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1| Page PLEASE NAME AND WEAR SCHOOLHATS St. Patrick’s School Camperdown February 2nd 2017 Issue 1 Web Skoolbag St Patrick’s Camperdown Skoolbag PLEASE CHECK OUR WEB SITE AND SKOOLBAG APP FOR ALL S/CHOOL INFO EVENTS PHOTOS FORMS Monday 30/01/2017 Staff return Tuesday 31/01/2017 Testing days Wednesday 01/02/2017 Testing days Thursday 02/02/2017 Children begin Friday 03/02/2017 Opening Year Mass 10.00 You braver than you believe, stronger than you seem & smarter than you think (Christopher Robin (A.A Milne) Foundation Lucretia Bell Hello to everyone, welcome back to 2017. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable break and spent some quality time with your family. Our staff arrived on Monday to a newly completed staff room which has turned out very nicely. Call in for a look when you are next in the building. This newsletter is full of lots of information so please take the time to read through. We have had a few changes to staffing for the beginning of the year and there are some other administration items for your attention. Big news is that Fr Matt Thomas is moving in 3 weeks to Swan Hill to his new appointment. A huge loss for us however we will have a replacement, so we pray that he has a lot to offer our parish and schools. Tomorrow we have our opening mass at 10.00. Everyone is invited to be a part of this, to welcome the new Foundation students, new staff and to recognise our grade 6’s and grade 6 leaders. I hope to see you there. Early notice, our welcome night at the Cobden Trains is next Friday from 6.00-8.00. Thanks Mick Mick

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St.Patrick’sSchoolCamperdownFebruary 2nd 2017 Issue 1 


2017 Calendar Dates known 

Web Skoolbag  St Patrick’s Camperdown ‐ Skoolbag 


Monday 30/01/2017 

Staff return

Tuesday – 31/01/2017 

Testing days

Wednesday – 01/02/2017 

Testing days

Thursday – 02/02/2017 

Children begin

Friday –03/02/2017 

Opening Year Mass 10.00 

You braver than you believe, stronger than you seem & smarter 

than you think  

(Christopher Robin (A.A Milne) 


Lucretia Bell

Hello to everyone, welcome back to 2017. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable break and spent some quality time with your family. Our staff arrived on Monday to a newly completed staff room which has turned out very nicely. Call in for a look when you are next in the building. This newsletter is full of lots of information so please take the time to read through. We have had a few changes to staffing for the beginning of the year and there are some other administration items for your attention. Big news is that Fr Matt Thomas is moving in 3 weeks to Swan Hill to his new appointment. A huge loss for us however we will have a replacement, so we pray that he has a lot to offer our parish and schools. Tomorrow we have our opening mass at 10.00. Everyone is invited to be a part of this, to welcome the new Foundation students, new staff and to recognise our grade 6’s and grade 6 leaders. I hope to see you there. Early notice, our welcome night at the Cobden Trains is next Friday from 6.00-8.00. Thanks Mick Mick

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7/2 Parent ’ s Assoc iat ion Meet ing 24/7 Prep Parish Mass Grandparents theme

10/2 Whole School Welcome tea Cobden Tra ins 6 .00-8 .30

25/7 Performance: The Fairest of them all

13/2 Sacramenta l meet ing : 7 .00pm 26/7 School Advisory council

13/2-24/2 Swimming grades 3-6 14/2 Prep Info sess ion 2 . 15-3 .15 5/7 Hooptime 3/4 Rookies 19/2 Fr Matts farewe l l mass 11 .00 21/7 Division Hockey 27/2-1/3 Grade 5 camp to Portsea 28/7 Trivia Night 29/2 Schoo l Adv isory Counc i l *Note

change of day for th is 30/7 Parish mass: Grandparents theme

3/3 Swimming Sports 4/8 Hooptime 3/4 Rookies 5/3 Par ish Mass 8/8 ‘Puss in Boots show 8/3 Div is ion sw imming W’boo l 9/8 HCSN Meeting-St Pats 13/3 Labour Day Pub l ic Ho l iday 23/8 5/6 Rookies Hooptime

14/3 Ath let ic Sports 15/8 Feast of the Assumption: mass 15/3 HCSN Meet ing-MRC 18/8 Hooptime 3/4 All Stars 16/3 Aths Back up 19-20/8 Eucharist 17/3 St Patr ick ’s Day : Mass 21-25/8 Book Week 17/3 Fr Matt ’s 11 t h ann iversary 22/8 Schoo l Adv isory Counc i l 17/3 PLC Co l in S loper here 24-25/8 Staff Conference. Pupil free days 21-24/3 Pr inc ipa ls Conference 1/9 Hoopt ime 5/6 Al lstars 23/3 Distr ict Aths- Camperdown 1/9 Father ’s day breakfast & sta l l 2/3 Young Leaders Day HCSN Grade 6 Transition Day /3 Mt Leura Fun Run???? 13/9 Arts & More Night 24/3 Reg iona l Swimming–W’boo l 19/9 AFL 9’s: Grade 3/4 children 28/3 Schoo l Adv isory Counc i l 22/9 End of term 3 31/3 End of Term 1 . Easter in the

ho l idays th is year . 9/10 Term 4 commences

18/4 Term 2 beg ins (Tuesday) 9/10 Mr K away this term 20/4 Div is ion Aths W’boo l 10-19/10 Life Ed Van 24/4 Schoo l Adv isory Counc i l 13/10 Regional Athletics 25/4 ANZAC Day March 15-19/10 Grade 6 Camp to Canberra

28/4 Pup i l Free Day : Staff PD 20/10 Prep Presentation Ball 5/5 Schoo l cross country 20/10 Mission Week whole school mass 9-11/5 NAPLAN 22/10 School Fete 12/5 Mother ’ s Day b ’fast & sta l l 24/10 School Advisory Council 12/5 Distr ict Cross Country-Noorat 25/10 Fete Debrief 16/5 Alpha Show: Snow Queen October Prep/1/2 Swimming 18 & 19/5 Grade 4 Camp to Sovere ign

Hi l l 3 & 4/11 Grade 3 Camp to Warrnambool

19/5 Catho l ic Educat ion week 6 & 7/11 Pupil Free Days-No School 23/5 Schoo l Adv isory Counc i l 8-17/11 Gr. 3-6 Bike Ed Program – 2 weeks 26/5 Div is ion Cross Country 12/11 Grade Prep Parish Mass 2/6 Winter Tr i-Sports 14/11 Parent’s Association AGM 2/6 Conf irmat ion 22/11 HCSN Meeting: St Colmans 5/6 Reg iona l Cross Country 24/11 School Advisory Council/Staff dinner 27/5 Catho l ic Educat ion week 28/11 School Advisory Council AGM 7/6 HCSN Combined dinner 28/11 Move up day

9/6 Div is ion Tr i Sports 14/12 Grade 5 Retreat (TBC) 13/6 Queen ’s B irthday Hol iday 15/12 Grade 6 Bike Ride (TBC) 21/6 Reg iona l w inter sport 18/12 Grade 6 Graduation (TBC) 27/6 Schoo l Adv isory counc i l 15/12 End of Year mass. 1.00pm (TBC) 30/6 Last day of term 2 for students 15/12 Last Day for Students (TBC)

17/7 Pupil Free Day: Staff RE PD 15/12 Parish/School Carols & Picnic (TBC)

18/7 Term 3 Commences for students 16 & 19/12 Testing (TBC) 20/12 Last day for staff (TBC)

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Leadership & Stewardship Staffing Changes There are a few staffing changes to begin 2017 as over the holidays some of our staff have had to take some sick leave.

Paula McKenzie will be on leave for the first 4 weeks so Janelle Smith will be in this grade 4 days (Monday to Thursday) and Vickie Mahony will do the Friday.

Clare Chivell will be on leave for all of first term: Sam Stewart will now come in 4 days and will be in 2FK and Narelle Kerr will be here for 2 days from the 13th of February. Marti McKenzie will be in for Thursday & Friday for the next 2 weeks.

We welcome new staff Sam Stewart (Learning Support Offficer) & Lucretia Bell (Trainee) to St Patrick’s and hope they enjoy their time here.

Fr Matt Leaving

Fr Matt has accepted a move offered by Bishop Paul Bird to be the Parish Priest at Swan Hill, starting on the 20th of February.

This is a sad day for our parish communities and our catholic schools as Fr Matthew has been a wonderful support over the past 7 ½ years and will be greatly missed. There will be an opportunity to say goodbye to Fr Matthew at his last mass which will be at 11.00am on Sunday 19th of February. This mass will be followed by a parish BBQ. More details next week


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The 2017 staff will consist of: Michael McKenzie: Principal, Leadership Team Executive

5/6M Teacher: Elise Moxey Noelene Powling-: Learning Support Officer 3/4CM All week: 9.00-3.15

Annie Judd- Deputy Principal & Diverse Learning Coordinator Leadership Team Executive

5/6GC Teacher: Georgia Copeland

Clare Chivell: Learning Support Officer 2FK (Leave first term)

Foundation DW Teachers: Elise Darcy & Sam West

5/6L Teacher: Kellie Lee (year Level coordinator)

Julie Sinnott- : Learning Support Officer 5/6 All week; 9.00-1.30

Foundation A Teacher: Sharna Anderson

5/6C Teacher: Ryan Casey Jan Riches: Learning Support Officer 1P: Tuesdays & Thursdays

Grade 1P Teacher: Claire Powling

Digi Tech Teacher: Leah Sinnott

Allison Veenstra-: Learning Support Officer 3/4Mc All week 9.00-1.30

Grade 1BD teachers: Nora Bone & Pru Darcy

Reading Recovery: Michael Saunders

Sara Rollings- : Learning Support Officer Foundation A All week 9.00-1.30

Grade 2FK Teachers: Melissa Fox (Year Level Coordinator)& Alison Kenna

Grade 3-6 art teacher: Tracy Hickey

Sam Stewart- Learning Support Officer 2FK Mon, Wed/Thur/Fri 9.00-1.30

Grade 2B Teacher: Fran Bateman

Grade F/1/2 Art Teacher: Leah Sinnott

Kate Daffy- Library Assistant

3/4Mc: Paula McKenzie (Year Level Coordinator) Janelle Smith (first 4 weeks)

Indonesian Teacher: Glenyss Kenna

Fr. Matthew Thomas-Parish Priest

3/4H Teacher: Amy Henry Science Teacher: Paula Atkins Leave Without Pay: Mary McLeod, Janelle Smith

3/4M teacher: Shandell Moloney (Year level coordinator first 4 weeks)

PE Teacher: Paul Kingston Maintenance: Dean Jeffery

3/4CM Teacher: Anna Casey & Vickie Mahony

Business Manager: Debbie Cheslett

Relief Teachers 2017: Margie Sinnott

PLC Coordinator /Literacy/Extra support teacher/Maths : Janet Cain

Admin Officer: Bec Halloran

Extra Support Teachers: Mick Saunders & Pat Brooks

Tanya Carbury: Learning Support Officer 1/2BD Mon/Tues/Wed 9.00-1.30

5/6GH Teacher: Mharni Gordon & Carley Hickey

Marie Wall- : Learning Support Officer 5/6L All week. 9.00-3.15

Traineeship/ Foundation LSO/Office: Lucretia Bell 8.30-4.00

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2017 Foundation Students 2017 A big welcome to 2017 foundation students Randy Absolom, Charlie Bourke, Taylor Cameron, Lylah Carse, Rafter Castles, Jimmy Cheeseman, Gypsy Costello, Daisy Courtney, Carter Finlay, Maddison Fisher, Amity Fleming, Lachlan Hewitt, Alexander Huggins, Esme Irlam, Xander Kent, Jayden Kleinhenz, Ava Lafferty, Isaac Lawlor, Chase Lee, Madison Lucas, Henry Lynn, Grace Magilton, Imogen Manifold, Meg Nolan, Zoe Roberts, William Ryan, Scarlett Simmonds, Aarav Singh, Cooper Unwin, Olive Wills, Emily Wood and Bonnie Van Den Berghe.  

2017 Grade 6 Leadership positions   Girl  

Captain Boy

Captain Girl

Vice‐Captain Boy 

Vice‐Captain School Captains  Eloise  

Chivell Lucas 

Williams Madidi

 McKenzie Riley 


Nazareth Captains  Katerina Dombrovskaya  

Angus Routson 

Millicent Illingworth 

Angus Molan 

Lourdes Captains  Jess  Bouchier  

Noah Penry 

Emily Darcy  

Lex Bond 

Mercy Captains  Grace  Bone 

Logan Mahony  

Hope Kerr  

Luke Smith 

Fatima Captains  Montana Ross 


Ellie Rickard  

Wil Absalom 

Bell Times 8.55: Music – children go into school 9.00-11.00 In class 11.00-11.10: First lunch in school 11.10-11.30: First play 11.30-1.30: Children in class 1.30-1.40: 2nd lunch/snack in class 1.40-2.15: 2nd Play 2.15-3.15: children in class School Bus Information Most of the busses based in Camperdown & Cobden are either full or getting very close and we have been asked to once again pass on the following information & requests from Cobden Tech & Camperdown College who are in charge of the busses in our area. These requests are beyond our control and we have no power to make any changes or disagee, so please ensure that if you do want to travel on another bus that the following requests are adhered to. No Passes Info:

1. There will be no passes issued for the following busses: Princetown, Williams Road, Kennedys Creek, Timboon, Terang/South Ecklin, Darlington

2. Those requiring a temporary bus pass may do so on the following busses only: Camperdown Direct, North Camperdown, South Purrumbete, Stoneyford, Terang via Boorcan

To do this you must complete the appropriate form available from the office and it must be handed to the office 24 hours before travel.

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Family Assistance Scheme ~ are you eligible? The Family Assistance Scheme introduced by the Catholic Diocese which reduces your Tuition fee to $520 will continue this year. To be eligible you must produce a Commonwealth Health Care Card to the office (which we are required to photocopy) and complete an application form. This needs to be done by Friday 28th of February at the latest as no late applications are accepted.

School Fees Just a reminder that school book fees were to be paid this week. If you haven’t paid could this be done ASAP.

Updating of Family details If any of your family details have changed over the holidays please let the office know ASAP. This is especially so with phone numbers for emergency contacts. It is vital that these are correct so we can contact these people in an emergency.

Conveyance allowance There is funding available for families if you have to travel more than 4.8km to pick-up or drop off students at Contract or College Bus pick-up points, parents should apply for the reimbursement applicable through the Private Car Conveyance Allowance Application. Please contact the office if you think you may be eligible.

Sign-in book Don’t forget if you are going to be in the school working during school hours please sign the ‘Sign in’ book. This is an Occupation Health & Safety initiative, which allows us to know who is in the school at all times. Those parents who are quickly dropping off children or dropping something to their children do not need to sign in.

Working With Children Checks If you want to come into the classrooms or possibly attend a camp or an excursion as a parent helper in 2017, you will need to have a current Working With Children’s Check card. If you are interested, you can do this online. There is no cost for this card for a volunteer basis and it is really important you consider getting one of these as a safeguard for us all. Just put St Patrick’s down as your volunteer organisation when filling out the form online.

Canteen Information Coming home this week is the Canteen price list for term 1, we do require more help from term 2 onwards, the hours of help are 9.30am – 1.30pm once a term, please contact the office if you can help. Lunch orders are to be placed in a tub in classrooms for collection. A lunch monitor will deliver the orders to the canteen and then collect and return the lunches back to the classroom at lunch time (11.00am). After eating their lunch the teacher allows the students out to play, they are then allowed to come to the canteen to purchase of their own. Please be aware that if they are purchasing from the canteen at first lunch then they need to do so early so they have time to complete the icy pole etc. If they turn up at the canteen too late then they will not be able to purchase anything. Your child can collect order bags from the Canteen to take home.

Skoolbag App Have you downloaded our St Patrick’s School APP yet? It’s free & has proven to be a quite useful communication tool. The newsletter, notes, calendar, information, updates & messages are some of the things the app can do. Its also a great way for you to contact the school to report your child’s absence and has direct links for email.

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To find the app go into your apple or android store and type in St Patrick’s Camperdown. Once you have the app, download it and you are ready to go. Newsletter If you would prefer the newsletter to be sent to you electronically rather than a paper copy please let the girls know in the office. This option would certainly help us keep costs down.

Teaching & Learning Timetable for Specialists: This year our specialist teachers are: Mrs Atkins Science, Mr Kingston PE, Mrs Hickey Art (3-6), Mrs Sinnott Art (Grades Foundation, 1 & 2) & Digital Technologies (P-6) & Mrs Kenna Indonesian. Find below a timetable of the days your child has their specialist.

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Digital Tech Found DW Found A:


Science 5/6L

5/6GH 5/6M

1P 3/4McK


2FK 2B

3/4CM 5/6L


Art 1BD 2FK

5/6 GC 3/4CM 5/6M

Digital Tech

5/6L 5/6GH


Library 5/6C, 5/6M, 5/6GC

Digital Technologies3/4H

3/4CM 5/6M 5/6GC 2FK


3/4CM 1P 2B

3/4Mc: 5/6L:

5/6GH: 5/6M:


3/4Mck 3/4M 5/6C 5/6M 3/4H

Science 3/4M 3/4H 5/6GC 5/6C 1BD


5/6GH 5/6L 5/6C

PE5/6GC 5/6GH

1P 1BD

Found A

Art 3/4M 3/4Mc

2B 1P


Science 2FK 2B


Indonesian 1P

Foundation DW Foundation A

3/4M 3/4H 1BD 5/6C

5/6GC 2FK


1P, 1BD, 2FK, 2B, 5/6GH, 5/6L,

Foundation DW & Foundation A

Digi Tech3/4M 3/4Mc:


Found A Found DW


Found DW Found A


3/4Mc, 3/4M, 3/4H, 3/4CM

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Please take the time to read through the timetable carefully. Literacy Testing Many thanks to all the families that got their children to school for the Literacy testing. Those who weren’t able to make it will be tested over the coming weeks. Foundation Information Session Tuesday from 2.30-3.15 there will be an information session for our foundation parents. This information session will be targeting some of the many things the parents can do to make the transition for our young foundation students into school as easy as possible. The Foundation teachers; Mrs Sam West, Mrs Elise Darcy, Mrs Sharna Anderson and I will be in attendance to present this session. I understand that some parents may be working however it would be great if you could come along. Student Representative Council & Mini Vinnies This year we have made the decision to have only grade 5/6 students on the SRC for 2017. Those students in grade 3/4 will have the opportunity to be involved in Mini Vinnies for their leadership development. Both groups are involved in a range of social justice activities around the school and we believe that this increases the opportunities for students in grades 3-6.

Catholic School Culture

School Mass Tomorrow is our opening year mass with Fr Matthew. At this mass we come together as a school to welcome in the new year, recognise our grade 6’s, recognise our school leaders and any new staff and students. Everyone is most welcome to come along and join with us in celebrating this mass. Mass starts at 10.00am . I look forward to seeing you there. ST. PATRICK'S PARISH SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM This year once again we will only be holding ONE SACRAMENTAL MEETING instead of the usual three. This meeting will be at ST PATRICK’S CHURCH on MONDAY 13TH FEBRUARY AT 7:00PM. Attendance at this meeting is essential for parents and guardians to gain all the information that they need for the upcoming Sacraments being celebrated within our Parish Community. Generally, Reconciliation is Grade 2, Confirmation is Grade 3 and First Communion is Grade 4; however any new families of older students to the school who wish to participate are more than welcome. Please contact Mel Fox or Fr Matthew for more information before this meeting. Further information regarding this, including the enrolment form, shall be sent home with children this week. We would appreciate it if this form was completed at home and brought to the meeting with a copy of your child's baptismal certificate and the $20 fee. Mel Fox Regular Weekly Church Times: Camperdown: 7.30pm Saturday & 11am Sunday Cobden: 6pm Saturday Lismore: 9am Sunday (1st, 3rd) Derrinallum: 9am Sunday (2nd, 4th & 5th) Fr. Matthew Thomas ~ 55931284

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School Community Parent’s Association news We are now looking for 2017 Fundraising coordinators to coordinate the activities that we hold each year. Each year level is responsible for an event, therefore we need a coordinator to manage each project from this year level. Each activity has an info sheet to help let you know what needs to be completed as a coordinator. One important point is that it doesn’t mean you have to do everything just help coordinate others to get the job done. Please consider putting your name down by ringing Deb or Bec & letting them know. Fundraisers: Foundation: Easter Raffle: (Term 1 fundraiser) Grade 1: Athletic Sports BBQ (Term 1 fundraiser) Grade 2: Mother’s Day Stall: (Term 2 fundraiser) Grade 3: Father’s Day Stall (Term 3 fundraiser) Grade 4: Swimming Sports BBQ (Term 1 fundraiser) Grade 5: Phone Books – We need this co-ordinator asap. (Term 1 fundraiser) Urgently required Grade 6: Trivia Night (Term 3 fundraiser) Extra: School Fun Run: Welcome back to school tea Next Friday evening, the 10th of February, our welcome back to school tea will be held at the Cobden Miniature Trains from 6.00pm – 8.30pm. On this night all families are invited to come along, bring a picnic tea e.g. fish ’n chips, pizza, Chinese, BBQ available for use etc. bring along some drinks, a picnic rug and enjoy a night out riding the trains and meeting up with school families at this wonderful venue. The night is provided free of charge to our school families and is a great way to both catch up with families you haven’t seen for a while and to meet new people as well. I look forward to seeing you there on this night to welcome in the school year.


Happy Birthday to Frederick Dean, Hamish Dean, Nelson Molan, Harriet Manifold, Jada Mahony, Jackson Mayers, Matea McKenzie , Luke Smith, Benjamin Whytcross, Oliver Baker, Poppy Cummins, Isabelle Eldridge, Aryan Sharma, Kiara Stevens, Oliver Bettess, Lila Sutterby, Charlie Londregan, Jessica MacDonald, Monique Pascoe , George Sadler and Connor Sargent who celebrate their birthday over the school holidays and this week.

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