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Page 1: Springer Series in Statistics978-1-4613-9655-0/1.pdf · Pmu/Gibbolls: Concepts of Nonparametric Theory. Read/Cressie: Goodness-of-Fit Statistics for Discrete Multivariate Data. Reiss:

Springer Series in Statistics Advisors: D. Brillinger, S. Fienberg, J. Gani, J. Hartigan, K. Krickeberg

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Y.L. Tong

The Multivariate Normal Distribution

Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong

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Y.L. Tong School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0160 U.S.A.

AMS Mathematics Subject Classifications (1980): 60E05, 62H99

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Tong, Y.L. (Yung Liang), 1935-

The multivariate normal distribution I Y.L. Tong. P. cm. - (Springer series in statistics)

Includes bibliographical references. ISBN-13:978-1-4613-9657-4 (alk. paper) 1. Distribution (Probability theory) 2. Multivariate analysis.

1. Title. II. Series. QA273.6.T67 1990 519.2'4-dc20 89-21929


Printed on acid-free paper

© 1990 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1990

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To My Family

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Preface Basic Notation and Numbering System



1.1. Some Fundamental Properties 1.2. Historical Remarks 1.3. Characterization 1.4. Scope and Organization


The Bivariate Normal Distribution

2.1. Some Distribution Properties 2.2. The Distribution Function and Sampling Distributions 2.3. Dependence and the Correlation Coefficient



Fundamental Properties and Sampling Distributions of the Multivariate Normal Distribution

3.1. Preliminaries 3.2. Definitions of the Multivariate Normal Distribution 3.3. Basic Distribution Properties 3.4. Regression and Correlation 3.5. Sampling Distributions





1 2 3 3


7 14 19 21


23 26 30 35 47 59

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Other Related Properties

4.1. The Elliptically Contoured Family of Distributions and the Multivariate Normal

4.2. Log-Concavity and Unimodality Properties 4.3. MTP2 and MRR2 Properties 4.4. Schur-Concavity Property 4.5. Arrangement-Increasing Property



Positively Dependent and Exchangeable Normal Variables

5.1. Positively Dependent Normal Variables 5.2. Permutation-Symmetric Normal Variables 5.3. Exchangeable Normal Variables



Order Statistics of Normal Variables

6~1. Order Statistics of Exchangeable Normal Variables 6.2. Positive Dependence of Order Statistics of Normal Variables 6.3. Distributions of Certain Partial Sums and Linear

Combinations of Order Statistics 6.4. Miscellaneous Results



Related Inequalities

7.1. Introduction 7.2. Dependence-Related Inequalities 7.3. Dimension-Related Inequalities 7.4. Probability Inequalities for Asymmetric Geometric Regions 7.5. Other Related Inequalities



Statistical Computing Related to the Multivariate Normal Distribution

8.1. Generation of Multivariate Normal Variates 8.2. Evaluation and Approximations of Multivariate Normal

Probability Integrals 8.3. Computation of One-Sided and Two-Sided Multivariate

Normal Probability Integrals 8.4. The Tables




62 68 73 79 84 89


92 104 108 120


123 130

136 140 147


150 152 154 161 169 177




193 194 199

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The Multivariate t Distribution

9.1. Distribution Properties 9.2. Probability Inequalities 9.3. Convergence to the Multivariate Normal Distribution 9.4. Tables for Exchangeable t Variables




Author Index

Subject Index


202 204 207 211 213 216





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The multivariate normal distribution has played a predominant role in the historical development of statistical theory, and has made its appearance in various areas of applications. Although many of the results concerning the multivariate normal distribution are classical, there are important new results which have been reported recently in the literature but cannot be found in most books on multivariate analysis. These results are often obtained by showing that the multivariate normal density function belongs to certain large families of density functions. Thus, useful properties of such families immedi­ately hold for the multivariate normal distribution.

This book attempts to provide a comprehensive and coherent treatment of the classical and new results related to the multivariate normal distribution. The material is organized in a unified modern approach, and the main themes are dependence, probability inequalities, and their roles in theory and applica­tions. Some general properties of a multivariate normal density function are discussed, and results that follow from these properties are reviewed exten­sively. The coverage is, to some extent, a matter of taste and is not intended to be exhaustive, thus more attention is focused on a systematic presentation of results rather than on a complete listing of them.

Most of the classical results on distribution theory, sampling distributions, and correlation analysis are presented in Chapters 2 and 3. Chapter 4 deals with the log-concavity, unimodality, total positivity, Schur-concavity, and arrangement increasing properties of a multivariate normal density function and related results. Notions of dependence and their application to the multi­variate normal distribution are discussed in Chapter 5; not surprisingly, the results involve the covariance matrix of the distribution. Chapter 6 includes distribution theory and dependence results for the order statistics of normal variables. Chapter 7 contains inequalities and bounds for the multivariate

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xii Preface

normal distribution, including dependence-related inequalities, dimension­related inequalities, and inequalities for the probability contents of geometric regions in a certain class. Problems on statistical computing, mainly the generation of multivariate normal variates and the evaluation of multivariate normal probability integrals, are treated in Chapter 8; tables of equicoordinate one-sided and two-sided percentage points and probability integrals for ex­changeable normal variables are given in the Appendix. A short chapter (Chapter 9) on the multivariate t distribution presents results concerning related distribution theory and convergence to the multivariate normal distri­bution. Chapters 2-9 contain sets of complementary problems. Finally, a combined list of references can be found at the end of the volume.

This book assumes a basic knowledge of matrix algebra and mathematical statistics at the undergraduate level, and is accessible to graduate students and advanced uhndergraduate students in statistics, mathematics, and related applied areas. Although it is not intended as a textbook, it can be used as a main reference in a course on multivariate analysis. And, of course, it can be used as a reference book on the multivariate normal distribution by researchers.

This work was partially supported by National Science Foundation grants DMS-8502346 and DMS-8801327 at Georgia Institute of Technology. Need­less to say, I am indebted to the extensive literature in related areas. Professors Theodore W. Anderson, Herbert A. David, Kai-Tai Fang, Kumar Joag-Dev, Mark E. Johnson, Samuel Kotz, and Moshe Shaked read all or parts of the manuscript, and their comments and suggestions resulted in numerous signifi­cant improvements. However, I am solely responsible for errors and omissions. I am grateful to Professors Ingram Olkin and Frank Proschan for their inspiration, continuing encouragement, and constructively critical comments, and to Professor Milton Sobel for his strong influence on my work concerning the multivariate t distribution. I wish to thank Ms. Annette Rohrs for her skillful typing and wonderful cooperation, and also, the staff at Springer­Verlag for the neat appearance of the volume. Finally, I thank my wife Ai-Chuan and our children Frank, Betty, and Lily for their understanding and support. Frank read Chapter 1 and made some helpful comments, and Betty spent many long hours with me at the office.

Atlanta, Georgia November 1988


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Basic Notation and Numbering System

All vectors and matrices are in boldface type and, unless specified otherwise, all vectors are column vectors.

The following notation is used throughout this book:

(1) 91 = (-00, (0). (2) 9ln = {x: x = (Xl' ... , X n)', -00 < Xi < 00 for i = 1, ... , n}.

(3) ~(z) = ~e-Z2/2, -00 < Z < 00. y' 2n

fz 1 (4) q,(z) = ;;:ce-u2/2 du, -00 < Z < 00.

-00 y' 2n (5) The symbol "0" denotes the end of a proof or the end of an example. (6) For an n x n symmetric matrix 1:, 1: > 0 denotes that 1: is positive definite. (7) %(Jl, (12) denotes a univariate normal distribution with mean Jl and vari-

ance (12.

(8) .¥" (Jl, 1:) denotes a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector Jl and covariance matrix 1:.

Definitions, propositions, theorems, lemmas, facts, examples, remarks, and equations are numbered sequentially within each section. Results which are of general interest are stated as propositions, and results which concern only the multivariate normal distribution are given as theorems.