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Spotlight |PR SIAS Campaign Proposal

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Spotlight |PR SIAS Campaign Proposal

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p.3/4 – Spotlight and SIAS description

p.5/6/7/8 – Audience research

p.8/9 – Our objectives

p.9/10/11/12 – Our creative campaign and tactics

p.13/14 – Time plan

p.15 – Budget allocation

p.16,17 – Evaluation

Spotlight |PRSIAS Campaign Proposal

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Brief description of Spotlight and SIAS, our history and our needs

We are Spotlight – An independent London based PR agency in the healthcare sector specialising in issues surrounding alcohol misuse and harm in the UK. We often work closely alongside our clients in the medical community to ensure we’re aware and educated on the current trends concerning our sector.

You are SIAS – A partnership of committed organisations who offer services to work closely with those that struggle with daily drug and alcohol abuse. You are renown for aiding support and treatment at easy access for anyone whose lives have become problematic and centred on their addiction.

Like you, Spotlight is a dedicated and passionate organisation.

Our understanding of SIAS

SIAS envision a society of people drinking responsibly through a sensible consumption of alcohol. Spotlight commends this focus; SIAS make it their responsibility on getting people to understand the harm significant levels of alcohol can do to our health, our families and those around us.

You show a commitment to work with the families, friends and carers of the individual; this free service you offer shows your desire to make a difference and you make it important to recognise all the victims to alcohol abuse.

SIAS is a young and fast developing partnership.

A credited organisation that work with their clients to provide the highest level of support. SIAS follow the individual on a ‘journey’ to wellbeing and freedom from addiction; others have commended their ‘breaking free’ method. For these efforts, SIAS was awarded with the prestigious award for ‘performance and quality improvement’ at the 2013 Aquarius Project Conference.

What can we offer?

We are able to provide our client with a significant amount of experience; we are fully focused on raising awareness and are credited in doing so as our previous achievements would suggest. We invest annually into our agency and are fully committed to making a difference.

We often work alongside social research consultancies to evaluate our campaigns so that we can better ourselves next time - we are a passionate and result motivated organisation.

Our services offer brilliant opportunities to raise awareness; we work with clients like yourself who have a creditable reputation. It is our responsibility to provide your audience with the best possible rate of


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satisfaction through our creative campaigning strategy, objectives and tactics.

We have developed over-time an extensive scope of media directories and an acclaimed reputation - our abilities are non-limited.

Our successful history

Our consistency shows our dedication; Spotlight have proudly been involved in several successful stunts to date.

- Last October we teamed with the Scottish Government Alcohol Industry Partnership (SGAIP) for our Spot the Difference campaign. Working with eleven pubs and retail partners we asked drinkers in Glasgow to ‘spot the difference’ between higher and lower strength wine and beer. Pre and post sales data was assessed and suggested drinkers of ‘increasing risk’, who regularly drink above the daily unit were encouraged swapping their usual drink for a lower ABV version.

- We have worked with Drinkaware in more recent projects; our ‘What’s in your Glass’ Berkley campaign shows the level of our success. Drinkaware invited the social research consultancy: Share Intelligence to evaluate the campaign; they found that over six in 10 users involved cut back on their daily units as a result of our campaign.

- We have also been involved with Drinkaware’s establishment in the digital era, helping the organisation to promote their newly introduced free application to the public; this app enables an audience to manage their alcohol consumption rate alongside an extensive database of alcoholic drinks.

We are Spotlight, an experienced, innovative, reliable agency with creativity at mind.

Identifying your audience and research to indicate what method would be appropriate to reach them

Our focus for SIAS in 2015 is to tackle binge drinking

Research carried out by the NHS In 2013 suggest drinkers were underestimating their consumption of alcohol by 40%; using these figures the researchers estimate that the proportion of adults estimated to be binge drinkers in England increased: “by 20% in men, pushing the overall estimate to 52% and by 28% in women, pushing the overall estimate up to 56%”.

Identifying SIAS’ key audiences


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It is important we identify SIAS’ stakeholders in the organisation, as our campaign will also have an impact on their business.

Local Community – You have a strong interaction within your local community in Solihull

Schools and Education centres NHS Local Council/Government Police and emergency services Your collaborative organisations

Identifying an audience for our creative campaign

Our target audience

We have decided to target an audience of male and female, 18-22 year old university students; our reasoning for this as statistics suggest (see below), that this period in our lifetime is where young people are first starting to experience the affect of alcohol.

We would like to educate young people on the extreme dangers of binge drinking before it starts to develop.

Justification for our targeted audience

A study undertook in 2012 identifies the difference between the number of binge/heavy drinking made by 18-22 year olds inside and outside of University; the results show:

40.1 per cent of university student’s ages 18-22 engaged in binge drinking (5 or more drinks on an occasion) in the past month compared with 35 per cent of same-age peers not in university.

14.4 per cent of university students ages 18-22 engaged in heavy drinking (5 or more drinks on an occasion on 5 or more occasions per month) in the past month compared with 10.7 per cent of same-aged peers not in university.


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The bar chart shows that the usage of alcohol rises dramatically in the years 18-25 – the correlation between age and alcohol usage is significant.

According to the statistics a major reason for the rise in alcohol usage during this age period is due to the influence of university and the typical ‘university lifestyle’ perceived to be the norm.

Importance of choosing a target audience

Our priority is achieving a level of success from our campaign – an audience must be satisfied and it must result in a difference in public attitude towards alcohol.

For part of our campaign we would undertake primary and secondary research into binge drinking to grasp an understanding of the publics attitude towards alcohol before we begin our creative platform. This information would give worthiness to our campaign and help us to understand better our audience.

We would develop quantitative data by conducting and distributing surveys and questionnaires to multiple audiences in our targeted age range; we would focus on distributing these around universities to acquire our own and more updated research on the per cent of a student’s alcohol intake per month. We would identify the levels of binge drinking and use these to compare to our results come 2016. Secondly we would like to undertake qualitative research to bring a human ‘touch’ to our research project; participant observation would be most effective. We would follow various students on their typical university night-out and examine their levels of alcohol intake; we would then set up a focus group with the same 5-6 students to discuss these nights and any issues concerning un-responsible levels of alcohol intake. This method would enable us to receive real-life quotes from students regarding binge drinking and their attitude towards it.

How would we target our audience?

We must first think what media do our audience consume and how would we reach them?

Engagement with our audience can be done offline or online; although given the age of our target audience we would be most successful prioritising online media engagement.

Social Media is key in targeting our young audience; as of January 2014, 89% of 18-29 year old Internet users use social media with 35% of them regularly using Twitter. Social Media sites such as Twitter are a resource to raise awareness and would become particularly useful during our


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campaign. We would put more emphasis on Twitter rather than other out-dated social networking sites, for example Facebook is now deemed as “dead and buried” according to young users so therefore we would put less focus on it.

Spotlight often create short-video clips of our campaigns; this collection would be published on blog sites and video-sharing sites such as YouTube. YouTube is again a very popular online engagement tool for young users; our objectives will be appealing for young people and therefore we are confident these video-clips will engage them and want to make them be a part of the campaign. Interaction with our audience is the key.

There are several other online media platforms we could investigate into: iPhone applications, virtual worlds and podcasts for a few, but those stated above are our main sources of audience interaction.

However traditional methods of engagement are still very much alive. As we intend to target university students, print media would be an essential tool for raising awareness of our campaign; these would consist of promotional flyers or posters, which we intend to distribute around colleges in Solihull. Our set objectives and tactics would make these appealable for the audience we intend to target. We could further get in contact with these universities and set up seminars/lectures to talk about our campaign and how they can get involved.

Identifying the objectives our campaign will set out to achieve

Spotlight ensures a creative approach to every campaign; this is achieved through strategic planning, years of experience and great awareness of what our audiences want.

Our objectives are based on the audience’s behaviour; how we would like them to think, how we would like them to feel and how we would like them to react to situations. Therefore we must consider a technique called AIDA.

We base our success on whether our audience has fulfilled all four areas of AIDA:

Awareness – Are our audiences aware of their binge drinking habits and do they understand the harm it does to our health – we need to make our audiences aware of SIAS and what they offer

Interest – Have they acquired an attentiveness to health promotions, are they aware of the organisations out there which help young people who become addicted to binge drinking

Desire – Do our audience now have a desire to do something about their alcohol consumption

Action – Are they beginning to seek help, cut-down on their number of units or join a programme in serious cases


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These are the results we aim to achieve when discussing our objectives; our process will begin making our audience aware of the issues and result encouraging action.

Our objectives must be ‘SMART’:

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

Spotlight has formulated a ‘SMART’ strategy, which will use the £50,000 supplied by SIAS beneficially for a period of 12 months.

Spotlight and SIAS campaign objectives and strategy

Collaboratively Spotlight intend to work alongside SIAS to promote a healthy attitude towards drinking; we intend to target local Solihull Colleges to raise awareness to the dangers of binge drinking and the idea that excessive drinking does not equal a good night-out.

To achieve this, Spotlight have identified the following “AIDA” objectives demonstrating what we intend to do for this yearlong campaign:

It is required we firstly target our audience and make an awareness of the campaign/SIAS – we must consider what will interest our intended audience.

We will undergo research projects with the students of Solihull College to examine their actions under the influence of alcohol – the results will be educational and the students may achieve a desire to cut-down their alcohol intake given our tactics post the project (this will be discussed in more detail later)

We will introduce a trio of non-alcoholic club nights at Luna Solihull with different themes – our tactics will make the nights desirable and the students will be taking action to their usual drunken nights-out

With the remainders of the budget we will introduce competitions for the participators of our campaign

Our campaign will be filmed and developed into a documentary showcasing the changes in attitude to an alcohol-free night-out.

Creative content: The tools and tactics the campaign will use

Spotlight’s creative thinking is often the triumph for our success. We have assigned ‘tactics’ to our objectives that will increase channels of communication between the campaign and our audience.

A summary of our tactics:

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Targeting our audienceKnowing our audience is important, understanding what media they consume is vital to our campaign. We will be targeting students from Solihull College to participate in our research projects; we therefore intend to produce print media in the form of flyers and posters to distribute inside and outside the college campus.

Flyering encourages word of mouth promotion especially within a small college environment, therefore a great tactic when reaching our audience; posters are similar but can be imaginative and appealing to an audience if designed correctly.

Secondly if Spotlight secure an agreement with SIAS for the campaign we will aim to place news stories in multiple publications to raise awareness of what we intend to do and how this will benefit people.

Research projects/Field studySpotlight intend to follow 10 Solihull College students on a typical night-out to examine their actions under the influence of alcohol; these results will be compared to our non-alcohol club nights and included in the documentary which is intended to be distributed on SIAS’ website and later broadcasted where possible to show the results of the campaign. This will showcase SIAS’ expertise and passion of providing drug and alcohol treatment services; the more press we receive will further increase SIAS’ awareness thus ensuring everyone is aware of the services they provide.

After the nights we intend to set up a series of focus groups in which the students discuss their experiences ‘on the binge’ as compared to our non-alcoholic club nights. Here the students are free to discuss any problems they incurred, and the pros and cons of all the nights. Focus groups are a great way to secure trust and encourage action with participants; likewise…

Spotlight also intend to produce their own study to understand the level of binge drinking made by 18-22 year olds; we will produce and distribute surveys around Solihull College with questions centred around the students drinking habits; these results will be formulated into statistics giving an idea on the level of binge drinking. This process can be repeated a period of time after the campaign to see any difference in results.

Non-alcoholic club nightsThree different nights with three different themes showcasing three of the UKs most popular musicians/DJs; these will run consecutively at the start of every 2 months for a period of 6 months on the dates: 1st May, 1st July and the 1st September.

We have already received conformation for the availability of these dates from Luna Solihull nightclub.

These nights will feature SIAS and Spotlight decorative imagery that will enhance their awareness – furthermore it remains a great idea to

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demonstrate to a young audience, you don’t have to ‘binge’ to have a good time.

Knowing our audience:Most importantly during the trio of nights we intend to produce a short video clip and talk by a SIAS representative to demonstrate the issues which individuals have around entering treatment and remaining abstinent; this talk will discuss how SIAS works with people with addiction problems and reassure our audience around entering treatment. For example many individuals fear what may happen to them during the treatment process, they have a lack of understanding or do not acknowledge they have an alcohol addiction; these talks are intended to reassure the audience if they feel they’re suffering with a problem and encourage them to immediately get in contact with SIAS for the best possible treatment available. Secondly the talks would demonstrate SIAS’ support and services after becoming abstinent. The main intention is to build a relationship and trust with the Solihull public. To acquire this it is essential we raise awareness of SIAS’ partnership by creating events such as these to give the impression SIAS are a down-to-earth and easy organisation which would be more appealing to our young target audience.

Our events: Cutting Shapes to Milkshakes‘Cutting Shapes’, a term referring to house style music - Our first event idea substitutes alcoholic drinks with a large selection of milkshakes for the night courtesy of Solihull’s own Shake, Waffle and Roll. Shake Waffle and Roll will design the menu for the night and produce a selection of tasty alcoholic substitutes.

Tactically and with creative thinking we decided to introduce a series of the UK’s most popular DJs for our club nights.

Given the name of this event we will be introducing Birmingham’s own Hannah Wants, notorious for her house music.

Hawaiian Fruity FunSolihull’s The Lazy Cow will supply our non-alcoholic substitute for our second night of fruity cocktails. Hawaiian themed and will introduce a ‘best dressed’ competition where the winner will win two tickets to Creamfields 2015.

A three-hour set by Etta Bond x Raf Riley will be the guest performance for the night.

Smoothie Moves


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For our final night we will be replacing our alcoholic beverages with smoothies made by Solihull’s Joe & The Juice.

Our final guest performance will be made by globally successful Chase and Status to end the three nights.

Market researchFollowing these nights we will distribute questionnaires to the public who participated to gain feedback and valuable market research intended to evaluate the success of our work. We will further again set-up the focus group consisting of the same 10 students to discuss their experiences of the three nights. These will again show professionalism of SIAS as they can demonstrate results of their campaign.

Documentary We intend to film our entire campaign and produce a documentary type product examining the behaviour of the students at our club-nights in comparison to their typical binge night out; this will raise attention to the importance of sensible drinking and will further raise awareness of SIAS and what they offer in terms of service.

This documentary will be published on the SIAS website as evidence of success of the campaign; it is also a good method to evaluate our work and improve on it.


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Delivery information: Time plan of activities

Start Date

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Press Pack 01/01/15

Assigning spokespeople and completing draft 01/01/15

Get approval on copy 08/01/15

Distribute to the press 09/01/15

Documentary product 01/01/15

Assign camera operator (For entire campaign) 09/01/15

Print Media (For participation in research project) 16/01/15

Designing flyers/posters 16/01/15

Distribute around Solihull college 26/01/15

Selection process from respondents (10 Students) 05/02/15

Research Project 09/02/15

Contact research companies (Shared Intelligence) 09/02/15

Preparation - Briefing students and staff 24/02/15

Conduct field study 06/03/15

Generating results 09/03/15

Quantitative/Qualitative feedback from 10 students (Focus groups/Surveys) 16/03/15

Cutting Shapes to Milkshakes Preparation and Post Event 01/04/15

Design and distribute flyers and posters for the event/series of three events 01/04/15

Confirm dates with venue (Luna Solihull) 01/04/15

Confirm dates/times/location with Hannah Wants 01/04/15

Confirm date with Shake Waffle and Roll and begin selecting Shakes from menu 15/04/15

Interior decoration (Spotlight and SIAS projections) 15/04/15

Hiring security/other essential staff 15/04/15

Event 01/05/15

Quantitative/Qualitative feedback about the night (Focus Groups) 11/05/15

Quantitative/Qualitative feedback about the night (Surveys and Questionnaires) 11/05/15

Generating results from feedback 25/05/15

Hawaiian Fruity Fun Preparation and Post Event 01/06/15

Design and distribute flyers and posters for the event 01/06/15

Confirm dates with venue (Luna Solihull) 01/06/15

Confirm dates/times/location with Etta Bond x Raf Riley 01/06/15

Confirm date with The Lazy Cow and begin selecting non-alcoholic fruit cocktails from the menu


Interior decoration (Spotlight and SIAS projections) 15/06/15

Arrange an agreement and acquire Creamfields tickets for winner of competition 08/06/15

Hiring security/other essential staff 15/06/15

Event 01/07/15

Quantitative/Qualitative feedback about the night (Focus Groups) 13/07/15

Quantitative/Qualitative feedback about the night (Surveys and Questionnaires) 13/07/15

Generating results from feedback 27/07/15

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Smoothie Moves 01/08/15

Design and distribute flyers and posters for the event 01/08/15

Confirm dates with venue (Luna Solihull) 01/08/15

Confirm dates/times/location with Chase and Status 01/08/15

Confirm date with Joe & The Juice and begin selecting smoothies from the menu 17/08/15

Interior decoration (Spotlight and SIAS projections) 17/08/15

Hiring security/other essential staff 17/08/15

Event 01/09/15

Quantitative/Qualitative feedback about the night (Focus Groups) 14/09/15

Quantitative/Qualitative feedback about the night (Surveys and Questionnaires) 14/09/15

Generating results from feedback 28/09/15

Documentary Production Process 01/10/15

Drawing up ideas and producing story boards for our documentary 01/10/15

Contacting video editors/brief ideas 01/10/15

Compile together video footage 15/10/15

Editors begin producing our short documentary 01/11/15

Our documentary is published to blogs and websites 22/11/15

Evaluation 01/12/15

Comparison of results from our research project and non-alcoholic nights 01/12/15

Details of our success - Press Release, news features etc. 08/12/15


The below link directs you to a more readable Gantt chart version of our time plan; I would recommend viewing this for a more detailed time plan

Budget allocationSpotlight were allocated a budget of £50,000

Type Quantity Price in £ Total in £ CommentsPress Release 1 300-800 300-800 Digitally distributed to

the pressCamera operator 1 350 per day 2,800 Required for four


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nights – London based cameraman

Graphic designer (Flyers) 4 75 per design 300 Willow Hope graphic designers

Exclusive 350gsm flyers 5000 17 per 100 copies

79(Online deal)

Instant Print Flyer and Leaflet Printing

Market Research(Focus Groups)

2 4,000 8,000 Price according to market research company CSR

Market Research (Questionnaires/Surveys)

2 2,000 4,000 Price according to Hosted Survey

Venue booking 3 4,000 per night 12,000 Accurately priced by Luna Solihull

Hannah Wants 1 Est. 2,500 2,500 -Milkshakes (minishakes) N/A 2,500 2,500 Paying for the

service from Shake Waffle and Roll

Interior club decoration N/A 500 500 Banners/projectionsSecurity 2 8.75 per hour x

2140 Required for three

nights – Solihull Churchill Security Limited

Etta Bond 1 Est. 1,500 1,500 -Non-alcoholic fruit cocktails (minicocktails)

N/A 2,500 2,500 Paying for service from The Lazy Cow

Creamfields ticket 1 N/A N/A Free of charge – promotional value only

Chase and Status 1 10,000 10,000 -Smoothies N/A 2,000 2,000 Paying for service

from Joe & The JuiceVideo Editors 1 7 per hour Est. 490 Estimating a 2 week

process 5 hours a day


How the campaign will be measured and judged a success

Spotlight is an organisation fuelled on results; it is not only important we achieve our objectives, but have made a difference. We are encouraged to better ourselves so therefore our evaluating is equally important as the campaign.

Our methods of evaluation are as followed:


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Response rates:This will examine the rate of sales/ticket buyers for our non-alcoholic nights trio; although entry to these events are free, a limited number of tickets are available. We can measure the level of success based on whether the event is sold-out and the time taken to distribute the tickets.

Attitude/Behaviour change:Our field study, taking place in February ’15 for market research purposes will be compared to our night-out trio; our focus groups with the students after each should dictate any changes in attitude or behaviour. This gives the students an opportunity to discuss each night-out and whether the influence of alcohol has an affect on their opinion.

Reputation:At several points during our campaign we will distribute questionnaires around Solihull; these will be examined throughout each stage of the campaign to provide audience feedback on our actions.

Secondly our reputation can be considered a success based on our club-nights; a persons body language can easily determine whether or not an event is a success which we will consider during each night.

Media Coverage:Have we gained any media coverage? We will examine social media for any comments/tweets concerning our campaign; social media will be a main priority throughout the year and will be used to publicise our events.

Secondly if we have gained a vast amount of print coverage throughout the year we can determine our success by calculating the number of average OTS (Opportunities-to-see).

Documentary:Our documentary will showcase our entire campaign and produce a short video-clip on our findings and results; this is a great evaluative technique and will also be used to document our success. By publishing this on both the SIAS and Spotlight website we can be proud of our achievements and showcase them to our audiences.

Campaigning factors:Finally we can demonstrate our success based purely on whether we have achieved our objectives; did we meet the budget, did we deliver on time? We will take this and assess what we have learned from the experience and how we would better ourselves in future.

We are Spotlight, an experienced, innovative, reliable agency with creativity at mind.


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