spring unit western valley first grade week of april 27

Spring Unit Western Valley First Grade Week of April 27 th and May 4 th The first grade teachers have created this Spring Unit to help you continue learning. Please feel free to reach out to your teacher with any questions. *Las maestras de 1er grado hemos creado una unidad temática sobre la primavera. Por favor si tiene pregunta comuníquese con la maestra de su hijo/a. Listen to the following story to learn about Spring. (Escuche la siguiente historia sobre la primavera) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_fIEWViJyE Life Cycle of a Plant https://www.turtlediary.com/video/the-life-cycle-of-plants.html Learn more about the lifecycle of a plant with this video. Students can then use the worksheets to identify the parts of a plant and the stages of each plant. *En este video aprenderás más sobre el ciclo de vida de una planta. Luego complete la hoja identificando las partes de la planta. Nature Walk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaZ2CICGuL8 This video is an informational video about spring. While you watch it think of things you can search for on a nature walk. (Este video es de información sobre la primavera. Mientras lo ve y escucha piensa en qué cosas puedes encontrar cuando caminas en la naturaleza). Take a nature walk around your neighborhood. We have provided a paper to draw or write the things you find on your walk that you can identify with your senses relating to spring. (Si puedes haz una caminata por el vecindario para ver que cosas encuentras de primavera. Lleva papel y lapiz). While on your walk, it would be a great time to observe plants in your own yard or neighborhood. Children can find a plant and verbally identify the parts or recreate them on a piece of paper. You can use paint, crayons, markers, magazines or objects around the house. This is the time to show off your creativity and make it your own. The options are endless. We would love to see some pictures of your hard work on class dojo. (Mientras observas y encuentras cosas de primavera, puedes identificar verbalmente las partes de la plantas. Luego puedes recrear lo que vistes dibujando y coloreando ó cortando fotos de una revista).

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Spring Unit

Western Valley First Grade

Week of April 27th and May 4th

The first grade teachers have created this Spring Unit to help you continue learning. Please feel free to

reach out to your teacher with any questions.

*Las maestras de 1er grado hemos creado una unidad temática sobre la primavera. Por favor si tiene

pregunta comuníquese con la maestra de su hijo/a.

Listen to the following story to learn about Spring. (Escuche la siguiente historia sobre la primavera)


Life Cycle of a Plant


Learn more about the lifecycle of a plant with this video. Students can then use the worksheets to

identify the parts of a plant and the stages of each plant.

*En este video aprenderás más sobre el ciclo de vida de una planta. Luego complete la hoja

identificando las partes de la planta.

Nature Walk


This video is an informational video about spring. While you watch it think of things you can search for

on a nature walk. (Este video es de información sobre la primavera. Mientras lo ve y escucha piensa en

qué cosas puedes encontrar cuando caminas en la naturaleza).

Take a nature walk around your neighborhood. We have provided a paper to draw or write the things

you find on your walk that you can identify with your senses relating to spring. (Si puedes haz una

caminata por el vecindario para ver que cosas encuentras de primavera. Lleva papel y lapiz).

While on your walk, it would be a great time to observe plants in your own yard or neighborhood.

Children can find a plant and verbally identify the parts or recreate them on a piece of paper. You can

use paint, crayons, markers, magazines or objects around the house. This is the time to show off your

creativity and make it your own. The options are endless. We would love to see some pictures of your

hard work on class dojo. (Mientras observas y encuentras cosas de primavera, puedes identificar

verbalmente las partes de la plantas. Luego puedes recrear lo que vistes dibujando y coloreando ó

cortando fotos de una revista).

Planting a Pinto Bean (Sembrando un frijol pinto)

Materials you will need: Materiales:

Pinto beans frijol pinto

Ziplock bag bolsa de plástico (ziplock)

Paper towel papel toalla

Tape cinta adhesiva (tape)

Step 1-Wet a paper towel. Squeeze most of the water out.

(1er paso- moje el papel toalla y exprima el exceso de agua.)

Step 2-Fold the paper towel to fit into the Ziploc bag. Place in the bag.

(2ndo paso- doble el papel toalla de manera que quepa dentro de la bolsa de plástico.)

Step 3-Insert one or two pinto beans per bag on between the paper towel and the side of the

bag. Do not seal the bag.

3er paso – coloque una o dos frijoles pinto en la bolsa. No cierre la bolsa).

Step 4-Tape the bag to the side of a bright, sunny window with the bean facing the window.

(4to paso – pegue la bolsa con cinta adhesiva en una ventana para que le de claridad. Peque

un solo lado de manera que quede un poco abierta).

Step 5-Monitor the Ziploc bag, making sure that the paper towel stays moist while the pinto

bean sprouts. Pinto beans germinate quickly, sometimes overnight.

(5to paso – monitoree la bolsa que se mantenga húmeda a lo que la semilla germina).

Step 6-Plant the bean sprout in a paper cup with potting soil or in the garden. Handle the root

gently. It breaks easily. Water the sprout thoroughly after planting.

6to paso – cuando la semilla germine, puede plantarla en una maceta con tierra o en el jardín.

Riegue con agua.

Math Connection:

Measure your bean each day. How tall has it grown overnight, on day 1,2,3, etc. Record your

observations in the observation sheet. You can use standard (inches, centimeters) or non-

standard (paperclips, pennies, cubes) units to measure your plant. Make sure to use the same

type of measurement each day so you can compare and see how much your plant has grown.

*(Mida su planta todos los días para saber cuánto ha crecido. Escriba sus observaciones en una

hoja de papel ó libreta. Puede utilizar medidas estándar (pulgadas ó centímetros) o no estándar

como clip de papel, pennies, cubitos para medir el crecimiento de la planta. Recuerde utilizar el

mismo método de medir todos los días de manera que pueda comparar el crecimeinto de la


Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Let’s Review Our Vocabulary Words

Review the following words and their definition. After reviewing the words

complete the fun activities about spring.

*Repaso de palabras y definición. Luego diviértete completetando las tareas*

Adjectives are words that describe a noun (person, place, thing, animal, feelings

or idea)

Adverbs are words that describe a verb (action).

Spring - the season that comes after winter. The snow and ice melt and the land

thaw. Everything begins to grow.

Soil - the top layer of the ground in which plants grow.

Sprout - when a seed begins to grow and produce small leaves.

Bud - a small pointed lump from a plant that becomes into a flower.

Bloom - when a flower opens.

Field - a big area of open land with grass. No buildings or woods.

Scampering - run with quick light steps.

Hibernate - to spend all winter in a dormant state (inactive). This is when bears,

groundhogs, and other animals spend the winter sleeping.

Migrate - when some birds and Monarch butterflies fly south during the winter

looking for a warmer place to stay and eat.



Directions: Listen to the story and complete the activities.

*Instrucción: escucha el cuento sobre primavera en el link de YouTube (arriba) y complete las tareas.*

Name: _____________________________ ____ Date: ______________

Look at each picture. Find the word that matches the picture and write it.

____________ _______________ ________________

________________ ______________ _______________

___________________ ____________________ __________________

Word Bank: (Mira cada imagen. Encuentra la palabra que identifica la imagen y escríbela en la línea)

Spring bloom soil hibernate bud field sprout

migrate scampering

Name: __________________________________ Date _______________________

Vocabulary Activities about Spring

Complete each sentence using the vocabulary words in the word bank.

*Complete cada oración usando las palabras de vocabulario del banco de palabras.*

Word Bank

1. Cows like to graze on an open _______________________.

2. A squirrel is _______________________ through the green grass.

3. Snow and ice melt when ____________________ is here!

4. Some animals such as bears and groundhogs _____________ during winter.

5. Monarch butterflies and some birds ______________ to the south to a warmer place.

Draw a line from the word to match the definition. *Une la palabra con la definición*

1. hibernate a. an area of open land with grass

2. soil b. when a flower opens

3. scampering c. a small pointed lump of a plant

4. Spring d. sleep through the winter

5. field e. run with quick light steps

6. bloom f. to move or fly to a warmer place

7. migrate g. to grow, produce small leaves

8. sprout h. season that comes after winter

9. bud i. ground where plants grow

Spring scampering field hibernate migrate

Name: ______________________________

Look around and write a short story that tells how do you know it is Spring. Make

sure to use the words; Spring, flowers, sprout. (Mira a tu alrededor y escribe un cuento

corto sobre como sabes que es primavera. Añade las palabras spring, flowers, sprout)

Make sure to add adjectives and adverbs to the story. Use different punctuation

marks ( . ! ? ). (Asegúrate de usar adjectivos y adverbios en el cuento. Usa diferentes tipos

de puntuación ( . ! ?).









Draw a picture to match your story. Label and color the illustration.

(Ilustra tu cuento. Colorea y etiqueta el dibujo)

*Instrucciones: colorea los globos que tienen sustantivos. Escribe el nombre del dibujo. Haz una línea

debajo de los sustantivos en cada oración.

*Instrucciones: escribe los sustantivos en la columna correspondiente; persona, lugar, cosa. Haz un

dibujo de un sustantivo (persona, lugar, cosa).

*Instrucciones: conecta los sustantivos hasta llegar al sapito. Haz una línea debajo de cada sustantivo

en cada oración.

*Instrucciones: Circula todos los sustantivos que encuentres; personas, lugar, cosas, animales).

Blooming Story Elements Listen to Bear Wants More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtiPTWmu-PU (escucha el cuento) As you listen to the story and think about the characters, setting, problem, and solution. Fill out the blooming Story Elements Worksheet. Try to write your answers in complete sentences. (The characters are…, The problem was…) (Mientras escuchas el cuento piensa en quién es le personaje principal, lugar, problema y solución. Complete la actividad. Recuerda usar oraciones completas. El personaje es ____. El problema es _______. )

Reading Fluency

Practice reading the following passages just like we did with our homework. Have a parent

time you for 1 minute and see how many words you can read. Then read the whole story and

answer the comprehension questions.

(Practica leyendo estos pasajes como lo hacíamos en las tareas. Pídele a tus papás que te

tomen el tiempo (1 minuto) para ver cuántas palabras puedes leer. Luego lee el cuento solo

para que puedas contestar las preguntas de comprensión.)


Students will be able to write at least five-sentence paragraph stating their opinion on a topic,

giving three reasons why and a conclusion sentence.

After copying and finishing the sentence starter, have students continue writing 3 sentences to

explain why they felt that way and then some sort of conclusion to restate their opinion.

Prompt #1

If it could be one season all year round, which would you pick and why?

(Si tú pudieras ser una estación del año, cuál escogerías para ser todo el año y por qué?)

Sentence Starter: My year round season would be ________.

Bear Wants More


After listening to Bear Wants More, students can write their responses to these writing


Prompt #2: If you hibernated all winter, what are some foods you would want to eat when you

wake up?

(Si te toca invernar (dormir) durante todo el invierno, qué tipo de comida te gustaría comer

cuando despiertes?)

Sentence Starter: If I woke up from hibernation, I would want ______, _______, and _______.

Prompt #3: There were some good examples of friends helping each other in this story. Tell

about some of the nice things bear’s friends did for him.

(En este cuento varios ejemplos de cómo los buenos amigos se ayudan entre ellos. Escribe sobre

qué cosas buenas los amigos del oso hicieron por él)

Sentence Starter: I think the nicest friends bear had were ______, _______, and _______.

Informational Spring Writing

Last quarter we worked on writing “All Abouts.” Here are some Spring themed prompts that

they can use to help practice their informational writing.

Prompt #1: Write All About Spring. Give 3 facts about the season and write your opinion

sentence at the end.

(Escribe todo lo que haz aprendido sobre la primavera. Añade 3 evidencias de la primavera y

luego escribe tu opinión al final del párrafo)

Topic Sentence: “I know all about Spring!”

Prompt #2: What do plants need in order to grow?

(Escribe sobre qué necesitan las plantas para poder crecer)

Topic Sentence “I know all about what plants need.”

The Tiny Seed


Prompt #3: Write about what happens in a seeds life.

(Escribe sobre lo que sucede en la vida de una semilla .)

Sentence Starter: “The seeds life started _______.”

Transition Words for 3 detail sentences

Beginning Middle End

First Next Finally

For starters Second Lastly

Also Third

You may use the following rubric to have students self-check their writing.


o My sentences start with a capital letter. o My sentences end with a period. o I tried my best to sound out words. o My sentences make sense. o I have 5 sentences. o My writing is neat. o I used transition words. o I drew and labeled a picture to go with my writing.

The following pages are extra practice/review of skills your child has already

learned this year. Pages include math and reading.

(Las siguientes páginas son un repaso adicional de destrezas ya parendidas durante el año

escolar. Las páginas incluyen actividades de matemáticas y lectura.)

Activity 2