spotlight on elgin, lossie & district, february 2012

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Elgin, Lossie & District February 2012


Page 1: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

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Page 4: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

4TH LOSSIE BOYS BRIGADEEvery Wednesday at HythehillPrimary School. Anchor boys(Primary 1,2 & 3) 5.30pm-6.30pm; Junior Section (Primary4,5 & 6) 6.30pm-8pm; CompanySection (Primary 7 and highschool) 8pm-9.30pm. ContactJames Allan tel: 542305

BANFF, MORAY & NAIRNCANINE CLUBClasses are held in Obedienceand Ringcraft every Mondayevening during school terms from1830 hrs in Spynie Hall, Elgin.Call Joanne on 07715 557395 orMary on 850262

DIABETES UK MORAYVOLUNTARY GROUP Support for people in Moray withdiabetes and their carers. Talksand events to raise awareness ofdiabetes and to raise funds tohelp provide support and fundresearch. Contact Dave Duff on01343 860671

THE NATIONAL TRUST FORSCOTLAND BANFF & MORAYPromoting the NTS and fundrai-sing to support local properties,Brodie Castle and Leith Hall.Varied annual programme ofevents. Ring the secretary on01343 835258 or [email protected]

PARKINSON'S SUPPORTGROUP ELGIN AND DISTRICTResource Centre 7.30pm, 2ndMonday of the month, Sept - May,giving and sharing information,support, fun, friendship andfood! Contact Gillian Gibson(Secretary) tel: 541056 or

ELGIN CRICKET CLUBEvery Thursday, April - Sept,6pm, Cooper Park. Age 5 up,coaching available. Call AllanDuncan 563177 or 821331 [email protected]

ELGIN CYCLING CLUBPromoting cycling in the localarea. Sundays 8.30am, GrantLodge, Cooper Park. Call KevinThomson tel: 01542 834972 orvisit

ELGIN WRITERSWednesdays fortnightly 7.30 pmin Elgin Library at from Sept - May.Programme includes author talks,competitions, write on the night &workshops to help with writing.Open to all. For dates and moreinformation call MargaretWoodward on 01309 675995

FOGWATT VILLAGE HALLAvailable for regular meetings or

one-offs. Call Susan Clark on862981, visit our or email [email protected]

GARMOUTH & KINGSTONPRE-SCHOOL GROUPSPlaygroup, 2-3 Club and TotsGroup. Call Jessica Myers on870262(am)/870620(pm) or

LADYBIRD DEVELOPMENTAL GROUPCaring for pre-school childrenwith additional support needs.We would be delighted to hearfrom anyone interested in joiningus to help secure our future.Contact 01343 814618 or

ME MORAY SUPPORT GROUP2nd Tuesday each month 7pm,Moray Resource Centre, Maison-deu Road, Elgin. Meet with otherME sufferers for support and in-formation. Meetings are free withrefreshments

MONDAY DANCE CLUBMondays 1.30pm - 4pm, SupperRoom, Elgin Town Hall. Sequence,set, latin & ballroom dancing.£1.50. Tea & cakes available

MORAY COAST MOTORCYCLE CLUB1st Wednesday every month atMill House Hotel, Tynet, Buckie.Social ride out’s, fundraisers andmore. Visit orcall Tracey Scott on 07928 444376

MORAY DISABILITY FORUMWe welcome everyone inter-ested, or working in the area ofdisability to become a member ofthe group. Call Mike McKenzie,c/o Moray Resource Centre,Elgin. Tel: 07967 440164

MORAY FIELD CLUBNature walks, birdwatching andancient buildings with experts ofall aspects giving their time andsharing their knowledge. CallChrissie Suttie 01309 673431

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS INMORAYA Website of information andsupport for people with MS, theirfriends, family and carers.www.MSMoray.netBy people with multiple sclerosisfor people with multiple sclerosis

‘NO STRINGS ATTACHED’CONFIDENTIAL HELPLINECaring for someone affected bydrugs, alcohol or mental healthissues and feel that it’s having animpact on you and the rest ofyour family? Call 01343 555031Anonymity if required

PET FOSTERING SCOTLANDSupporting pet owners in anemergency situation. Volunteerscare for your pet in their ownhomes for short periods. SCO15672. Volunteersneeded. Tel: 0844 811

ST AETHANS BOWLING CLUBTo promote Lawn Bowling inBurghead for all ages.

THURSDAY SUPPER CLUBFree Social Group for anyone21+ in the Moray area. Typicalsocial events are a walkinggroup, weekends away andattending music events/ theatre/cinema. We meet on the lastThursday of every the month inThe Muckle Cross in Elgin at7pm. New members always verywelcome.

Clubs, Societies &Regular Meetings

If you would like details ofyour club or society

included in this sectionplease let us know. All

club listings are free. Notall clubs will be listed

every issue.


Box £59

Big Box £111

¼ page £201

½ page £381

Business profile £416

Full page £720

Enhanced Listings in What’s

On pages from £41

SpotLight on Elgin & Lossie ispublished by WinterburnMedia Ltd, Comraich,Woodside Farm, Kinloss IV363UA, 01309 690063. Allmaterial contained within theSpotLight magazines issubject to formal copyright re-strictions and therefore the re-production of any listings,editorial, advertiser artwork orany other content, without thepublishers prior consent, willbe considered a breach ofcopyright.




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page 4 - February 2012 SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & Districttel: 01309 690063

Developing Basketball in Moray.U12, U14, U16s in Buckie, Elgin

& Forres, Adults mixed(Tuesdays 7.30-10pm ElginAcademy) & Adults Women (6.30-8pm Mondays Elgin

Academy). If interested in any ofthe above contact Graham

Stewart on 07972 178 790 or

[email protected]


Page 5: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Showcase Event .......................18

Elgin Goes to the Movies

The Humble Neep.....................32


Chocolate & Raspberry Meringue .....24

Chef’s Confidential

Transforming Lives ...................34


Dreaming of Croatia..................28


Attractive Little Finches.............36


PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes

SALES ......................Eilidh Conners

ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood

LAYOUT ...............Megan Woodman

DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson

LISTINGS................Tamsyn Dickson

Clubs & Societies ............................4

Pastoral Letter .................................6

Church Details.................................6

Council News ..................................8

Useful Numbers ............................10

Local Holidays...............................10

School Term Dates ........................10

Tide Times.....................................12

Parliament Blog.............................12

What’s On ................................19-22

Cinema Listings.............................21

Advertisers Index ..........................38

Editorial - Friday 03/02/12Advertising - Wednesday 08/02/12

The truth is often hard to come by. In

modern times we celebrate

Valentine’s Day as a day when we

express intimate love for our partners

but it seems that the root of the day

may be somewhat less romantic. I

understand that the day may origi-

nally have been designated to mark

the execution of Saint Valentine by

Emperor Claudius II for promoting

the Christian message in response to

Roman Paganism - well, well - who

would have believed


The Editor

March Issue Deadlines

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Page 6: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

page 6 - February 2012 SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & Districttel: 01309 690063

How do you walk around a roomviolently? How can you tie yourshoelaces bravely? These were a coupleof things we had to do recently. Youwould be perfectly entitled to ask – why?We were playing a game – I can’tremember the name – in which you hadto act out words like dreamily, vacantly,anxiously, repeatedly while others tried toguess what you were doing. The catchwas that you couldn’t say a word; youcould sing, tie your laces, walk aroundthe room or drink something whileeveryone else shouted their guesses asto what kind of manner you wereimitating. It was difficult – even frustrating– sometimes impossible. Once the wordwas revealed or guessed we could all seeclearly what the person was trying toshow; before that we were often in thedark. Afterward I recalled someone from myown profession talking about delivering amessage; they remarked that they

preferred to use images because animage, a picture, conveys the messagewhereas words can mean anything. I’mnot so sure. Images add colour to amessage but normally we need words tofully and clearly get our message across.Words are the basic building blocks ofcommunication. Visual communication –on the other hand – has impact; oftensomewhat imprecise it can make you feelthe message, as well as understand it. Christians believe the Bible is God’sword; that means we believe God hascommunicated with us clearly. He hastold us all about himself – giving usreliable direction and quality information.Put another way this personal profilepublished by God takes us right to theheart of the personality at the heart of ouruniverse. Because God has spoken tous we can know him. We can know hispreferences and understand his priori-ties.But the Bible also reveals that God has

sent an image; his image. He has donemore than speak – he has drawn apicture of himself. By entering into ourtime and space Jesus, the Son of Godand ‘the exact imprint of his nature’enables us to see the face of God. I don’talways find it easy to relate to ‘a word’, aletter, an email, but I usually can to theperson who wrote it. The writtenmessage may be very clear – just what Ineed – but the person behind it is the onewith whom I form a bond. Now Jesus is also called the Word ofGod; Jesus is God’s message spokenand God’s message lived. God seen andGod heard; God touched and Godknown so we don’t need to remain in thedark. As Jesus himself said, ‘I have comeas a light to shine in this dark world, sothat all who put their trust in me will nolonger remain in the dark.

Rev Colin Morison Elgin Free Church

Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright

Pastoral letter and

Church Meetings

Alves Church 1st Sunday of each month at 11.30am. 01309 690931Birnie - Pluscarden Church Sunday Service Pluscarden 10am ;Birnie 11.30am and Elgin High Church Sunday Service 11am.Contact Parish Asst. Paula Baker tel: 01542 832662Burghead Church Every Sunday at 11.30am. Contact 01309 690931Elgin & Forres Free Church of Scotland Sunday Service 11amincluding Sunday School & Creche; Evening Service 6pm, MidweekMeeting Wednesday 7.30pm. Contact Colin Morrison 542196Elgin Baptist Sunday morning worship 11am including crèche preSunday school, Sunday school and bible class, evening service 6pmContact: 01343 548309Elgin City Church Every Sunday 10.30am at Elgin CommunityCentre - Childrens church & creche available. Contact 543624Elgin Community Church Sunday Morning Service 10.30am;Evening Fellowship & Youth Group at 6pm. Contact 54665Hopeman Baptist Church meets every Sunday 11am & 6pm.Everyone welcome. Contact Rev. S.J. Macdonald 831175 or visit thewebsite Waters Fellowship, Bishopmill Hall, Bishopmill, Elgin. Familyservice - Sundays at 11.30pm with lunch after service. Kids Church.Tel: 07730 256543 or visit Baptist Church meets every Sunday 9.30am, 11.30amand 6pm. Junior Church Sunday 11.30am and Kids Church (P4-P7)Thursdays 6.15pm-8pm. Contact Rev. Rae Mackenzie 812062www.lossiebaptist.orgLossiemouth Gospel Hall meets every Sunday for Sunday Club at9.30am, Gospel Meeting at 6.30pm. Further details 812987 or United Free Church of Scotland meets Sunday 11amand 6pm, including Sunday School. Contact Rev. Alexander Ritchie810262 Grace Fellowship Meets Sunday mornings 10.30am in TheWarehouse Theatre, Lossie. Contact Vic Cameron for more details tel.

850142, email [email protected] or www.moray-grace.wordpress.comScottish Episcopal Church Holy Trinity, Elgin Sunday Services -8am Holy Communion; 11am Family Eucharist; 6.30pm Evensong,tel: 547505St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church, MorningWorship, including Young Church and Créche every Sunday at 11am.Evening Services on last Sunday of month at St Margaret's Hall,Urquhart at 7pm. Tel: Andrew Robertson 843765St Gerardines High ChurchLossiemouth, Family Worship Sunday11am; Evening Service 6pm last Sunday in Month. Contact 823588St Giles & St Columba’s South, Elgin Sunday Services at 10.30am– the months of January, March, May, July, September andNovember in St Giles’ Church and the months of February, April,June, August, October, and December will be in the St Columba’sSouth Church, Wednesday 7.30pm & Thursday 12.30pm at St. GilesChurch. Contact the Church Office tel: 551501 or visit www.elginst-giles.orgSt James Church of Scotland, Lossiemouth Family Worship 11amincluding creche and Sunday School; Evening Service 6pm;Swordfish Youth Group 7pm. Contact Rev. Graham Crawford 07817504042St Margaret’s Church, Lossiemouth Family Eucharist 9.30am; HolyCommunion 10am Thursdays; Evening Prayer 5pm ThursdaysSt Sylvester's Catholic Church, Elgin Vigil Mass Saturday 7pm;Sunday Mass 11.45am. Contact 542280 www.stsylvesters.netParish of Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman First Sunday of eachmonth, one service (10.30 a.m.) in Hopeman if five Sundays in themonth, all other Sundays Hopeman 10am, Duffus or Spynie 11.30am.Contact Rev. Bruce Lawrie 830276 or email: [email protected] you are a member of a church not listed here please email usthe details and we may print this in future issues.

Page 7: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

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Page 8: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Police update

Speeding vehicles – 5hr 40 min of speed

checks were carried out. A number of

drivers were reported and a large number

were educated.

youths congregating in Thornhill – sporadic

incidents have been responded to and the

situation seems to be improving. Police aim

to identify and engage with youths involved

and deal with them robustly if necessary.

Operation Moravia – dealing with anti-social

behaviour, drug dealing and responding to

intelligence from the community, is ongoing.

Operation Star - More police officers will

patrol on foot in the City centre for this anti-

shoplifting operation in the lead up to


Operation Avon – dealing with youth

disorder and underage drinking, is ongoing.

it operated over the weekend of 5th

november 2011 and Bonfire night passed

relatively uneventfully.

litter – Officers at Elgin police station have

been briefed in regards to the significance

of this problem and their role in tackling it.

Drink driving – a discussion was held about

driving ‘the morning after’. Sgt. MacKenzie

said the police advise a common sense and

personal responsibility approach to this

matter. Gordon Methven advised that it took

one hour for one unit of alcohol to enter the

body and up to two hours per unit for it to

leave the body. Bryan Watson advised

against driving at all the day after.

Operation Abraham – Cllr leadbitter

enquired about this ACPOS day of action

concerning metal theft. Sgt. MacKenzie

advised that 2 local youths had been dealt

with and scrap dealers in Moray were

visited to remind them of their responsibili-

ties when receiving metal. it was felt to be

a successful day with positive feedback.

community Planning

South lesmurdie Community Engagement

initiative – a discussion was held. feedback

from residents was generally good. A report

is to be produced. Anne Glover expressed

disappointment there was no Community

Council information to give residents. There

has been some interest from residents in

attending meetings or joining a Community


Harry Torry said that residents would like to

have a permanent location to see Moray

Council Councillors, Health visitors etc.

elgin north area Forum

Keith Mitchell advised the forum is in

abeyance but aims to revamp and have a

programme of events by March 2012.

Parking on slip roads near Elgin Academy –

This is causing difficulty for residents. it

partly relates to building work at the

Academy. Keith Mitchell and Harry Torry

have been having monthly meetings with

Milnes Builders who have just offered to

provide 80 traffic cones. The problem is

likely to be exacerbated in winter weather.


Grant cheque – received from Tracy Rae,

£1065.92 for 6 months

information Commissioner’s Office – re:

renewal of registration concerning Data

Protection. £35 for the year. There were no

objections to paying this fee. Harry Torry

proposed, Pat Paterson seconded.

Moray College re: Consultation on life

Sciences centre - 8.11.11. This was circu-

lated to all. nobody from Community

Council was able to attend.


Car Parking Charges – Bryan Watson was

pleased to see that parking charges are to

be reduced. Moray Council Policy &

Resources committee approved this

9.10.11. it will take a few weeks for the

changes to be made.

letter of thanks to Kathleen Masson –

Bryan Watson spoke to Kathleen Masson

who said she was disappointed to have

received no recognition for her attendance

at the Community Council. Bryan Watson

proposed a letter of thanks should be

issued. it was agreed this should be a

matter of course when any member leaves.

Backup of and access to documents

received by Elgin Community Council – A

discussion was held. This matter is to be


Olympic Torch Tour – Harry Torry

expressed disappointment that the whole of

north East Scotland had been overlooked.

it was agreed that this was a slight to the

area but no action could be taken

Streetlight Reporting – Anne Glover asked

if there was a service standard for repair of

faulty lights. Cllr Russell advised repairs

should be carried out within days and

suggested reporting the light again and

advising him if there was no action within 2


Pat Paterson advised she had been in

touch with Moray Council regarding a

change of lighting that had left a set of steps

leading to Morriston Road in darkness. A

member of the public had been advised

there was no money to change the light

again. Pat Paterson made contact as a

member of the Community Council. The

light is to be changed. She commented it

was a shame the member of the public had

received a poor response.


page 8 - February 2012 SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & Districttel: 01309 690063

Community Council News

heldon community council

Meetings - 7.30pm at Mosstowie Primary School.

Contact: Angela Hyland (Secretary) tel: 545360

Burghead & cummingston community council

Meets first Thursday of every month (excluding July)

7.30pm at Burghead Harbour Masters Office.

Contact: Chris Tuke (Secretary) tel: 835537

other community council contacts

Page 9: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Email: [email protected]

Page 10: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

page 10 - February 2012 SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & Districttel: 01309 690063

Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Mon. 2nd April 2012Good Friday Fri. 6th April 2012Elgin Holiday § Mon. 9th April 2012May Day Bank Holiday Mon. 7th May 2012Spring Bank Holiday Mon. 4th June 2012Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Mon. 4th June 2012Queens Diamond Jubilee Tues. 5th June 2012Elgin Holiday § Mon. 25th June 2012Summer Bank Holiday Mon. 6th Aug. 2012Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Mon. 13th Aug. 2012

Elgin Holiday § Mon. 3rd Sept. 2012Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Mon. 17th Sept. 2012Elgin Holiday § Mon. 15th Oct. 2012St Andrews Day Fri. 30th Nov. 2012Christmas Day Tues. 25th Dec. 2012New Years Day Tues.1st Jan 2013* substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bankholiday ‡ includes Hopeman & Burghead§ includes Lhanbryde, Fochabers, Garmouth, Kingston,Mosstodloch, Spey Bay and Urquhart

SCHOOLSAlves Primary School ..................................(01343) 850247Bishopmill Primary School ..........................(01343) 547841Burghead Primary School ..........................(01343) 835529East End Primary School ............................(01343) 542381Greenwards Primary School ......................(01343) 541661Hopeman Primary School ..........................(01343) 830281Lhanbryde Primary School..........................(01343) 842649Mosstowie Primary School..........................(01343) 547119New Elgin Primary School ..........................(01343) 547587Seafield Primary School ..............................(01343) 547792St Sylvesters R.C. Primary School ..............(01343) 541453West End Primary School............................(01343) 543161Elgin Academy ............................................(01343) 543485Elgin High School........................................(01343) 545181Hythehill Primary School ............................(01343) 812014St Gerardine Primary School ......................(01343) 812251Lossiemouth High School ..........................(01343) 812047Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700Bus Station, Elgin .......................................(01343) 544222Citizens Advice Bureau ...............................(01343) 550088Dalcross Airport ...........................................(01667) 464000Dallas Village Hall .......................................(01343) 890243Elgin Town Hall ................(01343) 547767/562600-To BookLossie Town Hall ............................(01343) 813327/815309Moray Council .............................................(01343) 543451National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950Elgin Library ................................................(01343) 562600Lossie Library ..............................................(01343) 813334Elgin Community Council............................(01343) 540615Moray Leisure Centre .................................(01343) 550033Lossie Swimming Pool ................................(01343) 815299

DOCTORSDr Gray's Hospital, Elgin ...............................0845 456 6000Moray Coast Medical Practice - Hopeman (01343) 830269Moray Coast Medical Practice - Burghead (01343) 835780Moray Coast Medical Practice - Lossie ........0845 337 1190Elgin Community Surgery ..........................(01343) 542234Linkwood Medical Centre ............................0845 337 6350Maryhill Health Centre ..................................0845 337 0610

DENTISTSSouth Street Dental Practice ......................(01343) 542729Trinity Dental Practice..................................(01343) 542697Apex Dental Studio......................................(01343) 556606Pure Spa Dental ..........................................(01343) 541164Laich Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 816316

PHARMACIESAlliance Pharmacy ......................................(01343) 542186Bishopmill Pharmacy ..................(01343) 547374 / 547393Boots The Chemist ......................................(01343) 543311G.f Duthie Phramacy, Burghead ................(01343) 835370G.f Duthie Phramacy,Hopeman ................(01343) 830249 lhanbryde Pharmacy ..................................(01343) 842531lloyds Pharmacy, 48 High St ......................(01343) 547065lloyds Pharmacy, 176 High St ....................(01343) 542571lloyds Pharmacy, lossie ............................(01343) 812818lossiemouth Pharmacie ............................(01343) 813095

VETSAllen and Matthews ....................................(01343) 544811Miller and Swann ........................................(01343) 542255Moray Coast Vets, Lossie ............................(01343) 815335

Useful Numbers

Local Holidays

Local Holidays, School Term Dates&Useful Numbers

Elgin High & Feeders Thurs. 9th Feb. 2012Elgin Academy & Feeders Thurs. 9th Feb. 2012Mid-term Holiday Friday 10th February 2012Mid-term Holiday Monday 13th February 2012Spring Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012Good Friday Holiday Friday 6th April 2012Summer Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012Lossie High & Feeders Friday 4th May 2012May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012

School Holidays

Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive)Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 21st August 2012Autumn Term Ends Friday 12th October 2012Winter Term Starts Monday 29th October 2012In-service Closure Monday 19th November 2012In-service Closure Tuesday 20th November 2012Winter Term Ends Fri. 21st December 2012Spring Term Starts Monday 7th January 2013Mid-term Holiday Friday 15th February 2013

Page 11: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Designed for comfort. Built for life.

Showhomes at:Meadow Lea,Montgomerie Drive,Nairn IV12 5RW.Open: Thurs - Mon11.30am to 5pm

Whether it’s handles, doors, kitchens, bathrooms or �oors, you get to choose the style that’s right for you. In fact you get options for almost everything in a Kylauren Home. That’s what makes them so individual and original. And every home is beautifully appointed and superbly �nished.Pop in today and see the options for yourself. We promise you world-class style thatdoesn’t cost the earth.


Page 12: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

page 12 - Month 2011 SpotLight on Inverness and Districttel: 01309 690063page 12 - February 2012 SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & Districttel: 01309 690063

Parliament Blog& Tides

Big changes have been happening in the Lochhead

household! After the hectic run up to Christmas I

could perhaps be forgiven for wanting February to

be just a little quieter but a house move certainly

puts paid to any ideas like that. Fortunately the move isn’t too

far - pretty much a couple of miles but the bottom line is boxes

- and lots of them!

the last move was five years ago and I really didn’t think it was-

possible to accumlate so much stuff in that space of time but

having disposed of some old furniture, clothes, toys and various

other items to friends, charity shops and recycling, the move is

done and we can relax....apart from decorating, trying different

room layouts....ah well, best get on with it!

As a bit of a gadget guy I regularly read newspa-

pers and articles online and have been exploring

the possibilities of wireless networking and

bluetooth both at work and at home. A recent rev-

elation has been a set of battery powered

speakers that can produce fantastic sound and a bluetooth

headset that broadcasts to them making it incredibly simple to

speak to a reasonably large number of people and be heard

easily at the back of the room with kit that fits in your pocket!

While technology is advancing in leaps and bounds it is,

however, a bit of a relief to settle down with a good book or

magazine and leave the gadgets and technology behind. I am

always conscious that our local magazines and newspapers are

under increasing pressure from online news and it is important

that our Moray print media continues to receive public support for

the vital information role it plays.Richard Lochhead MSP Angus Robertson MP

Roof WizardRoof WizardRoofing - Slating - Tiling20yr Flat Roof System GuaranteeAll Guttering/Fascia Replacement & RepairsCherry Picker Access Platform Service

Chartered surveyor reference available.Family Business Est. 1990

Fully Insured / Free NoObligation Estimates.Insurance WorkUndertaken.

Tel: 01343 850063 W: 07765 947025 E: [email protected]

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Parliament Blog”“

Walking on the beach should bepossible 2 hours either side ofthese times



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Page 13: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012





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Page 14: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012
Page 15: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

A Vibrational Plate is a machine that gives the body's muscles a low-impact, high-speed workout by using vibrations to stimulate them to contract and relax. They generally contract once or twice a second, but just by standing on it, the vibrations cause an automatic reflex muscle contraction of 30-50 a second.Just 10 minutes on the Vibrational Plate will have the same results as 60 minutes of conventional strenuous training.

Improves fitness levels

Burns fat & tones

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& muscle strength


This type of workout has actually been compared to doing about 3,000

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Initial session £15, all following sessions £5.For bookings or further information call:


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Feeling Fat? Need to tone up?



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taed & SWon,



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Page 16: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Bring along this voucher and receive £5 off your total bill

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r £30


To celebrate we aregiving you £5.00 OFF


Located overlooking the 18th fairway of the Old Moray Course with fantastic Golf & Sea-Views.Our 19 en-suite bedrooms with bed and breakfast start from only £25.00 (Book early for the Moray Open!)

A delightful 100 seat restaurant serving home- made bar meals, Steaks, Seafood and Snacks everday. And for a relaxing drink, why not try out our Lounge Bar with Beer Terrace, offering a good selection of draught

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Stotfield Road Lossiemouth Moray IV31 6QS T: (01343) 812040 E: [email protected]






giving y


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And for a r

Our 19 en-suite bedr

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, cask ale, wines & spirits as wbeerelaxing drink, why not try out our LAnd for a r

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Stotfield R

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E: skerr2040343) 81: (01Tay IV31 6QS

[email protected] E: skerr

Page 17: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

6.15 - 7pm - young adults and Teens bene�t from weight loss, �tness training, fun martial arts classes with regular social events!

7.30 - 8.15pm 30+ adults -Lee will look after you and any injuries you have aquired and still give you the best work out of your life!

Master Lee Sansum ‘Coach of the year’ is teaching in Elgin again!He will be teaching Monday's & Wednesday's in the Eight Acres Hotel

Come and see what all the hype is about - your �rst weeks training is FREE!

TELEPHONE 07827 292928for more information or to book your place

in the new classes.

4 - 4.30pm 5-7year olds Little Ninjas bene�t from better self con�dence, self control, balance, self discipline& �tness

5 - 5.45pm 7-12 year olds Terriers bene�t from Lee's Olympic standard tuition in a fun safe environment

Master Lee Sansum

Master Lee Sansum

He will be t

‘Coach of the year’ is teaching in Elgin again!

ondaeaching MHe will be t

‘Coach of the year’ is teaching in Elgin again! Master Lee Sansum

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Timber - Softwoods & HardwoodsTrusses/Laminate & Real Wood Flooring - Plywood

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GROUT AND ADHESIVEon all tile orders over £250 with this voucher.



Page 18: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Elgin Goes to the Movies is the second showcase event featuring a number of City Centre retailers from the Fashion, Hair, Music and Beauty sectors.

Following the success of the first event - Back to Future – Elgin in Style which was a sell-out, Elgin Goes to the Movies will be held on Friday 2nd March at Elgin Town Hall. The event will be themed around an Oscar ceremony with each retailer having their own showcase with each showcase related to a chosen movie told through drama, dance and music. There will be a focus on using local people, young people and performers for all aspects of the event further emphasising the vast talent to be found in Elgin.

The City Centre retailers from the fashion, hair and beauty sectors signed up so far includes many well known names such as: Bijou, M and Co, McCalls, Xanadu, ESP, Tesco, Dorothy Perkins, Ultimate Hair and Beauty, DE Shoes Dorothy Jack, LCTG, Moray College, Marks and Spencer, Eterno Bridal, Chuck McCall, Edinburgh Woollen Mill.

Fashions on show will include children’s, young teenagers, casual men’s, ladies casual and classical, formal and bridal, as well as a hairdressing showcase so there is something for everyone.

Included as part of the evening will be an exhibition/ fayre where local retailers will be promoting and selling their products. This will take place following the show. There will be refreshments throughout the evening with a finger buffet.

Tickets will be on sale from Monday 6th February priced at £10.00 each (£5.00 for concessions) from Elgin Library and Moray College.People can choose from a selection of movie themed tables for the evening and are invited to dress up in style for the occasion.

There will also be a charity raffle for local Elgin Charities.



Elgin Goesto the MoviesElgin Goesto the MoviesFriday 2nd Mar gin To , 7.30pmElgin BID with the Out of Darkness Theatre Company brings you…’Elgin Goes to the Movies’ featuring City Centre Retailers from fashion, hair, beauty, music … plus much more ... showcasing all Elgin City Centre has to offer.Exhibition, Free Refreshments and Buffet plus Charity Raffle.For info go to: or call Jacqui Taylor on: 01343 550 652

to the Movies’ featuring City Centre Retailers from fashion,

hair, beauty, music … plus much more ... showcasing all Elgin City Centre

to the Moviesto the Moviesto the Moviesto the Movies’ featuring City Centre Retailers from fashion,

to the Movies

Page 19: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012


1 wednesday new elgin WRI meeting 7pm at cedarwood, edgar road, elgin

3 fridayfeeder @ ironworks 7pm. over 14s. tickets or moreinfo tel: 0871 789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.comandy white @ the loft 8pm - 11pm. the loft, eastgrange farm, kinloss. call 01343 850111 for moreinfo.

4 saturday ‘sold on soul’ dance in aid of unicef 7:30pm, elgin

town hall. tickets £10.18+. licensed bar & from sound & vision or tel: 01343 543092soup and sweet lunch 12 - 2pm, holy trinity churchhall, elgin. £3.50, in aid of christian aid and churchfunds. usual stalls and raffle. all welcome!lhanbryde community challenge quiz night 7pm for7:30pm, lhanbryde community centre. £2 per personwith teams of four. BYOB and nibbles.rachel sermanni @ ironworks 7:30pm, under 16s tobe accompanied by an adult. for tickets or info tel:0871 789 4173 or visit

5 sundayjosie long @ ironworks 7pm. seated. 16+. tickets orinfo tel: 0871 789 4173 or

8 wednesdaymoray society lecture series continues 2pm, elginmuseum hall. ‘the archaeology of culbin’ by cathymaciver. contact 01343 543675 for more detail.

9 thursday - 11 saturdayLADS drama group perform the play ‘cheshire cats’7:30pm at the holy trinity church hall, elgin. tickets£10 or £8 concessions. call estelle on 01343 544610

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District February 2012 - page

What’s On

Nairn Community& Arts Centre

For further details Telephone 01667 453476,e-mail, [email protected] or check out our website


Your local venue for films, shows,concerts and parties.

Wide range of activities for all ages.

FEBRUARY EVENTSFriday 24th February

Music Nairn presents ......"Anemos Wind Quintet"Saturday 25th February

Feis Traditional Music Workshops and Family Ceilidh


Wide range of activities for all ages.concerts and parties.

our local venue for films, shows,YArts Centre&

Nairn Community


Wide range of activities for all ages.concerts and parties.

our local venue for films, shows,Arts Centre

Nairn Community

orkshops and Family Ceilidh wwwe-mail, [email protected] or check out our website

elephone 01 TTe For further details


raditional Music WFeis TSaturday 25th February

"Anemos W ......Music Nairn presentsFriday 24th February


orkshops and Family Ceilidh, [email protected] or check out our website

elephone 01667 453476,


Saturday 25th Februaryind Quintet""Anemos W

Friday 24th February

Andy White - Irish Singer - Songwriter

Friday 3rd February 2012, 8pm - 11pm

tel: 01343 850111

the Loft, East grange Farm, Kinloss,


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Page 20: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

page 20 - February 2012 SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & Districttel: 01309 690063

1 thursdaydog is dead @ ironworks 7:30pm. 14+. tickets or info tel: 0871789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.com2 fridaybreabach @ universal hall 8pm. findhorn foundation, the park,findhorn. tickets £12 /£10 concessions at the phoenix stores 01309690110 and on-line at community challenge quiz night 7pm for 7:30pm atspeymouth hall, mosstodloch. £2 per person with teams of four.BYOB and nibbles.3 saturdaycoca tenorio @ ironworks 7pm. for tickets or info tel: 0871 7894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.comdave clarke @ ironworks 10:30pm. 18+. tickets or info tel: 0871789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.com4 sundaypeacock & gamble @ ironworks 7:30pm.16+. seated. tickets orinfo tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com6 tuesdaythe attic @ universal hall 11am & 2pm. findhorn foundation, thepark, findhorn. parent & child combined £6/ £5 at the phoenix stores 01309 690110

MARCH 2012 in brief

13 mondaydiabetes uk moray voluntary group AGM 7pm, elginyouth cafe, francis place, elgin. includes understand-ing diabetes presentation. all welcome. call daveduff (chairman) 01343 860671 for more info.

16 thursdaycatriona mckay (gaelic harp) & chris stout (shetlandfiddle) 7:30pm, ogstoun theatre, gordonstounschool, nr elgin, £12/£6, visit formore details, tickets from hall @ ironworks 7pm. 16+. seated. tickets orinfo tel: 0871 789 4173 or

17 fridayattack! attack! @ ironworks 7pm.14+. tickets or infotel: 0871 789 4173 or visit

18 saturdaybothy ballads champion of champions 7pm (doorsopen 6:15pm), elgin town hall. compere, robbieshepherd, of BBC scotland's "take the floor", judge,robert lovie. tickets at elgin library. tel 01343

20 mondaythe south @ ironworks 7:30pm. for tickets or info tel:0871 789 4173 or visit

21 tuesdaychristian aid pancake coffee morning 10am-12noonelgin high church, north guildry street. stalls tobrowse. all welcome.

22 wednesday

rizzle kicks @ ironworks 7pm, tickets or info tel:0871 789 4173 visit

23 thursdayband of skulls & broken hands @ ironworks7:30pm. 14+. tickets or info tel: 0871 789 4173 orvisit

24 fridaymoray society lecture series continues 7:30pm,elgin museum hall. "robert reid: abbot of kinloss andbishop of orkney" by howie firth. call 01343 543675for more nairn presents ‘anemos wind quintet’ 8pm,nairn community and arts centre. playing debussy,zemlinsky, mozart and more. tickets £18 / members£14 / students £2. tel: 01667 455701

25 saturdayfeis traditional music workshops and family ceilidhfor details tel 01667 453476, [email protected] orvisit

26 sundaylofty arts @ the loft 10am - 12 noon. come alongand make mothers day cards & paperflowers/dinosaurs & monsters. free face painting. allchildren welcome. £4 per child or three for £10 tobe accompanied by an adult. the loft @ east grangefarm, kinloss. tel: 01343 850111 to book or for moreinformation.

FEBRUARY 2012 continued

For more info contact Sue Taylor (Instructor)mobile: 07960 980 990

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Page 21: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District February 2012 - page

Cinema Listings

February 2012

Universal Hall, FindhornShowing films through the yearVisit orcall 01309 691170 for details.

Moray Playhouse, ElginNew Screenings begin on Fridays

Call 01343 542680 or

Portessie Public HallRegular films including

Saturday matinees.For further details email portessiepub-

[email protected]

Highland Spiritual CinemaMonthly screenings of upliftingand inspiring films that inform,

enlighten and entertain.For further details please visit ortelephone 01463 237452

Eden Court Theatre, InvernessThroughout February

War Horse (12a)

The Descendants (15)

Visit or

call 01463 234234 for details

Vue Cinema, Inverness

From Friday 3rd February

Carnage (tbc)

II Trittico: From The Royal Opera

House (tbc)

Man on a Ledge (12a)

Safe House (tbc)

Star Wars Episode 1 3D (tbc)

The Muppets (U)

The Woman in Black (tbc)

Travelling Light: NT Live (tbc)

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (tbc)

KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at

10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75

Senior Screenings

Every Tuesday afternoon

Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55Includes tea/coffee & biscuits

Visit for details

Cinema NairnVisit or

contact Nairn Community Centre on01667 453476 for details

Page 22: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

page 22 - February 2012 SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & Districttel: 01309 690063

7 wednesdaynew elgin WRI meeting 7pm at cedarwood, edgar road, elgin 8 thursdaycamerata ritmata 7:30pm, south room, gordonstoun house, gor-donstoun school, nr elgin, £12/£6, visit fordetails, tickets available from saturdaythe western front association meeting 2:30pm, ’the gallery’ elginlibrary. ‘the memory of our fights will stand: the 51st highlanddivision at cambrai’. with a collection for branch funds. contactderek bird 01343 870562 or visit sundaynazareth @ ironworks 7:30pm. for tickets or info tel: 0871 7894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com16 fridaythe johnny cash roadshow @ ironworks 7:30pm. seated. tickets orinfo tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com17 saturdaythe dangleberries @ ironworks 7:30pm. tickets or info tel: 0871789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.com18 sundaypush @ universal hall 7:30pm. findhorn foundation, the park,findhorn. tickets £10/ £8 concs/ £6 U16s available at the phoenixstores 01309 690110 or tuesday - 23 friday‘the science of the olympics’ primary school festival for P7 atmoray college. focuses on the human body with interactiveworkshops and activities. call 01343 576319 or [email protected] wednesdaythe peatbog faeries @ universal hall 7:30pm. findhorn foundation,the park, findhorn. tickets £15/ £13 concessions available at thephoenix stores 01309 690110 or fridayblack stone cherry @ ironworks 7:30pm. 14+. for tickets or infor-mation tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com24 saturdaysteve hughes @ ironworks 7:30pm. for tickets or info tel: 0871 7894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com25 sundaysalsa celtica @ ironworks 7:30pm. for tickets or info tel: 0871 7894173 or visit‘the science of the olympics’ family day 10am - 5pm at moraycollege, elgin. focuses on the human body with workshops andactivities for all. family ticket £20 for 7 hrs (2 adults + 3 kids or 1adult + 4 kids) or individual tickets £6. for information call 01343576319 or email [email protected] 28 wednesdayrichard durrant @ universal hall 7:30pm. findhorn foundation, thepark, findhorn. tickets £10/ £8 conc / £6 u16 available at thephoenix stores 01309 690110 or fridaythe moray society lecture/concert ‘simply music’ by glenn munroand partner doors 7pm, elgin museumphil cool @ ironworks 7pm. 16+. seated. tickets or info tel: 0871789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.com31 saturdaycloud man @ universal hall 4pm. findhorn foundation, the park,findhorn. tickets £6/ £5 conc / £4 u16 available at the phoenixstores 01309 690110 or

MARCH 2012 in brief

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Home Comfortsby Sandra

Bedding, Cushions& Blinds

CurtainsReady made or Made to order


5 Orchard Road, Forres01309 671617

Page 23: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012


Lunches are served daily from 12-2pm.Evening dining also available every day from 7-10pm for ourà la carte restaurant.Private dining also available.For table reservations please telephone reception on 01343 548811.


(Payable on joining) 1st Month fee Monthly Payment Per Annum

Adult £28.00 £28.00 £260

Couple £56.00 £56.00 £480

Youth (16-18yrs) £95


Email:[email protected]

OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday: 7:30 am - 21:00 pmSaturday: 8:00 am - 19:00 pmSunday: 8:00 am - 20:30 pm

6e Mansion House Country Clubis a unique experience of health and relaxation set in the heartof Elgin in which to enjoy your leisure time. 6e country clubis open to members, guests and residents of the hotel

Inviting new members now.6e Country Club has the following facilities:� 10m Heated Swimming Pool � Heated Spa Bath

� Exercise Classes � Swimming Lessons

� Beauty Spa Facilities � Hairdressing Facilities

� Sauna and Steam Room � Gymnasium equipped

Kickboxercise Classes now available, please telephone for details.


Mansion HouseRelax And Enjoy !

Page 24: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012



Penny Ellis, OwnerKnockomie Hotel, Forres

tel: 01309 673146

Chocolate and RaspberryMeringue NestsFebruary is the month of romance and this is a pudding that will surprise and delight the one you love and, also friends. As usual Knockomie's chefs will be offering a special menu over the Valentines weekend and we look forward to welcoming you and your loved one.

Serves 6-8

4 Large Egg Whites225g Caster Sugar25g Cocoa Powder1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence or Paste1 dessertspoon Cornflour1 teaspoon of Vinegar280ml Double Cream250g Fresh Raspberries1 generous slug of Drambuie (or liqueur of your choice)


1. Place the egg whites in a clean dry bowl and whisk with an electric whisk until stiff peaks form. Gradually beat in the caster sugar one spoon at a time until all is mixed into the egg white mix.

2. Sift the cocoa powder in to the egg mixture and stir gently until all mixed together. Sift in the cornflour and mix. Add the vanilla paste / essence and the vinegar. Beat again with the electric whisk, to make sure all is mixed together thoroughly.

3. Line a baking tray with baking parchment and mark out 6 – 8 circles. Place the mixture in to a piping bag with a star shaped nozzle and pipe into a nest shape using the circles as a guide.

4. Bake in a pre heated oven at 110°C for 1 ½ hours. Leave on the tray to cool. The nests will store for up to a week in an airtight container.

5. Whip the cream into soft peaks and add the Drambuie or Liqueur of your choice. Whisk for 20 seconds more to fully blend in the Drambuie.

6. Spoon into the meringue nests and decorate with the fresh raspberries. If you can't get fresh raspberries, you can use frozen. Defrost and drain any juices them and then mix them in to the beaten cream and fill the meringue nests.


Page 25: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

H O T E Lk n o c k o m i e

Tel: Grantown Road, Forres

At Knockomie we will help make your wedding day a perfect day.

It's why we have come up with our new Weddings Wrapped Up package. It's here to give you the peace of

mind that you will have the professional service you deserve at a price you can afford.

Our highly personal approach will create a perfect and truly memorable day, designed to

requirements for you and up to 40 guests.

Wedding Day

Knockomie Hotel is licensed to hold Civil Weddings


*max table of 6

Valentines Menu £28.95

Including Bubbly




2CourseLunch for

only £8.95pp*

2 CourseIncluding Bottle of

Wine£40for only


SEE US AT THE MORAY WEDDING EXHIBITIONElgin Town Hall, 12th February 2012, 12pm - 4pm

113 High Street, Forres Tel: 01309 675577 78 High Street, Nairn Tel: 01667 456777

Sphere of Life or Sphere of L veWhich one will you choose to express your feelings?

Now available at

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Circle of Love

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Telephone: 01343 850 066

Mobile: 07900 225 445

Page 26: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

“ ”…every one of us shall giveaccount of himself to God. Romans 14v12

Suppose it is true after all?

Published by Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290

Two Friends were talking on religious topics. They discussed the question of punishment for sin after they died. They settled to their own satisfaction that there would be none. They decided that Hell was a myth. They argued that God was a God of love and could not consign His creatures to everlasting punishment.

The conversation stopped when a Chris-tian, who had been a silent listener to the discussion said, ‘‘Suppose it is true after all?’’

The words seemed to fall on the other two with crushing force. The power of God seemed to be behind those words. Solemn silence reigned for many minutes. God had spoken.

Suppose it is true after all that God must punish sin? How would you stand before him? What could you say to him? How would you measure up before the Judge? ‘’Because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained: whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead’’ (Acts 17:31)

Suppose it is true after all that hell is a reality? A sceptic sneeringly asked. ‘Where is hell?’ The ready and true answer came: ‘At the end of a Christ-rejecting life’ What lies at the end of the life that you are now leading? The scriptures say, ‘It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement’ (Hebrews 9:27).

Suppose it is true after all that the Lord Jesus is the only Saviour and His death the only means by which you can be �tted for God’s presence? What if you neglect him? “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).

Suppose it is true after all that the much -despised ‘blood of Jesus’ is the only thing that can cleanse you from your sins? Has it cleansed you before God, or are you still in your sins going on rapidly to the eternity of the lost? “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7)

Suppose it is true after all, as Scripture states, that salvation is not of works? “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). What then is all the church-going, Sunday school teaching, sick-visiting and the like worth if you rely on any of these as good works to save or to help to save you? Worse than useless. A fatal mistake, if persisted in. In God’s sight “all our righteous-nesses are as �lthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6)

Suppose it is true after all? If it is true, how terrible will be your doom if you ‘die in you sins’ (John 8:24). Come now to Christ and be saved. “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of �re” (Revelation 20:15).

It is true. Act on it.


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Page 27: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

We also offer

Why not letDoctor Denture create you

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Are youfed up with

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cannot be used in conjunction with any other o�erexpires 31st March 2012


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Divine Gifts

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Page 28: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012


The former Yugoslavia used to be one of the most popular holiday destinations and Croatia is working hard to promote the country again. Croatia is a Central European and Mediterranean country, bordering Slovenia in the west, Hungary in the north, Serbia in the east and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south. Croatia has a strange shape (similar to a croissant) - similar to no other country in the world - which comes as a result of five centuries of expansion by the Ottoman (Turkish) empire towards Central Europe (although Croatia was never conquered by the Turks). The 'land of 1,000 islands' with its warm crystal clear seas and luscious Mediterranean vegetation, thick macchi or pine underbush where the sweet fragrance of herbs such as rosemary, myrtle, thyme, sage and lavender mix with the salty sea air. In 1991 Croatia became an independent democracy, its national treasures include Roman relics, medieval walled cities, Byzantine basilicas, 13th century ramparts and 16th century palaces. Cobbled streets in its character-filled towns have chimed to the footsteps of countless generations and bell towers in Baroque churches have rung the changes of a checkered past. See the fabulous mosaics in the Basilica of Euphrasius in Porec, the Dubrovnik ramparts and the Roman ruins at Solin.Dubrovnik has been called the most perfectly preserved medieval city in the world, which has for centuries rivalled Venice as a major trading port. The huge walls, built between the 11th and 17th centuries are still intact. The churches, monasteries, palaces, wide marble-paved squares, steep cobble-stepped streets and houses have remained unchanged for centuries. But Dubrovnik is no museum. It is alive with the comings and goings of people whose homes line the narrow streets and sunlit squares enclosed by massive walls. Take a walk along the stone ramparts of the city for the best views, before venturing inside to experience many treasures. Visit beautiful churches, palaces, interesting museums, markets and bazaars. Crystal clear sea for swimming, snorkelling and diving (there are several recognised dive schools) and lots of island hopping ferries to take you to many of the offshore islets and outcrops. Sailing is a super way to enjoy the coastal seas, and boats and berths can be hired in many little ports. Water skiing and windsurfing are also popular in high season. Little fishing ports are scattered along the coastline – ensuring a fresh supply of seafood for delicious local dishes. Find your own island for a day. Fix a price in advance with a small water taxi, take a picnic and let the 'captain' decide – go in the morning and agree a time to collect you later in the day. Away from the coast, glorious rural scenery lines your route to timeless tiny villages.There are said to be 400 species of fish thriving in local waters. Local dishes include brodeta, mixed fish stew with rice. The Italian influence on Croatia extends to its inexpensive specialities with pizza and pasta dishes in many eateries. Meat specialities include prsut – a parma ham equivalent, served as a starter with local cheese in oil, cevapcici – little rissoles of beef, onion, and herbs and rznjici – pork kebabs. Local wines include some from organic vineyards.From May to October average daily temperatures are above 20oC and average rainfall low, but even in the winter months they don't go below 12oC, which is pleasantly warm, and you can fly direct from Scotland.


Information kindly supplied by

2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 Street, F



Page 29: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Cobbled streets in its character-filled t

Local wines include some


Beaver Travel, 2-6 South Street, Elgin Beaver Travel, 2-6 South Street, Elgin 78 High Street, Forres

FORRES01309 672203

ELGIN01343 548844

VENICE - 27th MayB&B from ............................ £579pp

LAKE GARDA 27th MayB&B from ............................£519pp

SORRENTO - 16th JuneB&B from ...........................£589pp

FLORENCE - 16th June HB from...............................£729pp

DUBROVNIK - 2nd JulyS/C from .............................£564pp

Hidden PORTUGAL - 17th Sept. HB from...............................£659pp

SICILY - 6th OctoberB&B from ............................£649pp

DUBROVNIK - 4th June S/Cfrom.....................................£514pp

Hidden PORTUGAL11th June HB from ............£669pp

VENICE and VERONA1st July HB from ................. £875pp

LAKE GARDA - 1st July and 7th OctB&B from ............................£539pp

SORRENTO - 6th OctoberB&B from ............................£599pp

CYPRUS - 25th NovemberHB from............................... £797pp

INVERNESS departures ABERDEEN departures

All holidays are priced per person, for 7 nights based on 2 people sharing a room.

From InvernessNEW - Regular flights to Amsterdam

for worldwide connections.

Beaver Travel (Elgin and Forres) is a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - at Box office prices - NO BOOKING FEE!



for all enquiries pleasecontact

Gordon Christieon

01343 86283207733 228702

[email protected]


Call 7 days 8am till 8pm

Page 30: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Dallas Designs Ltd is on the up! Only days into

2012 and it has managed to provide new

services for its customers. With the opening of

the Signs and Vehicle Graphics Department

there is no doubt it provides a “must visit”

location for all retail outlets and mobile trades


Having engaged the services of an

experienced tradesman, Dallas Designs Ltd is

con�dent the opening of the new department

will enhance the quality of service that it

already provides.

From a standard safety notice to elaborate retail

signage, simple window/van graphics to full

vehicle wraps, all is on o�er in one location at

highly competitive rates. Vehicles graphics are

applied onsite in a dedicated bay, and full

�tting service is available for all signage.

This most recent addition now means that all

your logo requirements can be ful�lled, in one

visit, with the con�dence that Dallas Designs

Ltd has a well earned reputation for providing

high quality and consistent results in its

endeavour for 100% customer satisfaction.


We’ve got it WRAPPED!We’ve got it WRAPPED!

signs vehicle graphics





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Page 31: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Overbed Tablesfrom £47

Chairsfrom £240

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And much more!

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Electric Bedsfrom only£750

Riser/Reclinersfrom only



om rfChai

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from onlyElectric Beds



£240om srChai


from onlyRiser/Recliners

(Behind Lidl)

And much mo

om rfCommodes

IV36 2GWForres 21 West Road, Greshop Industrial Estate,

heelwsales@01309 676677

a FFacilities oilet Tled bking & DisaraPaEasy

(Behind Lidl)

e!rre!And much mo

£70 om Commodes

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SJ Chimney Services

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Ian’s Handyman Service

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namyddynndaanHHa eSSe namddyndss Hn’n sIaaanIIa

HaHanan y

07737083985or 61 343 842701y handyman service based in UrqA tidy and friendl


07737083985tuhary handyman service based in Urq

Page 32: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Is the ‘neep’ really a turnip or a swede?

You are unlikely to find the definitive answer

to this – we haven’t yet at Scotgro.

Whether turnip or swede the neep is surely

one of our star winter vegetables. It

tolerates our cold winters well, continually

growing sometimes to massive proportions, necessitating a battle

with a cleaver to chop it up.

Oddly, this delicious and versatile vegetable is not highly rated by

our continental neighbours who apparently

consider it only good for animal feed. But how

mistaken they are. What could be a more

tasty accompaniment to any meal than

mashed neep with a knob of butter, black

pepper and a dash of cream?

Indeed the neep is a traditional part of many

Scottish recipes such as

beef stew, Scotch broth and of course the dish

celebrating our National Bard last month –

haggis, neeps and tatties.

Our customers will often find a freshly harvested

neep in their vegetable boxes over the winter.

I just hope they spare a thought for the farmer

in the snow, rain or hard frost wrestling this

delicacy from the ground. But as our grannies

used to say – ‘a neep is always sweeter after a

good frosting’!


The Humble ‘Neep’!Story by Jock Scott

Broombank Farm, Auldearn, Nairn32

Page 33: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Private Sewerage registration

If you own a rural property the likelihood is yoursewerage will drain in to a private sewerage

treatment system.

Proof of registration of the private sewerage treatment system isrequired when new properties are being built or existingproperties change hands under the conveyancing system.

Some older properties were registered under previousenvironmental legislation. Often if the property was originally partof a larger community, for example a Distillery, the property mayhave been included in the old River Board Authority Consentissued for the whole group of properties. This olderdocumentation is acceptable for the conveyancing process sono further action is needed.

However, if the system has not been previously registered,registration must be made to the Scottish EnvironmentalProtection Agency (‘SEPA’). The application is usually a ‘paperexercise’ subject to maximum capacities (which vary for newand existing systems). The application for registration can bemade ‘online’ at under ‘Water Regulation’ ata fee that is lower than if you make the postal application. Tocomplete the registration process you will need National GridReferences for the location of the site of the treatment systemand the discharge outlet and a plan to assist SEPA with thelocation.

The issue of the Consent does not mean the system has been‘approved’ by SEPA in any way and if the system causesenvironmental harm enforcement action can still be raised bySEPA.

SEPA registration is one of the preliminary matters that you shouldinvestigate if you have recently put your property on the marketor are thinking of selling it. Any existing Consent should be withyour Title Deeds.

If you are considering selling or purchasing a property and youwould like further advice and/or legal representation please call:-

Cherry Fairley, Solicitor & Notary Public of Fairleys Solicitors,7 Mayne Road, Elgin IV30 1NY Tel: 01343 551126

Legal – Ease

7 Mayne Road Elgin IV30 1NYtel: 01343 551126

e-mail: [email protected]


N il & M R

Neil & Mary Ross01343 549939

All types & sizes of interior blinds made to measureChild safety control options available

23 Castlehill Street • New ElginMoray • IV30 6HBFax : 01343 555223

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Est. 1986

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01309 676807

Page 34: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

Do you look after a relative or friend who has an illness, disability or misuses substances?

Know you need some help, but don’t know what

about it?

Quarriers Carer Support Service (Moray) provides a range of support to unpaid Carers of all ages.

to get a break away from your caring role, meet others in a similar situation and to learn new things.

The groups meet in Buckie, Elgin, Forres and Aberlour. These groups are open to all Carers.

In addition, we run a group exclusively for male Carers and a separate group exclusively for Carers of people who misuse substances.

All groups are very informal. The topics covered have been

information on conditions and services available locally to Carers and light hearted topics of interest, which allow you

A member of our team facilitates each session and is available to discuss your concerns or answer your queries on a one to one basis.

If you need respite to attend a Care and Share group,

organise it.

time for me but I really enjoy the activities and meeting

“I have made some really good friends through Care and Share. We regularly meet up and call each other when we are having a bad day.”

If you deciding to give them a try, please just give us a call on 01343-556031.

Quarriers provide other services to Carers locally. These include:

Support for young peopleWe provide one on one support for young people aged 18 years and under to help minimise the impact of their caring role and ensure they can enjoy the same opportunities as other young people their own age.

Support for adult CarersOur role is to listen to your concerns and with you, work out what support would help you to continue in your caring role whilst also having a life of your own.

Advice and information We endeavour to answer any queries you have e.g. on your rights, local services, money matters etc.

TrainingWe provide a wide range of training opportunities to

Our talk but for their own reasons, may wish to remain anonymous Tel: 01343-555031 or text 07792362184.

It is estimated that 1 in 8 people in Moray is an unpaid Carer, looking after someone who is ill, disabled, or misuses substances.

Page 35: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012



TRAINING - ELGIN Exclusively for carers of people who misuse alcohol or drugs 1st March Setting boundaries 2nd March 15th March Managing challenging behaviour and conflict 16th March 19th March Understanding the carer’s role in the recovery process 20th March for more information or to book a place contact Liz or Gill on 01343 556031 Save a Life First Aid 24th April 10am - 12noon Learn basic first aid techniques like CPR and the recovery position to help

save life in an emergency 27th Sept 1 - 3pm to book a place on the 2 first aid courses above contact Nuala on 01343 556031

CARE and SHARE 2012

An informal get together where you can relax, enjoy the company of other carers over a brew, share experiences, have some fun and pick up some useful information. Just drop in to the sessions that interest you. We look forward to seeing you. VENUE AND TIMES ACTIVITY BUCKIE Seafield Medical Centre 1 - 3pm

27th Feb Unleash your creative side with some fun Card Making 26th March Information from the Citizens Advice Bureau on Benefits available to carers 30th April Information by the Alzheimers Dementia Adviser on services available locally 28th May A basic look at the principles of First Aid to help deal with an emergency ABERLOUR Health Centre, Queens Road 11am - 1pm

28th Feb Get the blood pumping with some easy and enjoyable Exercising for Fun 27th March Information from the Citizens Advice Bureau on Benefits available to carers 24th April Information by the Alzheimers Dementia Adviser on services available locally 29th May Learn how to trace your Family History FORRES Community Centre 1 - 3pm

6th Feb Information by the Alzheimers Dementia Adviser on services available locally 5th March Learn how easy it is to make a beautiful Floral Arrangement for your home 2nd April Discover some simple techniques for Coping with Stress 7th May Visit an Eco-house and find out how we and the environment benefit ELGIN Community Centre 1 - 3pm

23rd Feb Information from the Citizens Advice Bureau on Benefits available to carers 29th March Unleash your creative side with some fun Card Making 26th April Get the blood pumping with some easy and enjoyable Exercising for Fun 31st May Try your hand at simple Jewellery Making - a lovely present to give anyone MALE CARERS SOCIAL GROUP Elgin Community Centre 1- 3pm

19th Jan A talk on the Search and Rescue service - open to all carers 16th Feb Information from the Welfare Benefits Team on Benefits available to carers 15th March Uncover the traditions of whisky making from a local Distillery 12th April A chance to try your hand at Ceramic Making under the guidance of experts 10th May Experience the Buckie Lifeboat first hand from 7pm onward

Only 12 places available so contact Sheona on 01343 556031 to book yours CARERS OF PEOPLE WHO MISUSE SUBSTANCES Elgin Community Centre 1- 3pm

24th Feb Find out how Al-anon can help you cope with another’s drinking problem 30th March Get the blood pumping with some easy Exercising for Fun 27th April Find out about Grampian Fire Service and how to stay safe in your home 25th May Learn how easy it is to make a beautiful floral arrangement for your home for more information on any of the above contact Quarriers on 01343 556031

CARE and SHARE 2012An informal get together where you can relax, enjoy the company of other carers over a brew, shareexperiences, have some fun and pick up some useful information. Just drop in to the seasons that

interest you. We look forward to seeing you.

Page 36: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

As you look out at your garden bird feeder, two birds provide a muted splash of colour. They are the Greenfinch and Siskin.

Both the males of these species are fairly straight forward to identify. The Greenfinch being the larger of the two, it displays a mainly bright green body with flashes of bright yellow on the tail and wings and a heavy conical bill. The Siskin is smaller - the male still sports green plumage with yellow in wing and tail but also has a black forehead and bib, and a smaller, finer bill with dark streaking on its flanks, lower belly and back.

The problems of identification arise when the females are involved. Once again the Green-finch is somewhat larger than the Siskin, but is duller and a more subtle green than the male, and although it still carries yellow in the tails and wings this too is less prominent. It also carries some very slight streaking to the flanks and belly. The Siskin female has more

As you look out at your garden bird feeder, two birds provide a muted splash of colour.

Both the males of these species are fairly straight forward to identify. The Greenfinch being the larger of the two, it displays a mainly bright green body with flashes of bright yellow on the tail and wings and a heavy conical bill. The Siskin is smaller - the male still sports green plumage with yellow in wing and tail but also has a black forehead and bib, and a smaller, finer bill with dark streaking on its flanks, lower

The problems of identification arise when the females are involved. Once again the Green-

contrasting plumage, with obvious streaking on the flanks, back and head.

Peanuts and seed feeders are used by both birds; however Greenfinches have a particular taste for sunflower seeds whilst the Siskin, with its more delicate bill, shows a preference for Niger seed.

Both birds are resident breeders in Scotland, but their populations can be supplemented by varying numbers of continental birds in the winter time.

As winter draws to a close and spring starts to show its hand, the number of Siskin’s will fall off as they move away from gardens to their favoured breeding grounds in nearby spruce and pine forests. The Greenfinch however will remain in mature gardens and parks building their nests usually in thick evergreen bushes and shrubs.

Next month we will be looking at the first summer migrants to return from their wintering grounds, and the best places to visit to catch up with these long distance migrants.

and wings this too is less prominent. It also carries some very slight streaking to the flanks and belly. The Siskin female has more

Information kindly supplied by Birding Ecosse, offering Birdwatching for beginners workshops.


Siskin, female & male



Page 37: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012



Morriston Road, Elgin IV30 6ULEmail: [email protected] Telephone: 01343 543 077



Beauty treatments and therapies are also available in our Sonas S


Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01343 543077

SUNDAY CARVERYEvery Sunday 12pm - 2.30pm

Abba Tribute NightSaturday 11th February – Tickets £10.00 pp

Michael Buble Tribute with Jason PorterSaturday 18th February – Tickets £10.00 pp

Irish Comedy NightFriday 16th March – Tickets £10.00 pp


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Page 38: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012

All in a Day’s Work ...........................31Anderson Removals .........................29Ashley Ann.........................Inside BackBeaver Travel ....................................29Christie’s Heating and Plumbing .....29City of Elgin BID Limited ..................18Covesea Cafe ....................................3D H Fitness ......................................22Dallas Designs..................................30David McLarnon ...............................14Dittmar Herrnkind-Your Handyman ..22Divine Gifts .......................................27DLP Storage .....................................12Doctor Denture .................................27Eight Acres Hotel..............................37Elgin Eagles Basketball Club .............4Excel Scotland Ltd ...........................25Fairleys Solicitors .............................33Forres Tree Services.........................15Gail Brown Mobile Hairdressing ......22

Gordon Scott Chartered Accountant 33 Home Comforts By Sandra ......... 22Ian’s Handyman Services ..............31 IGR Trading (Skerrybrae) ................16ilash Theatre .....................................22Johnstons of Elgin .......Inside Front Knockomie Hotel ..............................25Kylauren Homes...............................11Mackenzie & Cruickshank..................7Mansion House Hotel.......................23McCalls .............................................27Mhairi Donald ...................................15Moray Coast Veterinary Group...........3Moray Dance School........................15MRD Flooring ...................................25Nairn Community & Arts Centre.......19Olive Tree Chocolate ........................38Planet BBK Ltd ...............Outside BackPrivate - Dining ...................................5Quarriers......................................34-35

Reid Furniture ...................................13Riverside Kitchens..............................9Roof Wizard ......................................12Rose Abbey School..........................15Sansum Black Belt Academy...........17Scotengineering ...............................33Simone Herrnkind - German Tutor...22SJ Chimney Services .......................31Smith & Castle Jewellers..................25Springfield Bar..................................19Sue Taylor Zumba ............................20The Blind Spot..................................33The Loft Bistro ..................................31The Wood Centre Ltd ......................17Unique Beauty ...........Front Cover,3,15Varis Training ....................................20Wheelchair Care...............................31Words By The Wayside ....................26

Moray WeddingExhibitionMoray WeddingExhibition

With over 50 exhibitors it’sthe place to find everythingfor your special day

For more information telephone 01343 547700

Sunday12th February 201212.00 - 4.00pmElgin Town Hall ORGANISED BY OLIVE TREE CHOCOLATE

Index ofAdvertisers

Picture by Karen Barcley , Copyright

Page 39: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012




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Page 40: SpotLight On Elgin, Lossie & District, February  2012


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