st. viateur's college journal, 1888-10-06

. , .. YEAR. ,._ ............ _ .. _ .. FOL ' \IlEH .\XII Fll.1S1' HiHEf'T••J: ( 4 -r··l 1 r/. r r.t 7 r. Kan kakee County, Illinois . ..

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Vol. VI, No. 3


Page 1: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06

. , ..

~~E~IORIAL YEAR. ,._ ............ _ .. _ ..

FOL'\IlEH .\XII Fll.1S1' HiHEf'T••J:

« ~ F

( 4 -r··l 1 r/. ~c/ r r.t 7


Kankakee County, Illinois .


Page 2: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06

. li





ST. VlAI~UK~ UOLLEGE JOURi'.' AI.. ,,. '""' ,,,.,...,.,,

c. P. TOWNSEND. MARTYoPEE·R'FoLuuNsDEE. R&s_co: ··~·.·! t' as t Ave. 1 door south of Kn etcth's B.lock. , , ,

KANI{Aii:EE, ILL. Q{'" ALL TYPE CAST ON THE -~ ~ A ME/1/CAN SYSTEM OF _;:;:/) ·~, ~ East.

5.15 P. M .. . . .. . ... . . Passen~cr ....... ~. :H A ~1

. .. .. 11.20 i\ ~ I 11.40A M .. .... Freight .


All lduds of fa1:rner's imple­ments, repaired au<l sat isfa.c ­tioll :,;·11arantee<l.

S. Tetreault. Bom· l~rove.

Something Interesting Jryou have School Books which yoll do not

care to keep, I will tal{e them in exclmuge for boolts you may need. P lease seHd me a lis t of those you wollld like to exchange or selL Also sen<l for list I have to sell. Onlers solicite<l for cheap School Books, and for miscellaneous Books. SeHd your orders to ~C. 1\1. BARN ES,

75 and 77 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.


REAL ESTATE, LOANS And Collections.



~· ~mt~, DEN'.riS'l'.


Bookseller, Stationer and Wine Merchant. 177 St. Joseph Street, St. Roell, (Quebec)

Proprietor of the celebrated French Classics by E. ROBERT, and ~•l so of "A New Cout·se of Canadian Penmanship" in 9 Nos. (French and English) $10./iO a gross-of· ' La Semaine Saint~ " with music, 18o, 1\alf bound, $6.00 'Ill dz.-of ''I.e Paroissien Note," 18o, full cloth : $10.80 'Ill dz; half bound $12.00 'Ill dz.

Has always on ha-nd, and at the lowest prices, all kinds of French and English classical goocls.

Depot of t-he Celebrated " GOLPEN CROSS," Fine Cut. Establisllecl 1856.

S. ALPINER, Manufacturer of FINE CIGARS and dealer ln

Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos and all Kinds of Smokers' Articles. ' No. 22 East Ave . . Kankakee, Ill .






l{aukakee, Ill.

Opp. Ill Central R. R. Depot.


ARCHITECT . ooms 5 and 11,


JOS. ST. LOUIS. Ohoieest Groceries of all kinds, with full S~•tisfaction guaTanteed, may be ,. ,d ill Ill \ I< It . l , i I • i 1 ::t I J j J

He tl l·;0 1'Ji lH>I J\ o. :25 (.', 11 ~1. 1 K ANlCA K in ; L l.

HOTCHI<JSS --'l'HE PHOTOGRAP HER-­I S , Court S t . Kanka.k<·e .. Ill s .





ENTIRELY NEW Accuntte Maps, showing latest Dis­

coveries and Boundaries, Goncisf. Des-criptive Text wah uniform Top1'crr.l A1Tnngernent, Superb and Appropriate

Illust1·ations. Maps.-1'HE MAPS ARE WHOLLY

NEw, and present, with the greatest accuracy, the results of the latast inves­tigatif>ns and explor ations. They have been drawn after long and patient study and comparison of the best authorities, statistical, descriptive and cartographic­a!.

'l'he namQS on all the maps are coll ect­ed in an alphabeticall y arranged in~ex, in which is indicated, uot only the map, but the predse place on the map in which each name can be founrl. 'l'his "Ready Reference Index" contains nearly 10,000 names of cities and towns fo-und on the maps.

Text.-A large, clear and di stinct stile of type is used.

By the use of two sizes of type, a longer and a shorter course are indicated.

l\'[A'l'HEMATICAL and PHYSI CAL GEOGRA­PHY are fully treated in the first chapter s .

Great care is given to the explanation of the CAUSES OF NATURAL PHENOMENA.

Although published only recently thev have been very favorably r eceiveil. in Catnolic Iilstit-u­tions everywhere and are now in satisfactory use in St. Vlateur's College.

For circulars abel terms address



139 and I4l Monroe Street, CHICAGO .


D~. JI. rn. I?uDgon. DENTIST.


Kankakee Illinois. . --·------------ -


Gold and Sil~Versmiths.


Religious, Graduating & R ewa rd


Of Choke Designs and Fine



~end for Catalog·ues.


195 EDDY STREET, Box 62 1. PN/JT"filENGR, R f

GllHi:AU L t' & El{L CH L H. ARGAnJ<: BUILillNC+


CUSTOM CLOTHING. Tlwy.G~tm·au~ee Pt·i ce .(~ualiLy of Worktlla.Hslt ip <Wd t:iatlsfactton to all l'<wor in•> th •· m with their l'at.ronag« .. .. .... .. .. ... CALLbAND S~~ l<: UH.

A GuOO INK. This College has for some t ime pa.~t. u s~d a

very fine Blac k fn :, :\1m ·:: f: ::::·utnl at " HL ,1 \A:o-~'S UH :: · n · B •J . _:,:p ,J. '. ', 8 l.ilwrly St U: ica, N<-·w Y• ·rlc Ir. is th :• c· c·n· "' ' ITC O!) ink we hav l.>r " : ~ b e

to oi.Jtaltl <Wd w~ most eol'(liall v reco1pmeu ::>-ft for genera l use. p:wLicuhtrly in sd1 0ols. · _ . Thi s i" ""·I " :y ." l· C> of th e largest institu

II,~Hl s o f l h ~ .'"1 1<1 tn I he world, ancl au v on e "atttltlg a fn s t class tttk, or writilig ftnid would do well to wr1 <: for d1·scriptive lists priees &c.

MOSES A. ROY~ Mus ic Teacher.


VAN ANTWERP, BRAGG & CO., Publishers. 253 N. Saqgamon St. CINCINNATI &. NEW YORK Chicago, lU.

Page 3: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06

. I



ST. VIATEUR'S COLLEGE JOURNAL. students to the Viatorian Clerics and wishes them conti~ued increase and prosperity.



P .\ UL \YILSTACH. • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••• '88. CHAS. H. BALL. •.•••• ~ •• • . : • •••••••••••• • ••. '89. A. J. FRAZ~~R •. •• ••• • •• •• ..••• ••• • ••••• •• •• '91.

l One year - - -TERMS. Six monl;hs - -

Payable in ad vance.

- $1.50. $0.75.

For adverti sing, see la.>t page.

All studeut.s of the College are invited to sen<t contributions of matter for the JouRNAL.

All communications should be addressed :'St. Vlatem:'s College ,Journal," Eonrl•onnais Grove, Kankakee Co., Ill.

t:ntcred at the l'o~t Otl!ce a.t Bourbonnais Grove, Ill., as second class lllatter .


• * *

THE EDITORS, "Wre," will be pleased to de- . vote as much space as may be desired, to the inter­ests of the Roy Memorial Association.

. .. * *

THE ORCHESTRA has been placed under the successful leadership of Pro·f. Gastine. It becomes a regular association with a membership of 1"/. They propose :nonthly musicales in the Hall and occa­sional recitals outside.

* "' * THE BATTALION remains m the able com­

mand of Re.;;. J. P. Dore, who is bent on making it even a grander success than it was last year.

* * * THE COLLEGE BAND becomes the S. V. C.

ST. VIATEUR'S bas resumed all its wonted · Military Band conducted by Prof. P. Sullivan. The activity; an unusually large attendance from the . members (15) are to wear a special uniform. very start; most of the classical students continue * their studies--many new ones enter the list; two * * full commercial classes open up with much push; WE ARE pleased to publish in · this issue Mr. philosophy too, and theology are well patronized; H. Legris, m~sterly disconrse on "The Americrn elocuti( n, military drills, band, orchestra, base ball . Constitution and Civilization." We hope to be o~ten and the dramatic and literary societies, all are favored with like dashes from the pen 0f the gifted organized and in lively progress. we may expect 9rator of our last commencement day.

big results. · * • * * * •

THE JOURNAL will follow with much interest the march of the scholastic year '88 & '89.


• * THE YOUNG Community of St. Viateur

celebrated its 50th. anniversary Friday the 2nd. u lt. Fnll account of the brilliant demonstrations held here on the occasion will be found in the body of the pa.per. The JouRNAL voices the thanks of the

MOST GRATIFYING retprns are eoming in every <lay from those interested in the Gold', Watch raffle. ·

* * * TO BEGIN WELL is important, and it is now

we are beginning. Upon our first step will largely depend our success or our failure in this year's work.

· And for a young man there should be no such a thing as failure .contemplated.


Page 4: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06


~T. VJ ATEUH'S COLL.Jit(jj~j J ~)U R~ AL.,




Satiric:1 l a postrophe to F lvre uce. T il e c ig l1th P it, after ditficul t climl.Jing,y a wns before 1 be ad va11 ceof'tb e Poets. Here they b eho ld Lhe spir its offdsc co unse l I ors swa thed in wrenths of tire, l ill:e the horl:ies of E lij :1 b 's cha ri ot.

Virg il announces that two. o f th~se. wrentlls , j oin ed in one, and parted only at t.he summit, ·are th e s piri ts of U lysses and Diomerle , and with them Vi rg i 1 con­


Persons speaking: Dante. The shade of V irg i I. Ulysses.

Persons Appearing: Diomed e, and o the r sp irits, s wathed in wreaths of fire.

Florence, rejoice, since that thou nrt so great That beat o'er land and sea thy wid!:' ning wings, And throughout Hell t hy reputation r ings!

Five such among thethievesi found to ma te, Thy citizens all ;·whence sham e d oth o' er me creep, And thou dost not into g rea t houor leap.

But, if near morning truth is dream ed, not long Shall't be b efore tlty homel:i shall feel what cmve Against th~e Prato and he ~· r-\,llies :;;rave.

'T were well did it. this mom e:1t thrill my song ; · So may it. b e, since tha t it mnst be so,

'T will more me grieve when I shall older g row! Thence parted we, and by the stairs the wa ll

Had given us to descend b t:J fore, my Guide Remounted, and m e helped the rocks to stri de­

Awl here, relieved of ghosts ancl Demons a ll, Hands, feet, were husy in our progress m ade Among the .rocks the nex t g rim ar ch betrayed .

There did I grieve, and here I g ri ev e again, When memory brings me back to sights there seen; And, lest my geniu s run with speed too kePn,

I place it under Virtue's g uiding re in : If kindly star, or something better, li ft My song to higher plal) es , 1 hail th e g ift !

As numerous as the fire-fli es' gleams which sees A peasant resting on the hill, in days When be who lights the V~ orld the least time stays

From us r emoved, and when the peasant's ease Now gnats, not fli es, annoy, along the v ale Wherein he .plows, Ol ' reaps, or swings t he flail:

'Vill1 fhm es t. hu s nnmerous.g lem;;1ecl , ns I per.ceived

The eight lJ :Pct,,. so()n ·a~ t o. n fiLVornl.J le p lUC'e I came wher efr ofl1 m iilc Yeyc· tb e v iew co nld tn:tu<.';

A nrl , like liS he, t be P ro ph et o ld 1•ggr ieverl W hom benrs a yeng~d, sn~ _m o u nt erec t to Heav~n

T he st,ecds before 1Wj rth's c iJnr iot dr ive n, . .

' Vhicb , u uto bi m, wbo s too d () ll cnrt l1 below, See med, H::> i r.s p ntb it tovl' th rm} g b d,i s .ta il t ~p~ ce, A c )ou t~ l e t winaed wbi ch wrApt El i j~lb's · fhce',

. 0 . .

T hus cl icl t hose fhm es a long t bat g ul let g low; F or non e t he secret Lh eft it. ho lds revea lo: , Y et ev ery flam e · t, hereof a· ·s inn e'r ·steu.l s.

.\l[y place of v 'e w was ·on t he br icl ge's ri sl', Wher e from I so strained for wrrrrl t ltat a lone

Sa ved m e a roek frum b e ing O\'e r t hrown .

A nd sa id my G uid e who marked my husy ey es: '''With in t hose fir es 1lw spiri ts a re , ::i na swat hes . H im . elf en clo one with finn 1e h is body hn tbe.''

"My Mn stN,' ' th us 1 srr id , " th y word rl ec i cle~ , T he fact, natheless, j Tli d nt o nee cHscern ; But t his I would o f th ine indu lgence lenm :

W hose flame is thnt which a t th e t o p d iv ide,:, As that fro m ont the flw et'" l py re ,'] irl so ~~- 1 W hich Etcoc lc>s nnd bis ·b rot her bore?"

.. "To rtured t herei n U l ys~Je;> ,~olh ,'' he s:liil, '

" An d D iomrcle wri Llws; a 11cl tl :n~ in pn Dishuw n1S

g unge They run together ~1 s hefo1re in rflge.

Anrl iD the ir tl:lme t hey utter grOflll ings clrcud Because of that ochemed nm b ush of tbe h ·ws0, T hat d oor whe nce noble Romans cl a il11 the ' 1·

sou rce. T he re, too, t il e a rt ifice sll rewr~ ~ lll'y sore h e ,~ ::~) l

'Whereby Dei(h m in. cl en.d yet weeps her lorrl Achilles, nnrl the P<t llad iu m':> Lhdt :th \l o JTcil."

' 'Ti tbey wi t hin those spark s can tei l t heir t:o le, · Master, I pmy tltec ro'nch, and pray a gn~1, . Until my p rny H s to t bousancls m :1 y attfti n,

R efnse m e not p(' rm ission h r- r e t o wni t U ntil to tb is p oint co mes t he ho rn -shaped fl :m te .At which tho u seest 1 all mine fl,r dor a iul."

A nd he to me : " Of comm en dati on g'reat h wot thy . th .Y request ; I it, C'O II cer1e ; But d o n ot t hou i n t h is t hi ll g t ak e tl11? learl.

"Leav e spe&ch to .:ue, lor !m ow 1 :.hy desi r.-, A nd they perb nps, be ing G reeks, tll y words mig ht

m eet W ith eo!rl ness whi ch our pnrpo~e woul rl rldea t. ''

W hen su itecl , t hen, timP, place, nn rl wa v ing tiie



l l

Page 5: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06


· ~Rev . • J.P. Dure. will go to ~l)l'iugfield next week Otl rn·ilita ry business.

. ...._ "When is a joke not a joke?" Ans. When Carroll tries to tell it.

-The juniors' new hand-ball alley is a Jewel There are many good players ,developing. Why not challenge a Sfmio,r three" ?

-A marked improvement has recently been effect~d in the ex tension of the p-rinting office. The printers ~ll ha ve clou ble the room they had before. .

- Our old friend H arry Hyn E-s is back agn-in . Not t~ w g icl J y, gabbing, rest less , ta lking machin e l)f '84. Ab, 1~0 !

H an y no w walks slowly, talks po!Ltics o t·. reli g ion, never brenks the rules, nnc1 is all in all a model · hoy : th e p;· il1C\ of ll is p roffe"S(J l'S a nd Lhe C' furt or t he prefePt::: . ( Tl!i ::; is nu t n. paid noti ce. Erls. )

_ :n w Dr um Corps. k :s been di :;b:~.n cled and the IJ>q,. :

t u rne d iuto :l lllilitary org an isa tion . It will piny nt. e ;H·'•

d:~c::;::; parade, awl it is !;oped will g ive an occa~ i uli : ~ ~: u ;on !ig h t <.:(J l1 Cl·rt., w e:u l.:c r pe·,·mitt.ill g.

- l\.ev. J vs. :u ,.yE :'\ nt, '8 ,1, o f Notre D:nn e Chnnl ·, Ch;c:t go, spr u t h st wee k wi Lll m. F a LIIet· i\Ioy sn. ut rve ::re fo rry \ o s:1y is Not enj oy ing good health. \Ve h ~ lpe

that lti s nextv isi tw itl t u,:; wi ll [i!Hl him e11tirely rec :.v• ·t-e- 1. - Hn. J. l,:.Lc i g \:) D. O.,ti fLav al U oiYersity, Quc"b;:- c,

ocCL1[J ies tbe clJ nir c•f tl:eulngy Ibis y en r . -Rev. iVI. Let~ lli er, of Menominee , Mich., makes a

Lt a.nrlsome gift o [' $ 1000.00 to th·e noYitiate. - Rev. J. L <>,Hge, of St. G eorge, Ill., ha~ just r eturned

from an I:'Xtensi ve tour in K ansas anct neighboring st!l.tes.

-The Knights of the Sword, twm;tv in number, eiJ­j oyed a plen.sant ride to Kankakee last week. A j olly good time was the order.

- On the seeond Sunday of October of this y ear is celebrat e(l the feas t of tbe Maternity of the Blessed V irg in. The church of Bourbonnais will rejoice on that day for it will l10n or in a special manner the Maternity or Our Lady uncte r which title the present church is


- What ab out t.hat game of baseball whi ch the College nine play ed in Wilmington recenLly ?!

- Who says that the Dormitory is locked after ten

P .M.

- St . . M ichael's day w as celebrated wi th the usual cerem onies.

- W hat shall we do with those Kn ight~ who d!sturb the peace a t undue ho urs of night and keep a r espectable b ody of people from enjoyinyg their needed rest???



Owing t o the great haste in which the first report was prepared the name of P,ev. J . S. Finn, of Chicago, do-

nor of $50.00, was omitted. We regret the mistake and

promise not to do it again .

* * * It is decidPd that the chapel will be built next Spring. . Active steps are now being tnken towards its erection.

The plans are drawn and adopted and tbe stone is on . the way;

* * * . It .becom r s. llJore e \l,'iclent every clay that St Viateur's rntr~ t IJ e CJJla rged. Even this yea,r'· t)le numher of stu-

. <.l e r1ts is so marli:edl y increased ~:s to actuaJly dem and ll)j)re room. And uothing indicates tha t the steadily swelling cu~rr·ent ''rh.ich is now directed town,rds tbe col­lt'go will . s nbsicl ~ . Oi1 tt)e contra ry, with even ts merely I JJ,;w r:>g i ·,, t'! w n : tt ur~. l ··co:uese of o rcl inary cont ingen­~< ~ <>~; .• · :s . v•: p,·ytbing po ints to ·the ce rainty that St . Vt:ltvut·'s j , <it!. ,Lined to become one o t t he most i mpor­L?! tl L P""t:::; , ,f ie:1ming f il! th0 .J'Vest .. A nrl if bes id es its ,.:lt \IJ.;l.l 1nl lfl "J.l ~C! 1did r..dv aritages of locatio n, healthfull­l.lecs, e tc: .. ~ i t li:1ve the support ofits bnndreds of a lumni, 1lt <· r e (~:/n . h (} 11 0 d o ubt tha t St. Via:teur's will fnlly

I· rl" velr •p ;,J i. i t ~ ·· p Qssibili t i.E)R.;,:'-... :

* . ·~ ...... * * Tl1~ .rulro wi11 g in formatio 1~ .Ltas·- officially re-

ce i\'ed an(l noted: .

Mr. H emy .. R\J y ......... . .... . ...... $l0.o0 Pai(l. Rev. J. Sha111:i 01'~ , promise of. .......... $50.00

" P.. J. I{ickey , '' . ."_ .. -...... ... . $50.00 '' C. P. F oster,· · '' " .. ~ . ... : :: . $200.00 " M. Letellier, '' 1

' • ••• • •• •• • $200.00 ->*

* * Revels. D. B. Toomey and N. N. Gosselin and Messrs. J. L ebrun and F. X. Hebert are most favora?ly beard from.

It will interest many of our members to read the fol­lowing letter from Mr. Jos. Guimont.

Rev. G . M. Legris. .My dear friend .

I have· received your kind invitation for the meeting of the old students of our dear "Alma Mater." I am sorry to say that you may not number me with you for the 26tll., but be assured that I am in conformity with all the r esolutions which will be passed by you; and that I shall certa inly contribute my humble share for tbe und ertn.king. Please r emember me to all the old friends, whom I do nvt forget, a lthough a great dis­tance from you all.

I remain one of the oldest of dear old St Viateur's College.

Joseph Guim011t.

P. S. Please to give me a "compte-rendu" of the assembly and oblige


. i j I


Page 6: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06


-St. Viateur"s Dny , t he 21st, t~dlmg on Sunday, the ent(e t tainmeut wi ll be g i ve u on Tll e,.,day evening tbe 23 aiJd tb;e d~y. .. ce leb;:a!.eLl 011 LlHl 2'1:.

-There is nothing like being in earnest. Prof. G<tst!ne say s he shall produce an excellent orchestra. No doubt he shall succeed.


or cm.·ved utJt a reputa,tion f(n· himself in some ef tl~~ profess ions, it, will be SHid that hi s know'ledge, ·s·ki ll , or verseverance were the engines which propelled him to his end. Tbere is so met hi.11 g of truth in a ll thes E> opinion~; but there is a factot· whicll is otten !0st s icrht 1:;>

of in casting ahout for the success of Sll.Ccessfwl me n. and tuis is the miuor a nd primary successes whie;h rewardeli tlll'ir efforts while struggling fur th e ultimate obj ect ot their desires. N:tti ve abilities do uot always win success; nor is knowledge or skill m· indus.try a n absolute gunnmtee that the heart's purposes will he o btai11 ed. The world's hi story :s full of the nam es of those who posf'essed sorne of these quf-llificat ious, m· who liv ed in timc.s whe JJ s u eces~ was Lu he rrwre eacily obLainefl, and who perhaps had pre-enlinent advatttnges of socia l standillg, n.ncl yet, upon the recorrl of thousand s the word hilme has been stamperl . Gr~at men's so tts do not ~ I way~ become grPat men. Often they wn; tt t lt e nbility, or the desire, or the oppor!unity to beeo nt(~

great; anrl often ngrdn 1lt P S(lnS of the ill de rnt r f ,t· outstrip those of the len rn rd ill the rn cr of 1&. Ability also may be !lPprh·ecl of oppm'tuni:ies to "Xercis~ its powers, anrl skill, which c~. n give snccet's, may exis t without courage and perseYera nce. No rloubt these c~n and do often give su ccess wh en snccess is JlOSiiible. y"cr its root anrl found11tion. are those first primary successes which each must obtain: for experience proves that none obtflin ultimate success without them. Moreov er without the m, s n cC~:JSS , as a rul e, w onlrl bP nn"nt trt innb le or to be reac!J tl rl by a h:1.ppy chanee or fren k of fortnn e~ .

The )'011111,; stnrlent who ~~ kes up, for the first , a e lnssieal course or pursues any of the sciences, is fri ghtened at first sigllt, at the length of ti me reqnired to mnster tbe work undertnken, at the number of thi1;gs necessary to be studied and known, ~nd nt the difficulties presented by the strange study itself. If he rlo not meet witli s:1c-

,Vhen success has crowned labor's effort~, and elevat- cess in comprehenrl ing and in making his own tbe first ed some one above the level of hi ~ fbllows,the attention primary principles of the subject., whi ch is st \lfliefl, the of those be has left beneath him becomes riveted ·upon farther be progresses in 1.he work the more confused him, and the question is often d1scus,ed as to what becomes his mincl, all interest is lost, the study brcomes were the causes of his good fortune . It matters not a burden, tim e is lost, and when he sums up the reHllt.s what career be may have chosen, what road he may of a year's work, he is forced to confe~s thnt it has heen

· have followed: this is a matter of minor importance. a time of failure. But let him ~ucceed in impressing oa Many nnd opposite will be the opinions expressed as his mind these ~a rne fnndam ental principl f' s, let him to what were tile means by which he rose to honor and understnnrl the m thorOllgh ly ,' (l lld ~t udy becomes a power. If he is prominent as a statesman, if his voice is pleasure, each step tnkAnhelpshim fartlwr on hi :; ~ourse , powerful in shaping .the legislative course ofhis country, each principle comprehen!led leads to the know.leflge of his prominence will be attributed by some to good other principles, gives interest to his lnbor nnil profit fortune, to a happy union of circ:!mstances, to the t(, his work. And this is true of every avocation and peculiar condition of the state at the time; while others profession in life: whether it be that of the tiller of the will affirm that his pleasing address, his eloquence, soil, the worker in metals, or the more elevated OC()U­

and social connections have lifted him to his present pation of a lawyer, physician, or scientist; first successes heigtb. If be has worked his way ·onward and upward are a harbinger (of future ones. They give confidence, as a scientist or made a name as a painter or sculptor, I confidence in one's selfproduces courage, courage begets


Page 7: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06

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" ...... ~.

:ST. VlAT:EOI:r'b {.;ULLEG-1£ JOURNAL. 43

ets ')r at lenst is· the com pan ion of hope; !lope inci tes to • come to so g lorious a termination, if their hopes of u ]_ ptorseverance, and persevernnce re<>ts on ly wben it gru~ps timate success bud not been upheld and in the begin ning success ,nnd victory. It is on ly the strong-willed few of U1estrngg !e strengthened by the victories uf the un­who can work on notwi thstuilding repeated ctefeH.ts: _disci pl in eel pro vi ncia!s over the well trained and £ortifi­especially if they are ·encountered at the outset of their · eel soldiery of her power ful antagonist. Everywhere ca.reer. Ordinary morta l" need tho encouragement of th_en, in every fi eld of action, success attends on success : success at that time to' urge them onwatd. Th~ man of ths first is only the fore -runner uf a second, the ser:ond COHlmei·ce, ·who ·meets c0ntinually with obstacles to lt>rLds to a thircl, until the great and final object success, whose books are almost entireloy a record of of the heart's desire is accomplished, and the success so losses aucl rev er~es , will not and cannot long bt>ar the long <lelayecl, so long striven for, anrl at one time ap­weight of such burdeu . As he sees his material resomses parently almost beyond the hope of obtaining, crowns escnpiug from his hands, his physical and mental pewers the ef£orts of ambition. fh•g and cour:1ge gives way to despair. He needs the helpin"g hand of success to support him in his undertak-ings. ~ut let !tim be able to overcome the obstacles that lie at the opening o£ his path, Jet him be a-ble to

· read Hncceso: .o" logking b:tck over his work and then he will advance to his des.ired goal with rapid strides. He does not fear opposition, it g·ives a zes t to his labors. Confid ei.Ce rs· stamped upon his brow, there is firmne~s iu his step, be walks forward even with a certain audac­ity and this very audacity frightens his opponents and oftentimes snntches victory where only was to be expected defeat. His movements are quicker, his juclge­m~;nt , free from fr :rr, more cool, decided and correct his percept i<)ll nnrl vjew of affairs is clearer ari d more .pen.etrating. Fri e nds too who were wanting to him who<:!' C<l llrse is ever downwards (for be, upon . whom the hand ul ad ver,; ity presses, falls ratuer upon fn em ie <'Yer rrn<ly tn J>n-h bim forward to lower depths, than fl'i endf', to lift him up an<l help ]J im onward in his· jomn ey ) nre unexpe<'terlly met on every bnnd. They mnke bis busin ess their business, are happy in 'his succ­cess, publish his abilit ies on every corner, are loud in praist> of his good deerls , hi:> character aEd. fair dealin g-. And thus the nu :n ber of b is friends increa~e, successs begets other successes, wealth rolls into his coffers, his name · ~::preacls and scarcely without any effort he arl vnnct>s ~milingly upward , and to his surprise, find s him~elf, who had begun his careE:\r at the lowest rung of the ladder, iu a short time at the top. And as it . is with inrli vi :l11 ti s, so a lso with T) rt tions r<> t successes made them strong and respec ted, won hem bme. Much as their · orators aronsed them to the ecessity of taking up a rms ag>tinst the P ersians, it &irl.lls the heroi<- cte£t>nse of · Thermopylae which, sbowi11g the Greeks their power, gave them courage to throw clown the gauge of battle for the ~defence of their liberties.

It was the first victoriy won by the Romans against the Carthagenians, and by the Gre~.ks against the Per­sifl.ns, that made these nations mistresses of the seas as before they were unconquerable on land. The Ameri­can colonists' war of independence might never have


On Friday, the 21st .u lt., was cel ebrated the 50 the An ni versury oi the founding of the orderof St. Viateur. High Mass was sung by Rev. M, J. Marsile C. S. V. Pres't. Rev. Father Leberge acting as deacon; and Rev. Chas. O'Brien as sub-deacon.

The sermon, appropriate to the occasion, was preached by Rev. F ather Rivard C. S. V. The Rev. Clergyman spoke of the lasting debt of grati tude which the world owes to the Churcli, her clergy, and relig ious, for the unlimited zeal they have always m auifef: ted in promo­tingchristian education. Interesting accounts of religious. orders, and especial ly the monks of middle Ages were· then given. ·

The speaker procuded to show th e help, and stimulus­which literature received from the monks-those oft misrepresented people. Their sincerity, and ability, in tlte fi eld of letters, as well as their devotedness in teaching, honesty of purpo:>e, and nobility of principle, to those entrusted to their care, were most admirably dt>p:cted.

The speakercontinued to show the state otSociety in France, immediately a ft er the French Revolution, and bow a1• bumble, devout, and earnest priest, rallied around him a few ardent assistan•s, and founded the order of St Vi11teur. The rapid growth and progre~l' of the congregation in France, Canada, and the States were bev,utifully presented. ·

Tbe Rev. Speaker then paid a fitting tribute, to our pioneer priestsofCanada, and the States, and closed by reminding us that it is our duty to foster and perpetuate that worthy spirit-th\tt we should try to emulate their illustrious example-so that when our life is ended and our soul wings its flight to the Eternal shore-that thme surviving us may say, "well clone good and faithfu, servant"-thou bast performed thy . part-thou hast left footprints on the sands of time not. ~uch, as will be forgotton, or obliterated !-but such that shall


Page 8: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06

r j


il I

S('rve as g ui nes, :~s lnnrlm:ults, f <>l' nnny yet to come. After Hig h mass, various fi e ld r,: p" rt s wer e inctu lged

in, until the bel l toll ed t he bou .· of 1 '2m, whence all repaired to 1 he refee tory , where tt s u m ptu ons tnhle , heav ily laden with n.ll the delic['lciesof ~lw season-awnitcd them. At 2 p. m .. fi eld' spo 1· ts ng<Llll took p lace and W(' r tl intensely enj oye<l until evHni·ng; wheu th e exercises as­sumed more o1' a men·ta l th:tn physical n~ r (' et. M och crNl­it is clue to those hnving i 11 lwr. cl 1hr dr ('(,'l:lti<m <• f th e Colleg-e. Du r ing the rl:ty they Cflu [,l be seen sten.d ily, anct ea r tly, E' l1 !{9ged in l•Ntttl i~y in ;; anrl prcp:lring for the eveni ng illumination. Pu" J<' , J. P. DoRE deserves gre:1t honor, fo r the m:umer in which he la bDred to have his Batta lion reafly fo r the evening clr il l. At. 7. 30 p. m . :l ll assemble<l in fro nt of the Coll ege. The College was so brilliantly illuminate<'!, thn.t' it c:Lll erl to mind, the memorable "Pharos." The slight d escent, from the fr<> nt of the college, a n<l the mnltit.ude r.s~embled,

pre~ented a scene so g rand-so picturesque- tllat one wou ld fain have been :t poet.

Our College band, under th e directi on of Mr. P. A. Sullivan discoursed fine music and it promises to surpass its former efforts.

Aft< r music Ly the Band. Prof. Solon cam e forward and spoke on the advantages of Christian Educat.ion. His speecll was short but interesting ; anfl well ren:iered Prof. J. P. Dore, with his Battalion, ot which we have previously spoken, then favore:l us, with a se ries of rniliLary maneuvers wbich commanded great atten t.ion; and eli cited fr equent, and ju~tly merited. en0omiums, from those versed in military tactics.

Before the close a sa lute of 50 guns was fired . The balloon ascens ion, courhtc ted by Bro . Senec tl C. S. V. was a cr.mpl ete sucr;ess .

Our geu ia l prefect of di sc ipline, Rev. M.A. Dooling C. S. V. was then escortect to the stage. F atller J)oo ling expi·essed 'his satisfaction, at how well the stud ents harl enj oyed themselves; and th:w kerl a ll, for the interest t hey had taken, in making the day agt·eeable fc.r evely one. Rev. Fatber Beaudoin , now appeared and delighted his hearers, by bis natural wit, and

humor. Mr. Ambrose Granger, who has l•een connected with

the College for the past 6 years;. then gave a sh0rt hi story of the institution, and h0r students dunng said timr.; and related many pleasing reminis.eences of days

gone by. Before concluding we cannot fail to mention one of our

members, tha t bas devoted the grea part of his life to our 0rder' - one that ha.s · g rown gray in her service -Rev. BrcJ. Bernard C. t:l. V. For years his health has been feeble'-hut on the day of the Gol, len ,J ubil ee­when called on to speak, to the delight of al l, he appe:lr­-ed to 'regain 'the fire an d vigor of hi~ youth-he came

\' ·;· ...

f Jl '1.h a nd cl e livcrecl a very interesting nncl in,huoti~e address.

The ulosi ug rcmn rks were mafl c by RH. l\1. J~ Mar"

sile C. S. V. P res't. :F~t•b e r Marsile spoke ~•.t te·l'l g tl:J , <ri t ''n • i :'·~~ ,;"i t. in'\'8 of St. Vinl~1ur . How from h-is youth, h ,' :,•d ·. !"ll<' and bo ly JiJe;~:nd huw he dedicate(l brm- . s,df' f<.l 1hi.· ser v ice o f Al mig hty Go<'l. We were rem incled

t iJ:,l, If i11 sp ir it., we would con tem pl ate onr n let• in U L~ ! ' idJI; (·_y , ful !i> w IJ r throug h it er 1ri:tl s an<l di ssn.p­}iiJ; n • l<l l'll te, iJcre nne) ebe wh erP, t hat W(' COIIlcl not, Utit

ex ul t, nn<..l desirn tv g i \' C t.lia.u k;; t o A lmig hty God, fot t he JJHi lltner:Jl:i(• blu3s ings of whi ch our Ord er It r,s he.en th e n · ~ · i pi o,., , L, The S pe:tlwr concluded by exborti r£ us tn eo11L iuue (.<J !t nit<~te the exam ple of o ur [Jrecl ec<>s~or!l

an d tha t wL en nnother 50 years shall ha ve passed S t. Vi aten r' ~ College will s tand first among the e' •liCa tion:J! institutions of t hi s g reat n.n tl promisi11g.Republic.


The Col leg·e B:,ttali o n was orgnnizect hst w e-eli under the most fa vorabi P. circumstances. The in·crease iri attend anoe and the succet:s 'Jf the organ iz:Lt ion last y~ar served to pu t vim into everybody and a lt Gr.-ter­ed into military t:tct ic:; with a wil l. Inste:~rl of three compan ies of lastye;ir, there are :tt present fiv e. It will b~

the endeavor of all interested to <>Ci ipse las t year's work, which it s ncues~fn l will phce this B:1tt1.lion rqu ;d to any private organii•L tion in the conntry. The Fvl­lowing i>; the roster tor the ensuin g yeflr;


Mnjor, Lou is Gmnrlch:tm p. Acljuta.nt, Li ent. D eni s R ico n.

Rev. E. L. Rivard C. S. V. Quarter master,

Surgeon, E. L. Bergeron M: D.

Serg. JVI" jor, H:ury G n erM. ~·. Chas. Knisely.

CO. A. M:wsile Light Guards.

C;~pt. Clt;LS. H. Bd l. 1st. Li('nt. Wm.Mc Cnrlhy,

2nd. Lieut. Jas. ,T.. Cor:(lon. · CO. B.

Mahoney Light Guard··. Thos. Normoy le.

1st. Lieut. S. Saindon. 2nd. Li eut. Pan l. WilBtach.

cu.c. Bernard Light G u ~trds.

Capt. George. Me Cann. 1st. Lieut. Via.teur LnmaJTe.

2nd. Lieut. ,John W. She::1.

. ... ,, ~" ~

) '


Page 9: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06



• ;


THE CoLL &G& affords exce11ent facilities for study, and the acquirement of a thorough knowledge of

MODERN LANGUAGES, MATHEMATICS, CLASSICS, MUSIC, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, and THEOLOGY. Most careful atten t ion is paid to the business training of young men, and a thorough practical lmo·wledge of BOOK-KEEPI NG and CO M: MERCIAL LA ·w is imparted ).:>y skilled P rofessors.

The authors and most approvcrl system of teaching are adopted in all grades of the College. Studel\ta may enter at any time. Term anrl tuition will begin with d~te of entrance.

T erms for board and tuition $200.00 per annum. Catalogues, and any desired iu tormn.tion will be carefully given on application to the -Director.

--- - --··-----No. 12 COURT STREET,

KANK.A.KEE, ILL. De..'ller in Foreign and Domestic


C. H. ERZINGERS Is the pl:lcc to get choice Jce-Cre:un, Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Oysters, C'i g:1rs nnd Tobacco. The largest Ice-Crcmn and Confectionery Parlors in the city.

Cor. Court St. & East Ave. K ANK A I<F; E, I LI~



1st. Door South of Conr t. St. East Side,


PETER W AL ZEM, Grower of

PURE \ LTAR WINE. Warsaw, 1Iancock Co., lll.

J REl'' ERENCES. JH.Rev. Jos, MELCHOR, Bishop of Green Bay at. Rev. M. Rink, BI-shop of Leavworth.

lh ;v. M. J. MAR..SILE, C. S. V.

St. Vin teur's College, Bourbonnais Grove, Kankakee Co., m


!Ii? ~~ B\,tlt~nt. ~'rArriONERY,

Booh:~. Nc~,Y~, l\l: n sic, ll Al:'~:- HAI.I." :lll fi B .I T S. F l ~ HI1"<1 TA C K LE.

1\ A;\ K r\ !{ E E, ILL. TOY S, Clt!H,! UET. BABY CAHRl AG Et;.

I{. J. I J A N N A, W i i OL I ~ :-iA L E ,\ :\ ll Rl£TAIL

c; JWCE I{ _\..J:'i J) .

CO'\! :HISS{():\ '\ l u·~CHA~T 4-.B U o u r 1 :o-:-creet

h A \1\ A KEE. ILL.

BllA YTO :-; & CHR lST IAN l>K.\Li-: 1::5 in ~ i t•u ' :.;, V\'onwn 's, J\li~ses' and <' it il d rt· tt·, li t to ·"'"' ttwdi tt lll !-; lt ne~: a lso a ll s izes and gralieti of J:•><• l,. s , .. ·c ial iutl uce ment.s for

S i ud c n ts T wo tl ovr:; north of Post office.

K ankakee, fll.

I\.El{l{ Bl1()'8, HAHDWAlm , ~TOY&;, IRON. STEE L, TJ~WARE, NAILS, Etc., J ob work tk nc in any p art of the County Cor. Court St. and Schuyler A venue.



H rtrd1nn re. Stuu.• nnd r .-mr.nre, JRON, KA I LSan•l \\' M~O \ STOCK.

No 13 EA~T A Y EN t; E. I\ A :\ l\ ·I 1\ 1·: E, ILL.

J uubing lJoue to Urr_ic_·r . _ _ _

D. Q . SOHEPPERS, M. D. 2 9 2 LarralH~e St. Chi cago , lll.


Will be in Bourbonnais on the 1st of each Month.


Wholesale Paper Dea lers. A full line of Cards and Wed ding gooll8

l<ept constantly o ot mwll . Nos. 1 tio & 185 Monroe St.reet,

Chicago, I ll. ~'RED ZIPP.

The oldest Boot & 8hM House ln the City, Customers will a lways have good llargalns.

No. 17 Court Street , Kankakee ,Ill.

Impediments of aJI kinds on .AtUicultural l mplemPnts can be removed at JOSE PH BE.A U Ll.IW'S Black~llllth 't< Shop. .Also Tools of dltff' r<•nt make or sllape. coarse or fine work, Buggies, Wagons, Ploughs, etc .. etc., may be repaired at very low figure,. at tbe new Shop OD

U!t.A ND ST. B<•urbun nal• Urove, Ill • Ho.'ll" sb<Hll.l&& a apeotalty.

Page 10: St. Viateur's College Journal, 1888-10-06

I' I' I,



.J. ,1. ~C H U B E HT . P H O P IUE'rOH. OF T HE

German, Frencll and Americ1n PhaT1h 1GY Cor. Ea~t. f\.'V,f'. ,"v lvr <" l'i' lHln t Ht •. KA" :• ",; Jr. F. , I ll .

K<•r.p~ (!on-t:p,t ll' oH hand n. fllll l iJ J(' nF DRUGS, M£DI CII'! ES, PAI NTS, OI LS n G, ETC.

A ls v a li n t> l i lll ' of 'l'o il l'L Ar t,kks nf :till\ ill•) -<, F in, • U)g ar s a ml Tolla<· ,·o.

~ ·- - .- ~~:_~ ~-~~-~~~~~i;· .L:t"?.__ --

A. H. PI I<. I~ ; .. :J E 'VV ELI ... E I-{ .•

K AN KAKE E, I L LJ ); ! Jl ::-; .

,JOI-IN G. KNECH_'l\ ---·~·· ··-----

Merchant Tailor,

REA D Y-M ADE Clo t hing Hats a nd Caps .- Gem 's underwear.

T runks, Valises , Furni shing Goods.

W ilson Bros' Fine Sh ir ts.


n:an lGtli:ee, 111.

M.USIC FREE! Send 1 5 cents

For m ailing, a nd, ill r e t,u·n , r ece ive

Wort~o=21\11 '-l Ji.c. Compris ing from 5 t o 8 pi Pees . t l1.e la.t.est of our publica.tioHs for tb f\ purpose of m tro<l vctJO n . ~Address :' Knnkel Br os .. 612 Oli ve ~treet,

b'f. LOU tS, lifO.


A large and compl et e asso rtmen t of L um ber, , Shing les, P osts , Sash, Doors, B linds and Mo uld ings always on hand.

Filling large orders for D imention L umber a Speeialty .

Yards, on A v enne, Kankakee, Ill. , 2nd. Y a rd North Court Street, and at Momence, bet ween C. & L. I. and River. A ddress, J. K. EAGLE. KANKAKEE, I LL.

HAN D-JI'lADE Pur e W a.x 'Ca.ncl les per II) . 45 cts l\ionlll ecl W f<X Candles, " " 38 cts St earic Wax , " " 20 c ts Special !'r ices t.o pl\rties buying in large '}Uan ti-ties.

Catholic P rayer Books 25 cts. U\)Wanls.

CA'fHOLIC FUIILY BIBLES, Wit h two large clasps aad Fan cy E dge $9.99 Sent free to any p a rt of U. S. on r eceip.t of price.

GRAHAM & SONS, I mporters of Church G.oods, J olll>ers in School

Books and Catholi c Booksellers. 13 S. Desplaines St. Cor. Monree, Chicago, Dl.

Corresp ondence sollicited .

1'\0'J'l{ E D AI\IE ACADRM Y, DnH~CTED B r Tm: S rs TEHs OF TH J>

C o N<.>JUWAT roN o~' N oT Jt ffi DAntE. T hi s In ~ t i t1 1 tion aftnnls cvf\r y :td vittt t:J f!:; fo1·

Young L:v li <'R 1 1 0.sil•nu~ of obt.a fn ing a snli d aiJ(l fini s lwll t•tltwation . Fnr· part iculars a])pl y to

Mot l1 Cl' i';; Ul)erio r, Dame A.r· ad c• m y,

BouTbon nai s G!'ove , K a n l<a l<ee. Co. , TIL

R(' !IOOL HOO KK. ' ,· ... L)W.j\J . B l,AN I(H.

F R A N K E,· . ,B E L ·i , A M Y.

RTATIONERY. llo 'OJ;: s, News , Mwdc,

"V~1.JI -P ,1p ei; , Wiu d()W S h n <l t·s . KA NK AKEE, ILL.



·HAllDW ARE. Stoves, Iron . Nails and W agon wood stock.

Tinware and T in work of all kinds. No 3 Cour t Street,


CARD OF THANKS H:·•v ing been in t his c ity for tbr

l•::ti't ten yen rs, ancl h ::~ .v i n g rece i1recl :t

very li bem l shnro of the patro;l a,ge <d the people uf this cit.y and coun ty I rl t•­sire to hereby tender t b e ~n my Fincerc t bn, ·kc. Fn r the sa lll e, and having de­te r min ed to retire fr om bu sin ess I wisiJ in recogn it ion of th eir pns t pa­t.ronage t o offer 1 hem goods n t pri ces t.hnt w ill pay them a hnnrl som e retnrn on e very in vest ruent: All a re rCSj'CeL fnll y invitt> d to tnke t-ul vnutn ge ,, fmy closing- out sale as my tinw i11 t he cit \' is I imitecl. Call at once a nd exam ine m}' stock an d get my pri ces.

l\1. Ruhru eim er nr2t3


G roecri es,

D t·y Goocl s,

Y ankee Notions.



Publishers, Ma nufactu rers of Church Goods Regalia Just

Pub lish ed.

"Compend ium Sacrre Li tn rgicm"

Kurr~tsch and Staga, Propri c•turs of

Th <> Old :BPf!Uc})anip & Hah~l. 1 PRESCR IPTION DRUC STORE,

Wlu•t·,· .1 on ca n liud 11 H, Larges t ltSsort_ JIWI!L of Hai r d JHl Tenth J.! rns!Je s T o il <'.t HJ' th'.les l'• ·rl'wt terv., HlJO!Ig0s and all vari < • tit~ UJ'IJggist l:lull <lr i ('s.

A ll ~ l toul!l gi n ) tlw m n. call, N o. fi , Co ll H'f KT. T i•: L J C I'I-J O NJ~ . Nn. 10,

C'. WOLFE. Barl ;er Sl!Op .

Under UJH!J acb 's Hartw~:; Store ,l{a.ukal<ee , lll. Firs t Glass Wor k gna.ra Jl teetl.

Kt.udents es p(•eilill y in viti'< I.

A. Ehrich .EAST COU RT !-:l'l'RE ET

KAN KAKEE. Den.l cr in .;hoice.- t Groee ri c~ , eh oiee~t

bnlll cls or Fl our. Kerp~ on ha nd t:O II ~ tailtly a. larg e nf'~ t n me pt of Feed· aJJd Prod ttee.

Pl ease en ll a nll ~ee m e IJ e[O I:t.l .. ·o in g· an ~y p laee else. "' ·

STU DEN TS nnrl T l~ACl-U<.: R~. Attention!

Tile P ant.a f?TH]Jll , <>TI Ialn elltal Peuc il TAB L I ·:T~ WIL L l ' LE A::; E YOU; a sl; for t l•e.n1 at ,YOl W Statir•m, ry Store ke pt at tlw CO J.L EH l' Boo K :STOH E.

TIH· Pa.Jrt ag rap!J J ~st. ,J. T. JiOl\EY, ;\l:lllager.

J: LOO l\1 1.!'\ CVl'ON, ] I !..

Kn lllm i(<'<' ::;wm· aucl Lilli e comp:tny. I :<I CO IU'Olt A'f lm FE B. 23 rd. 18G7.

Proprit•to r s ot t h e lll' lel!rat ell l\ a nl<a·kee tlat Li me st()nes <~ mt.rrif.o s .

Fr <.'sh W ou<l bmn ed Li me n.lways on haJJd .


I<. IMBE I-\ & EV A .. NS PHO'l'O GI~APHER-" ,



i. .

GOLD MEDAL, PA~I§, 1S7S. JTw Celcoi·atea Numbo?'s,

303-40~- I '70-0~·-2-Z? , and his other styleS' mrt •t be !• " '' nf a a dealer·'

th1·ouo!wut it. e u . mi.

------·-- --- -- --- ----T il e "JOUR NAL '' is a fi rst cJn,::s

medium fo r " A f>YERTJ S T ~ TG." S pe-By Rt" v. I nnocent W nppelh orst 0. S. F . cinl attention paid to the pri nt ing: o t'

Canonical Proce<lnre in Disciplimtry an<l B USI NES8 CARDS. Criminal Cases allat)te<l by ltev. s. Q. ·BILL liE ADS~ ETC. ~Jossiner D. D. ~Terms reasonnhle.~ 178 ~:bNROE ST. CHICAGO ILLINOIS. The ST UDEKT S, EcUo1·s-P1·up