spring 2017 end-of-course mathematics three session ......say ma jiraan su’aalo? pause to answer...

School Test Coordinator Contact Information Name: ________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Phone: (_______) ________ ________________ Cell: (_______) ________ ________________ Visit WCAP Portal at: http://wa.portal.airast.org/ © Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and Washington State: 2016-17 Published May 9, 2017: Revised X/XX/XXXX TA Script of Student Test Directions EOCPAPER-PENCIL Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session Somali/Soomaali Version

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Page 1: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

School Test Coordinator Contact Information

Name: ________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Phone: (_______) ________ — ________________

Cell: (_______) ________ — ________________

Visit WCAP Portal at: http://wa.portal.airast.org/

© Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and Washington State: 2016-17

Published May 9, 2017: Revised X/XX/XXXX

TA Script of Student Test Directions


End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session

Somali/Soomaali Version

Page 2: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku


Prior to Testing ........................................................................................................................ 3

Monitoring Test Progress .............................................................................................. 4

TAs Now: ........................................................................................................................ 4

Directions for Preparing and Administering—Session One ....................................................... 5

Monitoring Students ...................................................................................................... 9Directions for Preparing and Administering—Session Two ....................................................... 10

Monitoring Students ..................................................................................................... 11Directions for Preparing and Administering—Session Three ..................................................... 12

Monitoring Students ..................................................................................................... 13Final Processing Steps for TAs ................................................................................................. 14

......................................................................................................................... 15

Somali Translated TA Script of Student Directions — EOC Math Three Session

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Page 3: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku


This document contains the Three Session TA

Scripts of Student Directions for the EOC

Mathematics Algebra, Integrated I, Geometry, and

Integrated II paper-pencil exams. It is required that

TAs review the test specific script and directions

prior to administering a state assessment.

Contents of this document include best practices

for testing (before, during, after) and student

directions (SAY) boxes. It is highly recommended to

allow students an opportunity to practice on the

Training and Practice Tests prior to taking the

summative assessment.

Before Testing (day prior or morning of)

For all before testing activities, refer to the TA

Checklist in Appendix A of the Paper TAM.

It is recommended to print the TA Script of

Student Directions (SAY) boxes prior to testing.

TAs should try to maintain a natural classroom

atmosphere during the test administration.

Before each test begins, he or she should

encourage students to do their best.

During Testing

For all during testing activities, refer to the TA

Checklist in Appendix A of the Paper TAM.

Follow professional practices and test security


At least one trained TA is required to supervise

students at all times during the testing session

and until materials have been collected and

accounted for. Students left unattended will

have their test results invalidated.

Provide all required student settings according

to each student’s plan. If the correct setting is

unavailable, do not approve that student’s test

session. Notify your SC immediately.

TAs must ensure that students do not have

access to digital, electronic, or manual devices

during testing.

Break schedules should be followed according

to the Paper TAM. Additional breaks may be

provided based on student needs and TA


Students who have not completed the

assessment must be monitored during

breaks and lunches.

Should a testing incident occur during your

session, you should stop testing immediately

and notify your SC.

Share your plan for students who finish early.

How are materials processed and accounted

for? Do students leave the testing room, and if

so, where do they go? If students remain in the

testing room, what quiet activity is available?

Electronics are not permitted.

Each test specific script must be followed

exactly and used when a test is administered.

When reading directions to students:

Do not paraphrase the directions.

Read the directions to students exactly as

they are written, using a natural tone and

manner. If you make a mistake in reading

a direction, stop and say, “Listen again”

Then read the direction again. Never

deviate from the directions as written.

Deviating from the printed directions is a

testing violation. Read all material printed

in boxes next to the word SAY:. The

italicized text outside of the SAY: boxes and

the text below the perforated line is

information for you and should not be read

to students.

You may repeat any part of these directions

as many times as needed.

Do not provide suggestions to students on

how to respond to the task or evaluate

student work.

For detailed instructions on the TA support

permitted during testing sessions, see section

6.3 of the Paper TAM.

After Testing

Review early and follow the instructions in the

Final Processing Steps for TAs section, prior to

releasing students from the testing location.

Somali Translated TA Script of Student Directions — EOC Math Three Session

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Page 4: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku


Monitoring Test Progress

Once students have started their tests, TAs should

circulate through the room to ensure all conditions

of test security are maintained. If the TA witnesses

or suspects a possible test security incident, the SC

should be contacted immediately in accordance

with the Test Security and Building Plan.

Off Task: If you notice that a student is off task,

you may read the statement below verbatim.

SAY: It is important that you do your


Do you need to close your test

booklet and take a break?

Item Concern: If a student is concerned about an

item, you may support the student by reading the

script below verbatim.

SAY: I cannot help you check your work.

You may read the question again

and think about what the question

is asking you to do.

Try your best and choose the

answer that makes the most sense

to you.

TAs Now

Verify that all test booklets have been identified

to each student (pre-ID label). Students will be

instructed to verify this information.

Verify quantities of materials to ensure that

each student has his or her own test booklet,

one piece of scratch paper and graph paper,

two sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers, and

access to the following approved materials

should they elect to use them: Calculator, ruler,

straightedge, the state created Glossary of Non-

Mathematics Terms. Refer to the GTSA and

MASA document for information on material

types, uses, and restrictions.

Ensure students know how or where to

get additional approved materials, as

permitted by the test content or student

plan (aligning to the GTSA and MASA).

Read the SAY: directions verbatim to the

students. Each SAY: box has a label to

the left specifying whether the

instruction pertains to the whole test

(ALL) or a specific section.

Somali Translated TA Script of Student Directions — EOC Math Three Session

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Page 5: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

Directions for Preparing and Administering—Session OneBefore beginning administration of the EOC Mathematics Session One exam, verify that you have all necessary materials to support this testing session. Refer to the TAs Now section for additional information.

For the Mathematics Assessment, please read aloud the directions in the boxes preceded by the [SAY] for students.

Pause. Distribute to each student their pre-ID test booklet, one piece of scratch paper and graph paper, and two sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers.

Be sure that each student has his or her own pre-ID test booklet. Additional approved tools should be placed in an easy-to-access location.


SAY Iminka waxaad qaadan doontaa Kullanka Kowaad, Imtixaanka Ka-Bixidda Dhamaadka-Koorsada. Waqtigaan, waa in la damiyo, la qariyo, lana fogeeyo dhamaan elataroonigga, sida telefoonada gacanta, iPodyada, iyo MP3yada. Xasuusin: Haddii aad isticmaashid elatarooniga aan la ogoleyn, waxaa dhici karto in imtixaankaada aan la siinin buundo.

Fadlan hubso in aad dhamaan shay kasta ka qaadid miiskaada. Ka qaad dhamaan boorsooyinka, boorsooyinka yaryar iyo elataroonigga meesha lagu qaato imtixaanka.

Pause. Direct students to move all electronics and bags to the appropriate location. Verify desks have been cleared and all calculator memories have been cleared.

SAY Waxaan iminka soo gudbin doonaa alaabta imtixaankaada. Ha furin buugyarahaada imtixaanka ilaa aan kuu sheego.

SAY Waxaad magacaada ku daabacdaa dhanka kore warqadda lagu bilaabo iyo warqadda graafka.

Pause. Allow students time to write their names on the paper.

SAY Imtixaankaan, qalabka dheeraadka ah ee laguu ogol yahay in aad isticmaashid waa xisaabiyeyaasha, mastaradaha, xariiqeyaasha, iyo Qaamuuska Erayada Aan Xisaabta Ahayn.

Haddii aad doonesyid in aad adeegsatid qaar ka mid ah qalabka la ogolaaday, fadlan kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa ku kaalmeyn doono.

Haddii aad isticmaashid Qaamuuska Erayada aan Xisaabta Ahayn, waxaad u baahan doontaa in aad magacaada ku daabacdid dhanka kore, geeska midigta warqadda. Waxaan soo aruurin doonaa dhamaan warqadaha marka la gaaro dhamaadka kullanka imtixaanka.

SAY Fiiri buugyarahaada imtixaanka kaddibna hubso in magacaada lagu soo daabacay jaldiga hore. Fadlan kor u taag gacantaada haddii magacaada aan lagu soo daabicin buugyarahaada imtixaanka kaddibna Aniga ayaa kuu imaan doono si aan kuu kaalmeeyo.

Sidoo kale, hubso in aad haysatid labo laabisyada No. 2. Haddii aad u baahan tahay laabisyada No. 2, kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa kuu keeni doono.

Somali Translated TA Script of Student Directions — EOC Math Three Session

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Page 6: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

Pause. Give students time to answer Sample A. Do not read the sample aloud.

Students should respond to the sample items in their test booklet. The correct answers to the sample items are shown in the test booklet on page 5. However, wait until students answer all sample items before directing them to check their answers against the correct answers.

The correct answer to Sample A is choice B.

Reread any or all of the directions as needed.

Pause. Write today’s date on the board.

SAY Fiiri sanduuqa saxiixa iyo taariikhda. Marka aad ku saxiixeysid magacaada, waxaad leedahay, ‘Aniga waxaan fahamsanahay in imtixaankaan loo leeyahay gaar iyo in aan koobi ka sameyn karin ama aan qofna kala hadli karin qeyb ka tirsan imtixaankaan.’ Ma qabtaa su’aalo?

Pause. Answer any questions.

SAY Iminka saxiix ama daabac magacaada kowaad iyo dambe kaddibna taariikhda maanta ku qor jaldiga kore buugyarahaada imtixaanka gudaha sanduuqa ku calameysan saxiixa iyo taariikhda.

Pause. Allow students time to write their names and today’s date.

SAY Iminka, fur buugyarahaada imtixaanka bogga 3aad.


SAY Waxaan ku bilaabi doonaa in aan ka shaqeyno qaar ka mid ah su’aalaha tusaalada. Buugyarahaan imtixaanka waxaa ku jira dhowr nooc kala duwan masalooyin sida lagu muujiyay hoos. Tusaale kasta waxay muujisaa nooca ay u muuqato masalo kasta. Ka jawaab masalo kasta oo ku jirta buugyarahaan imtixaanka. Aan ku celcelino!

Tusaalada A, buuxi halka xumbo ee la socota jawaabta aad dooratid. Hubso in aad si dhamaystiran u buuxisid xumbada adiga oo cusleeya iyo madoobeeya calaamadaada. Haddii aad rabtid in aad baddashid jawaabta, si dhamaystiran u tirtir calaamadda aad sameysay ka hor inta aadan samaynin calaamad cusub.

SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo?

Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

SAY Iminka tag Tusaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku jira imtixaanka, waxaa jiri doono in ka badan hal jawaab sax ah. Tusaalada B waa tusaale ku saabsan noocaan su’aasha imtixaanka. Tusaalada B, buuxi xumbada la socota jawaabta aad dooratid.

Hubso in aad si dhamaystiran u buuxisid xumbada adiga oo cusleeya iyo madoobeeya calaamadaada. Haddii aad rabtid in aad baddashid jawaabta, si dhamaystiran u tirtir calaamadda aad sameysay ka hor inta aadan samaynin calaamad cusub.

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Page 7: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

Pause. Give students time to answer Sample B. Do not read the sample aloud.

The correct answers to Sample B are choices A and B.

Pause. Give students time to answer Sample C. Do not read the sample aloud. The correct answers to Sample C are

a. B

b. D

c. E

Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo?

Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

SAY Iminka tag Tusaalada C. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku jira imtixaanka, waxaa jiri doono in ka badan hal qeyb. Tusaalada C waa tusaale ku saabsan su’aal laga helo saddax qeyb. Tusaalada C, waxaad u baahan tahay in aad dhamaystirtid qeybaha a, b, iyo c. Buuxi xumbada la socota jawaabaha aad dooratid.

Hubso in aad si dhamaystiran u buuxisid xumbada adiga oo cusleeya iyo madoobeeya calaamadaada. Haddii aad rabtid in aad baddashid jawaabta, si dhamaystiran u tirtir calaamadda aad sameysay ka hor inta aadan samaynin calaamad cusub.

SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo?

SAY Iminka tag Tusaalada D. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku jira imtixaankaan, waxaad u baahan doontaa in aad qortid jawaabtaada. Waxaa dhici karto in qaar ka mid ah su’aalaha ku jira imtixaanka leeyahiin sanduuqyada jawaabta oo aad ku qortid jawaabtaada. Tusaalada D, waxaad dhibic ku sawirtaa xariiqanta nambarka si aad u muujisid jawaabtaada.

Pause. Give students time to answer Sample D.

The correct answer to Sample D is a point placed at the line representing the number 1 ⅔.

SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo?

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Page 8: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

SAY Iminka tag Tusaalada E. Su’aasha noocaan ee ku jirta imtixaanka, waxaad dhamaystiri doontaa shabaqa. Akhri su’aasha kaddibna ka shaqee masalada si aad u heshid jawaab. Jawaabtaada ku qor gudaha sanduuqyada jawaabta, dhanka kore shabakada.

Qor jawaabtaada adiga oo nambarka kowaad ku qora gudaha sanduuqa jawaabta ilaa dhanka bidix, AMA adiga oo nambarka ugu dambeeya ku qora gudaha sanduuqa ilaa dhanka midig. Daabac oo keliya hal nambar, calaamadda negatiifo, dhibicda desimalka, ama xariiqanta jajabka ee ku jirta gudaha sanduuqa jawaabta. HA dhaafin sanduuqa jawaabta banaan inta aad ku sugan tahay bartamaha jawaaabta.

Buuxi xumbada ka hooseyso sanduuqa jawaaabta aad u isticmaashay in aad ku qortid jawaabtaada. Buuxi hal xumbo oo KELIYA xagga sanduuqa jawaab kasta. Si dhamaystiran u buuxi xumbada adiga oo cusleeya iyo madoobeeya calaamadaada. WAA in aad buuxisid xumbada si buundo loo siiyo jawaabtaada.

Pause. Give students time to answer Sample E.

The correct answer to Sample E is ¾ or 0.75.

SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo?

Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

SAY Iminka u gudub bogga 4aad gudaha buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Dhanka kore boggaan, waxaad arki doontaa tilmaamaha lagu dhamaystiro shabakada. Ogaaw in aad xor u tahay in aad gadaal u raaci kartid boggan inta aad ka shaqeyneysid Kullanka Kowaad.

SAY Dhanka kore bogga 5aad, waxaad arki doontaa jawaabo la dhamaystiray xagga su’aalaha tusaalada aan goor dhaw ka wada hadalnay. Hubso in aad si sax ah u xumbeysid jawaabaha aad ka bixisid su’aalaha tusaalada ee ku jira buugyarahaada imtixaanka.

Pause. Give students time to check their answers

SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo?

Pause to answer any questions, then continue.

SAY Si taxadir leh u akhri masalo kasta kaddibna raac tilmaamaha. Waxaad shaqadaada ku samayn kartaa gudaha buugyarahaan imtixaanka: hase ahatee, shaqadaada waa in aysan soo faragelinin xumbada jawaabta ama shabakada. Waxaad kaloo isticmaali kartaa warqadda lagu bilaabo iyo/ama warqadda graafka laguu siiyay in aad uga shaqeysid masalooyinka.

Pause to show students where tools, including scratch and graph paper and the glossary (if available), are located.

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Page 9: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

Monitoring StudentsMake sure that the students are on the correct page. The words “Session 1” appear at the top of each page in black.

During sessions 1, 2, and 3 observe students to ensure they are following directions and engaged with the test. Actively monitor that students are working independently. Do not answer specific questions about the test, and do not review test questions or student responses to test questions.

If students who have completed the assessment are excused from the testing environment, Test Administrators must collect and account for the students’ test materials prior to release.

After students have been working for a total of 20 minutes, check to see whether they need more time. If most students need more time, provide additional work time as needed in 20-minute intervals.

When most students have finished,

Refer to the Final Processing Steps for TAs on page 14.

SAY Waxaad maanta qaadan doontaa Kullanka Kowaad. Kaddib marka aad shaqeysid 20 daqiiqo, waxaan hubsan doonaa haddii aad u baahan tahay waqti dheeraad ah. Marka aad ku timaadid calaamadda [STOP (JOOGSO)] ee ku taal dhanka hoose bogga, waxaad soo gabogabeysay kullankaan. Marka aad dhameysid, waa in aad saxatid shaqadaada iyo hubso in aysan jirin su’aalo aan laga jawaabin oo ku yaal bogagga Kullanka Kowaad. Ha fiirinin kullan kale. Marka aad saxaneysid shaqadaada, hubso in aysan jirin bogag isku dhaggan. Aniga kugu ma kaalmeyn kari in aad saxatid shaqadaada. Marka aad dhamaysid Kullanka Kowaad, fadlan kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa soo aruurin doono alaabta imtixaankaada.

Ma jiraan su’aalo?

Pause to answer any questions the students might have. When you are sure that the students understand the directions, continue.

SAY U gudub bogga 9aad gudaha buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Waad bilaabi kartaa.

SAY Fadlan hoos u dhiga laabiska. Waxaad dhamaan warqadaha lagu siiyay inta uu socday imtixaankaan gelisaa gudaha jaldiga hore kaddibna xer buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Hubso in ay muuqdaan meesha kore warqadaha.

Kor u taag gacantaada haddii aad u baahan tahay waqti dheeraad aad ku dhamaystirtid Kullanka Kowaad, ama haddii aad u baahan tahay in aad hubisid shaqadaada: waxaa laguu ogolaan doonaa in aad dhameysid. Waa in aad ku dhameysid Kullanka Kowaad marka la gaaro dhamaadka maalin dugsiyeedkaan.

Waxaan iminka soo aruurin doonaa buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Waxaan kaloo tirtiri doonaa xasuusta xisaabiyehaada haddii aad dhamaysay imtixaanka.

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Page 10: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

Directions for Preparing and Administering—Session TwoBefore beginning administration of the EOC Mathematics Session Two exam, verify that you have all necessary materials to support this testing session. Refer to the TAs Now section for additional information.

Pause. Distribute to each student their pre-ID test booklet, one piece of scratch paper and graph paper, and two sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers.

Be sure that each student has his or her own pre-ID test booklet. Additional approved tools should be placed in an easy-to-access location.

SAY Maanta waxaad qaadan doontaa Kullanka Labaad, Imtixaanka Ka-Bixidda Dhamaadka-Koorsada. Waqtigaan, waa in la damiyo, la qariyo, lana fogeeyo dhamaan elataroonigga, sida telefoonada gacanta, iPodyada, iyo MP3yada. Xasuusin: Haddii aad isticmaashid elatarooniga aan la ogoleyn, waxaa dhici karto in imtixaankaada aan la siinin buundo.

Fadlan hubso in aad dhamaan shay kasta ka qaadid miiskaada. Ka qaad dhamaan boorsooyinka, boorsooyinka yaryar iyo elataroonigga meesha lagu qaato imtixaanka.

Pause. Direct students to move all electronics and bags to the appropriate location. Verify desks have been cleared and all calculator memories have been cleared.

SAY Waxaan iminka soo gudbin doonaa alaabta imtixaankaada. Ha furin buugyarahaada imtixaanka ilaa aan kuu sheego.

SAY Waxaad magacaada ku daabacdaa dhanka kore warqadda lagu bilaabo iyo warqadda graafka.

Pause. Allow students time to write their names on top of paper.

SAY Imtixaankaan, qalabka dheeraadka ah ee laguu ogol yahay in aad isticmaashid waa xisaabiyeyaasha, mastaradaha, xariiqeyaasha, iyo Qaamuuska Erayada Aan Xisaabta Ahayn.

Haddii aad doonesyid in aad adeegsatid qaar ka mid ah qalabka la ogolaaday, kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa ku kaalmeyn doono.

Haddii aad isticmaashid Qaamuuska Erayada aan Xisaabta Ahayn, waxaad u baahan doontaa in aad magacaada ku daabacdid dhanka kore, geeska midigta warqadda. Waxaan soo aruurin doonaa dhamaan warqadaha marka la gaaro dhamaadka kullanka imtixaanka.

SAY Fiiri buugyarahaada imtixaanka kaddibna hubso in magacaada lagu soo daabacay jaldiga hore. Fadlan kor u taag gacantaada haddii magacaada aan lagu soo daabicin buugyarahaada imtixaanka kaddibna Aniga ayaa kuu imaan doono si aan kuu kaalmeeyo. Waxaad kaloo hubsataa in aad haysatid labo laabisyada nambar 2. Haddii aad u baahan tahay laabisyada nambar 2, kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa kuu keeni doono.

Pause to make sure the students have their own test booklet.

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Page 11: Spring 2017 End-of-Course Mathematics Three Session ......SAY Ma jiraan su’aalo? Pause to answer any questions, then continue. SAY Iminka tag T usaalada B. Su’aalaha qaar ee ku

Monitoring Students Make sure that the students are on the correct page. The words “Session 2” appear at the top of each page in white with a black background.

During all sessions observe students to ensure they are following directions and engaged with the test. Actively monitor that students are working independently. Do not answer specific questions about the test, and do not review test questions or student responses to test questions.

If students who have completed the assessment are excused from the testing environment, Test Administrators must collect and account for the students’ test materials prior to release.

After students have been working for a total of 50 minutes, check to see whether they need more time. If most students need more time, provide additional work time as needed in 20-minute intervals.

When most students have finished,

Refer to the Final Processing Steps for TAs on page 14.

SAY Si taxadir leh u akhri masalo kasta kaddibna raac tilmaamaha. Waxaad shaqadaada ku samayn kartaa gudaha buugyarahaan imtixaanka: hase ahatee, shaqadaada waa in aysan soo faragelinin xumbada jawaabta ama shabakada. Waxaad kaloo isticmaali kartaa warqadda lagu bilaabo iyo/ama warqadda graafka laguu siiyay in aad uga shaqeysid masalooyinka.

Pause to show students where tools, including scratch and graph paper and the glossary (if available), are located.

SAY Maanta waxaad qaadan doontaa Kullanka Labaad. Kaddib marka aad shaqeysid 50 daqiiqo, waxaan hubsan doonaa haddii aad u baahan tahay waqti dheeraad ah. Marka aad ku timaadid calaamadda [STOP (JOOGSO)] ee ku taal dhanka hoose bogga, waxaad soo gabogabeysay kullankaan. Marka aad dhameysid, waa in aad saxatid shaqadaada iyo hubso in aysan jirin su’aalo aan laga jawaabin oo ku yaal bogagga Kullanka Labaad. Ha fiirinin kullan kale. Marka aad saxaneysid shaqadaada, hubso in aysan jirin bogag isku dhaggan. Aniga kugu ma kaalmeyn kari in aad saxatid shaqadaada. Marka aad dhamaysid Kullanka Labaad, fadlan kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa soo aruurin doono alaabta imtixaankaada.

Ma jiraan su’aalo?

Pause to answer any questions the students might have. When you are sure that the students understand the directions, continue.

SAY U gudub bogga 24aad gudaha buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Waad bilaabi kartaa.

SAY Fadlan hoos u dhiga laabiska. Waxaad dhamaan warqadaha lagu siiyay inta uu socday imtixaankaan gelisaa gudaha jaldiga hore kaddibna xer buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Hubso in ay muuqdaan meesha kore warqadaha.

Kor u taag gacantaada haddii aad u baahan tahay waqti dheeraad aad ku dhamaystirtid Kullanka Labaad, ama haddii aad u baahan tahay in aad saxatid shaqadaada: waxaa laguu ogolaan doonaa in aad dhameysid. Waa in aad ku dhameysid Kullanka Labaad marka la gaaro dhamaadka maalin dugsiyeedkaan.

Waxaan iminka soo aruurin doonaa buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Waxaan kaloo tirtiri doonaa xasuusta xisaabiyehaada haddii aad dhamaysay imtixaanka.

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Directions for Preparing and Administering—Session ThreeBefore beginning administration of the EOC Mathematics Session Three exam, verify that you have all necessary materials to support this testing session. Refer to the TAs Now section for additional information.

Pause to make sure the students have their own test booklet.

SAY Maanta waxaad qaadan doontaa Imtixaanka Dhamaadka Koorsada, Kullanka Saddaxaad. Waqtigaan, waa in la damiyo, la qariyo, lana fogeeyo dhamaan elataroonigga, sida telefoonada gacanta, iPodyada, iyo MP3yada. Xasuusin: Haddii aad isticmaashid elatarooniga aan la ogoleyn, waxaa dhici karto in imtixaankaada aan la siinin buundo.

Fadlan hubso in aad dhamaan shay kasta ka qaadid miiskaada. Ka qaad dhamaan boorsooyinka, boorsooyinka yaryar iyo elataroonigga meesha lagu qaato imtixaanka.

Pause. Direct students to move all electronics and bags to the appropriate location. Verify desks have been cleared and all calculator memories have been cleared.

SAY Waxaan iminka soo gudbin doonaa alaabta imtixaankaada. Ha furin buugyarahaada imtixaanka ilaa aan kuu sheego.

Pause. Distribute to each student their pre-ID test booklet, one piece of scratch paper and graph paper, and two sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers.

Be sure that each student has his or her own pre-ID test booklet. Additional approved tools should be placed in an easy-to-access location.

SAY Waxaad magacaada ku daabacdaa dhanka kore warqadda lagu bilaabo iyo warqadda graafka.

Pause. Allow students time to write their names on top of paper.

SAY Imtixaankaan, qalabka dheeraadka ah ee laguu ogol yahay in aad isticmaashid waa xisaabiyeyaasha, mastaradaha, xariiqeyaasha, iyo Qaamuuska Erayada Aan Xisaabta Ahayn.

Haddii aad dooneysid in aad isticmaashid qaar ka mid ah qalabka la ogolaaday, fadlan kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa ku kaalmeyn doono.

Haddii aad isticmaashid Qaamuuska Erayada aan Xisaabta Ahayn, waxaad u baahan doontaa in aad magacaada ku daabacdid dhanka kore, geeska midigta warqadda. Waxaan soo aruurin doonaa dhamaan warqadaha marka la gaaro dhamaadka kullanka imtixaanka.

SAY Fiiri buugyarahaada imtixaanka kaddibna hubso in magacaada lagu soo daabacay jaldiga hore. Fadlan kor u taag gacantaada haddii magacaada aan lagu soo daabicin buugyarahaada imtixaanka kaddibna Aniga ayaa kuu imaan doono si aan kuu kaalmeeyo. Waxaad kaloo hubsataa in aad haysatid labo laabisyada nambar 2. Haddii aad u baahan tahay laabisyada nambar 2, kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa kuu keeni doono.

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Monitoring StudentsMake sure that the students are on the correct page. The words “Session 3” appear at the top of each page in gray with a white background.

During all sessions observe students to ensure they are following directions and engaged with the test. Actively monitor that students are working independently. Do not answer specific questions about the test, and do not review test questions or student responses to test questions.

If students who have completed the assessment are excused from the testing environment, Test Administrators must collect and account for the students’ test materials prior to release.

After students have been working for a total of 50 minutes, check to see whether they need more time. If most students need more time, provide additional work time as needed in 20-minute intervals.

When most students have finished,

SAY Si taxadir leh u akhri masalo kasta kaddibna raac tilmaamaha. Waxaad shaqadaada ku samayn kartaa gudaha buugyarahaan imtixaanka: hase ahatee, shaqadaada waa in aysan soo faragelinin xumbada jawaabta ama shabakada. Waxaad kaloo isticmaali kartaa warqadda lagu bilaabo iyo/ama warqadda graafka laguu siiyay in aad uga shaqeysid masalooyinka.

Pause to show students where tools, including scratch and graph paper and the Glossary (if available), are located.

SAY Maanta waxaad qaadan doontaa Kullanka Saddaxaad. Kaddib marka aad shaqeysid 50 daqiiqo, waxaan hubsan doonaa haddii aad u baahan tahay waqti dheeraad ah. Marka aad ku timaadid calaamadda [STOP (JOOGSO)] ee ku taal dhanka hoose bogga, waxaad soo gabogabeysay kullankaan. Marka aad dhameysid, waa in aad saxatid shaqadaada iyo hubso in aysan jirin su’aalo aan laga jawaabin oo ku yaal bogagga Kullanka Saddaaxaad. Ha fiirinin kullan kale. Marka aad saxaneysid shaqadaada, hubso in aysan jirin bogag isku dhaggan. Aniga kugu ma kaalmeyn kari in aad saxatid shaqadaada. Marka aad dhamaysid Kullanka Saddaxaad, fadlan kor u taag gacantaada kaddibna Aniga ayaa soo aruurin doono alaabta imtixaankaada.

Ma jiraan su’aalo?

Pause to answer any questions the students might have. When you are sure that the students understand the directions, continue.

SAY U gudub bogga 42aad gudaha buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Waad bilaabi kartaa.

SAY Fadlan hoos u dhiga laabiska. Waxaad dhamaan warqadaha lagu siiyay inta uu socday imtixaankaan gelisaa gudaha jaldiga hore kaddibna xer buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Hubso in ay muuqdaan meesha kore warqadaha.

Kor u taag gacantaada haddii aad u baahan tahay waqti dheeraad aad ku dhamaystirtid Kullanka Saddaxaad, ama haddii aad u baahan tahay in aad saxatid shaqadaada: waxaa laguu ogolaan doonaa in aad dhameysid. Waa in aad dhameysid Kullanka Saddaxaad marka la gaaro dhamaadka maalin dugsiyeedka.

Waxaan iminka soo aruurin doonaa buugyarahaada imtixaanka. Waxaan kaloo tirtiri doonaa xasuusta xisaabiyehaada haddii aad dhamaysay imtixaanka.

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Final Processing Steps for TAs

1. If students are allowed to leave the testing room when they finish, explain the procedures for leaving

without disrupting others and where they are expected to report once they leave. Prior to releasing

students who have completed their test, you must collect and account for all testing materials

provided to students during this test session. If students are expected to remain in the testing room

until the end of the session, instruct them on what activities they may engage in when finished

testing. Electronic devices are not permitted.

2. For security reasons, only a trained TA may handle secure test materials.

3. Collect and account for all test booklets, answer booklets, individual ancillary materials, and

calculators as distributed and permitted for each test session (i.e., scratch paper and Glossary of

Non-Mathematics Terms). Calculators for students requiring additional time should remain with the

students’ test booklets.

4. Separate test booklets for students needing more time. Verify papers have been placed inside the

front cover.

5. Account for all individual Glossaries of Non-Mathematics Terms provided during the assessment.

Glossaries and scratch/graph paper for students requiring additional time should remain with the

students’ test booklets.

6. Clear all calculator memories before students exit the testing location. Calculator memories for

students requiring additional time should not be cleared until students complete the testing


7. Following the school’s testing plan, students who need more time may remain in the testing room

or move to another location to finish the assessment.

For students remaining in the same room, redistribute test materials and instruct students to

continue with the assessment.

For students moving to a new location, go to the new location and then redistribute test

materials and instruct students to continue with the assessment. Students are not permitted

to transfer secure materials.

8. Only a trained TA may monitor students.

9. When testing is completed, promptly return all materials (test booklets and Glossaries of Non-

Mathematics Terms).

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