squiz iuc 2010 - acu - data integration

Course Data Integration in Matrix Tim Roberts

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Squiz International User Conference 2010


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Course Data Integration in Matrix

Tim Roberts

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• Course Browser launched 2004.

• All data supplied in Access database by IRM. 

• ColdFusion application built to deliver dynamic content.

• Data updated  on an irregular basis.

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M t M t iMove to Matrix

• 2006 ACU implemented Matrix.

• All standard web content imported to Matrix CMS• All standard web content imported to Matrix CMS.

• Looked into moving our externally developed applicationsLooked into moving our externally developed applications within Matrix.

• Including Course browser.

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P j t G lProject Goals• Present marketing course information on main site• Present marketing course information on main site.

• Display admission data.p y

• Provide a way for prospective students to direct apply from the course page.

• Provide a one page printable information sheet for a single• Provide a one page printable information sheet for a single course.

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Ch ll d R i tChallenges and Requirements• Much of the admissions data exists in an Oracle basedMuch of the admissions data exists in an Oracle based 

enterprise student system.

• Want to be able to combine this data with marketing orientedWant to be able to combine this data with marketing oriented data.

• Do it in a way to avoid duplication of data and remove the• Do it in a way to avoid duplication of data and remove the need to re‐enter information.

Di l t t t b t ll d b O l f d d IRM• Display content to be controlled by Oracle feed and IRM.

• Authoritative source for Marketing information.

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• Use metadata to hold course marketing data.

• Use Matrix data module to bring in external data.

• Match the data sources together using a common identifier.

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D t TData Types

• Metadata

• Oracle Data

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Why Metadata?

• Advantages over standard page content.

• Structured

I h it h• Inherit schema

• Easy to access variables via Matrix keywordsEasy to access variables via Matrix keywords

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Metadata Schema

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C i CCreating a CourseAsset builder

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O l DOracle Data

• Where is this data?

• What data do we need?

H d d t ?• How do we access data?

• Move to MySQLMove to MySQL

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Move to MySQL

• Use database which is part of our system architecture

• Addition of required display variables

• Forms table

• Units table

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MySQL to Matrix

Access data via DB Connector

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DB Connector

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MySQL to Matrix

Creation of DB data source

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DB Data Source

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Matching Data ‐ Dynamic Inputs

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MySQL to Matrix

Creation and set up of asset lists

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D A LiData Asset Lists

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Course Asset listsSt d d t li t• Standard page asset lists

• Allow selection of courses via a listAllow selection of courses via a list

• Controlled by IRMy

• Didn’t uses dynamic database lists.

• Creation of Page discipline and URL table

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Di i li PDiscipline Pages

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• Paint layout or Parse file?

• Design set up?

C t i ti ?• Customisations?

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D i C i iDesign Customisations• 4 main customisations• 4 main customisations

• Allow display to vary slightly for different course typesAllow display to vary slightly for different course types

• Main customisation has 85 design areas.

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D i C i i M dDesign Customisations MetadataShow ifShow if

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Dynamic Design CustomisationNo International courseNo International course

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A ti /I ti d d t O l f d

Links to common application page

Active/Inactive dependent on Oracle feed. 

Links to common application page. 

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Application Page

Pass required URL variables to student system

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A li i S d SApplication Student System

Student logs in. Choices are pre‐populated in the student system

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Export of DataT f f d t M t d t d DB d t• Two forms of data ‐Metadata and DB data

• Export as XMLExport as XML

• Export to Wordp

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XML Asset List

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Export XMLExport XML

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C W d DCourse Word Document

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• Use of SharePoint and workflow

• Export course documents to SharePoint• Export course documents to SharePoint 

• Approval and update part of manageable processApproval and update part of manageable process

• Move to a more expansive system to contain all course data.