sponsoring the shack


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Post on 09-Feb-2016




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Sponsorship at The Shack


Page 1: Sponsoring The SHACK


Page 2: Sponsoring The SHACK

INtROducINg “tHe SHAcK”, AN ON-cOuRSe PARty AReA wItH LIbAtIONS ANd eNteRtAINmeNt LOcAted ON tHe 18tH gReeN PeNINSuLA. PARtIcIPANtS ARe eNcOuRAged tO dReSS IN LOud, bRIgHt, gOLf AttIRe wHILe eNjOyINg tHe fuN eNvIRONmeNt Of tHe SHAcK. tHe NAme ItSeLf (tHe SHAcK) PLAyS ON ONe Of tHe mOSt IcONIc ANd HumOROuS gOLf mOvIeS Of ALL tIme – cAddy SHAcK.

tHe SHAcK wILL feAtuRe AN ARgyLe PAINted cOcKtAIL LOuNge wHIcH ALLOwS ReveLeRS tO SIP dRINKS At tHe bAR ANd SOAK IN SOme SuN AS tHey eNjOy tHe ReNO-tAHOe OPeN PgA tOuRNAmeNt (APPROxImAteLy 10 A.m. tO 4 P.m.).

AfteR tHe fINAL gROuP PLAyS tHROugH tHe 18tH HOLe, tHe SHAcK wILL cOme ALIve wItH muSIc, bRIgHtLy dReSSed PAtRONS, ANd A fuN eNvIRONmeNt wItH dRINK SPecIALS ANd cOStume cONteStS (APPROxImAteLy 4 P.m. – 8 P.m.).

tHe SHAcK wILL be OPeN fROm 10 A.m. - 8 P.m. fRIdAy ANd SAtuRdAy ANd 10 A.m. - 6 P.m. ON SuNdAy. tHe SHAcK IS fRee tO eNteR fOR ALL RtO tIcKet HOLdeRS.

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ReNO-tAHOe OPeN eveNt detAILSThe 14th annual Reno-Tahoe Open, an official PGA TOUR event, takes place July 30 through Aug. 5, 2012 at Montrêux Golf and Country Club in Reno, Nevada. The tournament is one of just 47 full-field stops during the PGA TOUR Regular Season and is part of the FedExCup series. The Reno Tahoe Open’s media coverage is internationally televised and reaches 88 million households in 222 coun-tries.

mARKetINg OPPORtuNItIeSNorthern Nevada has only one international sport-ing event each year, which is the Reno-Tahoe Open. Because of the distinctive audience the Re-no-Tahoe Open attracts, it provides an opportu-nity for businesses to expand their footprint into a new and/or existing market. With the Reno-Tahoe Open having over 60,000 spectators and a fantas-tic field of competitors in 2011, 2012 promises to be bigger and better than ever. This year’s play has changed to a Modified Stableford format creating a much higher risk-reward system, which encour-ages players to make the most out of every hole.

With these attributes, the marketing exposure for businesses is ripe with opportunity. The SHACK promises to be an event unlike any other on the PGA TOUR. Imagine your brand hosting a unique event filled with spectators (splashed in colorful attire) enjoying entertainment and cocktails. The SHACK offers the unique benefit of being seen at a PGA TOUR event, all-the-while allowing each sponsor to promote their brand and engage their target audience.

fAN demOgRAPHIcS ANd eveNt ScHeduLeThe PGA TOUR and Reno-Tahoe Open attract a well educated and sophisticated demographic. If your business is looking to target these individu-als, then sponsoring of The SHACK is paramount to increasing your brands exposure.

cHARActeRIStIcSHHI $200,000+, Own Home $750,000+, Master’s Degree, Professional School Degree, Personally Own $150,000+ in Total Investments, Credit Cards - Average Monthly Expenditure: $2,001+, Business Decision Makers

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SPONSORSHIP OffeR- Logo on marketing materials: advertising, web, email and social media efforts.- Inclusion on renotahoeopen.com as official sponsor with a link back to sponsor site- On-site sponsor banner, August 2-5 (banner included)- Inclusion in program as sponsor- Ten (10) Good Any Day Tickets


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yOuR LOgOIN fRONtOf 60,000 SPectAtORSANd ON$30,000+IN mARKetINgmAteRIALSfOR $1,000!



wItH tHIScROwd.just off the 18th green at this year’s Reno-tahoe Open is the SHAcK, a cocktail lounge for the bold. join the pary and wear your brightest, eccentric golf attire. there’s libations, music, and prizes for the best outifts. No need for directions, you’ll see us from the parking lot.

AuguSt 3-5

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Sneak peak at our 2012 SHACK advertising, marketing, and public relations campaign, valued at more than $30,000!!!!!

This is an INTERACTIVE display at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, based around The SHACK, which will be located RIGHT NEXT TO BAGGAGE CLAIM, and enjoyed by all our visitors during its 60 Day installation.

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