speech from les hinton, dow jones ceo, to world association of newspapers conference

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  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    FINAL Hinton WAN Hyderabad

    1 Dec. 2009

    Thank you.

    I was invited here to talk about the value of journalism. About how

    we at News Corp and Dow Jones have worked to create a debate

    about the future of journalism in the digital world.

    We have deployed some lavish language to stir things up.

    We have called Google a digital vampire, and a parasite.

    We have pointed the finger at the content kleptomaniacs of the

    internet whose business models depend on purloining the

    expensive journalism of mainstream media.

    But now a little context. I use Google just as most of do. What it

    does to enhance and enrich our lives makes it a true wonder of

    the age.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    It is true that Google is at the heart of the crisis confronting

    journalism today. That their almost incalculable and growing -

    power warrants great vigilance.

    But the main, and most uncomfortable, truth is that this industry is

    the principal architect of its greatest difficulty today.

    We are all allowing our journalism billions of dollars worth of it

    every year to leak onto the internet. We are surrendering our

    hard-earned rights to the search engines, and aggregators, and

    the out-and-out thieves of the digital age.

    It is time to pause and recognize this Free Costs Too Much.

    News is a business, and we should not be ashamed to say so. Its

    also a tougher business today than ever before. We have

    survived other perceived threats - radio, television, cable TV.

    But this time it is different.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    How can it be that the Internet offered so much promise and so

    little profit? I guess a lot of newspaper people were taken in by

    the game-changing gospel of the internet age. It was a new

    dawn, we were told. A new epoch, a new paradigm. And we just

    didnt get it.

    Like an over-eager middle-aged dad, desperate to look cool, we

    ended up dancing obediently to other peoples tunes. For a while.

    You can almost hear the music an algorithm and blues

    soundtrack accompanying the harbingers of the new economy

    with the new rules of the new age. Their rules.

    These digital visionaries tell people like me that we just dont

    understand them. They talk about the wonders of the

    interconnected world, about the democratization of journalism.

    The news, they say, is viral now that we should be grateful.

    Well, I think all of us need to beware of geeks bearing gifts.

    Here we are in 2009 more viral, less profitable.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    The blogosphere has an explanation, if not a justification, for

    whats transpired. The world has changed utterly, they type. The

    mainstream media doesnt understand it. Its the inevitability of the


    Or as Jeff Jarvis, one of the leading proponents of the

    information-must-be-free imperative puts it: The content economy

    is over.

    Is it really?

    Its been barely a decade since the Internet bubble burst on the

    information highway to the digital future. Ten years ago, it was

    taken for granted that Web sites supported by advertising were

    the future. Build it, and they will come. Eyeballs and advertisers.

    Clicks and cash.

    We have learned a lot since then. Today, there is one thing we

    must agree about the content economy the content economy

    that they tell us is over. That is, the one thing free news sites have


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    in common with online newspapers the one thing free news

    sites have in common with online newspapers virtually none is

    making any money.

    They are in good company. Even Google is struggling make

    money with free content on the Web its own content, that is.

    YouTube probably defined viral on the Web more than any other

    site. It lets anyone upload any video they like for free. Millions did

    and do. It is a wonder of online traffic, which is why Google paid

    $1.65 billion to acquire YouTube just three years ago.

    Now Google needs to make a profit on this acquisition. How do

    you make money on YouTube? It is supposed to come from

    advertising. But as it turns out, not enough companies wanted to

    put their advertising alongside home videos of pet dogs having

    baths, or kids doing karaoke in their bedrooms. So YouTube

    Google is resorting to paying millions for quality, professional

    content in an effort to lure the advertisers they need.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    That makes one wonder just how long it will be before YouTube

    asks its viewers to start paying up.

    Free costs too much.

    Even advertisers, who once cared above all about clicks and

    page impressions, are starting to become more discriminating.

    More and more, they want to reach quality audiences to burnish

    the image of their brands.

    A few months ago a study called "The Silent Click" by Comscore

    and the Online Publishers Association (OPA) reinforced the

    reluctance of brand marketers to rely on click based metrics. It

    found that eighty percent of display ad clicks came from only

    sixteen percent of internet users.

    Furthermore, these obsessive clickers are predominantly younger

    and lower paid than most web users.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    Two weeks ago the Internet Advertising Bureau and Bain &

    Company released a study called "Building Brands Online."

    This report highlights the disconnect between what brand

    marketers are now asking for in terms of quality measurement on

    the Web -- brand awareness, purchase intent, favorability --

    versus what online publishers have traditionally been providing

    them -- click-thrus, unique visitors, ad impressions.

    So, ironically, what they now want is more of the 'old media'

    metrics they are used to getting from print and television.

    In other words, they are looking for intelligent, quality journalism.

    Obviously this is all great for the Wall Street Journal Digital

    Network. It supports what we have been saying all along; that

    audiences exposed to display advertising on high-quality content

    sites are more engaged, more favorable towards a brand, and are

    more likely to spend.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    We are seeing evidence of this every day. For instance, our

    homepage buyouts on WSJ.com have sold out for the last two


    We can take heart that high-quality content can break out from

    the pack and earn the highest online advertising rates.

    This is encouraging, but we know that advertising will never be

    enough. We need the primary customer to pay as well. Leaving

    the fate of our business in large degree to the cyclical economics

    of advertising is too dangerous.

    In the digital world, constant innovation, product development and

    investment is needed to keep pace with the competition and serve

    our loyal customers.

    Its not as if theres no precedent for charging for content online.

    In the U.S., online content from Major League Baseball and

    Consumer Reports have attracted large paying audiences.

    Quality journalism is for sale too.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    The Dow Joness flagship - The Wall Street Journal -- has up to

    now - been the one major U.S. newspaper charging for content


    At the same time it has been the one major newspaper that has

    been able to grow circulation and circulation revenue.

    The Journal this year became the top-selling selling

    newspaper in the United States. And it did it by selling more

    subscriptions in print and online. It did it while garnering more

    individual subscriptions. It did it while charging more for those


    If you are not finding new readers willing to pay, maybe it should

    come as no surprise. Newspapers available for free on the Web

    surely are making consumers an offer they cant refuse.

    Now if you believe the bloggers, that is what newspapers should

    do. They should price their content at zero because the content


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    isnt whats valued. The theory is its the links to the content that

    give value, and the advertising they bring.


    But who will buy all this advertising? Who is going to underwrite

    the cost of this content?

    Lets not forget the basic economics: The rates on our ad cards

    increase when there is less competition, not more.

    There is something else fundamental at work here.

    Implicit in the false gospel of the Web is the faith that free is

    superior. And those who dare think otherwise are heretics and


    Charging for online news, they say, is unfair. By asking us to pay,

    newspapers are depriving readers of something they need and

    should have. Deserve, even.

    But neither the newsstand nor the Web is a lending library. Even

    Google has conceded it cant just reprint every book without due


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    consideration to publishers and copyright owners. Why should

    journalism be different?

    The book business hasnt surrendered its copyrights. The music

    business may have struggled for a time with the issue, but it

    hasnt surrendered either. Neither has television or movies. Why

    should we?

    Lets face facts. A business model that assumes we cant charge

    for the content we produce assumes that our content has no

    value in the online market. In pure economic terms, such a

    business model has to mean one of two things: Either there is no

    demand for the content or there are substitute supplies of that

    content sufficient to drive the price almost to zero.

    I dont believe it. And I doubt you do either.

    It seems rather nave then stupid, even - that so many

    newspapers would be so self-deprecating. That is the logical


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    conclusion, after all, if we place zero value on the content the

    news which is our product.

    Newspapers, particularly in the United States, have historically

    undersold themselves to their readers. Much as the blogosphere

    advocates today, newspapers in the 20th Century sacrificed

    circulation revenue for circulation volume in a quest for higher-

    margin advertising revenue.

    Cant say it didnt work for a time. But look where its left us

    At the Journal, we put elements of our publication outside the

    paid wall as a way to attract traffic and potential subscribers. The

    compelling proposition, however, is that the content that

    differentiates the Journal isnt free. You want the Journals global

    scope, you want news, you want analysis and commentary print

    or online you pay.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    The Journal has more than 2 million paying subscribers and

    among them, more than a million who pay to take the newspaper


    Why is it that paying for content in 2009 strikes some as such an

    outrageous proposition?

    Many of us here today are old enough to remember when

    television was free. Well, it isnt any more.

    Just check your cable and satellite bills.

    Even radio omnipresent and forever free, right? In the U.S.,

    nearly 20 million subscribers pay for radio from Sirius, the satellite

    radio operation. HBO built a name and a business entirely by

    persuading people to pay extra for content on television. SKY,

    Star millions of consumers are willing to pay for content they

    want and value.

    There are other examples from the Journal. The Journal now

    charges for news via online devices like I-Phone and Blackberry


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    and the emerging e-readers like Amazons Kindle. Already we can

    see that these new platforms will deliver millions in revenue.

    For Dow Jones charging for content is a vertical proposition that

    assimilates the disparate needs of disparate audiences.

    Our news has several lives and several levels of value. A

    companys earnings report is instantaneously rendered as news

    by Dow Jones Newswires.

    In a fraction of a blink of an eye, its first iteration is transmitted as

    algorithmic code to be recognized by Wall Street computers

    programmed to interpret and perhaps act.

    That same headline goes at the same time to trading desks for

    subtler analysis. For this content, the price is handsome.

    Next, the news is on The Wall Street Journal Web site. A reader

    pays up to $149 a year for that. Or maybe he will take it instead

    via I-Phone or Blackberry; that costs $100 a year. A reader using

    an e-reader pays $180 a year for the news. And in tomorrows


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    print edition, the price the value, if you will is $350 a year. In

    archival form in Factiva, more value will be delivered for years to


    At the same time as we navigate our way into the digital future,

    everyone here knows that the newspaper business must

    rationalize the lingering inefficiencies which inhibit our industry.

    Chief among those is the excess printing capacity which weighs

    us down. Behind the journalism, newspapers are of course huge

    manufacturing and distribution operations. So many of our plants

    sit idle much of the day or worse, much of the night. The ROI on

    idle, the return on our investment, costs too much.

    The Journal is reducing its cost base significantly by tapping that

    excess capacity. Contracting with printers in locations around the

    U.S., we not only reduce the cost of production, we cut the cost of



  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    Our production team also is on the other side of the

    rationalization equation. Our own excess capacity was put to work

    to print another newspaper. In this case, someone elses

    efficiency is our revenue.

    Not so long ago in America at least this kind of co-

    dependence was unheard of. Newspaper companies were self-

    contained, relying entirely on their own staff and their own


    Today newspapers are sharing delivery trucks. Outsourcing

    customer service operations. Consolidating regional news

    functions. These trends will accelerate and they should.

    Watch for the Internet to be yet another inflection point in this

    regard. There is no reason why newspapers should build unique

    content- and payment-management systems on the Web.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    Might as well build more printing plants

    The lesson we should take from the Internet revolution isnt that

    free is final. Its not that trust and authority are unwelcome.

    The lesson is that new efficiencies are possible. It is possible to

    re-conceive our business in a less costly context. It is possible to

    sell differentiated content to familiar audiences and extended


    What makes sense for newspapers is to consolidate Web

    commerce functions. As a pioneer in online news payments,

    Dow Jones already has such a platform. When we rebuilt it

    recently, we added the capability to allow other newspapers to

    share our expertise.

    Unique content wins unique users; unique facilities dont.

    I dont know when newspapers will no longer be characterized by

    the paper on which they are printed. I do know most of us in this

    room charge for content on paper and still collect a tidy sum in the


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    process. Most of us still collect enough to continue to produce

    quality news and still produce a profit.

    Eric Schmidt, Google chief executive, said recently about the

    debate on free versus paid:

    As long as youre on the side of the consumer, youre pretty much

    on the right side of all these debates.

    No doubt he is right. The consumer will determine the business.

    Consumers will seek the valuable over the vapid because they

    always do.

    They subscribe to HBO and SKY when broadcast television and,

    indeed, YouTube, is free. They will continue subscribing to

    newspapers if the newspapers provide the value they seek.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    Barney Kilgore, the inestimable former editor of the Journal and

    CEO of Dow Jones, said something we ought to remember in

    this time of transition.

    The man who would create the first national newspaper in the

    U.S. and redefine journalism in the process said a long time


    The fish market wraps fish in paper. We wrap news in paper. The

    content is what counts, not the wrapper.

    We can only wonder how things might have been different today

    had other newspapers done as the Journal did in 1996 and set a

    fair price for content online. We can only wonder what we would

    be talking about here today had newspapers recognized the

    import a decade ago of the bursting of the Internet bubble.


  • 8/14/2019 Speech from Les Hinton, Dow Jones CEO, to World Association of Newspapers conference


    There isnt enough advertising to support every online aspiration.

    Now we must regret the stories not covered because we didnt

    demand what we truly were due.

    And yet this remains an age of great promise for what we do.

    Only a few hours ago in Washington DC, Rupert Murdoch, the

    chief executive of News Corporation and my boss, told the U.S.

    Federal Trade Commission:

    We now have the means to reach billions of people who until

    now have had no honest or independent sources of the

    information they need to rise in society, hold their governments

    accountable, and pursue their needs and dreams.

    The future of journalism belongs to the bold, and the

    companies that prosper will be those that find new and better

    ways to meet the needs of their viewers, listeners, and readers.

    And they should fail, just as a restaurant that offers meals no one


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    wants to eat or a car-maker who makes cars no one wants to buy

    should fail.

    And he went on:

    In the future good journalism will depend on the ability of a news

    organization to attract customers by providing news and

    information they are willing to pay for.

    Free costs too much. Good content is valuable. That hasnt

    changed. It never will. The question is who will provide the

    content and who will be compensated fairly for the value


    Thank you.
