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  • 8/2/2019 Splinting CP


    Casting, splinting, and physical and occupational

    therapy of hand deformity and dysfunction

    in cerebral palsy

    Judith Wilton, MS, GradDipHthSc, BAppSC, OTHand Rehabilitation Specialists, 10 Altona Street, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia

    Significant occupational and physical therapy

    time and resources are directed to the manage-

    ment of the upper limb in cerebral palsy (CP). The

    evidence to support therapy interventions for the

    upper limb is not strong [1]. This in part reflects

    the difficulties of research [2] rather than a lack of

    critical review of practice. Experience and

    logic underpin many therapeutic applications.

    This presentation details the available options,

    the rationale for their use, and the results of


    Prerequisites for hand function

    Efficient performance of the upper limb

    depends on proximal control and dynamic stabil-

    ity of the trunk and shoulder girdle. From a stable

    base, distal mobility of the limb enables partici-

    pation in age-appropriate occupational tasks.

    Improvement in scapulohumeral and trunk con-

    trol is a major focus of neurodevelopmental

    therapy (NDT), one of the most commonly used

    approaches for treatment of children with CP.

    NDT techniques attempt to alter muscle toneduring movement to facilitate normal movement

    patterns and postural reactions under the premise

    that improved postural control improves func-

    tional skills [3]. Investigations into this premise in

    relation to the upper limb determined the effects

    of NDT on quality of upper limb movements [4]

    and reaching [5,6]. Although improvements were

    evident, they were not greater than reach training

    using principles of motor learning or occupational

    therapy directed toward functional skills.

    For children with more severe motor dysfunc-

    tion in whom head and trunk control are affected

    by spasticity and persistent postural reflexes,

    postural control for effective upper limb function

    is achieved only through adaptive seating. As

    children get older, the requirements for schooling

    demand longer periods of time seated. Therapists

    thus should consider how restrictions imposed by

    the chair and table in upper limb movement may

    potentiate deformity and what strategies are

    needed to address it.

    Altered sensibility commonly is identified as

    a contributing factor to impaired hand function inchildren with CP. Much of the literature has

    focused on the measurement of sensory deficits,

    with two-point discrimination and stereognosis

    identified as the most common tests [79]. Recent

    studies of children with hemiplegia have estab-

    lished a strong relationship between tactile sensi-

    bility and dexterity [10] and fingertip force

    regulation during object manipulation [9,11].

    The relationship between sensibility and hemi-

    plegic hand performance in functional bimanual

    activities, however, was not as strong [10]. The

    potential to improve hand sensation by systematic

    sensory education programs, shown to be effective

    following stroke [1214], has yet to be determined

    in children with CP.

    Principles of intervention options

    Therapeutic modalities specific to hand func-

    tion essentially fall into two categoriesthose

    that have an impact on hypertonicity and

    associated contracture and those that facilitate

    functional use of the hand related to active motionand dexterity. In the absence of extensive evidenceE-mail address: [email protected]

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    Hand Clin 19 (2003) 573584

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    under-pinning the therapeutic modalities as ap-

    plied to typical patterns of deformity of the hand

    and wrist.

    Hypertonicity and contracture

    When addressing the increased muscle tone in

    children with CP, it is useful to distinguish

    between the neural or reflexive componentsthe

    tonic muscle contractionsfrom the non-neural

    or mechanical components, the viscoelastic prop-

    erties of muscle and connective tissue associated

    with contraction and stretch [15,16]. Spasticity,

    a somewhat imprecise term in clinical practice,

    refers to the neural component of hypertonicity,

    that is, the velocity-dependent increase in stretchreflex activity [17]. The altered mechanical prop-

    erties of the muscle and associated tissues occur in

    response to the abnormal conditions imposed on

    the muscle by the spasticity. In turn, muscle

    shortening may participate in the generation and

    maintenance of spasticity [16,18].

    Strategies that address muscle contracture

    affect the neural and mechanical components of

    the hypertonicity present. Studies by Nash,

    Neilson, and ODwyer [19,20] suggest that neural

    and non-neural components of hypertonicity

    should be considered as reducing spasticity aloneand not altering muscle contracture. Following

    electromyographic biofeedback training over 10

    weeks, subjects were able to reduce spasticity by

    50%, but no associated change in muscle con-

    tracture was measured, nor improvement in

    voluntary movement evident. To address contrac-

    ture and hypertonicity effectively, it is recommen-

    ded therapists use modalities that prevent or

    reverse contracture in target muscles for sufficient

    duration each day to promote muscle growth [19].

    During growth and in response to changes inposture, the functional length of the muscle is

    adjusted by altering the number of sarcomeres in

    series for optimum force generation and power

    output [21]. When movement does not put the

    joint through a full range of motion and daily

    passive range of movement or posturing does not

    adequately maintain range, adaptation of the

    muscle results in contracture. This adaptation,

    a combination of shortening of muscle fibers and

    remodeling of muscle connective tissue [19,22,23],

    is accompanied by changes in the skin and

    periarticular tissues [2426].When safe forces are applied to tissues

    statically or cyclically, they demonstrate a tran-

    sient lengthening depending on the viscoelastic

    properties of the tissues. This elongation reverses

    once the force is relaxed. This elastic response is

    associated with unfolding of tissue and temporary

    realignment of collagen fibers within the connec-

    tive tissues. The resolution of contracture throughthe application of low-load prolonged stress to the

    contracted tissues at the end of their available

    range ultimately depends on the ability of the cells

    to sense and transduce the mechanical force into

    biologic action and to grow [20,23,27].

    The response of shortened muscles to stretch,

    using plaster cast immobilization, has been

    explored in numerous animal studies. Adult

    muscle responds to stretching by adding new

    sarcomeres in series, thereby returning the sarco-

    meres to their optimum tension-generating lengthwith no change in tendon length. In growing

    muscles, however, the initial increase in number of

    sarcomeres up to day five is followed by a decrease

    in sarcomere number, thereby decreasing muscle

    fiber length. Muscle tendon length is maintained

    by lengthening of the tendon [23,28,29]. These

    findings suggest that extended casting protocols

    for young children should consider potential to

    increase tendon length rather than to influence

    muscle fiber length. It is stressed also that cast

    lengthening of muscle contracture should be

    gradual, because decrease in sarcomere numberis greater than decrease in length of muscle

    connective tissue [23]. Potential exists for

    muscle fiber breakdown from too fast or forceful


    Although stretch is essential to muscle growth

    and in maintenance of functional length once

    growth has stopped [30], the effectiveness of

    passive range of motion exercises depends on

    their frequency. Long-term stretch, applied con-

    tinuously for periods greater than 6 hours, has

    been shown to be most effective [31,32]. Castingand splinting are best in applying low-load

    prolonged stretch to contracted tissues. Experi-

    ence suggests that, in muscles with hypertonicity,

    shortening of muscle and connective tissues recur

    unless stretch is maintained [20,33].

    Splinting and casting

    Published studies in the last 50 years that have

    addressed the issue of hand splinting in the

    presence of spasticity have tended to reflect the

    theoretic basis of therapy at the time [3440].Although direct comparison between studies is not

    possible, the vast majority identified improvement

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    in range of motion associated with splint wearing


    Static splints and casts maintain the joint in

    one position with the goal of stabilizing it for

    efficient transfer of muscular forces to distal

    joints. Serial static splints and casts are designedto lengthen tissues and correct deformity through

    application of gentle forces sustained for extended

    periods of time [44]. Splints are remolded and

    casts replaced at intervals that allowed for tissue

    response to the lengthened position. Casting has

    biomechanic and neurophysiologic effects. Bio-

    mechanic effects relate to changes in the length of

    muscle and connective tissues reversing the

    histologic changes that occur in tissues main-

    tained in a shortened position. The exact neuro-

    physiologic effects of casting on spasticity areundefined. It is proposed that inhibition results

    from decreased sensory input from cutaneous

    and muscle receptors during the period of immo-

    bilization. The effects of neutral warmth and

    circumferential contact also are believed to

    contribute to modification of spasticity.

    Much of the research on upper limb casting in

    the presence of spasticity is undertaken in a single

    case study design. Two groups of studies are

    seenthose using mobilizing principles with

    a series of circumferential casts worn for 24 hours

    per day for periods up to 4 weeks [4550] andthose in which a single cast is bivalved and worn

    for periods of 35 hours per day for many months

    [33,44,51,52]. In the first group, serial casts

    applied to elbow and wrist flexion contractures

    for 24 hours per day over several weeks resulted in

    significant gains in range of motion. Intermittent

    static casting of the wrist also demonstrated

    improvements in range of motion, quality of

    movements, and functional use of the hand.

    Biomechanically, bivalved casts achieve wrist

    immobilization as effectively as a thermoplasticsplint. The studies that used static bivalved casts

    to immobilize the wrist joint for function for

    extended periods provided no explanation re-

    garding choice of material. Choice may relate to

    the skills of the therapist in splinting or casting,

    ease of fabrication, cost, comfort, and aesthetics.

    Splints to facilitate functional use of the hand

    include the wrist splints with reflex inhibiting

    components [53,41], a neoprene splint to position

    the thumb in abduction and the forearm in

    supination [54], and splints to position the thumb

    in abduction [55,56]. Studies that investigatedsplints worn by children with CP reveal trends

    toward more normal movement patterns and

    greater grasp skills [57,58]. No significant rela-

    tionship was found between splint type and

    changes in hand function. Functional gains were

    associated with splint wear. In practice, splints are

    designed to meet specific objectives identified by

    the patient or their caregiver. In many instancessplints compensate for functional deficits in hand

    grasping or pointing to secure toys, eating

    utensils, and writing and computing devices.

    When a variety of postures of the upper

    limb are required in the performance of func-

    tional tasks, rigid correction of deformity is not

    always compatible with function. It is probably

    one of the key issues for noncompliance with

    rigid splinting and the preference for use of

    custom made or commercial neoprene and Lycra

    splints. These splints use a wraparound designwith inserts to position the thumb and reinforce-

    ment achieved by way of splinting material or

    metal inserts.

    Dynamic Lycra splints use the inherent prop-

    erties of the fabric and design features of the

    garment to create a low force to resist the spastic

    muscle action while also facilitating the antagonist

    action. The mechanical properties of dynamic

    Lycra arm and hand splints have been established

    in studies involving normal and hemiplegic sub-

    jects [18,59]. More extensive Lycra body splinting

    in children with CP [60] also showed improveddynamic upper limb function, with reduction in

    involuntary movement and improved patterns of

    movement associated with a reduction in muscle

    tone. Thirteen of fourteen subjects experienced an

    immediate reduction in involuntary movement,

    with six maintaining some improvement after

    removal of the body splint. Although preliminary

    research suggests Lycra splints have potential to

    influence involuntary movement and apply low

    stretching force to the limb in people with CP

    without compromising comfort or functional useof the limb, further controlled clinical trials are


    Functional strength

    Current understanding is that spasticity is not

    the primary cause of voluntary movement impair-

    ment [20]. The perception of greater strength in

    the hypertonic muscle, with weakness in its

    antagonist, is in part caused by the techniques

    used to determine strength. As skeletal muscle is

    highly adaptable, its structural characteristics aredetermined by its conditions of use. Shortened

    muscles may seem strong at normal length

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    because they are tested in their optimal position.

    Associated changes in passive tension through

    shortening of the connective tissue elements also

    may contribute to perceived strength. Weakness

    in lengthened muscles is the result of remaining in

    an elongated position beyond the neutral physi-ologic rest position but not beyond the normal

    range. Muscles seem weaker because they are not

    tested at their optimal length. Constant contrac-

    tion of the muscle when allowed to shorten also

    may exaggerate the rate and quantity of sarco-

    mere loss, thus weakening the muscle [21]. The

    hypertonic muscle may be constrained during

    voluntary movement by the passive mechanical

    properties of the muscle itself.

    Lengthening the shortened connective tissue

    elements in the muscle, together with modifica-tion of the functional length with adaptation of

    sarcomere number, has potential to modify

    strength of the muscle. Improvement in

    strength of wrist extensor musculature described

    following serial progressive casting [50] is in part

    the consequence of muscle length adaptation.

    Following the period of immobilization, therapy

    is required to assist weaker muscles to work

    against gravity and to perform functional grasp.

    Splints that offer support to the joint but allow

    active motion are preferable to rigid immobiliza-

    tion.It is observed that repetitive use of the hand in

    functional tasks has the potential to further

    increase strength and endurance. Further investi-

    gation is required, however, to validate grip and

    pinch strength exercise protocols.

    Manipulation and dexterity

    Improvement in manipulation and dexterity

    are aims for children with CP with milder motor

    difficulties [61,62]. Hand intrinsic muscular con-trol is essential to achieve fine motor coordina-

    tion. Therapy aims to facilitate isolated thumb

    and finger stability and mobility, accurate pat-

    terns of pinch and grip of objects of varying sizes,

    shapes, and textures, translation and rotation of

    objects within the hand, bilateral manipulation,

    and strength and endurance to meet functional


    The efficacy of occupational therapy programs

    to address development of fine motor skills in

    preschool children has been established in several

    studies by Case Smith [61,63,64]. Although thenumber of children in these studies with a di-

    agnosis of CP was small, the therapists use of

    play and peer interaction influenced fine motor

    skills, improving function. Therapists therefore

    are encouraged to use activities of daily living

    (ADL), play, and recreational and vocational

    activities as an integral part of therapy [33,63].

    Analysis and treatment of hand dysfunction

    The wrist and hand present a complex in-

    teraction of intrinsic and extrinsic musculature in

    which hypertonicity dictates the predominant

    pattern of deformity. Performance of an isolated

    movement may elicit a different pattern from that

    evident when attempting to use the hand in

    a functional task. Analysis of patterns of function

    of the wrist and digits during movement and

    during function provide the basis for treatmentdecisions. In addition to the usual tests of passive

    and active range of motion, information from

    parents or caregivers about the posture of the limb

    during sleep often can assist in determining

    whether contracture is present.

    In 1981, Zancolli and Zancolli [65] described

    a surgical classification of spastic hand deformities

    in the wrist and fingers, whereas House, Gwath-

    mey, and Fidler [66] identified four patterns of

    deformity in the thumb. Building on these

    classifications, the following model was developed

    to facilitate analysis of the anatomic and bio-mechanic components of deformity and dysfunc-

    tion. Patterns of deformity may evolve over time.

    Pattern 1: minimal wrist flexion in function,

    thumb adduction

    Children with this deformity have mild spas-

    ticity in flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), which means

    that reach to grasp, occurs with slight wrist flexion

    and ulnar deviation. The wrist extensor muscles

    can extend against the resistance of hypertonicityin FCU and there is no evidence of hypertonia in

    the finger musculature. In a large number of

    patients, no deficit is seen in the thumb, but when

    present the deformity pattern is adduction at the

    carpometacarpal (CMC) joint from a combination

    of contraction and contracture in the adductor

    pollicis (AP) and first dorsal interosseous (DI)

    muscles. Some CMC joint extension and abduc-

    tion are restricted but with no limitations in

    motion of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and

    interphalangeal (IP) joints.

    Full passive range of motion (ROM) is avail-able at all joints of the wrist and fingers with the

    possibility of reduced ROM of the thumbindex

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    finger web space. Imbalance of muscles acting

    across the joints can contribute to instability.

    Hyperextension seen at the proximal interphalan-

    geal (PIP) joints results from wrist flexion in-

    creasing the distance the extensor digitorum

    communis (EDC) tendons traverse before insert-ing at the base of the middle phalanx. Great

    variability exists in the population as to normal

    mobility of these joints, and unless instability

    impedes function it need not be addressed.

    Therapeutic intervention

    Maintenance of full extensibility of tissues is

    a primary goal. Function and play activities

    that incorporate weightbearing are used to

    provide regular stretch to FCU. In the presence

    of contracture of the thumb web space, a serialsplint worn during nonfunctional times ad-

    dresses the contracture without compromising


    Designing functional splints to stabilize the

    thumb in a position for opposition is a significant

    challenge. To control the thumb joints, splint

    components must control the thumb metacarpal

    against the forces of spasticity. When the web

    space is shortened by skin contracture, the

    difficulty in directing the abducting force to the

    metacarpal is increased. Although neoprene orLycra are more acceptable splinting materials for

    young children, their elasticity and lack of

    contour require careful design to ensure appro-

    priate application of forces to the thumb. Com-

    binations of low temperature thermoplastic

    materials and Lycra or neoprene may better

    achieve this objective, particularly in older chil-

    dren in whom the tissue forces are greater. It is

    important to ensure that functional thumb splint-

    ing does not impede use of the thumb; no single

    splint design has been found that resolves this

    problem effectively.

    People with this pattern of deformity have

    good grasp and release and pinch; however, fine

    manipulation is impeded by thumb dysfunction.

    Therapy is focused on activities requiring graspand pinch of objects of a wide variety of sizes and

    shapes to encourage thumb opposition and hand

    manipulation. Placement of objects for manipu-

    lation should use a variety of wrist postures, with

    vertical play one of the ways to promote wrist


    Pattern 2: moderate wrist flexion in function,

    active wrist extension

    People with this deformity use a tenodesis-type

    action, approaching objects with significant wrist

    flexion with extension of the MCP and PIP joints

    of the fingers (Fig. 1A). Active flexion of the

    fingers is associated with extension of the wrist.

    Control of the speed and force of finger flexion is

    a common problem. The hypertonicity is located

    predominantly in flexor digitorum profundus

    (FDP) and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS),

    with mild hypertonicity located in FCU and flexor

    carpi radialis (FCR). Strength in the wrist

    extensor muscles can overcome the resistance in

    the wrist flexors, but EDC cannot extend thefingers with the wrist approaching neutral. EDC is

    a critical player in this pattern, as it is compro-

    mised by its incapacity to generate tension when

    constantly working in a lengthened position, and

    by its size and overall smaller capacity to generate

    tension as compared with FDS and FDP [67]. The

    thumb metacarpal generally is held in an adducted

    position by hypertonicity in the AP and first DI

    muscles. Extensor pollicis longus (EPL) and

    extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) act across the

    Fig. 1. Pattern 2 with and without dynamic Lycra splint. (A) Approach to grasp is associated with significant wrist in

    flexion with hyperextension of the MCP joint. (B) Dynamic Lycra splint facilitates a balance between wrist and finger

    musculature when approaching objects for grasp.

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    MCP joint, creating a hyperextension deformity

    on reach, while not impairing thumb flexion.

    No deficits are evident in the passive range of

    motion of the wrist. Shortening may be demon-

    strated in FDP and FDS, however, with combined

    finger and wrist extension. Daily stretching pro-tocols in association with weightbearing on the

    hand with extension of the wrist and fingers may

    maintain length without need for splinting or

    casting. Contracture of the index thumb web

    space is generally present. Persistent extension of

    the MCP in combination with adduction of the

    CMC joint can lead to instability of the MCP

    joint capsule and ineffective force transmission

    through the thumb during pinch.

    In people with this deformity, grasping is

    impaired by reduced thumb web span, limitingthe area of the palm of the hand available for

    object contact. In addition, diminished control of

    wrist extension in conjunction with flexion of the

    fingers often results in failure to secure the object

    between the fingers and thumb or the fingers and

    palm. Successful grip depends on the size and

    shape of objects in relation to the size of the hand.

    Transverse volar grip is the most effective because

    of the tenodesis action in grasping, with effective-

    ness of lateral and two-point pinch dependent on

    the size and shape of the object.

    Therapeutic intervention

    The objective of intervention is to gain better

    coordination between wrist and finger muscular

    action. Treatment is designed to combine re-

    educationof movement patterns in functional tasks

    that require wrist extensors to work in their mid

    range of motion, maximize actionof EDCfor finger

    extension, and gain control over speed and force of

    contraction of finger flexors during grip. Dynamic

    Lycra splints (Fig. 1B) can assist in achieving thisobjective, but rigid splints are incompatible with

    functional use of the hand. The Lycra fabric allows

    movement but desires to return to its predeter-

    mined resting length. Looking like a glove with

    inclusion of fingers to prevent migration, the

    multiple components across the dorsal and volar

    aspects are designed to provide directional pull and

    so facilitate movement. The thumb is included with

    addition of small thermoplastic components if

    additional stability or positioning is required.

    Initial splint application should be incorporated

    into a therapy program directed toward mastery ofmovement patterns required in specific occupa-

    tional tasks. Repetition in ADL provides opportu-

    nities to use newly acquired movement patterns and

    consolidate gains.

    The thumb presents a two-fold challenge.

    First, the presence of contracture of the thumb

    index web space, and second, diminished active

    motion to position the thumb for effectiveopposition. Resolution of contracture requires

    serial progressive splinting, preferably at night so

    as not to impede performance of functional

    activities. Although thumb mobility is desirable,

    thumb stability in a position for opposition to the

    fingers is more important. Achieving this stability

    is not easy in a situation in which spastic muscles

    have good moment arms, and splinting levers are

    small. Splinting materials must have sufficient

    strength to resist the force of AP and extrinsic

    extensors to stabilize the CMC and MCP joints.Correction of the wrist position and thus

    reduction of the distance over which the EDC

    tendons traverse at the wrist resolves much of the

    hyperextension deformity at the MCP and PIP

    joints of the fingers. Splinting for the PIP joints is

    required only if joint instability compromises

    function, particularly for switching devices or

    computer access. Small splints that restrict PIP

    joint extension beyond neutral can be fabricated

    and worn for specific functional tasks, but

    compliance with long-term wear is problematic.

    Pattern 3: wrist flexion >20 in function,

    no active wrist extension

    In people with this pattern, moderate spasticity

    is located in FCU and FCR and the FDP, FDS,

    and palmaris longus. Wrist extensor muscles are

    weak, constantly working in a position of sig-

    nificant wrist flexion. Mid range flexion of the

    fingers is possible, but active insufficiency in FDS

    and FDP impairs strength of grip. Hyperexten-

    sion of the PIP joints is present (Fig. 2). Thispattern is more common in older children and

    adults and reflects the impact of growth and tissue

    shortening over time.

    The significant feature of this pattern is the

    deficit in extensibility in the wrist flexor and

    extrinsic finger flexor musculature, resulting in

    loss of extension ROM. Shortening also may be

    present in EDC, limiting full passive finger flexion.

    The predominant posture of the thumb is

    adduction at the CMC joint and hyperextension

    of the MCP joint as described in the previous

    classification.People with this deformity grasp objects

    between the finger and thumb pads, as it is not

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    possible to orientate the palm toward the object

    because of significant wrist flexion.

    Therapeutic intervention

    The objective of intervention is to improve

    hand function, prevent further wrist contracture

    for ease of management, or address pain in the

    wrist. As the fingers cannot be flexed tightly, thereis rarely a risk for breakdown of skin in the palm

    of the hand.

    Rigid splinting or casting are directed to

    decreasing hypertonicity and increasing length in

    wrist and finger flexors. These are best undertaken

    for extended periods or over night. For patients in

    whom the contracture of the wrist exceeds

    a position of 45 of flexion, a series of two or

    three casts over several weeks (Fig. 3) is recom-

    mended. With this severe deformity, casting,

    maintaining the joint for maximum time at endrange, has advantages over rigid splints that may

    be uncomfortable.

    A dorsal volar splint (Fig. 4) is used when there

    is less contracture of the wrist and shortening of

    FDS and FDP. This design is superior to other

    splint designs because it uses an effective lever

    system to apply an extension force to the wrist

    and fingers [68]. Dorsal forearm and volar hand

    components are remolded as lengthening occurs in

    shortened tissues.

    For people with this deformity, functional

    goals often are determined by the competence ofthe other hand. For children with hemiplegia, the

    goal may be to achieve an efficient gross grasp to

    use as an assist/stabilizer to the dominant hand.

    For patients in whom bilateral involvement exists,

    intervention often is directed at achieving the

    hand function requirements for a specific task,

    such as wheelchair control or activating commu-

    nication devices (Fig. 5). Generally, splinting is

    Fig. 2. Examples of pattern 3 deformities. (A) In association with significant wrist flexion tension on EDC contributes to

    hyperextension in the PIP joints, while AP and contracture influence the thumb CMC joint and EPL extends the IP joint

    of the thumb. (B) The right hand illustrates the resting position of the wrist reinforced by gravity and wrist and fingerhypertonicity. Greater degrees of extension in the resting position of the left wrist and fingers are the outcome following

    18 days of serial casting.

    Fig. 3. Three plaster casts illustrate progressive increase

    in range of passive wrist and finger extension with

    successive applications.

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    required to assist the wrist in achieving a more

    neutral position to resolve the biomechanic

    disadvantage for FDS and FDP in grasp, while

    not compromising EDC. Functional activities

    requiring controlled finger opening and closing

    complement the splinting program.

    Functional splinting of the wrist may use rigid

    thermoplastic materials to immobilize the wrist in

    a position that does not compromise the ability toextend the fingers during reach. Alternatively,

    materials such as Lycra or neoprene may be used

    to make circumferential soft splints, reinforced by

    splinting material or flexible boning that restricts

    wrist motion andopposes thewrist flexor spasticity.

    Lycra or neoprene alone has insufficient strength

    to oppose the strong flexion pattern and have no

    effect on extension deficits in the wrist or fingers.

    Splinting options for the wrist also should in-

    corporate components to address the thumb de-

    formity as described in the previous classification.

    Pattern 4: wrist extension with intrinsic


    Spasticity in this pattern is located primarily in

    the wrist extensor muscles, extensor carpi radialis

    longus (ECRL) and extensor carpi radialis brevis(ECRB), and hand intrinsic muscles, with adduc-

    tion flexion at the thumb CMC and MCP, flexion

    and adduction of finger MCP joints, and hyper-

    extension deformities of the finger PIP joints.

    With flexion of the MCP joints the intrinsic pull

    on the lateral bands of the finger extensor

    mechanism is facilitated across the dorsal aspect

    of PIP joint often restricting flexion motion at this

    joint. The thumb metacarpal is held in an ad-

    ducted position by contraction in the AP and first

    DI muscles, with spasticity in the flexor pollicis

    brevis (FPB) contributing to MCP flexion and IPextension.

    Contracture can develop in the ECRL and

    ECRB musculature, restricting wrist flexion. In-

    trinsic muscle contracture is compounded by

    decreased extensibility of palmar fascia and skin,

    and by the fact EDC function is compromised in

    extremes of wrist extension (Fig. 6A). Failure to

    manage contracture in the intrinsic muscles and

    palmar tissues presents problems for skin care and


    The major obstacle to functional use of thehand is the inability to open the hand spontane-

    ously. These patients need to disassociate elbow

    extension from attempts to grasp, with opening of

    the hand requiring a neutral wrist position and

    extension of finger MCP joints. In addition, the

    thumb must be extended out of the palm of the

    hand if any grasp is to be effective. In small

    children with this pattern, the thumb MCP flexion

    contracture often presents the most significant

    problem, as the thumb is trapped constantly

    under the flexed fingers.

    Fig. 4. The dorsal volar splint has components for

    dorsal hand and forearm, volar hand and fingers, and the

    thumb. Each component is molded separately to position

    joints to address hypertonicity in wrist and finger


    Fig. 5. (A) In the absence of active wrist extension in pattern 3 deformity, the wrist flexion deformity is reinforced by use

    of the wheelchair control. (B) A rigid functional thermoplastic splint immobilizes the wrist to achieve a better

    biomechanic position for finger and thumb musculature. A lining sock is worn under the splint.

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    Therapeutic intervention

    Without intervention that has a long-term

    perspective, this pattern of deformity can lead to

    significant contractures of the thumb and finger

    MCP joints. Treatment is directed toward pre-vention of intrinsic muscle contracture with main-

    tenance of tissue extensibility and restoration of

    the biomechanic balance to the wrist.

    In young children who are highly motivated to

    use their hand, who can control their elbow

    position, and who have no contractures, dynamic

    Lycra splints with design components to facilitate

    wrist flexion and finger MCP extension can assist

    re-education of extrinsicintrinsic muscle func-

    tion. Repetitive functional use of the hand is

    essential for improved muscle strength. Grossvoluntary opening and closing of the fingers

    around objects appropriate to the hand size and

    simple thumbindex finger pinch are appropriate

    functional goals. Stretching protocols to prevent

    contracture must address joint capsular structures,

    particularly at the MCP joints and muscle tendon

    unit length of the extrinsic finger musculature.

    In persons/people for whom tonal patterns are

    high and contracture is present, however, a greater

    degree of wrist control is required, necessitating

    more rigid functional splinting. Materials of choice

    depend on whether the person can control wristmovement to neutral or slight flexion. Designs must

    incorporate volar and dorsal components (Fig.

    6B,C). The volar component is used to position the

    thumb in abduction and extension for opposition

    to the fingers and to provide counterforce at the

    wrist. With appropriate splinting, finger extension

    to activate switching or computer devices ispossible, together with a simple gross grip.

    Night splinting to address contracture in

    shortened musculature and soft tissues requires

    the wrist to be positioned in some degrees of

    flexion, the MCP joints in extension and abduc-

    tion, the IP joints in some flexion, with main-

    tenance of the thumb web space and MCP joint

    extension. Experience suggests that a reduction in

    hypertonicity of the wrist and finger musculature

    also improves elbow function.

    Pattern 5: fisted hand with wrist flexion or wrist


    This is the most severe deformity and reflects

    the hypertonicity and secondary contracture of

    muscles and associated connective tissues. The

    fingers and thumb are maintained in a fisted

    position with minimal active motion evident. Skin

    maceration and nail care are problems.

    Therapeutic interventionThe aim is to maintain sufficient motion so the

    hand can be opened to prevent maceration,

    Fig. 6. (A) Pattern 4 deformity results in a posture of the hand with significant wrist extension and finger flexion, with

    the thumb adducted and flexed across the palm. (B,C) A two-piece splint is required to control wrist and thumb positions

    to allow active finger motion.

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    infection, and breakdown of the skin of the palm

    and thumb. If opening of the fingers and

    positioning of the thumb are possible, casting is

    the preferred option. The gains are maintained by

    bivalving the final cast or applying a splint. If

    casting is not an option, prefabricated palmarprotectors and custom made soft rolls can create

    an interface between tissue layers; however, they

    do little to resolve contracture. This can be

    achieved by gradually adding firm components

    made of splinting material to the soft rolls to hold

    joints more extended, with the circumference

    determined by the degree of contracture in the

    fingers and web space of the thumb.


    The treatment of hand deformity and associ-

    ated dysfunction is a major focus of physical and

    occupational therapy for people with CP, as poor

    grasp and manipulation has potential to impact

    on many aspects of daily life. To assist therapists

    in analyzing patterns of movement of the wrist,

    finger, and thumb musculature at rest and during

    functional activities, five patterns of deformity

    commonly seen in the hypertonic hand are

    described. Interventions that impact on hyperto-

    nicity and associated contracture and that facili-

    tate functional use of the hand in the presence of

    these deformities are discussed. The paucity of

    evidence from clinical trials on intervention

    strategies reflects in part the diversity of people

    with CP and the highly individual functional

    problems they encounter. While further research

    is needed on the many possible interventions and

    how they contribute to maximizing hand function,

    there is increasing evidence of the value of therapy

    that is directed to functional outcomes relevant to

    the individual.


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