spiritual energy and writings...  · web view2020. 5. 30. · solomon zeros in and says this...

20-0308 A Higher Form of Life pt.2 Notes of Atori Alo Yansa We read Proverbs 6:1- Where Solomon’s wisdom realized the greatest workers among us, the ‘Ant’ has no Kings and Queens, no guides, no overseers and no rulers. They have in them how to perform the good and perfect will of the colony. ~AAY~ Solomon wrote three books for us that were placed in the works of the Bible. Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and The Song of Solomon. That was the written order, think about it!

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Page 1: Spiritual Energy AND WRITINGS...  · Web view2020. 5. 30. · Solomon zeros in and says this sluggards ways will be exposed by the colony and ... the devils, the demons, the God's,

20-0308 A Higher Form of Life pt.2 Notes of Atori Alo Yansa

We read Proverbs 6:1- Where Solomon’s wisdom realized the greatest workers among us, the ‘Ant’ has no Kings and Queens, no guides, no overseers and no rulers. They have in them how to perform the good and perfect will of the colony. ~AAY~

Solomon wrote three books for us that were placed in the works of the Bible. Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and The Song of Solomon. That was the written order, think about it!

Ecclesiastes brings to us the vanities and iniquities of life that we become so sad, frustrated and despondent from. Proverbs is the wisdom that we learn along the way as we walk our path through Ecclesiastes. The Song of Solomon is our experience in love and how our love relationship brings us to

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satisfaction and peace in our personal lives. ~AAY~

Solomon points to the sluggard, the one who doesn’t want to work together, has a forward mouth, talks with his feet, eyes your pockets and tries to live off the backs of the other workers in the colony. Solomon zeros in and says this sluggards ways will be exposed by the colony and their ethics of work and love toward one another. ~AAY~

Solomon: “Consider her ways, and be wise: which having 'no guide', 'overseer', or 'ruler' provides her meat in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest. How long will you sleep, ~AAY~

Solomon goes on to say: “Your poverty will come as one that travels, and your want as an unarmed man. A naughty person, a wicked man, walks with a froward mouth. He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers;

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forwardness is in his heart, he devises mischief continually; he sews discord. Therefore, his calamity will come suddenly. ~AAY~

I love that inside overseer working in harmony with all. ~BD~

Exactly it's in my thoughts christ in us not outside seating there. shalom. it;s me or us. ~EA~

SHALOM to all. I never know i will come to a placé we have come today in all my life. So, am so humble and thankfull that i can make good use of my life freely in love and enjoying everyone in what they are, putting no condition on no man. ~FMO~

Amen, the leadership in us recognizes the leadership in others. ~Grace Sade~

Amen we are all in the flesh world, and this is our Life to adapt and adjust.. believed that all flesh see salvation. It is our eyes, mind

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and heart. Establishing this understanding and we did it in love. We are the new world body that brings this reality. ~LRV~

We rejoiced and fulfills the kingdom of this world became the Kingdom of our Lord, seat in human heart. Christ takes over all kingdoms ruled by men, so it's no longer ruled by men but Christ the US. Sometimes men got a hard time accepting it. Sellah ~EA~

Shalom to you all. I am very happy to feel the true feeling of Liberation of Understanding Our Movement. For so long, we have always being blinded by our own self-righteousness in sharing to sharing this gospel that drives people away from Us. Now, I am able to connect to all people of all walks of life. Every person that I talk to, no matter how happy or grumpy they are, I am able to connect to them and touch them and bring them into my tribe . Truly, this 😊movement has truthfully taught me and I am

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really able to Love the unlovable. Love Bless. ~FL~

We are moving with our pro-creative caps on and stepping into a vast new world, a field wherein everything is level. It is the time of the holistic Christ. It has happened before. Remember, John the Baptist made every mountain a plain, raised every valley and in another time Zechariah, “Oh Zerrababbel you have made this great mountain with seven eyes a plain. That’s right, we are in a level playing field after William Branham, after Zerrabbel, after John the Baptist. All inequities are out the window. ~AAY~

Many have cried out, "We must go and tell everyone to change, tell them to realize they are not what they should be, Tell them to wake up and recognize who they are." Many think you hold the authority to demand them! If you feel this way, step up higher and come to the reality of this age. 

Page 6: Spiritual Energy AND WRITINGS...  · Web view2020. 5. 30. · Solomon zeros in and says this sluggards ways will be exposed by the colony and ... the devils, the demons, the God's,

If you are doing this, you are so misinformed in your mind and heart. It is not your place or mine to demand of anyone. Express your love, understanding and desire for those around you to be happy. They will seek what you have and awake to the fact that it is in them. Oneness of the Spirit puts it in them, not your rules, demands and regulations. Level the playing field and trust that they have in them what is needed. ~AAY~

Remember, John the Baptist was a common coming into the community, the Great rebuilding of Jerusalem was from humble cup bearers like Nehemiah, from scribes like Ezra, From ladies made Queen like Esther and her uncle. It’s not another superiority, hierarchal move, this is grass roots, ‘Ants’ with their guide, overseer and ruler resting in them as they work relentlessly every moment of the day and night. ~AAY~

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We must transcend the processes and recognize the person of Christ. 'I in you and you in me'! Leaving the partials, the devils, the demons, the God's, the books, the word of other ages, the objects, the processes of immaturity, the gifts, and the offices, Transcending into the recognition of the person of Christ; we are the Christ now. ~AAY~

We must turn loose of or regimental thinking, of our shadow governments that rise from innocence of the theophany and begin to create by the experience, step into the third pull and create the world that is prophesied of Us by the prophet and his angel. We are doing it, don’t hesitate!! Solomon’s lover hesitated to answer the door when he knocked and it took her down a path of sorrow until she met Solomon again. ~AAY~

I wrote the post below:

Page 8: Spiritual Energy AND WRITINGS...  · Web view2020. 5. 30. · Solomon zeros in and says this sluggards ways will be exposed by the colony and ... the devils, the demons, the God's,

When Paul was telling about his experience in Acts he said, "Some saw the light but heard no voice." In another place he said, "Some heard the voice but saw no light." Hmmm....

I have enjoyed the different responses to the post on the different groups. I posted it the way I did to see if it would spike an interest in people to talk about the way it is written by Luke, Paul's scribe. We know Luke wrote the book of Acts as he accompanied Paul on his Journeys. I think it was written by Luke the way he did, because as Luke talked to those who were present, some said they heard the voice and others said they saw the light. Witnesses will sometimes tell the same story so different based on their experiences. We all don't have to have the same story, but we all should speak from the heart as to what we see and hear as witnesses. ~AAY~

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Look at nature and its diversity in witness. Nature – Look at its Character. When you can see the character of nature in the earth in all things that is your soul, your character of Spirit. The soul will transpire, fade away, and your Spirit will rebirth bringing another nature of the earth. ~AAY~

@ Pastor Joe Gomez - There is a different approach to the people today and it's not about one man and his style, this is about the government being upon the shoulders of the people and not under one man to control the people. This is not about economic necessities to fulfill the law or our houses with materiality but to fill up ourselves with love, compassion, kindness and objective purpose and bring meaning in our approach to others. ~JG~

I really like this. To fill up ourself so that we bring meaning in our approaching others. All we do is for the existence of others.I agree. Prosperity is a good thing, however Love, Wellness and a clear understanding is

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what I strive for everyday. There is great peace and power in Joy and happiness. I always say that our messages throughout the years have been of great fun for me. There is no better feeling than knowing who you are. "A creator." ~JW~

Want to continue on Jamie Wesley's thought. "There is no better feeling than knowing who you are,......A Creator!" Tie in Pastor Joe Gomez's comment, "Bring meaning in our approach to others." My brief thought: "We create meaning!"Amen when the (we) is put into one it is the great spirit (us) moving in action the creator of all things (eternity) ~AC~

Here is another topic: "What/Who has a Soul?" Only People? How about the fowls of the air, the creatures of the deep, the beast of the field and every creeping thing? What about the Earth itself? What is a Soul? Does Zoe have a soul? Your Thoughts?

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Yes only one life yes zoe has a soul us the soul the life in all creation amen bro. Alan i like those topics ~AS~

I never read this, but I was told Bro Branham made a statement that animals do not have souls. If he did say this, what are our thoughts on this using today's revelation? And,....What is a Soul? My thought is everything has a soul, and nothing is lost, everything is life. Wmb said that soul in man is theophany

Yes, our very nature, our character. I call it our recorder. What about the Earth itself? Is this planet capable of having a soul? A Theophany? ~AC~

When life came into us that life had a nature, a character and that was the soul. So everyone and everything that is alive has a soul and can never die. The soul of that Spirit, which is the nature can change, but we are the great spirit, we cannot go out of existence. ~AAY~

Page 12: Spiritual Energy AND WRITINGS...  · Web view2020. 5. 30. · Solomon zeros in and says this sluggards ways will be exposed by the colony and ... the devils, the demons, the God's,

Yes, absolutely! "Everything that is alive has a soul." Here is what I'm thinking, Vibrations bring it all together. ~AC~

I love your observation. I believe that all you’re observing is within you and the life of what you are observing is within you, all things were made by you and without you there is nothing made that was made. The whole fragmented into many parts with ONE life - YOU. ~WD~

Everything is vibration. We take a piece of the living Earth and form it for our own glory. Everything has a living vibration. Without a vibration, nothing can be formed or maintain a form. The form is what we give it. WE give it life, WE give it meaning, WE ARE THE CREATORS OF LIFE!

Does all life come from Zoe? No buts! If all life comes from Zoe, then everything is alive because everything that comes from Zoe is LIFE! ~AC~

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All elements hold the potential for life, like the wood in the desk was once a tree with life. The paper too. The metal was once in us, in the flowers, in the animals and such. The desk will dissolve along with the paper and the metals will rust and all go back to the earth and then birds and fish and animals and humans will wear it again. Then it will hold life, but not in that form.

Rotating, evolving, becoming and giving way to all sorts of vibration. Our life itself is an energy and we vibrate the elements into the shape we want them to be and then we lay it down and change again. ~AAY~

I think we could easily say that 'all' things have potential life in formation. The house of sister Golda is a potential life of decades and then there is actual life that builds and shapes and repairs and makes that potential life into living quarters, a place of memories. And even that potential life goes

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on eternity forward because it is a strong memory in many lives of her and her family.

So the physical elements may evolve, lay down to one energy and pick up another but the Spirit Life will always hold the memory present in the heart. ~AAY~

t seems at times that the mind of the Spirit is continually looking at what can be, the future, yet the heart of the Spirit is constantly looking at what is going on in the here and now, ever absorbing the sensations, the feelings involved with what's going on around it. ~DB~

I like that. Eyes before, eyes behind and eye within. We have become a holistic being with a holistic vision. ~AAY~

Tying things back to Pastor Gomez statement, fill ourselves with love. We are the pebble in the pond of life. Everything we do create waves that alter our life and the lives of others. Life is precious, all the way

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down to the atomic level, and should be cherished. We created our life to be creative. Cherish creation all the way down to the atomic level as a living entity. In doing so, you will not disrespect someone else creation. ~DB~

20-0308 A Higher Form of Life pt.2 Notes of Atori Alo Yansa