spine-tingling adventures spinal anatomy and care

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  • 8/13/2019 Spine-Tingling Adventures Spinal Anatomy and Care


    Spine-Tingling Adventures: Spinal Anatomy and Care

    For heroes of the Old West, there was nothing worse than being branded as a spineless, no-good, lily-

    livered coward. None of those adjectives feel great in the present, but spineless should be the worst of


    Your spinal column comprises 33 bones, known as vertebrae, stretching down the middle of your body,

    from the base of your skull to your tailbone. All of this is surrounded by a series of ligaments, muscles,

    tendons, and nerve roots.

    Your spine is designed to be remarkably flexible and incredibly strong at the same time. It holds up your

    entire bodys structure and provides you all the mobility to get through your day. The main role of your

    spinal column is to protect your highly sensitive spinal cord, so strength is a necessity. The spinal cord

    connects the brain to all the nerves in your body, so damage to the spine could lead to paralysis,

    weakness in limbs, or other neurologic impairments.

    Due to the spines complex structure and our tendencyto disregard its proper health, the spine often

    produces back pain from injury, physical trauma, irritation in nerve roots, strained muscles, and more.

    We tend to take our spines for granted, but with a look into our spinal anatomy, maybe we can gain a new

    appreciation for our backbones.

    In this article, youll learn about the different parts of your spine and how you can keep each one healthy.

    The Cervical Spine

    The cervical spine, better known as the neck, comprises seven vertebrae, labeled C1 through C7. The firstof these is known as the atlas, while the second vertebra is called the axis. The joint where the axis and

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    atlas connect also happens to be where your spine and the base of your skull meet, giving you the ability

    to nod and move your head side to side. Aside from the movement, your neck plays the important role of

    supporting the weight of your head and protecting the nerves that go directly from the brain to the rest of

    your body.

    A crick in your neck is often caused by sudden forcemost commonly whiplashor a muscle strain.

    Aside from careful driving, the best thing you can do to avoid neck pains is to practice proper posture,

    especially at work. Invest inergonomic furniturefor both your home and work that supports your head

    and neck.

    Eye fatigue also causes strain in your neck. Make sure your monitor isnt too faraway or too low or high.

    The center of your monitor should be at or just below eye level. Try to eliminate any direct glare, and

    consider switching out harsh overhead lights for a desk lamp. If things are looking blurry, consult an

    optometrist to get a pair of cool specs for better sight.

    For those times when your neck is feeling particular tight or sore, try these stretches:

    Seated neck release:Sitting in your chair, feet flat on the ground, extend your right arm along theright side of the chair. Place your left hand on your head and gently tilt your head to the left. Pull

    slightly with your left hand to increase the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds then release and switch to

    the other side. Behind the back:Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your

    backside and use your left hand to grab onto your right wrist. Pull down and slightly away from

    your body to straighten out your right arm. Slowly lower your left ear to your shoulder to increase

    the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch.

    Seated heart opener:Sit on the floor on your heels. Place your hands flat on the floor about teninches behind you. Your fingers should be pointed away from you. Press your hands down to arch

    your back, lift your chest, and push your hips into your heels. Tilt your head back to increase the

    stretch. Hold for 30 seconds before releasing.

    The Thoracic Spine

    The thoracic spine comprises twelve vertebrae labeled T1 to T12, making up your upper back. Connected

    to each of these vertebrae is a set of ribs, all of which make up the rib cage. The rib cage protects your

    heart, lungs, and other vital organs and provides all the support and stability for your upper back.

    The tradeoff: your upper back has next to no mobility, which actually turns out to be a good thing.

    Because its not designed for motion, your upper back and thoracic spine rarely get injured. However, you

    still can experience pain in your upper back due to muscle strain or irritation, which can then lead to

    stiffness, bad posture, scoliosis, or a hunchback.

    Fortunately, there are aton of exercisesfrom pull-ups to push-upsto keep the muscles surrounding

    your thoracic spine nice and healthy, but one of the more relaxing options is deep tissue massage.

    Massages work out the kinks in your back while relaxing your state of mind and reducing your stress.

    Invest in a foam roller for some self massage or consult a massage therapist.

    The Lumbar Spine

    The lumbar spine, or lower back, consists of just five vertebraeL1 to L5. Unlike the immobile thoracic

    region, the lumbar region is all about flexibility and movement. On top of that, the lumbar spine bears all

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    of the weight of your upper body, which is why back injuries tend to center around the lower back. Most

    of the motion is in the L4-L5 joint, so that area tends to wear down faster and take the most weight.

    Lower back pain is most often caused by strain or trauma to the muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues

    in the lower back. To ease lower back pain, try applying ice or heat to the region. Ice works to reduce

    inflammation to remedy deep pain, while heat increases the supply of blood, and thus oxygen, to the back

    Blood supply is a big factor in relieving pain and speeding up recovery. Luckily, the soft tissues in your

    lower back already receive a ready flow of blood, but you can facilitate the process through:

    Regular exercise, which keeps your heart rate up to get precious blood to all parts of your body. A healthy diet, particularly one that does away with trans fats, added sugars, and simple carbs.

    You want to give your lower back a steady stream of energy, and the best way to do that is by

    consuming complex carbsfruits, veggies, whole grainsthroughout your day.

    Smoking cessation.Studies show that nicotine constricts blood vessels, inhibiting the flow ofblood throughout your body.

    If you work in an office, its probably time to evaluate your chair, too.Ergonomic office chairswill provide

    proper lumbar support to keep your back comfortable and prevent strain and injury down the road.

    Check outOSHAs workstation checklistto create an ergonomic workspace and see what difference it

    makes in your mood, productivity, and comfort throughout the week.

    The Sacral Region

    The sacral region sits just below the lumbar spine and is actually presented as one large bone structure

    comprised of five fused vertebrae. The sacrum is shaped like a triangle and acts as the attachment point

    for your pelvis, thus connecting your upper and lower halves.

    The most common condition in this region is sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which causes pain on one side

    of the lower back that radiates down the leg, sometimes all the way down to the ankle or foot. Women are

    more susceptible to this condition because they have wider, shorter sacral regions. No one is quite sure of

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    the cause, but the pain likely comes from either too much movement or not enough movement in the

    sacroiliac joint.

    The best stretch for the region is simply called thesacrum stretch.To perform this stretch:

    Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart then slowly position yourself into a low squat. Weave your arms between your legs such that your elbows are under your knees. Grab your ankles from behind. The back of your thighs should be resting on your upper arms and


    Drop your hips, tuck in your tailbone, and bring your chin to your chest. Hold for 30 seconds and release.

    Stretching your sacral region will prevent injury to the area and reduce tension in your legs and lower


    The Coccyx

    The coccyx, or tailbone, is a vestige from our primal prehistoric ancestors. The coccyx is the last bit of

    spine and is composed of four fused vertebrae. We dont need tails for balance or hanging from trees, but

    our tailbones still play an important role, as an attachment point for a variety of ligaments, muscles, and

    tendons and acting as a support for when you sit down.

    Coccyx pain, or coccydynia, often comes from falling on your tailbone, childbirth, pregnancy, or obesity

    the tailbone takes your bodys weight when you sit down, so too much weight puts a lot of pressure on

    your little tailbone. Its even worse for women. A womans coccyx is rotated and points backward.

    The good news is that most coccyx pain isnt serious and should go away on its ownthough you should

    consult a doctor if your tailbone suffered severe physical trauma. The bad news is that sitting with

    coccydynia is, well, unpleasant. Along with ergonomic furniture, you may want to purchase a doughnut

    cushion to sit on. Doughnut cushions have a hole cut into its center to take pressure off the tailbone when

    sitting down.

    You should also drink a lot of water and eat foods high in fiber for your visits to the bathroom. The last

    thing you want to do when you have coccyx pain is strain yourself on the toilet.

    The Spinal Cord and Nerve Roots

    The spinal cord is a long, thin bundle of nerves and cells that extends from the brain and through the

    cervical and thoracic spine. At the bottom of the thoracic spine, the spinal cord splits into a series of nerve

    roots. This series of nerves is what connects your brain to the rest of your body, allowing you to breathe,

    kick a ball, type at your computer, and the other things you do.

    Nerve pain along the spine manifests in various ways, but the two main causes are a pinched nerve and

    disc pain. With a pinched nerve, the fluid leaking out of your spinal discs pinches a nerve, which causes

    pain in other parts of the body. For example, a pinched nerve in the lower back may cause pain in your

    leg. With a degenerated disc, the disc itself causes pain.

    Taking care of your spinal cord and its nerve roots is as easy as taking care of your entire nervous system

    Eat foods with plenty of vitamin D and vitamin B12 along with healthy fats. These are essential for a

    healthy myelin sheath, which acts as the conduit for all the signals and synapses your brain sends your

    body. Make sure you exercise your nervous system as well. Writing is particularly helpful as it requires

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    the use of major motor and sensory pathways. Try to spend 15 minutes per day writing on paper as

    neatly as possible.

    Back Muscles

    The spine itself is just part of the equation. All throughout the back are a series of complex muscle groupsthat support the spine, hold you upright, and give you the ability to twist and turn and move all around.

    The three types of muscles around the spine:

    Extensor muscles: Attached to the back of the spine and allow you to stand and lift objects. Flexor muscles: Attached to the front of the spine and allow for bending forward, lifting, flexing,

    and arching your back.

    Oblique muscles: These are located along the spines sidesand allow for proper posture andtrunk rotation.

    Pain in your muscles comes from various sources. Stress is a big one as it causes your muscles to tighten

    up. Try to find a constructive way to reduce your stress, from breathing exercises and meditation to

    learning a musical instrument.

    Tight hamstrings also contribute to back muscle aches. Your hamstrings are the large muscles on the

    backs of your thighs. Research suggests that tight hamstrings limit the motion of your pelvis, which gets

    transferred to the sacral region and the lumbar spine, increasing stress on your lower back muscles.

    Stretch out your hamstrings and avoid wearing high heels.

    Your spine plays a key role in your bodys overall health, wellness, and comfort. It will stay strong as long

    as you take care of it. Do your best to lead a spine-conscious lifestyle with a good diet, regular exercise,and ergonomic positioning at home and work. Consult a specialist immediately for any serious issues.

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    - pg 192 Skull and Spine byperpetualplumis licensed underCC BY 2.0- Herman Miller Aeronfromhttp://www.thebackstore.com- Life and health; a text-book on physiology for high schools, academies and normal schools

    (c1910)byCircaSassyis licensed under CC BY 2.0


    - http://www.cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury/scifacts.html- http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/cervical-spine-anatomy-and-neck-pain- http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/lifestyle/health/x915434910/Amy-Senese-PT-DPT-Tips-


    - http://www.fitsugar.com/Stretches-Sore-Neck-Pictures-8692689?slide=1&image_nid=8702746- http://www.menshealth.co.uk/building-muscle/get-big/5-exercises-for-a-strong-upper-back- https://www.panadol.co.uk/Back-and-Neck/Articles/Articles/Repetitive-Strain-on-the-


    - http://saveyourself.ca/articles/spot-11-erector-spinae-upper.php- http://www.webmd.com/back-pain/living-with-low-back-pain-11/back-pain-at-home- http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002119.htm- http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/sacrum-sacral-region- http://www.livestrong.com/article/340339-the-best-back-stretches-for-the-sacral-area/- http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/hipandgroininjuries/a/tailbone-pain.htm- http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/spinal-cord-and-spinal-nerve-roots- http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/herniated-disc/whats-a-herniated-disc-pinched-nerve-


    - http://drbenkim.com/nervous-system-healthy.html-

    http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/back-muscles-and-low-back-pain- http://www.spine-health.com/video/spine-anatomy-interactive-video- http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/spinal-anatomy-and-back-pain
