startup camp pdx 30 minute lean bootcamp

STARTUP CAMP PDX Bootcamp Spring 2014 Instructor: Shashi Jain

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Bootcamp slides for Catlin Gabel Startup Camp PDX, Feb 2014. These slides introduce Lean Startup principles, 1 minute Pitching, and overview of the camp. Props given to sponors.


  • 1. STARTUP CAMP PDX Bootcamp Spring 2014Instructor: Shashi Jain

2. Hi, Im Shashi Corporate AccountsManager UP Global Founder of DongleKong and MatterCompilers Startup Weekend Organizer TiE Program Director Life Begins Where YourComfort Zone Ends Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. 3. Agenda Introduction(~5 min) Tips for Success(~20 min) What is Startup Camp PDX? Prepare a successful Friday night Pitch Increase chances of winning on Sunday Customer validation Presentation Q&A(~5 min) 4. Organizers M C O A N IM IC Y O L BI A NE T R H E DN N I T IS H H I A SH A A H M ZS E A D I 5. Individual Sponsors M EK G UL KM E KO NA O RU AA T HN AN P T AK NNAE IPIERRAH L PSEAA M RS N JN RG Z SJ A AA A A N T N J AI AR AT IE FIG INRI N C DA L Y H O TA R Y AI 6. Local Sponors 7. WHAT IS STARTUP CAMP PDX? 8. A 54-hour event where three flavors of startup enthusiasts share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups!Hipsters (designers) Hackers (developers) Hustlers (biz-devs) 9. Resources ParticipantsYou BringWe Provide Hustlers (Business/Social Media) Hackers (Software/Hardware/Makers) Hipsters (Artists/Designers/Dreamers) Laptop Tools of the trade Note-taking tools Mentors & Speakers Rooms with whiteboards Good food and drinks Prizes 10. Next weekend you will PITCH, BUILD, and LAUNCH a startup by Sunday night! 11. THE BASICS Or, what you can expect. 12. Startup Weekend AgendaFRIDAY =SATURDAY = SUNDAY = 13. Judging CriteriaExecution A Minimum Viable Product (MVP)Customer Validation Proof that people want your MVPBusiness Model Framework for running your business 14. FRIDAY NIGHT Pitch, vote, form teams. 15. The Art of the Pitch1 min 16. The Art of the PitchTo infect the audience with your idea 17. The Art of the Pitch Who are you and what is your background? What is the problem that you are solving? Explain your proposed solution Who you need on your team(5-10 sec) (10-20 sec) (10-20 sec) (5-10 sec) Give your startup a name! Avoid Intellectual Property; SW is an open IP environment 18. What it Looks Like 19. Who Selects the Ideas?You Do!3 Votes12-15 teams 20. Roles & Responsibilities jeri ellsworth, makerAmber Case, AnthropologistNat Parker, CEOHackerHipsterHustler Architects MVP Builds MVP Implements Design Creates a look/feel Brings the Soul Product Manager Business Deve MarketingYou need all three!Any one can be the Leader! 21. SATURDAY Build, test, iterate. 22. The Starting Line Who is going to use your MVP? Identify Customer SegmentsIdentify Value Propositions What pain does your MVP relieve? Talk to people in person! Conduct Customer InterviewsBuild Your MVP Prove that your MVP solves the problem 23. Minimum Viable Product 24. Product Market Fit Value PropositionCustomer Segment 25. Getting to your Goal Think Lean 26. Customer Development 27. Dont forget the big picture 28. Leading Your TeamPlay to strengthsLet everyone shineListen as much as you talkDecide fast, but wiselyDont be afraid to ask for helpLead by action, not by words or force 29. Strategy Think about how you are going to present your MVP This will guide your design Decide on a value proposition early Dont worry, it will change Decide on your strategy earlyUse project management toolsCheck-in often 30. Kanban Chart BacklogTo DoDoingDone(bite-size tasks)(agreed upon tasks)(in progress now)(agreed finished)Task 0Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Tools Needed: Whiteboard, Sticky Notes, Marker, Patience 31. At each step..Validate that your customers want what you are building! 32. SUNDAY Practice and Present! 33. Sunday Night Presentation Problem Start no later than Description of yournoon Format:Product Overview of Customer Validation Accomplished Business Model Summary Product Show & Tell 5 minutes to Present 5 minutes of Judge Q&A Use technology Cover the 3 key areas Customer Validation Business Model Execution 34. Practice Your Pitch! 35. ALMOST DONE Just a few more words of advice. 36. During Startup Camp DO move fast, but with purpose work together towards a common purpose get through two cycles! focus on the three areas: Business Model, Customer Validation, Execution DONT waste time agonizing over getting something perfect. Move on. hold back. Youll be surprised what you can do in 54 hours! 37. After Startup Camp Apply what you learned everywhere! Entrepreneurship IS a great career path! Things to consider before you move forward Relax before making decisions Evaluate your team Talk ownership and responsibility Consult a lawyer Mentorship and Support NEXT, OTBC, TiE, OEN, PDX'11 Incubation and Funding PIE, PSF, TechStars, YC, 500 Startups 38. In closingUse this next week to your advantage 39. Connect With Us! @StartupCampPDX 89812687793740/ 40. Q&A 41. THATS ALL FOLKS!