star wars - knights of the old republic ii - the sith lords walkthrough

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  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (The Sith Lords)

    ntroduction & d!ice:

    Wal"through Legend:

    Light #ap #ar"er $ % it or %le!ator to another 'ap ar" #ap #ar"er $ %!ent or %ncounter *ithin a 'ap

    LS/DS Points) $ Light Side+ ar" Side ,oints opportunit-

    ote about ar" Side points: the-/re !er- eas- to co'e b- and usuall- ob!ious0 soou *on/t see as 'an- (DS Points) in the *al"through (LS Points) are not as

    ob!ious0 and so'eti'es doing good deeds *ill get -ou nothing e cept satisfaction0 if e!en that Therefore0 *e ha!e included 'ore of these opportunities


    1ou can pla- KotOR an- *a- -ou *ant: good0 balanced or e!il t an- point in thega'e -our 'ain character *ill sit so'e*here on that light+dar" continuu'0 and it*ill influence 'ost e!er-thing -ou do0 fro' orce ,oint cost ('ana consu'ption) to,3 disposition to*ards -our part- So'eti'es -ou 'ight e!en feel guilt- about achoice -ou 'ade: help *here -ou shouldn/t ha!e0 hinder *here -ou should ha!e

    The beaut- of KotOR is that at al'ost an- point in the ga'e0 -ou are not be-ondede'ption (for good or for e!il)0 though in the se4uel0 -ou 'a- find it 'ore difficulto 'o!e to the dar" side than in the first

    f -ou li"ed Knights of the Old Republic0 -ou/re sure to en5o- The Sith Lords as *ellbut I *ould strongl- reco''end pla-ing the discounted original first 6enerall-pea"ing0 the ga'epla- and ga'e engine of KotOR II re'ain al'ost identical *ith ae* changes and additions0 and it/s another length- ad!enture 3haracter

    de!elop'ent offers a fe* 'ore choices this ti'e around0 *ith ne* po*ers and lotsof ne* ite's0 and the in!entor- s-ste' has been slightl- re*or"ed for the better0especiall- *eapon s*itching or all intents and purposes0 the ga'e ta"es a*a- thee!el cap0 so -ou can beco'e as po*erful as there are ene'ies and 4uests in the

    ga'e reasonable le!el to e pect in The Sith Lords *hile doing all 4uests anda"ing on all creatures is so'e*here in the upper 27/s


  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    The easiest *a- to pla- through the ga'e is to choose a side and in general0 stic" *ith it The 'ost po*erful force po*ers ha!e 'ade that choice0 falling either on theight or dar" side 1our choice *ill deter'ine ho* 'uch those po*ers cost to use

    Stic"ing so'e*here in the 'iddle *ill gi!e -ou no bonus deductions for either theight or dar" side force po*ers0 but no negati!es either 8 'a"ing it too so'ething to

    consider if -ou dare 3hoose -our force po*ers to suit -our pla- st-le

    Throughout the ga'e0 there are countless opportunities to gain light and dar" sidepoints In the first ga'e0 it *as far0 far easier to beco'e e!il than to beco'e good Inhis one0 -ou/ll find it 'ore difficult to go either *a-0 though *ill ha!e no proble' if ou re'ain on one path

    There are four 'ain areas to e plore after -ou lea!e Telos for the first ti'eantooine and Korriban *ere in the first ga'e but *ill be different no*0 and the

    *o ne* ones0 Onderon and .ar Shaddaa0 are all of -our choices on the 6ala -#ap 1ou can !isit these planets in an- order0 but I/!e found that .ar Shaddaa iso!erall the 'ost difficult0 so in the *al"through0 I put that third for a continuit-eason I *on/t *aste -our ti'e *ith here Still0 'an- people prefer to do the' inheir o*n order and it/s perfectl- acceptable and pla-able0 e!en for ne*co'ers0 soefer to the appropriate section of the *al"through and -ou/ll be alright

    #one-0 Ite's0 3o'bat:

    1our choice of *eapon can get -ou through a lot0 but *hen -ou/re in trouble0co'bat can be 'uch easier if -ou use grenades0 sti's and 5udicious use of forcepo*ers If -ou/re pla-ing the light side or a balanced character0 the Stun0 Stun

    roid and 9eal series of force po*ers can be in!aluable If -ou/re pla-ing the ar" Side0 the rain Life0 Wound and especiall- Shoc" series can be 5ust as hand- s foruni!ersal po*ers0 orce ,ush (and e!entuall- Wa!e)0 attle #editation and Speedare highl- reco''ended When -ou/re pic"ing orce ,o*ers later in the ga'e0 tr-and focus on a fe* sets of the'0 rather than spreading the' around 1ou/ll ha!e a

    ore po*erful character that *a-

    KotOR II is different than the first in that 'ost of the best ite's are rando'l-generated in containers - the end of the ga'e0 -ou 'a- ha!e se!eral of a reall-good ite' but ha!e ne!er found another Sa!e 'ost of -our 'one- for ite's that aree pensi!e to bu- rather than 'edpacs and sti's Search e!er-*here and in e!er-container This *al"through stri!es to co!er all the 'inor and significant e!ents orencounters0 as *ell as an- abo!e a!erage -et ite's -ou co'e upon that are static It

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    ob!iousl- cannot co!er0 nor *ould *e *ant to spend the ti'e0 *riting do*n thecontents of e!er- container since the- are rando' no* 8 life is i'portant too

    Re'e'ber to ;bash; open loc"ed footloc"ers and doors if -our part- does not ha!ea high enough Securit- s"ill The ,las'a Torch -ou recei!e at the beginning of thega'e is ideal for this0 so re'e'ber that

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    >) #ain 9old:3earch the area for a dead body for a 4locker key4 a broken droid and the footlocker a"ainst the wall. #ou'll learnhow to bash the footlocker o!en. 5ea,e the console alone in the room for now as you'll be comin" back to it shortly.

    After you've been to the Outer Hull:

    $ake $%& ( or %2&16 and turn on 4solo4 mode. 7se either droid to enter the s!ace between the ara"e at /8 and thesouth corridor. 7se the other droid to access the console in the ain Hold slice the com!uter with 9 s!ikes andclose the outer door. $hen ha,e the same droid o!en the inner door for the now&tra!!ed droid. 3witch characters andread /8 below.

    ?) #edical a-:Here's where your main character is lyin" unconscious. Ha,e your droid o!en the container near the bed and take themed!ac. 7se it on your main character to treat his or her in:ury.

    @) 3argo 9old:$%& ( meet %6&16. O!tionally in,ite %6&16 to your !arty ;recommended< and o!en the nearby metal container for a wea!on. $his will be"in the sensor droid combat tutorial. E=ui! the wea!on and attack the hostile ;thou"hharmless< sensor droids. >earer the back of the hold o!en the unlocked ri"ht container take the security tunneler out and use it on the hi"h security container next to it. #ou may also o!en the locker in the room with the locker keyyou recei,ed from /%.

    A) %BIT:to Outer Hull ;/)< . ?isitin" the Outer Hull is re=uired and if you're followin" the walkthrou"h now is a "reat timeto "o there.

    C) 6arage:#ou',e been to the Outer Hull and ha,e read /% abo,e. #ou ha,e one droid inside the ara"e. 7se it to exit throu"hthe north door and take a ri"ht into the now&o!en 3tarboard 6ormitory. $ake all the items includin" an armor !latin"for your droid and some more !arts ;not that you need them now< for the hy!erdri,e.

    0roceed back into the "ara"e and use the workbench. I'd su""est takin" the time to learn about it while you're thereand then use it to create an item. 2reate a re!air kit and exit the workbench. #ou will no lon"er need this character in the tutorial ;not e,en to :oin u! with the other

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    =) %BIT:o Ebon Hawk ;/B< .

    ) Open 9atches:earch all these containers for !arts.

    >) % posed Wiring:se u! one of your !arts ;you'll ha,e !lenty< to re!air the ex!osed wirin" and o!en the inside 3tarboard 6ormitory


    ) #ines & #issile:se your droid to reco,er the minor fra" mines andCor search the "uarded missile turret for another mine used for ccessin" the En"ine Room inside the 'Hawk. When you're throu"h ex!lorin" the area return to the Ebon Hawk ,ia the) exit and continue with Ebon Hawk Adrift ;/%< .


    d'inistration Le!el

    Your main goal on the Administration Level is to first open the prison at #11, and ultimately open the Emergen y

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    Hat h !oor at #" A $ui % &ord of advi e he entire mining fa ility (and in fa t, mu h of the game) is droid heavy *f ou're playing a Light +ide hara ter, *'d highly re ommend the +tun !roid line of for e po&ers first

    =) #edical a-:f you !layed the !rolo"ue it's nice to finally "et control of the character you made. After a cut scene you awaken in a!arse edical -ay of the Administration 5e,el on the 0era"us inin" 1acility with only clothin" and nau"ht else. #ouan return to the Kolto $ank at any time to heal yourself howe,er since your wounds "radually re"enerate anyway it'sikely best waitin" it out rather than runnin" back here.

    ) #ed Lab & Lab Station:Head here to use the 5ab 3tation o!en the or"ue across the hall and stora"e room from the nearby console andearch the containers for some e=ui!ment. If you ha,e a hi"h enou"h $reat In:ury you can learn a little about your Koltoank ex!erience usin" the lo"s on the console.

    >) #orgue & Kreia0 ,art- #e'ber:After you',e been to /9 and o!ened the or"ue door head inside and search the body in the back for a !lasma torch.he !lasma torch is your key item to bash o!en difficult&to&o!en locked doors so remember that. Any time you comecross a door you can bash e=ui! your torch and watch the door =uickly o!en. $hat "oes for the door :ust south of thisoom your first o!!ortunity.

    As soon as you "rab the torch Kreia wakes u! and you'll ha,e a cut&scene with her. At this !oint you can be"in "ainin"ark 3ide 0oints ( S ,oints) or 5i"ht 3ide 0oints (L+ oints) .

    he bonus is that while you can recei,e a chan"e in your own ali"nment ri"ht now you still are unable to influenceyour !arty members ;until you reach the Harbin"er and "et a short tutorial on the matter

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    -efore enterin" this room Kreia hel!s you re"ain your force sensiti,ity a bonus of (+ force !oints which hel!s alertyou to the three droids in the room. When you le,el u! your character if you're !layin" li"ht side I would definitelyrecommend the 3tun 6roid series as you !ro"ress. It hel!s tremendously in 0era"us es!ecially for the !hysically4weaker4 consular. 3natch the stealth field "enerator in the room and e=ui! it on your character ;!ro,idin" you ha,ethe 3tealth skill< if you want to a,oid the se,eral droids in the next lar"e room at / . #ou can shut them all downusin" the console in the lar"e room at /)+.

    E) roids S4uared:

    3e,eral minin" droids inhabit this lar"e area and if you o!ted for usin" the stealth "enerator you can shut them alldown usin" the console at /)+. $hey're easy so whiche,er way you !refer won't likely alter the outcome.

    a) After returning from the dormitories:

    #ou',e been throu"h the dormitories and ha,e both Kreia and Atton with you. Here is where you'll encounter thelone assassination droid that's been stalkin" you HK&@+. When combat be"ins he'll ha,e ( droid mines floatin"nearby so focus on them first and then concentrate on HK. He's fairly easy so you !robably won't ha,e too muchtrouble but use your ,ibroblade u! close and ha,e another character or two stay back and fire ;andCor use the forcees!ecially stun droid if you ha,e itext use the console at /)+. 3ee /)+aabo,e.

    =2) %BIT:to 1uel 6e!ot ;/ < . #ou can access this exit from the other side from within the 1uel 6e!ot.

    =>) %BIT:to the Harbin"er 2ommand 6eck ;/)< . $his exit will be una,ailable until you defeat HK&@+ at which !oint you'llwant to come here and use it.

    Han"ar -ay

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    Your first main goal is to get -./0 to the uel !epot t&i e . on e to a dead end, then ba % to the Hangar, and thengain to the !epot to another 2dead end2 as it happens /u h later, you'll enter the hangar to find the Ebon Ha&%

    &ith your main party As usual, the numbers generally orrespond &ith the hronologi al order of events and pportunities

    =) %nter T>8#?0 ,art- #e'ber:akin" control of the droid once more ;countin" the 0rolo"ue< scour the room for items and exit throu"h the western

    doorF you're on your way for uni,ersal re!air !arts. E=ui! all of your best e=ui!ment and when you encounter droidsmake sure to use your 3hock Arm as it com!letely annihilates them and has unlimited uses ake your way u! theam! toward /9 and you'll see what I mean.

    ) %ne'- roids:f you want an easy time with these droids use your 3hock Arm.

    >) %BIT:o 1uel 6e!ot ;/)< . $ake this exit your first time as $%& (.

    ) Loc"ed Storage:se a mine on the door to this ca,e stora"e area to find some items.

    @) 3onsole:his control terminal is dama"ed the first time you "et to it and you'll need the !arts found in the 1uel 6e!ot throu"hxit /%. 7se the !arts you recei,ed from the 1uel 6e!ot to re!air then slice into the system and o!en the 1uel 6e!ot

    door at exit /B. $hen as $%& ( exit back into the 1uel 6e!ot at /B.a) After the Harbinger and the uel !epot:

    When you come back this way after ha,in" been on the Harbin"er with your main !arty and you ha,e the Han"ar 9@2ontrol 2onduit use this console to re!lace the conduit and "i,e yourself Han"ar access. $hen !roceed throu"h thenearby door on the east side of the room. -e !re!ared for a fairly lar"e droid battle comin" u! but nothin" your !artycannot handle.

    A) %BIT:to 1uel 6e!ot ;/%< . $he first time here use this exit as $%& ( after you',e o!ened the door from the console at /@.5ater you'll come throu"h the exit from the 1uel 6e!ot a"ain with your main !arty on your way to the Ebon Hawk.-e !re!ared for ark II droids all alon" these corridors.

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    C) #ar" II roids:1rom here until you reach the actual han"ar you'll encounter many ark II minin" droids.

    D) Large roid attle:3im!ly another droid battle but with more droids this time. 6on't for"et to continue to the dead end and o!en thefootlocker before "oin" throu"h the door here.

    E) 3onsole:

    I'd recommend sa,in" your s!ikes or !arts and destroy the console to o!en the containment door e,en thou"h !oisonous "as s!ills in the room. $he cost of shuttin" off the contamination is too hi"h. 2ontinue throu"h the "as at/)+ ;usin" a rebreather if you're worried< into the next room and you'll be safe.

    =7) ,oisonous 6as:$his corridor is filled with !oisonous "as as you',e "athered. #ou can shut it off usin" the console at / but I'drecommend :ust runnin" throu"h it usin" a rebreather if you're concerned.

    ==) %BIT:to $he Ebon Hawk ;/)< . 2on"ratulations you',e finally made it to your shi!. -efore enterin" there are somecontainers strewn around the !erimeter of the room if you're interested in a few more items.

    As soon as you try and board the Ebon Hawk you'll be attacked by a swarm of 3ith. >o worries thou"h as you'll befirin" the shi!'s "un turret in a new mini&"ame I like to call 3ith Wi!eout. Essentially mo,e the turret left and ri"htra!idly !ressin" the fire button and try and eliminate as many sith a!!roachin" the shi! as !ossible. $he more youlet enter the more you'll ha,e to battle with inside when you',e finished outside.

    y first time without hel! I had to battle ( 3ith troo!ers once I enter the Ebon Hawk which wasn't difficult. $henext time it was :ust one. aybe you can eliminate the threat entirely.

    Once a"ain another con"ratulations for makin" it off of 0era"us. $o continue head to $he Ebon Hawk .

    1uel 6e!ot

    ltimately, you'll enter the uel !epot four times and e4plore different areas he first t&o times, as -./0, they'll behort trips through the #1 and #- entran e5e4its, and later as your main hara ter, only moderately longer he first ime &ith your 6 (player hara ter), you'll enter at #" and then again at #17 for your final trip through 8ith -,our goal is e4plained in the first four map numbers

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    =) %BIT:o Han"ar -ay ;/%< . $he only time you'll come throu"h this door is with $%& ( on his first tri!. 2ontinue to /9.

    ) ,arts:earch the broken droid and cor!se ;which I'll "i,e the label 4containers4 often in the walkthrou"h< thorou"hly for thearts you need to re!air the console back in the Han"ar -ay and then make your way to Han"ar -ay ;/(< .

    >) %BIT:o Han"ar -ay ;/B< . $he first time here you'll be $%& (. 2ontinue down the corridor and take a left to /(.

    ater with your main !arty after you take down the force field on the left wall of the corridor you'll take this exit back o the Han"ar -ay and your final !ush for the Ebon Hawk.

    ) 3onsole:sin" $%& ( o!en the Emer"ency Hatch at Administration 5e,el ;/@< for your main character. $hen watch a smallut&scene... and continue with your main character to enter the inin" $unnels.

    @) %BIT:

    o inin" $unnels ;/ < . When you enter here you'll need to sol,e a !uGGle to !roceed in,ol,in" a curious droid in theoom on your left. o there now.

    A) rrogant 9K roid:alk to the droid for an amusin" if also irritatin" con,ersation and ask it about the body on the floor. #ou'll learn that itan mimic ,oices. Hmm. 2ontinue to /8 and search the containers in the room for a sonic im!rint sensor. -rin" it back o the HK droid and a"ain ask about the body on the floor. If you ha,e a hi"h enou"h 0ersuade skill e,entually you'llet him to s!eak the code you need into the sensor. Otherwise you'll need to !ut to"ether the code from the hololo"s of wo consoles ;see /)+< as well as the miner's dyin" screams in order to access the airlock at /)) which is your current


    C) Wor"bench & Sonic I'print Sensor:earch the containers for a sonic im!rint sensor you can use on the HK 6roid at /B to record its !layback of the miner'screams or easier to "et it to !lay back the airlock code in the miner's own ,oice. Also you can use the workbench

    here to u!"rade create or breakdown items.

    D) roid 'bush:As you !ass this locked door two ark II droids bust out of the room and attack. $hey're tou"her than what you',eaced u! to this !oint with !otentially lethal ran"ed attacks. et u! close.

    E) %BIT:o Administration 5e,el ;/)9< . $here is no need to use this exit unless you both could not "et HK to !lay back the codesnd did not listen to the hololo"s at the Administration 5e,el ;/8< security terminal. I'd recommend tryin" to !uto"ether the code first at /)+ and if that fails listen to the lo"s.

    =7) 3onsole:lay back the code you recorded from HK at /B or !ut to"ether the correct code from the hololo"s on the terminal as

    well as the one from the Administration 5e,el ;/8< terminal and the miner's dyin" screams from the HK droid at /B.nlock the airlock seal and !roceed to /)). Watch out for the floatin" mines on your way there and make sure to shoothem from a distance.

    ==) %BIT:o Asteroid Exterior ;/)< . Once you ha,e access from the console at /)+ "rab a s!ace suit from the nearby locker and

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    ake this exit. #ou'll automatically don your s!ace suit.

    =2) %BIT:o En"ine 6eck ;/B< . #ou',e :ust ste!!ed off the Harbin"er and are now here for the last time on your way to the

    Han"ar -ay. 2ontinue to /)%.

    =>) T>8#? & Stash:heck the stash container for the Han"ar 9@ 2ontrol 2onduit and rouse $%& ( nearby to reclaim the ex!ert droid. In

    he next short section you'll do battle with numerous s!ider droids and mines. 2lear them all out before !roceedin" tohe console at /)(.

    =?) 3onsole:se the console here to shut down the field at the to! of the ram!. $hen !roceed out the exit at /% to Han"ar -ay ;/B<

    inin" $unnels

    Your main goal here is simply to ma%e it through the tunnels to the only e4it at #9 You'll fight many droids on the &ay

    =) %BIT:o Administration 5e,el ;/B< .

    ) tton & 3ontainer:heck the container here for your first real outfit and other e=ui!ment. Atton comlinks you "i,e you the lowdown onhe le,el.

    >) Repairable roid:f you want a little hel! re!air this droid for some easy x!.

    ) Large roid attle:e,eral droids are here alon" with the maintenance droid remotes and their !esky healin" ability. Whene,er youncounter these take out the maintenance droids first to a,oid needless frustration.

    @) Superheated last Tunnel:uickly run throu"h this short but dama"in" area.

    A) 3onsole & roids:

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    When you first arri,e in the lar"e chamber there are two exca,ation droids in the area one on each side. At the centralonsole you can use it to o!en the nearby locked bin then shut down the four containment fields. -ehind eachontainment field is a set of s!ider droids you can defeat for ex!erience.

    C) Function:irst take the southwest exit. $he door will be locked so use your !lasma torch to o!en it. 2ontinue until you reach /*.

    After you ex!lore the area and "et the items head back to this :unction and take the southeast exit fi"htin" more droidsn your way to the / exit.

    D) 3orpse & #ines:#ou should find a -asic Ionite Ed"e u!"rade item here on the cor!se after disarmin" sneakin" !ast or blowin" u! themines. When finished in the area head back to /8 and take the southeast exit toward / .

    E) %BIT:o 1uel 6e!ot ;/@< . $ake this exit to com!lete the inin" $unnels.

    Asteroid Exterior

    his is probably the ni est loo%ing area in the entire game, so en oy ;ust ma%e your &ay to the other side, it'straightfor&ard

    =) %BIT:o inin" $unnels ;/ < .

    ) tton & 9arbinger:When you "et to the mid!oint of the catwalk Atton comlinks you from inside. $urn to the ri"ht and you can see himhere. 3hortly after you'll witness a rather nice in&"ame cinematic. 2ontinue on when finished to the exit at /%.

    >) %BIT:o 6ormitories ;/)< . $ake this exit when done with the ,iew.


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    Your main goal here is to es ape through the lo %ed e4it at #1< *n order to a omplish that, you'll need to put together pu==le from datapad snippets, and &hen ready, use the onsole at #9 to solve the pu==le Or, simply blo& up theonsole to open the door for less 4p

    =) %BIT:o Asteroid Exterior ;/%< .

    ) Wor"bench:se your !lasma torch if need be on the locked door to utiliGe this workbench. Install any Ion u!"rades to your ibroblade if you ha,e them.

    >) ire Turrets:One on each side. 7se 3tun 6roid series or your ,ibroblade if !ossible to take them out. On the o!!osite side of thee,el before /@ there are two more fire turrets :ust like these.

    ) 3onsole:to! and utiliGe this console then continue on to /@ before enterin" the east and west dormitories on the north side.

    @) 3ontainers & roids:earch all containers here and destroy the droids for a miner's data!ad with information about a hidden cache of

    wea!ons. >ow backtrack and take the east dormitory to the /B console.

    A) 3onsole:#ou can shut down the ,entilation system with enou"h com!uter s!ikes or sim!ly use a breath mask to a,oid theoison from the "as. E,en if you are !oisoned it does not do ,ery much dama"e so you should be safe re"ardless.

    earch all of the bodies on the floor for their data!ads & you'll need them later & and e,ery room for items.

    C) 9idden 3ache:he door to this room is locked ti"ht. #ou'll need demolitions skill and a mine to o!en it u!. If you mana"e to "et it!en and ha,e found the miner's data!ad at /@ you can search the hidden cache for items.

    D) 3onsole:earch the entire west win" of the dormitory here includin" bodies on the floor and rooms as you did in the east win"hen use this console. Examine all of the data!ads you recei,ed to be"in to !ut to"ether a se=uence of numbers re=uiredor the o,erride code to the turbolift at / . With enou"h Intelli"ence the code is automatically "i,en to you or at least a

    hint. $he correct code is 8 @ )% )8 %. Each dot re!resents a ) in Roman >umeral notation each dash a )+ and each

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    @. When finished with the lo"s head to the console at / .

    E) 3onsole & odies:After relie,in" the bodies of their items includin" 2oorta's use the console. Either destroy it or enter the code abo,eor more ex!erience and access to the turbolift back to Administration.

    =7) %BIT:o Administration 5e,el ;/(< . 3ee /(a.

    Harbin"erJ 2ommand 6eck

    Your main goal here is to ma%e it to the 6re& >uarters through e4it #" Ho&ever, you must first stop at the bridge and do&nload the orbital drift harts to the Ebon Ha&% hroughout the level you'll get atta %ed by several groups of

    amoflauged +ith Assassins Ho&ever, they are no mat h for your party Again, he % every room and ontainer for tems

    =) %BIT:o Administration 5e,el ;/)%< . When you enter your "rou! will ha,e a con,ersation. Its conclusion marks the first time

    you can be"in to influence your other !arty members. 1rom this !oint if you want them to be of the same ali"nmentenerally ha!!ier and tell you more of their story then cater to them. Atton wants you to a"ree with his !lans "enerally

    Kreia wants you to take the middle road and take her ad,ice ;thou"h she is more difficult< and many others "enerallywant you to be considerate.

    ) ridge 3onsole:ownload the Orbital 6rift 2harts from here to the Ebon Hawk.

    >) %scape ,ods:hese are not functional and this is a dead end but if you wanted to see the whole "ame you'd ha,e missed this area if you sim!ly went to the exit and missed out on the two Assassin attacks for x!.

    ) riefing Roo':se the console here to ,iew hololo"s and for the first time meet one of the members of the ori"inal "ame. #ou canlso learn more about your history for a bonus =uest ob:ecti,e.

    @) %BIT:o 2rew uarters ;/)< .

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    Harbin"erJ 2rew uarters

    Your main goal here is to ma%e it to the Engine !e % through the e4it at #? *'ve numbered the important stops along he &ay +everal more ambushes a&ait you on this level

    =) %BIT:o 2ommand 6eck ;/@< .

    ) 1our Roo':When you !ass the door to this room you sense that it was yours and feel the need to "o on in. O!en the door and o!en

    footlocker to disco,er an armband of your name which is a handy item throu"hout much of the "ame.

    >) #ed Lab 3onsole:Welcome to the lar"e med lab. 3earch all the containers alon" the walls ho! in a Kolto $ank if you want and re,iewhe data on the console. $here's a di,ider on the south side of the room that you may mistake for a wall ;as I did my first

    ime< but you can "o around it to the southern half of the lab to /( a similar settin".

    ) #edical roid & 3ontainers:earch the remainin" containers and fix the edical 6roid to follow you around if you wish.

    @) roid Storage:O!en this door to find se,eral droids and one in !articular that had a small !art to !lay in HK&@+'s rei"n of the inin"acility. Interestin".

    A) %BIT:o En"ine 6eck ;/)< .

    Harbin"erJ En"ine 6eck

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    Your main goal on this rather small and $ui % level is to ma%e it through the e4it at #? ba % to the uel !epot, and rom there, es ape to the Hangar and eventually to the Ebon Ha&% You're almost out@

    =) %BIT:o 2rew uarters ;/B< .

    ) Sion Sighting:As soon as you ste! across the threshold of this door an e,ent will tri""er. Kreia will meet the im!endin" doom andhus remo,e herself from your !arty for a brief time.

    >) Wor"bench:his workbench may come in handy. #ou still ha,e many droids to destroy on your way out so consider u!"radin"

    with ion enhancements.

    ) 3onsole:rom this console you must o!en the maintenance doors to the Ion En"ines to !roceed to the next way!oint.

    @) 3onsole:se this console to acti,ate the en"ine maintenance !rocedure and thus unlock the door to the fuel de!ot ahead.

    A) %BIT:o 1uel 6e!ot ;/)9< . As soon as you ste! throu"h the !re,ious door you'll see another cutscene with Kreia and 3ion.

    On the other side of the exit is the 1uel 6e!ot and a lost friend. #our time on the Harbin"er is at an end.

    he Ebon Hawk

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    On e you depart from the +e ret A ademy in elos for the first time, the gala4y opens up and you'll have four planetso hoose from using the gala4y map at #7: Onderon, ar +haddaa, !antooine and Borriban

    f you're male, the first time boarding after the +e ret A ademy, you'll find the Handmaiden onboard Your party &ill ea t strongly to her presen e, but you an s ore some influen e &ith her by supporting her

    hen you re.enter the Ebon Ha&% and your alignment is strongly to&ard the Light or !ar% side, you'll do battle &ithCisas /arr After you defeat her (&hi h is not overly diffi ult), she &ill be ome another party member

    +everal on board have the apability of reating items for you, if you've found them of ourse:$%& ( creates !ro"rammin" s!ikes if you are low

    ira creates "renades and if !ersuaded can create more !owerful "renades if low.andalore creates stimulants if low.+&$+ creates security tunnelers if low.

    6isci!le creates healin" !acs if low.

    here is only one $uest.related event here *n ar +haddaa, if you're doing battle &ith the Ded E lipse, see #-a

    =) %BIT:toJ

    $elos 6ock odule ;/))< 6xun ;by selectin" Onderon on the ma!< un"le 5andin" ;/)<

    >ar 3haddaa Refu"ee 5andin" 0ad ;/)< 6antooine Khoonda 0lains ;/)< Korriban ?alley of 6ark 5ords ;/)<

    2) tton & 6ala - #ap:1rom the alaxy a! after $elos you can choose either 2itadel 3tation on $elos Onderon ;6xun< >ar 3haddaa6antooine and Korriban. #ou can also talk to Atton.

    >) 3onsole & Red isciple Leader:#ou can use the console here to check the cameras !ositioned in different areas of the Ebon Hawk.

    a) !uring the Ded E lipse Atta %:

    #ou're "oal will be to find 2ahhmakt the leader of the Red Ecli!se in this room. He is stron" and can be difficult

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    with all the other sla,ers nearby but as soon as you "et near him he'll o!en u! dialo"ue with you. If you can !ersuade him to obey he'll lea,e and the battle will be o,er. Afterward you can ,isit the cantina and collect anoccasional sum of money from the Red Ecli!se sla,er. Howe,er if you choose to fi"ht throw all you can at himincludin" force !owers "renades etc. if !ossible.

    ?) #ira & 9K8?C:After ira ;from >ar 3haddaa< becomes a !arty member you'll find her here. 3he can create "renades for the !artyand if !ersuaded more !owerful "renades. -efore you fix u! HK&(8 he'll be here waitin" for the new !arts.

    @) 678T7 & #andalore:When you',e "ot +&$+ ;from >ar 3haddaa< and andalore ;from Onderon< in your !arty you can find them here.

    +&$+ can make security tunnelers and andalore creates stimulants.

    A) isciple:If you're main character is female and you recruited 6isci!le on 6antooine you'll find him here. He can !ro,idehealin" !acs.

    C) Kreia:#ou'll find Kreia here in the !ort dormitory.

    D) 9and'aiden:If you're a male character this is where you'll find the Handmaiden after de!artin" $elos for the first time des!iteany other offer you "i,e her. If you ask her to teach you her Echani techni=ue and win the fi"ht she'll teach you-attle 0reco"nition which allows you to add your Wisdom modifier to your defense.

    E) %ngine Roo':#ou'll most often find $%& ( here. If not try the communications room at /%. $he droid can make !ro"rammin"s!ikes if you're low.

    =7) Wor"bench0 ao8 ur & 9K8?C:

    7sin" the Workbench here you can u!"rade any of your items ;re"ardless of which character they are e=ui!!ed on

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    After eragus, you're thro&n into a elos holding ell, stripped of your belongings and told to &ait out senten ing for he destru tion of the /ining a ility +hortly after, you must do battle &ith an Assassin &ho laims to be atu Dem, a

    member of the + ( elos +e urity or e) After Lt !ol Frenn arrives, you are ta%en to Desidential ow whene,er you find another info console ;in any section of itadel 3tation< you can use another info console and automatically return to this !oint and ,ice ,ersa.

    >) %BIT:o Entertainment +*) ;/)< . When you be"in all of your e=ui!ment can be found there in the $31 office.

    ) %BIT:o 2Gerka Offices ;/)< . 2Gerka re!resents the 6ark 3ide !ath but 5i"ht 3ide !layers will need to come here e,entually if hey want to com!lete all the =uests includin" the main one.

    @) %BIT:o -umani Exchan"e ;/)< . #ou cannot enter until you',e com!leted one or more =uests from either 2Gerka or thethorians and ha,e met with 5uxa in the 2antina.

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    A) %BIT:o Residential +*9 West ;/)< . #ou'll !robably want to come here after ,isitin" Entertainment +*) and first retrei,in"

    your "ear. $he Ithorian com!ound is here.

    C) 9arra in ebt:Enter this a!artment and you'll find Harra. He lost his "irl Ramana while bettin" in a 0aGaak "ame. In order to "et her ack you'll need to see 6oton Het at the 2antina ;/B< and ne"otiate for her release. When she's returned you can either orce her to continue dancin" or let her "o for (L+ oints) .

    D) Thie!ing Test:ake the contents from the footlocker in the room and the owner will catch you on your way out. #ou can kee! themy !leadin" i"norance or "o so far as to kill him for ob,ious ( S ,oints) and a !ossible scoldin" from Kreia for your rutality.

    E) Opo 3hano0 roid ,arts #erchant:Alon" with bein" a merchant for droid !arts O!o is an inte"ral !art of both the 6ark 3ide and 5i"ht 3ide !aths but youannot initiate any =uests with him. Return when you're on the !articular =uest.

    a) or the *thorians (Light +ide):

    #ou',e s!oken with the contact in the 2antina and need credentials to borrow -&(6(. O!o has these for 9 @++creditsJ ex!ensi,e but if you don't feel like s!endin" that kind of money head back now to 2hodo and he will "i,eyou the money you need. Once you ha,e them you can "o to the 2Gerka Offices ;/9< and s!eak with -&(6(.

    b) or Lu4a (!ar% +ide):

    One of 5uxa's re=uirements to set u! a meetin" with 3lusk is to "et back O!o 2hano's debt. 3he tells you to rou"hhim u! a little if he cannot !ay. Well he cannot !ay... and your only o!tion if you want to a,oid 5i"ht 3ide !oints isto kill him which naturally "i,e you (!+ oints) . Return to 5uxa for the arran"ement with 3lusk.

    =7) r's eal:$he only way in here is to ha,e a =uest from 5uxa in the 2antina which !re&re=uires you to be sided with 2Gerka.After "oin" to the medical unit and listenin" to the messa"e on the console you're told to come here alone. 4Alone4in this case means "oin" to the !arty selection screen and remo,in" all other !arty members not sim!ly "oin" soloas it won't work. When you 4knock4 on the door you're let in. After lookin" around the door closes and you'reconfronted by two thu"s headed by a Rodian. $he deal will be com!leted re"ardless of what you say and they'll turnon you. When they are dead return to 5uxa at the 2antina ;/@< for your next =uest.

    ==) atono:$here is no enterin" this door until you find out where he is from the Ithorian 2hodo Habat. $he =uest ori"inatesfrom 5t. renn in Entertainment +*).

    a) *f Light +ide:

    Enter the room and offer to escort him to 5t. renn for a reward and (L+ oints) . On your way out of the a!artmentcom!lex you're confronted by two 2Gerka mercs. Kill them and he'll be returned to renn for a reward.

    b) *f !ar% +ide:

    Once you',e learned of his location first tell ana 5orso in 2Gerka Offices. A"ree to fetch him and enter this room.#ou can threaten to take him to 2Gerka for a @++ credit !ay off for your silence and if you refuse kill him. Or after

    ana 5orso talk to him and lie that you're takin" him to renn. On the way out two 2Gerka mercs a!!ear. 1or extra( S ,oints) tell them 4he's all yours4 and watch or :oin in the attack on -atono.

    Entertainment +*)

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    d) +muggling /ission -:

    3amhan wants you to "rab medical su!!lies from the med lab at Residential +*9 West ;/*< . 7se the console near thsu!!y container to break the seal ;if not already !re,iously broken by youar 3haddaa. #ou can now re!ort back to5t. renn and sol,e the this bounty.

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    b) ounty >uest, atono:

    #our first lead is a"ain the 6ock odule so !roceed to 6ock odule ;/@< throu"h the exit at /* and s!eak with the2Gerka Officer by the Han"ar door. He'll "i,e you another leadJ ana 5orso of 2Gerka which also con,eniently tiesinto the Esca!ed 2riminals bounty =uest below. When you ask ana about -atono be careful not to mention renn'sname as the reason for the in,esti"ation. 3he'll then !oint you to 2hodo Habat in the Ithorian com!ound. Only after talkin" to 5orso will 2hodo "i,e you any information about -atono. $ell him what ana said and he'll "i,e you thekey to -atono's a!artment in Residential +*9 East ;/))< A!t. 2). #ou can escort him back to renn after fi"htin" a

    cou!le of mercenaries on the way out or you can turn him into ana at 2Gerka.) ounty >uest, Es aped 6riminals:

    After "ettin" this =uest the first time you see ana 5orso at 2Gerka Offices ;/%< you'll o,erhear these two criminalscon,ersin" with her. >o matter how you a!!roach the situation they'll flee to the $elos Restoration Gone. #ou canthen come back to renn and lie to him that you killed them for a reward thou"h it will not "ain you any (!+

    oints) . When you ,isit the Restoration Lone a little later you'll encounter them and do battle effecti,ely allowin"the truth to catch u! to the lie but still sol,in" the =uest a little early.

    d) +muggling >uest:

    After escortin" the droid from Han"ar 9 to either 2Gerka or the Ithorians you'll ha,e a modified !istol in your !ossession. #ou can first show it to 5t. renn or "o strai"ht to 3amhan 6obo at /% abo,e it makes no difference.$alk to 3amhan and ask to become !art of his smu""lin" o!eration. At any !oint in the o!eration you can tell 5t.

    renn about it and bust it u! "ainin" a reward.

    e) elos uel +hortage:

    Ask renn about the 1uel !roblem and you'll recei,e a =uest to find a new source of fuel. #ou can set this u! bytalkin" to ?o""a the Hutt at the >ar 3haddaa 6ocks ;/)< and sol,in" the oto !roblem. After effecti,ely com!letin"

    >ar 3haddaa you can make arran"ements with ?o""a and then come back to tell renn about the new fuel source.

    6ock odule

    Your main goal here is to ta%e either the shuttle at #9 (Light +ide) or #1< (!ar% +ide) to the elos Destoration =one,fter ompleting the *thorian or 6=er%a $uests here are three people of interest he *thorian at #7 &ill let you into

    Hangar ay 7 on e you have any $uest that ta%es you there he !uros at #0 &ill tell you about atu Dem, a side $uest or Lt Frenn And the 6=er%a Offi er at #" an tell you about atono, another Lt Frenn side $uest

    =) %BIT:

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    o Entertainment +*) ;/*< . After you use this exit once you can then use the Info 2onsole at /9 from then on.

    ) Ithorian0 9angar 2 6uard:Whene,er you ha,e business in Han"ar 9 talk to this Ithorian and he'll let you enter. #ou must first ha,e a =uest to doo.

    >) Info 3onsole:se this console and download a ma! of the area. >ow whene,er you find another info console ;in any section of

    itadel 3tation< you can use another info console and automatically return to this !oint and ,ice ,ersa.

    ) uros0 ,ort uthorit-:his 6uros can tell you about -atu Rem's ori"ination !oint if you ha,e 5t. renn's side =uest from Entertainment +*)/))a< . 1irst you must !ay him 9@ credits howe,er.

    @) 3Her"a Officer:he twi'lek can "i,e you information on -atono if you ha,e 5t. renn's side =uest from Entertainment +*) ;/))b< .

    A) 3onsole0 9angar oor control:im!ly use this console e,ery time you wish to enter Han"ar 9. $he consoles for other han"ars work in a similar


    C) Ithorian roid %ncounter:Once you ha,e the first =uest from either 2Gerka or the Ithorians this is your destination. #ou will be"in con,ersationnd be !rom!tly interru!ted by a "rou! of fi,e thu"s. 6efeat them and you'll notice an ille"ally modified wea!on which

    you then take. $his wea!on can be used to initiate 3amhan 6obo's smu""lin" =uests at Entertainment +*) ;/%< . Aftehe battle talk to the Ithorian droid and see below for your choices.

    a) al%ing to the *thorian !roid:

    #ou're !resented with a cou!le of choices and this is ultimately where you decide who you'll su!!ort. #ou may lie

    and escort him back to 2Gerka or to take him to 2hodo and the Ithorian com!ound his ori"inal destination. If youchoose to take it back to 2Gerka ;6ark 3ide =uests< see 2Gerka Offices ;/9b< . If you choose the Ithorians seeResidential +*9 West ;/9a< .

    D) Storage Roo'0 ,rotot-pe Shield:#ou'll need to ,isit this room if you're doin" 3amhan 6obo's 9nd smu""lin" =uest at Entertainment +*) ;/%c< .

    E) %BIT:to Restoration Lone ;/)< . If you',e followed the Ithorian =uests you'll take this shuttle to the restoration Gone.

    =7) %BIT:to Restoration Lone ;/)< . If you',e followed the 2Gerka =uests you'll take this shuttle to the restoration Gone.

    ==) %BIT:$he Ebon Hawk ;/)< . Once you',e found the Ebon Hawk you'll land here u!on returnin" to 2itadel 3tation.

    2Gerka Offices

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    Your onta t here &ill almost e4 lusively be ;ana Lorso at #- *f you're playing a !ar% +ide hara ter, you'll &ant toa%e on her $uests, &hi h eventually lead you to the Destoration one en route to the Ebon Ha&%, your ultimate goal

    =) %BIT:o Residential +*9 East ;/(< .

    ) 8? ?0 Receptionist:As soon as you enter for the first time -&(6( "reets you. #ou may tell him anythin". If you're !layin" the 5i"ht 3idend sidin" with the Ithorians their last =uest relates to him.

    a) After you've got the redentials from Opo 6hano:

    $ell -&(6( to come with you to the Ithorian com!ound and show him the credentials. #ou'll a!!ear in front of 2hodo Habat in Residential +*9 West. After 2hodo re!ro"rams you with the ability to lie head back here to s!eak with ana 5orso and continue with /%e below.

    b) After %illing +lus% for ;ana and 6=er%a:

    Ask -&(6( what is "oin" on and he'll let you know about the mercenary attack here althou"h that's hardly necessaryas they're in the same room. 0re!are to fi"ht throu"h three "rou!s of them at /@ B and 8 before you make it to ana.

    >) Fana Lorso:eet the leader of the 2Gerka o!eration here on $elos. If you're !layin" the 6ark 3ide you will naturally want to do

    a little work for her. Her first =uest ;if you ha,en't already taken the Ithorian !ath< is the same as the Ithorian first=uest to escort ;steal in this case< a droid from Han"ar 9 in the 6ock odule back to her. Head to 6ock odule;/9a< .

    a) After tal%ing &ith Lt Frenn about the Es aped 6riminal bounty:When you arri,e at her desk you'll witness the two criminals talkin" with her. After your confrontation re"ardlesswhat you say they'll take off for the restoration Gone. Re!ort back to 5t. renn and lie about killin" them for areward. #ou will not recei,e any 63 !oints for this. #ou will see these two a"ain...

    b) After returning &ith the droid from the !o % /odule:

    Alon" with the ( S ,oints) you will be offered another more dan"erous =uest that of killin" the leader of theExchan"e 5o!!ak 3lusk. #ou can "et to him by first talkin" with 5uxa in the 2antina ;/@< . $his will set you on acou!le of side =uests for 5uxa before she will actually arran"e a meetin".

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    ) 8hen ontinuing Lt Frenn's atono bounty $uest:

    #ou',e learned of -atono's connection with 2Gerka from the 2Gerka officer at the 6ock odule. Ask ana about-atono and do not tell her about 5t. renn. 3he will then !oint you to 2hodo Habat in the Ithorian com!ound atResidential +*9 West ;/(< .

    d) *f you %illed atono for 6=er%a after first telling ;ana Lorso about his lo ation:

    Return to ana for your reward.

    e) As .0!0:

    $alk to her as the droid and use your ability to lie to "ain access to the mainframe at /(. 2ontinue to /(.

    f) After %illing +lus% for 6=er%a:

    After !lowin" throu"h the mercenary attack here in the office talk to her for a reward and ask about your shi!. 3hewill finally make arran"ements for you to "et to the $elos Restoration Gone aboard a shuttle waitin" for you at 6ock

    odule ;/)+

  • 8/19/2019 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Walkthrough


    Your onta t here &ill almost e4 lusively be 6hodo Habat at #0 *f you're playing a Light +ide hara ter, you'll &ant toa%e on his $uests, &hi h eventually lead you to the Destoration one en route to the Ebon Ha&%, your ultimate goal

    =) %BIT:o Residential +*9 East ;/B< .

    ) Info 3onsole:se this console and download a ma! of the area. >ow whene,er you find another info console ;in any section of

    itadel 3tation< you can use another info console and automatically return to this !oint and ,ice ,ersa.

    >) 6reeter:ell the "reeter anythin" and he'll direct you to 2hodo Habat.

    ) 3hodo 9abat0 Ithorian ,riest:Habat is connected to the 1orce and felt your !resence here. If you ha,en't yet taken any =uests for 2Gerka he offers tohel! 4heal4 you after you',e hel!ed them. $hus be"ins a series of three main 5i"ht 3ide =uests to e,entually find theEbon Hawk. He can also tell you the location of -atono for 5t. renn if you',e "ot that bounty =uest. 3ee Entertainm+*) ;/))b<or details.

    a) 6hodo's 1st >uest, *thorian !roid:

    5ike with 2Gerka if you',e already been there 2hodo asks that you escort their droid from Han"ar -ay 9 at the 6ock odule. #ou'll need to first "o to 6ock odule ;/9a< and s!eak with the Ithorian "uardin" the door. After

    returnin" he'll "i,e you another =uest that of ne"otiatin" with the Exchan"e.

    b) 6hodo's 7nd >uest, E4 hange:

    2hodo now asks that you con,ince 5o!!ak 3lusk the Exchan"e -oss here to lea,e the Ithorian restoration !ro:ectalone. $hat will re=uire a meetin" of course and he'll !oint you to 5uxa 3lusk's second in command o,er at the2antina ;/@a< in order to arran"e it. When returnin" from the Exchan"e 2hodo will "i,e you the much needed5i"htsaber Ener"y 2ell 1ixture one the four !arts re=uired to build your own li"htsaber. #ou would also "et oneafter com!letin" the 2Gerka =uests from ana 5orso. 2hodo asks one final fa,or.

    ) 6hodo's inal >uest, 6=er%a 6orruption:

    2hodo will ask that you com!lete one final task. He !lans to use 2Gerka's droid -&(6( to access the mainframe atthe 2Gerka Offices and download any incriminatin" e,idence a"ainst them. In order to "ain control of the droid youwould ha,e to ha,e the !ro!er credentials. 6urin" your con,ersation he'll !oint you to the 2Gerka em!loyee 2orrun1alt in the 2antina ;/8< as a !ossible bribe tar"et.

    d) 8hen returning &ith the in riminating eviden e as .0!0:

    #our =uests for the Ithorians are done and as a reward you recei,e a !ermanent M@ to maximum force !oints whenhe heals you. Additionally he'll arran"e your trans!ort to the $elos Restoration Gone to meet with -ao&6ur who canho!efully hel! you find your shi!. $o "et there take the shuttle exit at 6ock odule ;/ < . Howe,er... after you lea,eResidential +*9 West your next attem!t at an exit whether it's into the shuttle or another Gone will be"in a final

    bonus =uest to sa,e the Ithorians from Attack. 3ee /(e below.

    e) *thorians under atta %:

    After com!letin" all the Ithorian =uests oGo will e,entually contact you from the Ithorian ?i,arium at Residen+*9 West ;/@b< . He's tra!!ed and there has been a mercenary attack on the com!ound. He also has the key to2hodo's office so you must "et to him =uickly.

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    Head back to the com!ound and be !re!ared for four skirmishes. In the first room :ust after the "reeter at /% you'llfi"ht se,eral mercenaries. $he lar"est battle is next in the main room to the south. Afterward head to /@ the?i,arium. After defeatin" the mercs there talk to oGo who will "i,e you the key to 2hodo's office at /(. Once youo!en the door you'll do battle with ,ery tou"h mercs as soon as you enter. -e !re!ared as this one noticeably moredifficult. When it's o,er you'll ha,e 2hodo's thanks and much more ex!erience thanks to the mercenaries.

    1inally you can head to the 3huttle or stay here to com!lete any side =uests you missed.

    @) Gi!ariu'0 achani ,lant:$here are two times you may wish to come here. One is for 3amhan 6obo's first smu""lin" =uest at Entertainment+*) ;/%

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    >) #ebla ule0 ,aHaa" Shar" & #erchant:uy 0aGaak cards or !lay her for cold hard credits.

    ) eno" %ncounter:#ou'll encounter -enok here by the bar. ust a brief foreshadowin" of collidin" destinies & yours and his.

    @) Lu a0 % change Second:

    After escortin" the droid for either 2Gerka or the Ithorians you'll be asked by ana or 2hodo to either kill 3lusk 2Gerka< or ne"otiate with 3lusk ;Ithorians

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    Your main goal of ourse is the onfrontation &ith Loppa% +lus%, E4 hange oss, on behalf of either 6=er%a or thethorians 8hether you let him live or not is up to you and your ob e tives

    =) %BIT:o Residential +*9 East ;/@< .

    ) Gula0 Receptionist:#our first time here she'll ask you what you intent is. #ou can !ersuadeClie to her that there must be some "litch withhe system to a,oid a fi"ht otherwise she will deftly alert the se,eral amorrean $hu"s N -oss at /% of your !resence.

    When you o!en the door they will then attack.

    >) 6a'orrean Thugs & oss:f you !ersuaded the rece!tionist at /9 ;see abo,e< they'll lea,e you alone and disa!!ear after your confrontation withlusk. Howe,er you'll do battle with them if this is not the case. 2oncentrate your !arty on one thu" at a time.

    ) 3apti!e Ithorian:alk to the Ithorian throu"h the 1orce 2a"e and he'll mention a console that can free him. It's at /* below. Releasin"

    him will not "ain you any (LS ,oints) thou"h it should.

    @) eno":When you o!en the door -enok will ha,e a few words and then attack alon" with his com!anions. 2oncentrate all your arty on him first as he's ,ery annoyin" when left alone. $hen take out the remainin" thu"s. -enok lea,es behindenok's -laster a decent firearm and !robably better than what you currently ha,e. When you're throu"h use the 5abtation to !re!are for a !ossible ,ery difficult battle comin" u! de!endin" on how you !lay it.

    A) 6a'orrean oss:

    alk to the ;sur!risin"ly< non&hostile -oss to initiate an attack from two war droids that 3lusk sends in immediatelyfterward. After this battle you'll be immediately escorted into the next room and be"in con,ersation. 3ee below.

    C) Loppa" Slus"0 % change oss:When con,ersation be"ins you of course will be already ali"ned with either 2Gerka or the Ithorians. 5uxa will thennter the room and you'll be !resented with some choices. E,en should you side with her 5uxa will turn on you so inrder to a,oid battle with e,eryone at once the safe thin" to do would be not to mention killin" them both.

    a) *f you're Light +ide, or supporting the *thorians:

    $ell 5uxa you refuse to kill 3lusk. 3he will turn on you and you'll do battle. It's a difficult battle with the

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    amorreans their -oss and 5uxa but shouldn't !ose too much a !roblem. 1ocus all your !ower on one enemy at atime for the safest route to killin" them all. When it's o,er 5o!!ak will try and shru" your re=uest off but can be

    !ersuaded to see what ha!!ened to 5uxa. $his will kee! him ali,e but he'll end with a threat. #ou can choose to killhim as well. When you're finished search all the bodies and containers in the room for items o!tionally release theIthorian usin" the console at /* and if you',e sided with the Ithorians head back to 2hodo at Residential +*9 West;/(b< to continue his =uests.

    b) *f you're !ar% +ide, or supporting 6=er%a:

    #ou can threaten to 5uxa that both of them will die in which case the whole room will be a"ainst you and you'llha,e the tou"hest battle you',e yet fou"ht. Or you can kill 3lusk for 5uxa and then watch as she turns on you andyou're forced to kill her. Of course you can also refuse to kill 3lusk as I recommended for 5i"ht 3ide !layers do

    battle with 5uxa and then kill 3lusk. Either way when it's o,er search the bodies and containers for items releasethe ca!ti,e Ithorian from the console at /* if you wish ;!robably not I'm "uessin"< and if you're workin" for 2Gerka

    !re!are for a sur!rise attack when you "et to the offices. 3ee 2Gerka Offices ;/9b< to continue.

    Restoration Lone

    Your main goal is to a $uire ao.!ur, and find the 6=er%a +ite entran e at #1< Along the &ay, you'll do battle &ithanno%s and /er enary amps

    =) Shuttle 3rash Site:After your landin" you awaken to the face of -ao&6ur a troo!er who ser,ed under you in the andalorian Wars. He'lle a re=uired member of your !arty for awhile and he's "reat with his bare hands and feet so "i,e him the best armor

    you ha,e and talk to him a bit for some influence if you're considerate. He's also the best tech member of the entireame thanks to his allotment of skill !oints. Any time you want another member who's both "ood in combat and "reatt com!uters security and re!airs -ao&6ur is !robably the best :ack of all trades. After you choose your other !arty

    member continue to /9 for some ex!erience.

    ) 3anno"s:his is the main wild animal of $elos and they're not o,erly difficult. #ou'll come across many !acks of them on your ourney.

    >) 9idden 3ache0 = of 2:urrounded by mines this is the first hidden cache you'll come across. $he other is at /8.

    ) #ercenar- ,ac":>ear their lands!eeder and swoo! bike is a "atherin" of mercs and droids. 6efeat them all and search any remains.

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    @) #ines0 #ercs & roid:f you "i,e -ao&6ur a stealth field and !ut any !oints into stealth you can enter 3olo mode and disable these minesefore attackin" the mercenaries and droid.

    A) Large #erc %nca'p'ent:he tou"hest battle in the area you'll find se,eral mercs and droids here. renades work ,ery well to s!read the dama"eefore enterin" melee. $he ?eteran ercenary is the most robust naturally. #ou can also a,oid this encounter ;as -ao&

    ur su""ests< if you skirt around the !erimeter.

    C) 9idden 3ache0 2 of 2:his is the second hidden cache surrounded by se,eral mines. 7sually these caches ha,e decent items so it's ad,isableo check.

    D) 3ontainers:on't miss these containers if you want to find e,erythin".

    E) #ines & Turrets:he easiest a!!roach is to take -ao&6ur into 3olo mode and !ut him in 3tealth mode to disarm the mines if he has any

    kill in 3tealth. Alternati,ely take your best character in 3olo mode kee! himCher away from the others and runhrou"h the mines then brin" your others u! for su!!ort "oin" back to heal when needed.

    =7) %BIT:o 2Gerka 3ite ;/)< .

    Gerka 3ite

    Your main goal is to ma%e it to #0 and use the onsole, then de ide to head into the 3nderground ase at #" here areeveral battles before that an happen, ho&ever, beginning &ith the one at #7

    =) %BIT:o Restoration Lone ;/)+< .

    ) T*i/le" #ercenar- roid'aster & War ots:efore you reach this !oint you'll see many mines lined u! in rows. $he easiest a!!roach is to take -ao&6ur into 3olo

    mode and !ut him in 3tealth mode to disarm the mines if he has any skill in 3tealth. Alternati,ely take your bestharacter in 3olo mode and run throu"h the mines then brin" your others u! for su!!ort. It's easiest I found if you first

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    ake out the two War -ots then concentrate solely on the twi'lek.

    >) #ercenar- ttac":All around this area you'll find se,eral "rou!s of mercenaries all hostile. $he first is here at /% but you'll find them alsoetween this and the raised !latform at /(. $ry and kee! your !arty to"ether by focusin" on the same enemy so that youtay "rou!ed and are around one another for healin". It can be a lon" battle if you fi"ht them all at once or se!arated if

    you mana"ed to stay to"ether and !re,ent yourself from strayin". $ry to kill all of them on the "round before headin"u! the ram! to the !latform at /(.

    ) ,latfor'0 Turrets & 3onsole:efeat the two turrets at the to! of the ram! then your enemies on the !latform. Afterward use the console to scratchut any alternati,e !lans you may ha,e and decide that it's best to enter the 7nder"round base at /@.

    @) %BIT:o 7nder"round -ase ;/)< . Watch out for the mines "uardin" the entrance.

    nder"round -ase

    Your main goal here is to use the shuttle at #" o do that you'll need to go first all the &ay to the rea tor and turn it ont #1

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    @) Shuttle & Tan" roid:his is where you find the shuttle but as -ao&6ur !oints out it needs i"nition codes and the han"ar doors o!en. $o!en the han"ar doors you need to turn on the reactor at /)+ and then o!en them at /)%. #ou can "rab the i"nitionodes after the reactor is turned on at /)9.

    a) 8hen you return after the rea tor is turned on:

    #ou'll find a "iant $ank 6roid here. E=ui! your characters with Ion wea!ons and use any force !owers that may

    hel! such as the stun droid series or s!eed. Also e=ui! an ener"y shield on each character to be safe. -e"in bythrowin" "renades Ion !referably. It's not o,erly difficult but has a stun attack so beware. When its defeated searchout the newly o!ened droid bay :ust to the north of /@ for a lot of items. $hen come back to the 3huttle and take it tothe 0olar 0lateau ;/)< .

    A) 3onsole:7se this security terminal to turn off the "as ,ents and breath a si"h of relief.

    C) 3Her"a Sal!age 3re* #e'ber:$his lone $wi'lek wants an escort back to the entrance. 1or (LS ,oints) you can a"ree to take him and for ( S,oints) you can be unconscionably cruel.

    D) roid 3harging Roo' & 3onsole:6efeat the three droids here then use the southern console here to o,erload the droid rechar"in" stations effecti,elytakin" out se,eral more before the reactor comes online and their door o!ens.

    E) a'aged 9K roid:#ou can re!air this droid and ha,e it follow you but if you "et too close to the fake exit your first ri"ht after headin"

    back north it will self destruct. >o real loss thou"h.

    =7) Reactor:7se the console in this room to start the reactor back u!. As soon as you do the turrets in the room :ust south of you

    at /)) also acti,ate.

    ==) Turrets:As soon as you acti,ate the reactor you also acti,ate these turrets. $ake them out one at a time =uickly to a,oid toomuch dama"e.

    =2) Ignition 3odes:When you start the reactor the door o!ens that allows access to this small room. 3earch the footlocker here for adata!ad with the I"nition 2odes you need then head to /)% to o!en the Han"ar -ay doors.

    =>) 3onsole:

    7se this console to o!en the Han"ar -ay doors once the reactor is started. -efore you head back to the shuttle see/@a abo,e.

    0olar 0lateau

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    Your main goal here ouldn't be simpler !efeat the impending HB."< atta %, sear h their remains and head to the e4it t #-

    =) 3rash Site:After the second consecuti,e com!lete destruction of your trans!ortation you awake to find three HK&@+ droids waitin"o kill you. -ao&6ur is unconscious. 3ee /9.

    ) 9K8@7 ttac":ime to face off a"ainst three HK&@+ droids. I es!ecially like the line about them !ossibly makin" you break a sweat. Iike to o!en by tossin" in a "renade or three since you're fairly far away anyway. $hen close in an take them down onet a time. As with all droids the 3tun 6roid line works ,ery well if you're 5i"ht 3ide or ha,e "i,en it to Kreia. Whenhey're defeated search the remains for the HK 2ontrol 2luster another !iece you need to reassemble HK&(8 aboardhe Ebon Hawk. Afterward head to the exit at /%

    >) %BIT:o 3ecret Academy ;/)< .

    ecret Academy

    inally, you're almost off this ro % All that's left is to res ue -./0 at #7, fet h your party members &ho are being held prisoner at #-, spar a little &ith the Handmaidens at #0, and fly a&ay in the Ebon Ha&% at #" 8hat's #? you as%Jhy, you'll be oming ba % before the end to have a fe& &ords &ith Atris

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    =) 1ou egin 9ere:After takin" the ele,ator down from the 0olar 0lateau you arri,e to s!eak with Atris. When the re,elin" in your !ast isinished you are left here to s!eak with a Handmaiden ;as o!!osed to 4the4 Handmaiden< who can fill you in on your urroundin"s. #ou'll not need to worry about any battles here that you do not ask for so relax and head u! toward /9 toescue $%& (.

    ) T>8#?0 Wor"bench & Lab Station:

    An o!!ortunity to "ain influence with $%& ( !resents itself here if you're nice. When the con,ersation is finished I'decommend takin" this o!!ortunity to u!"rade your !ersonal wea!ons as much as !ossible since you're two ste!s awayrom decidin" whether you want to do a fun non&lethal side =uest for ex!erience.

    >) 1our ,art-:Another o!!ortunity to "ain influence with -ao&6ur is here if you're kind to him. Release them from the force ca"esnd continue to /(.

    ) Training Roo':After searchin" e,ery side room here for fairly "ood random items talk to the nearby Handmaiden. In dialo"ue say thatyou wish to fi"ht her. 3he'll acce!t the offer to 4teach4 you and you'll end u! here in the middle of the room ready to

    ake her on in hand&to&hand. In any battle do not ste! off the mat or you are dis=ualified and ha,e to ask for a re&match.he best reason for ha,in" your !arty members here at this !oint is that Kreia can hel! heal you faster in betweenmatches if she has that skill.

    a) Handmaiden 1st attle:

    #ou'll fi"ht alone ,s. one Handmaiden. >o wea!ons body armor force !owers or items can be used. 1eatshowe,er can be so if you ha,e aster 1lurry by now I would recommend usin" it. I always found these hand&to&hand battles ,ery tou"h with a consular. A "uardian is more likely to win. Heal u! and talk to her a"ain after your ,ictory to be"in the next challen"e.

    b) Handmaiden 7nd attle:

    $o me this battle is easier and still ,s. one Handmaiden. #ou're allowed to use wea!ons but no armor !owers or items. A"ain after a ,ictory heal u! then talk to her a"ain for another challen"e.

    ) Handmaiden -rd attle:

    1inally you're allowed to use all your !owers items and armor ,s. one Handmaiden. Win heal u! and ask for yetanother challen"e.

    d) Handmaiden 0th attle:

    It's now "ettin" a little tou"her ;for me because I wanted to conser,e on med!acsext turn on your melee shield if you ha,e one. $hen use your "renades for aneasier time since they affect more than one !erson. 1inally follow u! with your !owers and attack. After ,ictoryyou're awarded 8@+x!. >ot =uite what I had ho!ed for either but at least it was fun.

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    @) %BIT:to $he Ebon Hawk ;/)< . If you're followin" the walkthrou"h make your next selection from the "alaxy ma! the

    !lanet Onderon.

    A) tris of the Fedi 3ouncil:On your first ,isit you won't be allowed access to her room. On your second after the edi Encla,e near the end of the "ame you'll be tele!orted back to the 3ecret Academy to face her. >o matter your choices at first you and her will do battle. 3he can hit for =uite a lot but also "oes down easily as well. When it's o,er you'll ha,e the chance to

    try and sa,e her ;or finish her< and ask her all about Kreia. 3a,in" her sur!risin"ly does not "ain you (LS ,oints) but it is the 5i"ht 3ide thin" to do.

    After the conclusion you'll find yourself at Res +*9 West Redux ;/)< talkin" with 5t. 6ol renn about the 3ithattack on the station.

    un un"le 5andin"

    el ome to Onderon's moon You'll have to omplete a series of events here before a tually ma%ing it to Onderonirst is ma%ing it to the e4it at #? to the ;ungle Breia re ommends e4ploring the area and to get to Onderon, you'll

    have to do ust that Ho&ever, this ;ungle Landing is pretty straight for&ard

    here are several types of animals here on !4un hey in lude the abundant boarish anno%s, the, and the tougher boma beasts (in t&o varieties . young and adult) You'll find several of these here in theungle Landing as you ma%e your &ay to #?

    =) %BIT:o Ebon Hawk ;/)< .

    ) #andalorian 6uide:he "uide will be here only after you',e used him to tra,el from the andalorian cam! back here to your shi!. He'lllso remain here to take you back to cam! any time you wish.

    >) tton Interrupts:#ou'll "et a messa"e here from Atton about an unknown shi! comin" to the moon likely to search for you.

    ) 3rash Site & 3onsole:earch inside the bunker made by this crashed shi! to find a console. Re!air it and ,iew the camera on each of three

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    droids. $wo of them can be o,erloaded for ex!erience.

    @) eHanti0 ount- 9unter:Alon" with 6eGanti there will be two more thu"s ready to collect on your head. Whiche,er con,ersation choices youuse it will result in a fi"ht. When they're "one search the remains and head to the exit at /B.

    A) %BIT:o un"le ;/)< .


    he first time here, you'll be es orted to the /andalorian Duins on e you ma%e it to #- After&ard, you'll be able toome ba % and omplete several $uests in order to prove to /andalore that you're &orthy of his help ot every $uest

    s ne essary, only a fe&, but for e4perien e it's re ommended that you e4plore the area and attempt all the $uests

    =) %BIT:o un"le 5andin" ;/B< .

    ) 3ache:#ou'll need hi"h&"rade ex!losi,es to enter this small cache full of items. $he only thin" ca!able of doin" the :ob ishorium 2har"es which you can find on Korriban s!ecifically 3ith Academy ;/(< . Once inside you'll find a smalloom full of containers and items.

    >) S'all #andalorian 3a'p:When you first "et to this area the andalorians will attem!t to take you to their leader andalore. #ou can resist ande"in battle but you'll be o,erwhelmed and forced to "o anyway and then find yourself at andalorian Ruins ;/)<

    acin" andalore.

    a) *f you've fa ed !avrel at the /andalorian attle 6ir le:

    He will attem!t and re"ain his honor here. If you',e heard about the Lakke" from the andalorian uard 2a!taininside the ruins you can first refuse to fi"ht him then su""est to 6a,rel that honor can be "ained by both of you

    :oinin" to defeat the beast. He will run off and meet you :ust before / where he :oins you to defeat the creature.After the battle you'll ha,e his thanks and "ain further honor with andalore. #our other o!tion is to kill him whenhe challen"es you.

    ?) %BIT:

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    to andalorian Ruins ;/@< .

    @) 3anno" *ith ,hase ,iece =:If you ha,e the =uest from Luka at the andalorian Ruins to find the !ieces to the !hase !ulse con,erter defeat acannok here and search its remains for the first !ieceJ the !hase !ulse con,erter core. $he other !ieces are at /* and/)@.

    A) o'a east & .e* orce ,o*er:

    When you a!!roach the area Kreia will teach you a new force !ower -east $rick which works exactly like ind$rick does only on beasts. #ou can test it out on this boma beast.

    C) Ku'as on a Ledge:If you ha,e the =uest from ar"a back at the andalorian Ruins you'll be searchin" for the missin" andalorianKumas. He's here tra!!ed on a led"e with a nearby !ermacrete detonator de,ice. 5i"ht 3iders will likely want torelease him by first killin" the three youn" bomas :ust around the corner at the back. When accom!lished Kumaswill come down offer you "ratitude and ask that you kee! his secret. 6ark 3iders will !robably want to let him rotfor ( S ,oints) and for more !oints !ress the button on the detonator to blow Kumas to smithereens.

    D) 3anno" *ith ,hase ,iece 2:

    If you ha,e the =uest from Luka at the andalorian Ruins to find the !ieces to the !hase !ulse con,erter defeat acannok here and search its remains for the second !ieceJ the !hase !ulse con,erter assembly. $he other !ieces are at/@ and /)@.

    E) Ja""eg:Here is the beast the andalorian uard 2a!tain was s!eakin" of back at the ruins. If you first :oined with 6a,rel at/% to kill the Lakke" you'll ha,e :oined u! :ust before this area. Attack the Lakke" with all your mi"ht and you'llfind a mediocre challen"e if this is your first !lanet. A melee shield can hel! if you're ha,in" difficulty. When it hasfallen search the remains for its ear and when you re!ort back to the 2a!tain you'll ha,e more honor with

    andalore. If you're followin" the walkthrou"h /)+ is on the o!!osite !art of the ma!.

    =7) Kelborn0 attle 3ircle 3ha'pion:If you',e been tryin" your hand in the -attle 2ircle at the andalorian 2am! and winnin" you'll e,entually come toa !oint where you need a s!onsor. $eamin" u! with Kelborn here can "et you that chance since its him you'll ha,eto fi"ht next. Whether or not you',e com!leted any of the -attle 2ircle you can still take on this =uest and fi"htKelborn later.

    He's searchin" for scouts from a recently landed shi! and wants your hel! in securin" the area from the threat. A"reeto hel! and head to /)) for the first two. $he next are at /)9. When you acce!t the =uest Kelborn will be at /)(.

    ==) T*o Scouts:6efeat these two !atrollin" scouts if you took on Kelborn's =uest abo,e. 3earch their remains and head to /)9 for the

    next lar"er "rou!.=2) 6roup of Scouts & ni'als:When you a!!roach the area and after acce!tin" Kelborn's =uest at /)) you'll find a "rou! of scouts be"in battlewith the local beasts. oin in and kill the se,eral hostile scouts search their remains and continue to /)%.

    =>) 3anno" *ith Lightsaber %'itter i ture:-y killin" a cannok here and searchin" its remains if you',e yet to find the second !iece re=uired to make your li"htsaber this animal will ha,e itJ the li"htsaber emitter fixture.

    =?) Kelborn0 fter uest:

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    If you a"reed to hel! Kelborn with his =uest he'll now be standin" here. 3!eak to him after you',e !icked off the two"rou!s of scouts at /)) and /)9 and you'll "ain more honor with andalore and a chance to fi"ht Kelborn in the-attle 2ircle when you're ready.

    =@) 3anno" *ith ,hase ,iece >:If you ha,e the =uest from Luka at the andalorian Ruins to find the !ieces to the !hase !ulse con,erter defeat acannok here and search its remains for the third and final !ieceJ the !hase !ulse con,erter !ower. $he other !iecesare at /@ and /*. #ou can return to Luka at the andalorian Ruins after findin" all three !ieces for more honor with

    andalore and more ex!erience.

    =A) ,er'acrete etonator:$his one is linked to the andalorian 2ache ahead at /)8. 0ress the button and watch the door blast o!en. $he onlyconse=uence is that a herd of boma and other animals hear the ex!losion and attack. Once they're taken care of enter the cache at /)8.

    =C) #andalorian 3ache:$his is the cache andalore was talkin" about if you asked him whether there was anythin" else you could do. -ecareful when you enter and if !ossible take someone with a hi"h demolitions skill like -ao&6ur and a edi with thestun droid line of !owers.

    As soon as you enter you're surrounded by dama"ed droids and a circle of deadly and de,astatin" mines. 0ut thecharacter you want dealin" with them in solo mode and disarm disable or run throu"h them if unable. >ext either search the droid foreman for a data!ad that allows you to "i,e commands to them or !re!are for a rather lar"e battle

    by turnin" on your ener"y shields and buffin" the !arty. Attem!t to acti,ate a droid and 4bash4 it. $he whole roomwill come ali,e as all the droids attack at once also bo""in" down the framerate as well. 2oncentrate on massaffectin" force !owers if you ha,e them such as the stun droid line of !owers or force li"htnin". Otherwise use your

    best melee and ion attacks to take them down as =uickly as !ossible.

    When the battle is o,er search e,ery container alon" the !erimeter of the room for a massi,e amount of items. $herewill be two containers that are im!ossible to o!en with security skill. 3et a minor mine on them to "et to their

    contents. When finished you can now re!ort back to the andalorian Ruins to recei,e your rewards further fi"ht inthe -attle 2ircle and tell andalore you wish to "o to Onderon.

    andalorian Ruins

    hen first ta%en here, as% /andalore if there's anything else you an do, for an additional $uestK gaining honor &ithhim is your only &ay off !4un You an find several $uests here that an help you gain honor al% to the

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    andalorians at #7, -, 0 and 9 for further honor $uests, in luding the fun attle 6ir le Be4 at #I an sell you itemsnd supplies After you've gained enough respe t from /andalore, he'll ta%e you to Onderon in his shuttle at #1<

    =) #andalore & Lab Station:andalore will a"ree to hel! your !arty if you first "ain his trust and res!ect. Ask him if there's anythin" else you can

    do to recei,e the andalorian 2ache =uest the last thin" you'll do back in the un"le if you follow the walkthrou"h.E,ery =uest you com!lete will "ain you further honor with andalore and e,entually he'll take you to Onderon. #oudo not ha,e to com!lete e,ery =uest but it's recommended if you want the most ex!erience.

    On the eastern !ortion of this area you'll find a ram! leadin" u! to a door. E,ery time you try and ascend it andalorewill sto! you. $o "et to the to! e=ui! one of your characters with a stealth "enerator !ut them in 3olo mode sneak u!o the door and use security on it to "ain entrance. -ao&6ur usually works well for this. Inside the room are se,eralontainers with ,ery hi"h&=uality random items for your le,el.

    #ou will also find a 5ab 3tation here.

    a) After gaining enough honor to please /andalore:

    Return to andalore and he'll tell you that you',e earned yourself a ride to Onderon. 7nfortunately the 3ith ha,e

    cau"ht u! to you at this !oint. All throu"hout the ruins you'll find "rou!s of 3ith Assassins fi"htin" andalorians.It's to your benefit to hel! the andalorians here since thou"h you can sim!ly watch from afar the battle takesmuch less time with your hel!. E,entually after se,eral Assassins are slain andalore will fi"ure it is best to "etyou out of here and lead you to /)+ where you'll make your esca!e to Onderon. 3ee IGiG 3!ace!ort ;/)< .

    2) Barga:3!eak with him to learn of a missin" andalorian by the name of Kumas. $o com!lete his =uest find Kumas' bodyin the un"le and brin" word back to ar"a to recei,e honor with andalore. #ou can find Kumas at un"le ;/8<

    >) Ju"a0 Technician:Luka as a andalorian is not su!risin"ly ha,in" !roblems with the maintenance around the ruins. He has three

    thin"s you can do. One is to re!air the broken wires a short distance to his left. 7se a !erson with some de"ree of re!air to best accom!lish this. Another is to fix the telemetry com!uter at /*. $o do this you'll need !ro"rammin"s!ikes and use com!uter skill. -ao&6ur or $%& ( work !erfectly. 1inally you're to find the scattered !ieces of the

    !hase !ulse con,erter in the un"le likely in the stomachs of the insatiable cannoks. #ou can find these three !iecesat un"le ;/@ /* and /)@< . When you ha,e all three brin" them back to Luka and you will recei,e a su!er&siGedhel!in" of honor with andalore.

    ?) #andalorian 6uard 3aptain:Ask him all about the un"le and you'll find out about the Lakke" a ferocious beast that is a match e,en for

    andalorians. If you defeat it you can "ain honor with andalore. #ou'll find the Lakke" at un"le ;/ < . Return tthe 2a!tain with its ear to com!lete the =uest.

    @) %BIT:to un"le ;/(< .

    A) %BIT !ia #andalorian 6uide:$alk to the "uide here and he will take you directly to your shi! at un"le 5andin" ;/)< at any time. #ou can alsouse him in re,erse to come back here at any time.

    C) Ke 0 Reluctant uarter'aster:Kex is a merchant that can sell you items and will also be your second ad,ersary in the -attle 2ircle.

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    D) Wor"bench & Tele'etr- 3o'puter:If you ha,e Luka's =uest from /% you can fix the telemetry com!uter with !ro"rammin" s!ikes to sol,e one of histhree tasks. $hen re!ort your success to Luka. Alternately use the workbench to u!"rade breakdown or create items.1ortunately you can freely switch in and out !arty members here at the Ruins.

    E) #andalorian attle 3ircle:Here is a chance both to "ain honor and to ha,e a little fun. If you're a consular&ty!e character these battles will be alittle more difficult for you but are still doable. As a "uardian&ty!e they should !ro,e to be a !iece of cake with the

    ri"ht "ear.

    1irst talk with the andalorian 3er"eant and tell him you want to fi"ht in the -attle 2ircle. $here are a total of fi,ematches the first three a"ainst lesser o!!onents and the last two only !ossible after you ha,e met with Kelborn inthe un"le. $he best ti! I ha,e is to e=ui! the ri"ht "ear for the :ob. If you are fi"htin" fist and feet only you will still

    be allowed to wear all your armor !ieces.

    E=ui! any dama"e resistance "ear you ha,e for these if !ossible ;such as the immunity belt< as they can hel! morethan anythin" else. Additionally e=ui! the best armor e,en if you are a consular. 3ince you are not allowed to useyour force !owers in three of the matches it's to your best ad,anta"e to ha,e a hi"h defense. 1inally the best tactic if you're losin" some of the difficult melee battles ;thou"h I consider it a bu" of the combat system< is to hit and run

    but remain careful of stayin" in the circle. 1or some reason if you run away =uickly turn around and hit your o!!onent then run a"ain they cannot "et an attack in.

    a) attle 6ir le, 1st ight, !avrel:

    $his is a strai"ht fist and feet fi"ht with no !owers wea!ons or items. $he hi"her defense and better melee feats youha,e the better you will do. Return to the 3er"eant after the fi"ht to be"in your second battle. #our ,itality iscom!letely re!lenished at the be"innin" of each fi"ht.

    b) attle 6ir le, 7nd ight, Be4:

    $ime to fi"ht Kex but the rules are yours to choose. If you're a "uardian&ty!e and manhandled the first o!!onent

    you may as well continue to do fist and feet with Kex. Howe,er a consular&ty!e will !robably want to chooseha,in" no restrictions. Return to the 3er"eant after the fi"ht to be"in your third battle.

    ) attle 6ir le, -rd ight, agren:

    A"ain you must fi"ht fist and feet only no force !owers wea!ons or items but you may use feats. 7se the sametactics as the first but for a consular&ty!e this may be the tou"hest battle of the entire circle.

    Return to the 3er"eant after the fi"ht and he'll tell you that the remainin" two contenders are cham!ions and youmust be s!onsored by one of them to !artici!ate. If you ha,en't already com!leted Kelborn's =uest in the un"le;/)+< you will need to do so before continuin" in the -attle 2ircle. Once you ha,e he will be !leased to fi"ht withyou for your fourth battle.

    d) attle 6ir le, 0th ight, Belborn:

    With Kelborn you will "et a !lain lon"sword and cannot use your force !owers or other items. Hence it should be alittle easier than the last fi"ht. Return to the 3er"eant after it's finished to battle the final cham!ion -ralor.

    e) attle 6ir le, "th ight, ralor:

    -ralor is a fair s!ort and allows you full access to any item or !ower you want. He's a fairly tou"h combatant butwithout restrictions this fi"ht is clearly in your fa,or. When it's o,er you',e "ained much honor and recei,e bothex!erience and a Ryyk -lade.

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    =7) %BIT:When you',e "ained enou"h honor andalore will take you to Onderon and back ,ia this shuttle after the 3ithAssassin battle. If you',e come here before hand ;or later< there are se,eral containers here with items.

    ==) %BIT:After ,isitin" 6xun's un"le and 3ith $ombs later in the "ame under the 45oose Ends4 section you will be flyin"the shi! in this buildin" to Onderon.

    Onderon IGiG 3!ace!ort

    Onderon is rife &ith a struggle bet&een >ueen alia (Light +ide) and Feneral Ca%lu (!ar% +ide), and you &ill beaught in the middle Your ultimate goal on Onderon is to find ;edi /aster Bavar /andalore has a onta t named

    hagon Fhent &ho may be able to get you an audien e, but as it turns out, Fhent is &anted for murder and it's up toou to first solve the mystery and free Fhent

    On e /andalore flies you to Onderon, there is no going ba % to the Ebon Ha&% until you find Bavar, &hi h meansou're stu % here for the time being One of the main themes you'll ome a ross here is that of es aping the planet, and ou'll ome a ross several people &ho &ill &ant the t&o +tarport Cisas that you a $uire here

    =) %BIT:o andalorian Ruins ;/)+< . As mentioned abo,e you will only be able to lea,e after your business here of meetin"

    Ka,ar has been settled.

    ) ,ort #aster:his man will sto! you briefly and offer you your own co,eted o!en 3tar!ort ?isa. He reminds you to kee! it safe.urin" your tra,els here you'll come across two more and it will be u! to you to choose who to "i,e them to for either i"ht 3ide or 6ark 3ide !oints and !erha!s credits or other ty!es of !ayment.

    >) .e*s 9ologra':Re!eatedly acti,ate this terminal to catch u! on the latest news around the area.

    ) #argar0 #erchant:Here is a ty!ical merchant of "eneral "oods and necessities.

    @) east8Rider:#ou can learn a little lore about Onderon from this man. After your con,ersation as you try and lea,e one of the beasts

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    reaks loose from its ca"e and attacks. When you defeat it the beast&rider offers his a!olo"ies and a reward ;that turnsut to be ) +++ credits if you threaten him

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    @) Tolas:his man will !ay you 9k credits ;%k with !ersuade< if you "i,e him your extra 3tar!ort ?isa. #ou won't recei,e either ark or 5i"ht !oints for the act.

    A) .e*s 9ologra':Here is another terminal allowin" you to catch u! on recent e,ents.

    C) 3aptain Rii"en:

    he 2a!tain ha!!ens to be "uardin" 6ha"on hent but you won't find that out until searchin" around 6ha"on'sesidence in the Western 3=uare. #ou can talk to Riiken for info about local !olitics for now and later if you're !layin"he 6ark 3ide you'll ha,e a chance to "et him in the Western 3=uare but only after you finally s=uare thin"s u! withha"on hent. If you incite him about leadershi! and later recei,e Anda's =uest it will come back to haunt him ;whichs what you'd want if !layin" 6ark 3ideikko will be sent here to con,ince Riiken that hent should be released. $he a:or then shows u!and attem!ts to refute any e,idence but re"ardless of your con,ersation choices hent is released and you suddenlyfind yourself back at his residence at Western 3=uare ;/ < .

    ) or Anda's !ar% +ide $uest:

    0ersuade or 1orce 0ersuade him to talk about his mis"i,in"s about local authority and the "uard next to him willo,erhear e,entually leadin" to Riiken's dismissal. $hus you can com!lete this =uest without killin" Riiken.

    D) 6egorran0 #erchant:$his bandwa"oneer will sell you "oods until you ha,e finally met with aster Ka,ar at which !oint your re!utation !receeds you and he !olitely refuses to ha,e anythin" to do with you.

    E) ,onlar0 ,olitical 9eretic:When you a!!roach 0onlar before settlin" the hent situation he's s!eakin" to a "rou! of ?aklu su!!orters andyou'll be in,ited to share your ,iews.

    a) After finding Bavar:

    0olar incites t