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Webster defines reset as a verb meaning to move back to an

original place or position; to put a bone back in the correct place

for healing, or to put a gem into a new piece of jewelry. While

Webster’s definition speaks tangibly regarding the word reset, I

found myself applying this same definition to the spiritual things in

my life that needed to be reset.

Many times in our lives we find ourselves straying from the original plan, smothering our passion and

delaying the pursuit of our God ordained purpose. The problem is not that we stray, the problem is that we

are too afraid to begin again. We become so consumed with what we consider failure that we lose sight of

the opportunity that we have to use what we experienced with the old thing to catapult us to success in the

new thing. Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV says, Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.

Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?

If you’ve ever felt that you failed at anything that you deemed your passion, that kept you up at night, or

invaded your dreams when you managed to sleep, then you know that the freedom in allowing God to do a

new thing in that thing is an underestimated, unexplainable experience.

Stellar award winning artist Isaac Carree released a CD entitled RESET! The title track proclaims that it’s

never too late to begin again… The lyrics go on to say …” you can start right where you are. Life can begin

today. You're so close, you're not that far. You don't have to stay the same, but you’ve got to want to

change. Just do your part. ….All you gotta do is reset your ways, reset today, reset your mind. No matter

what's behind you, I'm here to remind you that you can reset”. With these lyrics in mind, I’ve decided to

push the reset button! I am moving my passion back to its original place, in its correct place! STANDARD

MAGAZINE is that thing that keeps me up at night, and invades my dreams when I’m able to sleep. I’m

embracing the freedom that allowing God to do a new thing affords me and allowing this underestimated,

unexplainable experience to envelop me.

Thank you for joining me!


Carmalita Longino-Sims

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here are many components to success

in life whether it is in marriage in

ministry in business, fitness, education or

vocation we can all agree there are many

contributing factors to achieving our goals.

While faith is a very important ingredient in

the believer’s recipe for success it is important

to know that it is not the only ingredient. Just

as it is important to have all the ingredients

when baking a cake (Flour, oil, water, sugar,

eggs…) it is necessary to have all the

ingredients needed to produce the promises of

God in our lives. If flour is the “Main”

ingredient in a cake recipe then it is safe to say

that “Faith” is the main ingredient in the recipe

for the promises of God. It is “Impossible” to

make a cake without flour! Likewise without

faith it is impossible to please God… Hebrews

11:6 However just as it is impossible to make a

cake without flour it is also impossible to make

a cake with flour alone! It wouldn’t make very

much sense to gather all the cakes ingredients

only to discover that I don’t have any eggs and

proceed to make the cake with the assumption

that I will just add a little more of the main

ingredient. Extra flour cannot compensate for

the absence of eggs any more than extra faith

can compensate for the absence of other vital

ingredients needed to produce or access the

promises of God. 1st Peter 1:4-8 Whereby are

given unto us exceeding great and precious

promises: that by these ye might be

partakers of the divine nature, having

escaped the corruption that is in the

world through lust. And beside this, giving

all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and

to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge

temperance; and to temperance patience;

and to patience godliness; And to

godliness brotherly kindness; and to

brotherly kindness charity. For if these

things be in you, and abound, they make

you that ye shall neither be barren nor

unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord

Jesus Christ. There is no doubt that the

believer is given great and precious promises

according to these verses but the writer clearly

implies there are some contingencies that

must be considered if we are going to have full

access to these benefits. James says that “Faith

without works is dead being alone” Jude say

“We must build on our Faith” Peter says that

we must “Add to our faith” Peter gives more

specific detailed instructions, he first says that

we must be diligent! Diligence means to be

consistent and persistent in work or effort,

truth is sometimes we lack diligence not

faith! We are either inconsistent (start and

stop) or we give up too soon or easily (we

quit). Then he says add “virtue” that is high

moral character or values. Simply stated “we

must have convictions and core values that

provide us with a moral compass.” While we

are faithfully committed and diligent in our

pursuit of success, we do not pursue at any

and all cost! We will not defraud any or

compromise our faith or principles in order to

succeed. Next he says add to your virtue

“knowledge” Faith and virtue alone will

produce a religious and self-righteous

people; it is necessary to continue to grow

in our knowledge and understanding of

the truth. Many Christians build their

faith, which confirms their values, and

refuse to continue to learn. I have heard it

said, “The leader that stops learning

should stop leading” the older I get the less I

realize I know! Knowledge is gained through

experience, education and exposure therefore

we must continue to position ourselves to

grow thru learning. The next ingredient we

need according to Peter is temperance; that is

self-control or restraint. While each of these

deserves a paragraph of its own succinctly

stated discipline is a prerequisite for

promotion. If we lack discipline our

development will be delayed and our

promotion may be denied! And to temperance

“patience” the capacity to accept or tolerate

delay, trouble or suffering without getting

angry, frustrated or upset. In Luke 21 Jesus

says, “In patience possess ye your souls”

patience is a virtue that without makes our

journey all but unbearable and yet none of us

are born with patience. Patience must be

developed James 1:3 “The trial of your faith

worketh or develops patience” Romans 5:4

“tribulation works patience and patience

experience and experience hope and hope

makes not ashamed…” We must then add to

patience Godliness or piety and to Godliness

brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness

charity or love. The purpose of this article is

not to exhaust each subject but rather to

provoke our thinking and to call us from our

comfort zones and challenge you to re-engage

your dream and your vision armed with the

knowledge that you may not lack faith but

perhaps there is one or more missing

ingredients. Most believers I know have Faith

and they pray, praise and worship, they give

but there are other practical areas that may be

overlooked and I encourage you to find the

missing ingredient and fulfill your purpose and

By, Pastor Terry M. Clark

Terry M. Clark is Pastor of Body Of Christ Assembly-

Charlotte in Charlotte, NC where he lives with his

wife Meshelle. He is an entrepreneur, author, and

much sought after preacher and teacher.

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Social media has a unique way of introducing us to people, places and things that so many may not have otherwise had the privilege of experiencing. Markita D. Collins is one of those people! In a matter of only a few months her ministries have transformed the lives of women across the county. Her transparent, no nonsenses approach to life, love, ministry, entrepreneurship, womanhood and motherhood are a refreshing reminder that the favor of God is on her life. STANDARD MAGAZINE sat down with Markita to hear in order to share what God has done and is continuing to do in, with and thru her.

Who is Markita Collins?

I am a woman first! I am a mother of 5 including one bonus baby, a

baker, a worship artist, and God has given me an amazing opportunity

to minister to hundreds of women all over the world via social

media. I’m just an all-around, well rounded woman that loves

Jesus for real!

It seems that Kita’s Kookies and Treats has taken on

a life and ministry of its own. When? Where? How

did this happen?

I started baking professionally in Syracuse, NY in 2011. Due to some

unfortunate circumstances beyond my control I had to shut down

abruptly. I was highly embarrassed and humiliated because I was the wife

that wanted to help her husband. We’d just had our 4th child, 5 including

my step-daughter and I was a stay at home mom, but I didn’t want my husband

to shoulder the responsibility of caring for us on his own. The bible teaches us

that our gifts will make room for us, put us before great men and give us the

power to create wealth. I began to ask God, “what can I do”? I was doing little

things here and there but I’d also had a passion for baking. So we started

buying the products. My husband said, “Let’s get our DBA, tax id number, and

let’s make it work. Soon after we moved from New York to Memphis, TN.,

where we’ve been for about 2 years. In February of 2015 my husband said,

“Babe it’s time to bake again” I didn’t want to! What happened last time was

devastating and I didn’t want to go thru that again. He said, “You’ve just got

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“I think that it’s important to “sow up” it’s very important

to share other people whether they are under you, next to

you or above you and not feel like you’re in competition,

inadequate or like you can’t obtain it. “

to trust God” At that time

I had enough ingredients to make 2

batches of cookies, not even a full

dozen. I literally had 1 egg, a little

flour, a little bit of this… a little bit

of that. I made some chocolate chip

cookies, took a few pictures, posted

then on my Instagram page, my

husband did a quick “Under

Construction” website, I went on

Periscope and shared that I wasn’t

just a worship artist and that I’m

not just here to pray with you all,

but I’m a baker and the rest is

history. Starting from that leap of

faith. I introduced Kita’s Kookies on

Periscope and everything just took


Speaking of Periscope! You

obviously have a heart for

women that are broken, and

rebuilding. #GirlTalkWithKita has

also taken on a life of its own. How

did it come to be?

Absolutely! I’ve been on radio for

going on 4 years. I began as a

special guest, then a co-host and

finally a host with Marcel Adams in

the Morning on Xcel Radio. The CEO

Mr. Tim Clinton gave my husband

and I an opportunity after hearing

about our ministry “U Speak Life”

He heard about our conference

calls, where people would call in.

We’d have conversations, people

would ask questions and we would

pray. We treated it like a radio

show. One day Marcell was sick and

gave me the opportunity to do a girl

talk session. Talking to women for

15 to 20 minutes grew the platform

from an hour to all day. After Exell

took a hiatus, the Lord had my

husband and I continue on using

Periscope. I just created a space on

Periscope to have a conversation.

Now we’re launching a new

website, radio show and even Girl

Talk tours. Now people want me to

come to wherever they are to talk

to their ladies, their teens and even

men listen to Girl Talk and they feel

welcomed and included in the

conversations as well.

You’re Markita the mom, the

baker, the worship artist, the

mom… How are you juggling every-

thing without leaving something

or someone out?

I learned to ask God for a spirit of

balance, if I don’t I’ll crack. I have to

use wisdom. I’m still Markita and I

have to take care of Markita, I have

to take care of my body…make sure

I get rest. I’m a wife, I have to tend

to my husband, and a mommy. I

have to love my children and my

business. I’m in ministry. Wearing a

lot of different hats and sometimes

I just gotta say, “I need some me

time”. I don’t feel bad for that

anymore. I used to feel bad

because I wanted to accommodate

everybody and please everybody,

but I had to learn how to create

balance and embrace the word no.

No, I can’t do it, no I won’t change

my mind, no not this time, and not

feel guilty for taking time for me,

my children or my husband. If I

have to shut down, I just have to

shut down. I have to make sure that

I’m okay to take care of all of these


It seems like your ministries have

both expanded and evolved. Who

has influenced the different facets

of your ministry?

I would of course have to first say

my parents. I came am from a

stable family with a strong

foundation, biblically sound

ministry. I was exposed to good

education, and great experiences.

My parents showed me that you

can make it thru anything in life,

and that all things don’t have to be

dreary. I grew up with a lot of

people that seemed to have more

negative days than positive days…

broken and blended families,

everything was kind of a task. With

my family it was as ok for us to say

my mother and father are still

married, they take us to church

together…we prayed as a family,

we loved to sit down for dinner…

together, we loved being around

each other. Unfortunately, we’re

the minority. I want to show people

that even if you don’t have that

now, you can look forward to it.

Don’t think you can’t obtain the life

that God ordained. I definitely

promote family, family, family!

You’ve made it a point to share

your circle of influence. Why is

that so important?

I think that it’s important to “sow

up” it’s very important to share

other people whether they are

under you, next to you or above

you and not feel like you’re in

competition, inadequate or like you

can’t obtain it. I love to see other

people flourish especially people

that have been cast down or looked

over. I think that a lot of us are

hidden on the back side of the

mountain and God is removing the

mountain and showing another

circle of people who we are. We’ve

always been here…you just didn’t

know where we were located. So I

have no problem sharing Cora Jakes

Coleman, Kendra Hill, my friend

Jonetta, my sister Dale.

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Dawnyielle, Darius Cooks, Real

Talk Kim…. these people are

amazing to me. I love

what they do, and what

they’re about. I even

share the young people

that are trying their

best to stay humble

and whole and secure.

It’s not just about

sharing the people that

I admire but also about

sharing the people that

admire me.

Your transparency is

refreshing and rare.

Not many people are as

transparent and can provoke

others to be transparent. You

shared your testimony of being

broken and now you seem to be

in a place of self-acceptance,

contentment and gratefulness.

How did you get there?

Through much prayer, and dealing

with the real issues that were

inside me, and not blaming oppos-

ing forces for everything but taking

ownership of what I did or what I

didn’t do and loving myself all over

again. Also having an amazing

husband. …outside of God my

husband is truly my everything. He

keeps me grounded, he loves me,

he protects me, he covers me, he

pushes me. If it wasn’t for my

husband nobody would see me

because he is so not insecure with

who he is that he can see me be

great, and he welcomes and

accepts it. I think that just by

dealing with things. Just taking

ownership of my life, and not

waiting for someone to come to

me to say What thus sayeth the

Lord, but me already knowing

what God has said.

What do you want people to

know about Markita?

I want people to know that I’m

regular. I make mistakes just like

them. I’m not afraid to tell the

truth about who I am. I’m still a

regular person, I’m still that girl

that’s walking around the house in

a sweatshirt and flip flops. I like to

be made up and to dress up…but

sometimes I don’t feel like it!

Sometimes I don’t want to bake.

Sometimes I want to just lay in my

bed., and just cuddle up with my

husband. I want people to know

that I am no different than

them…. I am just Markita!

What next for Markita?

You can absolutely order delicious

treats by going to (that’s

kookies with a K) and you can

reach me [email protected]

for booking. I’m very excited to

announce that I’ve officially

launched the Girl Talk with

Kita website I’ll be doing

one on one sessions for

people that don’t want to

talk on Periscope but want

my attention for about 30

minutes to an hour. I’ll be

able to minister to them

directly to help meet there

need. I’m collaborating with

a T-shirt designer for Girl

Talk with Kita shirts and also

with an eyewear designer for Girl

Talk with Kita glasses I’m traveling

and singing…. There are so many

things! God may have me going to

Pluto! I’m just looking forward to

moving forward in what God has

placed in me!


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On Purpose available everywhere June 10

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I only had the opportunity to know this awe-

some young lady (name withheld out of re-

spect for the family) for a short time; howev-

er, that short time seemed like a life time.

This young lady fought the fight of a winner

as she battled cancer throughout her body.

Some may say that I do not have a reason to

grieve her transition because I did not know

her as long as others, but she was and is spe-

cial. When I first met her she made me feel

like I was really family, period. There was not

a time that I entered her presence that she

would not hug me and let me know that she

loved me. I never asked her what she was

thinking about anything, but she always

would share with me.

Even as I sit her now, I can see her

smile as she says, “Richard’s here, come give

me a hug.” I am so very blessed to have met

and been able to spend time with this young

lady. I will never forget her smile, hugs, and

words spoken to me (some of which I still

wrestle with). Although, her words, smiles,

and hugs, will be remembered for the rest of

my days, her praise and persistence in wor-

ship amid her struggle is seared in my mind.

Whenever I was blessed to be with her and

my family, I do not care how sick or weak she

was, she had a praise on her lips; she had

worship on her mind. We

would be sitting at the kitch-

en table at her sister’s

house, her hands would be

shaking, she would be hav-

ing trouble focusing her

eyes, but she was going to

do her devotions. She was

going to get through it, no

matter how long it took her.

This young lady,

taught me (and all who saw

her) several lessons or

caused me (us) to remem-

ber some things afresh. The first lesson she

taught was, “Your worship is not to be re-

served for wonderful moments!” She taught

me (us) that worshipping God is in order no

matter what your circumstances look like.

Even when your circumstances are anti-

thetical to what you are believing God for,

you yet ought to worship. She taught me (us)

afresh that “worship” is not about what God

has done or is doing in one’s life, but it is

wholly about who He is by virtue of His exist-

ence. God is; thus, we worship.

Secondly, this young lady taught me

(us), via living through her storm, about true

faith. She taught me (us) afresh that “faith” is

not to be forgotten amid frailties. She taught

me (us) that life can bring infirmities and frail-

ties in the form of cancer, but true faith still

stands in the face of the frailty and proclaims,

“Greater is He that is in me than he that is in

the world!” In the face of frailties my (our)

faith must yet operate like what God has said

is true. She taught me (us) that faith, true

faith, focuses on the faithfulness of God, in

spite of… Lastly, this young lady taught, all

that would to pay attention, the reality of

living out 1 Thessalonians 5 in our present


Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give

thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will

of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessaloni-

ans 5:16-18 NRSV)

These verses of scriptures are a command to

the Christian, not an easy one I might add.

We are told to express joy regardless of our

circumstances. This expression of joy is not

for the circumstances, but in spite of the cir-

cumstances. It is an expression that emanates

from the inside because of the unfailing, un-

changing, and non-compromising presence

and blessings of Christ resident internally.

Then the Christian is commanded to pray

constantly and consistently. Lastly, we are

instructed to give thanks in all circumstances.

Whew!!! Not some, but all circumstances.

This does not suggest that we are thankful for

the bad circumstances, it merely suggest that

we are able to give thanks amid what seems

bad because of the God we serve and who

works in our favor. This young lady lived

these verses of scripture. She could be found

expressing joy frequently, praying without

fail, and giving thanks in spite of her circum-


This young lady has transitioned

from us in physical form, but she remains

ever etched in the hearts of many, including

me. The lessons she taught are vivid, present-

ly powerful, and I am confident will serve as

tools of empowerment for future living.

Young lady, rest well, you have labored, and

one glad morning when this world comes to

an end, we will met again in the air, and once

again worship will be the order of the day.

You are a WINNER!!! Shalom.

LESSONS FROM A WINNER By, Pastor Richard Fields

Richard Fields is the pastor of the Victory Baptist

Church International in Detroit, Michigan.

When he is not reading or writing, he enjoys

spending time with family, watching movies and

traveling. Richard is enjoying life with his gift

from God, his wife, Maria, their children, and


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When and Where did you


Lashawn: Go ahead babe!

April: This story changes so


Lashawn: We’ll have April’s

version today.

April: We met at a video

shoot for Natalie Wilson and

SOP for her song entitled,

“Act Like You Know” at the

time I was a celebrity hair

stylist. I was there to do her

hair. Shawn wrote the song

and was also featured on the

song. I had to go into his

trailer to make sure that his

grooming needs were okay,

and that’s when his life was

changed forever…when he saw me, he

fell deeply in love. He picked with me

the entire day. You know like in grade

school, the little boy likes the girl so he

picks with her, because he really likes

her? Well, Shawn picked with me the

entire day…throwing M&M’s at me

and cracking jokes. Everybody could

see that he had a thing for me. I saw

him again at a studio session for

Natalie, she kind of put it all together

where she knew that we both would

be there and be able to have a

conversation. That’s when we got a

chance to know each other on a

different level, and exchanged

numbers. After that he said, You’re

gonna be my wife! I said, I agree one

hundred percent!

What was it that separated him/her

from anybody else?

April: Honestly! He had me at hello.

He was everything that I wanted in a

husband! He represented everything

that I thought a husband should be.

He sat outside my car for three hours

while we talked and it was really

good conversation. Not a

conversation like a guy trying to get

into my pants, but a guy who really

wanted to get to know me on a

deeper level. I really knew at that

moment that he was special and I

wanted him to be a part of my life….

Even if it was just a friendship, I felt

like his values overrode any other

possibilities. I knew he was that

special .

Shawn: Well you know I was

definitely trying to get in her pants….

(laughs) In my single days it was a peak

interest kind of thing. I would go a

month or two, sometimes three

months wanting to be involved with

an individual and the feeling would

just leave, but with her it was so

engaging from the beginning and I

knew that this was different. I wanted


We’ve seen them on WE TV’s Tamar and Vince Show as friends and mentors, she is a celebrity hair stylist and the

founder of the Rock out with Me Woman and Rock out with Me Couple’s Movement, and we’ve heard his enormous

talent as a producer and songwriter for notable artist including Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Lady Gaga. I

sat down with Lashawn and April Daniels and found them to be stellar examples of how to love who you love with

faith as a foundation.

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to talk to her, I wanted to be

around her, and I wanted her

around me…she was just so

beautiful. You know at the time I

had a lot of other side things

poppin’ (laughs) but after that I let

all of that go because I knew she

was the one.

What are some of the challenges

that you’ve faced as a couple and

how have you

navigated thru


LaShawn: As a

couple there are

always challenges,

what we try to do is

get to the root of it.

We begin with the

fact that we know

we love each other, we know we

want to be with each other. I don’t

care how mad I get at her or her at

me I know that there will be a time

that I will be ready to get over it

and wanting to be back to love.

We start with the love for each

other. So whether the challenges

be internal or external, the way

we navigate thru them is our love

for each other. There is not a time

where I don’t want her around to

me. I want her there even if she’s

upset with me. I don’t ever want

her outside of me.

It seems like divorce has become

trendy. What kinds of tools have

you put in place to “divorce

proof” your marriage?

April: Our philosophy is that

divorce is not an option! Our

accountability is to Christ and our

relationship with him keeps us

accountable. Some people say

that it’s easier said than done, but

when your faith comes into play

coupled with your accountability it

makes it easier to stay true.

We don’t want to divorce one

another. I don’t think any couple

wants to divorce, but there are

times when people just can’t with-

stand the fight, but for us…no

matter how mad we get at one

another, whatever differences we

may have, that is simply not a

go-to for us. We don’t even

entertain it. We’re very careful,

we don’t even play around with it.

Actually, early on in our marriage

when we were trying to figure

out our whole rhythm and flow we

would easily get frustrated, and

say…”well maybe we should just

get divorced” but with time and

wisdom and lessons learned and

not really wanting that for

ourselves, we learned that you’ve

got to be careful what you speak,

because there is so much power in

the words that we say. There

really aren’t any tricks, it’s just

knowing where we stand in this


Would you say that your faith is

the foundation of your


April: Absolutely! You can’t have

a successful

anything without it.

God is the center of

our life, and every-

thing that we do.

We don’t look for

man’s accolades;

we look to be pleas-

ing to God. With

that, we’re not per-

fect. We’re still

flawed, but we strive towards the

right things in our marriage. It

helps us to keep everything in per-

spective when our flesh wants us to

act a fool on each other, and walk out.

All of that plays a significant role in

who we are as husband and wife. I

can’t downplay my relationship

with Christ because without Him

there may not be an April and

LaShawn, and because with him

there is an April and LaShawn. He

is the glue that holds us together.

With your individual endeavors

and your endeavors as a couple.

How do find time to be every-

thing you need to be to one an-

other and to your children?

LaShawn: I think its about

“Our philosophy is that divorce is not

an option! Our accountability is to

Christ and our relationship with him

keeps us accountable. “

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perspective. We strongly believe

that there is no way in the world

that God would bless you in your

business and allow your family to

suffer. There is no way you will be

successful in business while your

marriage suffers. That requires

balance. In my line of work there is

a “right now-right-now” mentality.

It’s almost like the principle of

tithing. We believe that when you

tithe, you open up the door for

God to bless you. We believe in

tithing into our family and tithing

into each other with time. We set

aside time that is our time. I don’t

really don’t care what else may be

happening during that time…if

something comes that is for me,

the Lord will see to it that its

worked out, but during our time

we’re at our youngest basketball

game, or we’re at a movie

together, or just enjoying one

another. It really comes with

placement and priority and

knowing where we are and what

we need as family. Who comes

first and what comes second.

What is the Rock Out with Me


It’s a women’s campaign that I

initiated last year to unite women.

For some reason there is a stigma

in the African American

community that there is no unity

among women, the support is

broken and we can’t get along. My

mission was to restore unity and to

change the face of what unity of

African American women looked

like. From that Shawn and I

started the “Rock out with Me

Couples” campaign. We did an

online seminar that included a

date night with The Daniels. The

tour will continue in September for

the women and a cruise Labor Day

weekend, and we’re also working

on the next date

night with The Daniels. We’re

trying to make “Rock out with Me”

a household name. Our children

are working on Rock out with me

for children. We’re really just

trying to spread positivity.

What other projects are you

working on?

April: Outside of continuing to

work on the Rock out with me

campaign, right now I am working

on a book that should be published

later this year.

LaShawn: I’ve got some really ex-

cited things going on. This year I

developed the mentality, and

objective to build kingdom music.

We’re from the church …I’m a

church boy. I’ve had incredible

success with Whitney Houston,

Michael Jackson and Beyonce, I

now want to have the same effect

and impact on the gospel market. I

feel like it’s at a stagnate place . I

did a song with Erica Campbell, I

Luh God, that is now nominated

for a Billboard award. The action

and the response to what is going

on towards kingdom building is

phenomenal. I want to continue in

that same vain. I’m also working

with another group that goes by

the name of Clark Kent, we have a

song out called “Oh My God” that

premiered on the “Saints and

Sinners” soundtrack on Bounce

Television, the response to that

record has also been phenomenal.

I think now people are receptive

to kingdom business more than

ever. A friend of mine has network

series that consists of preachers

and I thank God for putting in me

to establish the objective to really

help kingdom business grow so

that we can compete in major

markets, and take the message

where it needs to go.

How do you think the church can

play a better role in helping to

maintain and mold strong families

and lasting relationships?

LaShawn: I think that the Pastors

that are put in place and who

know that they are sent by God

and know that they are hearing

from God should stand firm on

marriage, and speak to

everything….wether its sex or

temptation…those things should

not be off of the table. They don’t

want to talk about things like sex

because it has become a weapon

in the church, but when dealing

with marriage no conversation

should go untouched. The bible

says that the marriage bed is

undefiled. There are things that

just have to be addressed and I

think a lot of Pastors just won’t do

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it because their members may be uncomfortable. I would say that the best thing for the church to do to

grow and incubate great marriages is to not be so afraid and ashamed to talk about everything that goes on

in marriage.

What do you want people to know about The Daniels:

April: We are really looking to be able to spread a positive message and reinforce what love should look

like. We are living in a world that is so questionable …everything around us, from the state of the

government to the economy. Our goal is that

everytime we have the opportunity to speak

or to be present we want to be very focused

on spreading love and positivity and allowing

the light of Jesus that shines in us to shine out

to others. It’s not really about us, it’s about

what God has made us capable of doing, and

what He trusts us with to represent the body

of Christ in a way that pleases Him. We want

people to walk away with the notion that what

you get with Lashawn and April is 100%

authentic, its all about Jesus. It’s all about

family…it’s all about love!

LaShawn: There are pitfalls to marriage and

business even in what seems to be a very

glamorous outlook on the type of work that

we do. We want people to know that you can

keep a standard and in keeping a standard God

will honor what you do for Him. You are

capable of maintaining a successful marriage

and a successful business. Do not be afraid of the pitfalls! We believe that we have somebody that can

rescue you from the valley and it does not matter what aspect of the valley you are in. We have someone

who can come in and literally pull you out of the valley if you are willing to put Him in his proper place, and

that is the Lord Jesus Christ! The end all be all for us is that we have ups and downs but the downs, don’t

have to outweigh the ups, and when you are up He can sustain you. God is able to split between your

business, your marriage, and your happiness because He is apart of it all.

April & LaShawn Daniels @IamAprilDaniel @BigShiz

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pursue it with passion.

Multi-Grammy® winner and multi-

award winning gospel artist, and

originally scripted series TV star

Erica Campbell with co-host GRIFF

bring her voice, inspiration, charis-

ma and style to a new morning

drive radio show syndicated by

Reach Media Inc. In collaboration

with Radio One.

Get Up! Mornings with Erica

Campbell debuted on May 10 and

has quickly become a listener

favorite. From the range of music

styles to powerful interviews with

lively features and a fresh ap-

proach on news and listener en-

gagement. Erica Campbell creates

a high-energy experience for listen-

ers to start every day in FAITH,

with LOVE and having JOY. Both

the comedic genius and news sav-

vy of Erica’s co-host GRIFF allows

for a fun twist on the serious issues

impacting the lives of listeners

. With segments like Erica-isms

where Erica shares a personal

thought of the day to inspire

listeners to live authentically and

wholly; and GRIFF’s Prayer that

provides comical inspiration for hot

topics – Get Up!

Erica is graciously juggling being a

mom, First Lady, and much trav-

eled recording artist with her new

venture as radio host. When asked

“Why now?” Erica and Griff both

reply with a resounding “Why not?

If God charges you to do some-

thing, it’s not for you to ask why,

says Griff. “We’re so blessed! This

is not heavy or hard to do. I don’t

live a life saying, Oooh that’s too

much” says Erica. We’re in the cul-

ture where people love to say,

“You’re doing too much. I wanna

be wherever God wants me to be

and wherever God wants me to go

that’s where I’ll go. When some-

one gives you an opportunity to

speak to the world you can’t say


The chemistry between Erica and

Griff is both refreshing and undeni-

able. They are both excited about

this opportunity to speak to the

world and to inspire church folks,

and non-church folks that just

want a little gospel in the morning.

Campbell and Griff have been

friends for a very long time, but

were never afforded an opportuni-

ty to work together. We hope to

challenge people to step outside

the box to see God thru different

eyes and draw more souls to

Christ. Both host agree that their

strong personalities make for a

perfect fit.

Campbell hopes that Get Up!

Mornings will challenge people to

step outside the box, to see God

thru different eyes…and draw

more souls to Jesus. We are wide

open and transparent… there are

no topics off limits. Its hearing the

voices of the people, says Erica.

Mornings with Erica Campbell is

available on 38 stations throughout

the country, though some notably

large markets are missing,

including Chicago and Los Angeles.

Check the full list here http://

to see if it’s on in your area.

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1. Good or God? [C] Bevere, John

2. Fervent [P] Shirer, Priscilla

3. Jesus Calling [C] Young, Sarah Thomas

4. Good Faith [C] Kinnaman, David

5. The Jesus Storybook Bible [C] Lloyd-Jones, Sally

6. The Battle Plan for Prayer [P] Kendrick, Stephen

7. War Room Bible Study - Bible Study Book [P] Kendrick, Stephen

8. Easter Stories and Prayers [C] Bostrom, Kathleen Long

9. Jesus Calling [I] Young, Sarah Thomas

10. My Easter Basket [O] Simon, Mary Manz


1. WOW Gospel – Various Artist

2. Loosing My Religion – Kirk Franklin

3. The Hill – Travis Greene

4. Everyday Jesus – Anthony Brown & group therapy

5. One Place – Tasha Cobbs

6. A Worshippers Heart

7. Sounds of Revival – William McDowell

8. Fearless – Jonathan Nelson

9. Wow Gospel 2015 – Various Artist

10. Keys to My Heart – Bri (Briana Babineaux)

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-The Gift that Keeps on Giving-

Darius Williams is an author, entrepreneur, culinary sensation,

branding expert and social media extraordinaire, all while

traveling the country hosting Dining with Darius and Cooking

with Darius. Did I mention that he has social media following

that is liken to an extended family, and nothing short of a

phenomenon affectionately know as the #DHive.

Many people originally came to know Darius by way of his

comedic prayer, only to find that he’s the same guy with the now

viral Fried Chicken and Collard Green videos seen by millions.

Those that follow him on any social media outlets are subject to

be provoked to uncontrollable laughter, tears, inspiration, and

encouragement. On any given day for no obvious reason other

than his desire to share, you may find Darius sharing branding

advice , life skills, lessons to live by and grow from that in many other platforms would carry a hefty price

tag…. He gives them freely!

His cookbook Stories from My Grandmother’s Kitchen is a passport to his grandmothers kitchen, where

you’ll find recipes that will not only leave your taste buds in awe, but will give you the tools to create

simple, comfort foods for any occasion. There is not a taste unattainable! After merely leafing thru the

cookbook you will have a deeper appreciation for

all things culinary.

By example and in deed, Darius is a gift to the

person looking for new ways to prepare tasty

recipes, He is a gift to the entrepreneur in search

of tools to create a successful brand…. And he

keeps on giving!

Do yourself a favor, go to

get your copy of “Stories from My Grandmothers

Kitchen,” and check to see when Darius will be in a

city near you. You’ll be glad you did!

Follow Darius on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

Periscope and SnapChat @DariusCooks

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