special report - rise of the machines

Rise of the machines 3.118 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/17/2020 [Economic Battle Plan TM points: 87) page 1 Special Report - Rise of the Machines The Economic War continues as it relates to our 2020 election. For your briefing this week, we’re going to take a look at the machines that have the greatest impact on your economic future. For the most part, these machines are outdated and we have been sounding the warning siren about them for more than two years. They are not cutting-edge technology. They’re not rockets, or 5G, or even advanced telecom. Their architecture is actually quite dated. But they impact you even though you don’t own one. In fact, you may only touch one of these machines every four years or so. Of course, we are discussing the voting machines. For this report, we invited three guests to the Economic War Room 1. Russ Ramsland who will explain how he tried to warn the highest-level leaders about election fraud and they would not take the meeting. This despite Senate Investigators requesting DIFA get involved. 2. Col. John Mills reveals during his time in office at the NSA, the then incoming Obama administration cancelled a small program, which turned out to be ultra-critical today. 3. Josh Merritt, a white hat hacker (Jekyll) we had in our breaking reports on election fraud nearly two years ago. Josh was recently unmasked by the Washington Post. They have tried to attack him personally rather than look at the facts of what he helped uncover. In addition, at the end of this brief Kevin Freeman shares new insights regarding the potential for a class action civil court strategy that could help restore power to the citizens against the insecure voting machine companies and big tech political manipulation. CAUTION: THOSE THAT SAY ANY FURTHER INVESTIGATION OF OUR ELECTION IS UNDERMINING DEMOCRACY EITHER HAS AN AGENDA AND IS PURPOSELY HIDING SOMETHING, OR DECEIVED, OR AFRAID TO SAY WHAT THEY REALLY BELIEVE. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT TO OUR DEMOCRACY THAN ENSURING A FAIR ELECTION AND ALLOWING FREE SPEECH!

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Rise of the machines 3.118CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/17/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 87)

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Special Report - Rise of the Machines

The Economic War continues as it relates to our 2020 election. For your briefing this week, we’re going to take a look at the machines that have the greatest impact on your economic future. For the most part, these machines are outdated and we have been sounding the warning siren about them for more than two years. They are not cutting-edge technology. They’re not rockets, or 5G, or even advanced telecom. Their architecture is actually quite dated. But they impact you even though you don’t own one. In fact, you may only touch one of these machines every four years or so. Of course, we are discussing the voting machines.

For this report, we invited three guests to the Economic War Room

1. Russ Ramsland who will explain how he tried to warn the highest-level leaders about election fraud and they would not take the meeting. This despite Senate Investigators requesting DIFA get involved.

2. Col. John Mills reveals during his time in office at the NSA, the then incoming Obama administration cancelled a small program, which turned out to be ultra-critical today.

3. Josh Merritt, a white hat hacker (Jekyll) we had in our breaking reports on election fraud nearly two years ago. Josh was recently unmasked by the Washington Post. They have tried to attack him personally rather than look at the facts of what he helped uncover.

In addition, at the end of this brief Kevin Freeman shares new insights regarding the potential for a class action civil court strategy that could help restore power to the citizens against the insecure voting machine companies and big tech political manipulation.


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“For those that say any further investigation is undermining democracy. To them. Let me ask one question. Where were you in

2017, 2018, or even 2019, when the media and so many others were yelling ‘Russian collusion’ or calling for impeachment?

This was after President Trump was inaugurated. You have no moral standing to tell people to stop addressing the fraud

evidence that’s piling up almost everywhere unless you were equally diligent in demanding an end to the investigations

of President Trump.” –Kevin Freeman

Your Mission: To Ensure Election Integrity and That Every Legal Vote Counts.*

Do not fall to the politically correct media narrative that it is just time to move on for the sake of our democracy. The exact opposite is actually true, now is the time to ensure a fair and accurate election!

*Economic War Room recognizes the electors have met and at this moment, Joe Biden is presumed to be the president elect. That’s despite the fact that seven states sent competitive electors to the Congress. At the same time, it is important to recognize there are still legal challenges, election irregularities, and outright fraud being exposed daily. If overwhelming evidence of fraud were uncovered, would you want the investigative process to stop here and just place the beneficiary of that fraud at the head of our government? Or would you want to let the Constitutional process play out? The Constitution provides for a congressional check in early January just in case something’s gone wrong. It was designed that way. Patience is needed to allow the investigations to continue and the court cases lead. And the Congress must prepare to do their job and stand up for what is right!

Ep. 3-118 (OSINT) Economic War Room Open-Sourced-Intelligence Special Report. This is an Election Fraud update. This report includes highlights and conversations with key leaders that have been investigating how to maintain fair elections.

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1. The Rise of the Voting Machines designed to control your life.The call is for election integrity and to fight for liberty from those that have lost it.

• They tell you that the greatest threat to democracy comes from blindly accepting the government narrative and not searching for the truth.

• They tell you that a warning sign is when you’re not allowed to talk about things.

“There’s an old adage that says if you want to know who your master is, it’s the one you’re not allowed to criticize. Well Facebook. Twitter and YouTube are now banning any speech that criticizes the election or points out election fraud.”

• The forbidden subject is election fraud. We’re not supposed to even bring it up because it might threaten democracy. Here’s a clue. Free speech is one of the values that democracy is supposed to protect, and free speech protects democracy.

• Remember, prior to 2020, Democrat leaders, HBO, PBS and New York Times have all issued warnings the machines are vulnerable and can be hacked.

“Anyone who wants us to stop looking at electoral fraud should take some time and interview any refugee from Venezuela or Cuba or a Chinese dissident living in America. They will tell you that this is how they lost their country.” –Kevin Freeman

NOTE: We covered Election Fraud first in Episode 21. It was almost two years ago, we introduced you to a white hat hacker named Jekyll. In this case, white hat as in “the good guys wear white hats and the bad guys wear black hats.” So, Jekyll among hackers is one of the good guys. And he warned us that all voting machines could be compromised. We also introduced you to Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operations Group. Russell Ramsland has been in the news a lot lately. He’s the guy that signed the audit of the Dominion machines used in Antrim County, Michigan.

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2. NSA pulled off cyber investigation and voting machine ownership under the incoming Obama administration.

In 2009, The Obama administration surgically shut down the investigation into voting machine ownership and integrity. A former NSA official, Col. John Mills (ret) shares when everything else is being ramped up, the new Obama administration stopped looking at the one thing that ensures our freedom.

• Col. John Mills confirms that the Obama administration pulled the NSA off the Voting Machine Integrity program.

• Col. Mills was part of the standup of one of the most massive and comprehensive national cybersecurity initiatives that ran from 2007 to 2014.

• He was also was on what’s called a National Security Review with the incoming Obama administration, where he sat at the White House conducting a ‘60-day review ‘ for new administrations. The incoming administration has, as their prerogative, these reviews to define their priorities.

• Looking back there was one interesting note. It was a very surgical shutdown of this obscure look into Sequoia and Smartmatic and Venezuela.

• The National Security Agency was looking into these connections and that was surgically shut down. This information is unclassified and it has been released.

“At the time, it just seemed interesting. Why, out of the panoply and the universe of efforts going on, was there a surgical shutdown of one obscure little activity?” –Col. John Mills

Bottom line: When everything else is being ramped up, the NSA was stopped from looking at the one thing that ensures our freedom, and that’s the voting machines.

This is all about election integrity. This is not one candidate over the other. This is about the sanctity of our election activities.

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CASE STUDY- HELPING AMERICANS VOTE ACT - HAVA. (It may be more than the name implies)

We can trace Voting Machine Integrity and Election Fraud back to 2002 and The Helping Americans Vote Act. (NOTE: Always be aware of nice sounding legislation with the fine print and real objectives behind the laws.)

“HAVA was essentially the beginning of the destruction of the American voting process and the introduction of the electronic voting machines on scale.” –Col. John Mills

Connecting the dots today. What is still going on is a massive effort to control these machines and their software and their activity. HAVA’s role in 2002 was the beginning of the crash and the collapse of the American voting process. The damage accelerated when NSA was no longer allowed to look at the interference with our voting machines.

3. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Ignored Briefings - The real story behind Chris Krebs and “the most secure election in history.”

A. Chris Krebs, the Director of CISA, ignored briefings set up by Senate investigators regarding Russ Ramsland’s information.

• Chris Krebs and team could not operate a “Go to Meeting” and blew off a security briefing investigation requested by Senate Investigators. Sort of strange that these cyber experts were unable to make “Go to Meeting” work, something that all of America has already learned during COVID.

• Economic War Room® started reporting on Election Fraud and voting machine vulnerabilities two years ago. We did reports that we didn’t make public initially because Russ Ramsland was first going to take them to the government and make the government aware of these vulnerabilities.

• As requested by Senate Investigators, Russ Ramsland and ASOG were supposed to give CISA/Krebs an hour and a half briefing.

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• The meeting was scheduled in July. In the midst of COVID, the CISA team couldn’t figure out how to work a “go to meeting?”

It was scheduled for an hour and one half. Then, they only had 50 minutes. Finally, they were only willing to take an audio call for 15 minutes.

Chris Krebs wasn’t even on the call, nor were any of the people in the elections division.

It was clear they had no interest.

B. A month and a half later, the State of Texas division confirms the threat and tries to accelerate it through their own CISA ranks. It was Ignored again.

• ASOG got the attention of CISA guys at the state of Texas who were very engaged. They seriously looked into it. Also, they had other cyber people review all of ASOG’s work and recognized this is all real!

• This data was horrifying. They tried to accelerate it up through their own ranks and they got the same thing, the cold shoulder. They would also get no explanation of why they refused to look at this serious threat.

“I once had a talk with the guy who was in charge of CISA’s checking of equipment and certifying it is safe. And I made the comment about Smartmatic and he said, ‘Oh Smartmatic doesn’t matter. They don’t have any offices in the United States. They don’t count the votes in the United States and none of their code is in the United States.’ At that point I showed them the licensing agreement from Smartmatic to Dominion to use Smartmatic software. I provided them the addresses of Smartmatic, West Coast and East Coast office, and I also provided them with the press clippings for where Smartmatic counts all the votes in Los Angeles. CISA didn’t seem to be aware of any of those things.” –Russ Ramsland

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4. Washington Post attempts to personally destroy the White Hat Hacker who revealed the real voting machine vulnerabilities in the Economic War Room special report.

The Washington Post proves once again they prefer not to be a real news organization.

Josh Merritt served our country and honorably discharged. Josh is a wounded Army veteran who served honorably in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are trying to use him as a pawn to attack Sidney Powell. Instead of reporting on the information Josh uncovered, the Washington Post attempts a personal hit job on his credibility.

Josh, identified the manipulation that have since been confirmed in the 2020 election.These include:

• Timestamp mismatch areas where a server was communicating outside of the United States back into the system.

• Votes that were removed, and vote counts that were being zeroed out from various election machine companies.

• With one specific election company, his team found that their voter rosters were completely open to the Internet.

For more information go to EconomicWarRoom.com/myvote.

ALERT: In the 2020 elections, It was confirmed that voter rosters were a target. The October 30th, CISA, in a joint memo with the FBI, put out a memo that stated that they saw Iranian APT teams going after election companies for the sole purpose of getting to the voter rolls.

5. A big idea to shift power to the people and ensure fair elections. A class action civil court strategy that restores power to the people against voting machine companies and big tech political manipulation.Kevin Freeman shares a new class action legal strategy.

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Election Fraud and The Civil Rights Act? The idea is that using this legal precedent, potentially anyone who conspired in the 2020 election could be the subject of a lawsuit. It could be against government bureaucrats, social media giants, traditional media, election workers, and voting machine companies.

• This is a legal strategy that makes sense and can be used even if Biden does become President.

• It’s a civil action where those who have been harmed can sue for damages. This is based on an 1871 law that is available and relevant today.

Lessons In History – Civil Rights ActIn 1871, Congress passed a civil rights act that was known colloquially as the Ku Klux Klan Act.

The purpose of it was to protect the voting rights of citizens against a conspiracy and it allowed for damages, it was designed to protect black men and their right to vote (at the time, women’s voting rights had not yet been recognized). It was the southern states that were doing ballot stuffing. In South Carolina, they had more votes than they had voters, so it seemed pretty obvious. This all led to the 1876 election turmoil of Tilden and Hayes. It led to a long series of steps that ended when they compromised to the end of reconstruction but let Hayes win.

This is a serious law and it’s still on the books and it’s referenced in modern times.

Voting rights are the most fundamental of our civil rights. Illegal votes deny legal votes, it’s disenfranchisement. It was true in 1871, it’s true today.

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Two Choices - Criminal Court or Civil Court?

There are two choices, do we go to criminal court or civil court? Well, remember O.J. Simpson? He was acquitted in criminal court and yet in civil court, he was found guilty and was ordered to pay $33 million to the family.

In civil court, there are several potential benefits:

1. A jury trial.2. Civil suits can select the venue where you’re going to file the case.

3. Civil suits can select the organizations/individuals that conspired and that you believe should be the subjects of the suit.

Let’s brainstorm on that a little, who could you help hold accountable?Evil mastermind big tech billionaires? It could be social media. It could be traditional media. Google was said to be influencing search engine results. Were they part of a conspiracy? It could be election workers, voting machine companies, literally anyone who in fact conspired could be the subject of a suit.

Are you interested yet? We’re just gauging interest but when you combine the Facebook and Twitter responses we have; we’re close to twenty thousand people. These people want action and perhaps you would like to learn more about participating.

Calling Out for the Top Class Action Lawyers - We are looking for lawyers to show interest in leading one or more class action suits.

As Economic War Room participants sign up to be part of this, we know the lawyers will show up. If you have interest in learning more about being part of this, all we need is an email at this point. That way you can keep informed on this and other key issues we deal with weekly.

Go to: EconomicWarRoom.com/subscribe.

• It only takes 30 seconds. Add your email address and you’ll be on the list so we can keep you informed.

• Plus, you’ll get access to all our Economic Battle Plans™ and there’s no charge at this point. It’s all free.

• As this list grows, we believe that there will be plenty of class action lawyers ready to step in and serve as needed.

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This is a new way to fight what is clearly a major economic battle. If we lose control of our elections and are no longer allowed to criticize, we lose all our freedoms and all our prosperity.

Why You Should Care:

o Democracy is at risk, if we do no ensure fair elections now. It is not about accepting an election for the good of the country. It is about accepting every legal vote, and for your vote to count and your right to free speech!

o The Obama administration appears to have purposely looked the other way as it relates to election integrity of the voting machines.

o Chris Krebs, former Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), was responsible for ensuring election integrity and did not take time listen to the warnings. Instead had has just gone with the voting machine company talking points and trusted them. Is this the accountability you expect from the United States of America?

o The mainstream media tried to attack a wounded Army veteran who served honorably in Iraq and Afghanistan. But they refused look into or cover the same data that Senate Investigators were concerned about? They wouldn’t touch Hunter Biden and his computer, but they are happy to smear Josh Merritt. One served honorably and the other was disgraced by drug abuse.

o There may be a new Class Action legal strategy that could shift the power back to the people that you can participate in to drive accountability in America’s Election Process.

o A majority of Americans want free and fair elections! And they want the right to criticize the government and have their grievances heard!

Source: Heritage.org

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Action Steps:

Get more information as it relates to a potential class action civil suit that you can participate in. Plus, you will get our weekly free Economic Battle Plans™.

Go to: EconomicWarRoom.com/subscribe.

• Hold the line, demonstrate social patience, and do not fall to the media narratives of the election being over until we are assured every legal vote is counted. America needs to know there is integrity in our voting systems and machines.

• You heard it from us in the Economic War Room before. If you have not seen them, you can see these episodes at www.EconomicWarRoom.com/myvote.

• And don’t forget that we have helped a coalition build a website, www.eveylegalvote.com that can keep you updated on election fraud, new information, how the election is being impacted, and how you can take action. Be sure to click the Take Action button where we make it easy to make your voice know in less than 60 seconds!

• Learn more about Economic War Rooms financial advisor training at https://www.economicwarroom.com/advisor.

In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

√ Get others to sign up on our website (https://www.economicwarroom.com) and review our free weekly Economic Battle Plans.TM Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted in this briefing.

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√ Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments on FB and make sure those are shared. We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under EWR consideration.]

√ Check out XOTV (https://xotv.me/channels/233-economic-war-room), a new free speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic War Room’s research and production costs.

√ You are welcome to share this battle plan and our short video segments with friends on FB, YouTube or Rumble. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

√ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

√ Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES COMING SOON.

Shareable Quote:

“There is massively more fraud evidence in 2020 than there was for anything in 2016 and

the Trump Russia Collusion story.”–Kevin Freeman

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on economicwarroom.com website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman(List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access LinksUnderstanding the Election Fraud

Why was the NSA Review of Voting Machines Cancelled?

Bi-Partisan Proof That Voting Machines Can Be Hacked

2020 Machines Gone Wild?

About Kill Chain Documentary

Why the Attack on Josh Merrit (AKA Jeckyll/Spyder/Spider)?

The Antrim Report by ASOG

Where CISA Failed

The Civil Rights Act of 1871 (KKK Act)

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

On BlazeTV https://get.blazetv.com/economic-war-room/

Our Website https://www.economicwarroom.com/

Our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/economicwarroom/

Our Twitter page https://twitter.com/economicwarroom

Our YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/economicwarroomwithkevinfreeman

Our Rumble page https://rumble.com/c/c-408647

Our XOTV Channel https://xotv.me/channels/233-economic-war-room

Link to all Economic Battle Plans™ https://www.economicwarroom.com/battleplans

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Understanding the Election Fraud

[ ] Every Legal Vote website www.EveryLegalVote.com

[ ] Primer on Fraud https://everylegalvote.com/primer

Fraud PhD https://everylegalvote.com/phd

Fraud Stories https://everylegalvote.com/explore

[ ] Economic War Room Shows https://www.economicwarroom.com/myvote

[ ] Never, Never Surrender https://youtu.be/EBRNDWcuw9g

Trump Supporters Rally in Washington to Protest Vote Fraud, Mediahttps://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-supporters-hold-rally-in-washington-to-protest-vote-fraud-media_3579324.html

[ ] Keet Lewis With EveryLegalVote.com On Lou Dobbshttps://libertycgc.com/keet-lewis-with-everylegalvote-com-on-lou-dobbs/

NTD Interview https://www.ntd.com/ntd-business-full-broadcast-nov-13_527707.html

Washington Watch Interview https://www.tonyperkins.com/get.cfm?i=LR20K09

Sandy Rios Interviewhttps://afr.net/podcasts/sandy-rios-in-the-morning/2020/november/interview-with-kevin-freeman-on-everylegalvotecom-and-massive-biden-only-votes/

Kevin Freeman | ACWT Interview 11.17.20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSom2SP8FBQ

[ ] EveryLegalVote interview on NewsMax https://youtu.be/5D-XsUEwwhM

Russ Ramsland on America Can We Talk https://youtu.be/0K3UHBN3O9k

[ ] Securing America Election Fraud Specialhttps://www.securingamerica.tv/securing-america-election-fraud-special/

[ ] War Room: Pandemic Ep 542https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVZLYXS_u6s&t=1659

Liquid Lunch on Every Legal Votehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPTD64bzs34

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Why was the NSA Review of Voting Machines Cancelled?

[ ] U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Tieshttps://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/29/washington/29ballot.html

Smartmatic Announces Sale of Sequoia Voting Systemshttps://maloney.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/smartmatic-announces-sale-sequoia-voting-systems


[ ] Exhibit from US Election Assistance Commission (2010) 2010 Cyber-Threat Forecast Sees Hacks Growing in Sophistication and Reachhttps://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/eac_assets/1/6/Exhibit%20AA%20-%20MM.pdf

Feds Move to Break Voting-Machine Monopolyhttps://www.wired.com/2010/03/ess-sued-in-antitrust-cas/

[ ] Voting System Reports Collectionhttps://www.eac.gov/voting-equipment/voting-system-reports-collection

Bi-Partisan Proof That Voting Machines Can Be Hacked

2018 NY Times Video: Professor Shows Students How Easy It Is to Hack a Dominion Voting Machinehttps://bongino.com/2018-ny-times-video-professor-shows-students-how-easy-it-is-to-hack-a-dominion-voting-machine/

Democratic senators warned of potential ‘vote switching’ by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 electionhttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-senators-warned-of-potential-vote-switching-by-dominion-voting-machines-prior-to-2020-election

Reliability of pricey new voting machines questionedhttps://www.denverpost.com/2020/02/23/new-voting-machines-reliability-questioned/

Top Democrats Raised Concerns About Dominion Voting Technology in 2019https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/13/top-democrats-raised-concerns-about-dominion-voting-technology-in-2019/

[ ] 2019 MSNBC report on hacking voter machineshttps://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1330364450935812100?s=21

HBO’s John Oliver Called It ‘Completely Insane’ to Use Electronic Voting Machines in Nov. 2019https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/11/21/hbos-john-oliver-called-it-completely-insane-to-use-electronic-voting-machines/

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‘Software I Hacked In 2005 Is Still In Use’: Cyber Security Expert Harri Hursti On 2020 Presidential Electionhttps://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/03/23/software-i-hacked-in-2005-is-still-in-use-cyber-security-expert-hari-hursti-on-2020-presidential-election/

[ ] U.S. Lab: Electronic Voting Machines Shockingly Easy to Hackhttps://rodmartin.org/u-s-lab-electronic-voting-machines-shockingly-easy-to-hack/

Smartmatic, Comelec execs indicted https://manilastandard.net/mobile/article/238782

[ ] 2006 CNN report on voting machines https://twitter.com/squirrel_hockey/status/1330591189645529090

The election security hole everyone ignoreshttps://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/31/election-security-hole-406471

Election Security At The Chip Levelhttps://semiengineering.com/how-secure-are-electronic-voting-machines/

‘Intercept’ Article Reveals NSA Report On Russian Cyberattackhttps://www.npr.org/2017/06/06/531701318/intercept-article-reveals-nsa-report-on-russian-cyberattack

How New Voting Machines Could Hack Our Democracyhttps://www.nybooks.com/daily/2019/12/17/how-new-voting-machines-could-hack-our-democracy/

DNI John Ratcliffe Confirmed There Was Foreign Interference in November Elections: Reporthttps://www.theepochtimes.com/dni-john-ratcliffe-confirms-there-was-foreign-interference-in-november-elections-report_3623035.html [ ] Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trumphttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/wh-adviser-navarro-releases-report-election-fraud-swing-victory-to-trump

2020 Machines Gone Wild?

[ ] Willful Blindness https://jrnyquist.blog/2020/11/20/willful-blindness/

[ ] Show the Graphs, Mr. President! https://stream.org/show-the-graphs-mr-president/

Whoa: Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump https://davidharrisjr.com/steven/whoa-nearly-a-third-of-democrats-believe-the-election-was-stolen-from-trump/

[ ] Sidney Powell Claims That Dominion Is ‘Shredding Documents’https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2020/11/20/sidney-powell-larry-oconnor-n2580458

Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIlI46HdqKg&feature=youtu.be

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[ ] Dominion, Smartmatic, and SCYTL were selected by the Krebs as part of his Council of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security of the DHShttps://bwcentral.org/2020/11/dominion-smartmatic-and-scytl-were-selected-by-the-krebs-as-part-of-his-council-of-cybersecurity-and-infrastructure-security-of-the-dhs/

Election Systems in Michigan County Appeared to Be Connected to Internet: Sworn Affidavithttps://www.theepochtimes.com/election-systems-in-michigan-county-appeared-to-be-connected-to-internet-sworn-affidavit_3571578.html

[ ] Captured in Real Time: That Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM Where they Took 169,000 Votes Off the State Totalshttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/captured-real-time-moment-virginia-512-took-169000-votes-off-state-totals/

Paper Warned About the Software Company at Center of Ballot Glitches in Swing States; UPDATE: MI SOS Respondshttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/11/07/key-swing-states-were-utilizing-a-software-company-at-the-center-for-ballot-glitc-n2579664

[ ] ‘There Was in Fact Fraud That Took Place:’ FEC Chairman Trey Trainorhttps://www.theepochtimes.com/there-was-in-fact-fraud-that-took-place-fec-chairman-trey-trainor_3588656.html

[ ] The Small World of Voting Machine Certificationhttps://theepochtimes.com/the-small-world-of-voting-machine-certification_3587972.html

In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballotshttps://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/mathematics-prof-says-sworn-statement-many-56000-gop-ballots-pa-may-be

Dominion Engineer Told Antifa He’d ‘Made Sure’ Trump Wouldn’t Win, Report Sayshttps://neonnettle.com/news/13250-dominion-engineer-told-antifa-he-d-made-sure-trump-wouldn-t-win-report-says

Dominion, the Foreign Software Company with a Controversial Background Deciding American Electionshttps://elamerican.com/dominion-the-foreign-software-company-with-a-controversial-background-deciding-american-elections/

[ ] Impossible! Michigan, Georgia, PA and VA All Show the Exact Same Vote Ratio Between Trump and Biden Among Mail-In Voteshttps://rightwaypundit.com/impossible-michigan-georgia-pa-and-va-all-show-the-exact-same-vote-ratio-between-trump-and-biden-among-mail-in-votes/

[ ] CLAIM: Dominion Exec Bragged That He Made Sure ‘Trump Is Not Gonna Win’ on Conference Callhttps://pjmedia.com/election/matt-margolis/2020/11/28/claim-dominion-exec-bragged-that-he-made-sure-trump-is-not-gonna-win-on-conference-call-n1179285Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% vs. Trump 0.6%https://spectator.org/pennsylvania-bombshell-biden-99-4-vs-trump-0-6/

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[ ] DATA: Michigan Analysis Suggests Absentee Votes ‘Manipulated By Computer’, Flags Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballotshttps://thenationalpulse.com/politics/michigan-election-fraud-analysis/

Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavithttps://theepochtimes.com/digital-forensic-analysis-shows-dominions-server-connected-to-iran-and-china-affidavit_3595892.html

Suspicious? Dominion warned memory cards might need to be prematurely removed from voting machineshttps://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/dominion-procedure-included-possible-removal-memory-cards-voting-machines

About Kill Chain Documentary

[ ] Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections - Watch the HBO Original Documentary | HBOhttps://www.hbo.com/documentaries/kill-chain-the-cyber-war-on-americas-elections

Hackers Easily Breach U.S. Voting Machines in Chilling ‘Kill Chain’ Trailerhttps://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-news/kill-chain-hbo-documentary-voting-security-hack-trailer-962328/

HBO video makes claims about hacked Alaska election computer system in 2016https://mustreadalaska.com/hbo-video-makes-claims-about-hacking-alaska-election-system-in-2016/

[ ] ‘Kill Chain’: HBO’s Election Security Doc Stresses Urgencyhttps://www.wired.com/story/hbo-kill-chain-election-security/

An early look at HBO’s election security documentaryhttps://www.politico.com/newsletters/morning-cybersecurity/2020/03/16/an-early-look-at-hbos-election-security-documentary-786109

The journal of a plague year; threats of election dysfunctionhttps://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/03/19/arts/journal-plague-year-threats-election-dysfunction/

[ ] HBO’s ‘Kill Chain’ reveals scary reality: U.S. voting system under attackhttp://amsterdamnews.com/news/2020/mar/19/hbos-kill-chain-reveals-scary-reality-us-voting-sy/

Meanwhile, A Deeper Danger Than Pandemichttps://www.forbes.com/sites/melikkaylan/2020/03/24/meanwhile-a-deeper-danger-than-pandemic/

This Documentary Will Show You Just How Fragile Our Democracy Really Ishttps://time.com/5809745/kill-chain-documentary-hbo-review/

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Why the Attack on Josh Merrit (AKA Jeckyll/Spyder/Spider)?

[ ] Sidney Powell’s secret ‘military intelligence expert,’ key to fraud claims in election lawsuits, never worked in military intelligencehttps://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/sidney-powell-spider-spyder-witness/2020/12/11/0cd567e6-3b2a-11eb-98c4-25dc9f4987e8_story.html

Sidney Powell accidentally reveals mystery ‘Spider’ witness thanks to redaction snafuhttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/sidney-powell-accidentally-reveals-mystery-spider-witness-thanks-to-redaction-snafu

Sidney Powell’s ‘Spider’ Is Revealedhttps://www.newser.com/story/299937/sidney-powells-spider-is-revealed.html

Trump ally Sidney Powell’s election lawsuits keep citing an anonymous, conspiracy-theorizing ‘military intelligence official’ named ‘Spider’https://www.businessinsider.com/sidney-powell-election-lawsuits-cite-anonymous-spider-2020-12

The Antrim Report by ASOG

[ ] The Reporthttps://www.9and10news.com/content/uploads/2020/12/Antrim_Michigan_Forensics_Report_121320_v2_REDACTED.pdf

Analysis of Antrim County Ballot Machines Made Publichttps://www.9and10news.com/2020/12/14/analysis-of-antrim-county-ballot-machines-made-public/

[ ] Crucial Logs Missing From Michigan County Dominion Voting Machines: Forensics Reporthttps://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/crucial-logs-missing-from-antrim-county-dominion-voting-machines-forensics-report_3617768.html

After Examining Antrim County Voting Machines, ASOG Concludes Dominion ‘Intentionally Designed’ to ‘Create Systemic Fraud’https://amgreatness.com/2020/12/14/after-examining-antrim-county-voting-machines-asog-concludes-dominion-intentionally-designed-to-create-systemic-fraud/

Here’s What Was Discovered About Dominion Machines Used in a Swing Statehttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/12/15/new-report-says-dominion-voting-systems-has-a-remarkably-high-error-rate-n2581624

[ ] Not Certifiable: Security Group Issues Forensics Report On Antrim, MI Dominion Voting Machineshttps://andmagazine.com/talk/2020/12/14/not-certifiable-security-group-issues-forensics-report-on-antrim-mi-dominion-voting-machines/

[ ] Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Nighthttps://www.theepochtimes.com/recount-confirms-trump-won-michigan-county-that-reported-biden-win-on-election-night_3624020.html

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Where CISA Failed

[ ] On Elections, DHS Is an Advisor on Cybersecurity, Not the Nation’s Policeman of Election Fraudhttps://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/elections-dhs-advisor-cybersecurity-not-the-nations-policeman

Dominion Voting Systems part of DHS CISA Council that disputed election fraudhttps://finance.yahoo.com/video/dominion-voting-systems-part-dhs-223301996.html

[ ] Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statementhttps://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/dominion-part-of-council-that-disputed-election-integrity-concerns-in-dhs-statement_3581659.html

Department of Homeland Security calls election “the most secure in American history”https://www.axios.com/cisa-election-security-trump-a385868b-512a-4449-addd-4591829a4aef.html

Nothing to see here…https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/world/nothing-to-see-here

[ ] Lou Dobbs: DHS agency ‘failed to disclose’ voting machine company advisers in statement about election securityhttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/lou-dobbs-dhs-agency-failed-to-disclose-voting-machine-company-advisers-in-statement-about-election-security

[ ] What the Media Is Hiding About the DHS’ Election Security Statementhttps://bongino.com/what-the-media-is-hiding-about-the-dhs-election-security-statement

Cybersecurity officials warn hack against US is ‘grave threat’ to government and private networkshttps://www.dailypress.com/nation-world/ct-nw-federal-agencies-hacked-russia-20201218-7zo4ddmfp5hjpmvbbgqzgzhno4-story.html

CONFIRMED: Dominion Uses SolarWinds Software, Denies Using Software Included In Devastating Hackhttps://nationalfile.com/confirmed-dominion-uses-solarwinds-software-denies-using-software-included-in-devastating-hack/

[And, Don’t Forget! The Solar Winds Hack Happened on Krebs watch!][ ] SolarWinds Cyber Attacks Raise Questions About The Company’s Security Practices And Liabilityhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/jodywestby/2020/12/16/solarwinds-cyber-attacks-raise-questions-about-the-companys-security-practices-and-liability/?sh=26e3f135711d

[ ] Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actors Threaten Election-Related Systems | CISAhttps://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/alerts/aa20-296b Iran targeting U.S. state voter rolls and spreading election propaganda, officials sayhttps://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/iran-targeting-u-s-state-voter-rolls-spreading-election-propaganda-n1245577

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The Civil Rights Act of 1871 (KKK Act)

[ ] Civil Rights Act of 1871 https://www.fjc.gov/history/timeline/civil-rights-act-1871

The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 https://history.house.gov/HistoricalHighlight/Detail/15032451486?ret=True

An Act to enforce the 14th Amendment https://www.loc.gov/law/help/statutes-at-large/42nd-congress/session-1/c42s1ch22.pdf

Introduction to Federal Voting Rights Lawshttps://www.justice.gov/crt/introduction-federal-voting-rights-laws

Civil Rights Act of 1871https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/law/law/civil-rights-act-1871

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