sta 3032 probability and statistics for engineers syllabus

STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus - Vernet Lasrado, Ph.D.

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Page 1: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032

Probability and Statistics for Engineers



Vernet Lasrado, Ph.D.

Page 2: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Dr. Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.



1 CLASS INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 INSTRUCTOR AND TA CONTACT ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 TEXT (REQUIRED) ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.5 WEBCOURSES ................................................................................................................................... 2 1.6 WEBASSIGN .................................................................................................................................... 2 1.7 COPYRIGHT ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1.8 FERPA REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................... 2 1.9 SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................................................... 3

1.10 EMAIL MESSAGES FORMAT ............................................................................................................. 3 1.11 FILE NAMING FORMAT ................................................................................................................... 3

1.11.1 .zip and .exe files ................................................................................................ 3

2 STA 3032 RUBRIC ...................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 FINAL CLASS GRADE SCALE ......................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Re-grading Policy.......................................................................................................... 4

2.2 STA 3032 CLASS BREAKDOWN .................................................................................................... 4 2.1 TRACK STUDENT PARTICIPATION FOR FINANCIAL AID REQUIREMENT ....................................... 4

2.1.1 Exams (70%) ........................................................................................................................ 4 Allowed Exam Material....................................................................................................... 5 Special Need Students....................................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Homework (TBD - 10%) .................................................................................................. 5 2.1.3 Quizzes (10%) ................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 Attendance (10%) ............................................................................................................ 6 2.1.2 Submission Procedure .................................................................................................. 6 Homework ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Quiz ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Attendance ................................................................................................................................. 6 Special Cases ......................................................................................................................... 6

3 HONOR CODE ................................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 UCF POLICY ................................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 PERSONAL POLICY ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Z DESIGNATION ............................................................................................................................. 8

4 TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE .................................................................................................. 9

Page 3: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.



1.1 Instructor and TA Contact

Instructor Vernet Lasrado Teaching Assistant Lina Ismail

Office Engr II Rm 419 TA Office TBD

E-mail [email protected] TA E-mail TBD

TA Office hours TBD

1.2 General Information

Course ID

Class Location

STA 3032-0001(83907)

NSC O101 / MoWe 4:30PM - 5:45PM

Office Hours We 3:00PM – 4:00PM & by appointment

Course webpage & WebAssign

Prerequisites MAC 2312 with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better and honors


1.3 Text (required)

Please choose just one of the following options:

1. Devore Bundle: Looseleaf print book Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 9th + WebAssign Printed Access Card for Statistics > $160

ISBN 9781305779372

WebAssign code will be automatically emailed to the student

The loose-leaf print will be shipped to the students home at no additional fee

2. Devore WebAssign code > $90

ISBN 9781337765268

WebAssign code will be automatically emailed to the student

The Devore Ebook is within the WebAssign code and will be available via WebAssign Online.

You can purchase at the bookstore OR at Cengage direct via this link

1.4 Objectives

Statistical Analysis models are based on mathematics and/or probability theory. This course

provides students with a working knowledge of fundamental probability and statistics principles.

By the end of the semester, students should be able to determine when each of the various

Page 4: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.


topics we have covered is appropriate to use, and to apply them to practical engineering

situations or problems. This course will cover techniques on data collection and presentation,

descriptive statistics, basic elements of probability theory, sampling techniques and theory,

statistical estimation, hypothesis testing and regression analysis.

1.5 Webcourses

Webcourses is one of the mandatory communication tool in this class. All class-related materials

are posted there. Students are responsible for all announcements and changes in the schedule

that are posted on the class website.

1.6 WebAssign

WebAssign will be the other mandatory communication tool. Along with the text book, you can

purchase a WebAssign access. To access the class, you will need the class key. The Class Key is

ucf 2489 8926

Use this key to on the class login page

Upon enrolling, please enter your UCF NID as your last name and you FULL name as your first


All quizzes and exams will be administered via WebAssign.

1.7 Copyright

This course may contain copyright protected materials such as audio or video clips, images, text

materials, etc. These items are being used with regard to the Fair Use doctrine in order to

enhance the learning environment. Please do not copy, duplicate, download or distribute these

items. The use of these materials is strictly reserved for this online classroom environment and

your use only. All copyright materials are credited to the copyright holder.

1.8 FERPA Regulations

During this course you might have the opportunity to use public online services and/or software

applications sometimes called third-party software such as a blog or wiki. While some of these

could be required assignments, you need not make any personally identifying information on a

public site. Do not post or provide any private information about yourself or your classmates.

Some written assignments posted publicly may require personal reflection/comments, but the

assignments will not require you to disclose any personally identity-sensitive information. If you

have any concerns about this, please contact your instructor.

Page 5: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.


1.9 Software

Students are allowed to use any LEGALLY acquired software with the instructor’s approval for

class assignments.

1.10 Email Messages Format

Please be aware that I do NOT open any file or e-mail that does not meet these instructions. I

always acknowledge immediately all messages received, thus if you do not get a prompt answer,

make sure that you sent the message according to these instructions.

ALL e-mails must start the subject with

STA3032_YourLastName: ABriefDescription.

Do not leave this field blank!

Example: STA3032_Lasrado: Question about HW01

1.11 File Naming Format

ALL computer files e-mailed or submitted to the instructor by the student for individual work

must be named as follows: STA3032_YourLastName_ABriefDescription.filetype.

Example: STA3032_Lasrado_MiniCase01.doc


1.11.1 .zip and .exe files

Beware: The UCF mail server intercepts and deletes files having extension .zip and .exe, without

letting the sender or intended receiver know. I suggest you rename your file (example:

whatever.zp or whatever.xe) and I will rename the extension after downloading the file.

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STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.



2.1 Final Class Grade Scale

90 ≤ A 70 ≤ C < 76

86 ≤ B+ < 90 66 ≤ D+ < 70

80 ≤ B < 86 60 ≤ D < 66

76 ≤ C+ < 80 0 ≤ F < 60

2.1.1 Re-grading Policy

No re-grade will be accepted more than one week after an exam, a quiz, homework, or a mini-

case has been returned to the student. Write on a sheet of paper which part you want re-graded

and why, and turn this in with your paper. You will be given one chance to request a re-grade.

2.2 STA 3032 Class Breakdown

Students are responsible for all announcements made in class, via email, or Webcourses.

Library Web-Classes (Bonus) 01.0%

Exams 70.0%

Quiz 10.0%

Attendance 10.0%

Homework 10.0%


TOTAL 101.0%

2.1 Track Student Participation for Financial Aid Requirement

As of Spring 2015, all faculty are required to document students’ academic activity at the

beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete

the following academic activity by the end of the first week of classes or as soon as possible

after adding the course, but no later than August 28, 2017. Failure to do so may result in a delay

in the disbursement of your financial aid.

The Library Web-Classes will be due 08/25/2017 by 5pm.

2.1.1 Exams (70%)

There will be three exams; two exams during the semester (each 20%) and a comprehensive

final exam (30%). The format for the exams will be discussed before the exam.

Page 7: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.


No makeup exams will be given under any circumstances! The final exam grade may replace the

lowest grade of the first and second exams. If you have to miss the final exam (for whatever

reason), you will receive a grade of “0”. Allowed Exam Material

Exams will be online and open book. Given this, I can assure you time will be of the essence and

hence being extremely well prepared is the best way to ensure a good grade. It is also

recommended that you have a good calculator on hand. Special Need Students

Given the requirement for testing, the student will receive the requisite additional time for the


Students with special needs and require special accommodations must be registered with UCF

Student Disability Services prior to receiving those accommodations. Students must have

documented disabilities requiring the special accommodations and must meet with the

instructor to discuss the special needs as early as possible in the first week of classes. The

Student Disability Services is located at Ferrell Commons, 7F, Room 185, phone (407) 823-2371,

TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116 and more information can be found at

2.1.2 Homework (TBD - 10%)

Homework is due one week from the assignment date. Homework problems will be posted on

the course website with associated due dates. Homework is to be turned in by the start of class

online. No late homework will be accepted.

Students can discuss the homework assignments, but every student must complete and turn in

his/her own written solutions in his/her own words. Homework is meant to be a learning tool. If

you are having difficulty, find help right away – don’t wait until you fall even further behind!

Good sources of help are fellow students, teaching assistant and your instructor. If we detect

that two or more workout the problems all the way through, it will be considered cheating. The

penalty can be from zero credit for the particular assignment to F for the class.

2.1.3 Quizzes (10%)

There will be a quiz assigned on the Thursday 12:00AM after each module is completed and due

Saturday 11:59PM of the same week. The purpose of the quiz is to reinforce leaning and

supplement the homework’s and in class material.

Page 8: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.


2.1.1 Attendance (10%)

There will be random In-class attendance.

2.1.2 Submission Procedure Homework

Homework should be submitted online via webcourses BEFORE the start of each class. NO LATE

HOMEWORKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Scan solutions and submit as a PDF FILE. Quiz

WebAssign quizzes will be administered at the end of each module. The student will have 2

attempts to solve the quiz. Attendance

Attendance will be submitted in class or online via webcourses. Special Cases

If an emergency arises and a student cannot submit the assignment on or before the due date,

the student MUST give notification to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due

date and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the due date. Be mindful that assignments can be

submitted BEFORE the due date. Please make sure that you communicate with the instructor

regularly regarding your work schedule, work-related trips, etc.

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STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.



Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course. Any assistance on any assignment

from any source, beside yourself, must be referenced in your report. Students may not share a

calculator, an eraser, etc. during a quiz or an exam. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be

dealt with according to the policies and procedures in The Golden Rule

Plagiarism and Cheating of any kind on an examination, quiz, or assignment will result at

least in an "F" for that assignment (and may, depending on the severity of the case, lead to an

"F" for the entire course) and may be subject to appropriate referral to the Office of Student

Conduct for further action. See the UCF Golden Rule for further information. I will assume for

this course that you will adhere to the academic creed of this University and will maintain the

highest standards of academic integrity. In other words, don't cheat by giving answers to others

or taking them from anyone else. I will also adhere to the highest standards of academic

integrity, so please do not ask me to change (or expect me to change) your grade illegitimately

or to bend or break rules for one person that will not apply to everyone.

3.1 UCF Policy

Many incidents of plagiarism result from students’ lack of understanding about what constitutes

plagiarism. However, you are expected to familiarize yourself with UCF’s policy on plagiarism. All

work you submit must be your own scholarly and creative efforts. UCF’s Golden Rule defines

plagiarism as follows: “whereby another’s work is used or appropriated without any indication

of the source, thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work is the student’s


In this course we may utilize, an automated system which instructors can use to quickly and easily compare each student's assignment with billions of web sites, as well as an enormous database of student papers that grows with each submission. Accordingly, you may be expected to submit assignments in both hard copy and electronic format. After the assignment is processed, as an instructor I receive a report from that states if and how another author’s work was used in the assignment. For a more detailed look at this process, visit

3.2 Personal policy

If cheating or plagiarism (see definitions in the Golden Rule) is detected, even straight A's in the

rest of the class would allow you at best a C in the course, most likely an F. I may ask the

involved students to withdraw from my course and not ever enrolled again in a course with me.

Of course, the students have the right to appeal but I have the right to pursue the case and ask

that they be expelled from UCF.

Page 10: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.


3.3 Z Designation

UCF faculty members have a responsibility for your education and the value of a UCF degree,

and so seek to prevent unethical behavior and when necessary respond to infringements of

academic integrity. Penalties can include a failing grade in an assignment or in the course,

suspension or expulsion from the university, and/or a "Z Designation" on a student's official

transcript indicating academic dishonesty, where the final grade for this course will be preceded

by the letter Z. For more information about the Z Designation, see

Page 11: STA 3032 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Syllabus

STA 3032: Syllabus Vernet Lasrado

Dr. Lasrado reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at any time at his discretion.



Students are expected to do the reading assignment for each class period before coming to class

on that day.

Date TOPIC Sections Covered

08/21/17 Introduction Syllabus Review

08/23/17 Module 01: Overview & Descriptive Statistics 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

08/28/17 Module 02: Probability 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

08/30/17 Module 02: Probability 2.4, 2.5

09/04/17 No Class - Labor Day

09/06/17 Module 03: Discrete Random Variable 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

09/11/17 Module 03: Discrete Random Variable 3.4, 3.5, 3.6

09/13/17 No Class - Travel

09/18/17 Module 03: Discrete Random Variable 3.4, 3.5, 3.6

09/20/17 Module 04: Continuous Random Variable 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

09/25/17 Exam 01 Review

09/27/17 EXAM 1

10/02/17 Module 04: Continuous Random Variable 4.3, 4.4

10/04/17 Module 04: Continuous Random Variable 4.5, Extra Notes

10/09/17 Module 05: Joint Probability Distribution 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

10/11/17 Module 05: Joint Probability Distribution 5.3, 5.4, 5.5

10/16/17 Module 06: Point Estimation 6.1, 6.2

10/18/17 Module 07: Statistical Interval (Single Sample) 7.1, 7.2

10/23/17 Module 07: Statistical Interval (Single Sample) 7.3, 7.4

10/25/17 Module 08: Hypothesis Testing (Single Sample) 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

10/30/17 Module 08: Hypothesis Testing (Single Sample) 8.3, 8.4, 8.5

11/01/17 Exam 01 Review

11/06/17 EXAM 2

11/08/17 Module 09: Inference based on Two Samples 9.1, 9.2, 9.3

11/13/17 Module 09: Inference based on Two Samples 9.3, 9.4, 9.5

11/15/17 Module 10: ANOVA 10.1, 10.2

11/20/17 No Class - Thanksgiving

11/22/17 No Class - Thanksgiving

11/27/17 Module 10: ANOVA 10.2, 10.3

11/29/17 Final Exam Review

12/04/17 COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM (4:00 PM – 6:50 PM)

Homeworks are due by the start of the class.

There will be a quiz assigned on the Thursday 12:00AM after each module is completed and due

Saturday 11:59PM of the same week.