speaker rev lim kheng hai

Speaker Rev Lim Kheng Hai For internal circulation only 6 January 2019

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Speaker Rev Lim Kheng Hai

For internal circulation only

6 January 2019


Do you feel you are in a new year?

That’s right, it is 2019, but do you catch

yourself still writing or keying in the year

as 2018? Some people like to celebrate

a new year by congregating at cordoned

locations primed with a countdown and

the customary fireworks. In general,

people like the sense of newness in a

new year. I would think most people like

newness in things. Before you unwrap

your Christmas presents, don’t you appreciate the effort and thought that

go into the purchase and preparation

of a new gift? Videos of unboxing are

found in abundance online. When you

watch these videos, you get to share

in the recipient’s anticipation of opening

a parcel or a box. Remember the time

you bought your mobile phone? Your

phone sat protected in pristine condition,

cradled in the bed carved for inside its

box. As you look at this box, you scratch

your head over the mini fanfare that

precedes the gadget reaching your

palm. True, the phone is just a phone,

and without the box, it will still work fine

as a phone. So, what is the point of all

the labour that goes into elaborate

packaging? I would like to suggest that

all the packaging aims to meet the

human desire for something new.

Before we jump to the conclusion that

it is wrong to desire something new,

permit me to highlight how culturally,

we often celebrate what’s new. Lunar

New Year (新年) is coming and what

do most people across the globe do?

If time and space permit, the home is

renovated or dressed in a new coat of

choice paint. New furniture will

replace time-worn ones. What about

shopping for some new clothes

instead of recycling the seldom

worn clothes and pretending they

are new? New blooms are

displayed or potted to create that

atmosphere of newness.

In our world, people expect and

welcome new things. To receive the

new, we often go to some lengths,

a process that takes time, effort and

sweat. There is a cost. Recall the

time you went back to school or a

new school. If your memory fails

you, think of a child going to a new

school. The school is new. The

uniform, books and bag are new. So

too, are his classmates. Prayerfully,

some of these new classmates will

become good buddies. We do not

choose our classmates. We are put

together by the body of decision

makers. We click with some

classmates and less so with other classmates, but we are still a class.

It is what you and I make of it – to

be a class that binds or breaks.

On 1st January, at our ACM

(Annual Congregational Meeting),

we elected a new elder and three

new deacons. We had a new

online way of facilitating questions

and answers. New updates were

given for church plant. Senior Pastor

sketched a broad stroke of a new

vision. How do you feel about all this?

Perhaps some jaws dropped when

Elder Siew Yam shared the updates

for a church plant. Nobody knows

for sure whether this will come to


pass. Some might have wondered,

“We have needs here that are not

satisfactorily met or looked into, how

is it possible for us to set sail for a

new venture? We do not have

enough manpower. We need to get

our house in order first.” These are real

concerns which are hard to fulfill; none

of us can even set a date to meet

these needs. To help us consider: have

you ever tried riding a tandem bicycle? Yes, the bike with twin seats, one in

front and one behind. The bicycle can

cover more distance if both riders

pedal in sync. I suggest holding this

component of meeting household

needs in tandem with the component

of reaching people in a new location.

Meeting our own household needs is

always biblical and an essential part of

Body life. On this note, our Senior

Pastor has outlined the new vision for

Mount Carmel – that we are gradually,

incrementally and intentionally moving

towards being an inter-generational church. The tag line is: Bringing

generations together to love God and

to love people! This is the new vision

for our house. You will hear more about

this as we journey together. Whether

you were baptised long ago or recently

transferred your membership to Mount

Carmel, what does it mean to be a

member? In other words, how can I be

involved with the vision of the house? I

have my lovely wife, Sarah, to thank

for the following possibilities:

(1) Leading our Personal Perspective:

Life is challenging, but life is also

short. As we begin the new year, tasks and uncertainties lie ahead.

What kind of mindset can I adopt

to help me and to help others ride

the crest of challenges?

(2) Making Intentional Difference: I quote from John C. Maxwell’s

book on Intentional Living, p.4, “To

be significant, all you have to do is

make a difference in others

wherever you are, with whatever

you have, day by day.” Participate,

not spectate.

(3) Share a Great Story: Your life is a

story and can be a great story to

reveal the Author, i.e. God’s glory.

Endeavour to share it with twenty

people this year.

(4) As you begin a New Year, start

outlining a new chapter with one

action plan. Maybe you can be at

the Honey Pot. What Honey Pot?

We are going to start The Honey

Pot after CNY, 10:30am–11:30am,

where we can chat with one

another, across generations, over

a drink and a snack. Being present

would be a fantastic start!

Let us consider how to spur one another

on towards love and good deeds.

Consider also Isaiah 43:16-21 where

the God of wonders declared He is

going to do a new thing: make a way

in the wilderness and create rivers in

the desert.

Ps Jabez Chia


Next Wednesday (9 Jan )

Chairperson: Rev Peter Teo

Come, join our prayer warriors in

Room #03-06 on Wednesday, 7.45pm!


For the smooth ACM on Jan 1, and for the election of Session members. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as He leads the church forward.

That our missions partners reported huge turnouts for their Christmas celebrations, opening doors for visitations and follow up. Pray for continued interest and openness.

For the good turnout of about 200 people at the West Coast Ville RC Christmas Party, and for contacts made. Ask God to grant wisdom and ideas to Ps Ng and the Neighbourhood Outreach team as they befriend the residents.

Pastors: Keep Ps Assist Marianne Wong in prayer as she rests and discerns from the Lord these two months. May the Lord refresh and renew her spirit and zeal. We are still actively looking for pastors for our CG and youth/young adults ministries. Pray for this need.

Chinese Ministry: Pray for the Neighbourhood Outreach ministry to double the number of workers to the harvest fields. Currently there are 12 workers from MWS and 6 from the EWS. The harvest is full but the workers are few. May the Lord send more workers into the harvest fields.

Ladies: Thank God 18 have registered for the Walk & Talk session. Pray for more to join. Ask God to bless the ladies with beautiful weather on Jan 12, good alone time with God, and that they will hear Him and be ministered by His presence as well as fellowship with one another. Continue in prayer for strong registration for the retreat in March, “Our Story in His Story.”

Christianity Explored: Seven people are embarking on this journey to explore and learn more about the person of Jesus. Pray for the facilitators, John Tan & Cynthia Wee, and that these seven will grow deeper in love with Jesus, the heart of their faith, through this study.

Overseas Missions Ministry (OMM): Carol Wong & her two children (Gloria and Timothy) together with Elias (son of Dn Andrew and Cindy) are visiting Nongwai Village, Chiangmai. Carol will be conducting English classes and public speaking. Pray for safety and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.

OMM Committee Meeting will be held on Jan 16 and the Missions Board Meeting on Jan 19. Pray for wisdom to make the right decision regarding the Water Mission Project at Sampuran Village.




The Holy Communion is open to all who have confessed Jesus in baptism. If you are visiting and are regularly partaking Communion in the church where you come from, you are welcome to join us too.

Registration for 2019’s Easter Baptism, Transfer of Membership & Reaffirmation of Faith is now open. The first interview will be on 20 Jan 2019, and classes will commence on 27 Jan 2019. Candidates who have worshipped with us regularly for at least six months may register with Angie at the church office ([email protected]; 67795077). The closing date for registration is 7 Jan 2019.

In order for us to close our year end accounts on time, please submit all claims to the church office by 15 Jan 2019. Thank you for your co-operation.

Thank God for the re-election to Session of Eld Bruce Lockhart, Dn Jonathan Lum, Dn Lai Pak Wah, Dns Serene Low and Dn Timothy Sean Liu. We welcome our new elder, Eld Albunus Ng, and new deacons, Dn Andrew Tan Yew Tee, Dn Kan Fook Lum and Dn Terry Siow Meng Meng to Session. May the Lord grant wisdom to them and to us as we serve the Lord together in this new year.

To encourage regular giving among communicant members, you will find inserted in the bulletin a brown pledge envelope for your use this year. Instructions for use are on the envelope. If you are a visitor or friend, please leave the pledge envelope on the table outside the sanctuary on your way out.

Date Speakers Topic Text

13 Jan Rev Oh Boon Leong

Marks of a Healthy Church Member: A Healthy Church Member is a Committed member

Acts 2:42-47

20 Jan Rev Oh Boon Leong A Healthy Church Member Listens to God’s Word

James 1:19-27

27 Jan Rev Daniel Chua A Healthy Church Member is Transformed by God’s Word

3 Feb Rev Jabez Chia A Healthy Church Member is Genuinely Converted

In preparation for the Dedication Service on 27 Jan 2019, please submit your list of helpers and committee members to the Church office ([email protected]) by Jan 16 so that there is time to compile and send for final confirmation. Thank you.


Please make all cheques, including those for the Development Fund, payable to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd (payee name must be stated on the cheque).

Please note that NO receipts will be issued for cheques received by the Church below $5,000 except upon request.

All offerings and pledges to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd are not tax-deductible.

NEXT SUNDAY 13 January 2019



Ushers Eld Albunus Ng & Team D’Vine CG

Refreshment Beng Guan/Jimmy/June

Worship Leaders Eld Albunus Ng

Congregational Prayer Rev Peter Teo

Musicians Week 2 Band

Welcome Corner Tan Choon Kiat/John Chua Dn Jonathan Lum/Sunny Yap

Scripture Readers Joyce Go Tan Gek Kee

AVA Crew Peh Chee Siong/Peter Go John Tan/Francis Tay

Librarians Chan How Lee/June



I. The Wisdom of the Ants (v. 25)

- always preparing

II. The Wisdom of the Rock Badgers (v. 26)

- finding security

lll. The Wisdom of the Locusts (v. 27)

- living in community

IV. The Wisdom of the Lizard (v. 28)

– entering high places


Proverbs 30:24-28

Discussion Questions:

What challenges do you foresee in the new year?

The ants, rock badgers, locusts and lizard have lessons to teach us. Name

some of the lessons you have learned.

Share one lesson that is most relevant to you at the moment. How are you

going to apply this lesson to your daily living?


Welcome! A warm welcome to all newcomers

and visitors with us today. We hope

that you will have a meaningful

time of worship this morning. Do

join us for the Newcomers’ Tea/

Lunch after the service. Meet the

team by the brown chairs near the

entrance of the Sanctuary.

Worship Leader Dn Timothy Liu Speaker Rev Lim Kheng Hai Prayer Rev Daniel Chua Scripture Readers Serene Lim Airika Takeguchi Ushers Susannah Siew & family West Coast CG Refreshment Ayer Rajah CG AVA Yu Ta Wen Lee Sin Yee Chan Wen Hui Christie Phua Thanksgiving Flowers Thiam Siew & Linda Stanley & Mui Hong Ee Pin Koon Steven & Soh Hoon HP Chan

Worshippers are invited to come forward to the front

pew for personal prayer with our elders/pastors.

Psalm 103:1-5

10,000 Reasons

Gloria Patri

Proverbs 3:13-22

Blessed Be Your Name Behold Our God God’s Own Fool Ancient Words The Perfect Wisdom of Our God


Proverbs 30:24-28

Words of Wisdom to Live By for the New Year

I Stand Amazed - by Choir

The Perfect Wisdom of Our God

Three-Fold Amen

For a digital copy of this bulletin:


For recordings of past sermons, visit www.carmel.sg