st michael and all angels episcopal church

The Herald August 2021 SERVICE SCHEDULE Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Temporary location through August 8 The Commons of the new Bishop Noland Episcopal Day School. EDS South Campus 5665 N. Gray Market Dr. Lake Charles LA AUGUST 15 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICES BEGIN AT ST. MICHAELS You may also watch the service on our Facebook page. 123 W Sale Rd, Lake Charles LA 70605 Phone (337) 477-1881 Email [email protected] Web Facebook THE RECTOR’S REFLECTIONS St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church Dear St. Michaels Family, We hope to have our first Sunday back in St. Michael s sanctuary on Sunday, August 15th at 9:30 am! Our cur- rent plan is to continue with one 9:30 am service through August and September, celebrate the Feast of St. Michael on October 3rd at 9:30 am, and then resume a two service schedule of Holy Eucharist at 8:00 am and 10:30 am beginning October 10th. We hope to add the Wednesday noon Eucharist to the worship schedule in September. Programing will gradually resume as we work out the kinksand return to our sacred space after being displaced for nearly one year. If we have learned anything in the last two years, it has been adaptability and patience. I thank you in advance for your patience as your clergy, staff, wardens, vestry, and volunteers work hard to ensure our return to the church facility goes as smoothly as possible. Please remain as adaptable and understanding as you have in the past, if conditions happen to change. I hope you will join me in an overwhelming sense of gratitude and thanksgiv- ing. After all we have endured in our communal and personal lives, we might consider our church facility as one of those places that represents renewal, restoration, healing, and yes, resurrection. You will notice not everything is exactly the same as it was. Please embrace these changes and rejoice in them, many are improvements! The list of people I offer thanks to is extensive. Our contractors, Ratcliff Construction, have been exemplary. Their attention to detail, patience with our insurance claim, and willingness to go above and beyond our expectations has been truly impressive. Thank you to the Ratcliff team: Robert, Liz, Rob, Lee, Skeeter, and Fred! Your vestry has shown real and faithful leadership during our rebuild. Senior Warden David Ritchie, Junior Warden Larry Bell, and Treasurer Avery Cook have helped bare the weight of this long and arduous reconstruction process. Church Administrative Assistant Christy Scroggins has put up with my idio- syncrasies throughout the pandemic and worked through the many challenges of hurricane recovery with me. Our team of talented musicians: Susan Arring- ton, Lisa Sober, Heather Ritchie, and Etienne Stoupy have been a blessing and gift to our offering of worship. Our Altar Guild, Servers, and lectors have been steadfast. The assistance of all these and many others in the parish have been crucial in keeping us all together during these tumultuous times. If construction remains on track, our last Sunday at EDSSouth Campus will be on August 8th. I am very grateful to have been so warmly welcomed by

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The Herald

August 2021



Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

Temporary location through August 8

The Commons of the new Bishop Noland Episcopal

Day School.

EDS South Campus

5665 N. Gray Market Dr.

Lake Charles LA


9:30 A.M.



You may also watch the service on our

Facebook page.

123 W Sale Rd, Lake Charles LA 70605

Phone (337) 477-1881

Email [email protected]

Web Facebook


St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

Dear St. Michael’s Family,

We hope to have our first Sunday back in St. Michael’s sanctuary on Sunday, August 15th at 9:30 am! Our cur-rent plan is to continue with one 9:30 am service through August and September, celebrate the Feast of St. Michael on October 3rd at 9:30 am, and then resume a two service schedule of Holy Eucharist at 8:00 am and 10:30 am

beginning October 10th. We hope to add the Wednesday noon Eucharist to the worship schedule in September. Programing will gradually resume as we “work out the kinks” and return to our sacred space after being displaced for nearly one year. If we have learned anything in the last two years, it has been adaptability and patience. I thank you in advance for your patience as your clergy, staff, wardens, vestry, and volunteers work hard to ensure our return to the church facility goes as smoothly as possible. Please remain as adaptable and understanding as you have in the past, if conditions happen to change.

I hope you will join me in an overwhelming sense of gratitude and thanksgiv-ing. After all we have endured in our communal and personal lives, we might consider our church facility as one of those places that represents renewal, restoration, healing, and yes, resurrection. You will notice not everything is exactly the same as it was. Please embrace these changes and rejoice in them, many are improvements!

The list of people I offer thanks to is extensive. Our contractors, Ratcliff Construction, have been exemplary. Their attention to detail, patience with our insurance claim, and willingness to go above and beyond our expectations has been truly impressive. Thank you to the Ratcliff team: Robert, Liz, Rob, Lee, Skeeter, and Fred!

Your vestry has shown real and faithful leadership during our rebuild. Senior Warden David Ritchie, Junior Warden Larry Bell, and Treasurer Avery Cook have helped bare the weight of this long and arduous reconstruction process. Church Administrative Assistant Christy Scroggins has put up with my idio-syncrasies throughout the pandemic and worked through the many challenges of hurricane recovery with me. Our team of talented musicians: Susan Arring-ton, Lisa Sober, Heather Ritchie, and Etienne Stoupy have been a blessing and gift to our offering of worship. Our Altar Guild, Servers, and lectors have been steadfast. The assistance of all these and many others in the parish have been crucial in keeping us all together during these tumultuous times.

If construction remains on track, our last Sunday at EDS’ South Campus will be on August 8th. I am very grateful to have been so warmly welcomed by

The Rt. Rev. Jacob Owensby, Bishop

The Rev. D. Seth Donald, Rector

The Rev. Paul White, Canterbury House Chaplain

David Ritchie, Sr. Warden

Larry Bell, Jr. Warden

Avery Cook, Jr., Treasurer

Christy Scroggins, Admin Assistant

Susan Arrington, Pianist

Lisa Sober, Soloist

Heather Ritchie, Violinist

David Ritchie, Videographer

Amy Donald, Children's Ministry

Donna Self, Website

Kathy Tell, The Herald

Cindy Crowe and Pattie Smith, Altar Guild



Bill Shearman

Rand Alexander

Sarah Brummett

Tom Chamberlain


Ken Smith

Dr. Martha Briley

Powell Smith


King Alexander

Alicia Williams

Betsy Stoupy

Matt George


Many of you have asked me if we are able “to keep” Fr. Paul. As much as we would like to have him permanently on staff at St. Michael’s, he will undoubtedly be needed by another parish in the diocese. We hope to have him at St. Michael’s through the end of the year.

When one is ordained to the priesthood, that person is ordained to the whole church and not just one parish. The ordained are under vows that extend past one congregation, and so, we go where we are needed, when we are needed. That is the obligation and duty of the clergy person.

Please join me in supporting Fr. Paul as he answers God’s call when and where God sees fit. In the meantime, we sure are glad he’s with us!

God’s Peace, Fr. Seth+


As we prepare for our return to our sanctuary, we are now receiving donations for altar flowers.

Each Sunday we have two arrangements, each ar-rangement is a suggested donation of $50, up to two families may sign-up per Sunday.

Please email or call the office to schedule..

Mother Boo Kay. I think we can all agree that the school’s Commons area has been uncommonly suitable for us while we have been displaced. You may miss the comfortable arm chairs and the beautiful view out of the Common’s wall of windows. We thank EDS for their ministry of hospitality. In appreciation, the vestry and wardens have voted to donate the three large live oak trees visible from the Com-mon’s windows. These are given to the glory of God and will be named after three archangels: St. Michael, St. Raphael, and St. Gabriel.

As we return to our sacred space, give thanks. You know from your own experience that sometimes it takes losing something to truly ap-preciate its value. Our sacred space at 123 West Sale Road helps us to recognize the holiness of every space and draws us closer to one another in Christ. While true that the church is not the building but the people, our sacred space is the physical home of our family of faith.

May God bless you and keep you and may God’s light shine upon

you. See you at church soon!

In the Risen Christ,

Fr. Seth+



Friday, August 27

of the Birthdays Month 2 Anna Naquin

Chip Musso

5 Wade Shaddock

7 Luke Williams

Missy Shaddock

8 Haley Doyle

Jon Gwatney

9 Caroline Ritchie

10 Emmett Sole

Peyton Davis

Norry Bonesio

13 Taylor Hale

14 Dawn Leger

Hudson Hale

15 Stephen George

16 Richard Pickett

19 Jeff Schweitzer

Seth Guidry

20 Lisa Sober

Eliza Hale

21 Randy Venable

Abbie Dent

22 Frank McDonald

Madeline Guidry

27 Betsy Stoupy

29 Wyatt Lovejoy

30 Jason Ferris

Melissa Alford

31 William Groves

BAPTISM - JULY 11, 2021

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kody Cannon on the baptism of their

daughter, Eliza Rose.

I would like to thank the Vestry and the entire

community of St Michael’s and All Angels

Episcopal Church for your prayers and support

on my journey to ordination. I would like to ex-

tend special thanks to those individuals who

served on my discernment committee; Avery

Cook, Karen Miller, Cornie Moon, John Poche,

and Lisa Sober. I deeply appreciate the encour-

agement and guidance of The Rev. Peter Cook

and The Rev. Seth Donald during this journey. I

am grateful for those who were able to travel to Alexandria and be present

at the ordination service at St. James Episcopal Church, and for those who

were unable to travel and took the time to participate in the service

through video. The gift of the Portable Communion Set will always be a

reminder of the generosity and kindness of the St Michael’s community.

Fr. Paul


Dear Parishioners,

As you know, our church suffered major damage from the weather events of 2020. St. Michael’s Rectory house was one of many structures in the city that was completely destroyed by the hurricanes.

Prior to the hurricanes, the clergy, vestry, and wardens of the church realized the long overdue need to con-struct a stand-alone building offering dedicated and enlarged space to host our growing addiction recovery and outreach ministries.

St. Michael’s hosts 17 weekly Alcoholic Anonymous groups averaging 500 participants a week. These 12 step-addiction recovery and support groups make a major impact on the lives of the participants and their fam-ilies. We believe Jesus came to “set the captives free.” Freedom from the slavery of addiction is a life-giving ministry of the church.

Rather than rebuild the destroyed rectory, St. Michael’s plans to construct a dedicated Outreach House to host our addiction support groups, addiction recovery work, and outreach ministries. Please help us in this im-portant work.

$100,000.00 is the current gap in funding for this much needed project. Prayerfully consider a donation to help us free others from the slavery of addiction and enable additional outreach from our church.

Checks can be made out to St. Michael and All Angels; please write “Outreach/Recovery House” in the note line of your check.

In Christ,

Fr. Seth+ David Ritchie

The Rev. D. Seth Donald, Rector David Ritchie, Sr. Warden

A big THANK YOU to Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orle-

ans in our sister Diocese of Louisiana and Fr. John Pitzer for

their generous support of St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal

Church’s hurricane recovery and rebuilding efforts.

A big St. Michael & All Angels THANK YOU to the generous people of Christ Episcopal Church, Covington, who are helping us replace our cherished Godly Play materials, used for our chil-dren’s formation programs.

Thank you, mother Morgan Mac-Intire, Barbara, Gayle, and James!

Life has a way of wounding our hearts in profound ways that define how we see our-selves, relate to others, and connect with God. The brokenness we have inside contrib-utes to addictive behaviors, low self-worth, broken relationships, health problems, and a variety of other negative outcomes in our lives. Your heavenly Father's heart for you is to restore all of the broken, wounded, and damaged places throughout a journey we call restoration. You truly can be free... Your heart can be restored. Beth Shalom is a personal one on one, life changing prayer session with a trained Beth Shalom minister. What should I expect from a Beth Shalom session? Your life story matters. It matters where hurts, habits, hang ups and the brokenness of others have fractured your soul and stolen your peace. In a Beth Shalom prayer ses-sion, a trained Beth Shalom minister will help you discover any of those broken places that need the healing touch of Jesus. They will guide you through prayers to receive healing, hope and freedom! So many people say they feel a peace like they have never felt before. Beth Shalom Sessions are consistently known for giving people fresh starts and new chapters in life where all of the old baggage is gone so the new can really come! Most sessions take from 2-3 hours. Don't wait another day to experience the true peace that is yours through Jesus and through Beth Shalom. Hope and healing can be yours!

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed and commissioned me to bring good news to the humble and afflicted. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the captives and freedom to prisoners.”

— Isaiah 61:1-3 Amplified Bible How do I make an appointment for Beth Shalom? To schedule a Beth Shalom session, simply email Sharon Ardizzone at [email protected].


Disasters take an emotional toll on each person to varying degrees, whether directly or indirectly affected.

The journey is not always linear, and in fact, often phases of the emotional life cycle of a disaster repeat or

last longer than one might originally think.

Immediately after the impact of an event, there are heroic efforts (rescues, etc.), during a period called the

honeymoon phase. It is also recognized by community cohesion. Normally, following this period there is an

emotional crash characterized by disillusion and perhaps a feeling of abandonment. From that low place, one

starts working through the grief coupled with the difficulties applying for benefits, filing insurance claims,

etc. When there are anniversaries or trigger events, such as a new storm, negative emotions return accompa-

nied by another wave of hopelessness. The length of the cycle can take up to five years or more. Keep in

mind the psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and

acceptance)—as this grief period superimposes itself in the disillusionment stage as well. People may return

to their low place for a time, and start climbing up again to the new normal, defined as reconstruction, or a

new beginning.

Now, in the elongated emotional life cycle of a disaster, most appropriately associated with events such as

pandemics, the honeymoon stage will peak earlier with some community cohesion or joint confusion caused

by not understanding the pandemic itself or misinformation. The period of disillusionment becomes elongat-

ed as well as the working through grief stage. It can take months or longer depending on such things as the

availability of treatments or vaccines as well as the ability to contain the spread, and the mortality rate. The

grief stage will likely be longer with more depression and anger than with natural disasters. It could take 20-

25 years to reach the reconstruction stage after a pandemic.


Thank you to the diocese for donating the ecclesiastical furniture of the for-mer St. Columba’s, Winnsborough. The Reverend Deacon Betty Joe Kaufman and volunteers from Grace Episcopal in Monroe delivered these items to the EDS South campus. We will continue to use this church furni-ture while we worship at EDS and the school will use it, for the glory of God, for years to come in their chapel ser-vices.

CAMP HARDTNER - A MAGICAL PLACE “MeMe, can I come back again next year?” These were the first words out of Banks’ mouth when Matt, his dad, Paul, and I drove to Camp Hardtner to pick up our grandson from camp. He was registered to attend his first camp in 2020, but the pandemic thwarted those plans. When the Diocese of Western Louisiana began advertising summer camp 2021, we signed Banks up with great anticipation and many prayers that he would have a wonderful camping experience. The good Lord – who many believe resides at Camp Hardtner – and the wonderful Hardtner volunteers and staff did not disappoint.

Upon our arrival, Banks was eager to show us around. His father had not been to Hardtner since his own summer camp days when cabins lacked air conditioning and dining was in the old mess hall. Banks took us to his cabin and showed us where he had signed his name, a longtime tradition for campers. We noticed the practice of leaving clothes where they landed as my own son’s had done continues today as miscellaneous socks, shirts, and towels dotted the cabin landscape. We continued our tour walking to the pavilion where Canteen was dispensed and four-square was played, through the Arts and Crafts shed where staff leave their “John Hancock” and to the pond where campers fished and practiced archery. Our tour culminated in the Chapel where daily ser-vices were held and praise music played.

Camp Hardtner is located in Pollock, approximately 130 miles from here and is Louisiana’s only Episcopal summer camp. The first summer camp was offered in 1948 and many campers return once they age out to serve as counselors and volunteer staff. In addition to summer camp, Hardtner hosts Cursillo weekends, spiritual retreats, clergy conferences, ECW/DOK assem-blies, and other activities that unite Episcopalians in the community of Christ. Camp Hardtner is a treasure for our Diocese. I encourage you to fa-miliarize yourself with its offerings by visiting Respectfully, Marianne White


Charlie and I had the joy of attending the worship service of Saint Michaels on July 25 over at EDS Campus. As usual, it was great to see old friends and new faces. Expected the "normal" service. (Mask up if you want to, social distance, only intinc-tion, a good sermon, and great music.) What I did not expect was the Bluebird!

He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and kept me fascinated! (He was really trying to get inside and eating bugs) He was amazing! He was brilliant blue when the sun hit him. It was as if he had been rehearsing for weeks to get this service just right! (Like Father Seth did in the old days rehearsing his sermons) He flew up at all

the key points! He loved Susan's and Lisa's music. He flew up on all the Glory to God in the Highest's. It was magical. I thought of how I wish Bobbie Moon could have painted this picture. We left with such a great peaceful feeling.

Then disaster struck! We ran errands afterwards. Went to the grocery store, Michaels Craft Store, Lowes, and so on. Get home and Charlie discovers his Dad's WW2 Dog Tag is missing off his James Avery Cross neck-lace! The tag had survived 75 years and was a part of his history and it’s gone! We were devastated! Not replaceable.

Today. We get a text from Paul White saying it was found by Nicholas Parsons at Church! What a miracle ending to the story of the Bluebird of Happiness!

Joy is still around if you keep your eyes open!

Jackie Adkins

+ CONGRATULATIONS to 2 families to whom we gifted 14 free tickets to Silver Dollar

City!!! Hope y’all had a Great Vacation! We plan to enter the packing challenge again

this year so, everyone get ready to Pack Some Shoeboxes!

+ Our St. Michael's Team has been busy prepping and counting items that have been do-

nated and we are ready to "Kick It Up a Notch". Here are items needed:

Stuffed Animals, Dolls, Cars/Trucks, other Toys, Clothes (sizes 4-14), Soaps, Wash-

cloths, and Toothbrushes! There are other items/expenses/shipping; we welcome $$$ do-

nations to our OCC Fund. To donate this way, please put cash/check made out to St. Michael & All Angels Parish,

with OCC on lower left line, in an envelope labeled OCC Fund. In the Fall, we plan to have 2 fundraisers - Chili

supper, and Thanksgiving Bake Sale! Yum! Yum!

+ Please join us on Tuesday, Aug. 3 at 1 p.m. at 905 W. LaGrange St. - George and Clara's home. YA'LL


SPECIAL EVENT Our Operation Christmas Child Area Team is excited and honored to host Vladimir Prokhnev-

skiy. As a child in Ukraine, Vladimir received an OCC Shoebox. He will speak about that and the impact it's had

on his life. We'll also get to pack Shoeboxes! This is the closest experience to attending a distribution. Please join

us and bring your Children and Grandchildren on Saturday, Aug. 21, at 10 a.m. in Moss Bluff at Gateway Church

of God. Please don't miss this opportunity and Blessing!

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and forbid them not..." Matthew 19:14.


Please pray for this Outreach Project. National Collection Week is Nov. 15 - 22.

Go to for lots more info, videos, pics, etc.

It's a Joy and Privilege to serve the Lord alongside you. Thank you for all you do!

Yours in Christ, George and Clara Heard G - 337-529-6606 C - 337-529-6607

LECTIONARY READINGS Find the Liturgical Calendar online at

Sunday Bulletins can be found on our website at

August 1

10th Sunday after Pentecost

August 8

11th Sunday af-ter Pentecost

August 15

12th Sunday after Pentecost

August 22

13th Sunday after Pentecost

August 29

14th Sunday after Pentecost


Track 1

2 Samuel 11:26-


Psalm 51:1-13

Ephesians 4:1-16

John 6:24-35

2 Samuel 18:5-9,

15, 31-33

Psalm 130

Ephesians 4:25-5:2

John 6:35, 41-51

1 Kings 2:10-12;


Psalm 111

Ephesians 5:15-


John 6:51-58

1 Kings 8:[1, 6, 10

-11], 22-30, 41-43

Psalm 84

Ephesians 6:10-20

John 6:56-69

Song of Solomon


Psalm 45:1-2, 7-


James 1:17-27

Mark 7:1-8, 14-

15, 21-23


Harriet Green Marianne White Donna Self Jeff Schweitzer Colleen Fontenot



Ben Owens

Colleen Fontenot

Clara Heard

Paul Burgess

Charles Harper

Colleen Fontenot

Theresa George

Theresa George

C. Richardson

Harriet Green


Tommie Schweitzer

KK Benner-scheidt

Megan Rowzie

Patti Smith

Kathy Venable

Harriet Green

Monet Brashear

Sara Bass

Leda Lofaso

Marian Williams

Cindy Crowe

Faye Cook

Wanda Alexan-der

Kay Vanchiere


An Altar Guild meeting will be held before the

church service at EDS at 8:45 a.m.

Transitioning to the church building and how it will

be accomplished will be discussed.

It is extremely important that you attend.

Mark your Calendar!

Cindy and Patti

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:30 a.m. at



2 3 4 8 a.m. Men’s Group,

Canterbury House

5 6 7

8 9:30 a.m. at



9 10 11 8 a.m. Men’s Group

5:30 p.m. Vestry

12 13 14

15 9:30 a.m. at



16 17 18 8 a.m. Men’s Group,

Canterbury House

19 20 21

22 9:30 a.m. at



23 24 25 8 a.m. Men’s Group,

Canterbury House

26 27 The Herald



29 9:30 a.m. at



30 31

August 2021



To worship God in the Anglican tradition.

To grow Christian disciples in community.

To go into the world in peace to love and serve.