spmin dr summer -...

THE PLAT"fSBPRGH"KKIM BUCAX. SATURDAY MORNING. MAIti'H 30 187s. She #rpublicau. "irFnuwifVM, Vfii' H • !»:• <1RA>T *• BIX«\. - PropTK"*""- Tones or THE WEEK. ^».. '.).. I IT 1 if, «*r * r .nr I.H.k.'O 1 l..i I . , U » I I 1»<> «. (he third |>»rU, I-KI« A.. , ; <•>, L •> 1> !• ! bR 5 . a n d l.u'J'. 1. I, tljf NV« V.>rk sub t<-e»«urjr. The present .1 •!•>-*!I-»:I» »r» that there w.I \»f l»u Hi >re Luvu'ia! '.'g"'*ti"ii !l .« season in i'"'T'gr. s» That otfioin strtiKt, 1 t Uie postiil Isw for btdu.tigthc MI..1 .t.g "f h.Wsbaj.ff. '.•) • Xpr<S< *s to I* P-J** *-d t.reenhacks are at » premium in MortUii^. OWillg L f. n;«a<r of -hippl!" ;• ...I i'li'.- ll'lfl t«> NfW l<Hk. Turkish money U rates! at $- tV> against hl.OOmgold. luatof Kus*is,$l<V>; Austria. *k1V; Italy,*! 31. Th* Republ.cans are deriving solid com- fort from the lac* that Hayes's refusal t o a c cept a second trim is on record. Blaine is a Maine carpcl-bagser. l i e w a l reared in Peun.-jivahia where his ancerieis -fit icto the K-volution." •".forge Washington Ctitlds and A. J. I>rexel Late pjrebas'-d Tom Scott's interest in the NVw Y-rk HVM. Tbe bol aCi'Wing c- i.vicls lo testify in the courts w a s p.t s e j ever Uie Governor's veto last Tuesday iti the Senate, 2i! to T. It is expected that Colliding, tbe hero of great expectations, will shoot a very hard wad from his pup gun at the President in 'about ten days. Tbey say the money paid out in thiscoun- 1 I »ei> !.»J.t • I l b * I>M'UU' AXdouM- |e«« knna* that sn'iti.l prMiiceii by waves o'lliv •<:,>• I th' » K , fcet in nvuinn in TS- I II"-*- « itcfii I'gn! JUIlH -HJ't '•!*?! » 1 t rti'in! .'i« furcmc. ainj.»|i'iiC wave. '•-I. •!> •,.*- A j./i^ili.-'ai. f, ar-i ;!•«* «in=.M <hirp •'( tbe inwct a* •• > ? ' w » -.iHraimo • 'iicL J 0". r. /r"ii. :L« o t h e r «•«•!> m ')»erif. If a person liapprM 1" be >.Ut..liii<; *ith,n r»nc of tle-se «ir wave*. «<.ir.e .f iliftn strike li^srar iniirr.. wti'..lj .-..i.si-J* "f » «M-'eate rr.f m'.r^M. .Uairn arrr,«» (I e n'fiee l^a.ii.f ii.i.dc lie »Utiii at Hie >ar. «inrjiKriV to tl*e J.'al f.f a rfnim PVirn tif.tr tlie in«i']e of Hi'* mtmhraoe i.er»e* p.ii« 1" Uie drain. iti.l wli-'ii tt.r wave of air *!tik(« 'Aw mem- brane if iibrne«, and th" TlhiAi-ou t!.n« pro- liuceil caught up by ILP t;rn>. and tbe ,«en»ation tlitia carried to Hie hram is wliat w« call s-.unil; and were it not for this deli- rule tar drum there would tie no gvut.d in —Joaapta HMaN, Stale round the Buffalo pmkMUarr cut Ma tliroa' w<tli a r"< knife laat Monrtay n»j;ht, killing 1 m*e . :r. miner- lost tbeii live* (•» * r ' i-rv etploMon in North staff «rd«lur-. K'i;t«nl, Mairli »'7th —\V|o!e llo U.\. li»u- tiei-ii IV" -\.••£ <•*" b»ie* a' I .."jiil ,t..at:ne< .n Hit ^t*i>- in N r * 1 oil., he li<i- itoeu luaking fl 1 ''»'' -Time LMiiv*ii»i»ti* h»T<' Kii T, 'i •'.'"'•' at!t~tj..r* tlic ptst T'-ar an;t ta'tl tbe ll Je^ at T". .'Ill* aji.eee --The Vew T..|t; p-eMrflW re.)'ine« 1.V1 etrp! ,iyi* to riill .t Tlo'I a' i.li il ."i'.il »' rp neaily'all b. low i-.im. It i» rep-Tted that »na S.thib. Hie in- stigator of the Sepoy R"li.'l!..ui in I n l i t , i* still nli»e. I'l.e Miiuiefc..la L«'-;i.-.'.iliiro w II hi-ni-h aeeil to farmers in plat-" ot lliat wloeli U.e cra'*!n>pi>er» ale tip. —IVter CtKiper is going lo estari!i<li .in m- ' *- of .;t*i.-i»t,e '"I »if. *rsd ; ' ' •/• it 1 1 1 1 Mr ( nwper i« tl.e o n v 1 a't oi i t . e w o r ' 4 . '•- <'••> '. • ri. . w h " fill 'fit' [ • ' 1 vl .. ».-t a, « , 1 . I i . I' •• • l l \ 1 fill- 1 I.-- ' . , • 1 - , IJ..1 V I' . s l.ii'. S (• . | at, .liiei ••( 1., , ii a' 01 ill '•..•% 4.. 1. • , 1 '' 1 t|f. 111 t , m, i.li- ,,,y «\. 1 r. •, -o..|. 'i : •• • nit ... -11,, i , • ,, »( cut.' earii pun I H •• )..•>.( •.. i\„: ».,l (' i»j. -. both wl. I<> > pup.!, s-.-l ' .»t;*r fe wb' n Hi« adfice of hi* lUStr.K'Joi n i* l.e <le«:r-.t. Vr. I'na'icr i'^«..r> * e«eli ;i:i;. 1 ;. b<" n er.-ilil In Ion s d i o .1, aii.l it.w-s 1 .; « t >:, ,, IjC to n 1 '![>•.n tl,.- r. r;'i ir at.t^e n a *t.>eai c .11 pmy until he u co.np'ieui in niAint\ n l.i* pooition with creilir, J?e eive* to earli jrvi- nale deemeii tlin* eonipel'Mit ,1 wn"- o e. r- tiflcilPiif S'lft-isN itld tl|.r,( i lf ]" ,„. ,1 , t ,,.ir I)ri«inat.c Art, or both. I.i.ii'S or ^••••i'!> men nh 1 «| ? )| to .(nly el.K-i.t'on. .*r whi. i!^-ir.' '-» |T.pxi-. fir Ihe prii!r>«i(tiial *U«t". if tliey lure not aliulj for tbe young women of the South. the uniren-e; cannons mi«lit rear, and thun- I , - A . ? V\ W V o ^ ei }* * OUth - Tf.^-TiTio , , , , ,, , , , . ' I* sold his mothers diamonds and went to d.-i cr.i«li, bat the,- would not brrix the still- ^ m lhe prjceed g Diate novels. new. All this our leaders need not ba»e ' _jr nl , \ym. Xeely died in Uie dentisfa bWh to'il, chair of Dr. Winalow in PhiUdelphia, fiom V-'w, it will at onre be .seen, that no sound, ! the eflecta of chloroform, March 2i.»'l». ui .l.T ordinary circum*tancPS, can be hcaid —The fast borsf", 'Tontrollf r." nccntly niadc. in San Jrauciaco, kn n i n e s 111 .1 tniu atitute of science near Spartansbnrgli. S. <".. ' received ami r*.id Mr. C'owp r"s «peciil (' i leyond the point where the air wave dies ntes and 30 seconds. away and is lost. The chirp of. cr.cket may , _ W i m m HoweSj an Ecglish pedestrian, be heard, under favorable c.reutnstancea,one j ^M challenged the champiou, O'Leary, t o a tUiuaand feet; the human voice B a y b e , match for tbe cUampionabip bell and #2 50* beard, perhaps, six thousand feet, and the ' —Gladstone baa been infited to give the firing of a laonon, say twenty miles. All j alumni address at the next Yale commence- tbis under ordinary circumatancea. B a t i f | " ^ » nd "P"" tb,t " e '" m m j hC there could be eoov mfihod of bridging ofer j __^ be Pre|nier of Caua(]a rccently receiT . a certain distance from tbe human Toice,and j e j a threatening letter conveying to the producing at that distance precisely the same cheering intelligence that he had only two atmospheric vibration which is produced by , «!*?» longer to live. the organs of speech, it must be at obce ' - F i v e negroes wera hanged, March 22J: . „„ ,, , ,. _. . ... . . , two in Newcastle, Dei., and three at Abbe- seen that the same effect would be produced < f .^ A|fc A de ' c , w ^ lhemseIv es to be iu- at that distance from the voice, as if the ' nocent. tmcs of the Voice itself were produced there. ! _!»„,«. Leo will abolish the palatine guard And this is precisely what the Telephone ' of 200 meti and pontifical navy comprises dots. Toil In.:,] in your hand a tube into ! m officers and men which hasseennoactual which you talk. Within the tube there is a thin disc of sheet iron, drawn across the ori- fice, which the tones of the voice cause to vibrate as the ear drum vibrates, or as the sheepskin drum bead vibrates when it is beaten upon. Close to the diaphragm on opposite side is an electrical or magnetic ap- paratus, placed so near that with each vibra- ty last fall in aid of Senator RocKwelfs tlec- j tion an electrical current is alternately setiu lion was warm at the time it was distributed. I motion and broken. This apparatus is con- Did it come from under Tobey's pillow? ! nected b y a n ordinary telegraphic wire with another precisely similar, say one hundred The hill authorizing the construction of a railroad from Plaitsburgh to Clinton Prison passed to a third reading in the Ass< mbiy last Tuesday. Senator Howe of YYtvonsin, Republican, made a tierce attack on President Hayes and his policy in the Senate last Monday. Hayes was alive, the last heard of him. The Berlin Pox', out of Bismarck's orgaus, *ays that tlermany Trill never light for any foreign pouvei, and that Russia had better restrain her ambition. According to a recent decision of the Post- master-Genera! any matter in print which may be sent through tbe mails in an enclos- ure may also be sent at the same rate if printed on the wrapper or envelope. The Louisiana Supreme Court has just de- cided unanimously that the vote of Louisiana for Presidential electors in 1ST0 has never been officially counted or promulgated, and that the commissioners' returns which gave T i l d e n S.%00 m a j o r i t y w e r e the lawful one*. The Philadelphia Tinus notes the differ- ence between Conkling and Blaine, thus; Conkling is always preparing a speech which he never delivers, and Blaine is always de- livering a speech which be neier prepares. This is so good that it ought to rank next to Addison's famous rrmparison ofDryden with Pope. Tbe eagle on the new dollar appeats to he the result of a cross between the turtle, bat, dancing bear and turkey buzzard, and is as fearfully and wonderfully made as some of those visionary beasts of tbe Apocalypse. Its author and finisher o n g h t to go west and follow some wandering ox team until he gets lost on the distant prairie. Superintendent of Insurance, Smyth, was ac-fjnitted by the Stnate last "Wednesday, the vote standing 19 for acquittal and 12 for con- viction. It wus fuily proved on the trial and admitted by the defense, that he acted in opeu and flat defiance of the Constitution, but what do the Republican leaders care for that? Ihi'V have become So hardened in iuiquity that they care notbiug for Constitu- tion or law, especially when it is proposed to j e d without diagrams. o-ist a m a n n L o i s s o ready as Mr. Smyth to 1 These things sound like fablts, but they Contribute to the corruption fund in case of 1 are already lully accomplished facts. The need. The it, p\b!ir-au Senateli:u acquitted j invention is yet only in its infancy. The Mr. .Snij:h. hut the people's vrdict is, miles away. There is another diaphragm at the other end of the line, which yibrates in exact unison with the first by means of the electiical current,' and thus one hundred miles away tbCTe is produced a series ot air waves precisely like those wbicb were pro- duced by Ike organs of speech at the other end of the line, and these waves, when they strike the ear drum of a person one hundred tnile* away, become these very tones repro- duced. This is the principle of the Telephone and it ia so simple that the only wonder is that electricians had not arrived at this re- sult years ago. The Phonograph is only another step in the same direction, a iiui<: beyond. Tbe Phonograph requires noelecttical apparatus, and is about as simple a s a grindstone. To the centre of the metallic diaphragm, disc or drum already spoken of, is fixed a sharp point, and this point just touches a sheet of tin foil which is wrapped around a cylinder. On the axle of this cylinder is cut a screw thread, and the bearing at one cud consti- tutes the nut through which the screw passes. This cylinder is turned, and at the same time a person speaks into tbe mouthpiece, which causes the drum to vibrate, and as it does so the sharp point makes a scries of indenta- tions iu the tin foil, underneath which there is a spiral groove (having tbe same "pitch" of the screw) in the track of the point as the Cylinder revolves and moves laterally at the same time. Now stop tbe cylinder, raise the point and turn the cylinder backwards to the beginning of the series of indentations, and then again turn the cylinder as before; the point uiRshes into the indi'iuations, and causes the drum to vibrate exactly as at first and this produces a serious of delicate air waves precisely like these before set in mo- tion by the tones of the voice, and thus these are reproduced. Now take off this sheet of tin foil and sen 1 H ten thousand miles away and let it be put upon anothpr machine pre- cisely similar to the first, and every tone of your voice is reproduced. Preserve the sheet, and a thousand years hence your voice may be perfectly reproduced, and may be preserv- ed as long as time lasts. This is the princi- ple of the Phonograph, although there are muiy minor details which cannot be explain- cniars sh.ni,.] at one- apply f >r Ihi 11). TiK'y will he «.eiil p..-! paid on r^c.'ipt of ,vl lr—« A'l h'fers ( f it i;:rry will l..> promptly and fiiliV illiSHill'd by the Pillicipil, win." ad- dress is J.>!in C-Cowper, (Aca lemy i.f iluyiei Chelsea, M.w. MT, VEStTVTUS. Should .'111 eruption oeenr In this \O1.MII». and c.in«e thedextniefinn of one half of the Inhabitant* who live in the vicinity, the re- mainder, who barely eseape with their lives. Immediately move back upon the lit lf-eoolerf, lava, and there live in constant fear of anoth- er eruption, foolishly fancying that the only ten an table portion or the eartli rests TrtUiin the shadow of the great volcano. This fairly Illustrates the force of habit, and the persis- tency vrtth wlilch people cling to opinions when once formed. For example, Dr.I'ieree's Golden Medical Discovery cuns Incipient consumption, coughs, colds, andall affections of tbe liver ana blood, j-et some still depend upon physicians and remedies that have naught but repeated failures to which they can refer. AJHI although l>r. rierce , «i\avor- ite Prescription is sold under a positive guar- antee to cure those weaknesses peculiar to women, and notwithstanding that Utousands of women bear testimony to Its efficacy, and the truth or all statements made concerning It, many yet submit to the use or caustic and the knife. Again, Dr. Pierce's rieasant Pur- gative fcllets, no larger than mustard seeda. will positively cure constipation, where it Is dependent upon dyspepsia or torpid liver; yet some still depend for veJief upon the '-blue pill" or huge doses of drastic cathartic medi- cine. In Die face or such facts, can we wonder at the blindness or lhe poor Italians? service uince IbtO. —Two men wera killed and l."> badly scald- ed by the explosiou of the steam chimney of the steamboat Magenta on the Hudson ltiver near Sing Sing last Sunday. —There is great distress amon-4 the pmir of Glangow, Scotland, and enlistments into English army at the rite of 1,000 p-r week are reported. —The British naval training ship, Earydice witb over 300 men on board, was wrecked on the south coast of the Isle of Wight last Sun- day. Nearly all on board were lost. —Eastern affairs seem farther from settle- moot than ever. Roth Russia and England continue to act warlike, and it seems settled that no congress will be held. j Thfi Celltam . Liniment* are of 1.0 —The Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. jre j kin( , s . The Wj„'tO is for the hlltmill family: Invuisa boat butlt at Ronaout, &M4 feet to i,. ,, ,. . , . , , ,, b: used in eacavating mud and oilier depos- 1 t h u V e l W is for horses, sj.eep, anu other its from the bottom of tbe canal. It is con- animals. Testimonials of the effects pro- structed on tbe principle of a steam shovel, duced by these remarkable Preparations uie —Dead wood is a lively place. A deacon wrapped around every bottle, and may be shot a man in church a tew Sundays ago , , , • . . ., .• for putting a counterfeit quarter on the co" P™"™ 1 ° f «y «««>»«* 0 «" by mad from tribuiiou plate, ami then the preacher i m - 1 lIle 0fi * lce of Tin CKTA™ COMPASV, JO mediately shot tbe deacon comes. —In the great International walking match which closed last Saturday night iu London, O'Leary, the representative of this country, made 520 miles and 440 yards in five days and nineteen hours, winning the race against all contestants. Yatighan,theKngiisb champion, was about 20 miles behind hi in. O'Leary's was the best time ever made. His reward is $2,500 and the champion's belt, Valued at $500. —During the last 37 years 56finesteamers have been lost on the Atlantic, and in 29 of j these cases an aggregate of 1,397 lives were lost. Nine of tnese vessels were never heard of after leaving port. The President, iu 1S41, the City of Glasgow, in 1854; the Pacific, in 1850; the Tempest, in 1857; the United Kingdom, iu IStJS; the City of Boston, in 1870; the Scanderia, in 1S72; the I^malia, in 1S73, and the Colombo, fn 187(. —Ten years ago two women, a mother and daughter, were found murdered in a berry pasture in St. Alexandre, Canada, and the body of the daughter bore evidence of having been outraged. The murderer was never discovered, but it now tnrus out tbat La Page, the hanged murderer of Josie Lang- tnaid and Miss Ball, was living near where the murder was committed at the time, and it is confidently believed he committed the fiendish deed. Correspondence from Hebruka. KEAKSEY JcxcTio.v.Neb. March 11,1S73. To Uie Editors of the Republican : DEAR Srits—Many friends having asked me before I left your town to write and let them know all about Nebraska, and thinking that at the same time I would gratify the cu- riosity of many othere; I request the permis tion to inscribe a short sketch for your paper of what I have learned and seeu ot the Stale, since I have made it my home. Nebraska, which is situated west of the Missouri river, and which is watered by its So tue story ; E>ey Street, Xew Tork Ciiv. llyl U EPOP.T OF TUB CONDITION ••» IHI Fir;»t National Banlu " : . r \TT it i..,it. \t I 1 .!• -1. net,. .:, 11,,. -• ,t« ,.f \ . . ) , > th.. . I .„,. ,.f 1.1,.]•„.._ JI„, i Ii i ,, | « , . RhM H It* 1^ ^ I- , ....... 1.1,.. .-.., i . ,, llwi.lnil'.. . . . (J> I - V. .,,I.|.,, II •' . V. •». B-.nd*on band. - - ' . I'I rmm nppr-iv.'.l KenprT" «tcer;f«. |i i-fri.Tuntb. r Xitfi "tllSrik*. I> fr..m .Mat- Bank<,;ir..I KanV<-r(, i;. it. <ta'e. Timll'm*. ri 1 fiTi, r , ._ < iii.'il.'XJi.'iis..i:iHiMi...u.l, - i Ii. ..k-5 ami other c-.-osh It- ins. liilisori.Ther Rink*. - - - >r.i- ii..n tl enrr>'tn-\ in- 1'SIST.I: ni<-k. >1» i" in I>i.l|..^K M Ti. ISH,VI-I. nfir ue» . - - - . r.e-/il !• ndi-rr • ! • ! . - I'. •*. <-erti!|.-ale« t.f deposit for Irtnl- t< ml.'r-.. - - - _ _ . Red. nipttonliin.lultM S Trc.isur. r. -"• p* 1-.—nl ..fnr. III. ill. oil. - - l»ie from I'. S. Treasurer, other than . jvr i-.oit redemption fiiml. T-lal. - - - - - *;T".*34 4.7 LI VniLlTIO. r.-tpita]st..ekp,-iid in. - - - siflo.nminn Surplus r'uml, - . so.onnoo fii.tivi.leO profits. _ J34>,I27 Si* National jkiiikiiiite*ouN(aiiilin t r. . ftunmoo In.livi.l.i:U deposits subject to e h c - l c . 3*^^=12 4^4 Demand eerttneates of deposit, - uvmi «) Due to other X.itlnnal Itiuik*, - - 5,!»7«59 line b. state !! inks and Bankers - ,ifi2 flfi Grand Opening ]i*i,'«fii»i _-, virtn >v» -l_!" '-. . ^.V. «J 1,.;~ mi - ..mill*. - 5.< 75 21 «i: 74 - 1 .». ...I f 14B3fl .".ftftfiiw ll..tlM»UM 1-i.n.winn t.'^HlfWI 1,UJ14S JT;<I,*.H I:; Total, - State of Xen-York,) t'.ua/.w nf (Hintrm, j ss - 1, A. Ouitiord. Cashier of the above-named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowledge and iwllef. A. GIIBOIU), Cathifr. Sul.senbcd and sworn to before me this 25th day of March. 187S. G EU. W. -WATSOX, A'-tarv rum.: Correct attest: K. S. WJXSI.OVV. ) C. E. M. EBM'AKUS,} Mrrclor*. M. SOWXE.S, J «'r •!,I>T l,.d.l,r Spmin dr Summer GOODS. PUEDY & VILAS. I vr^',1 \«;. .rt Farm k Garden Implements, Fertilizers, Ac, &r, Weli«g I..HH, ii.f i,ii ! I . . , « f " ' >-'"«"'«|ll«»i.«o«-.*l^.l-Cli r r ^- w . T,rl«t..' ami <"i«t..,,..i-i i*iit we l.i. , i-t r. t'lm-1 ' t h„ from \.w V.-i k v i h Hi l:^-ui*— i..r «t Largest and Best Selected *•• ^».<n n Stock A Card. We have read the card of Dr. D.inh.im in the village papers and wl-di simply to My if any person desires to ate Dr. Dunham's rig- nature in his own handwriting signed to the card referred to, they can do so by calling at our place of business, 40 Margaret St. March -29ih, 1S73. Miii'.KKi. & KAIIXEU. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E EPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Vilas National Bank, OF FLATTJSBCKGH, At PlatKbnrKh,in the. State of New York, at the elose or business, March in, 1S7S. ltESOUltCEi. r.o.-ms and discounts, - ?.>;30,o27 07 U. s. Uonds to aecurecirculation, - IIIU.WH) w Due Irom approred reserve aeents, 8S.233 7S One from other National JJanks. - C.818 45 Due from State Banks and bankers, C24 at Real eshite, furniture, and fixtures, 27,64012 Current expenses and taxes paid, - - 1,1.i 00 Checks and other cash items, -- - 4,SM 4U Bills or other Banks, - W«« Fractional curreneyfinr-luding nlekel-.; Its 20 Specie (ineiuding gold Treasury certifleates), - - - - ' - ".two 00 Legal-tender notes, - 3,t»0 00 r. s. ccnincatcs or deposit for legal- tenders, - - - - - - 20,00000 Redemption fund wltliTJ. P.Treasurer, (5 per cent, of i-lrculation), - - - -i.-iOOOO Total, 5.-^11..K9 75 LIABILITIKH. Capital stoek paid in. - $100.000 00 Surplus fund, - - - - - 20,00000 Undivided profits, - 14,030 31 National Bank notes outstanding, 9O.000 00 Individual deposits subject to check, -l-KiWi 51 Demand certiticates of deposit, 334^75 74 Dm- iv other rfationnl lionlo-., C,i2t 55 Due to State ilauks and bankers. - S2C4 Total, - - Slate of Xe-w York, 1 ., J?M11,3-".I75 many tributaries, cannot boast of any history . | en,,;,, of rihdvii, ) Adirondack Mills, PERU, W. Y . N 4)\V is the lime to buy Iluekwheat IJran Short*! A XI) MiildlJiiKS at lower prices for t_juJt rpttAX ever before tittered, as follows: on I ears TTEUE, iu ton lots or less, ranging in price A T from S3 to SIS per ton, according to j \ quality. \TO r'lonr, F<-e<l. Meal. &e., can be sold Tor Xl less money than we now offer L 4TOK at the prices and judge for your- selves! 4 PIKOXDACK F'onr (spring) |C..iO per bbl, £\. warranted. I jriUXAX, White Winter, S7.EO per bbl. Xew . Process $8.00 per bbl. H AVISO arranged with Arnolds & Morgan, they now handle 41 T aliove price* our Flour, Feed. Meal. &c„ J\ and a Flour branded M INSESOTA, for $45.50 per bbl., and guaran- tee the same to be. worth 50c. per I>I>1, more than any flour offered in this town for same money. A TMiSIlOSr in particular is called to onv prices of Lumber. N o. 1 Hemlock flank, Boards and SeanUins -we otter at prices (hat 0 EFY competition. Spruce Shingle St.7.1 to #2 00 per M., and Cedar Shingle fl.00 »o «2.50perM. Me make a S PECl ANT Y of Clapboards and offer at S7.E0 to $12.00 per M. feet. O X Kino Celling prices range from £11.00 to 815.00 per M. feet. \ f 0 rejtlliaf prices for Cull Lumber, as it X^l v a r i e s in qualitjr. S ATISKACTlUNanciquaiitloi fully gnaran- teed as represented. So inferior goods palmetlolfon our customers as being goods of superior quality at low prices. F 'KEST, whitest and beat Mova Seotia Plaster, fresh Kraund and extra, E V E R gold in Northern Xew York, we now offer for sale, and R tPEK with pleasure to the numerous parties who have U SEP our Plaster and who unite with u s i n advising th t if you use Plaster buy only a good article, for money spent for a poor article is money thrown away. "\TO charge for cartage. Parties living at a 11 distance scud Y OTJK b a g s to us at owr expense. TTc will promptly iiH all orders sent us, and will guarantee quality and prices in every particular. II _ X. tAPHAM & SONS. MEDICAL ^LALi; A Strictly Temperance DRTJGr S T O R E , Keep constantly on hand : slock of the complete i, J . .u. Wever. cashier of the niiore-nametl | ed Ventilated Truss, exceptiug that it was organized as a territory j B a!ik,\i.> solemnly swear that lhe allovP sl:lf ..., in 1S54, and arterwards admitted into the i ment is rrnt- to tlit- ln-st of my iLnowled^e and Union as the thirty-seventh State in 1S07. belief. " ^ . There are already several railroads iu the , „„,,,„,,,„„, :inil , w J r ;^; S. E t. thi'I^d State, and that affords us outlets for our pro- i day of March. is7-i. duce, whether we ship it to the Atlantic or j * c. A. B.VKEIt, -V.,',07; Pnhr,,; to the Pacific coast. The population of the Ton-, et mte<5f: icest Drap and That can be purchased in this country. Perfumes and Toilet Extracts In endless varietv from the best nianulae- factories in France, England and America. POCKET BOOKS. Ail of the newest styles. Trusses and Supporters A SPECIALTY. We keep all the modern patterns; also. Acents in Clinton county for Jones' Ceiebrat- State is about three hundred thousand pen wbicb shows that this State which is 'f-rniltv." The currmi i.uruher of Hurptr's Wnkly warns the It-puLiicari Legislature that "the 0:0} way to un.te and strf-nyihen the paity and to a!.a\ discontent, is to make a plainly just app..i!..jnui*at," and that "party contid- , . 1 1, ., . 1 .1 fir.itely.so that corivet'.atiiii.s m.i\ becar erations h .-.<• rightfully no more to do with. J ,. -, it . apjin.-t.. i.tnel/J thati with the lipptopria 1 "t.3 t.i eafijii.j; on the government." It .s r--freshing to ktiow that the Republican press ;-- t.i-.t ur.:i.i.,ri. us iu support of the ^baaiele-s J propos bi.u siL.cu h.o> been b ildiy addeated in the Av-ra 1 .T by lhe Kefiubiieah k.t.]er\ . lliat tie- A.v .;•! :q.ji-rti i:iru» 1 t h;.l Wis a j.jrtv iii<-u-i,re, :tr. I in ; t !.H [.-nhi-.J through a" ~ i r '.. toi.p k produced were at first very faint, but j P ^ p „. ed of prairJes crossed b y a few ridges,! already an instrument has been made by J and w i)j cu was formerly thought to be a des- ert, on account of its being treeless, is thickly enough settled up to three hundred miles weat from Omaha, so that you cannot look in any direction without beholding the homes which the voice of the phonograph has been heard 275 fret in the open air, and the in- ventor is e'jhfi lent that the vibrations may he so inten-ilied that the loudness of the re- 1 of families, who have settled in the State produced tones may be increased almost in- ! only within a tew years. Those homes are r j t ,j , built, most of them,of "sod," and surrounded with growing groves of Cottonwood trees, 0:1 at imuieusu distances on se.t or arid with- W1| J CIJ row u>1 . y rap idly. These sod houses out aiiy telegraphic win s or other connect- j in general are only one story hi»h. They lay S. F. VILAS, E. I.. XliltOLS, M. J5IXBY, To Rent. medium than the a.r. Light houses may ! t h e s o d a s w c d o b r j c k - a n u ."! aku i be wa!ls I Esq., iu the village of Plattsbnrgh, New iork rpilE dry goods store now occupied by MAIl- 1 Cl'S MILLER. 1'o.isessUm Mav lst.1-7^. lUtf THUS. AtiM'SinoNd. "VtDTICE.—By order or tvtntlow C. "Watson, i\ Jr., Surrogate of Clinton county, notice is hereby given uccor ing to law, to ;iil persons having claims against John Tobin, late of Schuyler Falls, Clinton county, Xew York, deceased, that they are required to exiiibi, the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber at the office of Matthew Hi wnon O Send forth the voice of warning by the Same , . , , ,r .. . . • I rp, ( r.S'1., Ill U1C I IlliliiC OX 1 I : about two and a half feet thick, liny are 1 „., or before the rth dm- plastered inside, and some are even papered. >roctobi Pateil, March-JTlhilSS. W1I.LIAU TOBI.V, A.I r, 1*7*. iUllISLl-HtO! never have atiy sleighing, hut have oee isioii- M'ater t'oiumissioners' Notice, ^TtHE Asi.i-ssmcrit for V.'utcr ami lire ]>rtitec- ,lu i_;e I. itch: 'td has decided that triV. 'Ii.ien m e ' , h - pr.--ecuteu lor ten year-o.d ir 1- 'j.. : vx arrears, notwithstanding he p.-1'.l.s.t nr a k".' it, - li- re i* II. f . a*. ir •'- «-' >, I'.S . ' Hi ,! n. a . ai rv \'. . kT, T . •>'• c ••••: '.:.- atrh .-. •r« : •;.•• >. >• ». v-r;.ri 1 .- Ui-il-.J S'.r.i-! >'ijitem»-- •-• H.e'ir.'-iiXie tin-re are iLe.s- '!.. ic»ii..j of btii.i.es!. men ;.'r, '.vL< are watch.n,; w.lh ..- th- 1 \.\ '.II-, l-.!,l.i\.I,g Ii' I•' ,U' lit 1 ? toll ,1 l! ..[lip up >r c--.; a;«.ii^t tl..-in that. . !• : . If .w Iinl,y ul the I.e.-, ,' •.' .(."'a'.Ce. h \ \ e p r e - . •-- t ts alii .'.ii'^r jiapcr?. ;r. ..•-I'i.! li.eilise Ve- SiiC'.-is- •- 'I. •Ij.-e.b- r. ,! 0 - *! i ' ^ ' ; '•-.- •.-?.•*. ^.ti I iii,jt\ mi-'Hii, ailllpPfSOUSOn shltlbo-ird lll.iy Cull- | I'Ley are neat, comfortable and «arm. For vefe w:th those on the land, or on board j the last throe weeks the climalt) ir.is been other ships so Jar distant as to be out 0 f i uiil'l, s-jaw-tbins liko the monlli of M»y. Wc siiht. Ill laet. there seems to he no limit t o j tl.e c soacitir-s of these two '.vonUerful lUStrU incuts, and especial.y the latter, and they lord slriiv.iis; nlustrations of the manne which men ot science will pk..i along for , s „.£ ri( , ss ;„ ,1,^ cotitilrv, and we have never ! Thursday, April llthl the'Commissi.mers will. at said ollice, beau and consider any objec- tion-, tiiit may be made to said assfs-mtni. l;. tl. SHEIOI.VX. 1:. s. WIXSLUW, WM. P. MOOiilH. i.JW- \\ ater t"ummii,:,ioi;t.-rs. years, pirahel to, and only a hair's breadth ' heard anything about" fevers "' It is about . tit! liint demanded of him b) horn some important discover\. Formerly ! the same about the lay of the land with 1: t:..- t.rie-. "I heca-,. La* b-wi • tiieie w.,r,» v.ipposi.-i to b>: en.v ^Veu v.on- ' ll,f ' rn ' 1 .V'^f lh »»»««* like Nebraska for its ** - It.,.I \\ ,i 1 I » .> T 1 I. .k ••A rr>-n ..I rt»-..»._- » i , . l t i . -,af.-'y M vtu as the , ties ul the btatt, and have paid particular at- soii. We always have good Crops, and iu der» jn the iv. r..l. but t..-,- I n.,no2r*ph and 1 flC)j j L, avf , lra7e ' c j j u e i - h t d;tl".-rent c o u n - Teiephol.e 111 ty Ji-r- ot a, 'jh »ll :'. tl,-.-. • . siii o;hcr<. 1 Fishes' Saratoga Aperient Mineral Waters. I All the popular varieties. ; Tlie Choicest Brands oi Cigars } Of Fort ign and Ponn-sUe manufacture. Flavoring Extracts Of a;l kinds-, at,Wholesale and Retail. OUK PBESCRIPIION DEPAKIMEM Is under the immediate supervision or MK. IMLIJKKT, an accomplished and experienced Pruc-Ljist. Dr. DUNHAM May be consuited at the store or in his pri- vate ollice in the same building from s to 0 A. si.. i_" _. TO 2, and 7 t o 9 o'clock r. M. Ice Cream Soda Water Oi^jH-nsed from our New and Elegant Crys- tal Fountain Soda Apparatus in its season. >;-..o.i,-,-,-.i".-f Block, Cuxtom Home Stpmre, PLATTSBVncfl, X~. 1". li.P. DlMIA-M, -M.P. W.ILTEB GltMBT, Houses, Stores and Offices TO RE^sTT. Ever befOn' "iTered ill this SorllU'IU SCilinll. Sever have Cloths l>een »« cheap a* »t the present Uine. and having pun baaed our go>»lf Tor CASH, we are enabled to offer indn..- nienU In all of our departments. >* e h»ve added a NEW DEPARTMENT TOH THE SALE OF Cloths by the Yard. Having no old cloths on hand, we have bought at astonishingly low prices, and offer the same .At a Small -Aavaiioe Above Cost. 5,000 yards Cottonades anil Tweeds, in desir- able styles, at£! i-cntsa yard, fully worth 30 cents. 1,0*0 yards All Wool Cassiuiere, suitable for boys' wear.at 55 cents, worth 75 cents. 1,700 y a r d s All Wool Suitings. In choice styles, a t 75 cents a yard, cheap at $1.00 a yard. 130 yards Fancy Stripe and Plaid Suitings at $1.00 a yard, good value at Sl.50 a yard. A Job lot of-Diagonals and Fancy Worsteds, suitable for dress suits, at $1.00 a yard, worth 31.73. As Uii* lot is selling Cast at the ex tn»- ordlnary low price named, a speedy call will ne necessary. We ha»e many otlier drlresln this depart- ment, which for want of space we cannot enumerate. In Oar Custom Department We oiler all the latest designs of Foreign and American Cloths. Nobby Goods for Tonus Men a Specialty. Finst-Class Fits and Good Work will be strictly adhered to. GEO. CANE, "Who has established a reputation a s a Flrst- Class Cutter, still handles the shears, and Is always ready to please those who may call to tee him. IN QUI REAIY-MA0E CL0THM6 'Piammvl Iron." tt... "OII», r < ailUM. "" V.l.-no •r. K 1 . i . ri , tirmTm •»m»rlr»w runner." :,i. 1 • « < i.ts.- tl.e -|t»„ c h -na > 1-..4 r !_•'( l 4 - 1. t»,e ">n t - \ ' t , I ii..I ., V I., I pl..»»n. i:. . • • > „ . t».- lWiI .-..im...l l-.el Win :. ;-.v »;,.!. i;. Ti, Til -,.f. tl.'l Utt J. it ...-•. i: - -'N,>. r . , " M . n . - , , i ..th. r •• •. ' I I . .. 1 (II.) flow. - - ir -i '. ..-i, i- SHOVEL PLOWS, I'...:I. ir..i, o. t Hi...-i. pi.n.-, a n,I with WI.IJH. Cultivators, Cultivator Poinu, Mold Boards, Land Sidrs, rotate, ir., For aii tin l']iiw« suhl b\ IK. i SEEP ORIf.L«i. MI4KE--4 IIAKKOW TEETH, j HOES, RAKEf. ! .•,it.ivi;t.<. j JSI'APES, | Al..Jtc. Sip»>r Phosphate*, fiaaa*, *c, Ac, ruuDr & VILAS. VI ittsl ur-h, X. Y , MarchL'2,1st*. 1 It II I'.IKII If | I t i l l vr. j »«,< irrm v HAIJKBTY. FAIKMNKS S ' •! Insurance As;eiiPV, Insurance Companies. [Liverpool, LoDdon and Globr Insurance Co. CEO.M.WEBB 4 SON TIN W21RE. WOODEN WARE. (.1.1,--: W .. . Cipital. As«ets, .*"trplu« over all habil.t e«. $1,228,200 28,276.160 5.566.000 : HoawhnM FuniiJi.::.: Iuaraice Co. of North America. OF run.-viiKLriiiA. t'apiul. Ass*)". Surplus, t2.000.0G0 6.461.730 2.426.625 Koyal Insurance Company OF ENGLAND. We offer a full assortment of Hen's, Tooths' and Boys' Clothing at prices lower than ever. THE I*A.TEST STYLES OF SURPRI8E AW,. Our uew Melon is the moot Oellcloas ever introduced, rer ipaelcage. 25 cents. TO* Tl MB 6WEKT COM Karliest known. Ter p V t . JOe. Doth by mail, Jic. Send for our catalogue, 96 pages and 400 Illus- tration*, which fully describes tueui. Mailed free. PBICK * KNICMESHOCKRB. l^wi; SO .State St.. AlUaajr. SI. T . « Q A K TREE TSS, " -iVo. 7 £.-oad Street, hemd of «*»£ Street. 1*LATTSBURGU,K.Y. XA.T. C. JMXLJkX Proprietor. This house has reccutljr been eatireljr rcfit- te.i and put ID the most perfect order for the accommodation of guests. The barns are large ami spaetons, anil in gootl condition. frlces to suit the times. I2»f rpHE SCQVLJBR FALL8 H a r n e s s Sliox> Is Ike place to bay Harnesses TilESi; IIAKU TIMES. I keep constantly on Hand a splendid One of Single and Carriage Harnesses made from Xo. 1 Oak Stock, and will be sold van low for ca»h. Also, a large stock of FarSs Harnesses with Hand-Made Collars, which will be sold low for COM. Give w e a call before bu) inf. 1*100 BEWAUU! To any person that can Bud asfteod aSidcl*. Harness as t h e S c h u y l e r F a l l s * flaa-BMSBflZ*w. can give J uu for fSiJt, r l1U r Capital. Afsi'ts. Surplus, 11.447.725 20.326.765 5.394.140 riMM»i«ir Witcriai . A I'lusabitiir anil ail kind- .f J .'» mmj JtJ •* OF PniLADELnilA. Capital, Assets, Surplus, §500.000 3.796.086 964.255 OK* y. •»% m irrci'..-' w-.i more i.^ai.'y f'-r their eflects ver^-e :iiii luitaculous than teiitiou to the soil, which is wry dark, moist and very good. The depth of the =oil i\ luia Ii et before we reach sand or elay. A great advantage is that we hive no -vr£^ voiti-: ISVPIIEMJE rorisT.—Julius o. j.1 Kubbeil against i.d\v.inl liiair.—By virtue Ko. 1 9 O a k Street. The News. •MJ I ,... j i V - r.n 1 • M,.- iMi it k i ..v -A . ,!l d.i-t ii i->:p;os,Vi-. Ii n'.'iii ha-i a bicycle club. — I •*» h.i3 rttt.-red han^in,;. — Ii .v.jii sti:-:i ie- ar.- In-ipjent. K.iij,' \Vi.,.,tiu v,,t-i - 1 , Match r.'!. <J i..^n V.ct'.i..* I.;u< *^vet. piiac-s. — 1 ii^l.cri' d .^.a^-. .- i.a'o t- T" txpi..-di'. 'Ilie A.i-gany coutry j m i-. d.-si rted. < cptrtia's Needle Wt e 'hi 1-i toni. — The l.iU,-r of f'1. in in- Itois wi.l letture. — May.ir K y, of New Voik, ^ a bj.chi.loi. —'U."re ate 'i .71 .Mor.ivi.in>, in UHI coun- trj. —'I here arc 1", .n,-hejo| sno' - , in the t.'.ils k..* — A.i.jiriy ihieali'iis to or^'aroZc .i h.-.M.' bad c:u". lhe L'tica tlie depjrtiuetit cleans the an—-ia. oi"a judgment and deer, eof f.ireelosure and I fir-t_ hous; mirth of the residence of L. D. sale made in the above entitled aeik.n, on j A-aij.in. Aiso, the -«th day i.f .March, 1^7-. and dnl\ entered c<.„„- iw„ Tims'..— . c . A. , , , , in the office oltin- ("lerk of Clinton count von Store Wo. 71 Marcaret Street. stone-., lor 1 haven I seen one MIICC. I have , theiirh day or said month. I, the undersigned | X.,w o.-.'iij.ie.l by L. Fraukiicld. Also, been here; another great adv:ir_ta,'e, is that itefi-ree, will sell ;it public am tion, at the | _, we have no fences to bui.d, lor the law al- ! S""" 1 'Joor ofthe Court House in the village of - Second. Story owor Fraakfield s, I,** us to have no fences, which costs „> ; ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ t i u S . * ait « hl * *>"»*>•**,&*.; a n d t h Rilli'h to our farmers. Water is supphed by ling real .-state and prcmi-us, viz: All that wells fur which we have to dig more or le*b, , piece or parcel of lain! ljlng and bi-iut: in thc oii the Ion butloin*. We dig'from fifteen to t,jW " " f M''o"rs. Clinton i-ounty \ V. de- , . . , . i .i i • i i i •• - sern.elas lolluws liem^ north halt oi the thirty I. et, and the hn<h land, oorn ninety s ,„ uh . WHSt 0 :irI p r „f i„ t :,-„ mi.cr Twcntv- tu olie liUlldreJ arid twenty feet; our pumps f l i r e e :-'.:i of the Four JIuudre-1 and T'.veiit'v are windmills, which we Call our taKe^i tree-i, A,-Te L-rt* in the K.-m^ee Tract, eouuuniug which work when ever we wi-.li, a, there is ! "My tw-^o a n d a h a i r a . - r e , , . . f l : lu a,m..reorI.. < -.. , , , • i • .! i .i Paled. 3J;ach inth, 1'.-.. aiways eiioueh wind; which i-. t h e only thirii; , CUAr}, U, M u n i l K JJ.-ii r.-i' I object to, and that the new coiner has the IH KWITIT .V RKIX.LV, hatdest Work to get accustomed to. j PlainlUT's Attorney-. JUST RECEIVED. X D. All of our Clothing is manufactur- ed here, giving us facilities of giving better fits and good strong sewing. Customers purchasing Clothing of us can have pieces of their material. Grab' Firaiitoi Departieflt, Comprises the latest novelties In this line. White and Colored Dress Shirts In all qualities. Our XIRK.-5S SHtltTS in fit are ciual to any custom made. FLAXNEL OTEKSillKTS iu all Styles. SHIHTS and DRAWERS at all prices. Heavy 8 oz. BKOWN OVERALLS at 50 cts. lIirBX and PAPEE COLLAKS and Cl'FFS m ail Uie latest styles. Our FANCY W4JOD BOX COTA.AR is the best made. SCSl'EXDERS and IISACE.S Tor m e n a n d boys. NECKWEAR of the latest designs. All tin- new styles received as soon as out. . SLEEVE and COLLAlt BUTTONS, NOBBY SCABF PIXJS, and other JEWECKT. warrant- ed to wear as good as gold, at one quarter the price. USEX and SILK HAXDRERCHIEFJS , PLAIX and FAXCY HOSIERY, KID and j LISLE THREAD GLOVES, and numerous } other articles. PROFESSIONAL PAIHTEB8 AX1> ALL OTHERS WHO Propose to Paint, Am requested to note tnat we nave a Terr full stoat or goods to meet their reqalro. ments, consisting of WHITE. LEAD, ZLHO PAIBT8, Haw aid MM Umtui Ml. Furniture and Coach VaraishinV WHITE DAMAK VxVBMSH. ifLOSESCE WHITE AaTB UOITID, CaUn im OU SVSBSI Jays. A. line assottaasstr of Masixry's Coach Colors. ARTIST'S COLORS 19 TUBE8, Grold. and Silver Ueal^ OOI.S STaUVEfMI UQVla*. Coach H i k e n «ad r—i— Japaa. PRATTS LIQUID DBTatE. AVHJTK 8HKX.XVA.G. BROWN SHELLAC, Wnlmit. O a k a n d Jk-mtt Orainiaa (Jolons. BLACK WALNUT 8TAIV, ASl'HALTL H, PASTE WOOD FII.LEE.irMm GLCE, COMMON GLUE, PCTTT, WHIT- ING, PARIS WHITE, PUMICE AJTD ROTTEN STOKE, EMERY CLOTS AND PAPEE, I U I I AKD SAND PAPKR, OCHRES and AI1XERAL PAISTS o r a n kinds. MIXED PAISTS ready for application. Also, JOHNSTON'S PRAPAKKD KALSOMIaTE in all shades. Every article sold by ns Is warranted as represented, and will be sold at Very Low Priees. PTJRDY Ec VrXuAS. 1 lalislmrgh, N. T.,March J3, im. Imperial and Northern In- surance Companies OF ENGLAND. ft ft Capital, Assets, Surplus, S4.240^)00 16.97C.879 3.8SS.415 JJp *0 - «s> Continental Insurance Co., OP VKVTOKK. Capital, . . . . tl.0M.000 A**-. S.171MJ Sorplus. . . . . 990,801 North British tod Mercantile Or Loxttox am> Fni%ii7*Gn. s •s OR Surplus, 7.088.481 8.797.108 Phfflnix liisiuance Company OF HAirrroRD. Capitol. . . . . 81.000.000 *••*•. s.«9o;iM •-I*-. - - - - »7S.00f SmriA mimrm a. OF LOXDOV. Capital. - - - - Sorplus, - 8.MU7I - - - - tMMtt Lafuanee Company OF BEWOKLTll. i Oapitml, E. SPEAR HAS JC:ST RECEIVED ALL, THE NEW AXI> LEADLXO STYLES OF HATS, CAPS, AXD « f »t.Ml UafieasMre InaMrjmce OrltABcni Stsrniws, Mtftsin 71M40 Peiisylf^nia Liniinee Ca or vmuamjnaA. C«#«tol. . . . . tUt^Msj * mu ' f,.l»,«l Surplus, . . . . inatameCapor 9 fi n m | r ts> e OB C aw B K 9 r s S 9 H 9 a & 8. & 1 o ^p> 5 JJ Sa»f X >* taj m 9B ac 0BEAT DEDUCTION $M Men's Bobber Boots. fsttL H A a. flflil OF TOROHTO. Capful, Aswts, Sswaius, 1.108^16 1SSJ88 Niagara Insiuunce Company BEWA1E OF 000»TEErEm! TO T B S PEOPLE OW Clinton and Euex Counties: _T»«we an ngveat nuawHotel and ••!•!• KoapersoMuiUif Merkel's Boss Lager «rkMt»erkafvn'tasr]r. Please look at e»«T •—«. «!•• asiULaaseallamavlcott.-sirKkKL'* Laaast." and W M nssniiaw with...: 1 Uss O F STEW TORE". T h i r d S t o r y , s a m e Block, ' Siiilalde for f>agnerre.ih Gallerv, or for resi- The upper story is being re-litted, re- Tile Railroad Bill Defeated. I:... .1 '. ., ..A*--. . , J o„ i' „f ILuisditj .v, .!,..,_'. M .'C 1 . Ii-'.;. h j . - t h e f j;..j»mg' The b ., a r.Ii .r t \-i the construetiiiri of a •..trrow-iTi'ige i*: roul fiom Ciir.ion Prison i... Uii.f. I haftip.a.r., «,»< defeated l>. day hy « •• •••><• v • - . J.* -.- a . ••.; •i'-hi*.e,,i ur€t ,._; ^ ^ j [, the n'lft'ijU i.f t ..{.trjiet labor in pris-.i.^ *j> very ta y •! -.-^--.ed, - ,me <•! the Tammany inein'/rri man. > / .'. lie: oceai.oii of a -£-K~1 *I^». 'A h-*l*C ..IliOe. Two Wonderful Inventions. it, hvc year* a^ lhe pjs-ihiiity had teen f o r e t o l d U i u ! , >"• •,•• -n A3 this, two persons one I. ir.iir.3 rr, .•-a, «'• AJIII he able to con- ^rji. »,th e a i h >,'u> i ^iih. the aatue ease as II they Were h .th ,i. t i t siirif w/iu; and, f•.rthern.'.re, thit an apparatus wouM he in trntcd h> *hii.h the ton' - of a person's von t co j..? '* ••'",• - teproduCed thou~ihls • f tn les aw»v if -m where that person hid i»f r been, bat li.oiisalids of years after he was ilrad: he who should have made such a pro- poecy a> this tw J years ago wouia have been rsnidiyTrotu d.'eav-, s^tdownasaniLriiocent anJ pitiable kind of a — I h e leceni tr.^t ^i. at'y injured Wa.h- lanaLic: ar.J ,f, taoh mdred years ago, a man , ington, i). i . vrg.-uuui. had aclo»..J hfoughl these struige Unrigs to —I'aiis dnnk.ii^ luun'.,uns hate accommo- psss, burning at the stake wouid have j d »tion» lor do^,' lar,;..!,^ been considered a stueb loo mdd punishment j —Ali - K ^ h . i i |>->J wa>_recent y k.hcd in a ltailroad land is worth hum three to five i dollars an acre. We aUo have government ; land?, which can be taken up under certain condition'*. Thus a man twenty-one jears old, entitled to eighty acres of hind, if he builds on such laud, improves it and lives on it five years, lie can also take lijj acres of land, as a timber claim under the condition of |i!.il;l!liU foriy acres of Cottonwood trees in eight years, this I consider the best claim lo ' tike. Our cheapest liiel here fir farmers is I corn, our next fuel ii Coal for which v,v pay J'.ion a ton. ' Taking Nebraska !n genual, it ii '.hephce lor young and old to settle, if yuii have a small capital take a piece ot" hind in XTetiras- ka and you shall never regret it. We get oui 1 .M ri-Ulsl.'ire,li,X. V. Dairy FarmJor Sale! AUCTION SALE! Monday, April 1st. 1878. T — N'o new Sitviugi bank-* were established , in 1^77. — This has. been a SJIUU', w.l uniter m i f.'.j:"Iado. —AL.kisso.u tor (our u-:.t, a ouart in \ groceries ami dry good* as cheap inn here ab i iuijdeTneiiis,' ( heeso Kiutory ami ( IU-CM !SJ1 active. ' vou do in the east. With all these ad van- I Making Apparatus, aiel als., Hut .SKHuLU —There are in 1'russia. rpilE -ul.i-eril.erwlll sell at Piil.Ite An -n. :i. • n lhe I't'-niises, the fiirm kni.wii .1^ :!,.- ri tVIXIirfiXE FA TIM, Kllu.i'e.1 l.-mr mil.-3 n..rth-f!ist rn.ni Uie vil- lage of 4*iiate:iugay, cmtaiiilii^r i u air .'CJ acres of land The s'uil farm will he oITi-i-.-il f,.r sj].. :., a J.o.iy.ai.1 li n.,1 is..MivilI l.e s.ir.1 in 1.its to suit" purchaser, Touctber with the stuck, e.u,- ' - ; - ;ut Jiwr^es. t -title and Hi>K-i. F a n n i n g ] you do iu the east. With all these ad van- I -*?a ki "!7. ( A :u " atlls . :i1 " 1 a is " 7'K) ..t'emt f•atliohc parities '• i*%<-*, why not tome and settle. There is I F An y J ' J '*[;• o f t l ^ al)0V ^ Ji;l , — U'rot^bt Iiou weighs l~i pmnds per Cubic loot. — lieechei believes iu tlie alililhilatiotl of the waited. —Chenango county elected 7 (ireeiiback ,' sipervi-ots. j —Alt 'lroy is evultmt over a "Ji OUIHI- Tr. jan hat.y. — I'ni.adriphia hal a Jl.tH/Mniti hie the n ^hi of March Z">.h. itiissiau soid.ers in Asia Minor are dying , . . . . ... , , | y»nj ... .... •-. .... ..... ,,. ,.aine<! i.t-iperiy pieii'y Of goOtt land waiting for you ; as for . ro!tv he b lUttht at prival.- -rile, on the pivui- ! my part I shall never regret the d:»y I came i i-jt-5 at any time l.eijrc the nlmve mciitioii."! ' into Nebraska. Hoping that I not wetiii-d you all inv good friends hy this long letter, 1 remain yours truly, I. J. D.YS1S. I'.S.—Any person desiring to have any fuuher account ot the country, inty wiite to me and address, Oveltou, Daasoli Co , Neh , from wh.-re I shall be glad lo answer them dale T h e a b o v e I'jirru Is in a line state of culuva- , tion, liaviiig a ini oj Km.il new barn , mill tl* painted, and placed in superior order. The .stores and ofticcs are central :uid auioiiu Uie best l.icuUons in town. Possession jriven May lst.lSTS. For full jiartieiilars eillon or address the uMler-iisjni-il at the Wuheriil House, l*latts- buryli. X. y. MRI. F. MER0>J. Mattel.nrt;li. Jan. 13, l-7s. ;jtf IMPOXTANT TO Soldiers of 1«S1\2. T lir. ttuilersiiriieil willbe prepared, at an early day, or :is soon :t> blanks and in- structions shall be received, to prosecute churns lor Pensions', under the act ot Congress just passed,In behalf of soldiers ufthe war of isi_- and their widows. Actual enrollment and fourteen days servi.-e all that 14 re- ipnied. Widows are entitled, without regard to time of marriage. Those who have have heretofore applied, and whose claim have been disallowed lor the want of .suflieientser- vice jieeil not apply aj^aiu. as provision is ma'lc Tor su.-li cases. Illtiee liiMoodward'shuildiiiir.over Larlcln's MarK.-r. A. ii. CARVER. l'lattshiiai,'li .M.trch li;, ]b~i, iiwi JJklPORTAXf T6~SOLDI£ESi War (Ti 7 1 HV2. all soldier* who Oor Hat and Cap Departnieiit. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ALSO, Having enlarged the same,-.ve .-an iioWofter A l'tlliaC^ aigotid ail assortment as any hat store, at a j low price. ] i\£W STYLES KEOEIVEDAS SOOX AS OUT. Trunks Valises and Sliawl Sti^aps, lit all .iu:i!i1i«-3. Sl'KA Ti-avt-iiuii: JBagir!. Valises, Uixibrellas. «S:c., «fce. (.'ash buyers will • ir- /.i..»..<, by Eoiiujto a'jS. and don't y.11 for^trt it. J^tf Capiul, Assets. Surplus, 1.MM 9 450.SM UEBXEL it KAHTEB, V*. 49 Western Insurance Company OF TORONTO. Capital, . . . . Assets, - Surplus G. W. M. JOHBSOJT, Civil Engineer, Surveyor Asm atBIL KrfTATK A 6 E 9 T . ALSO. KOTAJtY PUBLIC. IflJsOOO i LAS,>: * •<«•«»«' *sn» SOLD os CC-HM 4«A*le» i CmmW% **— *VsSMW». j Offlc- with IU-< Lwlik M MmUly. Ieddeder Iuaraice Csuaij OF NEW YORK. Is the place to £ -1 u,r Capiul, Asseu, Sorplus, ••4,14* i Best Gsads lur Ik Lou Mzq. ---•^•* 'thetiiu.-<. Royal Caialiai Image. Coipaiy - 1 1 - < ail and . . e 1. 1 y.ur-, !».-. OF MOXTftEAL. Mntily Yonr Home nil Flowers. ;* * : « m WK OKPKK TJIIS SPRING- AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I'.y new '-Pemion Act,' waterruimiiig into tl,.- cattte y a r d , U i l s l . i j et^^^af^Vs'n.^ SSr'V,!^, iiiiiui. .1 in.I in WJtuout regard to date or marriage, are en- 1 ui 1.ne1 in tll ie,i t,, a ivnslou. The uudersigncd lieing supplied with ali Lhe latest forms, decisions, Ac, will l:i^e immediate attention to these Tb-KMiL-Kor the ran,, one „alf cash nnd \ ' ^ Z ^ V ^ ^ ^ l " ! ^ ! * - house. 'lhe t.'heese Factory Is well Fiiecessful running order. lins (arm would luaice a lirst-das.. Hop Farm. the balance m bond ami moite/age upon the • .,,, . .,, , -;. -. . their letters Hi,., the greatest of pleasure and j K ' ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ' ^ L ! ^ „[ I J'-',.,». Hatch li Is;.;:.! •' ' UrK,, V ' • give them all linforiiiatioii of the West to i more than SSO. payable at the Xational liauk ~ I- J. D. I olMal.uic, 1 ! JOIIX swixuntxE. Inijuire at tin- 1'ioou flori-..-, <"hateay^ay.N.Y. my knowledge. How to Become an Actor. . , . . eau.c ol IM,I ball at Ash by. ».rbii«i. And yet these wonders have been ° ... ^, ' —lucre is a revival in • rougs* withm tbe past two years, and are church in s,pr,uSu«od, M«ss tsuw aacosamg a* r.tmnar as the OiOCUie tnl •grapti of the Sfswlng taarbi dert are OroagLt to pass by and the Fi.ouog/apb. slf piKiur, sound, including I sent over iinmanse di.tauoes, «nk tion *u distant thst tba person taJkNsK ttaiuugh the tximptttnic is at OIMW rMuguiird hj those who bav« previously been f—slhsi VitB) a I'r.iversalist —.•silling Bud's bantl and the lilackfeet have organised a confederacy. —Three aloliie alaguires were hung iu •lOtisaiSsirih, fa., March 25tb. BJ r,^—^•••peti winter has been a great dam" "" sflcbigau lumber trade. trassp lias been raugbt in Mis Brunswick. et ssalksjaw «•» *s u»er«ased aOor s»rssswkv ^ ^ -A i a d y W W . . . «. ft,. .! Hs>* is this wonderful kj»t aeeoasptisised f { •„«« bat just dsni ia To ••« nsfsssdiaf with the profsss, the | —The potato bug haw This is tlie title of a little pamphlet receiv- ed from John C. Cowper, the Principal of "Cowper's School of .Elocution and Dramatic Art"' in Chelsea, Mass. Himself au actor of great ability, (as attested by tbe opinions p>f the press and lovers of the drama iu England and America), Mr. Cowper, after having 1 been a "leading man" for twenty-five years iu 1 tbe principal theatres of the English speak- ' ing world, has decided to become a teacher of elocution and dramatic art, and to give bin I pupils tbe benefit of bis long and varied e x - i perienee. He has lease.) a completely appoint- i ed U.ea(re, (lite Chelsea Academy of Music) | FRUITJTiLBES! The subscriber lias i..i sale A I.AW.OK HTOf'K OK ('HOICK J^ruit Trees AXI> Oi , aj_>e Virie.s, which he offers for sale at LOWEST PRICES. Examination of Teachers. A I'l'LRASTS for Teacher's Certificates will he examined as follows: t'hazy Village, Monday, April 1, » a. in. II, ekinaiil. wn, Tuesday. April J, v a. 111. fherubusco, Wednesday. April J, 'la.m. Klleiiburght'eutrc,Thursday, April 4,tia 111 Ktl.-nburKh Depot, Krhlay, April 5, '• a. 111. tfay, " Mooirs. aalurtfay, April v. 'j a. ui. Chaiuplain, Holiday, April K, ti a. n i. UVst i ltavcv. Tues.iuy, April n, it a. ni. CllAKl.ii.-j W. CLARK, 11 w: Coiumissloner. •hich stands iu a handsome squsie and is r^.^^^^., i„«-iia«,-«'«,«t Fi an imposing building in appearance. It is a ' ;lI1 ,| ar ^ ..._*. '• bandsutne theatre with parqoelte or orcbes- climate tra, bsJcony and an upper gallery, and has a New Pension Law. WAS OF 1818. A LL Soldiers ofthe War of VtV> who >err«<t 14 .lays, or were In any engagement au<t had an honorable illm-hsrKi'; and the snrviv- iti|£ writlowrs of lucli aolOJcrs no matter -vrlken kt sfCHBltf naturally arias that it ssust ha hy thst ipsttiun ti lessw nsenit saw«f—• Isjrs, or aosae iattriSJsSjasanjSjssjian, BBjsjsJsfras: a and, where ho is doing a —There are plenty of nasal ioos to )nu Bennails Polsr Cl —Seveu psrsoos were kiflad ny a hoitor «apNa>k« at sttebssoad, March $t. -aWitish €oius»e*a >Mts*d SI." sMrth of gold tost year, swd eaportrd rMiM tons ofeoaL -o^ssnss Wwasl wke km Jsat dUd law •Ism^oiswaCMsspsef Mtssw.to m in Sew Tork cMy. seaUag capacity of l^^SO. It is the only reg- «|ar tbealre in a eiiy tsf 22 000 inhabitants. theatre is Mr. Cowper's drassatie awsj "workshop." Here bis pupils profession and here lhay practise ie at hosssj upon lbs stage, and nerwsifssness botli vam.b lavtty. Btriet theatrical dis ' pupils •eeosaee used ofawollrsga- xn.ee are ail grown .,.« » » • < otinty, mHn1w | :irr „„ w entitled to Mper mOlltll pen "JK lx3-s*»Eo r!,» U f„ X e the * 1 """ Thlalaw^-.lto.tossliu'ussen wl.eTl. 1 be.i:"i7iis iVn.i7.rht u?\nis saaViril rf m He er volunteers or drafted. I am prepared to best trees brought to IMS market from lhe allrlld promptly to all claims, Add/ west. AddreiM r u a e>. i his awrfarsa •HJsa, M. T. RYAN, 1311 Cumlierland Hea<l, flsltsburgli, W. Y. To Rent. T HK subserilier will rent ills house sad premises, with ten acres of laud adjaln- ing, sltuatMl on lornella str«M't, opposite tae Pair lirouads. Possession given 1st of May aexl. For further particulars apply tut*, w. rLarr at Hathaway's store. THEO, PLAKT. riattsborgb, Feb. S, Itft.-Stf T WO PiAMOS and TWO OKOaMd ta at A. J,MUmimV»_ Slueie Stow, rlatSs- hurgn. M. -BMW Wltberlll Houee. llwl H. S. TsVVLUR, Miners, M. V. Examination of Teachers. A PI'LICAXTS for Teacher's Certim-ates will be esamlnvd as follow*: Kxesevllle. i High achuol huiMiiMr), Monuav, April l . » a m aaeable Forks, Toesday, April t. S a. in. Schuyler Kails. WedneMlay, April S.S a. as. IhNUord, .-lower ilislrtet"i Tuesday, April 4. • a. as. slswanae, rndajr. April S. a. as l»lsets*ja»gshlSflwts " dsw,AnstiC*n.a*. •SeJinessoea, Twee. llwS JOHW R. la*,AjarUe.tWm. CosBuilssloner. in conclusion, we would j;iv«' the i.ublie nine reasons why money can be saved by buying of us. 1st, We attend lo our business and do not have to pay some one else to do it for us. iivl. W*= luaiiutacmre our clotniiitr ami save at least one profit. 3d. We buy from first hands and save from i All the C'ltoiu.st Varieties of 141 to £i per cent by St. doiu^. ' a i . „' .. _ 4th. We discount all of our bills which is a j CrTSeilnOUSe aM JjeddlO^ Pltir'8. lar^e item saved. i :o: 5th. We control our own business, there- j Roses—Monthly, Moss, Climbing and hardy fore have a full If now ledge of prolit and e x - , „ varieties for i;ard. n. Dei . sl(3 Oer»niuu»*-S>ii.gle, 1. mble, Variegated and pensws. | It y leaved, in great \ariety. 4ith. We have the lca-st expenses under 1 Xoveltiee—Hany Xew Plants offered for the whi.-h our business e m be properly con-K «rst time this spring. , , , ' * I Collection., of luu Beautiful Flowering Plants au '" u '"' | "i riiishn.g a sin. session of hlooai turough- "th. We manufacture strong gno.U that give | out the season, for $5. * satisfaction aod are never returned. I C«llectlo«« of jo Keauutul Flowering Mania. .... i . . .i . i . furnishing a succession of bloom dorini nth. We understand the business, h ivmg i the se-asoii, for SJ. »*woss u u n n g had many years erperieii.-e ui the clothing i Collection* of''.'5 Beautiful Flowering Plants biwin.ss. ! «u^»i^hingsi.eec, s |onof bloomdurtngU.e mil. Wc ask only a small profit,as a nimble | < „Hectl..«. of u "as above for tl toe . ..~ i f sent by inaiL * ' ,Ue " ' xlr * VerlK-na* -Assorted per ,l..b.u with labels. ,--.; without labels,!*.- jt»Mirteil nerisa *ith laWls. *i; with..,,t ^atela^^S*'* , ••• , * paiV1 U ror 1 ,i!.';. Wr " 1 ' K W *"'«».>*'tosdl.iw»«- VEOETABLE Toui.1, •*"•.-. , _, . minf CabbagefUui. K.'riy "irJnsXSanu-d.stronsr h-*- -per l.»; Si per ljirsi. .»»roi.g, i /oaT' *-•'«" rtu ""k'.-"•"•- l*r 100; S i S p e r And you will be saUslied with prb-e. and Canliilowors. Early and Lata— Transulai.(*.1 quality of gocls. ' ^^"'iLii'^^ 1W " r ' ?Ti on "i , !."" fc ""*• Wassr-a In a pot. for He I "H*? 4 •'•FF-rflasil—Clrowa l^p\,u ji j per dozen. *•*»»"• * ^ - j T.-bareo riant.-fl |>er llaj, Srjtdlur latal.yu*. 1I.A TlSJll HUH UtMKSHUVSBS, I»ATIP LiTTLs; « c 0 . CapiUl, Astels. Surplus, - r-JOO/MKI lS)I,.t.y huaw. UlrM IMUI.S tskri six|*i.e.- is better Ihan a sloweain.-.l-.lulling GIVE US A CALL, Manhattan Insurance Co OF XEW VOUK. Capital, - Assets, - Surplus, . . . . rt. A • *• 'C.t « . . . .|g- . .. ™ air *^ Tu ai y ..I,. Wl«, u.,,1 •,,..!» . »i ..' .'...t.*,- age . •"•-Ii' . . . j t*OS,ta»* p.^ltlul,H i...i«-« t \..uut> ,r« nut tend, wr »iil ;., 4 i..!r.. beautil il i«-iiuisi.si,ip. SSCStStAKT * SSllKLl.s Tre» \ 1 Great Bargains A T P I K E S Atlantic Insurance Co. i> OF NEW VOEK Capital, . . . . Assets. . . Surplus, - 4W.747 1«»,57I Jr-r fAAJI . . oots cSL- JSIKM.-. Xu*.«yiiiiiiu, :.,,i. lesdJas' Swat Baota f a r t l it-> Sturo to Kt'ui. Hoine IiiHuranoc O OF COI.I'MIH'S Oui... O. Capital, Assets, Surplm, Ill^LTi .i.~. or all best >art. lies, grown in not* '. p.r .1. /.-n; S.'.iu j„. r loo * '" 1>01 *' WM. CAKE & SON, No. HH Margaret Street. Opposste OnaabwrhMsd H o u s e , rij. rnsBUawsa, M. J. •0MUT ~w«». Mrawaerriss, »—gi,,,!.^ fmimmtm ^ °"!SS!!!y*?> *"«•?- IXeiduoua and l w Seiu4 for t dialogue. i'lATT»ML'»OM MLMSMMIMM. JOH« W. aUILKV. rrnasl.ti. ««-«*•»*, Clinton V^n.t. tia Prescott Insurance Co OF BOSToV. Capiul, . . . . Assata, Surplus. . . . . O X the.-or.,. i f it r! >. r 4,_ , „ rlaitslmighV » i „»„-,., John M.-i *llci, ?.,„.„. ,, v;v ateiy In,, ,u,. ,| t . JJ. , vj. t . tv prvn.iM » Kor SaL-. t IM SH 1K1MUKI. I'.Utl %v -w. i„ ,„-rf,^. t ,..,,,.1,,,., , ,, i.hj^i. Ni. hoi.* to. « u»i , , BANKH4!4«».si,,» l , r a„ rr , t k. l X a \ F. '-ntMirghCotnri. s , >, » **-'<HMM«0 •w.^,we.r i . M ,t.T *- W.7571 0 , u»h.atewrv«lMtt..i.. h .. TrAVdlwa' Life and Acddajnt I n - sunaoe Company OF HAKTFOHD, cojm Capital, - - . Asssts. . . Sorphst lo Policy Holders this pLATTSBtKiiU •h... The W inlrr Trim ,.| lh, 1' , arltu. Is will .I'.s. .a Frnu. Ihe «pi.,g r.in. wui .son,,,,, t U'M.<WH) * f»»««» »a»e of .atsMawtOa^a. w. F R t>tvi« Tenemetatas t o 1^'t- _. off. w. HMutirr. >o •UWei. PtaUUmrgsi, Jl. V- n T

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Page 1: Spmin dr Summer - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1878-03-30/ed-1/seq-4.pdfTHE PLAT"fSBPRGH"KKIM BUCAX. SATURDAY MORNING. MAIti'H 30 187s. She #rpublicau


She #rpublicau. " i r F n u w i f V M , Vfii' H • !»:•

< 1 R A > T *• B I X « \ . - PropTK"*""-

Tones or THE WEEK. ^».. '.).. I IT 1 if, «*r * r .nr I.H.k.'O1 l..i

I .

, U » I

• I 1»<> «. (he third |>»rU, I - K I «

A . . , • ; <•>, L •> 1> !• ! bR5 .

a n d l.u'J'. 1. I, tljf N V « V.>rk sub t<-e»«urjr.

T h e present .1 •!•>-*!I-»:I» »r» that there w . I

\»f l»u Hi >re Luvu' ia ! '.'g"'*ti"ii !l .« season

in i'"'T'gr. s»

T h a t otfioin strtiKt, 1 t Uie postiil Isw for

btdu . t ig thc MI..1 .t.g "f h.Wsbaj.ff . '.•) • Xpr<S<

*s to I * P - J * * *-d

t . reenhacks are at » premium in MortUii^.

OWillg L f. n ; « a < r of - h i p p l ! " ;• ...I i'li'.-

ll'lfl t«> NfW l<Hk.

Turkish money U rates! at $ - tV> against

h l . O O m g o l d . l u a t o f Kus*is ,$l<V>; A u s t r i a .

* k 1 V ; I t a l y , * ! 31.

T h * Republ .cans are deriving solid com­

fort from t h e lac* that H a y e s ' s refusal to ac

cept a second trim is on record.

Bla ine is a Maine carpcl -bagser . l i e w a l

reared in Peun . - j ivah ia where h i s a n c e r i e i s

- f i t i c t o the K - v o l u t i o n . "

•".forge W a s h i n g t o n Ctitlds and A . J .

I>rexel L a t e pjrebas'-d T o m Scott ' s interest

in the NVw Y - r k H V M .

T b e bol aCi'Wing c- i .vicls l o testify i n the

courts was p.t s e j ever Uie Governor's veto

last T u e s d a y iti the S e n a t e , 2i! to T.

I t is expec ted that Col l id ing, tbe hero of

great expec ta t ions , will shoot a very hard

w a d from his pup g u n a t t h e P r e s i d e n t in

'about ten d a y s .

T b e y say the m o n e y paid out in t h i s c o u n -

1 I »ei> ! . » J . t • I lb* I > M ' U U ' AXdouM-

|e«« k n n a * that sn'iti.l ,» prMiiceii by waves

o ' l l i v •<:,>• • I t h ' » K , fcet in nvuinn in TS-I I I"-*- « i t c f i i I ' g n ! J U I l H -HJ't ' • ! * ? !

» 1 t rti'in! .'i« furcmc. a i n j . » | i ' i i C wave .

'•-I. •!> •,.*- A j./i^ili.-'ai. f, ar-i ;!•«* «in=.M <hirp •'( tbe inwct a* •• > ? ' w » -.iHraimo

• 'iicL J 0". r. /r"ii. :L« other «•«•!> m ')»erif .

If a person l i apprM 1" be >.Ut..liii<; * i t h , n

r » n c of tle-se «ir wave*. «<.ir.e . f i l iftn strike

l i^srar iniirr.. wti'..lj .-..i.si-J* "f » «M-'eate

rr.f m'.r^M. .Uairn arrr,«» (I e n ' f i e e l^a . i i . f

i i . i .dc l i e »Utiii at Hie >ar. «inrjiKriV to tl*e

J . ' a l f.f a rfnim PVirn tif.tr tlie in«i']e of

Hi'* m t m h r a o e i .er»e* p.ii« 1" Uie drain.

it i . l wli-'ii tt.r wave of air *!tik(« 'Aw m e m ­

brane if i i b r n e « , and t h " TlhiAi-ou t!.n« pro-

liuceil !« c a u g h t up by I L P t ; r n > . and tbe

,«en»ation tlitia carried to Hie hram is wliat

w« call s-.unil; and were it not for this deli-

rule t a r drum there would tie n o gvut.d in

—Joaapta H M a N , • S ta l e r o u n d the Buffalo p m k M U a r r c u t Ma tliroa' w<tli a r"< knife laat Monrtay n»j;ht, kill ing 1 m*e .

— :r. miner- lost tbeii l ive* (•» * r ' i-rv etploMon in North staff «rd«lur-. K'i;t«nl, Mairli »'7th

—\V|o !e l l o U.\. l i»u- tiei-ii IV" - \ . • •£ <•*" b» ie* a' I .."jiil ,t..at:ne< .n Hit ^t*i>- in N r *

1 oi l . , he li<i- itoeu luaking f l 1 ' ' » ' '

- T i m e LMiiv*ii»i»ti* h»T<' KiiT,'i •'.'"'•' at!t~tj..r* tlic ptst T'-ar an;t ta'tl tbe ll Je^ at T". .'Ill* aji.eee

- - T h e V e w T. . | t ; p-eMrflW re.)'ine« 1.V1 etrp! ,iyi* to riill .t T l o ' I a' i.li il ."i'.il »' '»rp

neaily'al l b. low i-.im. — It i» rep-Tted that » n a S.thib. Hie in­

stigator of the Sepoy R"li.'l!..ui in In l i t , i* still nli»e.

— I'l.e Miiuiefc..la L«'-;i.-.'.iliiro w II h i -n i -h aeeil to farmers in plat-" ot lliat wloel i U.e cra'*!n>pi>er» ale tip.

—IVter CtKiper is going lo estari!i<li .in m-

' *- of .;t*i.-i»t,e ' " I » i f . *rsd

; ' ' •/• i t 1


1 1

Mr ( nwper i« tl.e o n v 1 a't oi i t .e wor'4 . '•- <'••> '. • r i . . w h " f i l l ' f i t ' [ • ' 1 •

vl . . ».-t a , « , 1 . I i .

I ' •• • l l \ 1 f i l l - 1 I.-- ' . , • 1 - , IJ..1 V I ' . s l . i i ' . S (• . |

a t , . l i i e i ••( 1. , , i i a'

01 ill '•..•% 4.. 1. • , 1 ' ' 1 t|f. 111 t , m, i.li- ,,,y « \ . 1 r. •, - o . . | . 'i : •• • nit • ... - 1 1 , , i , • ,, »( cut.' earii pun I H •• )..•>.( •.. i\„: ». , l (' i » j . - . both wl. I<> > pup.! , s-.-l ' .»t;*r fe w b ' n Hi« adf ice of hi* lUStr.K'Joi n i* l.e <le«:r-.t.

V r . I 'na' icr i' «..r> * e«eli ;i:i;. 1 ;. b<" n er.-ilil In Ion s d i o .1, aii.l it.w-s 1 • .; « t>:, , , I j C

to n 1 '![>•.n tl,.- r. r;'i ir at.t^e n a *t.>eai c .11 p m y until he u c o . n p ' i e u i in niAint\ n l.i* pooition with creilir, J?e e ive* to earli j r v i -na le deemei i t l in* eonipel'Mit ,1 w n " - o e. r-t i f lc i lP i i f S'lft-isN itld t l | .r ,( i l f ]" ,„. ,1 , t , , . i r I)ri«inat.c Ar t , or both.

I.i.ii'S or ••••i'!> men nh 1 «|?)| to .(nly el.K-i.t'on. .*r whi. i!^-ir.' '-» |T .px i - . f ir Ihe prii!r>«i(tiial *U«t". if tl iey l u r e not a l i u l j

for tbe y o u n g w o m e n of the S o u t h .

the u n i r e n - e ; c a n n o n s mi«lit rear, and t h u n - I , - A . ? V \ W V o ^ ei}* *OUth- T f . ^ - T i T i o , , , , , , , , , . ' I* sold h is m o t h e r s d i a m o n d s and went to d.-i cr.i«li, bat the,- would not brrix the still- ^ m l h e p r j c e e d g Diate novels. n e w . Al l this our leaders need no t ba»e ' _ j r n l , \ym. X e e l y died in Uie dent i s fa

bWh to'il, chair of Dr. Winalow in PhiUdelphia , f iom

V-'w, i t will at onre be .seen, that no s o u n d , ! the eflecta of chloroform, March 2i.»'l».

ui .l.T ordinary circum*tancPS, can be h c a i d — T h e fast borsf", 'Tontro l l f r." n c c n t l y niadc. in San Jrauciaco , k n nines 111 .1 tniu

atitute o f sc ience near Spartansbnrgl i . S . <".. ' received ami r*.id Mr. C'owp r"s «peci i l (' i

l e y o n d the point where the air wave dies ntes and 3 0 seconds . away and is lost. T h e chirp o f . cr .cket may , _ W i „ m m H o w e S j a n E c g l i s h pedestr ian,

be heard, under favorable c .reutnstancea,one j M chal lenged the c h a m p i o u , O'Leary, t o a

tUiuaand fee t ; t h e h u m a n voice B a y be , match for tbe cUampionabip bell and # 2 5 0 *

beard, perhaps, s i x thousand feet , and the ' —Glads tone baa been in f i t ed to g ive the

firing o f a l a o n o n , say t w e n t y miles . All j a lumni address at the n e x t Y a l e c o m m e n c e -

tb i s under ordinary circumatancea. B a t i f | " ^ » n d " P " " t b , t " e '" m m j h C

there could be eoov mfihod of bridging of er j __^be Pre|nier of Caua(]a rccently receiT. a certain d i s tance from t b e h u m a n Toice ,and j e j a threa ten ing letter c o n v e y i n g t o t h e

producing at that d i s tance precisely the same cheer ing inte l l igence that he had o n l y two

atmospheric vibration which is produced by , «!*?» longer to live. the organs of speech, it must be at obce ' -Five negroes wera hanged, March 22J: . „„ , , , , . _. . . . . . . , two in N e w c a s t l e , Dei . , and three at A b b e -s e e n that the s a m e effect would be produced < f . ^ A | f c A „ d e ' c , w ^ l h e m s e I v e s to be iu-at that d is tance from the voice , as if the ' nocent . tmcs o f t h e Voice itself were produced there . ! _ ! » „ , « . L e o will abolish the palatine guard A n d this is precise ly w h a t the T e l e p h o n e ' o f 200 meti and pontifical navy c o m p r i s e s d o t s . T o i l In.:,] in your h a n d a tube into ! m officers and m e n which h a s s e e n n o a c t u a l

which you talk. With in the tube there is a

thin disc of shee t iron, drawn across the ori­

fice, which the tones of the voice cause to

vibrate as the ear drum vibrates, or as the

sheepskin drum bead vibrates w h e n it is

beaten upon. Close to the diaphragm o n

opposite s ide is an electrical or m a g n e t i c ap­

paratus, placed so near that with each vibra-

ty last fall in aid of S e n a t o r R o c K w e l f s t l e c - j t ion an electrical current is a l ternate ly s e t i u

l i o n w a s warm at the t ime it was distributed. I mot ion and broken. T h i s apparatus is c o n -

Did i t c o m e from under Tobey ' s p i l l o w ? ! nected by a n ordinary te legraphic wire with another precisely s imi lar , say o n e hundred

T h e hill au thor iz ing the construct ion of a

railroad from P l a i t s b u r g h to Cl inton Pr ison

passed to a third reading in the Ass< mbiy last T u e s d a y .

Senator Howe of YYtvonsin, Republican, m a d e a tierce at tack o n P r e s i d e n t H a y e s and

his policy in the Senate last Monday. Hayes was alive, the last heard of him.

The Berlin Pox', out of Bismarck's orgaus, *ays that t l e r m a n y Trill never l ight for a n y

foreign pouvei, a n d that Russ ia had better

restrain her a m b i t i o n .

A c c o r d i n g to a recent dec i s ion o f the P o s t ­

mas ter -Genera! a n y matter i n pr int w h i c h

m a y b e s e n t through t b e m a i l s in an enc lo s ­

ure m a y also be s e n t at the s a m e rate if

pr inted on the wrapper or e n v e l o p e .

T h e L o u i s i a n a S u p r e m e Court has j u s t d e ­

c ided u n a n i m o u s l y that t h e vote of Lou i s iana

for Pres ident ia l e lectors i n 1ST0 h a s n e v e r

been officially c o u n t e d or promulga ted , and

t h a t t h e c o m m i s s i o n e r s ' re turns w h i c h g a v e

T i lden S.%00 majority were t h e lawful o n e * .

T h e Ph i lade lph ia Tinus no tes the differ­

e n c e b e t w e e n C o n k l i n g a n d B l a i n e , t h u s ;

C o n k l i n g is a lways preparing a speech w h i c h

he never delivers, and Blaine is always de­livering a speech which be neier prepares. This is so good that it ought to rank next to Addison's famous rrmparison ofDryden with P o p e .

Tbe eagle on the new dollar appeats to he the result of a cross between the turtle, bat, d a n c i n g bear a n d turkey buzzard , a n d i s a s

fearfully and wonderfully made as some of t h o s e v is ionary beas t s o f tbe Apoca lypse .

I t s author and finisher o n g h t to g o wes t and

follow s o m e w a n d e r i n g o x t e a m until h e gets

lost on the d is tant prairie .

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of I n s u r a n c e , S m y t h , was

ac-fjnitted by the S t n a t e last "Wednesday, the

vote s t a n d i n g 19 for acquit ta l and 12 for con­

v i c t i on . I t wus fuily proved o n the trial and

a d m i t t e d by the defense , t h a t h e acted in

o p e u a n d flat def iance o f t h e Const i tu t ion ,

b u t w h a t do the Republ ican leaders care for

t h a t ? Ih i 'V h a v e b e c o m e So hardened in

iu iqui ty that they care n o t b i u g for Const i tu­

t ion or l a w , especial ly w h e n it is proposed to j e d wi thout d iagrams.

o-ist a m a n n L o is so ready as M r . S m y t h to 1 T h e s e th ings sound like fabl ts , but they

Contribute to the corrupt ion fund in case of 1 are already lully accompl ished facts. T h e

need . T h e it, p\b!ir-au S e n a t e l i : u acquitted j invent ion is yet only in its infancy. T h e

Mr. .Snij:h. hut the people's v r d i c t i s ,

m i l e s a w a y . T h e r e is a n o t h e r d iaphragm a t

the other end of the l ine , which yibrates in

e x a c t unison with t h e first by m e a n s of t h e

electiical current,' and thus one hundred miles a w a y tbCTe is produced a series ot air

w a v e s precisely l ike those w b i c b were pro­

duced by Ike organs of speech a t the other e n d

of the l ine , and t h e s e waves , w h e n t h e y strike

the ear d r u m of a person o n e hundred

tnile* away, become these very tones repro­duced. This is the principle of the Telephone and it ia so s imple that the on ly wonder is

t h a t e lectr ic ians had not arrived at this re­

sul t years ago .

T h e Phonograph is only another s tep in

t h e s a m e d irec t ion , a iiui<: b e y o n d . T b e

P h o n o g r a p h requires n o e l e c t t i c a l apparatus ,

and is a b o u t a s s imple a s a gr indstone . T o

the centre of the metallic diaphragm, disc or d r u m already spoken of, is fixed a sharp

p o i n t , a n d th i s po int j u s t touches a shee t o f

t in foil which is wrapped around a cy l inder .

O n the ax le of this cy l inder is cut a screw

thread , a n d t h e bearing a t o n e c u d cons t i ­

tutes the n u t through which the screw passes .

T h i s cyl inder is turned , and at the s a m e t ime

a person speaks into tbe mouthp iece , w h i c h

causes the drum to vibrate, and as it does so the sharp point makes a scries of indenta­tions iu the tin foil, underneath which there is a spiral groove (hav ing tbe s a m e " p i t c h "

of the screw) i n t h e track o f the point as t h e

Cylinder revolves and m o v e s laterally at t h e

same time. Now stop tbe cylinder, raise the point and turn the cylinder backwards to the beginning of the series of indentations, and t h e n aga in turn the cy l inder as b e f o r e ;

the point uiRshes into the indi'iuations, and causes the d r u m to vibrate e x a c t l y a s at first

and this produces a ser ious of del icate air

waves precisely l ike these before s e t in m o ­

tion by the tones o f the vo ice , and thus these

are reproduced. N o w take off th is s h e e t o f

tin foil and sen 1 H ten thousand miles a w a y

and let it be put upon anothpr mach ine pre­

cisely s imilar to t h e first, and every t o n e o f

y o u r voice is reproduced. Preserve t h e s h e e t ,

and a thousand years hence your voice may

be perfectly reproduced, and m a y b e preserv­

ed as long as t ime lasts. T h i s is the princi­

ple of the P h o n o g r a p h , a l though there are

m u i y minor details w h i c h c a n n o t be expla in-

cniars sh.ni,.] at o n e - apply f >r Ihi 11). TiK'y will he «.eiil p..-! paid on r^c.'ipt o f ,vl lr—«

A'l h ' f er s ( f it i;:rry will l..> promptly and fiiliV illiSHill'd by the P i l l i c i p i l , w i n . " ad­dress is J.>!in C-Cowper , ( A c a lemy i.f i luy i e i Chelsea, M.w.

MT, VEStTVTUS. Should .'111 erupt ion oeenr In this \ O 1 . M I I » .

and c.in«e t h e d e x t n i e f i n n of one ha l f of the Inhabitant* who l ive in t h e v ic in i ty , the re­mainder , w h o bare ly eseape wi th their l i v e s . Immediately move back u p o n the lit lf-eoolerf, lava, and there l ive i n constant fear of a n o t h ­er erupt ion, fool i shly fancy ing that the on ly t e n an table portion or t h e eartli r e s t s TrtUiin t h e s h a d o w of the great vo l cano . This fa ir ly I l lus trates the force of habi t , a n d the pers is ­t e n c y vrtth wl i l ch p e o p l e c l ing to opin ions w h e n once formed. For e x a m p l e , Dr.I' ieree's Golden Medical D i s c o v e r y c u n s Incipient c o n s u m p t i o n , coughs, colds, a n d a l l affections of tbe l iver a n a b lood , j-et s o m e s t i l l depend u p o n p h y s i c i a n s and r e m e d i e s that have n a u g h t but repeated fai lures to which they can refer . AJHI a l though l>r. r i e r c e , « i \ a v o r -i te Prescription is sold under a pos i t ive g u a r ­a n t e e to cure those w e a k n e s s e s pecul iar t o w o m e n , and n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g that Utousands of w o m e n bear t e s t imony to Its efficacy, and the truth or a l l s ta t ement s m a d e concerning It, m a n y y e t submi t to the u s e or caust ic and the k n i f e . A g a i n , Dr. P ierce 's r i e a s a n t Pur­g a t i v e f c l l e t s , no larger t h a n mustard seeda. wi l l pos i t i ve ly c u r e const ipat ion, w h e r e i t Is dependent upon dyspeps ia or torpid l i ver ; y e t some s t i l l depend for veJief upon the '-blue pi l l" or h u g e doses of drastic cathart ic medi­c i n e . In Die face or such fac t s , can w e wonder at the b l indness or lhe poor I t a l i a n s ?

service uince IbtO.

— T w o m e n wera killed and l."> badly scald­ed by the exp los iou of the s team c h i m n e y of the s teamboat Magenta on the Hudson lt iver near S ing S ing last Sunday .

— T h e r e is great distress amon-4 the pmir of Glangow, Scot land , and en l i s tments into Engl ish army at the r i t e of 1,000 p-r week are reported.

— T h e British naval training sh ip , Earydice witb o v e r 3 0 0 m e n o n board, was wrecked on the south coast of the Is le o f W i g h t last S u n ­day. Near ly all o n board were lost.

—Eastern affairs s e e m farther from settle-m o o t than ever. Roth Russ ia and England c o n t i n u e to act warl ike , and i t s e e m s settled that no congress will be held. j T h f i C e l l t a m . L i n i m e n t * are of 1 . 0

— T h e D e l a w a r e & H u d s o n Canal C o . j r e j k i n ( , s . T h e W j „ ' t O is for the hlltmill fami ly: Invuisa boat butlt at Ronaout, &M4 feet to i , . , , ,. . , . , , ,, b: used in e a c a v a t i n g mud and oi l ier depos- 1 t h u V e l W i s for horses , s j .eep, anu o ther its from the bot tom of tbe canal . It is con- an imals . Tes t imonia l s of the effects pro-structed o n tbe principle of a s t eam shove l , duced by these remarkable Preparat ions uie

— D e a d wood is a l ively place. A deacon wrapped around every bott le , and may be s h o t a m a n in church a tew S u n d a y s ago „ , , , • . . ., .• for put t ing a counterfeit quarter on the co" P ™ " ™ 1 °f « y « « « > » « * 0«" by m a d from

tribuiiou plate, ami then the preacher im-1 l I l e 0fi*lce o f T i n C K T A ™ COMPASV, JO mediate ly s h o t t b e deacon

comes. — I n t h e great In ternat iona l walking

match which closed last Saturday n ight iu L o n d o n , O'Leary, the representat ive o f this country , made 520 mi les and 440 yards in five days and n ineteen hours , w i n n i n g t h e race against all contes tants . Y a t i g h a n , t h e K n g i i s b c h a m p i o n , was about 20 mi les behind hi in. O'Leary's was the best t ime ever made . H i s reward is $2,500 and the champion's belt , Valued at $500.

—During the last 37 years 56 fine steamers have been lost on the At lant ic , and in 29 of j these cases an aggregate o f 1,397 l ives were lost . N i n e of tnese vessels were never heard of after leaving port. T h e Pres ident , iu 1S41, the City o f Glasgow, in 1854; t h e Pacif ic , in 1850; the T e m p e s t , in 1857; t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m , iu IStJS; t h e City o f B o s t o n , in 1870; t h e Scanderia , in 1S72; the I^malia, in 1S73, and the Colombo, fn 187( .

— T e n years ago t w o w o m e n , a mother and daughter , were found murdered in a berry pasture in S t . A l e x a n d r e , Canada , and the body of the daughter bore ev idence of hav ing b e e n outraged . T h e murderer was never discovered, but it n o w tnrus o u t tbat L a P a g e , t h e hanged murderer o f J o s i e Lang-tnaid and Miss Ball, was living near where the murder was commit ted at the t ime , and it is confidently bel ieved h e c o m m i t t e d the fiendish deed.

Correspondence from Hebruka.

KEAKSEY JcxcTio.v.Neb. March 11,1S73. To Uie Editors of the Republican :

DEAR Srits—Many friends having asked m e before I left your t o w n to write and let t h e m k n o w all about Nebraska , and th inking that at the s a m e t i m e I would gratify the cu­riosity of m a n y o there ; I request the permis t ion to inscribe a short sketch for your paper of what I have learned and seeu ot the Stale, since I have made it my home.

Nebraska, which is situated west of the Missouri river, and which is watered by its

S o t u e story ; E>ey Street , X e w T o r k Ci iv . l l y l


Fir;»t N a t i o n a l Banlu " : . r \TT i t i..,it.

\ t I 1 .!• -1. n e t , . .:, 11,,. - • ,t« ,.f \ . . ) , > th.. . I .„,. ,.f 1.1,.]•„.._ J I „ , i Ii i ,, | « , .

RhM H It* 1 ^ I- , . . . . . . .1 .1 , . . .-.., i . „ , , l l w i . l n i l ' . . . . . ( J >

I - V. . , , I . | . , , II •' . V. •». B-.nd*on band. - - ' . I ' I rmm nppr-iv.'.l KenprT" «tcer;f«. | i i-fri.Tuntb. r Xitfi " t l l S r i k * . I> i» fr..m .Mat- Bank<,;ir..I KanV<-r(, i;. i t . <ta'e. Timl l 'm*. r i 1 f iT i , r , ._ < i i i . ' i l . ' X J i . ' i i s . . i : i H i M i . . . u . l , -i Ii. ..k-5 ami o ther c-.-osh It- ins. l i i l i sori .Ther Rink* . - - ->r.i- ii..n tl enrr>'tn-\ in- 1'SIST.I: ni<-k. >1» i" in I>i.l|..^K M Ti. I S H , V I - I .

nfir u e » . - - - . r.e-/il !• ndi-rr • ! • ! . -I ' . •*. <-erti!|.-ale« t.f d e p o s i t for I r t n l -

t< ml.'r-.. - - - _ _ . Red. n i p t t o n l i i n . l u l t M S Trc.isur. r.

-"• p* 1-.—nl . . f n r . III.ill.oil. - -l»ie from I'. S. Treasurer, other than

. j v r i-.oit redemption fiiml. T - la l . - - - - - *;T".*34 4.7

LI V n i L l T I O . r.-tpita]st..ekp,-iid in. - - - siflo.nminn Surplus r'uml, - . so.onnoo f i i . t ivi . leO prof i t s . _ J34>,I27 Si* National jkiiikiiiite*ouN(aiiilintr. . ftunmoo In.livi.l.i:U d e p o s i t s sub j ec t to e h c - l c . 3*^^=12 44 Demand eerttneates of deposit , - u v m i «) Due to other X.itlnnal Itiuik*, - - 5,!»7«59 l ine b . s t a t e !! i n k s and B a n k e r s - ,ifi2 flfi

Grand Opening

] i * i , ' « f i i » i _-, virtn >v» - l _ ! " '-. . ^.V. «J 1 , . ; ~ mi

- . . m i l l * . - 5.< 75 21

« i : 74 - 1 .». . . . I f 14B3fl

.".ftftfiiw ll..tlM»UM



1 , U J 1 4 S

JT;<I,*.H I:; Total, -State of Xen-York , )

t'.ua/.w nf (Hintrm, j s s -1, A. Ouitiord. Cashier o f t h e above-named

Bank, do so l emnly s w e a r that the above s tate­ment is true to t h e best of m y knowledge and iwllef. A . GIIBOIU) , Cathifr.

Sul . senbcd and sworn to before m e t h i s 25th day of March. 187S.

G EU. W. -WATSOX, A'-tarv rum.: Correct attest:

K. S. WJXSI.OVV. ) C. E. M. EBM'AKUS,} Mrrclor*. M. SOWXE.S, J


•!,I>T l , . d . l , r

Spmin dr Summer G O O D S .

P U E D Y & VILAS. I vr^',1 \« ; . .rt

Farm k Garden Implements, Fertilizers, Ac, &r,

W e l i « g I . . H H , ii.f i,ii ! I

. . , « f " ' > - ' " « " ' « | l l « » i . « o « - . * l ^ . l - C l i r r ^ - w . T , r l « t . . ' ami <"i«t..,,..i-i i*iit we l . i . , i-t r. t ' l m - 1 ' t h „ from \ . w V.-i k v i h Hi

l:^-ui*— i..r «t

Largest and Best Selected *•• ».<nn Stock

A Card.

W e have read the card o f Dr . D . inh . im in the village papers and wl-di s imply to My if any person desires to a te Dr. D u n h a m ' s rig-nature in h i s o w n handwri t ing s igned to the card referred to , they can do so by call ing at our place of bus iness , 40 Margaret S t .

March -29ih, 1S73. Miii'.KKi. & K A I I X E U .



V i l a s N a t i o n a l B a n k , OF F L A T T J S B C K G H ,

At PlatKbnrKh,in the. State of New York, at the e lose or bus iness , March in, 1S7S.

l tESOUltCEi . r.o.-ms and discounts , - ?.>;30,o27 07 U. s. Uonds to aecurecirculation, - IIIU.WH) w Due Irom approred reserve a e e n t s , 8S.233 7S One from other Nat ional JJanks. - C.818 45 Due from State B a n k s and bankers , C24 at Real esh i te , furniture, a n d fixtures, 27,64012 Current e x p e n s e s a n d t a x e s p a i d , - - 1,1.i 00 Checks and other cash i t e m s , - - - 4,SM 4U Bil ls or other Banks , - W«« Fractional curreneyfinr-luding nlekel-.; I t s 20 Specie ( ine iuding g o l d Treasury

cert i f leates) , - - - - ' - ".two 00 Legal-tender notes , - 3,t»0 00 r. s. ccnincatcs or deposit for legal-

tenders, - - - - - - 20,00000 Redemption fund wltliTJ. P.Treasurer,

(5 per cent, of i-lrculation), - - - -i.-iOOOO

Total, 5.- 11..K9 75 LIABILITIKH.

Capital s toek pa id in . - $100.000 00 S u r p l u s fund , - - - - - 20,00000 Undivided profits, - 14,030 31 National Bank notes outs tanding, 9O.000 00 Individual deposits subject to check, -l-KiWi 51 Demand certiticates of depos i t , 334^75 74 Dm- iv other rfationnl lionlo-., C,i2t 55 Due to State i l a u k s and bankers . - S2C4 Total, - -Slate of Xe-w York, 1 . ,


m a n y tributaries, c a n n o t boast o f any history . | en,,;,, of rihdvii, )

Adirondack Mills, P E R U , W. Y .

N4)\V is t h e l i m e t o b u y I luekwheat IJran Short*!

A XI) MiildlJiiKS at lower pr ices for t_juJt

r p t t A X ever before tittered, as f o l l o w s : o n I ears

T T E U E , iu t o n lo ts or l e s s , rang ing in price

A T from S3 to SIS per t o n , according t o j \ q u a l i t y . \ T O r'lonr, F<-e<l. Meal. &e., can be so ld Tor X l l ess money than we n o w offer

L4TOK a t the prices and j u d g e for your­s e l v e s !

4 PIKOXDACK F'onr (spring) |C..iO per b b l , £\. warranted .

Ij r i U X A X , White Winter , S7.EO per bb l . X e w . Process $8.00 per bbl .

H A V I S O arranged with Arnolds & Morgan, they n o w h a n d l e

41 T al iove price* our Flour, F e e d . Meal . &c„ J \ and a Flour branded

MINSESOTA, for $45.50 per bbl . , a n d guaran­tee the s a m e to be. worth 50c. per I>I>1, more t h a n any flour offered i n t h i s town for same m o n e y .

ATMiSIlOSr i n part icular is ca l l ed t o onv prices of Lumber.

No . 1 Hemlock f l a n k , Boards a n d S e a n U i n s -we otter a t prices (hat

0EFY compet i t ion. Spruce Sh ing le St.7.1 to #2 00 per M., and Cedar Shingle fl.00 »o «2.50perM. Me make a

SPECl ANT Y of Clapboards and offer a t S7.E0 to $12.00 per M. feet.

OX Kino Cel l ing pr i ce s range from £11.00 t o 815.00 p e r M. feet .

\ f 0 rejtlliaf pr ices for Cull Lumber , a s i t X^l v a r i e s i n qua l i t j r .

SATISKACTlUNanciquaiitloi fully gnaran-t e e d a s represented . So inferior g o o d s palmet lo l fon our customers a s be ing goods of superior qua l i ty a t l o w pr ices .

F'KEST, whitest and beat Mova Seotia Plaster , fresh Kraund and extra ,

E V E R gold i n Northern X e w York, w e n o w offer for sa le , and

Rt P E K wi th p leasure to t h e numerous par t i e s w h o h a v e

U S E P our Plaster a n d w h o u n i t e w i t h u s in adv i s ing th t if you u s e P l a s t e r buy o n l y a good art ic le , for m o n e y s p e n t for a poor art ic le i s m o n e y thrown a w a y .

"\TO charge for cartage. Part ies l i v ing at a 11 distance scud

YOTJK b a g s to u s a t owr e x p e n s e . TTc wi l l prompt ly iiH al l orders s e n t u s , and w i l l g u a r a n t e e qua l i ty a n d p r i c e s i n e v e r y particular.

II _ X . t A P H A M & SONS.

MEDICAL ^LALi; A Str ic t ly Temperance

DRTJGr STORE, Keep cons tant ly on h a n d :

s lock of the comple te

i, J. .u. Wever. cashier of the niiore-nametl | ed Ventilated Truss, exceptiug that it was organized as a territory j Ba!ik,\i.> solemnly swear that lhe allovP sl:lf..., in 1S54, and arterwards admit ted into the i ment i s rrnt- to tlit- ln-st of m y iLnowled^e and U n i o n as the thirty-seventh State in 1S07. belief. " ^ . T h e r e are already several railroads iu the , „„ , , , „ , , , „„ , : i n i l , w „ J

r ; ^ ; S . E t . t h i ' I ^ d State , and that affords u s out lets for our pro- i day of March. is7-i. duce , whether we sh ip it to the A t l a n t i c or j * c . A. B.VKEIt, -V.,',07; Pnhr,,; to the Pacific coas t . T h e population o f the Ton-, et mte<5f:

icest Drap and That can be purchased in this country.

Perfumes and Toilet Extracts In e n d l e s s var ie tv from t h e bes t n ianulae-

factories i n France , Eng land and America .

P O C K E T B O O K S . Ail of the n e w e s t s ty l e s .

Trusses and Supporters A S P E C I A L T Y .

We k e e p a l l t h e modern p a t t e r n s ; a l so . A c e n t s in Cl inton county for J o n e s ' Ceiebrat-

State is about three hundred thousand pen wbicb shows that this State which is


The currmi i.uruher of Hurptr's Wnkly warns the It-puLiicari Leg i s la ture that " t h e

0 :0} way to un . te and strf-nyihen the paity

a n d to a!.a\ d i s c o n t e n t , is to m a k e a plainly

j u s t app. . i ! . . jnui*at ," a n d that "party cont id-, . 1 1, ., . 1 .1 fir.itely.so that corivet'.atiiii.s m.i\ b e c a r

erat ions h .-.<• rightfully n o more to do w i t h . J , . - , it . apjin.-t.. i . tne l /J thati wi th the lipptopria 1 "t.3 t . i ea f i j i i . j ; on the g o v e r n m e n t . " I t .s

r--freshing to ktiow that the Republ ican press ;-- t.i-.t ur.:i.i.,ri. us iu support of the baaiele-s J

propos bi.u siL.cu h.o> been b ildiy a d d e a t e d

in the Av- ra1. T by lhe Kefiubiieah k.t.]er\ . l l iat tie- A.v .;•! :q.ji-rti i:iru» 1 t h;.l Wis a

j.jrtv iii<-u-i,re, :tr. I in ; t !.H [.-nhi-.J through

a" ~ i r ' . .

toi.pk produced were at first very faint, but j P ^ p „ . e d o f p r a i r J e s c r o s s e d b y a few ridges,! already an ins trument has been made by J a n d w i ) j c u w a s formerly thought to be a des­

ert, on account of its being treeless , is thickly enough settled up to three hundred miles weat from O m a h a , so that you c a n n o t look in any direction wi thout beholding the h o m e s

which the voice o f the phonograph has been

heard 275 fret in the open air, and the in­

ventor is e'jhfi l ent that the vibrations may

he so inten- i l ied that the loudness of the re- 1 of families, w h o have sett led in the Sta te produced tones may be increased almost in- ! only within a tew years . T h o s e homes are

r j t , j , built, most of t h e m , o f "sod," and surrounded with growing groves of Cottonwood trees ,

0:1 at imuieusu dis tances on se.t or ar id with- • W 1 | J C I J „ r o w u > 1 . y r a p i d l y . T h e s e sod houses

ou t aiiy telegraphic w i n s or o ther connect - j in general are only o n e story h i»h . T h e y lay

S. F. VILAS, E. I.. X l i l t O L S , M. J5IXBY,

T o R e n t .

medium than the a.r. Light houses may ! t h e s o d a s w c d o b r j c k - a n u . " ! a k u i b e w a ! l s I Esq., iu the vi l lage of Plat t sbnrgh, N e w i o r k

r p i l E dry goods store now occupied by MAIl-1 Cl'S MILLER. 1'o.isessUm Mav lst .1-7^. lUtf THUS. At iM'S inoNd.

"VtDTICE.—By order or t v t n t l o w C. "Watson, i \ Jr . , Surrogate of Cl inton county , not ice is hereby g iven uccor ing to l a w , to ;iil persons h a v i n g c la ims aga ins t J o h n Tobin , l a t e of Schuy ler F a l l s , Cl inton county , Xew York, deceased , tha t t h e y are required to e x i i i b i , the s a m e w i t h the vouchers thereof to the subscriber at the office of Matthew Hi wnon O

Send forth the voice o f warning by the Same , . , , , r .. . . • I r p , ( r . S ' 1 . , I l l U1C I I l l i l i i C OX 1 I

: about two and a half feet thick, l i n y are 1 „., o r before the rth dm-plastered inside, and some are even papered.

>roctobi Pate i l , March-JTlhi lSS.


r , 1*7*.


never have atiy sleighing, hut have oee isioii-M'ater t'oiumissioners' Notice,

^TtHE Asi.i-ssmcrit for V.'utcr ami lire ]>rtitec-

, lu i_;e I. i tch: 'td has decided that triV.

' I i . i e n m e ' , h - pr.--ecuteu lor ten year-o.d

ir 1- ' j . . : vx arrears, notwi ths tanding he

p . - 1 ' . l . s . t

nr a k".'


-l i ­




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a*. i r

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.- Ui- i l - . J S ' . r . i -! >'ijitem»--

•-• H.e'ir.'-iiXie tin-re are i L e . s -

• '!.. i c » i i . . j of btii.i.es!. men

; . ' r , '.vL< are watch.n , ; w. lh

..- t h - 1 — \ . \ '.II-, l - . ! , l . i \ . I ,g

Ii' I•' ,U' lit1? tol l ,1 l! ..[lip up

>r c--.; a;«.ii^t tl..-in that. . !• : . If .w I inl ,y ul the

• I .e.- , ,' •.' . ( . " ' a ' . C e . h \ \ e p r e -

. •-- t t s a l i i . '.ii'^r j i a p c r ? . ; r .

. . •-I ' i . ! l i .ei l ise Ve- SiiC'.-is-

• - 'I. • I j . - e . b - r. ,! 0

- *! i ' ^ ' ; • '•-.- • .-?.•*. ^.ti I iii,jt\

mi-'Hii, ailllpPfSOUSOn shltlbo-ird lll.iy Cull- | I'Ley are neat , comfortable and « a r m . For vefe w:th those on the land, or on board j the last throe weeks the climalt) ir.is been other ships so Jar dis tant as to be out 0 f i uiil'l, s-jaw-tbins liko the monl l i of M»y. Wc

s i i h t . Ill laet . there s e e m s to he no l imit to j t l .e c soacitir-s of t h e s e t w o '.vonUerful lUStrU

incuts , and especia l .y the latter, and they

lord slriiv.iis; n lustrat ions of the manne

which men ot sc ience will pk..i along for , s „ . £ r i ( , s s ;„ , 1 , ^ cotitilrv, and we have never ! Thursday, April l l th l the'Commissi .mers wi l l . at said ollice, beau and consider any objec­tion-, t i i i t may be made to said a s s f s - m t n i .

l;. tl. SHEIOI.VX. 1:. s. WIXSLUW, WM. P. MOOiilH.

i.JW- \\ ater t"ummii,:,ioi;t.-rs.

years , p irahe l to, and only a hair's breadth ' heard anyth ing about" fevers "' I t is about

. tit! liint d e m a n d e d of h i m b) horn some important d i scover \ . Formerly ! the same about the lay of the land with 1: t:..- t.rie-. "I h e c a - , . La* b-wi • t i ie ie w.,r,» v.ipposi.-i to b>: en.v ^ V e u v.on- ' l l , f ' r n ' 1 .V'^f l h » » » « « * like Nebraska for its

** - I t . , . I \ \ ,i 1 I » .> T 1 I . .k • • A rr>-n ..I rt»-..»._- » i , . l t i .

-,af.-'y M • vtu as the , ties ul the btatt, and have paid particular at-

soii. W e a lways have good Crops, and iu der» jn the iv. r..l. but t..-,- I n. ,no2r*ph and 1 f l C ) j j L,avf, l r a 7 e ' c j j u e i - h t d;tl".-rent coun-Teiephol . e 111 ty

Ji-r- ot a,

'jh » l l :'.

tl,-.-. • . siii o;hcr<.

1 Fishes' Saratoga Aperient Mineral Waters.

I All the p o p u l a r var iet ies .

; Tlie Choicest Brands oi Cigars } Of Fort ign and Ponn-sUe manufacture .

Flavoring Extracts Of a;l kinds-, a t ,Wholesa le and Retai l .

OUK PBESCRIPIION DEPAKIMEM Is under t h e immediate supervis ion or MK. IMLIJKKT, an accompl ished and exper i enced Pruc-Ljist.

D r . D U N H A M May be consui ted at t h e store or in h i s pri­

vate ollice in the same bui ld ing from s to 0 A. si.. i_" _. TO 2, a n d 7 to 9 o'clock r . M.

I c e C r e a m S o d a W a t e r Oi^jH-nsed from our N e w a n d Elegant Crys­tal Fountain Soda Apparatus in i t s s eason .

>;-..o.i,-,-,-.i".-f Block, Cuxtom Home Stpmre, PLATTSBVncfl, X~. 1".

l i . P . DlMIA-M, -M.P. W.ILTEB G l t M B T ,

Houses, Stores and Offices


Ever befOn' "iTered ill th i s SorllU'IU SCilinll. S e v e r h a v e C l o t h s l>een »« c h e a p a* »t t h e present Uine. and hav ing p u n baaed our go>»lf Tor CASH, w e a r e e n a b l e d to offer i n d n . . -n ienU In all of our depar tments . >* e h»ve added a



Cloths by t h e Yard. H a v i n g no o ld c lo ths on h a n d , w e h a v e

bought a t as tonish ing ly low prices , a n d offer the same

. A t a S m a l l - A a v a i i o e A b o v e C o s t .

5,000 yards Cottonades ani l T w e e d s , i n desir­able s t y l e s , a t £ ! i - c n t s a yard , fu l ly worth 30 c e n t s .

1,0*0 yards Al l Wool Cassiuiere, su i tab le for boys' w e a r . a t 55 c e n t s , w o r t h 75 c e n t s .

1,700 yards A l l W o o l S u i t i n g s . In choice s t y l e s , a t 75 cents a y a r d , c h e a p a t $1.00 a yard.

1 3 0 yards F a n c y Str ipe and P l a i d Sui t ings a t $1.00 a yard, g o o d v a l u e at Sl.50 a yard .

A Job l o t o f -Diagona l s a n d F a n c y Worsteds , suitable for dress suits, at $1.00 a yard, worth 31.73. A s Uii* l o t i s s e l l i n g Cast a t t h e ex tn»-ordlnary low pr ice n a m e d , a s p e e d y cal l w i l l ne necessary .

W e h a » e m a n y ot l i er d r l r e s l n t h i s depart ­m e n t , w h i c h for w a n t of s p a c e w e cannot enumerate .

In Oar Custom Department W e oi ler a l l t h e l a t e s t des igns o f Fore ign

a n d American Cloths .

Nobby Goods f o r T o n u s M e n a S p e c i a l t y .

Finst-Class Fits and Good Work

w i l l b e str ict ly adhered to .

G E O . C A N E , "Who has e s t a b l i s h e d a reputat ion a s a Flrst -Class Cutter , s t i l l h a n d l e s t h e s h e a r s , a n d Is a l w a y s ready t o p l e a s e t h o s e w h o m a y ca l l t o t e e h i m .


' P i a m m v l I r o n . " tt... "OII», r < ai lUM. " " V . l . -no • r . K „ 1 . i . r i , tirmTm • » m » r l r » w r u n n e r . " :,i. 1 • « < i . t s . - tl.e - | t » „ c h - n a

> 1-..4 r • !_•'( l4- 1. t»,e " > n t - \ ' t , I ii..I ., V I., I

p l . . » » n . i:. . • • > „ . t».- l W iI . - . . i m . . . l l - . e l Win :. ;- .v »;,.!. i;. Ti, Til -,.f. t l . ' l Utt J. it . . . - • . i: - -'N,>. r . , " M . n . - , , i . . th. r

•• • . ' I I . .. 1 (II.) f l o w . - -ir -i '. ..-i, i-

SHOVEL PLOWS, I'...:I. ir..i, o. t Hi...-i. pi.n.-, a n,I with WI.IJH.

Cultivators, Cultivator P o i n u ,

M o l d B o a r d s , L a n d S i d r s , r o t a t e , i r . ,

For ai i t in l']iiw« suhl b\ I K .


H O E S , RAKEf .

! .• , it . ivi;t .<. j JSI'APES,

| A l . . J t c .

Sip»>r Phosphate*, fiaaa*, * c , Ac,

ruuDr & VILAS. VI ittsl u r - h , X. Y , MarchL'2,1st*.

1 It II I ' . I K I I If | I t i l l vr . j »«,< i r r m v


I n s u r a n c e As;eiiPV,

Insurance Companies.

[Liverpool, LoDdon and Globr Insurance Co.


T I N W 2 1 R E .


(.1.1,--: W .. .

Cip i ta l .

As«ets ,

.*"trplu« over all habil.t e«.

$1,228,200 28,276.160 5.566.000:HoawhnM FuniiJi.::.:

Iuaraice Co. of North America. O F run.-vi iKLrii iA.

t ' a p i u l .


Surp lus ,

t2.000.0G0 6.461.730 2.426.625

Koyal Insurance Company OF ENGLAND.

W e offer a ful l a s s o r t m e n t of H e n ' s , T o o t h s ' and Boys' Clothing at prices lower than ever.



SURPRI8E A W , . Our u e w Melon i s t h e moot

Oe l l c loas e v e r in troduced , r e r ipaelcage. 25 c e n t s . TO* T l MB 6WEKT COM

Karl iest k n o w n . Ter pVt . JOe. Doth by mail, Jic. Send for our c a t a l o g u e , 96 p a g e s a n d 400 I l lus­trat ion*, w h i c h fu l ly descr ibes tueui . Mailed free. P B I C K * K N I C M E S H O C K R B .

l^wi ; SO .State St . . AlUaajr. SI. T . «

QAK TREE TSS, " -iVo. 7 £.-oad Street, hemd of «*»£ Street.

1 * L A T T S B U R G U , K . Y .

X A . T . C. JMXLJkX Proprietor.

This h o u s e has reccutljr b e e n eatireljr rcfit-te.i and put ID the most perfect order for the accommodat ion o f g u e s t s .

The b a r n s are large a m i spaetons , anil i n gootl cond i t i on .

f r l c e s t o s u i t t h e t i m e s . I2»f


H a r n e s s Sliox> I s Ike p l a c e to b a y H a r n e s s e s

T i l E S i ; I I A K U T I M E S . I keep constantly on Hand a splendid One

of S i n g l e a n d Carriage Harnes se s m a d e from X o . 1 Oak Stock, a n d wi l l b e so ld v a n l o w for ca»h. A l so , a large s tock o f FarSs Harnesses w i t h Hand-Made Col lars , w h i c h w i l l b e s o l d low for COM.

G i v e w e a c a l l before bu) inf .

1*100 BEWAUU! To any person that can Bud asfteod aSidcl*.

H a r n e s s a s t h e Schuy ler Falls* flaa-BMSBflZ*w. c a n g i v e J uu for f S i J t , rl1Ur

Capital .

Afs i ' t s .

Surplus ,

11.447.725 20.326.765 5.394.140

riMM»i«ir Witcriai . A

I'lusabitiir anil ail kind- .f J .'»

mmj JtJ • *


Capital ,

A s s e t s ,

Surp lus ,

§500.000 3.796.086



y. •»% m

irrci'. .-' w-.i

more i.^ai.'y

f'-r their eflects ver^-e

:iiii lu i taculous than

teiitiou to the soil, which is w r y dark, moist and very good. T h e depth of the =oil i\ luia Ii et before we reach sand or e lay.

A great advantage is that we h i v e no

- v r £ ^ voit i-: ISVPIIEMJE ror i sT .—Jul ius o . j . 1 Kubbei l against i.d\v.inl liiair.—By virtue

K o . 1 9 O a k S t r e e t .

The N e w s .

• M J

I , . . . j i V -

r.n 1 • M,.-

iMi it k i

. . v -A . , ! l

d.i-t i i i->:p;os,Vi-.

— Ii n'.'iii ha-i a bicycle c lub. — I • * » h.i3 rttt .-red han^in,;.

— Ii .v.jii sti:-:i i e - ar.- In-ipjent.

— K.iij,' \Vi.,.,tiu v,,t-i - 1 , Match r. '! . — <J i..^n V.ct'.i . .* I.;u< *^vet. p i i a c - s . — 1 ii^l.cri' d .^.a^-. .- i.a'o t- T" txpi..-di'.

— 'Ilie A. i -gany coutry j m i-. d.-si rted.

—< c p t r t i a ' s Needle Wt e'hi 1 - i t o n i .

— T h e l.iU,-r of f'1. in in- Itois wi.l let ture.

— May.ir K y , of New V o i k , ^ a bj.chi.loi.

—'U."re ate 'i .71 .Mor.ivi.in>, in UHI coun-t r j .

—'I here arc 1", . n , - h e j o | sno' -, in the t.'.ils k. .*

— A.i.jiriy ihieal i ' i is to or^'aroZc .i h.-.M.' bad c:u".

— l h e L'tica tlie depjrt iuetit cleans the an—-ia.

oi"a judgment and deer, e o f f.ireelosure and I fir-t_ h o u s ; mirth of the res idence of L. D. sa le m a d e in t h e above ent i t l ed ae ik .n , on j A-aij.in. A i s o , the -«th day i.f .March, 1^7-. and d n l \ entered c < . „ „ - iw„ T i m s ' . . — . c . A.

, , , , in the office oltin- ("lerk of Clinton count von Store Wo. 71 Marcaret Street . stone-., lor 1 haven I seen one MIICC. I have , t h e i i r h day or said month . I, the unders igned | X.,w o.-.'iij.ie.l by L. Frauki ic ld . A l so , been h e r e ; another great adv:ir_ta,'e, is that itefi-ree, wi l l sel l ;it pub l i c am t i o n , at the | _, we have no fences to bui.d, lor the law al- ! S"""1 'Joor o f t h e Court House in t h e v i l lage of - S e c o n d . S t o r y o w o r F r a a k f i e l d s , I , * * us to have no fences, which costs „> ; ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ t i u S . *ait«hl* *>"»*>•**,&*.; and t h Rilli'h to our farmers. Water is supphed by l i n g real .-state and prcmi-us , v iz : Al l that — — wells fur which we have to dig more or le*b, , p iece or parcel of la in! l j l n g and bi-iut: in thc oii the Ion butloin*. We dig'from fifteen to t , j W " " f M''o"rs. Cl inton i-ounty \ V. de-, . . , . i .i i • i i i •• - s e r n . e l a s l o l l u w s l i e m ^ north halt oi t h e

thirty I. et, and the hn<h land , oorn ninety s , „ u h . W H S t 0 „ : i r I p r „f i „ t : , -„m i .cr Twcntv-tu olie liUlldreJ arid t w e n t y feet ; our pumps fl iree :-'.:i of t h e Four JIuudre-1 and T'.veiit'v are windmil ls , which we Call our taKe^i tree-i, A , - T e L-rt* in the K.-m^ee Tract, e o u u u n i u g which work when ever we wi-.li, a , there is ! "My tw- o a n d a h a i r a . - r e , , . . f l : l ua,m..reorI. .< - . .

, , , • i • .! i .i P a l e d . 3J;ach inth, 1'.-.. a iways e i ioueh w i n d ; which i-. the only thirii; , CUAr}, U, MunilK JJ.-ii r.-i' I object to, and that the new coiner has the IH • KWITIT .V RKIX.LV, hatdest Work to get accustomed to. j PlainlUT's At torney- .


X D . A l l of our Cloth ing i s manufactur­ed h e r e , g iv ing u s faci l i t ies of g i v i n g be t ter fits a n d g o o d s t r o n g s e w i n g .

Customers p u r c h a s i n g Clothing o f u s c a n h a v e p i e c e s o f the ir mater ia l .

Grab' Firaiitoi Departieflt, Comprises t h e la tes t nove l t ies In t h i s l i n e .

W h i t e and Colored Dress Shirts

I n a l l qual i t ies .

Our XIRK.-5S SHtltTS in fit are c i u a l to a n y c u s t o m m a d e .

FLAXNEL OTEKSil lKTS iu a l l Sty les . SHIHTS a n d DRAWERS a t a l l pr ices . H e a v y 8 oz. BKOWN OVERALLS at 50 c t s . l I i r B X a n d P A P E E COLLAKS a n d C l ' F F S

m ail Uie latest styles. Our FANCY W4JOD BOX COTA.AR i s t h e

best made . SCSl'EXDERS and IISACE.S Tor m e n and

b o y s . NECKWEAR of the l a t e s t des igns . All tin-

n e w s t y l e s r e c e i v e d a s s o o n a s o u t . . SLEEVE a n d COLLAlt BUTTONS, NOBBY

SCABF P I X J S , and o t h e r JEWECKT. warrant­e d to wear as g o o d a s gold, at o n e quarter the p r i c e .

U S E X and SILK H A X D R E R C H I E F J S , PLAIX and FAXCY HOSIERY, K I D a n d j LISLE THREAD GLOVES, a n d n u m e r o u s } other art ic les .

P R O F E S S I O N A L P A I H T E B 8


P r o p o s e t o P a i n t , A m reques ted t o n o t e t n a t w e n a v e a Terr

full stoat or goods to meet their reqalro. m e n t s , c o n s i s t i n g of

WHITE. LEAD, ZLHO PAIBT8, Haw aid M M Umtui Ml.

Furniture and Coach VaraishinV


CaUn im OU SVSBSI J a y s . A. l i n e assottaasstr o f

Masixry's C o a c h C o l o r s .


Grold. a n d S i l v e r U e a l ^ OOI.S STaUVEfMI U Q V l a * .

Coach Hiken «ad r — i — Japaa. PRATTS LIQUID DBTatE.

A V H J T K 8 H K X . X V A . G .


W n l m i t . O a k a n d Jk-mtt O r a i n i a a ( J o l o n s .





OCHRES a n d AI1XERAL P A I S T S o r a n k i n d s .

MIXED P A I S T S ready f o r a p p l i c a t i o n .

A l s o , JOHNSTON'S PRAPAKKD KALSOMIaTE in a l l s h a d e s .

E v e r y art ic le s o l d b y n s Is warranted a s r e p r e s e n t e d , a n d w i l l b e so ld a t

V e r y L o w P r i e e s . PTJRDY Ec VrXuAS.

1 lalislmrgh, N. T.,March J3, i m .

Imperial and Northern In­surance Companies


ft ft

Capital ,

A s s e t s ,

Surp lus ,

S4.240^)00 16.97C.879 3.8SS.415

JJp *0



Continental Insurance Co., OP VKVTOKK.

Capital, . . . . t l . 0 M . 0 0 0

A**-. S.171MJ Sorplus. . . . . 990,801

North British tod Mercantile Or Loxttox am> Fni%ii7*Gn.

s •s


Surplus, 7.088.481 8.797.108

Phfflnix liisiuance Company OF HAirrroRD.

Capitol. . . . . 8 1 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 *••*•. s.«9o;iM • - I * - . - - - - »7S.00f

SmriA mimrm a. OF LOXDOV.

Capita l . - - - -

S o r p l u s , • • • - 8.MU7I

- - - - tMMtt

Lafuanee Company OF BEWOKLTll. i




H A T S , C A P S , A X D

« f»t.Ml

UafieasMre InaMrjmce OrltABcni

Stsrniws, Mtftsin


Peiisylf^nia Liniinee Ca or vmuamjnaA.

C«#«tol. . . . . t U t ^ M s j

*mu' f , . l » , « l Surplus, . . . .

ina tame Capor


fi n

m |

r ts>



C aw


K 9


s S

9 H 9


& 8. &

1 o ^p>


JJ Sa»f

X >*



9B ac


Men's Bobber Boots.

fsttL H A a. flflil


Capful, Aswts, Sswaius ,

1.108^16 1SSJ88

Niagara Insiuunce Company


Clinton and Euex Counties: _ T » « w e a n n g v e a t n u a w H o t e l and • • ! • ! • KoapersoMuiUi f

Merke l ' s Boss Lager « r k M t » e r k a f v n ' t a s r ] r . P l e a s e look at e»«T • — « . «!•• asiULaaseallamavlcott .-sirKkKL'*

L a a a s t . " a n d W M nssniiaw with...: 1 U s s


T h i r d S t o r y , s a m e B l o c k , ' S i i i la lde for f>agnerre.ih Gallerv, or for res i -

The upper story i s be ing re-l itted, re -

Tile Railroad Bill Defeated. I:... .1 '. ., . .A*-- . . , J o „ i ' „f I L u i s d i t j

.v, .!, . . ,_'. M . 'C 1 . Ii-'.;. h j . - t h e f j ; . . j » m g '

T h e b ., a r.Ii .r t \-i the construetiiiri of a •..trrow-iTi'ige i*: roul f iom Ciir.ion Prison i... Uii.f. I haftip.a.r., «,»< defeated l>. day hy « •• •••><• v • - . J.* -.- a . ••.; •i'-hi*.e,,iur€t,._; ^ ^ j [, the n'lft'ijU i.f t ..{.trjiet labor in pris-.i.^ * j > very ta y •! -.-^--.ed, - ,me <•! the T a m m a n y inein' /rri man. > / .'. l ie: oceai .o i i of a -£-K~1 * I ^ » . 'A h-*l*C . . I l iOe.

Two Wonderful Inventions.

i t , hvc year* a^ lhe pjs - ih i i i ty had t e e n

foretold Uiu!, >"• •,•• -n A3 this , t w o persons one

I. ir.iir.3 rr, . • - a , «'• A J I I I he able to con-

^ r j i . » , t h e a i h >,'u> i ^i ih . the aatue ease as

II they Were h .th ,i. t i t s i irif w / i u ; and,

f•.rthern.'.re, t h i t an apparatus wouM he in

t r n t c d h> *hi i .h the ton' - of a person's von t

c o j..? • • '* ••'",• - teproduCed t h o u ~ i h l s • f

tn les aw»v if -m where that person h i d i»f r

been , bat l i .oi isal ids of years after h e was

i l rad: he w h o should h a v e m a d e such a pro-

poecy a> this tw J years ago wouia have been rsnidiyTrotu d . ' eav - , s ^ t d o w n a s a n i L r i i o c e n t anJ pitiable kind of a — I he l e c e n i tr.^t ^i . at'y injured W a . h -lanaLic: ar.J ,f, t a o h mdred years ago , a man , ing ton , i ) . i . v r g . - u u u i . had aclo». .J hfoughl these s t r u i g e Unrigs to —I'a i i s dnnk . i i^ luun'.,uns h a t e accommo-p s s s , burning at t h e s take wouid h a v e j d »t ion» lor do^ , ' lar , ; . . ! ,^ been cons idered a s t u e b loo m d d p u n i s h m e n t j — A l i - K ^ h . i i |>->J wa>_recent y k.hcd in a

ltailroad land is worth h u m three to five i dollars an acre. We aUo have government ; land?, which can be taken up under certain

condition'*. T h u s a man twenty-one j e a r s old, i» entit led to e ighty acres of hind, if h e builds on such laud, improves it and lives on it five years, l i e can also take l i j j acres of land, as a timber claim under the condit ion of |i!.il;l!liU foriy acres of Cottonwood trees in eight years , this I consider the best claim lo

' t i k e . Our cheapest liiel here f ir farmers is I corn, our n e x t fuel i i Coal for which v,v pay

J'.ion a ton. ' Taking Nebraska !n g e n u a l , it i i ' . h e p h c e

lor young and old to settle, if yuii have a small capital take a piece ot" hind in XTetiras-ka and y o u shall never regret i t . We g e t oui

1 .M ri-Ulsl . ' ire, l i ,X. V.

Dairy Farm Jor Sale! A U C T I O N S A L E !

Monday, April 1st. 1878.


— N'o new Sitviugi bank-* were established , in 1^77.

— This has. been a S J I U U ' , w.l un i t er m i f . ' . j :"Iado.

—AL.kisso.u tor (our u-:.t, a ouart in \ groceries ami dry good* as cheap inn here ab i iuijdeTneiiis,' ( heeso Kiutory ami ( IU-CM !SJ1 active. ' vou do in the east . With all these ad van- I Making Apparatus , a ie l als . , Hut .SKHuLU

— T h e r e are in 1'russia.

r p i l E -ul . i -eri l .erwll l se l l at Piil.Ite An -n. :i. • n lhe I't'-niises, the fiirm kni.wii .1^ :!,.-

ri tVIXIirfiXE FA TIM, Kllu.i'e.1 l.-mr mil.-3 n..rth-f!ist rn.ni Uie vil­

lage of 4*iiate:iugay, cmtaiiilii^r iu air .'CJ acres of land

The s'uil farm will he oITi-i-.-il f,.r s j ] . . :., a J .o . iy .a i .1 li n.,1 is..MivilI l.e s.ir.1 in 1.its to suit" purchaser, Touctber w i t h the stuck, e.u,-

' - ;- ;u t Jiwr^es. t -title and Hi>K-i. F a n n i n g

] you do iu the east . With all these ad van- I -*?ak i"!7. (AP£ : u"a t l l s . : i 1"1 a i s "

7'K) . .t 'emt f•atliohc p a r i t i e s '• i*%<-*, why not t o m e and sett le . There is I FA n y J ' J '*[;• o f t l ^ a l ) 0 V ^ J i ; l,

— U'rot^bt Iiou we ighs l~ i p m n d s per Cubic loot.

— l ieechei bel ieves iu tlie alililhilatiotl of the w a i t e d .

— C h e n a n g o county elected 7 ( ireei iback ,' s i p e r v i - o t s . j

—Alt ' l roy is e v u l t m t over a "Ji OUIHI-Tr. j a n hat.y.

— I'ni .adriphia h a l a Jl.tH/Mniti h i e the n ^hi of March Z">.h.

it i issiau soid.ers in As ia Minor are d y i n g

, . . . . . . . , , | y»nj .. . . . . . •-. .... . . . . . , , . ,.aine<! i.t-iperiy piei i 'y Of goOtt land wait ing for you ; as for . ro!tv he b lUttht at prival.- -rile, on the pivui- ! m y part I shall never regret the d:»y I c a m e i i-jt-5 at any t i m e l . e i jrc t h e nlmve mciitioii ."! ' into Nebraska.

H o p i n g that I not wetii i-d you all inv good friends hy this long letter,

1 remain yours truly, I . J . D.YS1S.

I ' . S . — A n y person desiring to have any fuuher account ot the country , i n t y w i i t e to me and address , O v e l t o u , D a a s o l i Co , N e h , from wh.-re I shall be glad lo answer them

dale The above I'jirru Is in a l ine s ta te of c u l u v a - ,

t ion, l iavi i ig a ini oj Km.il n e w barn , m i l l

t l * painted , and placed in superior order. The .stores and ofticcs are centra l :uid auioiiu Uie best l . icuUons in t o w n . Possess ion jriven May ls t . lSTS.

For full jiartieiilars e i l l o n or address t h e uMler-iisjni-il at the Wuher i i l House , l*latts-buryli. X. y .

M R I . F . M E R 0 > J . Mattel.nrt;li. J a n . 13, l -7s . ;jtf


S o l d i e r s o f 1«S1\2. T lir. ttuilersiiriieil w i l l b e prepared, at a n

ear ly day, or :is s o o n :t> b lanks and i n ­struct ions shal l be r e c e i v e d , to prosecute churns lor Pensions', under the act ot Congress just p a s s e d , I n behalf of so ldiers u f t h e w a r of isi_- and their w i d o w s . Actua l enro l lment and fourteen days servi.-e al l t h a t 14 re-i p n i e d . Widows are ent i t l ed , w i thout regard to t i m e of marriage . Those w h o have h a v e heretofore app l i ed , and whose c la im have been d i s a l l o w e d lor the want of .suflieientser­v ice jieeil not app ly aj^aiu. a s prov i s ion i s m a ' l c Tor su.-li c a s e s .

Illtiee l i iMoodward'shui ld i i i ir .over Larlcln's MarK.-r. A. i i . CARVER.

l'lattshiiai,'li .M.trch li;, ]b~i, iiwi JJklPORTAXf T 6 ~ S O L D I £ E S i

W a r (Ti7 1HV2. all soldier* w h o

Oor Hat and Cap Departnieiit. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS.


H a v i n g enlarged the same,-.ve .-an iioWofter A l ' t l l i a C ^ a i g o t i d ail assortment a s any ha t s tore , at a j l o w price. ]


Trunks Va l i se s and Sliawl Sti^aps,

lit a l l .iu:i!i1i«-3. Sl'KA

Ti-avt-iiuii: JBagir!.

V a l i s e s ,

Uix ibre l las .

«S:c., «fce.

(.'ash buyers wil l • ir- /.i..»..<, by Eoi iuj to a'jS. and don't y.11 for^trt i t . J^tf

C a p i u l ,

A s s e t s . •

Surp lus , 1.MM 9


UEBXEL it KAHTEB, V * . 4 9

Western Insurance Company OF TORONTO.

Capital, . . . . Assets, -Surplus

G. W . M . J O H B S O J T ,

Civil Engineer, Surveyor Asm

atBIL KrfTATK A6E9T. A L S O . K O T A J t Y P U B L I C .

IflJsOOO i L A S , > :* •<«•«»«' *sn» SOLD o s CC-HM •

4 « A * l e » i CmmW% **— *VsSMW».

j Offlc- w i t h IU-< L w l i k M MmUly.

Ieddeder Iuaraice Csuaij OF NEW YORK. Is the p lace to £ -1 u ,r

C a p i u l , A s s e u , Sorp lus ,

• •4 ,14* • i Best Gsads lur Ik Lou Mzq. - - - • ^ • * ' the t i iu . -< .

Royal Caialiai Image. Coipaiy

• • • - 1 1 -

< ai l and . . e 1. 1 y . u r - , !» . - .


Mntily Yonr Home nil Flowers. • ;* * : « m



I'.y new ' -Pemion Act,'

w a t e r r u i m i i i g into tl,.- cattte y a r d , U i l s l . i j e t ^ ^ ^ a f ^ V s ' n . ^ S S r ' V , ! ^ , iiiiiui. .1 in.I in W J t u o u t regard to date or marr iage , are e n -1 u i 1.ne1 in t l l i e , i t, , a i v n s l o u . The u u d e r s i g n c d l ie ing

suppl ied with al i Lhe latest forms, dec i s ions , A c , wi l l l:i^e immediate a t tent ion to these

Tb-KMiL-Kor the ran,, one „alf cash nnd \ ' ^ Z ^ V ^ ^ ^ l " ! ^ ! * -

house . ' lhe t.'heese Factory Is wel l

Fiiecessful running order. l i n s (arm would luaice a l irst-das. . Hop


the balance m bond ami moite/age upon the • . , , , . .,, , -;. -.

. their letters Hi, . , the greatest of pleasure and j K ' ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ' ^ L ! ^ „ [ I J'-',.,». H a t c h l i I s ; . ; : . ! •' ' • U r K , , • V ' • give them all linforiiiatioii of the West to i more than SSO. payable at t h e Xat iona l l iauk ~

I- J. D. I olMal.uic, 1 ! JOIIX swixuntxE.

Inijuire at tin- 1'ioou flori-..-, <"hateay^ay.N.Y.

my knowledge.

How to Become an Actor.

. , . . e a u . c ol IM,I ball at A s h by. ».rbii«i. And yet these wonders have been ° ...

^ , ' — l u c r e is a revival in • rougs* wi thm tbe past t w o years , a n d are church in s,pr,uSu«od, M«ss tsuw aacosamg a* r.tmnar a s the OiOCUie tnl •grapti of the Sfswlng taarbi der t are OroagLt t o pass by and the F i . o u o g / a p b . s l f piKiur, s o u n d , inc luding I s e n t over i inmanse d i . tauoes , « n k tion *u d i s tant t h s t tba person taJkNsK ttaiuugh the tximptttnic i s at OIMW rMugui ird hj those w h o bav« previous ly been f—slhsi VitB)

a I'r.iversalist

—.•silling B u d ' s bantl and the l i lackfeet h a v e organised a confederacy.

— T h r e e alol i ie a laguires were h u n g iu • lOtisa iSs ir ih , f a . , March 25 tb .

BJ r , ^ — ^ • • • p e t i winter has been a great dam" "" s f l cb igau lumber trade.

trassp l ias been r a u g b t i n M i s Brunswick .

et ssalksjaw «•» *s u»er«ased aOor s»rssswkv ^ ^

- A iady W W . . . « . ft,. .! Hs>* is this wonderful kj»t aeeoasptisised f { •„«« bat just dsni ia To • •« nsfsssdiaf with the profsss, the | —The potato bug haw

T h i s is tlie title of a little pamphlet receiv­ed from J o h n C. Cowper , the Principal of "Cowper's School o f .Elocution and Dramat ic Art"' in Chelsea , Mass . Himself au actor of great ability, (as attested by tbe op in ions p>f the press and lovers of the drama iu England and Amer ica ) , Mr. Cowper , after hav ing 1 been a "leading m a n " for twenty-five years iu 1 tbe principal theatres o f the Engl ish speak- ' ing world, has decided to become a teacher of e locut ion and dramatic art, and to g ive bin I pupils t b e benefit o f b is long and varied e x - i perienee. H e has lease.) a completely appoint- i ed U.ea(re, ( l i te Chelsea A c a d e m y of Music) |

FRUITJTiLBES! The subscriber l ias i..i sale


J^ruit T r e e s AXI>

Oi,aj_>e Virie .s , which he offers for sa le at

L O W E S T P R I C E S .

Examination of Teachers. A I ' l 'LRASTS for Teacher's Certificates will

he examined a s f o l l o w s : t'hazy Vil lage, Monday, April 1, » a. in. II, ekinaiil . wn, Tuesday. April J, v a. 111. f h e r u b u s c o , Wednesday . April J, ' l a . m . Kl le i iburght 'eutrc ,Thursday, April 4,tia 111 Ktl.-nburKh Depot , Krhlay, April 5, '• a. 111.

tfay, " Mooirs . aalurtfay, Apri l v. 'j a. ui. Chaiuplain , Hol iday, April K, ti a. n i . UVst i ltavcv. Tues.iuy, April n, it a. ni.

CllAKl.ii.-j W. CLARK, 11 w : Coiumissloner.

•hich stands iu a handsome squsie and is r ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ . , i„«-iia«,-«'«,«tFi an imposing building in appearance. It is a ' ; l I 1 , | a r ^ . . . _ * . '• bandsutne theatre with parqoel te or orcbes- • c l imate tra, bsJcony and an upper gallery, and has a

New Pension Law. WAS OF 1818.

ALL Soldiers o f t h e War of VtV> who >err«<t 14 . lays , or were In a n y e n g a g e m e n t au<t

had an honorable illm-hsrKi'; and the snrviv-iti|£ writlowrs of l uc l i aolOJcrs n o m a t t e r -vrlken

kt sfCHBltf naturally arias that it ssust ha hy thst ipsttiun ti lessw nsenit saw«f—• Isjrs, or aosae iattriSJsSjasanjSjssjian, BBjsjsJsfras: a

and, where ho is doing a —There are plenty of nasal

ioos to)nu Bennails Polsr Cl —Seveu psrsoos were kiflad ny a

hoitor «apNa>k« at sttebssoad, March $t. -aWitish €oius»e*a >Mts*d SI."

sMrth of gold tost year, swd eaportrd rMiM tons ofeoaL

-o^ssnss Wwasl wke km Jsat dUd law •Ism^oiswaCMsspsef Mtssw.to m

in Sew Tork cMy.

seaUag capacity of l SO. It is the only reg-«|ar tbealre in a eiiy tsf 22 000 inhabitants.

theatre is Mr. Cowper's drassatie awsj "workshop." Here bis pupils

profession and here lhay practise ie at hosssj upon lbs stage, and nerwsifssness botli vam.b lavtty. Btriet theatrical dis

' pupils •eeosaee used ofawollrsga-

xn .ee a r e a i l g r o w n .,.« » » • < otinty, m H n 1 w | : i r r „ „ w e n t i t l e d to M p e r mOlltll pen " J K l x 3 - s * » E o r ! , » U f „ X e t h e *1""" T h l a l a w ^ - . l t o . t o s s l i u ' u s s e n wl.eTl.

1 be.i:"i7iis iVn.i7.rht u? \nis saaViril rf m He er volunteers or drafted. I am prepared to best trees brought to IMS marke t from lhe a l l r l l d promptly to all c la ims , A d d / w e s t . AddreiM r u a e>. i

his awrfarsa


M. T. RYAN, 1311 Cumlierland Hea<l, f l s l t s b u r g l i , W. Y.

T o R e n t .

THK subserilier will rent ills house sad p r e m i s e s , w i t h ten acres of l aud adja ln-

ing , sltuatMl on l o r n e l l a str«M't, opposi te t a e Pair lirouads. Possession given 1st of May a e x l . For further part iculars apply tut*, w . rLarr at Hatha way's store.

THEO, PLAKT. riattsborgb, Feb. S, Itft.-Stf

TWO PiAMOS and TWO OKOaMd ta a t A . J,MUmimV»_ Slueie S t o w , r la tSs -

hurgn. M. -BMW Wltberll l Houee.

l l w l H. S . TsVVLUR,

Miners , M. V.

Examination of Teachers. API'LICAXTS for Teacher's Certim-ates will

be e s a m l n v d a s fol low*: Kxesev l l l e . i High achuol huiMiiMr), Monuav,

April l . » a m a a e a b l e Forks , T o e s d a y , April t . S a. in . Schuyler Kails. WedneMlay, April S.S a. as. IhNUord, .-lower ilislrtet"i Tuesday, April 4.

• a . a s . slswanae, rndajr. April S. • a. as l»lsets*ja»gshlSflwts "

dsw,AnstiC*n.a*. •SeJinessoea, Twee.

l lwS JOHW R.

la*,AjarUe.tWm. CosBuilssloner.

i n conc lus ion , w e would j;iv«' the i .ubl ie n ine reasons w h y money can be saved by b u y i n g o f u s .

1st, We at tend l o our b u s i n e s s and do not h a v e to pay some one e l s e to do i t for us .

iivl. W*= l u a i i u t a c m r e o u r c lo tni i i t r a m i s a v e at least one profit .

3d. We buy from first hands and save from i All the C'ltoiu.st Varieties of 141 to £i per c e n t by St. doiu^. ' a i . „ ' . . _

4th. W e d i scount a l l of our b i l l s w h i c h i s a j CrTSei lnOUSe a M J j e d d l O ^ P l t i r ' 8 . lar^e i t e m s a v e d . i : o :

5th. We control our o w n b u s i n e s s , there- j Roses—Monthly , Moss, C l imbing a n d hardy fore h a v e a full If now ledge of prolit and e x - , „ variet ies for i;ard. n. D e i . s l ( 3 Oer»niuu»*-S>ii .gle, 1. mble , Var iegated a n d pensws. | It y l eaved , in great \ a r i e t y .

4ith. We h a v e t h e lca-st e x p e n s e s under 1 Xove l t i ee—Hany X e w Plant s offered for the whi.-h our bus iness e m be properly c o n - K «rst t i m e t h i s spring. , , , ' * I Col lect ion. , of luu Beautiful F lower ing P lant s

a u ' " u ' " ' | "i rii ishn.g a s i n . session of hlooai turough-"th. We manufacture s trong gno.U that g i v e | o u t the s e a s o n , for $5. *

sat isfact ion a o d are never returned. I C« l l ec t lo«« of jo Keauutul F lower ing Mania . . . . . i . . . i . i . furnishing a success ion of b loom d o r i n i

nth. We unders tand the bus ines s , h ivmg i the se-asoii, for SJ. »*woss u u n n g had m a n y years erperieii .-e ui the c l o t h i n g i Co l l ec t ion* of''.'5 Beautiful F lowering P l a n t s b i w i n . s s . ! « u ^ » i ^ h i n g s i . e e c , s | o n o f b l o o m d u r t n g U . e

mil. Wc ask only a smal l profit ,as a n imble | < „ H e c t l . . « . of u "as above for t l • toe . . . ~ i f s e n t b y inaiL * ' , U e" ' x l r *

VerlK-na* -Assorted per ,l..b.u w i th l abe l s . ,--.; wi thout l a b e l s , ! * . - jt»Mirteil n e r i s a * i t h l a W l s . * i ; with. . , , t ^ a t e l a ^ ^ S * ' * , • • •

, * paiV1Uror1,i!.';.Wr"1'K W*"'«».>*'tosdl. iw»«-

V E O E T A B L E T o u i . 1 ,

•*"•.-. , _, . minf C a b b a g e f U u i . K.'riy "irJnsXSanu-d.stronsr h-*- -per l .» ; S i per ljirsi. .»»roi.g, i / o a T ' *-• '«" rtu""k'.-"•"•- l * r 100; S i S p e r

A n d y o u w i l l be saUslied with prb-e. and Canl i i l owors . E a r l y a n d Lata— Transulai.(*.1 qual i ty of g o c l s . ' ^^"'iLii'^^1W" r

' ?Tion"i,!.""fc ""*• Wassr-a In a pot. for He I " H * ? 4 • ' • F F - r f l a s i l — C l r o w a l ^ p \ , u j i j per dozen . *•*»»"• * ^ -j T . - b a r e o r i a n t . - f l |>er l laj,

Srjtdlur latal.yu*.


CapiUl, Astels. Surplus ,


l S ) I , . t . y h u a w . UlrM IMUI.S t s k r i

s ix |* i . e . - is better Ihan a s loweain . - . l - . lu l l ing


Manhattan Insurance Co OF XEW VOUK.

Capital , -

Assets, -Surplus, . . . .

r t . A • *• 'C.t « . . . .|g-

. .. ™ a i r * ^ T u a i y . . I , . W l « , u . , ,1 • , , . . ! » . »i .. '

.'...t.*,- a g e . • " • - I i ' . . . j


p . ^ l t l u l , H

i...i«-« t \..uut> ,r« nut t e n d , w r » i i l ; . , 4 i . . ! r . . beaut i l il i«-i iuisi .s i , ip.

S S C S t S t A K T * S S l l K L l . s T r e » \ 1

Great Bargains A T P I K E S

Atlantic Insurance Co. i> OF NEW VOEK

Capital, . . . . Assets. . . Surplus, - 4W.747


Jr-r fAAJI . .

o o t s cSL- J S I K M . - . X u * . « y i i i i i i u , : . , , i .

l e s d J a s ' S w a t B a o t a f a r t l it->

S t u r o t o K t ' u i .

H o i n e I i i H u r a n o c O O F COI.I'MIH'S Oui...

O .

Capital ,

A s s e t s ,

S u r p l m , I l l ^ L T i

. i . ~ . or a l l best >art. l i e s , g r o w n in not* '. p . r .1. / . -n; S.'.iu j„ . r loo * '" 1 > 0 1 * '


N o . HH M a r g a r e t S t r e e t .

Opposste OnaabwrhMsd House,

r i j . rnsBUawsa, M. J.

• 0 M U T ~w«».

M r a w a e r r i s s , » — g i , , , ! . ^ fmimmtm ^

° " ! S S ! ! ! y * ? > * " « • ? - IXe iduoua a n d l w

Seiu4 for t dialogue.

i'lATT»ML'»OM MLMSMMIMM. J O H « W . aUILKV. r r n a s l . t i .

« « - « * • » * , Clinton V^n.t. tia

Prescott Insurance Co OF BOSToV.

C a p i u l , . . . .

Assa ta ,

Surplus . . . . .

OX the . -or . , . i f i t r ! > . r 4,_ , „ r l a i t s l m i g h V » i „ » „ - , . ,

J o h n M.-i * l l c i , ? . , „ . „ . ,, v ; v

ate iy In , , , u , . , | t . JJ. , v j . t . t v

prvn.iM »

K o r S a L - . t I M SH 1K1MUKI. I ' . U t l %v

-w. i „ ,„-rf,^.t , . . , , , . 1 , , , . , , ,, i . h j ^ i . N i . h o i . * t o . « u » i , , .»

B A N K H 4 ! 4 « » . s i , , » l , r a „ r r , • t k.

lXa \ F . ' -ntMirghCotnri . s , >, »

**-'<HMM«0 • w . ^ , w e . r i . M , t . T * -W . 7 5 7 1 0 , u » h . a t e w r v « l M t t . . i . . i «

h . .

TrAVdlwa' Life and Acddajnt I n -sunaoe Company

OF HAKTFOHD, cojm Capital, - - . Asssts. . .

Sorphst lo Policy Holders



• h . . . The W in l rr T r i m , . | l h , 1' ,

arltu. Is wi l l . I ' . s . . a F r n u . Ihe « p i . , g r . i n . w u i .son,,,,,



* f»»««» »a»e of

. a t s M a w t O a ^ a . w .

F R t>tv i«

Tenemetatas to 1 't-_. off. w. HMutirr. >o •UWei . PtaUUmrgsi , Jl. V-
