srs virtual medical home

Software Requirements Specification for Virtual Medical Home Version 1.0 approved Prepared by <Author Name(s)> <Organization or University>

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Page 1: SRS Virtual Medical Home

Software Requirements Specificationfor

Virtual Medical Home

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by <Author Name(s)>

<Organization or University>

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Table of contents

1) Introduction………………………………………………………. 31.1. Purpose……………………………………………………………31.2. Scope……………………………………………………………..31.3. Acronyms……………………………………………………….. 31.4. References………………………………………………………..41.5. Document overview……………………………………………..4

2) Overall description………………………………………………. 52.1. Product Perspective…………………………………..................6 2.1.1. Software Interface……………………………………………6 2.1.2. Hardware Interface and Memory Constraints……………..6 2.1.3. Communication Interface…………………………………….62.2. Product Functions……………………………………………….62.3. User Characterstics…………………………………………….. 102.4. Constraints……………………………………………………….102.5. Assumption and Dependencies…………………………………10

3) Specific Requirements…………………………………………….113.1. User case reports…………………………………………………113.2. Supplementry Requirements…………………………….……..11


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1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose:

Virtual Medical Home steps in where doctors and medical facilities are just a dream. It helps connect rural areas, eliminate barriers and provide them medical assistance which is the fundamental right of every human being. It provides live online consultations, medicine prescriptions, 24x7 medical assistance and regular health alerts. It also maintains records of a registered patient’s health history and medical reports.

1.2. Scope:

• Allows various system users to register.• Provides essential medical services online to everyone. It hardly matters

weather the user lives in city or a remotely located village.• Allows user to make online appointments with a doctor, the system

provides first aid tips and information in case of accidents or common diseases.

• The software also advices doctors on medical and treatment options and alternatives.

• Doctors can access the lab reports and medical history of patients (users).• Web conferencing and instant messaging between user and doctor is


1.3. Acronyms:

• J2EE: Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform— part of the Java Platform—for developing and running distributed multitier architecture Java applications, based largely on modular software components running on an application server.

• DB2: DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and cost effective, database platform to build robust on demand business applications.

• WAS: Web sphere application server is an application server that runs business applications and supports the J2EE and web services standards.


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• HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client/server protocol between web browser & a Web Server.

• HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a HTTP over SSL (secure socket layer).

• TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite of communication protocols used to connect hosts on the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones being TCP and IP.

• WSAD: Web sphere studio application developer is a toolkit which is designed for the creation of more complex projects, providing fully dynamic web application utilizing EJB’s . This consist of EJB tools , CMP ,data mapping tools & a universal test client that is designed to aid testing of EJB’s.

1.4. References:

• IEEE SRS Format• Problem Definition (Provided by IBM)

1.5. Document Overview:

The remainder of this document is two sections, the first providing a full description of the project.

• Overall Description will describe major components of the system, interconnection and external interfaces. It lists all the functions performed by the system.

• Specific Requirements will describe the functions of actors, their role in the system and constraints. This section concerns details of each of the system functions and actions in full for the software developer’s assistance.

These two sections are cross-referenced by topic; to increase understanding by both groups involved.


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2. Overall Description:

The Virtual Medical Home encompasses numerous files and information from the Database, as well as files on the server system. This system will be completely web-based, linking to the remote web server from a standard web browser. An Internet connection is necessary to access the system.

2.1. Product Perspective:

This part of the SRS puts the product into perspective with other related products. A block diagram showing the major components of the Virtual Medical Home system, interconnections, and external interfaces is given below:

• The web pages are present to provide the user interface on customer clientside. Communication between customer and server is provided through HTTP/HTTPSprotocols.

• The Client Software is to provide the user interface on system user client side and for thisTCP/IP protocols are used.

• On the server side web server is for EJB and database server is for storing the information.


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2.1.1. Software Interface:

Client on Internet: Web Browser(Any), Operating System (Windows).

Client on Intranet: Client Software, Operating System (Windows).Web Server: WAS, Operating System (Windows).Data Base Server: DB2 9 Express, Operating System (Windows).Development End: WSAD,DB2 9 Express,OS (Windows), Web


2.1.2. Hardware Interface and Memory Constraints:

Processor RAM Hard-Disk SpaceClient Side:Web Browser

Pentium IV

256 MB 1 GB

Server Side:WSAD Pentium

IV -100 MB

DB2 Pentium IV -

2GB (min)

2.1.3. Communication Interface:

• Client on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.• Client on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol.

2.2. Product Function:

The Virtual Medical Home system is consisting of various sections to provide the maximum facilities to the user in a user interactive manner. These sections are as follows:

• Registration section• Verification section• Log-In section• Profile updates section• Communication section• Admin section


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• Medical Suggestions Section• Help section

Registration section:

In this section the user will make the registration by providing his/her details like name, gender, address, mail-id etc. Under this section we are having two parts: one for the common man and the other for the doctors.

Note: Doctors have to attach their scan copy of their degree, license documents and along with a recent photograph.

Verification section:

Under verification section the software will verified the user. For all the users their details are checked by the authority and then a verification mail containing the user name and a password will be send to the user’s email-id.

Log-In section:

An authentication process is there during the log in request made by the users.


Users Registration Form



Database Administration (Verification)

Verification Mail

Log In Box Authorisation Check Process

User Account

DatabaseUser ID

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Profile updates section:

User can update his/her profile in this section. The user have to maintain regular updates to his/her profile in the respective parts like health sections, test sections and user can also updates his account details like password etc.

Communication section:

In communication section communication can be done between:

• Doctors-Common peoples(Messaging and Chatting) • User-Administrator (Messaging)



User profile

Health records

Personal records

Test records etc.

After Log-In


Other Users




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Admin section:

In this section the administrator keeps an eye on the changes going in the database and if there is any requirement, the admin can change even in the website.

Medical Suggestion section:

The medical suggestion section is the key section of Virtual Medical Home. In this we will provide the user a Virtual Medical Hometor in which user will input his problems and the Virtual Medical Home will suggest him/her drugs as per the given symptoms. It is only a suggestion and not for too high level diseases. The Virtual Medical Home database will be updated regularly by the administrator as per the suggestion by the doctors. Doctors can access the lab reports and medical history of patients (users) in this section. User can also get the contact details of the registered doctors and the approximate details of the medical tests.



Control and maintain the whole

Updations etc.

User requestEnter symptoms or disease name

Medicine Database



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Help section:

If user faces any problem like log in failure, updates failure etc. The user can switch over to the help section which is available to him/her in a form of web-pages from where he can get the information about how to get rid of the problem. User can also put feedbacks and suggestions.

2.3.User Characteristics: Every user should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing. The user must have basic knowledge of English too.

2.4. Constraints:

• GUI is only in English.• Login and password is used for identification of user.• Limited to HTTP/HTTPS.• Licensed Doctors are only allowed to register.• While doing the online payment or donation fill only the required details.• The operating system should be of Windows. It’s good to use Windows

XP and its further enhancements windows.

2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies:

• The details related to the accessing the software, customer details, payment and other facilities are provided only after the registration.

• Administrator is created in the system already.• Roles and tasks are predefined.• Users have to fill only the required details.


User Query Database


Complaints and Problems

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3. Specific Requirements:

3.1. Use-Case Reports:


Responsible for managing system users, viewing databases, updating the medicine databases and controlling and maintaining the Virtual Medical Home.

Manage System Users (Kiosk managers, doctors and patients) :The Administrator will create different roles. The system users will be created and will be assigned with the different roles. More than one task and permissions can be granted or revoked from the system users.

View databases: The Administrator can view the customer-doctor details, payment or donation details, feedback details etc.

Update the medicine databases: The Administrator can change the medicine databases according to new updates in the drugs.

Control and maintaining the basic elements: The Administrator is responsible for controlling and maintaining the Virtual Medical Home elements like website and its elements, databases and updating resources etc.

View databases:


View databases

Customer-Doctor details

Payment or Donation details

Feedback details

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Use Case Name: View databasesDescription The Administrator can view the

customer-doctor details, payment or donation details, feedback details etc.

Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • The system user can be selected.

• Particular date can be selected.

Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Manage System Users:

Use Case Name: View System UsersDescription View the list of system users in a role

and view the details of roles, tasks and permissions assigned to a system user.

Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • The system user or a role will be

selected.• Query will be submitted.• Relevant output will be

displayed Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Use Case Name: Create System UsersDescription To create system users (Giving them a

login name, password and assign roles, tasks and permissions to them).


Manage System Users




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Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • New Login name, password,

details, roles, tasks and permissions will be entered.

• Save the details.

Alternate Path In case of data duplicity, new details should be entered again.

Post condition A login id is generated with its details

Use Case Name: Update details of UsersDescription To update the details of system users

(assigning or revoking roles, tasks andpermissions).

Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • Select the user name.

• Assign or Revoke the roles, tasks and permissions.

Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Update the medicine database:

Use Case Name: View the medicine databaseDescription To view the medicine database

contents like drug’s details, new updating things etc.

Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • Drug name will be entered.Alternate Path None.Post condition None.


Update the medicine



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Use Case Name: Update disease and the respective drug details.

Description To update the details of disease and the drugs (changing the name of drugs, adding some new drugs to a respective disease).

Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • Select the Disease or drug name.

• Update the old entries with the new one.

Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Control and Management of the basic elements:

Use Case Name: View the individual element of the

Virtual Medical HomeDescription View the website elements working,

update resources etc.Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • Checks the individual unit

functioning. If found any fault then relevant changes will be done (if possible).

Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Use Case Name: Create new elements i.e. enhancement of the system.

Description To create new system elements like


Control and Management




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some function or some new medical facilities.

Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • New program of code is to be

inserted in the main software.• Save the details.

Alternate Path In case of any incompatibility, new designing should be done of that function.

Post condition New enhanced software appears.

Use Case Name: Update the elements with new concept or making the malfunctioning element good.

Description To update the elements of system users (like increasing the scope, new graphical design etc.).

Precondition Administrator is already logged inBasic Path • Select the element.

• Make updations in the element.

Alternate Path NonePost condition None


Users mean those persons who are using the software. Basically in Virtual Medical Home is of 2 types- doctors and patients. Initially the user has to register then his/her able to access the Virtual Medical Home.

Register- The user has to register on the website with the required details.Then after verification user will get a mail containing user id and password.

Accessing the account & Virtual Medical Home facility- The user can access the profile of his/her account. The user can use the facilities provided by the Virtual Medical Home.


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Use Case Name: Register new usersDescription To create new users accounts from

which they can access the Virtual Medical Home facilities.

Precondition The register page should be opened.Basic Path • Required details should be

entered.• Save the details.

Alternate Path In case of any error, new data should be entered in the form again.

Post condition Verification mail will be sent to the user email id.


Enter Details Age

Gender etc.




View the profile

Update the profile

Log - In

View the medical suggestions

Chatting and Messaging

Complaints and Suggestions

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Use Case Name: User Log-inDescription To log in the user’s accounts from

which they can access the Virtual Medical Home facilities.

Precondition The log-in page should be opened.Basic Path • Required details(user id and

password) should be entered.• Press any to continue.

Alternate Path In case of any error, new data should be entered in the log-in space again.

Post condition User account is opened

Use Case Name: View the profileDescription To view user’s accounts containing

details like name, age, medical reports etc.

Precondition The user profile page should be opened.

Basic Path • The details of the user are shown in the respective part.

Alternate Path None.Post condition None.

Use Case Name: Update the profileDescription To update the profile details like

password, personal details, test reports etc.

Precondition User is already logged inBasic Path • Select the element.

• Make updations in the element.

Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Use Case Name: View the medical suggestionsDescription To view the medical suggestions like

appropriate test and drugs etc.Precondition The user is already logged in.


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Basic Path • Required details should be entered.

• Click on next to get the result.Alternate Path None.Post condition Page containing suggestions is opened.

Use Case Name: Chatting and MessagingDescription To communicate with other users

(doctors or patients) or with the administrator chatting and messaging things are available.

Precondition The communication page should be opened.

Basic Path • Required quires should be entered.

Alternate Path None.Post condition None.

Use Case Name: Complaints and Suggestions.Description To submit complaints and suggestions

about any facilities of the Virtual Medical Home.

Precondition The complaint and suggestions page should be opened.

Basic Path • Required queries should be entered.

Alternate Path None.Post condition None.

Kiosk manager:

The basic functions of kiosk manager are as follows:

Handle Users (doctors and patients): The kiosk manager will keep track on the users database and sets its permission levels.

View databases:


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The kiosk manager can view the customer-doctor details, payment or donation details, feedback details etc.

Control and maintaining the software working: The kiosk manager is responsible for controlling and maintaining the proper working of the software.

View databases:

Use Case Name: View databasesDescription The kiosk manager can view the

customer-doctor details, payment or donation details, feedback details etc.

Precondition Kiosk manager is already logged inBasic Path • The system user can be selected.

• Particular date can be selected.

Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Handle System Users (Doctors and patients):


Handle System Users (Doctors and


View Users

Controls the permission

View databases

Customer-Doctor details

Payment or Donation details

Feedback details

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Use Case Name: View UsersDescription View the list of users and view the

details of users, permissions assigned etc.

Precondition Kiosk manager is already logged inBasic Path • The user or a role will be

selected.• Query will be submitted.• Relevant output will be

displayed Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Use Case Name: Controls the permission levelsDescription To update the permission levels of the

users (assigning or revoking permissions).

Precondition Kiosk manager is already logged inBasic Path • Select the user name.

• Assign or Revoke the permissions.

Alternate Path NonePost condition None

Control and Management of the software working:

Use Case Name: Control and Management of the software working

Description To control and manage the proper working of the software so as to reduce the faults.

Precondition Kiosk manager is already logged inBasic Path • Checks whether the software is

working good or not.


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Alternate Path NonePost condition If found any problem, kiosk manager

informs to the administrator about that problem.

3.2. Supplementary Requirements:

Have hours of operation that are 24 x 7 - Because system can be an automated process, so it can stay open for 24 hours a day. If the base is now the entire world, staying open 24 hours a day becomes critical. System is required to be available 24X7 so UPS support must be on server site for at least 8 hours in case of power failure. System will remain inaccessible to users at 2:00 to 4:00 am for backup and maintenance purpose.

Make the existing Web site more dynamic in nature - Many early Webimplementations consisted of static HTML pages. This becomes very difficult to manage if the number of pages gets too large. An effective system should be largely dynamic taking advantage of technology that automates this process rather than relying on manual processes. Application should serve dynamic user based customized web pages to its clients from server.

Tie the existing Web site into existing enterprise systems – Any existing Web site that relies on the manual duplication of data from another system is one that can be improved. Most of the business data in the world today exists in enterprise servers that can be connected to the Web servers to make this process far more effective.

Provide good performance and the ability to scale the server – The WebApplication Server should provide good performance and the ability to manageperformance with techniques, such as support for caching, clustering, and loadbalancing.