split-antecedent relative clauses and the symmetry of ... · split-antecedent relative clauses and...

Split-antecedent relative clauses and the symmetry of predicates 1 Claudia POSCHMANN — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. Sascha BARGMANN — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. Christopher G ¨ OTZE — Georg-August University G¨ ottingen Anke HOLLER — Georg-August University G¨ ottingen Manfred SAILER — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. Gert WEBELHUTH — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. Thomas Ede ZIMMERMANN — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. Abstract. This paper presents the results of two experiments in German testing the acceptabil- ity of (non-)restrictive relative clauses (NRCs/RRCs) with split antecedents (SpAs). According to Moltmann (1992), SpAs are only grammatical if their parts occur within the conjuncts of a coordinate structure and if they have identical grammatical functions. Non-conjoined SpAs that form the subject and the object of a transitive verb are predicted to be ungrammatical. Our study shows that the acceptability of such examples improves significantly if the predicate that relates the parts of the SpA is symmetric. Moreover, it suggests that NRCs and RRCs behave differently in these cases with respect to the SpA-construal. We can make sense of this obser- vation if we follow Winter (2016) in assuming that transitive symmetric predicates have to be analyzed as unary collective predicates and thus provide a collective antecedent for the RC at the semantic (not the syntactic) level. As we will argue, this accounts for some of the disagree- ment we found in the literature and gives us new insights into both the semantics of symmetric predicates and the semantics of NRCs. Keywords: non-restrictive relative clause, restrictive relative clause, symmetric predicate, split antecedent. 1. Introduction We speak of a split antecedent (SpA) of a relative clause when the antecedent is jointly ex- pressed by distinct syntactic constituents in its host clause, as in (1). This constellation consti- tutes a challenge for the analysis of relative clauses. (1) Mary met a man i and John met a woman j [who i, j knew each other well]. (Moltmann, 1992: 262) Moltmann (1992) assumes that split antecedents are only possible if the antecedent phrases occur within the conjuncts of a coordinate structure and if they have identical grammatical functions, which is the case in (1). This generalization correctly excludes the sentence in (2a), where we find an overt conjunction, but the first antecedent phrase is the subject of the first conjunct, and the second antecedent phrase is the direct object of the second conjunct. The generalization also correctly excludes examples such as (2b), where an overt conjunction is 1 The research reported here was carried out as part of the Research Unit 1783 Relative Clauses of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, funding Sascha Bargmann, Christopher G¨ otze, and Claudia Poschmann. We would like to thank Nina Haslinger and Yoad Winter, as well as the audiences of the Closing Workshop of the Research Unit 1783 and of Sinn und Bedeutung 2017. c 2018 Claudia Poschmann et al. In: Uli Sauerland and Stephanie Solt (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, vol. 2, ZASPiL 61, pp. 253–270. ZAS, Berlin.

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Page 1: Split-antecedent relative clauses and the symmetry of ... · Split-antecedent relative clauses and the symmetry of predicates 1 Claudia POSCHMANN Goethe University Frankfurt a.M

Split-antecedent relative clauses and the symmetry of predicates1

Claudia POSCHMANN — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.Sascha BARGMANN — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.Christopher GOTZE — Georg-August University GottingenAnke HOLLER — Georg-August University GottingenManfred SAILER — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.Gert WEBELHUTH — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.Thomas Ede ZIMMERMANN — Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.

Abstract. This paper presents the results of two experiments in German testing the acceptabil-ity of (non-)restrictive relative clauses (NRCs/RRCs) with split antecedents (SpAs). Accordingto Moltmann (1992), SpAs are only grammatical if their parts occur within the conjuncts ofa coordinate structure and if they have identical grammatical functions. Non-conjoined SpAsthat form the subject and the object of a transitive verb are predicted to be ungrammatical. Ourstudy shows that the acceptability of such examples improves significantly if the predicate thatrelates the parts of the SpA is symmetric. Moreover, it suggests that NRCs and RRCs behavedifferently in these cases with respect to the SpA-construal. We can make sense of this obser-vation if we follow Winter (2016) in assuming that transitive symmetric predicates have to beanalyzed as unary collective predicates and thus provide a collective antecedent for the RC atthe semantic (not the syntactic) level. As we will argue, this accounts for some of the disagree-ment we found in the literature and gives us new insights into both the semantics of symmetricpredicates and the semantics of NRCs.

Keywords: non-restrictive relative clause, restrictive relative clause, symmetric predicate, splitantecedent.

1. Introduction

We speak of a split antecedent (SpA) of a relative clause when the antecedent is jointly ex-pressed by distinct syntactic constituents in its host clause, as in (1). This constellation consti-tutes a challenge for the analysis of relative clauses.

(1) Mary met a mani and John met a woman j [whoi, j knew each other well].(Moltmann, 1992: 262)

Moltmann (1992) assumes that split antecedents are only possible if the antecedent phrasesoccur within the conjuncts of a coordinate structure and if they have identical grammaticalfunctions, which is the case in (1). This generalization correctly excludes the sentence in (2a),where we find an overt conjunction, but the first antecedent phrase is the subject of the firstconjunct, and the second antecedent phrase is the direct object of the second conjunct. Thegeneralization also correctly excludes examples such as (2b), where an overt conjunction is

1The research reported here was carried out as part of the Research Unit 1783 Relative Clauses of the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft, funding Sascha Bargmann, Christopher Gotze, and Claudia Poschmann. We would liketo thank Nina Haslinger and Yoad Winter, as well as the audiences of the Closing Workshop of the Research Unit1783 and of Sinn und Bedeutung 2017.

c© 2018 Claudia Poschmann et al. In: Uli Sauerland and Stephanie Solt (eds.),Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, vol. 2, ZASPiL 61, pp. 253–270. ZAS, Berlin.

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missing, and the two antecedent phrases again have distinct grammatical functions.

(2) a. *A womani came and John met a man j [whoi, j knew each other well].b. *A mani saw a woman j [whoi, j had danced together]. (Moltmann, 1992: 263)

However, we would, then, wrongly exclude (3), which is taken from Hoeksema (1986: 64). (3)is generally judged as acceptable, although, just as in (2b), an overt conjunction is missing, andthe two parts of the split antecedent form the subject and the object of a transitive predicate.

(3) We always let those boysi play with those girls j [whoi, j know one another from elemen-tary school].

In this paper, we will explore the idea that one reason for the contrast between (2b) and (3)might be that, in the latter case, the two antecedents are related by a symmetric predicate.According to Winter (2016), transitive symmetric predicates have to be analyzed as unary col-lective predicates. This might favor an SpA-construal. We will present the results of two exper-iments in German investigating this effect of the symmetry of the matrix-clause predicate onthe acceptability of restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses with SpAs. Our findings willnot only shed new light on the diverging judgments in the previous literature but also provideinsights into both the semantics of symmetric predicates and SpA-relatives.

We will first present some basic assumptions on restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses(RRCs/NRCs), see Section 2. In Section 3, we will present the relevant ideas on symmet-ric predicates from Winter (2016). We derive two empirical hypotheses from these two sec-tions and present two questionnaire studies that we carried out to test them, see Section 4. InSection 5, we will sketch an analysis compatible with our empirical findings, before we endwith a conclusion, see Section 6.

2. Antecedence construal with restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses

In this section, we will summarize the relevant observations on the relation between RRCs andNRCs and their antecedents.2

RRCs are interpreted as predicates where the relative pronoun marks the variable that is ab-stracted over. The RRC is semantically integrated as a restriction on the denotation of a nom-inal projection that it attaches to (Heim and Kratzer, 1998). In non-split cases, the antecedentof an RRC is always a syntactic constituent. If we carried this over to the SpA-construal, wewould expect that RRCs should be impossible with SpAs unless there is independent evidencefor a syntactic constituent consisting of exactly the antecedents.

In her study of relative clause extraposition, Walker (2017) follows Keller (1995) in assumingthat the link between an RRC and its antecedent is based on the “local” syntactic and semanticinformation of the antecedent constituent. “Local” properties include the syntactic category

2See Fabb (1990) and Huddleston and Pullum (2002: Chapter 7) for an overview of differences between RRCsand NRCs.

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(but not constituent structure information) and lexical semantic information (but not informa-tion on quantification or definiteness). This allows for cases like (4) from Walker (2017: 181).

(4) This list does not even include [the house and the car] [RRC: I want for my family].

In this example, the antecedent relation is established between the relevant semantic and syn-tactic properties of the conjunct the house and the car, which do not include the determinersemantics. What is important for us here is that even in such cases, there is a syntactic con-stituent acting as the antecedent of the RRC.

For NRCs, in contrast, it has been argued that the relative pronoun is equivalent in interpretationto a discourse-anaphoric pronoun (Sells, 1985; Del Gobbo, 2003; Holler, 2005; Schlenker,2010). Indeed, NRCs often pattern quite consistently with their discourse-anaphoric matrix-clause paraphrases, compare a. and b. as well as c. and d. in (5).3

(5) a. *Every climber, who was French by the way, made it to the summit.b. Every climber made it to the summit. *He was French by the way.c. Most climbers, who were all French by the way, made it to the summit.d. Most climbers made it to the summit. They were all French by the way.

(adapted from Nouwen 2007)

Arnold (2004, 2007) argues that the difference between the two types of relatives does not somuch lie in their syntactic attachment —both attach to their respective antecedent — but ratherin the semantics of their relative pronoun and, following from this, the antecedent construal andthe semantic (non-)integration of the relative clause.

In some cases, however, relative pronouns of NRCs seem to be more restricted than theirdiscourse-anaphoric counterparts. In particular, it can be assumed that an NRC, unlike adiscourse-anaphoric pronoun, can only take a discourse referent as its antecedent if it is accessi-ble in its host clause. The antecedent of a discourse pronoun can be introduced in a more ad hocway – such as by “abstraction” in Kamp and Reyle (1993). In particular, so-called complementset anaphora (Moxey and Sanford, 1987; Nouwen, 2003) is possible with discourse-anaphoricpronouns but completely unavailable with NRCs. In (6a), the pronoun they can refer to the setof those children that did not eat their ice cream. Such an interpretation is not possible for therelative pronoun in (6b).

(6) Few of the children ate their ice cream, . . .a. they threw it around the room instead. (Moxey and Sanford, 1987: 192)b. *who, by the way, threw it around the room instead.

3Del Gobbo (2003) assumes that NRCs such as (5c) are ungrammatical if the NRC is clause-internal. Nouwen(2007), by contrast, argues that a clause-internal NRC is possible in structures like (5c) but, unlike discourse-anaphoric pronouns, can only take the set of climbers as its antecedent, not the subset of climbers who reachedthe summit. Cf. Poschmann (2013) for experiments on the interpretation and acceptability of such sentences inGerman.

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Given this state of the theoretical discussion, we expected that NRCs with split antecedentsshould only be possible if we can find independent motivation for the existence of an appropri-ate plural antecedent in the interpretation of the matrix clause. We will see in the next sectionthat exactly this is actually possible.

3. The symmetry of predicates

Symmetric predicates are such that there are two argument slots that can be interchangedwithout changing the truth conditions. This is sketched in (7a) for the verb quarrel. A non-symmetric predicate, as expressed by see, does not allow for such a truth-preserving change inthe grammatical function, see (7b).

(7) a. Symmetric predicate: A quarrels with B.⇔ B quarrels with A.b. Non-symmetric predicate: A sees B. 6⇔ B sees A.

Many symmetric predicates allow for a use with a plural in one of the argument slots and areciprocal pronoun in the other, (8a). In addition, this reciprocal pronoun need not be there, asshown in (8b).4

(8) a. Reciprocal use: A and B quarrel with each other.b. Collective use: A and B quarrel.

These observations give rise to the following research questions: (i) Is the alternation betweena binary use as in (7a) and a unary use as in (8b) productive and systematic? (ii) If so, doesthe collective use derive from the symmetry of the binary predicate, or does the existence of abinary realization follow from the collectivity of the unary predicate? (iii) Since the alternationhas an argument-structural reflex that is semantically induced, the question is at which level oflinguistic analysis the alternation will arise.

The answers to these questions are manifold. For example, Gleitman (1965) and Lakoff andPeters (1969) assume that a syntactic transformation links the binary and the unary use ofsymmetric predicates. They differ, however, in that Gleitman derives the unary use from thebinary one, see (9a), whereas Lakoff & Peters do it the other way around, see (9b).

(9) a. John met Mary and Mary met John 7→ John and Mary met.b. John and Mary met. 7→ John met Mary.

Winter (2016) takes a very different approach. Instead of having a syntactic transformation

4In addition to the alternations in English, we find inherently-reflexive realizations of the binary predicate inGerman, which clearly have the collective rather than a reciprocal meaning. In (i), only the inherently-reflexiverealization can be used, not the explicitly reciprocal. We will ignore this complication here and treat the inherently-reflexive realization just on par with a collective realization, which seems to be adequate – at least semantically.(i) Alex





*einander)each other


‘Alex and Chris always have a fight.’

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between a binary and a unary use of a verb, he postulates an underlying protopredicate andderives the concrete binary and unary predicates from the denotation of the protopredicate.

The denotation of a protopredicate contains all instances compatible with a particular natural-language expression. Winter discusses the example of the verb hug: Some huggings are collec-tive, which means that a protopredicate hug will have group objects consisting of collectivelyhugging people in its denotation. Other huggings are directional, i.e. there is one person hug-ging and another person being hugged. For these cases, the denotation of hug will also containpairs whose first element is the hugger and whose second the ‘huggee’.5

Winter (2016) does not use protopredicates directly in sentences. One reason for this is proba-bly that the denotation of a protopredicate may contain both single objects and tuples, whereaspredicates in a sentence have a fixed arity. Looking at Winter:16 analysis, there might be asecond reason: the structure of the elements in the denotation of the protopredicate is clearlyconnected to a contentful interpretation of semantic (proto-)roles (in the sense of Dowty 1991).The semantic argument slots in a concrete predicate need not have such a clear-cut interpreta-tion. In particular, Winter (2016) assumes that different argument slots of concrete predicatescan bear the same semantic role, whereas this would not be possible for the argument slots inthe denotation of a protopredicate.

Winter (2016) defines three mappings from protopredicates to concrete predicates. For theprotopredicate hug, for example, there is a binary non-symmetric predicate hugbns and a unarycollective predicate huguc. The denotation of hugbns is the subset of the denotation of hug thatcontains all hugger-hugged pairs. The denotation of huguc is the subset of the denotation ofhug that consist of all hugging-sets. Winter also provides a binary symmetric predicate, hugbs.The denotation of this predicate is such that for each of the collective huggers x⊕y, it containsthe pairs 〈x,y〉 and 〈y,x〉.6

This system directly accounts for the fact that the binary symmetric use of a predicate is syn-onymous to its unary collective use, even though the argument frame is different. At the sametime, it captures the fact that a binary non-symmetric and a binary symmetric use are non-synonymous even though they have the same number of syntactic arguments.

The verb quarrel expresses an inherently-collective concept. Therefore, the protopredicatequarrel only contains plural objects and no pairs. Consequently, there can be a unary collectivepredicate quarreluc and a binary symmetric predicate quarrelbs, but the corresponding binarynon-symmetric predicate is not defined. Similarly, for a non-symmetric protopredicate, there

5Winter (2016) uses a set notation for the collective objects, {x,y}. We will use the notation x⊕ y here, whichmakes it clearer that we are dealing with a single entity – in contrast to a tuple of entities, 〈x,y〉, needed for thenon-collective denotations.6Note that symmetric readings are available even if the set consists of more than two members. In this case thesymmetric reading (ia) is clearly more expressive than the reciprocal binary paraphrases in (ib). Winter (2016)takes this as evidence for his assumption that collective predicates are basic and irreducible to their binary forms.(i) a. A, B and C are similar.

b. 6= A is similar to B, B is similar to C, C is similar to A.

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will be no corresponding unary collective predicate nor a binary symmetric predicate.7

What does this mean for the possibilities of antecedent construals with relative clauses? In thecase of a unary collective predicate, there is both a syntactic and a semantic unit that can serveas an antecedent for a relative clause. For a binary non-symmetric predicate, there is neithera syntactic nor a semantic unit, so no antecedent construal should be possible for any type ofrelative clause. The same is true, in fact, for a binary symmetric predicate: since its denotationis a set of pairs, it is ontologically indistinguishable from a binary non-symmetric predicate.

If, however, we have access to the protopredicate in addition to the concrete predicate, a pos-sible semantic antecedent would be available in sentences with a binary symmetric predicate(and, trivially, for the unary collective predicate). Since this collective argument is not part ofthe syntactic structure, the antecedent-construal process can only be semantic, not syntactic.We thus expected it to be possible for NRCs but not for RRCs.

To sum up, none of the analyses of symmetric predicates would predict the acceptability of anSpA-construal for RRCs. For NRCs, the picture is slightly different: a syntactic approach a laLakoff and Peters (1969) assumes the required plural antecedent provided that the underlyingsyntactic structure can be used for relative clause attachment. Similarly, the semantic analysisin Winter (2016), as it stands, does not seem to predict SpAs for NRCs. However, if we caninclude the protopredicate in the interpretation, an NRC would be possible, though an RRCwould still be excluded.

We have carried out two questionnaire studies to get a clearer picture of the empirical factsand to see which of the approaches to antecedent construal and symmetric predicates can bestaccount for them.

4. Experiments

In this section, we will report the results of two experiments in German that suggest that thesymmetry of a binary predicate relating the parts of a split antecedent can indeed affect theacceptability of the SpA-relative clause. Moreover, we will show that RRCs and NRCs behavedifferently with respect to SpA-construal. Both experiments were conducted as pen-and-paperquestionnaires with first-semester students in Frankfurt a.M., Germany.

4.1. Experiment 1

In a first questionnaire, with 39 participants, we tested the acceptability of non-conjoinedSpAs depending on the TYPE of the relative clause (RRC vs. NRC) and the SYMMETRY

(±symmetric) of the matrix-clause predicate relating the heads of the SpA.

7Though, of course, there can be a non-empty reciprocal subset of the denotation of the protopredicate, i.e. allcases where both 〈x,y〉 and 〈y,x〉 occur in the denotation of the protopredicate.

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4.1.1. Design

All items were constructed such that there was a plural-RC in sentence-final position and amatrix clause with definite DPs as antecedents for the SpA with one antecedent-DP forming thesubject and the other the object of a transitive matrix-clause predicate. The relative clause waseither an RRC or an NRC and the matrix-clause predicate either symmetric or non-symmetric.8

Overall, we tested 12 items in 4 conditions (NRC/RRC*±Symmetry) distributed over a Latin-square design, such that every participant judged every condition three times but each item onlyin one condition. An example for a test item in all four conditions is given in (10).

(10) a. Letzte Woche hat sich mein Hausarzt mit meinem Heilpraktiker gestritten, dieeinander sonst ubrigens sehr schatzen.‘Last week, my doctor quarreled with my non-medical practitioner, who by theway normally appreciate each other.’ (NRC/+SYMM)

b. Letzte Woche hat mein Hausarzt meinen Heilpraktiker beleidigt, die einandersonst ubrigens sehr schatzen.‘Last week, my doctor insulted my non-medical practitioner, . . . ’ (NRC/-SYMM)

c. Letzte Woche hat sich derjenige Hausarzt mit demjenigen Heilpraktiker gestrit-ten, die einander sonst sehr schatzen.‘Last week, precisely that doctor quarreled with precisely that non-medical prac-titioner who normally appreciate each other.’ (RRC/+SYMM)

d. Letzte Woche hat derjenige Hausarzt denjenigen Heilpraktiker beleidigt, die einan-der sonst sehr schatzen.‘Last week, precisely that doctor insulted precisely that non-medical practitioner. . . ’ (RRC/-SYMM)

Non-restrictive interpretations were forced by adding a discourse particle, typically ubrigens‘by the way’, inside the relative, which should rule out a restrictive interpretation.9 In theRRC-conditions, these particles were omitted, instead the heads of the relative included thedeterminer derjenige ‘precisely that’, which should rule out a non-restrictive interpretation.10

Since in German, the plural form of the relative pronoun is syncretic with its feminine singularform die, we designed all test items with exclusively singular masculine subjects and objects.This ensured that the RC was not interpreted solely with respect to one of its antecedents. In allconditions, the RC was extraposed across the clause-final matrix predicate. Unlike in English(Rochemont and Culicover, 1990; Walker, 2017), extraposition from a definite DP is generally

8List of predicates used in the symmetric condition: sich streiten mit ‘to quarrel with s.o.’, telefonieren mit ‘to talkwith s.o. on the phone’, sich schlagen mit ‘to fight with s.o.’, diskutieren mit ‘to debate with s.o.’, sich zusammen-tun mit ‘to team up with s.o.’, ubereinstimmen mit ‘to come to an agreement with s.o.’, sich beratschlagen mit ‘toconsult with s.o.’, zusammenarbeiten mit ‘to collaborate with s.o.’, aussehen wie ‘to look like s.o.’, sich vertragenmit ‘to make up with s.o.’, sich unterhalten mit ‘to talk with s.o.’, sich treffen mit ‘to meet with s.o.’9Note that in German, unlike in English, both RRCs and NRCs are obligatorily separated by a comma.10A relative clause attached to a derjenige-head cannot contain discourse particles:(i) Derjenige Heilpraktiker, der (*ubrigens) Peter beleidigt hat, ist meinem Hausarzt gut bekannt.

‘Precisely that practitioner, who by the way insulted Peter, is well-known to my doctor.’

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judged as acceptable in German (Holler, 2005; Poschmann and Wagner, 2016), at least acrossminimal distances (1 word). To keep the distance between the split antecedents and the RCminimal, all test items of Experiment 1 were constructed such that the sentence-initial position(Vorfeld/prefield) of the matrix clause was occupied by a PP or a temporal or locational adverb,while the subject- and object-DPs were located adjacent to each other in the middle field of thematrix clause.

The test items were tested interspersed with 14 fillers, which included 7 examples of clearly ac-ceptable and 7 clearly unacceptable examples of NRCs or RRCs, all without an SpA-construal.

4.1.2. Predictions

The RCs in Experiment 1 are all plural and hence looking for a plural antecedent in the matrixclause to which they can be attached. The matrix clause, however, does not provide such aplural antecedent, at least not at the syntactic level. Both the subject- and the object-DP aresingular. Thus, from a syntactic point of view, the matrix clause does not provide a properantecedent to which the RC can be attached.

Hypothesis I: +SYM > −SYM.The semantic analysis of binary symmetric predicates could be such that the analysis of asentence of the form A quarrels with B contains a unary collective predicate, A and B quarrel,as part of its interpretation. If this hypothesis is on the right track, one might expect thatthe acceptability of SpA-RCs improves if the parts of the split antecedent are connected by asymmetric predicate, since in this case the symmetric predicate provides a collective antecedentat the semantic level with respect to which the plural-RC can be interpreted. Non-symmetricpredicates, by contrast, do not provide such a collective antecedent and should be judged asunacceptable.

Hypothesis II: NRC > RRCIf symmetric predicates provide a collective antecedent, they do so only at the semantic, notthe syntactic level. If at all, an effect of symmetry would be expected to show up only incase of NRCs. According to standard assumptions, NRCs are linked to their head-DP onlyanaphorically – e.g. McCawley (1981); Sells (1985); Holler (2005); Arnold (2007) – and hencemight not need a single syntactic antecedent. RRCs, by contrast, are non-anaphoric and seemto need a proper syntactic antecedent to which they can be attached. We hence expected tofind an interaction of RC-TYPE and SYMMETRY, such that SYMMETRY only improves theacceptability of NRCs with SpAs but not the acceptability of RRCs with SpAs.

4.1.3. Results

The data reported for Experiment 1 are based on the judgments of 36 out of the 39 testedparticipants. We had to exclude 3 participants because they rated more than 4 of the 9 negative

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Figure 1: Experiment 1: Test conditions







FF FRCondition



Figure 2: Experiment 1: Filler conditions

fillers as good (≥ 3). The overall results of the experiment are summarized in Figure 1 for thetest conditions and in Figure 2 for the filler conditions.

The results confirm that both RC-TYPE and SYMMETRY affect the acceptability of SpA-RCs.As expected, NRCs rated better than RRCs. For both types, SYMMETRY of the matrix pred-icate significantly improved the acceptability of the SpA-construal. The ratings show a cleardownstep pattern. NRCs with a symmetric matrix predicate are rated as more or less acceptable(3.5 on a scale from 0 to 5), lower than the positive controls (4.3) but significantly higher thanNRCs with a non-symmetric matrix predicate (2.9). RRCs with a symmetric matrix predicategot marginal acceptance rates (2.5), and RRCs with a non-symmetric matrix predicate ratednearly as low (2.1) as the negative controls (1.9).

Using the lme4 package in R, we fitted a model of mixed logistic regression for the interac-tion of RC-TYPE and SYMMETRY as fixed effects and random effects for subjects and itemsincluding the corresponding slopes (Formula: Rating ∼ Typ∗Sym + (1+Typ*Sym | Person) +

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(1+Typ*Sym | Item)). We found significant effects of RC-TYPE (t =−3.24) and SYMMETRY

(t = 2.17).11 Contrary to our expectations, however, the interaction between RC-TYPE andSYMMETRY did not turn out to be significant in our data. SYMMETRY equally affected theacceptability of NRCs and RRCs.

4.2. Experiment 2

Unlike predicted by Moltmann (1992), the results of Experiment 1 show that SpA-RCs withsymmetric matrix predicate are acceptable in German, even if the parts of the split antecedentare not overtly conjoined. One possible explanation for the acceptability of the tested non-conjoined SpA-examples might be that the subject- and object-DP that formed the two parts ofthe antecedent stood adjacent to each other. This could have invited repair effects in which theparticipants treated the two antecedents as jointly forming a syntactic constituent. To rule outthis possibility, we designed a second questionnaire, in which we tested whether the positionof the two parts of the split antecedents with respect to each other affected the acceptability ofthe SpA-construal.

4.2.1. Design

In this second Experiment, with 45 different participants, we tested the 12 items of Experi-ment 1 with symmetric predicates only. We manipulated the RC-TYPE and, in addition, theWORD ORDER of the matrix clause, such that in one condition both head-DPs of the relativestood adjacent (+ADJACENCY) in the middle field of the clause, as in (10), whereas in a sec-ond condition, one of the antecedents occurred in the prefield and was, thus, separated fromthe other antecedent by an auxiliary in V2 position. In (11), we provide an example for a testitem in all four conditions. As in Experiment 1, the test items were tested in comparison to 7positive and 7 negative control items.

(11) a. Mein Hausarzt hat sich mit meinem Heilpraktiker gestritten, die einandersonst ubrigens sehr schatzen.‘My doctor quarreled with my non-medical practitioner, who by the way normallyappreciate each other.’ (NRC/-ADJACENCY)

b. Letzte Woche hat sich mein Hausarzt mit meinem Heilpraktiker gestritten, dieeinander sonst ubrigens sehr schatzen.‘Last week, my doctor quarreled with my non-medical practitioner, who by theway normally appreciate each other.’ (NRC/+ADJACENCY)

11According to Baayen et al. (2008), we can be confident that the comparison is significant if the absolute valueof the t-value is bigger than 2 (or: 1.96).

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c. Derjenige Hausarzt hat sich mit demjenigen Heilpraktiker gestritten, die einan-der sonst sehr schatzen.‘Precisely that doctor quarreled with precisely that non-medical practitioner whonormally appreciate each other.’ (RRC/-ADJACENCY)

d. Letzte Woche hat sich derjenige Hausarzt mit demjenigen Heilpraktiker gestrit-ten, die einander sonst sehr schatzen.‘Last week, precisely that doctor quarreled with precisely that non-medical prac-titioner who normally appreciate each other.’ (RRC/+ADJACENCY)

4.2.2. Predictions

Hypothesis III: +ADJACENT > −ADJACENTIf SpA-RCs are only acceptable if the parts of the antecedent are adjacent to each other, theacceptability of the examples should decrease if subject- and object-DP are separated by thefinite verb.

4.2.3. Results

Overall, the ratings for NRCs and RRCs in Experiment 2 were comparable to those of thesymmetric conditions in the first experiment, see Figure 3. Again, NRCs with SpAs rated asmore or less acceptable (2.9 on a scale from 0 to 5), less than the positive controls (3.6) butsignificantly better than the RRCs (2.5) and the negative controls (2.5). The means suggest aslight downstep pattern, such that NRCs with adjacent antecedents rated slightly better (3.0)than NRCs with non-adjacent antecedents (2.8). RRCs with adjacent heads were judged a bitmore acceptable (2.9) than RRCs in which the two parts of the antecedent were separated bythe matrix-clause verb (2.4). However, this downstep was not significant in our data.

Fitting a mixed model regression for the interaction RC-TYPE and WORDORDER and the cor-responding random effects and slopes of items and participants (Formula: Rating ∼ Type∗WO+ (1+Type∗WO | Person) + (1+Type∗WO | Item)), we did find a significant effect of RC-TYPE (t = −2.441) but no effect of WORDORDER (t = 1.681) and no significant interactionbetween RC-TYPE and WORDORDER (t = 0.428).

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Figure 3: Experiment 2







FF FRCondition



Figure 4: Filler Experiment 2

4.3. Discussion

Our results clearly show that a split antecedent is acceptable for NRCs when the antecedent-DPs are co-arguments of a binary symmetric predicate. We saw in Section 3 that none of thepresented approaches would make this prediction directly but that it is possible to mildly twistthe account of Winter (2016) to make it fit. All we need to do is to make the protopredicateavailable in the interpretation of the matrix clause. As a result, a standard semantic-antecedentconstrual could be used for NRCs, given that the NRC attachment potential of binary symmetricpredicates like A quarrels with B would be the same as that of unary collective predicates suchas A and B quarrel. A similar construal is not possible for non-symmetric predicates, whereneither the concrete predicate nor its protopredicate provides a collective antecedent.

The judgments for RRCs in our data were altogether rather marginal and significantly lowerthan those for NRCs. This indicates, as expected, that RRCs cannot find a regular antecedentin the SpA-constellations. It is, however, surprising that there is an effect of symmetry alsofor RRCs. This might point to the availability of a repair strategy for such sentences. We willcome back to this in Section 5.

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Another somewhat unexpected result of our experiment is that NRCs with non-symmetric pred-icates are rated considerably better than RRCs with non-symmetric predicates. We arguedabove that the antecedent construal of an NRC is a semantic rather than syntactic process, butthere is no semantic antecedent available for the NRC in these cases. For cross-sentential dis-course pronouns, antecedent construal is possible in such constellations, as illustrated in (12).We take it that the judgments in our study indicate that the participants were able to apply sucha discourse-anaphora construal process as a repair strategy in these cases.

(12) Letzte Woche hat mein Hausarzt meinen Heilpraktiker beleidigt. Sonst schatzen sieeinander sehr.‘Last week, my doctor insulted my non-medical practitioner. Normally, they appreci-ate each other very much.’

The results of Experiment 2 confirmed the contrast between NRCs and RRCs. At the sametime, it showed that the relative position of the two antecedent phrases in the sentence doesnot have any influence. This strengthens the position that an NRC finds its antecedent throughsemantic rather than syntactic properties. Similarly, the repair strategy speculated about forRRCs with symmetric predicates should be semantic rather than syntactic.

In the next section, we will go through the observations made in this discussion and showhow we can integrate them into a concrete approach to symmetric predicates and antecedentconstrual for relative clauses.

5. Analysis

In this section, we will first develop a version of Winter:16 theory that allows us to account forour empirical findings directly. Then we will go through the four patterns tested in Experiment 1in the light of our revised approach to symmetric predicates and our assumption on relativeclauses from Section 2.

In our discussion of the experimental results in Section 4.3, we mentioned that we need tostipulate the simultaneous presence of the protopredicate quarrel and the binary symmetricpredicate to account for the well-formedness of SpAs with NRCs and symmetric verbs. Ouraccount of the data would, of course, be much smoother if we only had a single predicate.

We showed in Section 3 that the process to create the binary symmetric predicate is different inquality from the simple subdenotation formation for the other predicates. Instead, it splits pluralobjects into pairs. If we are, however, not bound to the assumption that a semantic predicateneeds to reflect the syntactic properties, we are free to have a verb with more than one syntacticargument and interpret it as the unary collective predicate quarreluc. The resulting lexical entryis sketched in (13).12

12We assume a version of a dynamic, DRT-style, semantic framework. “[x]” is used for the introduction of a newdiscourse referent, x. We use the colon, “;”, for dynamic conjunction. Superscripts in the examples indicate theintroduction of a new discourse referent, subscripts the use of an already present discourse referent.

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(13) Lexical entry of the binary symmetric verb quarrel:a. semantics: λyλx.[X ];(X = x⊕ y);(quarreluc(X))b. subject: NPc. complement: with-PP

We can, now, use this version of Winter:16 theory to go through the four patterns tested inExperiment 1. A simple version of the pattern in example (10a) is given in (14), together withan analysis that makes use of a lexical specification of a binary symmetric verb as in (13). Themain clause introduces three discourse referents: the proper names each introduce one, a (Alex)and c (Chris), and the binary symmetric predicate introduces the group discourse referent X toovercome the difference in number between its syntactic and its semantic arguments – just asindicated in its lexical entry in (13).

When the NRC is attached, its relative pronoun introduces a new discourse referent, Y , thatneeds to be bound to an already existing discourse referent. Since there is a plural discoursereferent, X , accessible, the antecedent construal can proceed as usual.

(14) Alexa hat sich mit Chrisc gestrittenX , dieY ubrigens ofter mal streiten.Alex quarreled with Chris, who by the way quarrel every now and then.’a. Main clause: [a]; [c];(a = alex);(c = chris); [X ];(X = a⊕ c);quarreluc(X);b. NRC: [Y ];(Y = X);quarreluc(Y )

This analysis not only simplifies the analysis of symmetric predicates from Winter (2016) ineliminating the need for the formation of binary symmetric predicates, it also directly intro-duces the plural object X that can serve as the antecedent for an NRC.

In (15), we provide an example with a non-symmetric predicate and an NRC – just as (10b)above. The translation of the main clause is given in (15a). When the NRC is translated, as in(15b), there is no appropriate plural antecedent available to bind Y to.

(15) ?*Alexa hat Chrisc beleidigt, dieY sich sonst gut vertragen.‘Alex insulted Chris, who get along well normally.’a. Main clause: [a]; [c];(a = alex);(c = chris); insultbns(a,c);b. NRC: [Y ];(Y =?);get-alonguc(Y )

Participants who do not fully reject examples of this type might be able to backtrack and tocreate an appropriate plural antecedent on the fly. This will allow them to combine the twointroduced discourse referents a and c into a group referent X . The corresponding parts to beinserted would look as in (16).

(16) Created antecedent: [X ];(X = a⊕ c);

Let us now turn to the situation with RRCs. We will start with an example with a conjoinedantecedent, where the possibility of attaching an RRC is uncontested. We will, then, use the

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binary symmetric version of this example and show that the ordinary RRC-interpretation mech-anism does not work. Finally, we will speculate on a possible repair strategy.

A relevant example is given in (17). The conjunction is formed by the introduction of a new dis-course referent, X , which consists of the referents x and y. The mechanism for RRC-attachmentin Walker (2017) ensures that the relative pronoun is interpreted as the main discourse referentof the antecedent and that the entire RRC is integrated in such a way that it imposes a furtherrestriction on this discourse referent.13 The interpretation would be just the same if the RRCwere extraposed.

(17) Heute haben sich [diejenigex Katze und derjenigey Hund]X , dieX gestern so heftiggestritten haben, wieder vertragen.‘Precisely that cat and precisely that dog who had quarreled fiercely yesterday gotalong again today.’a. Conjunction (including the RRC):

[x];cat(x); [y];dog(y); [X ];(X = x⊕ y);quarreluc(X);+ uniqueness of the referent satisfying the conditions on X up to now

b. Main-clause VP: get-alonguc(X)

In (18), we give the binary version of example (17). In this case, extraposition is the only possi-bility. Contrary to what happens in the unary case, it is now the binary symmetric predicate sichvertragen ‘get along’ that introduces the plural discourse referent X , not a nominal constituent.The relative clause, however, needs a nominal antecedent.

(18) ?*Heute hat sich diejenigex Katze mit demjenigeny Hund wieder vertragenX , dieX gesternso heftig gestritten haben.‘Today precisely that cat got along with precisely that dog again who had quarreledfiercely yesterday.’a. Main clause: [x];cat(x); [y];dog(y); [X ];(X = x⊕ y);get-alonguc(X);

+ uniqueness on x and yb. RRC: quarreluc(X)

What could a repair mechanism look like that will mitigate the unacceptability of (18) but not ofanalogous examples with non-symmetric predicates? Given the presence of a plural discoursereferent, there is at least the semantic half of what an RRC needs for its attachment, with onlythe syntactic part missing. Consequently, we might assume that some participants in our studyadded the missing syntactic information on the fly, which would, then, allow them to constructthe same semantic representation as for (17).

13We only provide the existential component of the definite subject and gloss over the uniqueness condition.

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6. Conclusions

Our study confirms that SpAs are possible at least with NRCs and shows that the symmetry ofthe matrix predicate can remedy examples in which the two antecedents of an SpA are neitherovertly conjoined nor have identical grammatical functions.14 This accounts for some disagree-ment we find in the literature and gives us new insights into both the semantics of symmetricpredicates and the semantics of NRCs.

Concerning the first point, we could show that our data motivate a simplification of the theory ofsymmetric predicates developed in Winter (2016), where we could eliminate the mapping fromprotopredicates to binary symmetric predicates. Note that Winter:16 candidate for a universal,given in (19), can still be maintained in our system.

(19) Symmetry as collectivity: All symmetric binary predicates, in all natural languages,are derived from collective concepts through c-type protopredicates and the symmetric-binary strategy. (Winter, 2016: 30)

In our system, we assume the same protopredicates as Winter (2016) but only the formation ofunary collective and binary non-symmetric ordinary predicates. It is, of course, more transpar-ent to realize these predicates in such a way that the number of syntactic arguments matchesthe number of semantic participants. This 1-to-1 mapping is violated for binary symmetricverbs. Consequently, Winter:16 observation that unary collective predicates are primary tobinary symmetric predicates is fully incorporated in our analysis.

As for the analyses of NRCs, our study provided new evidence that the antecedent of an NRCneeds to be a discourse referent that is introduced within the clause hosting the NRC. Thisdiscourse referent need not be explicitly linked to a syntactic constituent, though it is not suf-ficient to be able to create such an antecedent by some general discourse process. Our dataalso support a combination of semantic and syntactic factors for RRC-attachment. This doublerequirement is responsible for the unavailability of SpAs with RRCs.

The careful reader will have noticed that the original well-formed examples of SpA-construalfrom Moltmann (1992) and her generalizations from them involved the coordination of sen-tences. Clearly, our paper did not say anything about such cases; we explained the contrastbetween (2b) and (3) but did not say anything about the contrast between (1) and (2a). Ouranalysis suggests that there needs to be an appropriate plural discourse referent introduced inthe coordination for (1) to be grammatical and that such a discourse referent is absent in (2a).

A natural speculation would be that the subjects of the coordinated clauses in (1) form a jointdiscourse function. Rooth (1992: 91) explicitly connects his analysis of contrastive focus tothe phenomenon of split antecedents with plural discourse anaphora, introducing an appropri-

14Stockwell (2017) reports similar effects of symmetry on the acceptability of participant mismatch VP ellipsis.(i) a. John1 met with Mary2, even though she2 didn’t want to 〈meet him1〉.

b. *John1 criticised Mary2, even though she2 wasn’t supposed to 〈criticise him1〉.

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ate joint discourse referent in the interpretation of a sentence with two foci. It is plausible toassume the formation of discourse referents for other discourse functions as well. Moltmann’sobservations on SpAs seem to pattern with complex topics as in (20). The question in (20)marks Alex and Chris as jointly bearing the discourse function topic. In (20a) and (20b), thetwo re-appear in different clauses but with the same grammatical function, which is a fullyacceptable answer to the question. In (20c), the two elements of the topic have distinct gram-matical functions, which blocks the association with the same discourse function.

(20) Wie kommen Alex und Chris heute nach Hause?‘How will Alex and Chris get home today?’a. ALEX lauft und CHRIS fahrt mit der U-Bahn.

‘Alex will walk and Chris will take the subway.’b. Jo bringt ALEX nach Hause und Kim fahrt CHRIS heim.

Jo will walk Alex home and Kim will give Chris a ride.’c. ?*ALEX lauft und Kim fahrt CHRIS heim.

‘Alex will walk and Kim will give Chris a ride.

If this speculation goes in the right direction, Moltmann’s generalization would be reducibleto general processes of the creation of discourse functions across coordination in combinationwith our generalization for the antecedent construal for NRCs.15


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