st. pedro calungsod

His LIfe Early years and Missionary work Calungsod (spelled Calonsor in Spanish records) was born ca. 1655. Historical records never mentioned his exact place of origin and merely identified him as “Bisaya.” Historical research, however, identifies Cebu as his birthplace. Few details of his early life prior to missionary work and death are known. It is probable that he received basic education at a Jesuit boarding school, mastering the Catechism and learning to communicate in Spanish. He likely honed his skills in drawing, painting, singing, acting, and carpentry as these were necessary in missionary work. Calungsod would have been expected to have some aptitude in serving in the Tridentine Mass (now known as theExtraordinary form of the Roman Rite). Calungsod, then around 14, was among the exemplary young catechists chosen to accompany the Jesuits in their mission to the Ladrones Islands (Islas de los Ladrones or “Isles of Thieves”). In 1668, Calungsod travelled with Spanish Jesuit missionaries to these islands, renamed the Marianas Islands (Las Islas de Mariana) the year before in honour of both the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Queen Regent of Spain, María Ana of Austria, who funded their voyage. Calungsod and San Vitores went to Guam to catechise the native Chamorros. Missionary life was difficult as provisions did not arrive regularly, the jungles and terrain was difficult to traverse, and the islands were frequently devastated by typhoons. Despite all these, the mission persevered, and was able to convert a significant number of locals. Martyrdom A Chinese merchant named Choco began spreading rumours that the baptismal water used by missionaries was poisonous. As some sickly Chamorro infants who were baptised eventually died, many believed the story and held the missionaries responsible. Choco was readily supported by the macanjas (medicine men) and the urritaos (young males) who despised the missionaries. In their search for a runaway companion named Esteban, Calungsod and San Vitores came to the village of Tumon, Guam on 2 April 1672. There they learnt that the wife of the village chief Mata’pang gave birth to a daughter, and they immediately went to baptise the child. Influenced by the calumnies of Choco, the chief strongly opposed; to give Mata’pang some time to calm down, the missionaries gathered the children and some adults of the village at the nearby shore and started chanting with them the tenets of the Catholic religion. They invited Mata’pang to join them, but he shouted back that he was angry with God and was fed up with Christian teachings. Determined to kill the missionaries, Mata’pang went away and tried to enlist another villager, named Hirao, who was not a Christian. Hirao initially refused, mindful of

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His LIfe

Early years and Missionary work

Calungsod (spelledCalonsorin Spanish records) was born ca. 1655. Historical records never mentioned his exact place of origin and merely identified him as Bisaya. Historical research, however, identifiesCebuas his birthplace.

Few details of his early life prior to missionary work and death are known. It is probable that he received basic education at a Jesuit boarding school, mastering theCatechismand learning to communicate inSpanish. He likely honed his skills in drawing, painting, singing, acting, and carpentry as these were necessary in missionary work. Calungsod would have been expected to have some aptitude in serving in the Tridentine Mass (now known as theExtraordinary form of the Roman Rite).

Calungsod, then around 14, was among the exemplary young catechists chosen to accompany the Jesuits in their mission to the Ladrones Islands (Islas de los Ladronesor Isles of Thieves). In 1668, Calungsod travelled with Spanish Jesuit missionaries to these islands, renamed theMarianas Islands(Las Islas de Mariana) the year before in honour of both theBlessed Virgin Maryand of the Queen Regent ofSpain,Mara Ana of Austria, who funded their voyage. Calungsod and San Vitores went toGuamtocatechisethe nativeChamorros.

Missionary life was difficult as provisions did not arrive regularly, the jungles and terrain was difficult to traverse, and the islands were frequently devastated by typhoons. Despite all these, the mission persevered, and was able to convert a significant number of locals.


A Chinese merchant named Choco began spreading rumours that the baptismal water used by missionaries was poisonous. As some sicklyChamorroinfants who were baptised eventually died, many believed the story and held the missionaries responsible. Choco was readily supported by themacanjas(medicine men) and theurritaos(young males) who despised the missionaries.

In their search for a runaway companion named Esteban, Calungsod and San Vitores came to thevillageofTumon,Guamon 2 April 1672. There they learnt that the wife of the village chiefMatapanggave birth to a daughter, and they immediately went to baptise the child. Influenced by the calumnies of Choco, the chief strongly opposed;to give Matapang some time to calm down, the missionaries gathered the children and some adults of the village at the nearby shore and started chanting with them the tenets of the Catholic religion. They invited Matapang to join them, but he shouted back that he was angry with God and was fed up with Christian teachings.

Determined to kill the missionaries, Matapang went away and tried to enlist another villager, named Hirao, who was not a Christian. Hirao initially refused, mindful of the missionaries kindness towards the natives, but when Matapang branded him a coward, he became piqued and capitulated. Meanwhile, during that brief absence of Matapang from his hut, San Vitores and Calungsod baptised the baby girl, with the consent of her Christian mother.

When Matapang learnt of his daughters baptism, he became even more furious. He violently hurled spears first at Pedro, who was able to dodge the spears. Witnesses claim that Calungsod could have escaped the attack, but did not want to leave San Vitores alone. Those who knew Calungsod personally meanwhile believed that he could have defeated the aggressors with weapons; San Vitores however banned his companions to carry arms. Calungsod was hit in the chest by a spear and he fell to the ground, then Hirao immediately charged towards him and finished him off with machete blow to the head. San VitoresabsolvedCalungsod before he too was killed..

Matapang took San Vitores crucifix and pounded it with a stone whilstblasphemingGod. Both assassins then denuded the corpses of Calungsod and San Vitroes, tied large stones to their feet, brought them out to sea on theirproasand threw them into the water.

In theRoman Catholic Church, Calungsodsmartyrdomis calledIn Odium FideiorIn Hatred of the Faith, referring to thereligious persecutionendured by the person in evangelisation.


A year after the martyrdom of San Vitores and Calungsod, a process for beatification was initiated but only for San Vitores. Political and religious turmoil, however, delayed and halted the process. WhenHagtawas preparing for its 20th anniversary as adiocesein 1981, the 1673 beatification cause of Padre Diego Lus de San Vitores was rediscovered in old manuscripts and revived until San Vitores was finally beatified on 6 October 1985. This gave recognition to Calungsod, paving the way for his own beatification.

In 1994, then-Cebu ArchbishopRicardo Cardinal Vidalasked permission from the Vatican to initiate the beatification and canonisation cause of Pedro Calungsod. In March 1997, theSacred Congregation for the Causes of Saintsapproved theactaof the diocesan beatification process. That same year, Cardinal Vidal appointed Fr Ildebrando Leyson as vice-postulator for the cause, tasked with compiling aPositio Super Martyrio(position regarding the martyrdom) to be scrutinised by the Congregation. Thepositio, which relied heavily on the documentation of San Vitores beatification, was completed in 1999.

Blessed John Paul II, wanting to include young Asian laypersons in his first beatification for the Jubilee Year 2000, paid particular attention to the cause of Calungsod. In January 2000, he approved the decreesuper martyrio(concerning the martyrdom) of Calungsod, setting his beatification for 5 March 2000 atSaint Peters SquareinRome.

Regarding Calungsods charitable works and virtuous deeds,Pope John Paul IIdeclared:

From his childhood, Pedro Calungsod declared himself unwaveringly for Christ and responded generously to his call. Young people today can draw encouragement and strength from the example of Pedro, whose love of Jesus inspired him to devote his teenage years to teaching the faith as a lay catechist. Leaving family and friends behind, Pedro willingly accepted the challenge put to him by Fr. Diego de San Vitores to join him on the Mission to the Chamorros.In a spirit of faith, marked by strong Eucharistic and Marian devotion, Pedro undertook the demanding work asked of him and bravely faced the many obstacles and difficulties he met. In the face of imminent danger, Pedro would not forsake Fr. Diego, but as a good soldier of Christ preferred to die at the missionarys side.


On 19 December 2011, theHoly Seeofficially approved themiraclequalifying Calungsod forsainthoodby theRoman Catholic Church.The recognisedmiracledates from 2002, when aLeytewoman who was pronouncedclinically deadby accreditedphysicianstwo hours after aheart attackwas revived when a doctor prayed for Calungsods intercession.

CardinalAngelo Amatopresided over the declaration ceremony on behalf of theCongregation for the Causes of Saints. He later revealed thatPope Benedict XVIapproved and signed the official promulgation decrees recognising the miracles as authentic and worthy of belief. The College of Cardinals were then sent a dossier on the new saints, and they were asked to indicate their approval. On 18 February 2012, after the Consistory for the Creation of Cardinals, Cardinal Amato formally petitioned Pope Benedict XVI to announce the canonization of the new saints.The Pope set the date for 21 October 2012 (World Mission Sunday).

After SaintLorenzo Ruiz, Calungsod will be the second Filipino declared asaintby theRoman Catholic Church. TheRoman Martyrologycelebrates Calungsods feast along with BlessedDiego Luis de San Vitoresevery 2 April.
