star chart presentation


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 2: STaR Chart Presentation

What is the STaR Chart?

What does it measure?

Why do we complete it?

What are the results?

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A measurement tool for the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology

It measures

◦ Teaching and Learning

◦ Educator Preparation

◦ Administration Support

◦ Infrastructure for Technology

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Am I using technology in lessons?

Am I teaching the technology TEKS?

Is there online learning?

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Have I received professional development?

Do I teach all the technology TEKS?

How do I use technology?

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Is there a vision for technology?

Is there support to help me?

Does my campus as a whole use technology?

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Do I have the technology I need?

Do I have the technical support I need?

Do I have access to the internet?

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Early Tech

Developing Tech

Advanced Tech

Target Tech

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Measures progress towards technology goals

Identifies areas of weakness

Identifies needed professional development

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Teaching andLearning

Educator Preparation

Administrationand Support


Early Tech 2.1% 3.7% 1.5% 1.1%

Developing Tech

59.3% 68.7% 38.6% 30.4%

Advanced Tech

37.8% 26.8% 55.0% 61.0%

Target Tech

0.9% 0.7% 4.9% 7.6%

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Teaching and Learning: Developing Tech

Educator Preparation: Developing Tech

Administration and Support: Advanced Tech

Infrastructure: Advanced Tech

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2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

Teaching and Learning

Developing Tech Developing Tech Developing Tech

Educator Preparation

Developing Tech Developing Tech Developing Tech

Administration and Support

Advanced Tech Developing Tech Advanced Tech

Infrastructure Target Tech Advanced Tech Advanced Tech

Our campus results mirror statewide results.

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On the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology◦


On the STaR Chart