speech by haimdat sawh at simssdc graduating class of 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Speech by Haimdat Sawh at SIMSSDC Graduating Class of 2013


    Speech byHaimdat Sawhon behalf of the Teachers of theSurinamese Institute of

    Management Studies/Sojourner Douglas Collegebefore the 2013 Graduating Class at

    theRoyal Toraricaon June 13th.

    HonorableDr. Gregory Rusland, Chairman of the Board of the Surinamese Institute of

    Management Services/Sojourner Douglas College (SIMS/SDC), other distinguishedmembers of the Board,Dr. Charles Simmons, President of Sojourner Douglass

    College (SDC), Madame ChairDr. Sophia Rolle, other distinguished members of

    SDC from Maryland and the Bahamas, Advisor to the Minister of Education,

    Distinguished Guests, Staff, Instructors, Students, Graduating Class, Ladies and


    I am honored today to speak on behalf of the teachers of SIMS/SDC to the

    2nd Graduating class of the SIMS/SDC. I would first to like to congratulate the

    graduatesEunike Misiekaba, Monique Sowidjojo, Dayen Perk,Rachidi Sanches,

    Stephanie Tsie A Foeng, Jean Olfers and Dominique Tjon A Sam for on completingthe coursework the Bachelors of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management

    with an emphasis on Ecotourism.

    Dr. Gregory Ruslandchartered a new course in education when he started the

    Surinamese Institute of Management Services in 2007 with his progressive vision for

    higher education in Surinamese Tourism. Dr. Gregory Rusland andDennis

    Ruslandhave both done a remarkable job of molding this vision into a dynamic

    organization. Ladies and Gentlemen I am also happy to say that we are honored that

    Sojourner Douglass College has accepted us into their fold. We appreciate the faith

    and confidence they continue to show our faculty and students with their acceptance

    of our program and our facilities.

    I am also happy to say that that our staff, administrative and instructors are doing a

    wonderful job with the student body. The healthy relationship that Sojourner

    Douglass has with SIMS bodes well for the future and the fruits of this relationship

    are manifested here tonight with the 2nd Graduating class of SIMS/SDC.

    Ladies and Gentlemen today is a time for celebrations, celebrating our graduates who

    have reached an important milestone in their lives. Today is a time for jubilations,

    exulting in the fact that you have finished college and you are going into a newchapter in your life.

    Today is also a time for appreciation

    A time to be grateful

  • 7/28/2019 Speech by Haimdat Sawh at SIMSSDC Graduating Class of 2013


    To be grateful to your parents,

    To be grateful to your teachers,

    To be grateful to our society,

    To be a grateful and compassionate people.

    Graduates you sat in different classes with different teachers and subjects. You have

    been tested. You have done your all your reports and projects. You have turned in all

    your exams and as a result you deserve to be here tonight. The struggle and sacrifice

    that it took to get you here, your dedication and stick-to-itiveness must be

    commended. Through the rainy and scorching weather, from day and night jobs and

    the challenge of getting to SIMS/SDC for those long evening classes, you have shown

    your commitment and character. Others have fallen by the wayside, but you stuck to

    the task at hand.

    Graduates your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be

    trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't

    let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most

    importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. It somehow already

    knows what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    I would like to share with you today a few bits of advice that I have picked up along

    the way on this journey of life:

    1. Pursue Your PassionsFigure out what you're passionate about, and then go

    find an industry, organization and job through which you can pursue your

    passions. Everything worthwhile in life is WORK, but if it puts a smile on your face,

    it doesnt feel like work. Currently, tourism is the major industry in the

    Caribbean. Suriname is developing a unique segment of the Caribbean Tourism

    MarketEcology and Heritage tourism and SIMS/SDC is at the forefront of this

    industry offering a degree in Hospitality Management. SIMS/SDC has prepared you

    for a bright future in the Hospitality industry. Graduates you have been preparing for

    a few years and now and so continue to grasp the opportunities that lie before you and

    pursue the kind of job and the life that you are passionate about.

    2. Value every minuteAn old English expression is that "time flies." I and Im

    sure many here can attest that time does fly, in a few moments this ceremony will be

    over. So let us live in the moment, value the time you have and cherish each and

    every minute. Michael Jordon of the Chicago Bulls lived in the moments when he

    played and look what he accomplished, six championship rings and six Finals MVP

  • 7/28/2019 Speech by Haimdat Sawh at SIMSSDC Graduating Class of 2013


    awards, five regular season MVP awards, 33-point career playoff average, and ten

    scoring titles. We need to stop saying today will be a lousy day or that time-

    sucks. We need to learn to be aware of time and what we do to fill our day and to

    do it carefully. Bottom line is, use the time you have wisely and definitely spend

    time with people who are important to you. Albert Einstein said that Put your hand

    on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for anhour, and it seems like a minute. Fill your moments with things that you enjoy


    3. Be afraid, but take risks anywayA ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what

    ships are for. Life is full of challenges, finding work can be difficult, finding and

    holding onto love is fraught with challenges, even crossing the street downtown can

    be crazy scary. However, if we can face the fear and still have the courage to take the

    risks, then the rewards can be worth it. So graduates start a tourism business, talk to

    that special person and tell them how you feel, take a stand for what you believe is

    right thing to do. As Virgil says, Fortune sides with him who dares.

    4. Work on your listening skillsThis is an area that I continue to struggle

    with. While someone is speaking I am already thinking about what I will say next

    without listening properly to what they are saying. In the hospitality industry you

    need to listen to what the customer is saying. Tourism for the last few years here is on

    a steady increase and if we want to keep it that way we have to provide good customer

    service and get those repeat customers. One of the best ways to do this is to start

    listening to those customers, pay attention to the details, to what they are

    saying. Further listen attentively to your friends, your family, your partner, your

    colleagues, listen to the person in front of you, and give them the respect they deserve.

    5. ReadWhile I was in the US I read 3 to 4 books a week on average. Since

    coming to Suriname one and a half years ago I think Ive read 3 or 4 books total. We

    need more bookstores here where we can sit and read and let our minds have fun,

    maybe enjoy a good cappuccino. The few books I have read have improved my

    quality of life. Basically whatever your preference, know that when you're reading,

    you're learning, and learning is always a good thing. You had to read to get where

    you are today so please continue to read and explore.

    6. WriteI wish I had kept up with my writing after college. Now I am writing

    again, putting down my thoughts and ideas into blogs, news websites, for work

    etc. Please keep up with your writing, after doing your thesis you should know that

    you can write. Practice writing on blogs, emails, letters, projects, whatever, it can

    only sharpen your mind and your thoughts.

  • 7/28/2019 Speech by Haimdat Sawh at SIMSSDC Graduating Class of 2013


    7. Get mentorsLife can be much more tolerable if we have mentors, wise people,

    to help us along the way. I have been fortunate to have a few of these individuals who

    have helps me in work, family life, academics, and I am grateful to them. My wife is

    such a person! Before making momentous decisions, do your homework and also

    consult people in that area and people who can give you good advice, that you, as they

    say can take to the bank.

    8. Dont worry, be happy! There are many things in your life that you have no

    control over. However, what you can control is how you treat other people, how you

    treat yourself, and how you treat the planet. Treat people the way you would like to

    be treated. As a wise man a long time ago said, Love your neighbors as yourself. If

    we do this we will be fulfilled and happy.

    Graduates your teachers Mr. Sijlbing, Mr. Drepaul, Mrs. Pool, Mrs. Taylor, Mr.

    Panday, Mr. D. Rusland, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Nelom, Mrs. Gersie, Mr. Vrind, Mr. John,

    Mrs. Djokarto, Mrs. Tjin A Lim, Mrs.Sawh and I have over these four years spenthours interacting with you and please let me assure you that we learnt just as much

    from you. A few weeks ago sitting as a panelist listening to you share your thesis in

    front of your teachers, parents and peers I was struck by the quality of your work and

    the fluency of your presentations and let me hasten to add, all of this in another

    language, English! With SIMS/SDC graduating students of your considerable talents

    and caliber Suriname has a most promising future.

    Dr. Gregory Rusland, Dr. Charles Simmons, Madame Chair, Distinguished guests,

    Ladies and Gentlemen on behalf of the class of 2013, I want to congratulate you

    Graduates once again on your significant achievement and milestone! I will close

    with the immortal words of Sir Winston Churchill in his speech to the Harrow School

    in 1941, Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, neverin nothing, great

    or small, large or pettynever give in, except to convictions of honor and good


    Graduates, march forward boldly and confidently! Thank you and God bless you all.

    Dr. Gregory Rusland, Surinamese Institute of Management Services, SIMS, Sojourner Douglas College,

    SDC, SIMS/SDC, Dr. Charles Simmons, Haimdat Sawh, Dr. Sophia Rolle, Suriname, Paramaribo, Tourism,

    Ecotourism, Heritage

    The Surinamese Institute of Management Studies/Sojourner Douglas College held their Graduation

    Ceremony at the Royal Torarica in Paramaribo, Suriname on June 13, 2013.
