes ha$e changed and laws ha$e changed with them.ith the necessary changes.

%4a  b *c

Salus pópuli / est suprema lex.Statuta / pro p!blico cómmodo / lateintepretantur.2rivatum incmmodum / p)blico bono / pensatur.

 #he welfare of the people is the supreme law.+tatutes enacted for the public good are to be construedliberally.

 #he pri$ate interests of the indi$idual must gi$e way to thaccommodation of the public.

%1a  b

 &ctus / non facit reum / nisi mens sit ren. &ctus / me invito factus / non est meus actus.

 #he act does not mae a person guilty unless the mind isalso guilty.6n act done by me against my will is not my act.



4rivil'gia / reci  piunt largam intepretationem /voluntate consonam concendentis.Renunciatio / non praes)mitur.

Ari$ileges are to be interpreted in accordance with the wilhim who grants them.?enunciation cannot be presumed.

%" Strictíssimi -uris. )ollow the law strictly.%% Nullum tempus occurit / regi.  #here can be no legal right as against the authority that

maes the law on which the right depends.%(a  b

Vigilántibus et non dormiéntibus / jurasubveniunt.Pótior est in témpore/ pótior est in jure.

 #he law aids the $igilant not those who slumber on theirrights.3e who is 'rst in time is preferred in right.

%a  b  c 


Lex próspicit / non réspicit.Lex de !uturo / judex de praetérito.Nova constitution / !uturis !ormam impóneredebet non praeteritis.&eges quae retrospiciuntB et magna cum cautionesunt adhibendae B neque enim Janus locatur in legibus.

 #he law loos forward not bacward. #he law pro$ides for the future the 5udge for the past.6 new statute should aect the future not the past.

&aws which are retrospecti$e are rarely and cautiouslyrecei$ed for Janus has really no place in the laws.

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&eges et constitutiones B futuris B certum est dareformam B negDtiis non ad facta praeterita re$ocari Bnisi nominatim B et de praeterito tEmpore et adhucpendEntibus negDtiis B cautum sit.

&aws should be construed as prospecti$e not retrospecti$unless they are e!pressly made applicable to pasttransactions and to such as are still pending.

%- Nullum crimen sine poena / nulla poena sinelege.

 #here is no crime without a penalty. #here is no penaltywithout a law.

%/ "avorabilia sunt amplianda / odiosaréstringenda.

Aenal laws which are fa$orable to the accused are gi$enretroacti$e eect.

% Leges posteriores / priores contrárias ábrogant. &ater statutes repeal prior ones which are repugnantthereto.

(4 #eneralia / speciálibus /non dérogant. 6 general law does not nullify a speci'c or a special law.

*6 gnor#ntia legis / néminem excusat  Ignorance of the law e!cuses no one.

*< 1 


n obscuris / ínspici slere &uod verisimílius est,/ aut&uod plerum&ue íeri solet.

 %mbig)itas verborum patens / nulla verifcationeexcluditur

hen matters are obscure it is customary to tae what abe more liely or what usually often happens.6 patent ambiguity can be cleared up by e!trinsic e$idenperfectly $agueG

*C 1  *2 



 %d ea / &uae re&uéntibus accident / jura adaptatur  'us constítui oportet in "is / &uae ut pl)rimumaccident / non &uae ex inrdinato.Quod / semel aut bis / existit / praetéreunt legislatores.e mínimis / non curat lex.

&aws are understood to be adapted to those cases which frequently occur.&aws ought to be made with a $iew to those cases which most frequently and not those which are of rare or accideoccurrence.

&egislators pass o$er what happens only once or twice. #he law does not concern itself with triHing matters.*, -igrum / num&uam excedére debet /rubrum.  #he blac Fbody of the act printed in blacG should ne$er

beyond the red Ftitle or rubric of the statute printed in red