ssf solar electrification projects brochure

Less charity. More impact. We’re employing a business mindset to confront energy poverty. SKILLED SAMARITAN Foundation SOLAR ELECTRIFICATION PROJECTS Shrinking a 300 millionperson challenge down to human scale. With a quarter of India’s population having no access to electricity and millions more with highly unreliable power, the sheer magnitude of the problem is daunting. But we recognize that among such great numbers, there are thousands of villages, schools, and other community institutions that are ready and willing to work hard to obtain clean and abundant solar energy. The Skilled Samaritan Foundation simply seeks them out and brings them into the market using a model that’s specially fit for the job. A powerful concoction of grassroots action and thrifty business thinking. Every school or village has different needs, capabilities, and aspirations. The best energy solutions, then, are just as diverse. From the needs assessment phase all the way through implementation and finally maintenance, monitoring, and evaluation, our team coordinates closely with local leaders at each site to ensure that every project is a uniquely fitted, communitydriven effort. Can we really tackle this massive problem with such a microscale approach? With a veritable army of volunteers and a sizeable revolving fund behind our payment model, we’re willing to bet on it. The Skilled Samaritan Foundation uses a handson approach to provide clean, reliable power to Indian communities by linking technical experts with local leaders. Our expertise is in creating customised PV systems and payment plans that bring solar electricity into the reach of the millions of people who are ready to work for it.

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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  Less  charity.  More  impact.  We’re  employing  a  business  mindset  to  confront  energy  poverty.  







Shrinking  a  300  million-­‐person  challenge  down  to  human  scale.  

With  a  quarter  of  India’s  population  having  no  access  to  electricity  and  millions  more  with  highly  unreliable  power,  the  sheer  magnitude  of  

the  problem  is  daunting.  But  we  recognize  that  among  such  great  numbers,  there  are  thousands  of  villages,  schools,  and  other  community  

institutions  that  are  ready  and  willing  to  work  hard  to  obtain  clean  and  abundant  solar  energy.  The  Skilled  Samaritan  Foundation  simply  

seeks  them  out  and  brings  them  into  the  market  using  a  model  that’s  specially  fit  for  the  job.  

A  powerful  concoction  of  grassroots  action  and  thrifty  business  thinking.  

Every  school  or  village  has  different  needs,  capabilities,  and  aspirations.  The  best  energy  solutions,  then,  are  just  as  diverse.  From  the  

needs  assessment  phase  all  the  way  through  implementation  and  finally  maintenance,  monitoring,  and  evaluation,  our  team  coordinates  

closely  with  local  leaders  at  each  site  to  ensure  that  every  project  is  a  uniquely  fitted,  community-­‐driven  effort.  Can  we  really  tackle  this  

massive  problem  with  such  a  micro-­‐scale  approach?  With  a  veritable  army  of  volunteers  and  a  sizeable  revolving  fund  behind  our  payment  

model,  we’re  willing  to  bet  on  it.    

The  Skilled  Samaritan  Foundation  uses  a  hands-­‐on  approach  to  provide  clean,  reliable  power  to  Indian  communities  by  linking  technical  experts  with  local  leaders.  Our  expertise  is  in  creating  customised  PV  systems  and  payment  plans  that  bring  solar  electricity  into  the  reach  of  the  millions  of  people  who  are  ready  to  work  for  it.    

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70₹/month  for  3  yrs  





The  method:  



 Project  Spotlight:  Sirohi  Village,  Haryana  

366  homes  10W  PV  system   1500+  lives  improved  

500+  tonnes  CO2  emissions  avoided  

A  potential  project  site  is  identified  through  a  variety  of  

networks,  ranging  from  working  with  government  and  

educational  consultants  to  word-­‐of-­‐mouth.  

A  needs  assessment  survey  is  conducted  to  gain  a  

comprehensive  view  of  the  village  or  institution’s  energy  

situation,  aspirations,  and  financial  capabilities.  

A  custom  solar  PV  system  and  payment  plan  is  devised  

to  uniquely  match  energy  need  with  paying  capacity  in  

the  site’s  context.  The  objective  is  often  to  displace  fossil  

fuel  use  at  a  similar  monthly  price.  

The  project  plan  is  implemented.  This  phase  includes  

installing  the  PV  system  and  convening  local  leaders  (or  

school  officials)  to  form  an  Energy  Committee  that  takes  

ownership  of  the  project  and  all  payment  collection.    

Maintenance,  monitoring,  and  project  evaluation  

ensure  that  promises  are  kept  and  responsibilities  met.  

This  way,  we  learn  from  failures  and  celebrate  successes.        

1  village  

We’ve  got  the  basics  down—it’s  time  to  expand.  

After  series  of  successes  and  a  modest  share  of  setbacks  along  the  

way,  we  have  turned  to  making  our  process  more  efficient  and  

replicable.  We  are  currently  partnering  with  SunSaluter,  an  

American  solar  nonprofit,  to  light  up  12  schools  in  Uttar  Pradesh.  

Accelerating  our  impact  at  inner-­‐city  schools.  

From  our  base  in  New  Delhi,  we  see  an  enormous  potential  for  

creating  positive  change  quickly  in  our  own  backyard,  starting  with  

the  many  impoverished  schools  within  the  National  Capital  Region.  

Encouraging  economic  self-­‐sufficiency  with  training  programs.  

We  are  creating  a  vocational  program  for  entrepreneurial  

individuals  to  teach  technical  solar  PV  skills,  ultimately  maintaining  

our  systems  and  empowering  project  communities  economically.  

What’s  next:    

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Magnify  your  positive  impact  on  society.  

We’re  looking  for  corporates  and  individuals  alike  to  join  in  on  our  mission  to  

light  up  northern  India.  As  a  young  organisation  founded  in  2013,  we  are  

proud  of  the  successes  we  have  racked  up  so  far.  At  this  critical  stage  in  our  

growth,  every  dollar  you  donate  or  hour  of  work  you  contribute  can  have  far-­‐

reaching  impacts  on  this  mission.  And  since  we  are  young,  you  will  have  room  

to  be  creative  and  help  shape  our  path  forward!  Take  a  look  at  several  of  our  

opportunities  below,  and  ask  yourself:    “Why  not  me?”  




[email protected]  

+91  8587862557  


Be  a  Skilled  Samaritan.  

DONATE  |  Invest  in  the  future  of  India  by  enlarging  Skilled  Samaritan’s  revolving  fund.  

First  things  first—this  is  not  your  everyday  donation.  Currently,  the  single  factor  that  most  limits  how  quickly  we  can  expand  is  the  size  of  our  

revolving  energy  fund  that  covers  the  upfront  costs  of  each  project.  This  is  microfinance,  not  charity,  so  the  fund  is  constantly  being  refilled  

as  the  interest-­‐free  loans  we  offer  on  our  systems  are  repaid.  Every  dollar  is  recycled  to  fund  countless  projects!  Contact  us  to  learn  more.  

VOLUNTEER  |  Gain  critical  hands-­‐on  career  experience  by  volunteering  in  the  field.  

As  the  both  the  scale  and  number  of  our  projects  increase,  we  are  mobilizing  volunteers  throughout  NCR,  Uttar  Pradesh,  and  Haryana.  We  

are  looking  especially  for  those  knowledgeable  in  energy,  organizing,  finance,  or  marketing.  We  love  to  partner  with  universities  for  credit!  

ADVISE  |  Put  your  expertise  in  energy  or  development  to  use  for  the  greater  good  by  consulting  with  Skilled  Samaritan.  

Do  you  think  you  might  have  special  knowledge  or  access  to  information  that  could  help  advance  our  solar  electrification  projects?  Whether  

you’re  an  educational  professional  with  a  network  of  candidate  schools  for  our  projects,  a  business  professional  with  experience  in  

organisational  planning,  or  a  community  leader  with  deep  understanding  of  working  in  impoverished  communities,  we  need  your  input!