st. landry democrat (opelousas, la.) 1879-01-04 [p...

ST. LASDICY DEMOCBAT. M !_». KAVA.VAGH, Kditor. IKKM- I OK SUBSCKIt'TION. UNI DOI LAR VM'FIFTV CfcNT»» year, in ad- mice Tin vear eau ne be^un at any time. . ,y -t « i) numbers >'l the paper make a year's ill j»t luii. 02 cnurtta U" n. II' 1111: DKMOCU AT : lia il r'f, Landing '//, l.ayou < hieot Vii.e hiatt ^ IjiX Cant- ( Jimfii\ il,I I'rtli frame *" w'as.iiiijiton 1.1 rami Col call ....... 1' a'-jiii-unnr Hl-ii 1' « Meiitienti. iTud'iioiiiuit- < iii Kai'ai'ln'i r. i'-H.p.\ ,:u M il H I . lia» nu I'll .1 VOLUME I. OPE LOUS AS, LA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1879. NUMBER 50. Jaiii<-s Qui"» Tribute to the Inte Kl*l»op Wilincr. inn M. J. u.«tcet The 'entlentcn <• named arc <n«r and sucli !•« (|iiestcil sn'icit subs r j.ti.u s M D. K.W -S A « i i I. I ilitir. OPM.OI SAN. S.ITI Ui> Vl J i>l Uiï i, I-.9. SI*C< I «L SOTK L. After tili' 111 Ii tlsi.v ot J.IDII.I i \, 187!), ;i : I ail V i 1t isellH'U ts insetted ill til«' M' LAsui!v DEMOCHAT, will luve to TE { toi in cash at the time of insertion. J in square is the space of on hundred w«nds, Iteinj; «un* moi in tni- j,. J m I tii« 1 prie» , one dollar |iei« l«n iln- tit Ht i «i'iiittii an.I litt> < i ills per Hjaaiv l'»r eaeli sii!».s« cjiieiu : ti sert ion. AUSTIN L). WILLIAMS. 1'nlilislier. [Temple Bar. I N'o mau loved jrmiil eatnifr and ilrink- 1 111 >; holier tlian Janii'S Quin; lie one«', V* l>l|i «I It I III '»'11 a iiioillll as laiye as I lie i j «•«•lit re arch of Wesliililil-tel Iii nlyv, and liar I In* river rail dar« t. Claret iiinl i •J.«lui iJoiies were ills weaknesses. I'ne. M il un Mulls and caiisti«! s|»i*eeln m at- 11 nulled lo IIIIII would till a j.-st-liook. Ai a dinner eue ila.v a inml« m m, not .eleliialed for Ills l.itellect, r. ill irKed, " v\' » ,t a pirv it is. Q i i h. n y l»m, iinit a «lever fellow like »ho. Id lie a ,...•»« i." " iv it.,) vioiiiii on louishi|i in . «• nie In i lord f " he I «• toi ted « en- ! ieiii|Ui'Ui.>l>. A .Milium Student I I.I'lin Iii III III Htulc Ills «lesir«' of «mug 11 ion till st.iz«-, all I III iri ve and idea of lis i-a jia lu 111 lesiiil'-icil lor.eile JLimlrt's ..ililu(| i\ ; tua Ii Ii id not v r ot iieyund " I'll lie HI mil III lie," wlu-ll Qilili sliip- i< d liiui >«ii.'I "Not M L»e, upon III\ .on. II ' Q 11 h mice remarked in the .iii,i;.in m VV.i .m t Hi lie thought le e\ c.Iii ill ol Ciirl.-s I, illic it lie . i s 11111 ' i i. •' IK u hat law'/" dem.tlided ;n iiisiioji. •• li> ail the laws lie had it." wa- the reply. There is a jjood ,..iy lulil .ijr.iiimt him. He was sto>»- „iij iii a in JSmnelset-shin , tiiineil his horse «nit to jrra»*. In accordance with previous üiiticiMueniiirial service«, m honor or the I;,t Bisl.op Wiliner, wel't! held m fit. .In iicliu'cii. ! iia«l«ili. and the church of the K lplniii.,-. < ipcloiiBas, in 8aii(lay last, at the Leurs «>I 1 A. .M , an.ta l*. M., tlit* Iiev. o WÜMI I.f Cl.iiayv !•'. i rcHelUiifr the sermon ut tlu-tur ner jil:-i-«- ami the Kev. A. ,1. Veiller, at tin« atter. Ca ll chureti wart suitably «h-iipcd in mourning, mid t e sei vices t ii-iiii jrhoiii were «leepl.v h renin au-,1 impressive. A 'ter the sermon at Ojiclous:is Kev. Mr. Wilson c.i led the meeting to order and appointe«! F. J. Mayer Secretary. Resolutions lieinx in order E Sunircr Taylor, Esq., presented the following, which, alter an appropriate address liy the liev. Mr. WIIHOII, were unanimously passed. The s one resolutions had I men panscd at the meet- ing in Washington, at the uiornin^ service. " Ir bavin« pleased flic «ireat Head of the Church to remove from our mnist, liy the hand H death, our beloved Bishop, the Kijdit Kev. J 1'. K. Wiinn-r, II. I) . Wiiieh sad event oe- eured t .New irleans on the 2.1 day of Ueceiu- lier, 1H7H, we desire to irivo some * humilie ex- jiurssinii of mil si-use of tue >rreat loss, which ourdioceric, tne ritate and the universal Ciiureil liassiistaiiieil in his demise. And this is the more lieeoniiii^ on our part, when we remeii!- hat tl.e last oltieial acts of his uselul NEW ADVE15TlSEI?IEi\TS. Opelousas Drug Store/ Having just returned from New Orleans with a large and well selected stock of »KUGS, CIIEMICAI.S, PATENT MEDECINES, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, AND PAINTERS TOOLS. ßlank Books sind Stationery PSaFUÜEBY, S3AP3, ETC, ETC,, 1 or f'atb and will i line terms. C. »I 11'#, Agt. which Iisiw. hc(*n purch i be öüld exclusive y un t. lier hie v»**re t»» our pariHlien. I iieivî'oiv. Kepitilved, ibat in th«i dentil of r>iri!i<»p Wiliiier ÎI trul> {Treat and pre-nnineiitl.v " »ml man nas hi*«*n ealled I"i ont Iiis eartli); Slieiiii" Dmu.i h is received the com missions «it all officers elected in No- vciiilier last—they are at the Cleik'.- utiice. Ht v. A. J. Y cater "ill offiiciate in tin Ciuiicli of the Epiphany, Opelousas, no Sunday next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and M St. John's, Wasiun^lo.i, at 3 P. M. We call lu tlie a«l\ciiiscinen. oi Majti, A^t., in i ii.s is.siu*. U;i 111< nil Liilnlc has leo I lie Uew ,\«-.i. IVNII A loll .IF..*«!!ruieni «H eveiy iliinr lit i.ira ll.if. e.*« 11 .if I lie ii.ff Mol'i. II, o. »Vi ill /"»lltel |IÀ HMlll *kiS I iK" il» flOCK i in p.ii k< ii aittl m i' i»»i Uäüvrviiig tac Sabbath. <li\Jln coul<l n«»r Hint it \ ill Iii« labor« to His reward Above. Kudowrd by uafai Tin- CiucuMiii..! Couiiiii icial, iu or«le. i i . ,II II .( «:oi I v i i i .si.tiltiin,; ol in. I'luh.., oi i.ii'Ci< .^i.ii:-ii oi mai city i. -, .'el |.I i .1,' 111 .U.l.'l l.l « OOll l.l. ... i. 11 ne '«lira, i > «.«, .sent In eiicll o.ic o. ...... Mli.9 III I W > lli.l -one Ijl.-Sl loo.-, . III.ill I t'ile-s .1.11 .11 nie ..J .11.It'll. . , . ..«• . i ». ii o.i jl. il. i. un.i, »» «»,. ....... i ..i.iy .»c ou.o.h. ut i i.i a ii-.. ««»* . V'.M II.Ill Oi »n||i|i 4/1 Ollli ; ll »>•1. i i. (i, .i.i.uil^ii t/iJC HI IO O Uli* «411>|• ».» i iii*.** . ii .< 1. I.i. j iveie cio.M il tiitl'l.i, '.ill .ll fMl.l.lC lltll'üiillll ll> llllll.ll -1. ; mai i.ii'i't .ni.-.i. (o .1,: o.i eJkt'Ui s| l( 11 ,.,..s nui ran .mil. .s ; i oen Ira a m .jo. a^> .^..iliral lue il lira. 1111 e a.I Sfi.'llrai.ilia «. II..I.IB ..II oiiiio.ij ; un re i.-< a tliileii-oi. oi l„. no .m., oi ii.. tin ji nie pi raniUi ..Un ..if I. ii>ii.jiu HUlcai'liioCil iili.ii I, I t.ill ill. Hi.irai ttlU In lit««« III il.itl...- t in III «ijii il un il I e. W null ira; i«,i io ({lirai.Oil III Cioralll^ llle lloi ..liera il .... 11.1.1111^ lO.lllIra, Iii.Illing Oi ralie. t c.i. .111.1 lue i Vet li&raiiUn, I'll ne ni nil iii an.. Jt«'calls, (lie voie la a Hon I, eV«o, as ill.MI in ll ii: Ii lilii^t Ine aale ol oee., ii .li Kiliane »o.iii-w.i.ti. i wo m «m qilerallotira in (ne liai tone« ineu In. JsaUilJj4 «il oiliiila^ iieu.|>.iticira aiiil in. ÖUliUay WoiK «n.lle on .ml..lia,} lie >> ra- papeis. Une oajiiiii citi^un.i is ... ill WH «if Silpleraralug Olli|ii.i> oe rt ra,j.i|n , ra by law, aiiil |iioiii.nti,i>j »um on .u.i.. day piipeiH lui 1^ uciocK on i.i.. nielli ; a Uilltai lau ivuulil aUjipl'eaS öilo- tliiy p.ipei ra, lull IIO Wo.lltl iiiaKe l.'n u. «leceui ; u Ittel iiodlrat «ioesn'L See all., iiai in in buudity paper», aiiu vvoui., .iliotv »oik lor AI outlay'« paper lu lie^m .il ? o'i-iocK £>iiii«la> lilgnl ; au epiaco j'.i.iiau was Hut able to say wiieiiier lie .i.uiiil sa+niiess the £>uiitl.t> or (tie Aiou- «I..J p.ipei ; anotlier (uiuhs lue äu.i.iaj .(.el Is <1 question ill caslliratiy Ul i. e til IKIl tie llira^osed lit III it le» llllt n, il.- liait il (Inzell Udlers, luipi.afra, «-alholies ami aieilloiliäts, are liieiiui-u IlCM the »illl.iay pap« I, ll «lect in .ilch he inetil collllliy fi lle», (if win le ili'iiiaiiili || if In- had seen the animal ; lie man answered lie had ti"t. " Have > ou any thieves «limit here?" inquired Quin. " No," answered I lie yokel with i jrriii, "but i here's it Mr. Quin, a player II mi Loiidnu, a limit here; p'rapft lie' .lole it." III Iiis last illness the doctors vere ilis(*i|ssintr how tliey could raise a sweat upon liiui as the only means of -ivinfî his life. "Only send in your •ills and it's done," lie said. He was niudi, coarse, caustic, hut lie had a „'ooil heart. When Geortre Anne Bel- iitiy, whom lie had treated with little eiemony until he perceived lier talents, vas Brsi upon the stajje, he addressed 0 h i - r the following kindly 8pe«-ch ; M v dear, you are vastly followed, I ii-ar. Do not let tue love tluery, or any li.-r inducement prevail oil you tocoui- .iit au indiscrétion. Men in jr'-ueralure 1 se.ilra ; if yon want anything in m> uwert.'I,it u)oneyeau purclmse, cmiie i me and say, Jam«*« Q tin, jrive IIH I ICI i a tliuitf," and my purse sh ill lie ai .our service." An oliscure actor had •«•«•ii (lisch.ii>fed, and Q iiu interceded or him, and ara lie was t.yiiiir ill lied one iiorniujr for lack of fond and tire, lutrsr. mo the room, liriiiKiuj/r with him ii sun if flottier, Ot which I lie poor fellow itooil IIIui'ii in need, " Now, Uick, how s it you an- not up and at rehearsal Ï ' it* cried, " Ii's ad riirlit, you can pi •.ick ajrain." "I don't know what I iiali d«» for a little money until treas- iry-day," said tll« »clor, as he ilmined s new suit with many ffr-itelul ih inks. Wi'll, I've done all I can said Quin •infH.i. "as lo nnuiey, you III ist pin III i 1: 11111 llllo yoiti' OWII pocket f. Ii I.II." ll-' ll el placed a JtllO llote tili n . 1 is tii-sr i u < 111.1. i«-11. m to l'un.u- HI, ih , ut, « i % so i ne iv lia t as imprisoned for délit, and liaviuj oilcrcij a supper at a iiei^hlioriiij; tav- III, Q i.u sought Iiis room, anil th«*.\ ii.-iil a t ery pleas int evening loffethci . •Vheu iie rose |o d- pirt lie laid a JCI'M) te upon the faille, wiyiiijf. " I'm .leasiiif I've laid m reading yuiir works ••aiiinu esti mate at less a linn 'ted pounds, anil 1 insist on now ««*- I .itin^ the ileht," and wiiheut waiting .ir it word lie hitiirieil away. As it lia- •t-en lie tore i«aid, his last aptieareiice vas for the In tiefit of Iiyau. fun actot niieiieil a similar favor lor the nexi car, to which Q lin replied. "I would I i v foi yutt if I could, liut 1 will not wlijs- I* Fidsktff for you. 1 have willed you £l,UuO, II you wain mom-.\ von m iy have i, mil save my executors trouble." witli a liijjii oriler of talent, lie uiliteil totbiw.tlie rip -st H.-iiol II-H1Ii|I. SO tiiat in matters of great- est iiiiii'irlanee wili-i tier in cliiireli or state, . IK .in.lament w is .-.on.uiit mill Iiis opinioiiB usually t'oi.owed lint it as as a cliristinn, that tin- leeeiiHiil wsiti trill « irreat. Sound in doetrine. e .userviitive in Iiis priiieipleH, and unstinted in lis cluir ties, eomi Ineil with a character un- tarnished lie was H model to the etcrsy and laity of his dine«'«.., in everything that goes to form the highest type of a true Christian gen- . leinen. l.esol ved. That ill the death of Bishop Wilmer, our diocèse lias suffered an irreparable Ions, especially the parishes in the rural districts which ever found in him a sympathizing friend Though well advanced in years, he spared him- self no labor or sacrifice, that he might minis- ter to the wants of the weakest of his parishes. Kesolved. That the clergy egpesially have lost, in the death of Bishop Wiliuer, a sincer«- frieud, one wh was to them a true father in God; sympathizing with them in all their trials, anil ever ready to share with them his o vu p i va te means when the missionary funds of the diocese failed. With them he will need no other monument to per -etuate his menory. than the impression which his noblo character ins left upon their hearts. Kesolve i, I'll at as a citizen the death of Bishop Wiliuer, is a orilaniiti/. th t is,felt by every true friend of our State. Being fully identified will, ns in symp itiiy and Interest, his hi,'ii social iiosltlon mid wise iiiilgment, eoinhined witl •rreat moral worth in vie Ui'B a power for good m our commonwealth. Resolved, That tnese Resolutions be published u our parish papers, and that a eopy signed by i lie iiffi 'i iting clergymen present anil the m.'iii- licrs of the vestry of the two parishes, be scut io the bereaved consort of tile deceased, with an expression of our sympathy with her in her ,'reat loss, K. J. MAYKR, Secretary. Bi^4ilrir Opelausns Packet, LEA V13 tV'ASUIN'iiTO.N' EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A. M , AN1) ^EW ORLEANS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT £ V M. Port Barre, Simmsport, Churchville, and al! landings of the coast Atehafalaya and ayou Cotirtablcau. The very l.ight iWPw» iv Passenger Drnft Steamer YAZOO: WM. CRAWFORD, Master J. B. SCHMIDT, c:crk. Freight as reasonab'e as any boat in the trade. For freight or passage apply on board or to F. L. FITRE, General Agent, JOS. CIIENIER, Agent at Washington, C. MAYO, Agent at Opelousas. I'. S.—Connects clinch- with boats for Bayiu Des Glaize and barges for Bayou Bœuf. Dec. 28—t f J(JDI€IAIi ADVKRTINKNGWTM. pFeiiTc^i". PROBATE COURT, PARI8H OF ST. LANDRY, No. . E3TATE OF HYACINTHE DESHOTEL. DE- CEASED. IN COMMUNITY WITH DAM 1 EN GUILLORY HER SURVIVING HUSBAND. By virtue of an order of the honorable Pro- bate Court, of the Parish of St. Lamlrv, tlier- will lie sold at public auction, to the* highest bidder by the undersigne i ex-offlcio auctïoiieer, at the last residence of deceased in Old Grand Prairie parish ot St. Lnudrv.ou WEDNESDAY. February 5th, 1879, the following described property, belonging to the estate of Hyacinthe Desliotel. deceased, iu community with her surviving husband Dainie'. Guillory, to-wit : 1st. A certain plantation situated in that part of the parish of sr. Landry known as Grand I rair e, measuring one hundred and forty arpents more or less, bounded on the north liy Bayou Crocodile, south liy Jactpics C. Laüeur. east by Bavou Crocodile and west bv widow Joseph Deshotels, together with all the build- ings and improvements thereon. I'erins and Conditions.—The land together with the buildings and improvements, to tie sold on a credit of one and two years, purchas- ers to furnish their notes with good anil solv. nt security, with£ight per cent per annum inter- est trom maturity, payable to the administra- tor or order, special mortgage and veil tors lieu and privilege to be retained on property until filial payment, and the cl tuse de n.n uliendn specially reserved to vendor and in case of suit to enforce payment, the said purchasers to pay ten per cent attorney» fees, on the amount of purchase price. C. C. DUSON. jan 4-5t Sheriff and Ex-Otlicio Auctioneer. hint of .furors. STATE OF LOUISIANA, T Parish of St. Landry. J Be it known that we tlie undersigned mom- bers ol t ne jury cniiimi.ssioii, did on the 13th ila\ oi >o\ ember A J>. lH^s. meet al theC el k's otHc'e m the town ot Ope oiisiiM, parish of St. Landry, foi the purpose m drawitigajiiry for tlic special term of the Distncl Court ot the 8th Judicial District parish St. Landry, under nee. 5, act « tin- r.'^iil,irst*s8ioii ;;in«l ;t n tliciiifiuherti heilig Pit sent, 1>. I 'lino in presence of the others, drew el','.',' A','"? !'"*• ilt •' time, the f n ,, i i .T 1 , 1 '" rtrt ^ Persons to compose the grand anil petit jurors, for the first week ol " ' uiniencing Monday the 13th dav D., 1879, ii lint of whom ws lit-lit by ti T nK WASHINGTON, fPBL*II«A« NEW ORLEAN8 TBAN8P0RTATI0K CO. Carrriil V. 8. 9l«il«i FANCHON, H. H. BROAD, Master THEO. JOBIK, Clerk I-eaves New Orleans every Tueiduy 8 i*. M. Loaves Waehington every Saturday A. M. STEAMER MINNIE, leaves Washington excry Wednesday «A. M., connecting at Red River Landing with steamer Nat hez. Steamer Minnie will carry mail and pasee* gers only. May 11-tf said Court, of January then und tliei V.'V" J. 1 "' 1 '; '•>' fl "' « rk of Court. Chachere; and in our judgment a jnr.i liemg I'tMpmed for the second and third week of the term we then and there proceeded ihirtv'i lUiti' 1- ' i " lst ,if '- v J ,, '""r». "J draw Uni t\ «t luitioiial ii ;iiiit*p to HITV a s lietit iurors tor the second week, at. l thirty additional !e. ..^ ., ll. . ' as J"r''r« for the third week of the term of said Court And we the Clerk Always Beady! NEVER TIRED t ! The public and my friends are respectfully Informed that I have opened a Grocery Store ou Landry street, opposite L. Skinner's guu- smith shop Call and Judge of everything fer yourselves. Cheap for Cash. Jan. 12—tf J. LA8ALLE. REMOVED BEM8TE|^ 1 have removed the Opelousas Drug Store t* the corner of Main and Bellevue streets, the stand lately occupied by C. Koos. Hereafter the business of the OpeJousas Drug basil iiulthrZ \»!.»;« Vf; k afMl (,, V ,nilift8irtn did then ^tore will be conducted strictly on a Ca«h .uni inert, pituo rfur liaun^ drawn as af«»m«ald 1 n \r A A &Tîa?ariR&a SÄ-SÄ« : «ÄÄ Which sVi.renv!.h ! .'.''- V Wel " e Wim it saia cn\elup«*M, coniainm^ .sjiid nanu'H Piaced by us in a juiy box purpiwe, wiiieh afterdepoe tin*: aforesaid, was sealed provided forthi aid names therein' Proceedings of the Police Jury. iiow Some Xeu York Ladies. Dress. I Letter iu Troy Press. 1 A carriiijf** Kuniicuf of bhick s itin re- •«•iitl.V Worn .liy Mm. Hilton, wife of the x juiljf«-, in in polniiMi liavinj; xiii iM^si'iiiMiteii.i lit iii ilt»tin tii»* neu m s, .ol tninnicil until nil tile lower ni;;«' •vit.ii in .ivy tufteil fringe in wliidi hair» II >ni )H*iic«H*kV iilmiiiijrt' tipiieur with i ri- if «ft-iit i tfet-t. A sup'*rli tli«'«. s m ule by Worth for Mine A.stor t s of white »ahn und brirarir »ilk. 1 tic cm siijfe of »utiti IM in liuitqiie »hupe, OrKLODSAS, December 18TK. The Police Jury met p'irsii Tut to.i.Uournui.- Tesent ; 1{ H. Litte'l, Pe^ideir; V O'lidrt, ; I - . H.I Willis, B. Dilti in-iiii, -, Haas, H. J. .iiiliu.-y, K. sa oy and It K. i'lark l'ae minutes of the last meeting were rea.' nul approved. Pile President appointed Messrs Dubuisson, 'I iiis, Hawkins and Clarlt a cii.inuitttie to ex- amine the vouchers in the hands of the. Parish I'reasurer, for monies in- ui.ii ; whereupon .vir pitiuissou reported tliat t.iey had exam- ined and counted the . one miw oresented b> the Parish Treasurer, a u" il i ug !'f tun thou- sand two hundred and twe tr ii |1(KI dollars (tO.îiO 63.» willen am l it <- i -|VS:> >:i.l.-,d with the entries on Iiis boons and .ie m >ve.l that the vouchers be. eaucedetl. and t.i-it th« Treas'irev i ave a credit for that auriunt o:i his books; •arried. On motion of Mr Savoy, Resolved, that the Po|i«îe Jury do now a.ljoiin sine die. K H. LITfKLL, President. Attest: C. MA vu, Clerk'. Pine Island, Guano, FOR 8UOAR CVN'K AND ALL QUICK- G IIOW I NO CROPS. Pine Island A M M C> N IATRD PHOS PH ATE For Cotton ALJFJ MHYLER A\D FALL CROPS. The best fertilizer.^ in usi*. and prepared with •Teat care for the Southern market. RIIK KEVNEV &. MILLER (MINXKSOrjk) Early Amber Sugar Cane Seed, CROP 1878, -—Fresh from the— Kenney & Miller Farm. For sale by mi<3is \v. novTGdiieRv, 160 Common Street, New Orleans, Sole Asent for tue Sont h west. De« 28-6ui Proceeding!« ol tbe Police Jury. ni.! i»pi-t*i.ililt-, fail «io intit'.i liooit, j i "'iiitejl buck and fr<!t)f, with h«art- 1 n.-tiici st-enis to tu-tiiui tin- iiuehiiiiiift i s f' e tiefk and triiiinied around the ! ut'«'k and down the front wish crv»tul jiiopuiin.leil o> Hie Ufw.s|i.ipcr »»ere m> liiintiiipliiy apiuif.tlile to every-da> iill.uii>, anil ru> reiiiovi «• from " Hie rt-giou m eXiiltril »t'iKiiueiit, 1 ' a.s to tak«s som«- ot tue ill .lilrifers liy uurprine. Al my *o; Hie replies have cleaily tieeii ma«!«* with- out tuiifli n-Uection, and tlifie io thus a »insular fonluwion. Dogs as S in ujf filers. DOJM have acrvt-d in many capacities i for good or for evil. It. i* well known jet. The «leeves are lonjf. The front of the »kil t is composed of white bro- cade woven in large roses and leaven, und at the back a court train of satin full». The lower edge of the front lireadth is tiuished with loopings of satin ;|iid fringe. An extraordinary rieh anil effective toilette ordered for Mrs. William H. Vanderbilt is made of crimson satin, united _ with rich brocade, of which irownisthe prevailing color. Auother that they can be taught, to »teal, and be ' recently completed for her only ieome thorough adepts at the nefarious |tirt.. lîtit tiaiuiug a dog to aid iu NUIUST- tgliiig is sin idea whieh origin iteil with a f family of laee-mukets in Belifinm. Tiiev III ol a yoii'ig inil intelligent po-nlle liosr | w hii-li they tiitiui'd to ha ve a tli'u-outrli |det« station of custom house ofliei ils. I rhe.v dr* ssed up s tille one in that niii- |t"tui, who, al vays in it ml ki.-kinif I'h" 'Jog w.leiii*ver lie enteret] llle house, |ui 't ill treating him in every wu.v, in- «11« d, very naturally, poor Moiiton's liiiiMiiosity. t I'lis li ait g lin» I r's -y preoued a li-M'jrrr |M Mill }f skiti lor M or; fou thiii! the ioiit iie, an I, after winding several •meters «if v.ihi jM,. I ,,.,. ||j H hod v, «si-util the poodle skin neatly and elever- BV «.ver it all. Aw iy -.Went tIi master •m .is ,|.iy. m l s i eded iu pissing S'.i' r rein-.i frontier. The m-tti. it is true h as i xamin. «} ; the <| ur rtn .iff Irom Hie RI o|ii«' m nuifoi ni is soon as he esnied p m. «I« «.iiHiuiitf as hist as his le^eould t-.-iiii imii. R.'sriiniiiirèis master, they j eaclinl ;i h reiteh town, where the lae'e Mas not only mihi at a gntitl profit, but I it oilier was triven for a tarifer suIMIIV unmarried daughter, is made of Nile green »atin and pompadour »ilk, show- ing u beautiful floral pattern of ground- vork of green, »iiiiilar to the SR};» Tins is made with basque and long sleeves. Second toilette, devised for he_ sain n young lady, is of pale pink sann, combined with more of the same shade, trimmed richily with Mechlin lace. This is a low neck, with short sleeves. . They tell a story of the New Hamp- shire campaign to the effect that a well- known young lawyer had got so far along in his speech as to sav that. " if the greenback craze prevailed, the coun- try would—would"—where lie struck and paused for the word. Thereupon some rude fellow in the rear shouted out. " Would—iu Ilea ven's name, what ?" Tin* speaker by time h id recover- ed his balance, ami quietly remarked ; " If the gentleman will call around t«i the hotel after lite meeting is over 1 will confidentially inform him." A Washington » of the lOfli to , ,, i ne us soon as the committee is e ill...! [ L) ™:V !, i tiAT,I 7? AT "' x MKBTINO- : Judge Eliini »ays it will pass the ho usé J L> . Von feel Miiv this iiiorniiie. dear?"! _ »»«si. I ltd a th.Mightfnl Wife to Iter husband T~~. last Stiiidav Sole f No!" lie Raid,!.. F.-ll.iTv-citiz..ns." said a North Cam- •"«TI V * W»at would make tili* soref " I , im «"'"«'"'ate, " there are three topics Why, you lulled down two pairs <tf i 1:1 f l,,,w agitate the State—greenliacks, fairs last niglti, when you came home i ; 11 "' Î 1 "' l»«*nifentiary. I shall pass linn the ratification meeting, ami i had ovpr ">•* tust two very briefly, as my II get Jaineii to help tne carry - von un 1 sentiments are well known, and come to thoiiglrt 3'»:: fi-Ji, h«m>'. tti ivbe." "Rtsli t!u ' l'eiiiteiitiary, where I shall dwell for f blood to the he td," he said. *' I'll 8on "* time.' b and get some tnedicine right away. | teforp feat abitofbreakfast. I'm glad An aristocratic papa of Jî^ton, on «ou told nie, Catherine." : Wing requested by a rirli anil vnlirar ; t».» n...i. lu«» i* i T. . ' yontig fellow for permission to " marry ÏÏ J JoiieaVn T t'T ^"t one or ills gills," gave this rafli-r crnsh- o-il tar ttlii<l,vl ''\ 'i l,ot ,e l ,lv : "Certainly; which would [ver hi»'lHK|y, Cl buMnto'^ his e^es" 1 Hii y ° U ^* r ' ^ fght was entirely destroyed. ' i " " Ther». is n n>»» T.. \\ T —T^" . . ! A. J. Burks, a white man, of Amherst. Inwt. powerful in the connta-v' n "u n Vr *; ,,: > K Iveeti Hnetl one hundred dollars , . . . [es a horse ecar of l»U cheek.' Car " ! »"nlS" tm ° Ue year for marryiu y I y Wa8wD?ton_i^yy OrtLousA«, December 2d, 1878. C. Mayo,,ik of Îlîc Police Jury called the roll, when the following inem'iers Ware {.Htsent : .1. J. Xhoni], Albert tiuidrv. Dupreville Bleche, G. T. Hawkins. E. Dubuisson, 8am. Haas. Louis Yoiinx. T. «'. CliaclierB and B. ti. Clark—all members bein^r prenent. The Poli«-e Jury then procectletl to oreanize by electing by acclamation Albert Guidry as President. On motion «f Mr Hau«, W. A. Robertson was nominated f«ir Treasurer. On motion of Mr. Mcche, Resolved, that a committee lie appointed to examine the Tresis urer's books aad report on the same at the next meeting ami that the election of Treasurer be (letered until that time. On motion of Mr. Havrkius. Resolved, that the. motion of Mr. Meclie be laid on the table. Vol HI if aye—Messrs. Hawkins. Iiaas, Clark. Duhuissim, Chachere anil Thompson. yoting nay—Messrs. Meclie and younsr. Mr. Haa-i'motion wascalied, whereupon there iieinc no other nomination for Treasurer, W. A. Robertson was elected by acclamation. Mr. Clark nominated P. J. I.efcbvre forClerk. Mr. Mcche nominated C. C. Hwayzee. Ou motion of Mr. Clark, Resolved, that the voting be by ballot. The Presulont appointed Messrs. Dnbuisson and Clark tellers, wien Mr. I-efebvre received rive (5) votes and Mr. Swayzee received three (3) votes, whereupon the President announced Mr. Lefebvre duly elected Clerk of the Police Jnry. On motion of Mr. Young. Dr. W. M. Thompson was nominated as Parish Physician—there be- ing no other nomination—Dr. Thompson was elected by acclamation. On motion of Miy Chachpre, Resolved, thut the office ol pttri^h Aijuitop be «ml is hereby abolished. On motion of Mr. Haas,,Resolvea, that the pvtîîosition of C. C. Duson, sheriff, to serve all official notices required by the Police Jury, for t he sum of $150 GO, one hundred and fifty dol- lars per annum, be .and is hereby accepted. On motion of Mr. Dubuisson, Resolved, that the Sheriff is authorized to purchase for the use of the Courthouse three hogsheads of coal. On motion of Mr. Haas."Resolved, that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to publish a notice calling upon all persons holding parish warrants, certificates of indebtedness or certi- ficates issued by the Clerk of the District Court to witnesses in criminal eases or jurors, to pre- sent the same at his office on or before the 1st. day of February. 1879, to l>e registered ; and after said date all evidences of parish indebt- edness, which shall not have been presented as above required shall be null and void. On motion of Mr. Haas, ResoIVed, that ,T. J. Thompson, I. E. I.ittell, P. J. la*febvre and C. Mayo, lie appointed a committee to ascertain and report at the next "meeting of trim Jury, the present Indebtedness of the parish of St. Uindry. Ou motion of Mr. Dubuisson, Resolved, thai the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notifv rlie publishers of the several papers published "in the parish of St. Landry, that scaled bids shall be received liy tile Police Jury, at its next meeting, 2d Monday of .lauuary, 1879 fur the eon tract for publishing the proceedings of the Po'ice .Jury, ordinances mid other notices re- quired by law to be paid by the parish. The I'olice Jury as a committee of the whole proceeded to examine tue claims unpaid and on file against the parish, when the followiuj claims were approved C i-' Burr guarding convicts $ 00 E S Andrns •• 36 00 Bloch it Isaac, sundries fof convicts .. ... 23 25 Emile Lafieur juror on inqui st 4 30 On motion the Police Jury a<\jourue.î until Monday, January 13th. IS72. AUÏËKT OUTDRY, President. Atte*»: P. 3. LKKI.KVCK, Clerk. Better than Cotton ! I want a partner to go into the hog raising l'usines* in t he best rau^.- ; wn| ....... n.iauoino and land to cultivate "free." situated five unies from Ville flatte. I will fur- nish the stack hogs lo commence with, and give •ne half or the increase for at ten ling to them. 1 wish to enter into a contract as above for live oi teni ears ; none need to apply unless person- ally known to me, or come well reco i.mended lor honesty and industry." There, is big iiioney in it. and I m an business. Appl v at once to llle near \ llle Platte. J. J. IIICKS Dec. 28-tf. pi'BLIC SALE. 1'ROBATE COURT, PARiSn OF ST. LAFDRY, No. 4039. ESTATE OF ACHILLE SAVOIE. By virtue of an order of the Hon. the Probate Court, of the parish of St. Landry, there will he •told at public auction, to the highest bidder, by 'lie undersigned administrator, or any duly planned auctioneer, at the last residence of the let-eased, near Grand Coteau, parish of St. Landry, on WEDNESDAY, January 15th, 1879. the following described property belonging to the estate of Achille Savoie deceased, to-wit: 11. Sixty arpents of prairie land, near Grand coteau, bounded west by land of Eliza Prejean, north by east by south by 2d. Seven and a half arpenta of woodland, near Grand Coteau, bounded east hy Eliza Prejean, south hy land of Mrs. Petetin, north and west by b. 627 pannels of cypress pieux, three old 'louses, cypress boards and panks, carpenters tools, one shot gun, one ox cart, one set of •vheels, one hundred oak post, about two thou- iaud pounds of cotton in the seed, about two iiindred and forty barrels of corn, about fifteen head of cattle, four head of horses, one creole mule, household furniture, kitchen utenstles .uni farming implements and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms and Conditions.—All the moveables payable in cash and the immoveables payable n three equal and annual installments from .lay of sale ; purchasers on credit to furnish their notes with good personal security to tile satisfaction of the administrator, the notes to bear eight per cent per centum annual interest trom maturity ; the land -d property to remain sp cially mortgaged iu favor of the estate and vendors privilege to be retained thereon until full payment of Hie price thereof and the in- terest which may accrue. . CYPRIEN H. SAVOIE, Dec. 14-3t-ede Administrator. Oakland Saw Jftilt, ,, W1,ssra,e„, OPPOSITE WASHINGTON, LA. the Clerk of thé (.'oui t, 11 for' use^at'the^'next ' 1 have on hand a choice lot of AtchafaUr» term of Court. c cut next , cypress lumber for sale, and am preMrid T IUT R IT- RR, ,V-R> I •' ,lt 'J all orders for lumber at the low«Mt ratM CiK vNn AND PETIT JURORS pott THE I f u , < } a ' notice, On bills over AM feat toilage paid by mill. n. R. WALKKH SPECIAL TERM OF JANUARY 13th, 1879. F1K8T WEEK. H N Odun Artenion Soile.iu Geo Do. kin Jan. 19-31U Edmond Norman I. B Sandoz Honore Fuscllier Ge i Malvenu Francois Rideau Armas Zermgue F C Devidier W R Goehran Michel Prud'homme Godfrois Dupre Sylvese Pit re Engethe Miller b raiKMiiR Ruleau j u Orretro ir Theophile B Fontenot Carl Wolff [t L^ ll ( :. 1 Alex D,-ville Tre spas vers, Take .Votier ! All persons are warned not to hunt, shoot, or otherwise trespass on thoCiimp Hamilton plan- tation jiiKt east of Opelo isas. dec. 2s-tf. T. M U.I ,ER ANDERSON. GROCERIES ! JUST RECEIVED AT F. MUNZSSHSIMEE'S, Main Street, Opelousas. Holiday Good: piBI,IC »ALE. PARISH COUBT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, Ntl. 404a, ESTATE OF WILLIAM LYONS. By virtue of an order of tne honorable Par- ish Court, of the Parish of St. Landry, there •vi 11 be sold at public auction, to the highest udder, by the undersigned ex-offlcio auctionee«-. it the last resideuce of deceasoil, Pliw. B; nice, in the parish of St. Landry, on TUICHDAY. lauuary 7th, 1879, the following described prop- erty, belonging to the estate of William Lyons, deceased, to-wit : * 1st. Three liundrô.' •• j ,.. . ... , t a » a - . . n d t h i r t y - e i g h t a c r e s o f m all the bu Illings and improvements thereon, bounded on the north by Taylor and Daniel Lyons, east by Wikoff Bayou, south b,\ -. R. Lyons, west by H. L. Garland and school section. 2d. Two hundred and fiftv acres of land, bounded on the north by Blackwell, east In Offutt Lyons, south by same, west by Bayou Plaqueniiue Brulee. 3d. Two htm ired and fifty acres more or less of Swamp land, situated ou Bavou Queue Tortue being a part ol the old Lyons claim. Terms and Conditions.—All the land for cash, except that upon which the improvements are seated and which was the last residence of the deceased; this to be sold one-third for cash and the balance of the pu relias" price in two equal and annual Installments from the day of sale. The purchaser for the credit porttoii fo t'uruish his promissory notes with good solvent personal security to the satisfaction of the testamentary executors and made payable to their order. The notes to bear eight per cent annual interest, from maturity and the land to remain specially mortgaged and the «endors privilege to lie retained thereon uutil payment ol the price and the interest which may accrue thereon. C. C. DCSOX. dee 7- St Sheriff and Ex-Ofllclti Auctioneer. FI Skipwith R I C Bull Aleee Marks Pierre Beaudoin Willie E Dcluach Ho irere Bourgeois Theophile Tesson T L Scott Alfred Lazaro Asa H.iufnower Philip Stephens K Sumter Taylor F II Kimball Lucien Guillory L C Sjiyi-er llle P T Black shear J I. Guilbeau G W Lötz D p Lafleur J D Andrus Paulin Andrepont John Lindon Jr Dupre Richard F M Crcsweil Edmond Darby Aleee Dupre John P Fruger A leide L Bertrand Ben) Dejean W C Teal SECOND WEEK : Aladin Leblanc Win j Offutt Landry Soileau Victor Latasto r> PC Hill W f Brooks B M Andrus Olin Vidrino Andre Lalonde jr Manassah II Caily Land Minims Leaudc Vidrlne Angelas Lcjeuno Stephen Stewart Oneziiue Savant Otis Collius Léonce F Lastrapeg Ouille LafliMir L (iodchaiix Cefave Ö Fontenot Amhroise Landry •Erard Leraelle Andre Lastrape« t* ni i le Peîffikorn John Col Ii pan Kzekel Mixer Andre D Meche Heverly Morgan Monroe Hi«jgiuhotham L K Belonee Henry Ward Beecher, 3a FROM KENTUCKT, At Home During the SleaeoK, iS FOR THE SEASON, $10 FOR IN8URAKCB, Ttrm^Cnii ia Airmm*,. Apply ta the proprietor, febMtf JONE« P. SMITH, fe " K ' lt Bélier««. JV(U«N, Still continue« the Undertaker'« tiuim««« im wtty *-u P*inte»aux-I^i$pa Spring». This pleasant and popular waterinr nine« ia now opened far the season of 1878 thei»- piinements made and being made by the new L??f . J ? contributed equally to the It an ^. en J°ynient of invalids and pleasure ' Ä2' d '®ereut mineral THIRD WEEK I Jn Pr R Pontenot J h Lemelle Louis R Deputy Alex Lejeuue Louis Fontenot Wilson Lemon Tliilesphone Amy Jean KJean Achille D Ardoin Valentine Savoie Hilde vert Desliotel L C Hornshy VIfred Dupre Théophile Martel riicodoi'e Lafleur W F Davi JOS B YONNE Hyp Andrepont jr W W Dn.son W Ii Smith Qnile B Gnillory Samuel Peters John \V Speara Wm Israel A ndre Me<*he Kdmond F Richard Isaac Keller H.nnere Kiehard C A l^efloiix Hendei'Mon Park« am r . **"ti**i.i «»»ii Iu witness whereof, we hereunto signatures this Mtli d;.v of November i J. LEl-'EHVRK. I x oar 1878, Î>I MEL DURIO C. M WO. JOHN i Comiuissioners. ^WKBIFF'S HALE. PARISH COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 1874. DOMINIQUE LALANNE VS. BERTRAND BERNI8. By virtue of a writ of fieri fariag issued ont of the honorable Parish Court, in for the Parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled suit, and to me directed, I will proceed to seh at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Cunrthouseof said parish, lu the toWh of Ope- lousas. on SATURDAY, -the 28th day of Decem- lier. 1878, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following des- cribed property, to-wit: One sorrel American horse. Terms—Ca» U. November 16 «8. 1 I.VMES O. CIIACIIERE, Clerk, Police ! A special term of the District Court, in and fill' tile 1 at- Sil or St. Landry, will be held, - -lntiing on tue 13th day of January, 1879, b lug the second Monday of s iid uioiitli, for the trial '.''itniinil ami civil as may lie Iu ought before HUH! Court. Nov 16 JAJI£;j u - CHACHERE. Clerk, y^ATCIIE« AND JEWELRY Il E P A I R E D . Bltîh's Re X si7ence! abUSUmeBt> ° PP ° alte Main Street, Opelousas, InneH-i v "• MORJ^HINVEO. tlemen, and three for laditts. The' main dormi* uished* 8 Ther« e «r W ?/ nR fully fur- uwneu. There are three new building«, witk tw«i loom» each, with bedstead, mattre«« and seats, .o rent to parties desiring to board tkem- !" ? re '. en other rooms to rent. The «•tel is amply furnished, aud the table will TJlia h t W / TI " £,J8 r< *9uiremenu of a fln« class hotel. The medicinal qualiti«* of tbe spring« «re already famous, iron uVgefr dominating iu one of them. ""*»'7 9™- -iuoTiS', "Iiis,*4 •lÄESifat*« ÄWÄTJÄTft V? trusts that his enterprise wiU suitably acknowledged. June l.t-3m O. MILLER, Proprietor. Mouse Painting PAPER.HANGIWG. , J 0 ® undersigned respectfully iaforau kit riends and the publie generally, that he ia al- ways prepared to do house-painting, paper. 'ii 4 " 0 '»* 1 promptness and at mo lerate . He solicits a share of the publie patroa- .ige. Work done on twelve mouths' credit by •ipeciHl contract. Orders left at the JOCKXAI iffico will be attended to. ^ JACOB CUMMIKGS. Opelousas. March 31st. 1877-tf rjiiiE sum mi'TiiAL VIBE INSVB« ANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS. in^the South ° ! ' ,e8t aai1 ataunclle »t Cotupaalee ,a"ni"m 8ugM House«, Oin Hon»«*, Store« Katii 1 at thö Lowe * t C®>wtry JAMES I. DAY, President, H. CARPENTER, See'y. WILLIS PRESCOTT. Agent, Washington, La. IiOl'IHIANA EQUTABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS. The Npw Pn T7"<3I-»*TT ! In Louisiana that haa "W XI C w -OcfcijLfc/X y "l'ipiieil with the act of the Legislature ia- •» I trod need aud sustained by the St. Laudri KEPT BY CONRAD BRAND. Fresh Bread anil Cakes always en baud ALSO Lunches. Bellevue street, opposite Sol. Is-,ice's Opelousas. WTj-"uutry storea aud country people take special notice. ' Nov.Mm OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Just Arrived and Coming. EVERYTHING CHEAPER THAU EVER. Call and See Ter Venrself. Dec. 14—tf Liait Let ter* Remaining iu the Post Office at Opelousas, La.. December 1st, 1878, ami if not taken out before January 1st, 1879. will be sent to the Dead letter Office at Washington D. C. Barton Frank Barlier Frank Booty Ijtranco Bera*gh Elijah Crcsweil mrs Lizzie Deajaou Wilsonne Egland Charles For lu Joe. (col) Ford Andy Gnillèry Martin Handy miss Sailor I.ispsay A Ö Myers miss Y Ormer misa Emmer Posie inr Kas'oerry A Reick mrs Themme Simon Alexander Schmidt Arthur Shoting miss Riner Hmith T Leeroy Soionion Iaak Thompson Walker E CHAtJ. M. THOMPSON, P. M. JUDICIAL ADTERTINEIflEKTS. ^HEKIFF>S SALE. PARISH COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 778. MARIE JULIE DAIGLE, ADMR-. VS. SYPH- ROYEN BOUDREAUX. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the honorable Parish Court, in and for tlie parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled suit, and to me directed, I will proceed to sell at publie auction, to the highest bidder, at the Courthouse of said parish, in the town of Ope- lousas, on SATURDAY, the 15th day of Feb- uary. I87'I. at It o'clock A. M., the following des- cribed property, to-wit : K A certain piece of prairie and woodland, situated iu Maliet, in the parish of St. Landry, eontaining one hundred acres, bounded north by lands of estate of Francois Simien, south by lands of John Mils'cad. east bv Jacques Chariot west by lands of Sypliroveu Boudreaux. 2. A certain pice of prairie laud on Plaque- mine Ridge, containing 80 acres more or bouuded north by Marie Julie Dal"'- „„.w"?': Tom Bihni, east by Last^ rltr-"ami went hi Syphroyen Bou'.'.^anT ancl we8t bj 'r ^certain piece of prairie land on Plaqno- rftitie Ridge, containing 74 acres more or lese, bounded north by lands of Francois Joubert, south by Jos. Olivier, east by lands of John Boudrcaux, west by lands unknown. Terms—Cash. dec 14 C. C. DUSON, Sheriff of the Parish of St. Landry. gllERIEP'H SALE. PARI8H COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 2091. JOHN J. BEAUCHAMP, EXR., VS. AUSTIN LACOMBE ET ALS. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued out of the honorable Parish Court, in and for the Parish of St. Landry, in the above en- titled suit, and to me directed, I will proceed to sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, at nie Court House of said parish, in the town of Opelousas. on 8ATURDAY, the 4th day of January, 1879, at 11 o'clock A. M,, the following described property, to-wit: . Two lots situated in the town of Opelou- sa8. bounded north by Jefferson street, south by Franklin street, east by Vino street and west by lands belonging to Elbert Gautt. 2. One lot of grouud situated in the town of Opelousas. bounded south by Vine street, west by railroad, aud oast by lots belonging to Mrs. (irny and being No. 32 and 93 of procès verbal or sale of estate of Charles Thompson, deceased. T"ruis To IKS soldon acroilitof twelve months, purchasers fumighing bond and security ac- cording to law, and paying all coats and taxes in cash. dec 14 ^ _ C. C. DUSON. Sheriff ef the Parish of St. Landrv, For Sale. i liberal terms his Jan i 01. C. C. DUSOV. Sheriff of the Parish of St. Landry. j^-OTICE OF AO .ULMSTRATIOW. PROBATE COURT. PARISH 0F8T. LANDRY No. . ESTATE OF ONILE Lb"JEUNE. Whereas, Mathilde Pitre, of the parish of St. Landry ha « applied by her peti- tion be appointed administratrix of the estate of Oniîe Lejeune deceased late of the pariah of St. Landry. Therefore, any person intending to make op- position to said appointment, will file the game in writing in my office, in the town of Opelousas. within ten dayg from tbe present notice. JAMES 0. CHACHERE, Clerk. nov 23-hJg The undersigned will tan yard site^^,,, »«*7Garland's miïl."on"'Lake .vjjuri», together with 50 or more acres of laud. Al! buiî lings iu good order ; tan bark in abundance;,.»good liog range. Apply at this ofhee or to the undersigned on the premises. Oct. 26-1 m ONIL FOREST. |N A NEW PLACE. F. HERBERT, Hasopeneda BLACKSMITH SHOP about one u «fï m 0p ,! , *?! ,3a? ' at the corner of TaVoi -s lane and the Bellevue road leading by- Theo K? a nrf'w n J here fwkln hUliue will be prompt- y # S done at rates. fen ß-ly. Rudolphe Bodmulter's HAIB CTUrXIKG HAUt CrtTTTINO ——AND Shaving Saloon, AWOmSfl CONRAD BRAND'S BAREST, BelleTtte Street, BETWEEN COURT AND MAIN STREET3, OPELOÜ3AS ÎÎ0T. 33-tX .Votire The Public Cemetery east of Opelouaaa is under the charge of the Board of Po ice of this town. All persons are hereby warned not te trespass upon the grounds, under penalty ol a criminal prosecution. President Board Police Towii of^^ousaa Due. 1-tf School Books. Teachers of Public Schools can now be au plied with books, at publisher's prices, bv a plying to the Btore of the President of tl Parish School Board. 0tt - 20 CHARLE8 N. EALER. St. Landry Tin Shop, KEPT BY JOSEPH SERAILLE, Main Street, NEAR JOS. JOBIN'8 BLACKSMITH SHOP. t\orkdonein Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron and Prices moderate. Good bargain»- tan be had, by applying, as above, to march 3-tf «WBPH 8EBJULLE. Tne Largest, Oldest and Best FIFTY-TWO PAGKS—MOKTHLT. AMERICAN Bee Journal. $1.50ayear; Sample Copy, lOe. THOMAS Ci NEWMAN & SON. 9(2 aud 'J74 West Madison St., Chicago. I fan ted 2(KX) barrels of corn at 71 cent« at per barrel. 200 tons of cotton seed per too delivered on Popular (Jrove plantation, 5 miles east of upelouwig. payable in sugar and molasses, at the lowest market rates. For further particulars apply to the under- signed or <m the above named plantation. Nov. 2:1-tf JOS. BLOrH. JFor Safe or Rent. That tine cotton plantation, tho property of Wm. 8. Donm-ll, Esq , situated on Bayou Bœuf ten miles above -Washington, containing 400 acres open land, all under a new plank fence, cabbins, corn crilw. dwelling house, new gin house, .'nruished with an 81 saw gtand, steam engine, press and corn mill, all of the most improved pattern. Apply to M. D. KAVANAGH, Btpt 28-tf wa#iiiû4£toB, la. !^ lliri "f R , Reserve*Fund" toTëwî Policy ffolder. Tills ( oimxtny ktts pakl tm IImi Pamihe8 of Policy Holders ever I3ÏS.OM during the paat eight year*. SAMUEL M. TODD, President. ROBT. W. OGDEN. Vice President, ANDREW PATTON, ad Vice Prwlde«», WM. HENDERSON, Secretary, WILLIS PRESCOTT. Agent, Washington, La. feb »-tf W. W. CLARK President Secretary and TreMurM J. w. >okri8 DIEBOLD Safe and Lock Co., MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF Safes. FACTORY, CANTON, O. Breach «flee, Caaal St., feb 36-tf A. BOT, A seat., New Orleans, La. //. Spiro, WHOLESALE DEALER SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, PIPES, 8NUFP, AND ALL SMOKERS ARTICLES. We. ft Srarier fttteet. New Orieasa, L*. Represented by ELIAS AARONS. Juue a-iy Bricks I Bricks 11 FIRST QUALITY. Fer Sale by the I* nndred er Tbaaiaal, CAMP HAMILTON VLAlfTATIOJf, WEAK OPELOtlgAB. Mcb 2Vtf T - MILLER ANDERSON, Notice to Taxpayers. is no™d?loï^. n "^? ^ of Opeloasa. i 1»^ ror ei.tmir Htiou Hud crr'^rtioi and will remain exhibited for t went r Hofd»« fiom date, at my office, po« office building. Mav lt-if P. J. LEFEBVRE, iHy ll U Town Aase, SHOT. »Votice! . J? 1 * la * Partne-.Bhip heretofore existin* bs- ••GariJS yuideraiffned. under the Ptyt of ÄaicoS: ,H,CD tbia d »y May U-tt HENRY L. GARLAN*. LACHENT 9SFBS.

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Post on 15-Mar-2018




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M !_». KAVA.VAGH, Kditor.


UNI DOI LAR VM'FIFTV CfcNT»» year, in ad-mice Tin vear eau ne be^un at any time. a« . ,y -t « i) numbers >'l the paper make a year's ill j»t luii.



U" n.

II' 1111: DKMOCU AT : lia il r'f, Landing

'//, l.ayou < hieot Vii.e hiatt

^ IjiX Cant-( Jimfii\ il,I

I'rtli frame *" w'as.iiiijiton

1.1 rami Col call ....... 1' a'-jiii-unnr Hl-ii 1' «

Meiitienti. iTud'iioiiiuit- < iii

Kai'ai'ln'i r. • i'-H.p.\ ,:u

M il H I • . lia» nu I'll .1

VOLUME I. OPE LOUS AS, LA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1879. NUMBER 50. Jaiii<-s Qui"» Tribute to the Inte Kl*l»op Wilincr.

inn M. J. u.«tcet The 'entlentcn <• named arc <n«r

and a» sucli !•« (|iiestcil sn'icit subs r j.ti.u s M D. K.W -S A « i i I.

I ilitir.

OPM.OI SAN. S.ITI Ui> Vl J i>l Uiï i, I-.9.


After tili' 111 Ii tlsi.v ot J.IDII.I i \, 187!),

;i : I ail V i 1t isellH'U ts insetted ill til«' M'

LAsui!v DEMOCHAT, will luve to TE

{ toi in cash at the time of insertion.

J in square is the space of on

hundred w«nds, Iteinj; «un* moi in tni-

j,. J m I tii«1 prie» , one dollar |iei« l«n iln- tit Ht i «i'iiittii an.I litt>

< i ills per Hjaaiv l'»r eaeli sii!».s« cjiieiu

: ti sert ion. AUSTIN L). WILLIAMS.


[Temple Bar. I N'o mau loved jrmiil eatnifr and ilrink-

1 111 >; holier tlian Janii'S Quin; lie one«', V* l>l|i «I It I III '»'11 a iiioillll as laiye as I lie i

j «•«•lit re arch of Wesliililil-tel Iii nlyv, and liar I In* river rail dar« t. Claret iiinl i

•J.«lui iJoiies were ills weaknesses. I'ne. M il un Mulls and caiisti«! s|»i*eeln m at-11 nulled lo IIIIII would till a j.-st-liook. Ai a dinner eue ila.v a inml« m m, not .eleliialed for Ills l.itellect, r. ill irKed, " v\' » ,t a pirv it is. Q i i h. n y l»m, iinit a «lever fellow like »ho. Id lie a ,...•»« i." " iv it.,) vioiiiii on louishi|i in . «• nie In — i lord f " he I «• toi ted « en-

— ! ieiii|Ui'Ui.>l>. A .Milium Student I I.I'lin Iii III III Htulc Ills «lesir«' of «mug

11 ion till st.iz«-, all I III iri ve and idea of lis i-a jia lu 111 lesiiil'-icil lor.eile JLimlrt's ..ililu(| i\ ; tua Ii Ii id not vrot iieyund " I'll lie HI mil III lie," wlu-ll Qilili sliip-i< d liiui >«ii.'I "Not M L»e, upon III\ .on.II ' Q 11 h mice remarked in the

.iii,i;.in m VV.i .m t Hi lie thought le e\ c.Iii ill ol Ciirl.-s I, illic it lie

. i s 11111 ' i i. •' IK u hat law'/" dem.tlided ;n iiisiioji. •• li> ail the laws lie had it." wa- the reply. There is a jjood

,..iy lulil .ijr.iiimt him. He was sto>»-„iij iii a in JSmnelset-shin ,

tiiineil his horse «nit to jrra»*.

In accordance with previous üiiticiMueniiirial service«, m honor or the I;,t Bisl.op Wiliner, wel't! held m fit. .In iicliu'cii. a»!iia«l«ili. and the church of the K lplniii.,-. < ipcloiiBas, in 8aii(lay last, at the Leurs «>I 1 A. .M , an.ta l*. M., tlit* Iiev. o WÜMI • I.f Cl.iiayv !•'. i rcHelUiifr the sermon ut tlu-tur ner jil:-i-«- ami the Kev. A. ,1. Veiller, at tin« atter. Ca ll chureti wart suitably «h-iipcd in mourning, mid t e sei vices t ii-iiii jrhoiii were «leepl.v h renin au-,1 impressive. A 'ter the sermon at Ojiclous:is Kev. Mr. Wilson c.i led the meeting to order and appointe«! F. J. Mayer Secretary. Resolutions lieinx in order E Sunircr Taylor, Esq., presented the following, which, alter an appropriate address liy the liev. Mr. WIIHOII, were unanimously passed. The s one resolutions had I men panscd at the meet­ing in Washington, at the uiornin^ service. " Ir bavin« pleased flic «ireat Head of the

Church to remove from our mnist, liy the hand H death, our beloved Bishop, the Kijdit Kev. J 1'. K. Wiinn-r, II. I) . Wiiieh sad event oe-eured t .New irleans on the 2.1 day of Ueceiu-lier, 1H7H, we desire to irivo some * humilie ex-jiurssinii of mil si-use of tue >rreat loss, which ourdioceric, tne ritate and the universal Ciiureil liassiistaiiieil in his demise. And this is the more lieeoniiii^ on our part, when we remeii!-

hat tl.e last oltieial acts of his uselul


Opelousas Drug Store/

Having just returned from New Orleans with a large and well selected stock of










ßlank Books sind Stationery


1 or f'atb and will i line terms. C. »I 11'#, Agt.

which Iisiw. hc(*n purch i be öüld exclusive y un t.

lier hie v»**re t»» our pariHlien.

I iieivî'oiv. Kepitilved, ibat in th«i dentil of r>iri!i<»p Wiliiier ÎI trul> {Treat and pre-nnineiitl.v

" »ml man nas hi*«*n ealled I"i ont Iiis eartli);

Slieiiii" Dmu.i h is received the com

missions «it all officers elected in No-

vciiilier last—they are at the Cleik'.-


Ht v. A. J. Y cater "ill offiiciate in tin

Ciuiicli of the Epiphany, Opelousas, no

Sunday next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and M St. John's, Wasiun^lo.i, at 3 P. M.

We call lu tlie a«l\ciiiscinen. oi Majti, A^t., in i ii.s is.siu*. U;i

111< nil Liilnlc has leo I lie Uew ,\«-.i. IVNII A loll .IF..*«!!ruieni «H eveiy iliinr

lit i.ira ll.if. e.*« 11 .if I lie ii.ff Mol'i. II, o. »Vi ill /"»lltel |IÀ HMlll *kiS I iK" il» flOCK i

in p.ii k< ii aittl m i' i»»i

Uäüvrviiig tac Sabbath.

<li\Jln coul<l n«»r Hint it \ ill Iii« labor« to His reward Above. Kudowrd by uafai

Tin- CiucuMiii..! Couiiiii icial, iu or«le. i i. ,II II .( «:oi I v i i i .si.tiltiin,; ol in. I'luh.., oi i.ii'Ci< .^i.ii:-ii oi mai city i. -, .'el |.I i .1,' 111 .U.l.'l l.l « OOll l.l.

... i. 11 ne '«lira, i > «.«, .sent In eiicll o.ic o.

...... Mli.9 III I W > lli.l -one Ijl.-Sl loo.-,

. III.ill I t'ile-s .1.11 .11 nie ..J .11.It'll. . , . ..«• . i ». ii o.i jl. il. i. un.i, »» «»,. .......i ..i.iy .»c ou.o.h. .« u ti i.i a ii-..

««»* . V'.M II.Ill .» Oi »n||i|i 4/1 Ollli ; ll »>•1.

i i. (i, .i.i.uil^ii t/iJC HI IO O Uli* «411>|• ».» i iii*.** . ii .< 1. I.i. j iveie cio.M il tiitl'l.i, '.ill .ll fMl.l.lC lltll'üiillll ll> llllll.ll -1. ; mai i.ii'i't .ni.-.i. (o .1,: o.i eJkt'Ui s| l(

11 ,.,..s nui ran .mil. .s ; i oen Ira a m .jo. a^> .^..iliral lue il lira. 1111 • e a.I Sfi.'llrai.ilia «. II..I.IB ..II oiiiio.ij ; un re i.-< a tliileii-oi. oi l„. no .m., oi ii.. tin ji nie pi raniUi ..Un ..if I. ii>ii.jiu HUlcai'liioCil iili.ii I,I t.ill ill. Hi.irai ttlU In lit««« III il.itl...-t in III «ijii il un il I e. W null ira; i«,i io ({lirai.Oil III Cioralll^ llle lloi ..liera il.... 11.1.1111^ lO.lllIra, Iii.Illing Oi ralie. t c.i. .111.1 lue i Vet li&raiiUn, I'll ne ni nil iii an.. Jt«'calls, (lie voie la a Hon I, eV«o, as • ill.MI in ll ii:Ii lilii^t Ine aale ol oee., ii .li Kiliane »o.iii-w.i.ti. i wo m «m qilerallotira in (ne liai tone« ineu In. JsaUilJj4 «il oiliiila^ iieu.|>.iticira aiiil in. ÖUliUay WoiK «n.lle on .ml..lia,} lie >> ra-papeis. Une oajiiiii citi^un.i is ... ill WH «if Silpleraralug Olli|ii.i> oe rt ra,j.i|n , ra by law, aiiil |iioiii.nti,i>j »um on .u.i.. day piipeiH lui 1^ uciocK on i.i.. nielli ; a Uilltai lau ivuulil aUjipl'eaS öilo-tliiy p.ipei ra, lull IIO Wo.lltl iiiaKe l.'n u. «leceui ; u Ittel iiodlrat «ioesn'L See all., iiai in in buudity paper», aiiu vvoui., .iliotv »oik lor AI outlay'« paper lu lie^m .il ? o'i-iocK £>iiii«la> lilgnl ; au epiaco j'.i.iiau was Hut able to say wiieiiier lie .i.uiiil sa+niiess the £>uiitl.t> or (tie Aiou-«I..J p.ipei ; anotlier (uiuhs lue äu.i.iaj

.(.el Is <1 question ill caslliratiy Ul i. e til IKIl tie llira^osed lit III it le» llllt n,

• il.- liait il (Inzell Udlers, luipi.afra, «-alholies ami aieilloiliäts, are liieiiui-u

IlCM the »illl.iay pap« I, ll «lect in

.ilch he inetil collllliy fi lle», (if win le ili'iiiaiiili | | if In- had seen the animal ; lie man answered lie had ti"t. " Have

> ou any thieves «limit here?" inquired Quin. " No," answered I lie yokel with i jrriii, "but i here's it Mr. Quin, a player

• II mi Loiidnu, a limit here; p'rapft lie' .lole it." III Iiis last illness the doctors vere ilis(*i|ssintr how tliey could raise a

sweat upon liiui as the only means of -ivinfî his life. "Only send in your •ills and it's done," lie said. He was

niudi, coarse, caustic, hut lie had a „'ooil heart. When Geortre Anne Bel-iitiy, whom lie had treated with little eiemony until he perceived lier talents, vas Brsi upon the stajje, he addressed 0 h i - r the following kindly 8pe«-ch ;

M v dear, you are vastly followed, I ii-ar. Do not let tue love tluery, or any • li.-r inducement prevail oil you tocoui-.iit au indiscrétion. Men in jr'-ueralure

1 se.ilra ; if yon want anything in m> uwert.'I,it u)oneyeau purclmse, cmiie

• i me and say, Jam«*« Q tin, jrive IIH I ICI i a tliuitf," and my purse sh ill lie ai

.our service." An oliscure actor had •«•«•ii (lisch.ii>fed, and Q iiu interceded or him, and ara lie was t.yiiiir ill lied one iiorniujr for lack of fond and tire, lutrsr. mo the room, liriiiKiuj/r with him ii sun if flottier, Ot which I lie poor fellow itooil IIIui'ii in need, " Now, Uick, how s it you an- not up and at rehearsal Ï ' it* cried, " Ii's ad riirlit, you can pi • . i c k a j r a i n . " " I d o n ' t k n o w w h a t I iiali d«» for a little money until treas-iry-day," said tll« »clor, as he ilmined s new suit with many ffr-itelul ih inks. Wi'll, I've done all I can said Quin

•infH.i. "as lo nnuiey, you III ist pin • III i 1: 11111 llllo yoiti' OWII pocket f. Ii I.II." ll-' ll el placed a JtllO llote tili n .

1 is tii-sr i u < 111.1. i«-11. m to l'un.u- HI, ih , ut, « i % so i ne iv lia t • as imprisoned for délit, and liaviuj oilcrcij a supper at a iiei^hlioriiij; tav-III, Q i.u sought Iiis room, anil th«*.\ ii.-iil a t ery pleas int evening loffethci . •Vheu iie rose |o d- pirt lie laid a JCI'M)

te upon the faille, wiyiiijf. " I'm .leasiiif I've laid m reading yuiir works ••aiiinu esti mate at less a linn

'ted pounds, anil 1 insist on now ««*-I .itin^ the ileht," and wiiheut waiting .ir it word lie hitiirieil away. As it lia-•t-en lie tore i«aid, his last aptieareiice vas for the In tiefit of Iiyau. fun actot niieiieil a similar favor lor the nexi car, to which Q lin replied. "I would I i v foi yutt if I could, liut 1 will not wlijs-I* Fidsktff for you. 1 have willed you

£l,UuO, II you wain mom-.\ von m iy have i, mil save my executors trouble."

witli a liijjii oriler of talent, lie uiliteil totbiw.tlie rip -st H.-iiol II-H1Ii|I. SO tiiat in matters of great­est iiiiii 'irlanee wili-i tier in cliiireli or state, .IK .in.lament w is .-.on.uiit mill Iiis opinioiiB usually t'oi.owed lint it as as a cliristinn, that tin-leeeiiHiil wsiti trill « irreat. Sound in doetrine.

e .userviitive in Iiis priiieipleH, and unstinted in lis cluir ties, eomi Ineil with a character un­tarnished lie was H model to the etcrsy and laity of his dine«'«.., in everything that goes to form the highest type of a true Christian gen-. leinen.

l.esol ved. That ill the death of Bishop Wilmer, our diocèse lias suffered an irreparable Ions, especially the parishes in the rural districts which ever found in him a sympathizing friend Though well advanced in years, he spared him­self no labor or sacrifice, that he might minis­ter to the wants of the weakest of his parishes.

Kesolved. That the clergy egpesially have lost, in the death of Bishop Wiliuer, a sincer«-frieud, one wh • was to them a true father in God; sympathizing with them in all their trials, anil ever ready to share with them his o vu p i va te means when the missionary funds of the diocese failed. With them he will need no other monument to per -etuate his menory. than the impression which his noblo character • ins left upon their hearts.

Kesolve i, I'll at as a citizen the death of Bishop Wiliuer, is a orilaniiti/. th t is,felt by every true friend of our State. Being fully identified will, ns in symp itiiy and Interest, his hi,'ii social iiosltlon mid wise iiiilgment, eoinhined witl •rreat moral worth in vie Ui'B a power for good m our commonwealth.

Resolved, That tnese Resolutions be published u our parish papers, and that a eopy signed by

i lie iiffi 'i iting clergymen present anil the m.'iii-licrs of the vestry of the two parishes, be scut io the bereaved consort of tile deceased, with an expression of our sympathy with her in her ,'reat loss, K. J. MAYKR,


Bi^4ilrir Opelausns Packet, LEA V13 tV'ASUIN'iiTO.N' EVERY SATURDAY


Port Barre, Simmsport, Churchville, and al! landings of the coast Atehafalaya and ayou Cotirtablcau. The very l.ight iWPw» iv Passenger

Drnft Steamer

Y A Z O O : WM. CRAWFORD, Master J. B. SCHMIDT, c:crk.

Freight as reasonab'e as any boat in the trade. For freight or passage apply on board or to

F. L. FITRE, General Agent, JOS. CIIENIER, Agent at Washington, C. MAYO, Agent at Opelousas.

I'. S.—Connects clinch- with boats for Bayiu Des Glaize and barges for Bayou Bœuf.

Dec. 28—t f


pFeiiTc^i". ™


No. .


By virtue of an order of the honorable Pro­bate Court, of the Parish of St. Lamlrv, tlier-will lie sold at public auction, to the* highest bidder by the undersigne i ex-offlcio auctïoiieer, at the last residence of deceased in Old Grand Prairie parish ot St. Lnudrv.ou WEDNESDAY. February 5th, 1879, the following described property, belonging to the estate of Hyacinthe Desliotel. deceased, iu community with her surviving husband Dainie'. Guillory, to-wit :

1st. A certain plantation situated in that part of the parish of sr. Landry known as Grand I rair e, measuring one hundred and forty arpents more or less, bounded on the north liy Bayou Crocodile, south liy Jactpics C. Laüeur. east by Bavou Crocodile and west bv widow Joseph Deshotels, together with all the build­ings and improvements thereon.

I'erins and Conditions.—The land together with the buildings and improvements, to tie sold on a credit of one and two years, purchas­ers to furnish their notes with good anil solv. nt security, with£ight per cent per annum inter­est trom maturity, payable to the administra­tor or order, special mortgage and veil tors lieu and privilege to be retained on property until filial payment, and the cl tuse de n.n uliendn specially reserved to vendor and in case of suit to enforce payment, the said purchasers to pay ten per cent attorney» fees, on the amount of purchase price.

C. C. DUSON. jan 4-5t Sheriff and Ex-Otlicio Auctioneer.

hint of .furors. STATE OF LOUISIANA, T

Parish of St. Landry. J Be it known that we tlie undersigned mom-

bers ol t ne jury cniiimi.ssioii, did on the 13th ila\ oi >o\ ember A J>. lH^s. meet al theC el k's otHc'e m the town ot Ope oiisiiM, parish of St. Landry, foi the purpose m drawitigajiiry for tlic special term of the Distncl Court ot the 8th Judicial District parish St. Landry, under nee. 5, act « ,« tin- r.'^iil,irst*s8ioii ;;in«l ; tn tliciiifiuherti heilig Pit sent, 1>. I 'lino in presence of the others, drew el','. ', ' A','"? !'"*• i l t •' time, the f n ,, i i .T1,1 '" rtr t^ Persons to compose

the grand anil petit jurors, for the first week ol " ' uiniencing Monday the 13th dav

D., 1879, ii lint of whom ws lit-lit by ti



Carrriil V. 8. 9l«il«i


H. H. BROAD, Master THEO. JOBIK , Clerk I-eaves New Orleans every Tueiduy 8 i*. M. Loaves Waehington every Saturday 1» A. M.


M I N N I E ,

leaves Washington excry Wednesday «A. M., connecting at Red River Landing with steamer Nat hez.

Steamer Minnie will carry mail and pasee* gers only. May 11-tf

said Court, of January then und tliei V.'V" J.1"'1 '; '•>' fl"' « l« rk of Court.

Chachere; and in our judgment a jnr.i liemg I'tMpmed for the second and third week of the term we then and there proceeded ihirtv'i lUiti'1- ' i " lst , if '-v J , , '""r». "J draw Uni t\ «t luitioiial ii ;iiiit*p to HITV • a s lietit iurors tor the second week, at. l thirty additional !e. ..^ ., ll. . ' asJ"r''r« for the third week of the term of said Court

And we the Clerk

Always Beady! NEVER TIRED t !

The public and my friends are respectfully Informed that I have opened a Grocery Store ou Landry street, opposite L. Skinner's guu-smith shop Call and Judge of everything fer yourselves. Cheap for Cash.

Jan. 12—tf J. LA8ALLE.


1 have removed the Opelousas Drug Store t* the corner of Main and Bellevue streets, the stand lately occupied by C. Koos.

Hereafter the business of the OpeJousas Drug

basil iiulthrZ \»!.»;« Vf;k afMl (, ,V ,nil if t8irtn did then ^tore will be conducted strictly on a Ca«h .uni inert, pituo rfur liaun^ drawn as af«»m«ald 1 n \r A A

&Tîa?ariR&a SÄ-SÄ« : -» «ÄÄ Which sVi.renv!.h!.'.' '-V Wel"e Wim it saia cn\elup«*M, coniainm^ .sjiid nanu'H

Piaced by us in a juiy box purpiwe, wiiieh afterdepoe tin*:

aforesaid, was sealed provided forthi aid names therein'

Proceedings of the Police Jury.

iiow Some Xeu York Ladies. Dress.

I Letter iu Troy Press. 1 A carriiijf** Kuniicuf of bhick s itin re-

•«•iitl.V Worn .liy Mm. Hilton, wife of the x juiljf«-, in in polniiMi liavinj;

xiii iM^si'iiiMiteii.i lit iii ilt»tin tii»* neu m s, .ol tninnicil until nil tile lower ni;;«' •vit.ii in .ivy tufteil fringe in wliidi hair» II >ni )H*iic«H*kV iilmiiiijrt' tipiieur with • i ri- if «ft-iit i tfet-t.

A sup'*rli tli«'«.s m ule by Worth for Mine A.stor t s of white »ahn und brirarir »ilk. 1 tic cm siijfe of »utiti IM in liuitqiie »hupe,

OrKLODSAS, December 18TK.

The Police Jury met p'irsii Tut to.i.Uournui.-Tesent ; 1{ H. Litte'l, Pe^ideir; V O'lidrt, ; I-. H.I Willis, B. Dilti in-iiii, -, Haas, H. J. .iiiliu.-y, K. sa oy and It K. i'lark

l'ae minutes of the last meeting were rea.' nul approved.

Pile President appointed Messrs Dubuisson, 'I iiis, Hawkins and Clarlt a cii.inuitttie to ex­amine the vouchers in the hands of the. Parish I'reasurer, for monies in- ui.ii ; whereupon .vir pitiuissou reported tliat t.iey had exam­ined and counted the . one miw oresented b> the Parish Treasurer, a u" il i ug !'f tun thou­sand two hundred and twe tr ii |1(KI dollars (tO.îiO 63.» willen am • l it <- i -|VS:> >:i.l.-,d with the entries on Iiis boons and .ie m >ve.l that the vouchers be. eaucedetl. and t.i-it th« Treas'irev

i ave a credit for that auriunt o:i his books; •arried.

On motion of Mr Savoy, Resolved, that the Po|i«îe Jury do now a.ljoiin sine die.

K H. LITfKLL, President. Attest: C. MA vu, Clerk'.

Pine Island, Guano, FOR 8UOAR CVN'K AND ALL QUICK-



For Cotton


The best fertilizer.^ in usi*. and prepared with •Teat care for the Southern market.



Early Amber Sugar Cane Seed,

CROP 1878,

-—Fresh from the—

Kenney & Miller Farm.

For sale by

mi<3is \v. novTGdiieRv, 160 Common Street, New Orleans, Sole Asent

for tue Sont h west. De« 28-6ui

Proceeding!« ol tbe Police Jury.

ni.! i»pi-t*i.ililt-, fail «io intit'.i liooit, j i"'iiitejl buck and fr<!t)f, with h«art-1 n.-tiici st-enis to tu-tiiui tin- iiuehiiiiiift i s f'e tiefk and triiiinied around the

• ! ut'«'k and down the front wish crv»tul jiiopuiin.leil o> Hie Ufw.s|i.ipcr »»ere m> liiintiiipliiy apiuif.tlile to every-da> iill.uii>, anil ru> reiiiovi «• from " Hie rt-giou m eXiiltril »t'iKiiueiit,1' a.s to tak«s som«-ot tue ill.lilrifers liy uurprine. Al my *o; Hie replies have cleaily tieeii ma«!«* with­out tuiifli n-Uection, and tlifie io thus a »insular fonluwion.

Dogs as S in ujf filers.

DOJM have acrvt-d in many capacities i for good or for evil. It. i* well known

jet. The «leeves are lonjf. The front of the »kil t is composed of white bro­cade woven in large roses and leaven, und at the back a court train of satin full». The lower edge of the front lireadth is tiuished with loopings of satin ;|iid fringe.

An extraordinary rieh anil effective toilette ordered for Mrs. William H. Vanderbilt is made of crimson satin, united _ with rich brocade, of which irownisthe prevailing color. Auother

that they can be taught, to »teal, and be ' recently completed for her only ieome thorough adepts at the nefarious |tirt.. lîtit tiaiuiug a dog to aid iu NUIUST-tgliiig is sin idea whieh origin iteil with a f family of laee-mukets in Belifinm. Tiiev III ol a yoii'ig inil intelligent po-nlle liosr |w hii-li they tiitiui'd to ha ve a tli'u-outrli |det« station of custom house ofliei ils. I rhe.v dr* ssed up s tille one in that niii-|t"tui, who, al vays in it ml ki.-kinif I'h" 'Jog w.leiii*ver lie enteret] llle house, |ui 't ill treating him in every wu.v, in-

«11« d, very naturally, poor Moiiton's liiiiMiiosity. t I'lis li ait g lin» I r's -y preoued a li-M'jrrr |M Mill }f skiti lor M or; fou thiii! the ioiit iie, an I, after winding several

•meters «if v.ihi jM,. I ,,.,. ||jH hod v, «si-util the poodle skin neatly and elever-BV «.ver it all. Aw iy -.Went tIi • master •m .is ,|.iy. m l s i eded iu pissing

S'.i' r rein-.i frontier. The m-tti. it is true h as i xamin. «} ; the <| ur rtn .iff Irom Hie RI o|ii«' m nuifoi ni is soon as he esnied p m. «I« «.iiHiuiitf as hist as his le^eould t-.-iiii imii. R.'sriiniiiirèis master, they j eaclinl ;i h reiteh town, where the lae'e Mas not only mihi at a gntitl profit, but I it oilier was triven for a tarifer suIMIIV

unmarried daughter, is made of Nile green »atin and pompadour »ilk, show­ing u beautiful floral pattern of ground-vork of green, »iiiiilar to the SR};» Tins is made with basque and long sleeves. Second toilette, devised for he_ sain n young lady, is of pale pink

sann, combined with more of the same shade, trimmed richily with Mechlin lace. This is a low neck, with short sleeves. .

They tell a story of the New Hamp­shire campaign to the effect that a well-known young lawyer had got so far along in his speech as to sav that. " if the greenback craze prevailed, the coun­try would—would"—where lie struck and paused for the word. Thereupon some rude fellow in the rear shouted out. " Would—iu Ilea ven's name, what ?" Tin* speaker by time h id recover­ed his balance, ami quietly remarked ; " If the gentleman will call around t«i the hotel after lite meeting is over 1 will confidentially inform him."

A Washington » of the lOfli to

• , ,, i ne us soon as the committee is e ill...! [ L) ™:V! ,i t iAT,I7?AT"'x MKBTINO- : Judge Eliini »ays it will pass the ho usé J L> . Von feel Miiv this iiiorniiie. dear?"! _ »»«si. I ltd a th.Mightfnl Wife to Iter husband T~~. last Stiiidav Sole f No!" lie Raid,!.. F.-ll.iTv-citiz..ns." said a North Cam-•"«TI V* W»at would make tili* soref " I , im «"'"«'"'ate, " there are three topics

Why, you lulled down two pairs <tf i 1:1 f l , , ,w agitate the State—greenliacks, fairs last niglti, when you came home i ;11"' Î1"' l»«*nifentiary. I shall pass linn the ratification meeting, ami i had ovpr ">•* tust two very briefly, as my

II get Jaineii to help tne carry -von un 1 sentiments are well known, and come to thoiiglrt 3'»:: fi-Ji, h«m>'. tti ivbe." "Rtsli t!u ' l'eiiiteiitiary, where I shall dwell for f blood to the he td," he said. *' I'll 8on"* time.' b and get some tnedicine right away. | teforp feat abitofbreakfast. I'm glad An aristocratic papa of Jî^ton, on «ou told nie, Catherine." : Wing requested by a rirli anil vnlirar ; t».» n...i. lu«» i* i T. . ' yontig fellow for permission to " marry ÏÏ J JoiieaVn T t'T ^"t one or ills gills," gave this rafli-r crnsh-o-il tar ttlii<l,vl ' '\ 'i l ,ot ,el , lv : "Certainly; which would

[ver hi»'lHK|y,ClbuMnto'^ his e^es"1 Hii y°U ^*r ' ̂ fght was entirely destroyed. ' i " " Ther». is n n>»» T.. \\T—T^" . . ! A. J. Burks, a white man, of Amherst.

Inwt. powerful in the connta-v'n"un Vr*; , , :>K Iveeti Hnetl one hundred dollars , . . .

[es a horse ecar of l»U cheek.' Car" ! »"nlS" tm °Ue year for marryiuy I y Wa8wD?ton_i^yy

OrtLousA«, December 2d, 1878.

C. Mayo,,ik of Îlîc Police Jury called the roll, when the following inem'iers Ware {.Htsent : .1. J. Xhoni], Albert tiuidrv. Dupreville Bleche, G. T. Hawkins. E. Dubuisson, 8am. Haas. Louis Yoiinx. T. «'. CliaclierB and B. ti. Clark—all members bein^r prenent.

The Poli«-e Jury then procectletl to oreanize by electing by acclamation Albert Guidry as President.

On motion «f Mr Hau«, W. A. Robertson was nominated f«ir Treasurer.

On motion of Mr. Mcche, Resolved, that a committee lie appointed to examine the Tresis urer's books aad report on the same at the next meeting ami that the election of Treasurer be (letered until that time.

On motion of Mr. Havrkius. Resolved, that the. motion of Mr. Meclie be laid on the table.

Vol HI if aye—Messrs. Hawkins. Iiaas, Clark. Duhuissim, Chachere anil Thompson.

yoting nay—Messrs. Meclie and younsr. Mr. Haa-i'motion wascalied, whereupon there

iieinc no other nomination for Treasurer, W. A. Robertson was elected by acclamation.

Mr. Clark nominated P. J. I.efcbvre forClerk. Mr. Mcche nominated C. C. Hwayzee. Ou motion of Mr. Clark, Resolved, that the

voting be by ballot. The Presulont appointed Messrs. Dnbuisson

and Clark tellers, wien Mr. I-efebvre received rive (5) votes and Mr. Swayzee received three (3) votes, whereupon the President announced Mr. Lefebvre duly elected Clerk of the Police Jnry.

On motion of Mr. Young. Dr. W. M. Thompson was nominated as Parish Physician—there be­ing no other nomination—Dr. Thompson was elected by acclamation.

On motion of Miy Chachpre, Resolved, thut the office ol pttri^h Aijuitop be «ml is hereby abolished.

On motion of Mr. Haas,,Resolvea, that the pvtîîosition of C. C. Duson, sheriff, to serve all official notices required by the Police Jury, for t he sum of $150 GO, one hundred and fifty dol­lars per annum, be .and is hereby accepted.

On motion of Mr. Dubuisson, Resolved, that the Sheriff is authorized to purchase for the use of the Courthouse three hogsheads of coal.

On motion of Mr. Haas."Resolved, that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to publish a notice calling upon all persons holding parish warrants, certificates of indebtedness or certi­ficates issued by the Clerk of the District Court to witnesses in criminal eases or jurors, to pre­sent the same at his office on or before the 1st. day of February. 1879, to l>e registered ; and after said date all evidences of parish indebt­edness, which shall not have been presented as above required shall be null and void.

On motion of Mr. Haas, ResoIVed, that ,T. J. Thompson, I. E. I.ittell, P. J. la*febvre and C. Mayo, lie appointed a committee to ascertain and report at the next "meeting of trim Jury, the present Indebtedness of the parish of St. Uindry.

Ou motion of Mr. Dubuisson, Resolved, thai the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notifv rlie publishers of the several papers published

"in the parish of St. Landry, that scaled bids shall be received liy tile Police Jury, at its next meeting, 2d Monday of .lauuary, 1879 fur the eon tract for publishing the proceedings of the Po'ice .Jury, ordinances mid other notices re­quired by law to be paid by the parish.

The I'olice Jury as a committee of the whole proceeded to examine tue claims unpaid and on file against the parish, when the followiuj claims were approved :î C i-' Burr guarding convicts $ iß 00 E S Andrns •• 36 00 Bloch it Isaac, sundries fof convicts .. ... 23 25 Emile Lafieur juror on inqui st 4 30

On motion the Police Jury a<\jourue.î until Monday, January 13th. IS72.

AUÏËKT OUTDRY, President. Atte*»: P. 3. LKKI.KVCK, Clerk.

Better than Cotton ! I want a partner to go into the hog raising

l'usines* in t he best rau^.- ; wn|

.......n.iauoino and land to cultivate "free." situated five unies from Ville flatte. I will fur­nish the stack hogs lo commence with, and give • •ne half or the increase for at ten ling to them. 1 wish to enter into a contract as above for live oi teni ears ; none need to apply unless person­ally known to me, or come well reco i.mended lor • honesty and industry." There, is big iiioney in it. and I m an business. Appl v at once to llle near \ llle Platte. J. J. IIICKS

Dec. 28-tf.



No. 4039.


By virtue of an order of the Hon. the Probate Court, of the parish of St. Landry, there will he •told at public auction, to the highest bidder, by 'lie undersigned administrator, or any duly planned auctioneer, at the last residence of the let-eased, near Grand Coteau, parish of St. Landry, on WEDNESDAY, January 15th, 1879. the following described property belonging to the estate of Achille Savoie deceased, to-wit:

11. Sixty arpents of prairie land, near Grand coteau, bounded west by land of Eliza Prejean, north by east by south by

2d. Seven and a half arpenta of woodland, near Grand Coteau, bounded east hy Eliza Prejean, south hy land of Mrs. Petetin, north and west by

b. 627 pannels of cypress pieux, three old 'louses, cypress boards and panks, carpenters tools, one shot gun, one ox cart, one set of •vheels, one hundred oak post, about two thou-iaud pounds of cotton in the seed, about two iiindred and forty barrels of corn, about fifteen head of cattle, four head of horses, one creole mule, household furniture, kitchen utenstles .uni farming implements and other articles too numerous to mention.

Terms and Conditions.—All the moveables payable in cash and the immoveables payable n three equal and annual installments from

.lay of sale ; purchasers on credit to furnish their notes with good personal security to tile satisfaction of the administrator, the notes to bear eight per cent per centum annual interest trom maturity ; the land -d property to remain sp cially mortgaged iu favor of the estate and vendors privilege to be retained thereon until full payment of Hie price thereof and the in­terest which may accrue.

. CYPRIEN H. SAVOIE, Dec. 14-3t-ede Administrator.

Oakland Saw Jftilt,

,, W1,ssra,e„, OPPOSITE WASHINGTON, LA. the Clerk of thé (.'oui t,11 for' use^at'the^'next ' 1 have on hand a choice lot of AtchafaUr» term of Court. c cut next , cypress lumber for sale, and am preMrid tî T IUT R IT- RR, ,V-R> I •' , l t 'J all orders for lumber at the low«Mt ratM

CiK vNn AND PETIT JURORS pott THE I fu,<} a ' notice, On bills over AM feat toilage paid by mill. n. R. WALKKH SPECIAL TERM OF JANUARY 13th, 1879.

F1K8T WEEK. H N Odun Artenion Soile.iu Geo Do. kin

Jan. 19-31U

Edmond Norman I. B Sandoz Honore Fuscllier Ge i Malvenu Francois Rideau

Armas Zermgue F C Devidier W R Goehran Michel Prud'homme Godfrois Dupre Sylvese Pit re Engethe Miller

b raiKMiiR Ruleau j u Orretro ir Theophile B Fontenot Carl Wolff [t L^ l l 'î(:.1 Alex D,-ville

Tre spas vers, Take .Votier ! All persons are warned not to hunt, shoot, or

otherwise trespass on thoCiimp Hamilton plan­tation jiiKt east of Opelo isas.

dec. 2s-tf. T. M U.I ,ER ANDERSON.



F. MUNZSSHSIMEE'S, Main Street, Opelousas.

Holiday Good:




By virtue of an order of tne honorable Par­ish Court, of the Parish of St. Landry, there •vi 11 be sold at public auction, to the highest udder, by the undersigned ex-offlcio auctionee«-. it the last resideuce of deceasoil, Pliw. B; nice, in the parish of St. Landry, on TUICHDAY. lauuary 7th, 1879, the following described prop­erty, belonging to the estate of William Lyons, deceased, to-wit : *

1st. Three liundrô.' •• j ,.. . ... , t a » a — - . . n d t h i r t y - e i g h t a c r e s o f

m all the bu Illings and improvements thereon, bounded on the north by Taylor and Daniel Lyons, east by Wikoff Bayou, south b,\ -. R. Lyons, west by H. L. Garland and school

section. 2d. Two hundred and fiftv acres of land,

bounded on the north by Blackwell, east In Offutt Lyons, south by same, west by Bayou Plaqueniiue Brulee.

3d. Two htm ired and fifty acres more or less of Swamp land, situated ou Bavou Queue Tortue being a part ol the old Lyons claim.

Terms and Conditions.—All the land for cash, except that upon which the improvements are seated and which was the last residence of the deceased; this to be sold one-third for cash and the balance of the pu relias" price in two equal and annual Installments from the day of sale. The purchaser for the credit porttoii fo t'uruish his promissory notes with good solvent personal security to the satisfaction of the testamentary executors and made payable to their order. The notes to bear eight per cent annual interest, from maturity and the land to remain specially mortgaged and the «endors privilege to lie retained thereon uutil payment ol the price and the interest which may accrue thereon. C. C. DCSOX.

dee 7- St Sheriff and Ex-Ofllclti Auctioneer.

FI Skipwith R I C Bull Aleee Marks Pierre Beaudoin Willie E Dcluach Ho irere Bourgeois Theophile Tesson T L Scott Alfred Lazaro Asa H.iufnower Philip Stephens K Sumter Taylor F II Kimball Lucien Guillory L C Sjiyi-er

llle P T Black shear J I. Guilbeau G W Lötz D p Lafleur J D Andrus Paulin Andrepont John Lindon Jr Dupre Richard F M Crcsweil Edmond Darby Aleee Dupre John P Fruger A leide L Bertrand Ben) Dejean W C Teal


Aladin Leblanc Win j Offutt Landry Soileau Victor Latasto r> PC Hill W f Brooks B M Andrus Olin Vidrino Andre Lalonde jr Manassah II Caily Land Minims Leaudc Vidrlne Angelas Lcjeuno Stephen Stewart Oneziiue Savant Otis Collius

Léonce F Lastrapeg Ouille LafliMir L (iodchaiix Cefave Ö Fontenot Amhroise Landry •Erard Leraelle Andre Lastrape« t* ni i le Peîffikorn John Col Ii pan Kzekel Mixer Andre D Meche Heverly Morgan Monroe Hi«jgiuhotham L K Belonee

Henry Ward Beecher,


At Home During the SleaeoK,


Ttrm^Cnii ia Airmm*,. Apply ta the proprietor, febMtf JONE« P. SMITH, fe" K ' l t Bélier««.

JV(U«N, Still continue« the Undertaker'« tiuim««« im

wtty *-u

P*inte»aux-I^i$pa Spring». This pleasant and popular waterinr nine« ia

now opened far the season of 1878 thei»-piinements made and being made by the new L??f . J ? contributed equally to the

It an^.enJ°ynient of invalids and pleasure ' Ä2' d '®ereut mineral


Jn Pr R Pontenot J h Lemelle Louis R Deputy Alex Lejeuue Louis Fontenot Wilson Lemon Tliilesphone Amy Jean KJean Achille D Ardoin Valentine Savoie Hilde vert Desliotel L C Hornshy VIfred Dupre Théophile Martel riicodoi'e Lafleur W F Davi

JOS B YONNE Hyp Andrepont jr W W Dn.son W Ii Smith Qnile B Gnillory Samuel Peters John \V Speara Wm Israel A ndre Me<*he Kdmond F Richard Isaac Keller H.nnere Kiehard C A l^efloiix Hendei'Mon Park«

am r . **"ti**i.i «»»ii Iu witness whereof, we hereunto

signatures this Mtli d;.v of November i J. LEl-'EHVRK. I

x oar 1878,

Î>I MEL DURIO C. M WO. JOHN i Comiuissioners.




By virtue of a writ of fieri fariag issued ont of the honorable Parish Court, in for the Parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled suit, and to me directed, I will proceed to seh at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Cunrthouseof said parish, lu the toWh of Ope-lousas. on SATURDAY, -the 28th day of Decem-lier. 1878, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following des­cribed property, to-wit:

One sorrel American horse. Terms—Ca» U.

November 16

«8. 1 I.VMES O. CIIACIIERE, Clerk,

Police !

A special term of the District Court, in and fill' tile 1 at- Sil or St. Landry, will be held, b« --lntiing on tue 13th day of January, 1879, b lug the second Monday of s iid uioiitli, for the trial

'.''itniinil ami civil as may lie Iu ought before HUH! Court. Nov 16 JAJI£;j u- CHACHERE. Clerk,


Il E P A I R E D .

Bltîh's ReXsi7ence!abUSUmeBt> °PP°alte

Main Street, Opelousas, InneH-i v "• MORJ^HINVEO.

tlemen, and three for laditts. The' main dormi* uished*8 Ther«e«rW?/nR fully fur-uwneu. There are three new building«, witk tw«i loom» each, with bedstead, mattre«« and seats, .o rent to parties desiring to board tkem-

!" ?re '.en other rooms to rent. The «•tel is amply furnished, aud the table will >« TJlia h tW/ TI" £,J8 r<*9uiremenu of a fln« class hotel. The medicinal qualiti«* of tbe spring« «re already famous, iron uVgefr dominating iu one of them. ""*»'7 9™-

-iuoTiS', "Iiis,*4

•lÄESifat*« ÄWÄTJÄTft

V? trusts that his enterprise wiU suitably acknowledged.

June l.t-3m O. MILLER, Proprietor.

Mouse Painting


, J0® undersigned respectfully iaforau kit riends and the publie generally, that he ia al­

ways prepared to do house-painting, paper. 'ii4"0 '»*1 promptness and at mo lerate

. He solicits a share of the publie patroa-.ige. Work done on twelve mouths' credit by •ipeciHl contract. Orders left at the JOCKXAI iffico will be attended to. ^ „ JACOB CUMMIKGS. Opelousas. March 31st. 1877-tf

rjiiiE sum mi'TiiAL VIBE INSVB«


in^the South °! ' ,e8t aai1 ataunclle»t Cotupaalee

,a"ni"m8ugM House«, Oin Hon»«*, Store« Katii 1 at thö Lowe* t C®>wtry

JAMES I. DAY, President, H. CARPENTER, See'y.

WILLIS PRESCOTT. Agent, Washington, La.



The Npw Pn T7"<3I-»*TT ! In Louisiana that haa "W XI C w -OcfcijLfc/X y • "l'ipiieil with the act of the Legislature ia-

•» I trod need aud sustained by the St. Laudri


C O N R A D B R A N D .

Fresh Bread anil Cakes always en baud


Lunches. Bellevue street, opposite Sol. Is-,ice's Opelousas.

WTj-"uutry storea aud country people take special notice. ' Nov.Mm


Just Arrived and Coming.


Dec. 14—tf

Liait Let ter*

Remaining iu the Post Office at Opelousas, La.. December 1st, 1878, ami if not taken out before January 1st, 1879. will be sent to the Dead letter Office at Washington D. C.

Barton Frank Barlier Frank Booty Ijtranco Bera*gh Elijah Crcsweil mrs Lizzie Deajaou Wilsonne Egland Charles For lu Joe. (col) Ford Andy Gnillèry Martin Handy miss Sailor

I.ispsay A Ö Myers miss Y Ormer misa Emmer Posie inr Kas'oerry A Reick mrs Themme Simon Alexander Schmidt Arthur Shoting miss Riner Hmith T Leeroy Soionion Iaak Thompson Walker E






By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the honorable Parish Court, in and for tlie parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled suit, and to me directed, I will proceed to sell at publie auction, to the highest bidder, at the Courthouse of said parish, in the town of Ope­lousas, on SATURDAY, the 15th day of Feb-uary. I87'I. at It o'clock A. M., the following des­cribed property, to-wit :

K A certain piece of prairie and woodland, situated iu Maliet, in the parish of St. Landry, eontaining one hundred acres, bounded north by lands of estate of Francois Simien, south by lands of John Mils'cad. east bv Jacques Chariot west by lands of Sypliroveu Boudreaux.

2. A certain pice of prairie laud on Plaque-mine Ridge, containing 80 acres more or bouuded north by Marie Julie Dal"'- „„.w"?': Tom Bihni, east by Last^ rltr-"ami went hi Syphroyen Bou'.'.^anT ancl we8t bj

'r ^certain piece of prairie land on Plaqno-rftitie Ridge, containing 74 acres more or lese, bounded north by lands of Francois Joubert, south by Jos. Olivier, east by lands of John Boudrcaux, west by lands unknown.


dec 14 C. C. DUSON,

Sheriff of the Parish of St. Landry.




By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued out of the honorable Parish Court, in and for the Parish of St. Landry, in the above en­titled suit, and to me directed, I will proceed to sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, at nie Court House of said parish, in the town of Opelousas. on 8ATURDAY, the 4th day of January, 1879, at 11 o'clock A. M,, the following described property, to-wit:

1» . Two lots situated in the town of Opelou-sa8. bounded north by Jefferson street, south by Franklin street, east by Vino street and west by lands belonging to Elbert Gautt.

2. One lot of grouud situated in the town of Opelousas. bounded south by Vine street, west by railroad, aud oast by lots belonging to Mrs. (irny and being No. 32 and 93 of procès verbal or sale of estate of Charles Thompson, deceased.

T"ruis To IKS soldon acroilitof twelve months, purchasers fumighing bond and security ac­cording to law, and paying all coats and taxes in cash.

dec 14 ^ _ C. C. DUSON. Sheriff ef the Parish of St. Landrv,

For Sale.

i liberal terms his

Jan i 01. C. C. DUSOV. Sheriff of the Parish of St. Landry.



No. .


Whereas, Mathilde Pitre, of the parish of St. Landry ha « applied by her peti­tion V« be appointed administratrix of the estate of Oniîe Lejeune deceased late of the pariah of St. Landry.

Therefore, any person intending to make op­position to said appointment, will file the game in writing in my office, in the town of Opelousas. within ten dayg from tbe present notice.

JAMES 0. CHACHERE, Clerk. nov 23-hJg

The undersigned will tan yard site^^,,, »«*7Garland's miïl."on"'Lake

.vjjuri», together with 50 or more acres of laud. Al! buiî lings iu good order ; tan bark in abundance;,.»good liog range. Apply at this ofhee or to the undersigned on the premises.

Oct. 26-1 m ONIL FOREST.



Hasopeneda BLACKSMITH SHOP about one u .î «fï m 0p,! ,*?! ,3a? 'at the corner of TaVoi-s lane and the Bellevue road leading by- Theo K?anrf'w n Jhere fwkln hUliue will be prompt-y# S done at rates. fen ß-ly.

Rudolphe Bodmulter's HAIB CTUrXIKG HAUt CrtTTTINO



BelleTtte Street,



.Votire The Public Cemetery east of Opelouaaa is

under the charge of the Board of Po ice of this town. All persons are hereby warned not te trespass upon the grounds, under penalty ol a criminal prosecution.

President Board Police Towii of^^ousaa Due. 1-tf

School Books. Teachers of Public Schools can now be au

plied with books, at publisher's prices, bv a plying to the Btore of the President of tl Parish School Board.

0tt- 20 CHARLE8 N. EALER.

St. Landry Tin Shop,



Main Street,


t\orkdonein Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron and Prices moderate. Good bargain»-

tan be had, by applying, as above, to march 3-tf «WBPH 8EBJULLE.

Tne Largest, Oldest and Best FIFTY-TWO PAGKS—MOKTHLT.


Bee Journal. $1.50ayear; Sample Copy, lOe.

THOMAS Ci NEWMAN & SON. 9(2 aud 'J74 West Madison St., Chicago.

I fan ted 2(KX) barrels of corn at 71 cent« at per barrel.

200 tons of cotton seed per too delivered on Popular (Jrove plantation, 5 miles east of upelouwig. payable in sugar and molasses, at the lowest market rates.

For further particulars apply to the under­signed or <m the above named plantation.

Nov. 2:1-tf JOS. BLOrH.

JFor Safe or Rent. That tine cotton plantation, tho property of

Wm. 8. Donm-ll, Esq , situated on Bayou Bœuf ten miles above -Washington, containing 400 acres open land, all under a new plank fence, cabbins, corn crilw. dwelling house, new gin house, .'nruished with an 81 saw gtand, steam engine, press and corn mill, all of the most improved pattern.

Apply to M. D. KAVANAGH, Btpt 28-tf wa#iiiû4£toB, la.

!^ l l ir i"f R, Reserve*Fund" toTëwî Policy ffolder. Tills ( oimxtny ktts pakl tm IImi Pamihe8 of Policy Holders ever

I3ÏS.OM during the paat eight year*.

SAMUEL M. TODD, President. ROBT. W. OGDEN. Vice President, ANDREW PATTON, ad Vice Prwlde«», WM. HENDERSON, Secretary,

WILLIS PRESCOTT. Agent, Washington, La. feb »-tf

W. W. CLARK President Secretary and TreMurM

J. w. >okri8

DIEBOLD Safe and Lock Co.,




Breach «flee, 9» Caaal St.,

feb 36-tf A. BOT, A seat.,

New Orleans, La.

//. Spiro,







We. ft Srarier fttteet.

New Orieasa, L*.

Represented by ELIAS AARONS. Juue a-iy

Bricks I Bricks 11

F I R S T Q U A L I T Y .

Fer Sale by the I* nndred er Tbaaiaal,




Notice to Taxpayers.

is no™d?loï^.n"^? ̂ of Opeloasa. i 1»^ ror ei.tmir Htiou Hud crr'^rtioi and will remain exhibited for t went r Hofd»« fiom date, at my office, po« office building.

Mav lt-if P. J. LEFEBVRE, iHy l l U Town Aase,SHOT.

»Votice! . J?1* la* Partne-.Bhip heretofore existin* bs-• • G a r i J S y u i d e r a i f f n e d . u n d e r t h e P t y t o f ÄaicoS: ,H,CD tbia d»y