spiritual info

Creation Commandments -> The free will of every human creature must be safeguarded, even if misused for negative purposes the free will of every human life form must be respected & remain untouched even if this freedom is misused for harmful actions Law of Creation -> Each inhabited planet brings forth one or more extraordinarily highly developed human life forms from time to time, with which considerably higher intelligences can make contact in order to guarantee evolution Law of nature -> stronger & more intelligent human beings whould be at all times and in all places give the weaker & more needy a helping hand & stand by their side with advice Creational Commandment/Law - Male and female life forms recognize each other much more quickly in true love than what is the case with the same sex, but it may not be unreasonably inferred that through the testifying of love, unjust and lawfully incorrect things and actions would arise from it. Creational COmmandment -> Every life form has the right to be completely free with respect to its body, its psyche, & its physical & spiritual consciousness Law of Creation -> Each inhabited planet brings forth one or more extraordinarily highly developed human life forms from time to time, with which considerably higher intelligences can make contact in order to guarantee evolution A prophet is schooled & taught by ET life forms & only one lives on a planet at any given time ------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Comprehensive Consciousness Block or Overall Consciousness Block: The location of the Comprehensive Consciousness Block is in the frontal cerebral-cortex .

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Creation Commandments -> The free will of every human creature must be safeguarded, even if misused for negative purposes

the free will of every human life form must be respected & remain untouched even if this freedom is misused for harmful actions

Law of Creation -> Each inhabited planet brings forth one or more extraordinarily highly developed human life forms from time to time, with which considerably higher intelligences can make contact in order to guarantee evolution

Law of nature -> stronger & more intelligent human beings whould be at all times and in all places give the weaker & more needy a helping hand & stand by their side with advice

Creational Commandment/Law - Male and female life forms recognize each other much more quickly in true love than what is the case with the same sex, but it may not be unreasonably inferred that through the testifying of love, unjust and lawfully incorrect things and actions would arise from it.

Creational COmmandment -> Every life form has the right to be completely free with respect to its body, its psyche, & its physical & spiritual consciousness

Law of Creation -> Each inhabited planet brings forth one or more extraordinarily highly developed human life forms from time to time, with which considerably higher intelligences can make contact in order to guarantee evolution

A prophet is schooled & taught by ET life forms & only one lives on a planet at any given time------------------------------------------------------------------

Comprehensive Consciousness Block or Overall Consciousness Block:

The location of the Comprehensive Consciousness Block is in the frontal cerebral-cortex .

Comprehensive Consciousness Block is the Spiritual energy that drives the material consciousness and the material subconsiousness and material central-consciousness, and it present in the whole body.

The consciousness-block, as it is called, does not incarnate until the 21st day after conception – together with the reincarnating spirit-form – and it contains all energy and powers which define a human individual, thus the MENTAL BLOCK (material consciousness with all consciousness forms and their preceding unconscious forms as well as thoughts, feelings and psyche

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and their unconscious forms), then the INDIVIDUALITY-BLOCK (ego, personality, character, memory and their unconscious forms), and the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS-BLOCK (material subconsciousness and memory and their unconscious forms).


The consciousness is not quiet in the stream of inconceivable energy and power that springs from Creation and from BEING as well as from all beings and flows through everything; consequently, it develops, evolves and more and more is able to comprehend in knowledge and wisdom. From Creation itself, from BEING and from all beings, the human consciousness draws its functioning, even the energy and its power, which are absorbed and used every second. The human thereby learns, with also his reason, to rationally and consistently comprehend and grasp everything.

To quote Christian Frehner: "In the actual life the CCB is present in the consciousness as personality. Every nano second it (the CCB) sends impulses to the AC, impulses of what you feel, perceive, hear, smell, do,etc. When the human dies he loses his body. The CCB, the personality, leaves the body and enters a special sphere, plane or level, where it continues to exist, together with all stored knowledge, while the spirit form enters the Beyond. We call this level the "material consciousness level" or "material consciousness storage bank". 

"During reincarnation, the CCB, together with the spirit form, re-enters the new body, and both unite in the new life. However, that which had been stored as personality did change into a new personality (during the stay in the higher realm/plane/level). Therefore, the old personality has vanished and changed into an entirely new personality. This personality, the CCB, is able to draw impulses from the AC." 

Another related point to consider is Fluidal Forces (FF). The function of these FF is to provide a connecting link (in subconscious form) via the CCB from past lifetimes to the current lifetime in the form of impulses. 

FF are electromagnetic vibrations that are created and emitted by every human being. These vibrations are connected to the body and exist as long as the body or parts (i. e. bones) exist. FF are not the aura. FF are stored in objects around the person. Under certain circumstances FF can be seen as hazy, foggy things/entities, hence ghosts! 

My thoughts on your questions Scott are that we evolve in consciousness and the spirit gains more power not from the planetary, galactic and Universal storage banks, which are mainly repositories, but from the processing of data in the Overall Consciousness Block, which is the storage bank created by the Spirit form for that very purpose in only the present incarnation.

So, it is the Overall Cons. Block that processes the data that enters it, choosing that

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which is suitable for our consciousness evolution and the evolution of the Spirit and dissolving that which is of no use for this purpose. It does this whilst we are alive, and it continues to do this after we have died.

Re intuition (die Ahnung or die Eingebung): known by various names eg., illuminating idea, an enlightenment, a creative thought or the appearance of knowledge, a notion, internal urge, a sudden idea, internal voice etc.

All of the above can be described as being inspirations of the subconscious. In the book Wiedergeburt..........p.150 Billy writes that an inspiration of the subconscious is always an impulse from the storage banks, founded on knowledge already stored away, which is picked up by the subconscious and then passed on to the consciousness as something uncertain and then deciphered consciously and turned into something certain.

So, ideas/inspirations from already stored knowledge are from the storage banks. You mentioned new ideas -- maybe that is just the unconscious combining of already existing info, to form a new aspect. This then will become data for the storage banks, and be available as impulses for our conscious recall, or utilisation.

Re your last thought about a previous higher level of consciousness not being needed for a future less evolved consciousness---- It is all available, however 'wisdom' gained in a previous incarnation is provided to the next incarnation as 'potential' and merged with acids in the brain -- it is up to the individual to realize it or not. It is there for the taking, even if not taken.

Maybe the storage banks simply are our memories that we have to search through for our day to day existence. We read material and do not consciously retain all the info, and that will be available in the storage banks as data, and could arrive in the form of an 'idea' or inspiration etc..... when it was previously unconscious and is now conscious.


When the spirit leaves the material life to the beyond, it does not enter the spirit form-collective right away, it takes a few seconds and in that time the spirit is able to recognize and ‘see’ with its senses its previous material body, its surroundings and friends and family close to its former physical body.

Dear Mahigitam, it is the material consciousness that is able to observe all this before it finally expires, rather than the spiritform. The spirit form is not an aware consciousness whilst part of incarnation cycles.




And Still They Fly:

Spirit-Form Realm:

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Beyond is located in a layer of finely-substanced matter within out atmosphere & this layer is divided into 7 different realms of evolution

Premature destruction of a spirit-conditioned life:

- that is, without it having reached a relative evolutionary goal, then it is to its disadvantage

- This is so, because it cannot pass through its sub-period fully and completely, and this period must be repeated or completed through an intermediate life or during a normal life-cycle, so that it still reaches the goal of the period

- In a certain sense, this life, under certain circumstances, must be lived a second time

, at least from the moment when the life was destroyed by force

- Of course, this life is then, accordingly, shorter, for it must only make up for something “missed” in order to fulfill the goal of the period

- In addition, the whole thing can be made up during a normal life-cycle, depending on the circumstances--------------

In the spiritual realm, the Spirit processes all knowledge, truth and wisdom which it gathered in the material realm, and it processes all information in the CCB, also the socalled unprocessed impulses (like mistakes which where not resolved during the material lifetime), after that the CCB will be neutralized in pure spirit energy and the spirit will be ready again to incarnate. In material life impulses from the storagebanks will be mostly used in a unconscious way during a learning process.

The Spiritform is not bound by lightspeed, and can move with spiritenergy speed 10 to the 7000th power times lightspeed, when a suitable planet is detected, of course the closest suitable planet is selected.

Spiritform is in the Superior Colliculus of the human brain from which it penetrates the whole body.

Natural feelings from the Psyche, like fear, happiness, sexual desire, aggression, etc will exist as long as the human has a material body, don't think for a second that feelings of the Psyche are unnatural, they are fully natural as long the material conscious keeps them on their natural levels.

Spirit is totally independent from space and time in the material realm.Spiritual Realm has a Space and Time structure, but of a much higher order then the Material Space and Time structure.

Every level pure-Spiritform collective from Arahat Athersata up to the pure-Spiritform collective of Petale are truly universal.

There are 7 pure spirit levels from Arahat Athersata to Petale.

Arahat Athersata is only the first of these 7 levels, Petale being the 7th.

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Each of these levels has levels within it as well, and in the case of Arahat Athersata, there are 7, and I think Petale has 4.

The 7 levels are 1. Arahat Athersata 2. Lantanao 3. Absaly 4. Darman 5. Euchare 6. Logon 7. Petale

There is some information about this from Billy in Leserfragen.

These 7 (seven) spiritform-collectives are not at the same level but each spiritform-collective is its' own evolution level. And all 7 (seven) spiritform-collectives form the pure-spiritform realm of Arahat Athersata.

So on each of those 7 (seven) levels there is one (1) corresponding pure-spiritform-collective. And each of those pure-spiritform-collectives is itself a collective of countless pure-spiritforms working as a whole or individual.

This spirit-energy stays for about 3 hours in the remains of a human body after the spirit and there by the central spiritenergy itself has left the body, thats why some bodyparts still can be used in organ donation. The spirit-energy that stays behind in the human body could be reffered to residual-spiritenergy, and is absorbed by Nature in the course of 3 hours. (somewhat similar like warmth is absorbed by its surrounding enviroment)

much knowledge, etc., is thereby hindered.

Today, Billy pleasantly surprised us with all the details, or "hidden codes" within the Peace Symbol; 

 "The rectangle represents the grounding/fundamental block of peace which holds together and bears the tree of peace and life. The black and white square represents the symbol of life and peace. The seven „feathers“on top are the seven consciousness forms. The 2 x 3 „feathers“ below represent spiritual vibrations. The two wheels represent the universe and Creation and are connected." 

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The spiritual realm is a state of BEING, in which only love, logic, knowledge, truth and wisdom exists, there is no dreamlike state or heavenlike state, just an existence in BEING, and all impressions are the kind of direct awareness, somewhat similar to intuition, where there is a sudden and direct knowledge. In the spiritual realm, the otherside, there is only balance, harmony, love, wisdom, knowledge and truth in absolute equality between all spiritforms as a unified collective. This means that the spiritforms in the otherside / spiritual realm form a spiritform-collective (german= Wirform) In case of Arahat Athersata and all other and higher pure spiritform-collectives up to the highest level of Petale those spiritform collectives possess a individual conscious spirit consciousness, but their mutual binding in love, truth, knowledge, wisdom and spiritpower is so very advanced that they can exist on their own because of their own, on other words: The spiritforms of the Arahat Athersata collective don't need a planet or system of planets to exist and live as we do, their collective creates their state of BEING. 

The pure spiritlevels of Arahat Athersata and Petale are in the direct vicinity of the universal Spirals, where the highest levels of pure-spiritenergy concentrate. Those universal spirals are very close to the Creation-core (center of the universe), if you want to visualize this, then a image of a spiral galaxy would be appropriate, only the universal-spirals are of much much larger scale. On such a schematic, Petale would be very close to the core of the spiral, while Arahat Athersata would be more on the outer edge of the spiral. 

The Spiritform is composed out of the Spiritmind (Gemüt) and the Spirit itself. Both parts are one and can't be seen as two apart.

Spirit: With a crude analogy, the Spirit equals a battery that over time and during countless of reincarnations accumulates knowledge like a battery accumilates electrical current when it's charged.

Spiritmind (Gemüt) :The Spiritmind (Gemüt) is the spiritual counterpart of what the Psyche is in the material realm, senses like love and trust are created in the Gemüt. The Gemüt resembles a engine which is capable of much more force when the power from the battery (the Spirit) increases. The more power in the battery means better peformance for the engine, when the spirit has more knowledge, then the Gemüt is capable of creating more spirit powers.

The Gemüt is responsible for creation of ideas, a spirit power is nothing more then a logical idea conceived in the Spirit consciousness and created in the Gemüt. It's like seeding corn (ideas)(+) in a fertile soil (Gemüt)(-) which comes to fruitition by resulting in a plant (spirit power).

I hope this is clear, ask any time when things are not clear.

The learnings from the material consc. are filtered and passed to the material subconscious, and if in line with Creational truth, are then passed into the Central

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consciousness, where there is an exchange with the spiritform of these 'impulses' -- the spirit subconscious receives these impulses, filters them and passes them through to the spirit consciousness --- thereby increasing the 'power' of the Spiritform.

Billy says (Wissenwertes No. 10 pps. 4-5) that when someone is in a spiritual state, and using their spirit powers, then lights will radiate from the person. 

Billy mentions that (p.9) that this radiating light was observed around Jmmanuel two or three times, at night, which makes it easier to see. He also goes on to say that it is likely missed by most of us here, due to not looking, or being too busy with what we are doing to notice as people pass by. So, when some people are in particular balanced harmonious states and under favourable circumstances, can see the lights of a spirit-form of another person or of another life-form (p.14). 

I don't know if this info conflicts with anything else written, I can only offer what is mentioned in this Wissenwertes booklet. 

And seeing we are on the topic I also want to mention, that in that same kitchen table discussion, Billy says (p.10) that with regards to the aura, it can become visible/be perceived to/by humans who have a special eye for it. He goes on to say (p.12) that in order to see/perceive it, one needs to be in a meditative state, where things from the spiritual realm become visible. He also says it is not a common ability and that in order to practice it, takes from 21 - 35 years to develop. 

Thus, it is possible for us to see the radiance of the spirit-form, as well as the aura or fluidal forces of other people


Real death - CCB and the Spirit leave the body with lightspeed and in a irreversible way.

The gender of the new body is not selected in a conscious manner or by decision in the previous life, it is a natural process invoked by the whole of Spiritual evolution, and what kind of knowledge needs to be gained and which gender is most fit, male (positive) or female (negative)

Location of the solar plexushttp://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=prev & topic=14 & page=7681

Pineal glandhttp://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next & topic=14 & page=8524 http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/2200/1995.html?1274690539

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Not only the body and its organs but also the consciousness and the psyche have a particular immune system assigned to them. http://futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_216

This from FIGU Bulletin 42 Leserfragen(in my own loose translation with Google):

Cosmic electromagnetic life energy comes in two forms:(First form)For the entire coarse material existence, thus for all coarse material. This “cosmic electromagnetic life energy” is created from inexhaustible universal electron energy and is converted then into a half spiritual form of energy, which animates all material life. The procedure of this energy production takes place in the material universe, thus in 4. Belt, which is called the solid universe belt, by a reciprocal effect of the 3. Belt (UrCore belt = positive) and 5. Belt (transformation belt = negative).(Second form)For the entire pure-spiritual existence, so thus for all forms, which more purely spiritual, respectable, creation-energy-moderate nature, are. This “cosmic electromagnetic life energy” is creative-spiritual nature and regenerates by a continuous creation spirit energy change in infinite way, like a perfect Perpetuum mobile, from the creation core, in that the origin energy from that 7. Belt (ramming belt respectable creation matter belts respectable expansion belts respectable displacement belts) is taken up, which is delivered into this belt from the Absolute Absolutum.

PSYCHE:[http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next & topic=14 & page=10162 ]

In a related theme, it was explained to me that the psyche is generated by the nervous system in the body and thus follows the nerve paths. The psyche is an intermediary between the physical and the spiritual since the two are so far at opposite ends of the frequency scale that never the two shall meet directly. Since the psyche is fine enough, though still material energy, it can act as a go between for the two. Keeping this in mind with the fact that the connection between the material and physical is only open to the degree that the psyche is in a balanced state, I wonder if part of the reason for disease is that the supply of energy from the spirit (in the form of cosmic electromagnetic energy) is choked off when very unbalanced or unhealthy thinking and feelings are entertained for prolonged periods? An additional bit of evidence toward this is that once when BEAM was in very bad shape aboard the craft of Semjase, she dissolved a tiny quantity of original energy (which I presumed to be cosmic em energy) into his body and he immediately felt great.

The psyche is not half material/half spirit. This is an error that is commonly made. 

The psyche is semi-material/partially material/fine-material, in that it is made of fine material that is invisible to the 5 material senses. 

There is a description in OM Kanon 42. Line 92 that gives an order of density from coarse material to fine as being respectively the bones; the fluids, blood, tissue, vessels, fibres and tubes; the nerves; and then the tissue of the psyche, which is the finest of all. 

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Fine material is still material, just finer than coarse material. 

The psyche only indirectly mediates between the Gemüt of the spirit, not directly, as it senses/perceives everything that is fine-material inside and outside the person, including the fine-material impulses that are sent from the Gemüt to the material area. But these are not sent directly to the psyche from the Gemüt, but must pass through the true intermediary, the Central consciousness before reaching the psyche. 

The spirit is pure energy, rather than fine material, even though it uses fine material impulses to communicate with the material area.---------------------------------------

What is a poltergeist - is it really a spirit or a demon? http://www.figu.org/ch/verein/periodika/bulletin/2001/nr-34/leserfragen?page=0%2C1


Here is an "unofficial" translation from the Wassaermann #4 (1978).

Rebirth and its ties to a Planet

Paragraph 3- "The spirit form of a life form, therefore, is bound to the planet until that time period has passed, and cannot leave the planet's realm until it is no longer tied to a physical body. Consequently, it is absolutely impossible for an earth human who has died (respectively his/her spirit), to reincarnate somewhere else on another planet. It is eqaually impossible for an intelligence from another planet to reincarnate on earth. The likelihood of a rebirth on another planet can only occur when a material life form is enabled to move through free space with the aid of certain technical means (space ships, rocket, etc., or through teleportation), thereby leaving one planet and visiting another.

Therefore, if a foreign planet has been reached through one of the above methods, and the life form dies there, it becomes feasible for the life form to incarnate on that planet - with the understanding, however, that the spiritual evolution level of the life form concerned is close or equal to that of the other life forms which had already been there and died on that planet.

Paragraph #7

A rebirth is also possible in outer space if a suitable place (spaceship, etc.) exists. If a wandering spirit form meets up with a spaceship where an act of procreation took place, the spirit form can, without much ado, incarnate there. Offspring can be born on a spaceship as easily as on planets. Numerous spirit forms of an embryonic nature and other accepted forms are floating through the open space, continuously in search of suitable star systems for incarnation."

Just an added note, if a spirit form has migrated to another planet which is "below" its evolution, it is possible for that spiritform to wait millions of years for the evolution of that planet to catch up to it before it reincarnates.



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sectarian shortcomings that create a vicious circle due to wrong thinking and bad thoughts: http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/14/2051.html?969630839

Here are 10 things one can do (daily) to clean the psyche and keep a healthy mind, as noted in Billy's book, "The Psyche." 

1. Don't stay inside all day - go out and breathe. 

2. "Shout therapy." When you're outside don't be afraid to just yell. This is a good way to "get things off your chest." 

3. Sing silly songs to yourself that make you laugh and/or smile. 

4. Take long walks in nature at alternating paces. Go barefoot and stop often. 

5. While taking these walks lose yourself in a daydream if you can. 

6. During the walk look closely at everything around you and "take it in." 

7. Reflect on your life during these strolls in nature. Be your own critic. Self-scrutiny is a very productive thing. 

8. Keep a secret if you are told one. 

9. Speak slowly, tactfully and well controlled unless the circumstances require something different. 

10. Be honest with yourself and everyone around you. 


In "The Psyche" by Billy there's a section entitled 'The Three Golden Rules of Positive Thinking'. Briefly they are as follows: 1. In order to learn neutral positive thinking it is simply necessary to turn to a daydream (of anything one finds good, beautiful, sweet and nice), and get lost in it with great fantasy, mainly, each time negative thoughts start to influence the thinking...and to reach for the daydream immediately when even the smallest negative thought tries to break out of the subconscious. In the beginning this is very difficult and will take extreme effort to concentrate on the daydream because the subconscious will continually try to push the negative thoughts into the foreground. However with persistant effort of directing the thinking towards the daydream, the negative forward movement of the subconscious will ease up. 2.Always wear a sure smile...even if the atmosphere is sad and depressing. At first it is only on the outside, but through the course of time, develops into a habit while, sooner or later promotes a positive way of thinking. The external settles on the internal whereby a smiling and happy face promotes smiling and happy thoughts. 3.Avoid casting one's eyes down. While speaking to another one should look directly into the other person's eyes. Accurately observe your surroundings in detail. This way impressions are collected and positive thought processes are amassed and stimulated. 

The body / thought connection is described in 'The Psyche' by Billy. Here is a

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small excerpt: "Irritation, work, eating, fear, etc. while in a state of excitement, and also all previously named evil ways of thinking promote an over stimulation of the adrenal glands which are located above the kidneys. They are also referred to as the 'crazy glands' because they discharge digestive matter and overflow the blood with fighting, strength invigorating chemicals whenever the human prepares himself for an altercation, and it follows that he is in need of the extra strength. Adrenaline, as this excretory matter is called, only neutralizes itself again when the anger, the irritation or the fight etc. is over, but then only through the excretion of a dulling acid of the muscles, which mixes into the blood and has a calming effect. If , however, the inner life and the disposition are in uproar etc., the muscles are unable to discharge enough of this milky calming acid to soothe the human therewith. That is why the adrenalin transfers, called up through excitement, give the human extra agressiveness and readiness to fight during this time. This procedure and result have a very adverse effect, contracting the stomach, intestines and other organs and the nerves. It follows that the human finds himself searched out by the most impossible and various kinds of ailments, for instance, cold or heat shivers, nervous trembling, profuse perspiration, headaches, dizzy spells, neurosis, gall bladder problems, digestive troubles, gastric ulcers, constipation or diarrhea etc." 

-----------------------------According to the book "The Psyche" there are numerous ailments which can be derived from the mind, which have their basis in negative or a degenerative form of thinking.

Some of them are as follows: (unofficial translation)

Assorted Heart Disease's Nervous breakdown Neuritis Gout Certain Brain Disease's Anemia-Chlorosis Intestinal disease's Cramps Stomach disorders Sleeplessness Tuberculosis Pains of all sorts Spasms of the organs Vegetarian complaints Depressions Fear and profuse perspiration Aggression Anxieties and phobias of all sorts ..

As you can see, these don't all fall into the category of diseases, but they could possibly lead to certain disorders or conditions."


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I will explain the function of the Psyche in it's basics, since I see that you have a misconception about feelings and how they are registered by the material consciousnes and material-subconsciousnes, it seem wiser to me that first the basics need to be discussed here, and besides the Geistelehre and the book "Die Psyche" are very much advised in order to learn more about this topic.

The thoughts of the material consciousness create emotions in the Psyche, like happiness, greed, joy, hate, etc. An idea of happiness in the material consciousness will create via the subconsciousness the feeling of happiness. Emotions are registered via the Psyche by the material-consciousness, the material-consciousness _alone_ can't e.g. without the Psyche, register any emotions or feelings.

The Psyche can register also emotions, sensations, sympathy and antipathy of other peopleand many other things. Roughly the Psyche is an antenna with sending and receiving capability. If you want to really understand the Psyche you need to study the book "Die Psyche" and the book "Direktiven", "Genesis" and I would recommend learning about the anatomy of the Cerebrum, the Cerebellum, autonomous nervesystems, about all kinds of mental illnesses, psychofarmaca (like legal and illegal drugs, etc)

The seven steps of formation/development


The world's events are dependent upon thoughts.

I) As the first step, the human must seek and find the truth, and, out of that, learn knowledge and expand it.

II) As the second step, the human must rectify his thoughts in a controlled manner and bring them into line with the truth of his acquired knowledge.

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III) As the third step, the human must create his inner harmony through his knowledge and through his thoughts.

IV) As the fourth step, the human must, out of his resulting inner harmony, rectify, order, form and harmonize his own personality.

V) As the fifth step, the human must rectify, order, form and harmonize his direct environment, his families, and the lives of his relatives.

VI) As the sixth step, the human must rectify, order, form and harmonize his closer environment of friends, comrades and acquaintances.

VII) As the seventh step, the human is then qualified to rectify, order, form, harmonize and lead a group of humans, the mass of humanity, the country and the world, in the form of being wise, observing human rights and in accord with the creational, naturally-just laws.

Only in the material realm just positive and just negative thoughts, feelings and actions can exist, never in the purely spiritual, in the purely spiritual only the absolute balanced and neutral is existent.

Billy discusses the various different brainwaves in his book "Meditation aus klarer sicht". I will briefly summarise what he says -- however, most of what I know is non-figu sourced, and from my own personal experience, which is quite extensive in the brainwave area.

Firstly Billy says, that synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain is what is required for humanity to achieve true love, peace, freedom and harmony. He says this can only be achieved through meditation. From my personal knowledge, the average person does not achieve any of these brainwaves to the same degree in each hemisphere. However, evidence and my personal experience is that after certain practices, including meditation, the pattern

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seems to be more evenly distributed in both hemispheres.

The 5 different brainwaves he mentions are alpha, beta, delta gamma and theta.

Alpha 8-12Hertz creates a pleasant state of relaxation, inner peace and joy and positivity and harmony, positive approach to life....... Alpha waves usually predominate at the beginning of general relaxation and will be more evenly distributed in the frontal and central areas of the brain hemispheres. Benefits of having these brainwaves increased is to be found throughout the whole body, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration etc... and generally calms all processes from the psyche to the physical -- increases perseverance of tasks aiding in success at achieving goals etc..... (this is my general summary of what Billy wrote and does not include everything).

Beta waves move between 13-30 hertz and higher This is the usual brainwave that we are in in our normal awake state. Because the state we are in when beta waves predominate is focused on the outer world, rather than the inner,it is not considered a relaxation state at all, with everyday tasks being performed, conversations arguments, and even hatred and stressful activities being the focus.These waves will prevent the alpha waves from having predominance.

Delta waves -- between 0.5 and 3 hertz A state is present which could be considered hypnotic, and is the brainwave that predominates when we are in our deep sleep cycle or in a trance state. (newborn babies are in this state for long periods initially). It is a state of deep relaxation, achieved with very low oscillations. Billy says that this state is rarely achieved by earth persons (on this I am not sure if I fully agree) and is a state of great internal balance, and therefore power if able to be achieved.

Theta waves -- 4-7 hertz This is also a state of deep meditation, and occurs in daily life whilst waking or falling asleep.However,if pursuing this state as part of a deeper meditation, then in this state, perception of intuition and external inspiration is available which can lead to creativity of thoughts and feelings, and valuable ideas can occur.

Whilst the above waves go from higher hertz to lower, Gamma waves move in a very high frequency comparatively.

Gamma -- from 31 Hertz to the 100's. This is considered the deepest meditation state and is called gamma meditation. This is the state that can bring valuable knowledge/realizations, but also to mobilize energy and powers according to consciousness. The heart rate drops below registration level, and other experiencial states are achieved. Complete control of the whole body using the powers of consciousness, and for using the hypnotic state that is induced for excelling. It is in this state that telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, clairvoyance, and seeing into the past and future. Material perception is enhanced which can appear supernatural and extrasensory, but is really just the realization of the reality of crossover between material and nonmaterial.

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In this state, spiritual, natural creational law is experienced with its accompanying great knowledge, with the possibility of experiencing universal wisdom that arises from universal consciousness of creation.

Gamma meditation is connected with the best possible relaxation depth and if achieved can lead to mastery/control of the autonomous systems of the body. Hypometabolic states can be reached, with acccompanying reduction in energy consumption there is still an increased consciousness activity, which is described in the spirit lessons as 'oneness with all' as well as 'unity with creation'

(If I recall, when reading about the healer 'John of God', he was tested with an encephalograph, which measures brainwaves, and whilst he was in his trance and doing his supposed healing sesssions, I think he was in the gamma brainwave state.)

So, this is my summary of p. 125-132 from the second meditation book.

The spiritual subconsciousness stores only things of certain value, facts which have become by an absolute certainty absolute knowledge, ability and wisdom in logic, while the material subconsciousness stores only things and data which is current and have recently transpired which are based on assumptions or on faith/belief, on doubts and criticism etc. The storage banks are also connected to all this, and the impulses that come from them, must come firstly via the spiritual consciousness block before it can be available to the material consciousness block etc......

Consciouis, Sub-Conscious, Un-Conscioushttp://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next & topic=13 & page=10151

The material consciousness is an active consciousness which gathers information and makes decisions in an active and self aware manner. It is capable of both logical and illogical thinking and thus can make mistakes.

The material subconscious is a consciousness form that is below the level of our direct awareness but is not the same as an unconsciousness form. The subconscious works in completely logical form only but is capable of error due to the fact that it may receive erroneous information to start with from the material consciousness. The material subconsciousness contains all information which has positively penetrated in the person in either aware or unaware form and has been recorded for possible later use.

The unconsciousness forms are plural. There are several unconsciousness forms in actuality. The material consciousness has its own unconsciousness form as does the material subconscious, as does the psyche, and so on. An unconsciousness form differs from the subconsciousness in the following way: Anything that a person senses or processes in a completely automatic way that doesn't involve consciousness processing it (either in aware or unaware form), is in the appropriate unconsciousness form. The moment the info or processing involves the subconscious or consciousness in either aware or unaware form, the info passes from the unconscious into the appropriate consciousness form.

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To make it simpler by analogy, think of the body's material mechanical mechanisms, such as the eyes for example. The moment the eyes register information, the info is in an unconscious form but it is still absorbed by the person in mechanical form. The moment the subconsciousness accesses that info, or even if the consciousness gets it, the information has passed from unconscious form into another form.

Another clue I found in the writings from FIGU states that if a bit of info is already in the material subconsciousness, then before the info may pass into the material consciousness (under appropriate circumstances), the info must first pass into the the material consciousness' own unconscious form and then be passed into the material consciousness itself.

A spirit form always contains a much higher evolutionary stage than the consciousness and its personality. The consciousness is always fitted to the circumstances of the life form, its living conditions and its environment. The emergence of damage to that which pertains to the consciousness through too.


I am posting here since this information is from the spirit lessons contained in the book GENESIS mixed with other FIGU sources.

I have had the most simple but amazing epiphany while reading GENESIS. I often felt as if there were more to sleep than just the resting of the body and it turns out there is a VERY big purpose in addition!

As I read through the book, one section talks about how the spirit substance of Creation needs rest periods although the spirit within that substance (not to be confused with material substance) doesn't ever need to rest. Anyway, to get to the point, it goes on and eventually says that, just like humans need rest, Creation needs rest for certain reasons. It further mentions that the material part of Creation is paralyzed during the rest period in order for the unconsciousness of Creation to be synchronized with the consciousness of Creation since it also has both consciousness and unconsciousness forms like humans do. At any rate, it clicked that sleep serves the same purpose in humans! We have such noisy thought processes which are usually dominant during wakefulness (except in real mediation I assume) that the only way for our unconsciousness and/or subconsciousness to really bring the consciousness back in line with them is to reduce that noisiness altogether. Sleep serves that purpose apparently since BEAM states in the book that this process is the same in general for Creation and humans.

So to summarize this incoherent post of mine, it seems clear to me that sleep, in addition to giving the body rest, is for allowing the material consciousness to be brought back into line with the other material consciousness forms (unconscious and/or subconscious). This also very clearly explains why a good rest (including actual sleep) has often yielded ideas to problems that people hadn't consciously been able to solve while working in a waking form. The subconsciousness and unconsciousness forms never sleep, thus they can really solve problems and transfer the answers to our consciousness through sleep :-)

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What is the mental fluidal Energy, respectively the mental fluidal Force?

The mental fluidal Force, this has fundamentally to do with this, is the personal mental Radiations resp. the Vibrations and Energy as well as the Forces of the Mental Block of Human Beings in Aspect of their Thoughts, Feelings, of the Psyche and of the Consciousness, thus that which is beamed out from Human Beings in Relation to Mental Vibrations and which constitutes itself in Objects as well as at Places and in the Skeleton, etc.

That may become imagined as like the Breath of the Body (=Prana), that invisibly enters through the Nose into the Lungs and flows out again through the Nose, consequently thus in this Way may the Radiation of the mental Fluidal Force be compared.

Does that have something to do with the cosmic-electromagnetic Life Energy?

The mental Fluidal Force resp. the Fluidal Energy does not directly have something to do with the cosmic-electromagnetic Life Energy, rather merely indirectly. Fundamentally the Fluidal Force is the personal Vibration of a Human Being; the Vibration of their Thoughts, Feelings, of the Psyche and of the Consciousness, like more broadly therein are contained also the fine Vibrations resp. the Fluids of the Personality and of the Character.

It is thus a Vibration in which the Character of a Human Being, the Personality of them, their Mentality, thus their Psyche, their Feelings and Thoughts as well as the Motions of the the Consciousness, are layered down.

The mental Fluidal Forces separate themselves out in Reguard to Vibration resp. fluidally out of the Body and out of the Consciousness, out of the Mental Block, and too out of the Personality and of the Character and constitute themselves in Clothes, Pieces of Décor (e.g. Jewellery), Walls, Houses, Furniture, Books, Trees, etc; simply in all what surrounds the Human Being. And the longer the Things surround the Human Being, the more intensively do these become naturally charged up by the Fluidal Energy; it is like with a Battery.

The aura is a mantel which includes various fluidal energies, as well as part of the cosmic-electromagnetic life energy given by the core and thus the spirit-form from the life-form which converts itself into aura energy and surrounds outside. Depending on the scale of consciousness, to mental/feeling strength and consequently also psychic or matter-moderate condition of the life-form etc., the aura-vibration, classified as a special fluidal energy, can expand outside the body in an appropriate distance with the extension being limited according to evolution state or matter form.

To be sure, self responsibility is the main goal of the teachings. The practice of neutral positive thinking in one’s daily life will translate physiologically to the human body towards homeostasis, referring to the body's ability to maintain normal function, stability and balance. To master your life, you must master your thoughts and emotions. It’s a simple concept really but not many people are willing to invest the effort. All healing should be self-healing although on occasions, it is expedient to receive outside help as a stimulus. An external stimulus can act as a stimulating (or encouraging) effect or as a placebo effect. Neither fluidal forces nor another

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person’s aura have any direct healing powers but they may have a calming or soothing effect on someone’s psyche which allows them to find their own balance again facilitating them to heal themselves. And one can receive suggestive thought impulses either consciously or unconsciously from another person which have a stimulating effect toward selfhealing, but it is still one’s own consciousness forces that brings about actual healing, see p. 201, Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge.

Concerning the so-called “spirit healing”, everything does not correspond to the explanations of the “spirit healers” themselves if taken at face value. The concept “spirit healing” is absolutely wrong, because there is no such thing since the spirit remains absolutely neutral. What does correspond to reality is “consciousness strength healing” which happens by the strength of the consciousness, but the consciousness forces of the person carrying out the consciousness strength healing do not cause the healing or relief of the sick person. The forces sent out by the “healer” exist merely in unaware or deliberate telepathic-suggestive impulses toward healing or relief which are accepted from ill or suffering people, consciously or unconsciously. And it is these telepathic-suggestive impulses, transferred by the consciousness strength healing person into sick people and sufferers, which releases a selfhealing of their own individual consciousness forces by which an illness is cured or pains are relieved. The consciousness-curative person is able to generate their suggestive impulses and their effect by their presence or by their word and transfer them onto sick people and sufferers by the whole body or by the palms and fingers by which the strong healing suggestive radiation according to impulse is especially effective. But this person is not able to generate healing forces themselve nor by forces of spiritual assistance, nor by god or angels or masters, etc. Only by the suitable unaware or deliberate impulse-suggestive healing impulses are the selfhealing forces mobilised. Additionally, the faith(confidence) and the imagination within the sick person and the role of a perceived higher authoritative figure all play a part, too.

This information is mostly from Directiven and Der Psyche, some information is also from medical sources:

As every lifeform us people have time of sleeping and time of being awake, its necessary to rest, but also to process the information which we accumulated during our moments of being awake in daily life. 

Sleep is essential for a good day and improved mental functionality, psychological stability, etc. 

Some tips/tricks 

- Use the bedroom only for sleep and sexual activity - Keep the room cool and comfortable - Sleep with as little a clothes as possible, this to prevent clothing from obstructing limbs and vasculair functionality, your skin has also the function to breath, and with lots of clothing and covers it wont be able to do so. - Maintain a regular schedule - Relax before falling asleep, dont think of problems and issues which occured during the day, think neutral positive, which means that you need to focus on realistic things that have no relation to issues that bother you during the day. 

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- Have a regular routine for bedtime preparations, like having a shower, or reading a book. - Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, chocolate, sugar and exercise close to bedtime - Avoid reliance on sleeping pills or any other sedative, legal or illegal. - Try to learn footmassage in order to massage the nerve-endings in your feet, this will releive a lot of stress and will improve quality of sleep - When you have an partner, perform regular massages of the neck, back, lower back, buttocs, legs and calfs, this is besides very relaxing and sleep improving, intimate and good for relations. 

There are also several sleepdisorders to which you have to be aware of, this is easier to find out if you have an partner which can observe your sleep patterns. 

Also is it recommended to avoid junk food, drink at least 2 liters (0.528 US-Gallon) of water each day, regardless if its warm or cold, this in order to aid your body to dispose of wast materials, unfortunally (more for the ladies since their blatter is smaller) this means more often visits to the bathroom. Its important when you need to go to the bathroom not to wait until it hurts or is discomfertable, because of the following reasons: 

- For men: It can damage your prostate and several glands responsible for production of semenfluid, also it can damage your kidnies. 

- For women: It will increase blatter and urinetract infections because urine of women has a less pH value then men which makes it more easy for bacteria to cause blatterinfection, also the urinetract is shorter. 

These are several sleeping disorders which can be a very negative factor to everyday life: 

Sleep Apnea: Obstructive Sleep Apnea is when a person stops breathing repeatedly during sleep for periods of 10 seconds or more at a time. Breathing stops because the airway collapses and prevents air from getting into the lungs. This results in disrupted sleep patterns, resulting in excessive daytime sleepiness. 

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea? 

• Restless sleep • Very loud, heavy snoring, often interrupted by silence, then gasps • Falling asleep while driving • Falling asleep during the day: at work, watching TV, etc. • Morning headaches • Loss of energy • Trouble concentrating • Irritability, short temper • Forgetfulness • Mood or behavior changes • Anxiety or depression • Decreased interest in sex 

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Not everyone who has sleep apnea has these symptoms. And not everyone who has these symptoms has sleep apnea. But if you or someone you know shows such signs - especially more than one – see your doctor. If untreated, sleep apnea may lead to increased risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attack and stroke, as well as fatigue-related accidents and decreased quality of life. 

Narcolepsy: A chronic neurological disorder marked by sudden and uncontrollable drowsiness and attacks of sleep. Other symptoms include: cataplexy (the loss of skeletal muscle tone without loss of consciousness, often brought on by intense emotion), sleep paralysis (inability to move or speak when falling asleep or awakening), and hypnagogic hallucinations (vivid dreamlike experiences while falling asleep or awakening). Nighttime sleep is often interrupted with frequent awakenings or arousals. 

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS): A neurological disorder involving bothersome sensations (described as “pins and needles” or a “creeping crawling” sensation) in the legs producing an irresistible urge to move. Symptoms are worse when at rest and are relieved by movement. Symptoms are worse in the evening and at night. People report difficulty falling asleep, and awakenings during the night. Patients with RLS often have Periodic Limb Movements During Sleep (PLMS) as well. 

Periodic Limb Movements During Sleep (PLMS): Brief muscle contractions that can cause leg “jerks” that last a second or two, most commonly occurring every 30 seconds, often for periods of an hour or more, several times a night. 

REM Behavior Disorder: Very active movements during sleep that occur in the dream stage of sleep; acting out your dreams, falling/jumping out of bed. 

Nocturnal Oxygenation Problems: decreases in the baseline oxygen while asleep. 

Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Such problems can be caused by stress, depression, and anxiety. There can also be physical causes that may need to be addressed, such as chronic pain, as well as other sleep disorders, such as Sleep Apnea and Restless Leg Syndrome 

About the disorders mentioned above: This is just information, ALWAYS consult your physician and don't draw any conclusion of your own, just use this as an guideline, nothing more. 

Names, meanings and words in the Spiritual teachings :


Schopfung / Universal Bewustsein = Creation / Universal Consciousness; also called the Immeasurable Secret. The Alpha and Omega of all existence in this Universe. Also referred to OM; which means LAW; absolute highest power and consciousness in its whole Universe. 

Psyche = Psyche; The material / half material factor in the human being which is responsible for material-conscious feelings and material conscious thoughts, the material part is represented by the several nervous systems such as the para-sympathic, sympathic, autonomous nerve-systems, the Solar Plexus (which is part of the sympathic nerve-system), nerve centers in both feet and both hands. The

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Psyche has also a function as sender / receiver. Also referred to the obsolete meaning "Soul"; although the Psyche is an absolutely material part and can be damaged and destroyed, the Psyche will die along with the Physe (body); when death comes. 

Physe = Human body; Material part of the human, and is the so-called negative pole of the human, while the Spirit is the so-called positive pole, which form the complete human. Both factors however are a unity in them selves. The Physe can't live without the Spirit in the material realm and the Spirit can't evolve without the human body before it reaches pure-spirit levels. 

Gemüt / 'Mind': The purely spiritual part of the spirit with a similar function as the psyche, yet the gemüt/mind works strictly logical / neutral-balanced, nothing positive or negative can influence it, only logical and balanced impulses can cause spiritual 'empfindungen' / feelings. The gemüt / mind is absolutely indestructible and can't get ill, etc. 

Geist = Spirit / Spiritform; The true part of every human, tiny part of Creation itself, will never die, and totally indestructible, can't be harmed in anyway or get ill in anyway. There are several definitions, which need to be considered: 

1. NeuGeist / NeuGeistform = New-Spirit / New-Spiritform; both definitions mean one and the same. A New-Spirit is a Spiritform that hasn't lived in a human body as of yet and is totally void of any knowledge and wisdom whatsoever. Once it has incarnated for the first time its no longer a New-Spiritform, just a very young Spiritform, a human with a very young spiritform would appear as a total 'idiot' while in reality it's just a very young and ignorant Spiritform. 

2. Menschliche Geist / Geistform = Human Spirit / Human Spiritform; both definitions mean one and the same, means also the same as Spirit / Spiritform. Every Spiritform that is still in the cycle of re-incarnation has an "Unbewusstes Geist-Evolutive Bewusstsein"; which translates like this: "unconscious Spirit-evolutionary consciousness"; this means that every Spiritform that is still bound to the material realm for its Spiritual evolution _regardless_ of it Spiritual development level, has an unconscious e.g. unaware spirit-evolutionary consciousness. This is for two main reasons: 

A) The Spirit-consciousness is a 'work-in-progress’, which means that it hasn't reached 100% of its functionality / capacity as of yet, it does not include all the 'parts' yet which can make it conscious. 

B) If the spirit-consciousness would be conscious from the start, it would be in constant conflict with the material consciousness, because the material consciousness can and will think positive, negative or neutral-balanced, while the Spirit-consciousness can only think Neutral-balanced / only logical. The Spirit-consciousness would enforce its will on the material-consciousness and the fact is, that the material consciousness is needed to learn and make mistakes in order to evolve. 

3. Halfspiritform / Half finematerial human / High-council / Horralft: This is the very last phase of human evolution before the level of Arahat Athersata, a human in this life will reach 100% of its material consciousness potential first then after the death of it’s physical body, an fine-material human-form will emanate which can be seen

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as an semi-fine/semi-course material human form, this means that this human-form can be seen with the material senses as a very bright energy-mass / shape, this human-form is genderless and doesn't have any offspring anymore. The energy of the human-collective of these human forms is so strong that it changes their whole home world into finematter, e.g. it turns into fine-material energy. This means that no material being / human can land on that planet. Horralft are the first and last human beings as such, which can think 100% and flawlessly logical, e.g. without making mistakes. The finemater state will last many thousands of years until 100% of the unconscious spirit-evolutionary consciousness potential is reached. A Natural Creative Law states that for every 1000 years 1% of the spiritual potential is gained. This means ONLY when those 1000 years are utilized in an absolute strict logic manner, 1% of the Spiritual potential is gained. Course Material humans - with no exceptions - are not able think in such a logical and strict way, therefore the time used by them to gain 1% is much longer, although with the advancement of time, the time used will be shorter and come closer to 1% / 1000 years. After this finematerial period, the unconscious-spirit evolutionary consciousness will reach it's 100% potential, after which the transition to the first pure-spiritual level of Arahat Athersata occurs. 

4. ReinGeistform / ReinGeist = PureSpiritform / PureSpirit; Again, both definitions are one and the same, A pure-spiritform is a Spiritform which has reached after an evolution of 60 to 80 Billion years from New-Spiritform to the level of Arahat Athersata, which means that such a Spirit does not require a human body anymore to evolve. A pure-spiritform has a CONSCIOUS Spirit-evolutionary consciousness, which is created when the comprehensive-consciousness-block and the unconscious-spirit-evolutionary consciousness unify; both are two parts of a unity, which can only create a unity when both factors have reached their 100% potential. 

Compare it to building an engine: First you need to collect all the parts first and the building-scheme to construct a working engine, which takes time, when that is finished, you can start the engine and make it work on fuel. 

Arahat Athersata Pure-Spiritform collective: This is the collective of ALL spiritforms in the ENTIRE Universe that have reached the pure-spiritform level of Arahat Athersata, regardless from what ever planet, system, race (humanoid or non-humanoid), etc they came. Every pure-spiritform has it's own conscious spirit-evolutionary consciousness and is part of a COLLECTIVE-conscious spirit-evolutionary consciousness, e.g. a pure-spiritform can work either as an 'individual' spiritform and/or as part of a collective. Their common bond, their collective bindings caused by realization of Universal Love is so strong and dense that it has created their own state of BEING/SEIN in a Spiritual realm, their life and existence in Love, Knowledge and Wisdom has become their own existence. Where material human life needs planets to live on created by Creation, pure-spirit forms and their collectives are able to create their own, but Creation and its Natural Creative Laws and Directives provide this possibility. 

You can find this information in the books: "Die Psyche, Arahat Athersata, OM", etc

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Steps taken to determine the best name:http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next & topic=13 & page=3692

The best steps which one can undertake are the following: 

1. Make sure that the first name of the baby sounds harmonious with it's last name. 

2. Every person that is born has a birthnumber, which means if your grandchild is born Februari 14, then the birthnumber is a 5; 14= 1 + 4 = 5 Make sure that this birth number never adds up with the name-number to an 8, which has a negative value. 

3. The meaning of the name should reflect one of the positive proporties of the birthsign under which the baby is born. 

4. Every name has a groundnumber which can be calculated by the Kabbalisitic calculations. It's however important that if the child gets a nickname or calling name next to the official name, that the name which is actually used should be used for the kabbalisitic calculations. 

A = 2 B = 9 C = 1 D = 5 E = 5 F = 8 G = 9 H = 1 I = 1 J = 1 K = 9 L = 5 M = 4 N = 5 O = 7 P = 6 Q = 8 R = 2 S = 3 T = 1 U = 6 V = 6 W =6 X = 6 Y = 1 Z = 5 

These are the numerical values for the letters. 

Example: M I C H A E L 4 1 1 1 2 5 5 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1+ 0 = 1 

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When Michael would be born on 16 Februari then his name-number would be a 8. 

Michael would be a 1 + 16 (1 + 6 = 7) 1+7 =8 That would be a wrong name to chose. 

Make sure that all combinations of first and last name and birth number never substract to the number 8 

I could recommend the book of names of Billy to chose a name from, in accordance with the Kabbalistic calculations which I have shown. 

61 Jahre Gedichte, Sprüche, Aphorismen 61 Years of Poems, Proverbs, Aphorisms 

von ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier by ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier 1943-2004 


p. 100 


Liebe ist Verstehen und Verständnis… Love is Understanding and Understandal… 

Liebe ist Verstehen und Verständnis. Love is understanding and understandal (understanding-availability). Liebe ist Zuneigung und Zugeneigtsein. Love is tipping-to and being-tipped-to. Liebe ist Erfüllen und Erfüllung. Love is fulfilling and fulfilment. Liebe ist Wertsein und Werterhaltung. Love is being-worth/worthhood and worth-retaining/-upholding. Liebe ist Gesetz und Gebot. Love is law and bid (recommendation/offer). Liebe ist Wissen und Weisheit. Love is witledge/knowledge and wisdom/wiseness. Liebe ist Harmonie und Harmoniesein. Love is harmony and harmonyhood. Liebe ist Einssein. Love is onehood/being-one. Liebe ist Leben und Vereinung. Love is life and unitement/union. Liebe ist Verbundenheit. Love is linkedness/upboundness. Liebe ist Licht in hellstem Sohar. Love is light in brightest Zohar. Liebe ist erfülltes Bemühen um Erkennung. Love is fulfilled effort-making for cognition. 

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Liebe ist das Befolgen der Wahrheit. Love is giving-follow to the truth. Liebe ist die Erfüllung des Lebens. Love is the fulfilment of life. Liebe ist das Leben selbst. Love is life itself. Liebe ist Erfüllung der Wahrheit. Love is fulfilment of the truth. Liebe ist Erfüllung von Gesetz und Gebot. Love is fulfilment of law and bid. Liebe ist SEIN im SEIN. Love is BEING in the BEING. Liebe ist füreinander und miteinander. Love is for eachother and with eachother. Liebe ist Zuneigung und Zugeneigtsein. Love is inclination-to and being-inclined-to. (resp. tipping-to and being-tipped-to) 

Although the noun 'incline' often becomes used as a synonym for 'slope' (tendency to fall/slip a certain way; hang), it ownfully has a different sense and connotation, namely 'in-lean' or 'in-co-/fellow-/together-lean/-line' (Neigung), thus not quite the same as a mere fallwardness. 

Donnerstag, 3. Februar 1972, 09.16 Uhr Dietlikon/ZH/Schweiz, Billy 

Thursday, 3 February 1972, 09:16 o’clock Dietlikon, Switzerland – Billy 

Poetic passage written by Billy taken from, Die Art zu leben, page 82 :

How will man understand creation if he does not even understand himself yet! He looks therefore simply out toward creation and recognises and obeys its laws and recommendations which reveal themselves everywhere. The human being looks up into the sky, because there they can see how the forces of creation work by nature; how the sun stands in space and the clouds move along; or how the clouds pile up high and skitter and glaring lightning spurt from them with huge thunderclaps and rain or hail patter downward from them. And the human may see if after the thunderstorm the sun appears again and the flowers still shine wet from rain in their whole splendour and smell. There the human being might turn their gaze and thoughts and find rest and peace as well as love, harmony and balance in relevant meditation. 

Billy explains in Introduction to Meditation that the three most important prerequisites for human progress in every respect are: 1. work 2. meditation 3. teaching and evolution 

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Meditation Protocol 

1. Don't eat any solid food two hours before the actual meditation, the food in the stomach will hinder a meditation-concentration because of the pressure it applies to the stomach, however a empty stomach and a feeling of hunger is just as counterproductive to a meditation, so make sure you don't have a feeling of hunger. 

2. Drink a glas of not-to-cold water before your meditation session, in a slow and relaxed fashion, never use any legal or illegal drugs before a meditation session, since they will make meditation impossible. 

3. Make sure that your meditation place is prepared by making it dark so sunlight or streetlights cant enter the room. Light insence ten minutes prior to your meditation session, the incense will have a calming and relaxing effect on your nervous system. 

4. Just prior to the meditation session there should be a minute of quiet, a moment to prepare, after this moment, speak half loud the spirit prayer, do this three times, this will cause the spiritual consciousness to be stimulated and connected with the material consciousness. 

5. A meditation session should be at least 1/3 of the time dedicated to the Natural Creative, repeating the spirit prayers, concentrating on the law of love. 

6. The actual meditation session. 

7. After the meditation is over, sit down for a minute, dont stand up right away since the material consciousness is in a different state of mind and standing up too quickly can cause you to fall over.

Concentration Exercises :

Sit down in a comfortable chair three feet away from a burning candle. 

Totally relaxed, you observe the lower part of the candle flame for five minutes, no more then that. 

If you are unable to keep the exact time, use an alarm with a mild tone, so you are not startled. On the first day of exercising, its absolutely important that you JUST think of the word ‘sun’, nothing else, use passive aggressiveness by ignoring other thoughts. 

During those five minutes ONLY and ONLY the word ‘sun’ is in your mind, everything else during that time is foreign. 

The following day adds just one minute more, so when you started on Monday with 5 days, you concentrate 6 minutes on Tuesday, and so forth. 

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When you reach the 12-minute mark, you blank your mind TOTALLY for 12 minutes during 6 days. 

After these 6 days you can extend the concentration time from 12 to 15 minutes and just think of a golden or red rose in your thoughts, again ALL other thoughts are alien and irrelevant in that time-period. 

Then you reach a stage where you just have wishful daydreams (preferably one that can be realized) during those 15 minutes of concentration. 

You can still use the candle flame as a focal point. 

The schedule: 

Day 1 5 Minutes ‘Sun’ Day 2 6 Minutes ‘Sun’ Day 3 7 Minutes ‘Sun’ Day 4 8 Minutes ‘Sun’ Day 5 9 Minutes ‘Sun’ Day 6 10 Minutes ‘Sun’ Day 7 11 Minutes ‘Sun’ Day 8 12 Minutes ‘Sun’ 

Day 9 12 Minutes ‘Thoughtless’ (Think of nothing) Day 10 12 Minutes ‘Thoughtless’ Day 11 12 Minutes ‘Thoughtless’ Day 12 12 Minutes ‘Thoughtless’ Day 13 12 Minutes ‘Thoughtless’ Day 14 12 Minutes ‘Thoughtless’ 

Day 15 15 Minutes ‘Red or Golden Rose’ Day 16 15 Minutes ‘Red or Golden Rose’ Day 17 15 Minutes ‘Red or Golden Rose’ Day 18 15 Minutes ‘Red or Golden Rose’ Day 19 15 Minutes ‘Red or Golden Rose’ Day 20 15 Minutes ‘Red or Golden Rose’ 

Day 21 15 Minutes ‘Wishful dream’ 

These exercises will enable you to have peace of mind, so that your consciousness is (more) free of random and irrelevant thoughts, it will give peace in the Psyche and it will give you much needed TIME between thinking and acting, and thus preventing acting on thoughts or feelings which can bring harm to oneself or others. 

The results of these exercises WON’T come easy, it’s not a one month, half baked course, only strict practice and continuous repetition will bear fruit. 

Don’t be disappointed when your results are not what you expect on the first time, try, try and try again, the real effort and reward is in both reaching your goal and by walking the path that leads to that goal.[Also , don't stare at the middle yellow flame but the blue bud at the bottom of the plume . Otherwise it's hard on your cornea . ]

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The reason why the word 'Sun' is used when the candle flame is observed is because it visualizes the Sun, it’s not the intellectual approach of the Sun.When the Sun is visualized by repeating the word over and over while observing the candle flame, it will cause a psychological effect.The Sun symbolizes an entity which cant be overlooked, it can’t be ignored and its brightness overrules everything.The consciousness-related/psychological effect is while visualizing the Sun this way, that you will only be thinking “Sun”, seeing the candle flame growing and growing until it encompasses your whole vision, then, when you just visualize the sun in the candle flame you will have gained a level of concentration/meditative state. You will notice that all other thoughts are gone.When this state is reached the following step is to notice, but not to think about the fact you noticed, since just thinking about it, is already a stray though, disrupting concentration.To gain concentration without allowing stray thoughts is concentration/meditation.Salome,Jacob

---------------------To quote from Die Psyche (personal unofficial translation): 

"Take care that these exercises are conducted daily and always at the same time. The evening hours between 8:00 and 10:00 are best suited for this; the optimum time being 9:00 PM. The morning and daytime hours are not well suited for these exercises." 


I recently asked Christian is the Meditation Pyramid needed when doing the Bi-Monthly Peace Meditation. He stated the following: 

Hi Scott, 

No, it is not needed in the sense that that your PM is futile, but if you want to maximize the effect it is necessary that you combine your "efforts" with all the other people, and to this end you need the "relay station" of the pyramid. 

Salome, Christian

First concentration has to be mastered before meditation is attempted. There is a recommended excercise which was posted on this forum from the meditation book. Just search the terms candle and concentration. Once you have somewhat mastered concentration, at least to a certain level, meditation can be attempted. The breath meditation involves sitting or lying down and concentrating on nothing more than the breath as it enters and leaves the nostrils of the nose without in any way exerting any influence on this process AND without entertaining any thoughts at all. You must act as a pure observer. This can take years to perfect. After reaching a high level of proficiency, you will begin to sink lower and lower into deep

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meditation. Upon mastering this, there is a meditative submersion technique involving colors that, once mastered, will allow you to access the abilities that meditation can enable, such as accessing the storage banks, or sending your consciousness to other times and or places anywhere in the universe. You can also begin to learn the true forms of spirit telepathy. There are many things that true meditation will supposedly allow but you have to master concentration itself, and then meditation before making progress. Another note is that, like BEAM has demonstrated, once you MASTER concentration and meditation, you won't need a quiet place to use those abilities. Even in a noisy environment it is possible to use these techniques to access these abilities once you have trained yourself adequately. Telekenesis and other more "tangible" skills are also made possible by meditation. To learn more though, you will have to read the books and or spirit lessons. :-)

Peter wrote: 

anything specific about colours, i see colours all the time, and when i close my eyes. am i to assume that i will have to order the book and read for myself if i want to know what is specifically meant by "percieving colours"? in regards to the meditative state? 


Peter, in answer to your question about the colours and what is in the meditation book, I can simply say that there are 4 colours described as being indicators to the stage or depth of meditation you have achieved, and the idea is to focus on each colour until it passes to the next as you go down. When reaching the 4th colour Billy describes it in this way, that you will have then reached the level of the unconscious, and then, and there you will be able to experience images of a different kind to the dreams of sleep. 

The process of coming back up, is the reverse order of the colours. 

It is important to note that, you are not to try and create/generate the colours, they are to appear by themselves, and when they do you focus on them. 

The 4 colours are, in order, Blue, Green, Yellow and then Red -- and the shades vary in intensity through the process. 

Hope this answers your question, however, I had to buy the book to be able to tell you this information, and I would encourage you and others to see the purchase of the book as the means to the information when you choose to find it rather than waiting for another person to find it for you. There is no disrespect intended when I say this. I personally don't understand why there are people who have been on this forum for years and years who still have not purchased the source of the information. 

Here are some additional thoughts which I hope are helpful to you. It is excerpted from Drei Vorträge zur Meditation, Three Lectures About Meditation, a FIGU publication available at their online store: 

„Meditation ist eine Kontaktaufnahme mit der in jedem Menschen präsenten Kraft.“ 

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"Meditation is an establishment of contact with the strength present in every person." 

Which strength is this? And how do we manage such an establishment of contact? 

„Klären wir dies zuerst, denn damit können wir uns eine Motivation schaffen, die es uns erleichtert, ein altes Verhaltensmuster zugunsten eines neuen aufzugeben, ...“ "We discuss this first, because we can create a motivation for ourselves with it to give up an old behavior pattern in favor of a new one..." 

Let's now assume that we free ourselves, at least for a few minutes daily, from all incriminating evils of the world (anger, stress, worries, etc.) - not to finally turn our backs to the world, but in order to arrange it again with new strength, and to bring over those healing conditions to be found in meditation and introduce them into our everyday life which bitterly needs such affectionate allowance. 

We start this process by generating rest around something we call consciousness. Then we simply try to approach this strength, openly and neutrally and as carefully as possible, as we would to an absolutely unknown being. 

And how do we generate a suitable rest in that part of our consciousness where thought goes racing behind thought? By dealing with that part of ourselves, which wants to prevent the meditation. You wait, until the arguments go out by themselves. Simply notice those thoughts that appear during a meditation which are called then foreign thoughts because they do not belong to the meditation. Look at them neither in the positive nor in the negative sense, i.e. you are not angry at it, as this wakes up emotions which are undesirable. Neither should you indulge yourselve in them if you like them, because this has the same undesirable effect. If thoughts come, register simply neutrally that thoughts have arisen and you turn again to the meditation object or continue with the meditation method. 

I will briefly mention four meditation methods that Billy describes and recommends. The Satipatthäna method is described in detail in his book, Einführung in die Meditation, Introduction to Meditation. You can also find more information about Satipatthäna on the internet for free. And one of the best English language books that I have found on the subject, is The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, by Nyanaponika Thera, ISBN 0-87728-073-8 

Billy describes other meditation methods in his book, Die Art zu leben, from which I will briefly mention these three. The first one which he calls one of the simplest and most helpful meditation methods consists of steering the consciousness onto a selected object and in letting the consciousness rest softly on it. 

The second method is called open or fluent method. With this form one lets the thoughts, emotions and feelings simply come and pass again. One simply observes and allows the thought flow to pass just as if they were waves of the ocean. One may not reach for them, nor feed them, nor indulge in them. One soon notes that thoughts, emotions and feelings come very fast and then pass as a breath of wind. This is the secret of the assembly-line meditation; the fact that one does not think about thought, emotions and feelings and does not try to catch them, but to simply allow their flow and release. This method would probably have the most practical application to quitting the smoking habit. Over time and practice, thoughts such as, “I want a cigarette,” or, “I must have a cigarette,” will loose their importance to

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And thirdly, meditation with a Mantra or simply meditation word. Billy writes that reciting a Mantra is extremely helpful for the person when nervous, disoriented or emotionally unstable. A chanted or recited Mantra transforms the energy and the ambience of the consciousness into a positive mood. However, Billy also warns not to overindulge or become dependent on them. Best known, most valuable and, hence, also most-used Mantra is the monosyllabic OM which is unmatched as a sound symbol for the highest strength of the spirit and the creation itself. 

Billy writes in Die Art zu leben, that a good advice for meditation is to sit a short time in complete relaxation and then to take a short break of 30 to 60 seconds. Attentiveness should be practiced on that occasion in order to not lose the natural serenity of the moment. After the short pause, a concentration should follow again. If many such short meditations are done, then the short breaks within the meditation are able to lend much more reality and inspiration.

The Pentra Meditation is usually done with a group sitting in a circle for duration of 20 minutes, wherein the meditation word, PENTRA, is used as the concentration point. It should be preceded by the prayer to the spirit, Mein Geist, der du bist in Allmacht. Every participant of the meditation group then concentrates quietly upon the meditation word PENTRA. It is helpful to have the FIGU traveling pyramid to balance the energetic strength of the participants. The word PENTRA originates from the old Lyranischen language and basically means, This itself in love yields. 

Billy explains in Die Art zu leben, that in every used form, whether singing, speaking, or thinking, an essence of the sound originates from the mantra which swings as an embodiment of the truth by the consciousness and every syllable of a mantra is filled with spiritual strength which floats serenely in the consciousness and brings in harmony and love as well as a positive balance. By the use of a Mantra and its strength, the consciousness co-operates with the spirit and the fine-material fiber net of the body by which the person is able to protect them self, especially to negatives. However, Billy warns that neither mantra, nor other meditation exercises may be carried out in a form of overzealousness or in a religiously fanatical way, but they must be always controlled and in a form that the person remains consciously self-decisive in their thinking and action as well as in feelings and sensations etc. always freely so that a dependence does not form. 

Excerpt from "The Psyche"... 

"Seat yourself comfortably at a table and place a burning candle in front of you about one yard away. Relax in your seat and look at the lower rim of the candle flame...thinking constantly of the word "SUN". 

Do this for exactly five minutes the first day, then add one minute each day. Once you have reached twelve minutes, concentrate only on the lower rim of the candle flame and eliminate all thoughts for twelve minutes during the following six

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After these additional six days, the time span of the exercise is increased to fifteen minutes. While looking into the lower rim of the candle flame, think of a red or a golden rose, which one contemplates or gets acquainted with in their imagination. This exercise should be conducted for six days also. Then continue this exercise daily while allowing yourself to daydream, observing the fifteen minute time span... 

Through (this exercise), concentration is learned or relearned. Depending on the attitude of the individual and the intensity of the exercise, the point of light will change into a little sun, slowly growing larger as time passes. Finally the "sun" will grow so large that it takes on a radiant brilliance, filling the entire field of vision. 

Once this has been accomplished the individual can remain in this blissful state without any thoughts which might dominate him for hours or even days. The manner in which this blissful feeling is produced is called meditation." 


Here is an excerpt taken from Billy’s book, Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge, which I hope is also helpful to you:

"Informationen können von den Speicherbänken freigegeben werden durch neutral-negative wie neutral-positive Impulse, indem vom Menschen unbewusst oder unterbewusst von seinen Speicherbänken informative Fakten abgezogen oder bewusst abgerufen werden, wobei der diesbezüglich bewusste Vorgang für den Erdenmenschen jedoch noch in weiter Ferne liegt. Die Regel ist, dass dabei sowohl positive als auch negative Informationen genutzt werden, weil für die Evolution beide Faktoren von Notwendigkeit sind." p.304

Information can be released by the storage-banks by neutral-negative or neutral-positive impulses, by the human-being unconsciously or subconsciously from its storage-banks; or retrieved consciously, a process which still lays a long way off for the earth person. The rule is that both positive and negative information be used because for evolution both factors are of necessity.

"In den Speicherbänken werden alle Dinge sowohl im Positiven wie auch im Negativen in ausgeglichen-neutraler Form abgelagert, um sie dann später auch wieder in dieser Form freizugeben. Der Mensch kann sie dann nach eigenem Willen in dieser neutralen Form in Nutzen oder wieder in rein Negatives oder Positives umwandeln." p.305

In the storage-banks all things are deposited in the positive as well as in the negative in well-balanced-neutral form to then be released again later in this form. The human-being can then convert them by will/intention into use in this neutral form or again into purely negative or positive.


Rund um die Fluidalenergie. As always, it may contain errors:

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If so-called poltergeist and the like appear, the phenomena which for inexplicable reasons Poltergeräusche (noise of a Poltergeist) are heard, furniture or other objects fly by the area, windows and doors open and slam, figures are seen or various other inexplicable things happen, then it is psychokinetics, psychoteleplastie and psychotelekinetics. People who are behind it have severe mental and psychological problems which as a rule they do not know themselves. From this psychic problem state they release great consciousness resp. mental forces by which then the psychokinetic, psychoteleplastie and psychotelekinetic phenomena are released unconsciously and appear.

Kentics - the study of the principles of movement

Psycho-kinetic (ability to move objects by the psyche/mind)Psycho-teleplasty (a mental ability in generation of shadows)Psycho-telekinesis ( the movement of material matter over great distances )


Here are further excerpts from Billy's, Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge, which I hope is helpful in understanding the phenomenon better. The unofficial translation is done by myself and may contain errors.

From page 155 -"Aktivitäten abgelagerter mentaler Fluidalkräfte, wie Projektionen, Geräusche und Laute usw., werden ausnahmslos durch die Kräfte des Unterbewusstseins eines lebenden Menschen ausgelöst, dessen frühere oder gegenwärtige Persönlichkeit die mentalen Fluidalkräfte dort abgelagert hat, wo sie dann durch das Unterbewusstsein der neuen oder aktuellen Persönlichkeit zur Manifestation gebracht werden."Activities of mature mental fluidal energy, like projections, noises and sounds etc., are released without exception by the forces of the subconscious of a living person whose former past or present personality has deposited the mental fluidal energy where they are brought then by the subconscious of the new or current personality to manifestation.

From page 173-"Werden von einer neuen Persönlichkeit die altabgelagerten mentalen Fluidalkräfte der alten Persönlichkeit aktiviert, dann entstehen unter Umständen Manifestationen."If the old-mature mental fluidal energies of the old personality are activated by a new personality, manifestations originate under circumstances.

"Manifestationen von abgelagerten mentalen Fluidalkräften sind jedoch für den Menschen nicht hilfreich, denn sie sind lediglich in der Regel psychisch bedingte Rückverbindungserinnerungen und daraus entstehende Aktivitäten, die durch das Unterbewusstsein ausgelöst werden, wenn irgendwelche Faktoren des Bewusstseins das Unterbewusstsein in dieser Weise animieren."However, manifestations of mature mental fluidal energy are not helpful for the person, because they are as a rule merely psychically conditioned return-connection-memories and from it activities emerge which are released by the subconscious if some factors of the consciousness encourage the subconscious in this way.

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"Das geschieht auch durch Erinnerungen, wie aber auch dadurch, dass z. B. irgendwelche Bilder gesehen oder Gespräche geführt werden usw., wodurch das Unterbewusstsein sich angesprochen fühlt und dementsprechend reagiert."This also happens by memories, however, by the fact that, e.g., some pictures are seen or conversations led etc. by which the subconscious feels addressed and reacts accordingly.

"Wenn z. B. ein Mensch 50 Jahre <früher> im neuen Leben erscheint, als es eigentlich bezüglich des Jenseitsaufenthaltes (Todesleben) sein müsste, irgendwo an einem bestimmten Ort, wo er gelebt hat, dann geschieht das nur, weil das Unterbewusstsein - es ist das Unterbewusstsein und nicht das Unbewusste - eine entsprechende Verbindung herstellt, die durch das Bewusstsein ausgelöst wird, eben durch ein Gespräch, durch Bilder, durch Gegenstände, durch ein Gebäude, einen Menschen, einen Gedanken, ein Gefühl, ein Tier, eine Pflanze oder durch eine Landschaft usw. Eine Aktivierung von altabgelagerten mentalen Schwingungen, deren Energien und Kräften mit daraus hervorgehenden Manifestationen, wie Schemen und Geräuschen usw., ist nicht der Normalfall."If, e.g. a person 50 years <earlier> appears in a new life, as it actually would have to be respecting the hereafter-stay (death-life), somewhere at a certain place where they lived then this happens only because the subconscious - it is the subconscious and not the unconscious - produces a suitable connection which is released by the consciousness, just by a conversation, by pictures, by objects, by a building, a person, a thought, a feeling, an animal, a plant or by scenery etc. an activation of old-mature mental vibrations, whose energy and force manifestations, like silhouettes and noises etc., are not the normal case.

"Der wirkliche Normalfall und Nutzen der Aktivierung altabgelagerter mentaler Fluidalenergien ist der, dass die Mentalblock-Evolution voranschreitet, die nicht mit Geräusch oder Schemen-Manifestationen usw. verbunden ist."The real normal case and benefits of the activation of old-mature mental fluidal energy is that the mental block-evolution progresses, which is not connected with noise or silhouette manifestations etc.

--------------------------The apparitions that are not caused by fluidal energies are based as a rule on imagination and imaginations which are ordinarily simply caused by states of anxiety. The reason for it, as Billy explains on page 165-166 of Rund um die Fluidalenergie, can be very strong electromagnetism which appears by electric apparatuses etc. or simply by a strong geomagnetic field. Also extremely deep tones of electrical appliances and other things as well as from nature which cannot be perceived by the human ear, the so-called infrasound, can cause in objects and in the human body and all its organs, as for example also with the eyes, very strong vibrations and irritations. The results are hallucinations, fear attacks, depressions, discords and low morality because the thoughts and feelings as well as the consciousness fall into confusion through the occurring vibrations. In this form there is a connection between infrasound, electromagnetism and apparitions. Infrasound and electromagnetism can release the internal escape mechanism of the human being as well as fear attacks, hallucinations, depressions etc., in fact especially when the person is at an eerily or awfully active place, in a depressed mood or in a mystic situation etc. The end result is that the senses of the human being are in great strain by which they perceive the environment and situation as a threat. Then in this state apparitions are seen or strange, ghostly noises are heard or unreal touches felt etc.

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A person can also manifest themself by mental fluidal energies. A case is cited in Billy’s book Rund und die Fluidalenergie on page 227, occuring in America which is one of the best known ones: In a house a ten-year-old girl was always seen in the afternoon at four o'clock. It always came down the stairs in the house, ran out from the house, all around it and freely throughout the house.

Later new owners lived there, and they saw the girl over and over again. They publicised this to journalists who came and of course followed the thing. They consulted parapsychologists because they could not solve the riddle. Then the scientists stipulated that it should be clarified whether the girl still lives and, if so, should be searched for. Then the girl was actually found. She had become, in the meantime, a 90-year-old woman. Always in the afternoon between three and five she had her midday naps and dreamt of that child time when she was ten years old. The dreams were co-ordinated with the phenomena in the house. The journalists conversed on radio with each other - one in the house and the other with the old woman when she slept. Every time she occupied herself with her afternoon nap, the child appeared in the house. The old woman made mobile her mature mental fluidal energies which were deposited in that house where she spent her childhood still in the same life. Thus the girl - now the old woman - brought herself to appearance when she was ten years old.


Well the deposited fluidal energies can be located by other people and can be perceived then as negative or positive radiation and be influenced by them in different ways, but they can only be activated (energized) to the point of causing manifestations and certain other effects by the originator's person (p.58, Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte). Each mental fluidal energy has its own frequency, and maintains a frequency protective screen against the outside. The old mental oscillations of the old personality deal nothing more with those of today or tomorrow. But the person can nevertheless release the most different restricted fluidal powers because a certain connection according to oscillation resp. resemblance according to frequency exists. (p.83, Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte)----------------

Regarding your question in your previous post #460, old-mature mental fluidal forces are required to produce such manifestations by subconscious impulse (p. 30, Rund um die Fluidalenergie). So if that person had never been to the place before and had not deposited any fluidal forces beforehand then it would depend entirely on how much mature fluidal forces they had brought with them on their person, such as what could have been stored up in articles of clothing worn for long periods of time, or jewelry or even the bones of their own living skeleton. The longer these things surround the person, the more intensely these are charged of course by the mental fluidal energies; it is like with a battery (p.29, Rund um die Fluidalenergie). But generally speaking, it is a deep memory or a current problem with their psyche that would cause the sub-conscious to make the back connection to the old mature fluidal energies in the way that results in such demonstrations (p.34, Rund um die Fluidalenergie). So in your hypothetical question, the exposure to mature fluidal energies not of their own making, in this case of a negative type, would have to act as a stimulus or trigger for there own memory, even subconsciously.

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-------------------Yes, according to Billy, the subconscious can make a connection with its’ mature mental fluidal force up to a distance of three light seconds away. This corresponds to a distance of about 900,000 kilometres (pp. 43-44, Rund um die Fluidalenergie).


For future calculations healthy and functioning nerves are important---------------------

The symbols in the book 'Symbole der Geisteslehre' are 601 of 52,476,812 spirit symbols, and are those that are used in Spirit-Telepathy. This fact is discussed in the Geisteslehre No. 17, p.179.

As to the use of the symbols: in the introduction of the book, Bernadette Brand describes the value of the symbols as a tool for evolutive growth. From the Intorduction p. XVI, my unofficial translation:

".....The symbols of the Spirit Teaching embody not only the concepts they represent, but they contain any of a whole universe of meanings, and they generate in the person who deals with them, a new bond/attachment to the symbol and the idea for which it stands.Occupying oneself meditatively on the symbols of the spiritual teaching, and in detail, is, from my own experience a valuable and extremely helpful means of self-knowledge, self-education and character development and personality development. The symbols accomodate not only nice and edifying or forbidding and awful ‘images’, but in themselves are very involved and to deal with them radically and unreservedly, is informative and valuable.....

.....With the feelings and stirrings they evoke in us to inspect, to perceive and deal with, can bit by bit help us on our stony and laborious path of evolution.Our reactions to the symbols are not neutral in fact, but shaped by our thinking and our personality."

BIlly had to learn over 50 million spiritual symbols, some comprising upto 800 squiggly lines----------------------------------The human body consists of several nervous centers or focal points, which are important and have their own function:1. The brain2. The Solar plexus3. The left hand4. The Right hand5. The spinal cord6. The left foot7. The right foot

The brain houses the material consciousness, the material subconsciousness and the material central-consciousness, also in the Colliculus Superior the spiritform itself.

The solar plexus is mainly responsible (not solely responsible) for sending and receiving feelings and impressions from both the material realm (inter-human communication) and between the ‘Gemüt’ (the spiritual counterpart of the Psyche).

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The left and right hand are both capable of sending and receiving magnetopathic energy, as described earlier, but through the mere fact of touching an object one leaves an fluidal electromagnetic imprint on a object, an object, depending on the length of exposure will absorb this energy and start to emit this pattern itself, this can be picked up by other people when they are in close proximity of that object.The hands have many nerve-endings, which with the correct acupressure and acupuncture techniques can be used for a lot of psychological and physical relief.

The left and right feed are basically ‘grounding’ points for the human and his contact with Earth, cosmic-electromagnetic energy used by the human is also partially transferred back to the Earth itself and regenerated by the Earth.Also the nerve centers in the human feet are very important for absorption of the magnetic field lines of the Earth and regenerated electromagnetic energy.

The spinal cord has an essential task of basically connecting all the fore mentioned nerve centers and thereby forming a nerve center in its own right.It’s essential for the proper communication between all nerve centers and distribution of all ‘fresh’ and ‘used’ cosmic electromagnetic energy in a human body and psyche.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions from the Public in regard to the Contact Report of May 1st, 1989 (Note from Florena.)

Question: When I consider the Arahat Athersata level, then indeed the spirit forms which are there must actually have insignificant to larger differentiated stages of evolution, somewhat like humans, only with very much finer gradations. So therefore, do its spirit forms which have still not been long in the Arahat Athersata level have the lowest evolutionary level, and do those (spirit forms) which stand shortly before the passage to the next plane have the highest evolutionary level?

Billy:Yes, that’s right, because evolution is an infinitely variable development of learning and cognition as well as of the acquisition of true love, knowledge and wisdom. And this process is granted to all course matter life forms, as well as to all the domains of the spirit forms in their pure spirit-energy levels. Consequently there are, in every we-form – either material or spiritual – lower or lowest, respectively, higher or highest evolutionary stages.

Question: Because also the spirit forms of the Arahat Athersata-level have to evolve further, as also does every higher spirit form in the subsequent level, there must also exist for them a source of knowledge, perhaps in the form of an especially highly

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developed spirit form in the Arahat Athersata level?

Billy:No, in the Arahat Athersata level, as also in all other higher levels, impulses in this regard come from the next highest level, as, however, also out of its own level's storage banks. With the Earth humans, or as with all other human material life forms in the entire universe, the repository banks are likewise of the most important significance, as also, however, is the first pure spirit plane Arahat Athersata, out of which knowledge impulses are stored in the storage banks. So, after the development of the material life forms – in this case therefore the humans – they unconsciously take up this stored information out of the higher levels via the repository banks, process it, and thereby achieve development, subsequently they therefore evolve.

Question: When I consider Nokodemion’s spirit form – before it was reincarnated yet again out of the Arahat Athersata-level and returned to the material universe in a material human form – then, according to my deliberations, it must have taken on a very high evolutionary stage within the Arahat Athersata-level – somewhat short of the transition to the next level?

Billy:Yes. That is also right. Nokodemion’s pure spirit form was already very highly developed in the Arahat Athersata-level as the resolution to return in a material human body was made, whereby the implementation certainly could only be enabled through the authoritative engagement of the highest level, being the Petale level. This is because, for Nokodemion’s spirit form, a special consistency-alteration had to be created, only through which the spirit form could be capable of returning in a human body.

Question: Therefore is it so that Nokodemion’s spirit form takes in the highest conceivable spiritual levels of development and knowledge of all human life forms in the domain of the material universe?

Billy:Yes. That is right. This knowledge-development level relates, however, really only to the concerns of the spirit, Creation, the Absolutum-forms, the spiritual energy, the spirit levels and in the power of the spirit energy, etc. Thereby this knowledge and evolution level reaches only up to the highest level of the Arahat Athersata.

Question: That would therefore mean that no sources of knowledge at all and no storage banks at all, up to the Arahat Athersata level, are closed to this spirit form? Consequently, therefore, the Nokodemion spirit form is the only spirit form in the material universe that not only has at its disposal the highest knowledge of the spirit, rather it also still continuously expands and impels itself forward on the highest planes, simply because it is capable of using all sources of knowledge up to the Arahat Athersata level.

Billy:Yes. Then there is the necessity that the Nokodemion spirit form, in the period of time that it again enlivens a material human body, also further evolves in the knowledge of the Arahat Athersata-level. That must therefore be so, because the

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spirit form, when it returns again to its original pure spirit level, has lost no love nor wisdom nor knowledge on the highest plain, rather it can progress further, unrestrained, on the path of the transition to the next higher and finer pure spirit level.

Question: Is that the secret that the Plejaren tried to get to the bottom of?

Billy:Yes. That is to say, that was still so in 1989, as I spoke with Quetzal in respect of the photo that came into my hands. In the meantime the Plejaren got to the bottom of the secret and solved it.

Question:I have a further question regarding the sons of Nokodemion and Henok: they have indeed obligated themselves to spread the mission of disseminating the knowledge of the spiritual teachings in the entire universe and to stay faithful to this mission. I assume that the same applies to the sons of the sons of Nokodemion and Henok and again for their sons? I also further assume that this obligation is maintained up to today and has also been carried over to all descendents who live in the current time. And also all this will indeed be carried over into the future.

Billy:Yes, whereby, however, quite a few will not act according to their determination and will therefore not observe their obligation. A long chain of Nokodemion and Henok’s decedents, respectively sons, is arranged under this obligation.

Question: But since ancient times surely also the daughters of Nokodemion and Henok have been included in the mission whose lineage is exactly as strong as any of the sons. Can you yourself think what their task is?

Billy:It can quite certainly be assumed, respectively, it is true that their task is that of every female life form, namely to bring female and male descendents into life and therefore to further pass on life. But their duty is also to protect and conserve life, love and knowledge as well as the essence, (i.e.) the wisdom, that results thereby, and to further pass it on to the descendents, so that they also travel the correct path and they, through their action, carry the knowledge and the obligation further into the most distant future.

Question: Accordingly I also assume that with at least some of the core group members who have decided upon core group membership, that it also concerns the most distant descendents of the descendents of Nokodemion and Henok?

Billy:Yes, it concerns very far distant descendents; and it is not just a few who belong to this lineage.

Question: From that I take it that, with the so-called punishment incarnations into which each core group member would be arranged - who are, according to the determination, in the core group - it has nothing to do with punishment incarnations, because for me,

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according to the spirit teachings, that would make no sense. Rather, I see it that these people - as they recognized that they, as the bearers of the mission and duty, had become unfaithful to their obligation - sought a path to more firmly anchor the mission, and the therewith connected duty, to themselves.

Billy:Yes, you can say it that way. Those who are faithful to their mission have observed authoritative impulses from the storage bank, and correctly decoded and utilized them, subsequently they seek and find the path of the mission and now take it, as they have since ancient times. On one hand the mission and their entry into it serves, in the first instance, their own evolution, and on the other hand, it serves also for them to teach the people and to convey love, knowledge and wisdom, as well as inner peace and inner freedom, balance and harmony.

Question: The purpose for these incarnations on the Earth is therefore not only to teach the Earth humans, rather, in the first instance, that the knowledge itself to do with the mission and the duty connected therewith, would finally be deeply anchored in oneself in such a way so that, in the distant future, no more deviation from it would be possible?

Billy:Quetzal would now say: That is of correctness.

Question: I assume that not only Ptaah, Semjase and Quetzal are in the Srutin stage of evolution, rather also the bearer of the spirit form of Nokodemion and Henok. And I further assume that he already reached this stage a very long time before they did. Is it so that in the measure of consciousness he is already around one or more stages further than Ptaah, Semjase and Quetzal?

Billy:The Srut evolution level already begins before the attainment of the position of Jschwjsch. The position of Srutin is a part of the Srutin-evolution level. Now if Nokodemion’s spirit form has a very high stage of evolution then that doesn’t mean that the human in which this spirit form is reincarnated would therefore be something other than a simple human. His consciousness and the personality which thereby arises from it are inevitably adjusted into the present human evolutionary circumstances, which means that it therefore – seen quite pragmatically - is really primitive, also when the knowledge of the spiritual matters is so high that it enables the pressing toward and into the storage banks up to the high levels. It is a process which is possible only through the accepted help of the spiritual energy, its power and its knowledge and wisdom. The consciousness and the personality that thereby arises from it cannot be one for one swapped with the spirit form. A spirit form always contains a much higher evolutionary stage than the consciousness and its personality. The consciousness is always fitted to the circumstances of the life form, its living conditions and its environment. The emergence of damage to that which pertains to the consciousness through too much knowledge, etc., is thereby hindered. And now when the Nokodemion spirit form in spite of its high development lives in a human whose consciousness is even higher developed than that of the fellow humans generally, in respect of the knowledge of the spirit, then this is also only possible through certain altered measures that were made possible through the Petale level.

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Question: The spirit form of Nokodemion must be monstrously strong - very much more powerful than every other spirit form in the material universe. Is it because today’s bearer - respectively a human, who carries this spirit form in himself - has enabled, not only the obtaining of Ptaah’s knowledge, but the far surpassing of it, that he was named the uppermost designated advisor and teacher of the Plejaren spirit leadership? Anyway, indeed, in respect to everything of spiritual importance, he has a more comprehensive knowledge than Ptaah. And he has acquired this knowledge in a period of time that corresponds to a tiny fragment of Ptaah’s age.

Billy:But that is only based on the fact that the bearer of the Nokodemion spirit form had and has the possibility to make use of all of Nokodemion’s storage banks and Henok’s storage banks, because he, as the only one, has the frequency-based means to penetrate into these storage banks.