spelling & vocabulary complement

HEXCO ACADEMIC Educational Tools for the Serious Student This work complements the UIL word list for high school students and is in alphabetic order so that it serves as a timesaving dictionary and provides a researched sentence illustrating usage for each word. Our pronunciations follow those found in the American Heritage Dictionary with up to four pronunciations shown for a word. Also included for each word are the part(s) of speech, definition, and a carefully written sentence with context clues illustrating the word in use. If alternate spellings are indicated, they are listed along with first spelling. Capitalization is listed adjacent to the word in parentheses. Our unique pronunciation scheme is very similar to that now used by many major dictionaries and newspapers to provide a simple, "keyless" scheme for difficult words. Our scheme recognizes only the 14 primary vowel sounds below: (only a few should require your referencing our key at the bottom of each page). ii=sign eh=care uh=ago ay=wade ah=calm aw=paw a=cap oh=home oo=too ow=how i=hit ee=heat u=put e=pet Syllables are separated by periods. Those with primary emphasis are capitalized; those not emphasized are in lower case. Secondary emphasis is not indicated. Our simple system has been in use since 1983 by spellers, first in The National Spelling Bee, and a short time later by those in UIL competitions. This pronunciation scheme also forms the basis of our unique Internet-based applications. A special circular symbol precedes words selected for vocabulary study in the UIL Word Power booklet, and the etymology is included for each of these words. Simple abbreviations have been used to compact this data, such as L = Latin, Gk = Greek, Fr = French, G = German, E = English, I = Italian and others. Used in combination with these language indicators are the following: O = Old, M = Middle, L = Late, V = Vulgar, H = High, and No = North. Connecting words abbreviated are - fr = from, prob = probably, dim = diminutive, alter = alteration, and orig = origin. These should all become self-evident. SPELLING & VOCABULARY COMPLEMENT Year: 2016-2017 Grade Level: 9 th - 12 th UIL SPELLING & VOCAB COMPLEMENT for 9 th & 12 th Grade

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Educational Tools for the Serious Student

This work complements the UIL word list for high school students and is in alphabetic order so that it serves as a timesaving dictionary and provides a researched sentence illustrating usage for each word. Our pronunciations follow those found in the American Heritage Dictionary with up to four pronunciations shown for a word. Also included for each word are the part(s) of speech, definition, and a carefully written sentence with context clues illustrating the word in use. If alternate spellings are indicated, they are listed along with first spelling. Capitalization is listed adjacent to the word in parentheses. Our unique pronunciation scheme is very similar to that now used by many major dictionaries and newspapers to provide a simple, "keyless" scheme for difficult words. Our scheme recognizes only the 14 primary vowel sounds below: (only a few should require your referencing our key at the bottom of each page). ii=sign eh=care uh=ago ay=wade ah=calm aw=paw a=cap oh=home oo=too ow=how i=hit ee=heat u=put e=pet Syllables are separated by periods. Those with primary emphasis are capitalized; those not emphasized are in lower case. Secondary emphasis is not indicated. Our simple system has been in use since 1983 by spellers, first in The National Spelling Bee, and a short time later by those in UIL competitions. This pronunciation scheme also forms the basis of our unique Internet-based applications. A special circular symbol • precedes words selected for vocabulary study in the UIL Word Power booklet, and the etymology is included for each of these words. Simple abbreviations have been used to compact this data, such as L = Latin, Gk = Greek, Fr = French, G = German, E = English, I = Italian and others. Used in combination with these language indicators are the following: O = Old, M = Middle, L = Late, V = Vulgar, H = High, and No = North. Connecting words abbreviated are - fr = from, prob = probably, dim = diminutive, alter = alteration, and orig = origin. These should all become self-evident.

SPELLING & VOCABULARY COMPLEMENT™ Year: 2016-2017 Grade Level: 9th - 12th



HEXCO ACADEMIC Educational Tools for the Serious Student

PO Box 199 • Hunt, TX 78024 • 1.800.391.2891 • www,hexco,com

Congratulations! We salute you!

You have elected to provide your spellers with much more than just the correct spelling of the words for their contest. This compilation provides dictionary information that will greatly extend students' vocabularies as they hone their spelling skills and extend their spelling foundation. The UIL Spelling Contest is an excellent means of starting early to prepare your students for the verbal portion of the all-important SAT and ACT. We encourage you to consider our other spelling products.

Spelling eMentor is our Internet based application that helps students learn all the words in the annual study list. It is in the same order as the Complement in Difficulty Sequence and has all the same information for each word.

UIL Vocab eMentor and UIL Vocab Tests center on the vocabulary selections and quiz students in multiple-choice format from our Internet based application.

Spelling Practice Packets each contain six tests in the same format as invitational tests with proofreading, multiple-choice vocabulary, spelling test, and tiebreaker sections.

U-Notes with 11,500 words from 2000-2014 Word Power booklets and previously used tests is designed for those studying beyond the annual list for the "other" 20% of the words.

We annually give our products to the UIL Contest Directors, and we work to stay apprised of changes in this contest that will affect you and your students.

We appreciate your comments, criticisms, ideas and suggestions ... This is how we improve our products to serve your needs better!

Disclaimer: While extensive editing has been done on this work, we cannot warrant the

product to be completely free of misspellings. Request: Please send us notice of any mistakes found in this work.

We want to keep improving our products.

UIL COMPLEMENTS © 2016 HEXCO, INC. All rights reserved.



UIL Spelling Complement – Alphabetic 2016-2017 UIL Word Power ©2016 HEXCO ACADEMIC – www.hexco.com

Phonetic key: ii=sign eh=care uh=ago ay=wade ah=calm aw=paw a=cap oh=home oo=too ow=how ee=heat e=pet i=hit u=put 21

• depiction n <di.PIK.shuhn>

/ representation The artist's --- of the circus was very true to life and bright with vivid colors. Ety: LL fr L - depingo/-ere/-nxi/-pictus (decorate/depict/portray)

depoliticize v <dee.puh.LIT.i.siiz>

/ remove from influence or involvement with government As long as judges are elected, it will be difficult to --- their office and their decisions entirely.

depositary n <di.PAHZ.i.tehr.ee>

/ one who receives an item for safekeeping; place where a thing is put for safety Being a good listener and having an empathetic nature, Amelia served as a --- for others' problems.

• derangement n <di.RAYNJ.muhnt>

/ state of being confused, disordered The youth's mental --- was exhibited in his disordered responses to the psychiatrist's questions. Ety: Fr fr OFr - desrengier (get out of place/disarrange) fr L - de (from/away) + MFr - reng/renc (row)

derisive adj <di.RII.siv>

or <di.RII.ziv> <di.RIS.iv> <di.RIZ.iv> / expressing scorn, characterized by ridicule The politician's empty promises were met with --- jeers from a crowd that ridiculed his entire platform.

desacralize v <dee.SAY.kruh.liiz>

or <dee.SAK.ruh.liiz> / strip any sacred or religious meaning Caroline angrily watched the little brat --- the holy water into a common liquid by filling his water gun.

desertification n <di.zuhr.tuh.fi.KAY.shuhn>

/ process in which land becomes dry and uninhabitable Areas adjoining the Sahara had slowing been going through a process of --- as global warming was occurring.

desolation n <des.uh.LAY.shuhn>

or <dez.uh.LAY.shuhn> / devastation, loneliness After her dog died, Amanda suffered a dreadful sense of ---, and she missed his presence terribly.

desuetude n <DES.wi.tood>

or <DES.wi.tyood> / disuse, state of abandonment The practice of bloodletting fell into --- when better medical procedures were developed.

detinue n <DET.uhn.oo>

or <DET.uhn.yoo> / unlawful withholding of personal property from another The landlord was warned that --- is illegal after keeping his tenant's property after the rent was paid.

detonator n <DET.uhn.ay.tuhr>

/ device which sets off an explosive When the --- failed, the soldiers tried to ignite the dynamite by hand.

detumescence n <dee.too.MES.uhns>

or <dee.tyoo.MES.uhns> / reduction of swelling, deflation After a week, the --- of Amanda's insect bite reduced it from a red goose egg to a small bump.

devitrification n <dee.vit.ruh.fi.KAY.shuhn>

/ process of changing from glassy matter into opaque crystalline form Very old glassy rocks are rare since --- over millions of years causes them to change to crystalline solids.

dharma n <DAHR.muh>

or <DUHR.muh> / Buddhist or Hindu teachings that order universe; individual obligation to laws The humble Buddhist monk had faith that --- would keep the world in order despite man's foolishness and pride. / Hom: derma

diablerie n <dee.AH.bluh.ree>

<dee.AB.luh.ree> / actions of or dealings with the devil Many innocent people were once punished for allegedly practicing witchcraft and --- in Salem, Massachusetts.

• dialysis n <dii.AL.i.sis>

/ separation of substances from solution by diffusion Due to the total failure of both his kidneys, Barry would have to go to the hospital for regular --- . Ety: Gk - dialysis (separating) fr dialyein (dissolve) fr dia (thru/throughout) + lyein (loosen)

diarchy, dyarchy n <DII.ahr.kee>

/ government by two rulers First established in India, a --- enabled a British official to share governing power with a native minister.

dichotomy n <dii.KAHT.uh.mee>

/ division into two parts or pieces A --- existed between the senator's verbal opinions and his voting record, because the two didn't match.

didactics n <dii.DAK.tiks>

/ teachings, instruction using a systematic approach The elderly instructor had honed her skill to a fine edge, and her teaching methods were better termed --- .

didymous adj <DID.uh.muhs>

/ twin; twofold Plants of the genus Phloga have ---, or twinned, anthers and ovate leaflets

digitize v <DIJ.i.tiiz>

/ format using numerals In order to view the photograph on his computer monitor, Jon chose to --- it.

diphyodont adj <dii.FII.uh.dahnt>

/ characterized by having deciduous and then permanent teeth Being a --- mammal, man first has a set of baby teeth and then a set of permanent ones.

directorate n <di.REK.tuh.rit>

or <dii.REK.tuh.rit> / board that makes decisions for a corporation; office of a key supervisor The --- centered their efforts on cost cutting and expanding their markets to turn the corporation around.

©2016 HEXCO ACADEMIC • PO Box 199 • Hunt, TX 78024 • 800-391-2891 • Do not copy, scan, post to web, or share electronically.